HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012954i. tt Enuironmental S (" eraices, lnc. 1277 East 8725 Soutlu Sandy, Utah Baffiffi C ffi lVtr D r. rl l' i: ii .ir;ii,r CIEQ -iilrririrrIenAt Response & Iienrerlialion WELL INSTALLATION AND F'IRST QUARTER GROUNDWATER MONITORING REPORT PREMIUM OIL GASOLINE STATION FACILITY I.D.: # 2000222, SITE EGUP 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET RICHF'IELD, UTAH ocToBER 17,2005 PREPARED F'OR: MR. ANDY CALLISTER PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2005 souTH 300 wEsT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 PREPARED BY: ACCESS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 1217 EAST 8725 SOUTH SANDY, UTAH Phone & FAX (801) s6L-827e lar EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Access Environmental Services, Inc. (Access Environmental) has been retained by the Premium Oil Companyto conduct quarterlygroundwatermonitoringandto install one additional groundwatermonitoring well at the subject property ("site") located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah. This well was installed at the request of the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation as documented in a letter addressed to the Premium Oil Company dated September 22,2005. On September 30, 2005, one additional groundwater monitoring well was installed approximately 65 feet east of the former dispenser island. The new well has been designated "MW-7". Note: Soil sampledfrom the MW-7 boring tested clean. The new well was designed to be a "perimeter well" in order to define the eastern extent of petroleum hydrocarbon migration. Existing groundwater monitoring wells, including the newly installed MW-7, were gauged, purged, and sampled. Static groundwater-level measurements ranged from14.77 feetto 16.66feetbelowgrade. Based on these measurements, groundwater flow direction was determined to be to the SSE. Groundwater analytical reports listed concentrations of benzene and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Conective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously named "GP-X"), and MW-6 (previously named *GP-Y"). Wells MW-4 and MW-5, located in the vicinity ofthe westemportion ofthe former dispenser island, continue to be the most contaminated wells. Note: All of the "perimeter wells", e.g. MW-[, MIry-2, MW-3A, and MW-7, tested clean. In the context of historic data, concentrations of TPH (GRO), benzene, and MTBE increased in MW-4 and MW-5 since the previous sample event in July 2005. The most notable increases were observed in MW-5 in which TPH (GRO) increasedfuom2.9l ppm to 13.40 ppm, benzene inueasedfrom0.644ppm to 2.160 ppm, and MTBE increased from I .452 ppm to 3.780 ppm. Note: Present petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in MW-S are similar to the March 2004 sample results. We note that the water table measurements are approximately 0.5 feet higher compared to the July 2005 measurements. We conclude that the increase in petroleum hydrocarbon concentration may be the result of groundwater encountering contamination in the capillary fringe as the water table rises. Additional data will either support or discount this apparent correlation. The "second quarter" groundwater monitoring event is scheduled for late December 2005. , l.t TABLE OX'CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION. . 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELL INSTALLATIONS . 3. GROLiNDWATERMEASUREMENTS 4. GROUNDWATER SAMPLING 5. RESULTS 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS I I 2 J 4 6 Table 1. Table2. Table 3. Summary of Groundwater Measurements Soil Samples: Summary of Laboratory Analyses Water Samples: Summary of Laboratory Analyses J 4 5 Appendix A - Illustrations Appendix B - Soil Boring/Well Installation Log Appendix C - Laboratory Chemical Analytical Reports 1. INTRODUCTION Access Environmental Services, Inc. (Access Environmental) has been retained by the Premium Oil Companyto conduct quarterlygroundwatermonitoring andto install one additional groundwatermonitoring well atthe subjectproperty ("site") located at 305 South Main Street inRichfield, Utah (F'igure 1, Appendix A). This well was installed at the request ofthe Utah Division ofEnvironmental Response and Remediation