HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-014078Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
10 messages
Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 5:07 PM
To: "dzebelean@utah.gov" <dzebelean@utah.gov>, "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>
Cc: Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>
Dani and Sarah,
Thank you so much for all the time you’ve given us as we have proceeded through this piloting and as we are
transitioning into the actual design.
I have attached the draft report for the piloting results. We welcome your comments and thoughts on it. Once we have
your comments back we will incorporate them and finalize this report to be referenced by the design team.
I also wanted to follow up on that study you referenced in our last meeting, Sarah. My recollection is that it was a study
that showed that a consistent chlorine residual going onto GAC filters increases their performance as opposed to just
using chlorinated backwash water. If you could pass that along, we would like to look at it since we are anticipating
recommending the operations staff back off on their pre-chlorination practice.
Let me know if you’d like a follow up meeting to discuss this report or anything else related to the project.
Marie E. Owens
Client Program Leader
Office: 801.331.8489
Cell: 801.505.1973
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
AE2S is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
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7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
hereby notified that any review, retaining, dissemination, copying, or use of content by you or others is strictly prohibited. Please
immediately notify the sender and delete this message if you have received it in error.
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Wed, Feb 7, 2024 at 9:48 AM
To: Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>
FYI Marie sent us a draft of the Pilot study to review if you would like to do a dual review on this along with Sarah and I.
Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
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Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 3:56 PM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Sounds good. Do we have a project number for this?
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Rebecca Yoo, P.E. (she/her)
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
P: (801) 388-3594
Hours: M-F 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 10:15 AM
To: Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>, Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>
Currently we do not.
Here is my copy of the pilot study with a few edits called out. I plan on sending this back to Marie on Thursday. Please let
me know if you have any other comments.
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
[Quoted text hidden]
Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 11:32 AM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>
Hi Dani,
I made comments on the Google Drive version and the highlights don't look too pretty. Let me know if you'd like me to
compile the comments in a different format and I can do that!
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GR_Pilot_FinalReport-RY Comments.pdf
Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 11:37 AM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>
I decided to just share my Drive link in case I make other comments.
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Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 11:59 AM
To: Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>
Cc: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
My comments are mostly about the additional recommendations:
1) Recommending a filter aid vs prechlorination is tricky if there is no piloting to determine what works and at what doses.
Given the issues with chemical addition and concerns about the water system being able to maintain, I'd worry about filter
blinding if the filter aid polymer was not really dialed in.
2) Additionally, why would they recommend changing pH vs using a coagulant that works at higher pH? This creates
concerns about adding another chemical process and potential destabilization in the distribution system.
3) Why would cleaning the anthracite media provide any benefits vs replacing? And what benefits would they expect from
new/cleaned anthracite media?
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
Sarah Page, PhD
Lead Drinking Water Treatment Specialist
Division of Drinking Water
P: (385) 272-5778
[Quoted text hidden]
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 12:45 PM
To: Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>
Cc: "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>, Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>, Rebecca Yoo
Hi Marie,
Thank you very much for your patience while we reviewed the pilot study. We have a few review comments that we would
like to be addressed for the final report:
Table 3.1 Can you update the number of bed volumes for the Norit? Does not look like this populated correctly
Table 3.2, the 7 min EBCT for the Calgon and Norit Media seem to be inverted. Can you update that table
accordingly? How were the days to exhaustion estimated? Was the 4.1 gpm/ft^2 used to estimate these instead of
trying to fit a curve through the whole data?
Figure 3.8 Can you add in a horizontal line showing the MCL for THMs and HAAs as you have in Figure 1.2?
Figure 3.10 We recommend revising the title of this figure so that the title and y-axis are more consistent.
Some other comments on the recommendations of the report:
Recommending a filter aid vs. prechlorination is tricky if there is no piloting to determine works best and what dose
is appropriate. Given the issues with chemical addition and concerns about the water system being able to
maintain, Sarah would worry about filter blinding if the filter aid polymer was not really dialed in.
Additionally why the suggestion of changing the pH vs switching to a coagulant that works at higher pH levels? If
moving forward with pH adjustment, this creates concern about adding another chemcial process and potential
destabilization in the distribution system.
