HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-011930MENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIry OcT 1 8 2024 DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Electronic Submittal October tO,2024 Utah Division of Air QualitY P.O. Box 144820 salt lake city, uT 84LL4-482O Subject:Danish Flats Waste Disposal Monitoring Report for Permit S19ffD460O1 ln accordance with Operating Permit provision 1.S.2.a, and Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307- a1506a(3Xc)(i), the following monitoring report is submitted. This semiannual report covers the period trom 3hl2O24 fo 813O12024. For the indicated reporting period there was one deviation submitted on l0l9l2024 because samples were not analyzed within seven days. A permit modification was submitted on 4l3Ol24 to request a longer sample analysis time. The site will continue to work on getting the samples to the lab faster in the future. ln accordance with Operating Permit provision l.K and UAC R307-415-5d, and based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, I certifo that the statements and information in this document are true, accurate and comPlete. October 10,2024 Date Jon Goza. Owner Responsible Official Compliance Manager Air Resource Specialists Cc: Jon Goza, Owner REVIEWED Initials JBR Date 11/18/2024 Comp Status Meets File # 14185 Blue 2 ii :III.( t 1!I i :if il I( Ij (t II !I,3st , II tIItIItIIIt!I5t{I I:ItItIItIIIt IitI iIItt5 {IIIII IIIItI!fIIdI IIIII!I IItI!t,TIi.TET; II!;iIII II I{lttIIEIIIIII i!xiilrlIIrl t ti l I; lti .e PIIIIIITI !TIII!:I.EeIII5!BI iIgr ilIi iIIiii rt,.!IIIEaEEI E} i[ i Ii I Ii I {r l it r ii i t! i ,r 4 ii ! ii l ii i r rf l i , I, IIt I IETXrrl Iti tI rrlEI PIrt !IIEE1elrI lrrlgl iE itEI EE t* I TIIftIlIlitl IitIrIIi^rl tiiI If isfIii i TtiTI.atrlttlirI I{*IIIIt" I' !iII7I!IIIIeI!Er!DT tl EEr tlri t{rI!iEi trIt r !tItIiIII!Etr i!tTrtrtiil!I tI!iIilrilIIit !e,Itf .RttgiItIiItE 5IEIrI !tIrIIliIi if l ti E I?i:IIEI itt; Iti!iI i€I,II I il l ti l ti r it r ao a tf r il E tI IitI ! a ta cETIstt.FTIoIIIIt5IIIiiIf,.IlIIIBItIttEttIItIt! 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This is associated with Elevation's number 4,A,06979 . The results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the report as follows: "SW" is referring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium; "EPA" is referring to 40 CFR part 136: "HACH" is referring to a method which was validared by HACH@; "SM" is referring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater: and "ASTM" is referring to the standard test method set forth by ASTM lntemational. The analytical results in this report apply specifically to the samples lisled in the attached Chain of Custody. This rcport may only be duplicared in full. Any deviations to sample integrity, method specifications, or Elevation Diagnostics's standard operaling procedures are documented in the report below. Please contact us for any questions or comments conceming the content of this report. Thank yoq Elevation Diagnostics. Division of Environmental Testing -4!r{- ,t")/ u ' Kristen Reichel Laboratory Director cso,cco Report#l7E7 Nd proiorsty reporbd Prgc I of5 v)o6toaa6AIII'5t!r6S 'EBi -6 f i.TTii!EtEEI li!laobt IEir:r !tiBEiBEaoe'5@b_oz.F@ts:l tE.oE, ME8i 3 iDE .,EP z t- : , 6 ii * 9. E :t ao cz -9Jt . , [d r f ur ; gE !r , rE. E IUb i. ! ,L .EE s UE 8 L& t OE o () t s u .F I O >1 2 ol -- - ' - ' l D fl !{l ! il r \ r ic I li i \n l , il -ili4lc,tlrlr iflalrIEllIFlEl( , tz t,lo\t sJ . u r g l . . E r " r l 'l ' I ' i coi\tra)oq,.\Eol, x vt ; i .9 Hi +) 9a g i. 00 5 (! 3o! II.ls Ci * r O i. ' - - l t .- c rr 5 l .J f; r t' 1 . { o i ', t r . tr ; {, ' J t : o: 1 3' 9a a at r n ;x : z: a -? - ta t Ec * r' f r ]i ., '; E t 1- Ji l d {, ll (-9t ; tI . l 1 dl v| = -q c "n t +(r):/-,itiC -- t ! Fl d ct a 61 0 -'1 Sc B i d! o 7 -) h . q ca i : D> f i !r _ : : <J A 4 j!l:l{cl15 ELolJ -Eovl :lUo.EG.LU *,\ Er EVArr()N 9.4 Division of Environmental Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora CO 80045 80G440-5184 Repora Drtc t 4116/2024FINAL RESULTS REPORT Rcportrime: n:44 AAL607$! Daish FlaB Gasdine Raqe Oganics, Aqueors Vdstilo Oganic Compornds - Benzene Vdatile Oganic Cunpomrh - Ehy'benzene Volde Oganic Conpomds - mEpXylene Vdatih Oeanic Ccmparnds - oxy'are Vdatile Oganic Compounds - Tduene Vdatile Oganic Conponds - Xy'at€s, tobl AA0607S2 Danish Flats DRO/ORO, Aqueos - DRO DRO/ORO, Agueor - ORO M0697$3 Danish Flab ltldrand QC Report GRG2I57 Anetyb DUP AA(E855 i,lafix $ike M06855 MB p,N7220 LCS ',A07221LCS AA07n2 Ralult 255545 250500 <225.N 2195. r0 2412.10 Collocbd: 03802021 10:15 Ul15m24 1l:33 1,000.00 Un1m24 00:00 100.00 M11112024 00:00 100.00 Ml11l2O21 00:00 100.00 Mn1m24 00:00 100.00 W11n021 00:00 100.00 Un1m24 00:00 100.00 Collccbd: 03R0/2024 t0:45 0411n021 16:18 100.00 Un1m24 16:18 100.00 Colleclod : 0380/2021 10:45 0411012024 14:11 10.00 2r5000 21 50 2150 3659r6.14 Nd Detocled 1 12.50 1622.41 2139.91 91.29 3762.32 1611.112 <1226.4 - RLI 675-I 96Roc 117 116 112 pdL ps/t udL psrl IJdL pdr pdL nrdL ms/r rdL % REC Urr{tg EPA 8260 EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d n5.N 0.72 0.78 1.81 0.99 0.70 2.80 0.613 \ 80150, TCEQ t!,lo0rod TXI 1226.4 { 80150. TCEO [46hod IX1 8015M100 R€oortng Lfilt Units udL IJdL psa pstr pdL RPORPO timlt t.9939 Spke L6rgl Sonrco Reoult <225f0 <nfi| Report #1 787 Not paiosly reporbd Page 3 of5b,{,'dWgl-df bh.iV,..ffib ffituglt&. k dfuaLfrg 6 fr b tu d Mf ffi fr. ryt ry c, b A*N n iN E LEVATI O N FINAL RESULTS REPORT a Division of Environmental Testing 2ll5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 800-440-5 I E4 Report Date : 4/16/2024 Rcport Timc ; ll:44 Project Mrnager: Jon Goza QC Report Atr lylc Rlotft DRO Of,O AQITEOUS-2E a Pmject Nemc: Danish Flats Project Numbcr: tl/A R€patiog Lidt Uoilt RPD LiDit Spiec Sooreet.eird Rccoli t/6RGc ToREIC Li11iB RPD 440q!51 tatrlx Splke 44.324 39.692 46.57E 50.403 mgt mdL rndL mg/L I 2.1 36 12.721 12.136 12.724 80.5 67.4 40 40 .95918681657 3.m1241467 DRO oRo usD DRO oR0 44\0!!00 MB DRO oRo 4A0I?0r LCS DRO oRo A 0!702 DRO oRo v@ t200 Nolmocted Nd D€{€ded mdl rrq/t 31.167 26.526 mdt mdt 85.1 66.3 3r.6E5 27.