HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-014413Andrew Palmer, P.E. BLM Green River District 170 S 500 E Vernal, UT 84078 April 18, 2014 Scott D. Hacking, P.E. DEQ District Engineer Uintah Basin District 28 1 East 200 North Roosevelt, UT 84066 Dear Mr. Hacking: This purpose of this letter is to request after the fact approval for improvements to the water system at the Indian Crossing Campground. During March and April of 20 11, improvements were made to the transient water system that services the BLM operated Indian Springs Campground located in the Browns Park area of Daggett County. These improvements included the following: 1. Installation of a 5,000 gallon storage tank located above the campground that would provide sufficient gravity fed water to maintain service at the campground for several days in the event of a prolonged power outage or other interruption to water supplied from the existing well. 2. Replace the existing submersible pump with a pump capable of supplying approximately 25 gpm directly to the tank from the well. 3. Install approximately 2500 feet of 1 Yi inch HDPE water line from the existing well to the new water storage tank. 4. Install approximately 1965 feet of 2 inch HDPE water line to distribute water from the new water tank to the campground. 5. Install approximately 625 feet of 1 Yi inch HDPE water line laterals to water spigots located near the horse corrals and the vault toilets that are associated with the campground. 6. Install water level sensors in the new water tank connected to the pump control box via buried electrical cable. These improvements were made by BLM personnel under my supervision. The location of the The water lines were installed a minimum of 4 feet below grade to allow year round use of the water system. , . Mr. Scott D. Hacking, P.E. April 18, 2014 Page 2 BLM personnel have recently added an overflow line to the tank. The overflow line consists of a 3 inch Schedule 40 PVC pipe extending from the tank a distance of 80 feet with a minimum slope of 4 percent. The pipe was fitted with a screened elbow that discharges any potential overflow from a height of at least 12 inches above the adjacent ground level. I am submitting herewith the following: • Summary drawings of the water system and the new storage tank. • Photographs of the improvements made to the system including addition of the overflow line. • Bacteriological test results from an investigative sample taken immediately after disinfection and initial filling of the tank and a routine sample taken shortly thereafter. It should be noted that we have had no positive results from bacteriological testing since the tank was installed. It is my opinion that the improvements made to the system were completed using appropriate care and construction practices and that the improvements are in general accordance with Utah Administrative Code, Rule Series 500, Drinking Water Facility, Construction, Design, and Operation. We would respectfully request an exception to the requirement that a tank drain be installed near the tank due to it's location at the top of a hill. When drainage of the tank is required, we will drain it through the system to locations on flatter ground where discharge will not result in excessive erosion. If any additional information is required, please contact me at ( 435) 790-0585. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Andrew Palmer. P .E. Civil Engineer '. Indian Crossin,g Campground Water System Improvements April 2011 SUMMARY DRAWINGS .. 2 E D HO,,/fS'.E CO.RRAZS c B J10A7' IUVP/PARKIHC A 2 3 3 4 ')',"-<� '7'J.fi' .IN 2'0 EXIS7'./NC ITA"f'SR :0.IS7'R.IBUgJ.f0N .l.JNE 4 rJJlVIE f//STOflfCAL fO JOJlll J, 5 5 6 Pro;ect Summary A 5000 go/Ion water storage tonk was installed to provide on adequate water supply in the event of o power outage. The tonk consists of[ on B' diameter by 17'8" long fiberglass tonk and is used to store potable water for the Indian Crossing campground. The tonk is filled with water pumped through a 1 M inch HOPE pipe directly from the existing well in the campground. The submersible pump in the well was replaced to provide � 25 gpm rote of flow to the tank. a: Float switches to control the pump � were installed in the tonk. A control �� coble was installed in the waterline ,_� trench to electronically connect the D �i float switches to the pump control �o module located in the concrete vault s� adjacent to the well. �� Water discharged from the tank to the campground system is fed by gravity through a 2 inch HOPE water line to the campground and boot romp areas and distributed through the existing water lines. Additional laterals with spigots were installed near the vault toilets in the northern portion of the campground and near the horse corrals. Trenches for the waterlines and laterals were excavated to o minimum depth of 4 feet below existing grade to provide frost protection. c B A �� liliil 0 � z ::> 0 z ti "' � 0.. >-0::: <( � � :::> (/) f-z w � w > 0 0::: 0... � � w f-(/) >-(/) 0::: w � 3: 0 N ti � 0 � "' i .;; � iii 0 0 "' � z "' el iii "' 0 0 6 SHEET � LU ::::E LU � � D.. � LU z ::::; � LU � 3: (!) z Ui (/) 0 � (.) z < Ci � iii iii z 0 !