HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012950Enairo mental Serai ces, Inc. 1217 East 8725 South, Sandy, Utah g4094 DOWN.GRADIENT WELL INSTALLATION AND SAMPLE REPORT PREMIUM OIL GASOLINE STATION FACILITY I.D.: # 2000222, SITE EGUP 305 SOUTH MAIN STREET RICHT'IELD, UTAH JUI\-E 29,2009 :t"'.lr.o-di :i"':'.j, :!' PREPARED FOR: DE MR. ANDY CALLISTER PREMIUM OIL COMPANY 2OO5 SOUTH 3O() WEST SALT LAKE CrTY, UTAH 84115 PREPARED BY: ACCESS ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. 1217 EAST 8725 SOUTH SANDY, UTAH RECE'VED r, JU;IJ 3. f3.,i:ii')tl tnuironmeniaf fi esponse & SEANNFD 7"1tofu+ Phone & FAX (801) s61-827e - TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELL INSTALLATION 3. GROUNDWATERSAMPLING 4. RESULTS 5. CONCLUSIONS Table 1. Groundwater Samples: Summary of Laboratory Analyses Appendix A - Illustrations Appendix B - Soil BoringAMell Installation Log Appendix C - Laboratory Chemical Analytical Report f-\ 1 1 2 4 6 5 r' 1. INTRODUCTION Access Environmental Services, Inc. (Access Environmental) has been retained by the premium Oil Company to install one down-gradient groundwater monitoring well at the subject property ("site") located at 305 South Main Street in Richfield, Utah (Figure 1, Appendix A). This well was installed in response to a letter dated June l, 2009 from Ms. Melissa Turchy, project manager at the Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR. The well was drilled on the adjacent property located south of the site in order to define the furthest extent of the dissolved plume. The location of the well (designated MW-A) is illustrated in Figure 1, Appendix A. Upon completion, the newwell was mapped, gauged, and sampled. The groundwater sample acquired from the well was also retained for chemical analysis. Results are presented herein. 2. SOIL SAMPLING/WELL INSTALLATION The new groundwater monitoring well (designated MW-A) was installed on June 10, 2009. The well was drilled approximately 70 feet south ofthe site properfy and approximately 85 feet down-gradient of MW-l, the oodown-gradient" onsite well. The relative locations of the wells are illustrated in Figure l, Appendix A. Because MTBE has historically been listed in water samples from MW-l, an additional well was requested in order to define the maximum extent of the dissolved plume. Soil Samples.' Soil samples were acquired from each of the well borings using a Kansas-style oomega- sampler" device. The sampling device was advanced ahead of the probe rods, yielding a 1.5 inch diameter, undisturbed soil sample, across a five-foot interval. Continuous sample drives were acquired from the boring from a depth of 10 to 20 feet below grade. The soil samples showed no apparent signs of petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Native,Soil.' Soil samples acquired from the borings indicated that native soil consisted predominantly of silty clay MH) with interbedded layers of clayey sand or silt (ML). A soil boring/well installation log is attached in Appendix B. lYell Installation: The well was installed at a maximum depth of 23 feet below grade. The well was constructed of 2"-diameter PVC well materials which included 13 feet of well casing and a 10 foot section of 0.01 " factory-slotted well screen. The annulus of each boring was filled with I 0/20 silica sand to a level 2feef above the well screen. The upper portion of the annulus was filled with sand mixed with bentonite chips ("Crumble") in order to produce an impermeable surface