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State of Utah
Lieutenant Governor
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Tim Davis
November 2, 2021
Amy Raydalch
Oakley Town Water System
P.O. Box 129
Oakley, Utah 84055
Subject: Conditional Plan Approval, Well Drilling, Oakley-Weber Well (WS006);
Oakley Town Water System, System #22010, File #12649
Dear Amy Raydalch:
The Division of Drinking Water (the Division) received the plans and specifications for the
Proposed Oakley-Weber Well Drilling from your consultant, Neil I. Burk, Loughlin Water
Associates LLC on July 01, 2021.
We understand that the Proposed Oakley-Weber Well project consists of the installation of a
30-inch diameter conductor steel casing and a 24-inch surface steel casing. The borehole for the
permanent conductor casing will be at least 4-inches in diameter larger than the outside diameter
of the conductor casing. The borehole for the surface casing will be at least 4-inches in diameter
larger than the outside diameter of the surface casing. The well will then be drilled to an
approximate depth of 2000-feet with a 19-inch diameter boring and a 14-inch diameter steel
production casing and screen. The well will be grouted to 400-feet. The well screen is anticipated
to be a Roscoe Moss low carbon steel Ful Flo louvered well screen with 0.100-inch slots. The
well screen is anticipated to be approximately 500-feet in total length. The Proposed Oakley-
Weber Well is identified as WS006 in the Division’s database.
The proposed well will be developed and a constant rate test will be completed at a flow
rate no less than 2,000 gallons per minute (GPM). The desired yield of the proposed well
is 2,000 GPM but a higher flow rate will be required for the constant rate test if the 2,000 GPM
is expected to be used for the calculation of equivalent residential connections (ERCs).
According to R309-515-6(6)(10)(c), Safe Yield, if the aquifer drawdown test data show that the
drawdown has stabilized, the Director will consider 2/3 of the pumping rate used in the constant-
rate test as the safe yield of the well. The safe yield is used to determine the number of
permanent residential connections or ERCs that a well source can support. It is our
understanding that the proposed well is not being relied upon for ERCs at this time.
Amy Raydalch
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November 2, 2021
We have received the following information for the Proposed Oakley-Weber Well:
1. Plans and specifications for borehole and well drilling.
2. Preliminary Evaluation Report.
We have completed our review of the plans and specifications, stamped, and signed by Neil Ira
Burk, P.G., dated July 2, 2021, and found they basically comply with the applicable portions of
Utah’s Administrative Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems. On this basis, the plans for
Proposed Oakley-Weber Drilling are hereby approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Submittal of a Valid Start Card (or authorization to drill letter) from the Division of
Water Rights
Condition of approval must be addressed in writing to the satisfaction of the Director prior
to the issuance of approval from the Director to equip this well or this approval is invalid.
This approval pertains to well drilling, development, aquifer testing, and disinfection of Oakley-
Weber Well (WS006) only. Please be aware that discharge permits may be required by Utah
Division of Water Quality for discharges generated during well drilling and aquifer drawdown
The Utah Division of Water Rights (State Engineer’s Office) regulates the drilling of water
wells. Before the drilling of a well commences, the well driller must receive a start card
from the State Engineer’s Office. Please be aware that, for public drinking water supply wells,
in addition to the Division of Drinking Water’s R309-515 rule, the Division of Water Rights’
rule R655-4 also applies and shall be followed.
After drilling is completed, you are required to submit additional information outlined in R309-
515-6(5)(b) and (c) for review and obtain an approval from the Director for equipping this
well and constructing discharge piping and infrastructure necessary for introducing the
well water into the distribution system. After obtaining the well equipping approval, you’ll
then be required to obtain an Operating Permit before Oakley-Weber Well (WS006) may be put
in service. A checklist outlining the well approval process, including the items required for well
equipping and an Operating Permit, is enclosed for your information.
Please label the well water sample collected for new source chemical analysis with your water
system number UTAH22010 and WS006 (for both the facility ID and sample point ID) on all
laboratory forms for each individual source. This will ensure proper identification and entry of
the new source chemical analysis results in our database.
Approvals or permits from the local authority or county may be necessary before beginning
construction of this project. As the project proceeds, notice of any changes in the approved
design, as well as any change affecting the quantity or quality of the delivered water, must be
Amy Raydalch
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November 2, 2021
submitted to the Division. We may also conduct interim and final inspections of this project.
Please notify us when actual construction begins so that these inspections can be scheduled.
This approval must be renewed if construction has not begun or if substantial materials have not
been ordered within one year of the date of this letter.
Drinking Water Source Protection Requirement
We have also reviewed your submission of the Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER) for the
Oakley-Weber Well, provided by your consultant, Loughlin Water Associates, LLC on July 2,
2021. The Division concurs with this report. This PER must be refined, and a complete
Drinking Water Source Protection (DWSP) Plan submitted within one year of the date of this
letter. Refer to R309-600-13(6) and R309-600-7(1). You must submit proof that the final DWSP
zones have been provided to Summit County to be covered under their drinking water source
protection ordinance before the well can receive an operating permit. If you have any questions
about the source protection requirements, please contact Deidre Beck at (385) 271-7046 or via
email at dbeck@utah.gov.
If you have any questions regarding this approval, please contact Sarah Romero, of this office, at
(801) 896-8255, or me at (385) 515-1464.
Michael Newberry, P.E.
Engineering Manager
Enclosure — Well Approval Checklist
cc: Nathan Brooks, Summit County Health Department, nbrooks@summitcounty.org
Neil I. Burk, Loughlin Water Associates LLC, nick.graue@aquaeng.com
Amy Raydalch, Oakley Town Water System, amy@oakleycity.com
Sarah Romero, Division of Drinking Water, sarahromero@utah.gov
Deidre Beck, Division of Drinking Water, dbeck@utah.gov
Mark Berger, Division of Drinking Water, mberger@utah.gov
DDW-Eng-009 Page 1 of 1 Last update 4/22/2015
Division of Drinking Water
Checklist for New Public Drinking Water Wells
(per Utah Administrative Code, Rule R309-515-6)
System Name: Oakley Town Water System System Number:22010
Well Name & Description: Oakley-Weber Well (WS006)
1. Approval to Drill the Well
☐ Project Notification Form (PNF)
☐ Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER) concurrence
☐ Well drilling specifications and plans
☐ Valid Start Card or authorization to drill letter from the Division of Water Rights
2. Approval to Equip the Well
☐ PNF (if the well drilling and well equipping are designed by different consultants)
☐ Well location data
☐ Certification of well seal
☐ Well driller’s report (well log)
☐ Aquifer drawdown test results (step drawdown test & constant-rate test) for well yield
☐ Chemical analyses of the well water
☐ Plans and specifications for equipping the well
☐ Pump information (e.g., pump specifications, pump curve & operating point,
motor information, etc.)
☐ Well head discharge piping
☐ Well house design
3. Operating Permit to Introduce the Well Water
☐ Documentation of valid water right(s)
☐ Recorded land use agreements, or documentation that the requirements for coverage
under the City/County source protection ordinance have been met
☐ Design engineer’s certification of conformance with plan approval conditions
☐ Design engineer’s certification of rule conformance for any deviation from approved
☐ As-built or record drawings
☐ Evidence of O&M manual delivery to system owner
☐ Satisfactory bacteriological results as evidence of proper flushing and disinfection