¥ 0 u 1 1 OF • 0 "' iii :c u � � "' .. t � 1 .. E D c B A PYC .RISER USED\ ro OIS/N.l'ECF lfA!'.ER J.INE 2 r ,e• a.u.t YALYA' I TJl'H PYC .RISER 3 SCRS.EN.EO YA'N:t' PIPE\ ACCESS :ro lfill'ER LA'YA'J, SENSORS 4 _,_ ,..,.....---. --rf+-----r �n::_--rf m 1 1 1111 , T 111111 1 11 111 ,.1 1 1-z�3 �: PYC PIPE lfI7'H T.41'ER .LEYA'.L SENSORS HAS SCREA'NE.0 YA'N:t' :ro .A!'Jl"OSPH,EM f.5• HOPE SUPP.LT J.INE 2" HOPE DJS:t'IUJJU7'fOH J.INE _/ NOTES: 1. A 5000 gallon water storage tank was installed to provide on adequate water supply in the event of a power outage. The tonk consists of on 8' diameter by 17'8" long fiber gloss tank ond is used to store potable. water for the Indian Crossing campground. 2. The tonk is filled with water pumped through a 1 M inch HOPE pipe directly from the existing well in the _campground. The submersible pump in the well was replaced to provide approximately 25 gpm flow rote with 200 feet of head. J. Float switches to control the pump were installed in the tank. A control coble was Installed in the waterline trench to electronically connect the float switches to the pump control module located in the concrete vault adjacent to the well. 2 3 5. 000 c.u.LON .l'IBERCMSS 1'.Al'ER 1'.ANK 4. Water discharged from the tank to the campground system iS fed by gravity through a 2 inch HOPE water line to the campground and boat romp areas and distributed through the existing water lines. Additional laterals with spigots were installed near the vault toilets in the northern portion of the campground and near the horse corrals. 5. J inch PVC tonk overflow was installed on 4/17/2014. The 4 6. lf.Al'ER .LEYA'/, SENSORS ENC.LOSEO JN OPEN A'NOEO PYC PIPE 5 overflow line extends 80 feet from the tonk with a minimum slope of 4 percent and hos a screened discharge at least 12 inches above the ground. Due to the high potential for excessive erosion, a drain was not installed adjacent to the storage tank. Drainage of the tonk will be facilitated using the water spigots located at the corrals and campground where the water can be dispersed with less impact. 5 6 6 E :I: � :::> z 0 I-:5 � _J "' <( l.JJ 0 :::;; ;;:: I-l.JJ "" (/) ti �!z z 0::: """" a_ i!=i:i � ... " � l.JJ D ;I z z <( ::::; ""c I-0::: ,,.� l.JJ � 3:: !;( """" w ;= cO �� z (!) z LL iii liliil (/) 0 0 � 0::: () z >-z ::::i 0::: :!!; <( Cl I-:::::i! � () a:: :::::i! Iii :::) c (/) 0::: l.JJ :<!:: 0::: c z l.JJ l.JJ 0::: (!) c � "' a.. !1i: � B "' � i "' !?! "' z "" A "" ... "' " 0 w "' 0 1E � � � z � � � � � 0 c "" z z !� 6 � � ( � "' a.. c c cu 2 SHEIT 1 OF 1 Indian Crossing Campground Water System Improvements April 2011 SELECTED PHOTOGRAPHS Photo 1-Setting Tank in Excavation. Photo 2 -Installation of manway extension with gasket. Photo 3 -Tank with appurtenances attached ready for backfill Photo 4 -Tank with pea gravel bedding shown Photo 5 - Placement of pea gravel backfill Photo 6 -Tank with pea gravel backfill to spring line. Photo 7 -Typical trench with minimum 4Yz' depth. Photo 8 -Typical trench with pipes and control cable partially placed Photo 9 -Trench backfill operation with initial bedding by hand to avoid crushing pipe Photo 10 -Partially backfilled trench with metallic tracer ribbon Photo 11-Two inch distribution line tied in to existing water line Photo 12 -One and a half inch supply line tied into vault at well location with well casing exposed Photo 13 -Pump control sensors installed within vented casing Photo 14 -Completed tank installation Photo 15 -Overflow line extending from storage tank Photo 16 -Overflow discharge Indian Crossin,g Campground Water System Improvements April 2011 BACTERIOLOGICAL TEST RES UL TS ) ) TriCounty Health Department En"ironmental Lab 1335. SOO E. Vernal, UT 8407S (435} 247-1162 David Eaton Water System Name/Number: Indian Crossing #05040 Lab Number: 110610 Sampling Point: #1 Collected By: Tim Sweeney Collection Date/Time: 6·7-2011@1210 Analysis: Colilert-18 Sample Type: Routine Results: Details/Comments: Reporting Information: BLM Tim Sweeney 170 S. 500 E. Vernal, UT 84078 Satisfactory Date/rime R�ceived: 6-7-2011@>1430 Sample Temperature: 5.9 C Date/Time A11alyzed; 6-7·2011@l639 Water Type: Public Water System On Ice; Yes Total Collforms per 100ml-Absent Fetal Collforms per 100mL-Absent Total Collforms: Fecal Coliforms (e.coli) <1 <1 MPlll/tOOmL MPN/lOOmL ) TriCounty Health Department Environmental lab 1335.SOOE. Vernal, LIT 84078 (435) 247·1162 David Eaton Water System Name/Number: Indian Crossing #05040 Lab Number: 110555 Sarnpling Point: #1 Collected By: Jerry Mobley Colleetion Date/Time: 5-i6-20:l1@1230 Analysis: Colilert-18 5ample Type: Private Investigative Results: Detalls/Comments: Repo11in1 Information: BLM TlmSweertey 1705. 500 E. Vernal, UT 84078 Satisfactory Oatemme Received: 5-26-2011@1448 Sample Temperature: 3.4 C Date/Time Analy1.ed: S-�6-2011@1644 Water Type: Public Water System On Ice: Yes Total Coliforms per 100ml-Absent fecal Coliforms per 100mL-Absent Total Collforms: Fecal Coliforms (e.coliJ <1 <1 MPN/100mL MPN/100mL