HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012957UNDERGROUND S' iAGE TANK PERMANENT CLOSURE t iCE (Revised 01/01/97) State Use Facility lD #_.',,a0a222 Processed -L7- Mailed to LHD D!o,/ n::R es in LUST File # G2P estoLUSTa.ui.*W Status FtB I I lees mpl T E Hrii'rfi DE!-iVERID Closure Notice prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below) by Andrew Callister of (company Premium Oil Co.Phones1801 \ 487-472I Address 2005 South 500 West Salt Lake State_9tah Ap 84LLS FACILTTY INFORMATION Tank Owner Preniun 0i1 Co.phonegl 801 1 487-472L I J sole proprietorship [ ] partnership []corporation Add 2005 South 300 ltlest Salt Lake state_utabZip 84115 Facility Add 305 South Main Cash Saver/Prenirur CrtV nicnfieta State U!3h 8470t Contact person Max Hartle Number of regulated tanks at the facility belore closure: 3 Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure:- TANKS CLOSED ' lndicale the specific substance stored in each trank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name D.G. Bateman Phone #43 896-87 47 Cert. #tR -0059 g;p.r{ala 8/t/es phonegl 801 1 487-472LPreniun 0i1 Co. Add 2005 South 500 l'Jest SOIUGROUN DWATER SAMPLER Name D. G. Batenan glds Utah 841 15 Cert. # GS -0156 Exp.r{ala 2/L0/s8 Salt Lake Tank #1 .)3 Date lnstalled 8/ 7972 8/1.972 4/1976 Capacity 1.2, 000 12, 000 6,000 Substance stored tlnleaded ULlPlus ULlPren Date last operated 12/24/sB 12/24/98 10/27 /97 Date closed 1 /7 /q8 1/7 /98 1.0/28/s7 How closed (Removed/ln place)Removed Renoved Removed Premium 0i1 Co.phonegl 8011 487-472I 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake 5ta1s utah ziplllll_ '.n -- _r )) SnMPLE INFORMATION TABLE (Ctosure Notice) Complete table for all samples that were taken for ctosure. Sample lD numbers on the table must be consistent withthe sample lD numbers given on the site plat and in the lab analysis report. Sample #/Lab lD Substance stored in tank Sample typet Depth2 Compoundss Analysis method(s)a 1 97-U0L21,22 Gasoline SS TPH & BTEX 8015 Mod G 8020 2 97-U}LZLZ!n n r il 5 98-U0002s{It il il It 4 98-U00026(il il It il s 98-U00026"It It il ll It 6 98-U00026:It n il 7 98-U00026:il il 8 98-U00026,ll il ll It 9 98-U00026 ll It tl 10 98-U00026 ll It il L 97-U0L272 USC 2 98-U00026 USC 3 98-U00026 USC 1 Soil (SS), Groundwater (GW), or Unified Soit Ctassification (USC).2 Final depth (in feet) below grade at whicfi samples were taken.3 Contaminant compound(s) analyzed for each sample (IpH, BTEXN, O&G, etc).4 Appropriate analysis methods for contaminanl compound(s) in each sample (gO1S mod., 8020, 413.1, etc). State Certified Laboratory used Cherntech/Ford 6L00 South Stratler Contact person Mrrray g1"1" UtahZip $aW Phone#( 801) 262-7299 Please explain any unusual or extenuating circumstances encountered during the s1e assessment or closure:Two areas were over excavated. See map. I certify under penatty of law that I am the owner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with theinformation on this form and that it is true, accurate and compleie and further, that the procedures described hereinwere followed during tank closure. Signature of UST Owner Full name of Owner &-1 <_f Date,J/,q/qa Retum completed Closure Notice form, Facility Site and Sample I nformation Table, Soil/G roundwater results, USC sample results, and Chain of Custody form within 90 days of UST Closure to: /l Stat_e of Utah Dept. of EnvironmentalQualitv Division of Environmental Response and R6mediation UST sectionP.O. Box 144840 168 North 1950 West Sah Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 4 sample lab analysis - NORTH SS# 1 97-U012124 -GAS .