HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2022-038477 - 0901a068810e94e8Source Development - Wells Utah DEQ Yes Construction Plan Review Checklist Division of Drinking Water No N/A Project Information Professional Engineer Responsible for Design PWS Name: North Logan City Name: Lance Anderson PWS ID: 3015 Registration No.: 323733-2202 Project Description: This Project Notification is for Green Canyon Well #5, a new well for North Logan City. Plans and specifications for drilling the well are being submitted at this time. A PER is also being submitted at this time. Plans for well equipping and a new pump house will be submitted to DDW separately after the well is drilled and tested. Phone No.: 435-713-0099 Email: lance@cachelandmark.com Well Drilling submitted by Chris DeKorver, P.G. of Bowen and Collins DDW Plan Review Information Project File Number: 12963 Plan Review Engineer: Dani Zebelean Instructions: In the appropriate column below, for the Design Engineer or DDW Review Engineer, select a response from the dropdown menu indicating whether each requirement listed is addressed in the plans and specs. Add Notes if needed to explain responses. Consult the UAC rules cited to fully understand the details of the regulatory requirements; the summaries below are not meant to replace the rules. UAC Rule Summary of Rule Requirement Design Engineer Review Engineer Notes Engineer (note reason below if answer is 'No') General Requirements R309-500-6 (2)(b) Plans and specifications sufficiently detailed to assure properly constructed project Yes R309-500-6 (2)(c) Plans and specifications stamped, dated, and signed by PE Yes R309-500-6 (2)(e) Exception to rule requirements granted by the Director for alternative designs N/A R309-515-4(3) Minimum of 2 sources provided (community water systems with >100 connections and no surface water treatment) Yes R309-515-4(3) Total source capacity ≥ system peak day demand Yes R309-515-4(4) Source water meets water quality requirements of R309-200 (with treatment if required) Yes R309-515-4(5) New source analysis provided for contaminants listed in R309-515-4(5) Yes R309-515-4(6) Identify water source as surface water, groundwater, or under the influence of surface water (UDI) for DDW determination N/A R309-515-5(1) & 6(1) For surface water or UDI source, identify whether surface water treatment of well water is provided (after well development) N/A R309-520-6(3)(b) For groundwater, identify whether disinfection or inorganics treatment is needed and provided N/A R309-515-4(7) Location of each point of diversion provided (lat and long; or section, township, range) Yes N/A Project will resolve existing physical deficiencies N/A Standby Power R309-515-6(2)(b) One or more sources equipped with redundant power supply or power supply from two independent substations Yes Generator included in Well equipping R309-515-6(2)(a) Pre-lube line for pump-bearings has valved bypass or automatic control wired to emergency power source (auto pre-lube) Yes Utah Division of Water Rights R309-515-6(3) Well driller has start card from State Engineer's Office before beginning drilling [Drilling Requirement] Yes Received on 9/13/2022 R309-515-6(3) R655-4 (Water Wells) rules followed [Drilling Requirement] Yes Source Protection R309-515-6(4) Well location based on R309-600 requirements Yes R309-515-6(4) Well located in area that minimizes threats from existing or potential pollution sources Yes R309-515-6(4) Sewer lines absent from source protection zones 1 and 2 unless precautions are taken (see precautions below) Yes Source Protection - Precautions for Locating Sewer Lines in Zones 1 and 2 R309-515-6(4) Sewer lines meet conditions of R309-600-13(3) Yes Working with Meliss N. on exception R309-515-6(4)(a) Sewer lines constructed to remain watertight Yes R309-515-6(4)(a) Sewer lines deflection tested per R317-3 Yes R309-515-6(4)(a) Sewer lines video-inspected before placing into service Yes R309-515-6(4)(a)(i) HDPE sewers: PE3408 or PE4710, DR ≤17, with fusion-welded joints Yes R309-515-6(4)(a)(ii) PVC sewers: C900 or C905, DR ≤18, restrained-gasket or fusion-welded joints, ID'd as sanitary sewer (no solvent cement joints) Yes R309-515-6(4)(a)(iii) Ductile iron sewers: with ceramic epoxy lining, polyethylene encasement, restrained joints, and 200 min. pressure class Yes R309-515-6(4)(b) Procedures for leakage tests per R317-3 specified Yes R309-515-6(4)(c) Lateral to main connections fusion-welded, shop-fabricated, or with mechanical clamping watertight saddle Yes R309-515-6(4)(d) Inlet and outlet sewer pipes joined to a manhole with flexible water-tight