HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006521State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Gο ッ `″ ″ο′ SPENCERJ COX ι′′′′ `″ α″′(]Oν ′′″ο′ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKINC WATER Kenneth H. Bousfield, P.E. Director October 18,2017 Steven Wocmer Elwood Town 5235W8800N Trelnonton,UT 84337 SutteCt:RTCR Salnple Site Plan Approval for Elwood Town Water UTAH02007 Dearヽ 〔r/Ms.Woerner: The current RTCR sample site plan for UTAH02007 is approved as submitted to the I)ivision of Drinking Water.Ifyou havc any questions or changes that need to be rnade please fecl frce to contact ine at(801)536-4150 or Pkeers(Dutah.gov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 Nortl1 1950 Wcst・ Salt Lake City,UT Mailing Addrcss:P O Box 144830。Salt Lakc City,UT 84114-4830 Tclcphonc(801)536-4200・ Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD(801)536-4414 ″″14'ノ “″″′tr/1gで ,ソ Printcd On 10096 recycled paper BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SITE PLAN As part of lhe Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be varied. All waler systems are required lo maintain a currenl bacteriological sample siting plan. The plan shows the locations of all sample sites from which bacteriological tests are taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressure zones and each water source of the distribution system. The sample plan should be revised regularly and following any major construction project impacting the distribution system. 1と ICIIIII` PO Box 144830 Sall Lake Ctty:U丁 84114‐4830 Phonα ool)536‐4100 FaК 001)536‐4211 Emall:ddwrepons@utah.9ov ―.dttnkingwater.utah.9ov SEP ll Drinking Ⅵ′ater WAttER SYSttEM iNFORMA丁 10N System Name:ELW00D TOWN System#:uttAHlo121[O101171 Phone#:435‐730‐3902Street Address:5235W8800N Mailing Address:5235 VV 8800 N ELW00D,UTAH 84337 f ;12i1; swoennen6ElwooDrom.co* Service Connections: szz i6n $srvs(' 1200 SAMPLE COLLEC丁 :ON Samples collected by: srEve woenruen Name of Laboratory: BEAR RtvER HEALTH oEPT Mailing Address: 85 E 1800 N LoGAN, urAH 84341 Sね Ю Lab Codeiυ ア′′43ι Phone #: 435-7s2-6s82 Fax #: The Laboratory was sent a copy ofthis plan on: 10 sEPr 2017 Utah Division of Drinkinq Water was sent a copv of this olan 61.10 sEpr 2017 Seasonal ls the water operated seasonally?|「l YES 1司 NO Dates of operation: Open:Close: Systems, which operate seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public. Where will that sample be taken? Location Date sampled: MAP OF SYSTEM Have you enclosed\attached a map of the distribution system showing the source (well, spring, etc), storage tanfr treatment facilities, distribulion pipinq, routine sample locations, and follow-up (repeat) map? [z] Yes lrl No "。しゝJ● R獲 SttP Drinkii √ED 2017 Water :ヽ 1 1 1g SAMPLE LOCAT:ONS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Routine Sample Location: 1. (A) ELWOOD TOWN HALL (location name or address)(rOuttne sam口 el∝auOn name Oraddress) 2.PETERSONDescription: SINK FAUCET (hOSe Ыb,jnk faucet,etc.)(location name or address up-stream) Fdbttup frepeat)Samde Loca∥ons: 1.TOWN HALL Water samples wⅢ be co∥ected from this localon du∥ng 3.ANDERSON the months of(cirCle): 00cauOn name o「address down―試ream) lSt Qtr ィ Jan. Feb. Mar. 2nd Qtr ノ Apr May 」un 4.ALL SOURCES 3rd Qtr: ′」u!. Aug. sep. 4h Qt「 ンOct Nov Dec. Rou∥ne Samp:e Location: 1.(B)SUNMART ttEXACO Description: (bCa10n name o「address) S:NK FAUCET lhOSe bb,Ы nk Faucet,etcぅ Water samples w∥l be co∥ected from this iocation during the months Of(cirCle): Fdbttup(repeatl Samde Loca∥ons: 1.SUNMAR丁 (rOuune samJelocaJOn name oraddress) 2.LAUMAN (location name or address up-stream) 3.MUNNS 00CadOn name o「addttss down‐gttam) 4.ALL SOURCES (SOurCe) 1●Qtr 2nd Qtr 3d Qtr 4h Qtr Jan. Apr. Jul. Oct. ノFeb. ′May ′Aug。 ′Nov. Fdbw・ up frepeat)SampL Localons: 1.」CD!NER (rOuune sam口 e bca“On name oraddress) 2.BRONSON (location name or address up-stream) 3.CHADEZ ぐ。cauOn name oraddttss down‐試mam) 4.ALL SOURCES (SOurCe) Rou∥ne Sample Location: 1.(C)」C DiNER Description: 00cauOn name o「address) S:NK FAUCET (hose bib, sink faucet, etc.) Water samples will be collected from this location during the months of (circle): lSt Qtr 2nd Qt「 3d Qtr 4h Qtr 」an. Apr Jui. Oct r llar. ,z Jun. z Sep. t Dec. Report Prepared by: Signature and Title: STEVEN WOERNER 久な み `に 脚′にしprく 。Daじ ηツー/フ (source) :RECEilt,'ID i SEP il ,317 Drinkl角 3,「ater SAMPLE LOCA丁 10NS The following describes each routine sample location, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up (repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive" routine sample. Rou∥ne Samp:e Location: 1.(D)NELSON FARMS Description: 00CatOn name oraddress) HOSE B!B (hOSe Ыb,Snk faucet,etc) Water samples w∥i be co∥ected from this iocation durlng the months of(clrCle): Fdlow・ up〔repeat)Sampb Localons: 1.NELSON FARMS (routine sample location name or address) 0∝a10n name oraddЮ ss u,stream) 3.BODRERO ぐ。Ca10n name oraddress down―盤ream) 4.ALL SOURCES ISOurCe) 2. Feb. May Aug. Nov 1ま Qtr: 2nd Qtr 3d Qtr 4h Qtr ノJan. ノAp「 ′」ul. ノOct Man Jun. Sep. Dec Fdlottup lrepeat〕Samde Localons: 1.ROAD SHEDS (rOuune sam口 e bca10n name oraddress) 2.WttDMAN (location name or address up-stream) (location name or address down-stream) (source) Routine Sample Location: 1. (E) BoX ELDER couNw ROAD SHEDS (location name or address) Description: SINK FAUCET (hose bib, sink faucet, etc.) Water samples will be collected from this location durinq the months of (circle'l: " 3. ANDERSONthe months of (circle): 1st Qtr: Jan. ,, Feb. Mar. 2nd Qt「 Apr. レ May 」un 4.ALL SOURCES 3rd Qtr: Jul. ノAug. sep. 4h Qtr Oct ン Nov Dec Fdbttup lrepeati Samde Locattons: 1.lVERSON FARM (rOuune sam口 e bcattOn name or address) 2.GREG iVERSON (location name or address up-stream) (location name or address down-stream) (source) (location name or address) DescriPtion: HOSE BIB (hose bib, sink faucet, etc.) Roulne Sample Location: 1.(F)IVERSON FARMS Water samples wⅢ be co∥ected fЮ m this localon dunng 3.HARDY the months of rcircle、:the months of (circle): 1ゞ Qtr 」an. Feb. /Mar. 2nd Qtr Apr. May レ Jun. 4.ALL SOURCES 3rd Qtri 」ul. Aug. ノ Sep 4h Qtr Oct Nov ノDec. :R顧 3ElvED i SttP i 1 2017 DrinkingミtiこrElwood Towlll Culinary Water Bacteria Salnpling Site Plan Elwood Town is required by the State of Utah Division of Drinking Water (DDW), to take two routine bacteria sample per month and submit the result to the DDW. This document shall outline the routine that the Elwood Town water system will follow in order to see that this is done as per state and federal requirements: 1. The samples shall be taken on, or about the second Tuesday of each month. 2. There shall be at least six (6) sampling sites located at points within the system that will ensure complete representative sampling coverage of the system. The sampling points will be rotated each month to achieve an analysis of each part of the system quarterly. Currently the sampling point addresses are as follows: A. Elwood Town Hall. 5235 W 8800 N B. Sunmart Texaco. 5196 W 9600 N C. J.C. Diner 10260 N 5200 W D. Nelson Farms 10400 N 4400 W E. Box Elder Countv Road Sheds 5730 W 8800 N F. IversonFarm 5225 W 8000N 3. Sampling sites shall be selected so that there are suffrcient sampling points on either site of the site to allow repeats samples to be taken as required by DDW, should it become necessary. 4. The sample(s) shall be taken at such a time and date as to assure that they can be delivered to the lab within the thirty (30) hour time period after it is collected. 5. Samples are hand delivered to the Bear River Health Dept. laboratory located in Logan, Utah. ヘリ fuctertb fo7, ce l 9arnpt n a Stte rAxy REC=Iヽ 'ID SEP i1 2117 Drinking v、こttr 、、_ノ 上_ _´ ―ノ 曇罠菫 面=21l h通F 占 ハ ヽ ′/\ ヽ \