--.WATER -SEWER X SS#2 97-U012125 X USC# 1 97-U012126 t--l'._ SS#9 XI U e8-uooo265l frlluttlo SS# 7 XI e8-uo0&6t SS# 10 SS# 8 98-U000264 USTi1 UST-*u XSS#4 98-U000260 XSS#6 9&U000262 X USC#2 9&U000267 F LU LUEFU' :trF =oaoo<t USC# 3X 98-U000268 SS#3 X 9&U000259 SS#5 X 98-U000261 STATION C-STORE MAIN NORTH X SS#2 97-U012125 X USC# 1 97-U012126 SS# 1 97-U012124 _ --____WATER_______ _____ -- --_ GAS -SEWER - ss# USC# 3X 98-U000268 60 0F THE 463 TONS REMOVED FROM THIS AREA SS N. E. 97-U013765 SS N. W. 97-U013766 XSS#4 98-U000260 xss#6 9&U0m262 x usc#2 98{Jm0267 ss s. E, 97-U013767 ss s. w. 97.u013768 ss# 10 SS# 8 r'' 98-U000264 UST UST cr)E llJ(tz,r!o-U'd Fulult,Fa-F =oU)ooo ss#3 x gSti000259 SS#5 X 98{Jm261 MAIN OFTHE 463 TONS OF CONTAMIMTED REMOVED FROM THIS AREA WAS SHIP TANK HOLE COUNTY LANDFILL STATION C-STORE To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West salt Lake city, UT 841 15 Group #: 19304 Lab #: 97-UO1 2124 Project: 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #1 ,i, Date: 111 5197 Time Sampled: Time Received: 9223 !{DI, METHOD Date Sampled: 1Ol3Ol97 Date Submitted: 10131 97 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 3.3 C PARAMETER erex/tpH Analyst: AJP Date AnalYzed: Ll/ 4/97 Extracted by:ArIP Date Extracted: LL/ 4/97 Benzene, mg/fg Ethyl Benzene, mg/xg Toluene, mg/xg xylenes, mg/xg Naphtshalene, mg/fg Methyl-terts-butsy} ether, mg/fg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/fg NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not include oils RESITLT Time: 12:3'l Extraction Method: < 0.2 0.2 2 2 2 2 2 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 <10 0.2 0.2 o.2 0.2 0.2 10 8020 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 8020 8020 8020 8020 8 020 8020 8015M 6IOO SOUTH STRAILEN SALI LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0ilE 801 262 7378 FAX (generic.rpt) Approved By: To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake city, UT 841 15 Group #: 19304 Lab #: 97-UO1 2125 Project: 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #2 L Date: 111 5197 Time Sampled: Time Received: 9:23 MDIJ }IETHOD :37 on Method: 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 80r.5M 5t Date Sampled: 1Ol3Ol97 Date Submirted: 10131 97 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 3.3 C PAR,A}TETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: AJP Date Analyzed: IL/ 4/97 Extracted by:ArTP Date Extracted, LL/ 4/97 Benzene, mg/fg Ethyt Benzene, mS/Kg Toluene, mS/KS Xylenes, rftg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tert-butyl ether, mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg RESI'I,T Time: Ext,rac L2ri o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o.2 L0 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 < 0.2 <L0 8020 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not include oils. 6IOO SOUIH SIRATLER SALI LAKE CITY UIAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0flE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West Salt Lake city, uT 841 15 Group #: 19304 Lab #: 97-UO12126 Project: 2OOO222 Sample Desc: USC #1 Date Sampled: 1Ol3Ol97 Date Submitted: 10131 197 PARAITETER INORGANIC PARAMETERS Sieve, ? Rock, Z Sieve, ? Sand, Z Sieve, ? Silt & C1ay, Z Receiving TemperaEure, C Date: 111 5197 Time Sampled: Time Received: 9:23 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RESULT DATE IIDL ATiIALYZED }TETHOD N{AIJYST CAL CAL CAL 61OO SOUIH STRATLER SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6SO5 80t 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 tAX 48.2 32 .9 18.9 3.3 RII RH RH RCG 0. l- o.l_ 0.1_ Lt/ s/e1 Lt/ s/e1 LL/ s/e1 Lo / 3L/ 97 9 ;23 NOTE: Sample submit,t.ed on ice. {generic.rpt} Approved By '6ta,r^ A, /COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITYISTATEZIP: PHONE i: CO. CONTACT: PROJECT 3D: SAMPLE DATE SA[rPLE SAMPLE sp*tdlp!u"!ton:- by: (signature) by: (slgnature) NET 30 DAYS: 1.s% PER HoNrH NIEREST OHARGE flE% A.p.R) CUSrOHER AGREES TO PAY COLLECI/ION COSrS AI'D A rrORA'ErS FEES BILLINO ADDRESS: BILLINO CITY/STZIP: P.O.