%7 m/L mdL 79.2 69.9 w.2020 4 01161 TB 4 0116!_ l,20idrlo.o€$ane Bsuene Chlqofurm Chlorornetpne Ehylbquen6 m69Xyhne Na$hd€ne oXlene Tefad|ldod|yl€ne Tduene Xy,lene, total NotDffiad <0.72 No( D€todod <2.63 Not Deteded <1.81 <1.00 Not Doteded Nd Dd€d€d <0.70 <2.80 TJdL ltdL l,'dL pdL ps/t pdL l.'dL pslL udL uS/L }JdL LCS 1,2Didtlo(o€fiano Benzene C-hb.ohfln Chlqomehane Ehy'bazene m&pxylene Napfihalone oXylane Teadllqo€$ylen€ 24.69 n.00 20.19 26.45 23.67 51.21 21.07 25.49 n.00 pdt pdL ps/t ugL udL r.rdL pdL u/L tgt 98.8 E8.0 82.0 106 94.7 102 84.3 102 116 R€porl #1787 tld protiaEly reporbd Prgc 4 of5 h Dfr Hd Fb aly b b.t4,.. ffi b Effi A.eda. fu@ d ffia ,*p d F h tu ol dddf ffi h twt ry d, b 6*fr h il f.G ELEVATToN a2I FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmentel Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 80G.440-5 r84 Rcport Drte: 4/16f2024 ReportTimc: ll:44 Projccr Manrgcr: Jon Goza QC Report Ardytc R.adr Tduene Xylql€, htal AA07r66 Projcct Namc: Danish Flats thitr pg/L l.dL Projcct Number: N/A %REC Lioitr $pitc Sonrcl,"d R!.olt R.podnt Linir RPDRPD UEn 25.35 76.70 ?6Rc '101 102 f f-UAf"o*,-.25.18 pdL u.ffi pdL N.75 rldl 26.64 pdL 25.20 rrdl 51.51 pdL 24.36 pdL 26.63 trS/f 31.26 pdL 26.97 pdL El.l7 pdL Exolanation Sample received outside of regulatory holding time. Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error. Sample received outside temperature requirements, G6'C. Sample received unpreserved. Broken or leaking s€lmple container. Sample improperly collecled Sa mple inconectly preserved Blank failed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results. Blank fiailed low, indicating possible low bias in sample results. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference. Sunogate recovery failed, indicating potential matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to limited sample. Sample result less than method detection limit. Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method deteclion limit. Electronic loss or conuption of data. Subcontracled sample r0r 91.4 83.0 107 101 109 97.4 107 125 108 108 Benzoe Chldofu.m Chlsomehane Ehy'banzarc m&pXy'ene Naphhdarc oXy'orc Tefuadilcodrylene Tduene Xy'erc, hhl Qualifier H1 H2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 B1 82 MS D1 D2 S RL1 RL2 U J E I Ropod #1787 tlot prwhsly r4ated Prge 5 of5hMwEtudrbbut*.ffib Bidb&!ffi. M dEffidLlN o N h tu d Cey ffi tu ryl ry d, b A*d n at ELEVAT'"-\5 ,/ Division of Environmental Testing 2t l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora, CO 80045 E0G440-5 t84 1540 P RI) Lomr, CO tI524 970{&1{ltl denishlhtsl@gmeilcom May 14.2024 Project Menrgcr: Jon Coza Project Nlmc : Danish Flats Projcct Nunbcr: N/A Attached are the analyical results for Danish Flats N/A received by Elevation Diagrrostics, Division of Environmental Testing on May 03, 2024. This is associated with Elevation's number AA07702 . The results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the rcport as follows: "SW" is rcferring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium; "EPA" is refening to 40 CFR part 136; "HACH" is rcferring to a method which was validated by [[ACH@; "SM" is referring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater; and "ASTM" is referring to the standard test method s€t forth by ASTM lntemational. The analytical resuls in this report apply specifically to the samples listed in the utached Chain of Custody. This report may only be duplicated in full. Any deviations to sample integnty, method specifications, or Elevation Diagnostics's standard operaling procedures are documented in the rcport below. Please contact us for any questions or comments conceming the content of this report. Thank yoq Elevation Diagrrostics, Division of Environmental Testing ,4,tL QJ-, Kristen Reichel Laboratory Director cso,cco Report#rgl3 NdpretiqrslyroPo.bd Pegc I ofS ho(\ ta)!0atII:II IEitIIrl r!aoEI ItliIi !IRE?rt;aoz.65E.6d. vt i .9 H i9o: 00 5 .g I o; tr !o; a- c,v 9oioe o UI : : !3 I aG .. :D 9;: t 90 = . il ! D iu < i= r rr o . o o{:tE2oUEnz JNcJ'l \ti Eol!Eo*tvt3(Jo.so-c(J .a \.r t rt i' .J $ "l (8A q, -'av t! n: xz zY : =t i cg ! *t t_ " _ t -, 1 .l l ,d lJ d; 1 J- 'Hd q {- , / gq ; i 5l ! rE 0 ua d ELEVAT .'* .t) FINAL R.ESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora CO 80045 80G.440-5 r84 Rcport Drtc z 511412024 Rcport Time z 16:44 Project Menrger: Jon Goza AA0t702-t Derish Flab DRO/ORO, &ueous - DRO DR0/0R0, Aqueor - ORO Gasdine Range Ogankx, Aqueos Volatile Oganic Componds - Bazene Vdade Oganic Conpornds - Ettytbauene Volatilo Orgeric Cdnpomds - m&PXylene Vdatile Oganic Ccnpomds - oXy'ate Vdatil€ Oganic Cdnpornds - Tduene Vdatil€ Oganic Compounds - Xy'anes, tobl ld.0n02-2 Dailsh Flab Itlehand QC Report GROAT An lyb ouP M07644 liafix SfikeAA0761.| MB M07917 LCS M07918 LCS A 07919 Rorrlt 1 1861.87 r3031.43 <225.60 869.80 9n.78 Nrme: Danish Flats Collocbd : 01/3{V2021 09:30 05fi6m24 10:30 ,10.00 05Mm21 10:30 10.00 0511Ym24 19:18 100.00 05m8n024 00:00 100.00 05m8n021 00:00 100.00 05,!8f2021 00:00 100.00 05,0U2021 00:00 100.00 05,!8/2024 00:00 100.00 05,082024 00:00 100.00 Collected : 04/30/2024 09:30 0511Yn24 10:il6 10.00 s9'rb sotEoUnatB L; Ro.rJtr lrg/L 2553.50 udt 10750 2553.50 tdLpdL t075pSA 1075 Number:l.UA 695.732 336.228 12936.02 Not Hected NotDeteded 819.r3 1 70.15 <70.00 - RL1 989.2E 107-l %R.c 97.5 80.9 9r.0 rndl rndl us/t ps/t pdl pga pdL rrdL pdL msr %REC Urnil3 EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA EMOd EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d 0.613 q80150, TCEQ ]U€fiod IXI 12.264 \ 80150, TCEQ irohod TXl n,.N EPA 8260 0.72 0.7E 1.81 0.99 70.00 2.80 tuportiE Ur{t 100 8015M RPORPD r.illir 9.2515 Rqort#1913 Itldproiorsty repotud Pege 3 of5h ffi ffi Fto on b h.aea.. ffi lo €ffi tu E&. Are d Mlfre - F b Qu d Mdy ffi tu twl W d, b A*ed b tua t.