HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-014143Utah Department Of Environmental Quality Division Of Drinking Water Level 2 Assessment Level 2 Assessment General System Information Exception Granted: R309-510-8(1) Storage Sizing | Rule R309-510-8(1), Storage Sizing, specifically states that water system shall provide storage volume for equalization storage, to satisfy average day demands and for fire suppression storage if the system is equipped with fire hydrants. This water system is a non-transient system where if there was a problem with the water, the egg processing plant could be shut down and people sent home or water could be hauled in on a temporary basis. This system does have two hydropneumatic tanks that provide some storage. The system also recently drilled another well to drinking water standards that could be connected to the system in the future if the need arises. Fire flow is not provided off of the drinking water system. A separate dedicated line sourced by other on-site wells provides fire flow. On this basis, an exception to R309-510-8(1), Storage Sizing (HD001) and R309-550-5(4), Minimum Water Main Size (DS001), is hereby granted for The Rigtrup Egg Processing Plant System. Exception Granted: R309550-5(4) Minimum Line Size | Rule R309-550-5(4), Minimum Water Main Size, states that for water mains not connected to fire hydrants, the minimum line size shall be 4 inches. This water system provides water for an egg washing facility that has three restrooms, a resident, and irrigation for less than 0.10 acres of landscaping. An existing 2-inch PVC line serves these facilities from the existing Processing Well (WS001). An analysis of the overall system capacity was done as part of the Engineering study submitted on this system. It indicated that the demands of the system can be met with the existing 2-inch line. On this basis, an exception to R309-510-8(1), Storage Sizing (HD001) and R309-550-5(4), Minimum Water Main Size (DS001), is hereby granted for The Rigtrup Egg Processing Plant System. Exception Granted: R309-550-7(1)(a) | On October 28, 2016, the Division of Drinking Water (the Division) received your request for an exception to Rule R309-550-7(1)(a), Separation of Water Mains and Transmission Lines from Sewers and Other Pollution Sources. This rule states specifically that where a water main and a sewer line must cross, the water main shall be at least 18 inches above the sewer line. The basis for your request for an exception to R309-550-7(1)(a) is that the proposed 4-inch sewer lateral is at an elevation that will be above the existing 8-inch PVC waterline. The 4” gravity flow sewer lateral will be constructed of PVC Schedule 40, a pressurized pipe. It is anticipated that there will be a separation of at least 6 inches. Test pits were dug to the depth of the proposed sewer and no groundwater was discovered. You propose to install a HDPE casing extending 10 feet beyond the waterline crossing on either side, to provide adequate protection for public health. On this basis, an exception to R309-550-7(1)(a), Separation of Water Mains and Transmission Lines from Sewers and Other Pollution Sources, is hereby granted for the Rigtrip Addition onsite wastewater system (DS001). Site Visit Date Surveyor Name 09/17/2024 Tom McOmie RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT PWS ID: UTAH25179 Rating: Approved 08/05/2021 Active DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 1 of 17 Site Visit Info Management and Operations 1 Admin Contact (AC) [ eMail address is REQUIRED ] MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such be supplied to the Division. *First Name: DAREN *Last Name: RIGTRUP *Organization: *Address: Redacted *City: ELBERTA *State: UT *Zip: 84626 *Email: DAREN@RIGTRUPEGGFARM.COM *Phone: 801-667-3567 2 Date of Survey (First Day of Field Work)09/17/2024 3 Date of Survey (Last Day of Field Work) ** this should match the Date of Survey in the header ** 09/17/2024 4 Date final report sent to system (questionnaire, deficiency report and cover letter)10/02/2024 5 Water system representative present during the survey:Yes (Notes: DAREN RIGTRIP AND) 6 What condition triggered the level 2 assessment?LV02 7 For a community water system with water sources that require power to produce sufficient flow, system is equipped with standby power option. SIG | 25pts | SO | S033 | R309-515-6(2)(a) | Rule requires a community water system without naturally flowing water sources, such as springs or flowing wells, to have one or more of the system's sources equipped for operation during power outages. To ensure continuous service when the primary power has been interrupted, a redundant power supply is required. A redundant power supply may include a transfer switch for auxiliary power such as a generator or a power supply service with coverage from two independent substations. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 8 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations, treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through or in process of DDW review [LIST UNDOCUMENTED FACILITIES OR DESCRIBE MODIFICATIONS, IF APPLICABLE] [undocumented sources are covered in a different question] SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2) and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 9 Are there any individual home booster pumps installed in the distribution system (not for fire suppression)? SIG | 50pts | SM | M008 | R309-550-11(3) | R309-550-11(3) C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 2 of 17 10 Does the system haul water?N 11 For a community system serving 100 or more connections, at least 2 water sources are available. SIG | 50pts | SO | TGR7 | R309-515-4(3) | Rule requires Community Water Systems serving more than 100 connections to have a minimum of two sources except where served by a water treatment plant. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 12 Does system have a consecutive connection to another water system not listed in the SOURCE section of Waterlink Report? If yes, answer the following question(s) N 13 Sell water? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N 14 Does this system share any sources with another water system?N 15 Is the sample tap clean and free from obstruction?Y 16 Describe the type of sample tap (outside hose bib, frost free hydrant, kitchen tap, etc.)Kitchen tap 17 Was the sample collected on a supply line that is used regularly? (Samples should not be taken from a line with little or no use) N 18 Have any conditions changed since the last sample collection?N 19 Are there any cross-connections after the service connection or in premise plumbing?Y (Notes: They experienced some backflow assembly failures, but these have since been repaired, and all subsequent water samples have passed inspection) 19A if present, were all of the backflow prevention devices/assemblies present, operational, tested annually, and maintained properly? Y 20 Were there any low pressure events or changes in the water pressure after the service connection or in premise plumbing? N 21 Are there any treatment devices after the service connection or in the premise piping?N 22 Could the sample be mixed with hot water or water passing through a water softener?Y 23 Was the sample representative of the water system?Y 24 Did the sampler explain their procedures for collecting samples?Y 25 Was the sample tap adequately flushed prior to taking sample?Y 26 Was the sample tap properly disinfected?Y 27 If the sample tap has an aerator, was the aerator removed before taking the sample?Y 28 Was the sample taken from a tap with a swivel connection?Y 29 Were sealed, fresh sample bottles used?Y 30 Are sample bottles properly stored?Y 31 Were there any adverse environmental conditions when the TC+ sample was collected? Y (Notes: They experienced some backflow assembly failures, but these have since been repaired, and all subsequent water samples have passed inspection) 32 Were samples kept on ice during transportation to the laboratory?Y 33 Were samples transported to the laboratory within the 30 hour holding time?Y DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 3 of 17 Cross Connection and Operator Certification General Maintenance and Environment 34 Was a Boil Water Order issued for the E.coli sample results?N 35 Was the Boil Water Order lifted?NA 36 Does the system have any unresolved significant deficiencies?N 37 Legally adopted authority statement MIN | 15pts | SM | M003 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes a legally adopted and functional local authority to enforce the program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw, or policy). C 38 Documentation of annual public awareness and/or employee training MIN | 15pts | SM | M004 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes providing public education or awareness material or presentations. C 39 Documentation of personnel trained to manage the program (ALL COMUNITY WATER SYSTEMS REQUIRE A DDW CERTIFIED CCC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. ALL OTHER WATER SYSTEMS REQUIRE AT A MINIMUM BACKFLOW 101 OR EQUIVALENT/ GREATER CCC TRAINING) MIN | 15pts | SM | M005 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes an operator with adequate training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention. C 40 Does the water system have detailed records of cross connection control activities? (inventories of backflow assemblies, devices, and air gaps installed within the system) MIN | 15pts | SM | M006 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes written records of cross connection control activities. C 41 Does the water system have records of on-going enforcement activities? (test history, enforcement activities, hazard assessments) MIN | 15pts | SM | M007 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes test history and documentation of on-going enforcement activities. C 42 Sampler's Last Name Johnson 43 Sampler's First Name Melanie 44 Sampler's telephone number 801-667-3567 45 Sampler's eMail address melanie@rigtrupeggfarm.com (Notes: melanie@rigtrupeggfarm.com) 46 Emergency phone number:801-667-3567 47 How long has the sampler been taking TCR samples?Over 3 years 48 Is the sampler certified in either distribution or treatment?NA 49 Has there been a loss of power to any portion(s) of the system?N 50 Has there been any loss of pressure events?N DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 4 of 17 51 Have there been any customer complaints (cloudy water, smell, taste, interruptions of service)? N 52 Are there any visual indications of unsanitary conditions? SIG | 50pts | SM | M017 | R309-200-6, R309-105-18, R309-215-4(3) | R309-200-6 The Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels for public