HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012960I I WASATCH EM/IRONMENTAL, INC. EN VIRONME N TA L SP E C IA L IS TS WASATCH GEOTECHNICAL, INC. SO ILS A N D F OUNDATD N EN G INEERS I I { -l Mr. PaulCallister Premium OilCompany 2005 South 300 West Salt lake City, Utah 84115 July 9, 1992 1093-4.Sr John Rabideau Senior Geologist SUBJECT Site Characterization/l nitial Subsurface I nvestigation Report UST Release Site EGUP Facility ldentification Number 2000222 Gash Saver Station Richfield, Utah ln accordance with your reguest, we have completed this lnitial Site Characterization/Subsurface lnvestigation Report for the Cash Saver station located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical and environmental engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC N"-^r.il*a'r I-l -t I I -J Darin Worden Project Hydrologist DWJRl/adt Attachments Copies: (3)Addressee UTAH DEPAnTil'IEFIT OF ENVI HOilJ M f; I"ITAL AU,ALITY v\ t,4v. 0F F.l'lvlR0rufiflrNTAL H H-s[3ONS H Al'{ * Fr! [rt!q f DiATl0N JUL 2 2 t$uz J 2251 WESTCALTFORNTAAVENUE. SALTLAKEClry,UTAH84104. (aot)97244M. FAX(WA9724459 1 I I I I I I I I SITE CHARACTERIZATION/INITIAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT UST RELEASE SITE EGUP FACTLTTY l.D. NO. 2000222 CASH SAVER STATION RICHFIELD, UTAH Project No. 1093-4 To Mr. Paul Gallister Premium Oil Gompany 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake Gity, Utah 841153 July 1992 Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 1 I I -l I TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal Title Page Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2, SITE CHARACTERIZATION . . . . 2.1 EnvironmentalSensitivity .... 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 Depth to Groundwater. . . Soil Permeability . Precipitation Water Rights Facility Demographics . . . Underground Utilities Sensitivity Category . . . . Required Cleanup Levels . 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. NATURE OF IMPACT 4. SUBSURFACE ]NVESTIGATION 4.1 Limited Soil-Gas Survey 4.2 Exploratory Soil Borings and Sampling . . . 4.3 Groundwater Monitoring Well lnstallation and Sampling 4.4 Hydropunch Groundwater Sampling 4.5 Sample Handling, Transport and Analysis 5. HYDROGEOLOGY 6. SUBSURFACECONDITIONS 6.1 Unified SoilClassification . . . 6.2 Organic Vapor Measurements 7. DISTRIBUTION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS .... 7.1 Vapors 7.2 Soil . 7.3 Groundwater 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . Table 1 - Summary of WellCompletions and Measured Water Levels Table 2 - Summary of Laboratory Analyses for petroleum and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soiland Groundwater Figurel-AreaMap Figure2-SiteMap Figure 3 - Groundwater Elevation Contour Map Appendix A - Water Rights Survey Appendix B - BoringMell Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Reports 1 I I I I SITE CHARACTERIZATION/INITIAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT UST RELEASE SITE EGUP FAC|L|TY t.D. NO. 2000222 CASH SAVER STATION RICHFIELD, UTAH 1. INTRODUCTION A release of gasoline was suspected at the subject property following the tightness failure of one dispenser line' Our work was undertaken in response to additional site characterization requests made by the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR). This report includes information normally required in the lnitial Site Characterization Report in accordance with Federal (40 CFR 280 Subpart F) and DERR requirements. 2. SITECHARACTERIZATION The Richfield Cash Saver property includes one building utilized as a convenience store, and restrooms. The remainder of the site is covered with asphalt and concrete pavements. The surrounding area is characterized and mixed residential and retail business. See Figure 1 for site location. several other historic and existing gasoline stations are located in the immediate vicinity of the cash saver property' The closest being a vacant 7-11 property located directly north (up gradient) of the site across 300 South. The 7-11 USTs and dispenser island were recently removed from the site. 2.1 Environmentalsensitivity The numerical level of environmental sensitivity for the site has been calculated according to the December 11, 1990 DERR memorandum: "Guideline Document for Estimating Numeric Cleanup Levels for Petroleum-contaminated Soil at Underground storage Tank Release sites.,, A worksheet is attached as Table 3. DERR evaluates environmental sensitivity based upon demographics, geography, hydrology, and geology. Our rationale for determining the numerical level of each sensitivity category is presented in the following paragraphs in the order the categories appear on the DERR worksheet. 2-1.1 Depth to Groundwater Groundwater was measured in four site monitor wells (discussed in section 5.) between g.45 and 11.05 feet below the top of the well casing (slightly below grade). lmpacted soit comes in contact with groundwater. Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 1 -l I j -1 I I IJ I.l l I J 2.1.2 Soil Permeability 0- /o Based upon soil information gathered at the site, native soils are classified as low permeability (see Section 6.). 2.1-3 Precipitation o Precipitation in the Richfield area averages 8.23 inches per year (National Weather Service, personal communication). 2.1.4 Water Rights A survey of water rights on record with the Utah Department of Natural resources (DNR) was completed on June 2, 1992; results are included in Appendix A. There are no wells within a %-mile radius of the site. There are however 38 wells and 2 surface water rights within a one mile radius. This includes 4 municipal wells with the closest located approximately 1,400 feet southeast of the site. The closest surface water is an irrigation canal located approximately 2,000 feet southeast of the site. * 1e) 2-1 .5 F acility Demographics The facility is located within the City of Richfield, Utah; more than 3,000 people live within a three-mile radius of the site. One residence is located directly south of the site. The residence includes one house with a full basement. ? c> 2.1-G Underground Utilities Several underground utilities service the site. Water and gas lines enter the property from the north. A storm sewer parallels the property along the northern property line. Additionalwater and sewer mains located in Main Street parallelthe property on the westem side. tt . 2.1.7 Sensitivity Category The arithmetic surn of points for each sensitivity category indicates the site has a Level ll (Moderately Sensitive) Environmental Sensitivity.)-,1 "ur-| ,/2.2 Required Cleanup Levels The recommended cleanup level (RCL) for soil impacted by a gasoline release is 100 ppm total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) for Level ll sites. lf the concentrations of TPH exceed 100 ppm, the aromatic hydrocarbon constituents of gasoline must also be measured. These constituents include: benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and totalxylenes (BTEX). The Level ll RCLs for these constituents are 0.300 ppm, 300 ppm, 200 ppm, 3,000 ppm, respectively. Groundwater cleanup standards are based on the state and federal maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for the BTEX constituents with the most stringent being 0.005 ppm for benzene. Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 2 ilG l I ) I l -i 3. NATURE OF IMPACT Soil and groundwater at the Richfield Cash Saver site have most likely been impacted by gasoline as it is the only product stored on site. lnventory records do not indicate problems with the USTs or associated pipelines. The dispenser line problem identified during the site tightness testing was repaired and subsequently passed integrity. The area of impact identified during our subsurface investigation indicates the most likely source of subsurface impact is tank overfill. 4. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION The subsurface investigation consisted of a limited soil-gas survey, ten exploratory soil borings, four groundwater monitoring wells, and three vapor extraction wells. One additionalgroundwater sample was collected from 83 utilizing a Hydropunch groundwater sampler. The soilgas survey points and drilling locations are shown on Figure 2. 4-1 Limited Soil-Gas Survey The soil gas survey was conducted on June 2, 1992 by inserting a tubular stainless steel probe approximately four feet below grade and subsequently withdrawing an air sample from the soil void space. The organic vapor content of the air sample was measured with a portable organic vapor monitor (OVM) equipped with a photoionization detector (PlD). This instrument is calibrated to a 100 parts per million (ppm) isobutylene standard and has a reporting range of 0.1 to 2,000 ppm. The OVM detects the presence of volatile organic compounds including those contained in gasoline and diesel fuel. Although the soil-gas survey is semi-quantitative in nature, it is extremely useful for the detection of soils impacted with gasoline and other fuels. The results of the soil gas survey are presented on Figure 2. The soil gas survey information was utilized to develop exploratory boring/groundwater monitoring well locations. 4.2 Exploratory Soil Borings and Sampling One exploratory soil boring (83) was drilled on May 13, 1992, four borings (84-87) were drilled on June 3, 1992 and three borings (88-810) were drilled on June 23,1992 with a Mobile 8-61 truck-mounted drill rig utilizing a hollow stem auger. Subsurface soil conditions were assessed by monitoring auger cuttings and soilsamples collected with a split-spoon sampler in aluminum or brass liners. Cuttings and samples were logged according to soiltype (Unified Soil Classification System), moisture content, color, organic vapor concentrations, and the presence of odor and/or product staining; associated logs are included in Appendix B. Select soil samples collected within close proximity of the water table, or in areas of elevated OVM readings were submitted for laboratory chemical analysis. 