#| TURNAROUND REQ.D:. 'exfrtd tumatound subJet b t&itoml charye 6100 souTH STRATLER AVENUE, SALT I.AKE CIW, UT 84107 '/ il/a f *z t OFFIcE: (801)262.7299 FAX: (8011262.7378 Sampled by: (prinl) ^ ./ D.9r",tl Ko /t ro o r /o- 3a' 1 3. 4. 5. ____ 7 6. 9. 10. asc- 6ani I I q oc !E 6 o on E37 o 6 E EDcgc l,lATRlX o t!e t/ V / oT.E EooA. .F") oID1tJ 6 n .>o 8.o o€ I I \ Aq I N \r- AI.IALYTES REAUESTED ) \) .l\ v7 Receiving Temp. (C): DatdTime Comments To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-U00O259 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #3 j Date: 1116/98 Time Sampled: 8:OO Time Received: 15:00 Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARJA}IETER BTEX/TPH Analyst : AJP Date Analyzed': t/ L3 / 9g Extracted by:ArTP Date Extracted: L/L3/97 Benzene, mg/Kg Etshyl Benzene, mg/Xg To1uene, mg/fg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tert-butyl ether, mg/KS Tot,al Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not include oils RESI'I,T Time: 19:08 Extraction Method: UDL IIETHOD 8020 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw846 o.2 o.2 o.2 o.2 0.2 o.2 10 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 < 1_0 8020 I 020 8020 8020 802 0 8020 801-5M 6IOO SOUTH STRAILER SALI LAKE CIIY UIAH 84107 6905 80t 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: cfl To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2OO5 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-U00O26O Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #4 Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PAR.AITTETER BTEX/TPH Arralyst: AiIP Date Analyzed: L/L3/98 Extracted by:AJP Date Extractedt L/L3/97 Benzene, mg/xg Ethyl Benzene, mg/KS Toluene, mg/xg Xylenes, mg/xg Naphthalene, mSI/Kg Methyl-tert-buty1 ether, mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 8:00 Time Received: 15:00 I{DIJ IIIETHODRESIILT Time: 19: oB Extraction Method < o.2 0.2 2 2 <0 <0 0 <0 <0 <10 .500 .2 .2 0.2 o.2 o.2 0.2 o.2 10 I 020 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw845 sw846 sw846 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 80L5M NOTE: Sample submit,t,ed on ice Note: TPII values reported do not include oils. 61OO SOUTH STRATLER SALT LAKE CIIY U|AH 84107 6905 80t 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: To: ,Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3O0 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-UOOO261 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #5 Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PAILA}IETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: AJP Date Analyzed: L/L3/98 Extracted by:AITP Date Extracted I L/L3/97 Benzene, mg/xg Ethyl Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/fg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tsert-butyl ether, mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mS/KS NOTE: Sample submitted on ice Not.e: TPH values reported do not include oils t1 Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 8:OO Time Received: 15:OO MDL METHODRESI'LT Time:19:08 Extraction Method: 0.2 0.2 o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 10 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 < l-0 8020 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw845 I 020 8020 802 0 8020 8020 8020 8015M 6IOO SOUTH SIRATLER SALT LAKE CIIY UIAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PHqNE 801 262 7378 fAX {generic.rpt} Approved By :FOND To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 30O West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #:20738 