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Zorcz-zz- GuP 52c-?? ^ re, O Su@*ry CD tft. 6f*/ * M7-L / Sgn^Q^*{-r' ' f^Sh r4-,.a .3is Z- /Aa,i / e' f Ji^^ffi ,.!9, / a <-i:.qf 6^.U 4r'tQ. . ank aTtfu, &) G) (c) 6f @@ s) p4Dn,,7b4 u t^fu*J*NA* ,4tfr,u/v//- f, lztr-t rde-dssal ,,*a 6T@ P/l/( rtr4-- fvt tWL, I t BTEX U Ttrs. AY f.fZ+,(fr 6). I,,LA d/^**f/ ?^^J r/tf t +" b,i +t*yy'. r* prrhT ilJ;n*^ +4+ 2, lr'/o,'^ Mal 4ro- x @/ 'u; /1)fr4 ellY a rtz l 78-','fu kt-upa.* .g a-/- -/ili{- tp^e'L/a 8/,./-( /& dr}-'-{-t-'! L*'1frr,L- 2?. ,) a b(4 N ? 17 House a ,1 a t3 Nielsen .7cP.2 *1 Driveway r, (,5f N> 8./g GP€ oloII./,2 GP'r G-Store ( htw.B?a I - Gashsaver Service Station 305 S, Main Street Richfield, Utah Facifity ,D#200A222 Release Site EGUP fE.ps_] !-F-'r!61l=ti;ir- '--'Mw.Bs \\9 t;ttat iiDitxii(\lr L:_i i;t!rrfiiDir-ii(\lt L:_i "t!,5\e-e t\\) ?{Tf MW.BO Garage \ ? Neb.1 Driveway 9o ?8oo ND u;;No/5 ,\tvt Y,,T Ofrice 375 S. N€6 = 0ft GP r.U70 ND a Neb-2 30 100 ftm3015 300 South Street +,o 6,L{Jo E II(E =a- -{J IJoo ) 4 +(\\ F.<- c7 Ft (, C'C'0oErlI-0rDrroorD South Main Street (.l House {. tt7 e Grrhnycr Scrvlcc $tetlon 305 S. ilrlE Strrct Rlchficld, Utrh Frctllty lDl 2000222Rdur Sltr EGUP t----- ,NDa[;t!railai!tiiGt i i_:.i gD ttr .hnto!btItt!:lLi.jruo tt2'l3t rlD t0 t8 6? *lo yy4o 15\ Oengc 681---Jrtl !l-----re-{ sxa4Q\ ,r3 zLo tliltr t--- rOD.C a Hob3 Drlvcwry 300 South $treet N #ooLflct, .= lE -g {J5o C" llrl.la 3t1:|- DuRr J U G;*rsrerl'c{toJ ot,/nt/*6tX aott alLb2 Nrb{ a l Ofrcs 375 S, trln ttlO t il rI TIITft N a II ttII Grrhrrvrr Srruloc thflon 305 S, ttleln Stnct Rlchficld, Utah Feclllty Wr20g01l.2 idcrrtfroEGU? tIt? f-Fnrnp-'l iE-'r!ltr i_r.i ar*ll it- !ir- ! iE iig i iF ilx i L:_lL-t olltaIr tt tto oo unc Oillct 375 8. [dn ctr at{.b2 ax$a aX.bl aot6 I taatt 300 South $treet flooL{iJ 3n E.I tg =sg5o CN Analytical Rcsultg for Sanples Taken at the Richfield Cashmver Service Station Release Slte EGUP Facitity tD# ZOd0lzZ2 All Values ere in Parts per Million (ppml Locrtion Date Benqnc lolt',"nc, Ethylbenzene Xylenor ND 31.800 3.6E0 2.A70 l{ephthalene 1.200 0.493 0.090 1.000 0.400 5.120 0.036 4"*,) TPH Garollne 1,190.0q) zto.fito 123.000 376.000 346.000 251.000 211.000 ND 1.500 ND E.g(rc ND 790.000 TPH Dicsel TITBE #ls 1?9i93 ND ND #2s l2tglgg 2.020 11.m0 4.390 #9s lWgg 0.345 1.430 0.639 #4s 1AU93 0.030 Q.2U 0.265 Above foursclilsampleslwre colleded fmm a degh of 7.0 to 9.0 feet BGS. Neblw, gl19l91 5.100 2E.4m 3.300 32.900 Neb2ur gngnl NO ND Neb3w gllgl94. 3.900 16,000 2.100 16.700 Neb'4w gllgl$ND ND GP-ls 6n$n7 ttA l.lA NA NA ND ND ND ND NDNDND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GP-lw 6125197 GP-zs 6125197 cP-ar 6nSE7 cP-3s Aniftr7 GP-3w 6n$n7 GP{s 6n5n? +724 1.090 ND ND ND ND ND 1.250 53.400 2.040 ND 0.075 ND o.27s ND 10,500 20.900 o"241 129.000 1.480 ND 0.207 ND 0.487 ND 15.900 NA a.237 ND 0.041 ND ND ND ND3.E€O2.420 NA NA tlA NA ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND GP-4w 6n5lg7 Locaton Deq 4nrene Iotu?no- Etlrylbenzene GP-ss 6125197 0.317 4.940 2.2s0 GP-Sw 6t25tg7 0.005 0.022 0.013 GP€s 6N5F7 ND ND ND GP€w 8t25197 ND ND ND Above fwe soll sample collec{ed from a depth of 9.0 to 11.0 feet BGS. Xylencr Naphtftalene 16.400 1.280 0.47 0.002 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND TPH Gamline 78.600 ND 3,230.000 ND 351.000 220.00{l 587.000 220.000 TPH Dieccl Page2 MTBE ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.200 ND 34.100 ND 6.200 ND ND ND / s+r / s$2 ,/ g$3 / sg4 y/ s$5 / sse / s*t ,/ ss-o I sss / ss-10 ,/ sgNE i/ ss-Nw /ssce J S$SW 1otfitg7 1U30r07 1tgfttB 1/8t08 1tEftrE lI8,NE 1tEt96 1t8rtgE 1/8/08 1/8n98 1A$Nt 1A887 IZAN? 1218t97 ND ND ND ND ND ND <0.200 ND 44.600 ND 0,000 <0.200 0.900 <0.200 ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.700 ND 532.000 ND 30.900 4,2(p 4{.400 3.300 ND ND ND ND ND ND <0.200 ND 124.000 ND 10.100 2.900 19.300 2.800 ND ND ND 0,600 ND ND 26,700 ND 788.000 ND 82.3fl, 38.500 137.0qt 3.1.100 ND ND ND ND ND ND 10.500 ND 32.000 ND 4.E00 3.E00 7.500 ,1.500 szr.ooo(6) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND $unv \\,, MEETING RECORD AprrI22,1999 @ 1:00-2:00 PM DERROffice ^ - f 592- 6trc{ John Menatti (DERR) and Bryan Furtek (Evergreen Environmental) Site Discussed: 2000222-GIJP: cash Saver, 305 s. Main, Richfield, UT 1. Bryan will get me comprehensive maps with gw/soil data in a couple of weeks. 2. During remodel of gas station and installation of new USTs in backyard of former Nielson property, Bryan had a horizontal perforated pipe installed near property line between former Nielson property and former Nebeker property at approx. depth of groundwater. Pipe to be used for air sparging or injection of bioenhancement media (i.e., hydrogen peroxide) to remediate off-site/downgradient gw plume. 3. We discussed installation of wells in off-site plume area to monitor plume.