4.3 Groundwater Monitoring Well lnstallation and Sampling Groundwater monitoring wells were installed into four exploratory soil borings (85, 86, 87, and 810). The wells were constructed of 2 and 4-inch diameter Tri-Loc schedule 40 PVC (slot size 0.01 inches.) Well construction details are presented on the logs in Appendix B. Wellelevation and depth to groundwater were surveyed on June 25, 1992; results are summarized in Table 1. Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 3 l Wells 84 - 87 were developed and sampled on June 4,1992. A minimum of three well casing volumes of water were removed from each well with disposable PVC bailers prior to sampling. The wells were then sampled using additionaldisposable PVC bailers. Samples were collected in VOC vials with teflon lid septa. A groundwater sample was not collected from 810. The well is initially being used to measure vacuum differences associated with the vapor extraction wells, but will be utilized as a permanent monitoring point for future sampling events. Well 84 was initially utilized as a groundwater monitoring point (groundwater sample collected on June 4, 1992) and is now being utilized as vapor extraction point. 4-4 Hydropunch Groundwater Sampling One groundwater sample was collected 83 on May 13, 1992 utilizing a Hydropunch groundwater sampler. The Hydropunch sampler is specifically designed to sample groundwater at specific depths and/or intervals without the permanent installation of groundwater monitoring wells. Boring 83 was drilled to a depth slightly above the groundwater level, where the Hydropunch sampler was lowered into the boring. The Hydropunch was then driven into the undisturbed soil below the bottom of the boring, where the sampling screen was exposed and a groundwater sample was collected from a known depth and geologic material. 4.5 Sample Handling, Transport and Analysis lmmediately following collection, soil and groundwater samples were placed in cold storage and transported under chain of custody to a state certified laboratory for analysis of TPH and BTEXN (USEPA methods 602610 SW-846 #8020/8015). The laboratory data is summarized in Table 2 and the laboratory reports are presented in Appendix C. 5. HYDROGEOLOGY ln the central Sevier Valley, groundwater generally moves from south to north (Groundwater Conditions in Utah, Spring of 1989, Cooperative lnvestigations Report No. 29). The site monitoring wells were surveyed and depth to groundwater measured on June 25,1992. Groundwater was encountered from 8.45 to 11.05 feet below the top of the well casings. This information was utilized to construct a groundwater elevation contour map of the facility to determine site specific groundwater flow direction. Based on the measured water levels, shallow groundwater beneath the site flows in a southerly direction. (see Figure 3). 6. SUBSURFACECONDITIONS 6.1 Unified Soil Glassification Soils encountered during drilling indicated a site stratigraphy composed predominately of fine grained soils including: clayey silt (ML) to clay (CL), and sandy silt (ML) to silty sand (SM) to the maximum depth explored at approximately 22.5 feet below the ground surface. Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 4 I 6-2 Organic Vapor Measurements The soil-gas survey encountered very high vapor readings (2,000+ ppm) along the westem portion of the south property boundary. High vapor readings were also encountered near the premium unleaded UST located east of the site building (maximum readings of 1,400 ppm) and along the northern ploperty boundary (maximum readings of 1,100 ppm). Collected soil samples were screened in the field with a portable OVM. This instrument measures organic vapors with a photoionization detector (PlD). High organic vapor readings (2,000+ ppm)were measured on samples collected from 83, 84, 88 and, 89 at 10 feet depth. Moderate vapor readings were encountered at 87 (125 ppm at 5 feet depth), and low readings were encountered at 85 and 86 (40 ppm maximum at 5 feet). 7. DISTRIBUTION OF PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS The distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons was evaluated by vapor measurements and laboratory chemical analysis of collected groundwater samples and selected soil samples. The analytical results are summarized in Table 2. 7 -1 Vapors High levels of hydrocarbon vapors were detected along the western portion of the property boundary 7.2 Soil The chemical analyses of soil samples collected at 10 feet from borings 83 and 84, located in the southwestern portion of the property indicate 7.5 ppm and 6.0 ppm benzene, and 180 ppm and 460 ppm TPH respectively. Analyses of the sample collected at 5 feet from 85 indicated 0.2 ppm benzene and <2.0 ppm TPH. Samples for 86 at 10 feet and 87 at 5 feet indicated below detectable concentrations of TPH and BTEXN. 