HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012952Aeeess E Sercices ,Inc. 1217 East 8725 South, Sandy, Utah t]4094 APRIL 21,2005 PREPARED FOR: MR ANDREW CALLISTER PREMIT]M OIL COMPAI\'Y 2005 souTH 300 wEsT SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 PREPARED BY: ACCESS ENVIROIIMENTAL SERVICES, tr{C. 12U EAST S72s SOUTH SANDY, UTAH CORRJCTTYE ACTION PLAN PREMIUM OIL GAS STATIONFACILITY LD.: # Z000222,RELEASE SITE: EGUP 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET RICHFMLD, UTAH RECEIVED APR 2 6 2{II5 DEQ .tnvironmenlat Response & lVTv^eI; Rems0iation/*e Phone & FAX (801rs6t-s279 EXECUTIYE SUMMARY Access Environmental Services, Inc. has been retained by Mr. Andrew callister, premium oil company, toprovidea correctiveActionPlan (car)\g".1*g.di;;theenvironmental clean-up ofthe subjectproperry("site") located at 305 south Main street, RichfielJ, utufi -This report is in response to the initial letter datedJune 2' 20a4 and subsequent letter date March zg, zoos from Ms. Melissa Turchi, project manager at theutah Division ofEnvironmental Response and Remediation (DERR). corrective action measures were taken in January 1998 in conjunction with the removal of the old usrsystem and the installation of the new system. The new usr excavation was constructed south of theoriginal site' The construction of this elgavatiol was opportunistic allowing ror. the removal and disposalof403 tons ofthe most contaminated soil. An additional o0 tons of contami"nated soil was excavated fromthe former northern dispenser island. confirmatory sample reports for the newly constructed usT excavation listed up to 5g7 ppm TpH (GRo)and 0'900 ppm benzene in soil taken fromthe sE corner of the excavation. AII ofthe concentrations werebelow the RBCA Tier I screening levels. usr closure sample/confirmatory sample reports listed relatively low petroleum hydrocarbon concentrationswith the exception one sample from the east end of the formeinorthern dispenser island which listed 44.6ppm benzene and 3,230 ppm TpH (GRO) In Septemb er 23'24, 1999, four groundwater monitoring wells were installed on the expanded site propertyand the Nebeker property to the south. wells were desilnated..Mw-l u, .,Mvl/'-2,,, ..M\ry.-3u, and..MW_4". Wells were initially sampled on November l, 1999. Chemical analytical reports list petroleum hydrocarbonconcentrations near or below the instrumental detection limits in all of ihe wells with the most notableexception ofMW-3 which listed 14.5 ppm TPH (GRo) and 0.032ppm benzene. These wells were sampledagain on November I l, 2000 and March 20,2002 and tested clean- In Septemb er 2003 , two groundwater piezometers were installed near the former north dispenser island andapproximately 30 feet downgradient ofthe dispenser. The chemical analytical t oon forwater sampled fromthe piezometer "GP-X'Sl"d relatively high concentrations of petroieum hydrocarbons, e.g. 2.45 ppmbenzene and 2.47 ppm MTBE Upon review of the DERR document entitled "supplemental Information for Corrective Action plan forMonitoring Natural Attenuation", we conclude thafiresent site conditions are suitable for corrective actionvia monitoring natural attenuation (MNA). We recommend sampling all ofthe onsite wells, e.g. MW-l andMw--2 and the two piezometers, e.g. GP-x and GP-Y, on u qrurtdf basis for aperiod ofone year. Resultswill be summarized in quarterly groundwater monitoiing reports. l ) 1 TABLE OT'CONTENTS E)(ECUTI\IE SIIMMARY Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION 2, PRE EXCAVATION ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY . . . . 3. EXCAVATION OF CONTAMINATED SOIL 4. POST EXCAVATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITION . 5. CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR MOMTORING NATURAL ATTENUATION IO. NATURAL ATTENUATION MONITORING PLAN . Table l. soIL: suMMARy oF LABoRAToRy ANALYSES Table 2. GROUNDWATER: suMMARy oF LABoRAToRy ANALysEs Appendix A - Illustrations Appendix B- Historic Documentation I I J 3 7 8 4 6 1. INTRODUCTION Access Environmental services, Inc. has been retained byMr. Aldrew callister, premium oil company, toprovide a corrective Action Plan (car) \qo-1t9sutoi"g it . .n rirorrrnental clean-up ofthe subject property(*site') located at 305 South Main street, Richfieli, urufr it i, ryporr is in response to the initiar letter datedJune 2' 2004 and subsequent letter dated March zg, za0sao,n rurr. Melissa Turchi, project manager at theutah Division ofEnvironmental Response and Remediation (DERR) rrre reruriing cAp provides historicenvironmental data. corrective action measures were taken in 1998 with the excavation and disposal of approximately 460 tonsof contaminated soil'. since then sample data indicate that iesidual petroleum hydrocarbon contaminationin the soil and groundwater appears to b. lirit"d to a relatively small portion of the site. post excavationdata also indicate the contaminant plume has diministreo in s"e and concentration through time. we conclude that the site meets the criteria for corrective action via monitored natural attenuation (MNA)A site management plan for MNA is presented herein. 2. PRE EXCAVATION EII-VIRONMENTAL HISTORY on May 3 l, I 99 I , a petroleum release from an underground storage tank (usr) system was reported to theDERR' The release was reportedly suspected basJd on the results or a aiteo line tightness test near adispenser island. In early June, 1992' the site was initially iryestisated by wasatch Environmental (see site characteriza-tion/Subsurface Investigation Report, 7/Igg2).- rhe investigation was limited to the site property. Theinvestigation consisted of a soil-gas surveyr 1en (10) exploratory soil borings, and four (4) groundwatermonitoring wells' A site map showing sample locaiions ana tabulaied chemical"analytical results are attachedin Appendix B' chemical analytical reports listed up to a7 ppmTpH and 9.7 ppmbenzene in groundwatersampled from 83 located along the southern edge of the property and approximately 30 feet east of thedispensers and uSTs (Appendix B). In contrast, soil samples tested relatively clean with the exception ofB3 @ l0' and 84 @ lo' which listed 7.5 ppm and 6.0 ppm b.L.n.,-rrrpectively(Appendix B). Both sampleborings were also located along the souihern edge oithe property line. A groundwater flow direction to theSE was measured in the wells. Three vertical vapor extraction wells were. installed along the sE border of the site in conjunction with thewasatch investigation (Figure l, Appendix A). It is oui understanding that the vapor extraction system(vES) was activated and tan spotadiCaily from the fall of 1992 -througirpring of 1993. Note: Dr. bryanFurtek reportedfree product tiiclcness i7 z' ord t 2" in two of the u"pb i*t i"iion wells in september (2),1993 (ref' DERR memo)' It is our understanding that the vbs system was reactivated a year later (lgg4)by Dr' Furtek, d'b.a' Triton Environmental, and rin sporadically throughout the year. It was eventually shutoffdue to excessive noise and strong untreated lrupo, emissions (perional "oi., Bryon Furtek, 4/I I/05). 1 Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, RichJietd, Utah page 2 off-site contamination was.first investigated by Dr. Furtek with a series of four soil borings on December9' 1993' Borings wgre dgsignated #1,-#2, #3, and *q. a*iso-chemicat contour map was constructed forbenzene in sollbasea o.n t!9se data. (Appendix.B). rhe rnap shows benzene concentrations >2.0 ppm alongthe axis of the effected soil, the toui"r "l*t:n;pd;;;li"riginated on-rit. -o extends SE across mostofthe Nielsen property located south of the site. L J - This investigation was followed by a series of soil boring/water points on the Nebeker property located southof the Nielsen property. The relative locations orthe-origina c*n-s;;;;";;ltne station (i.e. .,site,,), theNielsen property, and the Nebeker property are illustiated in F'igu""r?a ri gure 2, Appendix A.Apparently no soil samples were collectig no* uorinls Jriiled onThe N.u.to property. Groundwatersample reports listed 5 ' 10 ppm benzene in the bgring o"rTg;.0 "Neb- 1 u *t i"t *u, drilled at the north sideofthe property (Appendix B). Groundwater in thl uoriig at the south side of the property tested clean. AmoreextensiveGeoprobeinvestigationofbothpropertieswasconductedon June25,lgg7. Testresultslisted 4'7 ppm benzene in soil (GP-i) located 1n trre central porrion ofthe Nielsen properry (Appendix B).Groundwater contamination was more extensive. Benzrrr. io groundwater was listed at 1.25 ppmin Gp-4located at the south end of the Nielsen prope rry. Note: Groundtvater samplesfrom borings Gp-5 and Gp-6on the Nebeker property tested clean. 