HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012953AggeJlg Enaironmental Sennces, Inc. 1217 East 8725 South, Sandy, Utah B4A94 WELL INSTALLATION AND BASELINE GROTJNDWATER MONITORING REPORT PREMIUM OIL GASOLINE STATION F'ACILITY I.D.: # 2000222, SITE EGUP 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET RICHX'IELD, UTAH RECEIVED AUG - ? 2005 DEO rnvlr0nnenlal fiesponse & Bemediation JULY 28,2005 PREPARED FOR: MR. ANDY CALLISTER PREMIUM OIL COMPAN"Y 2OO5 SOUTH 3OO WEST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 PREPARED BY: ACCESS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 1217 EAST 8725 SOUTH SAI{DY, UTAH Phone & FAX (ffii) s61-8ne EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Access Environmental Services, Inc. (Access Environmental) has been retained by the premium Oil Company to install groundwater monitoring wells at the subject properly ("site") located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah. Wells were installed at the request of the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR in response to the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) submitted by Access Environmental on April2l,2005 . In accordance with the US-EPA guidance document, the new and existing wells will be monitored on a guarterly basis for a period of two years after which time, the site will be evaluated for monitoring/natural attenuation in leu of aggressive site remediation. On July 12,2005, th,ree additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the site. The new wells were installed north and east ofthe former dispenser island. Wells were constructed of2-inch diameter pVC well materials and completed at a depth of approximately 20 feet below grade. Static groundwater levels were measured at approximately 16 feet below grade. Groundwater flow direction was determined to be to the SSE. Soil samples were acquired from a depth of 8-12 feet below grade. Although this interval is several feet above the current water table, this horizon was determined tobe most contaminated based on a previous investigation conducted by Dr. Bryan Furtek. Therefore, defining the vertical extent of contaminitior*o, not our objective. Present data indicate that the petroleum release from the former dispenser soaked downward through the soil and spread horizontally through the sandy/silty layers sandwiched between the clay-rich layers. fuote: The lateral spread is signiJicont considering the high concentrations of benzene ond pftnq 1S.OO1 ppm and 1 . 5 4 I ppm, respectively) listed in soil sampled from boring MW-4, located Jifteen feet east of tii formerdispenser island. Groundwater analytical reports listed concentrations of benzene and,/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously named "GP-X"), and MW-6 (previously named "GP-Y'). Note: MW-5 was the only well in whiih benzene (0'644 ppm) was listed above the RBCA Tier I standard. MTBE concentrations were listed above the RBCA Tier I standard in MW-4, MW-s, and MI4r-6. Data indicate that groundwater is relatively clean compared to the higher concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons listed in soil samples from the respective well borings. We conclude that the bulk of contamination has been "hung-up" in the vadose zone on top of clay-rich layers located several feet above the present water table. In the context of very limited historical data,betuene in water sampled from Gp-X (MW-5) has diminished from 2.450 ppm to 0 .644 ppm since March I ,2004 . We recommend implementing the quarterly groundwater schedule in order to determine if petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations will continue to diminish in groundwater under natural conditions. TABLE OF'CONTENTS EXECUTryE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELLINSTALLATIONS 3. GROLTNDWATERMEASUREMENTS 4. GROUNDWATER SAMPLING . . . 5. RESULTS 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Table l. Groundwater Measurements Table 2. Soil Samples: Summary of Laboratory Analyses Table 3. Groundwater Samples: Summary of Laboratory Analyses Appendix A - Illustrations Appendix B - Soil Boring/Well Installation Logs Appendix C - Laboratory Chemical Analytical Reports 1 I 2 aJ 4 6 J 4 5 1. INTRODUCTION Access Environmental Services, Inc. (Access Environmental) has been retained by the premium Oil Company to install groundwater monitoring wells at the subject property ("site") located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah (Figure 1, Appendix A). Wells were installed at the request ofthe Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR in response to the Conective Action plan (CAp) submitted by