HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2023-208793 - 0901a0688126d887State of Utah Mail - Marwood Design Compliance Documentation Deq submit <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Marwood Design Compliance Documentation 1 message Accounting Marwood Design <accounting@marwooddesign.com>Tue, Sep 5, 2023 at 12:13 PM To: "dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov" <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Cc: Craig Jorgensen <cajorgensen@utah.gov> Hello. In accordance with Warning Letter No. 2307072, here is the requested documentation to show our corrective actions. Thank you, and have a great day! Tyler Gipson Purchasing & Accounting Cell Phone: accounting@marwooddesign.com 3886 Iron Rose Pl, Salt Lake City, UT 84104 12 attachments Central Accumulation Container Labeling.jpeg 104K Aerosol Disposal.jpeg 84K DSHW-2023-208793 MARWOOO DESIGN PREMIUM CABINETRY 9/5/23, 1:57 PM https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AEoRXRR5X0nDdgbL9qNgGVISkBo8oFUTsquH1GJuteEYLEHYKeLO/u/0/? k=adf9d5e615&view=pt&search=all&perm… 1/3 9/5/23, 1:57 PM State of Utah Mail - Marwood Design Compliance Documentation https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AEoRXRR5X0nDdgbL9qNgGVISkBo8oFUTsquH1GJuteEYLEHYKeLO/u/0/? k=adf9d5e615&view=pt&search=all&perm…2/3 Central Accumulation Fire Exit and Emergency contact.jpeg 82K Central Accumulation Area jpeg 83K Central Accumulation Emergency contact and Rules.jpeg 84K Proof of EPE number.jpeg 93K Documentation on Employee Training.jpeg 126K 9/5/23, 1:57 PM State of Utah Mail - Marwood Design Compliance Documentation https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AEoRXRR5X0nDdgbL9qNgGVISkBo8oFUTsquH1GJuteEYLEHYKeLO/u/0/? k=adf9d5e615&view=pt&search=all&perm…3/3 Excluded Solvent-Contaminated Wipes 1.jpeg 100K E cluded Solvent Contaminated Wipe 2 jpeg 100K Satellite Accumulation.jpeg 127K Weekly Inspection 6 weeks worth.jpeg 85K dot_hazmat_general_awareness_training.pdf 338K Aerosol Disposa l ---- l • - Central Accumulation Area Emergency Information Emergency Coordinator Contact: Tyler GipSO<l -801·824-4809 Secondary Contact: Ch.ad Kroeger-801·604·3856 Emergency Cont.cc: 911 Poison control center: 800-222·1222 Sp\11s:~....,.1x:i..o.i.-s~~ 801·SJ6..4123 Rules for Accumulation Area • Always keep containers Closed WMtl not In use_ • Label each birrtl w,th an attumutatlon start date. • label Heh barrel with prop4't wa1n1n1 labels. • Ktep isle dtar. • COmpk!te wt-ekl'( llupecuon of .ccumulatlon are.a . o Giw to Tyler Gipson when «>mpl,eted, • Rcimo~ barrels btfore 18<kSay time hmlt, • Of\tv Pf!tsonnel with adequate traltl4ng m~ intetact with items ;n a«umulat>0n area • Only s,eri.onntl w,th DOT Tram,,ottatlon 1talf'lonc may SIQt'I fflan!fe,s.1 for \he r~mc)Y;,l of hatardous wasu. - Central Accumulation Area ------ -- Marwood Design Waste Management Program DOT Ha1Mat Transportati on A,reement As stated in OOT compliances as well as tht Utah hautdous wane management se,~ protocok, o nty DOT Kaz.Mat Tr.1nsportatloft cenifled personnel are allowed to sitf1 the shi pping manifest s when haza rdous waste is belf'II rel"nQVed from U1,e facility. By signi ng m y name be-low, I state that I have re(eiv«t my DOT Ka1Mat Transportation materials. :::-,, ~ certd,~tk>n, a nd t hat I am respon~ble for Strg.n•n& transpo,ution manif~ru peqain· har.atdOus DOT HaiMat et-rtified: Name: Ty(,er G:ps:o n Signatu,e: ...:;.c:...:::;-'"'~""C...0:""::.,..= .._ DOT H•1Mat Certified: Name: (1,.,o( tr~er Signature: ________ _ By signi ng my name below, I understand that I have NOT be-en gtvtn any official tr1ining on DOT H11M a t Transpotta tlon and am NOT certified to s.lgn arrv shappifli manifests pertaining to N111rdous w ast e. Shou ld I be In a srtuatlon whe,e I'm asked who may sign a hatardOus waste shipping manifMt Of asked w ho is ~rtified, I understand who Is certified and may be able to Sign a har.ardous waste shipi)ing manifest. Na me:~,;,l«;iR.ol.1:;!.V Oa te :i 7/i7/2?..,gn,tur~ ~ Name :///"(. /,,t..-.:/-o,,e: 7/21/lJ Signature,~.......:;--"''"""---:------ ~•do ""•11~ u & 91.PlY EVfR'( • ' oP ~ fAf PTY MRt A$t( II IWAltOOUS WASTI: ltOAAGt MU YltoelY NSl'((1'l0N CHEQIUSt ~ ,r.Ult SfOAAGE .._,. 'M:OQ.l' ~ CM(CIU.91 ·--·- KAZNIOOJSWASTl S'IOMGE.IMAYll'O(lYll#ECTIOfr(~t --~ l-'~,.,. --.ro,.... IWAAOOUSWJ.fflST~GE AAEAM:DCl.l'aes,(CTlOWCM(C:KUSl -- KAZMOQUS W-.Ult STOR.A(;C IJtlA 'lll(Da.Y ll$PlC'TlOII CltECKUSl --tr,d t;,~• ...,_.,_./:1,.Gi,U~ ---·-.,.., _______ , ..... ..---~ ____ .,.__,., ______ .. _, ,._ ________ , _______ ..,... .. _ _...,. . -·----------· ________ .,. __ .,.. -----------. -------· ,. ______ .,._ .. -.. -----· 0--------" ,,., ____ , -... ----- --- 5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 305 | Austin, TX 78746 | 877.881.2235 | www.360training.com CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION Course Duration Completion Date (CUT HERE)(CUT HERE) 5000 Plaza on the Lake, Suite 305 | Austin, TX 78746 | 877.881.2235 | www.360training.com has successfully completed the Completion date Questions? support@360training.com visit:www.360training.com/osha-campus 877.881.2235 This is your pocket card which may be used as proof of training completion. This training program is intended to provide supplementary job safety training and is not required or approved by any regulatory authority. Please check Federal, State, and local regulations for additional training requirements related to your specific job. FOLD has successfully completed the course Samantha Montalbano, Chief Operating Officer DOT HazMat General Awareness Training DOT HazMat General Awareness Training 09/01/2023 09/01/2023 Tyler Gipson Tyler Gipson 1.0 TRAINING TM ~ Th is certifies that ---------~------------------------~------------- 0 TRAINING " -This certifies that the person named below Samantha Montalbano, Chief Operating Officer