HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-006882333 W. Center Street . North Salt Lake Utah 84054 . 801.296.7700. www.bigwestoil.com January 31,2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 7020 1290 0002 1094 9084 Division of At Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality DIVISION OF AIR eUALlTy195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 RE: Consent Decree Progress Report - 2nd Semiannual Report for 2023 Reference DOJ Case Number: 90-5-2-1-07689 Civil Action Case Name: USA et al V. Big \ilest OiI Civil Action Case Number: 1:13-cv-00121-BSJ Dear Mr. Bird: PursuanttoParagraph l27,of theConsentDecreeenteredonNovernber 14,2013, this letter, alongwith attachments, constitutes the Big West Oil LLC's semi-annual progress report for the period ending December 31,2023. Consent Decree I :13-cv-0012 I -BCW: QIX.128 - Certification: I certify underpenalty of law that this information was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my directions and my inquiry of the person(s) who manage the system, or the person(s) directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Faithe Schwartzengraber at (801) 296-7763. Sincerely, UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAL]TY FiB - ,,.,,, 5rk6a,,,r*y5ildL Faithe Schwartzengraber Environmental Manager Alec Klinghoffer Refinery Manager B-2-10122 Attachments CC: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 9589 0710 52701318 3701 65 Director, Air Enforcement Dvision Office of Civil Enforcement U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Mail Code 2241-A 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington D.C. 204604001 CERTIFIED MAIL RETT]RN RECEIPT NO. 9589 O7IO5270I3I837OI72 Director, Air Enforcement Division Office of Civil Enforcement Attn: Norma Eichlin c/o Matrix New World Eng. Inc. 26 Columbia Tumpike Florham Park, NJ 07932-2213 CERTIT'IED MAIL RETT]RN RECEIPT NO. 9589 OTIO 52701318 3701 89 Assistant Regiona I Administrator Office of Enforcement Compliance and Environmental Justice 1595 Wynkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 9589 OTIO 52701318 3701 96 Utah Division of Air Quality Multi Agency State Office Building I 95 North 1950 West - 4th Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 841 I 6 I,TAH DEPARTMEI.JT oFElectronic copies to: ENvrRoNMENrarliinirv imack@matrixn ewo rld.co m kim.younjoo@epa .gov jmanigli@utah.gov FEB -,, ..i.)tt DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Progress Report on the Implementation of the Requirements of Part V (Affirmative Relief/Environmental Projects) - $IX. 127.a.(l) July l, 2023,through December 31,2023 Part V.A- - NOx Emissions Reductions from FCCU [il-n-DepnRTMENT oF E NVr Ro N M E Nl 4l_Q-uallrY CD Reference status/comment I otvlstoN oF AIR OUAL ]WO shall implement a program to reduce NOX :missions from the FCCU at the BWO Refurery. 'ursuant to Part V.M (Incorporation into Federally. lnforceable Permits), Big West Oil shall ncorporate emission limits established under !f l 2 nto federally-enforceable permits. BWO will nonitor compliance with the emission limits hroueh the use of CEMS. l1l I BWO has implemented a program to reduce NOx emissions from the FCCU at the BWO Refrnery and limits are established into federally enforceable permits. BWO continues to monitor compliance of the emissions timis using CEMs. \Ox Emission Limit at FCCU. BWO shall ;omply with NOx emission limits of 40 ppmvd rt 0% O: on a 365-dayrolling average basis and i0 ppmvd at 0YoO2 on a 7-day rolling average rasis llom the FCCU. fll 2.BWO has complied with the FCCU emissions limie during this reporting period. \ux emEslons ounng penoos or )Jtvl ot me ]CCU, will not be used in determining compliance vith the 7-day average NOx emission limit :stablished pursuant to fll2, provided that during iuch periods BWO implements good air pollution ;ontrol practices to minimize NOx emissions. {othing in this'![ shall be construed to relieve IWO of any obligation under any federal or state aw, or regulation, or permit to report emissions luring periods of SSM or to document the )ccurence and/or cause ofa SSM event. fll3 BWO has operated the FCCU in accordance with good air pollution control practices to minimize NOx emissions. )emonstratins Compliance with ICCU NOx Imission Limits. Beginning no later than the Date rf Entry, BWO shall use NOx and Ou CEMS to nonitor performance of the FCCU and to report :ompliance with the terms and conditions of this lonsent Decree. The CEMS will be used to lemonstrate compliance with the respective NO1 :mission Iimits established pursuant to fl12. BWO rhall make CEMS data available to EPA and the itate ofUtah uDon reouest as soon as oracticable. Ilt4 'I'he NOx and ()2 CEMS contrnues to be used to monltor pertbrmance of the FCCUand to report compliance wittr the terms and conditions of this CD. Part V.B. - SO2 Emissions Reductions from FCCU Con*nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case l:13-cv-0012 I -BCWS Semi-Amual Progress Report July 01, 2023, $rough December 31, 2023 CD Reference Status/Comment BWO shall implement a program to reduce SOz emissions from the FCCU at the BWO Refinery. Pursuant to Part V.M. (Incorporation into Federally-Enforceable Permits) of this Consent Decree, BWO shall incorporate SOu emission limits established under !f23 into federally-enforceable permits. BWO will monitor compliance with the emission limits throueh the use of CEMs. 122.BWO has implemented a program to reduce SOz ernissions from the FCCU at the BWO Refurery and limits are established into federally enforceable permits. BWO continues to monitor compliance of the emissions limits using CEMs. SOg Emission Limit. BWO shall comply with SOz emission limits of 25 ppmvd at 0o% Oz on a 365-dayrolling average basis and 50 ppmvd at 0o/oO2 on a 7-day rolling average basis from the FCCU. n23.BWO has complied with the FCCU emissions limits during this reporting period. 96-ENI-V- 1470 Page I of 19 SOz emissions during periods of SSM of the FCCU if it is controlled by catalyst additives, or during periods of malfunction of a wet gas scrubber or SOz reducing catalyst additive system, will not be used in determining compliance with fte 7-day average SO2 emission limits established pursuant to fl23, provided that during such periods BWO implements good air pollution control practices to minimize SOr emissions. 124.BWO continues to use SOz Reducing Catalyst Additive system has operated the FCCU in accordance with good air pollution control practices to minimize SOz emissions. Demonstratins comDliance with iccu sua Emission Limits. BWO shall use SOz and Ou CEMs to monitor performance of the FCCU and to report compliance with the terms and conditions of this CD. The CEMs will be used to demonstrate compliance with the respective SO2 emission limits. BwO shall make CEMs data available to the EPA and the State of Utah uDon reouest as soon a^s oracticable. t-'.The SOz and Oz CEMS continue to be used to monitor performance of the FCCUand to report compliance with the terms and conditions of this CD. Part V.C. - PM Emissions Reductions from FCCU Crnsnt Decrec, U.S. v. Big Wot Oil LLC, Casc l:13-cv-00 I 2 l -BCWS Semi-Amual Progres Rcport July 0l, 2023, through December l l, 2023 UU Reference Status/Comment BWO shall install a Flue Gas Filter systern, manufactured by Pall Corporation at the FCCU to control emissions of PM 1p2. fl38. BWO continues to operate the Flue Gas Pall Filter system to control emissions of PM from the FCCU. Emission Limits. BWO shall comply with a FCCU PM emission limit of 0.5 pounds of PM per 1000 lb ofcoke bumed on a 3-hr average basis, and continue to comply with all other applicable requirements regarding emission of PM from the FCCU that have been established by UDEQ. fl33.The rehnery complied with the FCCU emissions limits and continues to comply with all other applicable requirements regarding emission of PM from the FCCU that have been established by UDEQ. Interim Emission Limit for PM for the FCCU. 134.See below. rlvl lestrns lor F(-UU. UWU snall tollow the stack test protocol specified in 40 C.F.R. $ 60.106(bX2) to measure PM emissions from the FCCU, and shall thereafter conduct annual stack tests at the FCCU no later than October 31st of each year unless an approval for less frequent testing is granted by the EPA. !t{\BWO has continued to follow the stack test protocol specified to measure PM emissions from the FCCU on an annual basis, except as noted below. All stack tests under this CD have demonstrated compliance with the PM emissions limit of '1f33. BWO requested a reduction in frequency of PM testing on May 7, 2019. BWO was approved to conduct PM testing once every three years on October 28,2021. The most recent stack test was completed by Alliance Source Testing on December 15,2023. The next stack test is tentatively scheduled for December 2026. PM emissions during SSM shall not be used in determining compliance with the 3-hr average emission limits set forth in !133, provided that during such periods BWO implements good air pollution control practices to minimize PM emissions. .lT36.BWO continues to implement good air pollution control practices to minimize PM emissions. uDacitv Monitoring at luuus. BWO shall install and operate a Continuous Opacity Monitoring System ("COMS") to monitor opacity at the FCCU. BWO shall install, certifr, calibrate, maintain, and operate all COMS required by this CD. ''llJ /The COMS continues to be used to monitor performance of the FCCU and to report compliance with the terms and conditions of ttris CD. The COMS continues to be certified, calibrated, maintained, and operated according to the CD requirements. Reoortine. BWO shall include detailed reporting regarding status of the installation of the filter system and related infrastructure required pursuant to fl32 in the reports required by Section IX (Reporting and Recordkeeping). fl38.Not applicable during this reporting period, 96-ENV-1470 Page 2 of 19 Part V.D. - CO Emissions Reductions from FCCU Part V.E. - Demonstratine Compliance with FCCU Emissions Limits Part V.F. - NSPS Aoolicabiliw of the FCCU Repenerator Part V.G. - NOx Emissions Reductions from Heaters and Boilers Consnt Decree, U.S. v. Big Wet Oil LLC, Case I :1 3-cv-00121 -BCWS Se mi-Amul hogress Reporr July 01, 2023, tkough December 3 l, 2023 CD Reference Status/Comment CO Emissions Limit for the FCCU. BWO shall comply with an FCCU CO emission limit of 500 ppmvd on a 1 -hour average basis at 0% Oz and continue to comply with all other applicable requirements regarding emissions of CO from the FCCU that have been established by UDEQ. fl3e. 1141. The refinery complied with the FCCU emissions limis for this reporting period, except as noted below, and continue to comply with all other applicable requirements regarding emissions of CO from the FCCU that have been established by UDEQ. BWO has operated the FCCU in accordance with good air pollution control practices to minimize CO emissions. A summary of deviations has been prepared and is included below in the table named: Part IX.l27.c.(1Xa).(c) - Duration of Exceedance(s) and Downtime as o/o of Oneratins Time ner Ouarter NSR Emission Limit lbr C0 for ICCU. At any time during the term of the CD, BWO may accept aFinal CO Limit of 100 ppmvd on a 365-day rolling average basis at 0% 02 for its FCCU. l14u.Optlon ls not currently under consrderation. CD Reference Status/Comment CEMS will be used to demonstrate compliance with the NOx, SO: and CO emission limits established pursuant to T2,123, and fl39. BWO shall make CEMs data available to EPA upon request as soon as practicable. BWO shall install, certifu, calibrate, maintain, and operate all CEMS required by this CD. BWO must conduct either a Relative Accuracy Audit ("RAA") or a Relative Accuracy Test Audit C'RATA) on each CEMS at least once every three (3)years. BWO must also conduct CGAs each calendar quarter durine which a RAA or RATA is not Derformed. 142.BWO continues to use CEMS to demonstrate compliance with the NOx, SO2 and CO emission limits established pursuant to fl2,183, and '1f39. The NOx, SOz, and CO CEMS continue to be certified, calibrated, maintained, and operated according to the CD requirements. BWO is compliant with the FCCU CEMS RAA/RATA. The mostrecent FCCU CEMS RATA was conducted by Alliance Source Testing, LLC on March 28, 2023.The FCCU CEMs RATA was submitted in CEDRI on May 5,2023.BWO conducted CGA's on the FCCU CEM's for each calendar quarter of this reporting period. UU Reference Status/Comment rne luuu snall be an allected laclllty and shall be subject to and comply with the requirements of NSPS Subparts A and J for all pollutants. '!143 The FCCU is subject to NSPS Subparts A and J UT' Reference Status/Comment l,wu snau comply wrth tIIe NUx emlsslonlmrts of 0.035 lb/mmBTU on a 3-hour average for Covered Heaters and Boilers (H-404, BLR-I, BLR-2, and BLR-6). 1W4.The refinery complied with the emissions limits during this reporting period. Monitoring NOx Lmissions from Covered Heaters and Boilers. BWO shall monitor and test to meet requirements of 1144. l14).All tsWO Covered heaters and boilers have a heat mput capaclty of equal to or less than 100 MMBTU/hr (HHV). Please refer to SemiAnnual CD Report July 2014. BWO shall include in the semi-annual reports pursuant to 1127, a section describing installation of ULNR bumers. fl46.Please see previous semi-annual reports. 96-ENV-1470 Page 3 of 19 CD Reference Status/Comment BWO shall undertake measures to reduce SO: emissions from heaters and boilers by restricting HzS in Refinery fuel gas and by agreeing not to continue and/or commence combusting Fuel Oil except under the provisions set forth herein. 1fi7 BWO continues to undertake measures to reduce S()2 emrsslonsti'om Retinery heaters and boilers. NSPS Applicabilitv of Heaters and Boilers. All heaters and boilers at the BWO Refmery shall be affected facilities as that term is used in 40 CFR 60, Subparts A and J. BWO shall install, certifo, calibrate, maintain, and operate a fuel gas CEMs. .]148.BWO is monitoring and reporting under and as required by NSPS Subparts A and J for all heaters and boilers at the Refurery. There were no exceedances of the short-term (3-hour rolling) or long-term (annual) fuel gas H2S limits during the semi-annual period covered by this report. The fuel gas CEMS continues to be certified, calibrated, maintained, and onerated. Elimination/Reduction of Fuel Oil Burnine. BWO shall not combust Fuel Oil in any fuel gas combustion device except during periods of Natural Gas Curtailment, test runs, and operator training. Nothing herein is intended to limit or shall be interpreted as limiting the use of torch oil durine FCCU Starnros. 1t49.The refinery complied with the elimination/reduction of fuel oil in any fuel gas combustion device except under ttre provisions set forth in !f49. Part V.tI. - S02 Emissions Reductions from Heaters and Boilers & NSPS Apnlicability Part V.I. - Sulfur Recovery Plant Con$nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case 1: I 3-cv-0012 I -BCWS Semi-Annual hogrcs Report July 01, 2023, ftrough December 3 l, 2023 CD Reference Status/Comment tsWO owns and operates a Sulfur Recovery Plant located at the BWO Refinery that consists of one 3 stage Claus recovery unit with a tail gas incinerator with a rated capacity of 4 long tons oer dav. fls0.BWO continues to operate the SuIfur Recovery Plant with one 3-stage Claus recovery unit with a tail gas incinerator with a rated capacrty of 4 long tons per day. Caustic Scrubbers. BWO shall install and operate a caustic scrubber system to contact the sour fuel gas with caustic solution to extract H:S; and expand is sour water storage capaciry to shut down the SWS and store sour water during SRP outages to ensure compliance with NSPS Subpart J at the fuel gas combustion devices (heaters and boilers) and NSPS Subpart Ja at the flares during amine unit and SRP outages. fl5t BWO continues to operate a caustic scrubber system to contact the sour fuel gas during amine unit outages and manages the sour water storage capacity to shut down ttre SWS during outages of the SRP to ensure compliance with NSPS SubpartJa at the fuel gas combustion devices (heaters and boilers) and NSPS Subpart Ja at the flares during the amine unit and SRP outages. Sulfiu Tank Emissions. BWO shall route all sulfur tank emissions from the SRP so that sulfur tank emissionsare either eliminated or included and monitored as part of the applicable Sulfur Recovery Plant (SRP) tail gas emissions limits set forth in the applicable State of Utah Administrative Order. lpl.BWO continues to route all sulfir tank emissions from the SRP so that sulfur tank emissions are either eliminated or included and monitored as part of ttre applicable Sulfur Recovery Plant (SRP) tail gas emissions limits set forth in the applicable State of Utah Administrative Order. Sulfur Recovery Plant Emissions Compliance. BWO shall comply with a 95% recovery efficiency requirement for all periods ofoperation except during periods of scheduled startup, scheduled shutdown, or malfunction of the SRP. Recovery efficiency will be determined on a daily basis; however, compliance will be determined on a rolling 30- day average basis. fls3.BWO continues to be in compliance with the 95% recovery efficiency requirement rolling 30-day average for ttris reporting period. BWO shall immediately noti$, EPA and the State of Utah in writing if monitoring indicates that sulfur inout to the SRP exceeds lls4.BWO continues to be in compliance. Sulfur input does not exceed the limit of 20 long tons in any calandar day. 96-ENV- 1470 Page 4 of l9 zIJ LIPD. Good Oneration and Maintenance. BWO shall submit a Preventative Maintenance and Operation Plan and comply with the plan at all times including SSM. Any modifications made by BWO to the PMO plan that are related to further minimizing Acid Gas Flaring and/or SOz emissions shall be summarized in ttre semi-annual reports. fl5s - fl56.BWO complies with the PMO Plan at all times, including periods of scheduled start up, scheduled shut down, and malfunction of the SRP. PMO Plan submittal dated May 8,2014. Optimization Studv. BWO shall complete an optimization study on the SRP and report to EPA and UDEQ. BWO shall implement the recommendations of the optimization studyand incorporate the results of that study into the PMO Plan. lls7.The Optimization Study was completed and submitted. BWO implemented the recommendations and incorporated the results of that study into the PMO Plan. BWO continues to operate a SRP that consists of one 3 stage Claus sulfir recovery unit with a tail gas incinerator with a rated capacity of 4 long tons per day. BWO continues to comply with the Preventative Maintenance and Operation Plan and Ontimization Studv Reoortins. BWO shall include detailed reporting of the installation of the caustic scrubber svstems in semi-annual reoorts. l15E.Hl&lse see prevlous seml-annual reports. Part V.J. - NSPS Applicabilitv & Comnliance for Flarins Devices Consent Decree, U.S. v. Big Wst Oil LLC, Casc I I I 3-cv-001 2 l -BCWS Semi-Amual hogle$ Re!0rt July 0l, 2023, through December 3 1,2023 CD Reference Status/Comment NSPS Subparts A and Ja shall apply for both BWO flares. BWO shall install, operate, calibrate and maintain HzS CEMS at refinery flares incompliance with Subpart Ja. fl5e.Flaring Devices at the BWO Refurery are monitored and reported under and as required by NSPS Subparts A and Ja. BWO continues to operate, calibrate, and maintain CEMs on both the South and West Flares. See Jll27.c(1)(a-c). @For all Flaring Devices at the BWO Refl:rery, BWO shall comply widr the NSPS obligation to implement good air pollution control practices as required by 40 C.F.R. $ 60. 1 1(d) to minimize HC and AG Flarine Incidents. fl60 For all flaring devices, BWO, complied with the NSPS obligation to implement good air pollution practices to minimize flaring incidents during this reporting period. Fhrins Historv. BWO has submitted a report to EPA identifuing each AG Flaring Incident between ll 11012004 and 8120/2010. '1T6 l.See previous reporting. Provisions Applicable to Control of Flaring Incidents. 162.See below. BWO shall comply with the provisions offl63 through fl70 until the RCA and CA requirements for flares under Subpart Ja become aoolicable. 162.a.The root cause analysis and corrective action requirements ofSubpart Ja are incorporated into a permit pursuant to tf107. BWO shall comply with ttre provisions in SubpartJaregarding the investigation of the cause offlaring incidents subject to investigation and corrective action under Subpart Ja. Each Flaring Incident Report shall be included in the Semi-Annual Report required byfl69. l162.b Dee'llov oelow. lntenm uontrol oI Acld Gas llanng Incidents. BWO agrces to implement a program to investigate the cause of future AG flaring incidents, to take reasonable steps to correct the conditions that have caused or contributed to such incidents and to minimize AG Flaring Incidents. BWO shall follow procedures to evaluate whether future AG flaring incidents are due to malfunctions or are subiect to stinulated nenalties. fl63.There were no acid-gas flaring incidents during this reporting period. 96-ENV-1470 Page 5 of l9 Investiqation and Keportrng. No later thiur 45 days after an acid gas flaring incident BWO shall conduct an investigation into the root causes of 0re flaring incident and record the resultof the investigation. Each incident report shall be included in the semi-annual report. ,1164.There were no acid-gas flaring incidents during this reporting period. Corrective Action. In response to any AG flaring incidents, BWO shall take, as expeditiously as practicable, such interim and/or long-term corrective actions as are consistent with good engineering practice to minimize the likelihood of areturrence of the root cause and all contributing causes ofthe AG flarine incident. fl65 -,1T67 There were no acid-gas flaring incidents dunng thls reportrng penod. Tail Gas Incidents. a. Investieation. Reportine. Corrective Action. and Stipulated Penalties. Fortail gas incidents BWO shall follow the same investigative, reporting, and corrective action requirements. These procedures shall be applied to TGU shutdowns, bypasses of a TGU, or other events which result in a Tail Gas Incident, including unscheduled shutdowns of the Claus Sulfiu Recoverv olant. b. Calculation of the Otv of SO2 Emissions Resultine lrom a Tail Gas Incident. See fl68.b 1T68.There were no tail gas incidents during thls reporttng penod. Semi-Annual Reportins. BWO shall submit to EPA and the State of Utah a Semi-Annual report that includes copies ofeach and every reportof all Acid Gas Flaring Incidents, Tail Gas Incidents and Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents that BWO was reouired to DreDare. fl6e.All Acid Gas Flaring Incidents, Tail Gas Incidents and Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents that BWO was required to prepare under tf62.b, 64, 68 and 70 during theprevious six-month period are included in this Semi-Annual Report if applicable for the reporting period under Attachment 2. Control of Hvdrocarbon Flarins Incidents. BWO shall follow the same investigative reporting and corrective action procedures as for AG flaring incidents; provided however, that in lieu of analyzing possible CA and taking interim and/or long-term CA for a Hydrocarbon Flaring Incident anributable to the startup or shutdown o a unit has previously been analyzed. Use same formulas as !167. '11/u.There were no hydrocarbon flaring incidents during this reporting period. Con*nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Casc l:l 3-cv-0012 I -BCWS Scmi-Amul hogres Report July 01, 2023, through December 3 l. 2023 96-ENV-1470 Page 6 of l9 Part V.K. - Benzene Waste Onerations NESIIAP Proeram Enhancements Consent Decrec, U.S. v. Big Wct Oil LLC, Case l:l 3-cv-00 l2 | -BCWS Semi-Amual Progress Report July 01, 2023, lhrough December 3 l, 2021 CD Reference Status/Comment In addition to complying with Subpart FF, BWO agrees to continue compliance with Subpart FF and minimize or eliminate fugitive benzene waste emissions. 1l7t BWO continues to comply with Subpart FF. BWO has a TAB of less than l0Mg/yr. BWO will review and verify the TABs at BWO refinery consistent with the One-Time Review and Verification. fl72.BWO complies with fl72. If at any time BWO is determined to have aTAB equal to or greater than 10 Mg/yr, BWO shall comply with the compliance option set forth at 40 C.F.R. g 61.3a2(e) (hereinafter referred to as the "6 BQcompliance option"). fl73.BWO Refinery Total Annual Benzene ("TAB) remains less than 10 Mg/yr. One'Time Review and Verilication of the BWO Relinerv's TAB. a. Phase One of the Review andVerification Process. BWO shall complete areview and verification of the TAB of the BWO Refinery. b. Phase Two of the Review and Verification Process. EPA may select up to 20 additional waste sfearns upon Tt4,One-time review and verification of BWO Refmery's TAB is complete. Imolementation of Actions Necessarv to Correct Non-Comoliance. fl1s.See below. a. Amended TAB Reports. If the results of the BWON Compliance Review and Verification Report or Amended BWON Compliance Review and Verification Report indicate the BWO failed to frle the reports required or the filed report is inaccurate, BWO shall submit an amended TA Fl renort fl75.a.Not apptcable for this reporting period. b. If the results indicate that BWO has a TAB over l0Mg/yr, BWO shall submit to EPA and UDEQ a plan that identifies with specificity the compliance strategy and schedule that BWO shall implement to ensure that the BWO refinery complies with the 6BQ compliance ontion as soon as nracticahle fl7s.b.BWO will submitan amended TAB report to EPA and UDEQ if the results of fl71 73 above indicate BWO has failed to file the reports required or the reports are inaccurate. c. Review and Aooroval of Plans Submitted Pursuant to fl75b. Any plan submitted shall be subject to approval, disapproval, or modification by EPA. tE5.c.Not applicable for this reporting period. d. Certihcation of Compliance with the 680 Compliance Ootion. BWO shall submit a report to EPA and UDEQ that the Refinery complies with RwoN. fl75.d.Not applicable for this reporting period. Annual Prosram. BWO shall establish, maintain, and conduct an annual program for reviewing process information for the BWO Refinery, including but not limited to consfuction projects, to ensure that all new benzene waste streams are included in the BWO Refinerv's waste stream inventorv and TAB. n76.BWO continues to annually review process information for the BWO Refinery, including but not limited to construction projects, to ensure that all new benzene waste streams are included in the BWO Refinery's waste stream inventory and TAB. Benzene Soills. For each spill at the refinery, BWO shall review such spills to determine if benzene waste was generated. BWO shall include benzene generated by each spill(s) of l0 pounds or more ofbenzene in any 24-hour period in the annual progriun TAB for ttre BWO Refinery. lw.There were no reportable spills that generated l0 pounds or more ofbenzene in any 24-hour period dwing the reporting period. Trainins-tT78 See below 96-ENV-1470 Page 7 of 19 a. BWO shall develop and implement annual training for all employees asked to draw benzene waste samples. 