Access Environmental on April 21, 2005. The location and number of the well were agreed upon by Ms. Melissa Turchy, project manager at the DERR, and with Mr. Andy Callister, ,"p....)rtirrg Premium Oil Company, prior to the installations. In accordance with the US-EPAguidance document, the new and existing wells will be monitored on a quarterly basis for aperiod of two years after which time, the site will be evaluated for monitoring/natural attenuation in leu of aggressive site remediation. This approach was recommended in the referenced CAP report. A total of three new groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the site on July 12,2005. The new wells were designated MW-3, MW-3A, and MW-4. Environmental soil samples fromthe well borings were retained for chemical analysis. Upon completion, the new wells along withtwo existing wells M\i-l and MW-2 and two existing piezometers GP-X (renamed MW-5) and GP-Y (renamed frAW-O; were mapped, surveyed, gauged, and sampled. Groundwater samples were acquired from the wells and retained for chemical analysis. Results are presented herein. 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELL INSTALLATIONS A total of three new groundwater monitoring wells were installed at the site on July 12,2005. Well positions were selected to the north and east of the point ofrelease, e.g. the former dispenser island, in order to define the extent of contaminant migration. The new wells were designated MW-3;MW-3A, and MW-4. Specific well locations are designated in X'igure l, Appendix A). Note: We originally proposedreplacing the two existing piezometers, GP-X and GP-Ywith the understanding that these piezometers were installed at a depth of l5 feet below grade which is essentially the depth of the water tobl". Tht replacement wells were not drilled upon discovering these piezometers were infact installed at a depth of 27feet below grade. Because the piezometers could be usefulfor groundwater monitoring, the piezometers were renamed MW-S and Mll'-6, re spectively. Soil Samples.' Soil samples were acquired from each of the well borings using a Kansas-style ,.mega- sampler" device. The sampling device was advanced ahead ofthe probe rods, yielding a 1.5 incl diameter, undisturbed soil sample, across a four-foot interval. Sample drives were acq-uired from each borin g at a depth of 8-12 feet below grade. Although this interval is several feet above the current water table, this horizon was determined to be most contaminated based on a previous investigation conducted by Dr. Bryan Furtek (ref,, Groundwater and Soil Sampling Report, I I/17/00). Data from this investigation (from Gp-X, located at the east end ofthe former dispenser island) showed petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in soil diminished with increasing depth to minimal concentrations at a depth olsixteen feet. Nutive Soil: Soil samples acquired from the borings indicated that native soil consisted predominantly of silty clay (CL) with interbedded layers of clayey sand or silt (ML). Note: In the sample range of g-12 feet, the clayey silt/sand layers were mostly wet and the clay-rich layers were moist but not s-aturated. Soil boring/well installation logs are attached in Appendix B. I4rell Installation and Bqseline Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 2 Otganic Vapor Readings: The organic vapor content of the soil samples was measured using a Mini-Rae organic vapor meter equipped with a photo-ionizatrondetector (OVM-PID). The instrument was intemally calibrated using a gas standard of known concentration. The instrument was tested before usage to assure accuracy. Readings were taken by slowly dragging the tip ofthe OVM-PID across the length ofthe samples. Organic vapor concentrations ranged from <lppm to 1,400 ppm. Discrete readings ate doc.r*ented in the soil boring/well installation logs (Appendix B). Well Installation: Wells were installed at a maximum depth of2l feet below grade inside ofa 4"-diameter boring. Wells were constructed of 2"-diameter PVC well materials which included a 10 foot section of casing on top of a l0 foot section of 0.01" factory-slotted well screen. The annulus of each boring was filled with 10/20 silica sand to a level 2 feet above the well screen. The upper portion of the annulus was filled with bentonite chips ("Crumble") in order to produce an impermeable surface seal. Two of the wells, e.g. MW-3 and MW-4, were topped with a slip-cap and installed several inches below grade. The void surrounding the top of each well was filled with sand. One of the new wells, e.g. MW-3A, was completed at the surface with a flush-mount steel bolted lid set in concrete. Specific