HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006132CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Mobilization / Demobilization / Cleanup
Page 1 of 4 01 74 15
SECTION 01 74 15
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to mobilize, demobilize,
and clean up the drill site related to the drilling, construction, development, and testing of the
production wells.
Not Used.
Not Used.
Not Used.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish
the work as specified.
A. The Contractor shall provide access at any time and any necessary keys to the Engineer.
A. Parking facilities for personnel working on the project will be limited. Contractor shall maintain
the access road to the well site open at all times.
A. Where applicable, the Contractor will obtain a noise permit from the TriCounty Health
Department (TCHD) and Ballard City. The Contractor will be fully responsible for compliance to
the permit and the Contractor shall demonstrate compliance with the noise control
B. Diesel engine acoustical enclosure of steel framed, fiberglass filled panels shall be required for
all drill rigs, compressors and pumps. Where these engines are not properly isolated to prevent
noise in the supporting structure, this secondary noise shall be mitigated such as by the use of
acoustical skirts for drill rig trailers. High performance mufflers shall be used on all diesel engines
in regular use on the drill site.
C. Noise barrier walls shall be constructed where required to meet sound regulations. The noise
barrier walls shall consist of fiberglass filled acoustical walls, or equal, and have a minimum wall
height of 20 feet. The noise barrier walls shall reduce the maximum continuous noise from
drilling operations to less than 60 dB at 50 feet around the perimeter of the drill site, or to levels
designated in the noise permit, whichever is stricter.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Mobilization / Demobilization / Cleanup
Page 2 of 4 01 74 15
A. Remove all surface vegetation to a depth necessary for complete removal of all roots and
other deleterious materials from within the areas to receive structural fill or base course.
B. All trees, stumps, roots, etc. to be removed within the construction limits shall be cut off,
excavated, or removed to a depth of not less than 3 feet below the existing ground.
C. Branches of trees extending over the construction limits shall be trimmed to the boles to give a
clear height of 20 feet above the existing ground surface. All trimming shall be done in
accordance with recognized tree surgery standards. Remove additional tree branches under
the direction of the Owner in such a manner that the tree will present a balanced
A. Set up well drilling and related other equipment within the area designated by the Engineer.
Accomplish all required work in accordance with applicable portions of these Specifications.
A. Set up construction facilities in a neat and orderly manner within designated area. Accomplish
all required work in accordance with applicable portions of these Specifications. Confine
operations to work area shown.
B. Some obstructions may not be shown. Bidders are advised to carefully observe the existing
facilities before preparing their bids. The removal and replacement of obstructions such as
electrical conduits, water, waste piping, and similar items shall be anticipated and
accomplished even though not shown or specifically mentioned.
C. Major obstructions encountered that are not shown on the Drawings or could not have been
foreseen by visual observation of the site prior to bidding, should immediately be brought to
the attention of the Engineer. The Engineer will make a determination for proceeding with the
A. Avoid contamination of the project area. Do not dump waste oil, rubbish, or other materials on
the ground.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible for disposal of all drilling fluids, drill cuttings, development
water, and test waters as further described in these Specifications.
A. During execution of the work, the Contractor shall daily clean the site, adjacent properties,
and public access roads and dispose of waste materials, debris, and rubbish to assure that
grounds, and public and private properties are maintained free from accumulations of waste
materials and rubbish. Contractor will provide container for collection and disposal of waste
materials, rubbish, and debris.
B. Upon completion and acceptance of the well, remove from the site the drill rig and related
equipment and all debris, unused materials, temporary construction buildings, and other
miscellaneous items resulting from or used in the operations. Replace and repair any facility
that has been damaged during the construction work. Restore the site as nearly as possible to
its original condition.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Mobilization / Demobilization / Cleanup
Page 3 of 4 01 74 15
A. The Contractor shall demonstrate compliance with the noise control requirements. Noise levels
shall be monitored at least once daily, and at the request of the Engineer, during a time when
onsite equipment is in use and noise levels are expected to be the highest. Noise levels shall be
measured next to the drill site boundary and at 50 and 100 feet from the drill site using a
calibrated and certified sound level meter furnished by the Contractor and kept on site at all
times. Noise levels will also be measured at the property boundary.
B. Nighttime drilling operations shall be conducted while limiting the following activities:
hammering on pipe, racking or making-up of pipe, rapid acceleration and deceleration of
diesel engines, and picking up or laying down drill pipe.
C. If, at any time, the noise limits are exceeded, immediate corrective action shall be taken
through drilling equipment modifications, addition of noise abatement equipment or changes
in operating procedures. Noise levels shall be monitored to demonstrate compliance.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Mobilization / Demobilization / Cleanup
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CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
Page 1 of 6 33 20 05
SECTION 33 20 05
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes drilling of a 12 ¼-inch diameter pilot hole
and, following formation water quality sampling, reaming the borehole to a minimum 28-inch
diameter production well borehole. The work shall include drilling, logging, sampling, sieve
analysis, and all other materials, equipment, supplies, tools, and labor required to obtain data
required for selecting the production well depth, screen interval, slot opening size, gravel pack
size, and other information as required. The drilling shall be completed by the flooded reverse
circulation rotary method.
A. Section 33 20 10 – Geophysical Logging
B. Section 33 20 40 – Plumbness and Alignment
C. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water.
A. American Petroleum Institute Recommended Practice 13B-1 Recommended Practice
Standard Procedure for Field Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids.
B. ANSI/NSF 60 – Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects
C. ASTM D422 – Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils
D. ASTM D2488 – Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual
E. All laws, rules, and regulations, and standards related to the construction of wells in the State of
Utah, Uintah County, and other local jurisdictions as applicable.
A. The Contractor shall develop and submit a Drilling Fluids Program to the Engineer at least 7
days prior to starting drilling operations.
B. The Contractor shall submit driller's reports, detailed stratigraphic logs, penetration rate reports,
cutting samples as described below.
C. The Contractor shall submit sieve analyses results for up to twenty (20) drill cutting samples from
each borehole as specified below.
D. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of the Special Conditions for Drilling.
A. The Contractor shall give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to starting borehole drilling
operations for the well.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
Page 2 of 6 33 20 05
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, supplies, tools, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The Owner is concerned about the potential for cross contamination and, more specifically,
the potential for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer that could be introduced through
contaminated equipment.
B. To minimize the potential for downhole contamination and/or bacterial growth, the Contractor
shall steam clean and disinfect all drilling equipment and tools, such as tri-cone drill bits, drill
pipe, mud tanks, tremie lines, geophysical tools, caliper survey equipment, formation water
quality sampling tools, well casing and screen materials, gravel pack, development and test
pumping equipment, etc., that will be placed in the borehole or well during the drilling,
construction and testing phases of the project.
A. The objective is to avoid intrusion of clays or additives into the aquifer. The use of bentonite
during drilling should be eliminated or reduced to the maximum extent possible.
B. Only potable water is to be used.
C. Drilling fluid and well additives, if required, shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be
ANSI/NSF 60 certified. The primary additive to the drilling fluid shall be polyacrylamides
(polymer). Other potential additives include soda ash to control total hardness and caustic
soda to maintain pH. Only Baroid's "Poly-Bore and N-Seal", or equivalent shall be used in the
drilling fluid. Organic and bentonite based drilling additives shall not be used. The drilling fluid
shall possess such characteristics as are required to adequately maintain the walls of the
borehole, to prevent caving of the walls as drilling progresses, and to permit recovery, of
representative samples of drill cuttings. The use of clay, mud, or other foreign matter that has a
tendency to build an excessive mud cake on the walls of the hole and clog or seal up the
water-bearing stratum will not be permitted.
D. No drilling fluids, chemicals, additives, or conditioners that may be believed to become a food
source for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer, including phosphates, will be allowed. If
the Contractor introduces any such materials into the well, the Contractor shall immediately
notify the Owner and initiate removal of such materials at no additional cost to the Owner. The
Contractor will then meet with the Owner and Engineer to discuss the conditions related to the
violation and at that time be prepared to propose methods and procedures to thoroughly
clean the well from all such materials to the satisfaction of the Owner and Engineer at no
additional cost to the Owner. If the Contractor cannot demonstrate to the satisfaction of the
Owner and Engineer that all such materials have been removed, the Owner shall have no
further obligation to pay any invoices for services performed by the Contractor.
E. Drilling fluid properties shall be maintained to deposit only a thin (maximum of 1/16 of an inch),
easily removable filter cake on the face of the borehole. The goals of the drilling fluid program
shall be to maintain the fluid properties as follows:
Weight: Not to exceed 9.2 lbs. /gallon
Viscosity: Not to exceed 32 seconds per quart
Sand Content: Not to exceed 1 percent
Total solids content: Not to exceed 7 percent.
30-minute water loss: Not to exceed 15 cc.
F. Equipment for measuring fluid properties shall be immediately available at the drill site. Drilling
fluid properties, including fluid weight, viscosity, water loss, sand content, and total solids
content, shall be checked: 1) every 50 feet of depth drilled; 2) every 4 hours of circulation
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
Page 3 of 6 33 20 05
when not drilling; and 3) as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain current
records on the site at all times to show: 1) time, depth, and results of all mud tests; and 2) all
material added to the system including time, amount, and depth. All drilling fluid test
equipment and test procedures shall be equal to those given in the American Petroleum
Institute Recommended Practice 13B-1 Recommended Practice Standard Procedure for Field
Testing Water-Based Drilling Fluids.