as documented in a letter addressed to the Premium Oil Company dated September 22,2005. The location of this well was agreed upon by Ms. Melissa Turchy, project manager at the DERR, and with Mr. Andy Callister, representing Premium Oil Company, prior to the installation. The new well, designated MW-7, was installed on September 30, 2005. An environmental soil sample from the well boring was retained for chemical analysis. Upon completion, the new and existing wells were mapped, surveyed, gauged in order to evaluate the cu:rent groundwater slope and flow direction. In accordance with the US-EPA guidance document, the groundwater monitoring wells will be monitored on a quarterly basis for a period of two years after which time, the site will be evaluated for monitor- ing/natural attenuation (lvINA) in leu of aggressive site remediation. This approach was recommended in the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) report submitted by Access Environmental on Ap1rl2I,2005. Baseline groundwatermonitoring was conducted on July 12,2005 (ref, Well Installations and Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report, Access Environmental, 7/28/05). Thelirst quarter groundwater monitoring event was conducted on September 30, 2005 in conjunction with the installation of MW-7. Results are presented herein. 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELL INSTALLATION One additional well designated MW-7, was installed at the site on September 30, 2005. In accordance with the referenced letter from the DERR, the new well was installed approximately 65 feet east of the former dispensers and beyond (e.g. east) of MW-4 which has proven to be moderately contaminated (Figure 1, Appendix A). It was necessary to install a well at this location in order to define the maximum eastern extent of petroleum migration and to evaluate the potential for petroleum vapors beneath the store building. Soil Samples.' Soil samples were acquired from the well boring using a Kansas-style "mega-sampler" device. The sampling device was advanced ahead of the probe rods, yielding a 1.5 inch diameter, undisturbed soil sample, across a four-foot interval. Sample drives were acquired from each boring at a depth of 8-12 feet below grade. Although this interval is several feet above the current water table, this horizon was determined to be most contaminated based on a previous investigation conducted by Dr. Bryan Furtek (ref, Groundwater and Soil Sampling Report, I1/17/00). Data from this investigation (from GP-X, located at the east end of the former dispenser island) showed petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in soil diminished with increasing depth to minimal concentrations at a depth of sixteen feet. Native,Sail.' Soil samples acquired from the borings indicated that native soil consisted predominantly of silty clay (CL) with various amounts of silt. Note: In the sample range of 8-12 feet, the silt-rich layers were mostly wet and the clay'rich layers were moist but not saturated. The soil boring/well installation log is attached in Appendix B. tl Ilell Installation and First Quarter Groundwqter Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Stqtion Richfield, Uah page 2 Organic Vapor Readings: The organic vapor content ofthe soil samples was measured using a Mini-Rae organic vapor meter equipped with a photo-ionization detector (OVM-PID). The instrument was internally calibrated using a gas standard of known concentration. The instrument was tested before usage to assure accuracy. Readings were taken by slowly dragging the tip ofthe OVM-PID auoss the length ofthe samples. Organic vapor concentrations were all below the instrumental detection limit (Appendix B). WeIl Installation: Thewell was installed at a maximum depth of 21 feet below grade inside of a 4"-diameter boring. The well was constructed of 2"-diameter PVC well materials which included a 10 foot section of casing on top of a l0 foot section of 0.01" factory-slotted well screen. The annulus of the boring was filled with 10/20 silica sand to a level 2 feet above the well screen. The upper portion of the annulus was filled with bentonite chips ("Crumble") in order to produce an impermeable surface seal. The well was topped with a slip-cap and installed several inches below grade. The void surrounding the top of each well was filled with sand. The soil boring/well installation log is attached in Appendix B. 3. GROUNDWATER MEASUREMENTS On September 30, 2005, depth to groundwater was measured relative to the "top of well casings" (TOC) in each well using an electronic water-level indicator. Depths varied from14.77 feet (MW-4) to 16.66 feet (MW-l) below TOC. Specific measurements are listed in Table 1. 