soil boring/well installation logs are attached in Appendix B. 3. GROUNDWATER MEASUREMENTS On July 12,2005, depth to groundwater was measured relative to the "top of well casings" (TOC) in each well using an electronic water-level indicator. Depths varied from 15.40 feet (MW-3A) to 17.04 feet (MW- 1) below TOC. Specific measurements are listed in Table l. 3.1 Groundwater Depth and X'low Direction Groundwater monitoring wells were mapped and the relative elevations of the top of casings (TOCs) were defined using an engineers level and measuring rod. Results are summarized.inTable 1. ') Well Installation and Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 3 TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF' GROT]NDWATER MEASUREMENTS 7t12t0s WELL TOTAL DEPTH (ft) TOC (Top of Casing) Relative Elevation (ft) Groundwater Depth (from ToC) (ft) Relative Elevation of Water Table (ft) MW-l 20 100.00 t7.04 82.96 MW-2 z0 99.94 16.20 83.74 MW-3 20 100.00 15.50 84.50 MW-3A 2t 99.89 15.40 84.49 MW-4 21 99.58 15.20 84.38 MW-s 20 100.08 15.62 84.46 MW-6 20 100.04 16.07 83.97 Based upon these data, a potentiometric groundwater surface map was generated using the SUMER computer progfttm (Figure 2, Appendix A). The map shows a gradient sloping to the SSE with a relatively flat gradient of approximately 1/85 horizontal/vertical ratio between MW-1 and MW-6. 4.0 GROTJNDWATER SAMPLING Each well was purged of approximately 3 well volumes (e.g. 5 gallons) of water using a disposable plastic bailer. Note: Several wells were bailed dry after extracting onty 2-3 gallons of water. The same-bailer (dedicated to the specific well) was utilized to sample groundwater approximately 45 minutes later. Samples were retained in 40 ml VOC glass bottles capped with Teflon-lined lids. Bottles were completely filled allowing no headspace. Soil samples were removed directly from the plastic sample sleeves and immediately packed inside of a 4 oz glass jar and capped with a Teflon-lined lid. All environmental samples, e.g. soil and groundwater, were sealed, labeled, immediately placed in cold storage, and transported under chain of custody to Utility Testing Laboratory, an E.P.A. certified and DERR approved laboratory, for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH, EPA method 80158 modified), MTBE and the aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (BTEXN; EPA method 80218). Sample results are presented in Section 5. Well Installation qnd Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gssoline Station Richfield, Utah page 4 5. RESULTS Analyses are documented in the Laboratory Analytical Reports (Appendix C). Soil sample results are summarized in Table 2. Groundwater sample results are sunmarizedinTable 3. TABLE 2. SOIL SAMPLES SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Results in ppm Note: ppm: mglkg BOLD: Value exceeds the RBCA Tier I screening levels. 5.1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Soil analytical reports listed concentrations of TPH, benzene, naphthalene, and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in samples taken from borings MW-3 and MW-4 of which MW-3 was the most contaminated. Note: Boring MW-3 is located on the north side of the former dispenser island. Boring MW-4 is locatedfifteenfeet east of theformer dispenser island given that boring GP-X (renamed MW-S) is located at the eastern end of the former dispenser island. OVM-PID readings from soil taken from this borings indicated low concentrations of organic vapors (Appendix B). In contrast, the chemical analytical report listed elevated concentrations of benzene and naphthalene, e.g. 5.001 ppm and 1.541 ppm, respectively. Sample Identity TPH (ppm) Aromatic Hydrocarbons Benzene (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Ethylbenzene (ppm) Total Xylenes (ppm) Naphth (ppm) MTBE (ppm) TIER I Screening Levels; SOIL (used internally by the DERR as an initial clean-up evaluation standard) TIER I 1,500 0.900 6I 23 235 10 0.300 MW-3 @ 8-10'1,960.00 GRO 605.54DRO 7.236 50.534 15.362 108.000 13.068 1.s65 MW-3 @10-t2'1,970.00 GRO 446.t2DRiO 1.959 7.742 50.846 16.089 107.000 6.885 Mril/-3A @ 8-10'<t0cRo <10 DRo <0.100 <0.100 <0.100 <0.300 <0.100 <0.100 MrrI/-4 @ 8-10'769.00GRO 49.02DRO 5.001 12.842 12.59s 60.700 5.251 1.541 l Well Instqllation qnd Baseline Groundwater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Stqtion Richfield, Utah page 5 TABLE 3. WATER SAMPLES SUMMARY OF' LABORATORY ANALYSES Results itt pp- Note: ppm:mglL BOLD: Value exceeds the TIER I screening levels. * TPH = TPH(ero) and TPH(dro) ** Ref. "Report on Additional Soil and GW. . .", Bryan Furtek,4129104 5.2 Groundwater Sample Analytical