-\ ELE,VATION 9n Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora CO 80045 80H40-5184 Report Drtc t 5/14/2024FINAL RESULTS REPORT Rcpontrimc t t6:44 Project Menrger: Jon Goza QC Report Autyte RGililr DRO_ORO_AOI Eqrs.290t Prcject Name: Danish Flats Projcci Number: .hr]rc Liaia N/A RtedthgLtunir UniE Spfrc Sf,lr Lctrd Resdt %R6 RIDR.PD Li6il 4 0!952 Matrh Spike DRO oRo MSD DRO oRo !1017!16 MB DRO oRo 35.002 29.84r 37.617 42.1U Not Dc{6dod Nd Dotodod mdt 10 rndl 40 nE/L mS/t mdL mg/t 11.958 Nd Dotocbd 11.958 Nd D€i€ded 50.1 ND .20197193571 1.0699298074 A Oq17 LGS DRO oRo 4407718 31.312 27.699 mdl mdt 78.1 69.2 DRO oRo voc_E280_w-2916 37.305 15.084 mdL rng/t 93.3 115 44qz4e MB Benzene Chlorofurm Chloromehane m&pxylen€ oXy'erc Tduoe xy,l6to, tod 44\0r250 LCS Bgrzgrg Chlaohrm Chlqwp$ane Ehy'bazate m&pxy'ene Naphhdarc oXy'ene Not D6ted6d <1.00 Nd Ddeded <4.27 <2.27 <2.63 <6.54 pgL pc/t pg/L pgL pdl pdL ps/t T$adtlqo€fiylen€ Tduqte Xyls|o, htd 24.10 22.U 29.78 24.U 17.74 24.73 N.70 27.83 23.t1 68.14 tdL pg/L pdL ps/t pgl ldt pgL rrdL lrsa pg/L 96.4 89.5 119 96.2 95.5 98.9 E2.8 111 94.8 91.3 44\0ZEr Benzgle Chkrofomr 23.61 24.U pdL pstr 91.1 96.2 R€pqt #1913 Notprwiorlsly rqdtod Prge 4 of5 h e ffi Ft* uty F D..r9.. ffi e tu Dqffi , M., d fu.ldi\ a U b tu d C.My M h. ryt ry dt b A*d n U ELEVAT ',,*V.r' Division of Envircnmental Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora CO 80045 80G440-5184 FINAL RESULTS REPORT Rcport Date : 5/14/2024 Report Timc : 16:44 Project Mrorgcr: Jon Goza Project Nrme: Danish Flats Projcct Numbcr: tl/A QC Report n+cttug Sfatc S.r.tG %REC RpD Atr ttE R.rutr Limir UniE Lcltrd R.$lt ./6Rc LiDitr R'PD Linn Chlcometune 32.11 Ugt 130 Ethy'buzene 23.34 UgL 93.4 m&gxylene 15.93 pS/L 91.9 Naphhdene 26.51 UgL 106 oxylene 20.58 pdt 82.3 Tebadlaoe$y,lene 26.E5 pS/f fi7 Tduene U.81 US/L 91.2 Xyl€ne, bb[ 66.51 pdL E8.7 Qualifier ExolanationHl Sample received outside of regulatory holding time.H2 Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error.P1 Sample received outside temperature requirements, G6'C.P2 Sample received unpreserved.P3 Broken or leaking sample container.P4 Sample improperly collectedP5 Sample inconectly preserved81 Blank lLailed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results.82 Blank failed loU indicating possible lq,v bias in sample results.MS Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference.D1 Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration.D2 Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference.S Sunogate recovery failed, indicating potential matrix interference.RLI Reporting limits raised due to matrix interferenec.RL2 Reporting limits raised due to limited sample.U Sample result less than method detection limit.J Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method detection limit.E Elecironic loss or comrption of data.I Subcontracied sample h ffi ffi Fta dt b h raC.. ffi e be hg& tu d Effira1tu4 - N h Oa d C!N, ffi h qd w dty b O*d n URqort #1913 lbt preriqrEly rqorbd Prgc 5 of5 ELEVAT '"*VI Division of Envircnmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora, CO 80045 80G440-5tt4 lune24,2024 t540 P RI) Lomr, CO 81524 970{&3-&53 drn ishlLrtr I @gmeil.com Project Menrger: Jon Coza Project Nemc : Danish Flats Projcct Numbcr : N/A Attached are the analytical results for Danish Flats N/A received by Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing on June 03, 2024. This is associated with Elevation's numberAA08724 . The results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the report as follows: "SW" is referring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium; "EPA" is referring to 40 CFR part 136; "HACH" is rcferring to a method which was validated by HACHO: "SM" is referring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examinalion of Water and Wastewater; and 'ASTM" is referring to the standard test method set forth by ASTM Intemational. The analytical results in this report apply specifically to the samples listed in the attached Chain of Cusody. This report may only be duplicared in tull. Any deviations to sample integrity, method specifications, or Elevalion Diagnostics's standard operating procedures are documented in the report below. Please contact us for any qwstions or comments conceming the content of this report. Thank you Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing ,-) /J a-/':-{u--,.-,\ Kristen Reichel Laboratory Director cso,cco R6po.t#2152 Na proiorsly repotud Prge I of6 \cca{a)IaA. I!:ll IEiIIIrt IIt. ( , tlilIiEEtta152sEEd. ,t lIll0IIIuil0ft ,stt l I It' ,t, I It .c r ,l,* s$tI aIt a --.- ELEVATION 9 FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora, CO 80045 80G.440-5 r84 Report Drtc z 6/2412024 Rcport Timc : l0:28 4 0E72&t Danish Flab DRO/3RO, Aquear - DRO DRO/ORO, Aqueos - ORO Gasdine Ra€e Oganics, Aquous Vdatile Oganic Compornds - Beruau Vdatile Oganic Compornds - Ehy'b€nzene Vdatile Oganic Compomds - m&pXylene Vdatile Oganb Compornds - GXy'€ne Vdable Oganic Canpounds - Tduere Vdafle Oganic Conpounds - Xy'enes, tohl Mr0El2L2 Danish Flab lrdtand QC Report oRo30a7Analyb Rc*dtDUP M08673 213693.260 tilatix SpikeM08673 191722.9U MB M08906 Not Deioded LCS M08907 2020,934 LCS M08908 2128.371 Collcctod: 03302024 10:30 ffin1m24 Mn1m21 r03.01 79.18 <22580 - RLI <72.00 - RLl <78.00 - RLI <181.00 - RLI <99.00 - RLl <70.00 - RLt <280.00 - RLt 161 -l %Rec E7.7 94.0 99.0 mgl rflg^_ ps/t p9/t pg/L pdL pdL pdl pdL rndL '6 REC tin{tl 12:31 12:31 0.613 \ E01sD, TCEQ ir#od Txl 12.264 q E0150, TCEQ lvlffiod TXI 22s80 EPA8260061211m24 09:58 100.00 0611112024 00:00 100.00 0f,n1r&21 