'l[8.a.All employees and contractors asked to draw benzene waste samples between July 01,2023, to December 31,2023, have completed BWON annual computer-based traininp or eouivalent classroom tainine durins the reDortins period. b. If the TAB reaches l0Mg/yr or more BWO shall develop and maintain SOP for all control eouioment used with BWON. fl78.b.Not applicable for this reporting penod. c. BWO must ensure that all contractors hired to oerform BWON are orooerlv trained. '!T78.c.See ![8.a. above. Waste/Slop/Off-Srec Oil Management.lile.See below. a. BWO shall prepare schematics that will be iubmitted as part of the EOL Sampling Plan. !l7e.a.EOL Sampling Plan and schematics submitted, please see prior reporting. b. Oreanic Benzene Waste Strearns. If TAB reaches l0Mg/yr and a compliance sfrategy is approved, all waste management units handling benzene wastes shall meet applicable control standards of Subpart FF or agree to a schedule for completion. !17e.b.Not applicable for this reporting period. TAB is below l0 Mg/yr. c. Aqueous Benzene Waste Streams. Calculating the TAB. !Pe.c.Not applicable for this reporting period. TAB is below l0 Mg/yr. d. Plan to Ouantifv Uncontrolled Waste/Slop/Off-Spec Oil Streams. Quantifi ed in the EOL Samoline Plan. fl7e.d.Not applicable fbr this reportrng penod. Periodic Samplins (TAB less than 10 Ms/vd. flS0.See below a. These provisions shall apply when the One- Time Review and Verification shows that the TAB is equal to or greater than I Mg/yr but less than 10 Mg/yr. fl80.a.BWO continues to comply with the provisions of fl80. AII TAB submissions remain equal to or greater than I Mg/yr but less than l0 Mg/yr. T\e 2022 TAB report dated April 5, 2023, estimated that approximately 3.41 metric tons of benzene were contained in the refinery process waste streams for the 2022 ooeratins vear. b. BWO shall conduct sampling of all waste steams (consistent with 561.355(cXl) and (3)) ftat contributed 0.05 Mg/yr or more to the TAB set in the BWON Compliance Review and Verification Report, Amended BWON Compliance and Verification Reporq or nrevious vear's TAB. whichever is later. tTS0.b.BWO conducted annual sampling of all waste streams containing benzene that contributed 0.05 Mg/yr. or more in the previous year's TAB during the reporting period. c. EOL SamBline Plan. EOL sampling plan submitted to EPA and UDEQ. If changes in processes, operations, or other factors lead BWO to conclude that either the approved sampling locations and/or the approved methods for determining flow calculations no longer provide an accurate measure ofthe BWO refnery's EOL benzene quantity, BWO shall submit a revised plan to EPA for approval and a copy ofthe revised plan shall be submitted to the UDEO. fl80.c.Big West Oil is expecting to submit a modification to the EOL sampling plan within the next 60 days to address changes to the approved sampling locations and a general update ofthe plan. d. BWO shall conduct an EOL determination of benzene quantity. BWO shall take and have analyzed at least three representative samples from each approved sampling location, with tkee of the samples in each calendar quarter spaced at least one month apart. BWO shall use the average of these three samples as the benzene concentation for the sfream at the approved location. Based on the EOL quarterly sampling resuls and the approved flow calculations, BWO shall calculate the quarterly EOL benzene quantity and a projected calendar year TAB, utilizing all EOL resuls for that calendar year and any other information (such as process hrrnarounds) to undertake the proiection. fl80.d.BWO has taken and analyzed at least three representative samples fiom each proposed sampling location in each calendar quarter consistent with the approved EOL Sampling Plan. Additional information is included in Attachment 3. If the quarterly EOLbenzene quantity is calculated to exceed 2.5 Mg, BWO shall submit to EPA and UDEQ an explanation of the excess benzene waste senerated. BWO fl80.d. (l)Not applicable for this reporting period. Scmi-Annul Progress Report July 01, 2023, through December 31, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Page 8 of 19 If the quarterly EOLbenzene quantity is calculated to exceed 2.5 Mg, BWO shall submit to EPA and UDEQ an explanation of the excess benzene waste generated. BWO shall submit this explanation within 30 days after the end of the quarter which resulted in an EOL benzene ouantitv sreater than 2-5 Mp fl80.d. (1)Not applicable for this reporting period. If the projected calendar year TAB is calculated to equal or exceed l0 Mg, BWO shall submit to EPA and UDEQ a plan that identifies with specificity the actions and schedule for such actions that BWO will take to ensure that the TAB for the BWO Refinery does not exceed 10 Mg in the calendar year. BWO shall submit ttris plan within 30 days after the end of the quarter which resulted in a oroiection sreater than l0 Ms- fl80.d. (2)Not applicable for this reporting period. Ifit appears that appropriate action cannot be taken to ensure that the BWO Refrrery maintains a TAB of under 10 Mg/yr BWO shall retain a third-party contractor to undertake a comprehensive TAB study and compliance review. Within sixty days of submitting the plan, BWO shall submit a proposal to EPA and UDEQ that identifies the contftrctor, the contractor's scope of work and the contractor's schedule for the third-party TAB study and Compliance Review. I6U.e.Not applrcabte Ior mrs reportrng penoo. Periodic Samplins (TAB of l0 MG/vr or More). '118 I See below Only applicable if BWO Refurery's TAB reaches or exceeds 10 Mg/yr. f8 r - tT82 Not applicable for this reporting period. Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements for this Part V.IC At the times specified in the applicable provisions of this Part BWO shall submit, as and to the extent required, the followingreports to EPA and UDEQ: Reports required pursuantto 40 C.F.R. $61.357 and the Semi-annual Progress Report Procedures of Part IX (Reporting and Record Keeping) shall continue to aDDlv. fl83 See below and tl80.d.(I){2). BWON Compliance Review and Verification Report (l[4), as amended, if necessary; '1f83.a.Not applicable for this reporting period. Amended TAB Report, if necessary, Dursuant to tT 75.a. !T83.b.Not applicable for ttris reporting period. Plan for the BWO Refinery to come into compliance with the 6 BQ compliance option upon discovering that its TAB equals or exceeds l0 Mg/yr through the BWON Compliance Review and Verification Report (!p5.b),or the Third-Party TAB Study and Compliance Review that may result from EOL sampline (fl80.e): 'lluJ.c.Not appllcable lor thls reportmg penod. uomp[ance cemllcatron, rt necessary fl75.d; lluJ.d.Not applicable fbr this reporting period. Schedule to complete implementation of confiols on waste management units handling organic benzene waste, if necessary (tT79.b): l16J.e.Not apptlcable tor th$ reporhng penod. EOL Sampling Plans ('lf80.c and ![81.b), and revised EOL Sampling Plans, if necessary (tl80.c and t[81.c): lluJ.r.Not applicable tbr this reporting period. Plan, if necessary, to ensure that unconholled benzene does not equal or exceed, as applicable, 6 or l0 Mg/yr, or is minimized, based on oroiected calendar vear uncontrolled lT83.e.Not applicable for this reporting period. Con*nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Cas l:13-cv-00t21-BCWS Semi-Amual Proge$ Rcport July 01, 2021, through December 31, 202J 96-Eln/-1470 Page 9 of l9 benzene quantities as determined ttrrough EOL sampling (fl80.d.(l), fl80.d.(2), and fl80.e); Proposal for a Third-Party TAB Study and Compliance Review, if necessary (fl80.e and !T81.fl: fl83.h.Not applicable for this reporting period. Third-Party TAB Study and Compliance Review. if necessarv (ll8O.eand !181.0: and lT83.i.Not applicable for *ris reporting period. Plan to implement the results of the Third- Party TAB Study and Compliance Review, if necessary (lT80.e and f81.fl. I]UJJ.Not applicable for this reporting period. Reports Required under the Semi-annual Progress Report Procedures of Part IX fReportine and Record Keepins). .lT84.See below. Refinery TAB > I Mg/yr but < l0 Mg/yr - BWO shall submit the following information in Semi-annual Progress Reports pursuant to the requirements of Part IX (Reporting and Record Keepins) of this Consent Decree: fl84.a.See below. A description of the measures that it took to comolv with the trainine provisions of fl 781 T8a.a.(1)Refer to 1[8.4 '![8.b and ![8.c of this report. The annual, non-EOL sampling required at the BWO Refrnery pursuant to the requirements of Subparagraph 80.b (Periodic Sampling< I 0MG) (this information shall be submitted in the first Serni-annual Drogress report of each year); '1184.a.(2)lnformation is included in Aftachment 3. The results of the quarterly EOL samphng undertaken pursuant to Subparagraph 80.d (Periodic Sampling) for the Calendar quarter. The report shall include a list of all waste streams sampled, the results of the benzene analysis for each sample, and the computation ofthe EOL benzene quantity for the respective quarter. The BWO Refrnery shall identify whettrerttre quarterly benzene quantity equals or exceeds 2.5 Mg and whether the projected calendar year benzene quantity equals or exceeds l0 Mg. If either condition is met, the BWO Refinery shall include in the Semi- annual report the plan required pursuant to tf80.e. and shall specifically seek EPA's concurrence in the plan. fl84.a.(3)lnformation is included in Attachment 3. lAlJ ls lu Mg/yr or more. lI me l,wu Refmery's TAB reaches or exceeds l0 Mg/yr, BWO shall submit the following information in the Semi-Annual Reports. llE4.b Not applicable for this reporting penod. Agencies to Receive Reports, Plan and Certifications Required in the Part. BWO shall submit all reports, plans and certifications required to be submitted under this Part to EPA and UDEO. "llu).Not applicable for this reporting period. Laboratory Audits. BWO shall conduct audits of all laboratories that perform analyses of BWO's benzene waste operations NESHAP samples to ensure that proper analytical and quality assurance/quality control procedures are followed. These audits may be conducted either by BWO personnel or third parties. BWO may retain third parties to conduct these audits or use audits conducted by others as its own, but BWO has the sole responsibility and obligation to ensure compliance with this CD and Subpart FF. f86.a.Atlas Technical Consultants (Atlas) last conducted an audit of the Chemtech-Ford l,aboratories facility located in Sandy, Utah on February 25,2022. An audit is not required during this reporting period. The next BWON laboratory audit is tentatively scheduled forthe I't Quarter of 2024. Following completion of the initial audit of the laboratories used within one (1) year, BWO shall audit any new laboratory used for analyses of benzene samples prior to use of lT86.b.Not applicable for ttris reporting period. v-00121-BCWS Semi-Amual hogre$ Rf port July 0l, 2023, lhrough December 3 l, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Page l0ofl9 the new laboratory. During the life of this Consmt Decree, BWO shall conduct subsequent laboratory audits, such that each laboratory is audited everv two (2) vears. Iluo.c.Atlas Technical Consultants (Atlas) last conducted an audit of the Chemtech-Ford Laboratories facility located in Sandy, Utah on February 25,2022. An audit is not required during this reporting period. The next BWON laboratory audit is tentativelv scheduled forthe l't Ouarter of 2024. CD Reference Status/Comment BWO shall undertake the following measures to improve the LDAR program, to minimize or eliminate fugitive emissions from equipment in light liquid and/or in gas/vapor service, and to make all existing facilities "affected facilities," within the meaning of 40 C.F.R. $$ 60.2 and 60.590(aX3). subiect to NSPS Subpart GGG. fl87.All BWO Reflu:rery Process Units are monitored and reported under and as required by NSPS Subparts GGGa. BWO shall implement at the Refinery the enhancements at this Part V.L to the LDAR program under Title 40 ofthe Code ofFederal Regulations, Part 60, Subpart GGG; Part 61, Subpars J and V; Part 63, Subparts F, H, and CC. fl88.BWO has incorporated and implemented the enhancements of Part V.L to the Refinery's LDAR program. Allecled -Facl[Ues. UDon me Uate ol L.ntrv. au equipment, as deflrned by 40C.F.R. $ 60.591, within each process unit and all compressors at BWO Refinery shall become "affected facilities" for purposes of 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart GGG, and shall become subject to and comply with the requirements of 40 C.F.R. Part60, Subpart GGG, and ttre requirements of Part V.L of this Consent Decree, provided that any such equipment or compressors that are subject to 40 C.F.R. Part 63, Subparts CC, F, or H, or 40 C.F.R. Part 60, Subpart GGGa, shall comply with those Subparts, as aoolicable. not Suboart GGG. ll6v.All lrwu Ketmery uompressors are monrtored and reported unoer and irs required by NSPS Subparts GGGa. Written Relinery-Wide LDAR Program. BWO shall update the prograrn as necessary to ensure continuing compliance. A description of program changes shall be maintained on-site during the life of the Consent Decree but need not be submitted to the agencies. '1190.BWO maintains and implements a Written Refinery-Wide LDAR Program pursuant to !f90. to ansure compliance all applicable regulations. Updates to the program are completed as necessary to ensure continuing compliance. A description of program changes is maintained on-site and will be maintained during the life of the Consent Decree. I rammg. I or personnel newly asslgned to LDAR responsibilities, BWO shall require LDARtraining prior to each employee beeinnins such work: 'lJ9l.a.AII personnel newly assigned to LDAR responsibilities receive training prior to beginning LDAR work. For all personnel assigned LDAR responsibilities, including but not limited to, monitoring technicians, database users, QA/QC personnel and the LDAR Coordinator, BWO shall provideand require completion of initial LDAR trainingand annual training thereafter; and ,lt9l.b.All personnel assigned to LDAR responsibilities receive annual training. Part V.L. -Leak Detection and Repair f'LDAR") Prosram Enhancements Consnt Decree, U.S. v. Big Wct Oil LLC, Case l:l 3-cv-0012 | -BCWS Semi-Amual hogress Report July 0l, 2021. through December 3 I, 202J 96-ENV-1470 Pagellof19 For all other Refinery operatrons and maintenance personnel including, but not limited to, operators and mechanics performing valve packing and designated unit supervisors reviewing for delay of repair work, BWO shall provide andrequire completion of an initial training program that includes instruction on aspects of LDAR that are relevant to the person's duties. "Refresher" training in LDAR for these personnel shall be performed at a minimum on a three (3) year cycle. Ily l .c.All personnel assigned to LDAR responsibilities receive annual and refresher training this includes refurery operations and maintenance personnel. If contract employees are performing LDAR work, BWO's contractor shall comply with the training requirements in !191 .a, b, and c for all such conhactor employees and, if such training is provided by anyone other than BWO, shall provide its training information and records to BWO. fle 1.d.If contract employees are performing LDAR work, the contractors comply with the taining requirements in !f9l.a, b, and c. LDAR Audits. BWO shall implement the refinery-wide audits to ensure the refinery's compliance with all applicable LDAR requirements. flez See !f92.b below. Third-Partv Audits. BWO shall retain an independent contractor(s) with expertise in LDAR program requirements to perform a third-party audit of the BWO Retrnery's LDAR Program at least once every four (4) years. The first third-party audit for the BWO Refinery shall be completed no later than twelve (12) months after Date of Entry. Subsequentthird- party audits shallbe held every four (4) years thereafter. fle2.b. (2022, 2026) A Third-Party LDAR Audit began on Decembd 5^, zt)22 and was concluded on May 15'h,2023. Intemal Audits. BWO shall conduct internal audits of the BWO Refinery's LDAR Program by sending personnel associated with BWO's LDAR conhactor(s) who are familiar with the LDAR program and its requirements butare not routinely assigned to the BWO Refinery. BWO shall complete the first round of these intemal LDAR audits within two (2) years following completion of the hrst third-party audit required under Subparagraph 92.b. Intemal audits of the BWO Refinery shall be held every four (4) vears thereafter. 'u92.c. (2020, 2024) BWO has elected to comply with the intemal audit provisions tlrough the alternative compliance option provided in V.L.'1192.e., which allows BWO Refinery to retain third parties to undertake these audits. This option was utilized for the 2020 Calendar year audit that commenced on November 9$,2020. The 2020 LDAR CD Audit was performed by PROtect, LLC (PROtect), of Colwich, KS, in partnership with Barr Engineering Co. (Barr) of Salt lake City, UT. The next internal audit is tentatively scheduled to occur during the second semi- annual period of2024. To ensure that an audit occurs every 2 years, third-party and intemal audits shall be separated bv 2 vears. fl92.d The Third-Party and Internal LDAR Audits meet tlris criteria. Altemative. As an alternative to the internal audits required BWO may elect to retain third parties to undertake these audits, provided that an audit of BWU refmery occurs every 2 years. 192.e Seefl92.c. above. Implementation of Actions Necessarv to Correct Non-Comnliance. If the results ot'any of the audits conducted pursuant to '!f92. at the Refinery identiff any areas ofnon-compliance, BWO shall implement all steps necessary to correct 0re area(s) ofnon-compliance as soon as practicable, and to prevent a recurrence ofthe cause ofthe non-compliance to the extent practicable. Until trvo (2) years after termination of this ConsentDecree, BWO shall retain the audit reports generated pursuant to fl92. and shall maintain awritten record of the corrective actions that BWO takes at the Refinerv in resoonse to anv deficiencies fle3.The results of the most recent Third Party LDAR Audit conducted pursuant to !f92. at the Relurery identified areas of non-compliance. BWO will implement all steps necessary to correct the area(s) of non-compliance as soon as practicable, and to prevent arecurrence ofttre cause ofthe non- compliance to the extent practicable. BWO has and will retain dre audit reports generated pursuant to fl92. Areas ofnon-compliance have been identified and the associated corrective actions were submitted November 29,2023 in a supplemental report. Con*nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case l:13-cv-00121-BCWS Semi-Amual Progress Report July 01, 2023, through December 3 I, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Pagel2ofl9 identified in any audits. Pursuant to the provisions ofPart IX ofthis Consent Decree (Reporting and Record Keeping), BWO shall submit the audit reports and corrective action records for audits performed and actions taken during the previous year. Internal Leak Definition for Valves and Pumps. BWO shall utilize the following intemal leak definitions for valves in light liquid or gas/vapor service and pumps in light liquid service, unless other permit(s), regulations, or laws require the use of lower leak defrritions. fle4.BWO utilizes the CD intemal leak definitions for valves in light liquid or gas/vapor service and pumps in light liquid service, unless other permit(s), regulations, or laws require the use of lower leak definitions. Leak Delrnltlon tor valves. Hwu sna[ unlrze an internal leak definition of 500 ppm VOCs for all of the BWO Refinery's valves, excluding pressure relief devices, in light liouid or sas/vaoor service. !J94.a.See fl94. Leak Definition for Pumos. BWO shall utilize an intemal leak definition of 2,000 ppmVOCs for all of the BWO Refinery's pumps in light liquid service. lle4.b See. 1194. Reportine. Recordins. Tracking. Repairins. and Re.monitorins Leaks of Valves and Pumos Based in the Internal Leak Definitions. '1195.See below. RS@il&_For regulatory reporting purposes, BWO may continue to report leak rates in valves and pumps against the applicable regulatory leak definifion, or may use the lower, intemal leak definitionsspecified infl94. BWO will identifu in the report which definition is being used. fl95.a.BWO has indicated in the regulatory reports which definition is being used. Recordine. Trackine. Repairine and Re- monitorins Leaks. BWO shall record, track, repair and re-monitor all leaks in excess of the internal leak definitions of !J94. at such time as those definitions become applicable, except that BWO shall have five (5) days to make an initial attempt and re-monitor the component and have thtrfy (30) days to make repairs and re-monitor leaks that are greater than the intemal leak definitions but less than the applicable regulatory leak defmitions, or toplace on the delay of repair list accordins to lll03. fles.b.BWO has complied with ttre requirements to record, hack, repair, and re- monitoring leaks in excess of the intemal leak definitions. Initial Attempt at Repairs on Valves. BWO shall promptly make an "initial attempt" at repair on any valve that has a reading greater than 200 ppm of VOCs, excluding conhol valves and other valves that LDAR personnel are not authorized torepair. The leaking valve will be re- monitored within 5 days of identification. If the re-monitored leak reading is below the intemal leak definition, no further action will be necessary. If the re-monitored leak reading is greater than the intemal leak definition, BWO shall repair the leaking valve according to the requirements. All records of repairs, repair attempts, and re-monitoring shall be maintained for life of CD. fle6.BWO completes initial aftempt at repairs and re-monitoring within five (5) days and effective repair and re-monitoring within thirty (30) days or places the leaking component on the delay of repair list according to the Delay-of-Repair provisions in $V.L.103. BWO complies with the provisions in!f96 and completes initial attempts at repair on valves as required. All records of repairs, repair attempts, and re-monitoring are maintained forthe life of the CD. LDAR Monitoring Freo uencv.fle1.See below. Consnt Decr€e, U.S. v. Big Wat Oil LLC, Cas l:l 3-cv-001 2 l -BCWS Se mi-Amual hogress Rcport July 01,2023, througb December 31, 2021 96-ENV-1470 Pagel3ofl9 Pumos. Unless more frequent monitoring is required by a federal or state regulation, when the lower intemal leak definition for pumps becomes applicable pursuant to the provisions of ll94.b, BWO shall begin monitoring pumps in light liquid service, other than dual-mechanical seal pumps or pumps vented to a control device, at the lower leak definition on a monthlv basis. 1191.a.BWO is monitoring pumps at an lnternal leak detinttton monthly ur accordance with.|T97.a. Valves. Unless more frequent monitoring is required by a federal or state regulation, when the lower internal leak definition for valves becomes applicable pursuant to the provisions of fl94.a, BWO shall monitor valves, other than difficult to monitor or unsafe to monitor valves, on a quarterly basis, with no ability to skip periods. lle /.b.BWO is monitoring applicable valves on a quarterly basis and has not applied skip period monitoring in accordance with fl97.b. l,lectronic Monitorinq. Storing. and reDorting of LDAR Data. '1T98.See below. Electronic Storine andReportine of LDAR Data. BWO shall continue to maintain an electronic database for storing and reporting LDAR monitoring and repair data from the BWO Refinerv. fl98.a BWO continues to maintain an electronic database tbr stonng and reportrng LDAR monitoring and repair data from the BWO Refinery. The Inspection Logic Corporation - LeakDAS Database is currently used to comply with this provision. Electronic Data Collection Durine LDAR Monitorine and Transfer Thereafter. BWO shall use dataloggers and/or electronic data collection devices duringlDAR monitoring. BWO, or its designated contractor, shall use is/their best efforts to transfer, at leastevery seven (7) days, electronic data fromelectronic datalogging devices to the electonic database required in fl98.a. BWO shall transfer any manually recorded monitoring data to the electronic database required in !198.a within seven (7) days of monitoring. fle8.b.BWO uses dataloggers and/or electronic data collection devices during LDAR monitoring. BWO, or its designated contractor, use its/their best efforts to fansfer, at least every seven (7) days, electronic data from electronic datalogging devices to theelechonic database required in fl98.a. BWO uses paper logs where necessary or more feasible (e.g., small rounds, re- monitoring, or when dataloggers are not available or broken). BWO uses its best efforts to transfer any manually recorded monitoring data to the electronic database within seven (7) days of monitoring. During the most rerent Third Party LDAR Audit, it was found that 18 manual recorded inspections and 20 datalogger recorded inspections were uploaded to the database more than seven (7) days after monitoring events. uA/uu ot Lt AK uata. Bwu, or a mrd-party contractor retained by BWO, shall develop and implement a review procedure to ensure a quatty assurance/quality control ("QA/QC") of alldata generated by LDAR monitoring technicians. BWO or contractor monitoring technicians shall review monitoring data each day aftermonitoring is conducted to ensure QA/QC of the data. At least once per Calendar quarter, BWO shall perform QA/QC of the monitoring data which shall include, but not be limitedto: number of components monitored per technician, time between monitoring events, and abnormal data pattems. BWO shall communicate monitoring results to unit supervisors on a weekly basis. 'livv.BWO developed and implemented a review procedure to ensure a quality assurance/qualiry control ("QA/QC') of all data generated by LDAR monitoring technicians. BWO or contractor monitoring technicians review monitoring data each day after monitoring is conducted to ensure QA/QC of the data. At least once per Calendar quarter, BWO shall perform QA/QC of the monitoring data. BWO communicates monitoring results to unit supervisors and maintenance planners on a weekly basis. LDAR PersonneL BWO shall establish a program that will hold LDAR personnel accountable for LDAR performance. BWO shall maintain a position within the BWO Refinery responsible for LDAR management, with the auttrority to implement improvements C'LDAR Coordinator'). fl100.BWO maintains program that holds LDAR personnel accountable for LDAR performance. BWO maintains an LDAR Manager position within ttre refinery in accordance with this provision. Addine New Valves and Pumps.flI01 See below. Manaeement of Chanee. By no later than the Date of Enfy, BWO shall establish a tracking program for maintenance records (e.g., a Management of Change program) to ensure that valves and pumps added to the BWO Refinery during maintenance and construction are inteerated into the LDAR Prosram. $101.a.BWO established a tracking program for maintenance records (e.g., a Management of Change program) to ensure that valves and pumps added to the BWO Refinery during maintenance and construction are integrated into the LDAR Program. Consnt Dccree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Cas 1:l l-cv-0012 I -BCWS Scmi-Amual hogress Re port July 01, 2021, lhrough December 3 I, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Pagel4ofl9 Newlv-Installed Valves.'lLl t,l _a.See below. BWO shall ensure that all newly installed valves (other than sampling and instrumentation valves in service on pipingwith a diameter of5/8" or less) are fitted, prior to installation, with Certified Low- Leaking Valves or Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packing Technology; and tTl0l.b.(1)BWO uses its best efforts to ensure that all newly installed valves (ottrer than sampling and instrumentation valves in service on piping with a diameter of 5/8" or less) are fitted, prior to installation, with Certified low-Leaking Valves or Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packing Technology ("CLLT'). During the most recent Third Party LDAR Audit, the fbllowing observations were made: 207 newly added valves were identified within the database as not meeting certified low leak technology requirements. 76 newly added valve records did not include low leak technology certifications. 180 existing but not previously identified valves were added to the LDAR program but do not include low leak technology certifications. Moolry lts purchaslng procedures to ensurethat the BWO Refinery evaluates the availability of valves and valve packing that meets the requirements for a Certified low-Leaking Valve or Certified Low- Leaking Valve Packing Technology at the time that the valves, valve packing and/or equipment is acquired for the BWO Refinery. 1r0l.b.(2)BWO modified its purchasing procedures to ensure that the BWO Refinery evaluates the availability of valves and valve packing that meets the requirements for a Certified Low-Leaking Valve or Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packing Technology at the time that the valves, valve packing and/or equipment is acquired for the BWO Refinery. BWO Refinery has developed an Approved Manufacturers List ("AML') of Valve & Packing OEMs with products that meet the ConsentDecree definition of Certified Low-Leaking Technology. Evaluation ofpotential additional control measures in response to the observations noted in tll0l.b.