Summary Groundwater anaMcal reports listed concentrations of benzene and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously named .'GP-X"), and MW-6 (previously named .'GP-Y"). Note: MW-5 was the only well in which benzen'e (0.644 ppm) was listed above the RBCA Tier I standard. MTBE concentrations w€re listed above the RBCA Tier I standard in Ml4/-4, MW-5, and MW-6. Sample Date Depth toGW *TPH (ppm) ---------- Aromatic Hydrocarbons ---_-________-_-____ Benzene (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Etllylbenz (ppm) Total Xylenes (ppm) Naphth (ppm) MTBE (ppm) TIER I Screening Levels; WATER (used internally by the DERR as an initial clean-up evaluation standard) TIER 1 10 0.300 '1.0 4.0 73.0 0.1 0.2 MW-I 7/t2/05 17.04 <0..50 GRO <0.50 DRO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 0.1 59 MW-2 7/12/05 16.20 0.59 GRO <0.50 DRO 0.003 <0.002 0 004 <0.006 0.002 0.010 MW-3 7/12t05 15.50 4.31 GRO 2.08 DRO 0.240 0.263 0.089 0.448 0.024 0.139 MW.3A 7/t2/05 Is.40 0.52 GRO 1.50 DRO 0.019 <0.002 0.006 <0.006 <0.002 <0.004 MW-4 7lt2/0s 15.20 l.SlGRO <0.5 DRO 0.286 0.1 33 0.070 0.224 0.003 0.867 MW-5 (GP-x) **311/04 9.52 GRO 2.55 DRO 2.450 0.017 0.330 1.250 <0.010 2.47 7ltzlls 15.62 2.91 GRO <0.50 DRO 0.644 0.351 0.073 0.399 0.006 1.452 MW-6 (GP-Y) **3/l/04 <0.50 GRO <0.50 DRO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 0.401 7/12t05 16.07 <0.50 GRO <0.50 DRO 0.031 <0.002 0.009 <0.006 <0.002 0.306 I(ell Installation and Baseline Groundyvater Monitoring Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 6 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS On July 12,2005, three additional groundwater monitoring wells were installed as a prerequisite for quarterly groundwater monitoring. In accordance with the US-EPA guidance document, data acquired from at least two years of groundwater monitoring from these wells will be necessary to determine if monitoring/natural attenuation (IvINA) may be implemented in leu of aggressive corrective action. The new wells were installed north and east of the former dispenser island. Wells were constructed of 2-inch diameter PVC well materials and completed at a depth of approximately 20 feet below grade. Static groundwater levels were measured at approximately 16 feet below grade. Groundwater flow direction was determined to be to the SSE. Soil samples were acquired from a depth of 8-12 feet below grade. Although this interval is several feet above the current water tabIe, this horizon was determined to be most contaminated based on a previous investigation conducted by Dr. Bryan Furtek. Therefore, defining the vertical extent of contaminationwss not our objective. Present data indicate that the petroleum release from the former dispenser soaked downward through the soil and spread horizontally through the sandy/silty layers sandwiched between the clay-rich layers. Note: The lateral spread is signiJicant considering the high concentrations of benzene and MTBE (5.001 ppm and 1.541 ppm, respectively) listed in soil sampledfrom boring MW-4, locatedJifteenfeet east of the former dispenser island. Groundwater analytical reports listed concentrations of benzene and/or MTBE in excess of the Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) Tier I screening levels in groundwater sampled from MW-4, MW-5 (previously named "GP-X"), and MW-6 (previously named "GP-Y"). Note: MW-S was the only well in which benzene (0.644 ppm) was listed above the RBCA Tier I standard. MTBE concentrations were listed above the RBCA Tier I stondard in MW-4, MW-s, and MW-6. Data indicate that groundwater is relatively clean compared to the higher concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons listed in soil samples from the respective well borings. We conclude that the bulk ofcontamination has been oohung-up" in the vadose zone on top of clay-rich layers located several feet above the present water table. In the context of very limited historical data, betuene in water sampled from GP-X (MW-5) has diminished from2.450 ppm to 0.644 ppm since March 1,2004. We recommend implementing the quarterly groundwater schedule in order to determine if petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations will continue to diminish in groundwater under natural conditions. Sincerely, Access Services, Inc. a Lyle V. Phillips, Ph.D., UST #CC0043 Project Geologist cc Melissa Turchy i'-) Appendix A ILLUSTRATIONS PREMIUM OIL GAS STATION 305 South Main Street Richfield, Utah SITE MAP Aeeess Enuironmental Inc. Figure IApp. Scale: l"= 4O' Drafted by: LVP _.4/ t 4lla,i), ir' llit\i-\i. 3OC 9outn 7treet {* q.! $L{- $)r-6 T 6:NAAA4S vlouse c= c3 E] Ef 9TORE uris + fiw-3A HW-5 \AYA) iizpensr t'lw-6 icP_v) ol'4w-i o YW-2 Pown thop 0 -1,"=40' LEGEND Q Yoniioring \,\ieli * ?tuza-eru, )] 300 South S Former MW-3A MW-3 + =-g4.go 10 MW s3.90 1O MW-4 83.30 MW-2+Flow 6l$ MW-1 fO 1 100 80. 