3.1 Groundwater Depth and Flow Direction Groundwater monitoring wells were mapped and the relative elevations of the top of casings (TOCs) were defined using an engineers level and measuring rod. Results are summarizedinTable 1. l{ell Instsllation and First Quarter Groundtater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Uah page j TABLE 1. SUMMARY OX' GROTMIDWATER MEASUREMENTS 9/30/0s 83.6716.45toO.t22tMW-7 84.4415.60100.0420MW-6 84.9315.15100.0820MW-5 84.8114.7799.582tMW-4 85.0414.8s99.892tMW.3A 84.9615.04100.0020MW-3 84.2415.7099.9420MV/-2 83.2416.6699.9020MW-l Relative Elevation of Water Table (ft) Groundwater Depth (from TOC) (ft) TOC (Top of Casing) Relative Elevation (ft) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) WELL Based upon these data, a potentiometric groundwater surface map was generated using the SURFER computer progftrm (Figure 2, Appendix A). The map shows a gradient sloping to the SSE with a relatively flat gradient ofapproximately l/85 horizontaVvertical ratio betweenMW-l andMW-6. Note: Inthe context of historic dato, the water table is qpproximately 0.5 feet higher than the previous measurements taken in July 2005. 4.0 GROT]NDWATER SAMPLING Each well was purged of approximately 3 well volumes (e.g. 5 gallons) of water using a disposable plastic bailer. Note: Several wells were bailed dry after extracting only 2-3 gallons of water. The same bailer (dedicated to the specific well) was utilized to sample groundwater approximately 45 minutes later. Samples were retained in 40 ml VOC glass bottles capped with Teflonlined lids. Bottles were completely filled allowing no headspace. Soil samples were removed directly from the plastic sample sleeves and immediately packed inside of a 4 oz glass jar and capped with a Teflon-lined lid. All environmental samples, e.g. soil and groundwater, were sealed, labeled, immediately placed in cold storage, and transported under chain of custody to Utility Testing Laboratory, an E.P.A. certified and DERR approved laboratory, for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH, EPA method 80158 modified), MTBE and the aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (BTE)O{; EPA method 8021B). Sample results are presented in Section 5. Well Installation and First Quarter Groundwqter Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 4 5. RESULTS Analyses are documented in the Laboratory Analytical Reports (Appendix C). Soil sample results are summarized in Table 2. Groundwater sample results are summaf,ized,inTable 3. TABLE 2. SOL SAMPLES SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Results itt ppm Note: ppm: mg/kg BOLD: Value exceeds the RBCA Tier I screening levels. 5.1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Soil analytical reports listed concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons below the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels andbelow the instrumental detection limits. <0.110<0.200<0.330<0.110<0.110<0. I l0<l0.00cRo <10.0ODRO MW-7 @ 8-10' 0.300l023s236l0.9001,500TIER 1 TIER I Screening Levels; SOIL (used internally by the DERR as an initiat clean-up evaluation standard) MTBE (ppm) Naphth (ppm) Total Xylenes (ppm) Ethylbenzene (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Benzene (ppm) TPH (ppm)Sample Identity Aromatic lMell Installation and First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station RichJield, Utah page 5 TABLE 3. WATER SAMPLES SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Results in ppm Note: ppm:mg[- Continued on Next Page 3.780<0.2000.298 1.5202.7302.16013.40 GRO <0.50 DRO 15.159t30t05 1.4520.0060.3990.0730.3510.6442.91 GRO <0.50 DRO 15.627n2/0s 2.47<0.0101.2500.3300.0172.4509.52 GRO 2.55 DRO **3/t/04MW-5 (GP-X) 3.I10<0.2001.0300.2690.6421.1708.08 GRO <0.50 DRO 14.779130/05 0.8670.0030.2240.0700.1330.286l.SlGRO <0.5 DRO 15.207ll2l05MW-4 <0.002<0.004<0.006<0.002<0.0020.003<0..50 GRO <0.50 DRO 14.8s9t30t0s <0.004<0.002<0.0060.006<0.0020.0190.52 GRO 1.50 DRO 15.407/12105MW-3A 0.2000.01I0.2810.0500.1560.2602.84 GRO <0.50 DRO 15.049/30t0s 0.1390.0240.4480.0890.2630.2404.31 GRO 2.08 DRO 15.507/12105MW-3 0.003<0.004<0.0060.004<0.0020.0020.60 GRO <0.50 DRO 15.709130105 0.0100.002<0.0060.004<0.0020,0030.59 GRO <0.50 DRO 16.207n2t05MW-2 0.1 05<0.004<0.006<0.002<0.002<0.002<0..50 GRO <0.50 DRO 16.669t30t0s 0.1 59<0.002<0.006<0.002<0.002<0.002<0..50 GRO <0.50 DRO t7.04"ilr2t0sMW-l I TIER I Screening Levels; WATER (used internally by the DERR as an initial clean-up evaluation standard) MTBE (ppm) Naphth (ppm) Total Xylenes (ppm) Ethylbenz (ppm) Toluene (pprn) Benzene (ppm) *TPH (ppm) Depth toGW DateSample ID Aromatic Hydrocarbons 0.009<0.004<0.006<0.002<0.002<0.002<0.50 GRO <0.50 DRO 16.459t30t0sMW-7 0.s230.0080.0180.0520.0050.1 881.09 GRO <0.50 DRO 15.609t30/0s 0.306<0.002<0.0060.009<0.0020.031<0.50 GRO <0.50 DRO 16.0'17n2t05 0.401<0.002<0.006<0.002<0.002<0.002<0.50 GRO <0.50 DRo **3/1104MW-6 (GP-9 MTBENaphthXylenesEthylbenTolueneBenzeneTPHGWDateWell l(ell Installation and First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 6 BOLD: Value exceeds the TIER I screening levels. * TPH: TPH(gro) and TPH(dro) ** Ref. "Report on Additional Soil and GW. . .", BryanFvtek,4/29104 5.2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Summary Groundwater analytical reports listed concentrations of benzene and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously rutmed "GP-X"), and MW{ (previously named "GP-Y"). Wells MW-4 and MW-5, located in the vicinity of the western portion of the former dispenser island, are crrrently the most contaminated wells. Note: All of the "perimeter wells", e.g. MW-I, MW-2, MW-3A, and MW-7, tested clean. In the context of historic data, concentrations of TPH (GRO), benzene, and MTBE increased in MW-4 and MW- 5 since the previous sample event in July 2005. The most notable increases were observed in MW-5 in which TPH (GRO) inueased from 2.91 ppm to 13.40 ppm, benzene increasedfrom0.644 ppm to 2.160 ppm, and MTBE increasedfroml.452ppmto 3.780 ppm. Note: Present petroleum hydrocarbon concentrotions in MW-S are similar to the March 2004 sample results. ln contrast, petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the "upgradient wells", MW-3 and MW-3A, decreased over the same time period. 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS On September 30, 2005, one additional groundwater monitoring well was installed approximately 65 feet east of the former dispenser island. The new well has been designated "MW-7". Note: Soil sampledfrom the MW-7 boring tested clean. The new well was designed to be a'operimeter well" in order to define the eastem extent of petroleum hydrocarbon migration. In accordance with the US-EPA guidance document, data acquired from pt least two years of groundwater monitoring from these wells will be necessary to determine if monitor- lng/natural attenuation (ivINA) may be implemented in leu of aggressive corrective action. ( Well Installation and First Quarter Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Stqtion Richfield, Utah page 7 Existing groundwatermonitoring wells, including the newly installed MW-7, were gauged, purged, and sampled. Static groundwater-level measurements ranged from 14.77 feet to 16.66 feet below grade. Based on these measurements, gtoundwater flow direction was detennined to be to the SSE. Groundwater analytical reports listed concentrations of benzene and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier 1 screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously named ooGP-X'), and MW-6 (previously named ooGP-Y"). Wells MW-4 and MW-5, located in the vicinity of the westem portion of the former dispenser island, continue to be the most contaminated wells. Note: All of the "perimeter wells", e.g. MW-L, MW-2, MW-3A, and MW-7, tested clean. Inthe context ofhistoric data, concentrations of TPH (GRO), benzene, and MTBE increasedin MW-4 and MW- 5 since the previous sample event in July 2005. Note: Present petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in MW-s are similar to the March 2004 sample results. We note thatthe water