HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2019-018542 - 0901a06880bb7b02C oupr,rANc E E v,q.I,uA.TIoN INSpn crrox RBpORT
Date of Inspection:
Facility Address:
Generator Status:
Number of Employees:
Arrival./Departure Time :
Weather Conditions:
Report Prepared By:
LHD Notifi cations/Date:
Facility Notifi cation/Date :
Applicable Rules:
November 22,2019
ALS Limited
960 West Levoy Drive
Taylorsville,UT 84123
Salt Lake County
40.6696898, -t I I .9259348
9:25 a.m.lll:30 a.m.
30s, overcast
Kari Lundeen
Shane Stewart - Health, Safety, & Environmental Manager
Kari Lundeen, DWMRC
KarenWallner, DWMRC
November 2,2019, rescheduled November 6,2019
R315- 261,R315-262,R315-273 of the Utah Administrative Code.
The purpose of this Compliance Evaluation lnspection was to evaluate the facility's waste management
practices for compliance with applicable rules under R315 of the Utah Administrative Code and the Utah
Solid and Hazardous Waste Act 19-6-101.
Upon our arrival, we presented our credentials to Mr. Shane Stewart. We asked to review manifests for
the last 3 years; documents regarding personnel training; preparedness and preventionplans; and
emergency procedures. We requested a review of the waste storage areas.
ALS Limited (photo 1) analyzes industrial hygiene, microbiology and mycolcigy samples. They also
analyze dietary supplements for vitamins, pesticides, minerals, and heavy metals. ALS analyzed
environmental samples until mid-20 1 9.
Page 1 of4
ALS notified as a small quantity generator :;ntil20l7. They re-notified as a large quantity generator on
October 2,2017 . Hazardous wastes ALS generates include corrosive liquids from digestions, various
solvent wastes, off-specification commercial chemical products, and other waste materials typically found
in laboratories. The facility maintains satellite accumulation areas in each laboratory. The materials are
moved to the 90-day storage area every week. Since ALS recently stopped analyzingenvironmental
samples, they will hava+produce much less waste methanol.
We reviewed satellite accumulation areas in several laboratories and then viewed the central
accumulation area (CAA). Satellite containers in the labs were under the control of the operators and
labeled with the words "hazardous waste" and an indication of the hazard (photos 2,3, 4,7, and 8). Most
satellite containers also had secondary containment. Mr. Stewart indicated that the satellite containers are
moved to the CAA each week by trained personnel. Spill control equipment was present in each lab
(photo 9). Eye washes, safety showers, and safety information were available in the hallways between
laboratories (photos 5 and 6).
The CAA was in a separate, locked portion of the building (photo 10 - 13). Waste storage drums were
labeled "hazardous waste" with an indication of the hazard and accumulation start date. Drums were
segregated by contents and closed. Safety information, fire extinguishers, and spill control equipment
were available. There was one box of universal waste lamps - it was labeled appropriately and closed.
Waste is shipped from the CAA every month.
Next, we reviewed manifests, training records, and the contingency plan. Mr. Stewart stated that he took
over the hazardous waste management in2017. At that time, he evaluated the quantities of hazardous
waste that ALS was generating and re-notified as a large quantity generator based on that analysis. He
updated the training program and prepared a new contingency plan.
We discussed a discrepancy with recordkeeping with Mr. Stewart. Mr. Stewart indicated that his
predecessor had not left the hazardous waste management program in good order and he was unable to
find records for November and December of 2016. Mr. Stewart is aware of the records retention
requirement and all of the necessary records since he took over were available and in order.
Manifests were completed correctly and had the designated facility's signature. Land disposal restriction
forms were complete and identified applicable underlying hazardous constituents.
Training records were available from 2017 , 2018, and 2019 . The training program includes satellite
accumulation area management training for laboratory personnel, and more extensive hazardous waste
management training for personnel that will be managing waste in the CAA.
The contingency plans and emergency procedures were recently updated, but the quick reference guide
was missing an identification of wastes that would require special treatment and the locations of fire
hydrants. The contingency plan was missing procedures to manage hazardous waste/material generated
from an incident, clean-up provisions, and reporting requirements. All of these were added and provided
to the division in an email dated 1112512019 (attachment 5).
COMPLIANCE STATUS: (also see affached checklist)
R315-262-l l: Hazardous Waste Determination
Page 2 of 4
R315-262-12: EPA Identification Numbers
R315-262-20: Manifest
R315-262-30 to 33: Packagine. Labeline. Markine. and Placardine
Not witnessed - performed by Clean Harbors.
R3 I 5-262-1 7: Accumulation Time
R3 I 5-262-l 7: Container Management
R3 I 5-262-1 7: Tank Management
R315-262-17: Preparedness and Prevention - Training
R315-262-250 throueh 265: Contineency Plan and Emereency Procedures
The quick reference guide was missing requirements in R315-262-262(b)(3) and (6). These were added
and documented in an email dated 1112512019 (attachment 5).
R3 1 5-262-40: Recordkeepine
Records for November - December of 2016 were missing (immediately prior to a personnel change), but
a new recordkeeping process has been put in place to address this. Records were available for 2017,2018,
R3 1 5-262-41 : Biennial Reporting
R3 1 5-262-42: Exception Reportine
R3 1 5-268 : Land Disoosal Restrictions
R315-273: Standards for Universal Waste
R315-262-265 and R3 15-261-420: Spill Response
Requirements in R3 I 5-262-265(9) and (h)( I ) and (h)(2) were missing from the contingency plan - these
were added and documented in an email dated 1112512019 (attachment 5).
Page 3 of4
1) Photos
2) LQG Checklists
3) Manifest #013457967FLE and LDR Form
4) Training information provided lll22l20l9
a) List of trainees
b) Attendance log
c) lntroductory training records for Chandler Griffith
d) Example qlizzes
5) Updated facility information - email dated 1112512019
a) Shane Stewart - 8-hour refresher certificate
b) Shane Stewart - RCRA 2019 certificate
c) Shane Stewart - level 4 quiz
d) Emergency Response Plan
e) Salt Lake Lab Waste Management Plan
("^ /,/"*d**,DATE: r2l5l20l9
Page 4 of 4
Photo 1. ALS limited - 960 West
lorsville, UT 84123.
Levoy Drive, Tay-
Photo 3. ICP laboratory satellite accumulation. La-
beled as hazardous waste with an indication of the
Photo 2. Metals lab prep areas - satellite accumula-
tion. Labeled as hazardous waste with an indication
ofthe hazard.
Photo 4. Satellite accumulation in the HPLC lab.
Marked with the words hazardous waste and indica-
tions ofthe hazards.
Photo 5. Eye-wash and safety shower in hallway be-
tween labs (one of many throughout the facility).
Photo 7. ICP-MS satellite accumulation area for liq-
uid corrosive waste. Containers were labeled hazard-
ous waste with an indication of the hazard.
Photo 6. Safety information posted in the hallway.
Photo 8. ICP-MS satellite accumulation area for solid
corrosive waste. Containers were labeled hazardous
waste with an indication of the hazard.
Photo 9. ICP-MS spill kit.
Photo 10. Entranceto the 90-day storage area.
is a separate room in the main building.
Photo 11. 90-day storage area.Photo 12. Second view ofthe 90-day storage area.
Photo 13. Fire extinguishers and safety information in
the 90-day storage area.
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Phone (801) 536-0200
Fax (801) 536-0222
Name: (Printed) Kari Lundeen
1;1;g. ESlll
Date: 11t22t201e
Name: (Printed)
FacilitY Name: ALS Limited EPA lD Number:
street Address: g60 west Levoy Drive c't'' Taylorsville l=''' 84123
countY: sart Lake county Contact Person: -. , tli,l, t'
)',"rr,ar )kt,rart
Telephone #:
Generator Status: ,-nO Number of Employees:.rt b,i _ ?O
Dateof visit: ', 1t22t2o1g
Evaluators: Kari Lundeen, Karen wallner wMRC
Other Personnel:
Waste Stream/Generation Process Estimated Generation Rate Per
Hazardous Waste Code
D001 D002 D004 D00s D006
D007 D008 D009 D010 D011
D018 D019 D022
Shane Stewart
Health, Safety, & Environmental Manager
Salt Lake City
960 West leVoy Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
O +1 80'l 2667700
D +1 801 904 4252
M +1 801 3490728
F002 F003 F005
Estimated Quantity of Hazardous
Waste Generated Per Month
'.1tzs Lek ' lL: :,i
Waste Stream/Generation Process Estimated Generation Rate Per
Hazardous Waste Gode
t)ane',* n&o'.
jr4dakg ,
r7a/*rd) Ola-", ,.1
Estimated Quantity of Hazardous
Waste Generated Per Month
ALS conducts sampling of air, soil, sediment, and water in the arenas of industrial hygiene, environmental,
microbiology and mycology. They also analyze dietary supplements for vitamins, pesticides, minerals, and heavy
CEl912912016 - JP, AP - Met with Brent Stephens, Laboratory Director
"ALS generates a number of different waste streams from a variety of analytical procedures.
The company generates corrosive liquids from digestions, various solvent wastes, waste gas cylinders, GC vials, off
specification commercial chemical products and other waste materials typically found in laboratories. The facility
utilizes satellite areas in their labs and then transfers the wastes to their 180 day area. ALS does primary
neutralization of corrosive only waste in an elementary neutralization unit prior to sanitary sewer discharge. ALS does
not generate much in the way of universal waste as the property managers deal with any facility lighting issues."
ALS Limited uTD981 551294
Large Quantity Generator Checklist
Waste Determination:
l. Has the generator determined
whether his/her solid waste is a
hazardous waste?
2. Has a waste determination been done
for each waste stream?
40 cFR 262.t
R3 I 5-26 l-3
10 cFR26l.l
3. Has the generator notified of
regulated activity and obtained an
EPA ID# in accordance with the
requirements of Section 3010 of
Rl I 5-262- I O(aX I )(iii)(C
Rl I 5-262- I 8( a)
locFR-]61. I 0(a)( I Xiii)(C)
10 CFR262.l81a)
l. Is the generator using a Uniform
Hazardous Waste Manifest for its
shipments of hazardous waste?
2. Did the generator designate a facility
permitted to handle its waste?
3. Was an alternate facility designated?
4. Did the generator use the correct
I r (tIR 262.20ir)(l
R3 r s-262-20(b)
41r CFR 262.20(b
R3 I s -262-20(c)
R3 I s-262-20(a)( l)
Ir (.1,R l6: 20(a)0
llanifest requirements for the Generator
1. Did the generator sign the manifest
certification by hand?
2. Did the generator obtain a handwritten
signature from the initial transporter and
the date of acceptance?
3. Did the generator retain a copy ofthe
manifest in accordance with
lo (tFR 262 lt(a)(l)
R3 I 5-2(r2-23(a)(2)
aLr (ll:R 262'21(a)(2
R3 I 5-262-23(a)(3)
1r) (:t,R 262.23(d)(3
l. Is the generator maintaining signed
copies of the hazardous waste manifest
for three years?
R3 I 5-262-40(a)
lr (tFR 262.40(
2. Is the generator maintaining copies
ofeach Biennial Report and all
Exception Reports for a period ofat
least three years?
R3 l 5-262-4((b)
.i ( FR262.40(b)0[
Iuly Initials rrty Page of2
3. Is the facility maintaining records
sufficient to determine quantities and
disposition ofhazardous waste or other
determinations, test results, or waste
analyses made in accordance with
R3l5-262-l l(f) for a period ofat least
three years from the date oflast shipment?
R3 I 5-262-40(c)
40 cFR 262.40(c)
Will cCucf- tn &tuLl
Biennial Reporting
Has the generator submitted complete
Biennial Report(s)?
40 cFR 252.41
Exception Reporting
Has the generator been required to
prepare an Exception Report, ifyes
describe the circumstances?
40 cFR262.42
*asa fo* b rnab Atru
S-rrrl 9N Uytta a-+
Packaging, Labeling, Marking, and
l. Is the generator packaging his/her
hazardous waste in the appropriate
DOT shipping containers?
2. Are containers labeled and marked in
accordance with appropriate DOT
shipping requirements prior to shipping?
3. Is the generator providing or
offering appropriate placarding to
the initial transporter when
initiating his/her shipment?
R3 l5-262-30
40 cFR 262.30
40 cFR 262.31 &252.32
40 cFR252.33
not Wi Wv/.Ll f '{o"^'i bY ',ffrt
Accumulation Times
(See Satellite, 90 Day and Tank
Checklists as applicable)
Also see checklists for:
Personnel Training,
Preparedness & Prevention,
Contingency Plan & Emergency
Procedures and Manifest
ALS Limited uTD981 551294 1112212019
|uly 2018 lnspector's Initials K nf Page2 of2
ALS Limited EPA #: uTD981551294
Hazardous Waste Inspection
Personnel Training Checklist
Facility personnel must successfully complete
classroom instruction, online training or on-
the-job training which teaches them to
perform theirjobs, such that the facility is
operated in compliance with the applicable
hazardous waste management requirements.
R3 I 5-262- I 7( a)(7X i)(A)
40CI'Rl6l I 7(aX7)(rXA)
fznrr.- rt z--? i4a,t \7 "-n) rnu,
m/r/.* S-t,t, € t4--tfr., .('L/ p*
A+"p"kr*a /u/
2 ,:.un-.x/
,a a(
Is the program directed by a person trained in
hazardous waste management procedures?
40CFR26l I 7(a)(7 Xi)(B)
t**z tu-+rte- /6-/&z- I
Does the training teach facility personnel
hazardous waste management and contingency
plan implementation procedures?
R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)(7 )( i)(B)
40CFR26l I 7(a)(7)(r)(B)
Does the training program include, at a
minimum, the following, where applicable:
l. Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing,
and replacing facility emergency equipment;
2. Key parameters for automatic waste cut-off
3. Communications or alarm systems;
Response to fires or explosions;
5. Response to groundwater
contamination incidents;
6. Shutdown ofoperations; and
R3 I 5-262- I 7( aX 7 )( i XC)
40CFRl62 I 7(aX7)(r)(C)
R3 I 5-262-1 7(a)(7)(iXCXl )
40CIrRf62 I 7(a)(7)(iXCXl)
R3 I 5-262-1 7(a)(7X iXCX2)
40CI'R262 I 7ta)( TXrXCX2)
R3l 5-262-l 7(a)(7XiXCX3)
40CI-R262 I 7(aX7)(i)(CX3)
R3 l5-l6l-l 7(a)(7)( iXC)(4)
40CFR262 l7(a)(7)(i)(CX4)
R3 I 5-202-l 7(a)(7 )( i IC)(s)
40CFR262 I 7(aX7X r)(CX5)
R3 I 5-261-l 7(a)(7)(r)(C)(6)
40CFR262 | 7(aX7)(iXCX6)
- r^kh c+,w**ft4 -/vr,,,,r.ri
crv. r----/ L h^-', , ro )^ r,
!e4 ,
- -rytirn'1r.,,1 t:J lz' r-h // Ha z)Lr,'2/
- atTvl t,nn('tr^ l>zrrrr ruT
Have facility personnel successfully completed
the personnel training program within six
months of the date of their employment or
assignment to the facility?
R3l s-262- 17(aX7 )(ii)
40CFR262. I 7(a)(7)(ii)
Do the facility personnel receive an annual
review oftheir initial traininse
R3 t 5 -262- t 7 | a)( 7 X ii i)
40CIrR262. I 7(a)(7 Xiii)
January 2018 Page 1 of2 Inspectors Initials
si," ALS Limited uTD981 s51294
EPA #:
Hazardous Waste Inspection
Personnel Training Checklist
'F N,r"rt "0r,",<- i/,,./-o
':!: ':;,INSPEGTIO6L;ITEM :,::i GITAfiONz ::::. :? t.,. :,t {r()IMl\lENTS,
The owner/operator of the facility must
maintain the following documents at the
1. The job title for each position at the facility
related to hazardous waste management, and
the name of the employee filling each job;
2. A written job description for each position
listed under #l;
3. A written description of the type and
amount of both introductory and continuing
training that will be given to the employees
listed in #1, and;
4. Records that document that employees have
the training orjob experience required by
paragraphs 265.16 (a), (b), and (c).
a0CFR262. l7(a)(7Xiv)
R3 l5-262-l 7(aXTXivXA)
40CFR262 l7(aXTXivXA)
R3 I 5-262-l 7(aXTXivXB)
40CFR262 17(aX7)(ivXB)
R3 I s-262-l 7(aX7)(iv)(C)
40CFR262. I 7(aX7)(iv)(C)
R3 I s-262-l 7(aX7)(iv)(D)
40CFR262 I 7(aX7)(iv)(D)
Tl^z'.;"-L* la i{. /". 4t 7rr..;5-
/r-ru^-e1*ttu*t' /lr*- (i't4a-ttt,.t
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..lul+t*14 i.- /+,- ld'cc'/'t
i41,.,i L^- , 4P *1 hYr;'rr\''-f
l/<-,l1cl't tJ fr {at( h fi 'z' tz tv-,
| ,t ,y' ...l- .t-
Sy'Z'C.C-t t7*-o ta-lzi r''z-du I lq
*t-t - f,t t,< d? 40 ci lL (Te/tl,,z lL
/-<,+ >'t'l,t t-.-( 'tra tn t ra
Are training records maintained at the facility
for current employees and for at least three
years for employees that have left the
40CFR262. l7(a)(7)(v)
-Lupqzxt7z4 zr|/-t;- 2 it-l-11--c I
tz.",z, t P"'r's z"z.t 7)G.. 7)arzu4 h
70t1"- Zct(1
January 2018 Page 2 of 2 Inspectors Initials
Site. ALS Limited EPA#: uTD981551254 Date: 1112212019
Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist
Itlote: thrs checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlers (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13,228 lbs.)
General Requirements
Have copies been distributed to all local police and
fire departments, hospitals, and State and local
emergency response teams that may be called upon
for assistance?
R3 I i-16l-l 7(a)( 6) ( LQG\
R3 I 5-162-162(a) (ZpG)
R31 5-261 -,120(c)(2) (HSM bL
Content ofthe Continqency Plan:
l. Does the contingency plan describe the
actions facility personnel will take to minimize the
hazard to hurnan health or the environment when
responding to fires, explosions, or any unplanned
sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous waste?
2. Does the contingency plan describe
arrangements agreed to by local police and fire
deparhnents, hospitals, contractors, and State and
local emergency response teams?
3. Does the contingency plan list the names,
addresses, and phone numbers (office and
home) of primary and all other persons
qualified to act as emergency coordinator?
4. Does the contingency plan include a list of
all emergency equipment at the facility? The list
must be kept up-to-date, and include the location
and a physical description of each item on the list,
and a briefoutline ofthe equipment's capability.
5. Does the contingency plan include an
evacuation plan for the facility? This plan must
include a description ofsignal(s) to be used to
begin an evacuation, evacuation routes, and
altemate evacuation routes.
R3l5-261-261(at (ZOG)
R3 I 5-2(, I -420(b)( I ) (HSi.f)
R3 I 5-262-261 (c) (1-0G)
R3 r 5-26 l -410(b)(.r ) (HSn4
R3 l 5-262-16 l (d) (aC)G)
R3 l 5-16 l -.120( b)(4\ ( HS|O
R3 I 5-261-26 I (e) (ZQG)
R3 r 5-26 l -420(b)(s ) (HSn4
R3l 5-262-261 ( l) (LQG)
R3 I 5-26 I -42()( b)( 6) (HSM)
Ifthe facility first became subject to these
provisions after May 30,2017, or has otherrvise
amended its contingency plan, has it developed and
submitted a quick reference guide of the
contrngency plan to local emergency responders in
P3l5-262-262(a), and state and local emergency
response teams that could be called for assistance?
R3ls-262-262(h) (LQG)
Not requrrcd - HSM *
Ifthe facility has a quick reference guide for its
contingency plan. does it have the following
required elements?:
l. Types/names of haz wastes and the associated
hazard for each haz waste present aI any one trme
(e.g., toxic paint wastes, spent ignitable solvent,
etc. )
2. Estimated maximum amount of each haz waste
that may be present at any one tlme
3 Identillcation ofany haz wastes for rvhich
exposure would require unique/special treatment by
medical or hospital staff
4. Map of the facrlrty shorving where haz wastes are
generated, accumulated and treated, and routes for
accessing these wastes
5 Street map ofthe facility in relatron to
surrounding businesses, schools and residential areas
for the purpose ofgetting to it and/or evacuating
citizens and rvorkers.
6 Locations ofwater supply (fire hydrant, flow rate)
7. Identified on-site notification systems (alarms)
8. Name oiemergency coordinator and 24hr 17 dlwk
emersencv ohone number
This section nol
oppticoblc for HSM
R3 I 5-262-262(b)(t) (LQG\
R3 I s-262-262(b)(2) (LQG)
R3 r 5-26:-l6l(b)(3) (LQG)
R3 l 5-262-262( b )(1) (LQG)
R3 l 5-162-:61(b)(5) (LQG)
R3 1 s-262-162( b)(6) (LQG)
R3l 5-262-262(b)(7 ) (L?G)
R3 I 5-262-262( b t(8) (LQC\
ftl o,q ru.ul "l&^uq
a > k P+Ylc'*
lht .t tlrr,z l,lo sy c,'ol,"rnr- n>
udd t" wau^ahw ftl*? a 6r< t1r,'u
oV' ' addu|uluJut
o\4 vtrt
January Page of3 Inspectors lnitials Kt*
sit". ALS Limited EPA#: uTD981551294
Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist
Date: 1112212019
,Vote.' fhr:s checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlerc (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13,228 lbs)
Does the facility have a least one employee
on-site or on-call at all time who is qualified to
act as the emergency coordinator?
Does the contingency plan include procedures
for activation of the intemal alarm by the
emergency coordinator?
Does the contingency plan include provisions
for notifying the appropriate State and\or local
response agencies?
R3ts-262-264 (LoG)
R3ls-261-420(e) (HSM
R3 | s -262 -26 s (a) (t) ( L Q G)
R3 l 5-26 l-420(0( l )(i) (HStl)
R3 | 5 -262-2 6 s (a) (2) (L QG)
R3 l s-26 l-420(0( l xii) (HsM)
Does the contingency plan outline the
procedure(s) that the emergency coordinator
will follow to immediately identifu the
character, source, amount, and extent of
released material?
R3ts-262-26s(b) (LQG)
R3 l s-26 l -420( f)(2\ (HSM
Does the contingency plan include procedures
for the emergency coordinator to follow in
order to assess possible hazards to human
health or the environment?