(l) is underway. uorrrmerclal unavaltablllw. Ewu snall not be required to utilize a CLLT to replace or repack a valve if a CLLT is commercially unavailable, in accordance with the provisions of Appendix B. tltu l.c.Not apphcable tbr thrs reportrng perrod. lI t wu exerclses ule uommercral Unavailability Exception under fl I 0 l.c. for any valve, then BWO shall report the information in ![ 01 .d in the Serni-Annual Reports required under Part IX (Reportingand Record Keeping) BWO shall also install the valve(s) or packing technology it has identified to be commercially available that comes closest to meeting Certified Low-Leaking Valve or Certified Low-Leaking Valve Packins Technoloev requirements. lT10 r.d.Not applcaole tor mrs reporfing penod. Onsoine Assessment of Avaiiabilitv. BWO may use a prior determination of Commercial Unavailability of avalve orvalve packing pursuant to this Paragraph and Appendix B for a subsequent Commercial Unavailability claim for the same valve or valve packing (or valve or valve packing in the same or similar service), provided that the previous determination was completed within the preceding l2-month period. After one (1) year, BWO must conduct a new assessmentofthe availability ofa valve or valve packing meeting Certified Low-Leaking Valve or Certified Low-Leaking ValvePacking Technology requirements. 'tfl 0 l.e.As applicable for this reporting period, BWO has not utilized the commercially unavailable exception, inaccordance with ttre provisions of Appendix B, therefore the requirements for an Ongoing Assessment of Availability are not applicable to the facility at this time. Calibration/Calibration Drift Assessment.fl102 See below. Calibration. BWO or its contactor shall conduct all calibrations of LDAR monitoring equipment using methane as thecalibration gas, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 60, App. A, EPA ReferenceTest Method 21. BWO shall maintain records of the instrument calibrations required by this Paragraph for the duration of the Consent Decree. 'lll02.a.BWO LDAR conhactors conduct all calibrations of LDAR monitoring equipment using methane as the calibration gas, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 60, App. A, EPA Reference Test Method 2l . BWO maintains records of the instument calibrations required by this Paragraph for the duration of the Consent Decree. Consent Dccrec, U.S. v. Big Wst Oil LLC, Case l: I l-cv-00121 -BCWS Semi-Amual hogress Report July 01, 2023, through Decemb€r 31, 2023 96-Eln/-1470 Page l5 ofl9 Calibration Drift Assessment. BWO or its contractor shall conduct calibration drift assessments of LDAR monitoring equipment at the end of each monitoring shift, at a minimum. The calibration drift assessment shall be conducted using, at a minimum, a 500-ppmcalibration gas. If any calibration drift assessment after theinitial calibration shows a negative drift ofmore than 100/o from the previous calibration, BWO shall re- monitor all valves that were monitored since the last calibration that had a reading greater than 100 ppm and shall re-monitor all pumps that were monitored since the last calibration that had a readins sreater than 500 oom. '11102.b.BWO LDAR contractors conduct cahbratron drrtt assessments of LDAR monitoring equipment at the end of each monitoring shift at a minimum. The calibration drift assessment is conducted using, a 500 ppm, a 2,000 ppm, and a I 0,000-ppm calibration gas. If any calibration drift assessment after the initial calibration shows a negative drift of more than 10% fiom the previous calibration, BWO requires the LDAR contractors re-monitor all valves that weremonitored since the last calibration that had a reading greater than 100 ppm and re-monitor all pumps that were monitored since the last calibration that had a reading greater than 500 ppm. Delay of Repair. For any equipment for which BWO is allowed, under 40 CFR $ 60.482-9(a), to place on the "delay ofrepair" list for repair, BWO shall: ,l1l03.See below. For all equipment, BWO shall:!f 103.a.See below. Require sign-off by the unit supervisor that the piece of equipment is technically infeasible to repair without a process unit shutdown, before the component is eligible for inclusion on the "delay ofrepair" list; and 11103.a.( 1)The unit supervisor signs-off any piece of equipment that ts techntcally unfeasible to repair without a process unit shutdown, before the component is listed on the "delay ofrepair". Include equipment that is placed on the "delay of repair" list in the regular LDAR monitoring program. For leaks above the intemal leak definition rate and below the regulatory rate, BWO shall have thirty (30)days to put ttre equioment on the delav of reoair list. fl103.a.(2)Equipment that is placed on the "delay of repair" list is included in the regular LDAR monitoring program. For valves, other than control valves, leaking at a rate of 10,000 ppm or greater and which cannot be repaired using traditional techniques, BWO shall use the "drill and tap" or similarly effective repair method for fxing such leaking valves, rather than placing the valve on the "delay of repair" list, unless BWO can demonstrate that there is a safety, mechanical, or major environmental concem posed by repairing the leak in that manner. BWO shall perform a frst, and ifnecessary, a second, "drill and tap" (or equivalent) repair method within thirty (30)days after detecting aleak of10,000 DDm or sreater: lTl03.b.( 1)BWO, per the provisions ol'40 CFR $ 60.482-9(a), places equlpment on the "delay of repair" list for repair. BWO Refinery requiles sign-off by the unit supervisor that the piece of equipment is technically infeasible to repair without aprocess unit shutdown before the component is eligible for inclusion on the "delay of repair" list; and equipment that is placed on the "delay of repair" list is included in the regular LDAR monitoring progam. For valves, other than control valves, leaking at a rate of 10,000 ppm or greater and which cannot be repaired using raditional techniques, BWO uses the "drill and tap" or similarly effective repair method for fxing such leaking valves, rather than placing the valve on the "delay of repair" list, unless BWO can demonstrate that there is a safety, mechanical, or major environmental concern posed by repairing the leak in that manner. After two unsuccessful attempts to repair a leaking valve through the "drill and tap" or similarly effective repair method, BWO may place tlre leaking valve on its "delay ofrepair" list. BWO shall advise EPA prior to implementing repair methods equivalent to "drill and tap" if such method develops for repairing valves. lTl03.b.(2)BWO uses its best effort to perlorm a first, and if necessary, a second, "drill and tap" (or equivalent) repair method within thirty (30) days after detecting a leak of 10,000 ppm or greater; only after two unsuccessful attempts to repair a leaking valve drrough the "drill and tap" or similarly effective repair method, are the leaking valve placed on the "delay ofrepair" list. @ls_LeaKers. EWU snall replace or repacK all non- control valves that are'thronic leakers" during the next process unit turnaround. A chronic leaker shall be defined as any component which leaks above 10,000 ppmin any two quarters between refrnery fumarounds durine the life of the Consent Decree. lll u4.BWO replaces or repacks all non-contol valves ttrat are "chronic leakers" duringthe next process unit hrmaround. A chronic leaker has been defined as any component which leaks above 10,000 ppm in any two quarters between refinery tumarounds during the life of the ConsentDecree. Kecord l(eeDins and l(eDortrns Reouirements for this Part V.L. BWO shall include the following information in their semi- annual progress reports. 'lll u).See below. First Serni-Annual Progress Report Due under Consent Decree. fl105.a see below. Consnt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case I :1 3-cv-00121 -BCWS Semi'Amual Proges Report July 01, 2023, through December 3 l, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Pagel6ofl9 I lrst semr-Annual rrogress KeDort lor the Calendar Year. BWO shall include an identification ofeach audit that was conducted pursuant to the requirements of fl92 in the previous calendar year including an identification of the auditors, a summary of the audit results,and a summary of the actions that BWO took or intends to take to correct all deficiencies identified in the audits, pursuant to fl93. tTl0s.b Not applicable for ttris reporting period. If applicable forreporting period information included in Attachment 4. MACT Subpart CC Reporting. In each report dueunder 40 C.F.R. $ 63.655, BWO shall include CD LDAR Reporting Requirements of this section. !f 105.c.BWO has included the CD LDAR Reporting requirements in the LDAR MACT CC Reporting. Please reference the 2od Semiannual Report for 2023 dated January 15,2024. Agancies to Receive Reports, Plans and Certifications Required in this Parq Number of Copies. BWO shall submit all reports, plans and certifications required to be submitted under this Part to EPA and UDEO. f106.BWO continues to submit all reports, plans and certifications required to be submitted under this Part to EPA and UDEQ. PartV.M. - INCORPORATION OF CD REOUIREMENTS INTO FEDERALLY ENTORCEABLE PERMITS. CD Reference Status/Comment . Incorporate emission limits and standards into Minor or Major NSRpermits or other permits (other than Title V permits) which are federally enforceable. o Incorporate the requirements of those permits into the Title V permit as set forth is fll09.. Emission Limits and Standards as set forth in lfl 11.a. shall constitute emission limits and standards that shall survive termination of the CD by virtue of being incorporated into federallv enforceable oermits ,llv.M.l07- 111 BWO remains current with submittal of applications of incorporating Emission Limits and Standards as set forth in fll I I .a. of the Consent Decree into federally enforceable permis. PartV.I. - EMISSION CREDIT GENERATION. CD Reference Status/Comment lJwu ls pronlblted Irom usmg errusslons reductions that will result from the installation and operation ofthe controls required by this CD for the purpose of emissions nettins or emissions offsets. lTV.r.l l2- tt4 PartVJI. - MODIFICATIONS. ct) Reference Status/Comment Material modifications to this CD will be in writing, signed by the parties and will be effective upon approval by the court. tN/.II.] ls Not applicable for this reporting period. Part V.[I. - SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROJECT. CD Reference Status/Comment BWU shall lmplement the sEP.,TV.II.1l6- 126 The SEP was submitted May 5, 2014, and is being implemented at the BWO Rehnery. Con*nt Decree, U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case l:13-cv-0012 I-BCWS Se mi-Amul Pro$ess Report July 0I, 2023, through December 31,2023 96-ENV-1470 PagelTofl9 PartV.X. - REPORTING AND RECORDKEEPING. Ul, Reference Status/Comment IWO shall submit to EPA and UDEQ a progress eport containing the following information: 1ltt t See below. jeneral. Each Report shall contam: a progress 'eport on the implementation of the requirements lf Part V (Affirmative Relief,{Environmental )rnienfc'\' fl27.a.(t\See this semi-annual report. \. summary of the emissions data that is ;pecifically required by the reporting requirements )fPart V ofthis CD for the period covered by the fli27.a.(2)See this semi-annual report and the quarterly CEMs SEDR submittals for the current reporting period. \ description of anyproblems antlclpated wrth espect to meeting the requirements of Part V of his CD. fl127.a.(3\None for this reporting period. \ description of the status of the SEP being :onducted at the Refinery under Part VIII: and lt27.a.$)The SEP project was submitted to the EPA and UDEQ on May 5, 2014. BWO comolies with the SEP. {.ny additional matters as BWO believes should be rrought to the attention of EPA and UDEQ. fl27.a.(5)In January 2024,the Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) requested BWO resubmit amended SEDR reports from Q3 2021 ttrrough Q3 2023. Data included in this report reflects the Q3 2023 SEDR report submitted to UDAQ on October 27,2023. lmissions Data. In each semi-annual report 'equired to be submitted on July 3l of each year, IWO shall provide a summary of annual emissions lata at the refinery for the prior calendar year. The iummary shall include estimates and/or :alculations of: .[,t27.b.If aoolicable forreoortins oeriod information included in Attachment 1. {Ox ernissions in tpy for each heater and boiler yeater than 40 mmBTU/h maximum fired duty; 11127.b.(1)See comment in fll27.b. \Ux emrsslons m tpy as a sum tor aII heaters and roilers less than 40 mmBTUlr maximum fired firfw' T27.b.(2)See corffnent m'lll27.b. iOz, CO, and PM emlsslons ln tpy as a sum tbr all raofm cnrl hnilctc' nr27.b.(3)See comment in'!T127.b. JOz emissions from SRU in tpy;$27.b.(4)See comment lr:,fl127.b. iOz emissions tiom all AG F'tanng and I'G ncidents by flare in tpy; fl127.b.(5)See comment in 1T127.b. rlOx, SO2, PM, and C() emrssrons m tpy as a sum br all other ernissions units for which emissions nformation is required to be included in the bcility's annual emissions summaries and that are rn+ idmtificd ahnrre' fl127.b.(6)See comment rn !f127.b. iO2, NOx, CO, and PM emissions m tpy tbr the ICCU, and fi27.b.(7)See comment ti'1127.b. ior each of the estimates or calculations in J127.b.(1) through fl127.b.(7) above, the basis for he emissions estimate or calculation (i.e. stack ests, CEMs, emission factor, etc.). To the extent hat the required emissions summary data are rvailable in other reports generated by BWO, such rther reports can be attached, or ttre appropriate nformation can be exffacted from such other eports and attached to the semi-annual report to atisfu the r@uirement. fl127.b.(8)See comment in !f 127.b. ixceedances of Enussrons Lmlts. ln each seil[- nnual reporl BWO shall identify each exceedance rf an emission limit required or established by this lD that occurred during the previous semi-annual reriod and, for any emissions unit subject to a limit equired or established by this CD that is monitored ry a CEMs, any periods of CEMs downtime that rccurred during the semi-annual period. For each xceedance and/or each period of CEMs downtime. ]WO shall include the followins information: llrz t.c.See 'l able below. Consent Decree, U.S. v. Big Wct Oil LLC, Ca$ l:13-cv-00121-BCWS Semi-Amul hogres Repofl July 01, 2023, through December 3 l, 2023 96-ENV-1470 Pagel8ofl9 CD Emissions Limits Averaging Period CD Reference 3"d Quarter 2023 4th Quarter 2023 Excccdarc€s % ofQr.% otQtr. Exceedames % ofQtr.% ofQtr. N(Jx 40 DDmvd NUxat UYo ()2 - IUUU JO)-dayRA v.A.12.1 3 o ooo/" t.93% 0.00% 0.09%NOx 60 onmvd NOxat0%Oz-FCCU 7-dav RA QV.A. l2 0.(Xl9lo 0.00% SOz25 oomvdSO2 atOYo 02 - FCCL 365-davRA \v.B.t5-t4 0.(x)%o 2.17% 0.00% 0.09%SOz 50 oomvd SOZ at OYo 02 - FCCU /-dav KA \t.b.2J-24 U.UU"/o O.0tJ"/o CO500 DDmvd CO ato' ()2 - FCCU l -hour \t.D.5\O.U9Yo 0.00%1.22% H2s I Ol DDm tl/D - KenntrV ruel UaS 3-hour v -H-4?t 0.1 8% 6.31% 0_00% 0.23o/oH2S O(, nnm HZS- t(eflnervluel (ras 3 65-day v.H.4E 0.00%0.00% H2J IOZ ppm - U. rlare vent uas J -nour Q V.J.)y.a o.63%6.47%0.00%1.45v, H2S l02 ppm - W. tlare Vent Uas ,-noul v.J.f v.a 1.04%6.34%0.05%4.26% 91"/o KeCOVeTV l'.IIlClenCV - SKP 30-day RA v-t-lJ o.tJtJ'4.46"U.UU70 U.66"/o F.xceedances of f,'.mission I.imits - EIX. 127.c Part IX.127.c.(1)(a).(c) - Duration of Exceedance(s) and Downtime as 7o of OoeratinsTime perOuarter PartIX.127.c.(l)ft)-If OperatingUnitExceededLimitmorethan l%of TotalTimeperOuarter If applicable for reporting period additional information included in Attachment 5 Part IX.l27.c.(l Xd) - If CEMS Downtime Exceeded more than 5% of Total Time per Ouarter If applicable for reporting period additional information included in Attachment 5 Part IX.127.c.(l)(c) - Duration of the CEMS Downtime %o of OperatineTime perOuarter Process Unit CEMS Downtime (t70/" Downtime o40/" MSCC (FCC NOX 1.93o/o 0.09% MSCC (ICC 02 1.72o/o 0.09% MSCC (FCC so2 2.170/"0.09o/o MSCC (FCC CO 1 7?-o/"I 220/" Amin e H2S 6.11o/"0.2\o/" S. Flare H2S 6.470/"I .450/" W. Flare H2S 6.34V"4.260/o SRU so2 4.86%0.68% END OF REPORT Page 19ofl9 Consent Decree, U.S. v. Big Wst Oil LLC, Ca* l:13-cv-00121-BCWS Semi-Amual ho$e$ Report July 01,2021, lhrough December 3 I, 2023 96-ENV-t470 Attachment 1 Attachments Related to Emissions Reportine of Part V (Affirmative Relief/Environmental Proiects) Attachments related to emissions reporting and stack tests demonstrating compliance with emissions limits. The followine hformation is included in this attachment: o Summary of Emissions Data for the prior CY - QIX. 127.b. (included in the first Semi-annual progress report ofeach year) o Not applicable for the current reporting period. o FCCU Resen PM Stack Test Report for the test conducted on December 15. 2023 U.S. v. Big West Oil LLC, Ce l:13+v40l2l-BCWS ColMl Dqe ScDi-Amual Prcgrc R€pon July l, 2023, thrcugh Dcmbq 31, 2023 Source Test Big West Oil, LLC 333 West Center Street North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Sources"Iested: MSCC Test Date: December 15,2023 Proj ect No. AST-2023 -4280 Prepared By Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 pul6lrpEr TECI.'i NICAL GROI]P Source Test Report Test Program Sttmmary Regulatorv Information Permit No. Regulatory Citations Source Information Approval Order DAQE - AN l0 122007 7 -22 40 CFR 60, Subpart J, Subpart Ja 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUU Utah SIP IX.H. l.g.i.B.I Source Name MSCC Target Parameters PM1O, PM2.5 Contact Information Test Location Big West Oil, LLC 333 West Center Street North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Brady Miller brady.miller@bigwestoil. com (38s) 324-t27s Faithe Schwartzengraber faithe. sc hwart zengr ab er @bi gwestoi l. com (801) 296-7763 Test Company Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E wesr valley ciry, uT 84120 Project Manager Charles Horton charles.horton@alliancetg. com (352) 663-7s68 Field Team Leader Alan Jensen alan jensen@alliancetg.com (847)220-3949 QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk katie. shonk@alliancetg.com (812) 452-478s Report Coordinator Delaine Spangler delaine.spangler@alliancetg. com Analytical Laboratory Alliance Technical Group, LLC 5530 Marshall Street Arvada, CO 80002 Eric Grosjean eric. grosj ean@alliancetg. com (303\ 420-s949 AST-20234280 I of65 Page iBWO - North Salt Lake, Utah put6rrce Source Test Report C e r I ifi cati o n Sta t e,ne n tTECHNICAL GROUP Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) has completed the source testing as described in this report. Results apply only to the source(s) tested and operating condition(s) for the specific test date(s) and time(s) identified within this report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Alliance is not responsible for use of less than the complete test report without written consent. This report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without written approval from the customer. To the best of my knowledge and abilities, all information, facts and test data are correct. Data presented in this report has been checked for completeness and is accurate, error-free and legible. Onsite testing was conducted in accordance with approved intemal Standard Operating Procedures. Any deviations or problems are detailed in the relevant sections in the test report. This report is only considered valid once an authorized representative ofAlliance has signed in the space provided below; any other version is considered draft. This document was prepared in portable document format (.pdf) and contains pages as identified in the bottom footer of this document. Charles llorton, QSTI Project Manager Alliance Technical Group, LLC 1t16t2024 Date BWO -North Salt Lake, UtahAST-2023-4280 2of65 Page ii put6rpe TECI''INICAL GROUP Source Test Report Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS l.l Source and Control System Descriptions. ........... 1-l 1.3 Site Specific Test Plan & Notification ................... ................... l-l 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and2 -Volumetric Flow Rate ............. 3-1 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide........ .......... 3-l 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content......... ....................... 3-l 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 58 and 202-Total Particulate Matter.......... ................3-2 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A................ ......3-2 LIST OF'TABLES APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Calculations Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Quality Assurance/Quality Control Data Appendix E Process Operating/Control System Data AST-20234280 3 of65 Page iiiBWO - North Salt Lake, Utah 4 of65 pul6rpe Source Test Report IntroductionTECI-JNICAL GROUP 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by Big West Oil, LLC (BWO) to conduct compliance testing at the North Salt Lake, Utah rehnery. Portions of the facility are subject to provisions of 40 CFR 60, Subpart J, Subpart Ja, and 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUU. The facility operates under the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN101220077-22. Compliance testing included determining the emission rates of particulate matter (PM), particulate matter less than 10 microns (PMl0) and particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) at the exhaust of the MSCC. 1.1 Source and Control System Descriptions The MSCC is a type of Fluid Catallic Cracking (FCC) process that converts heavy crude oil fractions into lighter, more valuable hydrocarbon products at high temperature and moderate pressure in the presence of a finely divided silica/alumina-based catalyst. In the course of cracking large hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules, a nonvolatile carbonaceous material, commonly referred to as coke, is deposited on the catalyst. The coke laid down on the catalyst acts to deactivate the catalytic cracking activity of the catalyst by blocking access to the active catalytic sites. In order to regenerate the catalytic activity of the catalyst, tle coke deposited on the catalyst is bumed off with air in the regenerator vessel. 1.2 Project Team Personnel involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table 1-1: Project Team 1.3 Site Specific Test Plan & Notification Testing was conducted in accordance with the Site Specific Test Plan (SSTP) submitted to UDAQ by BWO. BWO Personnel Brady Miller Eric Simdom Regulatory Agency UDAQ Alliance Personnel Alan Jensen Xander Krahn AST-20234280 5 of65 Page l-lBWO - North Salt Lake, Utah 6 of65 plllffiircEr ii ..) i.J l')Sourca Test Rcporl Swnmary of Results 2.0 Summary of Results Alfiance conducted compliance testing at the BWO facility in North Salt Lake, Utah on December 15, 2023. Portions of the facility are subject to provisions of 40 CFR 60, Subpart J, Subpart Ja, and 40 CFR 63, Subpart UUU. The facility operates under UDAQ AO DAQE-AN101220077-22. Compliance testing included determining the emission rates of PM, PMl0 and PM2.5 at the exhaust of the MSCC. Table 2-l provides a summary of the emission testing results with comparisons to the applicable UDAQ permit limits. Any difference between the summary results listed in the following table(s) and the detailed results contained in appendices is due to rounding for presentation. Table 2-1: Summary of Results Run Number Run I Run 2 Run 3 Averase Dat6 t2t1st23 12ll5t23 t2ilsl23 loke Burn off Rate, lb/hr I 0,1 99 9,996 t0,052 10,082 F ilterable Particulate Matter Data Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb,rtrr Emission Factor, lb/I,000 lbs Coke Burned Emission Limit, lb/1,000 lbs Coke Burned Percent of Limit, 7o 0.00081 0.24 0.024 0.00082 0.24 0.024 0.00047 0.14 0.014 0.00070 0.21 0.020 1.0 2 Condensable Particulate Matter Data Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/hr Emission Factor, lb/1,000 lbs Coke Burned 0.0022 0.66 0.06s 0.0021 0.79 0.079 0.0017 0.51 0.050 0.0022 0.65 0.065 Total Particulate Matter Data t Concentration, grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/hr Emission Factor, lb/1,000 lbs Coke Burned Emission Limit, lb/l,000 lbs Coke Burned Percent of Limit, 7o 0.0030 0.90 0.088 0.003s 1.03 0.103 0.0022 0.65 0.064 0.0029 0.86 0.085 1.0 9 )xygen Data Concentration, 7o 1.00 t.l0 t.20 Ll0 Carbon Dioxide Data Concentration, %o 17 40 17.10 17.00 17.17 rTotal PM is the summation of filterable PM and condensable PM. AST-2023-4280 7 of65 Page 2-lBWO - North Salt Lake, Utah 8 of65 trs*PsAlh i:i- l:iili'i Sotrce Tesl Rcport Testing Methodologt 3.0 Testing Methodology The emission testing program was conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Method descriptions are provided below while quality assurance/quality control data is provided in Appendix D. Table 3-l: Source Testing Methodology 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 1 and 2 - Volumetric Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points were selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. To determine the minimum number of traverse points, the upstream and downstream distances were equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure 1-1 in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. Full velocity traverses were conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocify pressure, static pressure, and temperature. The velocity and static pressure measurement system consisted of a pitot tube and inclined manometer. The stack gas temperature was measllred with a K-type thermocouple and pyrometer. Stack gas velocity pressure and temperature readings were recorded during each test run. The data collected was utilized to calculate the volumetric flow rate in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2. 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide The oxygen (O:) and carbon dioxide (COz) testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3,A.. Data was collected online and reported in one-minute averages. The sampling system consisted of a stainless steel probe, Teflon sample line(s), gas conditioning system, and the identified gas analyzer. The gas conditioning system was a non-contact condenser used to remove moisfure from the stack gas. If an unheated Teflon sample line was used, then a portable non-contact condenser was placed in the system directly after the probe. Otherwise, a heated Teflon sample line was used. The quality control measures are described in Section 3.5. The relative accuracy of the Oz CEMS were determined based on procedures found in 40 CFR 60, Appendix B, Performance Specifi cation 3. 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas conditioning train consisted of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing, each impinger was filled with a known quantity of water or silica gel. Each impinger was analyzed gravimetrically before and after each test run on the same analytical balance to determine the amount of moisture condensed. BWO - Nonh Salt Lake, Utah Parameter U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods Notes/Remarks Volumetric Flow Rate t&2 Full Velocity Traverses Oxygen / Carbon Dioxide 3A Instrumental Analysis Moisfure Contenl 4 Gravimetric Analysis Total Particulate Matter 5B &202 Isokinetic Sampling AST-20234280 9 of65 Page 3-l pulffiipe TECIIN'CAL GfiOt]?Source Test Report Testing Methodologt 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 58 and 202 -Total Particulate Matter The total particulate matter (filterable and condensable PM) testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 58 and 202. The complete sampling system consisted of a glass nozzle, glass-lined probe, oven-dried at 160 +5 'C (320 +10 oF), pre-weighed quartz filter, coil condenser, un-weighed Teflon filter, gas conditioning train, pump, and calibrated dry gas meter. The gas conditioning train consisted of a coiled condenser and four (4) chilled impingers. The first and second impingers were initially empty, the third contained 100 mL of de-ionized water and the last impinger contained 200-300 grams of silica gel. The un-weighed 90 mm Teflon filter was placed between the second and third impingers. The probe liner and filter heating systems were maintained at a temperature of 160 * l4oC (320 t25"F) and the impinger temperahre were maintained at 20oC (68oF) or less throughout the testing. Following the completion of each test run, the sampling train was leak checked at a vacuum pressure greater than or equal to the highest vacuum pressure observed during the run. If condensate was collected in the first dry impinger, then the front-half of the sample train (the nozzle, probe, and heated pre-weighed filter) was removed in order to purge the back-half of the sample train (coil condenser, first and second impingers and CPM filter). A glass bubbler was inserted into the first impinger. If needed, de-ionized ultra-f,rltered (DIUF) water was added to the first impinger to raise the water level above the bubbler, then the coil condenser was replaced. Zero nitrogen was connected to the condenser, and a 60-minute purge at 14 liters per minute was conducted. After the completion of the nitrogen purge the impinger contents were measured for moisture gain. The nitrogen purge was omitted if minimal condensate was collected in the dry impingers. The pre-weighed quartz filter was carefully removed and placed in container 1. The probe, nozzle and front half of the filter holder was rinsed three (3) times with acetone to remove any adhering particulate matter and these rinses were recovered in container 2. All containers were sealed, labeled, and liquid levels marked for transport to the identif,red laboratory for filterable particulate matter analysis. The contents of impingers I andZ were recovered in container CPM Cont. #1. The back half of the filterable PM filter holder, the coil condenser, impingers I and 2 and all connecting glassware were rinsed with DIUF water and then rinsed with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinses were added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses were recovered in container CPM Cont. #2. The Teflon filter was removed from the filter holder and placed in container CPM Cont. #3. The front half of the condensable PM filter holder was rinsed with DIUF water and then with acetone, followed by hexane. The water rinse was added to container CPM Cont. #l while the solvent rinses were added to container CPM Cont. #2. All containers were sealed, labeled, and liquid levels marked for ffansport to the identified laboratory for condensable particulate matter analysis. 