table measurements are approximately 0.5 feet higher compared to the July 2005 measurements. We conclude that the increase in petroleum hydrocarbon concentration may be the result of groundwater encountering contamination in the capillary fringe as the water table rises. Additional data will either support or discount this apparent correlation. The "second quarter" groundwater monitoring event is scheduled for late December 2005. Sincerely, Services, Inc.Acces;E4vironmental Af/d^ilr--- Lyle V. Phillips, Ph.D., UST #CC0043 Project Geologist cc Melissa Turchy Appendix A ILLUSTRATIONS Access Erwironmertal lrtc. SITE MAP App. Scale; 1"= 4{l' Drafted by: LVP .Figure 1 PREMIUM OII GAS STATION 3O5 South Main Street Richfield, Utah 3CO 9outn Streel rY +(,()L+- rf) g-6 I Pown thop Houee 9TORE c3 c= E3 + i+ ilw-3 El (o"-E o YlJ/-7 O,.rwo U9Ts l.1w-5 or1w-l ylw-6 (o"_Y o r{w-2 .f n6ii Former dlspensr' LEGEND (p Ycnitortng\Nell $ nezamerer I"=4O' o MW-1 oa- MW-7 s3. MW-2-, GW u.70 MW-4 -6 F MW-3+ MW-3 160 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 140.00 180.00 Figure 2. Potentiometric Groundwater Surface Map (9/30/05) Approximate Scale: l "=40' 220.00 Appendix b 3bn tsdttrNclwEI,I, rNSrALLartoN rdG <1 <1 <1 <1 <L <1 Concrete 2 ttEat{Jl F' 5 rom 4 6 ---1- sitrg chg {u[lh ruddteh br0rn, moderqfe pte*fietrg, , moisf, no peholeum odor.. I 1.0 L2 1.4 16 18 20 22 Weft soff Molsf to drg; hard x.gctA- E 4c4ge=c4 c).gv o Y.- WsterTsbte-16,45' Eqts og =g Access Enuironmental Well Installation Inc. Soil Description u o(J TS €o.oa Weather Sunng/75 FTotal Depth Llf Rie 0eoprobeDrilling Comp Direct Pueh Servlces tocation 3OE Soutfr Msin Srser, Richtret4 Urqlr fiilte ID Prernlum Oit Gqeollne Stqnon MW-7 Fonner diqpenser EI EI Et {Jo o,*/ a drda el9arc5 . Mw- Geologist Lste PfiltipcMAP 800 Sourh N n STOBUlt Appendt* C CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL REPORTS (t'fn; EpA 80158 Modified; BTEXNavITBE; EPA 801.D ('- l. A Utilitv Testing Laboratory Analytical Report 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Glient: Date Received: Date Gollected: Collection Time Access Environmental 1217 E8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 13:00 Project:Richfield Glient Field lD: MW-{ Laboratory lD: 093005-04 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Received By: Sabrina Woolsey ResultsDate TPH DRO (clO to G28) TPH GRo (C6 to Gl0) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 10t07t2005 10t06t2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 o.oo2 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 < 0.50 < 0.50 0.105 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.004 SW-846 Method 80218 second column cpnfirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by Date of lssue:11-Oct-05 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director 1 1 2 All analyses performed in compliance with National EnviDnmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 13:30 Project Richfield Client Field lD: ltIW.2 Laboratory lD: 093005-05 A, B Analysie: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Received Byl Sabrina Woolsey Method TPH DRO (Cl0 to c28) TPH GRo (c6 to GlO) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene '10t07t2005 10t06t2Q05 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 10t06t2005 10t06t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 802'18/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 < 0.50 0.60 0.003 0.002 < 0.002 0.004 < 0.006 < 0.004 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: _ aecX Date of lssue:11-Oct-05 1 1 2 All analyses performed in compliance with National Envircnmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory Analytical Report 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Glient: Date Received: Date Collected: Collection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 14:Q0 Project: Richfield Client Field lD: i,lw-g Laboratory lD: 093005-06 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Receaved By: Sabrina Woolsey ResultsReportingDate TPH DRO {Cl0 to C28) TPH GRO (G6 to Cl0) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 10t07t2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 s\ru-846 80218/5030B sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 < 0.50 2.84 0.200 0.260 0.