R3ts-262-265(c) (LQG)
R3 l 5 -26 l -420(0(3 ) (l/.9,U)
If it is determined that the incident could
threaten human health or the environment,
outside the facility, the emergency coordinator
must notifu the appropriate local, State and
Federal agencies. Does the contingency plan
include provisions for noti$ing the
appropriate agencies? Do the notification
measures include information to be reported
(name and telephone # ofreporter, name and
address of facility, name and quantity of
material(s) involved, extent ofinjuries, and
possibility of exposure outside the facility),
and identifu the National Response Center
and the State as parties to be notified?
k3ts-262-26s(d) (LQG)
R3 l 5-26 l -420( f)(4) (HSIO
Does the plan include procedures to prevent
the spread of the incident to other hazardous
waste/material at the facility?
t5-262-26s(e) (LQG)
3 t s -261 -420 (f)(s\ ( H s t4\
Are measures included to monitor for leaks,
pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in
valves, pipes, or other equipment, when it is
necessary to shut-down operations as a
response to an incident?
R3rs-262-26s(D QQG\
R3 l s-26 l -420(0(6) (11S,r.1)il
Does the contingency plan provide procedures to
follow to manage the hazardous waste/material
generated as a result ofan incident?
Rits-262-26s(d &QG)
R3 l 5-26 l -420(f)(7 ) (HS M rul to ald oilil ,rlultoq at
Following implementation of the contingency
plan, are provisions included to ensure that in
the affected area(s):
l. No waste that may be incompatible with the
released material is treated, stored, or disposed
ofuntil the cleanup is complete.
2. That all equipment listed in the contingency
plan is cleaned and fit for use prior to
resuming activities at the facility.
R3 t s -262-265 (hX l ) (zQG)
R3 l s-26 l -420(0(8Xi) (HSn4
R3 t s -262-2 6 s (h)(2) (L Q G)
R3 l 5-26 l -420(0(8Xii) (HSr4
vwfltoaAA arful d6lun
Ianuary 201 8 Page 2 of3 Inspectors tnitidl iQ*
sit". ALS Limited uTD981 551294EPA #:
Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist
IVote.' t ris checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlers (excepl where indicabd) who accumulate >6,NN kg (-13,228 lbs)
The contingency plan must include
provisions for recording the incident
requiring implementation of the
contingency plan and speciffing
information that will be recorded and
reported. The requirements are as follows:
l. Will a written report on the incident be
provided to the Utah State Department of
Environmental Quality within 15 days?
2. The following information needs to be
recorded and reported:
a) The name, address, and telephone # ofthe
b) The name address, and telephone # ofthe
c) Date, time, and type of incident;
d) Name and quantity of material(s) involved;
e) Extent of injury, if any;
f) An assessment of the actual orpotential
hazard to human health or the environment;
g) An estimate of the quantity and disposition
ofrecovered material(s) that resulted from the
R3t5-262-26s(i) (LQG)
R3 I 5-26 I -420(0(9) (HSil/)
R3ts-262-265ti) (LQG)
R3 l 5-26 1 -420 (f)(9) (HS M)
R3l5-262-265(iXr) thru (i)(D (.eC)
R3 I s-261420(o(e)(i) thru (o(9xvii)
Oe*St*lt*e W - ol
HSM Only: Are all employees thoroughly
familiar with proper waste handling and
emergency procedures relevant to their
responsibilities during normal facility
operations and emergencies?
R3l5-26r-420(d @SIt)
January 2018 Page 3 of3 Inspectors trritiadrs (4t
Site:4rg Limited EPA ID: UTD9BI SS12g4
Preparedness and Prevention ChecHist
Page I of2
Date 11p212g1g
Is the facility maintained and operated to
minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or
any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release
ofhazardous waste or hazardous waste
R3ts-262-2st (LQG)
R3 ls-262-16(bX8Xi) (Soc)
R3 I 5-261-4 I 0(a) (HSnr')
The facility must be equipped with items (l)-
(4), identified below, unless it can be shown
that hazardous waste managed at the site
would not require the particular kind of
equipment specified.
l. Does the facility have an internal
communications or alarm system capable of
providing immediate emergency instruction to
its personnel?
2. Does the facility have a device capable of
summoning external emergency assistance to
the facility (phone or lyo-wgLradig)Z
3. Does the facility have portable
extinguishers, fire control equipment
(including special extinguishing equipment
necessary for their facility), spill control
equipment, and decontamination equipment?
4. Does the facility have water at adequate
volume and pressure to supply water hoses, or
foam producing equipment, or automatic
sprinklers, or water spray systems?
R3ts-262-2s2 (LQG)
R3 l s-262-16(bXsXii) (SoG)
R3 l s-26 l -4l 0(b) (r1st[)
R3ts-262-2s2(a) (LQG)
R3 l s-262-l 6(bX8XiD(A) (SoG)
R3 l 5-26 l 41 0(b)( l ) (HS,r.1)
R3ts-262-2s2(b) (LQG)
R3 l s-262- l 6(bX8Xii)(B) (soc)
R3 l s-26 l -4 l 0(b) (2) (HSA[)
Rjts-262-2s2(c) (LQG)
R3 l 5-262-l 6(bX8XiiXC) (Sgc)
R3 l s-26 l -4 l 0(b)(3) (HS,r.1)
R3ts-262-2s2(d) (LQG)
R3 I 5-262-l 6(bXsXir)(D) (sg6)
R3 l 5-261-41 0(b)(4) (HSM)
Are facility communications or alarm systems,
fire protection equipment, spill control
equipment, and decontamination equipment
tested and maintained to assure its proper
operation in time of an emergency?
R31s-262-2s3 (LQG)
R3l s-262-16(bXsXiiD (sgc)
R3 I 5-26 l -4 I 0(c) (llsil1)oL g'u*tidz tzqtraclut
Do facility personnel have immediate access to
an intemal alarm or emergency
communication device, either directly through
visual or voice contact, while managing
hazardous waste?
R3ts-262-2s4(a) (LQG)
R3 I s-262- I 6(bX8[iv)(A) (spc)
R3 l 5-26 l 41 0(d)( l ) (HSn4
Dt phorze |Cva aba,-,
Is there everjust one employee on the
premises while the facility is operating? If
yes, does that person have immediate access to
device capable of summoning extemal
emergency assistance?
ts-262-2s4(b\ (LQG)
I s-262- I 6(bX8Xiv)(B) (spc)
rs-2614I0(dx2) (ilsn4
]an 2018 Inspector's tnrtiak (ftJ.
site:fl-$ Limited EPA ID: UTD981551294
Preparedness and Prevention Checklist
Date 1112212019
Is aisle space maintained to allow the
unobstructed movement of emergency
personnel or equipment (unless aisle space is
not needed for any ofthese purposes)?
R3l5-262-255 (1-e)G)
R3 I 5-262- r 6(b)( rJ )( \ ) (SQG)
R3 I 5-26 I -4 I 0t c) t /15',t1)
The facility must arrange the follow'ing types
of agreements or arrangements with local
organizations (as appropriate):
l. Has the facility made or attempted to make
arrangements to familiarize local police, fire
departments, and emergency response teams
with the layout ofthe facility, character ofthe
hazardous waste(s) managed, locations where
facility personnel normally work, location of
facility entrances and possible evacuation
2. Has the facility designated primary
emergency authority to a specific police or fire
department, when more than one police or fire
department might respond in the event of an
3. Have agreements with State emergency
response teams, emergency responses
contractors, and equipment suppliers been
4. Have arrangements been made to
familiarize local hospitals with the properties
ofhazardous waste handled at the facility and
the types of injuries or illnesses which could
result from fires, explosions, or releases at the
R3 I 5-262-256(a) (ZQc)
R3l 5-261- I 6( hX 8XviXA) (SOG)
R3 r 5-26 l -.11 0( f)( l ) (HSM
Rl I 5-262-256(a)\2) (LQG)
R3 l5-261- l6(bX8)(r r)(A)(ll) (sOG)
R3 I 5-26 l -4 I 0(O( I X r) (HS.11)
R3 l s-262-256(a)(3t (LQG)
R3 I 5-162-1 6(bXll )(vi)(A)(nI) (sOG)
R3 r 5-l6l -4 r o(f)( l x ii) (Hs,r.1)
R3 I 5-262-156(a)(t) (LQG)
R3 I 5-261- l6(bX ll X vi)(A)(l) (s0c)
R3 I 5-26l -1I 0(f)( I Xiii) (HSM)
R3 I 5-262-156(a)(2) (LQG)
R3 I 5-261- I 6( bX 8)tviXA)(ll) (SOG)
R3l 5-261-.+ l0(t)t I )trv) (HS,t4
If any State or local authorities have declined
to enter into such arrangements, has the
facility documented the refusal in the
operating record?
R3 I 5-262-2s6(b) (relc)
R3 I s-261- I 6(b)(8)(viXB) (spc)
R3l s-26 r--+ l 0(l)()l (HSL
|an 2018 Page 2 of 2 Inspector'slnitials y41
sit" ALS Limited uTD981 551 294
EPA #:
Hazardous Waste Inspection
Manifest Checklist
Reouirements Manifests Reviewed
Manifest Number (box 4)oot\rl;l1rl ru br 3>'t 2\it'rLE u ot5[:7r,,r',,0*uDo,lyis'l3t kt
Generator EPA ID#
Appendix to R315-262 (box l)-d--6L - o/c -0k
Generator information :
Mailing Address (box 5)
Phone Nurnber
- oK Lbrrn^
i \httb',tt
- oic-t
- s2tc 0rl
- o((
- ,1,
, Cll-{
Transoorter # I information:
Company Name (box 6)
EPA ID# (box 6)
-0L. tl\
Transporter #2 infonnation :
Company Name (box 7)
EPA ID# (box 7)
^)ft- .{,
- d ou cfie|
Desienated Facilitv information:
Name and Address (box 8)
EPA ID# (box 8)
Phone Number (box 8)
Itra,y,"; t<'
- ..f ,fr'i, Jfi<'.itl'l' tQ \+ur,Q,,-
\otAP{ k
i0nt acf
L(q); uct'c
Waste Shipping reouirements:
DOT Description (lncluding proper
name, Hazard class, and ID #) (box 9b)
(box 9a "X" if hazardous materials)
Containers: No & Type (box 10)
Total Quantity (box I l)
Unit - Wt/Vol (box 12)
Waste Codes (box l3)
Special Handlins Instructions
(box l4)-oL -ot -D[oL
Manifest Cer1ifi cations:
Generator's Signature (boxl5)
International Shipments (box l6)
Transporter's Signature (box l7 )
Discrepancy Indication (box l8)
Hazardous Waste Report Management
Method Codes (box l9)
- oL ql |.ltct
- ull
_ 0i.
-0K -r{o.{oirtfil
-eL 8f rair{i
- 01. 1{euJ H.11
- pL S-lutllti
- clt
- rL -fi+rt>trP(6t
0L *olc tltql
- o( tfz,lr7
- u{r
- /'/ll
-aL lla.lO
Facility Signature (box 20)
_ sr ttlulfi - oL- s!t?lr1 -ok- (tltil{t -oL zlzlrT
Final Observations and Comments:LDf-at*atLv"(, rritd i
cLucv4l/;"lt.d h,J
hrm n stl'.,A
p(gy;uto 6tlac*l
[-gQ h,rn d4ati*l
- !r, , u-,?
- ahCr;zr il
Common container codes: DM - metal drum\barrel: DF - fiberbarrel: TT - cargo tank; TC - tank car: DT - dump truckl CM - metal
box\carton (includes roll-offs) Common Units of Measure: G - gallons: P - poundsl T -tons: Y - cubic yards)
January 2018 Page I of I Inspectors Initials (41
si,. ALS Limited uTD981 551294
EPA #:
Hazardous Waste Inspection
90 Day Storage Site
>55 gallons
.:IXSPEC,flON,,,ITEM CITATION.;:t::-:i:;lr,:::l:.:,..::/,,1:,.l OMMENTS
l. Is the container labeled with the
words "Hazardous Waste"?
2. Is the container marked or labeled
with an indication of the hazards of
the contents?
3. Is the date upon which accumulation
began clearly marked and visibly for
4. Is that date <:90 days old?
R3 I 5-262- I 7la)(5 )( rXA)
R3 I 5-261- I 7(a)(5)(rXB)
R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)(5 XrXC)
Yz- lt/ tt / zn, a
4. Is there a Preparedness and Prevention
Plan for this site or the facility as a whole,
including this site? (see separate Check List)
R3 I 5-262-250 thru 256 bL
5. Operated to minimize chance of Spill or Fire?
6. Spill and Fire control equipment?
7. Emergency communication device: Intemal?
Emergency communication device: Extemal?
Sufficient Aisle and Access space?
8. Is there a Contingency Plan for this site or
the facility as a whole, including this site?
(see separate Check List)
9. a. Description ofactions that should be taken?
b. Name & Phone # for Emergency Coordinator?
c. Primary and altemate evacuation routes?
d. List ofemergency equipment & location?
Rl I 5-16l-160 thru 265
R3 l5-262-261(e)
Have personnel at this site Successfully
completed up to date Personnel Training on
HzW Handling & Fire & Spill Response?
Is the training documented?
(see separate Check List)
R3 l5-262- l7(aX7)(i)
Are the containers accumulating and holding
hazardous waste in good condition?
Are they compatible with the HzW in them?
R3 l5-262- l7(a)( lXiii)
Is the generator maintaining his,/her containers
in a closed condition except when adding or
removinq waste from the container?
R3 I 5-262- I 7(aX I )(ivXA Y'
Containers holding hazardous waste must not
be opened, handled and/or stored in a manner
which could cause it to leak.
Rl I 5-l('l- | 7(r )( I l( ivXB bL
Is the generator inspecting his/her containers
at least weekly, and do the inspections look for
leaks, deterioration, and any factor that may
cause a release ofhazardous waste?
R3 l-s-262- l 7(a)( I Xv)eL
No ignitable or reactive HzW within 50 feet of
the facility's property line.R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)( I Xvi)(A w
lrtlr.: l; ,l t, I t,'Uni'vwsal waslt
January 20 I 8
lI ,l.. *.L
Page I of 1
ryt -t Lbrdt lrl4
Inspectors tnitiarc{fr!
si," ALS Limited uTD981551294
EPA #:
Hazardous Waste Inspection
S atellite Accumulation Checklist
<55 gallons
ftl*als ?o ,9ca *pl-t acLtt
Is the satellite accumulation area at or near the
point of generation?
R3l 5-262-15(a)\e,lLt \E
Is the satellite area under the control ofthe
operator of the process generating the waste?
R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)
\0t Yq
Does the generator have the accumulation
container labeled with the words "hazardous
waste"?R3 I 5-262- 15(a)(s)(i)\tt \ct Jcg
The generator can not store more than 55
gallons ofhazardous waste or I quart of
acutely hazardous waste at the satellite
accumulation area.
R3l5-262-15(a)OV OL OL
Are the containers in good condition, and
being managed in a way so it does not leak
or spill?
Yct 1/'
Is the hazardous waste stored in containers that
are compatible with the waste?R3l5-262-15(aX2)le,\ct Yrt
Is the accumulation container being
maintained in a closed condition except
when waste is being added or removed, or
when temporary venting is necessary for
proper operation ofequipment or to prevent
dangerous situations such as pressure
R3l5-262-15(a)(4)\ct \el )tl
Does the generator have the accumulation
containers marked with an indication of the
hazards of its contents?
R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(s)(ii)\et Y,,Yct
Is the generator correctly labeling and moving
hazardous waste, in excess ofthe 55 gallon or
I quart limits, to a 90-day storage area within
72 hours of exceeding the limit?
R3ls-262-ls(a)(6 )(i){t
Sa,kUrk1uvt za-uh la*,sprtt b;O i'n uch l,t,*
January 2018 Page 1 of I Inspectors tnitials K/l *
P eaee print or Form Aooroved. OMB No.
l. C€neratof lD Numbs(
uT Ds 8tS5 1291
2. Page 1 d
3. Emeepncy R6sponso Phono
(8oo)483-?718 '-imHl579o7 FLE
llf'rellt u n mali'tgddrsss}
S80UrnLefol[kive SA,E
sdtlalre cfu,uT8/1123 ,
nanarer^/cphm a8Dll28ls7700 I
6. T.a$poder'1 Compary tlanE
Oran Hartors EnufommttdScnia3s. lnc
U S. EPA lD lturterI maDosgszzzso
7. TldEportsr 2 Crrnpary NafiE U.S. EPA lD lttuinbet
U.S. EPAI0 Nur$er
uTD9815521 77
dituh Phone:|/3-?3lBel{ioo
Cleur Hrtors Anlsn&r LtC
11600 floi$Aour RordCilrsrilr.UT8|O29
9b. U.S. DOT Desdixion (!dt ding Pmper StipflrB Name, Hazad Chss, lD NLmbet
afld Pa*irp Group (f rtyD
10. Containe.s 1'1. Total
12. Unil
13. Wasb Codes
uil190a wAsIE FtAtlrll8tELlQultls. Toxlc. tl.os.
glt uiloil. flEIHAXOLCTRO(X t N$'LRDR. 3. (5.11FC lll ol Dllt ?0\i(w22 uoo2l u00:
u0rg u080 ulE{
uI1593. WASrE IXCHUImilEIUAiIE 6.1. FC lll.
toxtc{it HArAnoll HtzARo zoxE o 0\Dlt,+N P
u080 F001 FOOi
t uxgooe. [tsirEcnnnosrE uQllqF.onDlztttc. il.o,s.
sotuxxl. oll,DR)cttLoRcrclo. tIllTUC ACID. SILHHC
lctD. Forrssum FERilAISAilAIEI 8. (5.11. F6 I I
{1 0F tl0 r D001 DOo2 DOor
x 0:-0F ?oo 7 DO01 I,002
=00w5 0[ r$f,Pr'ti4 sHid Hendim lnsrudhns ad Adl:rlIr.rcr5, ffIill;lr{+J* -P'f rrr ''r- 't" "'- ','cnt.tti' HHi[tlm,t*,# ,r,-,- M**r.ctltzt?tt' I
-.a. r!r{-tlri[a.-- _--IUT Tru'
l q l usltl-
I certify that
15 thalthecontentsofthiscons.rgnmataefulryardacq,ratdydes.fibedabovebyt}Eproperstimingnama,ardar8dassiIed,p8d€ged'
Erporter, I contents 0f lhls consignment conform lo the tems of lhe atiaded EPAAdrmiledgccotof Cmsert
rimization statem€nl ideolified ln 40 CFR 26227(a) (if I am a laEe quanli$ gemrahr) or (b) (lfl am a vnall quaility is tnr.
nff"*'*"tq CL,*f+u,*Y tv
I Pod of €nuylexil:
Date leavirE U.S.:
Ents tr mport to u.s.
(hrerports oriy):
f rxport from u.s
1 7. Transpofur Ack$vtedg,rEnt ol Receid of l,tateriabW tW-/Ue= tt
Oq Year
t Ml,l
Transporte. 2 Prinled,rlyped tlame lronth oay Yed-rtL
18. Dbcrepancy
lsa,Discrepancylndlcationspace I Ouuntity trt .E** Er.nr,R"p.o'on Eruni*,i*
Manitest Relererrce lfu mber
U.S. EPA lD Numbet18b. Altemate Facility (or Ger€rato()
Fa;if,t/s Pturc:
18c Signatm ofAltemab Facrlity (oI Generato{tlbntr Day Yeir
'lg. Hazadm Wde Report t4amgement llet\od Codes (i.€., codes for hazaldous waste treatrnent, dispGd, md recyd'tt sFtefiE)o Ho4ot Ho+o t Hilr,' Ho{o
20. O6sbnaEd Fadlity Ovmar or Operatoc Csrtificatin of recdB of lrazrdous materials covered by he mail€st e(cept 8s ndod h lt€m 18a
/typed Name
6l[tr,r li,"u
srcItu(B/I \cri.M/..
tronm w r€t
lvl l'l-EV
df8ffiilH.t+&tln$Hfllgfiffictfffllu tre udrin rc*fl dprrar iln T0 EPA'g eflANIFEST SYSTtll
791901788188 scPPw 3/LU20L9
(Continuatloil Sheet)
21. Generabr lD Nu{nbef'n.Paga 23. t6n llt5f lltf ldl!fi{Dlllber
24. GerErabfs Name I'II,,FII'iTLZi'N 41NT IE'TIUI'EITfE
AIS Erdronmemd laborarr
25. TGrBporter _ Cmpany Name
u.S. EPA lD Number
26. TransDorter Comoanylr*lJ.S. EPA lD Number
27b. U.S. DOT Description (ncluding Pmper Shrpping l.lane, Hazad Oas, l0 Nurta,
and Packhg Gro{,p (if any))
2S.cmtainers l
No. I Tvoo I
29. Total
30. tlnit
3'1. Wasle Code6
32. Special Hadfu lnstucliorE ard Additionai lnbrmatinr
E "eEt6{3505
Pdated/lyped Name Sgtatu'Er-J tt
34" Tqngortet_ Ad(nowledgn$t of Receipt ol Mattrials
Pinhdfyped Name Siiipature --1ffi1fi----U'ay-
35. Discr€pancy
36. Hazardous Uuasb Reprt Man4anrnt Metlod Codes 0.e., @des fu hazardo{,s waste lreatmenl disposal, and recycling systems)
$.H040 I I
hr use on elite FormAooroved. OMB
El)A Fom 8700-22A (Rev. 3{5) Previcus editirns aa obsolete, DESIGIIATED FACIIII/ T0 DESIIilAflOSI STATE (lF REQUIR$)
e.balr nedram ire thr enrrnuire rrrrrlc fnr rrl ril *eril lir rttr ilr fearret.. k rhirfiir,
Land Disposal Restriction
Notification Form
il:ifi8[:to +o crcz]'i -?Gr;-iE*-br;;iiiliGlhil;iiffi;G;;i;il;;;G-6ilAilfia;il0
Page:2 of 2
Applies to
Manifest Line
2. 3. 4.
'l-tris waste r" noi '."iiricTJi"'$;diia i. 4n cF-{ fiit$Eil D---.-
Land Disposal Restriction
Notification Form
Page: 1 of2
Subject to
Generator r AfS
-Enriron-reni"-f ;;;;[ry-
Address: 960 West LeVoy Drive
Salt Lake City,UT 84123
EPAID#: UTD981SS1294
Manifest Tracking lnfo. ,_
Sales Order No: 1901758188
- t N -d
TT-E M IN Fti R M/tr-nc]tt
Subject to
Profile # ^cl{ l'il t LtrL
ptease comp@ kted profiiej -
Waste containr u n,nn
mlnimum of 6 inches of headspace witt remainln each Dor,,#a ,tripping oontainer (see 49CFR 173.203 for non bulk packaging requi.CenS;
Please describe modifications made to the waste or packaging. Utirize this space berow to
anv changes, modifications or upaatei-iequired to m-eet cr"un ir.ruo,.s waste acceptance
changes in the process of generation or characteristics may necessitate submission of a newprofile for the waste stream.
rh': .!!*-'!:nt certifies that rhe above risteri materiar(s) have been properrystabilized/deactivated in accordance with incttasiy r":"liiinZri'r'anagement practicesand procedures' we further certifi that the ntaterial(s)'is/are snb:k yor handling andtransportation under normal conditions. cornpany ihh w*"yy and hold harmlessclean Harborsfrom any damages or inittries arisingfrom tlris ciitipcotion,sfoilure to
sonature F,_IirJe ttE /aa^-7*
DoT rated shipping container wifl have a minimum of 6 inches of headspace remarning.