00:00 100.00 ffi111n024 00:00 100.00 06h1n024 00:00 100.00 Nl11m21 00:00 100.00 g6,h1n021 00:00 100.00 Colleclsd : 05/30/2021 10:3{) C6113f2021 09:'16 .10.00 72.N 78.00 181,00 99.00 70.00 280.00 100 EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d 80't5M Rcpodm Uml Uriltl pdL ps/r I'dL rrdL pdL Spalo Sourrl-ml Rault 3137.772 215000 3137 772 2150 21 50 RPORPO Limlt 10.838 Rrytn152 Not potiorsly reporbd Prge 3 of6 h d ffi Fr, d, b b *da ffi b tu beffi D#., d AnffiiItd u * h W d Cffif ffi. fh & w ttr b A*ad n M EI-EVATION FINAL RESULTS REPORT v Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora. CO 80045 800-440-5 I 84 Report Dete z 6/2412024 Rcport Time : l0:28 Projcct Meneger: Jon Goza QC Report Atrltt/tc R6ult oRo oRo AQTJEOIJS€2o8 Pmject Nemc: Danish Flats Project Number: N/A RearbgLitDit Utrits RPD Linit SF.Lc SouircLcvd Rcsuk '/RE %RECLi6irs RPD AA0qq7'r ilatrix Splke 123.52 61.50 8r.n 47.14 mg/L mdL rn/L mS/f ND ND 35 35 Nd Dolsctod Not Debded Not Ddeded Not Ddectod 1.n82m7m 6.859351988 DRO oRo msD 0Ro oRo 44\0!q17 uB DRO oRo 44\0!q18 LCS 0R0 oRo 44\0!91e DRO oRo Not Ddoclod Nd Ddeded mdL mdl 31.93 22.16 mdL m/L 91.2 63.3 36.08 51.2s mdL mdl 103 146 voc E2Go w-8ttE 4408903 MB Brornome0une Chlsome0une Napfihalene Tduene 440!901_ LCS <2.79 <2.63 <1.00 <0.70 pdL pgL pdL udl 1,1,1-Tri$laoehano 1, 1,2,2-Teilradlsoehane 1 ,1 ,2-Trictldoohane 1,1-D1dk o€&gle 1,2-Didrldo€tlane ,|,2-Dicfildopropdr€ Aod€an Benzoe Brqnofurm Bromomefiane Carbon hfad|hire Chlsobenzene Chlqodibsnomdrano Chloohrm Chlqome$une cis-l,30idlorooroene 41.76 60.66 52.52 53.68 46.79 50.00 61.35 50.E4 51.27 64.75 50.98 53.4{) 42.E0 19.69 63.55 49.61 l,gL ps/t ps/L ],'dL pdL pgL udL rrdL tJdL IJdL pdL tJdL pdL pdL pdL ldL 83.s 121 105 107 93.6 100 123 102 103 130 102 107 85.6 99.4 127 99.3 Rrrrltn152 Nd patrorslyr4cbd Pegc 4 of6h ffi W pb d, b b..td.. ffi b M br!e. M d Effi rea - s h tu d CLdr M h, twl ry dU b dW n tut Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 80G44G,5184 Report Drte: 612412024FINAL RESULTS REPORT Rcporrrime: t0:28 f 1,> ELEVATToN 9,l Pnoject Menegcr: QC Report AEdlrtG Ehy'bezen m&p-Xylene Naphhd€ne oXy'ene T*adildo€fiylon6 Tduene hans-1,2-Di$lorodrsp bans-,l,$Dichloropopene Projcct Nrmc: Danish Flats Lrtrits pdL wL ydL pdt TJdL TJStr pcL udL udL tJdL tJdL Projcct Numbcr: N/A %REC %Rc Liuia 108 r08 lm 99.1 't14 103 102 107 99.1 121 10s Jon Goza neathg Limit Sp.tc Sonpc L€vd R.6dt R}DRPD Lhn Trft$lorodrene Mny' dloride Xyl€ne, b,bl 44\0!905 __ RG.rlll 51.03 107.93 59.97 49.71 56.97 51.53 51.02 53.14 49.57 61.75 157.6{ 1,1,1-Trk$loroefiane 1,1,2,2-T$adlorco$ane 1,.l,2-Trirrlq@hano '1,l-Didilsoofime l,20icfrlorodrane 1,2-Didkropropane Acrddn Bgrzene Bromohm Erqnomefiane Ca6fi htadllqiro Chlqoberueoe Chlomdbrqnome0rarc Chlqofurm Chlaome$une ci+l,3oidrlcopropene Ehylbauen m&pXylene Naphhal&€ oXy'en To0adrlo.odryhno Tdugte has.1,2-Dichbroehme bans-1,&Dichloropropene Triibroe$me Vinr$bid6 Xr€n€, hbl 45.34 12.U 61.00 51.98 36.88 59.47 37.21 35.87 49.12 64.34 51.27 10.19 51.60 39.06 59.85 39.11 12.28 71.93 39.10 35.08 16.11 36.31 39.97 35.1 1 39.53 61.27 110.01 pdt rrdL TJdL l.rdL pdL pyL pgL ]rdL vdL p9/L IJdL |rgl pgL pdL udL wL ps/r rrdL pdt l4/L pdL pdL ],rdL jralL pdL ].tdt pdL 90.7 84.9 't28 104 73.8 1't9 71.1 11.7 98.2 I29 103 80.4 10s 78.1 1m 78.9 81.6 71.9 70.2 92.8 76.7 79.9 70.2 79.1 123 73.3 Reportf2l52 Ndpra,ionlyrep(bd Prgc 5 of6 n dHrmro,b h r* ffi bM erte, otfrb d Mt*tq a F h tu d Oddf ffi tn ryt ry df b *d a U 'ffi,+l'- i: L. I il 13. i iO Fe #F;,# FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 8()o45 800-440-5 t84 Rcport Date : 6124/2024 Report Time : 10:28 lflanegcr: Jon Goza Nemc: Danish Flats Numbcr:N/A Qualifier H1 H2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 B1 82 MS Explanation Sample received outside of regulatory holding time. Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error. Sample received outside temperature requirements, G6'C. Sample received unpreserved. Broken or leaking sample container. Sample improperly collecled Sam ple i ncnnectly preserved Blank failed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results. Blank failed low, indicating possible low bias in sample results. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference. Sunogate re@very failed, indicating potential matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to limited sample. Sample result less than method detection limit. Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method deteclion limit. Elecironic loss or corruption of data. Subcontracled sample D1 D2 S RL1 RL2 U J E I Report #2.l52 tlot pevious' reported Prge 6 of6h D{. Bd da o, b h rrldr. .ffib M aq,*.- M d EMa t @n c A b W d Addy dffi h Wt ry dly b d.de n tul ELEVAT ''*VI Division of Envircnmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora. CO t0045 80Gzt40-5184 luly 22,2024 I54O P RD Lomr CO t1524 970{&t$153 denishflatsl @gmail.com Projcct Manrger: Jon Goza Projcct Neme : Danish Flats Project Numbcr: N/A Attached are the analyical results flor Danish Flars N/A received by Elevation Diagnostics. Division of Environmental Testing on July 02, 2024. This is associated with Elevation's number4A09637 . I-tre results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the report as follows: "SW" is referring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium; "EPA" is referring to 40 CFR part 136: "HACH" is referring to a method which was validated by HACH@: "SM" is referring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater; and 'ASTM" is referring to the standard test method set forth by ASTM International. The analytical results in this report apply specilically to the samples listed in the attached Chain of Custody. 