40. 20.00 40.00 60.00 80.00 100.00 1 00 1 200.00 22a.a0 Figure 2. Potentiometric Groundwater Surface Map (7112105) Approximate Scale: l ":40' / ) Appendix B SOIL BORING/VtrELL INSTALLATION LOGS MAP 399 South MW-S Fonner diqrenror N Lgle,Phttlips' .l-) o,ot-lam dkta r:t EI EI r-t STORUlt Site ID Pmmlurn 0ll Gssollne Sftffon MW-3 Location 3O5 Soufh Mqtn Streer, Rlehfleld, Urah Drilling Comp ,,., Dheei Push Seruie€s Bie 0eoprile Total Depth 20 fr Weather Sunns/99 F gr+{ {oq)n o,)? H ({ T) Eg3 E Ei Eu oo Access Enuironmerrtal , , Inc. Soil Description Well Installation Concrete 2 at ef</l o E os 4 6 -1- Stttg 0tqg {M}l}r.reddish bmurn, rnoderafe plastteffg, moisfr. I low pla*tlcifg, molst, soF, etong petmlelqrn odeF 10 L2 t4 r.6 18 20 22 SUtg Ctag {CL[ reddlch bmwn, modercte plertielfg, moisf, moderate petmleum oder Clqseg gtlt {MLl:grqgr. uef, coff, sfong pefrolelurn odel j Chg {CUi reddichihmnn, moderafe plestlcifu, molsf, modersle pefrol€om odel .V Wqfer Tqble-|S.s0' ,)a sa. EE cl, cA 6c, aoslb e-g. c,4. =.9.tt.o o 4 5,. 6r d-.g d' MW-34 DrillingComp,. Dlrent Puch$eruiees .,Rie 0prpri$e N Lsh PhilttFg,7lt2/O5 -prdiotr-lJa dlE{a Former diepenrer r] STONEtt MW.3A MAP 899 South l{'eather Sunng199 F g "lja(l)n H o(J Aceess Enuironmer:dgc.lt trYell Installation ktt. Soil Description 6 L 2 L Grase Surface"'-^". 2 4 (D !ct E(ns 6 ----r* SIfig ehg {UH}i reddish brouni rnodersfe glaafletfg, moir$, no pefioleqm.oder. .. 8 Ctqge$'Sffi {MU; gqag, rnf sofr,'mild peholetum,oder. 10 L2 L4 16 18 2A 22 Slttu Ctag {CL}: reddlsh bnnn, moderate.plesttcltg, molcfi'no pefroleurn g{g1 ,- 9ttt{MLh SrqUr rilBti soft, mtld peholBturn oder Clqg {€t}r reidi*fl bmunr' moderete placticttg, mokr, no petmleurn oder J'c,E6. ItE6al go CJ'(} c\lo I Wstel Teble-|S"4o', soog o7 7112/05 MW-4 Site ID Premtum Oit Oqgollne Stsfion Location 9OSSouflr Mairr Streeq,Richfietd Ufah Drilling,Comp . Dhect Pusfi Servlses Bis 0eoplobe Total Depth 2l t Weather Sunng/99 F J *q (l) A .t) fttl ({n ct O. O, b<a g o() A eeegs Erusironmer*al Irlc., Soil Description Well Installation Concrefe 2 ! q <4 c) Eg oc$ 4 6 --*L* Stttg Ctqg.{M}llr', reddtefi , hmwn; moderere. ptasricfrg, $0let, h0 pofirlerrn odef .. I 10 L2 L4 16 18 20 22 Sttt {ML}; gng, o€tr soff, rnlld pefrotelum oder Sttru Chg (cLlr rcddtsh brown, moderare ptacrieffs, rnol$ ho:pefioleum odbr I V[qterTshie'15.2}' LaatA. atEcr. cA a3) aog\l b 5-g. g dt..rg- o o ?:t-€'o-.a ct' I ) Appendix C CHEMICAL ANALYTICAL REPORTS (TPH; EPA 80158 Modified; BTEXN/IVITBE; EPA 8021) ) A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 48$8941 Analytical Report Client:Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Proiect:Richfield Glient Field lD: IUIW-I Laboratory lD: 07130541 A, B Analysls: TPH DRQ/GRO MBTEXN llatrix: Water Samplo Recolved Ay: Sabrina Woosley Date Received: Date Gollectsd: Collsctlon Time: 07n3r2005 07t12f2m5 14:00 Repotting Teet ReeultsDate TPH DRO (C10 to C28l TPH GRo (G6 to GlO) Methyl tert-butyl ether Bsnzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 07t13t2005 wn5nw5 07t15t200s 07t15t2005 07115t2005 07t15t2005 07115t2005 07115t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-s46;021B/sosoB 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 < 0.50 < 0.50 0.159 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.002 SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmafion not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-Jul-05 Becky Laboratory Director l1- All analysss porformed in ompliancs wih National Envircnmental Laboratory Accrditalion Conference (NELAC) shndards Page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SrtiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 48$8941 F.glEgtlglgsg, Cllent:Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT. 84094 Project;Richfield Glient Field lD: IUIW-2 Laboratory lD: 07130m2 A, B Attn: Lyle Phillips Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix Water Sample Rscslvod By: Sabrina Woosley Date Received: Date Gollected: Gollection Time: 07n3no05 07t't212005 14:30 Repor{ng Limit TPH DRO (Gl0to G28) TPH GRo (COto C10) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Tohl Naphthalene 07t13t2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07n5n005 07115f2005 07tl5t200s SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.s0 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 < 0.50 0.59 0.0{0 0.003 < 0.002 0.004 < 0.006 0.002 2G'Jul{S SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dllution