Lab #: 98-U0OO262 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #6 Date Sampled: 1l 8/98 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARJAITETER BTEX/TPH Analyst : AJP Dat,e Analyzed: L / L3 / 98 Extracted by:A,JP Date Extracted I/J-3/97 Benzene, mg/Kg EtshyI Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mS/Kg Methyl-tert-buty1 eLher, mg/Kg Total Pet.roleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 8:O0 Time Received: 15:OO MDL I{ETHODRESULT Time: 19:08 Extraction Method: < 0.2 0.2 o.2 0.2 o.2 0.2 0.2 10 <0 <0 <0 <0 <0 <10 8020 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw845 sw846 sw846 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 802 0 80r-sM NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not inctude oils 6IOO SOUTH SfBATLER SALT LAKE CIIY UTAH 84107 6905 80t 262 7299 PH0ilE 801 262 7378 tAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West salt Lake city, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-UOO0263 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #7 Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARA}TETER srsx/tpg Analyst: AJP Date Analyzed: L/t3/99 Extracted by:A,JP Dat.e ExtracLed: L/L3/97 Benzene, mg/Kg Ethyl Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/Kg Xy1enes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/KS Methyl-tsert-butyl ether, mg/KS Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg TPH Identity:, Gasoline NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not include oils Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 12:00 Time Received: 15:00 RESI'LT UDL I{ETHOD Time: 19:08 Extraction Met,hod o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1-0 2 2 70 7 5 20 <0 <0 3 26 t-0 1 32L 8020 st{846 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw846 802 0 802 0 802 0 8020 8020 8020 8015M 6IOO SOUTH SIRAfLER SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0ilE 80t 262 73/8 FAX (generic.rpt) Approved By: AN ALYT I CAL LABO RATO R I E ' i,i: -'';11:r-";T*:xtr 1ii ,r :Sir To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 30O West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #:20738 Lab #: 98-UOO0264 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #8 Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARAIIETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: AJP Date Analyzed: t/n/gA Extract,ed by : AJP Date Extracted I L / L3 / 97 Benzene, mg/xg Ethyl Benzene, mg/fg Toluene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/fg Methyl-tert-buty1 ether, ng/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, nS/KS < o.2 NOTE: Sample submit,t,ed on ice Not,e: TPH values reporEed do not include oils. Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 12:00 Time Received: 15:00 RBSI'LT MDI, METHOD Time: 19:08 Extract.ion Method 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o.2 10 < 0. < 0. < 0. < 0. < 0. < l_0 8020 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw845 sw846 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015M 6IOO SOUTH STBATLER SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0ilE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: CHEM ANA.: -raD L " i rr " , t- :. To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2OO5 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-U0OO265 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #9 Date Sampled: 1l 8/98 Date Submitted: 1 /12198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARA}TETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: A.TP Date Analyzed: L/L3/99 Extracted by:A,JP Date Ext.ract.ed: f/n/97 Benzene, mg/Kg Ethyl Benzene, mg/Kg To1uene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/KS Methyl-t,ert-buty1 ether, mg /Kg Total Pet,roleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg TPH Identity:, Gasoline Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 12:OO Time Received: 15:0O MDI, DIETHODRESI'LT Time: 19:08 Extract,ion Method: 44 .6 L24. 