HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006515UTAH DEPARTMENT or
PO Box 144830
Sa∥Lake Ciり ,UT84114‐4830
Phone:(801)536・ 4100
EmJI:ddwttpo由 @utah.90V
脚 .d∥n∥ngwaler,utah.9ov
As part of the Revised Total Coliform Rule, the location from which samples are taken is to be varied. All water systems are
rEuired to maintain a cunent bacteriological sample siting plan, The plan shows lhe locations of all sample sites forn which
bacteriological tests aro taken. Sample sites are to be representative of all pressuro zones and each water source of the
dlsfibutlon system, The sample plan should be revlsed regulady and followlng any malor constructlon proJect lmpactlng the
distibution system.
System Jtl6Jlg; Boar Rlver wcD ' Beaver Dam System#:UTAHlo][21101[01[21
Phone#:435・ 723‐7034StrootAddres鋭 J?WO頭 Forest Stroot,B∥gham Ciり ,uT“192
Mailing Address:102 West Forest Street,B∥gham C!ty,uT 84302 Ema∥:画 d・ ∞mSeⅣice Connedons:27 Served: go
Sam口 eS∞lbCtedり RobЫ o mayne _ む =
Mailing Addres; Po Box 1 005, Brlsham clry, uT 84302
State Lab Code:UT00010 _ PhOne#:435‐723‐3146 Fax#:435723‐7631
The Labonatory was sent a copy of this plan on: 7tsffi2018
Utah Division of Drinking Waterwas senl a copv of this plan s1',7t30t2018
ls the water openated seasonally?同YES lFI NO
Dates of operation: Open:Close:
Sy_stems, which operale seasonally, are required to take an investigative sample prior to opening to the public. Where
will that sample be taken?
Location ,. Datesampled:
treatnent facilities, disfibution piping, routine sample locations, and follolry-up (repeat) map? [r] yes trl lto
ヽ||Routlne Sample Lcca∥oni
1,16750 N Beav●「Dem Rd.:BemlDem●∞na“油理kcs)
(ooaton namo or addrss)
sink faucet
(hose blb, sink faucet etc.)
ryater bamples Will Oe Oiiq;ttnr rlorn mls OCauOn uunng
the monhs of(drdel:
1償 Qtr: :Jan.
2nd Qtr: :Apr.
3 「` Qtr:411眈
Fdbw・ uplrepean SamJo Locatbns
1.1750 N B●avo,Dam Rd,Boover Dem(L●onatt Hawkoo)
(rcutne Gdnple locaton name or addrcs)
2, 900 W Hwy 30 Beaver Dam (Arno Copley)
(loca0on nane oraddress ugsteam)
15931N8oaver Dam Rd,Beaver Dam(Clay Ea∥)(locaton name or address domrefeam)
4. Lomr B6ayor Dam Spfi$ ed 8l6cpy Hollffi splngr
Fo∥ow‐up〔reneatl Sample Locattons:
(routno samde iocation nama oraddress)
2. 900 W Hwy 30, Beaver Dam (Copley)
(bcation name or adress upstvam)
3,16024 N Beaver Dam Rd,Deaver Dam ry80n Pet●"e●
(hcatjon namo or addres downstream)
4. Lffrer Beaver Dam sprlngs and slo€py lbllow Springs
Bou{ne Samols Locatlon:
1 .15720 N Bffi om rn. Ba,\erDnm(Erbn B.irtr
(locaton namo or address)
Description:sink faucet
{hOSe bb,Jnkfaucet elo
Waler samが eS Wi∥be∞∥ected from thに 1噸 ibn dunng
the months of(drclel:
1●Qt i」an,
2nd Qt
3d Qtr
4h Qtri
Report Prepared by:JillJeppsen
The following describe.s each routine sample localion, what months the location will be sampled, and where follow-up
(repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a 'positive' routine sample.
Routlne Sam●:o LocaOon:
1.865 W Hwy30,Beaver Dam(Ruecke蔵)(b“10n namO oradd鷹 瑚
Fo:low“u●〔reDeati Samplo Lo開 魔lons:
1.865 W Hwy30,Beaver Dam(Ruecke咸)(Ю ttne sample bcalon name∝addressl
2.Tank Sample Ta2
(h@ blb, sinkhucet, elo,)
Water samples will be collected from lhis location during
the monlhs of (circle):
(location nam€ or addross up8team)
3. 900 W Hwy 30 (Copley)
(ocalion name or address doutrsteam)
{, tss BoawrDam Sprtngaand Slcon nomrrsprtrfa
Signal鴨 嗣 α 助じ7ノ 30/2018
ld Qtt Jan. | :Feb・ : Mar.
2nd Qtr Apr. : May : Jun.
3d Cm ・JuL ■Aug, I:Sep.
ゆ Qtt Odo Nov. ■Dec.
The following describes each routine sample location, what months he localion will be sampled, and where follow.up
(repeat) samples will be taken in the event of a "positive'routine sample,
(rouline sampb locallon namo or addross)
2.10025 N Boow Dam Rd,B●wor Dam〈LDS Cht動)(h080 Ыb,gnkfau∞t et.)
脂‰潔1悧 e10劇
leCledわ m hlslottm価 鴫 10鰯 N Beaw晰 ]|,B●aVer Dem〈航hOny Rttrd3)
1.10458 N B●―Dam Rd,軸 Dam lJ●h口 Юn ttn口 ●T●p)
(locaton name or address)
Descrlplion: SamPle TaP
(hcs bb, shkAucot, eb,)
Wabr sampleo will be collected from thls locaflon durlng
the months of (clrcle):
(Duilno sanplo loc*in name oraddress)
2. 16{39 N Bsc Dlrn Rd, BEv.r osm (Donald Courhsy)
(looaton name a addoas up*fuam)
3. 16520 N Boavr Dom Rd, EaEr Dom (tG{y HaM)
(ocaion name a addnss doJn-st€am)
{. tower Beaver Sprlngs and Sleepy Hollor Sprinqs
(routine sample locatbn name or address)
(hose bib, sinkfaucst etc)
Water samples will be collected from this location during
the monhs of {circle):
1■0に ::Jan. : Fob. :「MaL
が眈 ■Ap[ |:I May :」un,
31d Qtr i JuL I :Aug。 I Isep.
1燎 Qtrl ・Jan. : i Fob. ‐l Mar,
2nd Qtr i Apr, I May , 」un。
3rd Q廿 : i」ul, :Aug. 1 :Sep.
4■Q憤 Oct Nov. : Dec.