Fac{or Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue: Director {il, . All analyseE petformed in comptiance with National Environmontal Laboratory Accreditallon Conference (NE[AC) standards Page 1 of 1 A Utility Testin€ Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Report Glient: Date Received: Datp.Collscbd: Gollection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.8409a Attn: Lyle Phillips 07t13t2005 47na2005 15:30 Prolect:Richfield Glient Field lD: itl$l-3A Laboratory lD: 07130S03 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MFTEXNf,latrix Water Sample Rocoiyed By: Sabrina Woosley Date Reporting Limit TPH DRO(CrotoC28) TPH GRO {Co to C10l Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphtftalene 07t13t2005 07t't5t2005 07n5no05 07115t2005 07115t2005 07n5r2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 r.50 0.52 < 0.004 0.019 < 0.002 0.006 < 0.006 < 0.002 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/s0308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 8qr1B/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 SW-846 Method 80218 se@nd column confrmation not cnnfirmed Dllulion Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-JuF05 Becky Holubek,Direclor 1 1 1 i- .!d:. All analysEE p€rformed in compliance wi$ Natlgnal Envionmental Laboratory Accr€dihtion Conf€t€nce (NELAC) standarde Page 1 of 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W 2200 S. Suite A Salt LakE City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)48$8941 Phone (801) 48+8941 Glient: Date Received: Date Collecbd: Gollection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT. 84094 Aftn: Lyle Phillips 07t13t2005 07t12t2005 15:00 Project:Richfield Glient Field lD: Ml,y€ Laboratory lD: 071305-04 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatri* Water Sample Recelved By: Sabrina Woosley Limit TPH DRO (C10to C28) TPH GRO (cO to G10| Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphtftalene 07t13t2005 07115t2005 07n5n005 07n5n0w 0711512005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07n5,nms SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw{46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw-aao aozrelsosos 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.w2 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 2.08 4.31 0.{39 o.uo 0.263 0.089 0.448 0.024 ++Surrogate Recovery outside acceptance limits indicating possible matrix interference* Estimated value, analyte(s) detec{ed above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not conlirmed Dilution Fac{or Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:2GJul-05 Becky Holubek,Director t & All analyses perfotmed in complianca with Nafronal Envimnm€ntal Laboraury tr5ss6itation Contc€nce (NELAC) stendads Page 1 of 1 ) A Utilitv, Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 TollFree: (888)48ffi941 Phone (801) 48S.8941 Report Glient: Date Received: Dats Collected: Collection Time: Access Environmental '1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT. 84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 07t13t2005 07t12t2005 16:00 Project:Richfield Client Field lD: illw4 labontory lD: 071305-05 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Recoly€d By: Sabrina Woosley Date Limit Test TPH DRO {Cro b c28) TPH GRO (G6 to G10) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenee, Total Naphtlnlene 07t1u2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07115t200,5 07n5n005 07t't5t2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 s:v\r-846 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 o.oo2 < 0.50 1.81 0.867 0.286 0.r33 0.070 0.2u 0.003 '* Estimatad value, analyte(s) detected above callbralion range SW-846 Method 80218 second @tumn confrmation not confmed Dilution Fador Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:2GJul-05 Becky Holubek,Director t- '-, All analyeee performed in complhnce wi0r National Envirunmental Laborabry Accieditation confo€nca (NELAC) shndards page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw€46 80218/50308 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utrh 84119 Toll Free: (888)485€941 Phone (801) 48S8941 < 0.50 2.C1 1.452 0.644 0.351 0.073 0.399 0.006 _T__ r r rr FarlS0i)462m65 Analytical Report Glient:Access Environmential 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT. 84094 Project:Richfield ClientField lD: i,lw-5 Laboratory lD: 07130$06 A, B Attn: Lyle Phillips Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Recolvod By: Sabrina Woosley Dato Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: TPH DRO (C10 to c28) TPH GRO (c0 to Gr0) Methyl tert butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 