532. 788. 32 .0 34 .1 323 0 o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o.2 10 8020 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw845 sw845 sw845 8020 802 0 8020 8020 8020 8020 80r-5M NOTE: Sample submit.ted on ice. Note: TPH values reported do not include oi1s. 6IOO SOUIH STRAfLEB SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: CHEM To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-UO0O266 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #10 Date Sampled: 1l 8/98 Date Submitted: 1 112198 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: 5.6 C PARAITETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: A.fP Date Analyzed: L/L3/9e Extract.ed by:AJP Date Extracted: l/]-3/97 Benzene, mg/Kg Etshyl Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tert-butyl ether, mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Not,e: TPH values reported do nots include oils. Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 12:00 Time Received: 15:OO RESI'I,T Time:19:08 Extsraction Method IIDL METHOD 802 0 sw846 sw845 sw845 sw845 sw846 sw845 sw846 < o.2 0.2 < 0.2 0.2 8020 8020 802 0 8020 8020 8020 801sM < 0.2 0.2 < o.2 0.2 < o.2 0.2 < o.2 0-2 < L0 l_0 61OO SOUTH STRATLEB SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX ) {generic.rpt} Approved By: To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2005 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-U000267 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #2 USC Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitred: 1 112198 PARAIIETER INORGANIC PARAMETERS Sieve, ? Rock, ? Sieve, ? Sand, Z Sieve, ? Silt & CIay, % Receiving TemperaLure, C NOTE: Sample submitted on ice CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 8:00 Time Received: 15:OO UETHOD ANAI.YSTRESI'LT DATE MDIJ A}IAI'YZED 2.4 19.8 77.8 5.5 0.1 0.1 0.L 1-/L6 / e8 t/L6 / e8 L/L6/eB 1-/L2/99 i.5: oo CAL CA], CAL RBH RBH RBH RCG 61OO SOUIH SIRATLER SALT LAKE CITY UIAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX (generic.rpt) Approved By: ..'i1,; :. CHEM .FOND CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS To: Premium Oil attn. Grant Bateman 2OO5 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 20738 Lab #: 98-U0O0268 Project: RICHFIELD, UT 2OOO222 Sample Desc: #3 USC Date Sampled: 1l 8198 Date Submitted: 1112198 PARAMETER INORGANIC PARAMETERS Sieve, ? Rock, Z Sieve, ? Sand, % Sieve, ? silt, & Clay, Z Receiving Temperature, C NOTE: Sample submitted on ice. Date: 1116198 Time Sampled: 12:OO Time Received: 15:OO METHOD A}IAI.YSTRESI'I.T DATE l'!DL AIIAIJYZED 0.1 0. t- 0. 1_ 2.0 24.4 't3.6 s.6 L/L6 / eg L/L6 / ee L/L6 / e8 L/L2/9s 15: oo CAL CAL C.AI, RBH RBH RBH RCG 6100 S0UTH SrR/4rttR SALI LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: CHEMTECH . FORD ANALYTI COMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATETZIP: PHONE T: CO. CONTACT: PROJECT ID: FN(f: Xooo Z 2L ?n.wt)t,^ Ot clL LABORATORY 4qJ ANALYSIS REQUEST oFFlcE: (801)262-729s FAX: (8011262.7378 BILLING ADDRESS: BILLINO CITYISTZIP: P.O. #: TURNAROUND REQ D:. 'cxpcdltcd tumaroud subJ*t to t&ilional chaqo 61OO SOUTH STR.ATLER AVENUE. SALT I.AKE CITY. UT 84107 (s r SAMPLE OATE SAIUPLE Speclel lnslructions: NEf 30 DAYS: t.5% PER rloMlH lNlEREsl cHARcE (ts% A.P.R) CUSIONER AoREES IO PAY COLLECT'O'V COSTS AND ATTORNtrS FEES ReceMng Trmp. (C): JI tX u ANALYTES REQUESTED \ \A K & \ N V V V t/ F $ bto otD! -2aD Eg T' oo trr) V t/ t/ l/ i/ 'l/ v t/ tA o Ia MATRIX o i3 Etcg c d o I { 6o o 3 Etz I t I I I I I t, '9)ao4t1 v D:NPA \ tioolra l)'"atfrt t-r4 I44 *7 5L L/D I 7 4. 