HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012951j\ A REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF ADDITIONAL SOIL AND GROUND WATER SAMPLES THAT WERE COLLECTED IN THE VICINITY OF THE FORMER LOCATION OF THE NORTHERNMOST DISPENSER ISLAND THAT WAS REMOVED IN 1998. THE SITE IS THE PREMIUM OIL COMPANY SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Facility lD# 2000222 Release Site "EGUP" Date of Report April 29, 2004 ';i'n,. r.r iT .''.',nr- , ,- .;iJt t_ii;l-rii0 & REIi4ED,AI'OIIReport Prepared by Bryan Furtek Evergreen Environmental Services 406 East 300 South, #316 Salt lake City, Utah 84111 Phone: (801) 532€865 I,IAY t 0 2004 BY Background information: During the time period between October 30, 1997, and January 8, 1998, three underground fuel storage tanks and two dispenser islands were removed from the site of the former Cashsaver Service Station located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah. This work was undertaken as part of the total reconstruction of the service station. Map #1 depicts the layout of the cunent service station along with the locations and identifications of all closure samples in which at least one or more analytes exceeded RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels. Such samples were found at the soil locations identified as SS-7 and SS-9. Soil sample #7 was collected at the westem edge of the former northernmost dispenser island at a depth of 6.0 feet. Soil sample #9 was collected at the eastern edge of the former northemmost dispenser island at a depth of 6.0 feet. Only these two soil samples had constituents that were in excess of the Tier 1 Screening Levels. Groundwater was not encountered during the closure process, so all the closure samples were soilsamples. Table I presents the analytical results of the two closure soil samples, SS-7 and SS-9, which contained at least one analyte that exceeded at least one RBCA Tier 1 Screening Level. Moderate levels of hydrocarbon contamination were found in soil sample SS-7. Two analytes at SS-7 were in excess of RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels. They were naphthalene, which wis found at a concentration of 10.5 parts per million (ppm, mg/Kg), and MTBE. The naphthalene value was only slightly in excess of the Tier 1 Screening Level of 10.0 ppm. MTBE was detected at a concentration of 1.20 ppm. The Tier 1 Screening Levelfor MTBE in soil is 0.3 ppm. r- r' r' (' (' r' ( Page 2 The only other closure sampling location that showed the presence of contamination in excess of Tier 1 Screening Levels was at SS-9. ln this case, SS-9 indicated the presence of high levels of gasoline-based soil contamination. All the analytes in SS-9 were well in excess of their respective Tier 1 Screening Levels, except for diesel-range TPH, which was not detected at all. Exceedingly high levels of each of the BTEXN components were identified in the sample, with the three most RBCA-limited components being found in far excess of their respective Tier 1 Screening Levels. For example, benzene was detected at4.6 ppm, forwhich the Tier 1 Screening Level is only 0.9 ppm. ln addition, naphthalene was found at a concentration of 32.0 ppm, in which instance the Tier 1 Screening Level is only 10.0 ppm. Lastly, the concentration of MTBE was exceedingly high in the sample, with a value of 34.1 ppm. The Tier 1 Screening Levelfor MTBE is only 0.3 ppm. ln light of the obvious presence of high levels of gasoline contamination at SS-9, about 60 tons of contaminated soil in and around SS-9 were removed by excavation and disposed at the Sevier County landfill. ln light of this issue,_a Ge-oP_robe sampler was used to collect additional subsurface samples in the former vicinity of SS-9. On November 17,2000, a GeoProbe sampler owned and operated by Earthprobe, lnc., was used to collect subsurface samples at the location identified a's Gp-t on the Site Map. At the location of GP-1, three soil samples were collected from the boring. Soil samples were collected at depths of 6 to 8 feet, 8 to10 feet, and at 10 to 12 feet. RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels were exceeded in the 6 to 8 foot and g to10 foot sampling depths for benzene, naphthalene, and TPH-gasoline. This data is presented in Table ll. Analysis of the soil sample that was collected from the interval between 6.0 to 8.0 feet BGS indicated that the sample