TO: Executlve Secretary Utah Air Quality Board
FROM: Danish Flats Waste Solutions
RE: Deviation Report for Permit S1900046001
DATE: October 4,2024
ln accordance with Operating Permit provisions 1.S.2.c, and Utah Administrative Code (UAC)
R3O7- a15-6a(3Xc)(ii), the following deviation report is submitted:
1. Llst the dates the deviation occurred: Start: 912512024 Endz9l25l2O24
2. Permlt condition for which the devlatlon occurred:
Conditions 11.8.1.b.1
3. Describe the deviatlon that occurred:
Danish Flats Waste Solutions requested a permit modification to allow 14 days for water
sample analysis. The site was in compliance with this time limit except for the August
sample, which was analyzed 17-25 days after collection.
4. Describe the probable cause of the deviatlon:
Sample did not reach the lab soon enough.
5. Descrtbe the corrective actlons or Preventative measures taken:
Danish Flats Waste Solutions will pay for expedited sample shipment.
ln accordance with Operating Permit provision l.K and UAC R-307-415-5d, and based on
information and belief formed and by reasonable inquiry I certify that the statements
and information in this document are true, accurate, and complete.
/O- t-a q
ot.rAt tTY
Signature of a Responsible Official for the Source
Print or type the name and title of Responsible Official
Initials JBR Date 11/18/24
Comp Status Meets
File # 14185 Blue 2
post dev shipments/labs timely.