{56 0.050 0.281 0.0t I ** Estimated value, analyte(s) detected above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Faclor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: _g""L Date of lssue:11-Oct-05 ,| 1 2 All analyses performed in compliance with National Envimnmental Laboratory Accreditation Confercnce (NEIAC) standards Page 1 of 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (88e)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: Access Environmental '1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 14:30 Project Richfield Glient Field lD: Mtrtl-3A Laboratory lD: 093005-07 A, B Analysis: TpH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Received By: Sabrina Woolsey Test ResDate TPH DRO (clO to G28) TPH GRO (GG to C10) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 't0t07t2005 10t06t2005 't0106t2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10106t2005 10/06/2005 '10t06t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 Date of lssue: < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.002 0.003 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.004 11-Oct-05 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation nol confirmed Dilution Factor Used:GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: _ e"" 1 1 2 All analyses performed in complience with National Environmental Laboralory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standards page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Analytical Report Glientl Access Environmental 1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Project: Glient Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Received By Richfield MW.4 093005-08 A, B TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXN Water Sabrina Woolsey Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 15:00 Limit TestDate TPH DRO (010 to G2s) TPH GRO (G6 to Gl0) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 1010712005 1010712005 10t07t2005 1010712005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 SW-846 80't58 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50309 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 5.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.200 < 0.50 8.08 3.{t0 1.170 0.642 0.269 1.030 < 0.200 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: _ge Date of lssue:11-Oct-05 10 1 100 All analyses performed in compliance with National EnviEnmental Laboratory Accr€ditation Conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 (' l. A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Analytical Report Client:Access Environmental 1217 E8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Project: Richfield Glient Field lD: MW-s Laboratory lD: 093005-09 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Received By: Sabrina Woolsey Date Received: Date Gollected: Collection Time: 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 12:00 Test ResultsMethod TPH DRO (Cl0 to C28) TPH GRO (G6 to G10) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 SW-846 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confirmed 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 1UA7t2005 1010712005 10107t2005 10to7t2005 10t07t2005 10 1 100 0.50 5.00 0.100 0.'100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.200 Date of lssue < 0.50 t3.40 3.780 2.160 2.730 0.298 1.520 < 0.200 11-Oct-05Approved by: _ B All anslyses performed in mmpliance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Confercnce (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 (" A Utility Testing Laboratory '1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Analytical Report Client:Access Environmental 1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT. 84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Project:Richfield Client Field lD: IUIW-6 Laboratory lD: 093005-10 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Recoaved By: Sabrina Woolsey Date Received: Date Collected: Collection Time: 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 12:30 Limit Date TPH DRO (ClO to C28) TPH GRO (GG to GlO) Methyl tert butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 10t07t2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 < 0.50 {.09 0.523 0.188 0.005 0.052 0.018 