What benefits would the system expect from cleaning the anthracite media in the filters vs replacing?
Please let us know if you have any other questions or comments on this.
Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
[Quoted text hidden]
Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 12:50 PM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>, Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>, Rebecca Yoo
Thank you so much Dani. We will make adjustments to address these comments and finalize the report for the client.
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
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Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 5:07 PM Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com> wrote:
Dani and Sarah,
Thank you so much for all the time you’ve given us as we have proceeded through this piloting and as we are
transitioning into the actual design.
I have attached the draft report for the piloting results. We welcome your comments and thoughts on it. Once we have
your comments back we will incorporate them and finalize this report to be referenced by the design team.
I also wanted to follow up on that study you referenced in our last meeting, Sarah. My recollection is that it was a study
that showed that a consistent chlorine residual going onto GAC filters increases their performance as opposed to just
using chlorinated backwash water. If you could pass that along, we would like to look at it since we are anticipating
recommending the operations staff back off on their pre-chlorination practice.
Let me know if you’d like a follow up meeting to discuss this report or anything else related to the project.
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
Marie E. Owens
Client Program Leader
Office: 801.331.8489
Cell: 801.505.1973
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
[Quoted text hidden]
Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 1:06 PM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>, Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>
Cc: "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>, Rebecca Yoo <ryoo@utah.gov>
I have gone through and adjusted the report to consider these comments. Below in blue you can find short
descrip ons for the adjustments that I made. Marie will send over the finalized version a er she has stamped and
approved it.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
From: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2024 12:45 PM
To: Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@AE2S.com>
Cc: sepage@utah.gov <sepage@utah.gov>; Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@AE2S.com>; Rebecca Yoo
Subject: Re: Dra Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
Hi Marie,
Thank you very much for your pa ence while we reviewed the pilot study. We have a few review comments that we
would like to be addressed for the final report:
Table 3.1 Can you update the number of bed volumes for the Norit? Does not look like this populated correctly
All columns are correctly populated in this figure. Norit took less bed volumes to reach a given
exhaus on criteria than Calgon. Jacobi shows as 0 bed volumes to 70% exhaus on which I add a
sentence in to explain that Jacobi never demonstrated a 30% reduc on in TOC, meaning it always
performed as above a 70% exhaus on. Instead, I will place these numbers as N/A for Jacobi since 0 and
1 may be misleading since these were too low of exhaus on criteria to even represent Jacobi's
Table 3.2, the 7 min EBCT for the Calgon and Norit Media seem to be inverted. Can you update that table
accordingly? How were the days to exhaus on es mated? Was the 4.1 gpm/ ^2 used to es mate these
instead of trying to fit a curve through the whole data?
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
The numbers are not inverted. These are regressions based on the trends in Figure 3.1 as explained in
the paragraph above Table 3.2. Days were es mated individually for each loading rate tested and for
each media, extrapolated across all exhaus on criteria defined in the table. No changes were made to
this sec on.
Figure 3.8 Can you add in a horizontal line showing the MCL for THMs and HAAs as you have in Figure 1.2?
These are maximum DBP forma on poten als that do not reflect expected DBP forma ons in the
distribu on system. Adding this MCL may be misleading and suggest that GAC would s ll not get them
into compliance. Instead, I made a figure of Table 3.4 (Figure 3.10) that includes the MCLs for a visual
representa on of our conserva ve es mates for possible DBP forma ons.
Figure 3.10 We recommend revising the tle of this figure so that the tle and y-axis are more consistent.
Great point. Title is adjusted.
Some other comments on the recommenda ons of the report:
I added some thoughts into the process op miza on sec on to clarify that each of these need further analysis,
pilo ng, or tes ng, though are all op ons that have the poten al to assist in TOC removals and the reduc on of DBP
forma ons in and a er the facility.
Recommending a filter aid vs. prechlorination is tricky if there is no piloting to determine works best
and what dose is appropriate. Given the issues with chemical addition and concerns about the water
system being able to maintain, Sarah would worry about filter blinding if the filter aid polymer was not
really dialed in.
