Engineering and Technical Services
OCT O 2 1991 �
•Hydrogeology • Remediation
Mr. Rulon Hymas Premium Oil/Cash Savers, Inc. 2005 South 300 West
October 1, 1991 1093-4
Salt Lake City, Utah 84115
SUBJECT: Compliance with DERR Requirements cash Savers Gasoline Station Facility ID# 2000222 Suspected UST Release Site AGUP 305 South Main Street, Richfield, Utah
In accordance with your request, we have reviewed results of our Site Check Report for the Richfield Cash Savers site, dated August 28, 1991 in light of compliance with further requirements by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR).
A suspected release of gasoline product was reported to DERR after one underground storage tank (UST) failed tank tightness criteria in May 1991. The system was inspected, one corroded bushing was repaired, and the system retested in June 1991. Mr. Bill Moore of DERR informed us on September 6, 1991 that the final tightness testing results are satisfactory, indicating that the Richfield site is in compliance in terms of UST system integrity.
Our Site Check Report dated September 3, 1991 outlined investigation of the suspected release area via installed soil borings, on-site screening of collected soil samples, and chemical analysis for petroleum hydrocarbons. Sampling location and procedures were performed according to standard Site Assessment protocol required by state rule R450-205-2, Utah Administrative Code. The collected field evidence does not suggest a large release of gasoline product, and analytical results indicate a total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration of 12 parts per million (ppm) in site soil. No groundwater was encountered.
We have further reviewed the initial screening criteria promulgated by DERR in their December 11, 1990 guideline document
2251 B West California Avenue, Salt Lake City, Utah 84104
(801)972-8400 FAX (801) 972-8459
"Estimating numeric cleanup levels for petroleum-contaminated soil at underground storage tank release sites." In Section 3.0, DERR states that the screening level for a suspected UST release sites is equal to the recommended cleanup level (RCL) for the most environmentally sensitive site (Level I). According to Table 9, page 33, the Level I RCL is 30 ppm for gasoline-affected soils.
Based upon the above information and that contained in our Site Check Report dated September 3, 1991, we recommend no further action at the Richfield Cash Saver site. This is based upon the following factors:
1.The site UST systems presently meet tank tightness criteriato the satisfaction of DERR;
2.Our site check field work does not suggest a large release ofpetroleum hydrocarbons; and
3.Chemical analysis of soil below the native soil interfaceindicates a TPH concentration of 12 ppm, significantly belowthe DERR screening Level of 30 ppm.
We therefore have no reason to recommend initiation of a complete site characterization report or development of a Corrective Action Plan.
Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendations made in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical and environmental engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied.
If you have any questions concerning our findings, please call.
Geoffrey s. Elliott, Project Geologist
Attachments Copies: (2)Addressee(2)Utah Department of Environmental QualityDivision of Environmental Response and RemediationAttn: Mr. Paul ZahnAttn: Mr. Matthew Sullivan