HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006539State ofUtah GARY R.HERBERT Cο ッ `′ ″ο″ SPENCERJ COX ιた″″ “ ″′Gο ν′″″ο″ Departrnent of En宙 ronmental Quality Alan Mathcson Ettω ′ル`Dブ ″ `ゎ ″ DIVISION OF DRNKINGヽ VATER Maric E Cttcns,PE DJ″c・ rοr November 02,2017 BHan Shaffcr Ukon Water Company 4500W14800N Garland,UT 84312 SuttCCt:RTCR Salnple Site Plan Approval for Ukon Water UTAH02014 Dear Mr/Ms.Shaffer: The current RTCR sample site plan for UTAH02014 is approved as submitted to thc Division of Drinking Water.If you have any questions or changes that need to be rnade please feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or Pkecrsの utah。2ov Sinccrely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 Wcst・ Salt Lake Ciり ,UT Mailing Addrcss:P O Box 144830・ Salt Lよ c Ciり ,UT 84 H44830 Tclcphonc(801)536-4200・ F欲 (801)5364211・ TDD (801)5364414 ″ソソノ`9″′rr/1 gο ソ Printed on 100,6 recyclcd papcr 槻 υTAH DEPARTMCNT ENViRONMENTAL 0 DR:NK]NGWATER R晟 (3EI∵ED SEP 2 7 20i7 Drinking water PO Box lZИ 830 Sak Lake City,uT 84114‐4830 Phone:(801)536‐4100 Fax:(801)536‐4211 Emal ddwrepOns@utah 90v ―dlnkingwater utah 9ov BACTERIOLOGICAL SAIIPLE SITE PLAN As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location fiom which samples are taken is to be varied. All water syslems are required to maintain a cunent baderiological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which baderiological tests are taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the distribution system. The sample plan should be revised reguhrly and following any ma.ior construdion projed impacting the distribution system. γヽ、oqst WATER SYSTEM INFOR∥AT:ON Systgm Name: ukon water compenv Syslem#:uTAHlo12110111114〕 Phone#:436230●758Street Address:4500W,4800 N CaJand UT 84312 Mailing Address: Po eo, ss Ema∥:bk sha“@gmal∞mServiceConnec{ons: 3s4 Served:1133 SAMPLE COLLECT!ON Samples Collec{ed by: Bear River Health Department Name Of Labofatory: Bear River Health D€partment Mailing AddreSS: 8s Easr 18oo North Losan, ur s4341 Slate Lab Code: UT00936 PhOne#:43●7926582 FaX#: $5-7se-1s70 The Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on sepremb€r 22, 2017 Utah Division of Drinkino Water was sent a coDV of this Dlan On september 22, 2017 Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?〔「l YES l′]NO Dates of operation: Open:Close: Systems, which opeft e seasonally, are rEuired to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public. Where will that sample be taken? Date sampled: MAP OF Have you endosed\athched a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, RECEIVED SEP 2 7 2017 Drinkirlg Water SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a 'psitive' routjne sample. Description: Sink faucet or Hose bib (hOSe bb,Snk faucel elc) Water samples wI∥be∞∥ecled mm thも I●cauon dunng 3 BS012-LDS Church 4375 W 15600 N lho man,hc nf rriri`、the months ol (circle): Rouune sample Loca∥on: 1 4005W15600N,Gadand‐Hansen Home (localion nane or address) 'l"r Qtr: Jan. / Feb. Mar. 2dQk / Apr. May / Jun. 3d otr: / Jul. Aug. v Sep. 4h Qtr: Oct. r Nov. Dec. Fo∥ow‐up frepeaO Samp:e Locatlons: 1 8S010-Hansen Home 4005 VV 15600 N (rodine sanple lo.alin 0ane or address) 2. 85011 - B€arHollowMelerSta. 47.78a0102, -112.1128218 (locath name oa address u}.steam) {locatixl llane or addrcs9 dort}st€an) 4. Ukon Water Companv System Reservoir (source) Rouine Sample Loca∥on: 50 W Main - Fielding Elementary School Description: (locatio0 narc o. addEss) Restroom sink near Office (hOSe uo,snk●cet elc) Water samples w∥l be collded from his location dunng the months of(c rcleト 1●Qtr ′」an Feb 2■Qlr: Apr ′ May 3fl Ql「: 」ul V Aug 4h Qtr ′Ocl Nov Fdb“up lrepeat)Samde Loca∥ons 1. 85020 - 50 W Main Fieldins (Iqltine san* l@lirn narc o. address) 2, 85021 - 45 S C6niar. Firding - Wil.or Home Kn sink or hos€ bib (localion nam o. dcss up$tEam) 3. 