HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-0065183/22/2016 State of Utah Mai!―Fwd:On ste Plan Brandi Sm ith <brandismith@utah.gov> Fwd:On site Plan l rnessage John Oakeson <joakeson@utah.gov> To: Brandi Smith <brandismith@utah.gov> Brandi, Please import into eDocs UTAH020O4/monitorinhg and reporting Thank you, John Oakeson Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 N 1950 W P.O. Box 144830, Salt Lake City, UT 841144830 Voice: (801)536-0057 Fax: (801) 5364211 Email: joakeson@utah.gov Visit our Website: http://drinkingwater.utah.gov Forwarded message From: Janet Lee <jjlee@utah.gov> Date: Fri, Mar 18, 2016at 6:53 PM Subject: Fwd: On site Plan To: John Oakeson <Joakeson@utah.gov> Fonararded message From : Rene Cedi I I o < RCedi I lo@bri ghamcity. utah. gov> Date: Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 2:10 PM Subject: On site Plan To:'Jjlee@utah.gov" <jjlee@utah.gov> Cc: Jennifer Mickelsen <JMickelsen@brighamcity.utah.gov> HI」anet, Submitting the Triggered Site plan for approval as an SSG site. Thanks, Rene ]駆 多認an.pdf httpsプ /mal1 9oo91e com/maiVゴ Oη ui=2&ik=fb559bf3c78tview=pt8tsearch=inbox&th=15399b89bOddfc708tsim卜 15399b89bOddfc70 Mon,Mar 21,2016 at 9:08 AM 1/2 3/22/2016 State of Utah Mai卜 Fwd:On sle Plan hftps://mail.google.com/mail/r-r/O/?ui=2&ik=fb559bta"rgr;sw=pt&search=inbox&th= 15399b89b0ddfc70&sim l= 15399b89b0ddfc70 2/2 WASTEWATERTREATMENT March 17,2016 Janet, Brigham Ciry Corporation would like to submit this Triggered Source Monitoring Site Plan for approval as an SSG site. Please find enclosed the enclosed pictures and maps showing the sites described here. Ihis site has already been approved as SS797. lt Sroups together all of the water comin8 down Sardine Canyon from our Mantua wells and springs listed here: WS007 VVS010 WS012 VVS002 WS003 WS005 VVS001 VV5017 flMantua East Well s2 Mantua west Well Eirch Spring East Halling SprinB Knoll Spring (lnactive at this time) Olsen Spring Peter.lens€n Spring Peter Jens€n Well WS004 Rock creek Spring wS006 West Hallin8 Spring The water combines and a sampling spout is available prior to chlorination and storage. lt is then fed into the distribution system with water from other wells and sprin8s in Brigham City' Pleas€ let me know if you need any more information. Thank you, Rene Cedillo B●8ham City Water Divlsion Supervisor ■|、_ レ`″ PHONE:(435)723‐3146・ RO BOX 1005,3R:GHAM C:TY、UTAH 84302・ FAX(435)723‐7631 WEtCOME10 BRIGHAM CITY Itcautilirl llrighirnr ('ilr - Your l.ulurt is He rcl … … 1..d 嘉 瘍 ¬ 圧1 TCR sampling srte rt's pre-Chlorinated ● `ツ ● 0ご ′ ″ 『P, ― ‐ぽ ナ(メ 0′ ′‐ ●`● ●`・● ● ′0 ′ ‐´ `ヽ rゝ ″ ・・ ● ハ、 ●‐ ・ J″'● ● jイ `、 ´`t- q .r. ・・ ´ L ヽレ ´ ^‐ r夕 ∴ル . ば ヽ ミ ご 1_.多 LトドE Jll『]二 ■□,ヽ■ ´● ● `■F"´可 一 ′"年 黎″ ′ ¬ノ 一:J瑠 「_l "″_〆 ノ 々 ■ ~ 「Jヽ、 ttitt 甲 贈J ● ■_. も|いo /1 職`′ -7Try1 transmrssion line from Mantua Sprrngs an, 1・ TCR sampling site it's pre-Chlorinated \Ahter outlet 「 デ・:9ヽ 聖0 ¬ 「Jレ|,1 :√鷲 :::::|::憲 1:ト 七・'1 r'機 f;{J water rntet [i マか:ヽ■Lい」 ` ・ ゞ′′・.ず ., 、 ′´ ヽ . ′ | ●´tl‐:. ヽ ″ ′ノ′y了′/IJ 11ト 麒J 藤灯 ヽ ヽ 、 銀 ・1 1機 ち '■眸 ヽ1島 お申鱗 す・ ′ ]諄 ´″ ′"´ .嬌 ・´ キtt' ,「デ~、書‐ '. : レ Peter Jensen Spring WS001 llだ 雲許 二|″瓢 ″:Knoll Spring \AlS003 lnactive Vlhter Type. Groundwater UDI Surface 一 て L` ● #2 Mantuaい たst Well WS010 #l Mantua East Well WS007 司 Birch Spring WSO12|〆F】 漂 = ― ‐¬ 画=爵 ヨンヽ こ、ヽ . ″ ‐ “ ヽ 4ヽ 螢‐L η 鼈 、 ノ 一 「・`く~t)ヽ 、 く 〆♂ 」