contained four analytes that were in moderate excess of their respective Tier 1 Screening Levels. They were benzene, naphthalene, TPH-gasoline, and MTBE. Analysis of the soil sample that was collected from the interval between 8.0 to 10.0 feet BGS indicated that the sample contained three analytes that were in moderate ex@ss of their respective Tier 1 Screening Levels. They were benzene, naphthalene, and TPH-gasoline. MTBE was just slightly less than its Screening Level. Much time and effort was expended on an attempt to collect a groundwater sample at GP-1 but it was not possible to do so. Based on the groundwater levels in the four monitoring wells, the groundwater level at GP-1 was expected to be at a depth of about 9.5 feet. The Geoprobe groundwater sampler tip was pushed to a total depth of 14.0 feet below the ground surface, which would have placed the groundwater sampler tip sufficiently deep enough into the aquifer to collect a representative groundwater sample. Several attempts over a period of hours were made to collect a groundwater sample with a peristaltic pump, but were unsuccessful. Attempts were then made at three different locations in - r- (' ( l ( { (' (' ( (- ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (. ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( ( t {, ( ( ( t Page 3 the vicinity of GP-1. The three borings were dry as determined by lowering a tape measure into the borings. The bottom end of the tape measure was dry after it was withdrawn from the borings. It is interesting to note that the static water level (SWL) at the site is at about 8.0 to 10.0 feet BGS. A stiff clay (CL) layer exists in the interval between 4.5 and 14.5 feet BGS, which means that the ground water level exists in stiff clay. Stiff clays can be greatly resistive to the passage of water through it. For example, it would not be unusual for a stiff clay to have a hydrdulic conductivity as low as 10t cmlsec whereas silt may have a hydraulic conductivity of about 10-5 cm/sec. Waterwould pass through the stiff clay about one thousand times slower than it would through silt. Results: On September 18, 2003, a GeoProbe sampling device was used to collect 6 soil samples from the location identified as GP-X and four soil samples from the location identified as GF-y on the Site Mep. The soil samples were collected from depths of 4.0 to 6.0, 6.0 to B.O, g.O to 10.0, 10.0 to 12.0, 12.Oto 14.0, and from 14.0 to 16.0 feet BGS at Gp-X. A! 9p-f soil samples were collected from depths of 4.0 to 6.0, 6.0 to 8.0, 8.0 to 10.0, and from 10.0 to 12.0 feet BGS. The soil sample that was collected from a depth of 8.0 to 10.0 feet at GP-X was the only soil sample that contained at least one analyte that exceeded the RBCA Tier 1 Screening criteria. Five of the analytes were in modest excess of their respective Tier 1 Screening Levels. These analytes were benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, TPH-gasoline, and MTBE. The analytical results of this round of soil sampling is presented in Table lll. The groundwater collection tip was driven to a total depth of 15.0 feet at each location and an attempt was made to collect a groundwater sample from each boring with a peristaltic pump. These attempts did indeed fail. A 2-inch diameter push rod was used to widen the boring and a 1-inch diameter pVC piezometer was installed. The interval that extended from 5.0 to 15.0 feet BGS consisted of a screened region with 0.02-inch slots which was then sunounded with a washed-sand packing, The intervalfrom the ground surface to 5.0 feet BGS was sealed with a bentonite packing. The piezometers were allowed to remain undisturbed until March 1,2004, atwhich time the piezometers were sampled for ground water. ln this case, sufficient ground water was withdrawn from each of the two piezometers to allow for the complete filling of two 40-ml vials. The water sample vials were placed on ice and delivered to Utility Testing Laboratory in Salt Lake City for chemical analysis. The water samples were analyzed for the five aromitic BTEXN components, totalpetroleum hydrocarbons in the gasoline-range, total petroleum hydrocarbons in the diesel-range, and MTBE. It should be noted that the identification of the ground water sampling locations that are given on the analytical reports refer to sampling locations MW-NW and MW-SE. a ( (' ( ( ( ( (' {- I Page 4 MW-NW is at the