8. '_E_Z_ (signature) (slgnaUro)Recelvcd D To: Premoco Oil attn. Andy Callister 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Group #:2O2O4 Lab #: 97-U013765 Project: 2OOO222 RICHFIELD, UTAH Sample Desc: NE New Tank Hole Date Sampled: 121 8197 Date Submitted: 1211 1 97 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: Not Requested C PARJA}{ETER BTEX/TPH Analyst: AiIP Date Analyzed: L2/L6/97 Extracted by:AJP Date Extractedt r2/L6/97 Benzene, mg/Xg Ethyl Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/KS Methyl-tert-butyl eEher, mg/Kg Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg TPH fdentiEy:, Gasoline '=\ ANALY'TtCAL !-AB,Q,fiAT0 R li .' - :i'r,i.r - ':l' CHEMTECH.FOB & Date:12118197 Time Sampled: B:OO Time Received: '16:OO MDL METHODRESUI.T Time: 18:23 Extract,ion Method 0.600 t_0 . l_ 30.9 82.3 4.80 6.20 351. 0.2 o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 l-0 8 015M sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw845 8020 8020 I 020 8020 8020 8020 80L5M Note: TPH val-ues reported do not, include oils 61OO SOUIH STRATLER SALT LAKE CITY UTAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: '-) CHEMTE U.f,,09.0= To: Premoco Oil attn. Andy Callister 2005 South 3OO West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 2O2O4 Lab #: 97-U013766 Project: 2OOO222 RICHFIELD, UTAH Sample Desc: NW New Tank Hole Date Sampled: 121 8197 Date Submitted: 1 211 1 197 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: Not Requested C PAR.AI{ETER BTEx/TpH Anafyst: AJP DaEe Analyzed: tZ/rc/gZ Extracted by: A.fp Date Ext,racted I A2 / L6 / 97 Benzene, mg/Xg Ethyl Benzene, mg/Kg To1uene, mg/Kg Xylenes, mg/fg . Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tert-but,y1 ether, mg/rcg TotaL Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/xg TPH Identity:, Gasol_ine \ ANALYTICAL LABARATARiT-.,:. t. -:... '..'^ : "' i, Date:12/18197 Time Sampled: 11:0O Time Received: 16:OO MDIJ METHODRESI'LT Time: 18 :23 Ext,ract.ion Method: < 0.2 2 .90 4.20 38.5 3.80 < o.2 220. 68 68 68 68 58 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o.2 10 80r-5M sw846 sw846 sw84 sw84 sw84 sw84 sw84 8020 8020 020 020 020 020 015M Note: TPH values reported do not include oils. 6IOO SOUTH STRAILEE SALI LAKE CITY UIAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PHlNE 801 262 7378 FAX {generic.rpt} Approved By ) CHEM -FonD' ) ANALlTtCAL LAE, Date:12118197 E To: Premoco Oil attn. Andy Callister 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #: 2O2O4 Lab #: 97-U013767 Project: 2OOO222 RICHFIELD, UTAH Sample Desc: SE New Tank Hole Date Sampled: 121 8197 Date Submitted: 1211 1 197 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: Not Requested C PARA}'ETER etnx/rprr Analyst: AiIP Date AnaLyzed: L2/L6/gj Extracted by:AJP Date Extractedt L2/L6/97 Benzene, mg/Kg EEhyI Benzene, mg/Kg Toluene, mg/Rg xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Methyl-tert-buty} et.her, mg/KS Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg TPH ldenLity:, Gasoline Time Sampled: Time Received o0 :O0 15: 16 RESULT MDIJ METHOD Time: l-8:23 Extraction Met,hod: 0.900 19.3 44 .4 L37 . 7.50 < o.2 587. 0.2 o.