7.3 Groundwater The groundwater samples collected from 83, and 84 contained 9.7 ppm and 1.1 ppm benzene, and 47 ppm and 24 ppm TPH respectively. The groundwater sample from 85 contained 0.011 ppm benzene and <0.020 ppm TPH. The groundwater samples collected from 86 and 87 contained below detectable concentrations of TPH and BTEXN. 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The results of the vapor measurements and soil and groundwater chemical analyses indicate the primary area of impact to be located in the southwestern portion of the property. Substantial organic vapor concentrations (2,000+ ppm) and groundwaterdissolved benzene concentrations (9.7 ppm and 1.1 ppm) were encountered in this area. Due to the extreme close proximity of the residence with a basement to the south of the site, three vapor extraction wells were installed at the property boundary. Additional Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 5 I "l I I I investigation is necessary to fully delineate the subsurface impacts in this area. This would include the collection of soil and groundwater samples from the properties south of the site. High organic vapor readings were identified along the westem and southern property boundaries. Chemical analysis of soil and ground water samples fiom 87 located in the extreme northwestern corner of the property did not indicate detectable TPH or BTEXN. However, w1h the southerly groundwater gradient identified during the investigation, and the location of additional potential sources up gradient from the site, it is possible that the northern portion of the property has been impacted by an off site source. Further investigation in this area would be necessary to evaluate this potential. A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) for the vapor abatement along the southern property boundary is forthcoming. Due to the relative severity and sensitivity of the impacts identified in this area. vaoor t ,n extraction wilt be initiated prior to the deveropment of the cAp. a)/ Wasatch Environmental, lnc. b I I J J J J J .J /^^)') I '1 I "l I TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF WELL COMPLETIONS AND MEASURED wATER LEVELS' lAll elevations are relative to an assumed datum of 100.00 feet at top of casing (TOC)for Bl 'Reference elevation is top of well casing.3Elevations based on water depths measured on indicated date. WellNo.Depth Drilled (t) Screened Depth (ft) Reference Elevation (TOC in ft)2 Water Table Elevation3 June 25, 1992 B4 22.5 2.5-20.0 100.39 89.64 B5 22.5 2.*20.0 100.00 90.53 B6 20.a 2.*20.0 98.23 89.48 97 20.0 5.0-20.0 100.53 92.08 B8 22.5 2.*20.0 100.25 89.91 B9 22.5 2.5-20.0 100.52 89.48 810 20.0 5.0-20.0 100.65 89.60 Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 1 I I I 1 I I) TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES PETROLEUM AND AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS IN SOIL AND GROUNDWATER (all results in mgA or ppm) Sample ldentity Date OVM Reading TPHl ----Aromatic Hydrocarbons---- I lEthyr- lro,', lr.rapnt- Benzene I Toluene I benzene I xytene I tralene sorL 83@10ft.5t13t92 2,000+180 7.5 49 4.1 32 0.6 84@10ft.6t3t92 2,000+460 6.0 19 6.8 54 2.7 85@5ft.6t3t92 40 <2.0 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.4 <0.1 86@10ft,6t3t92 2 <2.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 87@sft.6t3t92 125 <2.0 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.'1 <0.1 GROUNDWATER B3 5t13t92 NT 47 9.7 6,3 1.2 o.z 0.40 B4 6t4t92 NT 24 1.1 0.98 0.40 2.2 0.093 B5 6t4t92 NT <0.020 0.011 <0.002 <0.002 0.008 0.004 B6 6t4t92 NT <0.020 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.004 87 6t4t92 NT <0.020 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0,004 tTPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons 2< = Not Detected at given detection limit; NT = Not tested "J l I i I I IJ Wasatch Environmental, lnc. I .J I ..,! Worksheet for calculation of site environme \pensitivity based upon Guideline Docunrent for Esf '\jing Numeric Cleanup Levels for Petroleum Contaminated Soil at Underground Storage r.rnk Release Sites (12l1 1/90) TABLE 3 EVALUATION RANKING CRITERIA AND RANKING SCORE 7. Lo,,.,ln E.-r,n Iz*,t*f;otol SITE SPECIFIC FACTORS RANKING SCORE FINAL DTSTANCE TO GROUNDWATER (Fr) >100 100 to 75 75 to 50 50 to 25 25 to l0 <10, or recharge area NATIVE SOIL PERMEABILITY Low Moderate High ANNUAL PRECTPTTATTON 0NCHES) <10 10 to 20 >20 DTSTANCE TO NEAREST MUNtCtPAL WELL (Fr) >5280 1320 to 5280 500 to 1320 <500 DTSTANCE TO OTHERWELLS (FT) >1320 300 to 1320 <300 DISTANCE TO SURFACE WATER (FT) >1 000 300 to 1000 <300 AFFECTED POPULATION <100 100 to 3000 >3000 PRESENCE OF NEARBY UTLIry CONDUITS Not Present Unknown Present 0 4 I 12 16 n Score -----2O- 0 10 n Score ------O- 0 5 10 0 I 10 15 0 5 10 Score ------Q- Score ------8.- I O Score ------O- 0 2 5 Score ------O- 0 t0 n 0 14 't5 Score -20.- Score -----15- FINAL SCORE EVALUATION OF POINTS - ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY Level I Sensitivity : >65 Points (Most Sensitive) Level ll Sensitivity : 4O to 65 Points (Moderately Sensitive) Level lll Sensitivity: <40 Points (Least Sensitive) j "l _l I I N I ?-e60t lu^f, 'u'IcNroovnb oTuuHStu ,9'a ^gAunsTVCICOToUC 'S'n nou,{ 'Uf,AVS HSVJ 'dVI^[ CIHdVuCOd0I :I gUnCtuI 000''000'z 000'1 0 ('.Lr) rrvcs s,LaD(ouddvoroHd 9s6I I t i 6a\>x at t-'j' // il II il ltE ,,(lo*//// r -',| ,l r.,1 Pt)t! slJAVrv -F tl // e I J -ll //// lt, n il ltil, ,//' ., // //L Jhb // -7 va -l Irl. t\ I I I ,.1! )obTE - tI =_--1 NOIJVS UJIS I I lt lt il il lt I I I -l!--il-t__ -li-- lt ll 9e .raEy t aio! OTVDA A) I t I i ///K// Il I ) J\ t_2':..'I I L\\ \\,\\ + I I I I L -2// // \\ I I 3OO SOI]TI{ SIREET SIORU DRAff 92.08 q )P ezo SGN DISPm'lSm TSIAND 91.O B1 o 90.53 o85B2 90.0 810 e83 89.48 B6e __89.91 0_-d qBg AUGER CI'TIII{GS Itu BIJILDING LEGEND 92.oa Q Groundwater monitoring well with groundwater elevation in feet e20 <Groundwater elevation contour line with apparent flow direction, elevation in feet o Vapor extraction well e Exploratory soil boring Underground utility line: -G- gas, -S- sewer, -I[-- water APPRO)ilMATE SCALE (FT,) mHp1 aa 2'4 :{ Tf I I I I I I I I I Y "% N I 02040 80 i FIGURE 3: GROUNDWATER ELEVATION CONTOUR MAP, CASH SAVER, RICHFIETD, UTAH "l .J BIJtrJING O IyEI 1093-4 " -'t I i a t0 a a ll I x H IA a- ao B7 Lruo BIO SIGN DIf'PENSER ISIIINI) 3OO SOIJIH S1TEET n0 s'IoRt{ DRAIN590 a q t 580 t 460 t 110 t 200 o23 86o 500 a r,200 B2e 6t0 [-flons 1400 t I,0M eow B1 e l\ h,o-z-ct.c- oht% 810 9, ?DD banr.ene- o83 B4.- -. B-9o r__rn B-9- ,a 173B 2,000+l-em,f Z00o+740 I r IOD t€e,^zef.4- pf b LEGEND A0o0* r Soil gas survey point, concentration in pp (? 9 Groundwater monitoring well o Vapor extraction well' O Exploratory soil boring AUGEA CtJTIlNGS N ' nr.) LO rt Trrd:q-,c f b-1 ik,m B-t Underground utility line: -G- gas, -S- sewer, -IT- water rlsl ,kilr4( B-f APPROXIMATE SCALE (FT.) 0 40 80 FIGURE 2: SITE MAP, SOIL BORING, GROUNDTTATER MONITORING WELL AND VAPOR EXTRACTION ITELL LOCATIONS, CASH SAVER, RICHFIELD, UTAHIi-l .l !ilo 4a BT]ilDING O I j I .J I I , JJ ITEI 1093-4 APPENDIXA Wasatch Environmental, lnc. ') -)I I I I I I *ra* **** UTAH DIVISIO}I OF LIATER RIGHTS ITATER RIGHT PoINT 0F DMRSION PLOT CREATED TUE, JUN Z, 199?, 11:39 Attl PLOT SHOUS LOCATION OF 40 POINTS OF DIVERSION PLOT OF AN AREA I.'ITH A RADIUS OF 5280 FEET FROM A POINT N 1250 FEET, E 15OO FEET OF THE SI.I CORNER, SECTION 25 TOIINSHIP 23S RANGE 3I.I SL BASE AND IiIERIDIAN PLOT SCALE tS APPROXII.IATELY 1 INCH = 2000 FEET NORTH ********************* *** **** *** 0*!r* 2 ** * * * * * ** *** 3 *** *** *** * * * * li i I, 4 * * *5 * t * * 6 Z7 lz lfn ,so?t-Ll 7 *** * * * * * * *H D 14** *0 * * * 9 I CBA*E **** F *********** * * G JK L I "J J J J J J J R OP **** x*** * T s***UV ** !'l *** *** ********** ,) NUPLAT UTAH DIVISION OF LJATER RTGHTS POINT OF DIVERSION LOCATION PROGRAM HlP AR UATER RIGHT cFs OUANT I TY AND/OR AC-FT SO{,JRCE DESCRIPTION oT L,ELL INFO POTNT OF DIVERSION DESCRIPTION DIAI.IETER DEPTH YEAR LOG NORTH EAST CNR SEC TI.,N RNG B&M UAPTSUPR NPEEUGTE NPRRR!JPD U 63 2258 63 2109 63 1081 63 108? 63 1093 63 1084 63 1083 .1250 I.JATER USE(S): Richf ietd City Corponation .0150 .00 6 WATER USE(S) : STOCKIi,ATERING OTHER ldeaI Dairy Inc, .0150 .00 6 lJATER USE(S) ; IRRIGATI0N DOI'IESTIC Avery, A[ [en .1250 .00 16 I./ATER USE(S): Richf iel,d City Corporation .1250 .00 16 UATER USE(S): Richf ietd City Corporation 1.5000 .00 16 t,,ATER USE(S) : IRRIGATI0N MUNICIPAL Richf iel,d City Corporation .1000 .00 16 I,IATER USE(S) : IRRIGATION MUNICIPAL Richf iel.d City Corporation 107 151 Ll. Center St. 81 90 North 400 East ?90 P.O. Box 212 290 P.0. Box 242 290 P. 0. Box 250 ?90 P.Q. Box 242 68 709 East Znd North 71 42 South 1 East 75 415 North 500 lJest 700 166 North Main Street .00 16 290 P"O. Box 242 .00 Richf iel.d Ci ty Spring N 20 r,l 699 sE 21 23s 3r.t sL x PRIoRITY DAIE: 06/21 /1978Richfiel,d UT 84701 s 838 68 NL, 25 23S 3U SL X PRI0RITY DATEz 07 /07 /1976Richfietd UT 84701 s 251 u 1249 N4 25 23s 3tJ sL x PRIORITY DATE: OO/OO/1921Richfietd UT 84701 s 251 u 1249 N4 25 23s 3r./ sL x PRI0RITY DATE: 00/00/1921Richfiel.d UT 84701 s 251 w 1?49 N4 25 23s 3t.J sL x PRIoRITY DATE: 00/00/1898Richfieid UT 84701 s 251 w 1?49 N4 25 23s 3!{ sL x PRI0RITY DATE: 00/00/1886Richfietd UT 84701 s 251 ,t 1219 N4 ?5 23s 3r.J sL x PRI0RITY DAtEz 00/00/19?1Richfiel.d UT 84701 X x X x X x .i. x ? 