same location as GP-X and MW-SE is at the same location of GP-Y. The ground water analytical results are presented in Table lV. lnspection of the analytical results from the water sample collected from MW-SE reveals that the sample exceeds RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels only for TPH-gasoline, in which case it is found at a concentration of 401parts per million. The conesponding Screening level is only 10.0 ppm. lnspection of the analytical results from the water sample collected from MW-NW reveals that the sample exceeds RBOA Tier 1 screening Levels for two of the analytes. ln this case, benzene was found at a concentration of 2.450 ppm, whereas its Tier 1 Screening Level is only 0.300 ppm. Likewise, MTBE was present at a concentration of 2.470 ppm, whereas its Tier 1 Screening Level is only 0.200 ppm. The soil in the vicinity of the former east end of the northemmost dispenser island is not excessively contaminated. Natural physical and biological processes appear to be reducing these contaminants at a satisfactorily rate. For instance, the concentration of benzene that-was present in the soilat a depth of 8.0 to 10.0 feet at GP-1, which is the same location as Gp-X, dropped from 3.580 ppm in November of 2000 to a concentration of 1.900 ppm in September of 2003. At this degradation rate, the benzene concentration should be approaching 0.9 ppm in about one more year. Since the depth of ground water is also usually between 8.0 to 10.0 feet BGS, it is logical to assume that the concentration of benzene that is dissolved in the ground water at GP-1 (MW- NW) willalso be subject to a fairly high natural rate of degradation. ln this instance, benzene must decline from 2.450 ppm to 0.300 ppm over a reasonably short period of time. lf natural remediation processes appear to be incapable of accomplishing this feat, then it would be a simple mafter to install one or two air sparge points in the vicinity of GP-1. This method would strip benzene from the ground water by physical means and the increase in dissolved oxygen would promote the biological breakdown of benzene by naturally occurring microbes. Dissolved MTBE can also be treated in a similar fashion. ln either case, the possible downgradient movement of the benzene-contaminated ground water away from GP-1 can be monitored by analyzing for the presence of benzene in the ground water samples collected at MW-SE, which is about 30 feet downgradient from GP-1, and at MW-1, which is about 1 10 feet downgradient from GP-1. ln this fashion, it can be ensured that contaminated ground water never moves beyond the release site boundaries. aaa-aa,-a.^.--vf ,o -1 -1 -\.1t)1111:ll ll House Yard 60 Tons of contaminated soil rvere removed durinng closure of old UST ss-7 of:_ _ -T_---_.o i ss -g----t---u----Jo Pavement o =6'a GP.1 & GP-X t-rg is I oE(9 o GP-Y o r6w-2 Pavement il U S U s T o MW.1 Site Map #1PavementI II Trash BinffioFt 25Ft SoFt lsland le land Premium Oil Company 305 S. Main Street Richfield, Ljtah Facility lD#2000222 Release Site EGUP C-Store to CLol-o- c,tF'(E L.o- MW-3 is 16'due south of this point \MW4 is 92'due south of this point PfiVatg PfOpefty N t 300 South {-,(l, 6,L.*ro ?-.F = -) j e C aaaaaaaaaa'--:-- 111-\lf lllllllll TABLE I ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING THE SITE CLOSURE OF THE PREMIUM OIL SERVICE STATION IN RICHFIELD, UTAH, IN WHICH THE SOIL SAMPLES CONTAINED PETROLEUM CONTAMINATION IN EXCESS OF RBCA TIER 1 SCREENING LEVELS, Release Site EGUP Facility lD# 2OAO222 Samples Gollected on January 8, 1gg8 All Concentrations are in Parts per Million (ppm, mg/Kg) Location SS-7 SS-9 Sampling Date 1t8t98 1t8t98 Soil@ 6.0' BGS RBCA Tier 1 Screening LevelAnalyte Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-C10) TPH-diesel (C11-C15) MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-c10) TPH-diesel (C11-C15) MTBE <0.200 3.700 <0.200 26.7AA 10.500 321.0 <0.200 1.200 44.600 532.000 124.04A 788.000 32.000 3,230.0 <0.200 34.100 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 l CICe ae aa aa-r^--c'nnn -a-^)llllll)ll))lf ] TABLE II ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING A SITE INVESTIGATION PERFORMED ON NOVEMBER 17, 2OOO, AT THE PREMIUM OIL SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release Site EGUP Facility lD#2OOO222 Samples collected on November 17, 2000 All Concentrations are in Parts per