seal. The well was completed at the surface with a flush-mount steel bolted lid set in concrete. The soil boring/well installation log is attached in Appendix B. Gr oundw ater Monitoring Well Installation/Sampl ing Rep ort Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 2 3.0 GROT'NDWATER SAMPLING Before sampling, the depth-to-groundwater was measured at a depth of 13 feet in the well (relative to the top-of-casing or "TOC"). The well was purged of approximately 3 well volumes (e.g. 5 gallons) of water using a disposable plastic bailer. The same bailer was utilized to sample groundwater approximately 30 minutes later. The groundwater sample was retained in 40 ml VOC glass bottles, capped with Teflon-lined lids. The bottle was completely filled allowing no headspace. The groundwater sample was sealed, labeled, immediately placed in cold storage, and transported under chain of custody to Utility Testing Laboratory, an E.P.A. certified and DERR approved laboratory, for analysis of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH, EPA method 8015B modified), MTBE and the aromatic hydrocarbons: benzene, tolueneo ethylbenzene, xylenes, and naphthalene (BTEXN; EPA method 32608). Sample results are presented in Section 4. 4. RESULTS The Chemical Laboratory Analytical Report is attached in (Appendix C) and summarized in Table 1 TABLE 1. WATER SAMPLES SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ANALYSES Results in ppm Note: ppm =mglL The chemical analytical report listed petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations below the instrumental detection limits. <0.002<0.002<0.006<0.002<0.002<0.002<0.50 GRO <0.50 DRO 13.006nat09MW-A 0.20.573. I TIER I Screening Levelsl WATER (used by the DERR as an inltial clean-up evaluation standard) MTBE (ppm) Naphth (ppm) Total Xylenes (ppm) Ethylbenz (ppm) Toluene (ppm) Benzene (ppm) *TPH (ppm) Depth toGW DateSample ID Aromatic Hydrocarbons Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation/Sampling Report Premium Oil Gasoline Station Richfield, Utah page 3 5. CONCLUSIONS The new groundwater monitoring well (designated MW-A) was installed on June 10, 2009. The well was drilled approximately 70 feet south ofthe site property and approximately 85 feet down-gradient of MW-l, the "down- gradient" onsite well. Because MTBE has historically been listed in water samples from MW-l, an additional well was requested in order to define the maximum extent of the dissolved plume. The well was installed at a maximum depth of 23 feet below grade. The well was constructed of 2"-diameter PVC well materials which included 13 feet of well casing and a 10 foot section of 0.01" factory-slotted well screen. The well was completed at the surface with a flush-mount steel bolted lid set in concrete. The well was subsequently mapped, gauged, purged, and sampled. The chemical analytical report listed petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations below the instrumental detection limits. These results indicate that the dissolved plume terminates between MW-l and MW-A. Therefore, the maximum extent of the plume has been defined. The next scheduled semi-annual groundwater monitoring event is scheduled for October 2009 per the semi- annual groundwater monitoring agreement. The new well (MW-A) will be measured and sampled in addition to the other designated wells. Sincerely, Access Environmental Services, Inc, Lyle V. Phillips, Ph.D., UST #CC0043 Project Geologist cc Melissa Turchy Appendix A