3.5 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A Cylinder calibration gases used met EPA Protocol I (+/- 2%) standards. Copies of all calibration gas certificates can be found in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix. Low Level gas was introduced dtectly to the analyzer. After adjusting the analyzer to the Low-Level gas concentration and once lhe aralyzer reading was stable, the analyzer value was recorded. This process was repeated for the High-Level gas. For the Calibration Error Test, Low, Mid, and High Level calibration gases were sequentially introduced directly to the analyzer. All values were within 2.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv lYo absolute difference. BWO - North Salt Lake, UtahAST-2023-4280 10 of65 Page 3-2 pul6rrce TECIINICAL GRCTJIT Source Test Report Testing Methodologt High or Mid Level gas (whichever was closer to the stack gas concentration) was introduced at the probe and the time required for the analyzer reading to reach 95 percent or 0.5 ppmvlo/o (whichever was less restrictive) of the gas concentration was recorded. The analyzer reading was observed until it reached a stable value, and this value was recorded. Next, Low Level gas was introduced at the probe and the time required for the aralyzer reading to decrease to a value within 5.0 percent or 0.5 ppmv/% (whichever was less restrictive) was recorded. If the Low- Level gas was zero gas, the response was 0.5 ppmvlo/o or 5.0 percent of the upscale gas concentration (whichever was less restrictive). The analyzer reading was observed until it reached a stable value and this value was recorded. The measurement system response time and initial system bias were determined from these data. The System Bias was within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv/% absolute difference. High or Mid Level gas (whichever was closer to the stack gas concentration) was introduced at the probe. After the analyzer response was stable, the value was recorded. Next, Low Level gas was introduced at the probe, and the analyzer value recorded once it reached a stable response. The System Bias was within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv/o/o absolute difference or the data was invalidated and the Calibration Error Test and System Bias were repeated. Drift between pre- and post-run System Bias was within 3 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv/% absolute difference. If the drift exceeded 3 percent or 0.5 ppmv/%, the Calibration Error Test and System Bias were repeated. To determine the number of sampling points, a gas stratification check was conducted prior to initiating testing. The pollutant concentrations were measured at three points (16.7, 50.0 and 83.3 percent of the measurement line). Each traverse point was sampled for a minimum of twice the system response time. If the pollutant concentration at each traverse point did not differ more than 5 percent or 0.5 ppmv/0.3% (whichever was less restrictive) of the average pollutant concentration, then single point sampling was conducted during the test runs. If the pollutant concentration did not meet these specifications but differed less than l0 percent or 1.0 ppmv/O.5%o from the average concentration, then three (3) point sampling was conducted (stacks less than 7.8 feet in diameter - 16.7, 50.0 and 83.3 percent of the measurement line; stacks greater than 7.8 feet in diameter - 0.4, 1.0, and 2.0 meters from the stack wall). If the pollutant concentration differed by more than l0 percent or 1.0 ppmv/0.Soh from the average concentration, then sampling was conducted at a minimum of twelve (12) traverse points. Copies of stratification check data can be found in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix. A Data Acquisition System with battery backup was used to record the instrument response in one (l) minute averages. The data was continuously stored as a *.CSV file in Excel format on the hard drive of a computer. At the completion of testing, the data was also saved to the AST server. All data was reviewed by the Field Team Leader before leaving the facility. Once arriving at AST's office, all written and electronic data was relinquished to the report coordinator and then a final review was performed by the Project Manager. BWO - North Salt Lake, UtahAST-2023-4280 11 of65 Page 3-3 12 of 65 ff6rce TECHN:CAL GFIOUP Location: Source: Project No.: Run No.: Parameter: MSCC Bis West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT 20234280 PNryCPM Example Appendix A Calculations Meter Presurc (Pm), itr. Hg AHPm = Pb+- where. 1'3'6 Pb 26.10 = buometric pressue, in. Hg AH 1.442 = pressure differential oforifice, in H2O P.--I6i-=io.Hg Absolute Stack G{s Pressure (Ps), ln. Hg Po Ps = Ph + '6 where, 13,6 Pb 26.10 = buometric pressue, in. Hg Pg 0.07 = static pressue, in. H2O Ps....A=in'Hg Stendrrd Meter Volume (Vmstd), drcf 77.636xYxVmxPmVmstd: where,TmY 0.985 = meter erection factor v-@=metervolme. cf P^ 2621 = absolute meter pressure. in. Hg Tm 526.6 = absolute meter tempemture, oR vmstd--ffi-=d""f Statrdrrd Wet Volume (Vwstd), scf Vwstd = 0.04776x Ylc where, Vlc '18.6 = weight of H2O collected, g v*ttdTdil=r"f ,oosz-(t'ffi) Moisture Frrctiotr (BWSsat), dim€nsionlN (thmretic8l !t srturated conditions) BWSsat = where, Ts 499,6 = stack tempffiture, 'F Ps 26.11 = absolute stack 96 pressue, in. Hg BWSsat 48.027 = dimereionless Moisture Fraction (BWS), dimensionless (measured) Vwstd (Vwstd * Vmstd) Vwstd_l]!]_: stmdild wet volme, scf Vmstd 36.332 : standild meter volume, drcf BWS 0.093 = dimensionless Moisture Fnctior (BWS), dimctrsiodess BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat < BWSmsd wherc' BWSsat 48.0, = moistrc fraction (thmretical al sahmted conditions) BWSmsd 0.093 _= moisture frution (mesured)Bws-6:d!5_ Ps BWS = where. l3 of65 anErrce TECHNICAL GROUP Bie West Oil. LLC - North Salt Lake, UT MSCC 20234280 PM/CPM Example Appendix A Calculations Location: Source: Project No.: Run No,: Parameter: Molccular W€ight (DRY) (Md), lb^b-mole 1v14 = (0.4a x 0/oCO2) + (0.32 x o/oO2) + (0.28(100- o/oCO2 - o/oOZ)) whcre. CO, L= carbon dioxide concentration, To OrA- oxygen concentration, o/o Md 30.82 = lbAb mol Molsular Weighi (WET) (Ms), lbilb.mole Ms = Md (1 - BWS) + 18.015 (BWS) where, moleulu weight (DRY), Ib,4b mol 0.093 = moistrre fration, dimensionless 29-64 = lb/lb mol Average Velocity (Vs), fvs6 = 85.49 x Cp x (A p 1/2) avg x Cp 0.840 LP''' 0.366 rs-----!56J-Ps 26.1 IMs 29.61vs......E = pitot tube coefficient Average Stack Gar Flow at Stack Conditions (Qa), rcfm Qa:60xVsxAs where, Vr-22:]-= stack g6 velocity, ff/sec As 45.66 = cross-sctional m ofstack, ft2 Qa-3TJF=r"f, Average Stack Grs Flow at Standsrd Conditions (Qs), dscfm Ps Qs = 17.636 x Qa x (1 - BWS) x *where, Qu ___!W]__ = avenge stack gas flow at stack conditions, lcfm BWS 0.093 : moisture fraction, dimensionless Ps 26.11 = absolute stack gs pressre, in. Hg Ts 959.3 = abmlute stack tempemtue,'R Qs_!ry_=dscf- Dry Gu Meter Calibration Check (Yqa), dimersionless Y_ Md BWS Ms Vs where, = velocity head ofstack gro. (in. H2O)ra : absolute stack tempemtwe, oR = absolute stack go pressue, in. Hg = molmlu weight of stack gas, lb/lb mol = ft/src (***.) Yqa = where, x 100 Y Y 0.985 - met{ omction factor, dimemionless O 60 : m time, min. Ym 42.026 = total meter volume, dcf Tm 526.6 = absolute metq tempeBture, 'R AH@ 1.E43 : orifice meter calibmtion coemcietrt, in. H2O Pb 26.10 = brometric pressue, in. Hg 1.442 30.82 1.200 05 AH avg Md (A H)'2 Yqa = avenge pressue differential of orifice, in H2O : molrcuh weight (DRY), lb/lb mol = av@ge sluarmot pressrc diffffitial of orifice, (in. H2o)ti'? = pscent 14 of65 All6rce TECHNICAL GROUP Location: Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Appendix A Example Calculations Source: MSCC Project No.: 2023-4280 Run No.: I Parameter: PM/CPM Yolume of Nozle (Vn), ft3 Ts / Vm xPmxY\Vn = E; (0.002669 xVlc * r_ I wherq Ts 959 .3 : absolute stack tempmhre, 'R Ps 26.11 = absolute stack gd pressue, in. Hg Vlc 7E.6 = volme of H2O collrcted, ml v ------ffi- = meter volme, cf Pm 26.21 = absolute meter prcssure, in. Hg y --6f-: meter corrction factor, mitless Tm 526.6 = absolute meter lempemture, oR Vn 83-408 = volume ofnozle, ft3 Isokinetic Sampling Rate (D, 7o t:( where, PMR FR El'"" = filtemble PM emission Bte, lb/Itr = prccess fed mte, lb,tr = lb/klb coke bmed Vn )*rooAx60xAnxVs vn 83.408 = nozle volume, ft3 o.f,6:6-= ru timc, minuts An 0.00079 = aroof nozle, ft2 Vs 29.3 = avoage velocity, fusec r-----iod3-= z Filtenbl€ PM Concentration (CJ, grain/dscf - Mn x 0.0154 vs - Vmstd where, Mn 1.9 _= filtemble PM mass, mg V-rtd --JElJSf- = standud meter volume, dsf c. --i6ol-- : grain/dscf Filterrble PM Emission Rate (PMR), lb/hr PMR = where, c, Qs PMR C"xQsx60 7.08 + 03 = filterable PM concentration, gmin/drcf 34,917 = avemge stack gu flow at stmdild conditions, dscfm O.24 = lb/tr Filtenble PM Emissiotr Factor (EFPM), lb/klb coke burtred PMRx 1.08+03 EFpu =FR 0.24 -m233-0.02 wherq Cotrdensrbl€ PM Cotrcentrrtion (Cc?M), grair/dscf Mcpu x 0.0154 UCPM _ Vmstd M.r"__jl_: condewble PM mres, mg Vmsrd-Ill]L= stmdud meter volume, dscf C"r*1!fu- grain/dscf where, l5 of65 anl6rrce TECHN] Location: Source: Project No.: Run No.: Parameter: CAL GROUP Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Appendix A Example Calculations MSCC 20234280 PM/CPM Condensable PM Emission Rrt€ (ERcpM), lb/hr Ccppr x Qsxeoff ERcpu : ?oE+03- where, C.r, ____1!!!Z_ = condensable PM concmtratiou grair/dscf Qs 34,917 = avmge stack gas flow at stmdud conditions, d*ftn ERcpu 0.66 = lb/hr Cordensblc PM Emisslon Factor @FcpM), Ibftlb coke bumed ER",ux 1.08+03 . EFcpu = ---- rRwnere, ER.p"_A= condensable PM emission mte, [b/hr FR 10,233 = prmcs fed mte, lbAu EFcpM 0.06 : lb/klb coke bmed Toaal PM Concentration (Cpy), grrin/dscf Crpu=Cs+CcpM where, C" 0.0008 = filt€mble PM concstration, gBir/dscf C"rr____!!94_= condmsable PM concotration, grain/dscf C*" ____9.09i9_ = grain/dscf Total PM Emtusion Rate (ERrpM), lb/hr ERrpu:PMR+ERcpM where, PMR______9?1_= filtmble PM emission Bte, lb/hr ER.I"A= condensable PM emission Bte, lb/hr ERpy 0.90 = lb/hr Totll PM Emission Rate (ERrpMrpy), lb/klb coke bumed ERrpMx 1.08+03 EFrpu = wherq FR 0.90 = total PM mission Bte, lb/hrERrp, FR EFr"u 10,233 : process feed mte, lb/hr 0.09 = lb&lb coke bwed l6 of65 llltElnse TEOHNICAL CIFlOUP Location: Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source: MSCC Project No.: 20234280 Run No. /lVlethod Run I / Method 3A Oz - Outlet Concentration (Co), oh dry Co,: (Cou,-Cr)* ( #") where,Cob, 1.3 : average analyzer value during test, %o dry C" --Cil- : average of pretest & posttest zero response s, Yo dry CMA-TIF: actual concentration of calibration gas,Yo dry CM-T0l8-: average of pretest & posttest calibration responses, o/o dry Co,-T3-: Oz Concentration,%o dry COr - Outlet Concentration (CcoJ, Yo dry Cco": (Cou,-Co)* ( fr;) where, Cob, 16.8 :averagearalyzervalueduringtest,o/odry C" -OJi-: average of pretest & posttest zero response s, Yo dry Cr,4,{-T0-: actual concentration of calibration gas,Yo dry CM-f0-: average of pretest & posttest calibration responses, 0/o dry C*,-fr-: COz Concentration, %o dry l7 of65 l8 of65 putfripe TECHNICAI G:tC}I"JP Emission Calculations Location Bis West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source MSCC Project No. 2023-4280 Parameter PM/CPM Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averaqe Date Start Time Stop Time Run Time,mrn tzlt5/23 12:52 l3:58 60.0 tzn5t23 15:05 16:15 60.0 t2/15123 16:40 17:51 60.0 60.0(e) INPUTDATA loke Bum Rate, lb/hr Baromeffic Pressure, in. Hg Meter Correction Factor )rifice Calibration Value \{eter Volume, ft3 Meter Temperature, oF \4eter Temperature, oR Vleter Orifice Pressure, in. WC Volume H2O Collected, mL \,lozzle Diameter, in A.rea of Nozzle, ft2 lilterable PM Mass, mg londensable PM Mass, mg 9,996 26.10 0.985 1.843 41.360 67.3 527.0 1.400 90.2 0.380 0.0008 1.9 6.3 (FR) (Pb) (Y) (^H @) (vm) (Tm) (Tm) (^H) (Vlc) (Dn) (An) (Mn) (Mcpu) 10,199 26.10 0.985 1.843 42.026 66.9 526.6 t.M2 78.6 0.380 0.0008 t.9 5.2 10,052 26.04 0.985 1.843 4t.367 62.1 521.8 1.425 83.3 0.380 0.0008 1.1 4.0 10,082 26.08 0.985 1.843 41.584 65.4 525.1 1.422 84.0 0.380 0.0008 1.6 5.2 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume, ff Standard Water Volume, ftl Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction Meter Pressure, in Hg Volume at Nozzle, ft3 Isokinetic Sampling Rate, (%) DGM Calibration Check Value, (+/- 5%) (Vmstd) (Vwstd) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (Bws) (Pm) (vn) (r) (Y.,) 36.009 3.928 0.098 48.103 0.098 26.14 83.381 100.8 -0.2 36.021 3.963 0.099 47.948 0.099 26.18 83.33 100.9 0.2 36.332 3.707 0.093 48.027 0.093 26.21 83.408 100.5 0.5 35.723 4.254 0.1 06 47.7t4 0.1 06 26.20 83.213 101.5 0.2 EMISSION CALCULATIONS Filterable PM Concentration, grain/dscf Filterable PM Emission Rate, lblhr Filterable PM Emission Factor, lb/klb coke burned (c.) (PMR) (EFor) 0.00081 0.24 0.024 0.00082 0.24 0.024 0.00047 0.14 0.014 0.00070 0.21 0.020 londensable PM Concentration, grain/dscf londensable PM Emission Rate, lb/tr londensable PM Emission Factor, lb/klb coke burned (Ccpr"r) (ERcpu) (EF"or) 0.0022 0.66 0.065 0.0027 0.79 0.079 0.0017 0.51 0.050 0.0022 0.65 0.065 Iotal PM Concenhation, grain/dscf Iotal PM Emission Rate, lb/hr Iotal PM Emission Factor, lb/klb coke burned (Crprra) (ERrpv) (EFro.) 0.0030 0.90 0.088 0.0035 1.03 0.103 0.0022 0.6s 0.064 0.0029 0.86 0.08s Underlined values contained one or more fractions below the detection limit; the MDL was used in calculations. l9 of65 plltffiipe TECHN:CAL iIROU3 Emission Calculations Location Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source MSCC Project No. 2023-4280 Parameter PM/CPM lun Number Runl Run2 Run3 Average )ate Itart Time itop Time lun Time,mln tzlr5l23 12:52 l3:58 60.0 t2lt5l23 l2lt5/23 15:05 16:40 16:15 17:51 60.0 60.0 60.0 VELOCITY HEAD, in. WC loint I 0.ll 0 loint 2 0.12 0 loint 3 0. 13 0 loint 4 0.14 0 loint 5 0.15 0 loint 6 0.14 0 loint 7 0.13 0 loint 8 0. 13 0 loint 9 0. 15 0 loint l0 0.14 0 lointll 0.14 0 )oint 12 0.13 0 4 0.13 0. 3 0.14 0. 4 0.15 0. 3 0.13 0. 2 0.12 0. 2 0.13 0. 2 0.12 0. 3 0.12 0. 3 0.13 0. 4 0.13 0. 4 0.15 0. 2 0.r4 0. J J 4 J J J 2 J 4 4 4 J CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP, (in. WC)"- Pitot Tube Coefircient Barometric Pressure, in. Hg Static Pressure, in. WC Stack Pressure, in. Hg Stack Cross-sectional Area, ft' Iemperature, oF Iemperature, oR Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction 02 Concentration, o/o CO2 Concentration,%o Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (dry) Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (wet) Velocity, fl/sec (^P) (cp) (Pb) (Pe) (Ps) (As) (Ts) (Ts) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (Bws) (oz) (Coz) (Md) (Ms) (vs) 0.366 0.840 26.10 0.07 26.11 4s.66 499.6 959.3 0.093 48.027 0.093 1.00 17.40 30.82 29.64 29.3 0.360 0.840 26.10 0.07 26.11 45.66 498.8 958.5 0.106 47.714 0.1 06 l.l0 17.10 30.78 29.42 28.9 0.364 0.840 26.04 0.07 26.05 45.66 499.s 959.2 0.098 48.103 0.098 r.20 17.00 30.77 29.51 29.2 0.363 0.840 26.08 0.07 26.09 45.66 499.3 959.0 0.099 47.948 0.099 l.t0 17.17 30.79 29.52 29.1 VOLUMETRIC FLOWRATE At Stack Conditions, acfm At Standard Conditions, scfm At Standard Conditions, dscfm (Qa) (Qsw) (Qs) 80, I 73 38,479 34,917 79,209 38,046 33,997 79,944 38,284 34,5 l8 79,775 38,270 34,477 20 of 65 Al6rce TECHNICAL f:':lOIJT: Locrtiotr Bip Wdt Oil, LLC - North Srlt Lrk€. UT Method L Data Source IUSCC Proj.ct No. 2023-42t0 Drtet l2ll3l23 Dmt Orierbtion: Vdical Dnct lr$ign: Circular Dishnce fiom Frr \lrll o ouride of Pon:--lii.66--in Nippte Length: 16.50 ln D"pth of Du"t, ---M-io Cross Sectionrl Arcr ofDuct: 45.66 fi' No- of Tdt Po*: 2 IrtuhceA: 60O I Dtutrnce A Duct Dbmtcrs: 7.9 (m6t bc > 0.5) Dlstilce B: 60.0 f, Dilhce B Duct Dimters:---Jl-(mut bt z 2) Mirimum Numh.r of Tmvere Points: ----Jf- Acto.l Nmb6 of Tr.ye^" Poirt, ----J]- Number of Reading! pe. Point,--l- Mcsurer (lniii.l snd D"t.), l6RlIii Reviewer (Iiitial and Drte): sPR 12115 UIKUULffi UUL I L(rcATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Nafrber oJ taeefie poinft on o diamaer I 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 l0 It l2 4 I !o lt t2 l4.6 E5.4 6.7 25.O 75.0 4.4 t4.6 29.6 70.4 85.4 es:6 3.2 r0.5 19.4 32.3 67.1 80.6 89.5 96.8 - 2.6 E.2 14.6 34.2 65.8 71.4 85.4 91.8 t _-o 2.1 6.7 1 r.8 17,7 25.0 35.6 61.4 75.0 E2.3 EE.2 93.3 97.9 *Percent ofstac* dianeterlrom insidewll to tovelse point. InvcBe Point '/" ol Dlrftt€r DLtme hom imide wrll ftom o$ide of I 3 4 5 6 7 t I !0 ll l2 4.4 14.6 29.6 70.4 85.4 95.6 4.03 13.36 27.08 64.42 78. l4 87:1 20 U2 29 7/8 43 9/16 E0 l5/16 94 58 I r-ua&tmaotrtu(&d.E@. Sbck Diagam A=60ft. B: 60 ft. Depth ofDuct = 9l.5 in. Crcs Sdioml Ara a o o a a o Uprtream Disturhance 2l of 65 plllffilrce TEUHNICAL GFIOUP Cyclonic tr'low Check Location Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source MSCC Project No. 2023-4280 Date l2ll5l23 Sample Point Angle (AP=O) 1 ) 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 Average J 22 of 65 nllffince T=CIINIUAL TtFlOUP Method 4 Data Location Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source MSCC Project No. 2023-4280 Parameter PI\,I/CPM Analysis Gravimetric Run I Date:t2/ts/23 lmpinger No.I ,3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H20 Silica Initial Mass, g 490.9 637.5 689.9 949.3 2767.6 Final Mass, g 553.6 641.1 687.7 963.8 2846.2 Gain 62.7 3.6 aa t4.5 78.6 Run 2 Date:12/15t23 Impinger No.I 2 3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H2o Silica Initial Mass, g 475.6 645.2 718.4 9r6.0 2755.2 Final Mass, g 541.7 657.8 118.',t 927.2 284s.4 Gain 66.1 12.6 0.3 tt.2 90.2 Run 3 Date:t2/15/23 Impinger No.I 2 3 4 Total Contents Empty Empty H20 Silica Initial Mass, g 491.8 640.0 687.7 963.8 2783.3 Final Mass, g 560.0 643.s 689.1 974.0 2866.6 Gain 68.2 3.5 1.4 t0.2 83.3 23 of 65 pllrffirrce TTCIINICAL GFlOU?lsokinetic Field Data Strrt Time: End Tim: t r.<t 1358 Source: MSCC Date: l2ll5l23 20234240 Parareter STACK I)A'l A {IilS-I }EQUIPMENT STACK DATA (EST)FII,TER NO.STACK DATA (FINAL)MOIST. DATA Moisturei 10.0 Yo est. Baroretric: 26.10 in. Hg Static Press: 0.07 in. wC Stack Press: 26.11 in. Hg CO2: I1l.O Yo O2t L5 Yo Ny'CO: 815 % Md: 30.78 lb/lb-mote Ms: 29.50 lb/lb-mole Meter Bor lD; M5-9Y'TlE- an 61in.wc;'llIIJ-- Probe ID: Pr709J Lber Material: glass Pitot ID: Pr709-l eitot cprtyp",ilii-fiffi xoor" ro,EuI6--]-iII- Nozle DD (in.): 0.380 Est. Tm: 50 Est. Ts: 499 'F Est. AP: 0.14 in. WC Est. Dn: 0.401 in. Tr.qet Rrte: 0.75 scfoi t697t-C 26.10 in. Hg 0.07 in. WC t.o % 17.4 %tGffiiai Pb: Pg: or: co2: 78.6 K.FACTOR 10.263 Final Corr l.r-AK CHECKI Pre Mid I Mld 2 Mid 3 Pdt Mid I (c0 Mld 2 (cf) Mid 3 (cf) L.ek Rrte (cf6): 0.001 - 0.001 vrcu.m (itr Hq): 16 - 5 Pitot Tube: Prss - Pass dtd-Poirt Lerk Chcck vol (cf): d.i6L Sample Tire (minutcs) Dry Gas Metei Reading (ftt) Pltot Tube AP (ln uC) Gas Temperatures (cF)Orifice I AII (in' \tl 'ress. c) PurDp Vac (io. Hg) Gas'l elrMraturcs ("1 % ISO Vs (rpO DCM Averase Stack Probe Filter ImErit CPM Besin End 5l 5l Ideal Actual 5l 5l 5l 5t A1 0.00 5.00 85.750 0ll 6t 500 r.15 .20 3 322 32t 48 66 100.7 26.59 2 5.00 10.00 88.875 0.12 65 496 1.27 30 3 324 320 50 67 102.7 27 1t 3 10.00 15.00 92.235 0.13 66 499 ]E .40 4 123 322 50 68 100.5 28_89 4 15.00 20.00 95.660 0. l4 69 500 49 50 4 323 t2t 50 68 !00-3 29.99 20 00 25.00 99.22s 0. t5 67 502 .59 60 4 1r,320 50 6S !01 0 3 r.08 6 25 00 30 00 02 920 0t4 67 502 .48 50 4 323 32t 54 68 tol 7 30.02 BI 10.00 35.00 06.51 ot 67 498 .38 .40 4 l,325 55 6'l t0 1.5 28.4-t 35.00 40.00 09.980 0.13 68 498 .38 1.40 4 ,21 325 55 66 100.5 28.87 3 40.00 45.00 3.420 0.15 68 499 60 60 4 122 326 56 66 101.0 31.03 4 45.00 50.00 7.110 0. t4 68 500 49 50 4 121 12'1 56 67 101.0 29.99 5 50.00 55.00 20.710 0. l4 68 500 49 50 4 322 324 67 100 8 29.99 6 55.00 60.00 24.285 0. t3 69 50t 18 40 4 321 320 5',l 69 102.0 28.92 Final DGM:7.776 rs Y:J ^H %tso Bws Y". 0.13 in. WC 24 of 65 pdllhrpe TTCIINICAL GFiCUP Isokinetic Field Data Big w$t Oil, LLC - North Salt Lrke, UT[rcation: Drte: Start Tire: 15:05 End Tim: 16:15 Source: MSCC Project No.: 20234280 PM/CPM STACK DATA (EST)EOUIPMENT STACK DATA (EST)FILTER NO.STACK DATA (trINAL)MOIST. DATA Moisture: 10.0 7o est. Baroretric 26.10 in. Hg Static Presr: 0.07 in. wC Stack Press: 26.11 in. Hg CO2: ll.0 oh Or: L5 Yo Nr/CO: 815 % Md: 30.78 lb/lb-mole Ms: 29.50 lb/lb-mole Meter Bor ID: M5-9v,Tlf3--an@(io.wq'iEi-- Probe ID: Pr709J Liner Material; glN Pitot ID: Pr709-1 rirot cprryp", ilii6-fEffi noor"m,EIJI6-]-iil Nozle Do (ln.): 0.380 Est. Tm: 67 Est. Ts: 500 Est. AP: 0.13 in. WC Est. Dn: 0399 in. Tarset Rate: 0.75 scftn 16824-C Pb: 26.10 in. Hg Pg: 0.07 in. WC O:: l.l % COz; l7.l % I Ch..I Pr Inlrl'l Ylc (ml) 90.2 K.FACTOR 10.60 Flml Corr "EAK CHf,CKI Pre Mid I Mid 2 Mid 3 Post Mid I (c0 Mid 2 (c0 Mid 3 (cfi Le.k Rrte (cfm): 0.001 - 0.00t Vrcuum (in llg): 15 - 6 Pttot Tub€i Pass - Pass ,ld-Poiot Lerk Check Vol (cf): a 6L Sanple Tire (minut6) Dry Gas Meter Reading (fc) Pitot Tube AP (h wc) Gas TemDeratures fF)Orilice Press. AH (in. wC) Pump Vac (i!. HC) Grs TemDerrtures ("I % ISO Vs (fps) DGM AYerase Strck Probe Filter Imp Exit CPM Amb. Besir End Ideal Actual AI 000 500 I 30 895 0 4 65 496 .49 .50 4 322 321 54 65 101.3 29.93 )5.00 10.00 t34.475 0 3 66 499 I t,t 140 4 124 326 55 65 98.3 28.89 3 10.00 r5.00 137.825 0 4 66 495 .49 .50 4 726 325 5 66 101_6 29.92 4 15.00 20.00 14r.425 0.3 68 498 .38 .40 4 325 326 56 66 ol I 28.87 20.00 25.00 144.88s o.t2 68 499 .28 .30 4 322 326 56 67 00.9 2',1.7 5 6 25 00 i0 00 4A 20()68 499 .28 .30 4 322 324 56 67 0r.0 21.7 5 BI 30.00 35.00 t51.520 68 500 t28 130 4 124 126 51 66 01.8 71 1a 35.00 40.00 154.865 0 3 68 50t 38 40 4 125 121 7 66 00_8 28.92 40.00 45.00 t58.310 0.J 68 500 ,8 .40 4 322 327 58 66 00 28.90 4 45.00 50.00 161.740 0 4 68 499 .49 .50 4 328 58 66 01.3 29.98 50 00 55 00 155 l15 0. l4 61 500 .48 .50 4 325 328 59 65 02.0 29.99 6 55.00 60.00 168.945 0.t2 68 500 .28 .30 4 326 324 60 65 008 2'1.77 Fio.l DGM: 172.255 oF,t q) H RunTlm Vm AP Tm rs H: ^H %rso Bws Y,. 60.0 mn 4r360 ft'0.13 in. WC 67.3 49E.E 4 1,400 io. WC 101.5 0.106 0.2 25 of 65 pul6nrce TTCIINICAL GHC}LIP Isokinetic Field Data Big W€st Oll, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT STACK DATA STACK DATA STACK DATA (FINAL) Meter Box ID: M5-9 AH @ (itr.wc): 1.843 Pitot ID: Pr709-l Pitot Cp/Typc: 0.840 Nozle Dn (in.): 0.380 Molsture: 10.0 Yo est. Baromtric: 26.10 in. Hg Static Press: 0.07 in. wC Stack Press: 26.1 t in. Hg CO2: t'1.0 oh O1t 1.5 Vo Ny'CO: 815 % Md: 30.78 lb/lb-mole Ms: 29-50 lb/lb-mole Pb: 26.04 in. Hg Pg: 0.07 in. WC Or: 1,2 % co,t---li-or" Est. Tm: 67 Est. Ts: 499 Est. AP: 0.13 in. WC Esa. Dn: 0.402 itr. Check Pt. Initial Final Corr. Mid t (cf) Mid 2 (cf) Mid 3 (cf) I Pre Mid I Mtd 2 Mld 3 Post Leak R.te (cfm): 0.001 - 0.001 Vrcuum (in Hg): 15 - 7 o a a4 Sanplc Tire (miDutes) Dry Gas Meter Rerding (fc) Pitot Tube AP (itr sC) Gas TemDeratwes (oF)Orifice Press. AH (io.WC) Plmp V.c (in. Ee) Grs TemDeratures (' %ISO Vs (fps) DGM AYerase Strck Probe Filaer ImD Erit CPM Amb. BesiD End Iderl Acturl AI 000 500 |t2.5t9 58 497 116 r40 4 \26 ,21 5l 68 101.6 28.86 2 5.00 10.00 176.000 0 4 60 499 47 1.50 4 325 126 5l 68 t 0l.6 29.98 10.00 15.00 179.550 0 5 6t 499 5'l 1.60 4 ,26 52 68 101.9 31.03 4 t5.00 20.00 I 83.240 0.3 62 500 .37 1.40 4 321 325 52 67 101.2 28.90 5 20.00 25.00 186.660 0.2 61 500 .26 1.30 4 ,21 ,2s 53 67 100.5 21.77 6 25 00 30 00 89 930 t3 l 502 t\7 l -40 4 126 326 55 67 100.7 28.93 BI 30.00 35.00 193.335 0 2 63 500 26 1.30 4 129 127 55 66 100.8 z',t.7',| 35.00 40.00 r96.615 0 2 63 501 26 r.30 4 ,28 ,26 56 66 t00 5 27.78 40.00 45.00 199.885 0.3 63 500 .37 1.40 4 128 122 56 66 100.3 28.90 4 45.00 50.00 203.280 0 3 61 499 .3'I r.40 4 325 32t 51 67 100.2 28.89 5 50.00 55.00 206.615 0.498 .58 1.60 4 ,23 12l 57 67 100.6 31.01 6 55.00 60.00 210.335 0 4 63 499 48 r.50 4 t22 323 58 66 101.0 29.98 Firrl DGM: 213.886 Ts Y"t AH o/.Iso Bws Y.. Vec 0.13 in. WC 26 of 65 pull6rrrce TEGHNICN L GROUP Emissions Calculations Location Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt t ake, UT Source MSCC Project No.2023-4280 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averase Date Start Time Stoo Time t2tr5t23 r2nst23 t2lt5l23 12:52 15:05 16:40 13:52 16:05 17:40 Calculated Data - Outlet Cz Concentration, Yo dry co, 1.00 L06 t.21 1.09 COz Concentration, % dry cco. 17.40 17.08 16.95 17.t4 27 of65 Al6rceTECHNIOAL GFIOI.IP Runl-RMData Itr dos Soficc: frojcct Nc: D.tG: North Sslt Or-Ord.t COz-(Mct '/.ilry 7.dt! Ummctcd CdGrr Prrt6t PGtt rt LtmgcT*rt PrGted ?ctt6t Avcn3cCd Concctcd R[ 1.32 t6.7E 10.96 t0.91 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.43 0.37 0.40 10.7t 10..1610.75 10.88 10.77 10.6? r.06 t.t4 t.l0 1.07 1.08 t.09 1.(r t.2l t20 t.2l 126 t.2E l.3r t.35 t.!7 1.30 t.34 t.48 t.4t 1.43 l-47 1.48 r-41 t.44 1.40 r.42 1.36 1.32 t.36 1.35 r.37 I-2E l.l9 l.3t 1.38 1.35 t.3E t.33 t./rc 1.37 1.44 t.33 1.39 1.39 t.29 1.35 t.42 t.25 l.tt 1.32 t.33 1.28 t.3l 1.32 129 1.33 t.37 1.40 r.39 1.38 t6.79 16.6t 16.57 16.49 16.50 16.5E 16.66 t6.u 16.73 16.84 16.80 16.7t t6.72 16.62 t6.62 16.64 16.56 16.4E 16.41 16.47 16.4E t6.44 16.56 16.60 16.@ t6.66 t6.7s 16.E7 t6.E6 t6.t9 t6.87 16.92 17.08 l6.m 16.90 16.90 16.87 t6.92 16.69 16.9t 16.86 16.92 16.88 16.83 16.93 16.87 l6.El 16.95 17.08 t6.v 16.93 16.98 16.9t 16.96 17.00 16.94 16.90 16.E6 I6.EE t6.tt 12:52 l2:53 12:54 12t55 12:56 12i57 l2:58 12:59 l3:00 l3:01 l!:o2 l3:03 13:04 l3:05 l3:06 l3:07 l3:0t l3:09 t3:10 l3:l I 13:12 l3:13 l3:14 l3:15 13:16 l3:l 7 l3:lt l3:19 l3:m 13:21 ll:22 ll:23 13:24 13t25 13t26 13:27 l3:2E l3:29 l3:30 l3:3 I ll:32 l3:33 l3:34 l3:35 l3:36 13:?7 l3:36 l3:39 l3:40 l3:41 13:42 l3:43 13:4 13:45 lr:46 13t47 l3:48 l3:49 l3:50 l3:51 28 of65 AIffirce TEGHN:CAL GFIOI,JP Run2-RMData Lo""tior: Source: MSCC ProJect No.: Tim Unit Strtus Or - Outlet CO: - Outlet "/odry o/"dry Valid Vatid Ru Avenge (C"h) Crl Grs CoDceDtration (CM^) Pretst System Z€ro Rqponsc Psttest SysteD Z€ro RespoN€ Average Z€ro Response (Co) Pretest Systcm Cd Responsc Posttest Systcm Csl RespoNe Average Crl Respoos€ (CM) Corected Run 1.35 t6;76 t0.96 10.91 0.37 0.43 0.31 0.37 0.34 0.40 10.75 10.88 10.78 10.82 10.77 10.85 t_05 17.08 1.39 t.4l 1.36 1.30 1.42 l.3l 1.28 l5:05 l5:06 l5:07 l5:08 15r09 t5: l0 l5:l I l5:12 l5:1 3 l 5:14 l5:1 5 l5: l6 1,5:17 l5;18 l 5:19 l5:20 l5:21 l5:22 l5:23 15,24 l5:25 15:26 15127 l5:28 15129 l5:30 l5:31 15i32 l5:33 l5:34 l5:35 l5:36 15t37 l5:38 l5:39 l5:40 l5;41 l5:42 l5:41 l5:44 l5:45 l5:46 l5:47 l5:48 l5:49 l5:50 l5:51 l5:52 l5:53 l5:54 I 5:55 l5:56 15157 l5:58 l5:59 l6:00 l6:01 l6:02 l6:03 l6:04 1.47 l.4l t.29 1.28 l.3l 1.34 l.2s 1.28 1.34 1.33 1.41 l.3 t l.l0 l.3l t.23 1.26 t.2t 1.20 t.34 1.32 1.34 1.33 1.28 t.34 t.32 t.23 t.2'7 1.28 l.3l l.4t 1.45 1.40 1.36 1.39 1.42 1.56 1.60 t.47 1.50 1.50 l.4l 1.30 1.40 r.42 t.24 16.13 16.73 t6.76 16.84 16.'t I 16.74 16.82 t6.76 t6.74 16.87 16.71 16.74 t6.79 t6.76 16.73 16.65 t6.66 16.80 t6.79 16.79 16.79 16.82 16.8 I 16.13 t6.76 16.73 t6.79 t6.79 16.79 16.89 t6.87 16.89 16.89 16.82 16.80 16;t9 16.80 16.81 16.'79 l6_80 16.88 16.81 16.83 16.81 t6.11 t6.6s t6.71 t6.74 t6.7t 16.68 t6.55 t6.53 t6.64 16.59 16.63 t6.71 16.85 t6.75 t6.73 16.90 35 35 22 37 32 30 l? l8 29 of 65 AI6rceTECHNI{:AL GNO[JP Run3-RMData ftrltiotr: Bis west Oil. LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source: MSCC Prcject No.: Dile: l2ll5l23 Tim Unlt St tus 0r - Outlet '/o dry CO, - Outlet o/o ntY Valid Uncorrected Rut Averrge (C.h) Crl Grr Conccnb.tiotr (CM^) Pret6t System Zero Response Pctt6t System Zcro RespoGe Averrge Zero Raspome (Co) Pretest Syst€m Cal R$poNe Porttest SystcE Cal R€spoGe Averege Crl Re+oDse (CM) Conccted Run l6:40 16t4l 16142 l6:43 16t44 l6:45 l6:46 l6:47 l6:48 l6:49 l6:50 l6:51 l6:52 l6:53 l6:54 l6:55 l6:56 l6:57 l6:58 16:59 l7:00 l7:01 17102 l7:03 t't:u 17:O5 l7:06 lTio'l l7:08 17:O9 l'7:10 l7:l I l7:12 l7:l 3 11:14 l7:1 5 l'ltl6 17:17 l7;18 l7:19 l7:20 17:21 17:22 11:23 17:24 l'l:25 l'l:26 l7:27 17128 17129 l'l:30 l7:31 l'I:32 l7:33 17i34 17:35 l7:36 17t37 l7:38 17139 l_50 16.64 10.96 o,3r 0.38 0.35 10.78 to;72 1o.75 t.44 1.33 1.48 1.45 1.38 1.48 l.5l 1.50 1.47 1.55 1.55 1.63 1.54 1.56 1.45 t.52 1.55 1.47 t.40 t.46 1.40 1.35 1.43 1.38 1.42 1.38 l.s0 1.50 l.4l 1.49 t.M 1.50 l.s3 1.52 l.5l t.4't 1.52 1.54 1.45 t.4l l.4l 1.44 1.43 1.43 1.49 1.43 1.41 L45 1.48 1.43 1.46 t.52 3.20 1.43 1.39 t.52 1.46 t.50 1.53 1.56 10.91 0.37 0.43 0.40 10.82 10.89 10.86 16.61 16.79 16.65 16.6'.1 t6.74 16.66 t6.64 16.61 16.61 16.5't t6.54 16.51 16.55 16.5E 16.68 t6.64 16.58 16.65 16.70 16.65 t6.70 16.76 16.70 16.72 16.65 16.73 16.63 t6.62 16.70 r6-61 16.64 16.63 16.58 16.60 16.65 16.71 16.62 r6.61 t6;tI t6.7t t6.75 16.72 t6.76 t6.75 16.68 16.72 t6.77 t6.76 16.70 t6.75 16.73 16.63 t4.94 16.12 16.75 16.70 16.75 15.72 16.68 16.65 30 of65 31 of65 Allionce Technicol Group, LLC Anolyticol Services 5530 Morsholl St. Arvodo, CO 80002 (720) 4s7-e504 www.ollioncetg.com Anolyticol Loborotory Report Big West Oil. LLC 333 W. Center Street North Solt Loke, UT 84054 Project No. AST-2023-4280 32 of 65 1 of21 Certificotion Stotemenl Allionce Source Testing, LLC (AST) hos completed the onolysis os described in this report. Results opply only to the source(s) tested ond operoting condition(s) for the specific test dote(s) ond iime(s) identified within this report. All results ore intended to be considered in their entirety. ond AST is not responsible for use of less thon the complete tesi report withoui written consent. This report sholl not be reproduced in full or in port without written opprovol from the customer. To the best of my knowledge ond obilities, oll informotion, focts ond iest doto ore conect. Doto presented in this report hos been checked for completeness ond is occurote, error-free ond legible. Any deviotions or problems ore detoiled in the relevont sections on the test report. This document wos prepored in portoble document formot (.pdf) ond contoins poges os identified in the bottom footer of this document. Volidotion Signoture The onolyticoldoto ond ollQC contoined within this report wos reviewed ond volidoted by the following individuol. James Davidson Jomes Dovidson Quolity Associote tlgitally 5ign6d by Jam$ Davidsn DN: C-US, CN=Jam D.fr $n, E+m.davldsdr@$ackE9.q R@: I il6d b h6 .@ary ad intogdty of lhis d@um6nt hton: Fur Bigning Mbn horc Oab: 2024.01.05 1142:23{A@' Fod PF Edilor V€rcM: 1 1 27 Dote 33 of65 2of21 Proiect Nonoiive Anolyticol Method(s): Method 58 - Determinotion of Nonsulfuric Acid Porticulote Emissions From Stotionory Sources Method 202-Dry lmpinger Method for Determining Condensoble Porticulote Motter Emissions From Stotionory Soufces Filteroble The filter(s) were either oven dried ond/or desiccoted per the method until o finol weight wos obtoined. The liquid froctions were extrocted if required, evoporoted ond cooled until o finol weight wos obtoined. These froctions were summed together to provide the totol Porticulote Moller collected. Condensoble The filter(s) were extrocted per the method. The orgonic exiroct wos odded to the orgonic rinse, ond lhe inorgonic extroct wos odded to the inorgonic rinse. The inorgonic froction wos extrocted with solvent per the method. Extrocls were combined with the orgonic rinse. The orgonic ond inorgonic froctions were evoporoted ond desiccoted until o finol weight wos obtoined. MDL The Minimum Detection Level (MDL) is 0.5 mg per froction. lf the meosured result for o froction is less thon lhe MDL, the MDL wos used in ensuing colculotions. Blonk Conection lf blonk conection is performed, only blonk volues returned higher thon lhe MDL ore used. lf o blonk returns o volue less lhon lhe MDL, no coneclion is included. Custody: The somples were received by Cory Monshock on 1212212023 in Arvodo, CO. The somples were received in good condition with proper Choin-of-Custody documentotion. No opporent conloiner problems were noted upon receipt. Prior lo onolysis, the somples were kept secure Wth occess limited to outhorized personnel of /sT. Number of Somples: 21 Lobeling: Acceploble Anolyst: Corson Williomson - Loborotory Anolyst I Ryon Gillett-Loborotory Anolyst ll Equipment: Mettler Toledo Bolonce ML-104, SN B217893065. This scole wos used for onolyticol determinotions of filters ond rinse vessels. Denver lnstruments Bolonce T9-6201, SN 17904189. This scole wos used to meosure the totol moss of rinse collected for blonk conection. Anolysis wos performed on the some bolonce os the ossocioted tore. Quincy Lob lnc oven, 30CG. SN G3-0.l2673. Lob Reogents: Acetone Lot Number:224521 Hexone Lot Number: 224540 QC Noles: The somples met the minimum criterio estoblished by the relevont melhod. A blonk conection wos opplied per the method. Reporting Notes: none 34 of65 3of21 ,J/ta Clty.Sidt€ TECiINICAL GBC]UP Prorect No Iio West Oil, LLC {orth Soll toke. UT 84054 \sr,2023-4280 iPA Melhod 5B Fronl Holl Rlter lob lD D39i 33 D39138 D39t 43 tleld lI M58/202-MSCC-Run I Cont. I M5B/202-MSCC-Run 2 Cont. I M5B/202-MSCC-RUn 3 Con1. l tllter ll 16971 -C 16424 -C 1E938 -C Filte.lce- (0.5092 0.47 l0 0.5126 Dsle . Over t2t2a t23 ta2at23 1A2At23 Tlme . Over 5..42 S:42 5:12 Dole. Derkcolo t2t2at23 12t28t23 12128123 flme - Detkcolo I l:45 I t-45 ll:n5 Dote ol lteighin(1t2/24 v3t24 1/2t21 | /2t24 | /2t21 v2/24 IIme oI Weighin!l4:01 8:41 7:56 140I 7-56 l4:0! Flter Welghl, I 0.5071 0.5073 0.4714 0.47! 5 0.5r05 0.5 104 Ff,ler PM Mo$, m'0.5 0.5 0.5 Eonl Hdl lin3€ Lqb lI D39r 34 D39139 D39l 44 Fleld lI M5B/202-MSCC-Run I Cont. 2 M58/202sSCC-Run 2 Conl. 2 M5B/202-MSCC-RUn 3Cont. 2 Beoker l[32624 32s9r 32629 Beker lore, !3.8679 3.9490 3.9033 Bdke. wllh Acelone, I 30.4 307 294 Acalone Mq!s, (265 26.8 25.5 tlole . Over 12128123 )2t28t23 12t28t23 nme . Ovet 5112 5t42 5142 Dole . Deiccolor t2t28t23 \2t28t23 't2128123 Tlme . Deilccolo I r45 l:45 I l:45 Dolc orw.lghlng 112/24 t 12/24 t/2t21 t/2124 I t2/24 1t3t21 nmc olwclghlh!8:00 1t 17 8:00 1 4t17 8.37 lryebhl, i 3.869t 3.8694 3.9506 3.9502 3.9038 3.9040 llEe l{c., mg'r.il ta 0.6 Blonk Cor,ecle(NO Iololnon-ruitudc Pil M@., mg I.t ll l.l 35 of65 4of21 AJ6fffi,ilj FAlhrrce civ, s Pro.lect lio west Oil, LLC {orth Soli Loke. uT 84054 ASr-2023-4280 :PA Method 202 Teflon Flllel Lob lI D39r35 D39 1 40 D39r 45 tleld lI M5B/202-MSCC-RUn I Ctrt. 3 M5B/202-MSCC-Run 2 Cont. 3 M58/202-MSCC-Run 3 Cont. 3 Orgonlc trocllon Lob It D39137 D39142 D39147 field lI M5B/202-MSCC-RUn I Cont. 5 M5B/202-MSCC-Run 2 Coni. 5 M5B/202-MSCC-Run 3 Cont. 5 B€oker lI 32637 32623 326t3 Beoker lqre, (3.9r s30 3.85t 40 3.87355 Beqker SolYent, e 127.7 I 32.1 t30.9 SolYent MGs, (t23.8 128_2 \27.O Dole - Dealccolo 12t28t23 12128/23 12/28/23 nme - Deslccolo 4:24 4:24 4:24 Dote ot weighin(12129123 | 12124 12t29t23 1/2124 t2129/23 112124 nme ol weighin!8:l 0 8:06 8:10 8;06 8:10 8:06 Weight, !3.9188 3.9189 3.8549 3.855r 3.4774 3.477 5 Orgonic PM Mois, mgr 3.5 3.6 3.9 lnorgonlc Frocllon Lob lt D39 r35 D39l4l D39146 Fleld lt MSB/202-MSCC-RUn I Cont, 4 M5B/202-MSCC-Run 2 Coni. 4 M58/202-MSCC-Run 3 Cont. 4 Beoker lI 31627 3t 60r 3t617 Beoker lore, (88.2100 45.6204 64.95/-9 Beoker Woier, g 256.6 271.2 241.9 Wdts Mo3s, e I 68.4 r 85.6 176.9 Dole - Dedccolor 12/28t23 12128t23 12128123 Ilme - Deslccolo 5:53 6:53 6:53 Date of Welghin€12t29t23 | 12124 12t29t23 1/2/24 12/29/23 1/2/24 IIme of Welghlne 8:59 7:5O 8:59 7lfi 8:59 7:50 Weight, g 8.2137 88.2r 36 85.625r 85.6250 64.9569 64.9570 lndgonlc Mosi, mg'3.7 4.7 2.1 Slonk Conectec Yes Iolol PM Mosr, m!5.2 6.3 4.O rAll frqctions were onolyzed ond returned volues greoter thon the MDL of 0.5 mg. 37 of65 6 ot21 City,Slote Project No. ]io West Oil. LLC .lorth Solt Loke. UT 84054 \sT-2023-4280 :PA Method 202 feflon titer Blonks HeH TEin Blonk Prool Blonk lob lt D391 5l tield lt M202-Ft Recovery Blonk Cont 3 Orgonlc Frocllon Blonk Beld Troin Blonk Proof Blonk Lob lt D39t 53 D39 I 50 Field ll M202-Ft Recovery Blonk Cont 5 M202-FI Proof Blonk Cont. 5 Beokd ll 32588 32600 Beoker lrore, !3.935,1 3.8127 Eeoker Solvenl, !137.0 170.7 Solvenl Mo3s, !133.1 t66.9 Dole - Desiccolo 12128/23 t2/28t23 Iime - Deslccolq 4:2A I l:45 Dote of Welghlnr 112124 I t3t24 1/2t24 112124 Iima ot Welghin(8:06 l0:30 8:02 I 4:57 Welght, (3.9383 3.9380 3.8r33 3.8129 Orgonic Mo!3, m9'2.O 0.5 lnorgonlc Fioclion Blonks FieH froin Blonk Prool Blonk tob lt D39152 D39 t49 field lt M202-FI Recovery Blonk Cont 4 M202-FT Proof Blonk Cont. 4 Beoks lt 31 636 31 635 Beoks lore, (65.2570 89.2969 Beoker Woter (228.7 207.3 Wqlor ft\oss, (163.4 I 18.0 Dqle - De3iccolo t2/28123 t2128/23 Ilme - Dellccolo 6:53 6:53 Dole ol Weighin{t t2t24 | 13t24 112/24 1/2t24 Ilme of Weighln(7:50 8;34 8:06 14:57 WelgM, {55-2569 65.2573 89.n70 89.2973 lnorgonlc Moss, mg'0.0 0.5 38 of65 7 of21 \o o o\ !!o !o o !o ouexDH/auola)v - aSuru lua^lo(! <) J v) a) qt4o Y { Ma6 (",1 (-0 n-ltl I$cl 'ldg ri *c -l oo,ol 60d oz llllc - l{)lPf alesuapuo I uoua L uur[8 - ]a]t!t ],ld_ oo ouolalv - asur8 S'Z 5 l^l( auotorv - asur[ 0L=nd > E ; auola)v - asuru 0[ < y\( /UenO uJlx/t/ Jd(lLljnN Jdlll auolelv asrJru olzzoN aqor( raqu,nN Ia8 lellt. a[olo)v asuru alzzof poc zueno uJtlr /F raqurnN rotll. I 9 auolJ)v dsuru alzzoN aqor( zllPnO ururt'8 - JaqurnN]au \) F€J I:t $ \ UNoJ clol a-,\I € \\zt \ ? N,It2 \\Jr)Nt U q o'; l=3 \n GJt $ c $\f u {-f ,t -f = o I U ri Ct q q. uP!c rozv c,(i U : r! (:,) e cl! Co g : cs oI F o cts a' o d ts oo (:c cc a:i 6 o ,q t otjz I ts EI T P oc E oti-o I E)F N ozti a .Ra6 .9 Jd Ee4'rsh .i1 c -{ .€D .9i60 -o^o; (^5 fi,UH "lrOo C5'(o$ -c>U I ri0 =( v o -{ ftil HI:l 5l g ; 3 qt E z q Callbraton Cerdficats ]D NAI 548-038-030823-ACC-U SL MettlerToledo, LLC 1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OH43240 1.8OO.METTLER Customer METTTER TOTEDO Accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) CALIBRATION CERT #1 788.01 ISO 17025 Accredited ANSUNCSL 2540-1 Accredited Accuracy Galibration Certificate Alliance Source Testinq 5530 Marshall St Company Addrcss: Clt1l: Zp / Pctal: Stale/ Prwinca: Weighing Device Arvada Contact:Eric Grosiean 80002-3108 Colorado Manufadir€n Modd: Serial No.: Buildlrg: Floor Room: Mettler Toledo MLl04/03 821 7893065 5520 Lab ,|120 g 0.0001 g lnstument Type: Asset Number: Terminal Model: Terminal Serial No.: Teminal Asset l,lo.: Weighing lnstrument N/A N/A N/A N/A Procedure Callbnation Guldellne: METTLER TOLEDO Work lnrhrcdon: ASTM E898.20 30260953 v1.61 This calibration certificate including procedures and unceflainty estimation also complies with EURAMET cg-18 v 4.0. This calibration cerlificate contains measurements for As Found and As Left calibrations. The sensitivity/span of the weighing instrument was adjusted before As Left calibration with a built-in weight. In accordance with EUMMET cg-18 (1112015), the test loads were selected to reflect the specific use of the weighing device or to accommodate specifi c calibration conditions. As Found Start: 21.1 'C End: 20.9 'C Start:21.0 % End:21.0% As Lefl Start:20.8'C End:20.7'C Start:21.0 % End:20.0 % Environmental conditions have been verified to ensure the accuracy of the calibration. This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by MLA, which is based on ISO/IEC 17025. AZLA has assessed the measurement capability of the laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards. As Found Celibratlon Dab: As L.eft Calibraffon DatE: lssue Dats: Requesbd No<t Calibnaflon Dab: 08-Mar-2023 Authol?ed A2tA Sbnatorf z,Zrc=-'_\08-Mar-2023 08-Mar-2023 Chris Carson 31-Mab2024 Software VeEion: Report Ve6ion: 2.16.32 Fom Number: AF1702Lrl.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reproduced without the writlen permission of Ele issuing €libralion laboratory. Page 1 of 5 9ot21 40 of 65 Calibration Certificato lD NA1 548-038-030823-ACC-U SL MffnER TOLEDO Service Measurement Results Repeatability TestLoad: lfi)g 1 00.0003 g 100.0001 g 2 1 00.0002 g 100.0000 g 3 1 00.0002 g 100.0000 g 4 100.0002 g 100.0000 g 5 100.0001 g 100.0001 g 6 100.0002 g 100.0000 g 7 100.0002 g 99.9999 g 8 100.0000 g 100.0001 g I 100.0003 g 100.0001 g 10 100.0002 g 't00.0002 g 0 As Found O es Left "', 2 Standard 0.qX[99 | 0.C0008gDovletbn Eccenticfi 6 Tho "d" in the graph rspr6s6nts the readability of the range/intsrual in which the test was performed, The results of this graph are based upon the absolute values of the differences from the mean value. Tost l-oad:50 g Maxlmum;il;; | 0.0001e | 0.0000s The "d" in the graph represents the readability of the range/interval in which the test was performed. As Found As bft Softwaro V66ion: 'l -23.1 70 Report Ve6ion: 2.16.32 Fom Number: AFI 702Lr1-0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reproduced wilhout ths written pemission of th6 issuing €libration laboratory. Page 2 of 5 1O of 21 4l of65 Calibraton CerUficab lD NA'1 548{38-030823-ACC-USL METTLER TOTEDO Service Enorof lndication As Found 1 N/A 0.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.,l8 mg 2 2 N/A 20.0000 g 20.0002 g 0.0002 g 0.22m9 2 3 20g 20.0000 g 20.0002 g 0.0002 g 0.22m9 2 4 40g 20.0000 s 20.000 s 0.0001 g 0.22m9 2 5 6og 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.0001 g 0.22 mg 2 6 80g 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.0001 g 0.22m9 2 7 N/A 60.0000 g 60.000 s 0.0001 s 0.35 mg 2 8 N/A 100.0000 g 100.0003 g 0.0003 g 0.49 mg 2 I NiA 1 19.9999 g 120.0002 s 0.0003 s 0.59 mg 2 As L6ft 1 N/A 0.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.18 mg 2 2 NiA 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.20 mg 2 3 20s 20.0000 s 20.0000 g 0.0000 s 0.20 mg 2 4 4og 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.20 mg 2 5 6og 20.0000 g 2O.0000 g 0.0000 g 0.20 mg 2 o 80g 20.0000 s 20.0000 g 0.0000 s 0.20 mg 2 7 N/A 60.0000 g 60.0000 g 0.0000 g O.24 mg 2 8 N/A 100.0000 g 100.0001 g 0.0001 g 0.27 mg 2 I N/A 1 19.9999 s 120.0001 g 0.0002 g 0.32 mg 2 * A.;;; a Asl.efr For improved legibility of the graphics only increasing measurement points are shown and measurement points close to zero are not displayed. I o 5 r------ - i i Calibration Points lgl The uncertainty stated is the expanded uncertainty at calibration obtained by multiplying the standard combined uncertainty by the coverage factor k - which can be larger than 2 according to ASTM E898 and EURAMET cg-18. The value of the measurand lies within the assigned range of values with a probability of approximately 95%. The user is responsible for maintaining environmental conditions and the settings of the weighing instrumenl when it was calibrated. 6 € E .o @ .9Eg o o lt "J I I oJ I I 120 Software VeEion: 1 23.1.70 Reporl Vffiion: 2.16.32 Fom Number AF1702Lrl.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original docum€il and may not be partially reproduced without the written permission of the issuing €libration laboratory. Page 3 of 5 11 of21 42 of 65 Callbration Certificab lD NA'l 548{38-030823-ACC-USL METTIER TOLEDO SeTViCe Test Equipment All weights used for metrological testing are haceable to national or international standards. The weights were calibrated and certified by an accredited calibration laboratory. WeightSet 1: OIML E2 Weight Set No.: Certificate Number: Remarks 421 Date of lssue: Calibration Due Date: 07-Dec-2022 220635345-1 31-Dec-2O23 Value of the built-in weight adjusted Performed a linearity adjustment End of Acsedibd Seclion The information below and any attachments to this calibration certificate are not part of the accredited calibration. Software Version: Report Ve6ion: 2.16.32 Fom Number AF1702111.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not b€ partially reprodu@d wilhoul the writlen pemission of the i$uing @libration laboratory. Page 4 of 5 12 of 21 43 of65 Calibraffon Gertficato lD NA1 548-038-030823-ACC-U SL MEITUR TOTEDO Service Measurement Uncertainty of the Weighing lnsturnent in Use Stated is the expanded uncertainty with k=2 in use. The fortnula shall be used for the estimation of the uncertainty under consideration of the errors of indication. The value R represents the nel load indication in the unit of measure of ihe device. Temperalure coefficient for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: Temperature range on site for the evaluation of the measuremenl uncertainty in use: Llneartsatbn of UncortalnU Equaflon 2.0.10-6/K To optimize the stability of the linearization, besides of the zero load only increasing measurement points with a test load of 5% of the measurement range or larger are taken for the calculation cf the linear equation. Absolub and Rehtivo Measuroment Uncertrinty in Use brVarlous Net lndloations (Examples) 4K ;e Gt g, .>g d 3 fo a rlC 8C 6l ;-a ?. 50 75 weighine R3ngr [%l As Found 00001 0001 As Lon 0.0120 g Sofrware V€Eion: Reporl Ve6ion: 2.16.32 Form Number: AF1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not b€ partially reprodu@d without the writien psmisslon ot the issuing €libration laboratory. Page 5 of 5 13 of 21 44 of 65 Attadrment to Callbratlon Cedfrcab: NA1 548438-030823-ACC-USL Manufacturer Tolerance Assessment METTTER TOTEDO Service Man ufactu rer Toleran@ Assessment Assessment done without considering measurement uncertainty. The measurements from the attached calibration certificate were assessed against METTLER TOLEDO tolerances defined in SOP "l'est and Measurement Procedures for METTLER TOLEDO balances, Document: 10000018502. A.s Leftn ./ { { ./ Measurement Results Repeatability As Found ,/ { { n N/A Overall Repeatability Eccentricity Linearity Sensitivity TestLoad:lfi)g 1 1 00.0003 s 00.0001 s 2 100.0002 g 00.0000 g 3 100.0002 g 00.0000 g 4 100.0002 g 00.0000 s 5 100.0001 g 00.0001 g 6 1 00.0002 g 00.0000 g 7 100.0002 g 99.9999 g 8 '100.0000 g '100.0001 g I 100.0003 g 100.0001 g 't0 100.0002 g 100.0002 s Standad Dordatbn 0.00ms 0 0.flX)08 O Toleranc€0.000109 {0.m0t0g { Software Vereion: 123.1 .70 Report Version: 2.16.32 Fom Number AFI 702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reprodu@d without tho written pemission of the issuing @libration laboratory. Page 1 of 2 14 of 21 45 of65 Athcimont b Callbratlon Certfi ceb: NAI 548-038430823-ACC-USL Manufacturer Tolerance Assessment METTTER TOTEDO Service Eccentricity Test toad: 50 g iladmum Devldon 0.0001 g 0.000 g Tolorance 0.fiD30s I o.m080s ! The maximum deviation is determined as the absolute value of the largest deviation from the center. Linearity - Difrerential Msthod As Found z N/A 20.0000 g 20.0002 g 0.00006 s 3 2os 20.0000 g 20.0002 g 0.00012 g 4 4og 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.0O008 g 5 6og 20.0000 g 20.0001 g 0.00004 g 6 8os 20.0000 s 20.0001 g 0.00000 g 8 N/A 1 00.0000 g 100.0003 g N/A The As Found Sensitivity Tolerance is only valid if the device has been adjusted before the tesl AsLd -inoarity Dcviation 0.0fiX2 g -lnearlty Tolerance 0.0002s { -lnoadtv Dovhflon 0.00000 o -ln6adty Toloranc6 0.ilt02g { The values in column "Deviation" and the "Linearity Devia$on" * This point was used to satisry the sensitivily requirement. iensitivity Doviation 0.0003 s lensitlvllv Toleranco N/A iensltlvlty Devlatlon 0.{D0l g lensltivity Tolorance 0.o(x)8 g { are zero point offset and sensitivity error compensated, 2 N/A 20.0000 s 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 3 2os 20.0000 s 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 4 4og 20.0000 g 20.0000 s 0.00000 g 5 6og 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.00000 g 6 8os 20.0000 g 20.0000 g 0.00000 g N/A 100.0000 g 100.0001 s N/A Software Ve6ion: '123.'l .70 Report V€rsion: 2,16.32 Fom Numben AF1702111,0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original documeri and may not be partially reproduced without th€ written permissim of the issuing €libraiion laboratdy. Page 2 ol 2 15 ot 21 46 of 65 Callbmtion Ceilificats lD NA1 548-039{30823-ACC-U SL M€[flerToledo, LLC 1900 Polaris Parkway Columbus, OH 43240 1.8OO.METTLER Customer trEe'iE'iit6l METTTER TOLEDO Accredited by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) CALIBRATION CERT #1788.01 ISO 17025 Accredited ANSYNCSL 2540-1 Accredited Accu racy Galibration Gertificate Alliance Source Testing 5530 Marshall St Company Addmss: Clt),: Zp / Postal: S:iaia / Prwlnca: Weighing Device Arvada Conteci:Eric Grosiean 80002-3108 Colorado TB-6201 1 79041 89 5520 Lab 1 6200 g 0.1 g Procedure ilhnufrctrer Model: Serial No.: Buildlrp: Floor Room: Denver lnsEument Type: Asset NumboE Teminal Model: Termlnal Serbl No.: TemlnalAsset l,lo.: Weiqhino lnstrument N/A N/A N/A N/A Callbration GuHeline: METILER TOLEDO Work lnsfrtrcfl on: ASTM E898 - 20 30260953 v1.61 This calibration certificate including procedures and uncertainty estimation also complies with EURAMET cA18 v 4.0. This calibration certificate contains measurements for As Found and As Left calibrations. The sensitivity/span of the weighing instrument was adjusted before As Left calibration with a built-in weight. ln accordance with EUMMET cg-18 (1112015), the test loads were selected to reflect the specific use of the weighing device or to accommodate specific calibration conditions. As Found Start: 20.8'C End: 20.5 "C Start: 20.0 % End:21.O o/" As Left Start: 20.1 'C End:20.'l 'C Start: 20.9 % End:.21.0 o/o This certificate is issued in accordance with the conditions of accreditation granted by MLA, which is based on ISO/IEC 17025. A2IA has assessed the measurement capability of the laboratory and its traceability to recognized national standards. Environmental conditions have been verified to ensure the accuracy of the calibration. As Found Calibratlon Dab: As l-eft Callbralion Dato: lssue Hs: 08-Mar-2023 08-Mar-2023 O8-Mar-2023 R€quesbd Nexl Callbraton Dab: 31-Mat-2O24 Autroltssd A2l.A Signabry d?za----\ Chris Carson Sofrware Ve6ion: Report Vffiim: 2.'l 6.32 Fom Number: AF1702111.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reproduced without the written pemission of tle issuing €libration laboratory. Page 1 of4 16 of 21 47 of65 Calibraton Cerdfrcato lD NA1 548439430823-ACC-U SL METTLER TOTEDO SerVice Measurement Results Repeatability Test [oad: 2flD g 0 As FoundI as Left Standard o.ms I o.(x)s Derriation 4 The 'd" in the graph rsprsssnts th€ readability of the range/inlsrual in which the test was perfomed. The results of this graph are based upon the absolute values of the differences from the mean value. Eccentricity Teet l-od:2000 g i/h)dmumir"rr;#; I o'rs I o'1s The "d" in the graph represents the readability of the range/interval in which the tsst was performed. Enorof lndlcation As Found As L'oft As Found 1 o.o g o.o g o.o g 0.06 g 2 2 1000.0 s 999.9 g -0.1 g 0.09 g 2 3 3000.0 s 2999.9 g -0.1 g 0.12 g I 4 4000.0 g 3999.8 g -0.2g 0.14 g 2 5 6000.0 g 5999.8 g -0.2 g 0.19 g 2 48 of65 Sofrware VoEion: Repod VeBion: 2.16.32 Form Number: AF'1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be pa.tially reprodu@d withoul the writlen pemission ot the issuing €libration laboratory. Page 2 of 4 17 of 21 Callbra0on Certiflcate ID NA1 548-039-030823-ACC-U SL MffTLER TOLEDO Service As LEft 1 o.o s o.o s o.o g 0.06 g 2 2 1000.0 g 1000.0 g o.o g 0.09 g 2 3 3000.0 g 3000.0 g o.o s O.12 g 2 4 4000.0 s 4000.0 g o.o g 0.14 g 2 5 6000.0 g 6000.1 g 0.1 s 0.19 s 2 06 3 ffi;;JI i i 04-i : i -^^!I uta c:o. o:-9,E O;g-:lol ol fi -0 2-i ! ! I -0.4 + I ! I I O asun For improved legibility of the graphics only increasing measurement points are shown and measurement points close to zero are not displayed. 1 000 3000 4000 Calibretlon Polnts [gl The uncertainty stated is the expanded uncertainty at calibration obtained by multiplying the standard combined uncertainty by the coverage factor k - which can be larger than 2 according to ASTM E898 and EURAMET cg-18. The value of the measurand lies within the assigned range of values with a probability of approximately g5%. The user is responsible for maintaining environmental conditions and the settings of the weighing instrument when it was calibrated. Test Equipment All weights used for metrological testing are traceable to national or international standards. The weights were calibrated and certified by an accredited calibration laboratory. ,06 We[ht Set 1: OIML Fl Weight Set No.: Certificate Number: Remarks 685 Date of lssue: Calibration Due Date: 12-Jan-2023 2206/2893-1 31-Jan-2025 N/A End of Accrodibd Sedion The information below and any attachments to this calibration certiflcate are not part of the accredited calibration. Software VeBion: Reporl VeEion: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number: AF1702Lr1.0 @ METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reproduced without the written permission of the i$uing €libration laboratory. Page 3 of 4 '18 of 21 49 of 65 Calibration Corfificata lD NAl s48{39{30823-ACC-USL METTTER TOTEDO Service Measurement Unoertaintyof theWeighing lnstrumilt in Use Stated is the expanded uncertainty with k=2 in use. The formula shall be used for the estimation of the uncertainty under consideration of the errors of indication. The value R represents the net load indication in the unit of measure of the device, Temperature coefflcient for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: Temperature range on site for the evaluation of the measurement uncertainty in use: LlneartsaUon of UncerhlnV Equaffon 6.0.10-6/K To optimize the stability of the linearization, besides of the zero load only increasing measurement points with a test load of 5% of the measurement range or larger are taken for the calculation of the linear equation. Absoluta and Relatine MeaflJmmont Unoertalnty ln Use brvalous Net lndications (Examples) 6K ;e '-; E ilE cf .- 6 /2a Eo tr 5 6 50 75 Woighlng Rangc [%l As Found 01 Askn Reading [g] Sofrware Vecion: Report VeEion: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number AF1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original document and may not be partially reproduced without the writlen permissi@ of the i$uing €libration laboratory. Page 4 of 4 19 of 21 50 of65 Attaciment to Callbrafl on Certfi cab: NA1 s48{39{30823-ACC-USL Custom Tolerance Assessment METTTER TOLEDO Service Custom Tolerance Assessment Assessment done without considering measurement uncertainty. One or more of the measurements from the attached calibration certificate were assessed against customer-defined tolerances. Overall Repeatability Eccentricity Error of lndication Measurement Resulb Repeatabllity As Found { { { { As Left { I I ./ Test Load:2m0 g Standard o6\rldon o.ms 0.00 g To16lance 0.10 g ,/0.109 I Eccenticity Teet Load:20ff g Madmum De\rladon 0.1 g o.l g Tolelance 0.3 g ,l 0.3 g Software Version: 1 23.'1.70 Report Version: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number: AF1702lrl.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original docum€nt and may not be partially reproduced without the writlen permission of th€ issuing €libration laboratory. Page 'l of 2 20 of 21 5l of65 Attadrment b Callbratlon Cerufcato: NA1 548439{30823-ACC-USL Custom Tolerance Assessment METTLER TOTEDO Service Enor of lndication As Found As L6ft Software Vercion: 1 23.'t.70 Report Version: 2.1 6.32 Fom Number AF1702Lr1.0 O METTLER TOLEDO This is an original documer* and may not be partially reproduced without the written permission of the i$uing @libration laboratory. Page2ot 2 21 of 21 52 of 65 53 of65 At6rceTECHNICAL GFO QA Data UP Locetion!!g!!95 Source MSCC Prolectno.76EZE - North Salt Parameter O, - Outlet (lO" - (lnlle-f Make Model S/N Onereiins Rrnse Servomex 1400 r4204 25 Servomex tu0 t4t5c-2 25 Cylinder D 7*ro Low Mid Hish NA NA cc737000 cc721597 NA NA cc737000 cc721597 Cylinder Certifed Values 7*ro Low Mid Hish NA NA 10.96 24 NA NA 10.91 23.7 Cylinder Expiration Date Zso Low Mid Hlsh NA NA 9n3/31 8n6t28 NA NA 9n3t3t 8tr6t28 Iype of Sample Line Heated Samp Line of65 alI6rrce TECHNICAL CROUP Calibration Data Location: Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT Source: MSCC Project No.: 20234280 Date: l2ll5123 Parameter O, -Outlet COz - Outlet Expected Average Concentration 5.00 17.00 Span Between Low High Desired Snan 5.00 2s.00 24.00 17.00 85.00 23.70 Low Range Gas Low High NA NA NA NA Mid Range Gas Low Hish 9.60 14.40 9.48 14.22 High Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA Actual Concentration (7o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA 10.96 24.00 0.00 NA 10.91 23.70 Response Time (seconds)30.00 30.00 Upscale Calibration Gas (Cnr")Mid Mid Instrument Response (% or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.13 NA 10.95 23.96 0.09 NA 10.84 23.60 Performance (7o of Span or Cal. Gas Conc.) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.54 NA 0.04 0.17 0.38 NA 0.30 0.42 Zero Low Mid Hish PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS 55 of 65 pllrffiircB TECHNICAL GH(:UP BiaslDrift Determinations Location: Bie West Oil. LLC - North Salt Lake. UT Source: MSCC Project No.: 2023-4280 Parameter Or - Outlet COz - Outlel Run 1 Date l2ll5l23 Span Value Initial Instrument Zero Cal Response Initial Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 24.00 0.13 10.95 0.31 0.37 10.78 10.75 23.70 0.09 10.84 0.37 0.43 t0.46 10.88 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posftest Soan 1.00 1.00 -0.71 -0.83 1.18 t.43 -1.60 0.17 Drift (%) Zero Mid 0.00 -0.12 0.2s 1.77 Run 2 Date l2ll5l23 Span Value lnstrument Zero Cal Response lnstrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 24.00 0.l3 10.95 0.37 0.31 10.75 10.78 23.70 0.09 10.84 0.43 0.37 10.88 10.82 Bias (%) ?retest Zero ?osftest Zero lretest Span )osttest Snan 1.00 0.75 -0.83 -0.71 t.43 l.l8 0.t7 -0.08 )rift (%) Lero vfid -0.25 0.t2 -0.25 -0.25 Run 3 Date l2ll5D3 ipan Value :nstrument Zero Cal Response :nstrument Upscale Cal Response lretest System Zero Response ?osttest System Zero Response lretest System Upscale Response losttest System Upscale Response 24.00 0. t3 10.95 0.31 0.38 10.78 r0.72 23.70 0.09 10.84 0.37 0.43 10.82 10.89 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Snan 0.75 t.04 -0.71 -0.96 l.l8 1.43 -0.08 0.21 Drift(%) Zero Mid 0.29 -0.25 0.25 0.30 56 of65 PJIJTquh{ondl&g Accreditation #62754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 7'l'107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lD # G12020 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Customer PO. NO.: Customer: )ct2't59t 2790t 9OO PSIG JC t21591.2020I.J41IJ4 Certification Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certification Dates: tBt18t2020 )8t16t2028 - shreveoon - LA )c721597 .20200810 )98499520 This calibration standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability Protocol, Document EPA{00/R-121531, procedure G1. SMART.CERT Goncentration Uncertainty Analytical Principle Assayed On *0.18 Yo r0.12Yo Reference Standard(s) E80041474.20180504 E80089906.20190405 EB0097897.20171 01 I 071001 2659a c1 30941 0.01 1 162980025 08t0312020 I 162980025 07t23t2020 This is to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verifled to meet the deflned specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnlernational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall nol be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas Seruices. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. / \ ,,.1Y* D"al"? Jasmine Godfr€y Analytical Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J. Revised on 2018-09-17 57 of65 /# -,-#*il** Accreditation #62754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-5s1 -81 s0 PGVP Vendor lO # G12023 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Customer PO. NO.: Customer: ic737000 t253t',l IgUU PSIG )c737000.202308224 Certification Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certifi cation Dates: )9t15t2U23 )911312031 - Shreveport - LA 4c73700020230822 10389'1048 calibration standard has been certified per the May -12t531, G1. SMART.CERT Concentration Uncertainty Analytical Principle Assayed On 10.91% 10.96 % cc737012 E80004315 cc737012 2023022A E8000431 5.20201022 Analytical lnstrumentation co2 02 FTIR MKS Thermo MKS 2O3,1DJG2EKVS1 3T o1714U67 08129t2023 1 162980025 09/14t2023410i This is to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable thrcugh National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall nol be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas SeNices. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. Jasmine Godfrey Analytical Ghemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J. Revised on 20'1849-17 58 of 65 lllt6r1EeTECHNICAL AROUP Location: Source: Project No.: Bis West Oil, LLC - North Salt Lake, UT 2023-4280 Drte: 12/1512023 Traverse Point Time o2 (o/n\ Coz (Vol A-l 2 J I l:39 1l:40 I l:41 t.t4 1.10 l.l5 l.l 16.47 16.5s 16.54 16.5Averase Criteria Met Sinsle Point Sinsle Point 59 of65 nll6re TECHNIOAL CROUP Response Times Locatlon: Bis West Oil. LLC -North Salt Source: ProfectNo.: 20234280 Zeto Low Mtd put6urce TECHN]CAL GROUP Locrtlon Big West Oil, LLC - North Salt L.ke, UT QA/QC Data Source MSCC Project No. 20234280 Parameter PM/CPM Date Nozzle ID Nozzle lriameter (in.) #l #2 #3 l)tr (AYerase) Difference Criterle Materirl t2/15/23 GL-380 0.380 0.380 0.380 0.380 0 000 < 0.004 in.glass Date Pitot ID Evidence of drmape? Uvidence OI mis-allgnment? C.librrtion or Penolr ranillrad, 12il5t23 Pr709-l no no no Drte Probe or Reference IDdicated Difference Criteria Probe Length t2/ts/23 Pr709-l 250.0 250.0 0.0%+ 1.5 % (absolute)9', Field Balance Check Date 12fi5t23 Balatrce ID MLO58 SCAI,N Certified Weight ID:slc-r KG-r Certified Weight (g):t000.0 Measued Weight (g):999.9 Weight Difference (g):0_t Date Pressure llvidence of dameoe?Reading Verified ualrDrauotr or Weather Station Locrtion t2/15/23 Weather Station NA NA NA Salt Lake City, UT I)rt€Mcter Box lD Positive Pressure Leak Check 12115/23 M5-9 Pass Reagent Lotil lield Prep oerfomed Field Lot Daie By ACETONE 216543 No HEXANE 2rlo34 No DI WATER 231106 No Postt6t Purse Run I Run 2 Run 3 Flow Ratc (lom): 14 Flow Rate (lom): l4 Flow Rate alnm): Clock Time Tc Clock Time Temnemrrre Cl6.k Time TemneDhtre 14:20 l4;35 l4:50 l5:05 I 5:20 70.0 70.0 71.0 7L.O 7l 0 6:30 6145 '7:00 7tl5 7:30 o6 68,0 69.0 69.0 70.0 t7:55 l 8:10 I 8:25 l8:40 l8:55 71.0 71.0 '7 t.0 70.0 10.0 6l of65 DGM Calibration-Orifices Document lt 620 004 Revisior 230 Effective Dat(1/25/23 lssuinq Department Ie.h Setui.es Pag(lofl Equipment Detail - Dry Gas Meter Console lD: M5-9 t\.4eter S/N: 20035541 Critical Orifice S/N: 1330 Calibration Detail n,tial Barometric Pressure, in. Hg (Pb) :inal Barometric Pressure, rn. Hg (Pb, \veraqe Barometric Pressure, in. Hq (Pb) 25.84 25 81 25.83 Critifcal Orifice lD (Y) K' Factor, ft3.R'/2 / in. wc min (K') Vacuum Pressure, in. Hg (V, lnitial DGM Volume, ftr (vm ) Final DGM Volume, ft3 (Vmr) Iotal DGM Volume, ftr Um) 1330-31 0.8429 13.0 60.233 71.254 11.021 1330-3 1 1330-25 0.6728 150 90.179 98 9ss 8.776 1330-25 1330-19 0.5186 16.0 121.102 128.055 6 953 '1330r9 0.8429 0 613 0.519 130 72.479 83 508 11.029 150 1'11 485 120.285 8.800 160 128.055 134.893 6.838 \mbient Temperature, 'F (Ta) nitial DGM Temperature, 'F 0mJ :inal DGM Temperature,'F (TmF) \veraqe DGM Temperature,'F ( Tm) 71 68 68 68 t1 6B 69 69 72 70 71 71 72 71 71 71 73 71 72 72 71 72 73 73 Elapsed Time (O) Meter Orifice Pressure, in. WC (AH) Standard Meter volume, fti (Vmstd) Standard Critical orifice Volume, ft3 (Vcr) lveter Correction Factor (Y) Toler ance Orifice Calibration Value (AH @) Tole'arce Orifice Cal Check 10 00 3.40 9 6065 9.M92 0 984 0 002 1 867 0.025 10 00 3.40 9.6044 9.4492 0 984 0 001 1 865 0.023 10 00 2.10 7.5857 7.5352 0 993 0 008 1.798 0.044 10 00 2.10 7.5992 7.5352 0.992 0.006 1.797 0 046 10.00 1.30 s 98s0 5.8028 0.970 0.016 1 869 0.027 10.00 130 5 8750 5.8137 0 990 0.004 1 859 0 016 0.88 1.32 1.30 vleter Correction Factor m 0.98s frifice Calibration Value ( H @)1.U3 )ositive Pressure Leak Check Yes Eouipment Detail - Thermocouple Sensor Reference Calibrator Make: OMEGA Reference Calibrator Model: CL23A Reference Calibrator S/N. T-197207 Calibration Detail Reterence Temp Displav Temp Accuracy Difference i oR oF oR o/o I 0 68 100 460 528 560 2 68 100 462 s28 560 -0.4 00 0.0 2 0 0 223 248 273 683 708 733 225 250 275 68s 710 735 -0.3 -03 -0.3 2 2 2 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 760 860 960 1,060 1,160 1,260 1,360 1,460 1,560 1,660 302 401 s00 601 703 803 903 1,004 1,103 1,203 762 861 960 1,061 1,163 1,263 1,363 1,4U 1,563 1,663 -03 -0.1 00 -0.1 -0.3 -02 -03 -0.2 -02 2 1 0 1 3 3 3 4 3 3 Personnel Stacey Cunninqham 62 of 65 Calibration By: Calibration Date: Reviewed By. RYAN LYONS 10/30/2023 63 of65 'jxoo*ExoctoY + No* + NoUI + N\o(, --6.E6(,a9 .EFsE8$t*g?EEEE6. FEE'E+9IFF.AXE4IU*;;Fa:9BtA,60dof,toooEr[[il!ado?zYrU)ZG coEE c a, E = E o =6 !o3 o =aioc -g JoG os G ! .8 o =oiucg -i.,E E Ug o3 a4x3o E,.lt G.c Eg ioa^ o.!!sECASSEHHclrtov o 5ci E>.85E<or:EO 6 Eo9HEABCE': Ji o .. uSEEEs(!coTEE{o906sE=96r: a.: -=(JE1EU\ri!^oHE:; EOO.=€ UE {EOilrlll€HH E E?ono€EP8arioo-9*o:;iEEEETE 'idE€8._sg;,oEc;.tDoEEE:EEEOlE>trS;!l-nllfeL6OUdcrd* : oG 3E.F =vot Eg =8E6 aa2 65 of65 I 1 I i ll I Att{chment 2 All Acid Gas Flaring Incidents, Tail Gas Incidents anQ Hydrocarbon Flaring Incidents that BWO was required to prepere under 162.b, 64, 68 and 70 duing the previotir s*-month peiod are included in this Semi-Annual Repon. : The following information is included in this attachm*rt: o Acid Gas/Tail Gas Flarine Incidsnts i o Not uppli*bl" fo, *o*t r"portin{ neriod. o Not applicable for current r€portin{l period. u.s. v. Big west ol LLc, ce l:13{v{n12l-Bc1vs C@t MS@i-Amud ProgEs Report July l, 2o23Jrbrcug[ DErmbd 31, 2023 Attachment3 Attachments Related to BWON Reportins of Part V (Affirmative Relief/Xnvironmental Proiects) Attachments related BWON sampling and laboratory audits. The following information is included in this attachment: o BWON Ouarterly EOL Sampling Data and EOL Determination - fl84.a.(3) o 3'd Quarter 2023 o 4'h Quarter 2023 r BWON Periodic Sampling<l0MG - fl84.a.(2) o BWON annual POG sampling results, non-EOL sampling pursuant to fl80.b o BWON Laboratorv Audit Reports - tl86.a. & 186.b.o Not applicable for current reporting period. U.S. v. Big Wd Oil LLC, Ce l:13{v{Ol2l-BCWS CoBent Dffie Sefri-Aonual Progresr Report July l, 2023, through Drcember 31. 2023 @ eE EEg .;gd q iP^ EHg I ss= o o- o)5;Nri =?o: q r N r?i Oo:'a! oo @. .iot c6:EE;gsE 6!o6 -i6EoE acGct:; EEEo=oI u) co€ i6EE;! o!EO< I ?.96c SE cc ocoa a: cco=E! "g ,. sauc q: u d I C 6l s l.\ ;I E dl g l"lE st8-t I lo' tc I eI d .sl>l : -1:l EI rl S 9l rl q vl 8 rRl ti =l 8-l o- li I RI : \t e :l I rs n'l a 'd pr d it -9 Qt ..E OJ Y dl I xbor Ej3 axl - r 3sa IIEE ll=Ei I-IEEE l=lsii lliiill il? II;EEH l-l iE; fll $:S PI I Eqo EI I ?;5 0 []g Et^t :lEll slHl €tHt rll Rll sl_l E ! 4 9 o c co c c 6 d E o E ! & dd 0 dc> i:E lari /,= d6l!J&nq.= \.s cn Jo @ otoadt rn ai g !oF bEEiad i=_ {E d 'EsS c iiH= iEg= co o- 6= ,7o;c ts c 6a-ec! EPEoc Eo6 4 N N ., o!oz i 9::c il3E!o!()t t \ 6tgE:t:;!o:dEIo:oj |: co€.aTE€gEi E !) bl b!alc OCod ci ,cc6 Fd ABu6 J*3 'l 3l.! ;I E dt g It9 gE -t I lo' ld t I ,r+ .stEI : sl I o'l _it . trlE :l=(l E tsl tl E IEls >l I ld lo-t* dl '.a 6il +:t 4 EI : : 8l s d Rl E ,d =l c sl E ;.!or '9 6l I or Eii I a s -1 o PN 6o9a6 46g!9c,:F:E!o o E r otofds a rii o ! GF I ts ,9 o 6 e o o o E .9 o o o E o { 0 E> -d :7 .l Eri <E <s\b0 m JoU orGfc,3 ri rii d o ! GF Big West Oil LLC, North Salt Lake, Utah Consent Decree BWON Program Point-Of-Generation Sampling Analytical Data Sample D e sc ri pti o n/S am ol e Locati o n/ P h ase Collected Sampling Frequency = Annual 121412o2314:40 121.0 oil lM4oil N/A Water N/A Welef .p!rp!ica!e Water rN/A 23H-1 527 -07 DeiatterOAl Zzg-eO-1ll2310269-01 DesalterEFFLUENT-09052023 i2310269 -92 I pesalterE FFLUENLqe0_5 ?94-fr Annual POG - Desalter @-aOfl Etfluent laiil7t2o23lot t lslutrg4l 9151202315:02 101512023 8:45 5.10 101512023 8:45 111712023 9:06+- 111712023 9:06 lztatzozso.z+ ltutorzozss.4a,-# - 11t1gl2o2g 14'.37 2,1gO.O _ lve N/A 23J04s7q1 I QegqlerElllullf-1 00523 23J0457 -02 DesalterEFFLUENT-1 00523-BD 23K0493-01 Oes'atter-f f f LUENT-Aq-1 10723 E9{q499-0? DesalterEFFLUENT-Aq-1 1 0723-BD !QLrQ41 8-01 DesalterE!ruU!nr-t!ql!!QQz3 BWON POG - Crude Tank 43/44 Water Draw 23K0954-01 Tank44Crude-AQ-1 1 1 023 23K1243-01 Tank43Crude-AQ-1 1 1 323 BWON POG - Crude Tank 43/44 Water Draw lzsxobs+-o2 ranr++crudeoil-1 1 1 023 23K1 243-02 I sf'rqqcfgqg-o!!1 1 1 ezs .mgL_11t1)l2o23si48 18 - 11113/202314:37 25.4 5.58 5.46 oit .N/A oit N/A mg/L 1.52 oil lDuplicate N/A Attachment4 Attachments Related to LDAR Reportins of Part IX (Reportine and Record Keeping) Attachments related to LDAR audits and commercial unavailability exception and ongoing assessment of availability summary. The following information is included in this attachment: o LDAR CD Audit Report Summary & Corrective Actions - t[93. o Not applicable for current reporting period. o Commercial Unavailability Exception and Oneoine Assessment of Availability Surnmary - tll0l.d. & 1ll0l.e. o Not applicable for current reporting period. U.S. v. Big W6t Oil LLC, Case l: l3{{0121-BCWS CoNnt DEre Scmi-Annual Prcgros Rsport July 1,2023, through Dsmber 31, 2023 Attachments related to exceedances of an emission downtime mare than 5oz5 of bnl fime per quarter. more than lok of toal time per qwrrter and exceedances of - 3rd Quarter 2023o W. Flare II2S 162 ppm 3-th Refmery Fuel Gas H2S - 3td Quarter 2023 W. Flare H2S Downtime - 3rd 2023 S. Flare H2S Downtime - 3rd 2V23 U.S. v. Big LI.c, Clr I : 13{.0012 I .BCWS C0.6t Sfin N.lPolrfrRapqt lhu4bDmb63l,@3tuly I, Excess Emissions Summary Reporting Period: 3rd Quarter 2023 Source: West Flare Pollutant: H2S Limit 162 ppmv H2S on 3-hour rolling average Start Date:Start Time:Magnitude:Event Category:Description of Event 7/3/2023 15:00 175 Other Known Causes The splitter overhead on the reformer was vented to flare due to high ambient temperatures creating increased pressure in the svstem. 7/17/2023 17:00 164 Unknown Causes Unknown cause 7/18/2023 18:00 163 Other Known Causes Operations blocked in valves to determine the source of H2S; no source identified.7/18/2023 19:00 163 Other Known Causes 7/20/2023 16:00 527 Startup/Shutdown The MSCC malfunctioned and underuvent an unplanned shutdown. 7/20/2023 17:00 950 Startup/Shutdown 7/20/2023 18:00 973 Startuo/Shutdown 7/20/2023 19:00 531 Startu p/Shutdown 7/28/2023 16:00 177 Other Known Causes 7/28/2023 17:00 190 Other Known Causes JPEI OLrUr r) qr o[ rEu u lE uePr uPdr [ztrr u :ausing elevated H2S at the West Flare.7/28/2023 18:00 194 Other Known Causes 7/29/2023 16:00 165 Unknown Causes Jnknown cause7/29/2023 17:00 180 Unknown Causes 7 /29/2023 18:00 't86 Unknown Causes 7/30/2023 17:00 162 Unknown Causes Jnknown cause 8/22/2023 7:00 192 Unknown Causes Jnknown cause 8/22/2023 8:00 193 Unknown Causes 8/22/2023 9:00 187 Unknown Causes 8/22/2023 18:00 172 Unknown Causes 9/1/2023 12:00 175 Other Known Causes Operations blocked in Dept. 1 and saw no change in H25 concentration. Operations then blocked in HDS and the H2S concentration decreased. Operations then checked each relief valve in the9/1/2023 13:00 192 Other Known Causes 9/1/2023 14:00 183 Other Known Causes I tyJ utilf, uuf vvo) uttoutE (v tugttttty ttlg )vutLg L the high H2S. Operations called out instrumentation to run a non-dailv validation on 9/1/2023 15:00 179 Other Known Causes the West Flare's analyzer; the analyzer passed validation. CEMS Downtime Summary Reporting Period: 3rd Quarter 2023 Source: Refinery Fuel Gas Pollutant:H2S Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End TIme: Out of Control:Tent category:Description of Event: 7 /1 /2023 5:42 7/1/2023 7:42 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /2/2023 5:42 7 /2/2023 7:O2 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/3/2023 5:42 7/3/2023 7:O2 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/4/2023 5:42 7 /4/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/s/2023 5:42 7/s/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/6/2023 5:42 7/6/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7n/2023 5:42 7/7/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/8/2023 5:42 7/8/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/9/2023 5:42 7/9/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/10/2023 5:42 7/10/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/11/2023 5:42 7 /11 /2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/12/2023 6:03 7/12/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/13/2023 6:03 7/13/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /14/2023 6:03 7/14/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /1s/2023 6:03 7 /15/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/16/2023 6:03 7/16/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/17/2023 6:03 7/17/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/18/2023 6:03 7/18/2023 7'.33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/19/2023 6:03 7/19/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/20/2023 6:03 7/20/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/21/2023 6:03 7/21/2023 7:33 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/21/2023 14:22 7 /21 /2023 14:33 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/22/2023 6:11 7/22/2023 7:41 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/22/2023 12:50 7/22/2023 13:01 N Monitor Eouipment malfunction -oss of communication behveen analyzer and DAS 7/23/2023 5:42 7/23/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/24/2023 5:42 7/24/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/2s/2023 5:42 7/25/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/26/2023 5'.42 7/26/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/26/2023 8:44 7/26/2023 8:45 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 7/26/2023 8:49 7/26/2023 8:50 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/27/2023 5:42 7/27/2023 7:02 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /28/2023 6:03 7/28/?023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/28/2023 12:57 7/28/2023 I3:08 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 7/28/2023 13:19 7/28/2023 13:50 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/28/2023 14:01 7/28/2023 14:07 N Monitor Eouipment malfunction oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/29/2023 5:03 7/29/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/30/2023 6:03 7/30/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/31/2023 6:03 7/31/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/1/2023 6:03 8/1/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/2/2023 6:03 8/2/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 8/3/2023 6:03 8/3/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/4/2023 6:03 8/4/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations failv Validation 8/s/2023 5:03 8/5/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/6/2023 6:03 8/6/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/7/2023 6:03 8/7/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/8/2023 6:03 8/8/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/9/2023 5:03 8/9/2023 7:16 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 8/10/2023 6:03 8/10/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/11/2023 6:03 8/11/2023 7:36 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/12/2023 1 3:19 8/12/2023 15:44 N Other Known Causes Maintenance and recalibration 8/12/2023 16:34 8/12/2023 16.42 N Monitor EouiDment malfunction Loss of communication bewveen analyzer and DAS 8/12/2023 17:00 8/12/2023 l7:06 N Monitor Equipment malfunction Loss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/13/2023 6:22 8/13/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:Event Category:Description of Event: 8/13/2023 13:41 e/13/2023 13:48 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/14/2023 6:22 8/14/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/15/2023 6:22 8/15/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/16/2023 6:22 8/16/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/16/2023 12:52 8/16/2023 13:.02 N Monitor Equipment malfunction .oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/16/2023 13:28 8/16/2023 13:33 N Monitor EouiDment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 8/17/2023 6:22 8/17/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/17/2023 10:54 8/17/2023 10.57 N Monitor Eouipment malfunction .oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 8/17/2023 11:46 8/17/2023 11:52 N Monitor Equioment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 8/18/2023 6:22 8/18/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/19/2023 6:22 8/19/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/20/2023 6:22 8/20/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/21/2023 6:22 8/21/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/22/2023 6:22 8/22/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/23/2023 6:22 8/23/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/24/2023 6'.22 8/24/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/25/2023 6:22 8/2s/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/?6/2023 6:22 8/26/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/27/2023 6:22 8/27/2023 746 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/28/2023 6:22 8/28/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/29/2023 6:22 8/29/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/30/2023 6:22 8/30/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/31/2023 6:22 8/31/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/1/2023 6:22 9/1/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/2/2023 6:22 9/2/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/3/2023 6"22 9/3/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/4/2023 6:22 9/4/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/s/2023 6:22 9/s/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/6/2023 6:22 9/6/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9n/2023 6:22 9/7/2023 7:46 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/8/2023 6:22 9/8/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/9/2023 6:22 9/9/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/10/2023 6:22 9/10/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/11/2023 6'.22 9/11/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/11/2023 10:1 5 9/11/2023 1 1:58 N QA Calibrations 3GA/ouarterlv validation 9/12/2023 6:22 9/12/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/13/2023 6:22 9/13/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/14/2023 6:22 9/14/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/15/2023 6:22 9/1s/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/16/2023 6:05 9/16/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/17/2023 6:04 9/17/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/17 /2023 12:36 9/17/2023 13:30 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 9/18/2023 6:04 9/18/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/19/2023 5:2 9/19/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/20/2023 6:2 9/20/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/21/2023 6:2 9/21/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/22/2023 6:2 9/22/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/23/2023 6:2 9/23/2023 7(n N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/24/2023 6:2 9/24/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/25/2023 6:2 9/2s/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/26/2023 6:2 9/26/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/27/2023 6:2 9/27/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/28/2023 6:2 9/28/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/29/2023 6:2 9/29/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/30/2023 6:2 9/30/2023 7:50 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation CEMS Downtime Summary Reporting Period: 3rd Quarter 2023 Source: W. Flare Pollutant:H2S Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:Event CateSory:Description of Event: 7/1/2023 1:05 7 /1/2023 1:16 N Other Known Causes !lowback 7/1/2023 5:11 7/1/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/1/2023 8:03 7/1/2023 8:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/1/2023 1 5:05 7/1/2023 15:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/1/2023 22:05 7/1/2023 22:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/2/2023 5:05 7/2/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/2/2023 12:05 7/2/2023 12:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/2/2023 19:05 7/2/2023 19:16 N Other Known Causes Ilowback 7/3/2023 2:05 7/3/2023 2:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/3/2023 5:03 7/3/2023 5:08 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/3/2023 5:1 1 7/3/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/3/2023 9:05 7/3/2023 9:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /3/2023 16:05 7/3/2023 16:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/3/2023 23:05 7/3/2023 23'.16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/4/2023 5:11 7/4/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/4/2023 6:05 7/4/2023 6:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/4/2023 13:05 7/4/2023 13:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/4/2023 20:05 7/4/2023 20:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/5/2023 3:05 7/s/2023 3:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /5/2023 5:1 1 7/5/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/5/2023 10:05 7/s/2023 10:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/s/2023 17:OS 7/s/2023 17:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/6/2023 0:05 7/6/2023 0:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/6/2023 5:1 1 7/6/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/6/2023 7:05 7 /6/2023 7:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/6/2023 10:46 7/6/2023 1 1:13 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/6/2023 '14:05 7/6/2023 14:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/6/2023 21:05 7/6/2023 21:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7n/2023 4:05 7/7/2023 4:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7n/2023 5:04 7/7/2023 5:08 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 717/2023 5:11 7/7/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7n/2023 1 1:05 7/7/2023 1'l:'16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7n/2023 18:05 7 /7 /2023 18:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 1:05 7/e/2023 1:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/8/2023 5:05 7/8/2023 5:09 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 5:12 7/8/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/8/2023 8:05 7 /8/2023 8: 16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 '15:05 7/8/2023 1 5:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 22:06 7/8/2023 22:.16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /9/2023 5:05 7 /9/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/9/2023 8:02 7/9/2023 8:06 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/9/2023 12:06 7/9/2023 12:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /10/2023 2:06 7/10/2023 2:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/10/2023 5:12 7/10/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/10/2023 9:05 7/10/2023 9:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /10/2023 16:06 7/10/2023 16:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /10/2023 23:06 7/10/2023 23 l6 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/11/2023 5:12 7 /1 1 /2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/11/2023 5:06 7/11/2023 6:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /11 /2023 13:06 7/11/2023 13:'16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /11 /2023 13:51 7/11/2023 14 13 N Other Known Causes Maintenance and recalibration 7/11/2023 14.26 7/11/2023 14:.45 N Other Known Causes vlaintenance and recalibration 7 /11/2023 20:05 7/11/2023 2O:16 N Other Known Causes llowback Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End fime: Out of Control:Event Cateoorv:Description of Event: 7/12/2023 3:06 7/12/2023 3:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /12/2023 5:12 7/12/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/12/2023 10:06 7/12/2023 10:'16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/12/2023 17:.06 7/12/2023 17:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/13/2023 0:06 7/13/2023 0:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /13/2023 5:1 1 7/13/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/13/2023 7:06 7/13/2023 7:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/13/2023 8:01 7/13/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/13/2023 14:OG 7/13/2023 1416 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /13/2023 21:06 7/13/2023 21:16 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/14/2023 4:06 7/14/2023 4'.16 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 7/14/2023 5:12 7/14/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/14/2023 8:01 7/14/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/14/2023 'I 'l:06 7/14/2023 'I 1:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/14/2023 18:06 7/14/2023 '18:1 6 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/1s/2023 1:06 7/15/2023 1:1 6 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/15/2023 4:57 7/15/2023 5:01 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/1s/2023 5:12 7/1s/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/1s/2023 8:06 7/15/2023 8:'16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /15/2023 15:06 7 /15/2023 15:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/15/2023 22:06 7/1s/2023 22:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/16/2023 5:05 7/16/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/16/2023 12:06 7/16/2023 12:16 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/16/2023 19:06 7/16/2023 19:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/17/2023 2:06 7/17/2023 2:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/17/2023 5:12 7/17/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/17/2023 8:01 7/17/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/17/2023 9:06 7 /17 /2023 9:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/17/2023 16:06 7 /17 /2023 16:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/17/2023 23:06 7/17/2023 23:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/18/2023 5:12 7/18/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/18/2023 6:06 7/18/2023 6:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/18/2023 13:05 7/18/2023 13:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 20:06 7/18/2023 20:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/9/2023 3:06 7/19/2023 3:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/9/2023 4:57 7/19/2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/9/2023 5:12 7/19/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/9/2023 8:01 7/19/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/9/2023 10:06 7/19/2023 10:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/9/2023 17:06 7/19/2023 17:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 0:06 7/20/2023 0:7 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 5:12 7/20/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/20/2023 7:05 7/20/2023 7:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 8:01 7/20/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 14:06 7/20/2023 14:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 21:06 7/20/2023 21:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/21/2023 4:06 7/21/2023 4:7 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/21/2023 4:58 7/21/2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes )lowback 7/21/2023 5:12 7/21/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/21/2023 1 1:06 7/21/2023 11:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/21/2023 18:06 7/21/2023 18:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/22/2023 1:06 7/22/2023 1:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /22/2023 5:12 7 /22/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/22/2023 8:01 7/22/2023 8:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/22/2023 15:06 7/22/2023 15:17 N Other Known Causes Slowback 7/22/2023 22:06 7/22/2023 22:17 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 7/23/2023 4:58 7/23/2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/23/2023 5:05 7/23/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: out ot Control: I Eyent Cateqory:Description of Event: 7/23/2023 12:05 7/23/2023 12:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /23/2023 19:06 7/23/2023 19:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/24/2023 2:06 7/24/2023 2:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/24/2023 5:12 7/24/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/24/2023 8:01 7/24/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/24/2023 9:06 7/24/2023 9:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/24/2023 16:06 7/24/2023 16:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/24/2023 23:06 7/24/2023 23:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/25/2023 5:12 7/25/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/25/2023 6:06 7/2s/2023 6:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/2s/2023 8:01 7/25/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/25/2023 13:05 7/2s/2023 13:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/25/2023 20:06 7/25/2023 20:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/26/2023 3:06 7/26/2023 3:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/26/2023 5:12 7/26/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/26/2023 8:01 7/26/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /26/2023 10:06 7/26/2023 l0:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/26/2023 17:06 7/26/2023 17:17 N Other Known Causes Slowback 7/27/2023 0:06 7/27/2023 0:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/27/2023 5:12 7/27/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /27 /2023 7:06 7/27/2023 7:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/27/2023 14:06 7/27/2023 14 17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/27/2023 21.06 7/27/2023 21 17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/28/2023 4:06 7/28/2023 4:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/2e/2023 5:12 7/28/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/28/2023 1 1:06 7/28/2023 'I 1 17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/28/2023 18:06 7/28/2023 18:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /29/2023 1:06 7/29/2023 1:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /29/2023 4:59 7/29t2023 5:03 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/29/2023 5:12 7/29/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/29/2023 8:05 7/29/2023 8:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/29/2023 15:06 7/29/2023 15:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /29/2023 22:06 7/29/2023 2?:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/30/2023 5:06 7/30/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/30/2023 12:06 7/30/2023 12:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /30/2023 19:06 7/30/2023 19:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/31/2023 2.06 7/3 /2023 2:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/31/2023 5:12 7/3 /2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/31/2023 9:06 tl5 /2023 9:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /31 /2023 16:06 u5 /2023 16:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /31 /2023 23:06 u5 /2023 23:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1/2023 5:12 8/1/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/1/2023 6:06 8/1/2021 6:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1/2023 8:01 8/1/2023 8:09 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1/2023 13:06 8/1/2023 13:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/1/2023 20:06 8/1/2023 2O:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2/2023 3:06 8/2/2023 3:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2/2023 5:12 8/2/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/2/2023 '10:06 8/2/2023 10:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/2/2023 17:06 8/2/2023 17:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/3/2023 0:06 8/3/2023 O:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/3/2023 >.1z 8/3/20?3 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/3/2023 7:06 8/3/2023 7:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/3/2023 8:01 8/3/2023 8:06 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/3/2023 14:06 8/3/2023 14:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/3/2023 21:06 8/3/2023 21:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/4/2023 4:05 8/4/2023 4:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/4/2023 5:12 8/4/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End ltme: Out of Control:Event Cateoorv:Description of Event: 8/4/2023 1 1:06 8/4/2023 11:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/4/2023 18:06 8/4/2023 18:.17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/s/2023 1:06 8/s/2023 1:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/5/2023 5:12 8/s/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/s/2023 8:06 8/s/2023 8:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/5/2023 15:05 8/s/2023 1 5:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/5/2023 22:06 8/5/2023 22:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/6/2023 5:06 8/6/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/6/2023 8:02 e/6/2023 8:06 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/6/2023 12:06 8/6/2023 12:17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/6/2023 19:06 8/6/2023 19'.17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/7/2023 2:06 8/7/2023 2:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 5:12 8/7/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8n/2023 8:02 8/7/2023 8:06 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 9:06 8/7/2023 9:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8n/2023 16:06 8/7/2023 16:.17 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8n/2023 23:06 8/7/2023 23:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/8/2023 5:12 8/8/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 8/8/2023 6:06 8/8/2023 6:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/8/2023 8:02 8/8/2023 8:06 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/8/2023 13:06 8/8/2023 13:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/8/2023 20:06 8/8/2023 2O:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/9/2023 3:06 8/9/2023 3:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/9/2023 5:12 8/9/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 8/9/2023 '10:06 8/9/2023 1O:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/9/2023 17:06 8/9/2023 17:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/0/2023 0:06 8/10/2023 0:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/0/2023 5:12 8/10/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 8/0/2023 7:06 8/10/2023 7:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/0/2023 '14:06 8/10/2023 14:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/0/2023 21:06 8/10/2023 21:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/1/2023 4:06 8/11/2023 4:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/1/2023 5:12 8/11/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/1/2023 8:27 8/11/2023 8:32 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/11/2023 1 1:06 8/11/2023 11:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/11/2023 '18:06 8/11/2023 18:17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/2/2023 1:06 8/12/2023 1'.17 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/2/2023 5:12 8/12/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/2/2023 8:01 8/12/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/2/2023 8:07 8/12/2023 8:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2/2023 15:07 8/12/2023 15 17 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/2/2023 22:07 8/12/2023 22:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/13/2023 5:07 8/13/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/13/2023 12:07 8/13/2023 12 t7 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/13/2023 19:07 8/13/2023 19:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 2:07 8/14/2023 2:17 N Other Knovrn Causes llowback 8/14/2023 5:12 8/14/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/14/2023 9:07 8/14/2023 9:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 10:27 8/14/2023 1 1:20 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 16:07 8/14/2023 16:.17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 23:07 8/14/2023 23:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1s/2023 5:12 8/1s/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/1s/2023 6:07 8/5/2023 6:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1s/2023 8:0'l 8/s/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1s/2023 8:09 8/s/2023 11:32 N QA Calibrations IGA/quarterlv validation 8/1s/2023 13:07 8/5/2023 13:17 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1s/2023 20:07 8/5/2023 20:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/16/2023 3:07 8/16/2023 3:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback Start Date: Start fime:End Date: End fime: Out of Control:Evert Categors Description of Event: 8/6/2023 5:12 el16/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/6/2023 10:07 8/16/2023 10:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/6/2023 17:07 8/16/2023 17:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7 /2023 0:07 8/17/2023 0:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 5:12 8/17/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/7/2023 7'.O7 8117/2023 7..8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7 /2023 14:07 8/17/2023 14:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 21:07 8/17/2023 21:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/8/2023 4:O7 8/18/2023 4:8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/18/20?3 5:12 8/18/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/18/2023 11:07 8/18/2023 11:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/18/2023 i 8:07 8/18/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/19/2023 'l:07 8/19/2023 1: l8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/19/2023 5:12 8/19/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/19/2023 8:07 8/19/2023 8:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/19/2023 15.07 8/19/2023 1 5:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/19/2023 22:07 8/19/2023 22:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/20/2023 5:07 8/20/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/20/2023 1207 8/20/2023 12:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/20/2023 19:07 8/20/2023 19:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/21/2023 2:07 8/21/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/21/2023 5:12 8/21/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/21/2023 8:01 8/21/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/21/2023 9:07 8/21/2023 9:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/21/2023 1607 8/21/2023 16:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/21/2023 23:07 8/21/2023 23:.18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback B/22/2023 4:57 8/22/2023 5:01 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/22/2023 5'.12 8/22/2023 5:58 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/22/2023 6:07 8/22/2023 6:18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/22/2023 13:07 8/22/2023 '13:18 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/22/2023 2O:07 8/22/2023 20:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/23/2023 3:07 8/23/2023 3:18 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/23/2023 4:58 8/23/2023 5:O2 N Other Known Causes llowback 8t23/2023 5:12 8/23/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/23/2023 10:07 8/23/2023 10:18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/23/2023 17:07 8/23/2023 17:18 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/24/2023 0:07 8/24/2023 0:'18 N Other Known Causes Slowback 8/24/2023 5:12 8/24/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/24/2023 7:07 8/24/2023 7:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/24/2023 14:O7 8/24/2023 '14:18 N Other Known Causes Slowback 8/24/2023 2107 8/24/2023 21:18 N Other Known Causes Ilowback 8/2s/2023 4:07 8/2s/2023 4:18 N Other Known Causes ilowback 8/2s/2023 5:12 8/25/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/25/2023 8:01 8/25t2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2s/2023 11:07 8/25/2023 t 1:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2s/2023 18:07 8/2s/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/26/2023 1:07 8/26/2023 1:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/26/2023 4:58 8/26t2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/26/2023 5:12 8/26/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/26/2023 8:07 8/26/2023 8:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/26/2023 15:07 8/26/2023 t 5:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/26/2023 22:07 8/26/2023 22l.18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/27/2023 5:07 8/27/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/27/2023 12:07 8/27/2023 12:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/27 /2023 19:07 8/27/2023 19:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/28/2023 2:07 8/28/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/28/2023 5:12 8/28/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/28/2023 9:07 8/28/2023 9:18 N Other Known Causes )lowback Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:Event Cateqorv:Description of Event 8/28/2023 1607 8/28/2023 16:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/28/2023 23:O7 8/28/2023 23 18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/29/2023 5:12 8/29/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/29/2023 6:07 8/29/2023 6:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/29/2023 13:07 8/29/2023 13:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/29/2023 20:07 8/29/2023 20:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 3:07 8/30/2023 3:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 S:12 8/30/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/30/2023 8:28 8/30/2023 9:04 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS 8/30/2023 10:07 8/30/2023 10:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 17:07 8/30/2023 17:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 0:07 8/3 /2023 0:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 5:12 8/3 /2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/31/2023 7:07 8/3 2021 7:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 8:01 8/3 /2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 14:07 8/3 2023 14:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 21:07 8/3 2023 2118 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/1/2023 4:07 9/1/2023 4:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/1/2023 5:12 9/1/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/1/2023 8:01 9/1/2023 8:10 N Other Known Causes \nalvzer filter clean out/replacement 9/1/2023 11:07 9/1/2023 1 1:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/1/2023 17:57 9/1/2023 l8:45 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/2/2023 1:07 9/2/2023 1:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2/2023 5:12 9/2/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/2/2023 8:06 9/2/2023 8: 10 N Other Known Causes !lowback 9/2/2023 15:05 9/2/2023 15:09 N Other Known Causes )lowback 9/2/2023 22:07 9/2/2023 22:11 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 9/3/2023 5:12 9/3/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/3/2023 12.06 9/3/2023 12:10 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/3/2023 19:06 9/3/2023 19:10 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/4/2023 2:06 9/4/2023 2:10 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/4/2023 5:12 9/4/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/4/2023 9:07 9/4/2023 9:18 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 9/4/2023 '16:07 9/4/2023 16:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/4/2023 23:07 9/4/2023 23:i 8 N Other Known Causes Slowback 9/s/2023 5:12 9/5/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/5/2023 6:07 9/s/2023 6:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/s/2023 13:07 9/5/2023 13:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/5/2023 20:07 9/s/2023 20:1 8 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 9/6/2023 3:07 9/6/2023 3:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/6/2023 4:57 9/6/2023 5:01 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/6/2023 5:12 9/6/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/6/2023 10:07 9/6/2023 10:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/6/2023 17:07 9/6/2023 17:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9n/2023 0:07 9/7/2023 0:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9n/2023 5:12 9/7/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/7/2023 7:07 9/1/2023 7:18 N Other Known Causes llowback efi/2023 1407 9/7/2023 14:18 N Other Known Causes Slowback 9/7/2023 21:07 9/7/2023 21:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/8/2023 4:07 9/8/2023 4:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/8/2023 4:58 9/8/2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/8/2023 5:12 9/8/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/8/2023 11:O7 9/8/2023 1 1:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/8/2023 18:07 9/8/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/9/2023 1:07 9/9/2023 1 :18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/9/2023 5:12 9/9/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 9/9/2023 8:07 9/9/2023 8:11 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/9/2023 15:07 9/9/2023 15:11 N Other Known Causes Blowback Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:rent Category:Description of Event: 9/9/2023 22.07 9/9/2023 22:11 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/10/2023 5:12 9/10/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/10/2023 12:07 9/10/2023 12:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/10/2023 19.07 9/1O/2023 19:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 2:07 9/1 /2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 4:58 9/1 /2023 5:02 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 5:12 9/1 /2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/11/2023 9:08 9/1 /2023 9:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 16:07 9/11/2023 l6:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 23:O7 9/11/2023 23:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/12/2023 5:12 9/12/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/12/2023 6:07 9/12/2023 6: 18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9t12/2023 8:01 9/12/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/12/2023 13:07 9/12/2023 13:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/12/2023 20:08 9/12/2023 20:1 8 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/13/2023 3.07 9/13/2023 3:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/13/2023 5:12 9/13/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/13/2023 10:08 9/13/2023 10:l8 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/13/2023 18:08 9/13/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 9/14/2023 2:08 9/14/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/14/2023 4:59 9/14/2023 5:03 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/14/2023 5:12 9/14/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/14/2023 10:08 9/14/2023 10:18 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/14/2023 '18:08 9/14/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/15/2023 2:08 9/1s/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes Jlowback 9/15/2023 5:12 9/15/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 9/1s/2023 8:01 9/15/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/15/2023 10:08 9/1s/2023 '10:'18 N Other Known Causes )lowback 9/15/2023 18:08 9/1s/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/16/2023 2:08 9/16/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/16/2023 5:12 9/16/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/16/2023 8:01 9/16/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/16/2023 10:08 9/16/2023 10:1 8 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/16/2023 18:08 9/16/2023 18:'18 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/17/2023 2:08 9/17/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/17 /2023 5:12 9/17/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/17/2023 10:08 9/17/2023 10:'l 8 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/17/2023 18:08 9/17/2023 18:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/18/2023 2:08 9/18/2023 2:18 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/18/2023 5:12 9/18/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/18/2023 10:08 9/18/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/18/2023 18:08 9/18/2023 '18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/19/2023 2:08 9/19/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/19/2023 5:12 9/19/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/19/2023 10:08 9/19/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/19/2023 18:08 9/19/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/20/2023 2:08 9/20/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/20/2023 5:12 9/20/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/20/2023 '10:08 9/20/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes Jlowback 9/20/2023 l8:08 9/20/2023 18 l9 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/21/2023 2:08 9/21/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2 /2023 5:12 9/21/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/2 /2023 10:08 9t21/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback a//2023 l3:50 9/21/2023 15:08 N Other Known Causes vlaintenance and recalibration 9/2 /2023 '18:08 s/21/2023 18:'19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/22/2023 2:OB 9/22/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/22/2023 5:12 9/22/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/22/2023 '10:08 9/22/2023 10:1 9 N Other Known Causes llowback Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Xme: Out of Control:Event Category:Description of Event: 9/22/2023 18:08 9/22/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/23/2023 2:08 9/23/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/23/2023 5:12 9/23/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/23/2023 10:08 9/23/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/23/2023 18:08 9/23/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/24/2023 2:08 9/24/2023 2'.19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/24/2023 5:12 9/24/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/24/2023 10:08 9/24/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/24/2023 18:08 9/24/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2s/2023 2:08 9/25/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2s/2023 5:12 9/25/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/Zs/2023 10:08 9/25/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/25/202t 18:08 9/2s/2023 '18:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/26/2023 2:08 9/26/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/26/2023 5:12 9/26/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/26/2023 10:08 9/26/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/26/2023 18:08 9/26/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/27/2023 2:08 9/27/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/27/2023 5:13 9/27/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/27/2023 10:08 9/27/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/27 /2023 18:08 9/27/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/28/2023 2:08 9/28/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowbark 9/28/2023 5: 13 9/28/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/28/2023 10:08 9/28/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/28/2023 10:35 9/28/2023 11:47 N Other Known Causes \nalyzer filter clean out/replacement 9/28/2023 18:08 9/28/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/29/2023 2:08 9/29/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/29/2023 4:56 9/29/2023 5:00 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/29/2023 5:13 9/29/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/29/2023 8:01 9/29/2023 8:05 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/29/2023 '10:08 9/29/2023 10:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/29/2023 18:08 9/29/2023 l8:37 N Monitor Equipment malfunction lhe analyzer's controller experienced an error that :aused it to rapidly switch between the primary and ;econdarv filaments. 9/29/2023 21:16 9/29/2023 22:10 N Monitor Equipment malfunction lhe analyzer's controller experienced an error that :aused it to rapidly switch between the primary and ;econdarv filaments. 9/30/2023 2:08 9/30/2023 2:19 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/30/2023 4:56 9/30/2023 5:00 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/30/2023 5:12 9/30/2023 5:59 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/30/2023 9:29 9/30/2023 1 1:30 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/30/2023 '18:08 9/30/2023 18:19 N Other Known Causes ]lowback CEMS Downtime Summary Reporting Period: 3rd Quarter 2023 Source: S. Flare Pollutant:H2S Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control: tI dvent Category:Description of Event: 7/1/2023 1:44 7/1/2023 1:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /1 /2023 5:18 7 /1 /2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 7 /1/2023 8:M 7/1/2023 8:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/1/2023 15:M 7 /1 /2023 15:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/1/2023 22:M 7/1/2023 22:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /Z/2023 5:18 7 /2/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validatron 7/2/2023 12:44 7/2/2023 12:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/2/2023 19.44 7/2/2023 19:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /3/2023 2:M 7/3/2023 2:49 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/3/2023 5:18 7 /3/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/3/2023 9:44 7/3/2023 9:50 N Other Known Causes Slowback 7 /3/2023 16:44 7/3/2023 16:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /3/2023 23:44 7 /3/2023 23:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/4/2023 5:18 7/4/2023 6:06 N OA Calibrations Dailv Validation 7/4/2023 6:44 7/4/2023 6:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /4/2023 13:44 7/4/2023 l3:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/4/2023 20:44 7/4/2023 20:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/s/2023 3:M 7/s/2023 3:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/5/2023 5:18 7/s/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 7 /5/2023 10:31 7 /5/2023 1 1:33 N QA Calibrations Recalibration 7/s/2023 17:M 7 /5/2023 17:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/6/2023 0:M 7/6/2023 0:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/6/2023 5:18 7/6/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 7/6/2023 7:44 7 /6/2023 7:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/6/2023 8:1 1 7/6/2023 9:00 N Monitor Equipment malfunction Loss of communication between analyzer and DAS 7/6/2023 14:M 7/6/2023 l4:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/6/2023 21.44 7/6/2023 21:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 /7 /2023 4:44 7/7/2023 4:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7fi/2023 5:18 7 /7 /2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 7fi/2023 11:44 7/7/2023 1 1:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7n/2023 18:44 7/7/2023 18:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/8/2023 1.44 7 /8/2023 1:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/2023 5:18 7/8/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/8/2023 8:44 7/8/2023 8:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /8/2023 13:37 7 /8/2023 13:53 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 7/8/2023 15.44 7 /8/2023 15:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/8/202t 22:44 7/8/2023 22:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/9/2023 5: 18 7/9/2023 6:06 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /9/2023 12:M 7 /9/2023 l2:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/9/2023 19:M 7 /9/?023 19:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/10/2023 2:44 7/10/2023 2:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7 /10/2023 5:18 7/10/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/10/2023 9:44 7/10/2023 9:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/10/2023 16:M 7/10/2023 l5:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /10/2023 23:44 7/10/2023 23:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /11 /2023 5:18 7 /11/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /11 /2023 6:44 7 /11/2023 6:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/11/2023 13:44 7 /11/2023 13:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /11/2023 2O:44 7 /11/2023 20:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /12/2023 3:44 7t12/2023 3:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/12/2023 5:18 7/12/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/12/2023 1O:M 7/12/2023 11:41 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication bewveen analyzer and DAS 7 /12/2023 17.44 7/12/2023 17:50 N Other Known Causes llowback Start Date: start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:Evont Category:Description of Event: 7 3/2023 O:44 7/13/2023 0:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 3/2023 5:18 7/13/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 3/2023 7:44 7/13/2023 7:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7 3/2023 14:44 7/13/2023 14:50 N Other Known Causes Slowback 7 3/2023 21.M 7/13/2023 21:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 4/2023 4:M 7/14/2023 4:50 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 7 4/2023 5:18 7/14/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/14/2023 11:M 7/14/2023 1 1:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/14/2023 18:44 7/14/2023 1 8:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/15/20?3 1:M 7/15/2023 1:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/1s/2023 5:18 7/15/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/1s/2023 8:44 7/1s/2023 8:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/15/2023 15:44 7/15/2023 1 5:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/15/2023 22:M 7/15/2023 22:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/16/2023 5:18 7/16/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7 6/2023 12:M 7/16/2023 12:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 6/2023 19:44 7/16/2023 1 9:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 7/2023 ZM 7/17/2023 2:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 7/2023 5:18 7/17/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 7/2023 9:M 7/17/2023 9:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/17/2023 16:44 7/17/2023 l6:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/17/2023 23:M 7/17/2023 23:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /18/2023 5:18 7/18/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/18/2023 6:44 7/18/2023 5:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/18/2023 10:14 7/1e/2023 11:02 N QA Calibrations leca libration 7/18/2023 13:44 7/18/2023 I 3:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/18/2023 20:44 7/18/2023 20:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /19/202.3 3:M 7/19/2023 3:50 N Other Known Causes llowbark 7/19/2023 5:18 7 /19/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /19/2023 1O:M 7/19/2023 10:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/19/2023 17:44 7/19/2023 17:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/20/2023 0:44 7/20/2023 0:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/20/2023 5:18 7/20/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/20/2023 7:M 7/20/2023 7:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 14:44 7/20/2023 14:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/20/2023 21:44 7/20/2023 2 l:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/21/2023 4:44 7/21/2023 4:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/21/2023 5:18 7/21/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/21/2023 9:55 7/21/2023 11:07 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 7/2',t/2023 11:M 7/21/2023 1 1:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/21/2023 18:M 7/21/2023 18:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/22/2023 1:44 7/22/2023 1:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 7/22/2023 5:18 7/22/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/22/2023 8:44 7/2212023 8:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/22/2023 8:55 7/22/2023 9:19 N Monitor Equipment malfunction ioss of communication between analyzer and DAS 7 /22/2023 '15:03 7/23/2023 15:12 Monitor Equipment malfunction The CEMS shelter HVAC failed, causing inaccurate readinos. 7/23/2023 19:M 7/23/2023 19:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/24/2023 2:M 7/24/2023 2:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/24/2023 5:18 7/24/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/24/2023 8:38 7/24/2023 9:03 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction Loss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/24/2023 9:06 7/24/2023 9:33 N Monitor Equipment malfunction Loss of communication between analvzer and DAS 7/24/2023 9:35 7/24/2023 10:03 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 7/24/2023 16:M 7/24/2023 1 6:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/24/2023 23:M 7/24/2023 23:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/2s/2023 5:18 7/2s/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/25/2023 6:44 7/25/2023 6:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/25/2023 8:34 7 /25/2023 8:58 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication between analvzer and DAS Start Date: Start fime:End Date: End Tme: Out of Control:Event Category:Description of Event: 7/2s/2023 1}M 7/25/2023 13:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/25/2023 20:M 7/25/2023 20:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /26/2023 3:44 7/26/2023 3:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/26/2023 5:18 7/26/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/26/2023 1O:44 7/26/2023 10:50 N Other Know Causes llowback 7 /26/2023 17:44 7/26/2023 17:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/27/2023 0:44 7/27/2023 0:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/27/2023 5:18 7/27/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7 /27 /2023 7:44 7/27/2023 7:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7 /27 /2023 14:44 7/27/2023 14:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/27/2023 21'.M 7/27/2023 21:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/28/2023 4:44 7/28/2023 4:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/28/2023 5:18 7/28/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 7/28/2023 11:M 7/28/2023 1 1:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/28/2023 1&M 7/28/2023 18:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/29/2023 1:44 7/29/2023 l:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/29/2023 5:18 7/29/?023 6:O7 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/29/2023 8:44 7t29/2023 8:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 7/29/2023 15:44 7/29/2023 15:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/29/2023 72:44 7/29/2023 22:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/30/2023 5:'18 7/30/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations Daily Validation 7/30/2023 12:44 7/30/2023 12:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/30/2023 19:M 7/30/2023 '19:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/31/2023 2:44 7/31/2023 2:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/31/2023 5:18 7/31/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 7/31/2023 9:44 7/)1/2023 9:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/31/2023 16:44 7/31/2023 l6:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 7/31/2023 23.M 7/31/2023 23:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/1/2023 5:18 8/1/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/1/2023 6:45 8/1/2023 6:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/1/2023 13:45 8/1/2023 1 3:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/1/2023 20:45 8/1/2023 20:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/2/2023 3:45 8/2/2023 3:50 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/2/2023 5:18 8/2/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 8/2/2023 10:45 8/2/2023 1 0:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/2/2023 17:45 8/2/2023 1 7:50 N Other Known Causes )lowback 8/3/2023 0:45 8/3/2023 0:50 N Other Known Causes )lowback 8/3/2023 5:18 8/3/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/3/2023 7:45 8/3/2023 7:50 N Other Known Causes Ilowback 8/3/2023 14.45 8/3/2023 '14:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/3/2023 21:45 8/3/2023 21:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/4/2023 4:45 8/4/2023 4:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/4/2023 5:18 8/4/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/4/2023 11:45 8/4/2023 1 1:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/4/2023 18:45 8/4/2023 18:50 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/5/2023 1:45 8/5/2023 1:50 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/5/2023 5:18 B/s/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/s/2023 845 8/s/2023 8:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/5/2023 15:45 8/5/2023 15:5 1 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/5/2023 22:45 8/s/2023 22:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/6/2023 5:18 8/6/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/6/2023 12:45 8/6/2023 12:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/6/2023 19:45 8/6/2023 19:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8n/2023 2:45 8/7/2023 2:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 5:18 8/7/2023 6:O7 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8n/2023 9:45 gfi/2023 9:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8n/2023 16:45 8/7/2023 16:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8n/2023 23:45 8/7/2023 23:.51 N Other Known Causes llowhack Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:Event Cateqorv:Descriotion of Event: 8/8/2023 5: 18 8/8/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/8/2023 6:45 8/8/2023 5:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/8/2023 13:45 8/8/2023 13:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/8/2023 20:45 8/8/2023 20:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/9/2023 3:45 8/9/2023 3:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/9/2023 5:18 8/9/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/9/2023 10:45 8/9/2023 10:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/9/2023 17:45 8/9/2023 17:5'1 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/10/2023 0:45 8/10/2023 0:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/10/2023 5:19 8/10/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/10/2023 7:45 8/10/2023 7:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/10/2023 13:59 8/10/2023 15:10 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/10/2023 21:45 8/10/2023 21:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/11/2023 4:45 8/11/2023 4:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/11/2023 5:19 8/11/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/11/2023 8:06 8/11/2023 8:22 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/11/2023 11:45 8/11/2023 1'l:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/11/2023 18:45 8/11/2023 18:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/12/2023 1:45 8/12/2023 1:5 1 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/12/2023 5:19 8/12/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/12/2023 8:45 8/12/2023 8:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/12/2023 15:45 e/12/2023 15:5'l N Other Known Causes llowback 8/12/2023 22:45 8/12/2023 22:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/13/2023 5:19 8/13/2023 6'.07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/13/2023 12.45 8/13/2023 12:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/13/2023 19:45 8/13/2023 19:51 N Other Known Causes llowba.k 8/14/2023 2:45 8/14/2023 2:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 5:19 8/14/2023 6:01 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/14/2023 9:45 8/14/2023 9:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/14/2023 16:45 8/14/2023 16:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/14/2023 23:45 8/14/2023 23:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/15/2023 5:19 8/1s/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/1s/2023 6:45 8/1s/2023 6:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/15/20?3 13:45 8/15/2023 13:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/1s/2023 20:45 8/1s/2023 20:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/16/2023 3:45 8/16/2023 3:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/6/2023 5:19 8/16/2023 6.07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/6/2023 10:45 8/6/2023 10:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/6/2023 17:45 8/6/2023 17:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/7/2023 0:45 8/7/2023 0:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/7/2023 5:19 8/7/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/7/2023 7:45 8/17/2023 7:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 14:45 8/17/2023 14:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/7/2023 21:45 8/17/2023 21:5 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/18/2023 4:45 8/1e/2023 4:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/18/2023 5:19 8/18/2023 6:0 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/18/2023 11:45 8/18/2023 1 1:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/18/2023 18:45 8/18/2023 l8:5 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/19/2023 1:45 8/19/2023 1:5 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/19/2023 5:19 8/19/2023 6:0 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/19/2023 8:45 8/19/2023 8;5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/19/2023 '15:45 8/19/2023 15:5 N Other Known Causes )lowback 8/19/2023 22:45 8/19/2023 22'.5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/20/2023 5:19 8/20/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/20/2023 12:45 8/20/2023 12:5 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/20/2023 19:45 8/20/2023 19:5 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/21/2023 2:45 8/21/2023 2:5 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/21/2023 5:19 8/21/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control:vent Category:Description of Event: 8/21/2023 9:45 8/21/2023 9:51 N Other Known Causes Slowback 8/21/2023 16.45 8/21/2023 16:51 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/21/2023 23.45 8/21/2023 23:.51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/22/2023 5:19 8/22/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/?2/2023 6:45 8/22/2023 6:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/22/2023 13:45 8/22/2023 '13:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/22/2023 20:45 8/22/2023 20:51 N Other Known Causes Slowback 8/23/2023 3:45 8/23/2023 3:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/23/2023 5:19 8/23/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/23/2023 10:45 8/23/2023 10:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/23/2023 17.45 8/23/2023 17:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/24/2023 0:45 8/24/2023 0:51 N Other Known Causes 3lowback 8/24/2023 5:19 8/24/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/24/2023 7:45 8/24/2023 7:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/24/2023 14:45 8/24/2023 14:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/24/2023 21:45 8/24/2023 21:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/25/2023 4:45 8/25/2023 4'.51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/2s/2023 5:19 8/2s/2023 6:01 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/2s/2023 11:45 8/25/2023 1 1:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/25/2023 18:45 8/25/2023 18:5 1 N Other Known Causes Blowback 8/26/2023 1:45 8/26/2023 1:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/26/2023 5:19 8/26/2023 6:01 N QA Calibrations Dailv Validation 8/26/2023 8:45 8/26/2023 8:51 N Other Known Causes ilowback 8/26/2023 15:45 8/26/2023 15:51 N Other Known Causes llowback e/26/2023 22:45 8/26/2023 22:51 N Other Known Causes )lowback 8/27/2023 5:19 8/27/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/27/2023 9:24 8/27/2023 9.46 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 8/27/2023 12:45 8/27/2023 12:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/27/2023 19:45 8/27/2023 19:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/28/2023 2:45 8/28/2023 2:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/28/2023 5:19 8/28/2023 6:O7 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/28/2023 7:30 8/28/2023 7:42 N QA Calibrations lecalibration 8/28/2023 7:44 8/28/2023 8:01 N Monitor Equipment malfunction oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 8/28/2023 9:45 8/28/2023 9:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/29/2023 20.45 8/29/2023 20:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 3:45 8/30/2023 3:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 5:19 8/30/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 8/30/2023 1O.45 8/30/2023 10:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/30/2023 17:46 8/30/2023 17:5 1 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 0:46 8/31/2023 0:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 8/31/2023 5:19 8/31/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 8/31/2023 7:45 eBl/2023 7'.51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 14:45 8/31/2023 14:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 8/31/2023 21:46 8/31/2023 21:.51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9l',\/2023 4:45 9/1/2023 4:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/1/2023 5:19 9/1/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/1/2023 11:45 9/1/2023 11:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/'t/2023 18:45 9/1/2023 18:5'l N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2/2023 1:45 9/2/2023 1:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2/2023 5:19 9/2/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/2/2023 8:45 9/2/2023 8:5'l N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/2/2023 15:45 9/2/2023 15:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/2/2023 22:45 9/2/2023 22:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/3/2023 5:19 9/3/2023 6:O7 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/3/2023 12:46 9/3/2023 12:51 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/3/2023 19:46 9/3/2023 19:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/4/2023 2:46 9/4/2023 2:51 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/4/2023 5:19 9/4/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation Start Date: Start Time:Eiid Date: End Time: Out of Control:Event Category:Description of Event 9/4/2023 9:46 e/4/2023 9:5'l N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/4/2023 16:46 9/4/2023 '16:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/4/2023 23:46 9/4/2023 23:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/s/2023 5:19 9/s/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/5/2023 6:46 9/5/2023 6:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/s/2023 8:18 9/s/2023 9:03 N Monitor Eouioment malfunction Loss of communication between analvzer and DAS 9/s/2023 13.46 9/s/2023 13:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/5/2023 20:46 9/s/2023 20:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/6/2023 3:46 9/6/2023 3:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/6/2023 5:19 9/6/2023 6:07 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/6/2023 10:46 9/6/2023 10:51 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/6/2023 17:46 9/6/2023 17:.52 N Other Known Causes Blowback gfi/2023 0:46 9/7/2023 0:52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9n/2023 5:19 9/7/2023 5:08 N QA Calibrations faily Validation 9/7 /2023 7:46 9n/2023 7:52 N Other Known Causes Slowback gfi/2023 14:00 9n/2023 14:34 N Monitor Eouipment malfunction Loss of communication between analyzer and DAS 9n/2023 14:46 9/7/2023 14:.52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/7/2023 21:46 9/7/2023 21:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/8/2023 4:46 9/8/2023 4:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/8/2023 5: 19 9/8/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/8/2023 1 1:33 9/8/2023 1 1:36 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/8/2023 11:46 9/8/2023 11:.52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/8/2023 18:46 9/8/2023 18:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/9/2023 1:46 9/9/2023 1:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/9/2023 5: 19 9/9/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/9/2023 8:46 9/9/2023 8:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/9/2023 15:46 9/9/2023 15:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/9/2023 22:46 9/9/2023 22:52 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/10/2023 5:19 9/10/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/10/2023 12:46 9/10/2023 12:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/10/2023 19:46 9/10/2023 19:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/1',t/2023 2:46 9/11/2023 2:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/1't/2023 5:19 9/11/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/11/2023 8:57 9/11/2023 12:15 N QA Calibrations IGA/ouarterlv validation 9/11/2023 16:46 9/11/2023 16:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/11/2023 23:46 9/11/2023 23:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/12/2023 5:'19 9/12/2023 5:29 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/12/2023 5:34 9/1212023 5:M N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/12/2023 5:50 9/12/2023 6:00 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/12/2023 6:03 QI 2/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/12/2023 6'.46 9/2/2023 6:52 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/12/2023 13:46 qt 2/2023 13:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/12/2023 20:46 s/2/2023 20:52 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/13/2023 3:46 o/3/2023 3:52 N Other Known Causes ]lowback 9/13/2023 5:19 9/3/2023 5:29 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation c/3/2023 5:34 9/3/2023 5:44 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/3/2023 5:50 9/3/?023 6:00 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation o/3/2023 6:03 9/3/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation q/3/2023 10:46 9/13/2023 10:52 N Other Known Causes ]lowback ot 3/2023 17:.46 9/13/2023 17:52 N Other Known Causes llowback 9/4/2023 O:46 9/14/2023 Q:52 N Other Known Causes llowback q/4/2023 5:19 9/14/2023 5:29 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/14/2023 5:34 9/14/2023 5'.M N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/14/2023 5:50 9/14/2023 6:00 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/14/2023 6:03 9/14/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/14/2023 7:46 9/14/2023 7:52 N Other Known Causes )lowback 9/14/2023 1 1:38 9/14/2023 13:28 N Monitor Equipment malfunction -oss of communication between analyzer and DAS 9/14/2023 14.46 9/14/2023 14:52 N Other Known Causes llowback Start Date: Start Time:End Date: End Time: Out of Control: ll |vent Category:Description of Event: 9/14/2023 21.46 9/14/2023 21:52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/15/2023 4:46 9/15/2023 4:52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/1s/2023 5:19 9/1s/2023 6:08 N QA Calibrations )aily Validation 9/1s/2023 '10:40 9/15/2023 1 0:58 N Other Known Causes Maintenance and recalibration 9/15/2023 11:46 9/15/2023 11:.52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/15/2023 18:46 9/1s/2023 I 8:52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/16/2023 1:45 9116/2023 1:52 N Other Known Causes Blowback 9/6/2023 5:19 e/16/2023 5:29 N QA Calibrations )ailv Validation 9/6/2023 5:34 9/16/2023 5:M N QA Calibrations 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