Million (ppm, mglKg) Location Analyte GP-1 Soil@ 6.0'-8.0' Soil@ 8.0'-10.0' Soil@ 10.0'-12.0' RBCA Tier 1 Screening Level 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-C10) TPH-diesel (C11-C15) MTBE 3j20 16.100 4.650 159.000 24.500 2,720.0 414.0 0.644 3.580 19.100 5.560 130.000 19.200 2,440.0 477.A <0.290 <0.090 0.431 0.650 s.880 1.890 167.0 38.2 0.290 TABLE III ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR SOIL SAMPLES COLLECTED DURING A SITE INVESTIGATION PERFORMED ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003, AT THE PREMIUM OIL SERVIGE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release Site EGUP Facility lD# 2000222 Samples collected on September 18, 2003 All Concentrations are in Parts per Million (ppm, mglKg) Location Analyte GP-X (MW-NW) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-sas (c6-C10) TPHdiesel (C11-C15) MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (c6-C10) TPHdiesel (C11-C15) MTBE GP-Y (MW-SE) <0.003 <0.005 0.010 oJ20 0.027 7.4A 0.09 0.010 <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.70 <0.05 <0.005 <0.002 0.012 0.093 0.740 0.120 27.0A 0.61 0.043 <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 0.011 <0.005 2.10 0.065 <0.005 1.900 53.000 29.000 190.000 10.000 1,600.00 36.00 0.380 <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 3.70 0.18 0.008 Soil@ 4.0'-6.0' Soil@ 6.0'-8.0' Soil@ 8.0'-10.0' Soil@ 10.0'-12.0' 0.006 0.390 0.480 1.700 4.270 28.00 0.62 o.477 <0.003 <0.005 0.007 0.060 0.083 7.70 0.1s <0.005 Soil@ 12.o',-14.0' <0.003 0.043 0120 0.950 0.111 12.00 0.2s 0.008 Soil@ 14.0'-16.0' <0.003 <0.005 <0.005 0.025 <0.005 19.00 1.10 0.008 RBGA Tier 1 Screening Level 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 0.9 61.0 23.0 235.0 10.0 1,500.0 5,000.0 0.3 aaaaaaaaaa-,?---a,^ TABLE IV ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR GROUND WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED FROM THE TWO PIEZOMETERS THAT WERE INSTALLED ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2003, AT THE PREMIUM OIL SERVICE STATION LOCATED AT 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET IN RICHFIELD, UTAH Release Site EGUP Facility lD#2OOO222 Samples collected on March 1,2004 All Concentrations are in Parts per Million (ppm, mg/Kg) Location Analyte MW.NW (GP-R Ground Water RBCA Tier 1 Screening Level 0.3 7.0 4.0 73.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 4.2 0.3 7.0 4.O 73.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 0.2 MW-SE (GP-Y) 2.450 0.017 0,330 1.250 <0.010 9.52 2.55 2.470 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 401.00 <0.50 <0.002 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-C10) TPH-diesel C10-C28) MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Naphthalene TPH-gas (C6-C10) TPH-diesel C10-C28) MTBE I xlpuoddy From: AWAL To: Eryan Furtek AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Oate: '10/8/2003 Time: 6:15:50 PM ( ORGANIC-ANALYSIS REP ORT Page3ofl2 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utalt 841 l5 L:b Sample ID: L57166-0lA Field Sample ID: GP-X @ 4.0-6.01 SiteID: Rictrfield Cash Saver Analytical Results Clienr: Iterniurn Oil Co. Collected: September I 8, 2003 Receivod: September 24, 20A3 Aaalysis Reguested: SW8260B/5030A Contact: BryanFr.rtek Analyzed: September 25,2003 8260.S-MBTEXN/TPH Units= m/kg{ry FinalDilutionFacror 2.46 Comporurd Limit Reporting 7r-136 '7(.t25 81-122 85-r23 0.0049 0.0@5 0.0049 0.0049 0.004,9 0.004.9 0.049 0.o+9 o/o Moisture: 19 Anal$icai Result llS t/o 100 % 104 Vo 98.0 % 0.0099 < 0.0025 <0.0M9 0.010 0.12 0.027 7.4 0.090 (80r) 263-8686 loll Frec (88E) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-868? nail : awal@awal-Labs.corn Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Offlrccr Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Surr: 4Brornofluorobcnzcne Surr: Dibromofluoromethanc Sun: Toluene-d8 Methyl tert-butyl ethcr Benzene Toluene Ethrvlbcnzeuo Xylene, Total Napbthalene TPH C5o CtO (cRo) TPHCIl toCls (DRO) Released by: oratory Supervisor ReportDatc October8,2fr,t3 f' ( ( ( (. ( ( r Fromi AWAL To: Bryan Furtek AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date: 10/8/2003 Ttme:6:15:50 PM ORGA}TiC ANALYSIS FGPORT Page 4 of 12 ( { Clienf hemir.un Oil Co. Collected: Sepienrber 18, 2003 Received: Sepranber 24, 20A3 Analysis Requested: SW82608/5030A Contact: BryanFrutek Anallzed: September 24,20A3 8260-S.MBTE)C.