Completely agree. Our intent is to get GR thinking about alternatives to prechlorination to help
preserve the GAC filters. Implementing this would require piloting or additional testing. Mostly
wanting GR to recognize that there are process optimization options available.
Additionally why the suggestion of changing the pH vs switching to a coagulant that works at higher
pH levels? If moving forward with pH adjustment, this creates concern about adding another chemcial
process and potential destabilization in the distribution system.
Operator preference is to continue working with alum, which is optimized at pHs just below 7.
We wanted to provide a recommendation for process optimization that considers their operating
preferences. Again, would require further analysis to implement.
What benefits would the system expect from cleaning the anthracite media in the filters vs replacing?
Anthracite media should be cleaned and/or replaced every 10-20 years. The existing media
was installed around 25 years ago and has not been assessed. This recommendation serves to
inform GR that this could be an alternative option with additional testing. Both cleaning and
replacing can offer the same benefits of better TOC removal, though with prechlorination onto
even new media, this may or may not be enough to stay within DBP compliance. Media testing
will inform if the particles are still of consistent and proper size (if so, then cleaning can take
place to restore the media to better TOC removals, if not, then replacement is the only option
for better TOC removals).
[Quoted text hidden]
7/25/24, 9:52 AM State of Utah Mail - Draft Pilot Report for Green River GAC Upgrade
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
AE2S - Green River Backwash Water Design
2 messages
Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 1:15 PM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>, "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>
Cc: Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>
Sarah and Dani,
As we move forward with design, we would like to discuss part of our backwashing strategy.
We would like to use treated water from the exis ng facility to backwash the GAC filters. This water has not yet been
chlorinated or been to the clearwell yet. This water would then be pushed back through the GAC filters in the proper
direc on (as in normal opera on) and then routed to the clearwell, so it will s ll meet effluent requirements.
If we cannot use this water, we would have to include addi onal yard piping to get chlorinated water from the
clearwell to the GAC filters, which would incur further costs to Green River.
We are happy to schedule a short mee ng to get your thoughts, or email is fine if you find our solu on sufficient.
Available mes to meet if needed:
Monday, 2/26: 12pm-2pm
Tuesday, 2/27: 1:30pm-5pm
Wednesday 2/28: 11am-1pm
Thursday 2/29: 9:30am-12pm
Rachel Anderson
Engineer in Training
Office: 801.331.8489
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
AE2S is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
This e-mail message and any documents included hereto may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient (or a delegate authorized to receive for the recipient), you are
7/25/24, 9:53 AM State of Utah Mail - AE2S - Green River Backwash Water Design
hereby notified that any review, retaining, dissemination, copying, or use of content by you or others is strictly prohibited. Please
immediately notify the sender and delete this message if you have received it in error.
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 10:15 AM
To: Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>
Cc: "sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>, Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>
Hi Rachel,
That is acceptable as long as it is of similar water quality to the filtered water it does not need to be finished water. Which
as long as it is water past the compliance points of the filters for the Cryptosporidium and Giardia LRV credits it would be
Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
[Quoted text hidden]
7/25/24, 9:53 AM State of Utah Mail - AE2S - Green River Backwash Water Design
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Green River Final Pilot Study Report
2 messages
Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 1:41 PM
To: Bryan Meadows <bmeadows@greenriverutah.com>, "dzebelean@utah.gov" <dzebelean@utah.gov>, "sepage@utah.gov"
Cc: Jonathan Johansen <jonathan@jandtengineering.com>, Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>
Hi All,
Here is the final report for the piloting at the Green River Water Treatment Plant.
Marie E. Owens
Client Program Leader
Office: 801.331.8489
Cell: 801.505.1973
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
AE2S is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
This e-mail message and any documents included hereto may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient (or a delegate authorized to receive for the recipient), you are
hereby notified that any review, retaining, dissemination, copying, or use of content by you or others is strictly prohibited. Please
immediately notify the sender and delete this message if you have received it in error.
Jonathan Johansen <jonathan@jandtengineering.com>Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 3:54 PM
To: Marie Owens <Marie.Owens@ae2s.com>
Cc: Bryan Meadows <bmeadows@greenriverutah.com>, "dzebelean@utah.gov" <dzebelean@utah.gov>,
"sepage@utah.gov" <sepage@utah.gov>, Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>
Thank you.