3. EXCAVATION OX' CONTAMINATED SOIL corrective action measures were taken in January 1998 in conjunction with the removal of the old usTsystem and the installation of the new system. Premium oil bompany purchased the Nelsen property,essentially doubling the size of the new station compared to the oio ,tution. A map showing a spacialcorrelation between the old and the new station is attached as Figure 2, Appendix A. The new UST excavation was constructed-louth ofthe original site in the nortlr/central portion ofthe formerNielsen properfy' The construction of this excavation ias opportunistic allowing for the removal anddisposal of403 tons ofthe most contaminated soil where the rrighest levels ofbenzene listed in soil sampledin the initial off-site soil borings. confirmatory soil samples were collected from the corners of the newly constructed uST excavation.samples were designated "ss-NE", "ss-Nw" "ss-sE", and ,.ss-Sw. surpre reports for the newlyconstructed usr excavation listed up to 5.87 ppm TPH tdno) and 0.900 pp- L"*.ne in sample ss-sEtaken from the SE corner of the excavation. All of thl concentrations were below the RBCA Tier Iscreening levels. 2 Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, Richfield, Utah page 3 UST closure/confirmatory soil samples were also taken across the.former usr system. These samples weredesignated"ss-l"through"ss-10';(AppendixB). Beforesampling,atotalof60tonsofcontaminatedsoil were repoftedly excavated from the former northdispenser island irrrrting in in.*ruuution 15 feet by 12feet by 6 feet deep' All of the uST closule/co$#atory sampte reports listeJ relatively low petroleumhydrocarbon concentrations with the exception of ss-9 which rirtra:,zlo pp, irH lcno) and 44.6 ppmbenzene' Sample SS-9 was taken at a depttr of 6 feet at the east end of the former norther dispenser island.Note: sample ss'7, taken at a depth of stx feet froi the west end of the north dispenser istand testedrelatively clean. 4. POST EXCAVATION ENVIROIIMENTAL CONDITION 4.1 Petroleum Hydrocarbon Contamination in Soil on Novemb er l'/ , 2000, a Geoprobe was used to drill one soil boring adjacent to the former north dispenserisland (Groundwater and soit samphng Report, aryan riit, r ttiznf1 itr. ioring was designated ..Gp- 1" and was drilled near the UST closure/confirmation sample ss-9 @ 6'taken after 60 tons of contaminatedsoil were excavated and disposed (Figure 2, Appendix ej. cnemicil analyses are summarized in Table l.Results list concentrations up to 2,720 ppm TPii (GRo), i,sao ppm benzen e and,24.500 ppm naphthalenebetween six and ten feet below grade. Two additional Geop-robe borings were drilled on september 18, 2003 (Additional soil and Ground,aterReport, Bryan Furtek, 4/29/04)' one of the boringsiesignated *Gp-x' was drilled at virtually the samelocation as the GP-l (Figure 2, Appendix A). ReJdts arJ summari zedinTabre r. chemical analytical results list petroleum concentrations significantly lower than listed in Gp-l or ss-g @6'but remain above the RBCA Tier I standard. Specific Joncentrations at g-l0,include 1,600 ppm TpH(GRo), l '900 ppm benzent, Tq 0'380 ppm naphthul.n*. All ofthese concentrations exceed the RBCA Tier1 standard. Note: soil samptedfrom ttt" cp-r noring risted petrotru* iyiro,rirno, concentrations nearor below the instrumental detection limits fuppenairy. 3 Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, RichJield, Utah page 4 TABLE 1. sorlr suMMARy oF LABoRAToRy ANALysEsResults in ppm or in ppb Note: ppm : *S/ki, ppb : ug/kg and 1000 ppb : I ppm Aromatic Sample Identity TPH (ppm) Benzene (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Ethylbenzene (ppm) Total Xylenes Naphth (ppm) MTBE (ppm) TIER I Screening L,evels;soIL (used interrrally by the DERR as an initial clean-up evaluation standarO TIER I I 0.900 61 23 235 l0 0.300 ss-7 @ 6'32r.0 cRo <0.200 DRO <0.200 3.700 <0.200 26.700 10.500 1,200 ss-9 @ 6'3,230.0 GRO <0.200 DRo 44.600 532.000 124.000 788.000 32.000 34.100 GP-l @6-8'2,720.0 GRO 414.0 DRO 3.120 16.100 4.650 159.000 24.500 0.644 GP-l@ 8-10'2,440 GRO 477.0 DRO 3.580 19.100 5.560 130.000 19.200 <0.290 GP-l@ t0-12'167.0 cRo 38.2 DRO <0.090 0.431 0.650 5.880 1.890 0.290 GP-X@ 6-8'27.00 cRo 0.61DRO <0.002 o.0t2 0.093 0.740 0.120 0.043 GP-X@ 8-10'1,600 GRO 36.00 DRO 1.900 53.000 29.000 190.000 10.000 0.380 GP-X@ 10-12'28.00 cRo 0.62 DRO 0.006 0.390 0.480 1.700 0.270 0.077 BOLD: Value exceeds the RBCA Tier I screening lwels. 