07113t2005 07t12t2005 16:30 07t't3t2005 07t15t2005 07t15noo5 07n512005 07n5n005 07t15t2005 07n5no05 o7n5noo5 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 " Eslimated value, analyt€(s) detec{ed above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmafion not confimed Dllulion Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-Jul-05 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director t"\" All anal!'sos p€tformed in complianca wih Natlonal Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Confercnce (NELAC) stendards page 1 of 1 1 1 1 Test ) A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615W.2200S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Client: Date Received: Datd Collected: Gollection Time: 07113t2005 07n2nw5 17:00 Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Report Project:Richfield GlientFleld lD: MW{ Laboratory lD: 071305{7 A, B Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNlf,atrix Water Sample Rocelyod By: Sabrina Woosley TPH DRO (c{Oto c28) TPH GRo (G6 to C10| illethyl tert butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphtfralene 07t13t2005 07115t2005 07t15t2005 07n5noos 07115t2005 07t15t2005 07t15t2005 07n5noo5 SW€4680158 Modmed sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw{46 80218/50308 sw-846 80218i50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.004 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 < 0.50 < 0.50 0.306 0.031 < 0.002 0.009 < 0.006 < 0.002 > Matrix Spike outside acceptance limits- biased high ** Eslimated value, analyle(s) detec{ed above calibrallon range SW{46 Method 80218 second column conlirmafion not confmed Dllutlon Fador Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-Jul-05 Becky Director 1 1 1 t q'= All analys€s p€rtormed in compliance wih National Envionmental Laboraory 4ss66g1"tion Confet€nca (NELAC) sbndards Page 1 of 1 A Utility, Testing Laboratory 1615W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 TollFree: (888)48S8%1 Phone (801) 485-8941 Analytical Report Client:Proiect:Richfield Client Field lD: ilIW-3A @ 8-{0' Laboratory lD: 07130m8 Attn: Lyle Phillips Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXN Matrix Soil Sample Recelved By: Sabrina Woosley Access Environrnental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT. 84094 Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: 07fi3n005 07n2no05 14:00 Test Resultsilethod TPH DRO (C10 to C28) TPH cRO (C0 to G10) Methyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 07119t2005 07t14t2005 07n4n005 07tl42:005 0711412005 07t14t2005 07114t2005 07t14t2005 10.00 10.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/5030A sw€46 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw{46 80218/5030A sw€46 8021B/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846;021B/sosoA < 10.00 < 10.00 < 0.100 < 0.100 < 0.100 < 0.100 < 0.300 < 0.100 20-Jul45 ++ #,< ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ < Laboratory Control Splke oubide acceptance llmits- biased low ++sunogate Recovery oulside acceptance llmits indicating poesible matrlx interter€nce SW-846 Method 80218 second column confrmation not conflrmed Dilutlon Factor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:++)r'L,.L Date of lssue: Becky Holubek,Director * 4. All analyses perfotmed in complience wilh National Environment€l LaborabryAccr6ditalion Conf€l€nce (NELAC) sbndards 1 1 20 Page 1 of 1 A Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 TollFree: (88S)48ffi941 Phone (801)48S941 Analytical Report Glient:Access Environnrental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Prcject:Richfield Glient Fleld lD: fUtt€ @ 8-10' Laboratory lD: 07130$.09 Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrlx Soil Sample Recelved By: Sabrinq Woosley Date Received: Date Gollectad: Gollection Tlme: 07113t2005 07t12t2005 10:50 Date TPH DRO (C10 to C28) TPH GRO (G6 to Gr0) Methyl tertbutyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naph{halene 07n9n006 07t1412005 07t14t2005 07t14t2005 07114t2005 07t14t2005 CI7t14t2005 07n4noo' 10.00 10.