water systems deals with substances which affect the aesthetic quality of drinking water. They are presented here as recommended limits or ranges and are not grounds for rejection. The taste of water may be unpleasant and the usefulness of the water may be impaired if these standards are significantly exceeded. R309-105-18 The Director or the local health department shall be informed by telephone by a water supplier of any "emergency situation". The term "emergency situation... R309-215-4(3) If the water fails to meet minimum standards, then certain public notification procedures shall be carried out, as outlined in R309-220. Water suppliers shall also keep analytical records in their possession, for a required length of time, as outlined in R309-105-17. C 53 Has there been any operation, maintenance, or repair activities that could have introduced total coliform or E.coli into the system? N 54 Has there been any vandalism and/or unauthorized access to facilities?N 55 Has there been any recent fire fighting events, flushing operations, sheared hydrants, etc.? N 56 Has there been any recent construction activities such as a new water line, tank, pump station, well installation, etc. or other facility that has been tied into the existing distribution system? N 57 Have there been any analytical results or any additional samples collected, including source samples which were positive (not for compliance)? N 58 Has there been any community illness suspected of being waterborne?N 59 Did the water system receive any TCR monitoring violations in the past 12 months?NA 60 What was the most recent date on which a satisfactory total coliform sample(s) were taken? 09/26/2023 61 Is there any evidence of intentional contamination of the system?N 62 Was there an increase in water turbidity at any point in the system?N 63 Have there been any recent modifications to the water system that could lead to contamination of the system? Y (Notes: Upon review of our maintenance records we also found out that plumbers who had been here recently to do maintenance on our swamp coolers had cut into the source to install two additional water lines.) 64 Have any new sources been added to the system?N 65 Have any inactive sources recently been introduced into the system (e.g. existing source, auxiliary systems)? N 66 Has there been any recent treatment or operational changes?N 67 Is there any evidence of potential sources of contamination?N 68 Was there any unusually high (or low) water demand that might have altered typical flow patterns in the water system? N 69 Have there been any sewer spills, source water spills or other disturbances?N DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 5 of 17 Distribution 70 Have there been any algal blooms?N 71 Has source water turnover occurred?N 72 Has there been any unusual weather events that could have contributed to the TC+/EC+ samples? N 73 Has there been any recent heavy rainfall?N 74 Has there been any rapid snow melt or flooding?N 75 Have there been any changes in available source water? (e.g. significant drop in water table, well output reservoir capacity, etc.) N 76 Have there been any extremes in heat or cold?N 77 No unprotected connection between the distribution system and a source of contamination. (If there is an unprotected connection, describe the location in detail.) SIG | 50pts | DS | D009 | R309-550-5(11) | R309-550-5(11) C 78 Are air release/vacuum valves in the distribution system? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) Y 78A Open end of vent line covered with #14 mesh screen SIG | 25pts | DS | D004 | R309-550-6(6)(b) | Rule states the open end of the air relief vent pipe from automatic valves shall be provided with a #14 mesh, non-corrodible screen and a downward elbow, and where possible, be extended to at least one foot above grade. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 78B For a valve in a chamber, open end of vent pipe is at least 12 inches above grade or one foot above distribution line in a chamber that does not flood. SIG | 25pts | DS | D006 | R309-550-6(6)(b) | Rule states the open end of the air relief vent pipe from automatic valves shall be provided with a #14 mesh, non-corrodible screen and a downward elbow, and where possible, be extended to at least one foot above grade. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 78C Chamber has drain to daylight, gravel-filled adsorption pit if not subject to flooding, or sump pump. SIG | 25pts | DS | D007 | R309-550-6(6)(b) and (7)(b) | Rule states chambers shall be provided with a drain to daylight, if possible. Where this is not possible, underground gravel-filled absorption pits may be used if the site is not subject to flooding and conditions will assure adequate drainage. Sump pumps may also be considered if a drain to daylight or absorption pit is not feasible. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 78D Chamber is not flooded at the time of the inspection. MIN | 0pts | DS | D008 | R309-550-6(7)(b) | Rule states the chamber for an air relief valve shall not be subject to flooding and shall have a drain to daylight wherever possible or a gravel fill absorption pit. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 6 of 17 78E Open end of vent line down-turned. SIG | 25pts | DS | D006 | R309-550-6(6)(b) | Rule states the open end of the air relief vent pipe from automatic valves shall be provided with a #14 mesh, non-corrodible screen and a downward elbow, and where possible, be extended to at least one foot above grade. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 79 Water system has a program to maintain, operate, or control the use of fire hydrants. REC | 0pts | DS | D012 | N/A | Fire hydrants provide a direct access to the water in the distribution system. In order to protect the quality and integrity of the water, fire hydrant access should be controlled. C 80 Blow offs or air release valves are not directly connected to a sanitary sewer line. SIG | 50pts | DS | D013 | R309-550-6(5)(a), R309-550-6(6)(c) and (7)(a) | Rule states blow-offs or air relief valves shall not be connected directly to a sewer. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 81 Blow offs or air release valves do not discharge below flood level in ditches or streams. SIG | 50pts | DS | D016 | R309-550-9(1) and (2), R309-550-13(2) | R309-550-9(1 & 3) C 82 Does the system have fire hydrants or blow offs?Y 82A Are there any fire hydrants located in areas with a high water table?Y 83 All water mains installed after 1995 that provide fire flow are at least 8 inches in diameter. Exception Granted: R309550-5(4) Minimum Line Size | Rule R309-550-5(4), Minimum Water Main Size, states that for water mains not connected to fire hydrants, the minimum line size shall be 4 inches. This water system provides water for an egg washing facility that has three restrooms, a resident, and irrigation for less than 0.10 acres of landscaping. An existing 2-inch PVC line serves these facilities from the existing Processing Well (WS001). An analysis of the overall system capacity was done as part of the Engineering study submitted on this system. It indicated that the demands of the system can be met with the existing 2-inch line. On this basis, an exception to R309-510-8(1), Storage Sizing (HD001) and R309-550- 5(4), Minimum Water Main Size (DS001), is hereby granted for The Rigtrup Egg Processing Plant System. MIN | 15pts | DS | D019 | R309-550-5(4) & (5) | Rule states that the minimum line size serving a fire hydrant lateral shall be 8-inch diameter unless a hydraulic analysis indicates that required flow and pressures can be maintained by 6-inch lines. C 84 Distribution system capable of providing minimum pressure of 20 psi at all service connections. SIG | 50pts | DS | D003 | R309-105-9, R309-550-5(1) | Rule states the distribution system shall maintain minimum pressures as required by R309-105-9 at all points of connection under all flow conditions. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 7 of 17 General Disinfection 85 Was the water system constructed or new portions added after January 1, 2007? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) Y 85A Distribution system capable of maintaining the following pressures at all service connections: (a) 20 psi during fire flow and fire demand during peak day demand; (b) 30 psi during peak instantaneous demand; and (c) 40 psi during peak day demand. SIG | 50pts | DS | D010 | R309-105-9, R309-550-5(1) | Rule states that unless otherwise specifically approved by the Director, public water systems constructed after January 1, 2007, shall be designed and shall meet the following minimum water pressures at points of connection: (a) 20 psi during conditions of fire flow and fire demand experienced during peak day demand; (b) 30 psi during peak instantaneous demand; and (c) 40 psi during peak day demand. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 86 Is there any evidence that the system experienced low or negative pressure?N 87 Is there adequate pressure throughout the entire distribution system at all times?Y 88 Does the system have pressure reducing / sustaining valve stations?Y 88A Do the valves function properly?Y 88B Is the valve vault free of standing water, debris, etc.?Y 89 Are blow offs or air relief valves directly connected to a sewer or do not have a proper air gap or do they exit below flood level in ditches or streams? Y 90 Has appropriate backflow prevention (devices/assemblies) been installed on all high risk (hazard) sites? Y 90A Have these devices/assemblies been inspected, maintained and/or tested at least annually? Y (Notes: After a walk through, we discovered two backflow devices, one located in the egg washer room and the other located in the egg conveyor room, had failed. We have replaced them and have added checks of backflow devices to be performed on a monthly basis.) 91 Water system follows AWWA disinfection procedures for new, repaired, or seasonal water mains and tanks. SIG | 25pts | MR | D018 | R309-550-8(10) | All new and repaired water mains and appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 92 How often do you periodically disinfect any or all parts of your water system (i.e. batch disinfection) other than for repairs or maintenance? SIG | 50pts | SM | G006 | R309-105-6(1)(a), R309-500-6 | R309-105-6(1) Approval of Engineering Plans and Specifications R309-500-6 Plan Approval Procedure. C 93 Did the system batch disinfect for this TC+, EC+ event?N 94 Did the system conduct any flushing associated with this event?N 95 Has the system completed any recent water main, service connection repairs, maintenance on a well or pump, fire hydrant, pressure regulator, etc. that may have introduced contamination into the distribution