4 l Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, RichJield, (Jtah page 5 4'2 Petroleum Hydrocarbon contamination in Groundwater on Septemb er 23'24, 1999, four groundwater monitoring wells were installed on the expanded site propertyand the Nebeker p''o-P:rv 19 the ryuth (Fiqyre z, eppenii* e1. wrtt, *i;;;*isnated .,MW-r,,, ..M\I/._2,,,"M\ry'-3"' and "MW-4". Note: These;{^*Z*;;;;i;" existence, however, wells MW-3 and MW-4Iocated on the Nebeher property may be difficult turt;;-;r;;otu there were installed on an unpaved surfaceand may be buried under dirt and gravel. wells were initially sampled on Novemb er l, 1999. Results were documented in aGroundwater and soilsampling Report' Bryan Furtek, I I/I7/00 and summarized in Table I for convenience. chemical analyticalreports list petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations near or below the instrumenial detection limits in all ofthe wells with the most notable exception of MW-3 which listed 14.5 ppnr iin (GRo) and 0.032 ppmbenzene' These w$! were sample again on November I l, 2000 and March 20, 2002. Results aresummarized in Table 2. In september 2003, two groundwater piezometers were installed near the former north dispenser island andapproximately 3 0 feet downgradient ofthe dispenser island (Additionat Soil and Groundwater Report, BryanFurtek, 4/29/04). The piezometers were designated *GP'X- and "Gp-y'(Figure 2, Appendix A). Thepiezometers were sampled on March 1,2004. Results are summari zedinTable 2. only the groundwater sample report, e.g. GP-X, listed relatively high concentrations of petroleumhydrorcarbons, e.g.. 9.52 ppm TPH (GRo1, z.+s ppm ben ene and 2.47 ppmMTBE. The benzene andMTBE concentrations exceed the RBCA Tier I stanaaro. trJ Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, Richfield, Utah page 6 TABLE 2. GR'UNDWATER: 'UMMARY oF LAB'RAT'RY ANALY'E' Results inppm Note:ppm =mgL Well Date Depth toGW *TPH (ppm) Benzene (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Ethylbenzene (ppm) Total Xylenes Naphth (ppn) MTBE (ppm) TIER I Scnecning Lcvels;WA TER (us€d trtcrnally by the DERR tudridlsan clean-up evaluadon standard) TIER I l0 0.300 7.O 4.0 73.O 0.1 0.2 MW-r lllt/99 t3.23 <0.500 cRo <0.500 DRO <o.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 0.041 tt/17/O0 I1.55 <0.500 cRo <0.500 DRO <0.002 0.003 <0.002 0.010 <0.002 0.084 3/2At02 14.34 <0.5 cRO <0.5 DRO <0.0a2 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 <0.002 0.168 MW-2 tt/t/99 11.52 0.670 cRo <0.500 DRO 0.004 <0.002 0.013 0.006 0.003 0.006 tlltT/00 9.83 <0.500 cRo 0.800 DRo <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 3/20/o2 12.82 <0.5 cRo <0.5 DRO <o.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 MW-3 tt/t/99 9.98 14.500 cRo <0.500 DRo o.032 0.013 0.089 0.635 0.049 0.014 tt/t7t00 8.33 <0.500 cRo 0.800 DRO 0.002 0.005 0.004 0.014 <0.002 0.003 3/20/02 ll.t2 l.7cRO <0.5 DRO <0.002 o.0023 0.0565 0.281 0.01I I 0.0t79 MW-4 tt/t/99 9.54 <0.500 cRo <0.500 DRO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 tt/17/00 7.88 <0.500 cRo <0.500 DRO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 3/20/o2 rc.57 <0.500 cRo <0.500 DRo <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 GP-X 3/t/o4 9.52 cRo 2.55 DRO 2.4ffi o.ot7 0.330 1.250 <0.010 2.47 GP,Y 3/UA4 <0.50 cRo <0.50 DRO <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.oo2 0..101 6 BOLD : Value exceeds the TIER I screening levels.