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 605.54 1900.00 1.565 7.236 50.534 15.302 108.000 13.068 SW€46 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/5030A sw-846 8021B/5030A sw{46 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/50304 #,< ++ < Laboratory Control Spike outside aceptance llmits- biased low ++sunogate Recovery outside acceptanoe limits indicating posslble matrlx interfercnce* Eetimated rralue, analyte{s) detec{ed aboro calibraton range SWA{6 Method 8021B second column confirmation not confrmed Dilution Faclor Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-Jul-05 Becky Holubek,Director 1 1 20 il 4i. All analyses p€rformed in compllanca wlh Nauonal Envlronmental Laborabry Accrcditaton Confel€nce (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 A Utilitv Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Glient: DatsReceived: Date Collected: Gollection Time: 07t13t2005 07t12t2005 11:00 Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips Report Proiect:Richfield Glient Field lD: il1w.3 @ 10-12' Laboratory lD: 071305-10 Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNilatrix: Soil Sample Recelved By: Sabrina Woosley Method TPH DRO (Cl0to G28) TPH GRO (G6 to C10) ilethyl tert-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 07n9r2m5 07t14t2005 07t14t2005 07t14t2005 07114fr2005 07114t2005 07t14t2005 07114t2005 10.00 10.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 1/,8.12 1970.00 1.959 7.742 50.846 16.089 107.000 6.885 SW{4tt 80158 Modified sw€46 80158/50304 sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw€46 80218/5030A sw-846 8021B/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A ++,< ++ ++ < Laboratory Control Spike ouFide aceptance limits- biased low ++sunogate Recovery outside acceptance limits indica{ng possible matrix interfercnce*'Esllmaled value, analyte(s) detec{ed above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dllution Fador Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by:Date of lssue:20-JuF05 Becky Holubek,Director 1 1 20 \.. All analyses performod ln complianoe wilh National Envircnmantal Laboratory Accr€ditalion Conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 ) A Utilitv,Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)48S8941 Phone (801) /A$8941 Analytical Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Gollection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E.8725 S. Sandy, UT.84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 071131200s 07t1u200s 13:00 Proiect:Richfield Client Fleld lD: IUIW4 @ 8-10' Laboratory lD: 07130$11 Analysis: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatri* Soil Samplo Recsived By: Sabrina Woosley Teat ResultsDate TPH DRO (Cl0to G28) TPH GRO (GG to Gr0) Methyl tert-butyl ether Bsnzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphtfialene 07t19t2005 07t14t2005 07n4n005 07n4r2005 07t't4t2005 07t14t2005 07n4n005 07t14t2005 SW-846 80158 Modified sw-846 80158/5030A sw{46 8021B/5030A sw€46 80218/5030A sw€46 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 80218/5030A sw-846 iOZre6oaOn 10.00 '10.00 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.100 0.300 0.100 49.o2 769.00 t.&1 5.001 12.842 12.595 60.700 5.251 > Matrix Spike outside acceptance llmits- blased low < Laboratory Control Spike outside acceptance limits- biased low ++sunogate Recovery oulside acceptance limits indiaating possible matrix interference** Estlmated value, analyte(s) detected abone calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not oonflmed Dilution Fac{or Used: GRO DRO MBTEXN Approved by: 1 1 20 Becky Hplubek,Director l.-,- '+: - All anslyEe6 peformed in compliancewilh National Envlonm€ntal LaborabryAccrditation confersnce (NEl-Ac) standards Date of lssue:2&Jul-05 Page 1 of 1 r)'C '7"t)'o\ Date Sampled 1jr*,,fi ?'(L,c/\' Relinqu ished (signature) : Relinqu ished (signature) : Rel inqu ished (signaVre) : (signature) It'nn {t nc M:<P 2>so Sample Time "'"^{"'?VirS!}A ""nwvii$,iltL 1- Datefime: Datefime Datdime: DatdTime: ( pt Sample tdentifrcation / tocation el^Project ( ,/ V *f>Lts COMMENTS: Received (signatrre) Received (signature) Received (signaturc)o Received (signature) fufr,ro\rb)& V t/ tl 3+ sN Fa ts V lr ^(s 'F{-'-. \ I 4 No. of cont. e-mail / Fax Phone: 2f5 I fl(-fr J*z rothe apllEof: fuuffixj*q SIND RESUTTS TO (Company Name) A',{i,w- ng4 5 5 s 4 *t\ coNprTLoN oF SAMPLES freWChilted: trYes D No Preservation lndicated: tr Yes trNo Seals lntact: fmarks: EYes DNo -(o o?r3rg-n( REMAR1(s RePot'ff)'w''ilJ*' Utility Testing l,aboratory i 615 W. 2200 s. suite A Salt Lake Utah 84119 Phone: 801-485-8941 FAX: 801-467-0065 Relinqu Sam as .o. :CID Time I 0 o c I D OO t Rel (signature): nquished (signature) Date/time:Y} Date/Iime DateAime: Datefiime: ldentification Location V V Received (signature) Received (slgnature) (signature) Received (signature) (At AeF-,F*l-- No. of cont. T RESULTS TO (CompanY Namc) t I Fax- Phone: n-gs:tffi5-_-t;'- To the otz o /b CONDITIoN OF SAII{PIES Chilled: trYes tr No Preservation lndicated: tr Yes tr No ,.4) lntact: CI\\ tl Yes tr No 4 \ Utility Testing Laboratory utah 84119 Phone: 801485-8941 FAX: 801-467-0065161s W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake 'G-z-, REMARKS