YEs V t\o
Clean Harbors Manifest Addendum
960 West LeVoy Drive
Salt Lake City, UTB4123
, UU aO rUUZ t_UU3it A,, A, a . .. F005
fu .---e-ri;6;ur-----'--e-u=-qeagim#------------gwse$#Ls--------.=;;i p008 Do09 D010,i ^,, ^ .. D011L----.---------rug@$..------.---Mrygrngg---.-_
ALS LAB-007 - Revision 4
November 1,2010
Page 4 of 5
Print Name LEGIBIY and lnitia!
i7'/., \z
Training/Certification Statement: THE TRATNTNG AS DESCRTBED ABovE AND ourlrNED rN TRAINTNG DocuMENTS wAs coMPLETED FoR
.f/^ r^- ,l+",-ru-*
TRanrER Nnn,tr (entrurro)r.fr LJ*/
TRATNER Naur (pRtrurro)
Topic of Training
Hqt-orn!,-.rs LPzg\- l/-/,-\ D t{rt\6-
Print Name LEGIBLY and Initial
ALS LAB-007 - Revision 4
Page 4 of 5
Print Name LEGIBLY and lnitial
: 13.
Yathrun I r"ut-',aYrl Punl
€o* ln W..lner' t n/
fbr. BoSctrt- -TP
6cbr,<,,1q CG Yc,t q. GG
i tz.
:. 33.
Training/Certification Statement: THE TRATNTNG AS DEscRTBED ABovE AND ourLtNED.lN TRAINtNG DocuMENTs wAS coMpLErED FoR
t,lzll t1
TRATNER Nnue (enrrurco)
Srcr'rnruRr DATE
Topic of Training Date of Meeting
Haz^r&sr5 96,5\<- L<-v-\ 5-
I rcrt\\n,l tlpltr
Print Name LEGIBLY and lnitial
TRATNER Naur (pnrrureo)
QUnIIry AssuRANCE MANAGER Stcr'tRrunr j
ALS LAB-007-Revision4
November l,2010
Page 4 of5
Print Name LEGlBLy and lnitial
13, .
S\nar.r-- $er,^.t-
TRATNER Nerrar (nnrrurEo)
Hata.)>uS LrsO.il*- ,4r,.-\ t\
s lutn
Print Name IEGIBIY and lnitial
lnd cti rdRTLucuon I ra ntnq Keco
Employee Name:C/-u^ ! (.- L.J(h4,Employee Signature:
Employee Start Date /
Reorientation Date:
ro/o?/r I ALS Location /
Division:tt-c /Eilt/Position / Area:Tr r-. ,-r.,/,
signature above that they have received, understand, and will content
Mandatory training for all staff. To be completed within Week One, plus re-induction every two years.
Part Name Type Length
(min)Content Trainer Name Completed
Date Score Employee
Global HSE lnduction ALStar 60:00 ALS lnduction At&t*-,o lorf ,7 N/A %
2c WHMIS (Canada Only)ALstar 40:00 General Chemical Safety / Labels
/ sDs rh
Mexico Only)ALstar 2l :00 General Chemical Safety / Labels
/ sDs &Lf't+to/,1/17
3 Site lnduction
Checklist Checklist Equipment / Evacuation /
Committee { }"anc tf.arl to/ot/n /'2.4, ___k-_:_
4 lnjury Manaqement Poster &
Handout N,/A Review the poster and share "lf
you are injured at work" handout f/'r*- d?at*t^ L/,q ffi
5 Life Saving Rules ALstar Life Savinq Rules rt/S/n tohil1 N/A %
6 Manual Handling PowerPoint 1 5:00 Manual handling and safe lifting
techniques / rules [L*. k*u{afu/r N/A .T
7 HSE Employee
Handbook Handout Ceneral HSE rules d,? do{t,y'rll N/a %
8 Hazard ldentification
Sign Off Han do ut Listing of the location's Hazards
and Controls lL,* ffa*{,/tl?
9 Hazardous Waste
Awareness (USA Only)ALStar l2:00 Ceneral information / Container
Manaqement / Preparedness lL{+?/r"fr/,t <
Pl of2
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsglobal.com
lnduction Training Record
Employee Name:CIr-l t-- G-.-E.J[Employee Signature:
Employee Start Date /
Reorientation Date:
r. /o t/, ?ALS Location /
Division:sLc- f ruv Position / Area:7<n€. s-r // rt*
Laboratory Employee thatwork with the specific substance
Part Name Type Length
(min)Content Trainer Name Completed
Date Score Employee
HF Training PowerPoint I 5:00 Responsibilities and Handling rt /t
Cyanide Training PowerPoint 40:00 Responsibilities and Handling ,J"r*
Methylene Chloride
PowerPoint l5:00 Responsibilities and Handling
^/ /a
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Handout 40:00 Responsibllities and Hazards ,lh
ALS-HSE-NA-FM-o68-EN.rl 2 P2of2
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsqlobal.com
A Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
rmptoyee: FathrYn rr0l^'r+lwrLjht Signature:
rrainer: Shana. Stgw^r t
= fr_N @0% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
$ Satellite Accumulation Area containers, the label should contain the following information:
a) The words "Hazardous Waste"
b) Operator's initials
A Location's generator status
Y) Accumulation start date
must be kept closed except when addins or removins waste.
3) ln order for a container to be considered RCRA empty, it should:
a) Contain > I inch of residue or > 3% of the container's capacity
a6) Contain < I inch of residue or <3% of the container's capacity'at Contain < 3 inches of residue or < 1% of the container's capacity
d) Contain > 3 inches of residue or > 1% of the container's capacity
4) Labels must be left on satellite containers, even if they become damaged or illegible.Gl rrue
b) False
5) - Universal Wastes include all the following except:
W Mercury containing equipment
h) Batteries
@ tncandescent lightbulbs
d) Fluorescent lamps
6) Lab packs are used to dispose of the following types of hazardous wastes:
I Expired standards and chemicals
b) Samples that don't meet our waste profiles
c) Laboratory wastes such as disposable gloves and paper towels
q) soth A and B
7) As a Waste Operator, my responsibilities include all of the following except:
a) Label containers correctly
b) Move hazardous wastes to the Central Accumulation Area
KO\ Add wastes to satellite accumulations containers promptly when generated
d/ Report any concerns of non-compliance
Rev. 0l Pl ofl
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsg lobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level 2 Quiz
rmotovee: l4c-[hryr Lth-{+tu,rvif n } sisnature:
Trainer: Strcl".t, S {+r^ra.l-
Score: f-J 1 = t>_% 60% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
t ) When waste is added to the Central Accumulation Area, the label should contain all of the following
information EXCEPT:
A Label that says Hazardous Waste
(.bP Operator's initials
c) Name of the waste streamd) Accumulation start date
2) A lab coat will protect you from all hazardous waste?
a) True
@ False
3) lf a person begins to feel dizzy while pouring hazardous waste they should:a) Keep working, you'll be done soon
b) Keep working but try a different waste stream
A Stop working and take a break
@ StoO working move to fresh air and notify someone
4) The buddy system is an acceptable form of two-way communication.,/iI) TrueY Fatse
5) To make sure we are prepared for ahazardous waste incident, the lab should:
a) Have an Emergency Response Plan
b) Practice what to do in case of a spill
,i Have the equipment available to clean up a spill
{9) All ofthe above
6) lf there is a fire in the CAA, the first employee on scene should:a) Rush in and put out the fire
b) Find the site safety rep
fc-r) lmmediately call 9-l -l\*/ oo nothing and wait for others
7) lf there is a spill in a lab, the supervisor will:
a) Ask for help from the Spill Response team
b) Evacuate lab staff to a central area
c) Be available to answers questions about the material
@ All of the above
Rev. 0l PI ofI
Right solutions . Right Partner www.alsglobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
r^ptovuu, T - t) urO - sion^tur", %z o. - JO
trainer: {La-'.- S*.Jr-* signatur"' 8-
oate: o4r/tl//t score: L>t]_= t-1x 60% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
1) Satellite Accumulation Area containers, the label should contain the following information:
6l> tne words "Hazardous Waste"
Af Op.r"tor's initials
c) Location's generator status
d) Accumulation start date
2) Waste containers must be kept closed except when adding or removing waste.
76\ TrueV r"lr.
3) ln order for a container to be considered RCRA empty, it should:
a) Contain > I inch of residue or > 3% of the container's capacity
@) Contain < I inch of residue or < 3% of the container's capacity
c) Contain < 3 inches of residue or < 1% of the container's capacity
d) Contain > 3 inches of residue or > 1% of the container's capacity
Labels must be left on satellite containers, even if they become damaged or illegible.
a) True
CI False
5) Universal Wastes include all the following except:
a) Mercury containing equipment
b) Batteries
4@ lncandescent lightbulbs
d) Fluorescent lamps
6) Lab packs are used to dispose of the following types of hazardous wastes:
a) Expired standards and chemicals
b) Samples that don't meet our waste profiles
cI Laboratory wastes such as disposable gloves and paper towels
@ sottr A and B
7) As a Waste Operator, my responsibilities include all of the following except:
d Label containers correctly
@ Uor. hazardous wastes io the Central Accumulation Area
a) Add wastes to satellite accumulations containers promptly when generated
d) Report any concerns of non-compliance
Rev.0l PI ofl
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsg lobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level2 Quiz
Employee T"4 Ju.Q-
Trainer: SL-^-, S*r;*
o^*", o*ft( score: 1J 1 = EQ-x $0% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
SiOnature: ffi, -. O/C
Sign"trr.l B/
Please circle the best answer:
I ) When waste is added to the Central Accumulation Area, the label should contain all of the following
information EXCEPT:
a) Label that says Hazardous Waste
6) op.t.tor's initialsc) Name of the waste streamd) Accumulatlon start date
2) A lab coat will protect you from all hazardous waste?
_d True
(b) ralse
3) lf a person begins to feel dizzy while pouring hazardous waste they should:a) Keep working, you'll be done soon
b) Keep worklng but try a different waste stream
c) Stop working and take a break
6$ Sto'p, workini move to fresh air and notify someone
system is an acceptable form of two-wav communication'
5) To make sure we are prepared for a hazardous waste incident, the lab should:a) Have an Emergency Response Plan
b) Practice what to do in case of a spill
O Have the equipment available to clean up a spill
e) Afl of the above
6) lf there is a fire in the CAA, the first employee on scene should:a) Rush in and put out the fireb) Find the site safety rep(4Ir lmmediatelv call 9-I-1
E- oo nothing and wait for others
7) lf there is a spill in a lab, the supervisor will:
a) Ask for help from the Spill Response team
b) Evacuate lab staff to a central area
Be available to answers questions about the material
All of the above
Rev.0l Pl ofl
Rlght Solutlons . Rlght Partner www.alsglobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
,roror".,Shr"hl= Jtc*-l-.-k- sisnature:
rr^in"r, lti l<s H i ct(.eq ,,rru",", 'Y\rr{^ {L/*
ou", Eltf n Score:
,(-Lt -L= lory" (80% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
'I ) Satellite Accumulation Area containers, the label should contain the following information:
@ The words "Hazardous Waste"
b) Operator's initials
c) Location's generator status
d) Accumulation start date
2) Waste containers must be kept closed except when adding or removing waste.(f,D rrueY1 False
3) ln order for a container to be considered RCRA empty, it should:
a) Contain > I inch of residue or > 3% of the container's capacity
@ Contain < I inch of residue or < 3% of the container's capacity
c) Contain < 3 inches of residue or < 1% of the container's capacity
d) Contain > 3 inches of residue or > 1% of the container's capacity
4) Labels must be left on satellite containers, even if they become damaqed or illeqible.
@ True 1ql&L L*W -lrJrd.s
b) False
5) Universal Wastes include all the following except:
a) Mercury containing equipment
b) Batteries
@ lncandescent lightbulbs
d) Fluorescent lamps
6) Lab packs are used to dispose of the following types of hazardous wastes:
a) Expired standards and chemicalsb) Samples that don't meet our waste profiles
_d Laboratory wastes such as disposable gloves and paper towels(d Both A and B
7) As a Waste Operator, my responsibilities include all of the following except:
-a) Label containers correctly
@ fUove hazardous wastes io the Central Accumulation Area
a) Add wastes to satellite accumulations containers promptly when generated
d) Report any concerns of non-compliance
Rev. 0l Pl ofI
Right Solutions . Right Partner wwwalsg lobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
Employee:'t^?4'-€''</'/<sisnature, y'H-l7
,r^rn"r. Skarrr- ,fb,-, *ry' sisnature: lu
oate: i o- lS- (1 Score: t.J ,- = /::-% (90% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
'I ) Satellite Accumulation Area containers, the label should contain the following information:
a) Operator's initials
b) Location's generator statusc) A\umulation start date
C9-} words "Hazardous Waste"
2) Waste containers must be kept closed except when adding or removing waste.
--\( a) )TrueY r"tr"
3) ln order for a container to be considered RCRA empty, it should:
a)* Contain > 1 inch of residue or > 3% of the container's capacity( b)')Contain < I inch of residue or < 3% of the container's capacity-YContain < 3 inches of residue or < l% of the container's capacityd) Contain > 3 inches of residue or > 1% of the container's capacity
a) Jqpels must be left on satellite containers, even if they become damaged or illegible.
b) False
5) A closed container means:
a) The locking ring is bolted onto a 55 gal open top drumb) The lid is secured on top of the containerc) A non-locking funnel has been removed and the bung is closedd) lf the container falls, the contents won't spill
C,),' of the above
6) Used Oil does not include:
a) Vehicle oil
---hL Vacuum pump oil( c)\Qily samples--Tfl nstru ment pu m p oil
ALS-HSE-US-TR-007-EN.r02 PI of2
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsg !obal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
7l To be prepared for an emergency, I am required to do all of the following except:
_-lL Read the SDS for the chemicals I am working with(-__LDet externaltraining on spill response
I Understand the Emergency Response plan and know my roled) Be alert to hazards around me
8) Lab packs are used to dispose of the following types of hazardous wastes:
a) Expired standards and chemicals
b) Samples that don't meet our waste profiles
A Laboratory wastes such as disposable gloves and paper towels
(-Fspth A and B
9) As a Waste Operator, my responsibilities include all of the following except:
a) Label containers correctlyq--S-I(ove hazardous wastes to the Central Accumulation Area
---c)--A'ctd wastes to satellite accumulations containers promptly when generatedd) Report any concerns of non-compliance
l0) I have the responsibility and authority to stop any unsafe act or condition
@,,.b) False
ALS- HS E-US-TR-00 7-EN. r02 P2of2
Right Solutions . Right Partner wwualsg lobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
t*ptov"", T \a n<- Ki,-,/r, J Signature
Score:9J to = loo % (90% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
'I ) Satellite Accumulation Area containers, the label should contain the following information:
a) Operator's initialsb) Location's generator statusc) Accumulation start date
@ The words "Hazardous Waste"
2) Waste containers must be kept closed except when adding or removing waste.
(y rrue
b) False
3) ln order for a container to be considered RCRA empty, it should:
q) Contain > 1 inch of residue or > 3% of the container's capacity
@ Contain < I inch of residue or <3% of the container's capacityc) Contain < 3 inches of residue or < 1% of the container's capacity
d) Contain > 3 inches of residue or > 1% of the container's capacity
4) Labels must be left on satellite containers, even if they become damaged or illegible.
Qy tru"b) False
5) A closed container means:
a) The locking ring is bolted onto a 55 gal open top drum
b) The lid is secured on top of the container
d A non-locking funnel has been removed and the bung is closed
lQ tf the containlr falls, the contents won't spill
@ nlt of the above
6) Used Oil does not include:
a) Vehicle oil
b) Vacuum pump oil
@l o,tvsamplesd) lnstrument pump oil
ALS-HSE-US-TR-00 7-EN. r02 Pl of2
Right Solutions . Right Partner www.alsg lobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level I Quiz
7) To be prepared for an emergency, I am required to do all of the following except:
4 Read the SDS for the chemicals I am working with(!/ Get externaltraining on spill response
a) Understand the Emergency Response plan and know my roled) Be alert to hazards around me
8) Lab packs are used to dispose of the following types of hazardous wastes:
a) Expired standards and chemicalsb) Samples that don't meet our waste profiles
I Laboratory wastes such as disposable gloves and paper towels
(!)r Both A and B
9) As a Waste Operator, my responsibilities include all of the following except:
4 Label containers correctly
@),1 Uove hazardous wastes to the Central Accumulation Areac) Add wastes to satellite accumulations containers promptly when generated
d) Report any concerns of non-compliance
l0) I have the responsibility and authority to stop any unsafe act or condition
@) trueb) False
ALS-HS E-US-rR-00 7-EN. r02 P2of2
Right solutions . Right Partner www.alsglobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level 2 Quiz
Employee ,T ho^. [<i^l ,.J srgn^rur", UtM 2@/
Score:LOL ts = UL% Q0% demonstrates competency)
Your signature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced training.
Please circle the best answer:
I ) When waste is added to the Central Accu m ulation Area, the label should contain all of the following
information EXCEPT:
d Label that says Hazardous Waste
/bj ) Operator's initials\er' Name of the waste streamd) Accumulation start date
2) A lab coat will protect you from all hazardous waste?
a) True
16s r^b"L-/
3) lf a person begins to feel dizzy while pouring hazardous waste they should:
a) Keep working, you'll be done soonb) Keep working but try a different waste streamgI Stop working and take a break
@) ston working move to fresh air and notify someone
The buddy system is an acceptable form of two-way communication.
Qy r,u"b) False
To make sure we are prepared for a hazardous waste incident, the lab should:
a) Have an Emergency Response Planb) Practice what to do in case of a spill
EI Have the equipment available to clean up a spill
(y All ofthe above
If there is a fire in the CAA, the first employee on scene should:
a) Rush in and put out the fire
E Find the site safety rep
(c)1 lmmediately call 9-1-I
Y) Do nothing and wait for others
ALS-HSE-US-TR-00 8-EN. r02
PI of2
Right solutions - Right Partner www.alsglobal.com
Hazardous Waste Level 2 Quiz
7) Drums should be placed in the CAA with sufficient aisle space, and with the labels visible.
W i:r:"
8) When about to transfer waste from a satellite container to a central accumulation container, you are
comparing.the labels when you notice the DOT hazardous materials warning labels don't match. The firstthing you do in this instance is:
@y Ston what you are doing immediately and inform the Hazardous Waste Coordinatorb) Double check the name of the waste stream and proceed to transfer the wastec) That situatio-n would never happen since we aren't supposed to match up labels and hazard
warnings before transferringd) Transfer the waste, but inform the Hazardous Waste Coordinator of this discrepanry when you've
finishede) Both B and D
9) As a Level 2 trained worker, I am responsible to know and follow all of the container management rules.
.7: _IaY lrueY) Fatse
I 0) A closed container is one that cannot spill if tipped over and that hazardous vapors cannot escape; that
a) Bungs are screwed in loosely
!l Funnels are covered with a piece of cardboard or foil
@l Lids are on with ring locks latched
ALS-HSE-US-TR-00 8-EN. r02 P2of2
Right solutions . Right Partner wwwalsglobal,com
iltt"rl" n^+n l- S
Kari Lundeen <klundeen@utah.gov>
FW: Hazardous Waste lnspection - ALS
2 messages
Shane Stewart <Shane.Stewart@alsglobal.com> Mon, Nov 25, 2019 at 11:41 AM
To: "klundeen@utah.gov" <klundeen@utah.gov>, "kwallner@utah.gov" <kwallner@utah.gov>
I have attached the items that you needed from the inspection last Friday. The Emergency Response Plan and the
Hazardous Waste Management Plan have the items that were needed to be added in blue for your quick reference along
with the updates to the map showing the location of the fire hydrants. I could not find training records from 2016 for any
staff members but as shown training has taken place since 2017 and will continue that training annually. lf you need
anything else just let me know.
Shane Stewart
Salt Lake HSE/Waste Manager
Salt Lake City
T +l 801 266 7700 D +1
F +l 801 268 9992 M +l
904 4252
349 0728
960 West LeVoy Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
Esubscribe to Webinar Wednesdays E $ m
Watch this video and see why you should Experience ALSI
Isllll$ $bsut yourAtl Uft[ltt{(t!
([10( tltm hmkr tswin
a FREE Smafiwatrhl
Right Solutions ' Right Partner
5 aftachments
11 Shane_8 hour refresher 2019.pdfu e+oK
i1 Shane Stewart-RCRA-2019.pdf
- 727K
fl Sl - Level 4 Quiz - shane stewart.pdf
Salt Lake ERP Rev3.pdf
Salt Lake HWMP Rev3.pdf
Kari Lundeen <klundeen@utah.gov>
To: Shane Stewart <Shane.Stewart@alsglobal.com>
Mon, Nov 25,2019 at 4:04 PM
Hi Shane,
Thank you for this information - I will take a look at it this week. Also, I looked into the generation amounts and you are
correct, since your facility is a large quantity generator you don't need to track your quantities in great detail. You do need
to track the quantities you generate closely enough that you can include them in the biennial report. Since you are having
yourlvaste shipped monthly, that is likely enough detail.
w^trE HAr{AoEx[]tT
& BAOrArlOta eOrtIiOl
Kari Lundeen
Euvironmental Scier:tist I Hazardous Waste Section
P: (8or) 536-o253
F': (8or) gg6-ozzz
wasteandradiation. utah. gov
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA
lQuoted te),t hidden]
Hazafdous Waste Level 4 euiz
emotovec: ,(nan+ Jd,.r r*-F Signature:
Trainer;Chrt.sbfhr p.rt ar*e ,rnnrrrr", W4y',1 , --
ou", 3/r:rLkl3- score: fuJ b-- !.% (goNa"monstrates competency)
Your sianature acknowledges that you have completed and understood the referenced tralning.
Ptease circle the besa answer;
r)Whlch statement ls true:
a) Waste containtng polychlortnated biphenyts (pCBs) is managed underTSC,A and therefore nevermanaged as a hazardous waste under RCRA.