* TPH : TPH(gro) and TpH(dro)**<: Below detection limit Corrective Action plan Prernium Oil Company, RichJietd, Utah page 7 5. CORRECTTVE ACTION FOR MONITORING NATURAL ATTENUATION upon review ofthe "supplemental Information for corrective Action plan for Monitoring Natural Attenuation,,,we conclude that present site conditions are suitable for corrective action via monitoring natural attenuation(MNA)' source materials (e.g. contaminaled roiljrra, u.ri r"*orr"d from the former north dispenser island andthe former UST excavation as documented in thisiepo.t. tisr closure/confi.rnution sample results indicate thatmost of the contaminated soil has been successfully ir,nou.d. Based on ttrese aata, the only remaining soil ..hotspot" was defined by ss-9 @ 6' takenat the east enl orir,e norttr dispenser islanJ, rr,.", subsequent soil borings,e'g' GP-l' GP-X and GP-Y demonstrate that contaminated soilln tnis area tras decreased in concentrationthrough time' Data indicate the extent of soil contamination ir limited to a small area terminating somewherebetween the west and east end of the former dird;;;hnd and Gp-y, located 30 feet sE of the formerdispenser island. Groundwater contamination also appears to be locali zedinthe immediate vicinity ofthe former north dispenserislands' Post-excavation wells, Mw-l, Mw-2, Mw-3, and MW4 rrave ueen sampled three times betweenNovember 1999 and March 2ac8. chemical'analytical t potl consistently listed petroleum hydrocarbonconcentrations near or below the instrumental detectlon fimits with the most notable exception ofMw-3 whichlisted l4'5 ppm TPH (GRO) and 0.032 ppm benzene from the November tseo sample event. Groundwater was most recently sampled in the two piezometers, GP-X and Gp-y. The chemical analytical reportfor GP-X listed petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations of benzene and MTBE at 2.45 ppm and 2.47 ppm,respectively' Both ofthese concentrations are above the RBCA Tier I standard. Groundwater from Gp-y testedvirtually clean. Data indicate the benzene plume is limited to the north-central portion ofthe site in the immediate vicinity of theformer north dispenser island. we conclude that the benzene plume in groundwater has stabilized and appears tobe diminishing in size and concentration. we conclude thaithe pluni aoe, not;eopardize potential receptors(including the site boundary) and does not pose a significant risk to human health orthe environment . Note: Thereis insfficient datq to model the plume or to calculate a time*frameforwhich the plume will decrease below theRBCA Tier I standard. 1 ) 6. NATURAL ATTENUATION MONITORING PLAN we recommend sampling all of the onsite wells and piezometers on a quarterly basis for a period of one year.These wells include MW-l, Mw-2, GP-X and GP-Y Note: It is not necessary to test the off-srte wells, MW-3andMlV-4 because they have recently tested clean. Depth-to-groundwater measurements will also be taken in order to evaluate a potential correlation betweenfluctuations in the water table and contaminant concentrations. These measurements will also establish the currentgroundwater slope and flow direction. Results will be summarized-in quarterly groundwater monitoring reports which will be submitted to the DERRfor review. Each report will include appiopriate tables, maps, and conclusions. Corrective Action plan Premium Oil Company, RichJietd, Utah page 8 Sincerely, Access Enviro nmcntal Semices, Inc, Lyle V. Phillips, Ph.D., UST #CC0043 Project Geologist cc Melissa Turchi, DERR ) B ) ) Appendix A ILLUSTRATIONS ) 3OO gouih gtreer I _/y ORIG|NAL 5A€ra- g'AVER5 ?F;OrIERTY u5i 6K +q, OJL+ $)r-6r -r+- :Jo $) ilt l tZ f\UZ l5lt-ilitaa A *+racilan WelJs Premium Oil Station 305 South Main Streer Richfield, Utah SITE MAP Aecess Inc, Scale 1"=49' Dratled by: LVp Figure I NIELSEN PROPERry NEtsEKER PROPERT\/ LEGEND ) Extracrlon Welis 5t'ore c:f C3 3OC Scuth g*reet 6C rons of scll -r'y It /,,fi +-q, p + rt) C-6r -r+-f c) CI 99-7 -a , &GP.XL-*r*1 (:l Gp-1 il + -*l r'r'irr-Gr-YS3: r.'1w-2 _-" ll: l';L--r! I ,bs--J-j'-E= L-t -rl NEAEKER g)F;OPEFr/6 i"1w€ | .-.-l r-tl-r O r"1W-4 C.gTORE o+++ LEgEND Honltoring Weli ?iezome!er 6oil bortng U9T Closure/Carf. g3 Premium Oil Station 305 South Main'street Richfield, Utah SITE MAP Aaeess ErwironmentaL Inc. Sgale L"=417' Dmfted by: LVP Figure 2 ) I '-') Appendix B HISTORIC DOCUMENTATION I I I I ,) I - Stxr g,lnE snEcr 590 STW DEAII{ a oB7 uao .w . ITO sclr DEPts{SM HJI{I' .lfl .290 w B1e . l,ooo BZe B5 t I \irhacY\o-.ofr .?DD ba.'rene. B3 86c _ -._ - _ : _f_710 t7 trf OO tc.-1ae-a-.rpb I.EGEND zom+ r Soil gas snrvey point, coneentration in pp (Vl bJ, ) ll ii I r a 8to a,wq a 6to @"IltnH EI AUcXn CMIIilGS an N LO 9 .Groundwater monitoring well o Vapor extraction well . e Exploratory soil boring underground utility line: -G- gas. -s- sewer. -IT- water APPRoXIMATE SCALE (FT,) 7-lr+ c f b-1 ik.m F-t ilot chdol B-t tt 02A40 80 FIGURE 2: SITE MAP, SOIL BORING. GROUNDITATER MONITORINGwEr.!