85022 - 16965 N 4000 W Fiolding - Bunell Frostfr66 hyd. (bca{ion nane or ddlEss dox,n+trean) 4. Ukon Water Companv System Reservoir (sornce) t Mat. Jun. Sep / Dec. Follow・ up(repeat)Sample Loca∥on, l BS030-25 W Main―Restroom Sink (mdile sanple localioo narc or addlrss) 2. Bso21 - 45 S Csnt€r, Flrding - Wilcox Homo Kit sink or hos€ bib (localix| mme or ddless up-steam) 3. BSO32 - 85 W Main Fielding - Fuhriman Sink or Hos6 bib (locatho mme or address doiFsteam) 4. Ukon Water Companv System Reservoir (solrrce) Rou∥ne Sample Locatton: 25 VV Main‐uS POst ofFce Fielding Description : (hOSe bb,Shk fau∞t et) VVater samples面 ∥be collected from this iocation dunng lhe monhs of(drde〉 lSl cnr 」an 2“Qtri ′ApL 3d QL ′ JuL 仲Ql● Oct (locatir nane or addless) Restroom Sink ′ Feb May Aug ′ Nov Mar. r' Jun. ,, Sep. Dec. Report Prepared by: Signature and Title: Mark Larson - れ '焼 ″年 Date: Sept 21,2017 RECEIVED SEP 27 20,7 Drinking Water SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each rouline sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Roulne Sample Location:Fdbw・ uD freDeat)Samde Locatlon9 1 14360N4400 W Cada、.L9rson HOme BS040-Larson Home 14360 N 4400 VV Cadand Description: “ 鰤On namecaddusl Kttchen sink or hose bib2 lrOulne smpelα 雌 b nme g address) BS041‐14485N4400 VV Cadand―Thurston Sink。「Hc se bib OOSe bb,Snk ttcet elc) Water samples wI∥be∞∥med frOm hislocauon du"ng (ocalixr nare o. address u}stran) 3. BSO42 - 14275 N 1400 W Gadand - B€nningbn slnk or Hcs t b (lo.diorl ndne or dd€6s dos+6tean) 4. Ukon water Company Svstsm Roservoir (source) the months of (cirde): 1eQt: '/ Jan. Feb. 2d Qtr: Apr. t May 3'd Qtr: Jul. / Aug. 4t Qtr: / Oct. Nov. Mar Jun Sep Dec Routlne Sample Loctton:Fo∥ow‐uD〔reDeat)SamDle Loca」ons: 1 __1(localion nane or addrcss){rouline sample locatim nane or address) Description:2OOSe Ыb,Snk faucet elc⇒ Water samples wI∥be∞∥oま ed from tht localon dunng 3 the monhs of(drde) (ocalir name or address upstream) (ocation nane or address down-sfeam) 1試 Qlr: 」an Feb Mar 20。Qlr: Apr May 」un 3測 Ql「: 」ul Aug Sep 4い Ql「 Oct Nov Dec4 (source) Roulne Sample Location:1Foll●w‐u口 〔repeatl Sample Loα 面ons: 1 _ (location n ne or address)(rculine sanple locafixr 0ane or address) Description: 00Sebb,S nk ttucet ela) Waler samples面 ∥be∞∥ected lrom his iocabon duttng 3 1he monhs of(drde〉 (location name or address upstream) (localio0 name or ddress do*rdeam) lSI Ql「: 」an Feb Mar 2nd Qlri Apr May 」un 3:d Olr 」ul Aug Sep 4●Ql● Oct Nov Dec4 lSOurCe) RECEIVED sEP 2 7 20fl Ukon W^ater Company Bacteriological Sample Site Plan note; D f i n k i n g Wat e f#-Y:p ul We have selected two sample sites in close proximity for several reasons. This is in the largest concentration of people. With the grade school there we feel that we want monthly sampling, the new rule requires sampling each site on alternating months. These sites are some of the only non-residential sites with accessibility during normal business hours, a previous alternative site is no longer a business location. We have also altered slightly the every other month sampling because school is out during the summer months. To make it less confusing for those taking the samples we are using the same schedule for all four sites. Thank you, Mark Larson RECEIVED sEP 21 2s17 I - ukon water company Bacteriological sample Site Plan note; Drini<ing Watgf rf e :_,: 1uf We have selected two of our Bacteriological Sample Sites in close proximity for the following reasons: They are in highest concentration of service connections on our system. One of these is an elementary school, we felt the need for monthly sampling. The new rule requires sampling each site on alternating months, therefore another site was selected nearby. With few non-residential service connections accessible to the public during business hours, we elected these to reduce the imposition on private residences. We have also altered slightly the every other month sampling because school is not in session during the summer months and access may be difficult. To make the sampling schedule less confusing for those taking the samples we are using the same alternating schedule for all four of our sites. II - Instructions for collecting repeat samples: A - Collect the required repeat sample at the site from which the unacceptable sample was collected. B - Collect a sample from the designated upstream and downstream sites.* C - Deliver the samples to the Bear River Health Department promptly. * Upon notification that repeat samples are required a reasonable attempt will be made to collect samples from the designated upstream and downstream sites. In the event outside hose bibs are turned off(such as during cold weather) and entry cannot be gained to obtain the sample from the kitchen sink, a nearby alternate site may be used within five connections upstream or downstream. Thank you, Mark Larson ヽ