HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-006507State ofUtah GARY R HERBERT Cο ッ′′″ο′ SPENCER」COX ιセンた″α″′Gο νθ″″ο′ Department of Environmental Quality Alan Matheson Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Marie E Owens. P.E. Director October 19,2017 Jared Woolf Smithflcld Hog Rocky NIItn―Bluc Ⅳlountain North PO Box 100 341 S NIlain NIlilford,UT 84751 Su●eCt:RTCR Sample Site Plan Approval for Blue NIIollntain North UTAH01036 Dear Mr/ⅣIs.Wool■ The cllrrent RTCR sample site plan for UTAH01036 is approved as submitted to the Division of Drinking Watcr.Ifyou havc any questions or changes that need to be rnade please feel free to contact rne at(801)536-4150 or Pkeers(Dutah。2ov Sincerely, Pete Keers Environmental Scientist Utah Division of Drinking Water 195 North 1950 West・ Salt Lよ e City,UT Mailing Addrcssi P O Box 144830・ Salt Lakc Ciw,UT 84114‐4830 Tclephone(801)536‐4200・ Fax(801)536‐4211・ TDD (801)5364414 1t ww″″″′α力gο ッ Printed on 10096 recycled paper 7/12/2017 State of Utah Mail - Bacteriological Sample Site Plan (01033, 01034, 01036, 11066)ヽヽClン l17 DDW Reports <ddwreports@utah.gov> Bacteriologica:Sample Site Plan(01033,01034,01036,11066) Woolf, Jared <jwoolf@smithfield.com> To: "ddwreports@utah. gov" <ddwreports@utah. gov> Here is our undated bac-t sample site plan for systems (01033, 01034, 01036, 11066) Mon,」u110,2017 at12:48 PM Jared Woolf Environlnental Technician (435)691¨0478 cell lW001fOSmtthneld.cOm Snlithfleld Foods 呻 .smithneldf00ds.com Hog Producaon Divlslon PO Box 100 341 South Main Milford,UT 84751 ヽルヘ棘 い)"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." - Henry David Thoreau This communication (including any attachments) is confidential and is intended to be privileged pursuant to applicable law. lf you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, then you are hereby notified that the dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited. lf you received this communication in error. please notify Smithfield Foods, lnc. immediately by telephone (+'1 757-365-3000) and then delete this communication and destroy all copies thereof. 5 attachments Q ttTSamttngHan‐Re宙 sed l田 adoc ]盤 認tn・ north」aterSystemⅡasb面 ∥ⅡDeね u瞼 ‐000.pdf ]地 認tnⅡS°uth」ate卜 system‐asbuiLⅡDettuk‐000.pdf ]:I`Pewater‐asbttL‐Deね u卜 000.pdf ]淵 だ誠eド yStem‐asb面 卜Deね J●00apdf https://mail.google.com/mail/b/Alk_JgavlZdG4_fQdANegWGw-NVXrav5Yl 2GeR11v6O06dhX2dylul0l?ui=2&ik=2401283fbe&jsver=XX0XeNfqBWg.en... 1/1 SMITHFIELD HOG PRODUCTION WATER SYSTEM ROUTINE MICROBIOLOGICAL SAMPLING PLAN MARCH 21,2000 (Revised 12/2016) SYSTEM CLASSIFICATION Smithfield owns and operates its own water systems within its Skyline and Blue Mountain pyramids. A pre-assigned number is given to each water system by the State of Utah Division of Drinking Water to identify the water systems. Smithfield currently has four separate water systems identified as the Skyline North and South system, system number 01033; the Skyline West system, system number 01934; the Blue Mountain North ,yriJr, system number 01036 und tt. Blue MountairliSouth system, system number 11966. All of these systeifis are classified as non-transient non-community (NTNC) whfer systems. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Smithfield currently has fourteen (15) wells serving all four water systems. Each of these wells are classified as a ground water source without the influence of surface water. The Skyline North and South system is classified as one water system that serves 175 people. The Six wells that supply water to the North and South system are identified as Skyline North wells numbers SN#2 and SN#3 and Skyline South has four wells numbered SS#1, SS#2, SS#3 and SS#4. Skyline West serves 60 people, and has two wells each numbered as SW#1, SW#2. Blue Mountain North serves 47 people and has three wells numbered BMN#I, BMN#3 and BMN#4. Blue