.A .Ytt: lgnlalnlng polvchlorinate{ blphenyls (PCBs) is unregulated and treated as nonnat trash.q) y_1:l:,._onratnlng potyclttorlnated biphenyls (pCBs) is managed underTSCA, and also as a RCRAnazaroous waste It lt also mects the definltion of hazardous for other constltuents,d) whether PCBs are consldered hazardous or not ii d;a;;i;;d;r ir,iitati i.rJ irJ not by the federat9overnment.
cradle to 6rave means thatwe are responslble for our hazardous waste from generatlon to tranrport to aTSDF.
The Hazardous wasle coordinator ls responslble for all of the following except:
Jl Reviewing wasre streams wath assrsrance frorn LD and supervrsor@ Discipltntngemployeesc) Malntalning records of tralnlngd) Updating ERp/Contingency plans
For SQGs and LQGs, which of the followlng documents are requlred:
ll Emergency Procedures or Contingency planb) Hazardous Waste Determinationic) Personnel Tralnlns Records(D Allof the above -
The \{aste Dlsposal Techniclan,s training includes all below except:
a) Hazardous Waste Awarenessb) Splll Control Measures
A Satellite Storaga Rules\!) Shipping hazardous waste
Pl of3
Right Solutlons , Right Parlrer www.alsglobrl.com
Hazardous Waste Level 4 Quiz
6) All generators of hazardous waste must subrnlt a blennial report.
A) True(b) False
7) Contalners should be lnspected woekly to ensure that they are:
a) Free of resldue
b) Compatlble wlth the waste
c) Labeled when theY contain waste
d) Closed
@ ett of the above
8) A Generator should rcsubmlt their Notlfication:
a) AnnuallYbI when the name of the slte contact changes
c-f lf thcre was a dlscrepancy with a manifest
d) Evcry 5 Years
g) State Hazardous Waste regulatlons must be at least as stringent as thc Federal program'
@ rrucb) False
l0) When should the accumulation start date be added tothe contalnerT
a) When flrst drop of waste ls added to the satelllte accumulatlon contalner
(O Wnen first drop of waste ls added to the central accumulation containcr
V lmmediately before lt ls shlPPed
tli Accumulatlon start dates don't need to be on the label
I l) DOT tralnlng ls requlred for shlppers of Hazardous Waste.
tS) TrueIf r"t.
lZ) What information should be included on the Hazardous Waste label prior to shipplng?
a) Company name and address
b) Waste codcs
c) Name of hazardous waste
d) Nante of shiPPer
@ lttoftheabove
13) Ho!r/ nruch total hazardous waste can a SQG have accumulated on slte at any slngle time?
a) 2200 kg
b) No upper llmlt(Ot sooo t<gi, tooo ke
l4) Employees hava the rlght to report work related inlurler or hazard concerns without fear of retaliation.
O rrueb) False
ALS-HSE-US-TR-01 0'EN.tO3 P2of3
Right Solutlonr . Rlght Partner www.alsglobal,corn
l5) A Central Accumulatlon Area should have:
a) Slgns statlng No Smoklng - Hazardous Waste Areab) Posted lnforrnation about ernergency procedure,/contactrc) Fire Extlngulsher and Spitl Clean-up marerlal
!) lnternrl and external communlcatron systcm
@ ail of the above
I6l How long must you maintaln a flnal signed copy of a hazardous waste manifest?
a) 3 months
@ I yearsa) 7 years
d) l0 years
I 7f I'he frequency of "weekly" inspections means
a) Once per calendar week
@ tlo more than seven days apartc) 'Weekly" is a misnomer, as long ab you do theni regularly th*rt is no frequency requirement
I 8) Lab packing ls not used for:
a) Explred standards
Samples that don't nleet our profiles
Unlversal waste
Listed waste chemlcals
l9) Contalners in a Satelllte Accumulation Area should be labelecl with:
a) Words'Hazardous Waste'b) Words "Satellite Accumulatlon"c) Name of the waste streanr
!l DOT hazardous materlal symbols
k) Al1 of the above
20) Managers and supervlsors are responslble for all of the folowing ex€ept:
a) settlng the rlght example for employees through both words and actlonsb) Ensurlng employees are perforrming thelr duties according to pollcy/regulailon, and provlding (orrectlon
and/or disclpllne when necessaryc) Provide adequate resources such as nraterials, tlme, and personnel, for the compllant managlng ofhazardous wastes
@ Stgntng manlfests and preparlng containers for shlpment
LS.IISE-US.rR-0 I 0-EN.r03 P3 of3
Right Solutlons . Rlght Partner www.alsglobaLconr
S nftty Comp fiarlce fufanogement
is proud to award tfik
Cercf{care of conyfefion
for successfut{y comy{eting a 6ours of trainlng & testing in
RCRA Hazardous Waste Generator Training #1391
40 CFR 262.34 and 40 CFR 265.16
?resentef,tfi* 05 dav of September , zo 19 .
oEee0tG(\totriuJ3L=<\U) .i
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Emergency Response Plan
Location: Salt Lake
City Date of
s&l u20 r 9
I'i*![-005"1i1,1[R RiSf St(- [altirt,, Re;2]
Eight SolL:t:ons Ri11:t Partrer www.al sglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
Location: Salt Lake
Document Name: HSE-005-EMER.RESP. SLC Facility
Date of Revision: O81l_,/20.l9
It is the responsibility of all employees to understand the contents of this site
specific emergency response plan. Ensure you are aware of the various situations
and how you are expected to respond. This Plan will also serve as ALS-Salt Lake's
Contingency Plan.
Emergency Control Team ........ ............4
Emergency Control Team Responsibility... ................4
lndemnity.. ............4
Roles & Responsibility............. ................4
Contacting the Alarm Monitoring Company ..............6
Evacuation Procedures .......6
Fire Fighting Techniques............. ........7
Spi11s......... ........9
Spill Control Equipment................ ........,..9
Minor spi11........... ...................9
Major Spi11.......... ..................I 0
Post Spill considerations: .......... ............10
Medical Emergencies............... ..........1I
lf you are trained on First Aid: ........... .....................1 I
lf you don't know First Aid: ...................1 I
Gas Leaks.. ......1 3
Water Outage ...................1 5
Electrical Outage ..............1 5
Natural Disasters... ...........1 6
Earthquake ..........1 6
Explosion ........1 6
Personal Threats ..............17
Hil-005-iivlIR.RLtP. St.C la.ility Re.j 23
Alght Soiirtions Right Paraer www.alsglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
Unarmed Aggression / Threat ...............17
Armed Threat....... ................I 8
Bomb Threats..... ..............1 8
Written Threat .....1 8
Parcel Bomb Threat ..............1 8
lf the Site Safety Rep ls Unavailable: ................ ........l8
Telephone Threat....... ..........19
Special Medial Treatment ..................19
lmminent or Emergency Situation ......1 9
Emergency Contacts... ..........21
APPENDIX A Contingency Plan ...............22
APPENDIX B Quick Reference Cuide ......:.......... .......26
APPENDIX C Bomb Threat Checklist .......30
APPENDIX D Disaster Management Plan ..................32
l1:l-{-r(r'r'41,1[R.R!1? St.{- Fa,: rlti;' i],.,,, 23
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Emergency Response Plan
ALS Salt Lake is a full service laboratory working with a wide variety of hazardous materials,
including halogenated and flammable solvents, concentrated acids and bases. This location
also uses various gasses in compressed, liquid and cryogenic states. The lab is a large
quantity generator of hazardous waste. This manual will serve as the lab's contingency with
an appendix containing the disaster management plan.
Emergency Control Team Responsibility
Any volunteers forming part of the Emergency Control Team are expected to behave in a
competent manner. lt should be clearly understood that the primary duty of the Wardens and
Fire Directors is not to combat emergencies, but to ensure as far as practical and to the best
of their ability, the safety of the occupants and the orderly evacuation from the danger zone
when appropriate.
Persons appointed to the Emerqencv Control Team (ECT) should:
. Have leadership qualities
. Speak clearly when under pressure and be able to communicate with the majority of
the occupants in their area.. Have maturity of judgement, good decision making skills and capable of remaining
calm under pressure.
"The ECT team shall be indemnified against civil liability, resulting from workplace emergency
response assessment, education, training sessions, periodic exercises or emergency
evacuation of the building where the ECT team act in good faith and in the course of their
emergency control duties"
Roles & Responsibility
Fire Safety Director / Deputy Fire Safety Director
The person in this position is required to respond immediately to an Alarm/Alert in order to
determine what emergency procedures for the building should be implemented. This person
also brings into action the Emergency Control Team taking control until the Fire Department
or Emergency Authority arrive and assume responsibility.
The site HSE Manager, Shane Stewart, will assume the duties of the Fire Safety Director (FSD).
The Ceneral Manager, Brent Stephens, followed by the most senior member of management
on-site at the time of the incident will assume the duties of the Deputy Fire Safety Director in
the absence of the Fire Safety Director.
Upon hearing the ALARM/ALERT or receiving notice of an emergency, the Fire Safety Director
/ Deputy shall:
. Ascertain the area in which the Alarm/Alert is occurring
. Advise Area Wardens to respond to the area in Alarm/Alert and check status of
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Emergency Response PIan
Area Wardens confirm and report the emergency status
Upon receiving reports of emergency situation via Area Wardens, the Fire Safety Director
may decide to raise the level of Alarm/Alert to EVACUATION.
Fire Safety Director then initiates Evacuation by: Pulling the fire alarm
Area Wardens and Deputies
These team members are responsible for directing their specific area/department on the
emergency response that has been directed by the Fire Safety Director. The Deputy Area
Warden will assume responsibilities whenever the Area Warden is absent.
. Direct a search of their assigned areas and ensure all persons are aware of the alert and
are moving to the gathering point.
Contact the Fire Safety Director only if there is important information
mobility impaired persons in your area or details of the emergency.
Preve nt premature evacuation
details of
. If an evacuation is decided upon, direct all people underyour charge to a safe exit and
proceed to Assembly Area where an account of staff can be made.
In the event of an Alarm/Alert or if notified by an Area Warden:
. lmmediately STOP SAFELY what you are doing.
. lf it is safe to do so, cease any chemical reactions and turn off any non-essential
equipment and mobile plant, power tools that may be operating.
. Proceed to ih. emergency assembly point for your section following al! instructions
issued by the Area Wardens.
Walk, do NOT run
Do NOT stop to pick up personal effects.
Area Wardens are to make staff aware of Alarm/Alert and perform a quick search of the
area to ensure everyone has been evacuated - providing it is safe to do so.
At the assembly point staff will be accounted for by their manager or the senior manager
on duty.
Stay within the assembly area until directed otherwise by the Fire Safety Director or an
Area Warden.
Do NOT return until the all clear is given.
Area Wardens shall report any missing occupants to the Chief Warden or Emergency
Services and initiate any action as required by the Chief Warden or their delegate.
The main assembly point is located in the north parking lot with the secondary assembly point
!ocated in the east parking lot.
H5l'OC5-[ MEL.X!!p. 5t(- t.1.iliIy
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Emergency Response Plan
The following employees are designated as Area Wardens and Deputy Area Wardens.
Orqanics Joseph Gress Thomas Masoian Shane Stewart
lnorganics Jeff Ward Peter Steen Joanna Sanchez
SMO Julie Warath Meredith Edwards
Managers Shane Stewart Miles Hicken Brent Stephens
Contacting the Alarm Monitoring Company
Person(s) assigned to contact the Fire Alarm Monitoring Company:
l. Salt Lake Facility Manager (Miles Hicken)
2. HSE Manaqer (Shane Stewart)
Fire Alarm
Monitoring Company:
Mountain Alarm Fire
Phone #
B0l -486-873 r
Account #
and Secudly BBB-349-3 4 5 5
In the event of an Alarm/Alert or if notified by an Area Warden:
. lmmediately STOP SAFELY what you are doing.
. lf it is safe to do so, cease any chemical reactions and turn off any non-essential
equipment and mobile plant, power tools that may be operating.
. Proceed to the emergency assembly point for your section following all instructions
issued by the Area Wardens.
Walk, do NOT run
Do NOT stop to pick up personal effects.
. Area Wardens are to make staff aware of Alarm/Alert and perform a quick search of the
area to ensure everyone has been evacuated - providing it is safe to do so.
. At the assembly point staff will be accounted for by their manager or the senior manager
on duty.
. Stay within the assembly area until directed otherwise by the Fire Safety Director or an
Area Warden.
Do NOT return until the all clear is given.
. Area Wardens shall report any missing occupants to the Chief Warden or Emergency
Services and initiate any action as required by the Chief Warden or their delegate.
HSi'Ca5 -[.MIR.RlSi]. 5LC Facilitv i-tr ot iC
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Emergency Response Plan
The main assembly point is located in the north parking lot with the secondary assembly point
located in the east parking lot.
. The Evacuation map is located in APPENDIX B
NOTE: Life safety is the number one priority; the safety and well-being of personnel
shall take precedence over any other considerations.
If the fire alarm has sounded:
. Evacuate as per the Emergency Evacuation procedure detailed in this plan.
If the fire alarm has not sounded:
. Activate the alarm by pulling the red handle down on the fire alarm.
. Alarms are located by all exit doors.
. Evacuate as per the Emergency Evacuation procedure detailed in this plan.
IMPORTANT POINT - Before rushing for a fire extinguisher, look at the fire and remember the
Fire Triangle. Fire is fed by Fuel, Oxygen and lgnition Source.
lf it is safe to do so, and after activating alert/alarm, you may use a fire
extinguisher to fight the fire. Never fight a fire alone; wait for assistance. Do not turn
your back on the fire, and never allow the fire to come between you and your egress
Can you SAFELY remove any excess fuel? Eg. Are there pallets, rolls of paper or
drums of solvent at the edge of the fire that are not alight yet but may ignite later if
the fire spreads? lf they are warm leave them, you do not want them igniting in your
Does the fire involve solvents or etectricity or is it safe to use water. lf water can
be used, a fire hose (or even a garden hose) is better than a fire extinguisher - it will
not run out.
.1\I r,',).t Lll t rt' i \l C 11, ilrl/F/ ol -lu
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Emergency Response Plan
l. CalltheFireDepartment(orhavesomeoneelsedoso,soyoucanhelpfightthefire).
Never fight a fire alone, wait for assistance.
2. Obtain the correct extinguisher
3. Take extinguisher to proximity of fire; keep your back to an exit.
4. Remember the word PASS - Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
5. Remove the pin, being careful not to squeeze trigger as you do so. DO NOT turn
your back on the fire.
6. Move to a safe distance with nozzle aimed at the fire (6-9 feet for CO,, I 2-l 5 feet for
Dry Chemical).
7. Attack the fire with a sweeping motion aimed at the base of the fire.
8. lf the fire does not go out (or goes out and then flares back up) and somebody is
not ready with another extinguisher, turn off fume cupboards, and equipment (if
safe to do so) and leave the building, shutting as many doors and windows as you
safely can. Notify other staff to evacuate.
9. Notify HSE Manager - Shane Stewart (ext. 252) of situation.
l0.Await Fire Department at emergency assembly area.
After Hours
L Carry out steps I - 8 above.
2. Call an Emergency Contact on their emergency contact number (see attached list).
3. Await Fire Department at emergency assembly area in the front of the building.
Smoke Hazard
A fire that happens on neighboring property could cause smoke to enter the building. The person
identiffing the outside fire is responsible to:
. Call Operator and instruct them to call (9)9-l -l and inform dispatcher of the
situation even if vou believe the fire is out.
. Notify the HSE Manager, Shane Stewart.. The HSE Manager will contact the Department Managers and direct them to
close all doors.
. Maintenance staff will set the building's HVAC system to re-circulate only, until
the outside air is clear.
ALS has three types of extinguisher on various site.
l. Compressed Carbon Dioxide (Red Extinguisher) also identifiable by the oversize nozzle.
Use this type.of extinguisher if .it is a machine that is on fire (eg computer, CC-MS etc.).
2.Ory Chemical Powder (Red Extinguisher). Use this type of extinguisher if the fire is a
chemical fire.
3. lnteigen (Red Extinguisher). This type is used in instrument areas. The extinguisher uses
an inert gas mixture that is safe for people and electronics, and does not promote ozone
Ensure you are aware of which type of extinguisher is available in your area!
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Emergency Response Plan
. All building occupants will be advised to stay inside until the hazard is abated.
Spill control material kits are located in all labs. We also have four fully stocked spill carts in
the Central Accumulation Area, hallway outside Metals Prep, SVOA Lab, and lnorganic
Spill Control Equipment
ALS Salt Lake has equipment available to clean up most spills that would occur in the
laboratory. All liquid hazardous waste is in secondary containment that is sufficient to handle
the contents of one container. Chemicals are stored in a mannerto minimize the hazards of a
Four spill carts are maintained throughout the lab. These carts are outfitted with spill
abatement equipment including neutralizers, PPE and a guidebook for handling common
hazardous chemicals in the lab. A large supply of spill kit materials is located in the Central
Accumulation Area.
Spill kits are located in every lab throughout the building. A Mercury spill kit are available in
Metals Prep. This spill kit is used to collect solid Mercury and to decontaminate the area.
Spill Magic absorbent material is available in every lab to assist in the clean-up of a liquid spill.
Minor spill
When the nature, volume and location of the spill material renders it relatively easy to deal with
(eg. 1 liter (l L) of acetone spilt in a fume hood) this is defined as a minor spill. Refer to the
chart below to determine who should handle a spill of a particular chemical.
A minor spill is one that meets all of the following criteria:
. No injury or a very minor injury (such as a minor cut to the hand from broken
glass) is sustained.
. The emergency is contained in its current location without the need for further
. No reaction is taking place between substances, indicated by bubbles being
generated, a color change, heat being given off or any other unusual behavior.
. Fumes from the spilled liquid are exhausted, and not building up in the
immediate vicinity.
lf the spill is only a small amount and is contained, the laboratory supervisor will initiate spill
abatement measures. The supervisor will make the determination to involve the Spill
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A Emergency Response Plan
Response Team (SRT). lf it is within the ability of the department, the supervisor and
employees will clean up the spil!, decontaminate the area and gather the spill debris for
disposal as hazardous waste. Refer to the chart betow for guidance on when to notify the
Maior Spill
A major spill is classified as any spill:
. where those involved do not have immediate control over the situation,. any event that does not classify as a minor laboratory spill,. where there is an unknown element,. where the laboratory safety equipment is not adequate to address the need,. any spill involving Hazardous Waste, either in the laboratory Satellite
Accumulation Areas or in the Central Accumulation Area.
As soon as a spill occurs:
. Move out of the immediate area to avoid fumes and physical contact.. Employees should meet in the large conference room until the spill is cleared
or a full building evacuation is mandated.
. lf anyone has been overcome, assist him or herto getto fresh air.. lf anyone has been splashed, assist him or her to the emergency shower or
drench hose and page for first aid.
. lf the spill is of a large volume or not contained, leave the area, switching ON
any fume hoods" and closing doors behind you to contain the spill. lf the spill
is quite large and threatens to spread beyond the area/room or enter a drain,
it must be contained appropriately. Do so if required and you have received
appropriate training.
. Supervisor will make the determination to evacuation or clean up, as practical.. Call the Spill Response Team over the intercom by paging your location 3 times.. lf the spill is determined to be too large or beyond the scope of the team's
training, then 9-91 I will be notified. The lab will be evacuated or told to shelter
in place, depending on the situation.
" Note: Fume hoods (where available) should be switched on in order to remove fumes from
the area and expedite the clean-up process. lf a fire has broken out due to a chemical
reaction or for some other reason, ensure that fume hoods are turned OFF. This will prevent
the fire being drawn up into the roof space and spreading.
Spill Response team members are Level 2 Hazardous Waste technicians. They include: Shane
Stewart (HSE Manager), Chris Hansen (lnorganics), Chris Winter (Organics), Penny Foote
(lnorganics), Joseph Gress (Organics Manager), Jeff Ward (lnorganics Manager) and Miles
Hicken (Facility Manager).
Post Spill considerations:
ln the event of a spill to the environment, the HSE Manager (Emergency Coordinator) must:
HSi't105 -EMt:R. R[SP. SLa- Farilil,;PI0 of rlC
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Emergency Response Plan
. Notify UT Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at (801)
. Notify National Response Center at I -800-424-8802
The chart below outlines estimated spill volumes and the planned response. This is only a
guideline and should be reviewed against the available personnel and equipment.
Classification of Soill Volumes to be handled by SRT
Chemical Class I Class 2 Class 3
Lab Staff SRT SRT or 9-91 I
Methylene Chloride,
<4L <81 >201
Methanol <4L <81 >201
Petroleum Ether <4L <81 >201
Hexane <4L <8L >20L
Acetone <4L <81 >201
Sulfuric Acid, H,SO,<l00mL <2.5 L >l 0L
Hydrochloric Acid, HCI <500m1 <2.5 L >l 0L
Nitric Acid, HNO,<500m L <2.5 L >1 0L
Class l: A spillthat should be able to be cleaned up by any lab staff.
Class 2: A spill that should be able to be cleaned up by the SRT
Class 3: A spill that could be cleaned up by the SRT but SRT has the option to call
9-91I ifthemembersthatwerepresentdonotfeel comfortablecleaningupthespill.
If you are trained on First Aid:. Call for assistance and commence basic life support.. lnstruct anyone nearby or who responds to your call to page a fist aid attendant, and
then call 9-91 I and state the nature of the emergency.
. Have the assistant help in any way needed, given the nature of the situation. (eg.
Helping to move the victim, support leg while you apply bandage, go and await
ambulance etc.)
If you don't know First Aid:
The priority is to call for first aid assistance from a trained First Aider on site
Remember - The human body is fairly resilient and will recover from
provided that the following occurs in the first few minutes.
115a"aC 5 LlviLii.RLrjt-. :;La f it!ili l\r
substantial damage
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Emergency Response PIan
These are your priorities
. The heart keeps beating. The victim keeps breathing. Bleeding is controlled / stopped. The victim does not go into shock
You should go for help and call 9-9I I as soon as you safely can leave the victim.
You will have to evaluate the particular situation. The following contains information, this is
not exhaustive, but it will help.
lf a qualified First Aider is not available:
Ask yourself:
"lf I leave this person to get help right now, will they dieT'
"Can I do anything right now to prevent them from getting worse / dyingT'
lf the answer to EITHER of these is NO, then check the following and then go for help.
. lf you call out, is someone likely to respond? - lf so call out and have that person
get help.
. Are they conscious? - lf so ask them for symptoms that are not obvious - (yes,
that piece of glass lodged in the eye does hurt), eg. Do they f eel dizzy, hot, cold,
numb, thirsty etc. this will help emergency services if the victim passes out
before they arrive.
. Are they breathing? - lf not, check to see if anything is obviously stopping them
from doing so (you may have to stick your fingers down their throat). Refer to
the guide in the first aid kit if you need to administer artificial respiration.
. Are they bleeding fairly badly (ie. is it clotting or just flowing out)? lf so apply
pressure to the wound (or have them do it if conscious). Use a make shift
bandage (eg shirt, lab coat [a clean one] or even a fire blanket) to slow the
bleeding. Take note of the color of the blood.