{/TPH ( ( I ( ( 463 West 3500 Soufi Salt Lake City, Utah 841 l5 Lab Sample ID: L57165-02A FieldSanpleID: cP-X@ 6.0-8.0' Site ID: Richfield Cash Saver Analytical Results UniE= ndkg-dry Final Dilution Factor Comporurd 2.34 o/o Moisturet 2l Analytical R€s-uh( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( \ ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (. ( (. ( (. (. ( (80r) 263-8686 loll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 nail: arval@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Ofticcr Sun: 1,2-Dichlomctbane-d4 Surn 4-Bromofl uorobcnzenc Surr: Dibromofl uorometlanc Surc Tolueue-d8 Metbyl tert-butyi etber Benzene Toluene Ethylbcnzcnc Xyleue, Total Naphthalene lPH C6 to C10 (GRO) TPHCI I toCl5 (DRO) Reporting Umit 7t-t36 76-125 81-122 85-r23 0.0047 0.0023 0.0047 0.0047 0.0@7 0.0c47 a.u'l 0.047 101 Vi 100 % 102 % 104 Yo 0,043 < 0.0023 0.0r2 0.093 0.74 0.12 27 0.61 Released by: Supervisor RcportDatc:Octobcr 8, 2003 or €ontsct Thir corpany accepts nc Flponslbiity eicept for the due peflormanc€ of insp€ction and/or analysls in good hjh a||d accordlng to ho rles of thr lada anci of siience. a r' i (' (. ( ( {' r-' r-' (- ( ( ( ( From: AWAL To: Bryan Furtek AMERICAN WEST ,{,NALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date: '10/82003 lime: 6:15:50 PM ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Page 5 of l2 463 Wcst 3600 South Satr Lake City, Utah 84t 15 Oienr: kemiumoitco. Collecte& September 18, 2003 Reu'eived; September 24, 20A3 Analysis Requested: SW8260B/5030A lab Sample ID: L57166-03A Field Sarnple ID: GP-X @ 8.0-10.0' Site ID: Ricbfield Cash Sav'er AnalXtical Results Contact: Bryan Furtek fuiallzed: Sepiember 26,2403 8260-S-MBTEXN/TPH * * * ( ( ( (. ( { ( ( ( ( ( ( I t q ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (801) 263-8686 loll Frcc (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8681 nail : awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F- Cross Laboratory Director Peggr McNicol QA Officer Units= m/kg-dy Final Dilutioo Facor 50 Compor:nd Sun: I 3-Dichloroethane-d4 Su:r: zl-Bromofl uorobcnzene Sur: Dibromofl uorometbale Surr: Tolueoe-d8 Metbyl tert.butyl ether Benzoue Toluene Ethylbenzcne Xylenc, Total Naphthalcnc TPH C6 to ClO (GRo) TPHCIr toCl5 (DRO) Reporting Timii 7l-136 76-125 8l-rn 85-123 0.10 0,050 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.10 1,0 1.0 7o Moisturez 24 Analyticat Result lg3 Vo 98,4 0/o 101 % 10s % 0.38 1.9 53 29 190 l0 1:600 36 Thc samplc rcquired a methanol cxtraction. Sample was rcceivcd witb headspacc. * Thcse analytcs were obtained from a I:1,000 dilutiou. Rcleased by: Supcwisor Rcport Datc:Octobcr 8, ?003 (. t ?romiAwAL To: Bryan Furtek AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LAEORATORIES Dat6: l0/8/2003 Trme:5:15:50 PMr-' ORGANIC AbIALYSIS REPORT Page 6 of 12 453 West 3600 South Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 841l5 Client: Prmium Oil Co. Collected: September 1 B, 2003 Received: September 24, 2003 Analysis Requested SW8250B/5030A Iab Sarrple ID: L57166-MA FieldSampleiD: GP-X @ 10.0-12.01 Site ID: Richfield Cash Saver Analytical Resulls Contact Bryan Furtek Anallzed Septerrber 24,2403 8260-S-MBTE)O{/TPH (8ol) 263-8586 loll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-868? nail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Units = mdkgdry FinaiDilutionFectoc 2.48 Compourd Srul: t,2-Dicbloroethane-d4 Surc tl-Bromofl uorobenzeue Surr: Dibromofl uoromethare Sun: Tolucnc-d8 Meibyl tert-butyl ether Benzeoe 'I'olueue Etbylbcnzenc Xylene, Total Naphtbaleoe TPH C5 to Clo (GRO) TPH Cl l to C15 (DRO) Reporting Umit 7t-135 76-t25 81-122 85-123 0.m50 0.0q25 0.m50 0.m50 0.019 0.0050 0.050 0.0s0 7o Moisturez 27 Analytical Result 103 % fi0. 