'lhis report may only be duplicated in full. Any devialions to sample integrity, method specifications, or Elevation Diagnostics's standard operating procedures are documented in the report below. Please contact us for any questions or comments conceming the content of this report. Thank you Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing /-/J i> ,/ ,4.. ' '{ "--Z -,-,--\ Kristen Reichel Laboratory Director cso,cco R€portf806 l.ldpredoslyrepormd Pagc I of5 \co6a()E'6raiEs,sI*6sIIg5 .6 t Irt!t5UE iE!EiI5iri9l aobtttE! :r !3iBTIEE&3'5ots6z.@oNItEaod. aIttcIrcI'fia TI AIclat rl8t cl I,. 1 , i : i RI 1 J I It J r I oi _ ' I I 'i ! I !: t I i zZ I zt a I !t c I c du j ti i .9 i Pq61o!@3 .g I oi sioi a- cP9 t! !ot -ofr J i= ti f t , . " l r o : l o rl .l - l- pq d u l c s at e g i sr B i f l E o-tr6t,oEoo .l r l q Id q l: t :- q o Fi t 5 c al t 1 ^ d- Y1 0 i i :T E E . :. d t >o i <! c c c:ldqc! El-ou-EothfUoCG(J li lf f i i li i ,i -- 1 ll -- l t a I I -i I - I I '- r i ! rc q I ll $ * ' i l l[ ti i i i I ll ! : ! I iH I .l l l tl ,l $ I if l i f i : l li ; i+ ! i ! l I Ir l r l l t E ; E I _1 i f i " 1 8 g ! ; i taaa a{!i6 r D- r a t tl . n ELEVAT ',,* ,V "4 FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 80G440-5184 Rcport Detc : 1122t2024 Rcporl Timc : l5:09 AA00Gl7-l Oanish Flab Gadine Rarpe Oganics, Aqueos Vdatilo Oganic Canrpornds - Bauene Vdable Oganic Cqnporntls - Ehy'b€nzone Vdatile Oganic Compounds - m&PXylene Vdatile Oryanic Conpornds - oXy'ane Vdatile &ganic Comparnds - Tduane Vdade Oganic Conpounds - Xytmes, bbl Mll96:17-2 oanish Flab DRO/ORO, Aqueous - DRO DRO/ORO, Aqueors - ORO AA09G}7.3 Danish Flats llo0tand QC Report oRo€850 AnelybDUP M09828 tvlabix $ike M09828 MB M09900 LCS M09901 LCS M09902 R.sult 1017.65 950.87 <225.80 1284.50 1 308.34 Collcbd: 06292024 10:30 07n21m24 07:25 .10.00 071121N21 00:ffi 10.00 07hAn24 00:00 10.00 071flf2024 00:00 10.00 07n2n024 00:00 10.00 07fi2nn21 00:00 10.00 07n21m24 00:00 10.00 Collcc'bd: 06292021 10:30 07n9n021 07t19t2024 2521.74 - P4 Nd Ddedod - P4,Rl-1 Not Modod - P4,RL1 Nd O€tect€d - P4,RL1 Nd Dd€d€d - P4,RL1 Nd De[€ci€d - Pl,RLl Not Ddoded - P4,RL'| 48.87 12.66 f.lot Oet€dod - | SouroR€ailt 96R.c Not msded No( D€tedod 88.5 0.613 { 80,l5D, TCEQ ltlohod Tx1 12.264 C 8015D, TCEQ t!|6$od TX't 10:31 10:31 pdL pdL ps/L pdL pg/L pgL uS/t ndL mdL rndL % REC Umltl 225.N 7.20 7.80 18.10 9.90 7.00 28.00 EPA E26O EPA 826& EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d Collcctud: 0ff29/2024 10:30 R.Dorfrig Umit 07t$n024 Uriltt pdL pdL ].'dL udL pdL 06:tl6 1075 1075 1075 10.0 RPD 9.6852 8015M RPD tifldt Sdl(. Lwbl 119 122 Reort f2306 Nd proixsly reporbd Prgc 3 of6fh fi ffi Ftn oq e tu.agbr ffi b ffi A.rdH. M d ffi LaE s F fr tu d C/et ffi tu @i q dtr b o*fr 3 il ELEVI\TION FINAL RESULTS REPORT , Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora CO 80045 800440-5r84 Report Dete : 712?/2024 Rcport Time : l5:09 Project Mrneger: Jon Goza QC Report Ardy!. Rcauh DRO-ORO-AGlUE()tr8€7'16 Project Nrme: Danish Flats Project Number: N/A Rqqtiag Limit Unitr Spllrc SorEL.nd Rgulr t/.RE %RECLirritB RPD RPD Limit 44\0!q37 ilatrix Splke 60.63 20.48 60.31 m.23 ndL mgL ms/L rndL 46.E7 12.66 48.87 ,2.66 33.6 22.3 35 35 .5n18N2712 .22819945959 DRO oRo MSD DRO oRo 440!qe1 UB DRO oRo 440!9e5 LCS DRO oRo 840!qL Not Dd€d€d NdHod€d mdL mgL 32.92 33.33 rng/L mdL 94.1 95.2 DRO oRo voc 8200 wa806 38.04 1't.M mdL mS/L 109 r19 4409813 uB 1 , I , 1 -Trichloroehane J, 1,2,2-T€fad|lao€fi ano 1, 1 ,2-Tridloroehane 1,1-lDidkroe0en€ 1,2-Didkroe$ane Acroldn Benzene Bromohrm Brornomehane Carbql hfadrlqido Chlorobenzene Chlorodibrqnonefiane Chlorohrm Chlqofilofiane cis-l,3oidlaopropene E$ylbenzene mEp-Xyhne oXY'lene Tdadtlaoefiy,lene Tduene bans-1,2-Dir$lorodtene tans-,|,3-Didlo(opropono Not D€tedod Nd Deteded NotDdedod Ndmocied Nol Ddoded Nd Ddeded Not Deteded Ndhed€d <2.79 Nd D€t€ded Nd Oetedod Nd Det€ct€d Nd Ddocied <2.63 NdDdedod Nd Deteded Not Deteded tld D€tedod Not D€teded <0.70 Not Ddocied Nd Doteded ps/L ps/t pdL pdL pdL ps/l pgtr pdL pdL vdL udL udL pdL ldl tdL pdL usa trS/L IJdL udL psa pdL RAo.l#2306 |ld panolsly repofud Prgc 4 of5h e W gb urf b h *t*, ffi bM frr'EG ffi d ffi l&4 a F h tu d Cddy ffi lb ryt ry dy b 69fr o U ELEVAT '"* .VI Division of Environmental Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora. CO 80045 800-440-5t84 Rcport Drtc z 7122D024 FINAL RESULTS REPORT Project Menrgcr: Jon Goza QC Report Projcct Nrmc: Danish Flats thiE pdL pdL ps/L Timc: 15:09 Proicct Number: N/A %nEc Lhilr&rCyt Tri$lorodme Viny' &bide Xyldn, htal 4409911 LCS Rcailt Nd D€t€ded Nd Doted€d Nd ootod€d nrpctiag Linil RPDnPD Linir Sp&c SGccI.rr{/,d Rlrdt 'tRE 1,,l,'l-TrirjrlolG$ane 1,1,2,2-Tfadrlsoefiarc ,l,1,2-TriJrlqoofiane l,lOidiloroefiae 1,2-Didiloroe&ane 1,2-Dir$kropropane Acrdeit Bazme Brsmhm Brqnometnne Cabm bbadlcire Chlorobsuene Chlcrodfuornsneff ne Chlorofuim Chloromehane ci+1,3-Didloopropene E$y'banzene mElXyleno oXy'ene T€tadloodlyl€ne Tduae tanc"l,20iJllorce$gte tsans-1,3-Dicfi kropropene Tril$loroefigle Viny' dlodde Xrcte,M 4409815 0.05935 0.u212 0.01475 0.05739 0.05292 0.05803 0.05295 0.05953 0.05E88 0.05161 0.061E6 0.04288 0.01604 0.06207 0.04648 0.05550 0.u590 0.r0197 0.04645 0.05610 0.06320 0.05791 0.0s288 0.04991 0.04133 0.118/.2 pdL pdL ugL ps/t pdL l,ts/t pdL rrdL pdL pdL pdL pdL ps[ ps/t pyL udL udl tJdL vdt pgL IJdL ].!s/L !dL 'JdLudt l,g/L 119 u.2 69.5 115 106 116 r06 119 118 103 130 85.8 96.1 124 93.0 llt 93.8 r02 92.9 112 r26 r16 106 99.8 8E.7 9E.9 f f f-fnatfr."trr*0.05088 0.06156 0.05922 0.0{/|05 0.05130 0.06496 0.06235 0.06129 0.00[74 0.03739 0.06353 0.06479 pdL pdL pdL tdL t s/t ps/L pdL pdL lrs/t pdL pdl vslL 102 129 118 88.1 109 r30 125 1n 129 71.8 127 130 1, 1,2,2-Tebadrloroe6ane 1,1,2-Triilcoefiane l,loidilaodpne l,20ichlaoe$ate 1,20d&ropropane Acrd€an Benzsp Erunoftrm Brqnomefiano Csbon bfafibrido Chlqobenzene R€portf2306 l.lotprwiously r+ated Pegc 5 of6lheffiFtadtlohr.r&.ffib EMAnffi. ffi dffi L*a a F h dra d CNf ffi fb ryl w dy b a*d 5 d f .-, ELEvArroN gI FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l I 5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora CO 80045 80G440-5 t84 Rcport Detc : 712212024 Rcport Timc : l5:09 Projcct Mrneger: Jon Goza QC Report Ari/tc Chlaodbruncndrane Chlorofurm Chlqomefiane cis-1,3-Didrloogoparc Ehy'beuar m&PXybno oXylarc Tefiadlooe6ylene Tduene bans-'1,2-Di$loroefi fi o bans- 1, 3-Didlo{opropdte Tddrlorodlone Mny' dloride Xylarc, tohl Qualifier H1 H2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 B1 82 MS Pmject Nemc: Danish Flats nrportlng Srito SorccRrrlrh Lirdt Uoits L.vd R.rdl %R.c 112 90.1 1t5 r30 129 ln 128 130 130 107 124 120 130 128 Projcct Number: N/A ToREC Li6ia RPD RPD LiEir 0.05609 0.01521 0.05728 0.00[99 0.06165 0.12E65 0.06394 0.06475 0.06487 0.05339 0.06209 0.05979 0.(nr98 0. r9259 Exolanation p9/r us/r pdl pdL pdl pdL ps/t pdL t g/L pdL trg/t ps/L pdL pdL D1 D2 S RL1 RL2 U J E I Sample received outside of regulatory holding time. Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error. Sample received outside temperature requirements, G6'C. Sample received unpreserved. Broken or leaking sample container. Sample improperly colleded Sample i ncorreclly preserved Blank failed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results. Blank tailed low, indicating possible low bias in sample results. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference. Surrogate re@very failed, indicating potential matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to limited sample. Sample result less than method detection limit. Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method detection limit. Electronic loss or conuption of data. Subcontracted sample R€podf2306 Ncf previq$ly r€pdhd Prgc 6 of6h M W Fra ay b h.aP,.. ffi b EHb Oqe k d EffiI*4 a F h tu d Mf de h ryt aq d, x At*ard. N ELEVAT '*V Division of Envircnmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M0A Aurora, CO 80045 800-440-5 I 84 August 08, 2024 I54O P RD Lomr, CO t1524 970{t3-&53 denishllrtsl @gmei!.com Projcct Menegcr: Jon Goza Projcct Nrmc : Danish Flats Projcct Numbcr: N/A Auached are the analltical results for Danish Flats N/A rcceived by Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing on July 29, 2024. This is associated with Elevation's numberAAl0619 . The results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the report as follows: "SW" is referring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium; "EPA" is referring to 40 CFR part 136; "HACH" is referring to a method which was validaled by HACH@; "SM" is referring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater; and "ASTM" is referring to the standard test method set forth by ASTM Intemational, The analytical results in this report apply specifically to the samples listed in the anached Chain of Custody. This report may only be duplicated in full. Any deviations to sample integrity, method specifications, or Elevation Diagnostics's standard operaling procedures are documented in the report below. Please contact us for any questions or comments conceming the content of this report. Thank yoq Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing Report#2108 SnpplemeilbTestReport2107or:8812021I'l:19:3E Pegc I of6 \oo6ta)EOa!atsi:rl _6 t lr i!UEil tEIIrtaobttist it !liFEI@o=Not!a€EFoNE&tEFo-eo5aatcD€o:l tE.6E r[ - - - - l rn i: l .9 EY i t) P8 l g !" 1 i -: lL< t00 : I .q g I rr O: lu l : l+ O E I lg t E i li t i o t ll t r i r tr i li e I 5: la : t ll . n l: Y z lz : ' . l-e -i: t t Ir ! q1" . , I : eo E oa>itEf 3z)-=\ <E Iioz t; l: g l: O t9 a lP 6 Ir r l,0 IE F - rl te u l g u o ) , o ^1nt. lJ'ro< , 1 5' ', v a4(c 1- ' fi ' r *r r fto:P. E Ei ! *i :3q E EE i or o oIcoc0u6' II-l !.,1d:i:lrlac I {6 I Io li Y -o l s ii r 5 #9 q 3; i ii > U< U El-oLt -Eo+)ct:,Uoc'6-c(J !rJZt6 c.9oLU(,6c,oEot^ ELEVAT ',"*VI .17 FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora. CO 80045 80G.440-5184 Report Dete : 8/812024 ReportTime: ll:50 Projcct Mrnegcr: Jon Goza Projccl Nemc: Danish Flats Projcct Numbcr: N/A Srmolc ID I Cuctomcr ID Collcctcd Dilotior Rcrrlt Unitr MI'L Mcthod R.t Anrhrte Nrmc A[rlv3lr Strrt Rccovcr.v A^t06t$r ftoduction Water Vdatile Oqanic Cornpounds - Benzene Vdatile Oryanic Cmpomds - Ehy'banzene Vdatile Oqanic Conpom& - m&pXylene Volatile Oqanic Conporn<h - oXy'arc Vdalile Oganic Compounds - Toluene Vdafle Oganic Cornpornds - Xy'enes, total M106192 Produdion Water DRO/ORO, Agueos - DRO DRO/ORO, Aqueous - ORO Gasoline Range Organics, Aqu€ous AA1061$3 ilefiand Produdim Water Collectcd:. 07D3f2021 08M12024 13:& MMn024 13:40 08Mn024 13:tl0 08,012024 13:tt0 08M12024 13:40 08M12024 13:40 Collocted : 0712312024 Nl0?12024 13:34 0402J2024 13:34 0810712024 16:43 Colloctod : 07DA2024 07Blm21 15:41 Not Dot€dod Not Ddslad Nd Dot€cted Not D€teded <70 - RL1 Not Dd€cted 288.27 - MS 3't9.95 - MS Not Ddodod - MS,RLI,P1 18.0 - | 0.613 q E0150, TCEO ltt€hod TXI 12.264 { 8015D, TCEO lvl€thod TXI 22580 EPA 8260 EPA 8015M 13:00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100 00 13:00 10.00 10.00 r00.00 l3:00 pg/L IJdL pdL pdL ps/L pdL mdl m9/L pg/L mg/L 0.72 0.78 1.81 0.99 0.70 2.80 EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d 10.0 Roport #2408 Supplanart b Test Report 2407 m: 8/M024 11:49:3E Prge 3 of6h M w Fb dt b tu..rt . ffi to Etu o.e,@. Dtah d €ffiLfrC $ F h tu d ClMf ffi h ryt w d* b a4*e n M ELEvAr,o*)fDli'c,t..j()')TI('v Division of Envircnmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora, CO E0045 80G440-5184 FINAL RE,SUI.]TS REPORT Rcpor.t Drtc : 81Ef2024 RcportTfunc: ll:50 Projcct Mrnrgrr: Jon Coza QC Report aC ArS,r m{c{DIJP MIO6I9 i&frixSpf,e M10619 MB M10805 LCS AA1m06 Projcct Nrmc: Danish Flats ProlcctNrmbcn N/A nrd lhtM ildDdeded Ndh€d€d 1636.8'l nffiU.t f.tr I'DIID Lr .i. ", : rxrcltrtoib 6GIrrd *d !3rr pdt udt pdt rrdt 2150 76.1 Reort#210E Supplemot b Td Rqot 2107 or: 88/202{ I I :49:38 lb rr,' U Fn *ybh.-d- rffidb *, a.ge, tut d tuffiaI*t - F h tut d @f ffi fL rd irq dt b AW 5 U-Prgc 4 of5 ELEVAT ,*VI FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3M)A Aurora CO 80045 80G440-5184 Rcport Drte z U812024 RcportTimc: ll:50 Projccl Mrnrger: Jon Coza QC Report aC Amlyto R6ult DRO ORO AOttE(XrS4tgo Projcct Nrmr: Danish Flats Rcportirg SplcLimir uniB l,Id SomG Rcaulr Y.R* Projccl Numbcr: N/A '/oREfLimitt RPDRPD Li6ir 4410619 llatuix Sgike DRO MafixSpke ORO MSD DRO MSD ORO 531.09 427.50 583.26 500 10 rE/L 350 rp/l- 350 Ilyga mdL 288.27 319.95 28f.27 319.95 69.4 30.7 .36330s9631 1 s.6532988357 4410802 MB DRO MB ORO Nd Ddec{6d Nd Dc(sd€d rndL rndl A410803 LCS LCS DRO oRo 25.87 18.93 32.14 38.19 rndl mg/L 73.9 51.1 AAl0804 LCS DRO LCS ORO voc 8260 w4182 A gr.a mg/t 109 AAl0578 Dup Chlqoform Matix S$ke Chlorobm AAr0723 696 72.1 38.66 36.ffi Not D€tocled <1.00 Nd D€todod Not Dotoded Not D€tedod Not Deteded M*med€d 50 Nd D€t€d€d l,,lot Dotoded ps/L us/L MB MB MB MB MB MB MB 441qz?A LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS Benzene Chlqofurm Ehy'bazene m&pXybne oXy'ene Toluene Xy,l6e, btd u9[ ydL tlS/t tJdL rdl pdL pdL Benzene Chloroftrm Ehylbenzgu m&pXylene oXy'ene Tduene Xy'ae, bbl Benzene Chloroform EhYibonzs|€ m&Fxylone GXylene Tduene Xy'ene, bbl s9.98 u.31 61.10 r 13.84 52.88 58.74 r66.72 14.08 36.48 59.36 92.21 42.91 44.49 t35.15 pdl udL ps/L ps/L ps/r pdL pdl 1m 88.6 122 114 106 117 111 88.2 73.0 119 92.2 85.8 89.0 90.'r pdL pg/L pdL pdL ps/t pdL pdL AA10725 LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS Rqortfr2408 Srpplemat to Test Report 2107 st: M2021 I 1:49:38 Pege 5 of5h M ffi Fta dtr b h r.tdt ffi btu Cbrtc. AY* d eMlaq a q h tu d Wy ffi h Wl ry q, b aeacld n U l> ELEvarroN a, / FINAL RESUIXS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 80G,,140-5 t 84 Report Dete : 818/2024 ReportTimc: ll:50 Projcct Mrnrgcr: Jon Goza Projcct Nrme: Danish Flats Projcct Numbcr: N/A Srmplc ID I Cuttomcr II)Collcctcd IXhtbn Rcroh Urlrr MDL Meflnd [ef- Anrlvte Nrmc ArrlwbSrrt Rccovcrv Qualifier ExolanationH1 Sample received outside of regulatory holding time.H2 Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error.P1 Sample received outside temperature requirements, 0-6"C.P2 Sample received unpreserved.P3 Broken or leaking sample container.P4 Sample improperly collededP5 Sample inconectly preservedBl Blank failed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results.82 Blank failed low, indicating possible low bias in sample results.MS Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference.D1 Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration.D2 Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference.S Surrogate recovery failed, indicating potential matrix interference.RLI Reporting limits raised due to matrix interference.RL2 Reporting limits raised due to limited sample.U Sample result less than method detection limit.J Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method detection limit.E Electronic loss or com:ption of data.I Subcontracted sample Repodr240E &ippHnottoTctReport 2407m:M202111:49:38 TGf;,#XflfrEffiWH#ffiMdE@ page 6 of 6 f.C ELEVATToN II Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora. CO 80045 800-440-5 I 84 Sepember 25,2024 t540 P RI) Lome, CO t1524 970{83{rs3 drnishfletsl @gmril.com Project Manrgcr: Jon Goza Project Neme : Danish Flats Pnoject Number: N/A Attached are the analytical results for Danish Flats N/A received by Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing on September 11.2024. This is associated with Elevation's numberAAl1966 . I'he results were analyzed under the guidelines of various methods. These methods are identified in the report as follows: "SW" is referring to the EPA's SW-846 Compendium: "EPA" is referring to 40 CFR part 136: "HACH" is re ferring to a method which was validated by HACH@; "SM" is rrferring to a revision of the Standard Methods For the Examination of Water and Wastewater; and "AS'[M" is referring to the standard test method set forth by ASTM Intemational. The analytical results in this report apply specifically to the samples listed in th€ attached Chain of Custody. This report may only be duplicated in full. Any deviations to sample integrity, method specifications, or Elevation Diagnostics's standard operating procedures are documented in the regrrt below. Please contact us for any questions or comments conceming the content of this report. 'fhank yoq Elevation Diagnostics, Division of Environmental Testing R6portf2707 Ndpra,iorslyroportod Pege t of7 F GIga!!t& E : i= II{ttr,ta(Ee!#ta iIItiiIt il :1.!iIEII 8EI 6t.E tsoz. tsoNN* E.on i;{ I IfiI5i!: Ei!: I-ea= 3 3* r 44U I Ttn ii.9 i5P :8o:-=o03(E3o; CEo;a-gv9o! OE-:lrl ;: I 'o I> ? tp -t'g f.>> a ..!EEI= toa E6?tIIl, s3 siNI r}rI Fl ,, rilHi \ rl ttt t ts)toa gI E f ! o o5 Etz o e Eoz ;iql,arlJgS. crA- rol$id';t E.!t:X' u-EEEtitruiQs o El-ou- t,o*.taf(J lFo c'6 -c(J Ir iE ,o o ! att, ELEVAT ',,*VI FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora. CO 80045 80G.440-5r84 Report Date : 912512024 Report Timc : 12:41 Project Mrnrgcr: Jon Goza Projccl Nrmc: Danish Flats Projccl Numbcr: N/A Srmoh ID I Cuctomcr II)Colhctcd Diluior Rcrnft Unitr MDL Marhod Rrf- Anrhrlr Nrma Alrhrh Strtt Rccovcrry AA1196&l Produdim Water Volatile Organic Cornpounds - Benzene Vdable Oganh Compounds - Ehy'benzene Vdalile Oganb CompqrnG - m&gxylen€ Vdalile Organic Comparnds - aXy'are Vdatilo Organic Cunpounds - Toluene Vdalile Oqanic Corpornds - Xy'enes, total M1196&2 Produdim Water DRO/ORO, Aqueos - DRO DRO/ORO, Aqueors - ORO Gasdine Range Ogilics, Aqusous AAll96G3 Producton Water lrle$and Colbctod: 09t17t2024 09t17n024 09117n024 09t17n024 Nt17n0?4 w1tm24 Collocted: 09119t2024 49119n021 09n5n024 Colleclsd: 09t16tN24 08/31/2021 11:30 10:26 100.00 10:26 100.00 10:26 100.00 10:26 '100.00 10:26 100.00 10:26 100.00 08/31/2024 '14:30 