gasket Yes R309-515-6(4)(e) Sewer pipe laid with max. 2% deflection at any joint Yes R309-515-6(4)(f) Sewer pipe backfill compacted to at least 95% of max. lab density per ASTM D-690 Yes R309-515-6(4)(g)(i) Sewer manholes constructed of reinforced concrete Yes R309-515-6(4)(g)(ii) Sewer manhole base and walls up to a min. of 12” above top of upper-most sewer pipe constructed in single pour wo/ joints Yes R309-515-6(4)(g)(iii) Sewer manholes air-pressure tested after installation Yes R309-515-6(4)(h) Unprotected aquifers: impermeable cutoff wall constructed in all sewer trenches up-gradient of zone 2 Yes R309-515-6(4)(h) Protected aquifers: impermeable cutoff wall constructed in all sewer trenches up-gradient of zone 1 Yes Well Approval Process R309-515-6(5)(a)(i) Preliminary Engineering Report submitted and acceptable before beginning well drilling Yes PER in concurrent review R309-515-6(5)(a)(ii) Plan Approval given by DDW before beginning well drilling Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(i) Prior to use of new well, provide report of Well Driller stamped as received by State Engineer’s Office Yes Well Equipping received on 9/20/2024 R309-515-6(5)(c)(ii) Prior to use of new well, provide well grouting approval letter Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(iii) Prior to use of new well, provide aquifer drawdown test data, w/yield vs. drawdown & comments/interpretation by PE or PG Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(iv) Prior to use of new well, provide chemical analysis required by R309-515-4(5) [new source analyses] Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(v) Prior to use of new well, provide evidence that owner has legal right to divert water from the well Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(vi) Prior to use of new well, provide plans and specifications by a PE for well house, equipment, and piping Yes R309-515-6(5)(c)(vii) Prior to use of new well, provide bact. analysis of water after installation of permanent equipment, disinfection, and flushing R309-515-6(5)(d) Obtain an Operating Permit before introducing well water into water system Well Materials, Design, and Construction - General R309-515-6(6)(a) Interior surfaces in contact with drinking water comply with ANSI/NSF 61 Yes Casing, screens, gravel R309-515-6(6)(a) Drop pipes, well screens, coatings, adhesives, solders, fluxes, pumps, switches, electrical wire, sensors meet ANSI/NSF 61 Yes R309-515-6(6)(a) All substances introduced to well during construction/development, incl. drilling fluids and regenerants, meet ANSI/NSF 60 Yes Drilling fluid and well additives Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Permanent Steel Casing R309-515-6(6)(b)(i) Casing is new and meets AWWA Standard A-100, ASTM, or API specifications in R655-4-11.2.3, Table 6 Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(ii) Casing has additional thickness and weight provided if min. isn’t sufficient to assure reasonable life expectancy of the well Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(iii) Casing is capable of withstanding expected forces Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(iv) Casing is equipped with a drive shoe, if driven Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(v) Casing has full circumferential welds or threaded coupling joints Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi) Casing is min. of 18” above ground surface or 12” above pump house floor Yes R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi) Top of casing terminates min. of 3’ above higher of 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation at sites that flood Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Non-Ferrous Casing R309-515-6(6)(c) Use of non-ferrous casing has received approval by Director N/A R309-515-6(6)(c) Thermoplastic well casing meets AWWA Standard A100-06 and bears NSF-wc logo for compliance with NSF 14 for well casing N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Disposal of Cuttings R309-515-6(6)(d) Cuttings and waste from well drilling not discharged to a waterway, lake, or reservoir Yes R309-515-6(6)(d) Division of Water Quality rules for discharges followed Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Packers R309-515-6(6)(e) Packer material does not impart taste, odor, toxic substances, or bacteria to well water Yes R309-515 included in specifications R309-515-6(6)(e) Packers that contain lead are prohibited Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Screens R309-515-6(6)(f)(i) Screen material resistant to chemical action of groundwater and cleaning operations Yes R309-515-6(6)(f)(ii) Size of screen openings based on sieve analysis of formations or gravel pack materials Yes R309-515-6(6)(f)(iii) Screen diameter sufficient to provide adequate specific capacity and low aperture entrance velocities Yes R309-515-6(6)(f)(iv) Operating water level remains above the screen under all pumping conditions Yes R309-515-6(6)(f)(v) Bottom plate or wash-down bottom fitting is made of the same material as the screen Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Plumbness and Alignment R309-515-6(6)(g) Well tested for plumbness and vertical alignment per AWWA Standard A100 Yes Specs R309-515-6(6)(g)(i) Test method and allowable tolerances for plumbness and vertical alignment clearly stated in specs Yes Appendix D R309-515-6(6)(g)(ii) Specs clearly indicate options that design engineer has if well fails to meet requirements for plumbness or vertical alignment Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Casing Perforations R309-515-6(6)(h)(i) Perforations located to permit uniform collection of water around circumference of well casing Yes R309-515-6(6)(h)(ii) Perforations are of dimensions and size to restrain water bearing soils from entering the well Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Sealing R309-515-6(6)(i) Annulus between outermost well casing and borehole wall grout sealed min. of 100’ BGS (unless exception issued) Yes R309-515-6(6)(i) More than one casing: annulus between outermost casing and inner casing grout-sealed or water-tight welded steel ring N/A R309-515-6(6)(i) For wells with pitless adaptors, well sealed to a min. depth of 110’ N/A R309-515-6(6)(i)(i)(A) Annular opening allows min. of 2” of grout between outermost permanent casing and drilled hole Yes R309-515-6(6)(i)(i)(B) Casing placed to permit unobstructed flow and uniform thickness of grout Yes R309-515-6(6)(i)(ii)(A) Neat cement grout to seal 2” annulus opening conforms to ASTM Standard C150 with max. of 6 gallons of water/cement sack N/A Not using neat grout R309-515-6(6)(i)(ii)(A) Neat cement grout additives to increase fluidity are approved by Director N/A R309-515-6(6)(i)(ii)(B) Concrete grout: annulus >2” may use equal parts cement (ASTM C150) and sand w/ max. 6 gal. of water/cement sack Yes Cement/sand mix called out R309-515-6(6)(i)(ii)(C) Clay seal: for annulus openings >6” use of swelling bentonite seal meeting requirements of R655-4-11.42 approved by Director N/A R309-515-6(6)(i)(iii)(A) Annular openings <4” – grout installed under pressure with a positive displacement pump from bottom of annular opening N/A annular space > 4 inches R309-515-6(6)(i)(iii)(B) Annular openings ≥4”/≤100’ deep: concrete grout gravity-placed, continuous operation, w/ pipe at bottom of opening Yes ~38-28 inch borehole, 16-inch casing R309-515-6(6)(i)(iii)(C) Temporary construction casings removed prior to or during well sealing (exceptions approved by SEO & submitted to Director) Yes R309-515-6(6)(i)(iii)(D) Well in a protected aquifer sealed from ground surface to min. of 100’ below surface and through protective clay layer N/A Not in protected aquifer R309-515-6(6)(i)(iii)(E) After well is grouted, work on well discontinued until grout has properly set (usually 72 hrs) Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Water Entering Well During Construction R309-515-6(6)(j) Water that enters the well during construction will be obtained from chlorinated water system Yes R309-515-6(6)(j) If impossible to get water from chlorinated water system, treat water to produce 100 mg/L free chlorine per R655-4-11.6.5 Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Gravel Pack Wells R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material made of well-rounded particles Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is min. 90% siliceous material Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is max. 5% acid solubility Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is smooth Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is uniform Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is free of foreign material Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is properly sized Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is washed Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(i) Gravel pack material is disinfected immediately prior to or during placement Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(ii) Gravel pack placed in one uniform, continuous operation Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(iii) Refill pipe is sch. 40 steel pipe incorporated in pump foundation Yes "mild steel" R309-515-6(6)(k)(iii) Refill pipe terminates w/ screwed or welded cap, min. of 12” above pump house floor or concrete apron Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(iv) Refill pipes in grouted annular opening surrounded by min. of 1.5” of grout Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(v) Protection provided to prevent leakage of grout into gravel pack or screen Yes R309-515-6(6)(k)(vi) Casings not removed meet requirements of R309-515-6(6)(b) or R309-515-6(6)(c) Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Development R309-515-6(7)(a) Well developed to remove native silts and clays, drilling mud, or finer fraction of gravel pack Yes R309-515-6(7)(b) Well development to continue until max. specific capacity is obtained Yes R309-515-6(7)(c) Chemical conditioning: specs have method, equipment, chemicals, residual chemical testing, & disposal of waste & inhibitors N/A R309-515-6(7)(d) Blasting procedures: specs include provisions for blasting & cleaning to assure grouting and casing are not damaged N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Capping Requirements R309-515-6(8)(a) Well securely capped per R655-4-14.1 until permanent equipment is installed Yes R309-515-6(8)(b) Well protected from tampering and entrance of foreign materials during work progress Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Abandonment R309-515-6(9)(a) Test well and groundwater sources to be permanently abandoned, are abandoned per R655-4-14 N/A R309-515-6(9)(b) Wells to be abandoned are sealed to prevent exchange of water between aquifers N/A R309-515-6(9)(b) Wells to be abandoned are sealed with neat cement grout (preferred method) N/A R309-515-6(9)(b) Fill materials other than cement grout or concrete are disinfected and free of foreign materials N/A R309-515-6(9)(b) Cement grout or concrete applied through pipe, tremie, or bailer N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Assessment R309-515-6(10)(a) Recomend: do step drawdown test to determine max. pumping rate for intake setting prior to required constant-rate test Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(i) Constant rate test required after well development and before permanent pump placement Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(ii) Constant rate test methods clearly indicated in specifications Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(iii) Test pump w/ pumping capacity in excess of desired design discharge rate when pumped against max. anticipated drawdown Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(iv) Provide for continuous pumping for min. of 24 hours or until stabilized drawdown has continued for a min. of 6 hours when pumped at a constant rate equal to the desired design discharge rate Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(v)(A) Provide capacity vs. head characteristics for test pump (pump curve) Yes curve not given, but operating parameters were R309-515-6(10)(b)(v)(B) Provide static water level (in ft. to nearest 10th, measured form identified datum – usually top of casing) Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(v)(C) Provide depth of test pump intake Yes 250 - 400 feet bgs R309-515-6(10)(b)(v)(D) Provide time and date for starting and ending test Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(A) For min. of 10 uniform time intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation, record time in minutes since start of test Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(B) For min. of 10 uniform time intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation, record actual pumping rate Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(C) For min. of 10 uniform time intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation, record pumping water level in ft. to nearest 10th from same datum used for the static water level Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(D) For min. of 10 uniform time intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation, record drawdown in ft. to nearest 10th Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vi)(E) For min. of 10 uniform time intervals for each log cycle of the graphic evaluation, provide graphic evaluation on semi-log graph paper plotting drawdown measurements on an arithmetic scale at locations corresponding to time since starting test on logarithmic scale Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vii)(A) Record time since stopping pump test in minutes at time intervals similar to those used during constant-rate pump test after end of constant-rate test until there are no changes in water level depth for a min. of 6 hours Yes R309-515-6(10)(b)(vii)(B) Record depth to water level in ft. to nearest 10th measured from same datum used for pumping water level at time intervals similar to those used during constant-rate pump test after end of constant-rate test until there are no changes in water level depth for a min. of 6 hours Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Safe Yield R309-515-6(10)(c) If aquifer drawdown test data indicates drawdown has stabilized, safe yield of well will be 2/3 of pumping rate used in constant-rate test (safe yield is used to determine permanent ERCs the well can support) Yes Well Equipping received on 9/20/2024 Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Disinfection R309-515-6(11) New, modified, or reconditioned well and pumping equipment disinfected per AWWA Standards C654-03 and A100-06 as modified by (i) and (ii), below, before placing into service Yes R309-515-6(11)(i) Sufficient chlorine added for a min. of 50 ppm for all parts of the well and installed equipment Yes 100 ppm stated R309-515-6(11)(i) Chlorine solution retained in well for a min. of 8 hours Yes 12 hours stated R309-515-6(11)(ii) Satisfactory bacteriological water sample obtained before use of water in PWS Well Equipping Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Equipping for Naturally Flowing Wells R309-515-6(12)(a)(i) Discharge controlled by valves N/A R309-515-6(12)(a)(ii) Permanent casing sealed by grout N/A R309-515-6(12)(a)(iii) If erosion of confining bed adjacent to well appears likely, special protective construction specified by Director N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Pumps R309-515-6(12)(b)(i) Design discharge rate of well pump does not exceed constant-rate aquifer drawdown test rate Yes Well Equipping received on 9/20/2024 R309-515-6(12)(b)(ii)(A) Line-shaft pumps: Casing firmly connected to pump structure or inserted into recess extending min. 0.5” into pump base Yes R309-515-6(12)(b)(ii)(B) Line-shaft pumps: Pump foundation & base designed to prevent fluids contacting joints between pump base & casing Yes R309-515-6(12)(b)(ii)(C) Line-shaft pumps: Intake of well pump is a min. of 10’ below max. anticipated drawdown elevation Yes R309-515-6(12)(b)(ii)(D) Line-shaft pumps: Avoid use of oil lubrication for pumps with intake screens less than 400’ deep Yes R309-515-6(12)(b)(iii)(A) Submersible pumps: Casing top sealed to prevent entrance of water under vibration or movement of conductors or cables N/A Not submersible pumps R309-515-6(12)(b)(iii)(B) Submersible pumps: Electrical cable firmly attached to riser pipe at min. of 20’ intervals N/A R309-515-6(12)(b)(iii)(C) Submersible pumps: Well pump intake a min. of 10’ below max. anticipated drawdown elevation N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Pitless Well Units and Adapters R309-515-6(12)(c) Restore surface seal integrity if excavation for pitless unit compromises surface seal N/A R309-515-6(12)(c) Torch-cut holes in casing along neat lines closely following outline of pitless adapter N/A R309-515-6(12)(c) Torch-cut holes completely filled with competent weld with burrs and fins removed prior to installation of pitless unit/adaptor N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(i) Below ground connection not submerged in water during installation N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii) Unit/adapter terminates at the higher of a min. of 18” above final ground elevation or 3’ above highest known flood elevation N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(iii) Have a label or certification indicating compliance with Water Systems Council Pitless Adpater Standard (PAS-97) N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(iv) Have suitable access to interior of casing to disinfect the well N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(v) Suitable sanitary seal/cover at casing upper terminal prevents entrance of fluids/contamination, esp. at electrical cable conn. N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) Have access to measure static and pumped water levels in well N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(vii) Allow a min. of one check valve within the well casing N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(viii) Have a lockable cover or otherwise be protected from vandals or sabotage N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(ix) Shop-fabricated from point of connection with well casing to unit cap or cover N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(x) Be watertight N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(xi) Constructed of materials at least equivalent to the casing with compatible wall thickness N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(xii) Have threaded, flanged, or mechanical field connection joint to the lateral discharge from the pitless unit N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(xiii) Be threaded or welded to the casing (only field welding on the pitless unit allowed is the connection to the casing) N/A R309-515-6(12)(c)(xiv) Have inside diameter as great as that of the well casing (≤12”) N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well Discharge Piping R309-515-6(12)(d)(i) Designed with low friction loss Yes Well Equipping received on 9/20/2024 R309-515-6(12)(d)(ii) For above-ground discharge, control valves and appurtenances are above pump house floor Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) Protected from entrance of contaminants Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) Smooth-nose sample tap (1st), check valve, press. gauge, flow measure, & shut-off valve (last) unless naturally flowing well Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) For well that pumps directly into distribution system, air release valve is upstream of the check valve Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) Air release valve not required if trapped air can be pumped to waste before water is introduced into the distribution system Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(vi) Exposed piping valves and appurtenances protected from physical damage and freezing Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(vii) Anchored to prevent movement Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(viii) Protected from surge or water hammer Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) Pump-to-waste line with min. 12” clearance from flood rim of sewer or storm drain Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) Pump-to-waste line end downturned Yes R309-515-6(12)(d)(ix) Pump-to-waste line end covered with #4 mesh corrosion-resistant screen Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Water Level Measurement R309-515-6(12)(e)(i) Water levels can be measured in the completed well Yes Water Level tube installed. R309-515-6(12)(e)(ii) Permanent water level measuring equipment is made of corrosion resistant materials Yes Well Equipping R309-515-6(12)(e)(ii) Permanent water level measuring equipment attached firmly to the drop pipe or pump column Yes R309-515-6(12)(e)(ii) Permanent water level measuring equipment installed to prevent entrance of foreign materials Yes Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Observation Wells R309-515-6(12)(f)(i) Constructed according to requirements for permanent wells if to remain in service after completion of water supply well N/A R309-515-6(12)(f)(ii) Protected at upper terminal to prevent entrance of foreign materials N/A Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Electrical Protection R309-515-6(12)(g) Electrical controls on pump motors sufficient to eliminate electrical problems due to phase shifts, surges, lightning, etc. Yes Well Equipping Well Materials, Design, and Construction - Well House Construction R309-515-6(13) Well house provided for above-ground motors (strongly recommended) Yes Well Equipping R309-515-6(13)(a) Permanent well casing min. of 12” above pump house floor or concrete apron AND 18” above final ground surface Yes R309-515-6(13)(a) Well casing in underground vault: drain to daylight sized to handle excess well flow Yes R309-515-6(13)(a) Well casing in underground vault: surface water runoff directed away from vault access Yes R309-515-6(13)(b) Floor surface a min. of 6” above final ground elevation Yes R309-515-6(13)(b) Floor surface sloped to provide drainage Yes R309-515-6(13)(b) Floor drains to daylight (unless highly impractical) Yes R309-515-6(13)(c) Sites subject to flooding: earth berm ≥ 2’ above highest known flood elevation or other protection determined by director Yes R309-515-6(13)(d) Top of well casing terminates at the higher of a min. of 3’ above 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation Yes R309-515-6(13)(e) Well house ventilated to assure adequate protection of equipment Yes R309-515-6(13)(e) Well house heated to assure adequate protection of equipment Yes R309-515-6(13)(e) Well house lighted to assure adequate protection of equipment Yes R309-515-6(13)(f) Director requires fencing similar to that required around spring areas where necessary to protect water quality Yes R309-515-6(13)(g) Access provided through well house roof or wall to service or replace well pump Yes