101 % TQ7 % 0.0?7 0.00s9 0.39 0.48 L.7 4.21 28 0.62 * Sample was rcceivcd with hcadspacc. * This aoalytc was obtahed from a l:9,62 dilutiou. Released by:G) z uKrr^tirv supervisoi - R pon Du,r, ocober 8, 2003 ( ( ( i. From:'nWAL To: Eryan Furtek a 15:50fl\ ORGA}IIC ANALYSIS REPORT Date:'10/8r'2003 Tirne: 8:Page 7 of 12 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABOR,ITORIETi Client Pre.nrium Oil Co. Collected: September I 8, 2003 Received: September 24, 2003 Arulysis Requested: SW8260B/5030A Contacr: BryanFwiek Analyzed: Septcmber 26, 2003 8260-S.MBTEXN/TPII 463 West 3600 South Salr Lake Cify, Utait 84t 15 kb Sample ID: L57166-05A Field SampleID: GP-X @ 12.0-14.0' Site ID: Richfield Cash Saver Anall.tical Resrrlts f (- (" {'' (-' r' ( (' r' f (' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( { ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( t ( ( ( t t ( (.. t, (. (, ( t. (, Units= me/kg+y Final Dilution Factor: Compound Reporting . Limil 7r-136 7Gr25 81-122 85-123 0.0049 0.m25 0.m49 0.m49 0.m49 0.0049 0.049 0,049 7o Moisture: 16 Axalytical Rcsult 107 Y" 98.6 o/o Llz% 103 % 0.0076 < 0.0025 0.043 0,12 0.9s 0.11 L2 0.25 2.45 (80r) 253-8686 loll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 nai I : awal@awal-Labs.corn Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Dircctor Peggy McNicol QA Officer Surr: 1,2-Dicblomethanc-d4 Sun: 4'Bromofluorobcnzeoe Surr: Dibromofl uoromethane Sun: Toluenc-d8 Metbyl tert-butyi ether Benzcnc Tolucue Etbylbcnzcnc Xyleue, Total Naphthaicnc TPH C6 to ClO (cRO) TPHCII io Cl5 (DRO) Rclcascd by: Supervisor ReportDatc;October 8, 2003 0n conbct Thls company acceFt! no respongbiliv 3xc€pt '6 tha du. porlbrmance of lnsp€clion and.lor sndyJis h good bllh and acording b ths rulc! ot th! trade and of sciance. From: .ltnlRt To: Bryan Fuftek AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date: '!0/E/4103 Time: 6:15;50 PagsEofl2 (' ( ( ( ( ( ( {- { ORGA}{IC A}{ALYSIS REP ORT ( Client kemium Oil C0. Collected: Septenrber 18, 2003 RecEive* Sepiember 24, 20Q3 Analysis Requested: SW8260B/5030A Conlact: Bryao Furtek An:alyzed: September 25,2W3 8260-S.MBTEXN/TPH Lab Sample ID: L57166-06A Field Sample ID: GP-X @ 14.0-16.0f Site ID: Richfield Cash Saver Analytical Results rt63 West 3600 South Salt Lale Ciry, Utah 841 15 (801) 263-8686 'oll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 nail: awa.l@owal-Labs,com Kyle F. Gross Laboraiory Director Peggr McNicol QA Officer Unils= m/kg-dry Final DhxionFacton 2.5 Conn:ound Surr: 1,2-Dichlorocthanc-d4 Surc 4-Brornofl uorobenzene Surr: Dibromofl uoromethane Sun: Toiucncd8 Methyl tcrt-buryl ether Benzcoc Toluene E.hylbenzcnc Xylene, Total Naphtbalcne TPH C6 toClO(cRO) TPHCll to Ct5 (DRO) Reporting Limit o/o Moisnre: Analytical Result \04 % 98,6 0/o 101 04 105 % 0.0078 < 0.0025 < 0.0050 < 0.0050 0.025 < 0.0050 t9 l.t l9 ( 71-135 76-125 8l-122 85-123 0.0050 0.002s 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0050 0.050 ( ( ( ( ( Released byr Supcrvisor RcportDatc:October 8, 2003 ( From: AyryAL To: Bryan Furtek I AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Date: 10i8/2003 Tlme: 8:'15:50 PM PageIofl2 ORGA}IIC ANALYSIS REPOM 453 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 841 15 I ab Sample ID: L57166-07A Field &rnple ID: GP-Y @ 4.0-6.0' Site ID: Richfield Cash Saver Analytical Results Client Premium0il Co. Collect€d: September 18, 2003 Received: Seprernber 24, 2003 Analysis Reqr:ested: SW8260B/5030A Contact: Bryan Frutek Analped Sepiember 25,2003 8260-S-MBTDC.[/TPH Units= mgtkgdry Final Dilution Factoc Compound 2.54 Reponing Limit 7o Moisture: 19 Analytical Result 103 % 99.0 o/o L00 Yo t04. < 0.0051 <0.0025 < 0.0051 < 00051 <0.0051 < 0.0051 0.70 < 0.051 (80r) 263-8686 loll Free (888) 263-8685 Fax (801) 263-8687 nail: awal@awal-Labs.com Kyle F. Gross laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officer Sur: 1,2-Dicbloroethane-d4 Sun: 4Broorofluorobclzcnc Surr: Dibromofluoromstbase Surn Totuene-d8 Methyl tert.buryl cther Bcnzcne Tolueae Ethylbeozone Xylcne, Total Naphtbalene TPH C6 to ClO (GRO) TPHCII toCl5 (DRO) 7l-136 7f.ras 8l-t?2 85-r23 0.0051 0.0025 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051 0.05i 0.051 Released by: Supcrvisor ReportDate:October 8, 2r)03 All analydc spplicabte to he CWA, SolM Nrd RCRA ro pcrlormed ln accordancc b NELAc prot@ls. P.nincntsemCing infom.tion i3loc.t d on th. atbched O,ifnS.CSL[i. nlt on contaa Thir company accegb no responslblllty exept lor the du6 psrformanca of inlprcdon rndbr analysi8 h good faith and aooording to $e rules of th€ tade and of Gencs, I r- r- r' f (' (" ( r' r' r- (' (' {' ( r ( ( Erom:A\ryAL To: ervan Funekt I AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORJES oate: 1018/2003 Time:6:15:50 PM ORGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT Page 10 of I 2 ,163 West 3600 South Satt Lake City, Utah 841 l5 Lab Sampte ID: L57166-08A Field Sample ID: GP-Y @ 6.0-8.0' Site ID: Richfeld Cash Saver Analytical Results Clieot hemium Oil Co. Colleoed: September 18, 