ILLUSTRATIONS PREMIUM OIL GAS STATION 305 South Main Street Richfield, Utah Aeeess Erusironmental Inc. SITE MAP App. Scale: 1"=40t Drafted by: LYP Figure 1 3OO 9outh *reef rY -t- a)$L{-$ f-6 T ro$$il {$f ct$(R --> l'1w-Ae l'-4O' o LE6END Q Xonlfor'lng Well 4 ?'uto*.r., 9torage thea Pown thop thop HouEe 9TOEE USts c= (6P_x) !.AV-] o tr3 -+ dlapensr Former F,itl, E c3 c= o*o t- {,+-o I I I MW-3 I I L 0t 6 rll r.,1w-6 (6r')-1, o r4w-2 E I I FNV-7 o Appendix B SOIL BORING/WELL INSTALLATION LOG --Dirt Surface 2 € ococ-t 4 o o om 6 8 t0 12 L4 L6 L8 20 22 --1- Sittg Ctag (Mlll: reddtsh bmwn, moderqre plastictfg, moist, no peholeum oder V Wqter Tqble-|3' I [_ Ctageg Siltg (ML]: reddish bmwn, tow ptasftcilg, soft, very moict, h0 peholeum oder .sa(,g A- E atstoo!= c/l() c\l Terrnlnal at 29' Ceegg Enutronmental Well InstallationSoil Description A Inc. dx5 o C) € +ro o)n Weather Sunng,U5 FTotal Depth 29 f Rig GeopmbeDrilling Comp Dheet Push Services Location 305 Soutfi Metn Sneet, Riehffet4 Utqh Site ID Premium 0ll Gssoline Stqtion MW.A 6/to/a9Lsle Phillipc MAP' Boo South .MW-A EI EI ET EI -uq)o '.€a G' H N STORE Appendix C CFIEMICAL ANALYTICAL REPORT (TPH; EPA 80158 Modified; BTEXNAvITBE; EPA 82608) A utility Testing Laboratory Analytical Report 1615 W. 2200 S. SuiteA Salt Lake Gig, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485€941 Phone (801) 485€941 Gllent: Date Received; Date Collected: Collection Time: Access Environmental 1217 E.872s S- Sandy, UT 84094 Attn: Lyle Phillips 06/1 1/2009 06/10/2009 13;00 ProJect:Richfield Cllent Fleld lD: MW-A Laboratory lD: 061109-02A, B Analysls: TPH DRO/GRO MBTEXNMatrix: Water Sample Recetved By: Becky Holubek MethodDate Reportlng Test TPH DRO (cl0 to c28) TPH GRO (CO to C10) Methyl tsrt-butyl ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes, Total Naphthalene pH>2 Dilution Factor Used: 06/15/2009 06/16/2009 06/16/2009 06/16/2009 06116/2009 06/16/2009 06/1612009 06/10/2009 SW{46 80158 Modifed sw-846 82608/50308 sw-846 82608/50308 sw446 82608/50308 sw{46 82608/50308 sw-846 82608/50308 sw-846 82608/50308 sw{46 82608/50308 0.50 0.50 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.006 0.002 < 0.50 < 0.50 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.006 < 0.002 GRO DRO MBTE)$ 1 1 2 &t*"a'{*l-"t<k- Dlgltally slgned by Becky Holubek DNr cn=Becky Holubek o=Uttltty Testlng Lab ou, emall=becky@ut-labs.com, FUS Dater 2009.06.19 104116 {6'00'Approved by:Date of lssue:19-Jun-09 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director All analysos pertumod h comdancs $h Natonal ENiDnmonlal Laborahry Acccdlffion Conbrs{Eo (NELAC) standan s Page 1 of 1 R€port \ REMARTS o( -ll-q-c:L coNDrIoN oF SAMPLES Preservation lndicaEd: tI Yes B No OO i L4-'Remarks: Fto tr No Il Yes tr No Samples Chilled: Seals lntaqt: v Matrix hJ4 No. of cont. Ld EGF t/ -SEND RESUTTS TO (Company Name) fuag Fnrsi>"tnkt4?,( To the attentiorrd: 4,f ilr*qpt ^oo*"lnn E *7x< *mail / Fax: Fv .q\tr l/ *) A- F. Datqflirne: t-g'l\-cl\l, zeo^ Datefime Date/Tirne: Datefiime: Received (signature) b^1,*'l:a* Received (signature) Received (signature) Received (signatrre) Projea Name: / tociSonSample ldentiFcalion \\:?va,^ Datefime: \! '\\-t\ Dab/time: Datey'Time: Datefime: /:oo Sample Time i/tb/ Utilitv Testing Laboratory SAMPLE RECORD/ ANALYSIS REQUEST Utah 841191515 W. 2200S. Suite A Salt Lake Phone: 801485+!)41 FAX: 8Ot-467-0065 nerryup*[snature): hll#tillan.- nAinquiiteO (slsnat rref- Relirquished {signatu re}: Reli nquished {signature): COMMENTS: