HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006537State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Cο νο″′ο″ SPENCERJ COX ι′′″′οP7α ″′(30ν ι′″ο′ Departrnent of Environmental Quality Alan Mathcson Etta″″ν′D′καο″ DIVISION OF DRNKNG WATER Marie E Owcns,PE Dブ ″ιゎ′ November 08,2017 Wcsley l」dy Plymouth Towll Water PO Box 130 Plymouth,UT 84330 SutteCt:RTCR Samplc Site Plan AppЮ val for Plymouth Town Water UTAH02013 Dear Mr/Ms.Udy: The current RTCR sample site plan for UTAH02013 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Water.Ifyou have any qucstions or changes that need to be FnadC pleasc feel free to contact me at(801)536-4150 or Pkeersの utah.Rov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 Wcsto Salt Lakc Ci″,UT Mailing Address:P O Box 144830・ Salt Lake City,UT 84114‐4830 Tclcp1lonc(801)536‐4200。F欲 (801)5364211・ TDD (801)5364414 ソ″"′ピマ,″α力gο ッ Printed on 10096 rccyclcd papcr 10ノ 2/20'7 State of Utah Mail - Fwd: DDW Reports Plymouth 2017 DDW Reports <ddwreports@utah.gov> Fwd: DDW Reports Plymouth 20'17 1 message Wesley Udy <wesley.udy@gmail.com> To: ddwreports@utah.gov, bharker@brhd.org Cc: Wesley Udy <wesley.udy@gmail.com> Please let me know that you received this. Thanks! Wesley Udy Plymouth Water Master 435.279.6983 Thu,Sep 28,2017 at 9:53 PM ]辟 ep°lS 9・ 28.17.pdf https:〃mai1 9oo9!e com/ma∥ノb/AGLcOmQ99WgN!yH8NfU3q卜 」!xerTXB♪OLYqG‐VVtnlt7Yho64VK/uノ 0/?ui=2&ik=2401283fbettSVeFmTBq8BBM4z8 en… 1ノ1 kl」lkハ ト t' 1.(1■● 1‐■●■ '■ DR:NK:NG WATER PO Box 144830 Salt Lake City, UT 841144830 Phone: (801)5364100 Fax (801) s36-4211 Email: ddwreport@utah.gov www.drinkingwater.utah. gov BACTER10LOG:CAL SAMPLE SiTE PLAN As pal of the Revised Totai Colifom Rule,the locat“m from which samples are taken ls lo be va畑 .All water systems are required lo mantam a curent badeldoglca!salnpb dtng口 an_The口 an ShOWS he!ocalions of dl saln口 e Siles from whにh bacleriologica!tests are taken Sam口 e dleS are lo be represenlalive of d!pressure zones and each water source of me dstibdilon syslem The sampb口 an shOutt be reused regub∥y and b∥owing any maOr∞nstrudion ttect impading tte dに Mbttn system. Fax#: 1135-152157! `ハ。 専s、■ System#:UttAHl・ 121101[l131 street Address. 20100 NoRrH 5m0 wEsr P O BOX 130 PLYMOUTH UT 84330 Service Connections: 180 beaeonal systems ls the water ope「ated seasonally? |「l YES Itt NO Dates of ooeration: Ooen: Close: Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the publh, lthere willthat sample be taken? Location Date sampled: Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc.), storage tanks, treatment facilities, distribution pipinq, routine co∥ected by:BEAR RIVER HEALTH DEPT of Laboratory: Addressi 655E 1300N Logan Utah 84341 Lab Codel uЮ o936 PhOne #: 43$7e2€500 Laboratory was sent a copy of this plan on: st28t20't7 Division of Drinkinq Water was senl a SAMPLE LOCAT:ONS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Routine Samp:e Location: 1.PLYMOUTH TOWN HALL (location name or address)(routins sample location name or address) !. Miller residence 20125n5200w lhOSe bb,Sink fauoet,elc)(location name or address up-stream) Description: slNK 1■Qtr: |ン 」an. l Febi : I Mar. 2・ 。Qtr Apr iレ I May :」un. 4. 3rd Qtr: : 」ui. :「IAug. :sep. 4h Qtr l 10ct lNov /IDec Fo::ow・ up(repeatl Samole Localon3: 1.TOWN HALL 20120N 5200W (localion name or address down*kaam) (souroe) Water salnp:es輛 ∥be collected from this kx前 on dunng 3 Ch∥Stensen resdence 20105o 52∞wthe months of(dde) Rouune sam●:e Location: l PLYMOUTH POST OFFiCE Description: 0。