Mountain South serves116 people and has four wells numbered BMS#I, BMS#2, BMS#3 and BMS#4. At least two wells in each system are operated independently by telemetry. Skyline West and Blue Mountain South are tied to a standpipe pressure vessel (tank). Skyline, Blue Mountain North and Blue Mountain South have VDFs which control flow and pressure without a tank being necessary. Each system also has a standby generator set operated either independently or by hand at one well in each water system. Each system is required to take one routine sample per month. All samples will be collected by Jared Woolf, phone: 43 5 -69 I -047 8, email : j woolf@smithfield. com. SAMPLING REQUIREMENTS Smithfield is required to sample each of their systems classified as public water systems on a monthly basis. Each system is sampled each month, with every location being sampled at least annually. When possible, all routine bacteria sampling will be completed as required on the same day. In the event that a farm is winterized and the water is turned off the sampling schedule may be modified while still sampling each system once per month with each site being sampled at least annually. When resamples are required if a farm is at a dead end location an additional upstream site will be sampled. SAMPLING PLAN AND SCHEDULE Ouarter Location System Number 41101 41102 41103 41204 41205 41206 41312 41313 41314 01033 41107 41107F 41108 01034 42301-4 42315-16 42305-8 01036 42200 42108 42107 11066 41104 41105 41106 41201 41202 41203 41309 41310 41311 PTC 01033 41108F 01034 41316 41317 2nd BⅣI ⅣIaintenance BM Truck Wash 42305 01036 42106 42105 42104 11066 41207 41208 41209 41301 41302 41303 41306 41307 41308 01033 41318 41319 Dry Showcr 01034 42306 42307 42308 01036 42103 42102 42101 11066 4th Skylinc Truck Wash Skyline Confcrcncc Ccntcr Skyline Ⅳlaintcnancc 41210 41304 41305 41315 41322 41323 49170 01033 41320 41321 Drv Sho、vcr 01034 BⅣI NIlaintenance BⅣI Truck Wash 42306 01036 Blue Mtn.Dwelling 42201-2 42203 11066 SAMPLING PROCEDURES The responsible party collecting bacteria samples for Smithfield shall use only those bottles provided by a qualified laboratory. Sampling personnel should take care in collecting samples, using proper sampling techniques to insure the integrity of each sample. Sampling personnel should complete the sample custody report in full and secure the custody document to each sample taken. All samples should be kept on ice or refrigerated prior to delivery the laboratory for analysis. All bacteria samples have a24- hour holding time between time the sample is taken and delivery to the laboratory. 訂 41202 ⅧWELL LOCAT10NS “ ヽt SA・ 3謡 疑1ギ l癬 彗F、鷹=〔Lt S■・4‐紺里職itЯ P毬 』里薔=LE∝NO & NOEELAl旺 41102 41ス0,つ 41る 05 ⊃ |―‐rけ :亀 2フ .IIPヽ Lct1 41 ‐回 41207 |‐41ml \* Vi ")・ “ ‐~~ 躙 ::°αl租 “ノ // // \ 41101 |:× υ ツ // // // // 希 И “l“」/ジ ノ//″ ヽ \● ヾ ″キ霊Ч島 賣1を ニ彦 慾轟瑯 l-rBt- J,$E_D4 =:= ― _厘 璽 ∥躍L 鳳 `“ 」` 41311 ヽ -―△1可//誂豪|`lm7rr田 "二 贈週 ∩ “●tl●I nα ―」 盆声 こ……で 鳳 麟、 ` =きL ″響 `国 4mS///′ 4162も ―螂 υ …ノ∥鳳=“ ∥ " |∥ 夕二馨 | : l珈 4 ∥ 塵k隻 __JI脳 隔―|ヽ.、 、ヽ \ // ・ \``ヽ、.`ヽ、.、 ヽ、.、 `・`=鸞|~¬ 110`「 鱚 41105 、1[:]::]| C:RCLE PLAN SIEET Ftt U R sKYLINE梵 :/`c, FARMS WATER SYSTEM ヽ二のヽ(ク ニζ|loabl in BAVER, NNIiI,UTAh2 WELL L00AT10NS IS蹂 1箋 騒 h′C°R・ StC' LESEND & NOMENCLAluRE 西氏■1■`望 ヽた鮭`4151嘔 4151S 密t里 ■11‐・ ・・ :-- ----1- :-- E---:- 4■lθ7 ,LAN SllEET SKYLlNE W酬 Wパ TER SYSTEM C:RCLE FOURFARMS411θS TRUCKWASH 42305 42307 42308 WELL LOCAT10NS fROい THE■%COn.,SCC.22. FROM ,HE N1/4 COR●SEC.23. LEGEND & NOMENCLATURE 回0 ● 図 ― 412316 r= ,議 瞥 :競 42315 SLSE MTN NORTH ■ATER SYSTEMG:蓮 WELL LOCAT10NS FROM THE S1/4 COR¨SEC.7. FROM THC N1/4 COR●●SEC.10. FnOM THE N1/4 COR,SEC tう.樹り=λ:職 肺 LE6END & NOMENCLATURE 紺 島ニ ErcE OF ROTTAi O ran( srrE O IELL ll FIFE HYoFANT rF.H,) x GAiE VALV€ (O.V.r PFV STATION(PRESSURE REOUCIrc VALVE SIAIION) IAIERLIE. SIZE I LErcIHAS SrcVN ON 4ANSec Sec.20 42200瑳 1巨 □ 塾日 G:蓮 や緻∥