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 10 B O15M sw845 sw845 sw845 sw846 sw846 sw845 sw846 8 020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8020 8015M Note: TPH values reported do not include oils .e.L 6IOO SOUTH STBATLER SALI LAKE CIIY UTAH 84107 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 FAX (generic.rpt) Approved By: 6905 CHEMTECH.FOBD -) 4NALYTTCAL +AB0RAT}Rit$ To: Premoco Oil attn. Andy Callister 2005 South 300 West Salt Lake City, UT 841 15 Group #:2O2O4 Lab #: 97-UO13768 Project: 2OOO222 RICHFIELD, UTAH Sample Desc: SW New Tank Hole Date Sampled: 121 8197 Date Submitted: 1211 1 197 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS RECEIVING TEMPERATURE: Not Requested C PARAIIETER BTEX/TPH analyst : AJP Date Analyzed: L2 / L6 / g7 Extracted by:A,fP Date Extracted: I2/L6/gj Benzene, mg/Kg EEhyl Benzene, mg/Kg To1uene, mg/Xg Xylenes, mg/Kg Naphthalene, mg/Kg Met,hyl-tert-butyl ether, mg/KS Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons, mg/Kg TPH ldentitsy:, Gasoline Note: TPH values reported do not include oils. Date: 12118197 Time Sampled: 17:OO Time Received: 16:00 IIDL METHODRESI'I,T Time: 18223 Extraction Method 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 o.2 o.2 l_0 2 80 30 1 50 2 <0 .) 3 34 4 <0 220 8015M sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw846 sw845 8020 8020 8020 8020 802 0 802 0 801_5M 6IOO SOUTH SINATLEN SALI LAKE CIIY UIAH 84107 6905 801 262 7299 PH0NE 801 262 7378 tAX {generic.rpt} Approved By: vl aLllr I t-vr a . v. rt/ ,.-1l rf tt- a I tvrlb Lr1g\lr \,-\ I \-rl \ I At{AL I ilJ rl,crg.UEJ I r-\.rKlvl ?r-*\,Dillr o, IGOMPANY: ADDRESS: CITY'STATEZIP: PHONE ': co. coNTAcr: PROJECT ID: SAMPLE /l O 7 FA)(#: gOeo 2-22' BILLINO ADDRESS: BILLINO CITYISTZIP: P.O.#: TURMRoUND REQ'D:' 'exoodi/ld tumatouttd subJ*t b t&idonalcharga5cr SAITIPLE DATE SAIIPLE TIME tpecial lnslructions: by: (slgnalure) NET 30 DAYS: 1.5% PER MoNTH NTERESI cHARcE (tE% A.p.R.) CUSTOUER AGREES TO PAY COLLECIION COSTS A'VO A'TOR'VErS FEES by: 61 OO SOUTH STRATLER AVENUE, SALTLAKECIW,UT 84107 oFFlcE: (801)262-7299 FAX: (801)262-7378 e - S--99-.:- h/lD - 5. A l)-+-q7 ta-9-?) tq -9-f 7 h -9-.i) L 10. (print) /"Lr+ /.,u) S: coD).t ?' ooP*t ll J.1*+ B!cc4.l I I 6 rS .=!coo o o -o E52 SamS I o G3oa -! .E o (!? u V oIt tt Boo L lolDt o.tDIU/2 6 fi Soodo of MATRIX v ! rk I t R L-fu Receiving Temp. (C): AMLYTES REQUESTED Rrcblved by: (slgndFre) Recolv€d-by: (slgnature) .z4-/*,F @ t lcomments Date/Tlme ) ol{ER: PREMII)M OIL #P11B3O 2005 s. 300 w. SLG UT Zip Code.' 84115 (801) 487-472t uct# CHG 98506 NOT REAUIRED DATE :. OL/07 / 1998 "Fire & lce" irtEt\,'lI TO: I].C INDIJSTRIES'ORPOFAT|ON 121 I SOUTH PIONEER RD SAL-T I-AKE CiT\', UTAH 8410.1 rr' a)-l c')1( ' 1,:i- r ;r1-lEL: \800) 97-':21ir : r,{X iB0 1 ) 973-601 9 311_983E NO. It'tousnres CORPORAIION E}l \-, uN1845 rCE ORM.A .ED BY: .AST NAME: Ing this order, customer agrees to all of lhe terms and conditions set forth herein, including those lhe back ol this invoice. ?LEASE FJ'Y FiICir4 T:'IiS 311.01 Penguin Brand Dry lce Solid abck Dry lce 313.01 160.0040313.01 Sliced Dry lce 316.01 Pellet Dry lce '1O0 320.07 Wood Pellels Delivery Fee Miscellaneous BLOCKS ON HAND - DELIVERY REFUSED SCHEDULED DELIVERY 160 .00TOTAL " TAX WEIGHT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT t't-ft'tlr}!.it::irl r-ili i:-t:-l'i 0 -:Lr J-i-.rli'r; {- '.-!#1.- {1{lttt...tj:- T I r--.i---1.:-l- ,l* s: f Fi:CiS{rS .. Ci'lileJ r.f rrilli-l c:I a. t Atlas Stee U[i;Tfi:N iiF-Tiil-:i i-.ii'\ il I]i,i 6\,11 5, iiAIil ilittttT sFllilsH Fill:f' l_11 6," I -?ltl-i qJitrir'I i .]g \!r.trj I lnc t.i66.t { ii i:i:,-r.j;,',i ."1,, :i i'f,fititqn i,t der i-q WESTERN METALS RECYCLING, L.L.C. :.:Ut!i :.i);.t I ii,r i!!-.L;.a.1 i trnc e40.ql,i j4i[joi'i ;1,; :ilil50i!f n!Lr. 45.0000r.iT TIIfl. AHT g'rs .ri ir4n rl uT :r?.$l t ':.; : ri.:.i r:ii r,i'^riiiiliiFf[ iiiii1ljj ,:f f.ri I ]!i'ii"l : F:'i {:.r_:i:,J :!;1j L10 99il0 s9!D s u BJ FQTTq rH E T,EBNII R EGABp.IN G- RE FR I q F|F.AlllrQ+9UJH E R EVE RS E s I D E ,joA,1 :'-i..- :- rt !^a-1 ,.-tO 'l.fr8 :.:' .!: :t-r i)a.t,: il:;r_ til..,ltii'i:l Trre r;rri i-..':*i -r--l":t -a:j..'L4 n / J iN*.. .i -i{ !}.ls i i{ ., f;,}l'ioo CUSTOMER COPY i.L:;[ :,]',irr!:l-i-[fi,q: ii-lF.fi ri I r ]. ilx'i ;i-fi ,,i.;l'-- sL:AC--E T'-iC+::t:'f tf :r -i'F:fi5-rt.]l;i -;ia :ed f "orr:Atlas Stee !E5lilii t4eT*t.!; i9[Yt:L].l'ii, .*tii :-1. iiAil'i .lirjF-ET :_lPR{iSil F0F:i: Ul 801-?qt-;5,i4 I lnc f-11l:.-it '; if{;:r4iti;.i i"0. ii f ift::i'i f ie'r i' WESTERN METALS RECYCLING, L.L.C. ' ll'i ; ,' i,ir-ij,i lJllI ',riii.:::r i:'iFit i',f. i 4434i)F i'4 It:0l.' i0i6t trt\ - ll.i',{rr1l'liii ,-u l{: itrlr'i' f i..).t,,t: ii ,,iii{}li{: ffiTfii- r'!'lT 278.tt) t il 1L.1 ii,tfiSTER r: q*61i1*[ {Ffi#{) lrr.lirjil j4!80 1+tdC 1*16C [)"r.te in i]:/t]tr'?B Ti,rrs i;' 1::: i4 Oate ti,ti. 01r'0fi/:ri Ti.ne ft.rt 15;ulr 2;j'-{3 -ffu Tiiit"iri 5 - fle+{} r ....+',EFi ll f.iiiii, IUft E SOLD SUBJECTTOTHETERMS REGARDING REFRIGERANTS ON THE REVERSE SIDE :ALF- 1 It=.cCAt-i: I il-$Cr\t*E ;i 1i=$r;1r!-[ 4 i{"kir}fthL I'itj {lT INF:-T CUSTOMER COPY , NATIONAL TANK & MONITORING, 4152 West 8730 South WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84088 (801) 280-3324 Fax (801) 280'4070 lnc. DATEt'-7 -1 ACUSTOMER'S OROER NO. NAME_ PAf n it-J rtr O i <- 7f;s; S 3ao \A/ S uc u-r SOLD BY L-iAtat RECEIVEO ooo^'lA6 * 5 xuci-- 3oS 5 MA.r'r P.,.irF;Fct> L7 34 o, All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. PR(x){lfi0t0T THANK YOU L PHONE PAID OUT razA5r{ CHARGECASHc.o.D. z ON ACCT MDSE. RETO. ()r\? Z tz-ctx) A*c Gns f>s:r"-,x ds<.,urt{D 7N) 6AL /cf:, eJA.at-tr 3 -*.-rst* 5 3eu ou€ I i.,-.i ,y'a -T 4+ u5 t TAXI TOTAL DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNTQTY CUSTOT'IER: PREMIU}'I OIL -/l1B3O )@'3otlsgl b Iruousnrm CORPORAIION 4'1. l I ' (, uI .4ddress-' w. I a,-\, - ,at - ! - -J Ldi t C - Phone: Terqs: Producf# PC# 2005 S- 300 I^1. SLCUT Zip Code: B4ll5 (801) 487-472L CHG 98506 NOT RESUIRED PAED 66 /{7 //'/ z'- "Fire & lce" 8Eh4rT I-O i].:- iNDUSTI]iES CCRPOFII.I it-N ]2i 1 SOUTH PIONIER I]i) SALT LAKE CIIY UTA}.t B.I1O+ 1801 t 97 i -921 5 'Cl-i- FilEE. ,BlC j :) .'; 32 1:l r-AX tBOl)973-60 1'3DATE:, LO/3O/ 1997 ORM-A uN1845 DRY ICE iCCEPTED BY: 'RINT LAST NAME: n jv accepting this order, cuslomer agrees to all ot the terms and conditions sel forlh herein, flnted on the bad ol this inr,roice. lhose 311.01 Penguin Brand Dry lce 313.01 Solid Block Dry lce 48-0040313.01 Sliced Dry lceL20 316.0r Pellet Dry lce 320.O7 Wood Pellets Deliwry Fee Miscellaneous BLOCKS ON HAND . DELIVERY REFUSED NEXT SCHEDULED DELI}/ERY T 48.00 UNIT WEIGHT DESCRIPTION PRICE AMOUNT TAX TOTAL riA:.:i.i:J;-.-r':: J -!,lE r Fl-{l-rAsr-En {lEF'i'I' I r-' :t [::A |FlUf:F: St:dll-E T l: L:f;-H-l- t* * T ItE77t] PurchaEed From: TODD UAI]STAFT Ueh $ IfiNli I.0, $ Mt'igTAFF Ut'der * Atlas Stee IIES1ERN HITALS RTCYCLiNti 5Ol. 5. IIAIN I}TREET SF.ANISH TOFII. UT tst-798-5548 84660 FD IdT PRiCE 58{S 48.0000i17 lN[:T I lnc clti{l{0DIil S1 IT:rjN UPI toiru-s 'lEiGHl'lAsTtft SIGllATl lqf (FFIAN) -.-- --- ffiN56 TffiE }IET 33860A t00001{ 5e60 55860 28000 :18'50 A}J RIASON 5860 i Oate In l0li0i97 i li.rrre In 1:-1:50 | 0ata ilut lil/iLrl?7 i Tine l-Jirt 16;0! Trllltl- APIT i 140.64 I 1- 4{) ,,. di,+ T{lf.l:Li I ,.. T];'3{} CUSTOMER COPY flSIOi'IEft 5Ifi}IATURE r=sr$€F? suBCEqlLIqrHE ISIIE REGAAry!\AftnFFRrqFAft]AJQrgt-*rTHE REVERSE srDE a E,I{N N{ETALS RI'CYCLING, L.L.C.WEST NATIONAL TANK & MONITORING, 4152 West 8730 South WEST JORDAN, UTAH 84088 (801) 280'3324 Fax (801) 280'4070 lnc. '^2c -,p{-qYCUSTOMER'S ORDER NO. NAME Y Lti.t't t Lr nr C AODRESS50,Sa* *4-t 711.,,.t-, rt , "A €-lb o1 I' 8, il,^lUr(c.|,^fu65 j., ?oo scc- grl ,J,+z ,';/41& //4 Allclaims and returned MUST be accompanied by Pfiotxrcr5rfi THANK YOU goods this bill.1593 o, PHONEL't r> - +,V2 / PAID OUTCASHc.o.D.CHARGE lrr'/tl4 ON ACCT.UDSE. RET'D. q /fA Ze= z;r's ,u4 L2 -<-- t- \( /q u2-- \ .1,,; A,^r<- /l TAX TOTAL DESCRIPTION PRICEOTY AMOUNT