2003 Received: September 24, 2003 A:ralysis Requested SW8260B/5030A Contact: BryanFulek Anralped: September25,2003 8260.S-MBTEXN/TPH (801) 263-6686 bll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-E687 nail: awa@awal-Labs. com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officcr RAorting Limit_ 7l-136 76t25 8l-122 8s-123 0.0051 0,0026 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051 0.0051 0.051 0.051 o/o Moisture: 22 Aninlyticai Result LA4% 100 % LOt% 103 o/o < 0.0051 < 0.0026 < 0.0051 < 0.0051 0,01r < 0.0051 2.L 0.065 Units= mg&g-dry Final Dilution Factor: Compsuud 2.56 Sun: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 Sur: 4-Brom'rfluorobsnzcnc Surr: Dibromofl uoromcthanc Surr: TolucnedS Methyl tert-butyl ether Bcnzcnc Toluene Ethylbenzenc Xylene, Total Naphtbalene lPHC6 !o ClO(cRO) T?HCl1to Cl5 @RO) Sample was rcccivcd with hcad.spaco. Released by: Supcrvisor RcportDare:Ocober 8, 2003 Alanalysb apgllcable to the Cw r sD\ A and RGRA srs p€rlbrm€d in rcrd.rFr to NEI C pro{oc.ls. Pff0nentsarplirq hbfinatbn b toc.t d on h. rtr$cd Cnli$.Erlltd. *" 0n conbcl Thl! company accepb no r$ponsibi[ty etcept for lhe due p€fonnanc. of irupecffon and/or analysl8 h good faih and according to lhe rules ot he trddc and qf dirnca. a- (' ( l i I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( \ i 05/03/2004 lZ!41 FAI S0l ?63 U6U7 AMERICAN WES'I' LAtsS QRGANIC ANALYSIS REPORT rgl 004 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL L,{.BORATORIES CXient Prenrfimoil Co. Collocted: Sepbmber I 8, 2003 Received: Sepbmber 24, 2003 Analysis Rcquesbil SW8260B/5030A Contact: Bryan Furtek Analped Scpterrber2s, 2003 8260.S-MBTE}GI/TPE463 West 3600 Soutb Sslt L6ke City, Utab 8'+1 l5 I$ Sample ID: L5?166-09A Field Sample ID: GP-Y @ 8.0-10.0' Sit€ ID: Ric.hfioldCash Savcr Anal5rfical Results Uuis= mg/kgdry FinalDihnionFac'tor 2.48 Cooound finit Reeortine 7t-135 76t23 8l-122 85.123 0.00fl) 0.005 0.0050 0.0050 0.0050 0.00s 0.050 0.0s0 7o Moishrret 23 ADalyticat Rcsult r03 % 99.2Vo r0l % tO2a/o 0,0082 < 0.0025 < 0.0050 < 0.0050 <0.0050 <0.0050 3"7 0.18 (80l) 253-E686 Toll Free (888) 253.8,686 Fax (801) 2634687 e-mail: aval@awal-Labs.cur Kylc F. Gross Labratory Director Peggy McNicol QA Officcr Sur 1,2-Dicbloroetbaae-d4 Surr 4-Brauofluorobenzeoe Surc Dforomofluoromelbme Surr: Tolueoed8 Methyl tert-butyl etber Bcuzcac Tolucne Ethylbeazeue Xyleoc, Total Napbtbaleue TPHC6to C10(cRO) TPI{Cl1toCl5 pRO) Sarnplc was rcceivcd wirh bcadspacc. Rclcascd by: Loboratory Suparvisor Report Datc: Octob€r g, 2003 on conbrt Thlr com9atry accsptr no l6sFonElullty a(ept lorlhe dug plrlbmanc. of inrpscuon and/o. snslFl! ln 9€d fith rnd accodtng b th. rul€ oihc Uads and arsdienoe. r-' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (' {' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (. ( (. ' 05/ud/zuus lz:41 l.A-t dul zuJ 6uu/AMUKIUAN }Y!;S'T' LABS rgl 005 A Q]R-GANIC ANALYSIS REPORT AMERICAI{ WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Clieof, hemiumOil Co. Collccte& Sepumber 18, 2003 Received: September 24, 2043 Analltis Requeste& SW8260B/5030A Contact BryanFurtek Analfe September2s, 2003 8260-S-MBTD C.{/TPE463 West 36@ South Sslt Lake Cify, Utalt t4l 15 Iab Sanple ID; L5?166-10A Field SarpleID: GP-Y@ 10.0-12.0' Site ID: Richfield Cash Savcr Anatydcel R€sulis UniE: nglkg-dry Final Dihtion Fagtor: 2.49 9orcpcund Rc,pdting T irnii 7t-tx 7&125 8t-t22 8il23 0.0050 0.0025 0.0050 0.00s0 0.0050 0.0050 0,050 0.050 o/o Moisture: Amlytical Result L04 0/: 100% 100 % 105 % <0.0050 <0.@25 < 0.0050 0.0065 0-060 0.083 0.r5 19 (801) 253-E686 Toll Frcc (6EE) 263-t686 Fo< (801) 263'8687 e-mail: awal@awal-Labs,com Kyle F- Gross Laborarcry Dlrector Peggr McNicol QA Officcr Surr: 1 J-Di chlcroc6aucd4 SuE 4-Bromofl uorob'r "'oe Surr Dibroo0uoroncthsle Surc Toluonpd8 Metlyl tert-bufyl ethcr Belzeue Tolucnc Ethylbcnzcne Xyiene, Total Napbthalc,lre I?IIC5 to C10 (GRO) T?IICll toCl5 (DRO) Releascd by: Rcport Datc:Ocober 8,2003 ..f;' crienr PX E slL Address Qoo{ 9o $Le fiIEMCAN SEST ANALYTICAL LA8o*AflrXm8 40lWgt36e0$rlt 6rltIdECny'Util till15 CHAIN OF CASTODY (E0r) 261-86M (E8E) 263{686 Itar (801) 263-86Fr Lssample set* E 7l Q.Q- eaee- - I d t aJt ca N'oo t\9 gt (o n1 x a N CDgt o o)o -.t trl C) z Ita.l F t! Ut { cnv pnwe FSQ- 68-6r rax ?69 -o Lt Sampler Nane F-'*_6 K+*"sn* Contacl T7 pvart 'Fug-TEk ProJect Natrc , Il tu{I-lpLn - f,ishrs&Vq! Pr$ect Number/P.O.