16:19 50.00 16:19 10.00 00:31 1,000.00 08/31/2024 14:30 07:00 1,000.00 197,82 <78.00 - RLI <181.00 - RL'l <99.00 - RLI 327.77 <280.00 - RLt 2381.29 - MS Nd Detted€d - RLl fi3712.41 165000 - | pdL IJdL ps/t pdL pgL ps/r mdL 0.72 78.00 181.00 99.00 0.70 280.00 0,613 122.64 225.80 r0000 EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA 8260d EPA SMOd EPA8O15O, TCEO EPA8O15D, TCEQ EPA 8260 8015M mS/L mg/r pdL Re4utt2707 Nd pret icusly repdt€d Prgc J of7h M ffi Fra aly b b.ttd.. ffi b Etu Dqtu. tu d Effi t dE - F h tu d C.ddy ae tu ryt ry u, b d*d n M ELEVATIONDIACNOSTICS I'INAL RESTTI.JTS REPORT Dtvblon of Envfuunmcntrl Tbcfng 2l15 N Scrmton St Suib 3(X0A Anora, Cl) 80045 t0G,l.l0-51E4 RoportDrtc r 9D5fN24 RcportTho: 12:41 Prol.ctMr{pn JonCrq Pror.rt Nuc: Ihnfuh Rtb hqlcctNrrbcn N/A ItF AAflS6 Me$rc AAfl9G6 13 Ml1214 LCS Mt2124 LCS ^At2l25 n1?5frL04 arxl6r0 %.u t71s.21 1534.39 79.8 71.1 2'150 21fi ye,L ue,t ue,L pg,t ttrL *,* U fri t bt.+..rffr5&r*r*rot Or&r C ffiNdglu',ioltyEpqbd ,h,rytqrf'b.{t.d,|,{,Prp 4 of7 ELEvAr,.*vI FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmentel Testing 2l 15 N Scranton St Suite 30404 Aurora CO 80045 80G.440-5t84 Report Detc : 9/25/2024 Report Time : 12:41 Projcct Mrnrgcr: Jon Coza QC Report aC Aorb/tc Rcrldt DRO_ORO_AOUEOrrS{E3o Prcjcct Nemc: Danish Flats ncpoiline SpleLimir Unirs lrvd Sqrcc R6di c/6R.oc Project Numbcr: N/A 7o RF,C Limit! RPDRPD Linit A r1e66_ [{Sir Sp*e DRO llatix $ike ORO DRO oRo I 105.85 321.12 1667.73 111.17 mS/L mdL rndt rndL 1750 23E1.4 <%ilDL% 350 lld Debcted 91.8 2381.29 Ndmsded MSD MSD AAlat_eQ 0.516s886687 5.9277E13130 MB DRO MB ORO Nc[ Dd€ded Ndh€ded mdl rnS/t aAl21eQ LCS DRO LCS ORO &\r2_200LCS oROLCS ORO VOC 8230 W.lE17 mg/L mg/L mdl - -g6.4-- rndL 100 44.67 27.29 30.38 35.17 128 78.0 AArl!e2_-- Dup T€trachlo.oo$ylene Dup Tri$lorc€fiene Matix Sflke Toba$lqo€fiy,lene hlatrir SSlike Tridtloroehene 49.64 4E.51 15.89 45.n 91.8 udl us/tpdL 50 ps/t <0.50 <0.50 7.85 5.8r &A12t49-- MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB M8 MB MB MB MB MB MB MB MB A412150 Etry'bouene mEpxyhne Naphhalene oXy'ene Styene 1, 2,4-Trimehylbenzene <1.00 1,3,S-Trime$y'benzene<1.00 Aodein Not Doteded Benzene NdDet€ded Chldoehgte NdH€d€d Chlorobm <1.00 Chloqnefiane <2.63 Didrhundrane <5.64 pdL pdL udl udL t s/L pdL pdL lrdL pdL ustr p9a ps/t pdl pdL pdL pdL pdL <0.78 <1.81 <1.00 <0.99 <1.00 Itradlloroofi ylone Not Detod€d Iduene <0.70 Tri$loroethene <0.69 Xy'an, htal <2.80 LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS 1,2,1-Trlndry'b$zsto 64.22 1,3,$Trim€&rbenzarl,e il.57 Acroldn 63.29 Benzene 64.53 Chlorodrane 46.28 Chlooftrm 35.36 !dL us/t pdL pdL pdL pdL 128 1N 121 1N 92.6 10.7 Report #2707 No( prwiosly repoded Pagc 5 of7h Dfr ffi Fd- dty b h.atv,.. ffi b M O@e ffi d €ffilieg.. p h CM d ClNy ffi h twl Nf dny b A*d n d f-, ELEVATION ?/ FINAL RESULTS REPORT Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora, CO 80045 800-,140-5 I 84 Report Drte t 9/2512024 R"pq4J!q", 12,41 Projccl Mrnrgcr: Jon Goza QC Report OC Andtrc LCS Chloromehane LCS Didtkromo$ane LCS Ehy'bqlzeno LCS mtp-Xy'ene LCS Naphtulem LCS oXy'ar LCS LCS LCS LCS LCS Styeno Tfadtloro€Sry,lone Tduene Tri$lomefioe Xy'ene, bbl Projcct Nrmc: Danish Flats Unitg udL udL ],'dL pdL udl pgL pdL ugL pdL ps/t uS/t Projcct Numbcr: N/A .A8;EC Y*E Linil! 74.5 74.1 119 127 85.5 127 104 99.4 125 r04 127 nacthg Limit Sfflrc Lcvd Sonor Rcrult RPDRPD LintR.ult 37.21 37.03 s9.69 1m.82 43.25 63.64 52.20 49.71 62.35 s2.04 190.46 aar?,l5r LCS 1,2,eTrimoftylb0zfle64.61 LCS 1,3,'Irindy,lb€nzene64.34 LCS Acrcldn 64.94 LCS Bsuene 61.56 LCS Chkroe$ane 63.59 LCS Chlorchrm 40.16 LCS Chldom€bane 35.57 LCS Dichlqoop$ane 42.37 LCS EfiylbsEene LCS m&pxylene LCS Naphunlene LCS oXy'ane LCS Stf€ne tCS Tofadlco€tty,lone 64.57 LCS Tdugre 61.57 LCS Tri$lorcdtgte 55.95 LCS Xy'en, bhl '194.11 61.95 129.54 18.07 64.87 64.95 p9a pdL pdL ps/L pgl ps/t ps/t pdL p9/t pdL ps/L pdL udL pdL pgL pdL pdL 129 lN 130 1E 127 80.3 71.1 u.7 130 130 96.1 130 130 129 1n 112 130 Roportf2707 Nd pGrriqJsty roporbd Prge 6 of 7 h n& W Ftu u* b A.at,.. ffi b tu Dq,&. tu d ffi t fr, a F h W d Q@ de h, qt q d, b A*ad o M ELEVAT ',,*VI Division of Environmental Testing 2l l5 N Scranton St Suite 3040A Aurora" CO 80045 80G.440-5t84 Report Drrc t 9/2512024FINAL RESULTS REPORT Repori rime : tz:41 Projcct Mrnrgcr: Jon Goza Projcct Nrmc: Danish Flats Projccl Numbcr: N/A Semplc ID I Cortomcr II)Collccted Dilrtio Rcrult Ueits MDL Mctf,od Rrf- Anrhrlc Nrma Aurlvrb Srrrr Rccovcrry Qualifier H1 H2 P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 B1 82 MS Exolanation Sample received outside of regulatory holding time. Sample analyzed outside of regulatory holding time due to a laboratory error. Sample received outside temperature requirements, 0€'C. Sample receivd unpreserved. Broken or leaking sample container. Sample improperly collected Sample inconeclly preserved Blank failed high, indicating possible high bias in sample results. Blank failed low, indicating possible low bias in sample results. Matrix Spike / Matrix Spike Duplicate recovery and/or RPD limit exceeded, indicating potential matrix interference. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to low sample concentration. Duplicate RPD limit exceeded due to matrix interference. Surrogate recovery iai led, i ndicatin g potential matrix i nterference. Reporting limits raised due to matrix interference. Reporting limits raised due to limited sample. Sample result less than method detection limit. Sample result less than reporting limit but higher than method detection limit. Electronic loss or corruption of data. Subcontracled sample D1 D2 S RL1 RL2 U J E I UTAII DEPARI.MENT_dF-EI_VEoTIGNI]Ar QuALrrY DIVI.SION OF AIR OUALITY Report f2707 Nd previorsly reported Pege 7 of 7 h nfi W Fra dy to h rtd.. ffi to Ebe D.g*r. tu d En@dtdq 6 F h tu d Ad6f ae h, ryn ry dry b 4*d n U