HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-014358State of Utah
Departnent of
Environmental Quality
Ananda Snidr
E\e.ut-'e Dii..tt
Kemelh lt Bousficld, P.A.
thinking w!Lr Be.d
Paul Haffen, P.E, Ct ir
l<d Basse( Yn ? oztTsy Beeb€
D,niel Fleming
B€tty Naytc
Pem Rust
Ahanda Snirb
Drvid Sreve.s, Ph.D
Ron Thontson
Kcnncth H Boustetd, P E
Ft.cutu. Se.tutan
April 26. 2010
Lanny Ross
Johnson Water Improvemcnt Distdct
Rt 3 Box 3l8E
Roosevelt. IIT 84066
Dear Mr. Ross:
Subject: Plan Approval, 100,000 gallon Pleasant Valley Storage Tank No.2 (ST002), Johnson
WID - Independent, System #24042, File # 07855
On March 8, 2010, the Division of Ddnking Water (the Division) received the plans and
sp€cifications lor tho Johnson Water Improvement District's 100,000-gallon Pleasant Valley
Storage Tank No. 2 from your consultant, Korey Walker, P.E., ol Epic Engineering. An
additional Addendum #1 and other revisions have been received since that time
Our understanding is that this project consists of€placing your existing 24,000 gallon steel
storage reservof with a 100,000 gallon concrcte storage reseruoir at the same location in Pleasart
Val]ey. The project also includes the construction of a valve vault, tie-ins with existing water
lines, and associated valves and appufienances.
We have completed our review of the plans and specifications, stamped and signed by Korey
Cufiis Walker, P.E. and dated February 15, 2010, with revisions received on March 15, 2010 and
March 30, 2010, and find they basically comply wirh the applicable pofiions of Urdfi's
Administrative Rules for Public Drinking Water Sr-stems in R309. On this basis, the plans for the
Johnson Water Improvement District's 100,fi)0-gallon Pleasant Valley Storage Tank No. 2
(ST002) are hereby approved.
This approval pertains to construction only. An operating permit must be obtained from the
Executiye Secretary before the Johnson Water Improvement District's l00,000.gallor
Pleasant Valley Storage Tank No. 2 (ST002) may be put into service. A checklist outlinins the
items rcquircd for operating permit issuance is enclosed for your information.
150 North t950we$.satbkccny. uT
MailiogAdd€ssr P.O. Box 144830. Sak rile Ciry,UT 841t4 4830
TelephoDe (801) j36 42(xl . Fd (801-536 421 I . T.D.D (80t)5164414
Prinbd m 100'e Fy.kd prps
I-etter to Lanny Ross
Page 2
April 26, 2010
Local or county apprcvals/pemits may be necessary before beginning construction of this project_
As the prdect proceeds, notice of any changes in the approved design, as well as any change
aflecting the quantity or quality of the delivercd water, must be submitted to the Division. We
may also conduct intcrim and final inspections ofthis project. Please notify us when actual
constuction begins so that these inspections can be scheduled.
This approval must be rcnewed if construction has not begun or if substantial equipment has not
been ordered within onc year ofrhe date ofthis letter.
If you have any questions regarding this letter, plcase contact Scott Hacking, P.E., District
Engineer, Tricounty Dist ct Office, at (435) 559-3825, or Ying-Ying Macauley, Engjneering
Section Managcr, ofthis office, at (801) 536-4188.
fi^*^*lt" Kdnnelh H. Bousfleld,
Executive Secretaay
Enclosure - Operating Pcrmit Checklist
Korey Walker, Epic E.gineering,50 East 100 Sourh. HeberCity, UT 84032
Darrin Brown, Tdcoonty Health Dept, 133 South 500East, Venal. UT 84078
Scott Hacking, P.E., District Engineer. Tricounty Disticr Office,281 Eas! 200 Norrh, Roosevett, UT 84066
Keith Bumetl, Co'nmuriiy Impact Fund Board. 324 South Slate, Suire 500. Sati Lake Ciry, UT 84t t I
Michael Georgeson, DDW
yfraduley\tr?\Pla. Revi.ir 2010V4012 07855 JwlDlndepmdenr Pleasanr Vallet Tank PA doc
Checklist for Operating Permit lper Utah AdminisrErive Code R309-500 9)
The following items must be submitted and lound to be acceptable for all projects for operating
pemit issuance with the exception of distribution lines and dist.iburion lines with booster pumps
and pressure-rcducing val\es. IDistributio syste'. p.ojects nq be ptacerf intu senice prior to submittat of aII
itens or issua\ce oJ opemting pemit ifa '|ater srnen hds ofrcnLlr desiqnated a pnfbssional engineer responsible
for the entire water syste,t and iJ this.l.siEnated ensinee' ln\ rccei,ed a Cenificatian oJRute Confonu,nce b! o p.E.
and proof oJ satisfactor! b.tcteriologi.al result. In this case, a publicr\ater srstem trill lubnit aII itens nce(ted forobtuinins an operating pemb Jbr spet tic distrihution slstent p tujett eren afier th e ne\| wdtertin s hat bed place.t
nno seflice as Aekh ined by thevater systen's designate.lprofesrional ensirteeLl
! Utah Registeted Engineer's Certification of Rule Confomance that all conditions of plan
approval (including conditions set lorth by the E.{ecutive Sccretary in any conditional
approval letter) have been accomplished.
Utah Registered Engineer's statcment of what plan changes, if any, were necessary
during construction and a Certification of Rule Confonnance that all of these changes
were in accordancc with applicable Utah Administmtive Code, R309,500 through R309-
550, Dinkilg \Vater Facili4r, Consttu(tion, Design, .!nd Operation Rules.
As-built drawings have been reccived at the Division (unless no changes werc made to
the previously submitted rnd approved prc-construction dlawings).
Conlimation that as built dra$,ings have been reccived by the water system (unless no
changes were made to the previously submitted and approved pre,construction
Evidence of proper flushing and disinfecdon in accordance with the appropriate
ANSUAWWA Standards.
o ANSI/AWWA C65l-05 AWWA Standard for Disinfecting WrterMains| 'l'wo conseculive sarnple Fis (each 1200 feet, cnd,o ine, each branch, etc.). none positive,
al lea$ 24 hours apart.
o ANSVAWWA C652 02 AWWA Standard for Disinlecrion of Water,Srorage Facilides. One or mor. $mple5. none po,iri\e.
o ANSyAWWA C653-03 AWWA Srandard for Disi.fecrion of Water Treatmenr plants. Two consecutive samples per unit, none posirive. no less than 30 dnutes apafa.
o ANSYAWWA C654-03 AWWA Standard for Disinfection ofWells. Tlvo consecutive samples, none positive, no tess than 30 minutes apart.
Water quality data, wherc appropriate. lc,iddnce: Sktrage tankvater shouA be anatrzedJbr
rcsi.lual wlatile organic conpounh aJlet tank interior paintiag or coatine.l
! Confirmation that water system owner has been prcvided with O&M manuals for any
new facilities.
E Location data of new storage tank, heatment fiicility, or source, if applicable.