G. The Contractor shall remove any residual mud cake on the borehole wall during development
of the well. Drilling fluids and additives shall be approved by the Engineer prior to use.
A. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer 5 days (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays excepted)
prior to drilling.
B. The Contractor shall provide at all times a thoroughly experienced, competent, and Utah-
licensed driller present at the site during all operations at the drill site.
C. Logging and Records: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer a written daily log of the work.
Information supplied shall include, as a minimum, accurate depths, thicknesses, and nature of
the strata penetrated. Drilling rates, water levels, and other information may also be requested
by the Engineer. Progress on all phases of the work shall also be reported. These daily records
shall indicate all quantities of unit price pay items and be signed daily by the Contractor.
D. The Contractor shall submit a complete driller's log for the well that carefully and accurately
describes the following information:
1. The reference point for all depth measurements
2. The depth at which each change of formation occurs
3. The depth at which first water was encountered
4. The depth at which each stratum was encountered
5. The thickness of each stratum
6. The identification of the material of which each stratum is composed, such as:
a. General grain size (clay, silt, sand, gravel, cobble, boulder)
b. Specific grains size (very fine, fine, medium coarse, very coarse)
c. Relative proportion of grain size
d. Sorting and color
e. Cementation
f. Unified Soil Classification in accordance with ASTM D 2488.
g. Density (for granular material) or consistency (for fine material)
h. Particle angularity, particle composition
i. Plasticity of fines
j. Structure (stratified, laminated, fissured, lensed, intact, etc.)
7. The depth interval from which each water and formation sample was taken
8. The depth at which hole diameter (bit sizes) change
9. The depth to the static water level (SWL) and changes in SWL with well depth
10. Any and all other pertinent information for a complete and accurate log
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
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11. Any variation in the addition and amount of approved clays or chemical products or
water required during drilling and properties of the drilling fluids as described in Part 2,
2.2-D. Drilling Fluids of this Section and the depth at which such changes occur
12. Depth or location of any lost drilling fluid, drilling materials, or tools
13. Depth of the surface seal, if applicable
14. The nominal hole diameter of the well bore above and below casing seal
15. The amount of cement and bentonite installed for the seal
16. The depth and description of well casing
17. The description (to include length, diameter, slot sizes, material manufacturer) and
location of well screens
18. The sealing off of all water-bearing strata, if any, and the exact location thereof
E. The Contractor shall construct the well in strict conformance with all laws, rules, and
regulations, and standards related to the construction of wells in the State of Utah, County of
Ballard, and other local jurisdictions as applicable.
A. The Contractor shall provide a circulation system which will minimize the recirculation of drill
cuttings. The system shall include settling tanks of adequate size, a sampling trough, a shaker
table, and a desanding-desilting system. The system shall be designed to facilitate the retrieval
of representative samples from the discharge with a minimum of recirculation of material. The
mud tank system shall be equipped with a shaker table and a desander-desilter system with a
minimum of four cones, capable of handling the capacity of the system. The desander-desilter
system will have a pump capable of supplying a minimum of 40 psi per cone at 80 gpm per
cone minimum.
B. Use only drilling fluids and additives specifically recommended by the manufacturer for use in
municipal water well drilling. Avoid contamination of the samples or the aquifer. Do not
introduce muds, clays, or drilling aids into the well or use lime, cement, organic matter, or other
material to stop circulation losses of the drilling fluid, without reviewing the proposed program
with the Engineer.
A. The production borehole shall be drilled at an approximate location shown in the Drawings.
Information to be obtained during borehole drilling includes data on grain size distribution and
hydraulic properties necessary for selection of the proper well depth, screened interval, slot
opening size, and gravel pack size.
B. The production borehole shall be drilled with a minimum of two passes. The first pass shall
consist of a 12 ¼- inch diameter pilot hole. Logging specified in Section 33 20 10 - Geophysical
Logging shall be conducted in the pilot hole. After completion of the geophysical logging and
the caliper survey, formation water quality sampling shall be conducted. Following
completion of formation water quality sampling, the borehole shall be filled temporarily with
gravel while awaiting final design and direction on ordering materials from the Engineer. The
pilot hole shall be reamed out such that the final borehole is at least the diameter shown in the
Drawings, so as to be sufficiently large to provide for installation of annular seals and gravel
pack material by tremie pipe around the casing and screen as shown in the Drawings. For
bidding purposes, the depth of the borehole is shown in the Drawings. The Engineer reserves
the right, however, to increase or decrease the depth of the borehole as conditions may
warrant. The Engineer will have a representative onsite during the drilling to determine the
exact depth of the borehole based on cuttings.
C. If after reviewing water quality and logging data, Engineer directs driller to move forward with
a final design and material ordering, Contractor shall not begin reaming out pilot borehole
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
Page 5 of 6 33 20 05
more than 24 hours prior to material arrival. If Engineer directions the abandonment of the
pilot borehole, all materials installed during formation test shall be removed and the pilot
borehole shall be filled with neat sand cement per state standards.
D. The Contractor shall utilize weighted drill collars and stabilizers on the drill pipe to maintain a
straight and plumb borehole.
E. The Contractor shall control, verify, and correct plumbness, out-of-roundness, and straightness
of the drilled hole as the drilling progresses. Such checking shall not relieve the Contractor from
requirements of testing as specified in Section 33 20 40 - Plumbness and Alignment.
A. Every 5 feet and at each change in the strata, the Contractor shall collect a large,
approximately 3-pound, representative sample of the interval or new strata in accordance
with procedures approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall label and store each sample
in a suitable quart-sized container or sample bag. The label shall include the following
information: well name, date, time, and depth interval. The sample containers shall be stored
in a manner to prevent breakage or loss. All containers shall be furnished by the Contractor.
Formation samples, immediately after being placed in containers, shall be labeled clearly,
either directly on the container or on a tag attached thereto, using ink, indelible pencil, or
other medium that is resistant to moisture and sunlight. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the safe storage of formation samples until such times as they are accepted by the Owner.
Time, place, and mode of delivery shall be as directed by the Owner.
B. The Contractor shall collect chip-trays of the aforementioned samples as directed by the
Engineer. The chip-trays are to be collected during the pilot hole drilling process and become
the property of the Engineer upon completion of the pilot hole.
A. The Contractor shall determine the grain size distribution of up to fifteen (15) samples selected
from the borehole by the Engineer. Data required from the sieve analyses are the cumulative
percent retained by each sieve of a particular screen size opening. The samples shall be
submitted to a qualified geotechnical laboratory for analysis by ASTM D 422 Test Method. The
number of sieves and sieve sizes used for the gradation analysis shall be approved by the
Engineer prior to conducting the analysis. The required screen sizes shall include, but not be
limited to, the following: 3", 1 ½",1”, ¾”, ½”, 3/8”, No. 4, No. 8, No. 16, No. 40, No. 80, No. 100,
and No. 200. The data from the sieve analyses will be required before a final well design will be
chosen by the Engineer. Therefore, sieve analysis results shall be made available to the
Engineer within 1 day of the completion of the pilot hole.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Production Well Borehole Drilling
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CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Conductor Casing and Seal
Page 1 of 2 33 20 08
SECTION 33 20 08
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to install conductor
casing and seal including reaming a conductor casing borehole, furnishing and installing the
conductor casing, installing concrete seal, and other work as necessary for the production well
borehole. Approximate conductor casing borehole depth/diameter and conductor casing
diameters and lengths are shown in the Drawings.
Not Used.
A. The Contractor shall meet the State of Utah Division of Drinking Water and Division of Water
Rights observation and certification requirements for placing a seal for well, R309-515-6(5)(b),
R309-515-6(6)(i), R655-4-9, U.A.C (latest version).
B. The latest revisions, of ASTM A53, Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-dipped,
Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless, ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement,
the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C., and the State of Utah Water
Well Handbook - Part II - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-9.7, 9.8, and 9.9, U.A.C.
Portland Cement Type I or 11.
A. Product data for conductor casing and grout.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
starting drilling operations for installing the conductor casing and seal for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The conductor casing shall be fabricated in lengths not less than 20 feet and shall have a wall
thickness not less than 5/16-inch. Conductor casing shall be ASTM A-53, Grade B, or equivalent
as approved by the Engineer.
A. Sand-cement grout shall be used to construct the well seal. The sand-cement grout shall be an
equal parts mixture of cement and sand/aggregate with no more than 6 gallons of water per
one 94-pound sack (one cubic foot) of Portland Cement. The cement shall meet the
requirements, including the latest revisions, of ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland
Cement, the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C., and the State of Utah
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Conductor Casing and Seal
Page 2 of 2 33 20 08
Water Well Handbook - Part II - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-9.7, 9.8, and 9.9,
U.A.C. Portland Cement Type I or 11, or an approved equivalent, and any additives shall meet
the requirements, including the latest revisions, of Standard Specifications for Chemical
Admixtures for Concrete. Additives must be approved by the Engineer.
A. Any water used shall be potable. Water will be provided by the Owner. The Contractor is
responsible for furnishing all material and equipment for hook up and conveyance of the
water to the job site.
A. The Contractor shall drill a hole not less than the diameter indicated in the Drawings to a depth
below ground surface or deeper as shown in Drawings as determined by the Engineer.
A. When the conductor casing borehole has been completed, the conductor casing shall be
installed. The length of the conductor casing shall be determined by the Engineer during initial
borehole drilling, but approximate lengths as shown in Drawings shall be assumed for bidding
purposes. All field joints shall be properly butt-welded during installation with a minimum of two
passes per circumference. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that the conductor casing
is straight and plumb.
B. Three steel guides shall be welded to the conductor casing at 120 degree intervals around the
casing and at intervals of not more than 30 feet vertically to centralize and hold the casing in
the proper position until the concrete seal is in place. The first set of guides shall be placed 5
feet from the bottom of the conductor casing. A minimum of three sets of guides shall be
A. The conductor casing seal shall be placed after the conductor casing bore is completed and
the conductor casing is placed in the hole. The annular space between the conductor casing
and the conductor casing borehole shall be filled with a minimum of 2-inches of grout
between the borehole wall and the conductor casing from the bottom of the boring to the
required elevation as shown on the Drawings.
B. The grout shall be pumped into the annular space through a tremie pipe or other approved
method as approved by the Engineer. A grout pipe shall extend from the ground surface to
the bottom of the zone to be grouted. Grout shall be placed, from bottom to top, in a
continuous operation. The grout pipe can be-slowly raised as the grout is placed, but the
discharge end of the grout pipe must be submerged in the emplaced grout at all times until
grouting is completed. The grout pipe shall be maintained full to the surface at all times until
completion of the grouting of the entire specified interval. Once the grouting operation is
complete, no further work shall be performed on the well for a minimum of 24 hours or until the
seal meets the State of Utah requirements for a public water supply well. No standby time will
be paid while cement is setting. In the event of borehole collapse prior to placement of the
concrete grout, the Contractor shall take whatever steps are necessary to reopen the hole
and place the seal as specified. Any such remedial action shall be conducted at the
Contractor’s expense.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Geophysical Logging
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SECTION 33 20 10
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work, including labor, supplies, materials,
tools, and equipment, necessary to provide the following geophysical logs of the exploratory
well borehole: spontaneous potential; single point resistivity; USNRC exempt neutron;
temperature; 16" and 64" resistivity; and gamma ray; and alignment test.
A. Section 33 20 08 – Production Well Borehole Drilling
A. AWWA A100 – Water Wells
A. The Contractor shall identify and submit a statement of qualifications for the geophysical
logging company and specialist who conduct the work to the Engineer prior to starting drilling
B. The Contractor shall submit the geophysical logs as specified below from the well.
C. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of Section 01 00 10 – Special
Conditions for Drilling.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
starting the geophysical logging for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish
the work as specified.
A. Upon completion of the pilot hole, as specified in Section 33 20 08 – Production Well Borehole
Drilling, and before running of the geophysical logs, the Contractor shall cease drilling and
circulate fluid for not less than one hour. The borehole shall be completely filled with drilling
fluid during geophysical logging.
B. The well shall be tested for alignment by approved gyroscopic methods meeting the AWWA
A100-97, Appendix D standards. The test shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer.
The results shall be plotted by the Contractor as specified in AWWA A100-97 Appendix D and
submitted to the Engineer.
C. The geophysical logs shall be run by a Specialist in the running of such logs, and the results shall
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Geophysical Logging
Page 2 of 2 33 20 10
be fully explained to the Engineer. The set of logs to be obtained shall include spontaneous
potential; single point resistivity. USNRC exempt neutron; temperature; 16" and 64" resistivity;
and gamma ray. The logs will be provided at 2 vertical scales: 50 feet to 1-inch, and 20 feet to
1-inch. The horizontal scale shall be approved by the Engineer. Changes in these requirements
may be made if, in the opinion of the Engineer, not all of these logs are required. All data shall
be recorded digitally.
D. The geophysical logs shall be run in the presence of the Engineer and the results including 3
field copies of each log, provided to the Engineer immediately upon completion. The logs shall
become the property of the Engineer at the time logging is completed. The Contractor shall
provide all geophysical interpretations arid analyses to the Engineer. Geophysical log
interpretation and analyses shall consist of all processes of determining water bearing aquifer
information in the hole from geophysical logs, including locations, thicknesses, attractiveness
for development, and shall be done by a qualified geophysicist within 24 hours of completion
of logging. The geophysical log analyst must demonstrate competence through background,
training, and experience. It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that all log analyses
and/or interpretations are made by a person so qualified. The Engineer shall within 24 hours of
receiving the geophysical field logs, report, and the sieve analysis results will notify the
Contractor of the gravel pack gradation and well slot size and the vertical position of screened
intervals for the well.
E. In addition to the three field copies, the Contractor shall submit the following for the well:
1. Five copies of each geophysical log at each scale.
2. Digital ASCII files (LAS) of all geophysical data on a 3.5-inch diskette or CD.
CRS Engineers PN 2022-0324 Ballard Water Improvement District
[month year]BWID - Water Well
Caliper Survey
Page 1 of 2 33 20 11
SECTION 33 20 11
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and
equipment, necessary to obtain a caliper log of the pilot borehole and the production well
A. Section 33 20 08 – Production Well Borehole Drilling
Not Used.
A. The Contractor shall submit the caliper logs from each pass as specified below.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of Section 01 00 10 – Special
Conditions for Drilling.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
starting the caliper survey for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish
the work as specified.
A. Upon completion of reaming out the pilot borehole, as specified in Section 33 20 08 –
Production Well Borehole Drilling, the Contractor shall make a caliper survey of the borehole.
The caliper used to perform the survey shall have a minimum of three arms and shall be
capable-of indicating a hole diameter to 42 inches. The logs shall be provided at 2 vertical
scales: 50 feet to 1-inch and 20 feet to 1-inch. The horizontal scale shall be approved by the
Engineer. The caliper shall record incremental void volumes to aid in grout seal and gravel
pack calculations. All data shall be recorded digitally.
B. The Contractor shall conduct a second caliper survey of the final production well borehole
when it is reamed out to the final borehole diameter as shown in the Drawings. The caliper
survey shall be run in the presence of the Engineer and the results, including 3 field copies of
each log, provided to the Engineer immediately after completion. The logs shall become the
property of the Engineer at the time the logging is completed.
C. If the caliper survey shows the hole to be less than the specified diameter at any point or the
hole to be less than the specified depth, the hole shall be reamed or re-drilled and resurveyed
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[month year]BWID - Water Well
Caliper Survey
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at the Contractor's sole expense.
D. The caliper survey shall be run in the presence of the Engineer and the results, including 3 field
copies of each log, provided to the Engineer immediately after completion. The logs shall
become the property of the Engineer at the time the logging is completed.
E. In addition to the three field copies, the Contractor shall submit the following for the well:
1. Five copies of each caliper survey at each scale.
2. Digital ASCII files of caliper survey data on a 3.5-inch diskette or CD.
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Formation Water Quality Sampling
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SECTION 33 20 12
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and
equipment, necessary to obtain approximately six (6) representative samples of formation
water from selected aquifer zones within the pilot borehole.
A. Section 01 00 10 – Special Conditions for Drilling
B. Section 33 20 08 – Production Well Borehole Drilling
C. Section 33 20 10 – Geophysical Logging
D. Section 33 20 11 – Caliper Survey
Not Used.
A. The Contractor shall submit driller's reports with information on intervals tested including as
described below.
1. Depth of top and bottom seals above and below the gravel pack
2. Depth and volume of gravel pack placed around the sampling tool
3. Development records including time and duration of air lifting and approximate
volumes of water removed
4. Water quality observations of formation discharge water including Specific
Conductance, pH, and temperature, measured at 30 minute increments, and visual
the condition of produced water (muddy, cloudy, clear, etc.)
5. Estimate of the production capability of each zone tested.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
starting the formation water quality sampling.
A. Provide all temporary materials, equipment, and labor required to accomplish the work as
B. The Contractor shall provide a six-inch diameter sampling tool which will consist of a thirty (30)
foot long section of perforated steel casing attached to a minimum six-inch inside diameter
eductor pipe with a minimum 1.5-inch inside diameter airline. The lower end of the sampling
tool shall be plugged with a steel plate welded across the open bottom. Contractor will be
required to have for air lifting purposes, a compressor capable of supplying a minimum of 750
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Formation Water Quality Sampling
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cubic feet per minute and 350 pounds per square inch.
A. Upon completion of the pilot borehole, as specified in Section 33 20 08 – Production Well
Borehole Drilling, the Contractor shall perform geophysical logging and a caliper survey, as
specified in Sections 33 20 10 - Geophysical Logging and 33 20 11 - Caliper Survey,
respectively, in the borehole. Following review and interpretation of the geophysical logs,
cutting samples and driller’s reports, the Engineer will select approximately 6 aquifer zones to
be sampled. The actual number of zones to be tested will be determined in the field. The
Contractor will then commence formation water quality testing.
B. Sampling shall begin with the deepest interval and continue up the borehole to the shallowest.
It is currently estimated that sampling will occur between depths of 600 feet to 500 feet below
ground surface.
C. Each of the three (3) sampling intervals will be constructed in the following manner: The
Contractor shall install backfill as approved by the Engineer in the borehole to within 20 feet of
the lowest interval to be sampled. A 10-foot bentonite seal shall then be placed in the
borehole bringing the material up to within 10 feet of the lowest interval to be sampled. The
sampling tool shall then positioned in the borehole adjacent to the interval that is to be
sampled. An appropriate gravel pack, as approved by the Engineer, shall then be placed
within the borehole and around the sampling tool and drill pipe to a depth of approximately
10 feet above the top of the sampling tool. Another 10-foot thick bentonite seal shall be
placed on top of the gravel pack to isolate the interval to be sampled. The Contractor shall
use a sounding device approved by the Engineer to determine the depths to the top of the
emplaced materials.
D. The Contractor shall air lift the water to the surface for approximately 8 hours or until the
temperature, electrical conductivity, and pH of the air-lifted water stabilizes. The Engineer will
be responsible for the collection of water quality samples. Once the Engineer has collected
the necessary samples, the eductor pipe and sampling tool may be withdrawn up to the next
sampling interval and the process shall be repeated.
E. Should the Contractor be required to take more than three (3) formation samples, the
additional formation sample(s) will be paid on the same unit cost basis as the first three
formation samples. Should the Contractor be required to air lift the well more than the 8 hours
listed in the specifications, then the Contractor will be compensated on an hourly rate
specified in the Bid Sheet.
F. Contractor shall submit formation samples to the Johnson Well Screen Laboratory for analysis.
Contractor shall pay for cost of formation sample analysis. Samples shall be shipped for
overnight delivery and expedited analysis. Along with sample analysis, Contractor shall
request recommendations from Johnson Well Screen for proper screen slot size and gravel
pack specifications.
G. Contractor shall allow a minimum of 72 hours for lab analysis results after sample submittal.
H. After last formation sample has been submitted contractor shall fill the remaining length of the
hole with gravel pack. A bentonite seal shall be placed at locations indicated by Engineer to
ensure a seal of flow from migrating between separate layers in the formation.
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Production Well Installation
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SECTION 33 20 15
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary for the construction of
the production well including the well casing, well screen, gravel feed tube, and all other work
required to construct the well related to these items.
A. Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions
A. ASTM A53 – Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated,
Welded and Seamless
B. ANSI/NSF 61 – Drinking Water System Components - Health Effects
C. American Welding Society codes
A. The Contractor shall submit the following items as specified below:
1. Drawings and design data on the well screen and casing.
2. Drawings and design data on the connection between the stainless-steel screen and
low carbon steel casing.
3. Welding certifications of welders.
4. A mark-up set of drawings indicating "As-Built" conditions, which shall reflect actual
construction details of the well, including all dimensions and quantities of materials
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
installation of well screen, well casing, and gravel feed tube.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The well casing shall be new and manufactured in accordance with the American Society for
Testing and Materials (ASTM) Specification A53 Grade B low carbon steel and shall be certified
to ANSI/NSF 61.
B. The well casing shall be 12-inch outside diameter and be compatible with the well screen and
shall be fabricated in lengths not less than 20 feet, unless otherwise specified in the Drawings or
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Production Well Installation
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the final well design provided by the Engineer. The wall thickness for the casing shall be at least
.375-inch. The casing will have a collapse pressure resistance and a tensile strength sufficient
for the intended purpose. The casing will be certified to the American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)(most recent revisions).
C. All casing shall bear mill markings that will identify the material as that which is specified. If
necessary, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a copy of the mill certificate for
approval before delivery of the casing to the well site.
A. The well screen shall be 12-inch outside diameter and compatible with the well casing. The
well screen will be certified to ANSI/NSF 61. The total length of screen for the well is estimated
as shown in the Drawings, unless otherwise specified by the Engineer.
B. Well screen shall be made of 304 stainless steel, and be of the welded, wire-wrapped,
continuous-slot type as manufactured by Johnson Filtration Systems, Roscoe Moss, or equal.
The 12-inch outside diameter well screen shall be designed to withstand a minimum collapse
pressure of 142 psi for a 0.050-inch slot opening. The surface wire shape shall cause the slot
opening to widen inwardly to minimize clogging. Surface wrap-wire height shall be 0.295 inch
to provide the desired collapse strength. The wrap-wire face width shall be of minimum
dimension to provide 29.7% open area for the 0.050-inch slot opening. The minimum screen
tensile strength must exceed at least twice the total weight of the screen and any standard
wall blank casing suspended below the top screen joint. The tensile strength shall be a
minimum of 36,200 pounds. Well screens shall be accompanied by manufacturers screen
specifications and open area.
C. Dimensions of openings and screen length will be 0.050-inch slot as determined by the
Engineer, but may be modified by the Engineer based upon analysis of formation samples
taken during the borehole drilling.
D. The Engineer reserves the right to increase or decrease the length of the well as determined by
actual conditions encountered in the pilot borehole and formation water quality sampling.
E. After the full depth of the well has been reached, the geophysical logging has been
completed, and the sieve analysis results have been received by the Engineer, the Engineer
will decide whether or not a production well will be constructed within 24 hours after receipt of
the geophysical logs, formation test results and sieve analyses results from the Contractor. The
Engineer will decide if the well casing and screen is to be installed and will specify the lengths
and location of the well screen and the locations and lengths of blank casing sections.
F. Following receipt of all sieve analysis and formation testing results, Engineer shall prepare final
well and gravel pack design and provide same to Contractor within 5 working days.
A. The Contractor shall install a 2 1/2 -inch Stainless Steel Schedule 40 plain end gravel feed tube.
The gravel feed tube shall extend from the surface to the gravel pack to allow for the
placement of additional gravel should the level of the top of the gravel drop during
development. The gravel feed tube shall be furnished and installed as shown on the attached
A. All welding shall be conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the American
Welding Society code of good practice.
B. Welders shall be certified in accordance with American Welding Society 010.9-80 for level AR-1
and shall be qualified in the 2G and 5G positions or the 6G position.
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C. If applicable, a special weld shall be used to join the stainless steel with steel. All welding shall
be a full, continuous, running weld and shall conform to the American Welding Society
specifications. Welds for connecting stainless steel to steel shall be made using AWS Type E312
or E309 electrodes, or equal.
D. If applicable, a special weld shall be used to join stainless steel to stainless steel. All welding
shall be a full, continuous, running weld and shall conform to the American Welding Society
specifications. Welds for connecting stainless steel shall be made using AWS Type E308-15 lime
coated or E308-16 titanium-coated electrodes, or equal. Reverse polarity d.c. current shall be
used with E308-15 rods and a.c. or d.c. reverse polarity with E308-16 rods.
A. The Contractor shall install well casing, well screen, and gravel feed tube. Actual well casing
length, well screen length, and gravel feed tube length configuration and location may be
modified by the Engineer, based on the results of the sampling and testing of the pilot
B. The Contractor shall be responsible for supporting and anchoring the well casing and gravel
feed tube in such a way as to hold them in place during the placement of gravel and annular
grout seal, during development, and when the well is completed. The bottom of the well
casing/well screen assembly shall be at a sufficient distance above the bottom of the hole to
ensure that none of the weight of the casing will be supported from the bottom of the hole.
C. All casing welding collars shall be properly lap-welded during installation with a minimum of
two continuous passes per circumference. All joints shall be watertight. In addition, beveled
edge well casing shall be acceptable and all field joints shall be properly butt-welded during
installation with a minimum of two passes per circumference. All field joints on the gravel feed
shall be properly butt-welded during installation with a minimum of two passes per
circumference. Special care shall be exercised to ensure that the gravel feed tube is straight
and plumb.
D. Dissimilar materials in the casing and/or well screen, shall be joined together using special
connectors recommended by the manufacturer for joining such materials.
E. Centralizers shall be heavy-duty hinge-type fabricated of 3/16-inch minimum steel. The
centralizers shall have a minimum of four guides around the circumference of the casing at
120° intervals. The guides shall be at least 11/4-inch wide and at least 2 feet long. Centralizers
shall extend out at least 2 inches from the casing wall Centralizers shall be placed at 60-foot
intervals starting 5 feet from the bottom of the string and extending to the ground surface. At
least four equally spaced centralizers shall be placed at each 60-foot interval in such a
manner that interference with gravel pack placement is minimized. Centralizers shall be as
shown on the Drawings.
F. Casing, screen, or gravel feed tube that fails, collapses, separates, or does not pass the tests
for plumbness or alignment shall be repaired or replaced, or a new well drilled, as approved by
the Engineer, at the Contractor's sole expense.
G. The casing shall extend a minimum of 3 feet above the anticipated finished ground surface
and the natural ground surface shall slope away from the casing. A sanitary, weatherproof
seal shall be placed on top of the well casing to prevent contamination of the well.
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Installation of Gravel Pack
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SECTION 33 20 16
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and
equipment necessary to install gravel pack in the production well.
Not Used.
A. ANSI/NSF 60 – Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects
B. AWWA A100 – Water Wells
C. State of Utah Source Development 8309-515-6(6)(k)
D. State of Utah Water Well Handbook - Part Il - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-9.5.2
E. UAC (most recent revision)
A. The Contractor shall submit the following items for the well as specified below:
1. A 5-pound sample of the proposed gravel pack material for the well shall be
submitted to the Engineer with the sieve analysis results for approval prior to delivery of
the filter pack to the site. Gravel pack delivered to the site shall be of the same
specification. Data sheets shall be from the gravel pack supplier certifying compliance
with these specifications.
2. A mark-up set of drawings indicating "As-Built" conditions, which shall reflect actual
construction details of the well, including all dimensions and quantities of gravel pack
and seal materials used.
3. Disinfection product (sodium hypochlorite) manufacturer's data sheets and ANSI 60
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
placement of the gravel pack in the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. Gravel for packing the well shall be provided by Carmeuse Industrial Sands, or equal, and be
of high uniformity. The type, size, gradation, and uniformity of gravel shall be determined by
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Installation of Gravel Pack
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the Engineer depending on field conditions determined by the borehole. The gravel pack
gradation is estimated to be 6-12 gradation as shown on the Drawings, and the final gravel
pack will be specified by the Engineer following review of sieve analyses and geophysical log
of the borehole. All gravel pack material shall be silica sand, hard, water-worn, and washed
clean of silt, fine sand, dirt, and foreign matter. Crushed gravel will not be accepted. All gravel
is subject to the approval of the Engineer prior to use in the packing process.
A. Any annular seals installed at the direction of the Engineer on top of the gravel pack shall
consist of 1:1 ratio (dry volume) granular bentonite (No. 8 size chips) unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer.
A. Any water used shall be of potable quality from a chlorinated municipal source. Water will be
supplied by the Owner.
A. The gravel pack shall be placed in the well bore annulus in accordance with AWWA A100-97,
Section 4.7 and Appendix B (Well Construction and Gravel-Pack Installation Methods).
B. The gravel shall be disinfected by the Contractor according to AWWA A100-9 Sections 4.7 and
4.9, the State of Utah Source Development 8309-515-6(6)(k), U.A.C, and the State of Utah
Water Well Handbook - Part Il - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-9.5.2. UAC (most
recent revision). In order to assure that no contamination is introduced: into the well, the
gravel pack must be washed with a minimum 100 ppm solution of chlorinated water at the
surface before it is introduced into the well.
C. Before gravel placement, the Contractor shall make adequate preparations for continuous
circulation of potable water. The fluid properties shall be approved by the Engineer. Potable
water shall be circulated while installing the pack. Circulation shall be continuous until the
pack is fully in place, the method of gravel placement shall be by hydraulically pumping the
gravel through tremie pipe from the bottom of the annulus upward. The rate of gravel
placement shall not exceed 1-1/2 feet per minute, as measured by a sounding line, and
placement shall proceed without interruption until completion. During placement, the bottom
of the tremie pipe shall be no more than 20 feet above the level of the gravel pack in the well.
Every precaution shall be taken to ensure placement of the gravel pack continuously from the
bottom of the well to a point above the well screen without separation or bridging of the
materials as they are introduced into the well.
D. Should the borehole not take the calculated volume of gravel with allowances for normal
losses and settling, the Engineer will have cause to reject the well.
E. The Contractor shall swab the well after the gravel pack is installed at the direction of the
Engineer to settle and consolidate the gravel pack in the well. The Contractor shall add gravel
as needed to bring the gravel pack to the level as specified by the Engineer.
F. The Contractor shall run potable water continuously down the gravel feed tube during the well
development pumping operations if required by the Engineer, and add gravel as needed to
maintain the gravel pack at the level specified by the Engineer.
A. Any annular seal placed on top of the gravel pack shall be placed as specified by the
Engineer. Seals shall be installed in the same manner as the gravel pack.
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Installation of Grout Seal
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SECTION 33 20 18
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, materials, tools, and
equipment, necessary to install the annular grout seal for the production well.
A. Section 01 00 10 – Special Conditions for Drilling
A. The Contractor shall meet the State of Utah observation and certification requirements
1. State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(5)(b), U.A.C.
2. State of Utah Water Well Handbook - Part II - Minimum Well Construction Standards
R655-4-10.1.2, U.A.C. (most recent revision), for placing a sanitary seal for water wells.
3. ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement
4. State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C.
5. State of Utah Water Well Handbook - Part 11 - Minimum
A. The Contractor shall submit the following items as specified below:
1. Data sheets on grout composition and weights for each grout batch for the well.
2. A mark-up set of drawings indicating "As-Built" conditions, which shall reflect actual
construction details of the well, including all dimensions and quantities of annular grout
seal materials used.
3. Certification letter from the State of Utah Division of Drinking Water for the seal.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of Section 01 00 10 – Special
Conditions for Drilling.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
placement of the annular grout seal for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. Sand-cement grout shall be used to construct the well seal. The sand-cement grout shall be an
equal parts mixture of cement and sand/aggregate with no more than 6 gallons of water per
one 94-pound sack (one cubic foot) of Portland Cement. The cement shall meet the
requirements, including the latest revisions, of ASTM C 150, Standard Specification for Portland
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Cement, the State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(6)(i), U.A.C., and the State of Utah
Water Well Handbook - Part 11 - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-9.7, 9.8, and 9.9,
U.A.C.(most recent revision)
B. Portland Cement Type 1 or II or an approved equivalent, and any additives shall meet the
requirements, including the latest revisions, of Standard Specifications for Chemical Admixtures
for Concrete. Additives must be approved by the Engineer.
A. Any water used shall be potable quality from a chlorinated municipal source. The water source
will be provided by the Owner.
A. After the gravel pack has been placed and settled to the depth specified by the Engineer, an
annular grout seal shall be placed from the top of the gravel pack or bentonite seal to the
ground surface.
B. The grout pipe shall extend from ground surface to the bottom of the zone to be grouted.
Grout shall be placed from the bottom to top, in a continuous operation. The grout pipe can
be slowly raised as the grout is placed, but the discharge end of the grout pipe must remain
submerged in the emplaced grout at all times until the grouting is completed.
C. Portland cement grouts must be allowed to cure a minimum of 72 hours before well drilling,
construction, or testing may be resumed. No standby time will be paid will grout is setting.
D. The Contractor shall tack weld the gravel feed tube to the outside of the well casing. The
Contractor shall ensure that a minimum 2-inch grout seal is placed between the gravel feed
tube and the conductor casing.
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Initial Well Development
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SECTION 33 20 20
Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, tools, materials, and
equipment necessary for the development of the production well using the rotary drilling rig
and cable tool drilling rig or other Engineer-approved development rig. This section also
includes the work necessary to surge block and air lift or submersible pump develop the well.
A. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water. Dispose of water and
residual drilling fluids generated during surge block and air life or submersible pump
development as specified herein.
A. ANSI/NSF 60 – Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects
B. Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition, Pages 507 and 515 (by Fletcher G. Driscoll, 1986,
published by Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112).
Not Used.
A. The total initial well development time is estimated to be 32 hours with a rotary drill rig and 80
hours with a cable tool drill rig. However, the Engineer shall be the sole judge as to when
development is complete and may therefore increase or decrease the total development
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 24-hour advance notice prior to
beginning well development by surge block and air lift for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. Furnish a surge block consisting of a double rubber swab, bailer, and air lift or submersible
pump system, and all necessary appurtenant equipment necessary for developing the well.
The swab shall be of sufficient thickness, stiffness, and size to effectively agitate the well. The
rubber swab shall be at least 1-inch thick and sized to be 1/2-inch smaller diameter than the
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Initial Well Development
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A. Provide a sand content measuring device such as a Imhoff cone, and Rossum centrifugal sand
tester, or equal.
A. After the grout seal has been placed in accordance with the above Specifications, the
Contractor shall notify the Engineer and make the necessary arrangements for conducting
well development. The time required for development will be recorded by the hour with one-
half hour intervals as the smallest units of time credited to the Contractor. Fractions of an hour
less than one-half hour but exceeding one quarter hour will be considered to be one-half hour.
Fractions of an hour less than one hour but exceeding three-quarters of an hour will be
considered to be one full hour. The time to be recorded for well development shall commence
when the equipment is installed in the well and is placed in operation and shall end when
development pumping or testing is stopped at the direction of the Engineer. No time will be
recorded for delays resulting from equipment stuck in the hole; equipment breakdown;
arranging major drilling, pumping or testing apparatus; or failure to conduct the operations in a
diligent and workmanlike manner by which the desired results could ordinarily be expected.
B. Due to the nature of drilling system and the drilling fluids used, the Contractor will be required
to add a drilling mud dispersant to aid in removal of the drilling fluid and mud cake. Only
Johnson Screens "NW-220", or equivalent shall be used for a clay dispersant. Drilling mud
dispersants shall be approved by the Engineer and shall be ANSI/NSF 60 approved. The mud
dispersant product shall not contain phosphates, nor products that may be believed to
become a food source for bacteria growth in the well or in the aquifer. The method for adding
the chemical to the well shall be developed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
A. Initial development shall consist of swabbing each screened interval with a double swab while
simultaneously airlifting pumping with the rotary drilling rig, so as to both loosen and remove all
sand, silt, mud and other solids from the well. Initial development shall commence at the
bottom set of screens and proceed upward until all screened sections have been developed.
B. The clay dispersant additive (e.g., NW-220) shall be introduced into the well via a tremie pipe
or perforated surge block at three different depths specified by the Engineer. The Contractor
shall mix and agitate the additive into the well by swabbing with the surge block. The additive
will be allowed to sit in the well for a period of 24 hours and subsequently removed by air lift
pumping. No standby charges will be allowed for the 24-hour period the clay dispersant must
sit in the well.
A. Upon completion of development with the rotary drilling rig, the Contractor shall mobilize and
commence development with the cable tool rig within 1 week (7 calendar days). If the
Contractor does not commence development with the cable tool rig within the 1-week
period, the Contractor will perform 10 hours of development with the cable tool rig, for each
day delay at no additional cost to the Owner.
B. Development shall consist of swabbing with a double swab while simultaneously pumping with
a submersible pump.
C. Surging shall begin at the top of the upper screened/perforated interval and work continuously
downward to the base of the lower screened/perforated interval. The well shall be surged
using the spudding action of a cable tool drilling rig. The length of surge strokes and
approximate number of strokes per minute shall be recorded by the Contractor on a field log
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Initial Well Development
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D. A submersible electric pumping system capable of producing a minimum of 400 gallons per
minute under conditions existing at the site shall be used to remove water and solids from the
well. The Contractor shall supply and install temporary discharge piping of sufficient size and
length to conduct water to holding tanks and then to a discharge point approved in the
discharge permit.
E. A surge block shall consist of a dual rubber swab assembly with two (2) swabs on a 4-inch
minimum pipe separated by a 10-foot section of perforated drill pipe. Sufficient perforations
shall be drilled between the surge blocks for passage of at least 600 gpm. There shall be a
minimum of ten 2-inch minimum diameter holes in the pipe, between the swabs. The rubber
swabs shall fit snugly in the well to minimize leakage around the swabs. For an example of a
dual rubber swab, refer to Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition, Pages 507 and 515 (by
Fletcher G. Driscoll, 1986, published by Johnson Division, St. Paul, Minnesota 55112).
F. Airlifting or pumping and surging from each treatment interval shall continue for each
screened/perforated interval in the well, or until all sand, silt, mud, and other solids have been
removed from the treatment interval or as directed by the Engineer. Multiple development
passes shall be used as directed by the Engineer. Airlifting or pumping and surging shall begin
at the top of the screened interval and work downward to the bottom of the lower-screened
interval. The quality, quantity and type of solids removed from the well shall be recorded by
the Contractor.
G. Solids settling is required before the water is discharged from the surface storage tank, as well
as adherence to other State of Utah Division of Water Quality requirements. Contractor shall
follow Division of Water Quality BMP’s which are attached in Appendix B.
H. Disposal of water produced during development and the collected solids is the responsibility of
the Contractor and shall be done in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations. The
Contractor shall obtain all permits that are required for disposal of the waste materials.
I. Periodically, the Contractor shall measure and bail from the well all sand, silt, and clay that has
accumulated at the bottom. Development shall be continued until all cuttings, fines, sand,
mud and drilling fluids have been removed from the well. Upon completion of this operation,
the well shall be bailed clean of all accumulations of mud, sand, rock, or sediment to its full
depth prior to commencing the pumping of the well.
J. The Contractor shall run potable water continuously down the gravel feed tube during the
operation and add gravel as needed to maintain the tube full.
K. Sand measurements shall be made with an Imhoff cone at the start and finish of airlift pumping
at each 20-foot interval. Sand measurements shall be made with a Rossum centrifugal sand
tester during cable tool development pumping.
L. The total amount of material removed from the well during bailing shall be recorded in the
Driller's log.
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Initial Well Development
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Install Development Pump Equipment
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SECTION 33 20 22
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to provide, install, and
remove the pump and associated appurtenances for development, test pumping, and water
level measurement, and includes installation of a 2-inch water level measurement access pipe.
A. Section 33 20 40 – Plumbness and Alignment
B. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water
Not Used.
Not Used.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
B. Plumbness and alignment testing will be performed prior to installing the test pump in
accordance with Section 33 20 40 – Plumbness and Alignment.
A. The test pump shall be a vertical turbine line shaft type pump capable of pumping from 500 to
4000 gallons per minute under the head conditions anticipated for the project. The Contractor
shall initially set the pump at a depth of 400 feet below ground surface but be capable of
lowering the pump setting to achieve the maximum rated capacity of the pump, if necessary.
B. The pump motor shall be of a variable-speed type and be equipped with sound deadening
devices as appropriate. Discharge piping shall be provided by the Contractor and be of
sufficient size and length to conduct water to the wastewater disposal area as specified in
Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water. The Contractor shall
provide instantaneous and totalizing flow meters or other approved devices that will-measure
the flow rate to an accuracy of at least 5 percent. The Contractor shall also provide an orifice
plate and manometer with appropriate apparatuses to measure discharge flow from the well.
A. Provide a sample port at the well head for the collection of water quality samples.
B. Provide an access port and tube for measurement of water level with an electric water level
C. Provide a 2-inch diameter access port and tube for water level sensing with a transducer and
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Install Development Pump Equipment
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data logger.
A. Provide a water level transducer and data logger along with an electric water level probe
acceptable to the Engineer.
A. Provide a sand content measuring device such as a Rossum centrifugal sand separator, or
A. Following the completion of initial development with the cable tool rig, the Contractor shall
install a deep well high capacity test pump to perform the development of the well by
pumping. This pump shall not be removed from the well until all well testing, including recovery
monitoring, is complete. All fuel shall be provided by the Contractor.
B. Provide a 2-inch diameter sounding tube adequate for insertion of water level sensing devices
into the well before, during, and after the test pumping. The access pipe must allow free
passage of pressure transducers that are 1-inch in diameter and approximately 8-inches long.
The sounding tube shall be securely fastened to the pump column assembly, terminate
approximately 5 feet above the pump, and be perforated along the bottom 10 feet.
C. Provide and install a water level transducer and data logger with an electric water level probe
to a depth determined by Engineer. Water level transducer and data logger shall remain
down-hole until all development and test pumping are complete. Failure of compliance or
equipment failure shall result in the contractor performing the test pumping again until
satisfactory records are produced from the water level transducer.
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Well Development by Pumping
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SECTION 33 20 24
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to develop the
production well by pumping.
A. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water. Dispose of water and
residual drilling fluids generated during surge block and air life or submersible pump
development as specified herein.
A. Journal of American Water Works Association, Volume 45, No. 2, February 1984
A. The Contractor shall submit pump development data for the well using a form approved by
the Engineer.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning well development pumping for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The Contractor shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and
drawdown) of the well as they are developed with the pump. The monitoring frequency and
instrumentation shall be approved by the Engineer.
B. After installation of the test pump equipment, the Contractor shall commence well
development by pumping and surging to clear the well of all additional accumulation of mud,
sand, and sediment. The initial pumping rate shall be restricted and, as the water clears, shall
be gradually increased until the maximum rate is reached. The step increase discharge
schedule and maximum pumping rate shall be determined by the Engineer prior to the
initiation of pumping. The quantity shall be measured by an approved flowmeter, orifice plate
and manometer, or other method approved by the Engineer. At regular intervals, the pump
shall be stopped and the water in the pump column allowed to surge back through the pump
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Well Development by Pumping
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intake, and the pump restarted. These surging operations, with increasing pumping rates, shall
be repeated as development of the well continues and shall be done in a manner satisfactory
to the Engineer.
C. The well shall be considered thoroughly developed when it produces water at its maximum
discharge rate, based on the depth and nature of the strata screened, and does not produce
fine sands in excess of the sand production limitations or is considered sufficiently developed
by the Engineer. The sand production limitations shall be that the water produced by the well
contains less than 5 parts per million of sand after 20 minutes of surging and pumping at the
desired capacity of the well. In addition, the specific capacity will be stable at any selected
pumping rate. During the development pumping, the rate of sand production shall be
measured by a centrifugal sand separating meter, such as a Rossum Sand Tester, as described
in the Journal of American Water Works Association, Volume 45, No. 2, February 1984.The
Rossum Sand Tester shall be provided by the Contractor and placed in a location approved
by the Engineer. Development procedures, quantities, sand production, and times shall be
recorded in the Driller's Log.
D. Upon completion of the development operations, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Engineer that the bottom of the well is clear of all sand, mud, and other
foreign material.
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Step-Rate Drawdown Test
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SECTION 33 20 26
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to test the production
well by the Step-Rate Drawdown Test.
A. Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions
B. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water.
Not Used.
A. The Contractor shall submit pump test data for the well in hard copy and electronic form.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning the step rate drawdown test for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
B. Provide water level pressure transducer and data logger as specified.
A. A step-rate drawdown (discharge) test shall be performed to determine well performance
B. The step-rate drawdown test will be performed after the well has been sufficiently developed
by the test pump as approved by the Engineer.
C. The Contractor shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and
drawdown) of the well as it is pumped. The monitoring frequency and instrumentation shall be
approved by the Engineer.
D. During the step-rate drawdown test the discharge rates from the pump shall be controlled by
both a valve and engine throttle. The discharge rate shall be controlled and maintained at
approximately the desired discharge rate for each step with inaccuracy of at least plus or
minus 5 percent. Pump discharge rates shall be measured with instantaneous and totalizing
flow meters as approved by the Engineer.
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Step-Rate Drawdown Test
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E. Step-Rate Drawdown Test: The well shall be "step" tested at rates of approximately 1/2, 3/4, 1,
1.25, and 1.5 times the design capacity of the well or at rates specified by the Engineer. The
test shall be conducted under the supervision of the Engineer.
F. Whenever continuous pumping at a uniform rate has been specified, failure of pump
operation shall require that the test be aborted, and further testing suspended until the water
level in the pumped well has recovered to its original level for the. purposes of this section,
recovery shall be considered "complete" after the well has been allowed to rest-for a period at
least equal to the elapsed pumping time of the aborted test, with the exception that if any
three successive water level, measurements spaced at least 20 minutes apart show no further
rise in the water level in the pumped well, the test may be resumed at the direction of the
G. Any test that does not meet the duration requirement specified above; or that is initiated too
soon after an aborted test as defined above, shall be declared invalid, and the Contractor will
not be paid for the invalid test.
H. Water used for pump testing shall be disposed of per Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling
Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water.
A. Equipment needed to adequately monitor water level before, during, and after the step-rate
drawdown test include:
1. Electronic water level sounder (Solinst or equal) of sufficient length to monitor water
2. Pressure transducer (In-Situ Inc. PXD-261, miniTROLL, or equal) to be placed in the
water level sounding tube of sufficient length to remain below the water table during
the entire duration of the pumping test.
3. Data logger (Hermit 3000, miniTROLL, or equal) for the purpose of obtaining frequent
and automated water level readings during the pump test.
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Constant-Rate Discharge Test
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SECTION 33 20 28
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to test the production
well by the Constant-Rate Discharge Test.
B. Water generated during pump testing shall be disposed of as specified in Section 33 20 61 –
Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water.
A. Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions
B. Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water
A. Safe Drinking Water Act
A. The Contractor shall submit pump test data for the well in hard copy and electronic form.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning the constant-rate discharge test for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
B. Provide water level pressure transducer and data logger as specified.
A. A long-term constant-rate discharge test shall be performed to determine local aquifer
B. The constant-rate test shall be conducted not less than 12 hours after completion of the step
test by pumping the well at the design rate for a period of 24 hours, or until the Engineer
terminates the test. The test should not commence until drawdown has recovered at least 90%
after the step rate drawdown test. When the pumping is terminated, the Contractor shall not
conduct any activities for the duration that the well was pumped that might affect water
levels in the well during the recovery period.
C. The Contractor shall monitor and document the specific capacity (pumping rate and
drawdown) of the well as it is pumped. The monitoring frequency and instrumentation shall be
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Constant-Rate Discharge Test
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approved by the Engineer.
D. During the constant-rate drawdown test, the discharge rate from the pump shall be controlled
by both a valve and engine throttle. The discharge rate shall be controlled and maintained at
approximately the desired discharge with an accuracy of at least 5 percent. Pump discharge
rates shall be measured with an instantaneous and totalizing flow meter and orifice plate and
manometer apparatus, as approved by the Engineer.
E. Whenever continuous pumping at a uniform rate has been specified, failure of pump
operation shall require that the test be aborted, and further testing suspended until the water
level in the pumped well has recovered to its original level. For the purposes of this section,
recovery shall be considered "complete" after the well has been allowed to rest for a period at
least equal to the elapsed pumping time of the aborted test, with the exception that if any
"three successive water level measurements spaced at least 20 minutes apart show no further
rise in the water level in the pumped well, the test may be resumed at the direction of the
F. Any test that does not meet the duration requirement specified above, or that is initiated too
soon after an aborted test, as defined above, shall be declared invalid and the Contractor will
not be paid for the invalid test.
G. The Contractor shall provide all information to the Engineer regarding the type, of pumping
equipment used, including engines, drive components, bowls lines, and shafts. The Contractor
shall keep records of the operation of equipment during the tests including engine rpm and
horsepower, fuel use, and other essential information that will be useful in designing a pump
H. After completion of water level monitoring, and after the pump has been removed from the
well, the Contractor shall remove all sand and debris that has accumulated in the bottom of
the well.
I. During the constant rate pump test, the Contractor will provide assistance and access to the
Engineer for collecting water quality samples from the pump discharge water. Approximately
one water quality sample may be taken for the full suite of Safe Drinking Water Act parameters
near the end of the test.
J. Water used for pump testing shall be disposed of per Section 33 20 61 – Disposal of Drilling
Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water.
A. Equipment needed to adequately monitor water level before, during, and after the constant
rate pumping test include:
1. Electronic water level sounder (Solinst or equal) of sufficient length to monitor water
2. Two Pressure transducers (ln-Situ Inc. PXD 261, miniTROLL, or equal) to be placed in the
water level sounding tube of sufficient length to remain below the water table during
the entire duration of the pumping test. Tranducers will be placed on both the existing
and new Meadowbrook well.
3. Two Data loggers (Hermit 3000, miniTROLL, or equal) for the purpose of obtaining
frequent and automated water level readings during the pump test. Each well
(existing and new Meadowbrook wells) will be equipped with a data logger and
B. Hand (manual) measurements of depth to water shall be performed before and after the test
using an electronic water level sounder to test the accuracy of the transducer. Manual
measurements will also be performed during the pumping test - at a frequency approved by
the Engineer. The data logger and transducer shall be set-up and started prior to the pump
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Constant-Rate Discharge Test
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test so that the initial static water level is determined and recorded. Several measurements
shall be taken over the 24-hour period before the test. The data logger will be set up to record
water level measurements at a logarithmic time frequency as the pumping is started. At a
minimum, water level measurements will be collected in accordance with the following table:
Time Since Pumping
Time Interval for
Drawdown Measurements
0-2 minutes 10 seconds
2-5 minutes 30 seconds
5-15 minutes 1 minutes
15-60 minutes 5 minutes
1-2 hours 10 minutes
2-8 hours 30 minutes
8-24 hours 1 hour
C. Flow rates shall be measured accurately and recorded at the same time interval as drawdown
D. After pumping is terminated (24-hour minimum test duration) the same pumping schedule shall
be followed until drawdown has recovered at least 90%.
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Constant-Rate Discharge Test
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Video Camera Survey
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SECTION 33 20 30
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to make the video
camera survey.
Not Used.
Not Used.
A. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with the original USB or DVD and two copies within 48
hours of the completion of the survey. These recordings shall be compatible with USB or DVD
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning the video camera survey for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified:
A. After completion of well discharge tests, the well shall be cleaned of all accumulated
sediment (including fines) and then a color video camera survey shall be run the full depth of
the well by the Contractor. The equipment used shall produce a USB or DVD with an automatic
depth indication. The camera and cable shall be disinfected prior to being placed in the well.
The proposed camera survey shall receive the Engineer's approval before being performed.
The survey shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer.
B. The equipment used shall produce a video with an automatic depth indication at 1-foot
maximum intervals. The beginning and end of the video shall contain the date and well name.
The USB or DVD and box/case shall be labeled clearly with the date and well name. The video
camera shall have vertical down-hole and horizontal side-hole viewing capability. Horizontal
side-hole viewing shall be controllable to allow viewing at any angle within a 360-degree
1. A dynamic vertical down-hole view video shall be run from the top of the well to the
bottom of the well at a speed not exceeding 30 feet per minute.
2. The video camera during the dynamic vertical down-hole view run shall be interrupted
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Video Camera Survey
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at the direction of the Engineer for periodic static horizontal side-hole viewing.
C. The Engineer reserves the right to observe the video tape of the hole for defects in the well
casing. Any sediment/debris or defects noted will be either cause for rejection by the Engineer
or correction by the Contractor. If sediment or debris is found in the well the Contractor shall
bear the cost of re-cleaning and resurveying the well. If defects in the casing are found and
the cause is due to installation by the Contractor, the Contractor shall bear the cost for the
necessary repairs and the cost of resurveying the hole.
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Plumbness and Alignment
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SECTION 33 20 40
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to perform the
plumbness and alignment test for the casing and well screen.
A. Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions
A. AWWA A100 – Water Wells
A. The Contractor shall submit the plumbness and alignment survey data for the well as specified
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Section 01 00 50 – Administrative Provisions.
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning the plumbness and alignment survey for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The Contractor shall use every precaution to ensure the well is straight and plumb, and without
bend or offset. Plumbness and alignment of the well shall be tested after the Contractor
completes the well and before the test-pump is installed in the well. The Contractor shall
provide all materials necessary for the plumbness and alignment tests and shall perform the
tests. The Contractor shall provide a written report on the results of the tests. Failure to meet the
plumbness or alignment limitations as herein set forth are the responsibility of the Contractor
and shall be subject to correction at his sole expense.
B. The well shall be tested for alignment and plumbness by approved gyroscopic methods
meeting the AWWA A100-97, Appendix D standards. The test shall be performed in the
presence of the Engineer. The results shall be plotted by the Contractor as specified in AWWA
A100-97 Appendix D and submitted to the Engineer.
C. Plumbness of the casings and well screens shall be tested by lowering into the well a plummet
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Plumbness and Alignment
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a maximum of 10 feet at a time and measuring the horizontal deflection of the plumb line from
the center of the top of the casing or hole at each interval. The horizontal deflection shall be
measured in two planes 90 degrees from each other. The plumbness and alignment tests shall
be run concurrently, using the dummy described in Paragraph D below as the plummet. The
horizontal drift shall be determined as specified in AWWA A100-97, Section D.4, and the data
shall be presented as specified in AWWA A100-97, Sections D.5 and D.6. The maximum
allowable horizontal deviation (drift) shall not exceed two-thirds of the smallest inside diameter
of that part of the well being tested per 100 feet of depth.
D. Alignment of the casings and well screens shall be tested by lowering into the well a section of
pipe 40 feet long or a dummy of the same length. The outer diameter of the test pipe or
dummy shall not be more than ½-inch smaller than the inside diameter of that part of the
casing or hole being tested. If a dummy is used, it shall consist of a rigid spindle with a minimum
of three rings, each ring being 17 inches in width. The rings shall be truly cylindrical and shall be
spaced one at each end of the dummy and one ring in the center. The central member of the
dummy shall be rigid so that it will maintain the alignment of the axes of the rings. The
maximum allowable misalignment or "dogleg" is one that will allow a 40-foot long section of
pipe or dummy to pass freely through it.
E. The plumb line may be suspended from the drilling rig or from a tripod with winch. An
adjustable guide block shall be provided so that the test pipe or dummy will hang in the exact
center of the top of the well casing. As the pipe or dummy is lowered into the hole, the
deflection of the plumb line from the exact center of the casing will be measured every 10
F. The maximum allowable horizontal distance between the actual well centerline and a straight
line representing the proposed pump center line shall not exceed one-half the difference
between the inside diameter of the casing and the outside of a 16-inch outside diameter
pump bowl.
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SECTION 33 20 45
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to cap the well.
Not Used.
Not Used.
Not Used.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. Upon completion of all work in connection with well construction, development and testing,
the well casing shall be capped with a water tight seal meeting State of Utah requirements.
B. An outer protective steel casing shall be constructed over the production well casing as shown
on the Drawings. The outer protective casing shall be constructed by extending the 12-inch
conductor casing. The outer protective steel casing shall be equipped with a hinged lid and
lockable cover. A padlock will be provided by the Owner.
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SECTION 33 20 55
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the work necessary to disinfect the well after
completion of well testing and prior to final capping. The pump used for well development
and testing shall be removed prior to disinfection
Not Used.
A. ANSI/NSF 60 – Drinking Water Treatment Chemicals - Health Effects
B. AWWA A100 – Water Wells
C. AWWA C654 – Disinfection of Wells
D. State of Utah Source Development R309-515-6(11)
E. State of Utah Water Well Handbook Part II - Minimum Well Construction Standards, R655-4-16.4
F. Utah Administrative Code
A. Disinfection product (sodium hypochlorite) manufactures data sheets-and ANSI 60
A. The Contractor shall be responsible to give the Engineer 48-hour advance notice prior to
beginning the disinfecting for the well.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified. Any water used shall be potable.
A. After the completion of the well and before final capping of the well head, the well shall be
disinfected by a chlorine solution in accordance with AWWA A100-97, Section 4.9, AWWA
C654, and the State of Utah Source Development 8309-515-6(11), U.A.C., and the State of Utah
Water Well Handbook Part II. - Minimum Well Construction Standards R655-4-16.4 Utah
Administrative Code (most recent versions).
B. Unless superseded by Laws and Regulations, the quantity of sodium hypochlorite added to the
well shall be sufficient to produce a minimum of 100 ppm available chlorine when mixed with
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the total volume of water in the well. If the well is a gravel packed well, the total volume of
water includes the water in the gravel pack.
C. The sodium hypochlorite shall be delivered to the site in original closed containers bearing the
original label indicating the percentage of available chlorine and date of manufacture. The
sodium hypochlorite shall not be more than 2 weeks old.
D. The Contractor shall prepare the disinfectant by mixing a concentrated solution of sodium
hypochlorite and water in suitable mixing tanks. Unlined steel tanks shall not be used for mixing.
The Contractor shall provide suitable transfer pumps and agitators necessary to accurately
prepare the chemicals.
E. The sodium hypochlorite shall be placed in the well by injection through a tremie pipe. The
tremie pipe shall inject the disinfectant in 3 different locations in the well (i.e. bottom, middle,
and top) The tremie pipe shall be a minimum of 20 feet below the water surface in the well as
the disinfectant is emplaced.
F. After the disinfectant is emplaced, the well shall be agitated the full length of the wetted part
of the well with a bailer for 2 hours.
G. After agitation and at least 12 hours, a volume of potable water equal to the volume of water
in the well shall be poured into the well.
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Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water
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SECTION 33 20 61
A. Work to be performed under this Section includes the labor, supplies, tools, materials, and
equipment necessary to dispose all drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during
borehole drilling, well construction, well development, and well testing.
A. Section 01 00 10 – Special Conditions for Drilling
B. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable permits, laws, and regulations in disposing of
drilling fluids, drill cuttings, and water generated during drilling, well construction, well
development, well testing, and disinfection. The permits, laws and regulations shall include, but
not be limited to all federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances related to
disposing of materials generated in constructing wells.
A. Utah Division of Water Quality Fact Sheet Regarding Water Discharge from Water Well Drilling
and Operation
A. The Contractor shall submit the following:
1. If applicable, or requested by the Engineer, approved chain-of-custody form(s)
demonstrating compliance with federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and
ordinances related to disposing of materials generated during well construction.
B. The submittals shall be made in accordance with Part 10 of Section 01 00 10 – Special
Conditions for Drilling.
A. Provide all temporary and permanent materials, supplies, tools, equipment, and labor required
to accomplish the work as specified.
A. The Owner will make available to the Contractor the use of an existing storm drain to directly
discharge well development water and pump test water. The locations to discharge water are
shown on Drawings. The Contractor is responsible for supplying the transmission piping and
other appurtenances to convey the water from the well to the designated discharge point.
The Contractor is responsible to ensure the discharge water meets all applicable water quality
standards prior to discharge.
B. The Owner will designate an area on owner’s property at the construction site where the
Contractor may dispose of the drill cuttings and solid earth materials generated from drilling
operations. The drill cuttings and solids shall be spread on the existing ground surface in the
designated area so as to be consistent with the existing ground surface contours, as directed
by the Owner.
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Disposal of Drilling Fluids, Cuttings and Pumped Water
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A. All dewatered drill cuttings and solid materials shall be disposed of at no charge on the
Owner’s construction site by spreading on the ground surface in an area designated by the
Owner. The Contractor shall give the Owner 48-hour advance notice prior to spreading any
drill cuttings at the site.
B. All other materials, both hazardous and non-hazardous shall be removed from the site and
disposed of by the Contractor at a State-Approved landfill within five (5) days of generation.
The Contractor is responsible for transportation of said wastes. The Contractor shall supply the
Owner with documentation that the materials were disposed of properly.
C. All drilling fluids, all displacement fluids generated during the well construction process, and all
initial surge block and airlift development fluids shall be contained onsite in appropriate
containers, such as Baker tanks, Frac tanks, or equivalent, as approved by the Engineer.
D. All drilling fluids and all displacement fluids generated during the construction process and all
initial surge block and airlift development fluids shall be disposed by the Contractor off site at a
State-Approved landfill within 5 days upon completion of surge block and airlift development.
Following disposal, the Contractor shall supply the Owner with documentation in accordance
with local, state, and federal regulations to demonstrate compliance. If water quality of the
drilling and development fluids- is suitable in accordance with State of Utah regulation, the
fluids can be discharged to the Owner-designated location. A copy of the Fact Sheet
Regarding Water Discharge from Water Well Drilling and Operation, prepared by the Utah
Division of Water Quality, is located in Appendix D.
A. All development and testing water shall be contained onsite in appropriate containers, such
as Baker tanks, Frac tanks, or equivalent until such time water quality suitable for discharge is
achieved in accordance with State of Utah regulations.
B. Solid matter will be separated from the drilling fluids and displacement fluids prior to disposal.
C. The water remaining after separation that meets State of Utah water quality standards shall be
discharged to the Owner-designated location.
D. The dewatered solid matter remaining after separation shall be disposed of on site by the
Contractor as described above.
E. The water discharged from pump development and well testing shall be disposed via
temporary pipelines provided by the Contractor. Well development and testing water shall be
disposed of at the locations shown on Drawings. The Contractor’s pipelines shall have a
minimum capacity to convey the maximum test pump rate for the well. The Contractor shall
discharge water so as not to create erosion or cause turbidity in any surface water channel.
F. It is the Contractor's responsibility to prevent the discharge stream from damaging or eroding
the site or any drainage channel.
G. It is the Contractor's responsibility to minimize impacts to access and use of private and public
road by the transmission piping and discharge stream. Use of ramps, earthen berms, or similar
means for pipeline crossings of public and private accesses shall be employed. In addition,
caution signs and speed restrictions shall be employed where public right-of-ways’ are
impacted. The Contractor shall coordinate ramps and signage with the Owner.