_ AND VAPOR EnRACTTON wnir rocaiioll-s, "^' CASH SAYER, RICHFIETD, UTAH -' BI'trI}ING C) IfEr 1093-4 'll t TABI-E 2 j' SUMMA,RY OF |-ABORATORY AtttALySES PETROLEUM AND AROMATIC FM)ROCARBONS IN $OIL A}ID GROUNDWATER (all results in mg/L or ppm) : 1TPH = Total petroleum Hydrocarbons a< = Not Detected at given detection limit; NT = Not tested Sample ldentity Dab o\^,r Reading TPHT -iArotnatb Flydrocabqrs-- I I Enyr- lr*, l*o*-** f I*** I *"ze* I lr"* | *r* SOIL 83 @ 10ft.sls,92 2,0fi1+180 Z5 49 4.1 32 0.6 84 @ 10ft.6'3192 z,(Xxt+460 6.0 19 6.8 54 27 Bs @ sft.6,:192 40 40 o2 o2 0.1 0.4 <).1 86@ 10.ft 6Fr92 2 €.0 <Ll <o1 <'.1 <r.1 <).1 87 @sft 6[3192 125 <zo <0-l <).1 <).1 <).1 <t.1 GROUNn,VATER 83 5fl3t'}2 NT 47 9.7 6.3 12 62 0.40 84 61482 NT 24 1.1 0.98 0.40 22 0.093 85 6t4'f,l2 NT <'.020 0.011 <).m2 <0.(m 0.(X)8 0.004 B5 g4En NT <).q20 <).002 <).0(r2 <o002 <).(m <0.004 87 6f4,92 NT <).020 <).(xr2 <0.m2 <).0(}2 <0.@ <0.004 1 i i. i';i Il',, j .l i : sh Siter Seivice Stat ti o extiactlon wells,-. i: @? -ro! .. i 1 N<irth 05 South itain, Street , RS.chfJ.eld - - - 1r BorJ.ng #1 # oo H +, TA c.H dE Ji +tt,oio, t Sca Z,o)rBavrzehq 7o ??n ir gotltngi #3 'Boring t Boring #2 f,grnzerr; V4.o ??!+l I I Patlo r ) t' t., I I I 1 1e il ll l i O Results of So11 Sarnpling Taken Immediately South of the Cash Saverservlce statlon at 305 south Main street, Richfield, utah Samp}ing Date: Dec. 9, 1993Sanpling Depth: 7-9 feet BT.rS r ReEults are gJ.ven ln parts per Mlllton Lrocatlon Benzene lloluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes /fnuA- pult, t/o/rr #1 NDNDNDNDND #2 #3 #4 2.020 1 1 .000 0.345 1.430 0.035 0.234 4.390 0.639 0,255 31 .900 3. 590 2,070 1 ,260 0.493 0,090 123 o /I SVE WellsWr, @* ) Cash t"E" ServiceStation at 305 S. MalnpRlchfield, Utah j IJ w -lI Patio .lP Qtb J , GP-3 o() tro fs{ t tl <r$ I I I I I I . GP-z +loot{+, U' tr.Fl ntE {J otn a 1$.1'll O GP-l 9ot | +:gu) 4vtl I rl'{ : o I -4 30 4*={11I Neb-1 t,f#"u;l/- 4t'l D GP 45 5 Tel # 896-5392 I I I I I . A parklng 4gii't Arta - ' . GP-6 -NfJ ' Neb - 3 -F;'*$' ls*'"' I s'Driveway 15 60 Ft "Neb" - Nebeker sampling locations on gllglg4GP- - Geo-probe Sampling locati.ons on 6/25/97 House (Unoccupied) Former Nielsen House 341 S. House Former Nebeker llouse 0Ft -- NIALYTICAIJ OF SOIL AITD G:ROT'NDNATEREROI{ TEE firO JUST SOITTH OF THE GASU STATTON AT SOUTE rN Samples Col1ected on 6l25l97 A11 Results in parts per Million LOCATTON ANATYTE SOIL E9 11 rtGP-1 I - Benzene ToLuene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene MTBE TPH-GasoIine TPII-Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene MTBE TPII-Gasoline TPH-Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene MTBE TPH-Gasoline TPH-Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene MTBE TPH-Gasoline TPH-Diesel 720 400 900 000 120 168 000 000 <0.005 < 0.005 < 0. 005 <0.015 < 0.005 <0.005 <10-000 < 1 0 ..000 < 0. 005 <0.005 <0.005 < 0.01 5 <0.005 <0.005 <10.000 < 1 0.000 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <0.005 < 0.005 < 1 0.000 < 1 0.000 4. 53. 20. 129; 5. <0. 251 . <10. GROT'I|DWATER 1 -090 2.040 0.241 1 .490 0.036 0.237 21 1 .000 <0.500 <0.033 0.075 <0.033 0.207 < 0. 033 0.041 1 .500 <0.500 <0.100 0.279 <0.100 0.487 <0.100 <0.100 8.900(0,500 1.250 1 0. 500 2.62A 15.900 3.960 <0.500 790.000 <10.000 GP-2 GP.3 GP-4 ',- Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthaldne IITTBE TPH-Gasoline TPH-Diesel Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TTITBE TPH-Gasoline TPH-Diesel 6orr, g 9 - 11 Page 2 sffiffiB 0.022 0.01 3 o.927 0.002 <0.002 <0.500 <0.500 <0.002 < 0 .002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.002 <0.500 <0.500 iJ GP -5 Ft 0.317 4.940 2.290 16,..400 1 .290 <0.049 78.800 <10.000 GP-6 < 0. 005 < 0. 005 < 0 .005 < 0.01 5 < 0. 005 < 0.005 (1 0.000 <1 0.000 ) o l{lelsen #i _Nebeker #lo B= 5"1 ppmf= 28.4 ppn E= 3.3 ppm X= 32.9 ppn N= 1.0 ppm TPH= 326 ppm -:t!' ^ Nebeker #4a BTEXN= N.D.TPH= N.D. Nlclsen prop.rty Nebeker propcrty ".-Nebeket llz t l, o,) --..BTEXNI N.D.TPH. N.D. Arr restrlts are groundwater- ana,llzses performed on samprescollected on Septenber 19, 1gg4. -1 3.9 ppm 18.6 ppm2.1 ppm 1 6.7 ppm0.4 ppm = 346 ppm Nebeker #3o B= rF_ Er- X= N= TPH Scale ft. 1 0 ft.20 ft. 30 ft.40 ft. North id#{tz1ron/*# l Anrttocd Rrub ror Slphr ?drm rt lrr rucffidd hlrlrrr guvlcr gidon tulru$rrEGtJp Frcll$lilffiA[Z llVrlnn h pr[ 9rrtHon lppn, tocrlbn 7+Q I o- ta?ffi f2,*rt l?tfr, tuun t rEtto ND 2,na 0.8{g 0.6 t.t@ ilD 3.t00 llo ?olst tlD fi.0s t.*n 0.a4 Xltnr - t{D 31,ilo E;Cto 2.070 lldrfthr -- ND t.?to 0.a03 0.0n t.000 ND 0.rm ilD g.ra0 0"Br I{D Irflt frlD ilD l'lD t.s0 lFfl Srrolhr t9 1,1n90 2E0.000 rzr.00 37C,H r{D 3$.0m t\E Elltlllrnur TPHir l3r fOr lls DL..l H1BEilD {.m0 0.ar 0.208 t{A t.tA t{A iIA ND no ND ND Aboiyr forn roil rf,lldO| Fll oil.ctrd lnn a d!!th ol ?.0 to 9.0 l$t BOg. GP.lc GFlw OP€I oP.k cP.gr €P.gw CP4r GP{r v?lnt '/.?jan a?/'F? OlEyt 6f23t3t t2t/07 GB5'97 GA5fi7 1,7i2A r,0e0 t{D tp ND ND it' r.250 38.{e zw ND 0,07s ttlD 0,ne t{o r0.50 20.m 0.ut ilD ND trD trD il) 2.$0 12e.000 l,'lt0 HD o.m7 irD 0.{t7 ilD $.e00 291.000 211.m0 hp t.t00 Ir[t ae00 t{D ?t0.000 nrA 013? ND 0.ofi ND rs ND irD Nc!.lr t{rblu N!b*t trbb*r flrryx 0rlf,,tl 8fltna vt.ut l It.ls ND ta.c00 NO e3m ND 4100 NO tae00 NO It.700 r0 TE ND ND ND NO ND T\D ND ilD ND NO ND t{A ru l{Aq. ilA tecr$on GFT3 qP.&t OtFEg OFan D.b ATEfrI 423,97 gtutct vzffi trtItrr otrT 0.005 iD ttD @. 1.rt0 0.@2 ND ttlD Xy{.ng 1C.{00 a.8n frlD itD itrphCIrLn 1.fr 0.m2 ltD il0 Crolltr rD NO ND I'lD NO trD Ezt.0m t{D 3.e$.000 ND 3t1.S0 2a0.m0 tt7.m 2A0,000 TPH Olcrt ND ND ND I\flt ND rq) ND ND IrtD ND ND NO ND .' ND t{D ND ND ND T'EE itD ilo titD Iril) ND\ ND 1.2n T{D 3r.t0D ND 0.a00 HO ND ND Hryllorrlrn - FTee 7t.t00 tfl 2.ffi 0.0t3 itD ND r{o t{D r{D ro tllD r{D itDAbour tivr rolt rrrybo cotbctrl hm r cbptr of g.0lo fi,o hrt EGS. g$r s? txL? 8$1 s93 esa s$7 g9t s$0 8$10 e$ilE 8St{w 88€E 65€w Ng IrlD r{o t{D t{D frto t i!0 itD g3iL000 NO to,n0 {a00 {,+6 E.r00 r{D ilD ND NO itD HD <0,eF t{D 12a.000 ND r0,r00 2.S0 r9.300 2.tm ND IrlO IrlD 0.r00 frlD n7& t{D 7tt.000 ilD te300 Ea$0 rtt.mo tt.100 trD t{D }D to ND titD r0.900 lo 32,000 ND f,t00 t.16 7.300 {.9@ r0t30ffi ilD tsimnr ilD faru ilD T/UIA ND t/am ilD t/ula NO mnt 4.200 1/U9t ND rGnt 41.t0 I/UTI ND 12tun o.$o 12fit97 <0.200 l?nfit 0.c00 l28n7 <0,m -A---^b ,55e .ftann* a;l .w F'r 300 South Street i flog flo ,E IU - --*fIoo { .f03 tonr cl roll nrnmd tt l{! tt tt tl Drlvewry r0P't aNrl.t 0rngeOfllcc t7t 3, illaln n ol.l a Nrl.l l0 i a l{ob'4 a1{rl.l h at, =t-crtF Fo x6tF tt t. It tr It7 cr!@'rrro ttr I 1 rtt o t'Etiil-t-tt2 t0lonr olrdl nnovrd 8ts Gashsavcr Servlcs Statlon 305 $. lrleln 8trcet ilchllcld, Utrh lrclllty 1Dil2000222irlmr tltr IOUF House N t TABI,F: I Analytical Resutts for soil $amples Taken at the Richfield cashsaver servlce staflon During closure A11 Values are in parts per Mil1ion TPH Gaeollne -ilE-- ND ND ND ND ND s21.000 ND 9,230.000 ND 351.000 220,000 5E7.000 220,000 TPH Dlesel MTBEs$1 ss.2 ss.3 ss.4 s$.5 ss€ ss.7 ss.8 SS-9 ss.l0 SS.NE SS.NW ss-sE SS.SW fiB0tg7 1AB0E7 1l$tag 1t8t9E 1t0tEs 1nE' 1t8t98 1t8t98 ltatgE 1tEt$E 12t8tE7 1AUs7 1AUs7 12t6t97 Locatlon DatE Benzene lqluene Efiylbcnzene Xylenes Naphthalene --- ND ND ND ND ND ND <0.200 ND 44.A00 ND 0.000 <0.200 0.900 <0,200 ND ND ND ND ND ND 3.700 ND 582.000 ND 30.900 4,2A0 M,4A0 3.300 ND ND ND ND ND ND <0,200 ND 124.000 ND 10.100 2.900 19,300 2.800 ND ND ND 0.600 /ND ND 2e,tac ND 78E,000 ND 82.900 3E,500 137.000 34.100 ND ND ND ND ND ND 10.500 ND 32.000 ND 4.800 8.E00 7,500 4,500 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.2A0 ND 34.100 NDr., 6,200 ND ND ND Ut ? uIr uI ! rlrrr ry l.r.laO lflr r t?l l. I atttl tt ta al re ta ta aa lt lll?t t t.llr ruH-{ rnu-3 -e G.ttorr It-t Srrrart Lrtrrl o GD. @. o /vtw-y I r.l {VW'r- @. o I l.l lrrrlrr Olllrrrlrr tlt a. llll 3lr..t thlflrl{r Ulrl lrrllllr ltl tlOlllt t.lrrl rl. la.a ll? lllr lrrlr l.l hrl lrlrr llr rrrlrcr ll cu r Itrth r tOO tcuth ttrr.t if IIb l, o 5 I T rJt o 0 TABLE IV Analytical Resurts for Groundwater sampres Taken at the premium oirservtce $tation Located ;t id#"uth Marn stre"lin Richfrerd, urah Release Sfte EGUP Facility ID#2OOA1zZL Sampling Date: November 17,2AOA All Values are ln parts per Mllllon (ppm) ffi Ethv:'ffiffs' tffit.o.oos. <o.oo2 o:oio<0,a21 z p.oiy "i.iiA2 3 Well # I 4 Date 11t1Eg 11t17/0a 3/xottt> 1ltltse 11t17t00 3lwlol 11t1tsg 11t17t00 ifirs16t- 11t1tqs 11t17rcl Benzene <0.002 <0.002 <o,00L 0.004 . <0.002 &,00L 0.013 0.002 1D,M} Naphthalene <0.002 <0.002 lOoo> 0,003 <0,002 /o,aF> 0.049 <0.002 0,01( <0.002 <0.002 TPH Garollne <0.500 <0.500 ./ p,{ 0.070 <0,500 zo,f 14.500-<0.500 '1,7 <0,500 <0,500 TPH Dlegel <0.500 <0.500zp,{ <0.500 0.800lar MTBE 4.a41 0.084 0.16{ 0.006 <0,002 /a,o0)-' <0.002 -9-w{,<-O.