7/25/24, 9:53 AM State of Utah Mail - Green River Final Pilot Study Report
Jonathan Johansen P.E.
Johansen & Tuttle Engineering
90 South 100 East
PO Box 487
Castle Dale, UT 84513 | 435.381.2523
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7/25/24, 9:53 AM State of Utah Mail - Green River Final Pilot Study Report
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Green River GAC Facility
4 messages
Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>Tue, Mar 26, 2024 at 3:15 PM
To: "dzebelean@utah.gov" <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>
We recently did a public bid for the GAC vessels for the Green River Project. Is there something that we need to
document in order for the City to purchase these vessels with their Emerging Contaminants Grant money?
Stockton Denos, P.E.
Project Manager
Cell: 801.597.2449
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
AE2S is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
This e-mail message and any documents included hereto may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient (or a delegate authorized to receive for the recipient), you are
hereby notified that any review, retaining, dissemination, copying, or use of content by you or others is strictly prohibited. Please
immediately notify the sender and delete this message if you have received it in error.
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 8:38 AM
To: Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>
Cc: Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>, Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>, John Steffan <jtsteffan@utah.gov>,
Heather Pattee <hpattee@utah.gov>
Hi Stockton,
I unfortunately don't handle any of the reimbursements. I've cc'd a couple other people in the Division who might be able
to answer your question for you.
7/25/24, 9:54 AM State of Utah Mail - Green River GAC Facility
Dani Zebelean, P.E.
Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water
M: (385) 278-5110
Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
[Quoted text hidden]
Heather Pattee <hpattee@utah.gov>Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 9:31 AM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>, Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>, Sarah Page
<sepage@utah.gov>, John Steffan <jtsteffan@utah.gov>, "Grange, Michael" <mgrange@utah.gov>
Your project manager for the funding is Michael Grange. There are items that need to be completed before we can
"close" on the funding, including but not limited to NEPA, SHPO, a Unique Entity ID number from SAM.gov, an attorney
opinion letter on multiple items including ROW and easements as well as the bid process. We also have boilerplate
language that needs to be included in your bid package explaining the federal requirements that go with the funds like
BABA, DBE, Davis Bacon wages and signage (among others).
I would suggest you reach out to Michael as he will have been collecting the required documentation and can let you
know what else needs to be submitted. I have copied him on this email.
Thank you
[Quoted text hidden]
*Please note my new phone number*
Heather Pattee | Scientist II - DWSRF Project Manager
385-515-1498 (office) | 801.536.4211 (fax)
195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116
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Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 9:47 AM
To: Heather Pattee <hpattee@utah.gov>, Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>, Sarah Page <sepage@utah.gov>, John Steffan <jtsteffan@utah.gov>,
"Grange, Michael" <mgrange@utah.gov>
Thank you, Heather and Dani for your help. I have reached out to Michael on a private message to continue
this conversation.
[Quoted text hidden]
7/25/24, 9:54 AM State of Utah Mail - Green River GAC Facility
Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
NEPA Outreach - Invitation to Participate
1 message
Rachel Anderson <Rachel.Anderson@ae2s.com>Tue, May 7, 2024 at 4:18 PM
To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>
Cc: Stockton Denos <Stockton.Denos@ae2s.com>
Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, LLC (AE2S) is assisting Green River, UT in upgrading their
current water treatment operations. Attached is a letter welcoming your participation in the proposed
design through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
We look forward to hearing back from you.
Thank you,
Rachel Anderson
Engineer in Training
Office: 801.331.8489
3400 N. Ashton Blvd Ste 105
Lehi, UT 84043
AE2S is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer
This e-mail message and any documents included hereto may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended
recipient(s). If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient (or a delegate authorized to receive for the recipient), you are
hereby notified that any review, retaining, dissemination, copying, or use of content by you or others is strictly prohibited. Please
immediately notify the sender and delete this message if you have received it in error.
NEPA - Division of Drinking Water.pdf
7/25/24, 9:54 AM State of Utah Mail - NEPA Outreach - Invitation to Participate
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