system?, N DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 8 of 17 WS002 - WELL #4 - 96 Were investigative TCR samples taken after repairs were made?NA 97 Were any isolation valves recently opened, closed or damaged?N 98 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01 99 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31 100 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water system. (IF SOURCE IS NOT IN SYSTEM INVENTORY MARK "DEFICIENT") SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) | R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 101 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above well house floor. SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515- 6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 102 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination. SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515- 6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by C 103 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N 104 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N 105 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed well. C 106 Wellhead secured to protect quality water SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 9 of 17 107 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515- 6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or 12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 108 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping. SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 109 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well house or near well head? MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 110 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead). MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item) C 111 Well discharge line has a check valve. MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. C 112 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge. MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. C 113 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow. MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. C 114 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head). MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. C 115 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following question(s) Y DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 10 of 17 WS003 - WELL #5 - Active 115A Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping downturned SIG | 25pts | SO | S028 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be down-turned. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 115B Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping screened with #14 mesh screen SIG | 25pts | SO | S029 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be covered with a #14 mesh corrosion-resistant screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 115C Air vacuum relief valve on well discharge piping has at least 6 inches of clearance above floor SIG | 25pts | SO | S030 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires the exhaust/relief piping on an air release/vacuum relief valve on the well discharge piping to be at least 6 inches above the well house floor. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 116 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release valve or pump to waste line) MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution system. C 117 Does well require oil-lubrication?N 118 How is the well used?Inactive (Notes: When it is active it fills the tank.) 119 How deep is the well (in feet)?NA 120 What is the output of the well (gpm) and has it changed recently?100 gpm 121 Is there evidence of standing water, floodwater or runoff, depressions, unsanitary conditions, rodents or animals, birds near the wellhead? N 122 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01 123 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31 124 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water system. (IF SOURCE IS NOT IN SYSTEM INVENTORY MARK "DEFICIENT") SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) | R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 11 of 17 125 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above well house floor. SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515- 6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 126 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination. SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515- 6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by C 127 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N 128 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N 129 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed well. C 130 Wellhead secured to protect quality water SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 131 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515- 6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or 12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 132 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping. SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 133 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well house or near well head? MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 10/02/2024 16:03:59 | Rating: Approved UTAH25179 RIGTRUP EGG FARM PROCESSING PLANT page 12 of 17