HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-004245State of Utah
Lieutenant Governor
Sam Shahram
Fast Stop 1116
P.O. Box 150545
Ogden, Utah 84415
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Brent H . Everett
February 1, 2024
Re: Subsurface Investigation Reporting and Requirements, Aboveground Storage Tank
Fast Stop #1116, located at 370 North Main Street, Meadow, Utah
Facility Identification No. 2000340, Release Site OJT
Dear Mr. Shahram:
A release of petroleum from an aboveground petroleum storage tank (APST) system at the
above-referenced site was reported on January 10, 2024 to the Division of Environmental Response
and Remediation (DERR) based on the December 6, 2023 confirmation of a leak from an
underground product line and removal of impacted soils during the repair work. According to Utah
Senate Bill 40 (2021 ), you are required to report, control, abate, and characterize the release by
defining the extent and degree of petroleum contamination and remediate ( clean up) the release .
This law requires that you address the release and submit necessary reports to the DERR within
specified time frames following the release reporting.
Your DERR project manager has reviewed the release report submitted, and has
recommended that subsurface investigation be required. The project manager has relied on the
information provided and has not made an independent investigation of the facility. The intent of
performing the investigation is to define the vertical and horizontal extent and degree of subsurface
petroleum contamination and evaluate the potential risks to human health and the environment. A
Subsurface Investigation Report (SIR) outlining the results of the investigation must be submitted
to the DERR within 90 days of your receipt of this letter.
Requirements for an SIR are detailed in the Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST)
Subsurface Investigation Report Guide (May 2014), which can be found on the DERR website:
https ://documents.deg. utah. gov/ environmental-response-and-remediation/ust-lust/leaking-undergr
195 North 1950 West• Salt Lake City, UT
Mailing Address : P.O. Box 144840 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840
Telephone (801) 536-4100 • Fax (801) 359-8853 • T .D.D . (801) 536-4284
Printed on I 00% recycled paper
Facility ID# 2000340
If you hire a consultant to perform work related to this release, they must be a Certified PST
Consultant (Utah Admin. Code R311-201-2). All environmental samples must be collected by a
Utah-Certified sampler following sampling protocols as outlined in Utah Admin. Code R311-205
and in the Media Sampling Guide available on the DERR website.
Upon submitting your SIR, the investigation results will be evaluated to determine if no
further action (closeout) is appropriate or if additional work is necessary. This additional work may
consist of performing additional investigation activities, conducting cleanup, implementing
environmental monitoring and/or performing a risk assessment.
During the 2014 Utah Legislative Session, Section 19-6-420(10)(a) of the Underground
Storage Tank Act was amended to allow the DERR to recover certain expenses incurred by the
DERR for petroleum releases not covered by the Petroleum Storage Tank Enterprise Fund. The
DERR's expenses for managing and overseeing the abatement, investigation or corrective action
can be billed on a quarterly basis to the responsible party. These expenses will be billed at a rate set
by the Utah Legislature for oversight and review, which is currently $115.00 per hour. Payment will
be due within 30 days from the billing. Certain factors may be considered by the Division Director
when determining whether to recover these management and oversight costs. If the responsible
party can demonstrate an inability to pay, the Division Director may grant an exemption from paying
these expenses. You may contact us to request an application for exemption, if needed.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Eileen Brennan, the DERR
project manager, at (801) 536-4100.
Brent H. Everett, Director
Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
cc: Eric Larsen, Environmental Director, Central Utah Public Health Department
Nathan Selin, Executive Director, Central Utah Public Health Department
John Chartier, District Engineer, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
David S. Hansen, Certified UST Consultant, Rockwell Solutions, Inc.
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Fast Stop
ATTN : Sam Shahram
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ATTN : Eileen Brennan
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