Bright red = Arterial blood and will probably keep flowing in spurts.
Deep red : Veinous blood and will flow evenly and constantly, oozing out.
Purple - Nearly black (for a gut / torso wound) = lnternal organ damage, usually liver.
Apply pressure, drag victim to a safer area if they are in immediate danger (fire, etc.)
ensure they are breathing and go for help immediately, regardless of any other
problems as they only have l0 - I 5 minutes to live.
. Do they have a pulse? tf they were bleeding and it was spurting out then that
was a good sign, as something had to be pumping it. To check for a heartbeat,
place two fingers against the side of the neck about two inches to the side of
the "Adam's apple" or even place your ear against their chest if you are still
unsure. Refer to the guide in the first aid kit if you need to administer CPR.
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Emergency Response Plan
Do not attempt to remove foreign bodies that may have impaled the victim,
removing these may cause further (internal) bleeding. Try to limit blood loss
from these injuries by applying some bandaging around the object, be careful
that applied pressure does not push the object in deeper etc.
Call 9-9I I. Make the victim as warm and comfortable as possible while waiting.
Where possible avoid moving the victim, particularly if they are unconscious or
complain of numbness in the limbs, this may be a sign of spinal damage and
moving them may cause further damage.
!f the victim begins to go into shock (that is, starts to go pale and or complains
of feeling light-headed) elevate their feet and arms where practical to encourage
blood to flow to the head. Loosen any tight or constricting clothing.
Follow thb lnjury Management Policy (ALS-HSE-NA-PY-009-EN) to document the injury.
For a reference, the "lf You Are lnjured At Work" poster provides detailed procedures. lt is
posted on the incident boards and on safety information boards.
Although the lab maintains a full group of First Aid Attendants, there may be times when an
employee arrives on location without a first aider present. Should an injury occur during that
time, the employee must notify senior management prior to leaving the site for medical
treatment, the employee should call each number on the list until they reach a person.
Managers are supplied with a decision tree to help assess the situation and provide the
appropriate response.
The lncident Board contains the proper forms needed for documentation and for emergency
medical treatment. The lncident Board also contains an emergency First Aid Kit.
The gas cylinders, compressed air, vacuum lines and water system are all areas where problems
may be encountered by staff on weekend or afternoon shifts.
ln the event of a gas leak the following steps should be taken.
. lf the source of the leak is obvious and you know the gas is not toxic or
poisonous and can easily be stopped, stop it.
. lf the gas is toxic or poisonous followthe evacuation procedure. Take notethat
compressed gas escaping from a pressurized vessel is extremely cold. lf there
is any chance of contact with escaping gas do not attempt to shut it off.
. lf it is flammable gas, eliminate all possible sources of ignition in the area and
evacuate the area of all staff. Depending on the amount of gas being released
and its toxicity / flammability, you will have to determine how large an area.
. Post a warning sign to let others know not to enter the area.. Call a manager
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Emergency Response Plan
Follow any instructions they give and then return to near the area of the leak
and ensure others do not get too close until help arrives. Do not enter the area
Liquid Argon and Nitrogen dewers and tanks are present at the facility. ln the
event of a rupture of the relief valve, the containers will vent. lf the container
is in a small area, the venting gas will displace the Oxygen in the room. Evacuate
the area and notify your supervisor, a HSE Manager, or Facility Manager if you
see the dewer venting.
HS[-005-LI\4ER.RESt'. SLC Facility PI4 nf l0
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Emergency Response PIan
ln the event of a water outage, all work with hazardous chemicals, such as acids, bases and
solvents must cease. Failure to provide precautions such as safety showers and eye washes
will put us in conflict with regulatory agencies, ALS policy and jeopardizes the safety of our
The Maintenance staff will make every effort to ensure that work on the water systems is
planned and scheduled with the least disruption to production. Plans will include ensuring a
source of potable water and access to rest rooms.
ln the event of a water emergency, please contact the Facility Manager, or Lab Director.
. Halt all reactions.. Close all chemical containers.. Turn off electrical equipment at the wall and unplug it. Leave the plug exposed
in an obvious position so it can be seen when the power is back on.
. Critical equipment may be turned off to prevent a surge when the power
. Emergency lighting will turn on; flashlights are available on the Safety Board
Proceed to large conference room.. Follow the directions of your Supervisor or Fire Warden.. Assess the situation- our response may be different depending on the situation.
- ls the power out in your lab?
- ls the power out in the entire lab?
- ls the power out in the surrounding area?
. Management will make decisions based on the anticipated length of outage.
tf the FUMEHOOD Shuts Down Unexpectedly:
. Close all solvent / acids and wastes.. Shut down all sources of heat.. Close all Fumehood sashes fully and post and "OUT OF SERVICE" sign.. Evacuate area. Notify Supervisor immediately.
lf it is after hours or a weekend and no senior staff are on site. then:
. Contact Rocky Mountain Power (877-548-3768) for an estimated time for the
power outage to last.. Contact the maintenance staff who will contact the electrician - see attached
list and let them know of the situation.
t'J!i't)(j5-lMLR. ii5P. SiC t ar;iiii.r t'1 1, rri lt'r
Where it is safe to do so:
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A Emergency Response Plan
Move to the emergency assembly area and await the arrival of the emergency contact. ln the
event that no after-hours contact can be reached and the down time is unknown, all staff
should wait for an hour, at which time if the power is not restored two people should remain
to accept deliveries. Once the deliveries have stopped arriving, the last two people should
ensure that the building is as secure as possible, all power sources and lights are off and leave
a note in a secure but prominent location. The note should state the nature of the event,
approximate time of power outage, any possible security breaches or issues (ensure in this
case that the note cannot be read from outside the building, otherwise potential thieves are
told exactly how to get in) and leave a contact name and number.
Be aware that the phones and key card access will not work during a power outage. lf you leave
the building, you may not be able to reenter until power returns.
All occupants will take cover under stout furniture or in doorways until shaking has stopped
(Drop, Cover and Hold).
. Once the shaking stops, all occupants will proceed to the nearest exit and meet
on the sidewalk.
. lf it is along the exit path, circuit breakers for the building's electricity will be
shut off. lf possible, maintenance will shut off main electrical supply and
potable water supply, after shaking has stopped.
lf you or someone else is TRAPPED due to earthquake or fire:
. Call 9- 9l I and report your location. Do not attempt to rescue others unless it is safe to do so. lnform trapped people
that you are going for help. Advise emergency responders of the location of the
trapped individual(s). lt is critical to your safety and to the safety of those being
rescued that onlv trained and equipped emergency responders conduct rescue
operations under dangerous conditions.
ln the event of an explosion, there will be a lot of dust and debris around and the air
conditioning system will circulate this quickly. There is also the possibility, depending on the
source and location of the explosion of there being toxic vapors in the air and dangerous
chemicals on surfaces. ln the case of an explosion if you are not injured or trapped, make
your way outside to the emergency assembly area as quickly as possible, there is still a chance
of structural integrity failure. Guidelines for an explosion are:
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Emergency Response Plan
. Cover your mouth and nose with your shirt or similar to prevent inhaling dust,
(this will also have some effect against dangerous vapors).. lf there are injured or trapped people near you, limit any bleeding if you can
and LEAVE them. You can better serve them by getting out and notifying
someone of their situation rather than rescuers spending hours searching for
them and you.
. As you leave TOUCH NOTHINC (surfaces could be toxic/acidic) and avoid drips
and stepping in puddles etc.
. Make your way to the emergency assembly area and notify the Emergency
Control Team (ECT) of your presence.
. Let the ECT knowof any injured ortrapped people, their position and what you
know of their wounds or predicament (eg. Pinned to the area in the nutrients
lab by a metal bar through the leg, knocked unconscious etc.).. Once you have been accounted for and told the ECT what you know, move away
from the building, across the street if possible.
. Be ready to assist if called upon to "stretcher bare" or administer or help
administer first aid etc.
Talk to the person calmly, clearly and politely. Most people get angry and
frustrated because they believe that they are not getting heard or not getting
their issue resolved etc.
Listen carefully to what they have to say and (at least appear to) take a genuine
interest in what they are saying.
Try to look concerned and sympathetic.
Do not disagree, ridicule, laugh or provoke them. Your best policy is to let
them talk and talk, this will often calm them down to a manageable level.
While they are talking, try to unobtrusively remove any potential weapons (eg
scissors, pens and heavy objects - just look like you are doing your business,
but still listening to them.
Talk to them about the problem they have, this is often enough to calm most
people - just hearing someone say that theywill do something. lf at this point
they still appear potentially dangerous, you can make your exit and get help if
it has not arrived.
The procedures given are based on the assumption thatthe assailant is not underthe influence
of alcohol or other drugs. People in those conditions are often beyond reason and have no
other agenda other than to pick a fight or rob you. ln such cases the best practice is to defend
Unarmed Aggression / Threat
. Remain calm and polite.
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Emergency Response PIan
yourselfifneededandrunforhelp. lftheassailantremainsonthepremisesthepoliceshould
be called immediately and if need be the assailant should be restrained to prevent them doing
damage or causing harm to others. Note that you should only attempt to restrain someone if
you have a few people to help you and the situation justifies it.
Armed Threat
When the assailant is armed the situation becomes a lot more critical. Weapons enable a
relatively weak person to cause substantial injury to a much stronger opponent using very little
effort. lt does not matter whether the assailant is armed with, a gun, a knife or even a common
workplace item, once an assailant picks up an item with the intentto use itto inflict injurythey
are armed and should be treated as such.
. Be extremely careful not to threaten the assailant so that the situation becomes
more tense
. Give them what they want. As soon as you are able, exit and get help
All bomb threats should be treated as genuine. A guidance sheet is located in APPENDIX C
Written Threat. Handle the letter as little as possible.. Place the letter and envelope in a plastic bag.. Notify the Laboratory Director and Site Safety Representative.
Parcel Bomb Threat. lf a letter accompanied the parcel, see above.. For the parcel or any suspect package. Gently place the parcel down.. Switch of any electrical equipment including computers and mobile phones and
have others nearby do the same.
. Vacate the area and notify the Laboratory Director and Site Safety
If the Site Safety Rep Is Unavailable:. Have people on site evacuate the building via the exit furthest from the package
and remain at that end of the building. lf a bomb does explode, the more walls
the blast has to pass through the less change it has of reaching you.
. Use the phone at the furthest end of the building to callthe police at 9-9t l.. When the police arrive tell them as clearly as possible where the bomb is
located, what it looks like and if you received a letter, give it to them.
aiqi: (ll)5 Ft\,1[R.RE1p -llc lai:ilitv Pl B oi lrl
Ri-qht 50lItions RirJi]l Partiler www.al sglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
Telephone Threat
Record as much information as possible about the caller - refer to the bomb
threat checklist.
DO NOT hang up after the call. Telephone tracing equipment may still be able
to be used.
Try to let your supervisor or manager know what is happening so they can get
Once the appropriate people have been notified or a senior person is ready, try
to convince the caller that you are not the best person to talk to. Ask them if
they would mind "talking to your boss". lf they agree, pass them over to the
Senior Person.
The supervisor should, upon being informed, notify the Site Manager.
It is imperative that this process happens and the most senior person available arrives very
quickly or the caller may suspect that they are being traced or manipulated and simply hang
up without giving any further details.
Al5_5alt_Lake_doe: not have a
or sp-ecial-treatment by nrs_,
,,r_s_ wastes where exposr.rr*q_would r*gguire uru_que
pital staff
,il:-e,etne,rge ney -co.D,rd u a-t_o r s,lt el I I, r, :
sl-e" il-q nated-as-tlle- o n:s( e,rr e e-a-sd
{ellql usir:-g.Jherr ?4:lrsur Lqll fr,.
lVlqlyyge m e nt a rd&dratjpx Celt1l,,,.
Gport shall i:rclude.
.-- l.Jame and telephone r. - Name and address c: r.: nre aodlype o.[ irx,,.:,: *Name and*s:lanity,c:, '. The *qxten_t gJ_111gre . :
:__ The possible hazarcl :r
A wriaten report el--the inc-iel_e-ft n .
ESr,ral!ilryrthin I 5 dayS. The !'epor :.
1_ The name, acldress-
. __-f_b3-11ame, add res t-_
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i; lr) r,,t lil
lirl::I li:lrrlirns tr:illrt lhr trer www.alsglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
. An ejlimate of the quantitv and disposition of recovered_material(s) that resulted
lrs&t__t,ll*e,. inEdc$ _
The emergency coordinator sh_all,ensure that, in the affectecl area(sl g[the facility:
. No hazardous waste that may be incompatible with the released material is
treated, stored, or- disposed of until cleanup procqdures are completed.. All_emergelqy*e-gutp_iltentlsted in th_e._qslrllqency plan tssj,cafled_ard_fiilqr
:ts t_UtS n-de-d u:e_bS"ls{-e gperalis-ns. are re_SUned
l.mflcdiatelv altff an-eCIsge,ruy- the emqlqeilqy-e-qardlxat-or-shallprcvd,e fsrl:q--u-qr
storing, or disposing of re-covered waste. contaminated soil or s_urface wateI, or any
other materi_dthat results from a Ielease, fire, or explosion at the facility. Unless the
genrr;rtor can demonslr3te, in acccrdance wilh Utah*Administralive Code Subsections
Bll520l:30-adsil-lhat-lrsreqavered n:-aterlal js nqt*a,hazardsur was-Le-I]lex it is a
.rcwly-qer e-raleel l'ra z e r i-aus-trya*e--! hal s hall* !s -fl-anagsd rn-a( a r d altdc-1ry r-t h al-l--t"h e
applicable requirements and cqndi_tl_onilq_r qxenptjon in Ulah Adnrini:!rative C-edg
Rules R3l5-262, 263, and 265. The procedures below murst be followed:
tlf[ilpj[_lan be ab;.orbed.,ne!$-alize-d*sr_atherrryrs€,,co_nU,o1led at !he,!rme qLrelesse
by*employees in !he__-immediate releasg-juea or blv_personngl and does not pase an
aclverse _phylical or health &rzard to employees, then the spill will bq*handled in the
follqwutq-manlrer:. Make sure ali unnecessary persons are removed from the hazard area.
1* Re mov_q;]_l Surrp,u,aelrrc_naateriall _tIaf_equld__bq_esgeela.tly - reaeuvs, with -Lhe
m ate r-r-alsjrj-he_sprllcd_ura: t e1_qh-e.ulEay--alj-,
' Use absorbent pad:.*boom:, earth, sandbags, sand, arrd other inert mater:ials tl>
contain. divert. and neutralize_ aJleanup a spill if it has not been contalned by a
drke o_Lsutrp
: __Ab s_q_& _ip-Lll 3qe-a-Lleakag e urilh abssrb$!. Transfer absorbgnt waste to drurn. label-accordingly. Place all containmett and clranup materials that have come into corrtactwith!he
h-az-ar"dBu-r-wa:te i-n-uapedy,la!-eLe*d*d:um lqr-proper--dls,-asaf.
:-- Plase*ali reesvered*llg.rLU-wastes in p-ropedv-labeled drurul-qr remslal-Lo an
app_roved disposal site.
!I_tl:e s_p!11 js-_Lo,p_d-angsplls_f_or*pers_arr[e]".- ferssjrsl--wi],I-[_o"t re:pq-nd ro spill:_slary
other emergency incidelt that poses a safety or heallh hazard.
[or incidents that -fequire outside asststance. thelmergencv CeordinAI*er will contact
&g E ue-Department 9 LD-
f l5:'lrir! tl\4 Et. ii.ai!:. St( F,r.ilit1i P.lr) of 3ij
R:.lirtSolilticna tir(lllt [)ait]ra:www.alsglobal,com
Emergency Contacts
Refer to First Aid Poster for a listing of First Aiders
Refer to Disaster Management Plan for Contractor and External Contacts
Emergency Response Plan
Ambulance (e) s-l -1
(e) e-t -r
(9) 9-t -l
Unified Police and Fire
(9) 9-r -1
Hospital lntermountain Medical center (801) 507-7000
General Manager, Salt Lake Brent Stephens 2srl(80r)83s-96r0
HSE Manager/Emergency
Shane Stewart 2s2/ (801) 349-0728
HSE Mgr. Western US.Eileen Arnold (360) s7s-93 r 3
Facility Manager Miles Hicken 203/ (80r ) 879-0070
lnorganics Manager Jeff Ward 3Ar / (8or ) 65r -0952
Organic's Manager Joseph Gress 297/ (8A1) s4r-ee32
Client Services/ SMO
Julie Warath 2a7l@J-:
lT Mahager Mike Anderson 266/ $01) 9s3-9690
ww w,alsg lobal,conr
Emergency Response Plan
APPENDIX A Contingency Plan
November 2019
Emergency Coordinators
ln the event of an emergency at the site, these employees should be called in the order given
until someone can be reached.
Evacuation Plan
ln the event of an evacuation, on the Alarm/Alert:
. Follow the directions of your Area Warden/Deputy Area Warden to the emergency
assembly point for your section. All meeting points are located in the north parking lot.. Area Warden and Deputy Area Warden are to make staff aware of Alarm/Alert and
perform a quick search of the area to ensure everyone has been evacuated - providing
it is safe to do so.. Proceed to the evacuation assembly point as instructed.. lf possible, shut down equipment. Close fume hood sashes and doors as you exit.. At the assembly point staff will be accounted for by the Area Warden. Area Wardens will
notify the emergency coordinator; when all employees have been accounted for.. A back-up meeting point is the east parking lot. This may be required depending on the
situation and will be communicated to the staff by the Joint Health Safety and
Environmental Committee.
The Evacuation map is located in APPENDIX B
HSI-0t-)5-f-MtR. RtSP. SL.a Fa.ilrt-v t')? r:{ \t)
Shane Stewart HSE/Hazardous Waste Manager 252/ (8Ot)266-7700
Cef l- (801 \349-0728
Alternate I Miles Hicken Facilities Manger 203/ (801)266-7700
Cell- (801 )879-0070
Alternate 2 Joseph Cress Organic Manager 297 / (801)266-770A
Cell- (80 I )541-9932
Alternate 3 Jeff Ward lnorganic Manager 3ol/(801)266-7700
Cell- (801)661-09s2
Alternate 4 Brent Stephens General Manger, Salt Lake 2 5l / (801 )266-7700
Cell- (801)835-9610
Alternate Neil Edwards Computer/ Facility Support 3 6l / (8o l )266-77A0
Cell- (B0l1712-5987
Alte rnate Joanna Sanchez lnorganic Chemist 248/ (8Ot)266-7700
Cell- (801 )s80-471 5
iiiqht Sal!rlions l?;ql)t Para:ler www.al sglobal.com
Emergency Response PIan
Emergency Equipment
The lab is stocked with several first aid kits under the control of the First Aiders.
Spill Control Equipment
ALS Salt Lake has equipment available to clean up most spills that would occur in the laboratory.
All liquid hazardous waste is in secondary containment that is sufficient to handle the contents
of one container. Chemicals are stored in a manner to minimize the hazards of a spill.
Four spill carts are maintained throughout the lab. These carts are outfitted with spill abatement
equipment including neutralizers, PPE and a guidebook for handling common hazardous
chemicals in the lab. A large supply of spill kit materials is located in the CentralAccumulation
Spill kits are located in every lab throughout the building. A Mercury spill kit are available in
Metals Prep. This spill kit is used to collect solid Mercury and to decontaminate the area.
Spill Magic absorbent material is available in every lab to assist in the clean-up of a liquid spill.
Spill Response Team Members
Spill Response team members are Level 2 Hazardous Waste technicians. They include:
Shane Stewart (HSE Manager), Chris Hansen (lnorganics), Chris Winter (Organics), Penny Foote
(lnorganics), Joseph Cress (Organics Manager), Jeff Ward (lnorganics Manager) and Miles
Hicken (Facility Manager).
Action Plan
The Emergency Response plan is located on the Salt Lake lntranet. All employees are required
to reviewthe manual annually. lt is also discussed during annual lab-wide training and during
an annual departmental training.
Major Spill
A major spill is classified as any spill:
. where those involved do not have immediate control over the situation,. any event that does not classify as a minor laboratory spill,. where there is an unknown element,. where the laboratory safety equipment is not adequate to address the need,
and any spill involving Hazardous Waste, either in the laboratory Satellite
Accumulation Areas or in the Central Accumulation Area.
ln case of spill, notifythe spill response team (SRT)through the page system. The pager should
"Spill response team to XXX" stating the room or area.
tiit:'a.J'; il\1-t.Rt,Sf' SiLi lr.rr.riit'; !',ll ri l0
Rrr;i:l St-rlLrtions Ri(Jlli irai trer www.alsglobal.com
Emergency Response PIan
Repeat the page 3 times to indicate that it is an emergency.
The senior member of the spill response team will act as lead, and will direct the spill cleanup.
lf members of the SRT are not present in the building, (9) 9-l -l should be called. Management
must be notified, refer to the emergency numbers listed above, and continue to call each person
unti! contact is made.
As soon as a spill occurs:
. Move out of the immediate area to avoid fumes and physical contact.. Employees should meet in the lunchroom until the spill is cleared or a full
building evacuation is mandated.
. lf anyone has been overcome, assist him or her to get to fresh air.. lf anyone has been splashed, assist him or her to the emergency shower or
drench hose and page for first aid.
. lf the spill is of a large volume or not contained, leave the area, switching ON
any fume hoods" and closing doors behind you to contain the spill. lf the spill
is quite large and threatens to spread beyond the area/room or enter a drain, it
must be contained appropriately. Do so if required and you have received
appropriate training.. The lab will be evacuated or told to shelter in place, depending on the situation.
" Note: Fume hoods (where available) should be switched on in order to remove fumes from
the area and expedite the clean-up process. lf a fire has broken out due to a chemical
reaction or for some other reason, ensure that fume hoods are turned OFF. This will prevent
the fire being drawn up into the roof space and spreading.
An incident report will be completed by the team lead for all major spills. The information will
then be added to the Compliance Portal. An investigation of the incident will be completed.
The investigation will include cause of the spill, the number of employees displaced from their
normal workstation by the spill, the amount of down time and the cost of equipment used to
clean up the spill, what could have been done to prevent this from happening, and a review of
the response. Corrective actions will be added and their progress tracked through the incident
report system.
Fire in the CAA
The Central Accumulation Area contains Flammable hazardous waste. A fire to this area will
be difficult to contain. The area may not be salvageable if a fire ensues. Therefore, ALS will
work to prevent any fire by limiting access to the Central Accumulation Area, posting adequate
warning signs about the fire danger, ensuring that all flammable waste containers are
lf a fire does occur, we will immediately cal! the 9-l -l .
The incident and property damage will be reported on the compliance portal and a full
investigation will be completed. The disaster management plan (Appendix D of this document)
will be put into action, if needed.
t-lSi-tr05-tl\1ER.RlSP SLC la.ilit!P24 *: l{)
Rigi':t Solrrtions Riqht Paitrrer www,al sg lo bal,co m
Emergency Response Plan
Post Spill considerations:
ln the event of a spill to the environment, the SSR (Emergency Coordinator) must:
. Notify UT Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control at (801)
. Notify National Response Center at l -800-42 4-8802
l-!S['{i05 tMili.Rl:SP. SLC f acillt.l F2 5 r>l jtj
Ri!hl Soluti.rns Rilltrt Partne r www.al sg lo bal,com
Emergency Response Plan
APPENDIX B Quick Reference Guide
960 West LeVoy Dr.
Salt Lake city, uT 84123
Phone nuntber: 80l-266-7 7 00
Contacts: Shane Stewart, HSE/Hazardous Waste Manager
Em Coordinators
HSi:-1105-r,N4 E R.. B.iS! 5L t f ar:riirr
/Names of Hazardous Waste and Estimated Amounts
Auto sampler Vials 55 gal drum
Methylene Chloride Contaminated Solids 55 gal drum
Non-Halogenated Solvent (FlammableJ 2x 55 gal drums
Halogenated Solvent Mixture 2 x 55 gal drums
Acidified Liquid Waste 2 x 55 gal drums
ergen na
Lead Shane Stewart HSE/Hazardous Waste
2s2/ (80l)266-7700
Cell- (801J349-0728
Alternate 1 Miles Hicken Facilities Manger 203/ (801)266-7700
Cell- (801)879-0070
Alternate 2 foseph Gress Organic Manager 2e7 / tB01)266-7700
Cell- [801J541-9932
Alternate 3 f eff Ward Inorganic Manager 3071 180r)266-7700
Cell- (801)66t-0952
Alternate 4 Brent Stephens General Manger, Salt Lake
2s1/ (807)256-7700
Cell- [801)835-9610
Alternate Neil Edwards Computer/ Facility
367/ (B0L)266-7700
Cell- (801)772-5987
Alternate foanna Sanchez Inorganic Chemist 248/ tB0t)266-7700
Cell- (801')580-4715
Riqili SL-lutions Ri!,lrI [)a,li!,:l wwualsg lobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
Map Where Hazardous Waste is Ger:erated, Accumulated & Stored, and Spill Kit
*-'' Centrahccumulatior*rea
Y SatellitaAccumulatiorArea
),-( Spi[ Kit
--{to(' :l35to
lir::rlr': ,, ;,,it:,. i,, tii
,T LJIql
- ltj
t.:; : i, '
: ,'r ::1 i., i l ww w,alsg lobal.com
Emergency Response PIan
Evacuation Map
uation Routes, Fire Alarms, and Fire E
Hazardous Waste Area
Liquid Gas Storage, Argon and Nitrogen
Water Shutoff
Gas Shutoff
Electrical Shutoff
Compressed Gas Storage Area
xtinguq ishers
Fire Hydrant
Eiai'ri Solrli.ri! Rli,lrl- l.iilir€;www,alsglobal.com
A Emergency Response Plan
9! -\olaq
flre €xtinguisher
Evecurtbn Route
Flrc Alarm
Ll. .,,lI';q1r:\i \i/ r..rirt,
lr I lkI ltI ; tsl-l" l-"(l ztrl t.iiJ ;{::nrh
'4';l;,8 I o ,'l
g i.q ll
Io lt8t l{r E: fi.tl_ *i__L
rO ri0
www.alsg lobal,comlliqll -!olLrti.ns Rr.lllt Partile
Emergency Response Plan
APPENDIX C Bomb Threat Checklist
KEEP THE CALLER TALKING (try to obtain as much information as possible) (DO
When is the bomb going to explode?
Where is the bomb?
When did you put it there?
What does it look like?
What kind of bomb is it?
What will make it explode?
Did you place the bomb?
Why did you place the bomb?
What is your name?
Where are you?
What is your address?
Accent (specify)
Voice (loud, soft, etc.)
Diction (clear, muffled)
Did you recognize the voice?
Was the caller familiar with the area
Well spoken:
Message read by caller
HSE-0t5-Ei\4tR.RLSP StC Faeility
Any speech impediment?
Speech (fast, slow, etc.)
Manner (calm, emotional, etc.)
Who did you think it was?
PJ0 .t l0
Right Solrrtions Ri!,ht Partiler www.al sglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
Street noises:
Local cal!:
Sex of caller
Telephone number called:
Name (print):
115i:-005 -F,r!1rR.Rl-SP. SLC ra( ilily
House noises:
Long distance:
Estimated age:
Call Start Time:
Call End Time:-amlpm
Sig nature:
P.l I r:l l0
Righl Solutionr Riqlrt Partrrer www-alsglobal.com
Emergency Response Plan
APPENDIX D Disaster Management Plan
Date of Revision: I 1 /20 I 9
In the Event of a Maf or Disaster Disabling the Site
Respond to the emergency according to the guidelines described in the relevant section of the
Emergency Response Plan located at major exits.
After taking all reasonable measures to maintain the situation according to the guidelines
presented, evacuate the site.
Either from Neighbor's Phone or from a Mobile Phone
Contact one of the following people and inform them of the situation:
Make sure you speak to at least one of them - DO_NOT leave a message!!!
wwwalsg lobal.com
The following may also need to be notified
.. t:
Emergency Response Plan
Couriers and clients should be notified that:
"We are unable to process samples at our main site
will accept samples and then forward them to
Do NOT Discuss The Situation
at present. The Salt Lake facility
the appropriate location."
With Them!
Major clients should be notified that the site is "experiencing difficulties" and that a delay may
be experienced in processing of samples. The Laboratory Director or Client Services Manager
will provide a current list of major clients to be contacted.
Do NOT Provide Any lnformation on the Nature of the Situation
lf pressed for information, respond with:
"Unfortunately, company policy prohibits mefrom disclosing any information at present. lwill
have our General Manager call you with details as soon as he is available".
Ensure that you get their name and contact number
Other ALS sites should be contacted and redirection of samples arranged where required.
Samples will be sent to other ALS laboratories as accreditation allows. HOWEVER, when DOD
certification is required or if hold times for samples are less than 48 hrs. the samples will be
sent to local non-ALS laboratories.
A list of ALS laboratories state accreditations is located on the Portal.
Emergency Response Plan
http://webtrieveus.alsenviro.com/docs/_Business-Development_Portal/BD_Portal.html Also
- all certifications can be downloaded from
http://www. alsg lobal.co m /e n /Ou r-Se rvices /Life-
Sc ie n ce s/Enviro n m e ntal/Down load s/North-Anr e rica-Down load sAme rica-Down load s
An engineer for structural integrity should inspect areas of the laboratory that are undamaged
or have only suffered minor damage. lf acceptable, clean-up should begin and operations
resumed or samples recovered for transport to other ALS labs.
. Where areas have suffered severe damage:
o Equipment and samples should be recovered only if safe to do so
o Where practicable, recovered equipment should be relocated to an acceptable
area in order to resume operation or commence repairs
o Consult with lT to restore documents and files
o Financial Controller - ALS Croup should be contacted to process a claim for
repairs through the insurance company - DO NOT begin any major repairs until
the insurance company has authorized it.. For minor damage, relevant tradespersons should be contacted as required and repairs
. For injured workers, the North American Occupational lnjury Manager should be notified
s91hat any compensation claim can be processed.
(s l 3) 483-3 r 7r
Environmental/H.RMS Jrilie Ellingson
.,Jeff Glaser (6r 6) 399-6070
(117\ 702-2243
Emergency Response Plan
I ror injurea wo*ers, tfre r.rortf, Rmericin G;;p;tionallnjuiy l,tan"g.r. ifiouta Ue noiiiieA
so that any compensation claim can be processed.
lnsurance Company - Repairs North America Compliance
604-998-203 5
lnsurance Company * lnjuries Occupational lnjury Manager 604-983-0305
Sal t Lake Lab Waste
Management Plan
s+J+1/zo+e flJ25l2gl_9.
Right Soluticns Right Fartner www.alsglobal.com
Document lD HWMP
Revision #23
Date oVt+/}o]-9 I I /2 5/ ?_Q\ 9
Riqlht Solutions Rigl')t Partr'rer www.alsglobal.com
Document lD HWMP
Revision #23
Date oV*+Eol-9 1 14251 2Cl_9
Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization
Right Sclutions Riglrt Fa:-tner www.alsglobal.com
Document lD HWMP
Revision #*3
Date ol-lt*l2ot9_!_L25120!9
Right Solutions . Right Paftner www.alsglobal.com
Safety as a Priority!
The purpose of this document is to describe the practices and procedures in place at ALS-Salt Lake regarding
hazardous wastes. This procedure outlines the management, accumulation, and disposal of hazardous and general
laboratory wastes. All waste are managed and disposed of according to the applicable federal, state, andlor local
This ALS facility is a Large Quantity Cenerator of hazardous waste. The notification information specific to this
facility is as follows:
. Facility Name: ALS Salt Lake. EPA lD Number: UTD98l55l294r Facility Address: 960 West LeVoy Drive, Salt Lake City, UT. 84123. Registered Contact: Brent Stephens
This procedure shall comply with the ALS Hazardous Waste Management Policy (ALS-HSE-US-PY-031-EN),
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations found in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
and Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and with Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEO. All federal
and state regulations shall be adhered to, even if not specifically described in this policy.
All wastes are characterized to determine if they are hazardous or non-hazardous. Hazardous wastes generated in
each section of the laboratory are stored in satellite accumulation areas. Each container is then emptied into the
appropriate container in the central accumulation area. Waste can also be collected in larger volume containers
which are transferred to the CAA when full.
Any new method or technique that is used at ALS-Salt Lake is reviewed prior to implementation, to ensure that
waste generated from that method is handled correctly.
A certified contractor is retained to transport the waste to a facility for final disposal. ALS-Salt Lake currently
uses Clean Harbors. Alternate disposal companies rnay be used, provided they have demonstrated the ability to
handle and dispose of our waste properly and to comply with all Federal and State regulations regarding
Hazardous Waste Dis posal.
Waste is defined as material that is no longer useful to our processes. Once we determine that a material is waste
we must decide if it is dangerous as defined by 40 CFR or Utah Environmental Quality, Waste Management and
Radiation Control, Waste Management, R3 l5-262-i l, Hazardous Waste Determination. The designation process
involves reviewing the waste against a set of criteria: listed waste, characteristics of waste and review of state
specific waste criteria.
Listed Wastes
Listed Wastes are wastes which are listed in 40 CfR 261 Subpart D. There are four lists of Hazardous Wastes:
wastes from non-specific sources, specific soLrrces, and acutely hazardous and toxic discarded or off-spec
commercial products. While each are briefly described below, see the full regulation for details.
. Hazardous Wastes from Non-Specific Sources (F-Listed, 526l.3l ): are wastes from common
manufacturing and industrial processes and are therefore not industry-specific. These.carry the EPA
Hazardous Waste Numbers of F00l - F039, note that F00l - F005 are spent solvents (both chlorinated and
non-chlorinated) which are typical to ALS operations.
' Hazardous Wastes from Specific Sources (K-Listed, $261.32): Wastes from specific industries (e.9.,
wastes from wood preservatives and inorganic pigments, wastewater treatments, etc.); there are l8l K-
Listed wastes, which are typically not pertinent to ALS laboratories.
t-iWivlP-!1j Pi oi 29
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Safety as a Priority!
Acutely Hazardous and Toxic Discarded, Off-Spec, and Residual Commercial Products and their
Spillage (P-Listed and U-Listed,526l.33): Wastes are specific commercial chemical products in an unused
form; there are over 200 P-Listed acutely hazardous listed wastes and greater than 200 U-Listed toxic
Cha racte rist ics
These are codified in 40 CFR 261, Subpart C, but they are summarized below. See the regulation for full details.
. !gnitability (526,I.2 I ): Wastes that can create fires under certain conditions, are spontaneously
combustible, or with flashpoints less than 140'F (60'C). Wastes that exhibit this characteristic carry the
EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D00l .
. Corrosivity (5261.22): Aqueous liquid wastes which have a pH < 2, or > 12.5, or a liquid waste that
corrodes steel. Wastes that exhibit this characteristic carry the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D002.
. Reactivity (5261.23): Wastes that are unstable under "normal" conditions; they can cause explosions, toxic
fumes, gases, or vapours when heated, compressed, or mixed with water. Wastes that exhibit this
characteristic carry the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D003.
. Toxicity (5261.24): Liquid wastes which contain one or more of the hazardous contaminants at
concentrations equal to or greater than the limits given in 526.l.24(b) Table l. Wastes that exhibit this
characteristic carry the EPA Hazardous Waste Number of D004 - D043.
State Wastes
ln addition to the federal waste determination process, the state of Utah only allows permitted contractor to
transport used oil. ALS-Salt Lake uses Clean Harbors to transport used oil.
General Responsibilities - All staff are to manage hazardous waste appropriately per their level of responsibility.
Also, any concerns regarding compliance or suspected non-compliance must be reported to the supervisor, HSE
re prese ntative, or Hazardous Waste Coord inator.
Laboratory Director
. Ensure that hazardous wastes generated by the laboratory are managed appropriately
. Provide sufficient resources (material, time, and personnel)
. Ensure employees are adequately trained. Ultimate responsibility for the facility's hazardous waste management program
Hazardous Waste Coordinator
. Ensure this document is compliantwith federal and state regulations, as well as ALS requirements
. Ensure this procedure is being followed by performing audits of the waste handling process
. Train staff in their hazardous waste roles and responsibilities, including both normal operations and
emergencies. Utilize only approved waste transporters and disposal facilities
. Schedule transport of accumulated wastes as required
o Maintain records relating to hazardous waste disposal, such as manifests, determinations, training records,
etc.. Perform mandatory federal and/or state reporting requirements as necessary
Unaffected Employees - staff which have no duties at this facility in relation to generation, accumulation, disposal,
shipping, or managing hazardous waste; unaffected employees also do not have duties which bring them into areas
where hazardous wastes are generated or accumulated. ln regards to hazardous waste, the following personnel
carry the title of "Unaffected Employees":
. Accounting
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. Project Managers. lT staff
Waste Operators - staff who generate, accumulate, handle, or work near hazardous wastes, but do not have any
responsibilities regarding shipment, or management of hazardous wastes. Waste Operators are responsible to:
. Conduct activities pertinent to the management of hazardous waste in compliance with this document. Add waste to satellite accumulation containers. Label containers with appropriate hazardous waste and risk labels. Ensure waste containers are closed at all times except when adding waste to the container. ldentify a spill and know their role in an emergency. Record activities as required
The following personnel carry the title "Waste Operator" in regards to hazardous waste operations:
. Lab Tech. Analyst. Chemist. Sample Management staff
Waste Disposal Techs - staff responsible for the transfer of hazardous waste from satellite accumulation areas to
central accumulation areas, as well as staff who routinely perform work duties in the central accumulation area.
Waste Disposal Techs are responsible to:
. Conduct activities pertinent to the management of hazardous waste in compliance with this document. Understand the types of waste generated at the facilityr Ensure wastes are properly added to satellite accumulation containers under their control. Transport waste to the Central Accurnulation Area; transfer from satellite container to central container as
' Keep waste containers closed at all tirnes except when adding or removing waste. Ensure containers are labelled correctly. including accumulation start dates. Follow container management requirenrents as outlined in this document. Perform required duties during a spill, fire, or other emergency
This level has employee representatives fronr each department. They are the contact for disposal of hazardous
waste and for spill control.
Waste Shipping Specialists - staff that are expected to sign manifests or otherwise prepare waste containers for
shipment. Waste Shipping Specialists are responsible to:
. Conduct activities pertinent to the management of hazardous waste in compliance with this documento Review Central Accumulation Containers and ensure a pick-up is scheduled if containers are approaching
the end of their allowed accumulation tirne. Prepare containers for shipping. Ensure containers are properly labelled for shipping. Reviews manifest for correctness and completeness, and signs manifest
This level of employee is vital to ensuring that the waste listed on the manifest matches the label on the drum.
They are also responsible for updating completed shipping manifests to the ALS SLC lntranet.
Su pervisors
. Conduct activities pertinent to the management of hazardous waste in compliance with this document. Ensure hazardous wastes are managed in accordance with federal and state regulations, as well as ALS
PolicY. Provide training and oversight to departrnent personnel
. Enforce hazardous waste management procedures
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Staff shall receive training appropriate to their duties and responsibilities regarding hazardous waste during both
normal operations as well as during emergencies. All staff are trained on hazardous waste awareness. This is
provided during new employee lnduction Training via ALStar module "Hazardous Waste lnduction (USA) - North
America", and is repeated biennially. All staff are also trained in general emergency response procedures.
Additional levels of training shall be provided depending on the employee's role. This training shall be refreshed
annually, or if there is a change in the assignment or addition of waste streams. The additional levels of training
Level I - Waste Operators
After completing Level I an employee knows:
. That waste must be labeled with an identifying label and a risk label,o That waste containers must be closed when not adding or removing waste,. Satellite Accumulation Areas (SAA) area rules, (see below). How to perform and document treatment by generator activities,. How to wear appropriate PPE and,. How to identify a spill and what to do in case of an emergency
Level 2 - Waste Disposal Technicians
Level I must be completed prior to Level 2 training. After completing Level 2 tralning employees know:
. How and when to wear a respirator and the limitations of the respirator,. That waste must be moved to the Central Accumulation Area within 3 days (or sooner depending on state
guidance) of meeting the 55 gal waste stream limit in the SAA. That Flammable drums must be grounded at all times,. That adequate aisle space is required in the CAA,. That only designated employees are permitted in the CAA and,. The procedures to follow in case of an emergency such as a chemical release.
Level 3 - Waste Shipping Specialists
Level I and 2 must be completed prior to Level 3 training. Level 3 also requires DOT training in:
. Ceneral Awareness. Security Awarenesso Function Specific Training. Hazardous MaterialsTransportation
After completing Level 3 training employees know:
. How to submit paperwork for waste profiling,. That the DOT regulations must be followed when shipping hazardous waste,. All paperwork and drums must be reviewed to ensure correctness
Level 4 - Managers/Supervisors
Supervisors must be familiar with all levels of training that their employees will be required to complete. They are
also trained on rules regarding Satellite Accumulation areas. They understand that it is their responsibility to
enforce these rules.
The waste from each area of the laboratory has been reviewed and classified" Any new method ortechnique that
is added must be reviewed prior to implementation, to ensure that waste generated from that method is handled
correctly. Each waste stream is disposed of appropriately according to local, state, or federal regulations. A
documented determination for each stream is available in the HSE office.
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Hazardous Wastes
Aqueous waste with RCRA Metals, Acidic
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to analyzed clrent samples, Wet Chem, COD, TKN, Total Phosphorus and
Mercury analysis. A full description of the process used to regulate client samples is provided later in this document.
. Waste Codes: D002, D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D0l 0, D0l I. DOT Shipping name: UN3093, Waste Corrosive Liquids, Oxidizing, N.O.5. Solution, (Hydrochloric Acid,
Nitric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, Potassium Permanganate), 8, (5.1), PC ll. Satellite accumulation generated in: Rad Lab, CVAA, Metals Prep, Wet Lab. Amount generated per month (approximate): l0 gallons. CAA container: 55-gallon closed-head poly drum. SAA container: 2.5 gallon closed containers. Disposal process: stabilization. Handling Precautions: none.
Aqueous waste with Cyanide, Caustic
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to analyzed client samples. Waste is generated during Wet Chem analysis.
Waste Codes: D002
. DOTShipping name: UNl935, Waste Cyanide Solutions, N.O.S., (Sodium Cyanide),6.1, PC lll. Satellite accumulation generated in: Wet [.ab. Amouni generated per month (approxinrate): 10 gallons
. CAA container: 55-gallon closed-heacl poly drunr. SAA container: I -5 gallon closed containers. Disposal process:stabilizations. Handling Precautions: ln addition to the corrosive label, the container must also have aToxic label and a
note that says contains cyanide.
Methylene Chloride
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to extraction process waste and CPC instrumentwaste.
. Waste Codes: F001, F003. DOT Shipping name: UNI593, Waste Dichloronrethane, 6.1, PG lll, Toxic-lnhalation Hazard Zone D. Satellite accumulation generated in: Orgarric Prep, CPCo Amount generated per month (approximate): 75 gallons
. CAA container: 55-gallon closed-head steel drunr. SAA container: 5 gallon closed containers.. Disposal process: incineration
' Handling Precautions: none.
Aqueous Waste, Acidic
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to acidic waste from the labs that has the characteristic of corrosivity
but does not meet any other hazardous waste criteria This waste is treated on site by Neutralization.
. Waste Codes; D002. DOT Shipping name: NA. Satellite accumulation generated in: various. Amount generated per month (approximate): 240 gallons
r CAA container: NA. SAA container: 2-5 gallon closed contarners
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. Disposa! process: Neutralize in lnorganic Washroom. Handling Precautions: this waste is neutralized to a pH of 6-9. The date, volume and final pH is recorded
on the TBG (Treatment by Generator) log. The log is collected annually and the information is added to
the annual hazardous waste report.
Halogenated and non-Halogenated Solvent Mixture
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to spent halogenated solvents used during laboratory operations; this
includes methylene chloride, chloroform and may contain less than 20% non-halogenated solvents. Any
halogenated solvent which has been used to rinse materials or equipment, come into contact with samptes, or
otherwise used for its solvent properties is included.
. Waste Codes: D001, F00'l, F002, F003, F005. DOT Shipping name: UNI992, Waste Flammable Liquids, Toxic, N.O.S. Solution, (Methanol, Carbon
Disulfide), 3, (6.1), PG lll. Satellite accumulation generated in: Organic Prep, Special Organic Prep, ENV GC LCIMS, Wet Lab, Dietary
HPLC LCIMS, HPLC and ION Chromatography, XRD, CM/MS. Amount genera:ed per month (approximate): 50 gallons
. CAA container: 55-gallon closed-head steel drum. SAA container: red 2.5-gallon Justrite solvent can, empty solvent bottles. Disposal process: incineration. Handling Precautions: because of expansion propertyof this material, allow 4-6" of head space, especially
during the hotter months.
Solids with RCRA Metals and Organics
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to analyzed client samples and soil remainders from laboratory
operations; this includes remainders from TCLP analysis, general chemistry analysis, foreign soils (following
autoclave) and any excess dirt from weighing or grain size analysis.
. Waste Codes: D004, D005, D006, D007, D008, D009, D0i 0, D01 I. DOT Shipping name: UN1992, Waste Flammable Liquids, Toxic, N.O.S. Solution, (Methanol, Carbon
Disulfide),3, (6.1), PC lll. Satellite accumulation generated in: all areas of the lab. Amount generated per month (approximate): l0 gallons. CAA container: 5S-gallon open top steel drumo $A,A container: 5-gallon buckets, cardboard box. Disposal process: stabilization and landfill. Handling Precautions: containers should be labeled with DOT Class 6 label (Toxic) while in use and that
label should be changed to a DOT 9 (Environmental) just prior to shipping.
Centrifuge Tubes with Acid
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to disposal of inorganic centrifuge tubes from client samples and
laboratory analysis; this waste is generally hazardous only for characteristic of corrosivity. Centrifuge tubes for
samples that have other hazardous waste criteria will fall under a different profile.
. Waste Codes: D002. DOT Shipping name: N/A. Satellite accumulation generated in: ICPIMS, ICP-AES, CVAA. Amount generated per month (approximate): 50 gallons
. CAA container: N/A. SAA container: Extracted sample storage area. Disposal process: neutralization in inorganic washroom. Handling Precautions: none.
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VOA Vials, Acidic
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to vials Lrsecl cluring laboratory operations; this includes standards and
samples from VOA instruments; this waste is 91e nerally hazardous only for characteristic of corrosivity
Waste Codes: D002
Satellite accumulation generated in: VOA
Amount generated per month (approximate): 5 gallons
CAA container: 5S-gallon open top steel drunr
SAA container: 5-gallon buckets
Disposal process:
Handling Precautions: none
Vials with Organics
This hazardous waste stream is dedicated to vials used during laboratory operations; this includes standards and
samples from CC, GC-MS and HPLC instrumerrts. The solrrent that the standards are extracted in includes: hexane,
acetone, methanol, and methylene chloride.
o Waste Codes: F002, F003. DOT Shipping name: UNI992, Waste Flanrmable Liquids, Toxic, N.O.S., (Methanol, Carbon Disulfide), 3,
(6.1), PC il. Satellite accumulation generated in: HPLC and ION Chromatography, ENV CC LCIMS, CC/MS. Amount generated per month (approximate): 75 gallons. CAA container: 55-gallon open top steel drurn. 5AA container: 5-gallon buckets. Disposal process: incineration
' Handling Precautions: none
Methamphetamine Waste
This waste stream is dedicated to vial used during laboratory operation for methamphetamine analysis. The waste
is also subject to Drug Enforcement Administration rules.
. Waste Codes: D002. DOT Shipping name: UN3265, WASTE CORROSIVE LIQUID, ACIDIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S. MIXTURE, (SX
METHAMPHETAMINE, 30% FORMIC ACID, 65% GLASS AND PLASTIC VIALS), 8, PG II. Satellite accumulation generated in: GCIMS. Amount generated per month (approximate): 5 gallons. CA/q container: 5S-gallon open top poly drumr gA,A container: 5S-gallon buckets. Disposal process: incineration. Handling Precautions: Form DEA-4'l (Appendix B) must be filled out (Methamphetamine Drug Code- I 105).
A copy is given to Clean Harbors pickup driver and a copy kept on file
Methamphetamine & lllicit Drug Waste Neutralization
This waste stream is dedicated to client sample remainders used during laboratory operation for methamphetamine
analysis. The waste is also subject to Drug Enforcement Administration rules.
Waste Codes: D002
DOT Shipping name: N,/A
Satellite accumulation generated in: Organic Prep
Amount generated per month (approximate): 20 gallons
CAA container: N/A
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SAA container: 5 gallon boxes
Disposal process: methamphetamine destruction then
Handling Precautions: Form DEA-41(Appendix B) must
and kept on file
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be filled out (Methamphetamine Drug Code- I 105)
Non-hazardous Wastes
lC Vials, non-RCRA
Waste Codes: NA
DOT Shipping name: non-Regulated, non-RCRA
Satellite accumulation generated in: HPLC and ION Chromatography
Amount generated per month (approximate): 20 gallons
CAA container: 5S-gallon open top steel drum
SAA container: 5-gallon bucket
Disposal process: landfill
Handling Precautions: there is no accumulation limit
Asbestos, non-RCRA
. Waste Codes: NA. DoT Shipping name: Asbestos. Satellite accumulation generated in: Asbestos. Amount generated per month (approximate): I0 gallons
. CAA container: 55-gallon open top steel drum
' SAA container: 5-gallon bucket
. Disposal process: landfill. Handling Precautions: there is no accumulation limit
Used Oil, non-RCRA, DEQ Rule R3l 5- I 5
. Waste Codes: NA. DOT Shipping name: Used Oil. Satellite accumulation generated in: ICP-MS, ENV CC LClMs. Amount generated per month (approximate): I gallon
. CAA container: I 5-gallon closed head poly drum. SAA container: used oil containers. Disposal process: off-site recycle. Handling Precautions: there is no accumulation limit for used oil
non-RCRA Solids
This non-hazardous waste stream is dedicated to analyzed client samples that are non-soil from laboratory
operations that are deemed non-hazardous.
. Waste Codes; N/A. DOT Shipping name: Non'Hazardous, Non-Regulated Soil. Satellite accumulation generated in: all areas of the labr Amount generated per month (approximate): 100 gallons
. CAA container: 5S-gallon open top steel drum. SAA container: S-gallon buckets, cardboard box,
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. Disposal process: landfill. Handling Precautions: none
non-Regulation Soils for lncineration
This non-hazardous waste stream is dedicated to analyzed client soil sample remainders that are subject to
incineration by the Utah Department of Agriculture that are deemed non-hazardous.
. waste codes: N/A. DOT Shipping name: NON HAZARDOUS, NON D.O.T. RECULATED MATERIAL. Satellite accumulation generated in: all areas of the lab. Amount generated per month (approximate): 100 gallons. CAA container: 5S-gallon open top steel drum. SAA container: S-gallon buckets, cardboard box,. Disposal process: landfill. Handling Precautions: none
RCRA Empty Container Waste
Empty containers are generated through a variety of processes in the lab, including the analysis of samples (i.e.
pipette tips, digestion cups), disposal of samples, or chemicals that have been completely used or otherwise
disposed. Containers which held RCRA defined l:azardous wastes may be considered "RCRA Empty" and exempt
from RCRA requirements if the following conditions are met:
. For non-acute hazardous wastes, the container rrust be emptied via normal means, such as pouring or
pumping. The container must contain less than one inch or less than 3% of its total capacity (by weight),
whichever is less.. For acute hazardous wastes, the container must be emptied as above, and is required to be triple-rinsed
before being considered RCRA Empty. Note the resultant rinseate is a hazardous waste.
Che m icals
Chemicals are removed from active service and set aside to determine if they have another purpose. Some expired
chemicals can be used as a neutralizing agent, or used in method development or maintained as a reference to
other standards. lt is the responsibility of the department manager or their designee to determine when the
chemical is of no further use and is determined to be waste. At that point, the chemical will be reviewed and a
determination made regarding the hazardous nature of the chemical. Hazardous chemicals will be lab packed as
described in that section of this document. Non-hazardous chemicals will be placed in the trash.
U n ive rsal Waste
ALS-Salt Lake generates several types of universal waste.
Fluorescent Lamps
. Waste Codes: NA. DOT Shipping name: Universal Waste Fluorescent Lamps. Satellite accumulation generated in: CAA. Amount generated per month (approximate): I lamp. CAA cortainer: sealed cardboard container. SAA container: NA. Disposal process: off-site recycle
' Handling Precautions: must dispose of within I year of accumulation start date, regardless of where
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Batteri es
. Waste Codes: NA. DOT Shipping name: Universal Waste Batteries
' Satellite accumulation generated in: CAA. Amount generated per month (approximate): I pounds
. CAA container: Plastic Tote. SAA container: NA. Disposal process: off-site recycle. Handling Precautions: Batteries are segregated by battery type. Must dispose of within I year of
accumulation start date, regardless of where stored
HU/iU P-i:Fl0ofl$
Summary Table
Waste Profile #Waste Stream Name Conte nts Container type DOT class
cH574887 non-RCRA Solids Client samples that
are non-soil
55 gal open top
metal drum
cHl 4890r 6 Vials with Organics Autosampler vials,
including standards
55 gal open top
metal drum
cH1423751 Aqueous waste with
RCM Metals, Acidic
acidified water, RCRA
55 gal closed top
poly drum
Corrosive while
in process; DOT
9 when shipped
cH574886 Aqueous waste with
Cyanide, Caustic
high pH water
samples and cyanide
55 gal closed top
poly drum
Corrosive and
cHr 4l 820r Solids with Organics,
RCRA Metals
Waste from ORC
Extractions and
Metals Prep
55 gal metal open
top drum
cHl 4891 57 Halogenated and non-
Halogenated Solvents
flammables 55 gal closed top
metals drum,
Flammable and
cHl 4l 8282 Halogenated Solvent
halogenated waste 55 gal closed top
metals drum
cHl 532306 VOA Vials, Acidic Waste from VOA
55 gal open top
metal drum
cH t 51 4591 lC Vials, non-RCM Waste from lC
55 gal metal open
top drum
none -
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Satellite Accumulation Areas
These are areas where hazardous wastes are accumulated at or near the point of generation prior to transfer to the
Central Accumulation Area. Each SAA shall be clearly defined via signage, and wastes may not be accumulated
outside of these designated areas. The only location to which waste may be moved from a 5AA is to the Central
Accumulation Area, wastes may not be moved between SAA, nor may the contents of SAA containers be
consolidated. SAAs must be accessible at atl times and clear from debris and other obstructions.
Contai ners
Satellite accumulation containers must be compatible with the waste stream; see Waste Stream description for
allowable container for each waste stream.
NOTE: incompatible wastes shall not be stored together; ignitable wastes shall be stored away from potential
sources of ignition.
Label s
ALS- Salt Lake laboratory has adopted the following format. Each SAA container label will include the source of the
waste stream and all waste codes associated with the waste.
HYr fvlP-t 3 Pll of2!
cHl 5241 34 Universal waste-
Fluorescent lamps
Universal waste Plastic Tote none -
cql71 5478 Universal waste
Universal waste Plastic Tote none -
cHr 507958 Used Oil, non-RCM Used Vacuum Pump
Oil, NO RCRA waste
I 5 gal closed top
poly drum
none -
cHl 6t 5562 Methamphetamine Waste Methamphetamine,
acidified extract
55 gal open top
poly drum
cHl 643685 Non-Regulated Soils for
Sample jars with soil 55 gal open top
steel drum
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Accumulation start dates are not required on SAA containers.
Container labels must be visible during storage. Replace any worn, mutilated, or defaced labeling on the containers.
Contact the Hazardous Waste Coordinator if labels or assistance is needed.
Container Management
All containers must be kept in a clean condition. Any spills of waste materials onto the container are required to
be cleaned up immediately. lf waste containers are in secondary containment, the secondary containment must be
free and clear of all liquids and debris.
The condition of the containers is required to be managed such that the containers are in good condition at all
times. The container must be replaced if it becomes damaged (e.9., distended, cracked, or dented). lf a container
has been damaged, request a new container from Hazardous Waste Coordinator immediately. Transfer the material
from the damaged container into the new container and apply the proper labels.
Laboratory staff are required to ensure that all containers of hazardous waste are closed at all times when waste is
not being directly added or removed from the container.
There are "ln Process Waste" containers used throughout some of the labs. These containers are not regulated as
SAA containers until they leave the process from which they were generated. "ln Process Waste" containers that are
not attached to an instrument shall be emptied into the appropriate SAA container immediately upon completion
of the relevant task (e.9. after rinsing glassware, the rinsate waste must be placed in a SAA and not allowed to sit
on the benchtop).
lnstrument effluent containers that are attached to an instrument and contain a RCRA hazardous waste are
considered Satellite Accumulation; they are not required to be emptied until the container is full. Once the container
is full and removed from the instrument, it must then be disposed into a drum in the Central Accumulation Area
as appropriate. lf the instrument waste is hazardous only for the characteristic of corrosivity, the waste may be
treated by the generator through neutralization provided that the date and volume of waste is documented.
Accumulation Limits
Wastes may be accumulated in an SAA in total quantities of no more than 55 gallons. A SAA may have more than
one waste stream but the total of all waste streams cannot exceed 55 gallons. There may be more than one SAA
adjacent to each other, provided that each is managed according to the SAA regulations. Each SAA has a limited
number of containers for waste; ALS's policy is to limit the number of containers so that the total volume is less
than 55 gallons per SAA. The procurement of more containers for the purpose of storing waste (including reusing
empty chemical containers) is not allowed without consent of the Hazardous Waste Coordinator.
Any waste streams that have accumulated 55 gallons must be dated within a few minutes of becoming full. ALS
laboratory staff are responsible to ensure that no more than 55 gallons is accumulated in any Satellite Accumulation
HWMP.O;P12 oi 29
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Area. However, once the 55-gallon limit is reached, SAA
Area within three calendar days. Notify the Hazardous
when the SAA limit of 55-gallons has been reached.
Location s
Safety as o Priority!
transferred to the Central Accumulation
or a HW Level 2 Technician immediately
F] 3 oi .19
containers must be
Waste Coordinator
t"l*t,1!'c 3
The following table lists the SAAs, Neutralization stations and Used Oil collection areas.
Department/ Room No.Des ig n ation waste Type
ORCANIC PREP SAA Solids with non-Halogenated 5olvents
ORGANIC PREP 5AA Aqueous Waste, Acidic (Neutralize in lnorganic
ORCANIC PREP SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
ORCAN!C PREP SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated
Organic Prep SAA Methamphetamine and lllicit Drug (Destroy and
Neutralize in Extraction Lab)
CPC SAA lnstrument Waste
METALS PREP SAA Aqueous Waste, Acidic (Neutralize in lnorganic
METALS PREP SAA Aqueous Waste with RCRA Metals, Acidic
XRD SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
ICP-AE5 SAA Aqueous Waste, Acidic (Neutralize in lnorganic
ICP.AES SAA lnstrument Waste (Neutralize in lnorganic
ICP-AES SAA Aqueous Waste with Antifreeze
HPLC and ION CHROMATOCRAPHY SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
HPLC and ION CHROMATOCRAPHY SAA lnstrument Waste (Neutralize in lnorganic
HPLC and ION CHROMATOCMPHY SAA Autosampler Vials with Solvents
lH CC and lH ENV CCIMS SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
lH CC and lH ENV CCIMS SAA Autosampler Vials with Solvents
VOLATILES CCIMS and AIR SAA lnstrument Waste (Neutralize in lnorganic
WET LAB SAA Aqueous Waste with Cyanide, Caustic
WET LAB SAA Mercury Waste, COD Waste
WET LAB SAA lnstrument Waste (Neutralize in lnorganic
WET LAB SAA lnstrument Waste
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Central Accumulation Area
ALS Salt Lake has two Central Accumulation Areas. The CAA in the inorganic washroom consists of only the acid
neutralization unit. The other CAA is a locked area, accessible with a key that is equipped with containment drains
that lead to a storage tank in case of a spill. The storage tank can be pumped when needed. Each CAA has clearly
defined areas of collection.
Only designated persons (Level 2 or higher) may add waste to containers in the waste storage area. These
employees include:
. Hazardous Waste Handler. Shipping Specialists
Contai ners
Containers must be compatible with the waste stream; see Waste Stream description for allowable container for
each waste stream.
When new containers of waste are added to the Central Accumulation Area, they must be noted on the CAA
lnventory sheet. The record includes the name of the waste, the accumulation start date and will be updated when
the waste pick-up is scheduled and waste has been disposed. The inventory sheet will be reviewed during the
weekly inspection of the area. Any discrepancies will be corrected immediately.
Label s
The waste container must at all times be labeled with the phrase "Hazardous Waste" that is clearly visible on the
Hirri{P-C3 Pl4 of 29
DIETARY HPLC LCIMS SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
ENV CC LCIMS Universal Waste Used Oil
ENV GC LCIMS SAA lnstrument Waste
ENV CC LCIMS SAA Solvent Waste-non-Halogenated
ENV CC LCIMS SAA Autosampler Vials with Solvents
SPECIAL ORGANIC PREP SAA Solvent Waste-Halogenated and non-Halogenated
ENV SAMPLE RECEIPT SAA Aqueous Waste, Acidic (Neutralize in lnorganic
RAD LAB and CVAA SAA Aqueous Waste with Mercury, Acidic
RAD LAB and CVAA SAA Benzene Waste
RAD LAB and CVAA 5AA lnstrument Waste (Neutralize in lnorganic
ICP-MS Universal Waste Used Oil
ICP.MS SAA Aqueous Waste, Acidic (Neutralize in lnorganic
STORE ROOM SAA Dietary Supplement Solids
MET/3 r 6.03 SAA Solvent Waste
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Safety as a Priority!
Before transporting hazardous waste off-site, the waste must be packaged in accordance with the applicable DOT
regulations, including being labeled in accordance with DOT regulations on hazardous materials.
The side of the container is labeled with a preprinted Uniform Hazardous Waste label, specific for the waste stream.
The Accumulation Start Date is marked in the Accumulation Start Date section of the Hazardous Waste Label, and
on the top of the drum. The Accumulation Start Date is the date when the first aliquot of waste was placed into the
The appropriate DOT Warning Label must be placed on the container next to the Hazardous Waste Label.
Container Management
A container holding hazardous waste that is incompatible with waste in containers nearby must be separated from
the other wastes.
All containers must be kept in a clean conditlon. Any spills of waste materials onto the container are required to
be cleaned up as soon as possible. All labels must be intact and in good condition. Replace any worn, mutilated,
or defaced labeling on the containers.
The containers must be in good condition at all times. The container must be replaced if it becomes damaged
(distended, cracked, or dented). lf a container has been damaged, arrange for a replacement container and transfer
the material. The new container must be properly labeled.
Drums should not be overfilled. Soil Drums are considered full at 3/4 the volume of the drum. Solvent drums are
considered full when there is a 6" headspace remaining. Allow for additional headspace during the summer.
Staff are required to ensure that all containers of hazardous waste are closed at all times when waste is not being
directly added or removed from the container.
Flammable solvent drums are grounded at all times. Before adding waste to the drum, the grounding clamp will
be placed on the drum.
Accumulation Limits
Waste materials accumulated in the Central Accumulalion Area may be stored in the area for a maximum of 90
days prior to transfer to a Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility OSDF) for final disposition. This time clock
begins the moment waste accumulation begins in the Central Accumulation Area.
Treatment by Generator
ALS-Salt Lake currently uses the elementary neutralization process on acid and base waste that does not contain
any hazardous constituents. The waste must only be hazardous because of the characteristic of corrosivity. A
neutralization station is set-up in the inorganic r,vaslrroom.
The inorganic washroom is equipped with a neutralization station, caustic or acid (depending on the material to be
neutralized), pH strips, and a log to document treatment. We recommend the following procedure.
. Material to be neutralized in the drum when the amount reaches 35 gallons.. The neutralizing agent is added slowly to the bucket.
- For acids: soda ash is used
- For bases: acidified sample waste is used. The material is mixed with air that is being forced from the bottom of the drum and the pH is checked with
the pH strips.. The pH is adjusted to a pH that is >6 and <9.
r The final pH is documented on the Neutralization log. The volume of material neutralized is documented on the log
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. The initials of the person performing the neutralizing are added to the log.o The initials of the person verifying the neutralization are added to the log.. The drum is emptied into the drain and flushed with large amounts of water.. The logs are collected, quantified and reported on the annual hazardous waste report.
lllicit Drug Destruction and Neutralization
ALS-Salt Lake currently uses destruction and elementary neutralization process on methamphetamine and illicit
drug waste that does not contain any hazardous constituent. This waste must only be hazardous because of the
characteristic of corrosivity. A neutralization station is setup in the Extraction Lab. This waste must not be
neutralized with other acid or bases.
The Extraction Lab is equipped with a neutralization station, bleach, soda ash, pH strips, log to document
destruction treatment, and log to document neutralization treatment. The following procedure is required.
o Material is to be destroyed and neutralized immediately after adding to the 5 gallon bucket located in the
fume hood.. 150 mL of bleach is added, stirred in, and allowed to sit for 20 minutes.. Two p€ople must witness this bleach being added and record on the log.
' The Drug Code is added to the log.. The neutralizing agent is added slowly to the bucket.. The material is mixed with a stir stick and the pH is checked with the pH strips.. The pH is adjusted to a pH that is >6 and <9.. The final pH is documented on the Neutralization log. The volume of material neutralized is documented on the log.
When a new chemical is introduced into the lab, a review of the Safety Data Sheet is conducted and a determination
regarding the hazardous aspect of the chemical noted. When a ne\iv process is introduced to the laboratory, a Risk
Analysis is completed. A discussion regarding the type of waste that will be generated is included in that
discussion. The Safety Data Sheet is reviewed for all chemicals that would contribute to the waste product for the
method. lf the chemical is not included in the EPA listed wastes, then the chemical or process waste will be reviewed
for any hazardous waste characteristics. A further review against UT state specific waste categories is completed,
which may include a book designation review for toxicity or persistence. The information is recorded on the Waste
Stream Characterization Form; this form is available from HSE and is attached to the ALS Hazardous Waste
Management Policy.
Analytical samples account for a large part of the waste disposed of at ALS-Salt Lake. Cenerally, samples are
categorized as non-hazardous or potentially hazardous. The lab has also created a spreadsheet of hazardous waste
criteria that is used to evaluate the analytical data following completion of analysis. An electronic data version is
used for most samples. This criterion is based on RCRA and UT DEQwaste regulations; the checklist is available
in Appendix A.
Client Samples
A LIMS entry is made and a service request is generated for each set of samples received at ALS-Salt Lake. This
service request describes the sample information, the work to be conducted, and other pertinent information,
including any special handling or hazardous component information provided to us by the client. Upon completion
of chemical analysis a certified analytical report is prepared for the client.
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A query of the results in LlMs creates a list of samples exceeding the Potentially Hazardous Material Criteria. Prior
knowledge of a site, or information provided by the client are added to the Service Request at the time of log-in,
and are reviewed during the determination phase.
Client Sample Disposal
Client samples are designated for disposal after 30 days for lndustrial Hygiene and Dietary Supplement samples
and 60 days for Environmental sample. Samples that have been determined to have hazardous characteristics and
meet the profiles listed in Appendix A. are marked as hazardous waste and disposed in the corresponding disposal
Samples that are determined to be non-hazarclous are disposed of through the sanitary sewer. Samples that have
a pH that is outside of the local discharge levels of pH 6 to 9 are neutralized in the inorganic washroom.
lf the sample controller has a question regarding the clesignation of the waste they should put the sample aside
pending further review by the site safety rep.