0.008 ." Estimated value, analyle(s) detec{ed above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by Date of lssue:11-Oct-05 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director 1 1 2 All analyses performed in mmpliance with National Envircnmental Laboratory Accreditalion Conference (NELAC) shndards Page 1 of 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory Analytical Report 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Collection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E 8725 S Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 16:00 Project: Richfield Glient Field lD: ttllW-z Laboratory lD: 093005-1 1 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Received By: Sabrina Woolsey Limit TestMethod TPH DRO (Gl0 to G28) TPH GRO (c6 to G{0) Methyl tert-butyl eiher Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 10t07t2005 1010612005 10/06/2005 't0t06t2005 10/06/2005 10to6t2oo5 10/06/2005 10t06t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 802,t8/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.004 < 0.50 < 0.50 0.009 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.004 pH> 2 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by Date of lssue 11-Oct-05 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director 1 1 2 All analyses performed in compliance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditalion Conference (NELAC) shndards Page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W.2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Report Glient: Date Received: Date Gollected: Gollection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E87255 Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 09/30/2005 09/30/2005 11'.OO Project Richfield Client Field lD: t{fr1!-7 @A-12, Laboratory lD: 093005-12 Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Soil Sample Received By: Sabrina Woolsey Limit TestMethod TPH DRO (Ct0 to C28) TPH GRO (c6 to GlO) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 10107t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10t07t2005 10107t2005 1010712005 10.00 10.00 0.1't0 0.110 0.110 0.110 0.330 0.200 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50304 sw-846 80218/50304 sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A < 10.00 < 10.00 ++ < 0.'110 < 0.110 < 0.110 < 0.110 < 0.330 ++ < 0.200 ++ ++Surrogate Recovery outside acceptance limits indicating possible malrix interference SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: _ A""ly 106.31 Date of lssue 11-Oct-05 All analyses performed in compliance with National EnviDnmental Laboratory Accreditation confeFnce (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 CONDITION OF SAMPI.ES les Chiiled; fl Yes D No Presenation lndicated: tr Yes tr No Seals lntact: .Remarks trYes trNo i ln, l"'J l^ lnt ltt3 1 Ronnrr Tn 4 3 a a ^.vl'*o.) 3 i// tl V t/ -1,/" r,e/h" Name) To the atte2tioqof: A+U ff+414 HnE--{7tgs---- e-maii / Fax: bl V V V _.." -.. ,/- v \/ ( J. V I I !/ Received (signature) ftid*a,LWfuW- Received (sigrrature) U Received (signature) Receivei (signal.urel lV)1,,-..-l iflt tt\^) iryt,,n-2Lj I tLA,i ) I 2lNwDatdlime: Date/Time; Date/Time DaterTima: 4ioo L/{,t i ,11\ 4':h/) AU11 , !)' r\D Jzr.a-rI -1 - 4i ) 4lqp/K q4a/N 4i4t,/fr+ 4 {ea/f{ Lltilitv Testins Laborarory .ut-labs.FAXr 801-467-00651615 W. 2200 S. Suire A Salr Lake t.,ltah B4ii9 Phone: 801485-S94t ir) A6r'f'*F( Project N Time P Date 5 Locationle ldentffication \\L\L) iJf-t Re I i nq ujshfdts'lg n a [u re) : c[/%\,brt;^ Relinquished (signatr.rre) Relinqu isheci (signature) COMMTNTS: No. of cont.REMARKS linquishcd 2 CONDITION OF SAMPI.ES Chilled; tr Yes fl No Preservation lndicated: tr Yes tl No Seals lntact:trYes trNo ttI No. of cont. Project Na '[ me P.O REMARKS i{\v l{Date Report [*. Llfis Tc the r?F ?1€./:-'-r:= -9-J?--t-)--- Address: --ta l-a^aL U.2 tif e-rnail ,/ Fax: f/ Received (signature) fuj{r*o u;\f,*.U- Received (signature){i Received (signature) Reccived (signature) Tlailr-; Datdlirne: Date/Time Date/Time: DateiTime: / /,'/.0 "ilffi -f/q0/K utilitv Testing Laboratory FAX: S0l-467-00651615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake Utah 84119 Phoner 801485-8941 Relinquished (signature) Relinquished (signature) COMMINTS: inquished (signature): t