Catbn name cr address) SiNK ooee ilb, shk farcEt, etc.) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (circle): Foliow・ uD(repeat〕Samole Locations: 1. POST OFFICE 5046W 20300N (routine samph locatirn name or address) l. 20300n 5010w Christensen residence (location name or ad&ess tp{fream) 3. ?0300n 50'l5w Udy residence (location name or address do*n-stream) lSt針 2nd Qtr 3rd吐 4th Qtr 」an Apr Jul. Oct 7 Feb. ",Mar. May r' Jun. Aug. r Sep.- Nov. Dec. 4. Fo∥o■″up(repean Sample Locations: 1. Udy residence 19970n 5200w (ruline sanple bcalin ftme d addr€rs) Brown residence 20000n 51zt6w (localim nms or address ufsteam) Hudson resklence 20030n 5200w (location name or addmss diln-strsam) (source) Rou∥ne Sampie LΩ ⊆atiOn: 1. WES UDY 19970N 5200 W (hOSe助 ,SInkね uctt etc) Waler sampies w∥be∞llected fЮ m this localon dunng the monlhs of(ctrde) (bCat10n name cr address) HOSE OR SiNKDescription: 1●Qti 2nd Qtri 3rd針 4い Qtr 」an. Apr /.Jul. ィOct Feb. t llar. May Jun. Aug. Sep. Nov. Dec. 4. Report Prepared by: wesley udv Signature and Title:P:ymouth Town water operatol Dale:9/2772017 The following describes each routine samph location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a'positive' routine sample, (10CatOn nalne or address) SINK OR HOSE {routine sample hcation name or address) 2.Hardy reSdence 20850n 6000w (hOSe bb.Shk faucet,etc) Water samples n"∥be coilected tom this:oca∥on dunng 3.Plymouth∝metery 20800o 6100w,h●man,ho nfr●ヤrl.、the months of (circle): lSt Qtri 」an. Feb. Mar. 2nd Qtr /Apr . May 」un 4. 3rd N、 : Jul. ‐/Aug. i sep. 4th Qtr1 0ct /Nov l Dec (routine sanpb locatior name or address) (hOSe bb,Jnk faucet`etc)(location name or address up-stream) 棚:l祖 嘗i』eド 硼bCtedお mms Mm mm9 3 1●Qtr: 」an. Feb. Mar. 2nd Qt「 二 Apr May Jun 4 3rd Qtr: : 」ul. Aug. Sep. 4h Qtri 「 1 0ct Nov ‐D∝.鵬 鮮 馘 酬馘 “ 価耐眺閾 mm" 3 1■QL I_」an. Feb. Mar. 2nd Otr l Apr. May =」un. 4 勢QE ●Jd. : Au9, 二.Sep. (routne snnph location name or address) (loca[on name or address up-sf€am) 0ocation name or address down-stream) SAMPLE LOCAT:ONS Fo∥ow・ up rrepean samp:e Lccations: 1,TraVet center 20800n 6030w Description: Rou∥ne Samp:e Location: (bcation name or address) Description: (source) Roulne Samp:e Location:Fo∥ow・ uD frepeat)Sample Locations: (location name or address) Desuiption: SAMPLE LOCAT10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive' routine sample. Rouune sam,le Location:FO∥ow‐up`repeatl Samp:e Locations: (location name or address)(routine sanple locathn name or addres6) Description: 0030 0L Smk驚 ●00t mo) 脂冬 ‐_dlected b耐 い回m ttn/ 0oca0on name or address up6feam) I Feb 丁IMar. May l :」un. IAu9. ~Sepl Nov ‐Dec (locaton name or addr€s dmn{tream) 1燎 Qtr 2nd Qtr 3"は 4th Qtr: Jan Apr ‐Jul. Oct. 4. (source) Routine Sam●:e Location:/Fo∥ow‐uo(repeat〕Sample Locations: 1,1. _ ltocati:n na*e o,aaiffi-(routine sampb locaton name or addr€ss) Desoiption: thOSO昴 ,Shk tucet工)協瀾蹴識ド酬lected7ms賦 前"mmg (localion name or address up6troam) (location name or address dof,n€feam) lSt CX■ Jan. 2nd Qtr Apr. 3rd Otr i JuL Mar. 」un Sep. Dec (scJrce) 4い Qtr Oct. :Nov Rouune samDL L∝atb∥ 1. Fo::ow・ uo(receati Samole Locations: 1. (location name or address)(mutine sample location name or address) Description: (hose bb, sink faucot, etc.) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (circle): " 3. 1nQt 'Jan. Feb. Mar. 2no Qtr: Apr. May Jun. 4. 3,0 Qtr: Jul. Aug. &p. 4r Qtr: :Oct. Nov. , Dec. (locafion name or address up+tream) (localion name or address down-sfsam) (source)