3 63 3160 2.0000] I.,ATER USE(S): IRRIGATION Richf iel,d City Corporation 63 348 .0150 .00 WATER USE(S) : STOCKIIATERING Eeutter, Charles 7 63 2084 .0150 .00 6, IIATER USE(S): IRRIGATION STOCKI,,ATERING Christensen, Boyd L. q 63 1907 .0150 .00 WATER USE(S) : STOCKIIATERING Peterson, VenI A. a11339 1.7090 0R 413.00 TJATER USE(S) : I'IUNIClPAL Richf iel.d Ci ty Corporation s 1400 tJ 1800 NE 26 23S PRIORITY DATE 3U SL o0/00/1865 UT XX ) 3 t, 63 3161 2.0000 .00 CottonHood Creek I.IATER USE(S) : I4UNICIPAL Richf iel.d City Corporation 63 3908 .0150 .00 6 100 300 s 2500 u I.JATER USE(S): IRRIGATION DOI'IIESTIC STOCKI.JATERING Kelsey, Deon ll. 325 l,Jest t.li t lowbrook 63 1906 .0300 .00 4 200 IIATER USE(S): IRRIGATI0N STOCKLTATERING Stott, Joseph S. and Bonnie Ruth 610 Uest 800 South s 1400 Lt 1800 NE ?6 23S 3t., SL X X PRI0RITY DATE: 00/00/1865Richfietd UT 8470'l 4500 NE 30 23S 2u SL X PRI0RITY DATE: 05/09/1989 Richfietd UT 84701 N 2310 L, 1571 54 30 23S 2r1 SL X PRI0RITY DAIe:. $/22/ 1935Richfietd UT 81701 N 2020 E 340 sH 30 23S 2!J sL X PRI0RI TY DAIE: 09 /18/1956Richfietd UT 84701 N 1 198 v 1?8 sE 25 23s 31,, sL x PRI0RITY DATE: 01 /20/1976Richfietd UT 81701 N 150 E 100 stJ 30 23s 2u sL x PRI0RITY DArEz 12/14/197? Richfietd UT 84701 tJ 500 N4 36 23S 3tJ SL X PRI0RITY DAtEz 05/21 /1987Richfietd UT 8/1701 s 100 ,t 2193 NE 36 23S 3l., SL X PRI0RITY DATE: 00,r00l1915 Richfiel.d UT 81701 x x 1 x x X X 4 20) A <- X63 1126 -8800 .00 Underground tJater tJe[[ UATER USE(S): IRRIGATT0N ST0CKIJATERING Jensen, Jay 308 East 2nd South I l 14AP NI.'PLAT UTAH DIVISION OF LIATER RIGHTS POINT OF DIVERSION LOCATION PROGRAI{ lilATER RIGHT OUANT I TY CFS AND/OR AC-FT SOURCE DESCRIPTION or I.IELL INFO POINT OF DIVERSIoN DEscRtPTtoN DIAMETER DEPTH YEAR LOG NORTH EAST CNR SEC TI.'N RNG 8&I,I UAPTSUPR NPEEUGTE NPRRRt.JPD 63 1039 1.0000 .00 Underground t,ater Ltel, l, t,ATER UsE(S): IRRIGATI0N Vermi t Iion I rrigation Company s 141 LJ 2185 NE 36 23S 3t., SL X PRIoRITY DATE: 00/00/1915 Sigurd UT 84657 s 1208 15 NtJ 31 23S 2W SL x PRt0RITY DAIEz 01 /1?/1954Richfiel,d UT s 214 !J 75 NE 35 23S 3!J SL x PRI0RI TY DAIE= 07 /27 /1963Richfietd UT 84701Richfietd UT 84701Richfiel,d UT 8/1701 s 241 E 267 NlJ 31 23S 2W SL X PRI0RITY DAIez 0?/11 /1965Richfietd UT 84701 s 300 U 1250 NE 35 23S 3t.l SL X PRIoRI TY DATEz 05/13/1987Richfiehd UT 8/1701 N 2174 r.,254 E4 35 23S 3r.J SL X PRI0RITY DAIE: 02/02/1965Richfietd UT 84701 s 591 !, 891 NE 36 23S 3tl SL x PRI0RITY DATE: 08/03/1955Richfiel.d UT 84701 X I X663 256 .0150 .00 WATER UsE(S): STOCKI.IATERING Hetquist, Atvin 63 437 .0390 .00 WATER USE(S) : STOCKLIATERING Palmer, Rhoda L. Patmer, Phi t t ip lrl. Patmer, Stanton L. 63 45' .0110 .00 3 UATER UsE(s) : SToCKLIATERING Isbet[, Richand tl. 78 24 E. 4th N. 80 67 58 North Third t,est 80 - 150 352 South 500 llest 82 105 East 5th North 92 75 s 754E 58 North 3rd tlest 256 N 4391 !t (c/o Homer R. Bandtey, President) 67 s 902 rJ /+88 North First East 268 s 10/10 LJ 68 355 South 2nd llest .,2 160 South 500 LJest 3 I I D I J X x63 3837 .0150 IJATER UsE(S): 0THER Jones, Horrard l'1. 006 002 63 63 63 63 63 x X2 150K63 I.J 163 I 1 t M63 I*J .. 454 .0150 .00 IJATER USE(S) : STOCKUATERING Bradshar, Jack H. 309 .0150 .00 4 I.,ATER USE(S) : STOCKI.,ATERING Hazen, Richard E. (c/o Southern Suppl.y C 333 .0150 .00 I,ATER USE(s) : STOCKLJATERING Isbelt, Richard Ll. and Lita L. sT3 .0150 .00 3 l,,ATER USE(S) : STOCKI.,ATERING Sevier VaItey Broadcasting Co. Inc. 442 .0150 .00 2 TJATER USE(S): STOCKIIATERING Thompson, Jay .0500 .00 5 bIATER USE(S): DOMESTIC STOCKWATERING OTHER lntermountain Packing and Cotd Storage C X2 x 2 767 Nt., 31 23S zLJ SL X PRI0RITY DAIEz 03/24/1956Richfietd UT 84701 1809 sE 36 23s 3r.' sL x PRI0RITY DATE: 06/05/1958Richfiel,d UT 84701 3 NE 36 23S 3!J SL x PRI0RITY DATE: 03/17/1961 Richfietd UT 84701 1200 NE 36 23S 3u sL x PRI0RITY DAIE: 05/03/1947Richfiel,d UT 84701 N 1477 U 2716 E4 36 23s 3u sL x PRI0RITY DATEz 05/13/1955Richfiel.d UT 84701 s 1239 E 602 NU 31 23S 2U SL X PRr0RITY DATE. 05/21/1951 RichfieLd UT 84701 x X X X 298 .0150 I'JATER USE(S) : D0MESTIC Poulsen, Reed 0. 265 .0150 .00 I',ATER USE(S) : STOCKTJATERING Hatch, Eart C. and Sadie G. 1126 .0000 63 2806 .0150 .00 I,ATER USE(S) : STOCKI.,ATERING Christensen, FaretI H. 00 Underground l.later. LJelt s 1418 E 1960 NlJ 36 23s PRIORITY DATE Richfietd Richfiel.d 3tJ sL 00/00/1900 UT UT XX UATER USE(S): IRRIGATION STOCKI.,ATERING Ogden, J. Larue Poutson, Henry Bnooks 81701 81701 X6 445 E. Center St. 60 1986 Y 1205 I'tcCarty 33 NE 36 23S 3LJ SL X PRIORITY DAIEz 06/?6/1984 Fai rbanks AL 9970'l s 1528 r.J NLJPLAT UTAH DIVISION OF IJATER RIGHTS POINT OF DIVERSION LOCATION PROGRAM -t I I MAP IJATER RICHT cFs OUANT I TY AND,/OR AC- FT SOURCE DESCRIPTION oT LIELL INFO POINT OF DIVERSTON DESCRIPTIoN DIAI.IETER DEPTH YEAR LOC NORTH EAST CNR SEC TI.'N RNG B&M UAPTSUPR NPEEUGTE NPRRRUPD 53 447 .0150 .00 2 t,ATER USE(S) : STOCKI'TATERING Christensen, Dean R. 63 1744 .0150 .00 2 TJATER USE(S) : STOCKIIATERING Hatch, Juneius A. 63 3994 .0150 .00 6 I',ATER USE(S): DO.IESTIC STOCKWATERING Btood, Bryan B. and Cathy 63 685 East 5th North 63 /r08 trest 200 South 100 - 200 875 North 300 Llest 68 355 South Znd tlest 84 525 South Main Street 1?6 1e8? Y NG Box 889 18 Nt, 31 23s zLJ SL X PRIoRITY DATE: 05/25 / 1963Richfietd UT 84701 N 792 rJ 1056 E1 36 23S 3u sL x PRI0RITY DAIEz 07 /31 /1961Richfietd UT 84701 N 794 r.t 1361 EI 36 23s 3u sL x PRIORITY DATE: 07101/1968Richfiel,d UT 84701 N 750 !t 2000 E4 35 23s 3t, sL x PRI0RITY DAtEz O4/28/1992Richfietd UT 8/.701 X x x 63 429 .0100 .00 2 63 s IJATER USE(S) : STOCKITATERING Ogden, tlorris D. 397 Uest Fifth South 63 1682 .1000 .00 Underground llater ttett N t,ATER USE(S): IRRIGATION ogden, J. Lerue Poutson, Henry C. lJaIt, t4eivin 63 341 .0150 .00 IIATER USE(S) : STOCKI.JATERING Oldroyd, Milan T. 75 825 !r4 36 23s 3!J sL X X PRIoRITY DATE: 00/00/1909 Richfiel,d UT 84701Richfiel,d UT 84701 Richfietd UT 84701 N 165 E 2412 t,4 36 23s 3H sL X PRI0RITY oAtE: 08/28/1956Richfiel,d UT 84701 N 157 v 2746 E4 36 23S 3r., sL x PRI0RITY DATE: 05/13/ 1955 Ri chf i etd UT 8/1701 N 2475 r,t 3551 sE 36 23s 3tJ sL x PRIoRITY DATE: 07 /01 /1963Richfiel,d UT 84701 N 1750 t,, 1940 sE 36 23s 3r.t sL x PRI0RI TY DATE: 04/?9 / 198? R i chf i el.d UT 84701 2207 E 415 E x x2 63 299 .0150 I'TATER USE(S) : DOMESTIC Poutsen, Reed 0. 00?X x x 63 432 .0050 .00 WATER USE(S) : STOCKbIATER]NG Christensen, Reed 63 2480 .0150 .00 6 !,ATER USE(S): IRRIGATI0N DOMESTIC SToCKL,ATERt Lug[ io, Gioacchino p.O. 2 APPENDIXB Wasatch Environmental, lnc. 1 i, j ,] j I I -l IJ ) NA'T[' NRII.T,RD n/13/92 F E'.1 F-lfi Fo- EEI H f:1Jg- (n C)z =o. J eO F OF. CN =OJm a o b.e Fz tr1Fz, (J Etr]F = hv)X E.<:qf'l F v) z, Frl&F(n l.occElt BY DW CITRF'ACN EI.!IVATTNN Not Determined nPilL plc Mnhil R61 BORINC DIAMFITTIR B Inches NFPTI{ TO CROIINNWATRR 10 Feet D!;5UT(II'1'IUN ANIJ C DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIST Asphalt SAND and GRAVEL, moist Fill Clayey SILT, damp product odor/staining wet @ 10 feet CLAY, wet Silty SAND, wet light brown brown/red brown red red medium SP SW dense I 2 3 + q b 7 B I 10 11 12 IJ 14 4EIJ stiff ML firm very CL dium SM dense 15 7 21 134 13 1700 195 307 309 249 :7 BOTTOM OF BORING @ 15 FT N0IE: fiE SIBAflnCAllON UNES REPRESE},IT THE APPROXIXATI BOUNDANY BETIYEEN llAlERlAL fiPESI THE TMNS- TION I{AY BE GRADUAI. tflrnsarcr fftv rtn OtUtttrgM f A t, IU C tN(l tc CASH SAVER_R]CHFIELD 305 SOUTH MAIN, RICHFIELD, UTAH lt BORING N0.B3 1 093-4 .IIIN 1q92 I l l I -l l )) F FgftrlE. F f.la l'l FItr- =V) FOO v) =o FI ca Ap. = E-z Fz,oO & fElF = I{ELL CONSTRUCTION RTIFF:RTINCE F:LEVAT]ON 100.39 DRII,I, RIC Mobil 861 BORING DIAMETER 10 In. DF]PTH TO CROIINDWATI':R 10.65 Ft DESCRIPTION ANI) CI.SSIF'IEATIO DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSlST SOIL TYPFI Cement SAND and GRAVEL, damp Fiu f Ciayey SILT, damp product odor, some staining iittlesand@9feet CLAY, wet Silty SAND, wet Ciayey SILT, little Sand, little organics, wet Fine Sandy SILT, wet Clayey SILT, wet iight brown brown/ red brown red red red red --b-to-wn-- red medium dense stiff stiff medium dense stiff stiff stiff SP/ SU,, ML c; SM ML ML ML - 2- T - 6- B -10- -12- - 14 - _16_ -18- -20 - -22- -24- X X 15 t2 1 0 I ? 50 11 41 CEIIEI{T BEIITONIlI 4-ln PryC EI,ANI( 4-ln PIIC 0.0?' slomED SCREEN to/zo coloMD0 sucA sAlrD 16/40 COIOMDO SIUCA SAID 4*ln PttC 0.0r" slontsD SCREN 4-ln PVC BI.ANK BOTTOM OF WELL @ 22.55 FT. BOTTOM OF BORING @ 22.5 FT NdlE: l}lE SIBAflHCATION UNES REPRESE}'IT THE APPROXIMAI! BOUNDARY BETIIEEN HATERIAI TYPES; THE TRANS- TION XAY BE CMDUAL. f'{z,grcrT t {nc CASH SAVER-RICHFIELD 305 SOUTH MAIN, RICHFIELD, UTAH PRO.TFIr''B4 1Cp3-&.il]Nr 1992 l { I .i )) 10 00 Ff-r Frltr / o- tr1o =L v) FooFr v) =oJ ca a. o Fz, fElE-z, () &fr]F = }{ELL CONSTRUCTION DRII,I, RIC lr,{obil 861 BORING DIAMETER 10 ln. DEPTH TO CROIINDWATT]R 9.07 Ft. DESCR]PTION AND EI, DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIST SUIL TYPE Asphalt SAND and GRAVEL, damp Fill4 Sandy SILT, some staining, damp Clayey SILT, damp Silty SAND, damp Clayey, SILT, wet Sandy SILT, wet Clayey SILT, wet brown red brown medium dense stiff stiff loose firm firm firm SP/, SV ML -2- - 4- - 6- d -10- -12- - 14 - _ 16 _ - 18 - 20 -12- -24- I 8 5 5 40 10 5 5 , D 0 0 BENTONIM 4-ln PVC Bt4ltx d-ln PVC 0.02" SLOmED SCNEEN 10/20 c0lrMDo suJcA 16/40 corcMD0 stucA 4-ln PVC 0.0t" $.oTTTD SCREEN 4-ln PVC BIANI( red brown red --brs!ryr-- red red ML ML' /\ X BOTTOM OF WELL @ 22.55 FT. BOTTOM OF BORING @ 22.5 FT NOIE: 1}lE SIRAflflCATION UNES REPRESENT THE APPROXIIATE BOUNDARY BmYgEN llAtERlAL TYPES: THE TRNS- TION I'AY BE GMDUAL. /{z^yrca Etvrttnoruttrgtvrut,{nC. CASH SAVER_RICHFIELD 305 SOUTH MA]N, RICHFIELD, UTAH PRo.IFIC'B5]:Gj./-+.IIINE 1992 1 l j -l i I I I I l l l I l I I .l l .i I j )-) 98.33 ?trrtrlt\ E- trtrrA f:lJo- =(n FO h cn =-tco AA =O Fz fE1-zo(J df:lF = lTELL CONSTRUCTION DRII,I, RIC Mohil 861 BORING DIATI ETFIR 10 ln, DEPTH TO CROIINDITATF'iR 8.35 Ft. DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONS]ST s0tL TYPN Asphalt SAND and GRAVEL, damp Fi]I { Silty CLAY, damp someSand@5feet wet @ 9 feet CLAY, wet Sandy SILT, wet Clayey SILT, little Sand, wet brown stiff SP CL CL ML ML -2- - 4- -6- 5 - 10 - -12- - 14 - -16- -18- -20 - -22- F I I o 7 I 5 t , 0 0 0 0 :7: U!I!;IIT EENTONIIT tl-ln PVC BI.ANI( 4-ln PVC 0.vt' stotlED scnxEN t0/20 c0toMD0 stuct sAlrD t6/40 coloMDo slucA sA]'lD 4-ln PVC 0.0t" stolTED SCREIN red red red red stiff stiff firm BOTTOM OF 1YELL @ 20 FT. BOTTOM OF BORING @ 20.5 FT NOll: lllE SIRAIIFICAT|0N UNES REPRSSENT THE APPROXIIIA'IE BOUNDARY BEflEEII MA1ERIAI TYPES: THE TBNS_ NON }IAY BE GMDUAL. Wzsarcu fftVrttnOnttrgtVrut,{UC . l.Oi CASH SAVER_RICHF]ELD 305 SOUTH MAIN, RICHFIELD, UTAH pl?n_rFlcT Nn IAT B6L@H-TIiNF 1qq2 .t l l I -l )) tV 1 a Ftrltrlfr. Fo- EElG rJo- v) FO C)fr m =o*l ca A.a o Fz rr1Fz,oO lt]F = WELL CONSTRUCTION DRII,I, R]G Mohil 861 BORING DIAMTITER 10 In. DEPTH TO CROUNDWATER 8.00 F't. DESCRIPT]ON AND REMARKS COLOR CONSIST SUtt rYPE Asphalt SAND and GRAVEL, damp product odor FiII4 Fine Sandy SILT, staining, some organics, damp SILT and CLAY, staining/odor, damp some organics @ 10 feet Fine Sandy SILT, wet Silty Clay, little fine Sand, wet Silly SAND, wet brown brown red brown red red red red medium dense st iff stiff stiff stiff very ioose sP/t sly/ ML CL ML CL -2 4 6 I -"1 -_ -10- -12- - 14 - _ 16 _ - 18 - 20- * I L4 I , , 5 5 I I , 0 0 :Z CEIIB{T EENTONITT 4-ln PVC BI.ANK t6/40 corcMD0 slllcA 4-ln PvC 0.0t" s.0TmD SCREEN SM BOTTOM OF TfELL @ 20 FT. BOTTOM OF BORING @ 20.5 FT. * indicates Baggie and Jar Sample N0lE: l}lE SIRAflHCAflON UNES REPRESENT THE APPROXII{A'I3 BOUNDANY BETIIEEN UA1ERIAL TYPES: THE TRANS- TION I{AY BT GMDUAL Wzszrcrv Etvrttaouttgtvtut,fuc CASH SAVER_RICHFIELD 305 SOUTH MAIN, RICHF'IELD, UTAH PRO.IFlfl'B71CP3.4 ,TIINE 1992 I 1 l )i F r=1r:l Fo-tr]a 1 ,R e rI1 o- v) FOOfr v) =O -lca Aa. o Fz, fr1-z,OO EllF = WELL CONSTRUCTION DRIIJ, RIG Mnhil 861 BORINC DIAMETER 10 In, DEPTH TO GROIINDWATNR 10.34 Ft DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS COLOR CONS]ST SUIL wpn Cement Ciayey SILT, some Sand, little Gravel, damp product odor Fiu t Well graded SAND, some Silt, damp product odor/staining, wet @ 10 feet ,lFitI Silty CLAY, little fine Sand, wet .!-Lo-q!g!-odor Silty SAND, wet -plod-uqt--9-{qr---- Silly CLAY, little organics, wet Fine Sandy SILT, wet Ciayey SILT, wet brown medium dense loose soft ML SW CL CL ML - 2- - 4- -6- 8- -10- -12- - 14 - _ 16 _ -18- -20 - 22 -24- 3 13 EEI'ITONIM 4-ln PVC 0.0?' SIOTTED SCREIN to/zo c0toMD0 SAND tB/40 SA}.ID d-ln PVC 0.0t" stft'mD SCNEBI 4-ln PvC B],ANX brown red red red red trrown medium --deusc-- stiff stiff stiff 650 red ML BOTTOM OF ITELL @ 22.5 FT N0lS: I}lE SIRAIHCAfl0N UNES REPRESENT THE APPROXIUAIE BOUNDARY BEI'I|EEN MATERIAI fiPES: THE fiANS- NON UAY BE GMDUAT, Wa,grc{ EtvrtnOnttrgtVf At,{tUC CASI SA\/&RIGIFITTD 305 MAIN, R]CHF]ELD, UTAH PRO.TF:(--' B8 1 093-4 JIIIv 1992 l .J F r-1 F4h Ftr- frla trJJo- tf) FO F. v) = -lco AA = Fz fElFzo CJ eFlF = IiELL CONSTRUCTION 100.52 Ft. BORINC NIAT'ETF:R 10 In. DEPTH TO CROIINDWATER 1 1.04 Pt. DESCRIPT]ON AND REMARKS COLOR CONSlST SUIL TYPN Asphalt SAND and GRAVEL, damp 4 Clayey SILT, damp -plo-dugl-staining Sandy SILT, damp product odor, staining wet @ 9 feet Silty CI,AY, wet _prp_d_uel_o_do_r-slarni-ng- Sandy SILT, wet product odor Silty CLAY, wet product odor, some organics brown red brown red red red medium dense stiff firm stiff stiff stiff SP /, SY ML ML 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 5 1QIU Y BEN?ONIM 4-ln PVC 0.0?' $TTIID SCREEN to/zo c0[onAD0 SIIJCA SA}ID t6/10 c0toRADo stuc,A sAl,rD 4-ln PVC 0.01" SI,OTIEI) SCREEI 4-ln PYC BHNK CL ;;;,1 800ML CLred BOTTOM OF WELL @ 22.5 FT N0IE: l}lD SIRATIflCATI0N IJNES REPRESENT THE APPROXI}IIIE BOUNDARY BETTIEEN UATIRIAL TYPES: THE TRANS- TION XAY BE GMDUAL. Wz^ur0T Etvrrnonttrnvrzz,fUC. CASI SAT/R-RIGINED 305 MA]N, RICHFIELD, UTAH PRr}-III:C'B9 1 093-4 .TIITY 1992 I I l l j ) 65 Ft1 1 1.05 Fr DESERIPTION AND CL tiutt TYPN Ag o E-ztr]FzOU EtrlF = TiELL CONSTRUCTION dg a- =v) FoOFr (n =OJ ca COLOR CONS]STDESCRIPTION AND REMARKS BENTONIM t6/10 Z-ln PVC BI.ANK Z-ln PVC 0.01" slonm SCREEIi brown red brown red brown red -brqva-- red brown red brown red medium dense medium dense stiff stiff stiff stiff stiff i Cement SAND and GRAVEL, damp Silty CLAY, damp product odor, staining Sandy SILT, damp product odor, staining Ciayey SILT, little fine Sand, wet little organics Fine Sandy SILT, wet CLAY, damp Silty SAND, wet FiII4 SP CL ML CL 2 4 6 I 10 12 14 16 1E 20 ML ML BOTTOM OF T{ELL @ 20 FT NOIE: fiE SIRAnnCAll0N UNES REPRESENT THE APPROXIUATT BOUNDAFY BEfiTEN IIATERIAI TYPES: THE TRANS- TION I{AY BE CMDUAL.n lnr CASfl SASM*KIIEIED 305 MAIN, RICHFIELD, UTAH NN DATPRO.Ilt:(l JIITY 1992 810 1 093-4 /{z^yrcrT Etvwnomttrgtvrut,{UC. Ftrltrlh Fo. Frla