Foreign Soils
All soils and sediments received from outside the continental USA must be appropriately labelled as a foreign soil
upon arrival at the laboratory with a pink neon sticker that states "Foreign Soil Dispose in Soils for lncineration
Drum". All unanalysed portions of the foreign soil rvill be placed in non-Regulated Soils for lncineration waste
stream for incineration unless determined to be hazardous then they will be placed in the Solids with Organics,
RCRA metals drum.
There are several categories of oils that the lab niust designate and manage.
Used oil samples that do not contain PCBs are added to the wet RCRA drum, and will not be placed into the dry
RCRA cubic yard box.
Vacuum Pump Oil is also generated in the laboratories. Oil from the clean out of instrument vacuum pumps is
managed under the Used Oil standard and should be placed in the Universal Waste storage area in the CAA.
Filtering Vacuum Pump Waste is generated from the filtering pumps. This waste is corrosive and my contain
hydrocarbons. For is reason, this waste must be added to the RCRA water drum in the CAA. The waste is usually
generated during routine maintenance of the filterirrg pumps. Containers must be labelled as RCRA waste and will
not be included as Universal Waste.
Waste from specific waste streams will be collected together. Waste profiling can be completed based on
generator knowledge. lf there is insufficient generator knowledge than the waste must be analyzed so that
detailed information can be given to the treatment conrpany. A grab sample will be taken from each container to
be profiled. Once a waste stream has been analyzed and profiled, no other type of material can be added to that
wa5te stream.
Profile information will include but is not limited to:
. Flashpoint
' Metals Content OCLP). Organic Compounds Contents (TCLP, VOA Semi VOA, pesticides, herbicides). Reactive cyanide or sulfide. Hydrocarbon scan.pH
. PCB content (if applicable)
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We will do a complete profile on each waste stream when it is first defined and repeat this profile if an aspect of
the process changes or if there is a change in vendor. Currently ALS-Salt Lake works with Clean Harbors.
The profile is reviewed by the Treatment Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF). The profile will include all of the
federal and state waste codes related to that waste stream. The profile will include the proper shipping name and
type of container that can be used for that waste stream. Copies of all profiles are located ALS SLC lntranet.
Profiling can be a lengthy process and must be started with sufficient time to ensure that the waste is collected
before the 90 day accumulation time is exceeded. lt is recommended that the profile is created at the time of the
characterization of the waste.
The Waste Disposal Tech will collect the hazardous waste generated by a laboratory. They will verify that the
container has been correctly labelled. Specific hazards concerning the waste will be designated with the risk
Drums and containers are placed in the central accumulation area in such a manner that they will not restrict
access to the exit or to other containers in the area. Adequate aisle space is required. Drums containing acids
must be placed in a separate area from the drums of flammables.
The containers are placed so that the label is visible. Lids will remain in place on the containers and drums when
not in use. A locking funnel may be left on top of a drum.
Flammable solvent drums are grounded at all times. Before adding waste to the drum, the grounding clamp will
be placed on the drum.
Drums should not be overfilled. Soil Drums are considered full at 3/4the volume of the drum. Solventdrums are
considered full when there is a -6" headspace remaining. Allow for additional headspace during the summer.
Man ifest Preparation
Each uniform hazardous waste manifest has a unique number that is used to track the waste from point of
generation to disposal. The manifest is a multi-page document similar to a chain-of-custody. lnformation
regarding the waste to be shipped, such as waste name, waste codes, and number of containers is added for
each waste stream collected during transport. fhe manifest is signed by each entity that handles the waste
containers as it progresses from generation through disposal.
Manifests are generated by the vendor and accompany the transporterwhen they arrive for a pick-up. The
manifest must be reviewed to verify the waste streams and number of containers. The manifest should then be
signed by a Waste Shipping Specialist.
Land Disposal Restrictions
Depending on the type of hazardous waste, there may be some restrictions in place that limit treatment options.
lf the waste is to landfilled, but does not meet the treatment levels for disposal, then a landfill disposal restriction
notice must accompany the wastes manifest.
Tran s portation
The transporter will review all container labels and ensure that DOT risk labels are in compliance. The transporter
will then sign the manifest and return part one of the form to the Waste Shipping Specialist. The transport truck
must be placarded in accordance with the type of waste shipped. lt is the shipper's responsibility to verify that
the appropriate placarding is in place.
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Record Keeping
Once the waste has been received and reviewed at the Treatment, Storage and Disposal facility, the final last part
of the manifest will be signed by their agent. That final signed manifest is then returned to the generator. This
final signed copy of the manifest, along with any supporting documents including the LDR shall be maintained
for 3 years. The hazardous waste manifests are located in the ALS-Salt Lake Laboratory Director Office.
The final signed copy must be received with a 35 days. lf the manifest has not been received then the Hazardous
Waste Coordinator will notify the TSDF that they have not received the final signed copy of the manifest
Hazardous Waste Coordinator will maintain a file for each TSD. The file will contain all copies of the papenarork
including manifests, purchase orders, invoices, and receipts.
Weekly lnspection
The Hazardous Waste Areas, including the Central Accumulation Area (CAA) and all Satellite Accumulation Areas
(SAA) will be inspected weekly. The CAA will be checked by the Site Safety Rep or designee; the SAAs will be
inspected by a supervisor for the department responsible for that SSA. The area will be checked for:
. Containers are not dented, bulging, rusted or leaking
' Ensure that all containers are closed. Ensure that the waste is compatible with the container. Ensure that non-compatible waste are not stored in the same secondary containment
' No free-standing liquid is present in the secondary containment. Proper labelling of containers with hazardous waste label, risk label with pictogram and words. The volume of the waste does not exceed the quantity limits
During the inspection of the CAA, the inspector will review the contents of the CAA against the inventory list. All
containers in the CAA must be accounted for on the inventory list. The CAA will be inspected for the above items
and in addition:
' All containers have an accumulation start date. Proper labelling of containers with hazardous waste label, risk label with pictogram and words. A class 9, Environmental Hazard, is not in use. The container has not been in the CAA for more than 90 days. The waste inventory has been updated for all drums present in the CAA. A waste pick-up has been scheduled for any drum that has been in the CAA for more than 70 days. The area is neat and exit is clear and 30" space between rows.. Floor is in order - Any spilled material has been properly cleaned up, and no standing water in the trench.
lf during the inspection a discrepancy from the list above is found, it will be noted on the inspection report. The
item must be corrected within 24 hours of discovery. A notation will be made on the inspection report that
includes the corrective action taken. Any item that cannot be corrected in this time frame must be reported to
senior management and a plan for the corrective action created.
Weekly Inspection sheets are due to the ALS-Salt Lake HSE on the last day of each month. The weekly inspections
will then be uploaded to the compliance portal.
Proced u re
Laboratory chemicals that do not meet our specifications or are beyond the expiration date will be segregated on
a shelf in the lab. Each lab will determine the location of this shelf. The shelf will be marked as "Chemicals
needing Review". These chemicals may be used in rnethod development or as a secondary source standard, so
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Safety as a Priority!
they should not be considered waste or labelled as such. Chemicals that are waste should not be placed on this
s helf .
Chemicals on the review shelf must be labelled according to the ALS-Salt Lake Chemical Hygiene Plan. Materials
on this shelf will be stored in a manner to prevent chemical interaction with incompatible chemicals.
The applicable use review will be completed by HSE or the department supervisor. During the applicable use
review, chemicals that do not have any other purpose are considered waste. After the analytical standard,
chemical, or product is considered waste, we must determine if it is hazardous or non-hazardous. A review of the
Safety Data Sheet (SDS), especially sections l3 (Disposal Considerations) and Section l5 (Regulatory
Considerations)will provide information that can be used in the determination process.
Chemicals that are in the P and U lists will be set aside for lab pack. Wastes that are not on the P or U lists are
further reviewed for HW characteristics and for UT state-only criteria. lf possible, the characteristic waste will be
added to an appropriate waste stream, but if it does not meet our waste profiles then the waste must be lab
packed. Non-hazardous material will be placed in the trash.
Once the determination is completed, the waste to be lab packed will be collected in the CAA. The waste will be
segregated according to the DOT class. Lab Pack bins are labelled with the words "Hazardous Waste" and a DOT
Hazard Classification label that clearly identifies the risk associated with the hazardous waste in that bin. A
separate bin will be used for each DOT class. Wastes are placed in labelled bins to ensure that incompatible
chemicals do not pose a safety concern. An inventory of the wastes added to this area for disposal must be
completed including the name of the chemical, the number and size of containers, which is located in the CAA.
Freq uency
Lab areas should notify the waste disposal techs when chemicals have expired. This prevents the lab from using
an expired or off-spec chemical for analysis. On a periodic basis, but at least annually, the lab will review their
inventory and clean out their expired material.
The accumulation start date clock begins when the determination is made. Therefore, as soon as the chemicals are
removed to the CAA, the accumulation start date must be added to the label of the chemical. The earliest recorded
date will be used forthe lab pack accumulation start date. Once waste is added to the lab pack bins, this ASD will
be transferred to the Hazardous Waste label on the bin. The lab has 90 days from the accumulation start date to
dispose of the hazardous waste.
When we need disposal of a lab pack, we will contact Clean Harbors at least 30 days before the 90 day time limit.
Time must be allowed for the TSD to process the information. The inventory list is provided to the TSD. The TSD
then reviews the list and provides a quote for the service. The vendor will arrive on site and review the list and
transfer the waste from the bins to the correct box or drum. The manifest and all associated paperwork will be
maintained in the annual waste book in the HSE office.
Per regulations, generators are required to have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of the wastes
rhey generate (5262.27).
Examples of pollution prevention steps that have been successful include
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Use of the Steel Pressurized Delivery System for Methylene Chloride. Switching to this system meant that
employees no longer needed to pour large volumes of solvent, solventwasn'ttransported through the hall
ways and Methylene Chloride emissions urere reduced.
Miniaturization project has resulted in less aqueous waste. Clients are sent smaller size containers to fill.
The lab handles smaller sized containers and has less unused samples waste needing disposal.
rere exposure would require unique or special treatnrerrtALS Salt Lake does not have any hazardr
bV lledreaflr hlspital staff
The emergency coordinator shall inrnrediate
coordinator for that geographical area. or th
800-424-8802, and the Division of Waste Mr
801-536-4123. The report slrall include:
. Name and telephone nirmbt. Name and address of the ge. _1r me,al_d typc_sf incide.lt.(e. Name and quatrlily_Af_mAler
. The e-xteltlafln.Luriel,_if an). The possible hazards to hur
A writterr report of the incident must be se,l1i
davs The renort slrall inclrrde'
. The name. address. and telr. The name, address. and tele. Date. time, and tvpe of incic. Narre and quantity of the m. Extent of injurv, if anv
I An assessment of the actual. An estrmate of the quantity i
The emergency coordinator shall ensure thal
. No hazardous waste that n
disposed of until cleanuo pr,. All emergencv equipment li
be[ore operations are resun
lmmediatelv after an emerqenc[, the emerge
recovered waste, contanrinated. soil or surfa<
explosion at the facilitv. Unless the generato
Subsections R3 I 5-261 -3(c) or (d), that the re
_qenerated hazardous waste that shall be mar
conditions for exemption in Utah Adnrirristra
must be followed:
n\l ill i- i I
r the government official designated as the on-scene
;ponse Center. usinq their 24-hour toll free number
d Radiation Control at B0l -536-0200 or after hours at
I, to the extent knowl
the envirollrnent, or.Ltsicle tlre facility.
',t_ate De pallmelll o l _E n v i ro n m e n ta I f"[U i!jly_\ Iltl i n I 5
:r of the owner/operator
:r of the facilitv
r r azar d_!o_hL[1la]l h e a]tl_Of tI_e_ e n v r ro n m e n t
,,n of recovered material(s) that resulted from the incj!_911
red area(s) of the facilitv'
rrlatible with the released material is treated, stored, or
cntinqency plan is cleaned and fit for its intended use
ror shall provide for treating. stonnq. or disoosing of
rv other material that results from a release, fire, or
.trate. in accordance with Utah Administrative Code
rial is not a hazardous waste, then it is a newlv
, rdance with all the applicable requirements and
ies R3l 5-262, 263, and 265. The procedures below
Safety as a Priority!
lf the spill can be absorbed. neutralized or otherwise controlled at the time or release bv emoloyees in the
immediate release area or by personnel and does not pose an adverse ohvsical or health hazard to emplovees.
then the spill will be handled in the following manner:
. Make sure all unnecessary persons are removed from the hazard area.. Remove all surrounding materials that could be especially reactive with the materials in the spilled
waste/che m ical/oil.. Use absorbent oads. booms. earth. sandbaqs, sand, and other inert materials to contain, divert.
and neutralize a cleanup a soill if it has not been contained bv a dike or sump.. Absorb soillage or leakage with absorbent. Transfer absorbent waste to drum. label accordinqly. Place all containment and cleanup materials that have come into contact with the hazardous waste
in properlv labeled drums for prooer disoosal.. Place all recovered liquid wastes in properlv labeled drums for removal to an approved disposal
s ite.
lf the soill is too danqerous for personnel. Personnel will not resoond to spills or any other emergency
incident that poses a safetv or health hazard.
For incidents that reouire outside assistance. the Emergencv Coordinator will contact the Fire Department
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General Chemistry
Reactiw Sulfide
HVr tul i-*l
Hazardous Waste Criteria
1.0 ppb (ug/L) = 0.001 ppm (mglt1 = 1000 ppt (ng/L)
1 ppm (mg/Kg) = 1000 ppb (ug/Kg)
<2.5 = Acid waste
>10 = Caustic waste
<14ooF or < 6ooC = Flammable
Hazardous at any lewl
Hazardous at any lelel
>100,000 ppb (ug/L)or'100 ppm (mg/L)
Waste Coder
D01 1
P23 cf 2!
Hazardous at any
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Pesticides -
Heptachlor Epoxide
2,4,*'lP (Silrex)
2, 4, 6 -Trichlorophenol
2,4,5 -Triclorophenol
Cresols (o,m,p, total)
Safety as a Priority!
P24 of .l!:
mcr/Ko (oom)
uo/L (oob)
mo/L (oom)
mo/L (oom)
>30 > 0.03 > 0.03
> 0.4 >20 > 0.02 , 0.02
>8 > 0.008 0.008
>8 > 0.008 > 0.008
0.8 > 400 > 0.4 0.4
10 > 500 > 0.5 0.5
mo/Ko (oom)
uo/L (oob)
mo/L (oom)
mo/L (oom)
> 200 > 10000 10 >10
>20 > 1000 1.0 > 1.0
mo/Ko (oom)
uo/L (oob)
mo/L (oom)
mc/L (oom)
>60 > 3000 >3 >3
>40 2000 2 >2
>10 > 500 > 0.5 > 0.5
> 2.6 > 130 > 0.13 > 0.13
40 > 200 2 >2
> 8000 > 400000 400 > 400
> 2000 > 100000 > 100 > 100
100 > 5000 >5 >5
4000 >200000 >200 >200
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> 50 ppm (mg/Kg or mg/L) or > 50000 ppb (ug/L)
, 1 ppm (mg/Kg or mg/L) or > 1000 ppb (ug/L)
Oil & Grease
Safety as o Priority!
1, U220
P25 or lt
1,4 -
1,2 -
1,1 -
2,4 -
Methyl Ethyl Ketonr
Vinyl Chloride
l-.1V,r l"l f -a l
mg/Kg (ppm)
uq/L (ppb)
mo/L /oom)
mo/L (oom)
> 100 > 100000 > 100
> 100 > 100000 > 100
> 100 > 100000 > 100
> 100 > 100000 > 100
mq/Kq (ppm)
uo/L (oob)
mo/L (oom)
mo/L (oom)
> 100 > 100000 > 100
rn Tetrachloride
mo/Ko (oom)
uo/L (oob)
mo/L (oom)
mo/L (oom)
>10 > 500 > 0.5 > 0.5
>10 > 500 0.5 > 0.5
> 2000 > 100000 > 100 100
> 0.6 >30 >0.03 >0.03
> 120 > 6000 , 6.0 , 6.0
> 150 > 7500 > 7.5 > 7-5
>10 > 500 > 0.5 > 0.5
>14 > 700 > o.7 > 0.7
yl Ethyl Ketone
> 2.6 > 130 > 0.13 0.13
> 2.6 > 130 >0.13 >0.1 3
> 4000 > 200000 > 200 > 200
> 400 > 2000 > 2.0 > 2.O
>14 > 700 > o_7 o.7
>10 > 500 > 0.5 > 0.5
>4 > 200 > o.2 > o.2
> 100 > 100000 > 100 100
>20 > 20000 >20
>20 > 20000 >20
>20 > 20000 >20
> 100 > 100000 > 100 >100
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Safety as a Priority!
OMB APPROVAL NO. 1117.OOO7 Exoi.atlon Date 70 /3L / 2020
HOgrstoroo Nam€:I NUmDer
Registored Addcss:
Cityl Stat6:Zip Code:
)ngne NumEr:umBct Name
B. ITEM DESTROYED1. lnventory
NAUOnat UrUg
Cod€ or
DEA Controlled
Subsl,ances CodB
Number Name of Substance Strength Fm Pkg.
of Full
l&teo-508-60 NIA X.dlan 60m9 Ctpsutq a0 2 o 12O C.paut t
05550767-O2 MA Addsnlt Srng 7.bl.l ,N o 83 83 T.btaat
9050 802120112 Codalna NlA Bulk ,.25 kg NlA NlA ,.25 kg
Collected Subatancas
Form DEA.{I
HWI\'IP-!. -l P26 oi 2ri
lnner Unlque ldentifi cation Number Size ot Seal€d
lnner Lln6r
Quantity of
x MBP|' 06, tBPl rOE - tEPl I 1A, H8P1 I 2 MA 5
x cRL100f. cRL1027 15 g.tton 21
x cRL1201 5 g.lton I
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See inslruclions on rcverse (pag6 2) ot form.
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as a Priority!
0EA{l Pg.2
I declare und€r p€nalty of p.rrury, puBuent to 18 U.S.C. t 001, that I porsonally wltn.r3.d the do3truction of the .bov€-
de3crlbod controlled subrtances to a non€trievable state and that all oftha abovo ls trur and coroct.
'1, Section A. REGISTRANT INFORMATION: Th€ r€gistranl destroying lhe confolbd substanco(s) shall provide their DEA registration
number and iha nam6 and address lndicated on their valid DEA registration, in addition to a cuffent tolephone number and a contact
name, if different from the name on the valid OEA registration.
2. Section B. (l ) lnv€ntoil: Thls part shall be used by registrants destroying lawfully possessed controlled subsian€s, olhor than those
describod in Section B(2). ln each row, indicate the National Drug Cod6 (NDC) forih€ controlled substance d€stroyed, or ifthe
substance has no NDC, indicate the OEA Controlled Subsiances Cod6 Number for ihe substance; if the substance destroyed is in
bulk fom, indlcate the batch number, if avallable. ln each row, indicate the nam€, strength, and torm of the conlrolled substance
destIoyed,andthenumberofcapsules,tabl6ts,etc.,thatareinafullpackago(pkg.qty.). lfdesEolngthetullquantityofthe
contDll€d substsnc€, indicate the number ol packages destroyed (number of full pkgs-). lf dsstrcying a partlal packag€, indicate the
partial count of tha epsules, tablels, etc. destroyed (partial pkg. count). lf d€stroylng a qtrolled substanco in bulk tom, indicate
that the substence is in bulk tom (fom) and the weight of tha substane desiroyed (pkg. qty.). ln each mw, indicate the total number
of each contrcll€d substance d€slroyed (total destroyed).
3. Ssction B. (2) Collected Substances: This pari shall bs used by registrants destroying controlled substances obtained through an
authorizod collection activity in accordance with 21 U.S.C. 822(9). ln each row, lndicate wh€ther reglstrant is destroying a mail-back
package or an innsr linsr. lf destroying a mail-back packag€, 6nter each unique id€ntification number geparalgd by a comma andlor
as a list ln a sequential rangs and toial quanlily of packages being destroyed. lf d€stroying an inn€r liner, enter each unlque
identification numb€r s€paralsd by a mmma and/or as a llst ln a soquantial range bas€d on ths size of the lin€rs d€stroyed and tho
total quantity of inn€r liners b6ing d6stroy6d. ln the €se of maiFback packages or inn6r lin€rs rscsivod from a law enforcerent
agency which do not havo a unlque ldontlfication number or clearly marked slz€, lnclude the name ot the law enforc€ment agency
and, if known, th6 size ot the lnner liner or package. DO NOT OPEN ANY MAIL-BACK PACKAGE OR INNER LINER; AN
4. lf additlonal space is need€d for items destroyed in Section B, attach to thls tom edditional page(s) containing the requested
information for each controlled substance destroyed,
5. Sectlon C. METHOD OF DESTRUCTION: Prcvide lhs date, location, and method of dostructlon. Th€ method of destruclion must
rond6r ths conlrclled substanca to a atato of non-retrievable and meet all applicable destructlon requir€ments.
6. Section O. WITNESSES: Two authoriEd employees must declaro by signatur€, under penalty of perjury, that such employees
personally witnessed the destruc{ion of th€ controlled substances listed in Section B in the mann€r d€scribed in Section C.
7. You ars not raquirod to submit this form to OEA, unless requested to do so. Thls form must be kspt as a remrd of deslruction and be
availabl€ by tho registrant fs at l€asi two years in accordance with 21 U.S.C. 827.
Papenvork Reduction Act Statement: The information collected on this torm ls necossary for DEA registrants to record @ntrollod
substances destrcyed in aeordance with the Controlled Substanc€s Act (CSA). The remrds that DEA Egistrants maintain in
ac@rdance wilh ihe CSA must be kept and b€ availabl€, for at l€ast trc years, for inspection and copylng by ofnc€B or employe€s of
the United Statss authorized by th€ Attorney Goneal. 21 U.S.C. 827. DEA estimates that it will tak€ approximately 30 minutes lo
complete this fom, including the time for r6viewing instructions, searching existing data sources. gatherlng and maintaining ths data
neaded, and completing and r6vi6wng the colloclion of intomation. The compl€tion of lhis form by DEA roglstrants that d€stroy
controlled substances b mandatory in accordance with 21 U.S.C. 827. Please nota that an agency may not @nduct or sponsor, and a
persm is not required to Espond to, a collectlon of information unless it displays a cun€ntly valid OMB control number. Comment3
rogarding lhis intormatim colletion, including suggestions for reducing ths burd€n gstimat€, should be dir€cted to lhe Drug
Enforcam€nt Admlnlstradon, DEA Federal Register Representative/ODL, 87Ol Moriss€tt€ Driv€, Springfi6ld, llIgi^ia22'152-
?2i Ltt 29Hlrrl,,P-03
uat€ ol DeslructEn:Method of Destructaon:
LO@Ipn Ot E6tness Namo:
city:State:Zip Codo
Qirli':l Sclutrcns Riqht Paaiiia!www.alsglobal.com
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