&V4o.oa>- 0,019 0.005 0, ooz- <0.000 <0.006 40.096 0.635 0,014 0,2(l <0,006 <0.006 0.082 0.002 /,0,0p2 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.089 0,004 0,N6 <0,002 <0.002 <0.500 0.800 zD,r <0.500 <0,500 0.014 0.003 D, DI7 <0.002 <0.002?/to/oz a.rl(z 300 $outh N f flo E# cn tr E \ I E Prcmlum Oll Comoanv 305 S. Maln Strcet r Rlchfleld, Utah Faclllty lD#2000222 Release SIte EGUp C-$tore 6ll Tont gf-oqnbmlnrtrdrcll mrrrcmov.C Oudnng olocun ol old U]STr----.fss-zl._l_T*tiss-e L.---Jo ;Pavement GP.{ & GP,X o GP,Y o l,lw-z Pavement o ilIW.{ Pavement Site Map #{Trash Bln Ft R 50 Fr UI T uI T uI T House Yard F g. ea. .g IE a-Lo- MW-3 ls 16,due south of thls polnt MW-4ls g2'due south ofrhts potnr pfiVatg pfOpefty TABLE II ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING A SITE INVESTIGATION PERFORMED ON NOVEMBER 17,2AOO, AT THE PREMIUM OIL SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUT}I MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release Slte EGUP Faclllty lD#2000222 Samples aollected on Novcmber 17, 2000 AllConaentnatlons arc ln Partr per Mllllon (ppm, mg/Kg) Locatlon GP.1 Soil@ 6.0'-8.0' - 9.120 16.{00 4.050 159.000 24,500 2,720,0 414,A 0.644 $oll@ 8.0L10.0' - 9.580 19,100 5.560 190.000 19.200 2,440,0 477.0 <0.290 Soll@ 10.0'-12.0' - <0.090 0.431 0.e50 5.880 1.E90 167.0 38.2 0.290 RBCA Tlar I Scrcenlng Level - 0.9 81.0 23,0 235.0 10.0 1,500,0 5,000.0 0.3 Analyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (c6-c10) TPH-dlesel (Cl1-C15) MTBE TABLE III ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING A SITEINVESTIGATION PERFORMED ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003, AT THE PREMIUM OILSERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release Stte EGUP Facitity lD# ilOIOZZL Sampler collscted on Septembe'r ie, 2OOa All Conaentrafions aru ln partr per Mllllon (ppm, mgrlel soll @ 4.0t.8.0' <0.003 <0,005 0.010 0.120 0,027 7.4A 0.09 0.010 Soll @ 8.0t.0.0t - <0.002 0,012 0.093 0.740 0.120 27,A0 0,61 0.043 $oll @ 8.0t.10.0' - 1.900 53.000 29.000 190.000 10.000 1,600.00 3€.00 0.380 soll @ 10,0'-12.0, soll @ 12,0'-14,0' <0.003 0,043 0.120 0.950 0.111 12.00 0.2s 0.008 soll@ 14.0r-19.0' - <0.003 <0,005 <0.005 0.025 <0.005 19.00 1.10 0.008 RBCA Tler I Soreenlng Level - 0.9 61.0 n,0 235,0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0,3 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 Loaatlon GP.X (MW.Ntt14 Analyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphttialene TPHgac (Ce-c10) TPH{lesel (Cll-ClE) MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPHges (CAcl0) TPH-diesel (Cl1-C1S) MTBE - 0.006 0.390 0.480 1.700 0,270 2E.00 0.62 4.077 GP-Y (MW-sE) <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.70 <0.05 <0,005 <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 0.011 <0.005 2.14 0.065 <0.005 <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.70 0.18 0.008 <0.003 <0.005 0.007 0.060 0.083 7.70 0.15 <0.005 TABLE IV ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR GROUND WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM THE TWO PIEZOMETERS THAT WERE TNSTALLED ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003, AT THE PREMIUM OtL SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release SltB EGUP Faclllty l,D#2000222 Samplea collected on March 1,2004 I AllConcentrations arc ln Parte per Mllllon (ppm, mglKg) Locatlon MW.NW (GP.R MW.SE (GP.Y) 2,450 0.017 0.390 1,250 <0.010 9.52 2.55 2,470 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 401.00 <0.50 <0.002 Analyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylsnes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-c10) TPH-dlesel Ct0-C28) MTBE BenzenE Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (CB-cl0) TPH-diesel C10-C28) MTBE Ground Water RBCA Tler 1 Screenlng Level 0.3 7,0 4,0 73.0 0.1 10.0 10,0 4.2 0.3 7.0 4.0 73.0 0.1 10,0 10.0 0.2 I