#_ I 6lele 4 Qlrde One:TAT Ioct 2+3 2 2 3 5 dry 3+ s 4 ) Spacial lnsbuctlons: No Cj Lab lD G'p-o' v e I G I G -X I o: fd o-6. lo-*'I o +,o -{-o T'o(,g oo o E tr !l llto GP- Ge. K cP* r ,o Sample lD 6tl' € lA_a'- l€,,o .o/ a- €,o' - 8,o t,o , t 5 .x o 0 I I f;d bb 0 oEln coo b g E5z v I I \ tva sbo 3 o =bo I I r)f a il !D + ) I x ts t- \ 1 )c o $ Itt I F t E c { \ a-b x o ln ! t -{S ,,tt T.,'dt dl.{pr rJ{:\iti F COMMENTS 2 Uilrolen Pecl(q0o Y 9 Y rlA Y Oots Sflr?h l.bebmd Recsf?I floles' TABORATORYU8E ONLY il flr il onil aril.uqr6ffi; Itlodeg v g TerDpeEfrre Reeoiyed Brok6o/Lr*hg $tnroeodrsm),Votasr v o4FBtvereceq ,Yorb&' sl'lpFd ,!,orosr tr IAIIIE FVAP LT Pn0rr R.elYed By: PRINTNAME Rtilnquhftcd By Tlrl6 Dab Tlrha Dalo Ff PRINT I{A}E Tlme NAUE PRINT}IAI'E Btf llrp Itno A Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W.2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake CitY, Utah 84119 Phone (801) 485-8941 r-' r' (' (' ( ( ( ( r' {' (' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( { ( ( ( ( ( ( ( i ( L ( { (, ( ( ( Fax 487-0065 Analytical Re port Client: Date Received: Date Collected: Collection Time: TPH GRO (C6 to C10) TPH DRO (C10 to C28) Methyl tert-butYl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene Evergreen Environmental Attn: Brian L. Furtek 406 E.300 s. #316 Salt Lake CitY, UT 84111 Project: Client Field lD: Laboratory lD: Analysis: Matrix: Sample Received BY Richfield Cashsaver MW- "SE" 03-02-04-05 B, A TPH (GRO & DRO) MBTEXN Water Drew Spencer 3t2t04 311104 14:00 318104 3t9104 3t8lo4 318lo4 3t8104 3t8104 3t8to4 318lo4 sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80158 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 401 < 0.50 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.002 pH > 2.0 *" Estimated value, analyte(s) detected above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not conflrmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO 1 DRO 1 MBTEXN 1 Date of lssue:18-Mar-04 Approved bY: Tina MaY,Director lt +^ Parameter Date Ana Reporting Limit Limit Test All analyses performed in compliance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 (t A Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake CitY, Utah 84119 Phone (801) 485-8941 ( ( ( ( ( ( { Fax 487-0065 Glient:Evergreen Environmental Attn: Brian L. Furtek 406 E. 300 s. #316 Salt Lake CitY, UT 84111 Analytical ReP ort Project Richfield Cashsaver Client Field lD: MVV'"NW" Laboratory lD: 03-02-04-06 B Analysis: TPH (GRO & DRO) MBTEXN Matrix: Water Sample Received BY: Drew SPencer {' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( I ( ( ( ( ( l ( Date Received: Date Collected: Collection Time: TPH GRO (c6 to C10) TPH DRO (C10 to C28) Methyl tert-butYl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene 3t2l04 3t1t04 14:25 3t9104 319104 319104 319104 3l9to4 319lo4 3t9l04 3tslo4 9.52 2.55 2.47 ** 2.45 ** 0.017 0.330 1.250 < 0.010 sw-846 80158/50308 sw-846 80158 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 sw-846 80218/50308 0.50 0.50 0.010 0,010 0.010 0.010 0.030 0.010 pH > 2.0 ** Estimated value, analyte(s) detected above calibration range SW-846 Method 80218 second column confirmation not confirmed Dilution Factor Used: GRO 1 DRO 1 MBTEXN 5 Approved bY: Date of lssue 18-Mar-04 Tina May, Laboratory .-1F<u- Repo Limitmeter Limit est All analyses performed in compliance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 Reli ngu.ished (signaf trrei Relinqu ished (signature!: Reli nqu ished (si gnature) : fiw- Ult^fi,L g-i- d{- Date Sernpted P.O. Nqrnber: Profect Number: +Utilitv Testing Laboratory qAMPI F RF(^(^IRN/ ANAI VqIq RFr}I IFqT 40West Lodse Alenue Salt l-ake City, Utah 8{1 15 Pkcne 801-485-8941 FAX: l0t.:l84-92!l J\tl SvOo Sarnple fime Llzter?ime: Date;Time: DalaiTirne: DxetTime: {tjo4 J:oc 9^. r'"rw -"A/ov" ,,nw-nsF q Sarnpte ldentjfication / Location fud-L. WA 5adfpler's Signiture: f{cHf/EcD arep5X/ER Project Narne: Received (signaturel Receited (signatui-ej Recei'.e<i {si Sn:i:Jre} Recei f Y t&E Analys F x 3g-r f X t{Jq s :-rnail ,.'63x '&3'rtz-GEdg Acdrss:W&6" To?s. )fi3/6 To ihe atlenticn of: ,WGFW FPvt4o*tngutAL SEND flf5utl5 fO (Corryeoy ttlamel BftA^i L. fvtr€k e 2 l.eo- ot ccnt Report To (printt: W.x;u fV@ r.tD Fluo Matrix CONDITION Of SAMPTES Sarnples Chitled: g./ut tr No 5eals lntact:SYes DNo Frsserration lsdicated: E'{es fl No Rernar&s: i REMARKS hed (signarure!: