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1 DAQC-1171-24 Site ID 13031 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – PACIFICORP – Lake Side Plant THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: November 19, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Contact: Veronica Reyes – 801-796-1916 Location: 1825 North Pioneer Lane, Vineyard, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Mostardi Platt FRS ID #: UT0000004904900241 Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit 4900241002 dated July 16, 2021 Action Code: TR Subject: Review of Stack Test Report dated November 13, 2024 On November 13, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a test report for the PacifiCorp Lake CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 in Vineyard, Utah. Testing was performed on October 21-24, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with the emission limits found in Conditions II.B.2.g and II.B.6.f. The DAQ-calculated test results are: Source Test Date RM/Pollutant DAQ Result Test Result Limit CT01 10/23/2024 201A&202/PM10 9.8 lb/hr 9.8 lb/hr 10.8 lb/hr 0.003* 0.003* 0.01* CT02 10/24/2024 201A&202/PM10 8.5 lb/hr 8.5 lb/hr 10.8 lb/hr 0.002* 0.002* 0.01* CT03 10/21/2024 201A&202/PM2.5 11.1 lb/hr 11.1 lb/hr 14 lb/hr 201A&202/PM10 13.4 lb/hr 13.3 lb/hr 14 lb/hr CT04 10/22/2024 201A&202/PM2.5 10.2 lb/hr 10.2 lb/hr 14 lb/hr 201A&202/PM10 12.7 lb/hr 12.7 lb/hr 14 lb/hr *lb/mmBtu DEVIATIONS: No deviations were reported during this testing. CONCLUSION: PacifiCorp Lake Side Plant was operating in compliance with above listed emission limits at the time of this test. 6 , 3 2 RECOMMENDATION: None. HPV: No. ATTACHMENTS: Test report dated November 13, 2024, and DAQ generated spreadsheets. Total Particulate Matter Emissions Compliance Test Report PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 1825 N Pioneer Lane, Vineyard, Utah Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002 Report No. M243903 October 21 through 24, 2024 Crown Point, IN I Mendota Heights, MN I Denver, CO | Henderson, NV Corporate Headquarters 888 Industrial Drive Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 630-993-2100 Total Particulate Matter Emissions Compliance Test Report PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 1825 N Pioneer Lane, Vineyard, Utah UDAQ Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002 October 21 through 24, 2024 Report Submittal Date: November 8, 2024 © Copyright 2024 All rights reserved in Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 TEST METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................................ 2 2.1 Method 1 Traverse Point Determination ............................................................................................. 2 2.2 Method 2 Volumetric Flowrate Determination .................................................................................... 2 2.3 Method 3A Oxygen (O2)/Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Determination .......................................................... 3 2.4 Method 4 Moisture (H2O) Determination ............................................................................................ 3 2.5 Method 201A Filterable Particulate Matter Determination.................................................................. 3 2.6 Method 202 Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) Determination .................................................. 3 3.0 TEST RESULT SUMMARIES ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.0 CERTIFICATION............................................................................................................................................ 8 APPENDIX Appendix A - Plant Operating Data ........................................................................................................ 10 Appendix B - Test Section Diagrams ...................................................................................................... 59 Appendix C - Sample Train Diagrams .................................................................................................... 61 Appendix D - Calculation Nomenclature and Formulas ......................................................................... 64 Appendix E - Sample Analysis Data ....................................................................................................... 74 Appendix F - Reference Method Test Data (Computerized Sheets) ...................................................... 83 Appendix G - Field Data Sheets ........................................................................................................... 140 Appendix H - Calibration Data .............................................................................................................. 161 Appendix I - Gas Cylinder Certifications ............................................................................................... 184 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 i ©Mostardi Platt 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Mostardi Platt performed a speciated filterable particulate matter (FPM) and condensable PM (CPM) air emissions test program to determine the emissions rate of total filterable PM emissions, filterable PM equal to or less than a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers (PM10), filterable PM equal to or less than a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5), and of CPM for Pacificorp at the Lake Side Power Plant in Lindon, Utah. Testing was performed at four (4) combined-cycle combustion turbines, designated as CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04. Testing was performed to meet the requirements of the Utah Division of Air Quality Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002, the requirements of United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60 (40CFR60), and 40CFR51, as applicable. The test locations, test dates, and test parameters are summarized below. TEST INFORMATION Test Locations Test Dates Test Parameters CT01 and CT02 October 23 and 24, 2024 PM10 CT03 and CT04 October 21 and 22, 2024 PM10/PM2.5 The purpose of this test program was to determine the FPM, PM10, PM2.5, CPM PM concentrations from the exhausts of CT01 through CT04 at normal operating conditions. Selected results of the test program are summarized below. A complete summary of emission test results follows the narrative portion of this report. Operating data provided by PacifiCorp is included in Appendix A. Test Location Test Date Test Parameter Regulation Citation Emission Limit Average Test Result CT01 10/23/24 PM10 Permit 4900241002 10.8 lb/hr 0.01 lb/mmBtu 9.8 lb/hr 0.003 lb/mmBtu CT02 10/24/24 8.5 lb/hr 0.002 lb/mmBtu CT03 10/21/24 PM10/PM2.5 14.0 lb/hr 13.3 lb/hr CT04 10/22/24 12.7 lb/hr Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 1 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt The identifications of the individuals associated with the test program are summarized below. Representative Address Contact Testing Coordinator Pacificorp Lake Side Power Plant 1825 N. Pioneer Lane Vineyard, Utah 84042 Tom Wiscomb Environmental Advisor (801)220-2373Tom.Wiscomb@Pacificorp.com Test Facility Representative Veronica Reyes Environmental Analyst (801)796-1916Veronica.Reyes@Pacificorp.com Test Company Representative Mostardi Platt 702 West 48th Avenue, Unit A Denver, CO 80216 Christopher Eldridge Field Operations Lead - Denver (630)993-2100celdridge@mp-mail.com The test crew consisted of Messrs. A. Peng, H. Little, R. Fischer, and C. Eldridge of Mostardi Platt. 2.0 TEST METHODOLOGY Emission testing was performed in accordance with the following USEPA reference methods as specified in 40CFR60, Appendix A, and 40CFR51, Appendix M. Explanations of nomenclature and calculations are found in Appendix D. Sample analysis data are found in Appendix E. Reference method data and field data sheets are found in Appendices F and G, respectively. The following methodologies were used during the test program: 2.1 Method 1 Traverse Point Determination Test measurement points were selected in accordance with Method 1. The characteristics of the measurement location are summarized below. Sample Point Selection TEST POINT INFORMATION Location Stack Diameter Port Length Upstream Diameters Downstream Diameters Test Parameter Number of Sampling Points CT01, CT02, CT03 and CT04 216” 7” ~120/~0.6 ~576/~2.7 FPM, PM10, PM2.5, CPM 12 2.2 Method 2 Volumetric Flowrate Determination Gas velocity was measured following Method 2, for purposes of calculating stack gas volumetric flow rate and emissions on a lb/hr basis. An S-type pitot tube, differential pressure gauge, thermocouple and temperature readout were used to determine gas velocity at each sample point. All of the equipment used was calibrated in accordance with the specifications of the Method. Calibration data are presented in Appendix H. Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 2 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 2.3 Method 3A Oxygen (O2)/Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Determination Gas samples were collected for the duration of the TPM sampling runs utilizing an ECOM analyzer continuously sampling from the exhaust of the dry gas meter. Linearity calibrations were performed prior to sample analysis, and mid-range calibration checks were performed after each run. Final O2 and CO2 concentrations were corrected for calibration error of the instrument. Calibration data are presented in Appendix H. 2.4 Method 4 Moisture (H2O) Determination Stack gas moisture content was determined using a USEPA Method 4 sampling train. In this technique, stack gas was drawn through a series of four impingers (prepared per USEPA Method 202). The first two impingers were each empty prior to sampling. Impinger three was loaded with 100 ml of deionized water and impinger four was charged with clean, dried silica gel. The entire impinger train was measured or weighed before and after each test run to determine the mass of moisture condensed. During testing, the sample train was operated in the manner specified in USEPA Method 4. All of the data specified in Method 4 (gas volume, delta H, impinger outlet well temperature, etc.) was recorded on field data sheets. All of the equipment used is calibrated in accordance with the specifications of Method 4. Calibration data are presented in Appendix H. 2.5 Method 201A Filterable Particulate Matter Determination Stack gas total filterable particulate concentrations and particulate concentrations less than 10 microns (PM10) and 2.5 microns (PM2.5) emission rates were determined in accordance with Method 201A, 40CFR51, Appendix M. An Environmental Supply Company, Inc. sampling train was used to sample stack gas at an isokinetic rate, as specified in the Method. Laboratory analysis data are found in Appendix E. All of the equipment used was calibrated in accordance with the specifications of the Method. Calibration data are presented in Appendix H. 2.6 Method 202 Condensable Particulate Matter (CPM) Determination Stack gas CPM concentrations and emission rates were determined in accordance with the Method 202, 40CFR51, Appendix M, in conjunction with Method 201A filterable particulate matter sampling. CPM was collected in the impinger portion of the Method 202 sampling train. CPM was collected in impingers after filterable particulate material was collected using Method 201A. The organic and aqueous fractions were then taken to dryness and weighed. The total of all fractions represents the CPM. Compared to the December 17, 1991 promulgated Method 202, this Method includes the addition of a condenser, followed by a water dropout impinger immediately after the final heated filter. One modified Greenburg Smith impinger and an ambient temperature filter follow the water dropout impinger. A schematic of the sampling train configured with these updates is found in the Appendix. The impinger contents were purged with nitrogen (N2) immediately after sample collection to remove dissolved sulfur dioxide (SO2) gases from the impingers. The impinger solution was then extracted with DI water, acetone, and hexane. The organic and aqueous fractions were dried and the residues weighed. The total of the aqueous, organic, and ambient filter fractions represents the CPM. CPM data was applied to both the Method 201A sample to determine total PM10/PM2.5 emission rates. Laboratory analysis data are found in Appendix E. All of the equipment used was calibrated in accordance with the specifications of the Method. Calibration data are presented in Appendix H. Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 3 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 3.0 TEST RESULT SUMMARIES Client: Facility: Test Location: Test Method: Normal Normal Normal 10/23/24 10/23/24 10/23/24 9:35 12:15 15:37 11:42 14:24 17:44 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average 226.7 224.2 221.5 224.1 9.0% 8.9% 10.5% 9.5% 25.52 25.52 25.52 25.52 40.385 40.364 39.775 40.175 70.951 69.538 68.385 69.625 1,083,292 1,061,713 1,044,109 1,063,038 646,824 636,632 617,782 633,746 710,569 698,959 690,059 699,862 9.3 9.3 9.2 9.3 13.6 13.3 13.6 13.5 92.6 94.0 95.4 94.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 0.00252 0.00245 0.00267 0.00255 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0010 0.0009 0.0010 0.0010 5.3 5.1 5.5 5.3 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.00264 0.00151 0.00229 0.00215 0.0006 0.0003 0.0005 0.0005 0.0010 0.0006 0.0009 0.0008 5.6 3.2 4.7 4.5 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.00516 0.00396 0.00496 0.00469 0.0012 0.0009 0.0011 0.0011 0.0020 0.0015 0.0019 0.0018 10.9 8.3 10.2 9.8 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.003 Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 201A/202 Source Condition Date Start Time End Time Stack Conditions Average Gas Temperature, °F Flue Gas Moisture, percent by volume Average Flue Pressure, in. Hg Gas Sample Volume, dscf Average Gas Velocity, ft/sec Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, acfm Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, dscfm Average %CO2 by volume, dry basis Average %O2 by volume, dry basis Isokinetic Variance Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, scfm Filterable <PM10 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Condensable PM (Method 202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Total PM<10 (Method 201A/202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 4 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Test Method: Normal Normal Normal 10/24/24 10/24/24 10/24/24 8:45 11:10 13:35 10:51 13:18 15:42 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average 222.7 222.3 221.4 222.1 7.6% 7.8% 8.1% 7.8% 25.47 25.47 25.47 25.47 41.323 40.991 41.084 41.133 72.473 72.238 71.991 72.234 1,106,521 1,102,934 1,099,174 1,102,876 673,155 670,330 666,510 669,998 728,628 726,710 725,118 726,819 9.3 9.3 9.3 9.3 13.0 13.0 13.1 13.0 91.0 90.7 91.4 91.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 0.00198 0.00242 0.00040 0.00160 0.0004 0.0006 0.0001 0.0004 0.0007 0.0009 0.0002 0.0006 4.3 5.2 0.9 3.5 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.00270 0.00238 0.00193 0.00234 0.0006 0.0005 0.0004 0.0005 0.0010 0.0009 0.0007 0.0009 5.8 5.1 4.1 5.0 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.00468 0.00480 0.00233 0.00394 0.0011 0.0011 0.0005 0.0009 0.0017 0.0018 0.0009 0.0015 10.1 10.4 5.0 8.5 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.002 Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT02 201A/202 Source Condition Date Start Time End Time Stack Conditions Average Gas Temperature, °F Flue Gas Moisture, percent by volume Average Flue Pressure, in. Hg Gas Sample Volume, dscf Average Gas Velocity, ft/sec Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, acfm Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, dscfm Average %CO2 by volume, dry basis Average %O2 by volume, dry basis Isokinetic Variance Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, scfm Filterable <PM10 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Condensable PM (Method 202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Total PM<10 (Method 201A/202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 5 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Test Method: Normal Normal Normal 10/21/24 10/21/24 10/21/24 10:55 14:17 16:55 13:09 16:27 19:05 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average 168.6 167.8 167.8 168.1 11.0% 10.8% 10.8% 10.9% 25.51 25.51 25.51 25.51 41.903 39.985 39.962 40.617 67.864 67.763 67.526 67.718 1,036,153 1,034,622 1,030,993 1,033,923 660,428 661,897 659,603 660,643 742,160 742,047 739,445 741,217 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.5 12.0 12.2 12.2 12.1 106.8 101.7 102.0 103.5 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 0.00040 0.00071 0.00063 0.00058 0.0001 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.8 1.6 1.4 1.3 0.00139 0.00146 0.00207 0.00164 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0008 0.0006 2.9 3.2 4.5 3.5 0.00619 0.00305 0.00450 0.00458 0.0015 0.0008 0.0011 0.0011 0.0023 0.0012 0.0017 0.0017 12.9 6.7 9.8 9.8 0.004 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.00659 0.00376 0.00513 0.00516 0.0015 0.0009 0.0013 0.0012 0.0024 0.0015 0.0020 0.0020 13.7 8.2 11.2 11.1 0.00758 0.00451 0.00657 0.00622 0.0018 0.0011 0.0016 0.0015 0.0028 0.0017 0.0025 0.0023 15.8 9.9 14.3 13.3 Total PM<10 (Method 201A/202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr lb/mmBtu (Standard Fc Factor) Total PM<2.5 (Method 201A/202) grams collected lb/hr Condensable PM (Method 202) Filterable <PM10 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf Filterable <PM2.5 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, acfm Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, dscfm Average %CO2 by volume, dry basis Average %O2 by volume, dry basis Isokinetic Variance Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, scfm Stack Conditions Average Gas Temperature, °F Flue Gas Moisture, percent by volume Average Flue Pressure, in. Hg Gas Sample Volume, dscf Average Gas Velocity, ft/sec Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT03 201A/202 Source Condition Date Start Time End Time Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 6 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Test Method: Normal Normal Normal 10/22/24 10/22/24 10/22/24 9:10 12:15 14:55 11:20 14:29 17:04 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Average 170.0 166.7 165.4 167.4 9.3% 8.5% 10.0% 9.3% 25.53 25.53 25.53 25.53 40.545 39.931 39.371 39.949 69.006 66.697 66.853 67.519 1,053,589 1,018,332 1,020,720 1,030,880 683,510 669,714 661,686 671,637 753,542 732,199 735,383 740,375 9.4 9.4 9.5 9.4 12.3 12.5 12.3 12.4 99.9 100.4 100.2 100.2 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 1,040.0 0.00065 0.00049 0.00243 0.00119 0.0002 0.0001 0.0006 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0010 0.0005 1.4 1.1 5.4 2.6 0.00124 0.00076 0.00493 0.00231 0.0003 0.0002 0.0013 0.0006 0.0005 0.0003 0.0019 0.0009 2.8 1.7 11.0 5.1 0.00481 0.00255 0.00286 0.00341 0.0012 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0018 0.0010 0.0011 0.0013 10.7 5.7 6.4 7.6 0.00546 0.00304 0.00529 0.00460 0.0013 0.0008 0.0013 0.0011 0.0021 0.0012 0.0021 0.0018 12.2 6.7 11.8 10.2 0.00605 0.00331 0.00779 0.00572 0.0015 0.0008 0.0020 0.0014 0.0023 0.0013 0.0031 0.0022 13.5 7.3 17.3 12.7 Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT04 201A/202 Source Condition Date Start Time End Time Stack Conditions Average Gas Temperature, °F Flue Gas Moisture, percent by volume Average Flue Pressure, in. Hg Gas Sample Volume, dscf Average Gas Velocity, ft/sec Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, acfm Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, dscfm Average %CO2 by volume, dry basis Average %O2 by volume, dry basis Isokinetic Variance Gas Volumetric Flow Rate, scfm Filterable <PM2.5 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Filterable <PM10 (Method 201A) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Condensable PM (Method 202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Total PM<2.5 (Method 201A/202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Total PM<10 (Method 201A/202) grams collected grains/acf grains/dscf lb/hr Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 7 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 4.0 CERTIFICATION Mostardi Platt is pleased to have been of service to PacifiCorp. If you have any questions regarding this test report, please do not hesitate to contact us at 630-993-2100. As project manager, I hereby certify that this test report represents a true and accurate summary of emissions test results and the methodologies employed to obtain those results, and the test program was performed in accordance with the methods specified in this test report. MOSTARDI PLATT ___________________________ Project Manager Chistopher S. Eldridge ___________________________ Quality Assurance Benjamin W. Hendricks Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 8 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt APPENDICES Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 9 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix A- Plant Operating Data Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 10 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/23/24 09:35 0.7 17,345.8 1,908.0 239 10/23/24 09:36 0.7 17,329.6 1,906.3 239 10/23/24 09:37 0.8 17,305.9 1,903.6 238 10/23/24 09:38 0.7 17,300.9 1,903.1 238 10/23/24 09:39 0.7 17,309.8 1,904.1 238 10/23/24 09:40 0.7 17,152.6 1,886.8 238 10/23/24 09:41 0.7 17,276.7 1,900.4 238 10/23/24 09:42 0.8 17,265.3 1,899.2 238 10/23/24 09:43 0.8 17,259.0 1,898.5 238 10/23/24 09:44 0.8 17,237.2 1,896.1 237 10/23/24 09:45 0.7 17,230.5 1,895.4 237 10/23/24 09:46 0.7 17,215.2 1,893.7 237 10/23/24 09:47 0.6 17,215.1 1,893.7 237 10/23/24 09:48 0.7 17,218.5 1,894.0 237 10/23/24 09:49 0.7 17,223.1 1,894.5 237 10/23/24 09:50 0.8 17,219.4 1,894.1 237 10/23/24 09:51 0.7 17,225.4 1,894.8 237 10/23/24 09:52 0.8 17,226.4 1,894.9 237 10/23/24 09:53 0.8 17,218.8 1,894.1 237 10/23/24 09:54 0.7 17,208.0 1,892.9 237 10/23/24 09:55 0.8 17,184.8 1,890.3 236 10/23/24 09:56 0.8 17,180.7 1,889.9 236 10/23/24 09:57 0.8 17,191.8 1,891.1 237 10/23/24 09:58 0.7 17,164.1 1,888.1 236 10/23/24 09:59 0.8 17,142.4 1,885.7 235 10/23/24 10:00 0.8 17,130.0 1,884.3 235 10/23/24 10:01 0.7 17,132.8 1,884.6 235 10/23/24 10:02 0.8 17,140.4 1,885.4 236 10/23/24 10:03 0.8 17,143.8 1,885.8 236 10/23/24 10:04 0.7 17,127.3 1,884.0 236 10/23/24 10:05 0.8 17,125.5 1,883.8 236 10/23/24 10:06 0.6 17,126.2 1,883.9 236 10/23/24 10:07 0.7 17,117.7 1,882.9 235 10/23/24 10:08 0.7 17,114.0 1,882.5 235 10/23/24 10:09 0.7 17,095.3 1,880.5 235 10/23/24 10:10 0.7 17,094.8 1,880.4 235 10/23/24 10:11 0.7 17,095.0 1,880.5 235 10/23/24 10:12 0.8 17,101.1 1,881.1 235 Source UNIT1 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 09:35 Through 10/23/2024 11:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 11 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 09:35 Through 10/23/2024 11:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 10:13 0.7 17,098.2 1,880.8 235 10/23/24 10:14 0.6 17,088.7 1,879.8 235 10/23/24 10:15 0.7 17,096.5 1,880.6 235 10/23/24 10:16 0.7 17,084.3 1,879.3 235 10/23/24 10:17 0.6 17,077.8 1,878.6 235 10/23/24 10:18 0.6 17,075.9 1,878.3 235 10/23/24 10:19 0.7 17,067.3 1,877.4 235 10/23/24 10:20 0.7 17,053.5 1,875.9 234 10/23/24 10:21 0.7 17,032.9 1,873.6 234 10/23/24 10:22 0.7 17,038.0 1,874.2 234 10/23/24 10:23 0.7 17,030.8 1,873.4 234 10/23/24 10:24 0.7 17,043.1 1,874.7 234 10/23/24 10:25 0.8 17,049.3 1,875.4 234 10/23/24 10:26 0.7 17,047.2 1,875.2 234 10/23/24 10:27 0.7 17,051.6 1,875.7 234 10/23/24 10:28 0.7 17,053.7 1,875.9 234 10/23/24 10:29 0.6 17,042.9 1,874.7 234 10/23/24 10:30 0.7 17,035.9 1,873.9 234 10/23/24 10:31 0.7 17,031.5 1,873.5 234 10/23/24 10:32 0.8 17,030.3 1,873.3 234 10/23/24 10:33 0.7 17,045.6 1,875.0 234 10/23/24 10:34 0.7 17,070.6 1,877.8 235 10/23/24 10:35 0.7 17,059.8 1,876.6 234 10/23/24 10:36 0.7 17,034.6 1,873.8 234 10/23/24 10:37 0.7 17,028.7 1,873.2 234 10/23/24 10:38 0.7 17,021.1 1,872.3 234 10/23/24 10:39 0.7 17,019.8 1,872.2 234 10/23/24 10:40 0.7 17,012.8 1,871.4 234 10/23/24 10:41 0.8 17,005.7 1,870.6 234 10/23/24 10:42 0.6 16,987.7 1,868.6 233 10/23/24 10:43 0.6 16,984.2 1,868.3 233 10/23/24 10:44 0.7 16,964.0 1,866.0 233 10/23/24 10:45 0.7 16,981.2 1,867.9 233 10/23/24 10:46 0.7 16,994.9 1,869.4 233 10/23/24 10:47 0.7 17,022.1 1,872.4 234 10/23/24 10:48 0.7 17,058.9 1,876.5 234 10/23/24 10:49 0.8 17,079.3 1,878.7 235 10/23/24 10:50 0.7 17,082.8 1,879.1 235 10/23/24 10:51 0.7 17,087.5 1,879.6 235 10/23/24 10:52 0.8 17,093.2 1,880.3 235 10/23/24 10:53 0.7 17,078.8 1,878.7 235 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 12 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 09:35 Through 10/23/2024 11:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 10:54 0.7 17,070.7 1,877.8 235 10/23/24 10:55 0.7 17,074.5 1,878.2 235 10/23/24 10:56 0.7 17,068.6 1,877.5 235 10/23/24 10:57 0.7 17,057.5 1,876.3 234 10/23/24 10:58 0.7 17,042.6 1,874.7 234 10/23/24 10:59 0.7 17,034.0 1,873.7 234 10/23/24 11:00 0.7 17,042.2 1,874.6 234 10/23/24 11:01 0.7 17,049.6 1,875.5 234 10/23/24 11:02 0.6 17,043.2 1,874.8 234 10/23/24 11:03 0.7 17,063.6 1,877.0 234 10/23/24 11:04 0.7 17,070.7 1,877.8 234 10/23/24 11:05 0.6 17,044.5 1,874.9 234 10/23/24 11:06 0.7 17,019.1 1,872.1 234 10/23/24 11:07 0.7 17,028.9 1,873.2 234 10/23/24 11:08 0.8 17,057.2 1,876.3 234 10/23/24 11:09 0.7 17,063.7 1,877.0 234 10/23/24 11:10 0.7 17,043.5 1,874.8 234 10/23/24 11:11 0.7 17,052.9 1,875.8 234 10/23/24 11:12 0.7 17,066.5 1,877.3 234 10/23/24 11:13 0.7 17,385.9 1,912.4 234 10/23/24 11:14 0.9 17,465.6 1,921.2 234 10/23/24 11:15 1.1 17,629.1 1,939.2 234 10/23/24 11:16 1.1 17,711.3 1,948.2 235 10/23/24 11:17 1.2 17,710.9 1,948.2 235 10/23/24 11:18 1.2 17,891.8 1,968.1 235 10/23/24 11:19 1.3 17,902.5 1,969.3 236 10/23/24 11:20 1.3 17,899.0 1,968.9 236 10/23/24 11:21 1.2 17,901.0 1,969.1 236 10/23/24 11:22 1.3 17,924.5 1,971.7 237 10/23/24 11:23 1.3 17,926.8 1,971.9 237 10/23/24 11:24 1.4 17,936.5 1,973.0 238 10/23/24 11:25 1.2 17,938.6 1,973.2 238 10/23/24 11:26 1.1 17,929.3 1,972.2 238 10/23/24 11:27 1.1 17,930.2 1,972.3 239 10/23/24 11:28 1.2 17,922.4 1,971.5 239 10/23/24 11:29 1.2 17,903.5 1,969.4 239 10/23/24 11:30 1.2 17,913.1 1,970.4 239 10/23/24 11:31 1.2 17,914.5 1,970.6 239 10/23/24 11:32 1.3 17,919.4 1,971.1 239 10/23/24 11:33 1.1 17,928.1 1,972.1 239 10/23/24 11:34 1.1 17,906.3 1,969.7 238 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 13 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 09:35 Through 10/23/2024 11:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 11:35 1.2 17,890.0 1,967.9 238 10/23/24 11:36 1.1 17,881.0 1,966.9 238 10/23/24 11:37 1.1 17,874.1 1,966.2 238 10/23/24 11:38 1.1 17,866.0 1,965.3 238 10/23/24 11:39 1.0 17,879.4 1,966.7 238 10/23/24 11:40 1.1 17,896.3 1,968.6 238 10/23/24 11:41 1.1 17,896.8 1,968.6 238 10/23/24 11:42 1.0 17,885.9 1,967.4 237 0.8 17,279.6 1,900.8 236 0.6 16,964.0 1,866.0 233 1.4 17,938.6 1,973.2 239 104.2 2,211,786.9 243,296.2 30,159 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 14 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/23/24 12:15 1.2 17,869.9 1,965.7 237 10/23/24 12:16 1.2 17,859.1 1,964.5 237 10/23/24 12:17 1.2 17,872.8 1,966.0 237 10/23/24 12:18 1.0 17,876.7 1,966.4 237 10/23/24 12:19 1.2 17,861.4 1,964.8 237 10/23/24 12:20 1.1 17,856.3 1,964.2 237 10/23/24 12:21 1.1 17,848.3 1,963.3 237 10/23/24 12:22 1.1 17,839.8 1,962.4 237 10/23/24 12:23 1.2 17,838.7 1,962.3 237 10/23/24 12:24 1.0 17,831.5 1,961.5 237 10/23/24 12:25 1.0 17,830.2 1,961.3 237 10/23/24 12:26 1.0 17,816.4 1,959.8 237 10/23/24 12:27 1.0 17,809.8 1,959.1 236 10/23/24 12:28 1.0 17,796.9 1,957.7 236 10/23/24 12:29 1.1 17,785.5 1,956.4 236 10/23/24 12:30 1.0 17,781.0 1,955.9 236 10/23/24 12:31 1.0 17,780.1 1,955.8 236 10/23/24 12:32 1.0 17,773.9 1,955.1 236 10/23/24 12:33 1.1 17,769.4 1,954.6 236 10/23/24 12:34 0.9 17,762.5 1,953.9 236 10/23/24 12:35 1.0 17,745.4 1,952.0 235 10/23/24 12:36 1.0 17,731.8 1,950.5 235 10/23/24 12:37 1.0 17,723.1 1,949.5 235 10/23/24 12:38 1.1 17,719.9 1,949.2 235 10/23/24 12:39 1.1 17,721.9 1,949.4 235 10/23/24 12:40 1.1 17,713.8 1,948.5 235 10/23/24 12:41 1.0 17,701.2 1,947.1 235 10/23/24 12:42 1.0 17,688.5 1,945.7 234 10/23/24 12:43 1.0 17,677.8 1,944.6 234 10/23/24 12:44 1.0 17,669.7 1,943.7 234 10/23/24 12:45 0.9 17,673.7 1,944.1 234 10/23/24 12:46 1.1 17,665.3 1,943.2 234 10/23/24 12:47 1.0 17,658.2 1,942.4 234 10/23/24 12:48 1.0 17,658.9 1,942.5 234 10/23/24 12:49 1.0 17,647.9 1,941.3 234 10/23/24 12:50 1.1 17,654.1 1,942.0 234 10/23/24 12:51 0.9 17,642.7 1,940.7 234 10/23/24 12:52 1.0 17,628.4 1,939.1 233 Source UNIT1 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 12:15 Through 10/23/2024 14:24 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:45 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 15 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 12:15 Through 10/23/2024 14:24 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 12:53 1.0 17,603.4 1,936.4 233 10/23/24 12:54 0.9 17,608.5 1,936.9 233 10/23/24 12:55 0.8 17,623.8 1,938.6 234 10/23/24 12:56 0.9 17,643.9 1,940.8 234 10/23/24 12:57 0.9 17,627.9 1,939.1 234 10/23/24 12:58 0.9 17,609.7 1,937.1 234 10/23/24 12:59 1.0 17,622.0 1,938.4 234 10/23/24 13:00 0.9 17,600.8 1,936.1 234 10/23/24 13:01 1.0 17,579.3 1,933.7 233 10/23/24 13:02 1.0 17,568.7 1,932.6 233 10/23/24 13:03 0.9 17,549.0 1,930.4 233 10/23/24 13:04 0.9 17,538.3 1,929.2 232 10/23/24 13:05 0.9 17,530.0 1,928.3 232 10/23/24 13:06 1.0 17,524.6 1,927.7 232 10/23/24 13:07 0.9 17,544.5 1,929.9 232 10/23/24 13:08 0.9 17,542.1 1,929.6 232 10/23/24 13:09 0.9 17,523.1 1,927.5 232 10/23/24 13:10 0.9 17,516.8 1,926.8 232 10/23/24 13:11 0.9 17,496.8 1,924.6 232 10/23/24 13:12 0.9 17,489.2 1,923.8 231 10/23/24 13:13 1.0 17,500.3 1,925.0 232 10/23/24 13:14 0.9 17,533.7 1,928.7 232 10/23/24 13:15 1.0 17,442.6 1,918.7 233 10/23/24 13:16 1.0 17,596.7 1,935.6 234 10/23/24 13:17 1.0 17,605.1 1,936.6 234 10/23/24 13:18 0.9 17,591.4 1,935.1 233 10/23/24 13:19 0.9 17,551.1 1,930.6 233 10/23/24 13:20 0.9 17,518.8 1,927.1 232 10/23/24 13:21 0.9 17,513.5 1,926.5 232 10/23/24 13:22 0.9 17,539.1 1,929.3 232 10/23/24 13:23 0.9 17,578.5 1,933.6 233 10/23/24 13:24 0.9 17,576.4 1,933.4 232 10/23/24 13:25 0.9 17,580.8 1,933.9 232 10/23/24 13:26 0.9 17,549.5 1,930.4 232 10/23/24 13:27 1.0 17,543.0 1,929.7 232 10/23/24 13:28 0.9 17,548.7 1,930.4 232 10/23/24 13:29 0.9 17,518.5 1,927.0 231 10/23/24 13:30 0.9 17,495.7 1,924.5 231 10/23/24 13:31 0.9 17,477.1 1,922.5 231 10/23/24 13:32 1.0 17,479.3 1,922.7 231 10/23/24 13:33 0.9 17,479.9 1,922.8 231 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:45 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 16 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 12:15 Through 10/23/2024 14:24 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 13:34 1.0 17,479.5 1,922.7 231 10/23/24 13:35 0.9 17,466.4 1,921.3 231 10/23/24 13:36 0.8 17,423.3 1,916.6 231 10/23/24 13:37 0.9 17,422.7 1,916.5 231 10/23/24 13:38 1.0 17,491.9 1,924.1 231 10/23/24 13:39 0.9 17,497.3 1,924.7 229 10/23/24 13:40 1.0 17,479.0 1,922.7 228 10/23/24 13:41 1.0 17,475.1 1,922.3 227 10/23/24 13:42 0.9 17,454.5 1,920.0 225 10/23/24 13:43 0.9 17,436.6 1,918.0 224 10/23/24 13:44 0.9 17,436.0 1,918.0 223 10/23/24 13:45 1.0 17,436.7 1,918.0 222 10/23/24 13:46 0.9 15,033.9 1,653.7 221 10/23/24 13:47 0.5 14,563.1 1,601.9 220 10/23/24 13:48 0.2 14,557.9 1,601.4 220 10/23/24 13:49 0.4 14,587.9 1,604.7 220 10/23/24 13:50 0.4 14,580.7 1,603.9 219 10/23/24 13:51 0.5 14,592.0 1,605.1 218 10/23/24 13:52 0.5 14,589.5 1,604.8 217 10/23/24 13:53 0.5 14,599.5 1,605.9 216 10/23/24 13:54 0.6 14,576.0 1,603.4 215 10/23/24 13:55 0.6 14,588.9 1,604.8 214 10/23/24 13:56 0.6 14,579.7 1,603.8 213 10/23/24 13:57 0.7 14,519.4 1,597.1 212 10/23/24 13:58 0.6 14,564.2 1,602.1 212 10/23/24 13:59 0.7 16,742.9 1,841.7 212 10/23/24 14:00 0.8 17,276.8 1,900.4 212 10/23/24 14:01 1.3 17,295.3 1,902.5 213 10/23/24 14:02 1.4 14,637.3 1,610.1 215 10/23/24 14:03 0.6 14,580.7 1,603.9 217 10/23/24 14:04 0.3 14,583.5 1,604.2 218 10/23/24 14:05 0.4 14,596.5 1,605.6 219 10/23/24 14:06 0.5 14,706.4 1,617.7 218 10/23/24 14:07 0.5 14,949.3 1,644.4 218 10/23/24 14:08 0.2 15,233.2 1,675.7 217 10/23/24 14:09 0.0 15,531.1 1,708.4 217 10/23/24 14:10 0.0 15,884.6 1,747.3 217 10/23/24 14:11 0.1 16,110.0 1,772.1 217 10/23/24 14:12 0.5 16,478.9 1,812.7 217 10/23/24 14:13 0.7 16,687.9 1,835.7 218 10/23/24 14:14 0.9 16,809.7 1,849.1 219 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:45 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 17 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 12:15 Through 10/23/2024 14:24 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 14:15 0.9 16,857.0 1,854.3 220 10/23/24 14:16 1.0 16,861.6 1,854.8 221 10/23/24 14:17 1.0 16,832.7 1,851.6 222 10/23/24 14:18 0.9 16,806.6 1,848.7 223 10/23/24 14:19 0.8 16,808.9 1,849.0 224 10/23/24 14:20 0.9 16,800.2 1,848.0 225 10/23/24 14:21 0.8 16,822.8 1,850.5 225 10/23/24 14:22 0.9 16,866.5 1,855.3 226 10/23/24 14:23 0.9 16,903.4 1,859.4 226 10/23/24 14:24 1.0 16,945.9 1,864.0 226 0.9 17,033.7 1,873.7 229 0.0 14,519.4 1,597.1 212 1.4 17,876.7 1,966.4 237 113.8 2,214,386.0 243,582.4 29,733 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:45 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 18 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/23/24 15:37 0.9 17,090.3 1,879.9 227 10/23/24 15:38 0.9 17,090.1 1,879.9 227 10/23/24 15:39 0.8 17,085.1 1,879.4 227 10/23/24 15:40 0.8 17,133.0 1,884.6 227 10/23/24 15:41 0.9 17,162.8 1,887.9 227 10/23/24 15:42 0.8 17,151.5 1,886.7 227 10/23/24 15:43 0.8 17,126.4 1,883.9 227 10/23/24 15:44 0.8 17,092.5 1,880.2 227 10/23/24 15:45 0.8 17,078.7 1,878.7 227 10/23/24 15:46 0.8 17,064.7 1,877.1 227 10/23/24 15:47 0.7 17,046.1 1,875.1 227 10/23/24 15:48 0.7 17,091.6 1,880.1 228 10/23/24 15:49 0.8 17,092.4 1,880.2 228 10/23/24 15:50 0.8 17,067.3 1,877.4 228 10/23/24 15:51 0.8 17,047.2 1,875.2 228 10/23/24 15:52 0.8 17,037.6 1,874.1 228 10/23/24 15:53 0.8 17,046.3 1,875.1 228 10/23/24 15:54 0.8 17,050.2 1,875.5 227 10/23/24 15:55 0.8 17,051.0 1,875.6 227 10/23/24 15:56 0.7 17,075.1 1,878.3 228 10/23/24 15:57 0.8 17,083.3 1,879.2 227 10/23/24 15:58 0.7 16,977.7 1,867.5 227 10/23/24 15:59 0.9 17,070.3 1,877.7 226 10/23/24 16:00 0.8 17,049.1 1,875.4 226 10/23/24 16:01 0.8 17,088.3 1,879.7 227 10/23/24 16:02 0.8 17,084.9 1,879.3 227 10/23/24 16:03 0.7 17,060.2 1,876.6 227 10/23/24 16:04 0.8 17,043.0 1,874.7 227 10/23/24 16:05 0.8 17,034.7 1,873.8 227 10/23/24 16:06 0.8 17,030.7 1,873.4 228 10/23/24 16:07 0.8 17,036.7 1,874.0 228 10/23/24 16:08 0.8 17,052.1 1,875.7 228 10/23/24 16:09 0.8 17,063.9 1,877.0 228 10/23/24 16:10 0.8 17,036.0 1,874.0 227 10/23/24 16:11 0.8 17,102.1 1,881.2 228 10/23/24 16:12 0.8 17,012.1 1,871.3 227 10/23/24 16:13 0.8 17,082.9 1,879.1 228 10/23/24 16:14 0.9 17,037.3 1,874.1 227 Source UNIT1 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 15:37 Through 10/23/2024 17:44 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 19 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 15:37 Through 10/23/2024 17:44 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 16:15 0.8 17,071.4 1,877.9 227 10/23/24 16:16 0.8 17,009.7 1,871.1 226 10/23/24 16:17 0.8 17,005.6 1,870.6 226 10/23/24 16:18 0.8 17,052.7 1,875.8 227 10/23/24 16:19 0.8 17,079.8 1,878.8 227 10/23/24 16:20 0.9 17,046.5 1,875.1 227 10/23/24 16:21 0.8 17,011.3 1,871.2 226 10/23/24 16:22 0.8 17,002.9 1,870.3 227 10/23/24 16:23 0.8 17,021.3 1,872.3 227 10/23/24 16:24 0.8 17,022.0 1,872.4 227 10/23/24 16:25 0.8 17,002.1 1,870.2 227 10/23/24 16:26 0.7 17,017.1 1,871.9 227 10/23/24 16:27 0.8 16,984.0 1,868.2 226 10/23/24 16:28 0.8 17,003.0 1,870.3 227 10/23/24 16:29 0.8 17,052.6 1,875.8 228 10/23/24 16:30 0.8 17,058.6 1,876.4 228 10/23/24 16:31 0.8 17,064.2 1,877.1 228 10/23/24 16:32 0.8 17,053.4 1,875.9 227 10/23/24 16:33 0.7 17,040.0 1,874.4 227 10/23/24 16:34 0.8 17,068.1 1,877.5 227 10/23/24 16:35 0.7 17,073.1 1,878.0 227 10/23/24 16:36 0.9 17,080.4 1,878.8 227 10/23/24 16:37 0.8 17,086.9 1,879.6 227 10/23/24 16:38 0.9 17,113.1 1,882.4 227 10/23/24 16:39 0.9 17,077.1 1,878.5 226 10/23/24 16:40 0.9 17,059.5 1,876.5 226 10/23/24 16:41 0.8 17,027.6 1,873.0 226 10/23/24 16:42 0.8 17,012.1 1,871.3 227 10/23/24 16:43 0.7 17,026.8 1,872.9 227 10/23/24 16:44 0.7 17,032.5 1,873.6 227 10/23/24 16:45 0.7 17,031.3 1,873.4 227 10/23/24 16:46 0.7 17,036.9 1,874.1 227 10/23/24 16:47 0.8 16,990.3 1,868.9 226 10/23/24 16:48 0.7 17,009.0 1,871.0 227 10/23/24 16:49 0.8 17,039.5 1,874.3 227 10/23/24 16:50 0.8 17,052.1 1,875.7 228 10/23/24 16:51 0.8 17,059.1 1,876.5 228 10/23/24 16:52 0.8 17,045.3 1,875.0 227 10/23/24 16:53 0.8 17,057.7 1,876.3 227 10/23/24 16:54 0.9 17,069.2 1,877.6 227 10/23/24 16:55 0.8 17,055.2 1,876.1 226 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 20 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 15:37 Through 10/23/2024 17:44 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 16:56 0.8 17,055.3 1,876.1 226 10/23/24 16:57 0.8 17,068.4 1,877.5 226 10/23/24 16:58 0.8 16,955.7 1,865.1 226 10/23/24 16:59 0.8 17,058.5 1,876.4 226 10/23/24 17:00 0.8 17,061.5 1,876.8 227 10/23/24 17:01 0.8 17,058.3 1,876.4 227 10/23/24 17:02 0.7 17,051.7 1,875.7 227 10/23/24 17:03 0.8 14,241.5 1,566.6 227 10/23/24 17:04 0.3 14,026.6 1,542.9 227 10/23/24 17:05 0.0 14,001.7 1,540.2 225 10/23/24 17:06 0.0 14,060.9 1,546.7 224 10/23/24 17:07 0.0 14,077.1 1,548.5 221 10/23/24 17:08 0.0 14,052.0 1,545.7 218 10/23/24 17:09 0.0 14,040.2 1,544.4 216 10/23/24 17:10 0.0 14,058.7 1,546.5 214 10/23/24 17:11 0.0 14,052.4 1,545.8 213 10/23/24 17:12 0.0 14,059.4 1,546.5 211 10/23/24 17:13 0.0 14,037.5 1,544.1 210 10/23/24 17:14 0.0 14,040.6 1,544.5 209 10/23/24 17:15 0.0 14,052.6 1,545.8 208 10/23/24 17:16 0.0 14,054.7 1,546.0 208 10/23/24 17:17 0.0 14,055.5 1,546.1 207 10/23/24 17:18 0.0 14,053.6 1,545.9 207 10/23/24 17:19 0.0 14,060.1 1,546.6 207 10/23/24 17:20 0.0 14,061.4 1,546.8 207 10/23/24 17:21 0.0 14,054.0 1,545.9 207 10/23/24 17:22 0.0 14,044.9 1,544.9 207 10/23/24 17:23 0.0 14,019.2 1,542.1 207 10/23/24 17:24 0.0 14,045.8 1,545.0 207 10/23/24 17:25 0.0 14,084.3 1,549.3 208 10/23/24 17:26 0.0 14,077.1 1,548.5 208 10/23/24 17:27 0.0 14,059.1 1,546.5 208 10/23/24 17:28 0.0 14,060.7 1,546.7 208 10/23/24 17:29 0.0 14,039.5 1,544.3 207 10/23/24 17:30 0.0 14,051.1 1,545.6 208 10/23/24 17:31 0.0 14,090.4 1,549.9 208 10/23/24 17:32 0.0 14,083.2 1,549.2 208 10/23/24 17:33 0.0 14,080.8 1,548.9 208 10/23/24 17:34 0.0 14,080.1 1,548.8 208 10/23/24 17:35 0.0 14,071.7 1,547.9 208 10/23/24 17:36 0.0 14,086.8 1,549.5 208 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 21 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/23/2024 15:37 Through 10/23/2024 17:44 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/23/24 17:37 0.0 14,087.3 1,549.6 208 10/23/24 17:38 0.0 14,084.4 1,549.3 208 10/23/24 17:39 0.0 14,085.3 1,549.4 208 10/23/24 17:40 0.0 14,084.3 1,549.3 208 10/23/24 17:41 0.0 14,083.5 1,549.2 208 10/23/24 17:42 0.0 14,095.2 1,550.5 208 10/23/24 17:43 0.0 14,084.7 1,549.3 208 10/23/24 17:44 0.0 14,078.1 1,548.6 208 0.5 16,073.7 1,768.1 222 0.0 14,001.7 1,540.2 207 0.9 17,162.8 1,887.9 228 69.6 2,057,433.6 226,317.1 28,371 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:46 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 22 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/24/24 08:45 2.1 18,942.0 2,083.6 257 10/24/24 08:46 2.1 18,954.4 2,085.0 257 10/24/24 08:47 2.2 18,950.3 2,084.5 257 10/24/24 08:48 2.2 18,955.2 2,085.1 257 10/24/24 08:49 2.1 18,952.1 2,084.7 257 10/24/24 08:50 2.2 18,956.1 2,085.2 257 10/24/24 08:51 2.1 18,954.1 2,085.0 257 10/24/24 08:52 2.2 18,965.4 2,086.2 257 10/24/24 08:53 2.1 18,967.9 2,086.5 257 10/24/24 08:54 2.1 18,952.1 2,084.7 257 10/24/24 08:55 2.2 18,926.2 2,081.9 257 10/24/24 08:56 2.2 18,932.5 2,082.6 257 10/24/24 08:57 2.3 18,936.1 2,083.0 257 10/24/24 08:58 2.2 18,942.0 2,083.6 257 10/24/24 08:59 2.2 18,934.8 2,082.8 257 10/24/24 09:00 2.2 18,956.1 2,085.2 257 10/24/24 09:01 2.1 18,960.3 2,085.6 257 10/24/24 09:02 2.1 18,949.4 2,084.4 257 10/24/24 09:03 2.1 18,954.9 2,085.0 257 10/24/24 09:04 2.2 18,945.0 2,084.0 257 10/24/24 09:05 2.2 18,946.1 2,084.1 257 10/24/24 09:06 2.2 18,939.5 2,083.3 257 10/24/24 09:07 2.2 18,943.3 2,083.8 257 10/24/24 09:08 2.2 18,952.5 2,084.8 257 10/24/24 09:09 2.1 18,955.8 2,085.1 257 10/24/24 09:10 2.1 18,949.6 2,084.5 257 10/24/24 09:11 2.2 18,930.7 2,082.4 257 10/24/24 09:12 2.1 18,938.4 2,083.2 257 10/24/24 09:13 2.2 18,944.2 2,083.9 257 10/24/24 09:14 2.2 18,948.6 2,084.3 257 10/24/24 09:15 2.2 18,931.2 2,082.4 257 10/24/24 09:16 2.2 18,931.4 2,082.5 257 10/24/24 09:17 2.2 18,933.4 2,082.7 257 10/24/24 09:18 2.2 18,946.4 2,084.1 257 10/24/24 09:19 2.2 18,943.9 2,083.8 257 10/24/24 09:20 2.1 18,921.3 2,081.3 257 10/24/24 09:21 2.2 18,912.4 2,080.4 257 10/24/24 09:22 2.2 18,950.2 2,084.5 257 Source UNIT2 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 08:45 Through 10/24/2024 10:51 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 23 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 08:45 Through 10/24/2024 10:51 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 09:23 2.2 18,959.0 2,085.5 258 10/24/24 09:24 2.2 18,953.1 2,084.8 257 10/24/24 09:25 2.3 18,945.2 2,084.0 257 10/24/24 09:26 2.3 18,948.8 2,084.4 257 10/24/24 09:27 2.2 18,944.7 2,083.9 257 10/24/24 09:28 2.2 18,941.2 2,083.5 257 10/24/24 09:29 2.1 18,939.3 2,083.3 257 10/24/24 09:30 2.2 18,952.6 2,084.8 257 10/24/24 09:31 2.2 18,944.9 2,083.9 257 10/24/24 09:32 2.2 18,939.0 2,083.3 257 10/24/24 09:33 2.2 18,952.6 2,084.8 257 10/24/24 09:34 2.2 18,949.7 2,084.5 257 10/24/24 09:35 2.2 18,952.2 2,084.7 257 10/24/24 09:36 2.2 18,949.3 2,084.4 257 10/24/24 09:37 2.2 18,948.0 2,084.3 257 10/24/24 09:38 2.1 18,947.5 2,084.2 257 10/24/24 09:39 2.2 18,959.4 2,085.5 257 10/24/24 09:40 2.2 18,948.8 2,084.4 257 10/24/24 09:41 2.2 18,939.8 2,083.4 257 10/24/24 09:42 2.2 18,945.1 2,084.0 257 10/24/24 09:43 2.2 18,950.3 2,084.5 257 10/24/24 09:44 2.2 18,939.0 2,083.3 257 10/24/24 09:45 2.2 18,930.3 2,082.3 257 10/24/24 09:46 2.2 18,931.6 2,082.5 257 10/24/24 09:47 2.2 18,944.5 2,083.9 257 10/24/24 09:48 2.2 18,950.7 2,084.6 257 10/24/24 09:49 2.2 18,940.2 2,083.4 257 10/24/24 09:50 2.2 18,952.7 2,084.8 257 10/24/24 09:51 2.2 18,934.5 2,082.8 257 10/24/24 09:52 2.2 18,951.2 2,084.6 257 10/24/24 09:53 2.1 18,946.3 2,084.1 257 10/24/24 09:54 2.2 18,926.9 2,082.0 257 10/24/24 09:55 2.2 18,911.6 2,080.3 256 10/24/24 09:56 2.2 18,914.6 2,080.6 256 10/24/24 09:57 2.1 18,921.0 2,081.3 256 10/24/24 09:58 2.2 18,910.7 2,080.2 256 10/24/24 09:59 2.2 18,910.1 2,080.1 256 10/24/24 10:00 2.2 18,902.7 2,079.3 256 10/24/24 10:01 2.2 18,895.2 2,078.5 256 10/24/24 10:02 2.2 18,899.5 2,078.9 257 10/24/24 10:03 2.2 18,892.4 2,078.2 256 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 24 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 08:45 Through 10/24/2024 10:51 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 10:04 2.1 18,886.8 2,077.5 256 10/24/24 10:05 2.2 18,906.3 2,079.7 257 10/24/24 10:06 2.1 18,895.9 2,078.5 256 10/24/24 10:07 2.1 18,900.3 2,079.0 256 10/24/24 10:08 2.2 18,887.0 2,077.6 256 10/24/24 10:09 2.2 18,901.5 2,079.2 256 10/24/24 10:10 2.2 18,914.1 2,080.6 256 10/24/24 10:11 2.2 18,896.3 2,078.6 257 10/24/24 10:12 2.2 18,882.0 2,077.0 256 10/24/24 10:13 2.2 18,883.9 2,077.2 256 10/24/24 10:14 2.2 18,894.9 2,078.4 256 10/24/24 10:15 2.2 18,885.1 2,077.4 256 10/24/24 10:16 2.2 18,885.0 2,077.4 256 10/24/24 10:17 2.2 18,881.5 2,077.0 256 10/24/24 10:18 2.1 18,858.5 2,074.4 256 10/24/24 10:19 2.2 18,855.5 2,074.1 256 10/24/24 10:20 2.2 18,896.9 2,078.7 257 10/24/24 10:21 2.2 18,904.4 2,079.5 256 10/24/24 10:22 2.2 18,865.3 2,075.2 256 10/24/24 10:23 2.2 18,839.0 2,072.3 255 10/24/24 10:24 2.2 18,837.4 2,072.1 255 10/24/24 10:25 2.1 18,847.3 2,073.2 256 10/24/24 10:26 2.2 18,867.2 2,075.4 256 10/24/24 10:27 2.2 18,854.8 2,074.0 256 10/24/24 10:28 2.2 18,857.0 2,074.3 256 10/24/24 10:29 2.2 18,867.9 2,075.5 256 10/24/24 10:30 2.2 18,859.0 2,074.5 256 10/24/24 10:31 2.2 18,856.4 2,074.2 256 10/24/24 10:32 2.2 18,846.3 2,073.1 256 10/24/24 10:33 2.1 18,830.0 2,071.3 255 10/24/24 10:34 2.1 18,813.7 2,069.5 255 10/24/24 10:35 2.0 18,801.8 2,068.2 255 10/24/24 10:36 2.1 18,802.8 2,068.3 255 10/24/24 10:37 2.2 18,828.4 2,071.1 255 10/24/24 10:38 2.2 18,817.5 2,069.9 255 10/24/24 10:39 2.2 18,806.3 2,068.7 255 10/24/24 10:40 2.1 18,812.9 2,069.4 255 10/24/24 10:41 2.1 18,820.5 2,070.3 255 10/24/24 10:42 2.2 18,849.0 2,073.4 256 10/24/24 10:43 2.2 18,847.4 2,073.2 256 10/24/24 10:44 2.2 18,844.3 2,072.9 256 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 25 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 08:45 Through 10/24/2024 10:51 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 10:45 2.2 18,835.2 2,071.9 255 10/24/24 10:46 2.1 18,825.9 2,070.8 255 10/24/24 10:47 2.1 18,830.6 2,071.4 256 10/24/24 10:48 2.2 18,862.0 2,074.8 256 10/24/24 10:49 2.2 18,886.7 2,077.5 256 10/24/24 10:50 2.2 18,892.7 2,078.2 256 10/24/24 10:51 2.2 18,885.3 2,077.4 256 2.2 18,910.5 2,080.2 256 2.0 18,801.8 2,068.2 255 2.3 18,967.9 2,086.5 258 276.6 2,401,628.5 264,179.3 32,574 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 26 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/24/24 11:10 2.2 18,868.9 2,075.6 256 10/24/24 11:11 2.1 18,853.7 2,073.9 256 10/24/24 11:12 2.2 18,841.2 2,072.5 256 10/24/24 11:13 2.3 18,841.6 2,072.6 256 10/24/24 11:14 2.3 18,827.2 2,071.0 255 10/24/24 11:15 2.2 18,823.1 2,070.5 255 10/24/24 11:16 2.3 18,844.5 2,072.9 256 10/24/24 11:17 2.3 18,850.1 2,073.5 256 10/24/24 11:18 2.2 18,843.6 2,072.8 256 10/24/24 11:19 2.2 18,838.2 2,072.2 255 10/24/24 11:20 2.2 18,843.6 2,072.8 255 10/24/24 11:21 2.2 18,833.0 2,071.6 255 10/24/24 11:22 2.3 18,842.1 2,072.6 255 10/24/24 11:23 2.2 18,857.0 2,074.3 256 10/24/24 11:24 2.2 18,829.9 2,071.3 256 10/24/24 11:25 2.1 18,847.4 2,073.2 256 10/24/24 11:26 2.2 18,865.7 2,075.2 256 10/24/24 11:27 2.2 18,846.2 2,073.1 256 10/24/24 11:28 2.2 18,822.7 2,070.5 255 10/24/24 11:29 2.2 18,828.6 2,071.1 255 10/24/24 11:30 2.2 18,826.9 2,071.0 255 10/24/24 11:31 2.2 18,818.6 2,070.0 255 10/24/24 11:32 2.2 18,829.8 2,071.3 255 10/24/24 11:33 2.2 18,834.1 2,071.8 255 10/24/24 11:34 2.1 18,834.6 2,071.8 255 10/24/24 11:35 2.2 18,818.9 2,070.1 255 10/24/24 11:36 2.2 18,807.0 2,068.8 255 10/24/24 11:37 2.2 18,792.6 2,067.2 255 10/24/24 11:38 2.2 18,828.4 2,071.1 255 10/24/24 11:39 2.2 18,812.6 2,069.4 255 10/24/24 11:40 2.2 18,819.8 2,070.2 255 10/24/24 11:41 2.2 18,851.6 2,073.7 256 10/24/24 11:42 2.2 18,835.5 2,071.9 255 10/24/24 11:43 2.2 18,818.0 2,070.0 255 10/24/24 11:44 2.2 18,820.1 2,070.2 255 10/24/24 11:45 2.2 18,807.6 2,068.8 255 10/24/24 11:46 2.2 18,804.8 2,068.5 255 10/24/24 11:47 2.1 18,783.2 2,066.2 255 Source UNIT2 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 11:10 Through 10/24/2024 13:18 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 27 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 11:10 Through 10/24/2024 13:18 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 11:48 2.2 18,775.7 2,065.3 254 10/24/24 11:49 2.2 18,800.0 2,068.0 255 10/24/24 11:50 2.2 18,789.1 2,066.8 255 10/24/24 11:51 2.1 18,764.4 2,064.1 254 10/24/24 11:52 2.2 18,792.2 2,067.1 255 10/24/24 11:53 2.2 18,827.6 2,071.0 255 10/24/24 11:54 2.1 18,838.1 2,072.2 255 10/24/24 11:55 2.1 18,813.5 2,069.5 255 10/24/24 11:56 2.2 18,801.2 2,068.1 254 10/24/24 11:57 2.2 18,811.9 2,069.3 255 10/24/24 11:58 2.2 18,824.9 2,070.7 255 10/24/24 11:59 2.2 18,820.2 2,070.2 255 10/24/24 12:00 2.2 18,802.8 2,068.3 255 10/24/24 12:01 2.2 18,821.5 2,070.4 255 10/24/24 12:02 2.2 18,808.9 2,069.0 255 10/24/24 12:03 2.2 18,796.6 2,067.6 255 10/24/24 12:04 2.2 18,811.3 2,069.2 255 10/24/24 12:05 2.1 18,807.1 2,068.8 255 10/24/24 12:06 2.2 18,793.4 2,067.3 255 10/24/24 12:07 2.2 18,785.3 2,066.4 255 10/24/24 12:08 2.2 18,774.1 2,065.2 255 10/24/24 12:09 2.1 18,802.8 2,068.3 255 10/24/24 12:10 2.2 18,794.3 2,067.4 255 10/24/24 12:11 2.2 18,796.6 2,067.6 255 10/24/24 12:12 2.1 18,789.6 2,066.9 255 10/24/24 12:13 2.1 18,790.6 2,067.0 255 10/24/24 12:14 2.1 18,775.8 2,065.3 255 10/24/24 12:15 2.2 18,792.6 2,067.2 255 10/24/24 12:16 2.1 18,800.9 2,068.1 255 10/24/24 12:17 2.1 18,793.1 2,067.2 255 10/24/24 12:18 2.2 18,782.7 2,066.1 255 10/24/24 12:19 2.2 18,786.7 2,066.5 255 10/24/24 12:20 2.2 18,794.8 2,067.4 255 10/24/24 12:21 2.2 18,782.4 2,066.1 254 10/24/24 12:22 2.2 18,750.6 2,062.6 254 10/24/24 12:23 2.2 18,734.6 2,060.8 254 10/24/24 12:24 2.2 18,760.2 2,063.6 254 10/24/24 12:25 2.2 18,780.5 2,065.9 255 10/24/24 12:26 2.2 18,777.0 2,065.5 255 10/24/24 12:27 2.1 18,766.4 2,064.3 255 10/24/24 12:28 2.1 18,785.2 2,066.4 255 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 28 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 11:10 Through 10/24/2024 13:18 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 12:29 2.1 18,775.8 2,065.3 255 10/24/24 12:30 2.1 18,783.2 2,066.2 255 10/24/24 12:31 2.2 18,769.4 2,064.6 254 10/24/24 12:32 2.2 18,761.6 2,063.8 254 10/24/24 12:33 2.2 18,780.3 2,065.8 254 10/24/24 12:34 2.2 18,757.4 2,063.3 254 10/24/24 12:35 2.2 18,763.2 2,064.0 255 10/24/24 12:36 2.2 18,782.9 2,066.1 255 10/24/24 12:37 2.2 18,774.8 2,065.2 255 10/24/24 12:38 2.2 18,778.3 2,065.6 255 10/24/24 12:39 2.2 18,782.5 2,066.1 255 10/24/24 12:40 2.2 18,760.2 2,063.6 254 10/24/24 12:41 2.2 18,765.0 2,064.2 255 10/24/24 12:42 2.2 18,754.7 2,063.0 254 10/24/24 12:43 2.2 18,754.3 2,063.0 254 10/24/24 12:44 2.2 18,769.6 2,064.7 255 10/24/24 12:45 2.2 18,760.1 2,063.6 254 10/24/24 12:46 2.1 18,758.6 2,063.4 255 10/24/24 12:47 2.1 18,773.8 2,065.1 255 10/24/24 12:48 2.2 18,769.7 2,064.7 255 10/24/24 12:49 2.2 18,759.9 2,063.6 254 10/24/24 12:50 2.2 18,764.4 2,064.1 254 10/24/24 12:51 2.2 18,737.2 2,061.1 254 10/24/24 12:52 2.2 18,723.1 2,059.5 254 10/24/24 12:53 2.1 18,754.7 2,063.0 254 10/24/24 12:54 2.2 18,746.0 2,062.1 254 10/24/24 12:55 2.2 18,749.9 2,062.5 254 10/24/24 12:56 2.2 18,752.7 2,062.8 254 10/24/24 12:57 2.2 18,740.2 2,061.4 254 10/24/24 12:58 2.2 18,754.8 2,063.0 254 10/24/24 12:59 2.2 18,755.7 2,063.1 254 10/24/24 13:00 2.2 18,751.7 2,062.7 254 10/24/24 13:01 2.2 18,740.1 2,061.4 254 10/24/24 13:02 2.2 18,726.9 2,060.0 254 10/24/24 13:03 2.2 18,726.4 2,059.9 254 10/24/24 13:04 2.2 18,747.9 2,062.3 254 10/24/24 13:05 2.2 18,764.1 2,064.1 255 10/24/24 13:06 2.2 18,753.3 2,062.9 254 10/24/24 13:07 2.2 18,725.3 2,059.8 254 10/24/24 13:08 2.2 18,706.0 2,057.7 253 10/24/24 13:09 2.2 18,711.2 2,058.2 254 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 29 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 11:10 Through 10/24/2024 13:18 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 13:10 2.2 18,684.6 2,055.3 253 10/24/24 13:11 2.2 18,700.4 2,057.0 254 10/24/24 13:12 2.2 18,735.5 2,060.9 254 10/24/24 13:13 2.2 18,760.0 2,063.6 255 10/24/24 13:14 2.2 18,735.3 2,060.9 254 10/24/24 13:15 2.2 18,722.1 2,059.4 254 10/24/24 13:16 2.2 18,722.5 2,059.5 254 10/24/24 13:17 2.2 18,704.9 2,057.5 254 10/24/24 13:18 2.1 18,710.9 2,058.2 254 2.2 18,787.1 2,066.6 255 2.1 18,684.6 2,055.3 253 2.3 18,868.9 2,075.6 256 282.1 2,423,532.7 266,588.7 32,863 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 30 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/24/24 13:35 2.4 18,719.9 2,059.2 254 10/24/24 13:36 2.4 18,721.1 2,059.3 254 10/24/24 13:37 2.4 18,711.9 2,058.3 254 10/24/24 13:38 2.4 18,700.1 2,057.0 254 10/24/24 13:39 2.4 18,681.2 2,054.9 253 10/24/24 13:40 2.3 18,666.4 2,053.3 253 10/24/24 13:41 2.4 18,697.8 2,056.8 253 10/24/24 13:42 2.3 18,700.6 2,057.1 254 10/24/24 13:43 2.3 18,686.7 2,055.5 254 10/24/24 13:44 2.2 18,688.6 2,055.7 253 10/24/24 13:45 2.2 18,685.6 2,055.4 253 10/24/24 13:46 2.2 18,676.2 2,054.4 253 10/24/24 13:47 2.2 18,684.6 2,055.3 253 10/24/24 13:48 2.2 18,710.3 2,058.1 254 10/24/24 13:49 2.2 18,721.9 2,059.4 254 10/24/24 13:50 2.2 18,724.9 2,059.7 254 10/24/24 13:51 2.3 18,715.6 2,058.7 254 10/24/24 13:52 2.3 18,704.7 2,057.5 254 10/24/24 13:53 2.3 18,700.9 2,057.1 254 10/24/24 13:54 2.3 18,693.8 2,056.3 254 10/24/24 13:55 2.3 18,681.7 2,055.0 253 10/24/24 13:56 2.2 18,684.4 2,055.3 254 10/24/24 13:57 2.3 18,693.9 2,056.3 254 10/24/24 13:58 2.2 18,692.3 2,056.2 254 10/24/24 13:59 2.2 18,696.9 2,056.7 253 10/24/24 14:00 2.3 18,692.1 2,056.1 253 10/24/24 14:01 2.3 18,698.6 2,056.8 254 10/24/24 14:02 2.3 18,693.0 2,056.2 254 10/24/24 14:03 2.2 18,688.3 2,055.7 254 10/24/24 14:04 2.3 18,683.8 2,055.2 253 10/24/24 14:05 2.3 18,683.1 2,055.1 253 10/24/24 14:06 2.3 18,685.5 2,055.4 253 10/24/24 14:07 2.3 18,696.0 2,056.6 253 10/24/24 14:08 2.3 18,705.8 2,057.6 254 10/24/24 14:09 2.3 18,708.6 2,057.9 254 10/24/24 14:10 2.2 18,694.2 2,056.4 253 10/24/24 14:11 2.2 18,659.4 2,052.5 253 10/24/24 14:12 2.3 18,676.2 2,054.4 253 Source UNIT2 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 13:35 Through 10/24/2024 15:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 31 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 13:35 Through 10/24/2024 15:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 14:13 2.3 18,709.6 2,058.1 254 10/24/24 14:14 2.3 18,694.8 2,056.4 253 10/24/24 14:15 2.3 18,688.5 2,055.7 253 10/24/24 14:16 2.3 18,691.9 2,056.1 254 10/24/24 14:17 2.3 18,561.5 2,041.8 253 10/24/24 14:18 2.2 18,690.0 2,055.9 253 10/24/24 14:19 2.2 18,682.2 2,055.0 253 10/24/24 14:20 2.2 18,684.4 2,055.3 253 10/24/24 14:21 2.3 18,688.6 2,055.7 253 10/24/24 14:22 2.3 18,664.2 2,053.1 253 10/24/24 14:23 2.3 18,685.7 2,055.4 253 10/24/24 14:24 2.3 18,679.8 2,054.8 253 10/24/24 14:25 2.2 18,692.8 2,056.2 254 10/24/24 14:26 2.2 18,678.9 2,054.7 253 10/24/24 14:27 2.3 18,640.3 2,050.4 253 10/24/24 14:28 2.3 18,649.9 2,051.5 253 10/24/24 14:29 2.3 18,553.4 2,040.9 253 10/24/24 14:30 2.2 18,682.5 2,055.1 253 10/24/24 14:31 2.3 18,669.4 2,053.6 253 10/24/24 14:32 2.3 18,685.3 2,055.4 253 10/24/24 14:33 2.2 18,668.4 2,053.5 253 10/24/24 14:34 2.3 18,524.2 2,037.7 253 10/24/24 14:35 2.3 18,631.9 2,049.5 253 10/24/24 14:36 2.3 18,653.0 2,051.8 253 10/24/24 14:37 2.3 18,670.3 2,053.7 253 10/24/24 14:38 2.2 18,680.0 2,054.8 253 10/24/24 14:39 2.2 18,677.6 2,054.5 253 10/24/24 14:40 2.2 18,658.0 2,052.4 253 10/24/24 14:41 2.2 18,641.2 2,050.5 252 10/24/24 14:42 2.3 18,650.0 2,051.5 253 10/24/24 14:43 2.3 18,678.4 2,054.6 253 10/24/24 14:44 2.2 18,672.9 2,054.0 253 10/24/24 14:45 2.2 18,666.5 2,053.3 253 10/24/24 14:46 2.2 18,540.2 2,039.4 253 10/24/24 14:47 2.3 18,675.6 2,054.3 253 10/24/24 14:48 2.3 18,655.9 2,052.1 253 10/24/24 14:49 2.2 18,650.1 2,051.5 253 10/24/24 14:50 2.3 18,640.7 2,050.5 253 10/24/24 14:51 2.3 18,634.6 2,049.8 253 10/24/24 14:52 2.3 18,667.3 2,053.4 253 10/24/24 14:53 2.4 18,659.0 2,052.5 253 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 32 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 13:35 Through 10/24/2024 15:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 14:54 2.3 18,647.2 2,051.2 253 10/24/24 14:55 2.4 18,628.8 2,049.2 252 10/24/24 14:56 2.4 18,615.3 2,047.7 252 10/24/24 14:57 2.4 18,644.8 2,050.9 253 10/24/24 14:58 2.4 18,636.8 2,050.0 253 10/24/24 14:59 2.4 18,510.6 2,036.2 253 10/24/24 15:00 2.4 18,639.9 2,050.4 253 10/24/24 15:01 2.4 18,635.0 2,049.9 253 10/24/24 15:02 2.4 18,622.1 2,048.4 253 10/24/24 15:03 2.4 18,514.3 2,036.6 253 10/24/24 15:04 2.3 17,166.5 1,888.3 253 10/24/24 15:05 2.1 15,580.7 1,713.9 251 10/24/24 15:06 0.4 15,574.4 1,713.2 249 10/24/24 15:07 0.1 15,588.6 1,714.7 246 10/24/24 15:08 0.1 15,598.1 1,715.8 244 10/24/24 15:09 0.1 15,597.8 1,715.8 241 10/24/24 15:10 0.0 15,593.8 1,715.3 239 10/24/24 15:11 0.1 15,607.1 1,716.8 237 10/24/24 15:12 0.1 15,597.0 1,715.7 236 10/24/24 15:13 0.1 15,590.6 1,715.0 234 10/24/24 15:14 0.1 15,569.5 1,712.6 233 10/24/24 15:15 0.1 15,502.6 1,705.3 232 10/24/24 15:16 0.1 15,506.6 1,705.7 231 10/24/24 15:17 0.1 15,580.1 1,713.8 231 10/24/24 15:18 0.1 15,578.6 1,713.6 231 10/24/24 15:19 0.1 15,582.9 1,714.1 231 10/24/24 15:20 0.1 15,585.7 1,714.4 231 10/24/24 15:21 0.1 15,575.7 1,713.3 230 10/24/24 15:22 0.1 15,550.8 1,710.6 230 10/24/24 15:23 0.1 15,556.2 1,711.2 230 10/24/24 15:24 0.1 15,585.3 1,714.4 231 10/24/24 15:25 0.1 15,584.9 1,714.3 230 10/24/24 15:26 0.1 15,566.8 1,712.3 230 10/24/24 15:27 0.1 15,549.3 1,710.4 230 10/24/24 15:28 0.1 15,551.3 1,710.6 230 10/24/24 15:29 0.1 15,553.3 1,710.9 230 10/24/24 15:30 0.1 15,565.1 1,712.2 230 10/24/24 15:31 0.1 15,350.5 1,688.6 228 10/24/24 15:32 0.2 14,968.2 1,646.5 222 10/24/24 15:33 0.2 14,641.0 1,610.5 218 10/24/24 15:34 0.1 14,362.8 1,579.9 214 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 33 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/24/2024 13:35 Through 10/24/2024 15:42 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/24/24 15:35 0.1 14,048.8 1,545.4 209 10/24/24 15:36 0.2 13,791.2 1,517.0 205 10/24/24 15:37 0.2 13,547.9 1,490.3 202 10/24/24 15:38 0.2 13,293.1 1,462.2 197 10/24/24 15:39 0.1 13,018.0 1,432.0 193 10/24/24 15:40 0.2 12,747.4 1,402.2 189 10/24/24 15:41 0.2 12,506.5 1,375.7 185 10/24/24 15:42 0.2 12,321.0 1,355.3 182 1.7 17,563.3 1,932.0 245 0.0 12,321.0 1,355.3 182 2.4 18,724.9 2,059.7 254 212.6 2,248,106.6 247,291.1 31,333 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:48 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 34 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/21/24 10:55 0.0 20,628.9 2,269.2 307 10/21/24 10:56 0.0 20,631.3 2,269.4 307 10/21/24 10:57 0.0 20,634.0 2,269.7 307 10/21/24 10:58 0.0 20,630.8 2,269.4 307 10/21/24 10:59 0.0 20,629.1 2,269.2 307 10/21/24 11:00 0.0 20,631.2 2,269.4 307 10/21/24 11:01 0.0 20,623.0 2,268.5 307 10/21/24 11:02 0.0 20,618.8 2,268.1 307 10/21/24 11:03 0.0 20,620.4 2,268.2 307 10/21/24 11:04 0.0 20,625.0 2,268.8 307 10/21/24 11:05 0.0 20,622.8 2,268.5 307 10/21/24 11:06 0.0 20,622.5 2,268.5 307 10/21/24 11:07 0.0 20,613.4 2,267.5 307 10/21/24 11:08 0.0 20,597.7 2,265.7 307 10/21/24 11:09 0.0 20,599.6 2,266.0 307 10/21/24 11:10 0.0 20,617.5 2,267.9 307 10/21/24 11:11 0.0 20,639.2 2,270.3 307 10/21/24 11:12 0.0 20,628.0 2,269.1 307 10/21/24 11:13 0.0 20,614.1 2,267.6 307 10/21/24 11:14 0.0 20,614.8 2,267.6 307 10/21/24 11:15 0.0 20,621.4 2,268.4 307 10/21/24 11:16 0.0 20,617.5 2,267.9 307 10/21/24 11:17 0.0 20,609.8 2,267.1 307 10/21/24 11:18 0.0 20,609.0 2,267.0 307 10/21/24 11:19 0.0 20,609.1 2,267.0 307 10/21/24 11:20 0.0 20,603.3 2,266.4 306 10/21/24 11:21 0.0 20,599.6 2,266.0 307 10/21/24 11:22 0.0 20,606.5 2,266.7 307 10/21/24 11:23 0.0 20,600.0 2,266.0 306 10/21/24 11:24 0.0 20,600.6 2,266.1 307 10/21/24 11:25 0.0 20,599.3 2,265.9 307 10/21/24 11:26 0.0 20,598.1 2,265.8 307 10/21/24 11:27 0.0 20,584.2 2,264.3 306 10/21/24 11:28 0.0 20,581.4 2,264.0 306 10/21/24 11:29 0.0 20,588.2 2,264.7 307 10/21/24 11:30 0.0 20,575.8 2,263.3 306 10/21/24 11:31 0.0 20,569.9 2,262.7 306 10/21/24 11:32 0.0 20,554.0 2,260.9 306 Source UNIT3 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 10:55 Through 10/21/2024 13:09 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 35 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 10:55 Through 10/21/2024 13:09 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 11:33 0.0 20,541.7 2,259.6 306 10/21/24 11:34 0.0 20,540.0 2,259.4 306 10/21/24 11:35 0.0 20,544.9 2,259.9 306 10/21/24 11:36 0.0 20,551.1 2,260.6 306 10/21/24 11:37 0.0 20,569.6 2,262.7 306 10/21/24 11:38 0.0 20,581.7 2,264.0 306 10/21/24 11:39 0.0 20,594.6 2,265.4 307 10/21/24 11:40 0.0 20,591.2 2,265.0 306 10/21/24 11:41 0.0 20,571.4 2,262.9 306 10/21/24 11:42 0.0 20,563.9 2,262.0 306 10/21/24 11:43 0.0 20,556.3 2,261.2 306 10/21/24 11:44 0.0 20,556.1 2,261.2 306 10/21/24 11:45 0.0 20,552.7 2,260.8 306 10/21/24 11:46 0.0 20,548.2 2,260.3 306 10/21/24 11:47 0.0 20,540.1 2,259.4 306 10/21/24 11:48 0.0 20,539.7 2,259.4 306 10/21/24 11:49 0.0 20,542.8 2,259.7 306 10/21/24 11:50 0.0 20,536.2 2,259.0 306 10/21/24 11:51 0.0 20,529.3 2,258.2 306 10/21/24 11:52 0.0 20,524.4 2,257.7 306 10/21/24 11:53 0.0 20,510.2 2,256.1 305 10/21/24 11:54 0.0 20,518.5 2,257.0 305 10/21/24 11:55 0.0 20,516.0 2,256.8 305 10/21/24 11:56 0.0 20,502.4 2,255.3 305 10/21/24 11:57 0.0 20,511.8 2,256.3 305 10/21/24 11:58 0.0 20,523.2 2,257.6 305 10/21/24 11:59 0.0 20,484.4 2,253.3 305 10/21/24 12:00 0.0 20,481.7 2,253.0 305 10/21/24 12:01 0.0 20,474.1 2,252.2 305 10/21/24 12:02 0.0 20,447.9 2,249.3 304 10/21/24 12:03 0.0 20,443.0 2,248.7 304 10/21/24 12:04 0.0 20,464.6 2,251.1 305 10/21/24 12:05 0.0 20,481.0 2,252.9 305 10/21/24 12:06 0.0 20,453.6 2,249.9 305 10/21/24 12:07 0.0 20,457.5 2,250.3 304 10/21/24 12:08 0.0 20,444.5 2,248.9 304 10/21/24 12:09 0.0 20,416.3 2,245.8 304 10/21/24 12:10 0.0 20,434.0 2,247.7 304 10/21/24 12:11 0.0 20,418.0 2,246.0 304 10/21/24 12:12 0.0 20,408.8 2,245.0 304 10/21/24 12:13 0.0 20,375.6 2,241.3 303 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 36 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 10:55 Through 10/21/2024 13:09 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 12:14 0.0 20,379.0 2,241.7 303 10/21/24 12:15 0.0 20,381.1 2,241.9 303 10/21/24 12:16 0.0 20,381.5 2,242.0 303 10/21/24 12:17 0.0 20,389.1 2,242.8 303 10/21/24 12:18 0.0 20,386.3 2,242.5 303 10/21/24 12:19 0.0 20,387.2 2,242.6 303 10/21/24 12:20 0.0 20,376.9 2,241.5 303 10/21/24 12:21 0.0 20,365.4 2,240.2 303 10/21/24 12:22 0.0 20,363.8 2,240.0 303 10/21/24 12:23 0.0 20,364.2 2,240.1 303 10/21/24 12:24 0.0 20,356.0 2,239.2 303 10/21/24 12:25 0.0 20,349.4 2,238.4 303 10/21/24 12:26 0.0 20,355.0 2,239.1 303 10/21/24 12:27 0.0 20,373.7 2,241.1 304 10/21/24 12:28 0.0 20,401.8 2,244.2 304 10/21/24 12:29 0.0 20,402.6 2,244.3 303 10/21/24 12:30 0.0 20,370.6 2,240.8 303 10/21/24 12:31 0.0 20,360.1 2,239.6 303 10/21/24 12:32 0.0 20,393.6 2,243.3 304 10/21/24 12:33 0.0 20,433.4 2,247.7 304 10/21/24 12:34 0.0 20,413.7 2,245.5 304 10/21/24 12:35 0.0 20,401.3 2,244.1 304 10/21/24 12:36 0.0 20,411.6 2,245.3 304 10/21/24 12:37 0.0 20,426.7 2,246.9 304 10/21/24 12:38 0.0 20,420.0 2,246.2 304 10/21/24 12:39 0.0 20,421.9 2,246.4 304 10/21/24 12:40 0.0 20,413.7 2,245.5 303 10/21/24 12:41 0.0 20,368.3 2,240.5 303 10/21/24 12:42 0.0 20,363.1 2,239.9 303 10/21/24 12:43 0.0 20,363.9 2,240.0 303 10/21/24 12:44 0.0 20,348.0 2,238.3 302 10/21/24 12:45 0.0 20,343.0 2,237.7 302 10/21/24 12:46 0.0 20,350.3 2,238.5 303 10/21/24 12:47 0.0 20,348.5 2,238.3 303 10/21/24 12:48 0.0 20,329.3 2,236.2 302 10/21/24 12:49 0.0 20,336.6 2,237.0 303 10/21/24 12:50 0.0 20,335.7 2,236.9 302 10/21/24 12:51 0.0 20,332.0 2,236.5 303 10/21/24 12:52 0.0 20,335.9 2,236.9 302 10/21/24 12:53 0.0 20,318.2 2,235.0 302 10/21/24 12:54 0.0 20,304.1 2,233.5 302 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 37 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 10:55 Through 10/21/2024 13:09 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 12:55 0.0 20,283.7 2,231.2 302 10/21/24 12:56 0.0 20,240.5 2,226.5 301 10/21/24 12:57 0.0 20,223.9 2,224.6 301 10/21/24 12:58 0.0 20,253.1 2,227.8 301 10/21/24 12:59 0.0 20,271.0 2,229.8 301 10/21/24 13:00 0.0 20,264.3 2,229.1 301 10/21/24 13:01 0.0 20,272.2 2,229.9 302 10/21/24 13:02 0.0 20,311.3 2,234.2 302 10/21/24 13:03 0.0 20,323.7 2,235.6 302 10/21/24 13:04 0.0 20,313.0 2,234.4 302 10/21/24 13:05 0.0 20,297.5 2,232.7 302 10/21/24 13:06 0.0 20,296.3 2,232.6 302 10/21/24 13:07 0.0 20,313.5 2,234.5 302 10/21/24 13:08 0.0 20,310.3 2,234.1 302 10/21/24 13:09 0.0 20,284.2 2,231.3 301 0.0 20,470.6 2,251.8 305 0.0 20,223.9 2,224.6 301 0.0 20,639.2 2,270.3 307 0.0 2,763,527.8 303,988.1 41,125 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 38 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/21/24 14:17 0.0 20,207.6 2,222.8 300 10/21/24 14:18 0.0 20,169.2 2,218.6 300 10/21/24 14:19 0.0 20,163.6 2,218.0 300 10/21/24 14:20 0.0 20,162.0 2,217.8 300 10/21/24 14:21 0.0 20,165.8 2,218.2 300 10/21/24 14:22 0.0 20,174.2 2,219.2 300 10/21/24 14:23 0.0 20,180.1 2,219.8 300 10/21/24 14:24 0.0 20,169.6 2,218.7 300 10/21/24 14:25 0.0 20,174.4 2,219.2 300 10/21/24 14:26 0.0 20,205.3 2,222.6 301 10/21/24 14:27 0.0 20,246.2 2,227.1 301 10/21/24 14:28 0.0 20,243.1 2,226.7 300 10/21/24 14:29 0.0 20,217.4 2,223.9 300 10/21/24 14:30 0.0 20,182.4 2,220.1 300 10/21/24 14:31 0.0 20,182.4 2,220.1 300 10/21/24 14:32 0.0 20,204.2 2,222.5 300 10/21/24 14:33 0.0 20,208.6 2,222.9 300 10/21/24 14:34 0.0 20,210.8 2,223.2 300 10/21/24 14:35 0.0 20,209.2 2,223.0 300 10/21/24 14:36 0.0 20,201.3 2,222.1 300 10/21/24 14:37 0.0 20,206.7 2,222.7 300 10/21/24 14:38 0.0 20,208.4 2,222.9 300 10/21/24 14:39 0.0 20,200.0 2,222.0 300 10/21/24 14:40 0.0 20,210.1 2,223.1 300 10/21/24 14:41 0.0 20,195.5 2,221.5 300 10/21/24 14:42 0.0 20,175.8 2,219.3 300 10/21/24 14:43 0.0 20,162.9 2,217.9 299 10/21/24 14:44 0.0 20,174.0 2,219.1 299 10/21/24 14:45 0.0 20,161.4 2,217.8 300 10/21/24 14:46 0.0 20,180.8 2,219.9 300 10/21/24 14:47 0.0 20,190.6 2,221.0 300 10/21/24 14:48 0.0 20,183.6 2,220.2 299 10/21/24 14:49 0.0 20,159.4 2,217.5 299 10/21/24 14:50 0.0 20,149.0 2,216.4 299 10/21/24 14:51 0.0 20,154.8 2,217.0 299 10/21/24 14:52 0.0 20,172.3 2,219.0 300 10/21/24 14:53 0.0 20,176.3 2,219.4 300 10/21/24 14:54 0.0 20,173.0 2,219.0 299 Source UNIT3 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 14:17 Through 10/21/2024 16:27 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 39 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 14:17 Through 10/21/2024 16:27 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 14:55 0.0 20,153.2 2,216.9 299 10/21/24 14:56 0.0 20,133.0 2,214.6 299 10/21/24 14:57 0.0 20,124.8 2,213.7 299 10/21/24 14:58 0.0 20,122.5 2,213.5 299 10/21/24 14:59 0.0 20,120.7 2,213.3 299 10/21/24 15:00 0.0 20,121.3 2,213.3 299 10/21/24 15:01 0.0 20,127.7 2,214.0 299 10/21/24 15:02 0.0 20,153.5 2,216.9 300 10/21/24 15:03 0.0 20,164.6 2,218.1 300 10/21/24 15:04 0.0 20,169.3 2,218.6 300 10/21/24 15:05 0.0 20,158.7 2,217.5 300 10/21/24 15:06 0.0 20,150.1 2,216.5 299 10/21/24 15:07 0.0 20,133.2 2,214.7 299 10/21/24 15:08 0.0 20,130.2 2,214.3 299 10/21/24 15:09 0.0 20,129.0 2,214.2 299 10/21/24 15:10 0.0 20,142.4 2,215.7 299 10/21/24 15:11 0.0 20,154.4 2,217.0 299 10/21/24 15:12 0.0 20,163.1 2,217.9 300 10/21/24 15:13 0.0 20,161.2 2,217.7 300 10/21/24 15:14 0.0 20,147.6 2,216.2 299 10/21/24 15:15 0.0 20,138.4 2,215.2 299 10/21/24 15:16 0.0 20,114.8 2,212.6 299 10/21/24 15:17 0.0 20,083.8 2,209.2 298 10/21/24 15:18 0.0 20,084.7 2,209.3 299 10/21/24 15:19 0.0 20,116.7 2,212.8 299 10/21/24 15:20 0.0 20,124.7 2,213.7 299 10/21/24 15:21 0.0 20,113.0 2,212.4 299 10/21/24 15:22 0.0 20,109.7 2,212.1 299 10/21/24 15:23 0.0 20,113.7 2,212.5 299 10/21/24 15:24 0.0 20,117.6 2,212.9 299 10/21/24 15:25 0.0 20,119.7 2,213.2 299 10/21/24 15:26 0.0 20,120.9 2,213.3 299 10/21/24 15:27 0.0 20,099.9 2,211.0 299 10/21/24 15:28 0.0 20,082.2 2,209.0 298 10/21/24 15:29 0.0 20,086.3 2,209.5 298 10/21/24 15:30 0.0 20,102.4 2,211.3 299 10/21/24 15:31 0.0 20,107.8 2,211.9 299 10/21/24 15:32 0.0 20,102.5 2,211.3 299 10/21/24 15:33 0.0 20,105.9 2,211.6 299 10/21/24 15:34 0.0 20,107.3 2,211.8 299 10/21/24 15:35 0.0 20,124.9 2,213.7 299 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 40 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 14:17 Through 10/21/2024 16:27 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 15:36 0.0 20,109.9 2,212.1 299 10/21/24 15:37 0.0 20,104.8 2,211.5 299 10/21/24 15:38 0.0 20,098.7 2,210.9 299 10/21/24 15:39 0.0 20,099.2 2,210.9 299 10/21/24 15:40 0.0 20,102.4 2,211.3 299 10/21/24 15:41 0.0 20,104.7 2,211.5 299 10/21/24 15:42 0.0 20,119.9 2,213.2 299 10/21/24 15:43 0.0 20,112.6 2,212.4 299 10/21/24 15:44 0.0 20,086.9 2,209.6 299 10/21/24 15:45 0.0 20,085.0 2,209.4 299 10/21/24 15:46 0.0 20,079.8 2,208.8 299 10/21/24 15:47 0.0 20,085.9 2,209.4 299 10/21/24 15:48 0.0 20,091.4 2,210.1 299 10/21/24 15:49 0.0 20,081.5 2,209.0 299 10/21/24 15:50 0.0 20,086.6 2,209.5 299 10/21/24 15:51 0.0 20,062.4 2,206.9 298 10/21/24 15:52 0.0 20,040.2 2,204.4 298 10/21/24 15:53 0.0 20,030.6 2,203.4 298 10/21/24 15:54 0.0 20,019.0 2,202.1 298 10/21/24 15:55 0.0 20,035.5 2,203.9 298 10/21/24 15:56 0.0 20,037.4 2,204.1 298 10/21/24 15:57 0.0 20,044.9 2,204.9 298 10/21/24 15:58 0.0 20,051.5 2,205.7 298 10/21/24 15:59 0.0 20,053.6 2,205.9 298 10/21/24 16:00 0.0 20,047.5 2,205.2 298 10/21/24 16:01 0.0 20,047.2 2,205.2 298 10/21/24 16:02 0.0 20,050.3 2,205.5 298 10/21/24 16:03 0.0 20,064.2 2,207.1 299 10/21/24 16:04 0.0 20,086.7 2,209.5 299 10/21/24 16:05 0.0 20,066.1 2,207.3 298 10/21/24 16:06 0.0 20,045.2 2,205.0 298 10/21/24 16:07 0.0 20,011.3 2,201.2 298 10/21/24 16:08 0.0 20,015.8 2,201.7 298 10/21/24 16:09 0.0 20,012.2 2,201.3 298 10/21/24 16:10 0.0 20,028.8 2,203.2 298 10/21/24 16:11 0.0 20,037.0 2,204.1 298 10/21/24 16:12 0.0 20,033.7 2,203.7 298 10/21/24 16:13 0.0 20,023.9 2,202.6 298 10/21/24 16:14 0.0 20,016.3 2,201.8 298 10/21/24 16:15 0.0 20,010.9 2,201.2 298 10/21/24 16:16 0.0 19,999.7 2,200.0 298 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 41 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 14:17 Through 10/21/2024 16:27 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 16:17 0.0 19,986.0 2,198.5 298 10/21/24 16:18 0.0 20,000.6 2,200.1 298 10/21/24 16:19 0.0 20,009.2 2,201.0 298 10/21/24 16:20 0.0 19,999.8 2,200.0 298 10/21/24 16:21 0.0 19,995.8 2,199.5 297 10/21/24 16:22 0.0 20,011.9 2,201.3 298 10/21/24 16:23 0.0 20,020.5 2,202.3 298 10/21/24 16:24 0.0 20,029.7 2,203.3 298 10/21/24 16:25 0.0 20,028.9 2,203.2 298 10/21/24 16:26 0.0 20,043.1 2,204.7 298 10/21/24 16:27 0.0 20,060.0 2,206.6 298 0.0 20,113.4 2,212.5 299 0.0 19,986.0 2,198.5 297 0.0 20,246.2 2,227.1 301 0.0 2,634,856.1 289,834.1 39,169 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:52 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 42 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/21/24 16:55 0.0 19,996.1 2,199.6 298 10/21/24 16:56 0.0 20,010.8 2,201.2 298 10/21/24 16:57 0.0 20,028.1 2,203.1 298 10/21/24 16:58 0.0 20,038.9 2,204.3 298 10/21/24 16:59 0.0 20,041.4 2,204.6 298 10/21/24 17:00 0.0 20,051.3 2,205.6 299 10/21/24 17:01 0.0 20,046.9 2,205.2 299 10/21/24 17:02 0.0 20,040.5 2,204.5 298 10/21/24 17:03 0.0 20,031.3 2,203.4 298 10/21/24 17:04 0.0 20,029.1 2,203.2 298 10/21/24 17:05 0.0 20,030.1 2,203.3 298 10/21/24 17:06 0.0 20,027.2 2,203.0 298 10/21/24 17:07 0.0 20,024.6 2,202.7 298 10/21/24 17:08 0.0 20,021.4 2,202.4 298 10/21/24 17:09 0.0 20,016.6 2,201.8 298 10/21/24 17:10 0.0 20,017.4 2,201.9 298 10/21/24 17:11 0.0 20,029.5 2,203.2 298 10/21/24 17:12 0.0 20,044.7 2,204.9 298 10/21/24 17:13 0.0 20,053.1 2,205.8 298 10/21/24 17:14 0.0 20,049.9 2,205.5 298 10/21/24 17:15 0.0 20,044.5 2,204.9 298 10/21/24 17:16 0.0 20,043.7 2,204.8 298 10/21/24 17:17 0.0 20,061.7 2,206.8 299 10/21/24 17:18 0.0 20,057.7 2,206.3 299 10/21/24 17:19 0.0 20,068.1 2,207.5 299 10/21/24 17:20 0.0 20,072.6 2,208.0 299 10/21/24 17:21 0.0 20,074.4 2,208.2 299 10/21/24 17:22 0.0 20,073.1 2,208.0 299 10/21/24 17:23 0.0 20,063.1 2,206.9 298 10/21/24 17:24 0.0 20,060.4 2,206.6 298 10/21/24 17:25 0.0 20,062.3 2,206.9 299 10/21/24 17:26 0.0 20,072.6 2,208.0 299 10/21/24 17:27 0.0 20,063.1 2,206.9 299 10/21/24 17:28 0.0 20,065.3 2,207.2 299 10/21/24 17:29 0.0 20,074.3 2,208.2 299 10/21/24 17:30 0.0 20,070.7 2,207.8 299 10/21/24 17:31 0.0 20,077.8 2,208.6 299 10/21/24 17:32 0.0 20,078.3 2,208.6 299 Source UNIT3 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 16:55 Through 10/21/2024 19:05 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:53 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 43 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 16:55 Through 10/21/2024 19:05 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 17:33 0.0 20,068.8 2,207.6 299 10/21/24 17:34 0.0 20,072.0 2,207.9 299 10/21/24 17:35 0.0 20,077.8 2,208.6 299 10/21/24 17:36 0.0 20,095.6 2,210.5 299 10/21/24 17:37 0.0 20,094.6 2,210.4 299 10/21/24 17:38 0.0 20,093.6 2,210.3 299 10/21/24 17:39 0.0 20,092.5 2,210.2 299 10/21/24 17:40 0.0 20,099.7 2,211.0 299 10/21/24 17:41 0.0 20,110.6 2,212.2 299 10/21/24 17:42 0.0 20,117.2 2,212.9 300 10/21/24 17:43 0.0 20,122.5 2,213.5 300 10/21/24 17:44 0.0 20,133.9 2,214.7 300 10/21/24 17:45 0.0 20,122.4 2,213.5 300 10/21/24 17:46 0.0 20,120.7 2,213.3 300 10/21/24 17:47 0.0 20,116.1 2,212.8 300 10/21/24 17:48 0.0 20,116.2 2,212.8 300 10/21/24 17:49 0.0 20,128.8 2,214.2 299 10/21/24 17:50 0.0 20,132.5 2,214.6 300 10/21/24 17:51 0.0 20,134.9 2,214.8 300 10/21/24 17:52 0.0 20,132.5 2,214.6 300 10/21/24 17:53 0.0 20,134.6 2,214.8 300 10/21/24 17:54 0.0 20,139.3 2,215.3 300 10/21/24 17:55 0.0 20,126.4 2,213.9 299 10/21/24 17:56 0.0 20,121.2 2,213.3 299 10/21/24 17:57 0.0 20,119.3 2,213.1 299 10/21/24 17:58 0.0 20,125.2 2,213.8 299 10/21/24 17:59 0.0 20,131.9 2,214.5 300 10/21/24 18:00 0.0 20,147.0 2,216.2 300 10/21/24 18:01 0.0 20,158.2 2,217.4 300 10/21/24 18:02 0.0 20,162.1 2,217.8 300 10/21/24 18:03 0.0 20,187.0 2,220.6 301 10/21/24 18:04 0.0 20,192.1 2,221.1 301 10/21/24 18:05 0.0 20,192.9 2,221.2 301 10/21/24 18:06 0.0 20,183.3 2,220.2 301 10/21/24 18:07 0.0 20,184.7 2,220.3 301 10/21/24 18:08 0.0 20,187.8 2,220.7 301 10/21/24 18:09 0.0 20,178.1 2,219.6 300 10/21/24 18:10 0.0 20,176.3 2,219.4 300 10/21/24 18:11 0.0 20,181.6 2,220.0 300 10/21/24 18:12 0.0 20,184.5 2,220.3 300 10/21/24 18:13 0.0 20,169.9 2,218.7 300 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:53 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 44 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 16:55 Through 10/21/2024 19:05 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 18:14 0.0 20,172.6 2,219.0 300 10/21/24 18:15 0.0 20,174.3 2,219.2 300 10/21/24 18:16 0.0 20,176.1 2,219.4 300 10/21/24 18:17 0.0 20,181.7 2,220.0 301 10/21/24 18:18 0.0 20,185.0 2,220.4 301 10/21/24 18:19 0.0 20,192.3 2,221.2 301 10/21/24 18:20 0.0 20,195.4 2,221.5 301 10/21/24 18:21 0.0 20,189.7 2,220.9 301 10/21/24 18:22 0.0 20,186.2 2,220.5 301 10/21/24 18:23 0.0 20,188.3 2,220.7 301 10/21/24 18:24 0.0 20,203.3 2,222.4 301 10/21/24 18:25 0.0 20,210.3 2,223.1 301 10/21/24 18:26 0.0 20,212.8 2,223.4 301 10/21/24 18:27 0.0 20,217.1 2,223.9 301 10/21/24 18:28 0.0 20,224.3 2,224.7 301 10/21/24 18:29 0.0 20,232.2 2,225.5 301 10/21/24 18:30 0.0 20,235.6 2,225.9 301 10/21/24 18:31 0.0 20,242.6 2,226.7 302 10/21/24 18:32 0.0 20,238.9 2,226.3 302 10/21/24 18:33 0.0 20,249.1 2,227.4 302 10/21/24 18:34 0.0 20,256.5 2,228.2 302 10/21/24 18:35 0.0 20,248.1 2,227.3 302 10/21/24 18:36 0.0 20,247.9 2,227.3 302 10/21/24 18:37 0.0 20,250.4 2,227.5 302 10/21/24 18:38 0.0 20,248.2 2,227.3 302 10/21/24 18:39 0.0 20,253.2 2,227.9 302 10/21/24 18:40 0.0 20,253.4 2,227.9 302 10/21/24 18:41 0.0 20,249.6 2,227.5 302 10/21/24 18:42 0.0 20,259.7 2,228.6 302 10/21/24 18:43 0.0 20,261.6 2,228.8 302 10/21/24 18:44 0.0 20,254.0 2,227.9 302 10/21/24 18:45 0.0 20,257.0 2,228.3 302 10/21/24 18:46 0.0 20,262.9 2,228.9 302 10/21/24 18:47 0.0 20,254.9 2,228.0 302 10/21/24 18:48 0.0 20,260.7 2,228.7 302 10/21/24 18:49 0.0 20,267.4 2,229.4 302 10/21/24 18:50 0.0 20,269.3 2,229.6 302 10/21/24 18:51 0.0 20,264.6 2,229.1 302 10/21/24 18:52 0.0 20,267.0 2,229.4 302 10/21/24 18:53 0.0 20,264.5 2,229.1 302 10/21/24 18:54 0.0 20,264.0 2,229.0 302 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:53 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 45 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/21/2024 16:55 Through 10/21/2024 19:05 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/21/24 18:55 0.0 20,266.5 2,229.3 302 10/21/24 18:56 0.0 20,269.2 2,229.6 302 10/21/24 18:57 0.0 20,283.7 2,231.2 302 10/21/24 18:58 0.0 20,282.4 2,231.1 302 10/21/24 18:59 0.0 20,281.8 2,231.0 302 10/21/24 19:00 0.0 20,283.7 2,231.2 302 10/21/24 19:01 0.0 20,292.3 2,232.2 303 10/21/24 19:02 0.0 20,292.3 2,232.2 302 10/21/24 19:03 0.0 20,291.0 2,232.0 302 10/21/24 19:04 0.0 20,294.4 2,232.4 302 10/21/24 19:05 0.0 20,296.5 2,232.6 302 0.0 20,152.9 2,216.8 300 0.0 19,996.1 2,199.6 298 0.0 20,296.5 2,232.6 303 0.0 2,640,035.4 290,404.6 39,317 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:53 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 46 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/22/24 09:10 0.1 20,669.9 2,273.7 308 10/22/24 09:11 0.2 20,664.5 2,273.1 308 10/22/24 09:12 0.1 20,668.5 2,273.5 308 10/22/24 09:13 0.1 20,666.6 2,273.3 308 10/22/24 09:14 0.1 20,653.0 2,271.8 307 10/22/24 09:15 0.1 20,648.9 2,271.4 307 10/22/24 09:16 0.2 20,642.4 2,270.7 308 10/22/24 09:17 0.1 20,644.6 2,270.9 307 10/22/24 09:18 0.1 20,645.1 2,271.0 307 10/22/24 09:19 0.1 20,648.7 2,271.4 307 10/22/24 09:20 0.1 20,651.2 2,271.6 307 10/22/24 09:21 0.1 20,647.0 2,271.2 307 10/22/24 09:22 0.1 20,646.3 2,271.1 307 10/22/24 09:23 0.1 20,654.3 2,272.0 307 10/22/24 09:24 0.1 20,662.6 2,272.9 308 10/22/24 09:25 0.1 20,664.1 2,273.1 308 10/22/24 09:26 0.1 20,655.8 2,272.1 307 10/22/24 09:27 0.1 20,646.0 2,271.1 307 10/22/24 09:28 0.2 20,646.5 2,271.1 307 10/22/24 09:29 0.1 20,641.7 2,270.6 307 10/22/24 09:30 0.2 20,649.4 2,271.4 307 10/22/24 09:31 0.1 20,644.3 2,270.9 307 10/22/24 09:32 0.1 20,644.8 2,270.9 307 10/22/24 09:33 0.2 20,647.4 2,271.2 307 10/22/24 09:34 0.1 20,646.3 2,271.1 307 10/22/24 09:35 0.1 20,648.2 2,271.3 307 10/22/24 09:36 0.1 20,649.3 2,271.4 307 10/22/24 09:37 0.1 20,649.0 2,271.4 307 10/22/24 09:38 0.1 20,644.1 2,270.9 307 10/22/24 09:39 0.1 20,641.6 2,270.6 307 10/22/24 09:40 0.1 20,648.4 2,271.3 307 10/22/24 09:41 0.1 20,647.3 2,271.2 307 10/22/24 09:42 0.1 20,643.7 2,270.8 307 10/22/24 09:43 0.1 20,651.9 2,271.7 307 10/22/24 09:44 0.1 20,650.1 2,271.5 307 10/22/24 09:45 0.2 20,637.3 2,270.1 307 10/22/24 09:46 0.1 20,638.8 2,270.3 307 10/22/24 09:47 0.2 20,639.9 2,270.4 307 Source UNIT4 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 09:10 Through 10/22/2024 11:20 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 47 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 09:10 Through 10/22/2024 11:20 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 09:48 0.1 20,633.2 2,269.7 307 10/22/24 09:49 0.2 20,642.2 2,270.6 307 10/22/24 09:50 0.2 20,643.8 2,270.8 307 10/22/24 09:51 0.1 20,651.9 2,271.7 307 10/22/24 09:52 0.1 20,631.8 2,269.5 307 10/22/24 09:53 0.1 20,632.5 2,269.6 307 10/22/24 09:54 0.1 20,627.3 2,269.0 307 10/22/24 09:55 0.1 20,627.7 2,269.0 307 10/22/24 09:56 0.2 20,628.1 2,269.1 307 10/22/24 09:57 0.1 20,624.8 2,268.7 307 10/22/24 09:58 0.1 20,627.7 2,269.0 307 10/22/24 09:59 0.1 20,623.9 2,268.6 307 10/22/24 10:00 0.1 20,619.6 2,268.2 307 10/22/24 10:01 0.2 20,618.0 2,268.0 307 10/22/24 10:02 0.1 20,616.3 2,267.8 307 10/22/24 10:03 0.2 20,619.7 2,268.2 307 10/22/24 10:04 0.2 20,619.6 2,268.2 307 10/22/24 10:05 0.2 20,612.8 2,267.4 307 10/22/24 10:06 0.2 20,604.9 2,266.5 307 10/22/24 10:07 0.2 20,604.1 2,266.5 307 10/22/24 10:08 0.1 20,598.8 2,265.9 306 10/22/24 10:09 0.2 20,594.6 2,265.4 306 10/22/24 10:10 0.1 20,594.4 2,265.4 306 10/22/24 10:11 0.1 20,596.0 2,265.6 307 10/22/24 10:12 0.1 20,601.5 2,266.2 307 10/22/24 10:13 0.1 20,606.0 2,266.7 307 10/22/24 10:14 0.1 20,596.7 2,265.6 307 10/22/24 10:15 0.2 20,604.5 2,266.5 307 10/22/24 10:16 0.1 20,595.9 2,265.5 306 10/22/24 10:17 0.1 20,582.3 2,264.1 306 10/22/24 10:18 0.1 20,590.9 2,265.0 306 10/22/24 10:19 0.2 20,589.6 2,264.9 306 10/22/24 10:20 0.1 20,596.9 2,265.7 307 10/22/24 10:21 0.1 20,591.6 2,265.1 306 10/22/24 10:22 0.2 20,594.6 2,265.4 306 10/22/24 10:23 0.1 20,600.1 2,266.0 306 10/22/24 10:24 0.2 20,595.0 2,265.5 306 10/22/24 10:25 0.1 20,586.3 2,264.5 306 10/22/24 10:26 0.1 20,580.2 2,263.8 306 10/22/24 10:27 0.2 20,578.2 2,263.6 306 10/22/24 10:28 0.1 20,579.8 2,263.8 306 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 48 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 09:10 Through 10/22/2024 11:20 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 10:29 0.1 20,576.9 2,263.5 306 10/22/24 10:30 0.2 20,563.4 2,262.0 306 10/22/24 10:31 0.1 20,559.0 2,261.5 306 10/22/24 10:32 0.2 20,557.2 2,261.3 306 10/22/24 10:33 0.2 20,543.5 2,259.8 305 10/22/24 10:34 0.1 20,534.8 2,258.8 306 10/22/24 10:35 0.2 20,539.0 2,259.3 306 10/22/24 10:36 0.2 20,546.0 2,260.1 306 10/22/24 10:37 0.1 20,531.8 2,258.5 305 10/22/24 10:38 0.1 20,525.7 2,257.8 305 10/22/24 10:39 0.1 20,510.6 2,256.2 305 10/22/24 10:40 0.1 20,505.4 2,255.6 305 10/22/24 10:41 0.2 20,514.2 2,256.6 305 10/22/24 10:42 0.1 20,521.6 2,257.4 305 10/22/24 10:43 0.1 20,510.0 2,256.1 305 10/22/24 10:44 0.2 20,508.2 2,255.9 305 10/22/24 10:45 0.2 20,506.4 2,255.7 305 10/22/24 10:46 0.1 20,501.6 2,255.2 305 10/22/24 10:47 0.1 20,503.8 2,255.4 305 10/22/24 10:48 0.1 20,494.6 2,254.4 305 10/22/24 10:49 0.1 20,485.2 2,253.4 305 10/22/24 10:50 0.2 20,468.1 2,251.5 304 10/22/24 10:51 0.1 20,455.4 2,250.1 304 10/22/24 10:52 0.1 20,454.4 2,250.0 304 10/22/24 10:53 0.2 20,433.1 2,247.6 304 10/22/24 10:54 0.2 20,432.6 2,247.6 304 10/22/24 10:55 0.1 20,424.4 2,246.7 304 10/22/24 10:56 0.1 20,450.1 2,249.5 304 10/22/24 10:57 0.1 20,455.7 2,250.1 304 10/22/24 10:58 0.1 20,436.0 2,248.0 304 10/22/24 10:59 0.1 20,421.9 2,246.4 303 10/22/24 11:00 0.1 20,425.3 2,246.8 304 10/22/24 11:01 0.1 20,439.0 2,248.3 304 10/22/24 11:02 0.1 20,441.1 2,248.5 304 10/22/24 11:03 0.1 20,419.2 2,246.1 303 10/22/24 11:04 0.2 20,404.7 2,244.5 303 10/22/24 11:05 0.2 20,403.3 2,244.4 303 10/22/24 11:06 0.1 20,405.3 2,244.6 304 10/22/24 11:07 0.2 20,401.1 2,244.1 303 10/22/24 11:08 0.1 20,402.1 2,244.2 303 10/22/24 11:09 0.1 20,395.8 2,243.5 303 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 49 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 1 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 09:10 Through 10/22/2024 11:20 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 11:10 0.2 20,395.0 2,243.5 303 10/22/24 11:11 0.1 20,396.6 2,243.6 303 10/22/24 11:12 0.1 20,409.7 2,245.1 303 10/22/24 11:13 0.1 20,396.5 2,243.6 303 10/22/24 11:14 0.1 20,383.6 2,242.2 303 10/22/24 11:15 0.1 20,394.3 2,243.4 303 10/22/24 11:16 0.1 20,384.0 2,242.2 303 10/22/24 11:17 0.2 20,373.8 2,241.1 303 10/22/24 11:18 0.1 20,377.3 2,241.5 303 10/22/24 11:19 0.1 20,366.0 2,240.3 303 10/22/24 11:20 0.1 20,354.9 2,239.0 303 0.1 20,561.0 2,261.7 306 0.1 20,354.9 2,239.0 303 0.2 20,669.9 2,273.7 308 16.9 2,693,492.5 296,284.8 40,063 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 50 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/22/24 12:15 0.2 20,478.9 2,252.7 304 10/22/24 12:16 0.2 20,476.1 2,252.4 304 10/22/24 12:17 0.1 20,474.0 2,252.1 304 10/22/24 12:18 0.2 20,473.5 2,252.1 304 10/22/24 12:19 0.1 20,470.2 2,251.7 304 10/22/24 12:20 0.1 20,465.6 2,251.2 304 10/22/24 12:21 0.1 20,458.8 2,250.5 304 10/22/24 12:22 0.1 20,451.2 2,249.6 304 10/22/24 12:23 0.1 20,447.8 2,249.3 304 10/22/24 12:24 0.1 20,461.1 2,250.7 304 10/22/24 12:25 0.2 20,459.3 2,250.5 304 10/22/24 12:26 0.2 20,457.2 2,250.3 304 10/22/24 12:27 0.2 20,425.4 2,246.8 303 10/22/24 12:28 0.1 20,412.1 2,245.3 303 10/22/24 12:29 0.2 20,424.1 2,246.7 303 10/22/24 12:30 0.2 20,410.9 2,245.2 303 10/22/24 12:31 0.2 20,394.2 2,243.4 303 10/22/24 12:32 0.2 20,393.0 2,243.2 303 10/22/24 12:33 0.2 20,404.9 2,244.5 303 10/22/24 12:34 0.2 20,384.3 2,242.3 303 10/22/24 12:35 0.2 20,355.3 2,239.1 302 10/22/24 12:36 0.1 20,328.2 2,236.1 301 10/22/24 12:37 0.1 20,348.0 2,238.3 302 10/22/24 12:38 0.2 20,355.5 2,239.1 302 10/22/24 12:39 0.1 20,339.7 2,237.4 302 10/22/24 12:40 0.1 20,346.8 2,238.1 302 10/22/24 12:41 0.2 20,351.1 2,238.6 302 10/22/24 12:42 0.1 20,366.9 2,240.4 303 10/22/24 12:43 0.1 20,356.8 2,239.2 302 10/22/24 12:44 0.1 20,348.3 2,238.3 302 10/22/24 12:45 0.1 20,343.2 2,237.8 302 10/22/24 12:46 0.1 20,349.9 2,238.5 302 10/22/24 12:47 0.2 20,365.8 2,240.2 303 10/22/24 12:48 0.1 20,363.3 2,240.0 303 10/22/24 12:49 0.1 20,363.0 2,239.9 303 10/22/24 12:50 0.1 20,378.7 2,241.7 303 10/22/24 12:51 0.1 20,389.4 2,242.8 303 10/22/24 12:52 0.2 20,388.6 2,242.7 303 Source UNIT4 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 12:15 Through 10/22/2024 14:29 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 51 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 12:15 Through 10/22/2024 14:29 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 12:53 0.1 20,393.4 2,243.3 303 10/22/24 12:54 0.1 20,432.5 2,247.6 304 10/22/24 12:55 0.2 20,432.9 2,247.6 303 10/22/24 12:56 0.2 20,398.6 2,243.8 303 10/22/24 12:57 0.1 20,383.7 2,242.2 303 10/22/24 12:58 0.2 20,389.1 2,242.8 303 10/22/24 12:59 0.1 20,392.0 2,243.1 303 10/22/24 13:00 0.1 20,370.1 2,240.7 302 10/22/24 13:01 0.1 20,353.0 2,238.8 302 10/22/24 13:02 0.1 20,355.1 2,239.1 302 10/22/24 13:03 0.1 20,355.1 2,239.1 302 10/22/24 13:04 0.1 20,357.5 2,239.3 302 10/22/24 13:05 0.1 20,351.1 2,238.6 302 10/22/24 13:06 0.2 20,352.2 2,238.7 302 10/22/24 13:07 0.1 20,355.4 2,239.1 302 10/22/24 13:08 0.1 20,352.3 2,238.8 302 10/22/24 13:09 0.1 20,349.0 2,238.4 302 10/22/24 13:10 0.1 20,330.8 2,236.4 302 10/22/24 13:11 0.1 20,331.0 2,236.4 302 10/22/24 13:12 0.2 20,351.5 2,238.7 302 10/22/24 13:13 0.1 20,329.7 2,236.3 302 10/22/24 13:14 0.1 20,317.8 2,235.0 302 10/22/24 13:15 0.2 20,325.5 2,235.8 302 10/22/24 13:16 0.1 20,327.0 2,236.0 302 10/22/24 13:17 0.2 20,307.3 2,233.8 302 10/22/24 13:18 0.1 20,311.7 2,234.3 302 10/22/24 13:19 0.1 20,297.9 2,232.8 301 10/22/24 13:20 0.1 20,271.0 2,229.8 301 10/22/24 13:21 0.1 20,281.6 2,231.0 301 10/22/24 13:22 0.1 20,285.9 2,231.4 301 10/22/24 13:23 0.1 20,282.5 2,231.1 301 10/22/24 13:24 0.1 20,310.9 2,234.2 301 10/22/24 13:25 0.1 20,319.0 2,235.1 301 10/22/24 13:26 0.1 20,333.8 2,236.7 302 10/22/24 13:27 0.1 20,333.2 2,236.7 302 10/22/24 13:28 0.1 20,330.4 2,236.3 302 10/22/24 13:29 0.1 20,321.3 2,235.3 302 10/22/24 13:30 0.1 20,305.5 2,233.6 301 10/22/24 13:31 0.1 20,287.6 2,231.6 301 10/22/24 13:32 0.1 20,272.0 2,229.9 301 10/22/24 13:33 0.2 20,271.5 2,229.9 301 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 52 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 12:15 Through 10/22/2024 14:29 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 13:34 0.2 20,281.7 2,231.0 301 10/22/24 13:35 0.1 20,262.9 2,228.9 301 10/22/24 13:36 0.1 20,263.6 2,229.0 301 10/22/24 13:37 0.1 20,254.9 2,228.0 301 10/22/24 13:38 0.1 20,245.5 2,227.0 301 10/22/24 13:39 0.2 20,243.5 2,226.8 300 10/22/24 13:40 0.2 20,251.0 2,227.6 301 10/22/24 13:41 0.1 20,264.6 2,229.1 301 10/22/24 13:42 0.1 20,278.3 2,230.6 301 10/22/24 13:43 0.1 20,297.0 2,232.7 301 10/22/24 13:44 0.1 20,288.5 2,231.7 301 10/22/24 13:45 0.1 20,280.2 2,230.8 301 10/22/24 13:46 0.1 20,256.3 2,228.2 300 10/22/24 13:47 0.1 20,230.2 2,225.3 300 10/22/24 13:48 0.2 20,182.2 2,220.0 299 10/22/24 13:49 0.1 20,169.5 2,218.6 299 10/22/24 13:50 0.1 20,182.3 2,220.1 299 10/22/24 13:51 0.2 20,185.4 2,220.4 300 10/22/24 13:52 0.1 20,190.5 2,221.0 300 10/22/24 13:53 0.2 20,196.1 2,221.6 300 10/22/24 13:54 0.1 20,185.0 2,220.4 300 10/22/24 13:55 0.1 20,167.6 2,218.4 299 10/22/24 13:56 0.1 20,159.9 2,217.6 299 10/22/24 13:57 0.1 20,150.6 2,216.6 299 10/22/24 13:58 0.1 20,141.6 2,215.6 299 10/22/24 13:59 0.1 20,115.2 2,212.7 298 10/22/24 14:00 0.1 20,105.5 2,211.6 298 10/22/24 14:01 0.1 20,091.2 2,210.0 298 10/22/24 14:02 0.1 20,064.1 2,207.1 298 10/22/24 14:03 0.1 20,051.7 2,205.7 298 10/22/24 14:04 0.1 20,130.6 2,214.4 299 10/22/24 14:05 0.1 20,160.6 2,217.7 300 10/22/24 14:06 0.1 20,130.6 2,214.4 299 10/22/24 14:07 0.1 20,079.4 2,208.7 298 10/22/24 14:08 0.1 20,061.8 2,206.8 298 10/22/24 14:09 0.1 20,058.4 2,206.4 298 10/22/24 14:10 0.1 20,055.0 2,206.1 298 10/22/24 14:11 0.1 20,028.1 2,203.1 297 10/22/24 14:12 0.1 20,050.1 2,205.5 298 10/22/24 14:13 0.1 20,152.6 2,216.8 300 10/22/24 14:14 0.1 20,181.2 2,219.9 300 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 53 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - Run 2 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 12:15 Through 10/22/2024 14:29 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 14:15 0.1 20,137.7 2,215.1 299 10/22/24 14:16 0.1 20,181.5 2,220.0 300 10/22/24 14:17 0.1 20,129.9 2,214.3 298 10/22/24 14:18 0.1 20,146.0 2,216.1 299 10/22/24 14:19 0.1 20,187.4 2,220.6 300 10/22/24 14:20 0.1 20,188.3 2,220.7 300 10/22/24 14:21 0.1 20,192.4 2,221.2 300 10/22/24 14:22 0.1 20,193.1 2,221.2 300 10/22/24 14:23 0.1 20,194.8 2,221.4 300 10/22/24 14:24 0.1 20,178.5 2,219.6 299 10/22/24 14:25 0.2 20,172.4 2,219.0 299 10/22/24 14:26 0.1 20,173.4 2,219.1 299 10/22/24 14:27 0.1 20,170.6 2,218.8 299 10/22/24 14:28 0.2 20,179.9 2,219.8 299 10/22/24 14:29 0.1 20,174.8 2,219.2 299 0.1 20,287.4 2,231.6 301 0.1 20,028.1 2,203.1 297 0.2 20,478.9 2,252.7 304 16.8 2,738,796.2 301,267.8 40,662 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:54 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 54 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt 10/22/24 14:55 0.1 20,142.2 2,215.6 299 10/22/24 14:56 0.1 20,096.3 2,210.6 298 10/22/24 14:57 0.1 20,130.5 2,214.4 299 10/22/24 14:58 0.1 20,188.6 2,220.7 300 10/22/24 14:59 0.1 20,187.1 2,220.6 300 10/22/24 15:00 0.1 20,174.4 2,219.2 300 10/22/24 15:01 0.1 20,178.3 2,219.6 300 10/22/24 15:02 0.1 20,141.4 2,215.6 299 10/22/24 15:03 0.1 20,150.9 2,216.6 299 10/22/24 15:04 0.1 20,153.8 2,216.9 299 10/22/24 15:05 0.1 20,150.7 2,216.6 299 10/22/24 15:06 0.1 20,140.8 2,215.5 299 10/22/24 15:07 0.1 20,143.4 2,215.8 299 10/22/24 15:08 0.1 20,145.8 2,216.0 299 10/22/24 15:09 0.1 20,042.5 2,204.7 297 10/22/24 15:10 0.1 20,031.3 2,203.4 298 10/22/24 15:11 0.1 20,053.8 2,205.9 298 10/22/24 15:12 0.1 20,025.1 2,202.8 297 10/22/24 15:13 0.1 20,026.3 2,202.9 297 10/22/24 15:14 0.1 20,049.1 2,205.4 298 10/22/24 15:15 0.1 20,014.1 2,201.6 297 10/22/24 15:16 0.1 19,966.7 2,196.3 296 10/22/24 15:17 0.1 20,006.9 2,200.8 297 10/22/24 15:18 0.1 19,983.7 2,198.2 297 10/22/24 15:19 0.1 19,955.1 2,195.1 296 10/22/24 15:20 0.2 19,967.7 2,196.4 297 10/22/24 15:21 0.1 19,963.5 2,196.0 296 10/22/24 15:22 0.1 19,930.7 2,192.4 296 10/22/24 15:23 0.1 19,920.6 2,191.3 296 10/22/24 15:24 0.1 20,005.3 2,200.6 297 10/22/24 15:25 0.1 19,999.4 2,199.9 297 10/22/24 15:26 0.1 20,005.9 2,200.6 297 10/22/24 15:27 0.1 19,997.0 2,199.7 297 10/22/24 15:28 0.1 20,056.3 2,206.2 298 10/22/24 15:29 0.1 20,084.3 2,209.3 298 10/22/24 15:30 0.1 20,086.7 2,209.5 298 10/22/24 15:31 0.1 20,092.2 2,210.1 298 10/22/24 15:32 0.1 20,089.4 2,209.8 298 Source UNIT4 COPPM (PPM) GASFLOW (HSCFH) GHEAT (MMBTU/HR) UNITLOAD (MW) Average Data - run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 14:55 Through 10/22/2024 17:04 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:55 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 55 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 14:55 Through 10/22/2024 17:04 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 15:33 0.1 20,089.4 2,209.8 298 10/22/24 15:34 0.1 20,095.8 2,210.5 298 10/22/24 15:35 0.1 20,097.6 2,210.7 298 10/22/24 15:36 0.1 20,099.7 2,211.0 298 10/22/24 15:37 0.1 20,101.3 2,211.1 298 10/22/24 15:38 0.1 20,083.1 2,209.1 298 10/22/24 15:39 0.1 20,062.3 2,206.9 298 10/22/24 15:40 0.1 20,045.2 2,205.0 297 10/22/24 15:41 0.1 20,027.4 2,203.0 297 10/22/24 15:42 0.2 20,019.4 2,202.1 297 10/22/24 15:43 0.1 20,026.3 2,202.9 297 10/22/24 15:44 0.1 20,036.9 2,204.1 297 10/22/24 15:45 0.1 20,027.4 2,203.0 297 10/22/24 15:46 0.1 20,000.5 2,200.1 297 10/22/24 15:47 0.1 19,995.4 2,199.5 296 10/22/24 15:48 0.1 19,970.2 2,196.7 296 10/22/24 15:49 0.1 19,976.8 2,197.4 296 10/22/24 15:50 0.1 20,000.9 2,200.1 297 10/22/24 15:51 0.1 20,034.9 2,203.8 297 10/22/24 15:52 0.1 20,051.9 2,205.7 298 10/22/24 15:53 0.1 20,062.5 2,206.9 298 10/22/24 15:54 0.1 20,046.2 2,205.1 298 10/22/24 15:55 0.1 20,045.2 2,205.0 298 10/22/24 15:56 0.1 20,031.6 2,203.5 297 10/22/24 15:57 0.1 20,014.6 2,201.6 297 10/22/24 15:58 0.1 20,004.4 2,200.5 297 10/22/24 15:59 0.1 20,004.5 2,200.5 297 10/22/24 16:00 0.1 19,989.4 2,198.8 296 10/22/24 16:01 0.1 19,972.9 2,197.0 296 10/22/24 16:02 0.1 19,958.5 2,195.4 296 10/22/24 16:03 0.1 19,954.8 2,195.0 296 10/22/24 16:04 0.1 19,957.3 2,195.3 296 10/22/24 16:05 0.1 20,000.0 2,200.0 297 10/22/24 16:06 0.2 20,006.3 2,200.7 297 10/22/24 16:07 0.1 19,995.9 2,199.5 297 10/22/24 16:08 0.1 20,011.7 2,201.3 297 10/22/24 16:09 0.1 20,017.5 2,201.9 297 10/22/24 16:10 0.1 20,035.2 2,203.9 298 10/22/24 16:11 0.1 20,062.4 2,206.9 298 10/22/24 16:12 0.1 20,055.3 2,206.1 298 10/22/24 16:13 0.1 20,002.6 2,200.3 297 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:55 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 56 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 14:55 Through 10/22/2024 17:04 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 16:14 0.1 19,972.5 2,197.0 297 10/22/24 16:15 0.1 19,951.5 2,194.7 296 10/22/24 16:16 0.1 19,942.8 2,193.7 296 10/22/24 16:17 0.1 19,946.0 2,194.1 296 10/22/24 16:18 0.1 19,939.6 2,193.4 296 10/22/24 16:19 0.1 19,947.3 2,194.2 296 10/22/24 16:20 0.1 19,937.1 2,193.1 296 10/22/24 16:21 0.1 19,936.7 2,193.0 296 10/22/24 16:22 0.1 19,950.7 2,194.6 296 10/22/24 16:23 0.1 19,958.5 2,195.4 296 10/22/24 16:24 0.1 19,961.9 2,195.8 296 10/22/24 16:25 0.1 19,973.9 2,197.1 296 10/22/24 16:26 0.1 19,985.0 2,198.4 296 10/22/24 16:27 0.1 19,984.7 2,198.3 296 10/22/24 16:28 0.1 19,944.7 2,193.9 296 10/22/24 16:29 0.1 19,938.7 2,193.3 296 10/22/24 16:30 0.1 19,942.6 2,193.7 296 10/22/24 16:31 0.1 19,931.7 2,192.5 296 10/22/24 16:32 0.1 19,938.2 2,193.2 296 10/22/24 16:33 0.1 19,947.8 2,194.3 296 10/22/24 16:34 0.1 19,929.4 2,192.2 296 10/22/24 16:35 0.1 19,946.1 2,194.1 296 10/22/24 16:36 0.1 19,953.9 2,194.9 296 10/22/24 16:37 0.1 19,949.4 2,194.4 296 10/22/24 16:38 0.1 19,930.9 2,192.4 296 10/22/24 16:39 0.1 19,961.8 2,195.8 296 10/22/24 16:40 0.1 19,988.6 2,198.7 297 10/22/24 16:41 0.1 19,976.0 2,197.4 296 10/22/24 16:42 0.1 19,960.2 2,195.6 296 10/22/24 16:43 0.1 19,984.5 2,198.3 297 10/22/24 16:44 0.1 19,995.2 2,199.5 297 10/22/24 16:45 0.1 19,990.7 2,199.0 297 10/22/24 16:46 0.1 20,004.7 2,200.5 297 10/22/24 16:47 0.1 20,038.0 2,204.2 297 10/22/24 16:48 0.1 20,041.3 2,204.5 297 10/22/24 16:49 0.1 20,050.1 2,205.5 298 10/22/24 16:50 0.1 20,059.0 2,206.5 298 10/22/24 16:51 0.1 20,060.8 2,206.7 298 10/22/24 16:52 0.1 20,048.0 2,205.3 298 10/22/24 16:53 0.1 20,021.4 2,202.4 297 10/22/24 16:54 0.1 20,010.9 2,201.2 297 F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:55 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 57 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Average Data - run 3 Plant: LAKE SIDE POWERInterval: 1 Minute Type: Roll Report Period: 10/22/2024 14:55 Through 10/22/2024 17:04 Time Online Criteria: 1 minute(s) 10/22/24 16:55 0.1 20,007.2 2,200.8 297 10/22/24 16:56 0.1 19,995.5 2,199.5 297 10/22/24 16:57 0.1 20,015.7 2,201.7 297 10/22/24 16:58 0.1 20,011.4 2,201.3 297 10/22/24 16:59 0.1 19,998.9 2,199.9 297 10/22/24 17:00 0.1 19,941.8 2,193.6 297 10/22/24 17:01 0.1 19,894.7 2,188.4 296 10/22/24 17:02 0.1 19,891.1 2,188.0 296 10/22/24 17:03 0.1 19,891.3 2,188.0 296 10/22/24 17:04 0.1 19,858.3 2,184.4 296 0.1 20,015.3 2,201.7 297 0.1 19,858.3 2,184.4 296 0.2 20,188.6 2,220.7 300 13.3 2,601,987.7 286,218.7 38,623 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Geometric Mean Included Data Points Total number of Data Points Average Minimum Maximum Summation F = Unit Offline E = Exceedance M = Maintenance T = Out Of Control Report Generated: 11/08/24 09:55 C = Calibration S = Substituted * = Suspect Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 58 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix B- Test Section Diagrams Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 59 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt TS-026 Round Duct Drawing 3 Point 4 Port Rev. 0.1 1/1/2021 EQUAL AREA TRAVERSE FOR ROUND DUCTS (PM Traverse) 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 4 Disturbance Measurement Site Length 0.6 DIa. Length 2.7 Dia. Disturbance1 Job: PacifiCorp Lake Slide Power Plant Lindon, Utah Date: October 21 through 24, 2024 Test Location: CT01, CT02, CT03 and CT04 (identical) Duct Diameter: 18.0 Feet Duct Area: 254.469 Square Feet No. Points Across Diameter: 6 No. of Ports: 4 Port Length: 7.0 Inches Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 60 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix C- Sample Train Diagrams Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 61 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt ATD-091 USEPA Method 3A Rev. 1.3 1/1/2021 USEPA Method 3A - Integrated Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Sample Train Diagram Utilizing ECOM To Measure from Sample Exhaust Vacuum Line Air Tight Pump Dry Gas Vacuum Gauge Calibration ECOM Analyzer Sample Gas From Impinger Train Sample Exhaust Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 62 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt ATD-077 USEPA Method 201A PM10-PM2.5/202 Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 USEPA Method 201a/202- PM10/PM2.5 and Condensable Particulate Matter Nozzle S-Type Pitot Heated Probe Sheath Glass Liner Oven Box Filter Holder Condenser Coil Teflon Crossover Filter Recirculation Pump Empty Stemless Knockout Impinger Empty Regular Impinger 100 mL DI H2O Silica Ice Bath Vacuum Line Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors Manometer/Orifice Incline Gauge Vacuum Gauge Dry Gas Meter Air Tight Pump To “S” Bend From Filter “S” Bend Water Bath PM10 Sizer PM2.5 Sizer Filter Bypass Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 63 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix D- Calculation Nomenclature and Formulas Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 64 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Run: Date: Method: Source Condition: Dry Molecular Weight Md =0.44 x (%CO2) + 0.32 x (%O2) + 0.28 x %N2 %CO2 =9.3 %O2 =13.6 %N2 =77.1 Md =30.032 Wet Molecular Weight Ms =Md x (1-Bws) + (18.0 x Bws) Md =30.032 Bws =0.090 Ms =28.953 Meter Volume at Standard Conditions Vm(std) = 17.647 x Y x Vm x (Pbar +DH/13.6) Tm Y = 0.988 Vm =47.364 Pbar =25.56 DH =0.45 Tm =523.3 Vm(std) =40.385 Volume of Water Vapor Condensed Vw(std) =0.0471 x (net H2O gain) Net H2O =84.5 Vw(std) =3.980 Moisture Content Bws = Vw(std) =3.980 Vm(std) =40.385 Bws =0.090 201A/202 Normal Vw(std) + Vm(std) PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 1 10/23/2024 Vw(std) AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 65 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Run: Date: Method: Source Condition: 201A/202 Normal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 1 10/23/2024 Average Duct Velocity Vs =85.49 x Cp x Sqrt DP (avg) x (Ts (avg) + 460/ (Ps x Ms))1/2 Cp =0.747 Ts (avg) =226.7 Sqrt DP (avg):1.153 Ps =25.52 Ms =28.953 Vs =70.951 Volumetric Flow Rate (Actual Basis) Q = Vs x A x 60 Vs =70.951 A =254.469 Q =1,083,292 Volumetric Flow Rate (Standard Basis) Qstd =17.647 x Q x Ps Ts (avg) + 460 Q =1,083,292 Ps =25.52 Ts (avg) =226.7 Qstd =710,569 Volumetric Flow Rate (Standard Dry Basis) Qstd(dry) =Qstd x (1-Bws) Qstd =710,569 Bws =0.090 Qstd(dry) =646,824 Isokinetic Variation: %ISO = Ts =226.7 Vm(std) =40.385 Vs =70.951 An =0.0001431 θ =120 Ps =25.52 Bws =0.090 %ISO =92.6 0.0945 x (Ts +460) x Vm(std) Vs x θ x An x Ps x (1-Bws) AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 66 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Run: Date: Method: Source Condition: 201A/202 Normal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 1 10/23/2024 PM Concentration: Co =mn x 15.43 Vm(std) mn (g) =0.00252 Vm(std) =40.385 Co =0.0010 gr/dscf PM Emission Rate: Emission Rate lb/hr = Co x Qstd(dry) x 60 7,000 Co =0.0010 Qstd(dry) =646,824 Emission Rate lb/hr =5.338 lb/hr Fd=1,040.0 O2%=13.6 Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Fd Factor) = Co x Fd (dscf/mmBtu) x 20.9 7,000 20.9 - O2% Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Fd Factor) =0.0015 Fc=1,040.0 CO2%=9.3 Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Fc Factor) = Co x Fc (dscf/mmBtu) x 100 7,000 CO2% Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Fc Factor) =0.0015 Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Heat Input) = 1,040.0 Emission Rate lb/mmBtu (Heat Input) = 0.0015 Emission Rate lb/hr Heat Input (mmBtu/hr) Heat Input (mmBtu/hr) = This example represents the less than PM2.5 filterable fraction. For other fractions, use the obtained mn for that particulate fraction. AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 67 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:Test Location: Facility:Date: Project #: 13.61 % - 0.20 %x 9.50 % - 0.00 %x Cgas = (C - Co) x Cma Cm - Co where: Cgas = Effluent gas concentration, dry basis, % C = Average gas concentration indicated by gas analyzer, dry basis, % Co = Average of initial and final system calibration bias check responses for the zero gas, % Cm = Average of initital and final system calibration bias check responses for the upscale calibration gas, % Cma = Actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, % O2 % (dry) 10.150 %13.6 %10.20 % - 0.20 % CO2 % (dry) 9.862 %9.3 %10.10 % - 0.00 % = = PacifiCorp CT01 Lake Side Power Plant 10/23/24 M243903 Sample Calculations AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 68 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-031 Volumetric Flow Calcs Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Volumetric Air Flow Calculations 𝑉𝑉 (𝑠𝑠𝑠) =17.647 × 𝑉𝑉× ��𝑃𝑏𝑏𝑏+�𝐷𝐷13.6��(460 +𝑇𝑉)�× 𝑌 𝑉𝑉 (𝑠𝑠𝑠)= 0.0471 × 𝑉𝑉𝑉 𝐵𝑉𝑠=�𝑉𝑉 (𝑠𝑠𝑠)𝑉𝑉 (𝑠𝑠𝑠)+𝑉𝑉 (𝑠𝑠𝑠)� 𝑀𝑠=(0.44 × %𝐶𝐶2)+(0.32 × %𝐶2)+[0.28 × (100 −%𝐶𝐶2 −%𝐶2)] 𝑀𝑠=𝑀𝑠× (1 −𝐵𝑉𝑠)+(18 × 𝐵𝑉𝑠) 𝑉𝑠=�(𝑇𝑠+460)𝑀𝑠× 𝑃𝑠× √𝐷𝑃× 𝐶𝐶× 85.49 𝐴𝑉𝐴𝑉=𝑉𝑠× 𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 (𝑜𝐴 𝑠𝑠𝐴𝑉𝑠 𝑜𝐴 𝑠𝑑𝑉𝑠) × 60 𝑆𝑉𝐴𝑉=𝐴𝑉𝐴𝑉× 17.647 × �𝑃𝑠(460 +𝑇𝑠)� 𝑆𝑉𝐴ℎ=𝑆𝑉𝐴𝑉× 60 𝑉𝑚𝑚ℎ𝐴 𝐷𝑠𝑉𝐴𝑉=𝑆𝑉𝐴𝑉× (1 −𝐵𝑉𝑠) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 69 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-024 Nomenclature Pitot Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Volumetric Flow Nomenclature A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct, ft2 Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, proportion by volume Cp = Pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless Md = Dry molecular weight of gas, lb/lb-mole Ms = Molecular weight of gas, wet basis, lb/lb-mole Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 lb/lb-mole Pbar = Barometric pressure at testing site, in. Hg Pg = Static pressure of gas, in. Hg (in. H2O/13.6) DH= Static pressure of gas, in.H2O Ps = Absolute pressure of gas, in. Hg = Pbar + Pg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 in. Hg Acfm = Actual volumetric gas flow rate Scfm= Volumetric gas flow rate, corrected to standard conditions Dscfm = Standard volumetric flow rate, corrected to dry conditions R = Ideal gas constant, 21.85 in. Hg-ft3/°R-lb-mole Ts = Average stack gas temperature, °F Tm = Average dry gas meter temperature, oF Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 528°R vs = Gas velocity, ft/sec Vm(std)= Volume of gas sampled, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in gas sample, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vlc= Volume of liquid collected Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆p = Velocity head of gas, in. H2O K1 = 17.647 °R/in. Hg %EA = Percent excess air %CO2 = Percent carbon dioxide by volume, dry basis %O2 = Percent oxygen by volume, dry basis %N2 = Percent nitrogen by volume, dry basis 0.264 = Ratio of O2 to N2 in air, v/v 0.28 = Molecular weight of N2 or CO, divided by 100 0.32 = Molecular weight of O2 divided by 100 0.44 = Molecular weight of CO2 divided by 100 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 70 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-003A Isokinetic Particulates Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Isokinetic Calculation Formulas 1. lc2std std w wlcw(std)VKP RT MVV = =ρ 2. m bar m1std bar m stdmm(std)T ))13.6 H((P Y VK P ))13.6 H((P T TY VV ∆+ = ∆+ = 3. )V(V VB w(std)m(std) w(std) ws += 4.)0.28(%N)0.32(%O)0.44(%COM 222d++= 5.)18.0(B)B(1MM wswsds+−= 6. aa aaV mCρ= 7.aawaaVCWρ= 8. += sm(std)w(std) sniacf T VV Pm15.43KC 9.)Vm( )gramgrains 15.43(C m(std)nS= 10. ss sppsMP T PCKv∆= 11.)A(60vQsec/minsacfm= 12. A PT PTv )B)(1(3600Q stds sstdswssec/hrsd −= 13.()lbgrains 7000CQ )hrlbs rate, (emission E sstd= 14. ( )( )wsnss m(std)s4wssnsstd stdm(std)s B1AvP VTKB160PAvT PVTIKV −=−=θθ 15. 100%CO) 0.5(%O%N 0.264 %CO) (0.5%O%EA 22 2 × −− −= Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 71 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-023A Isokinetic Nomenclature Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Isokinetic Nomenclature A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct, square feet An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, square feet Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, by volume Ca = Acetone blank residue concentration, g/g Cacf = Concentration of particulate matter in gas stream at actual conditions, gr/acf Cp = Pitot tube coefficient Cs = Concentration of particulate matter in gas stream, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, gr/dscf IKV = Isokinetic sampling variance, must be 90.0 % ≤ IKV ≤ 110.0% Md = Dry molecular weight of gas, lb/lb-mole Ms = Molecular weight of gas, wet basis, lb/lb-mole Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 lb/lb-mole ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, grams Pbar = Barometric pressure at testing site, inches mercury Pg = Static pressure of gas, inches mercury (inches water/13.6) Ps = Absolute pressure of gas, inches mercury = Pbar + Pg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 inches mercury Qacfm = Actual volumetric gas flow rate, acfm Qsd = Dry volumetric gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscfh R = Ideal gas constant, 21.85 inches mercury cubic foot/°R-lb-mole Tm = Dry gas meter temperature, °R Ts = Gas temperature, °R Tstd = Absolute temperature, 528°R Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml Wa = Weight of residue in acetone wash, grams mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, grams V1c = Total volume of liquid collected in impingers and silica gel, ml Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter, dcf Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscf vs = Gas velocity, ft/sec Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in gas sample, corrected to standard conditions, scf Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆H = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter, inches water ∆p = Velocity head of gas, inches water ρa = Density of acetone, 0.7855 g/ml (average) ρw = Density of water, 0.002201 lb/ml θ = Total sampling time, minutes K1 = 17.647 °R/in. Hg K2 = 0.04707 ft3/ml K4 = 0.09450/100 = 0.000945 Kp = Pitot tube constant, 85.49 𝑓𝑓𝑠𝑠𝑠�(𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙⁄−𝑚𝑚𝑙𝑠)(𝑖𝑖. 𝐻𝐻)(°𝑅)(𝑖𝑖. 𝐻2𝑂)�1 2� %EA = Percent excess air %CO2 = Percent carbon dioxide by volume, dry basis %O2 = Percent oxygen by volume, dry basis %CO = Percent carbon monoxide by volume, dry basis %N2 = Percent nitrogen by volume, dry basis 0.264 = Ratio of O2 to N2 in air, v/v 28 = Molecular weight of N2 or CO 32 = Molecular weight of O2 44 = Molecular weight of CO2 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 72 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-021 Moisture Calculations Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Moisture Calculations 𝑉𝑤𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)=�𝑉𝑓− 𝑉𝑖�𝜌𝑤𝑅𝑇𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑀𝑤= 0.04707�𝑉𝑓− 𝑉𝑖� 𝑉𝑤𝑠𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)=�𝑊𝑓− 𝑊𝑖�𝜌𝑤𝑅𝑇𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑃𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑀𝑤= 0.04715�𝑊𝑓− 𝑊𝑖� 𝑉𝑚(𝑠𝑠𝑠)=17.64 𝑉𝑚𝑌𝑃𝑏𝑏𝑏+∆𝐻13.6𝑇𝑚 𝐵𝑤𝑠=𝑉𝑤𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)+𝑉𝑤𝑠𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)𝑉𝑤𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)+𝑉𝑤𝑠𝑤(𝑠𝑠𝑠)+𝑉𝑚(𝑠𝑠𝑠) Where: Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, proportion by volume Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 lb/lb-mole Pbar = Barometric pressure at the testing site, in. Hg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 in. Hg R = Ideal gas constant, 0.048137 (in. Hg)(ft3)/(g-mole)(°R) = [21.8348(in. Hg)(ft3)/(lb-mole)(°R)]/453.592 g-mole/lb-mole Tm = Absolute average dry gas meter temperature, °R Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 528 °R Vf = Final volume of condenser water, ml Vi = Initial volume of condenser water, ml Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcf Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vwc(std) = Volume of condensed water vapor, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vwsg(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in silica gel, corrected to standard conditions, scf Wf = Final weight of silica gel, g Wi = Initial weight of silica gel, g Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆H = Average pressure exerted on dry gas meter outlet by gas sample bag, in. H2O ρw = Density of water, 0.9982 g/ml 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) 17.64 = Tstd/Pstd 0.04707 = ft3/ml 0.04715 = ft3/g Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 73 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix E- Sample Analysis Data Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 74 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) Test No. 1 10/23/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18535 3.05858 3.05501 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17528 12 mL 4.93408 4.93645 0.00237 Acetone Blank ≤0.00006 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00252 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17513 26 mL 4.95555 4.95819 0.00264 Acetone Blank ≤0.00013 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00264 Acetone/Hexane Wash 13800 224 mL 20.87033 20.87199 0.00166 DI Wash 13686 177 mL 20.80865 20.81163 0.00298 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00264 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00516 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00516 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00780 Test No. 2 10/23/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18533 3.05713 3.05506 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 10698 17 mL 4.97980 4.98210 0.00230 Acetone Blank ≤0.00008 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight >PM10 Acetone Wash 10697 31 5.00079 5.00330 0.00251 Acetone Blank ≤0.00015 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00251 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16380 182 mL 23.04200 23.04381 0.00181 DI Wash 13687 145 mL 20.81139 20.81309 0.00170 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00151 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00396 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00396 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00647 Test No. 3 10/23/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18534 3.08162 3.07930 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 10700 16 mL 5.00080 5.00332 0.00252 Acetone Blank ≤0.00008 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00267 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight >PM10 Acetone Wash 10699 37 mL 4.96458 4.96638 0.00180 Acetone Blank ≤0.00018 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00180 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16390 215 mL 22.79043 22.79211 0.00168 DI Wash 13690 211 mL 20.87951 20.88212 0.00261 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00229 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00496 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00496 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00676 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16342 108 mL 23.03114 23.03230 0.00116 DI Wash 13807 138 mL 21.12398 21.12532 0.00134 Total Field Train Blank 0.00250 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT01 201A/202 11/1/2024 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml) Field Train Blank Summary Description Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 75 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT01 201A/202 11/1/2024 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description Acetone/Hexane Wash 16385 86 mL 23.03822 23.04006 0.00184 DI Wash 16339 98 mL 22.92163 22.92308 0.00145 DI Wash 16406 166 mL 22.91793 22.91921 0.00128 Hexane Wash 16397 172 mL 23.04431 23.05047 0.00616 Acetone Wash (filterable)16379 159 mL 23.12284 23.12449 0.00165 Media M5 Filter Acetone Wash (M5 Pans) Sample Vials (M202) Field Proof Blank Summary Reagent Blank Summary 0.00008 0.00025 RDL/MDL Summary MDL, grams RDL, grams 0.00005 0.00015 0.00008 0.00025 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 76 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) Test No. 1 10/24/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18530 3.05777 3.05443 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17486 10 mL 4.90455 4.90638 0.00183 Acetone Blank ≤0.00005 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00198 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17485 12 mL 4.92730 4.92884 0.00154 Acetone Blank ≤0.00006 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00154 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16386 211 mL 22.95065 22.95253 0.00188 DI Wash 13689 196 mL 20.96666 20.96948 0.00282 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00270 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00468 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00468 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00622 Test No. 2 10/24/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18536 3.06879 3.06695 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17511 8.8 mL 4.94235 4.94462 0.00227 Acetone Blank ≤0.00004 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00242 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17477 15 mL 4.91908 4.92108 0.00200 Acetone Blank ≤0.00007 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00200 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16308 222 mL 22.86565 22.86732 0.00167 DI Wash 13688 196 mL 20.86281 20.86552 0.00271 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00238 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00480 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00480 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00680 Test No. 3 10/24/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18528 3.06439 3.06025 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17514 9.2 mL 4.93845 4.93824 ≤0.00025 Acetone Blank ≤0.00005 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00040 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17498 33 mL 4.93419 4.93644 0.00225 Acetone Blank ≤0.00017 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00225 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16391 251 mL 22.86399 22.86552 0.00153 DI Wash 13810 209 mL 20.90388 20.90628 0.00240 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00193 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00233 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00233 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00458 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16342 108 mL 23.03114 23.03230 0.00116 DI Wash 13807 138 mL 21.12398 21.12532 0.00134 NH4OH Correction mL 0.00000 Total Field Train Blank 0.00250 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT02 201A/202 11/1/2024 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml) Field Train Blank Summary Description Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 77 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT02 201A/202 11/1/2024 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description Acetone/Hexane Wash 16385 86 mL 23.03822 23.04006 0.00184 DI Wash 16339 98 mL 22.92163 22.92308 0.00145 DI Wash 16406 166 mL 22.91793 22.91921 0.00128 Hexane Wash 16397 172 mL 23.04431 23.05047 0.00616 Acetone Wash (filterable)16379 159 mL 23.12284 23.12449 0.00165 Media M5 Filter Acetone Wash (M5 Pans) Sample Vials (M202) Field Proof Blank Summary Reagent Blank Summary 0.00008 0.00025 RDL/MDL Summary MDL, grams RDL, grams 0.00005 0.00015 0.00008 0.00025 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 78 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) Test No. 1 10/21/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18525 3.03568 3.02183 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17566 31 mL 4.93936 4.93958 ≤0.00025 Acetone Blank ≤0.00015 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00040 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 17483 49 mL 4.94289 4.94388 0.00099 Acetone Blank ≤0.00024 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00099 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17572 12 mL 4.96185 4.96237 0.00052 Acetone Blank ≤0.00006 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00052 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16384 272 mL 22.87366 22.87651 0.00285 DI Wash 13809 279 mL 21.00652 21.01186 0.00534 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00619 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00659 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00758 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00810 Test No. 2 10/21/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18515 2.98589 2.98388 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 17516 24 mL 4.94195 4.94251 0.00056 Acetone Blank ≤0.00012 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00071 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 17484 38 mL 4.95240 4.95315 0.00075 Acetone Blank ≤0.00019 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00075 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17552 28 mL 5.02180 5.02246 0.00066 Acetone Blank ≤0.00014 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00066 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16343 265 mL 23.05868 23.06030 0.00162 DI Wash 13806 215 mL 20.96941 20.97284 0.00343 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00305 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00376 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00451 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00517 Test No. 3 10/21/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18531 3.06306 3.05708 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 18170 33 mL 5.07992 5.08040 0.00048 Acetone Blank ≤0.00016 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00063 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 17499 27 mL 4.91689 4.91833 0.00144 Acetone Blank ≤0.00013 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00144 >PM10 Acetone Wash 17517 30 mL 4.94055 4.94091 0.00036 Acetone Blank ≤0.00015 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00036 Acetone/Hexane Wash 13799 296 mL 20.95820 20.95959 0.00139 DI Wash 13808 241 mL 21.02302 21.02813 0.00511 Field Blank 0.00200 Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT03 201A/202 11/1/2024 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 79 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT03 201A/202 11/1/2024 Total Back Half Weight 0.00450 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00513 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00657 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00693 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16342 108 mL 23.03114 23.03230 0.00116 DI Wash 13807 138 mL 21.12398 21.12532 0.00134 Total Field Train Blank 0.00250 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16385 86 mL 23.03822 23.04006 0.00184 DI Wash 16339 98 mL 22.92163 22.92308 0.00145 DI Wash 16406 166 mL 22.91793 22.91921 0.00128 Hexane Wash 16397 172 mL 23.04431 23.05047 0.00616 Acetone Wash (filterable)16379 159 mL 23.12284 23.12449 0.00165 Media M5 Filter Acetone Wash (M5 Pans) Sample Vials (M202)0.00008 0.00025 RDL/MDL Summary MDL, grams RDL, grams 0.00005 0.00015 0.00008 0.00025 Field Proof Blank Summary Reagent Blank Summary Field Train Blank Summary AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 80 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) Test No. 1 10/22/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18537 3.06779 3.06287 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 18148 31 mL 4.99989 5.00039 0.00050 Acetone Blank ≤0.00015 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00065 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 18241 54 mL 5.03969 5.04055 0.00086 Acetone Blank 0.00027 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00059 >PM10 Acetone Wash 18196 18 mL 5.03480 5.03564 0.00084 Acetone Blank ≤0.00009 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00084 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16378 227 mL 23.10649 23.10985 0.00336 DI Wash 13796 144 mL 20.69980 20.70325 0.00345 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00481 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00546 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00605 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00689 Test No. 2 10/22/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18526 3.05109 3.04405 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 18176 27 mL 4.99208 4.99242 0.00034 Acetone Blank ≤0.00013 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00049 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 18164 26 mL 5.06335 5.06362 0.00027 Acetone Blank ≤0.00013 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00027 >PM10 Acetone Wash 18147 20 mL 5.00865 5.00920 0.00055 Acetone Blank ≤0.00010 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00055 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16341 223 mL 22.85085 22.85286 0.00201 DI Wash 13797 135 mL 21.01101 21.01355 0.00254 Field Blank 0.00200 Total Back Half Weight 0.00255 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00304 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00331 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.00386 Test No. 3 10/22/2024 Source Condition:Normal <PM2.5 Filter 18514 2.93427 2.93342 ≤0.00015 Acetone Wash 18205 29 mL 5.02463 5.02691 0.00228 Acetone Blank ≤0.00014 Total Front Half <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00243 >PM2.5, <PM10 Acetone Wash 18158 37 mL 5.00086 5.00336 0.00250 Acetone Blank ≤0.00018 Total >PM2.5, <PM10 Weight 0.00250 >PM10 Acetone Wash 18184 15 mL 4.98434 4.98720 0.00286 Acetone Blank ≤0.00007 Total Front Half >PM10 Weight 0.00286 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16392 206 mL 22.86671 22.86896 0.00225 DI Wash 13798 204 mL 20.71493 20.71754 0.00261 Field Blank 0.00200 Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate Filterable Particulate Condensable Particulate 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT04 201A/202 11/1/2024 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 81 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project Number: Test Location: Test Method:Filter Drying Temp oF:Ambient-Des. 24 hrs Filterable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Condensable Analysis Date: Analyst:WAP/EV Sample Date ID#Initial Weight (grams) Final Weight (grams) Net Weight Gain (grams) 11/5/2024 Filterable Particulate vol. (ml)Description PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT04 201A/202 11/1/2024 Total Back Half Weight 0.00286 Total <PM2.5 Weight ≤0.00529 Total <PM10 Weight ≤0.00779 Total Particulate Weight ≤0.01065 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16342 108 mL 23.03114 23.03230 0.00116 DI Wash 13807 138 mL 21.12398 21.12532 0.00134 Total Field Train Blank 0.00250 Acetone/Hexane Wash 16385 86 mL 23.03822 23.04006 0.00184 DI Wash 16339 98 mL 22.92163 22.92308 0.00145 DI Wash 16406 166 mL 22.91793 22.91921 0.00128 Hexane Wash 16397 172 mL 23.04431 23.05047 0.00616 Acetone Wash (filterable)16379 159 mL 23.12284 23.12449 0.00165 Media M5 Filter Acetone Wash (M5 Pans) Sample Vials (M202)0.00008 0.00025 RDL/MDL Summary MDL, grams RDL, grams 0.00005 0.00015 0.00008 0.00025 Field Proof Blank Summary Reagent Blank Summary Field Train Blank Summary AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 82 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix F- Reference Method Test Data (Computerized Sheets) Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 83 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Project #: Test Method: Test Engineer: Test Technician: lb/mmBtu Emissions by: Type of Fuel Firing: Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu: Meter ID: Pitot ID: Filter ID: Filter Pre-Weight (grams): Nozzle Diameter (Inches): Meter Calibration Date: Meter Calibration Factor (Y): Meter Orifice Setting (Delta H): Nozzle Kit ID Number and Material: Pre Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 3.5 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.0 "H2O Post Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.5 "H2O 0.0 @ 5.0 "H2O Pre Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 12 "Hg 0.0000 @ 14 "Hg 0.0000 @ 13 "Hg Post Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 13 "Hg 0.0000 @ 14 "Hg 0.0000 @ 16 "Hg Pitot Tube Coefficient: Probe Length (Feet): Probe Liner Material: Sample Plane: Port Length (Inches): Port Size (Diameter, Inches): Port Type: Duct Shape: Diameter (Feet): Duct Area (Square Feet): Upstream Diameters: Downstream Diameters: Number of Ports Sampled: Number of Points per Port: Minutes per Point: Minutes per Reading: Total Number of Traverse Points: Test Length (Minutes): Train Type: Source Condition: Diluent Model/Serial Number: Moisture Balance ID: # of Runs Anderson Box Normal Ecom Den-02 3 Leak Checks 0.747 4 3 10.0 12 120 Flange Circular 18 0.6 2.7 254.469 4.00 PM10 #6 Run 2 10.0 1.9211.921 0.162 Horizontal 7.00 10/11/2024 PM10 #6 0.988 3.057133.05858 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 M243903 201A/202 RMF HCL Standard, CO2 Based Run 3 Natural Gas 1,040.0 3.08162 PM10251A 18534 CM51 PM10 #6 0.162 10/11/2024 Run 1 1,040.0 PM10251A 10/11/2024 1853318535 1.921 0.162 6.0 Quartz 0.988 0.988 1,040.0 CM51 PM10251A CM51 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 84 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project Number M243903 Source Condition:Normal Client:PacifiCorp Run No.: 1 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Date:10/23/2024 Location:CT01 Start Time:8:50 Pitot ID: PM10251A End Time:9:10 Pitot Coefficient:0.747 RM Testers:RMF Probe Length:6 Port Length:7.00 DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V)Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V) A 1 1.30 1.1402 229.0 12.0 0.00 70.35 C 1 1.20 1.0954 220.0 8.0 0.00 67.15 A 2 1.50 1.2247 230.0 8.0 0.00 75.62 C 2 1.10 1.0488 223.0 2.0 0.00 64.43 A 3 1.70 1.3038 229.0 5.0 0.00 80.45 C 3 1.40 1.1832 227.0 9.0 0.00 72.90 B 1 1.30 1.1402 220.0 6.0 0.00 69.89 D 1 1.20 1.0954 222.0 14.0 0.00 67.24 B 2 1.40 1.1832 224.0 3.0 0.00 72.74 D 2 2.00 1.4142 225.0 4.0 0.00 87.00 B 3 1.50 1.2247 226.0 7.0 0.00 75.40 D 3 2.50 1.5811 228.0 16.0 0.00 97.48 Average Yaw Angle 7.8 o Method 1 and 2 Cyclonic Flow Check Data AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 85 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT01 Date: 10/23/2024 Test: Pre 1 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.56 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 225.00 tm - Meter temperature, oF 64.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.50 % O2 12.00 % N2 78.50 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.090 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.000 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.920 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.523 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 209.071 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.101 D50LL 9.934 D50T 10.467 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.544 Nre - Reynolds Number 2422.855 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.351 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.723 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.676 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.788 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.257 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.027 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.554 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.660 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.435 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.665 tn - Calculation constant 8.477 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.392 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.30 9.67 1.140 Point 2: 1.50 10.38 1.225 Point 3: 1.60 10.72 1.265 Point 4: 1.30 9.67 1.140 Point 5: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 6: 1.50 10.38 1.225 Point 7: 1.20 9.29 1.095 Point 8: 1.10 8.89 1.049 Point 9: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 10: 1.20 9.29 1.095 Point 11: 1.60 10.72 1.265 Point 12: 1.60 10.72 1.265 Average: 1.392 1.178 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.000 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.874 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 72.443 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.569 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.136 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %91.551 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 86 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Normal 0.45 in. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 63.3 °F 25.52 in. Hg. abs. 1.153 in. H2O 9.30 % 226.7 °F 13.60 % 47.364 ft3 77.10 % 40.385 dscf 30.032 lb/lb mole 3.980 wscf 28.953 lb/lb mole 92.6 %I ---% 70.951 fps 120.00 in mins.1,083,292 acfm 0.162 in inches 646,824 dscfm 25.56 in Hg 710,569 scfm 1860.6 ml 853.5 grams 1925.4 ml 873.2 grams 64.8 ml 19.7 grams 84.5 0.090 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 9:35:00 1.20 0.45 283.805 223 60 60 3 251 250 61 82 1-2 9:44:30 1.30 0.45 287.130 227 61 61 3 250 254 62 83 1-3 9:55:00 1.50 0.45 291.320 227 61 61 3 249 249 61 81 10:06:00 295.704 2-1 10:08:00 1.10 0.45 295.704 227 61 61 3 247 255 57 83 2-2 10:17:30 1.50 0.45 299.910 227 63 63 3 252 248 52 81 2-3 10:27:30 1.50 0.45 303.960 228 65 65 3 249 247 52 80 10:38:00 307.634 3-1 10:40:00 1.10 0.45 307.634 227 65 65 3 253 252 53 80 3-2 10:49:30 1.40 0.45 311.140 226 65 65 3 245 252 53 79 3-3 10:58:30 1.50 0.45 314.860 228 64 64 3 245 253 52 80 11:08:30 318.881 4-1 11:11:00 1.10 0.45 318.881 226 64 64 3 255 252 55 81 4-2 11:20:30 1.40 0.45 322.530 226 65 65 3 250 250 53 79 4-3 11:31:30 1.40 0.45 326.990 228 66 66 3 249 249 54 78 11:42:30 331.169 Total 2:01:00 47.364 63.3 63.3 Average 0.45 226.7 63.3 3 Min 0.45 223.0 60.0 3 Max 0.45 228.0 66.0 3 MOISTURE DETERMINATION Isokinetic Variance: Gas Velocity, Vs: Initial Impinger Content: Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Meter Temp Impinger Difference: Static Pressure DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Temperature, Tm: Oxygen: Flue Pressure (Ps): Test Length: Nozzle Diameter: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Difference: Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content:Silica Final Wt. Barometric Pressure: Silica Initial Wt. Volumetric Flow: Moisture, Bws: 10/23/24 Sqrt ∆P: End Time: Date: Meter Volume, Vm: Meter Volume, Vmstd: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Weight dry, Md: ∆H: Run 1 - Method 201A/202 Source Condition: Nitrogen: STACK CONDITIONS 11:42 Start Time: Meter Volume, Vwstd: 9:35 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 87 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/23/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/23/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 533.0 480.9 52.1 Empty 622.4 619.2 3.2 DI Water 770.0 760.5 9.5 Silica Gel 873.2 853.5 19.7 1,925.4 1,860.6 64.8 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 873.2 853.5 19.7 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 1 Scale Calibration Check Date: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 88 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT01 Date: 10/23/2024 Test: 1 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.56 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 226.67 tm - Meter temperature, oF 63.33 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.30 % O2 13.60 % N2 77.10 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.090 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.032 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.953 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.523 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 210.351 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.102 D50LL 9.933 D50T 10.467 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.548 Nre - Reynolds Number 2420.747 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.767 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.723 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.883 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 46.091 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.775 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.650 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.561 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.680 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.439 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.874 tn - Calculation constant 8.660 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.333 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.87 1.095 Point 2: 1.30 9.87 1.140 Point 3: 1.50 10.61 1.225 Point 4: 1.10 9.08 1.049 Point 5: 1.50 10.61 1.225 Point 6: 1.50 10.61 1.225 Point 7: 1.10 9.08 1.049 Point 8: 1.40 10.25 1.183 Point 9: 1.50 10.61 1.225 Point 10: 1.10 9.08 1.049 Point 11: 1.40 10.25 1.183 Point 12: 1.40 10.25 1.183 Average: 1.333 #DIV/0!1.153 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.364 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.384 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 70.951 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.564 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.255 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %92.551 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 89 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Normal 0.45 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 74.7 °F 25.52 in. Hg. abs. 1.132 In. H2O 9.30 % 224.2 °F 13.30 % 48.364 ft3 77.4 % 40.364 dscf 30.020 lb/lb mole 3.952 wscf 28.948 lb/lb mole 94.0 %I ---% 69.538 fps 120.00 in mins.1,061,713 acfm 0.162 in inches 636,632 dscfm 25.56 in Hg 698,959 scfm 1678.2 ml 839.6 grams 1750.1 ml 851.6 grams 71.9 ml 12.0 grams 83.9 0.089 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 12:15:00 1.20 0.45 333.483 225 68 68 4 245 249 63 81 1-2 12:25:00 1.30 0.45 337.570 224 70 70 4 248 252 61 80 1-3 12:35:00 1.50 0.45 341.590 226 71 71 4 247 253 62 80 12:46:00 346.058 2-1 12:48:00 1.20 0.45 346.058 225 72 72 4 245 248 63 80 2-2 12:58:00 1.40 0.45 350.150 225 74 74 4 250 249 58 82 2-3 13:08:00 1.30 0.45 354.220 227 75 75 4 247 250 57 79 13:18:30 358.490 3-1 13:21:00 1.10 0.45 358.490 223 76 76 4 249 249 60 78 3-2 13:30:00 1.30 0.45 362.210 223 77 77 4 250 250 57 80 3-3 13:40:30 1.40 0.45 366.510 225 77 77 4 249 250 54 81 13:51:30 371.052 4-1 13:54:00 1.10 0.45 371.052 222 78 78 4 249 250 62 78 4-2 14:03:00 1.20 0.45 373.790 222 78 78 4 250 250 61 77 4-3 14:13:30 1.40 0.45 377.530 223 80 80 4 248 249 62 77 14:24:00 381.847 Total 2:02:00 48.364 74.7 74.7 Average 0.45 224.2 74.7 4 Min 0.45 222.0 68.0 4 Max 0.45 227.0 80.0 4 Stack Temperature, Ts: Isokinetic Variance: Meter Volume, Vwstd:Gas Weight wet, Ms: Meter Volume, Vm:Nitrogen: Excess Air: Gas Velocity, Vs: Date: Start Time: End Time: Meter Temperature, Tm:Flue Pressure (Ps): Source Condition: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS 10/23/24 12:15 Meter Volume, Vmstd: Static Pressure∆H: Sqrt ∆P: Gas Weight dry, Md: Oxygen: STACK CONDITIONS 14:24 Silica Initial Wt. Total Water Gain:Moisture, Bws: Final Impinger Content: Silica Difference: Initial Impinger Content: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Impinger Difference: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Final Wt. Meter Temp Volumetric Flow: Test Length: Barometric Pressure: Volumetric Flow:Nozzle Diameter: Volumetric Flow: Run 2 - Method 201A/202 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 90 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/23/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/23/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 462.3 411.0 51.3 Empty 606.1 605.1 1.0 DI Water 681.7 662.1 19.6 Silica Gel 851.6 839.6 12.0 1,750.1 1,678.2 71.9 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 851.6 839.6 12.0 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 2 Scale Calibration Check Date: 250 500 750 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 91 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT01 Date: 10/23/2024 Test: 2 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.56 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 224.17 tm - Meter temperature, oF 74.67 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.30 % O2 13.30 % N2 77.40 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.089 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.020 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.948 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.523 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 209.652 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.102 D50LL 9.939 D50T 10.469 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.545 Nre - Reynolds Number 2425.815 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.466 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.723 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.733 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.866 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.403 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.199 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.557 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.670 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.448 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.670 tn - Calculation constant 8.827 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.200 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.283 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.67 1.095 Point 2: 1.30 10.06 1.140 Point 3: 1.50 10.81 1.225 Point 4: 1.20 9.67 1.095 Point 5: 1.40 10.44 1.183 Point 6: 1.30 10.06 1.140 Point 7: 1.10 9.26 1.049 Point 8: 1.30 10.06 1.140 Point 9: 1.40 10.44 1.183 Point 10: 1.10 9.26 1.049 Point 11: 1.20 9.67 1.095 Point 12: 1.40 10.44 1.183 Average: 1.283 #DIV/0!1.132 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.364 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.363 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 69.538 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.561 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.258 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %93.986 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 92 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Normal 0.45 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 84.0 °F 25.52 in. Hg. abs. 1.111 In. H2O 9.20 % 221.5 °F 13.60 % 48.491 ft3 77.2 % 39.775 dscf 30.016 lb/lb mole 4.653 wscf 28.757 lb/lb mole 95.4 %I ---% 68.385 fps 120.00 in mins.1,044,109 acfm 0.162 in inches 617,782 dscfm 25.56 in Hg 690,059 scfm 1669.2 ml 856.9 grams 1750.4 ml 874.5 grams 81.2 ml 17.6 grams 98.8 0.105 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 15:37:00 1.00 0.45 384.901 222 80 80 3 254 247 59 81 1-2 15:47:00 1.30 0.45 388.930 221 80 80 3 245 251 60 80 1-3 15:57:00 1.40 0.45 392.940 222 80 80 3 251 251 62 76 16:08:00 397.481 2-1 16:10:00 1.00 0.45 397.481 222 81 81 3 247 249 61 78 2-2 16:19:30 1.20 0.45 401.010 221 83 83 3 252 253 62 82 2-3 16:30:00 1.40 0.45 405.540 221 85 85 3 252 252 64 83 16:40:00 409.667 3-1 16:42:00 0.99 0.45 409.667 221 86 86 3 250 250 62 78 3-2 16:51:00 1.40 0.45 413.870 222 86 86 3 255 250 60 79 3-3 17:01:00 1.40 0.45 417.910 222 86 86 3 251 250 59 82 17:11:30 421.899 4-1 17:14:00 1.10 0.45 421.899 222 87 87 3 249 251 60 80 4-2 17:23:30 1.30 0.45 425.730 222 87 87 3 250 250 59 81 4-3 17:33:30 1.40 0.45 429.550 220 87 87 3 250 250 58 80 17:44:00 433.392 Total 2:00:30 48.491 84.0 84.0 Average 0.45 221.5 84.0 3 Min 0.45 220.0 80.0 3 Max 0.45 222.0 87.0 3 Meter Temp Barometric Pressure: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Moisture, Bws:Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Impinger Difference: Sqrt ∆P: Nozzle Diameter: Isokinetic Variance: Initial Impinger Content: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Oxygen: Carbon Dioxide: STACK CONDITIONS Silica Final Wt. Silica Difference: Silica Initial Wt. Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Nitrogen: Meter Temperature, Tm: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Date: Start Time: Source Condition: Meter Volume, Vmstd: End Time: Static Pressure Flue Pressure (Ps): Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Volume, Vm: Test Length: Meter Volume, Vwstd: Gas Weight dry, Md: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Velocity, Vs: Run 3 - Method 201A/202 10/23/24 15:37 17:44 ∆H: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 93 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/23/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT01 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/23/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 464.8 411.7 53.1 Empty 655.6 639.1 16.5 DI Water 630.0 618.4 11.6 Silica Gel 874.5 856.9 17.6 1,750.4 1,669.2 81.2 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 874.5 856.9 17.6 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check Date: must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 94 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT01 Date: 10/23/2024 Test: 3 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.56 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 221.50 tm - Meter temperature, oF 84.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.20 % O2 13.60 % N2 77.20 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.105 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.016 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.757 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.523 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 207.739 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.101 D50LL 9.931 D50T 10.466 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.541 Nre - Reynolds Number 2422.417 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.62.969 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.723 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.484 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.513 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 78.777 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 94.453 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.547 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.639 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.437 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.834 tn - Calculation constant 8.977 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.200 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.241 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.00 9.83 1.000 Point 2: 1.30 10.24 1.140 Point 3: 1.40 10.62 1.183 Point 4: 1.00 8.98 1.000 Point 5: 1.20 9.83 1.095 Point 6: 1.40 10.62 1.183 Point 7: 0.99 8.93 0.995 Point 8: 1.40 10.62 1.183 Point 9: 1.40 10.62 1.183 Point 10: 1.10 9.42 1.049 Point 11: 1.30 10.24 1.140 Point 12: 1.40 10.62 1.183 Average: 1.241 #DIV/0!1.111 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.491 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.774 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 68.385 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.560 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.207 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %95.438 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 95 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/23/2024 Date:10/23/2024 Date:10/23/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 9:35 13.40 9.50 12:15 13.60 9.50 15:37 13.50 9.60 9:36 13.40 9.50 12:16 13.60 9.50 15:38 13.50 9.60 9:37 13.80 9.50 12:17 13.60 9.50 15:39 13.50 9.60 9:38 13.40 9.50 12:18 13.30 9.50 15:40 13.50 9.60 9:39 13.30 9.50 12:19 13.20 9.50 15:41 13.50 9.60 9:40 13.20 9.50 12:20 13.10 9.50 15:42 13.50 9.60 9:41 13.20 9.50 12:21 13.10 9.50 15:43 13.50 9.60 9:42 13.20 9.50 12:22 13.10 9.50 15:44 13.50 9.60 9:43 13.20 9.50 12:23 13.10 9.50 15:45 13.50 9.60 9:44 13.20 9.50 12:24 13.10 9.50 15:46 13.50 9.60 9:45 13.10 9.50 12:25 13.10 9.50 15:47 13.50 9.60 9:46 13.10 9.50 12:26 13.10 9.50 15:48 13.50 9.60 9:47 13.10 9.50 12:27 13.10 9.50 15:49 13.50 9.60 9:48 13.10 9.50 12:28 13.10 9.50 15:50 13.50 9.60 9:49 13.20 9.50 12:29 13.10 9.50 15:51 13.50 9.60 9:50 13.20 9.50 12:30 13.10 9.50 15:52 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9.50 16:13 15.30 9.60 10:12 13.60 9.50 12:52 13.20 9.50 16:14 20.70 0.00 10:13 13.70 9.50 12:53 13.20 9.50 16:15 20.60 0.00 10:14 13.70 9.50 12:54 13.20 9.50 16:16 13.40 9.60 10:15 13.70 9.50 12:55 13.20 9.50 16:17 13.40 9.60 10:16 13.70 9.50 12:56 13.20 9.50 16:18 13.30 9.60 10:17 13.70 9.50 12:57 13.20 9.50 16:19 13.40 9.60 10:18 13.70 9.50 12:58 13.20 9.50 16:20 13.40 9.60 10:19 13.70 9.50 12:59 13.20 9.50 16:21 13.40 9.60 10:20 13.70 9.50 13:00 13.20 9.60 16:22 13.40 9.60 10:21 13.70 9.50 13:01 13.20 9.50 16:23 13.40 9.60 10:22 13.80 9.50 13:02 13.20 9.50 16:24 13.40 9.60 10:23 13.70 9.50 13:03 13.20 9.50 16:25 13.40 9.60 10:24 13.80 9.50 13:04 13.20 9.50 16:26 13.40 9.60 10:25 13.80 9.50 13:05 13.20 9.50 16:27 13.40 9.60 10:26 13.90 9.50 13:06 13.20 9.50 16:28 13.50 9.60 10:27 13.90 9.50 13:07 13.20 9.50 16:29 13.50 9.60 10:28 13.90 9.50 13:08 13.30 9.50 16:30 13.50 9.60 10:29 14.00 9.50 13:09 13.30 9.50 16:31 13.50 9.60 10:30 14.00 9.50 13:10 13.30 9.50 16:32 13.50 9.60 10:31 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16:53 13.50 9.60 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 M243903Project #: Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT01Test Location: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 96 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/23/2024 Date:10/23/2024 Date:10/23/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 M243903Project #: Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT01Test Location: 10:52 13.90 9.50 13:33 13.40 9.50 16:54 13.50 9.60 10:53 13.90 9.50 13:34 13.40 9.50 16:55 13.50 9.60 10:54 13.90 9.50 13:35 13.30 9.50 16:56 13.50 9.60 10:55 13.90 9.50 13:36 13.40 9.50 16:57 13.50 9.60 10:56 13.90 9.50 13:37 13.40 9.50 16:58 13.60 9.60 10:57 13.80 9.50 13:38 13.40 9.50 16:59 13.50 9.60 10:58 13.80 9.50 13:39 13.30 9.50 17:00 13.50 9.60 10:59 13.80 9.50 13:40 13.30 9.50 17:01 13.50 9.60 11:00 13.80 9.50 13:41 13.30 9.50 17:02 13.50 9.60 11:01 13.80 9.50 13:42 13.40 9.50 17:03 13.50 9.60 11:02 13.80 9.50 13:43 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9.50 Average 13.26 9.51 Average 13.62 9.42 Min 13.10 9.50 Min 13.10 9.50 Min 13.30 0.00 Max 14.20 9.50 Max 13.60 9.60 Max 20.70 9.60 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 97 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Project #: Test Method: Test Engineer: Test Technician: lb/mmBtu Emissions by: Type of Fuel Firing: Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu: Meter ID: Pitot ID: Filter ID: Filter Pre-Weight (grams): Nozzle Diameter (Inches): Meter Calibration Date: Meter Calibration Factor (Y): Meter Orifice Setting (Delta H): Nozzle Kit ID Number and Material: Pre Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.0 "H2O Post Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 5.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.5 "H2O Pre Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 14 "Hg 0.0000 @ 13 "Hg 0.0000 @ 14 "Hg Post Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 17 "Hg 0.0000 @ 15 "Hg 0.0000 @ 15 "Hg Pitot Tube Coefficient: Probe Length (Feet): Probe Liner Material: Sample Plane: Port Length (Inches): Port Size (Diameter, Inches): Port Type: Duct Shape: Diameter (Feet): Duct Area (Square Feet): Upstream Diameters: Downstream Diameters: Number of Ports Sampled: Number of Points per Port: Minutes per Point: Minutes per Reading: Total Number of Traverse Points: Test Length (Minutes): Train Type: Source Condition: Diluent Model/Serial Number: Moisture Balance ID: # of Runs Anderson Box Normal Ecom Den-02 3 Leak Checks 0.747 4 3 10.0 12 120 Flange Circular 18 0.6 2.7 254.469 4.00 PM10 #6 Run 2 10.0 1.9211.921 0.162 Horizontal 7.00 10/11/2024 PM10 #6 0.988 3.068793.05777 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT02 M243903 201A/202 RMF HCL1/ANP1 Standard, CO2 Based Run 3 Natural Gas 1,040.0 3.06439 PM10251A 18528 CM51 PM10 #6 0.162 10/11/2024 Run 1 1,040.0 PM10251A 10/11/2024 1853618530 1.921 0.162 6.0 Quartz 0.988 0.988 1,040.0 CM51 PM10251A CM51 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 98 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project Number M243903 Source Condition:Normal Client:PacifiCorp Run No.: 1 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Date:10/24/2024 Location:CT02 Start Time:8:00 Pitot ID: PM10251A End Time:8:20 Pitot Coefficient:0.747 RM Testers:RMF Probe Length:6 Port Length:7.00 DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V)Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V) A 1 1.30 1.1402 220.0 12.0 0.00 70.01 C 1 1.20 1.0954 222.0 5.0 0.00 67.36 A 2 1.30 1.1402 223.0 8.0 0.00 70.16 C 2 1.30 1.1402 222.0 9.0 0.00 70.11 A 3 1.50 1.2247 223.0 8.0 0.00 75.36 C 3 1.40 1.1832 221.0 4.0 0.00 72.70 B 1 1.50 1.2247 221.0 6.0 0.00 75.25 D 1 1.40 1.1832 223.0 2.0 0.00 72.81 B 2 1.50 1.2247 220.0 7.0 0.00 75.20 D 2 1.50 1.2247 222.0 6.0 0.00 75.31 B 3 1.40 1.1832 220.0 10.0 0.00 72.65 D 3 1.60 1.2649 222.0 11.0 0.00 77.78 Average Yaw Angle 7.3 o Method 1 and 2 Cyclonic Flow Check Data AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 99 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT02 Date: 10/24/2024 Test: Pre 1 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.51 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 225.00 tm - Meter temperature, oF 61.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.50 % O2 12.50 % N2 78.00 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.095 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.020 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.878 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.473 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 208.879 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.102 D50LL 9.928 D50T 10.464 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.544 Nre - Reynolds Number 2418.055 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.384 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.723 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.692 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.819 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.292 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.075 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.553 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.656 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.428 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.608 tn - Calculation constant 8.427 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.408 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.30 9.61 1.140 Point 2: 1.30 9.61 1.140 Point 3: 1.50 10.32 1.225 Point 4: 1.50 10.32 1.225 Point 5: 1.50 10.32 1.225 Point 6: 1.40 9.97 1.183 Point 7: 1.20 9.23 1.095 Point 8: 1.30 9.61 1.140 Point 9: 1.40 9.97 1.183 Point 10: 1.40 9.97 1.183 Point 11: 1.50 10.32 1.225 Point 12: 1.60 10.66 1.265 Average: 1.408 1.186 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.000 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.41.028 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 73.074 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.576 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.056 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %91.786 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 100 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Normal 0.45 in. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 57.7 °F 25.47 in. Hg. abs. 1.182 in. H2O 9.30 % 222.7 °F 13.00 % 48.033 ft3 77.70 % 41.323 dscf 30.008 lb/lb mole 3.405 wscf 29.094 lb/lb mole 91.0 %I ---% 72.473 fps 120.00 in mins.1,106,521 acfm 0.162 in inches 673,155 dscfm 25.51 in Hg 728,628 scfm 1812.9 ml 871.1 grams 1875.0 ml 881.3 grams 62.1 ml 10.2 grams 72.3 0.076 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 8:45:00 1.20 0.45 434.648 222 51 51 4 249 251 47 80 1-2 8:54:30 1.40 0.45 438.690 223 53 53 4 251 251 47 82 1-3 9:04:00 1.50 0.45 442.570 223 53 53 4 250 250 47 80 9:14:00 446.537 2-1 9:16:00 1.50 0.45 446.537 223 55 55 4 254 251 49 81 2-2 9:26:30 1.40 0.45 450.640 223 56 56 4 245 246 50 82 2-3 9:37:00 1.40 0.45 454.720 223 57 57 4 244 251 51 80 9:47:00 458.638 3-1 9:49:00 1.20 0.45 458.638 223 57 57 4 243 248 49 79 3-2 9:58:30 1.40 0.45 462.590 223 59 59 4 246 250 48 76 3-3 10:08:00 1.40 0.45 466.710 222 60 60 4 248 252 48 77 10:18:00 470.649 4-1 10:20:00 1.40 0.45 470.649 222 62 62 4 251 250 47 77 4-2 10:30:00 1.50 0.45 474.730 222 64 64 4 253 249 48 80 4-3 10:40:30 1.50 0.45 478.690 223 65 65 4 250 248 47 81 10:51:00 482.681 Total 2:00:00 48.033 57.7 57.7 Average 0.45 222.7 57.7 4 Min 0.45 222.0 51.0 4 Max 0.45 223.0 65.0 4 MOISTURE DETERMINATION Isokinetic Variance: Gas Velocity, Vs: Initial Impinger Content: Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Meter Temp Impinger Difference: Static Pressure DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Temperature, Tm: Oxygen: Flue Pressure (Ps): Test Length: Nozzle Diameter: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Difference: Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content:Silica Final Wt. Barometric Pressure: Silica Initial Wt. Volumetric Flow: Moisture, Bws: 10/24/24 Sqrt ∆P: End Time: Date: Meter Volume, Vm: Meter Volume, Vmstd: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Weight dry, Md: ∆H: Run 1 - Method 201A/202 Source Condition: Nitrogen: STACK CONDITIONS 10:51 Start Time: Meter Volume, Vwstd: 8:45 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 101 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/24/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/24/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 539.3 480.0 59.3 Empty 620.0 619.5 0.5 DI Water 715.7 713.4 2.3 Silica Gel 881.3 871.1 10.2 1,875.0 1,812.9 62.1 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 881.3 871.1 10.2 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 1 Scale Calibration Check Date: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 102 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT02 Date: 10/24/2024 Test: 1 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.51 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 222.67 tm - Meter temperature, oF 57.67 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.30 % O2 13.00 % N2 77.70 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.076 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.008 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 29.094 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.473 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 210.344 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.102 D50LL 9.949 D50T 10.475 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.546 Nre - Reynolds Number 2433.035 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.530 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.722 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.765 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.900 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.491 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.296 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.561 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.682 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.448 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.636 tn - Calculation constant 8.452 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.400 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.64 1.095 Point 2: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 3: 1.50 10.35 1.225 Point 4: 1.50 10.35 1.225 Point 5: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 6: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 7: 1.20 9.26 1.095 Point 8: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 9: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 10: 1.40 10.00 1.183 Point 11: 1.50 10.35 1.225 Point 12: 1.50 10.35 1.225 Average: 1.400 #DIV/0!1.182 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.033 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.41.323 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 72.473 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.566 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.205 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %90.999 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 103 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Normal 0.45 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 70.3 °F 25.47 in. Hg. abs. 1.179 In. H2O 9.30 % 222.3 °F 13.00 % 48.806 ft3 77.7 % 40.991 dscf 30.008 lb/lb mole 3.448 wscf 29.076 lb/lb mole 90.7 %I ---% 72.238 fps 120.00 in mins.1,102,934 acfm 0.162 in inches 670,330 dscfm 25.51 in Hg 726,710 scfm 1640.7 ml 825.9 grams 1703.0 ml 836.8 grams 62.3 ml 10.9 grams 73.2 0.078 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 11:10:00 1.20 0.45 483.825 222 66 66 3 250 253 49 80 1-2 11:19:30 1.30 0.45 487.880 222 66 66 3 248 251 52 80 1-3 11:29:30 1.50 0.45 491.930 222 67 67 3 247 249 51 80 11:40:00 495.792 2-1 11:42:00 1.50 0.45 495.792 222 67 67 3 246 252 46 77 2-2 11:52:30 1.40 0.45 499.630 222 69 69 3 245 251 43 78 2-3 12:02:30 1.40 0.45 503.590 222 69 69 3 247 247 44 79 12:12:30 507.584 3-1 12:15:00 1.20 0.45 507.584 222 71 71 3 248 249 45 80 3-2 12:24:30 1.30 0.45 511.620 222 72 72 3 248 247 46 80 3-3 12:34:30 1.40 0.45 515.690 223 73 73 3 250 253 47 82 12:44:30 519.742 4-1 12:47:00 1.40 0.45 519.742 223 74 74 3 251 254 49 80 4-2 12:57:00 1.60 0.45 523.590 223 74 74 3 254 250 47 82 4-3 13:07:30 1.50 0.45 527.550 222 75 75 3 253 251 46 82 13:18:00 532.631 Total 2:01:00 48.806 70.3 70.3 Average 0.45 222.3 70.3 3 Min 0.45 222.0 66.0 3 Max 0.45 223.0 75.0 3 Stack Temperature, Ts: Isokinetic Variance: Meter Volume, Vwstd:Gas Weight wet, Ms: Meter Volume, Vm:Nitrogen: Excess Air: Gas Velocity, Vs: Date: Start Time: End Time: Meter Temperature, Tm:Flue Pressure (Ps): Source Condition: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS 10/24/24 11:10 Meter Volume, Vmstd: Static Pressure∆H: Sqrt ∆P: Gas Weight dry, Md: Oxygen: STACK CONDITIONS 13:18 Silica Initial Wt. Total Water Gain:Moisture, Bws: Final Impinger Content: Silica Difference: Initial Impinger Content: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Impinger Difference: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Final Wt. Meter Temp Volumetric Flow: Test Length: Barometric Pressure: Volumetric Flow:Nozzle Diameter: Volumetric Flow: Run 2 - Method 201A/202 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 104 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/24/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/24/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 466.9 411.1 55.8 Empty 606.7 604.8 1.9 DI Water 629.4 624.8 4.6 Silica Gel 836.8 825.9 10.9 1,703.0 1,640.7 62.3 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 836.8 825.9 10.9 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 2 Scale Calibration Check Date: 250 500 750 must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 105 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT02 Date: 10/24/2024 Test: 2 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.51 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 222.25 tm - Meter temperature, oF 70.25 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.30 % O2 13.00 % N2 77.70 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.078 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.008 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 29.076 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.473 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 210.112 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.102 D50LL 9.949 D50T 10.475 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.545 Nre - Reynolds Number 2433.102 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.461 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.722 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.731 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.850 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.404 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 95.192 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.560 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.679 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.457 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.286 tn - Calculation constant 8.477 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.200 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.392 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.29 1.095 Point 2: 1.30 9.67 1.140 Point 3: 1.50 10.38 1.225 Point 4: 1.50 10.38 1.225 Point 5: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 6: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 7: 1.20 9.29 1.095 Point 8: 1.30 9.67 1.140 Point 9: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 10: 1.40 10.03 1.183 Point 11: 1.60 10.72 1.265 Point 12: 1.50 10.38 1.225 Average: 1.392 #DIV/0!1.179 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.806 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.992 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 72.238 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.562 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.248 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %90.652 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 106 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Normal 0.45 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 76.0 °F 25.47 in. Hg. abs. 1.175 In. H2O 9.30 % 221.4 °F 13.10 % 49.446 ft3 77.6 % 41.084 dscf 30.012 lb/lb mole 3.613 wscf 29.041 lb/lb mole 91.4 %I ---% 71.991 fps 120.00 in mins.1,099,174 acfm 0.162 in inches 666,510 dscfm 25.51 in Hg 725,118 scfm 1696.2 ml 835.0 grams 1761.4 ml 846.5 grams 65.2 ml 11.5 grams 76.7 0.081 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 13:35:00 1.20 0.45 531.921 221 75 75 3 242 247 51 74 1-2 13:44:30 1.30 0.45 536.020 222 74 74 3 245 247 45 78 1-3 13:54:30 1.40 0.45 540.070 222 75 75 3 245 246 45 79 14:05:00 543.984 2-1 14:07:00 1.50 0.45 543.984 222 75 75 3 251 250 46 79 2-2 14:17:30 1.60 0.45 548.010 222 75 75 3 252 250 45 79 2-3 14:27:30 1.40 0.45 552.100 222 76 76 3 250 249 44 76 14:37:30 555.980 3-1 14:40:00 1.10 0.45 555.980 221 77 77 3 251 243 48 80 3-2 14:49:30 1.30 0.45 559.870 221 77 77 3 254 249 48 81 3-3 14:59:00 1.50 0.45 563.940 221 77 77 3 253 252 46 82 15:09:00 568.089 4-1 15:11:00 1.30 0.45 568.089 221 77 77 3 252 250 47 79 4-2 15:21:00 1.50 0.45 570.420 221 77 77 3 253 247 48 80 4-3 15:32:00 1.50 0.45 575.610 221 77 77 3 249 247 48 80 15:42:30 581.367 Total 2:01:00 49.446 76.0 76.0 Average 0.45 221.4 76.0 3 Min 0.45 221.0 74.0 3 Max 0.45 222.0 77.0 3 Meter Temp Barometric Pressure: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Moisture, Bws:Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Impinger Difference: Sqrt ∆P: Nozzle Diameter: Isokinetic Variance: Initial Impinger Content: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Oxygen: Carbon Dioxide: STACK CONDITIONS Silica Final Wt. Silica Difference: Silica Initial Wt. Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Nitrogen: Meter Temperature, Tm: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Date: Start Time: Source Condition: Meter Volume, Vmstd: End Time: Static Pressure Flue Pressure (Ps): Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Volume, Vm: Test Length: Meter Volume, Vwstd: Gas Weight dry, Md: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Velocity, Vs: Run 3 - Method 201A/202 10/24/24 13:35 15:42 ∆H: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 107 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/24/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT02 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/24/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 486.3 427.0 59.3 Empty 639.2 639.2 0.0 DI Water 635.9 630.0 5.9 Silica Gel 846.5 835.0 11.5 1,761.4 1,696.2 65.2 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 846.5 835.0 11.5 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check Date: must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 108 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT02 Date: 10/24/2024 Test: 3 Test Method:201A (PM10 only) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.51 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 221.42 tm - Meter temperature, oF 76.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.30 % O2 13.10 % N2 77.60 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.081 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.162 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.012 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 29.041 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.473 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 209.671 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.101 D50LL 9.949 D50T 10.474 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.544 Nre - Reynolds Number 2433.210 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.63.330 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.722 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.251 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 31.665 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 45.756 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 79.240 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 94.995 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.557 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.672 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.458 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.314 tn - Calculation constant 8.502 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.200 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.383 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.31 1.095 Point 2: 1.30 9.69 1.140 Point 3: 1.40 10.06 1.183 Point 4: 1.50 10.41 1.225 Point 5: 1.60 10.75 1.265 Point 6: 1.40 10.06 1.183 Point 7: 1.10 8.92 1.049 Point 8: 1.30 9.69 1.140 Point 9: 1.50 10.41 1.225 Point 10: 1.30 9.69 1.140 Point 11: 1.50 10.41 1.225 Point 12: 1.50 10.41 1.225 Average: 1.383 #DIV/0!1.175 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.49.446 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.41.084 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 71.991 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.565 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.200 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) IKV, %91.376 (80 < IKV <120) PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 109 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/24/2024 Date:10/24/2024 Date:10/24/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 8:45 13.90 9.50 11:09 13.10 9.50 13:38 13.20 9.50 8:46 13.90 9.50 11:10 13.10 9.50 13:39 13.10 9.50 8:47 13.90 9.50 11:11 13.10 9.50 13:40 13.00 9.50 8:48 13.30 9.50 11:12 13.10 9.50 13:41 13.00 9.50 8:49 13.10 9.50 11:13 13.40 9.50 13:42 13.00 9.50 8:50 13.00 9.50 11:14 13.10 9.50 13:43 13.00 9.50 8:51 13.00 9.50 11:15 13.10 9.50 13:44 13.00 9.50 8:52 13.00 9.50 11:16 13.00 9.50 13:45 13.00 9.50 8:53 13.00 9.50 11:17 13.00 9.50 13:46 13.00 9.50 8:54 13.00 9.50 11:18 13.00 9.50 13:47 13.00 9.50 8:55 13.00 9.50 11:19 13.00 9.50 13:48 13.00 9.50 8:56 13.00 9.50 11:20 13.00 9.50 13:49 13.00 9.50 8:57 13.00 9.50 11:21 13.00 9.50 13:50 13.00 9.50 8:58 13.00 9.50 11:22 13.00 9.50 13:51 13.00 9.50 8:59 13.00 9.50 11:23 13.00 9.50 13:52 13.00 9.50 9:00 13.00 9.50 11:24 13.00 9.50 13:53 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#: Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT02Test Location: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 110 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/24/2024 Date:10/24/2024 Date:10/24/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 M243903Project #: Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT02Test Location: 10:06 12.90 9.50 12:30 13.00 9.50 15:04 13.10 9.50 10:07 12.90 9.50 12:31 13.00 9.50 15:05 13.10 9.50 10:08 12.90 9.50 12:32 13.00 9.50 15:06 13.10 9.50 10:09 12.90 9.50 12:33 13.00 9.50 15:07 13.10 9.50 10:10 12.90 9.50 12:34 13.00 9.50 15:08 13.10 9.50 10:11 12.90 9.50 12:35 13.00 9.50 15:09 13.10 9.50 10:12 12.90 9.50 12:36 13.10 9.50 15:12 13.10 9.50 10:13 12.90 9.50 12:37 13.10 9.50 15:13 13.10 9.50 10:14 12.90 9.50 12:38 13.10 9.50 15:14 13.10 9.50 10:15 12.90 9.50 12:39 13.10 9.50 15:15 13.10 9.50 10:16 12.90 9.50 12:40 13.10 9.50 15:16 13.10 9.50 10:17 12.90 9.50 12:41 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10:40 12.80 9.50 13:04 13.10 9.50 15:37 13.20 9.50 10:41 12.80 9.50 13:05 13.10 9.50 15:38 13.20 9.50 10:42 12.90 9.50 13:06 13.10 9.50 15:39 13.20 9.50 10:43 12.90 9.50 13:07 13.00 9.50 15:40 13.20 9.50 10:44 12.90 9.50 13:08 13.00 9.50 15:41 13.20 9.50 10:45 12.90 9.50 13:09 13.00 9.50 15:42 13.20 9.50 10:46 12.90 9.50 13:10 13.00 9.50 10:47 12.90 9.50 13:11 13.00 9.50 10:48 12.90 9.50 13:12 13.00 9.50 10:49 12.90 9.50 13:13 13.00 9.50 10:50 12.90 9.50 13:14 13.00 9.50 10:51 12.90 9.50 13:15 13.00 9.50 Average 12.97 9.50 Average 13.01 9.50 Average 13.12 9.50 Min 12.80 9.50 Min 12.90 9.50 Min 13.00 9.50Max13.90 9.50 Max 13.40 9.50 Max 13.30 9.50 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 111 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Project #: Test Method: Test Engineer: Test Technician: lb/mmBtu Emissions by: Type of Fuel Firing: Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu: Meter ID: Pitot ID: Filter ID: Filter Pre-Weight (grams): Nozzle Diameter (Inches): Meter Calibration Date: Meter Calibration Factor (Y): Meter Orifice Setting (Delta H): Nozzle Kit ID Number and Material: Pre Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.5 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.5 "H2O Post Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 5.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 5.0 "H2O Pre Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 15 "Hg 0.0000 @ 18 "Hg 0.0000 @ 16 "Hg Post Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 17 "Hg 0.0000 @ 19 "Hg 0.0000 @ 19 "Hg Pitot Tube Coefficient: Probe Length (Feet): Probe Liner Material: Sample Plane: Port Length (Inches): Port Size (Diameter, Inches): Port Type: Duct Shape: Diameter (Feet): Duct Area (Square Feet): Upstream Diameters: Downstream Diameters: Number of Ports Sampled: Number of Points per Port: Minutes per Point: Minutes per Reading: Total Number of Traverse Points: Test Length (Minutes): Train Type: Source Condition: Diluent Model/Serial Number: Moisture Balance ID: # of Runs 0.988 0.988 1,040.0 CM51 PM10251A CM51 1851518525 1.921 0.152 6.0 Quartz Pm10 #2 (102-3) 0.152 10/11/2024 Run 1 1,040.0 PM10251A 10/11/2024 3.06306 PM10251A 18531 CM51 HCL1/ANP1 Standard, CO2 Based Run 3 Natural Gas 1,040.0 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT03 M243903 201A/202 RMF Horizontal 7.00 10/11/2024 Pm10 #2 (102-3) 0.988 2.985893.03568 4.00 Pm10 #2 (102-3) Run 2 10.0 1.9211.921 0.152 12 120 Flange Circular 18 0.6 2.7 254.469 Anderson Box Normal Ecom Den-02 3 Leak Checks 0.747 4 3 10.0 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 112 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project Number M243903 Source Condition:Normal Client:PacifiCorp Run No.: 1 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Date:10/21/2024 Location:CT03 Start Time:9:45 Pitot ID: PM10251A End Time:10:00 Pitot Coefficient:0.747 RM Testers:RMF Probe Length:6 Port Length:7.00 DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V)Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V) A 1 1.30 1.1402 166.0 12.0 0.00 67.29 C 1 1.70 1.3038 168.0 5.0 0.00 77.07 A 2 1.50 1.2247 168.0 12.0 0.00 72.40 C 2 1.70 1.3038 168.0 8.0 0.00 77.07 A 3 1.50 1.2247 169.0 10.0 0.00 72.46 C 3 1.30 1.1402 169.0 15.0 0.00 67.45 B 1 1.20 1.0954 162.0 14.0 0.00 64.44 D 1 1.50 1.2247 164.0 2.0 0.00 72.17 B 2 1.70 1.3038 166.0 10.0 0.00 76.95 D 2 1.90 1.3784 168.0 4.0 0.00 81.48 B 3 1.70 1.3038 168.0 10.0 0.00 77.07 D 3 1.50 1.2247 169.0 6.0 0.00 72.46 Average Yaw Angle 9.0 o Method 1 and 2 Cyclonic Flow Check Data AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 113 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT03 Date: 10/21/2024 Test: Pre 1 Test Method:201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.55 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 167.10 tm - Meter temperature, oF 61.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 4.50 % O2 13.50 % N2 82.00 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.065 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 29.260 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.528 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.513 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 198.494 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.093 D50LL 10.058 D50T 10.529 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.501 Nre - Reynolds Number 2531.890 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.66.285 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 33.142 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 48.720 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 82.437 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 99.427 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.676 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.935 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.451 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.183 tn - Calculation constant 8.054 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.542 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.30 9.18 1.140 Point 2: 1.50 9.86 1.225 Point 3: 1.50 9.86 1.225 Point 4: 1.20 8.82 1.095 Point 5: 1.70 10.50 1.304 Point 6: 1.70 10.50 1.304 Point 7: 1.70 10.50 1.304 Point 8: 1.70 10.50 1.304 Point 9: 1.30 9.18 1.140 Point 10: 1.50 9.86 1.225 Point 11: 1.90 11.10 1.378 Point 12: 1.50 9.86 1.225 Average: 1.542 1.239 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.000 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.41.095 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 73.447 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.510 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.397 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.379 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, %91.922 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 114 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Normal 0.46 in. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 65.3 °F 25.51 in. Hg. abs. 1.146 in. H2O 9.40 % 168.6 °F 12.00 % 49.350 ft3 78.60 % 41.903 dscf 29.984 lb/lb mole 5.186 wscf 28.664 lb/lb mole 106.8 %I ---% 67.864 fps 120.00 in mins.1,036,153 acfm 0.152 in inches 660,428 dscfm 25.55 in Hg 742,160 scfm 1829.2 ml 839.6 grams 1921.5 ml 857.4 grams 92.3 ml 17.8 grams 110.1 0.110 0.463 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 10:55:00 1.50 0.46 924.750 168 57 57 3 249 250 64 70 1-2 11:04:30 1.30 0.46 928.090 166 58 58 3 250 248 64 80 1-3 11:14:30 1.30 0.46 932.110 166 58 58 3 245 251 64 80 11:24:30 936.420 2-1 11:28:00 1.40 0.46 936.420 165 61 61 3 256 257 63 80 2-2 11:37:00 1.40 0.46 940.990 168 63 63 3 249 255 62 81 2-3 11:47:30 1.20 0.46 945.130 168 63 63 3 248 251 62 81 11:58:00 949.330 3-1 12:04:00 1.50 0.46 949.330 171 65 65 3 250 251 61 77 3-2 12:14:30 1.30 0.46 953.660 171 67 67 3 251 251 60 78 3-3 12:25:00 1.20 0.46 958.070 169 70 70 3 247 250 60 77 12:34:30 962.100 4-1 12:38:00 1.40 0.46 962.100 170 73 73 3 255 250 58 76 4-2 12:48:00 1.20 0.46 966.230 170 74 74 3 254 248 59 75 4-3 12:59:00 1.10 0.46 970.690 171 75 75 3 252 251 58 75 13:09:00 974.100 Total 2:01:00 49.350 65.3 65.3 Average 0.46 168.6 65.3 3 Min 0.46 165.0 57.0 3 Max 0.46 171.0 75.0 3 Run 1 - Method 201A/202 Source Condition: Nitrogen: STACK CONDITIONS 13:09 Start Time: Meter Volume, Vwstd: 10:55 10/21/24 Sqrt ∆P: End Time: Date: Meter Volume, Vm: Meter Volume, Vmstd: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Weight dry, Md: ∆H: Silica Difference: Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Supersaturation Value, Bws: Silica Final Wt. Barometric Pressure: Silica Initial Wt. Volumetric Flow: Moisture, Bws: Static Pressure DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Temperature, Tm: Oxygen: Flue Pressure (Ps): Test Length: Nozzle Diameter: Carbon Dioxide: Volumetric Flow: Meter Temp Impinger Difference: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Isokinetic Variance: Gas Velocity, Vs: Initial Impinger Content: Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 115 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/21/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/21/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 532.3 480.0 52.3 Empty 643.9 616.9 27.0 DI Water 745.3 732.3 13.0 Silica Gel 857.4 839.6 17.8 1,921.5 1,829.2 92.3 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 857.4 839.6 17.8 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 1 Scale Calibration Check Date: Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass 250 500 750 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 116 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT03 Date: 10/21/2024 Test: 1 Test Method:201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.55 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 168.58 tm - Meter temperature, oF 65.33 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.40 % O2 12.00 % N2 78.60 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.110 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 29.984 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.664 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.513 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 193.819 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.090 D50LL 10.057 D50T 10.528 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.489 Nre - Reynolds Number 2536.438 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.64.684 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.342 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.541 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 80.449 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 97.027 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.645 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.847 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.400 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.937 tn - Calculation constant 8.715 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.317 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.50 9.94 1.225 Point 2: 1.30 9.94 1.140 Point 3: 1.30 9.94 1.140 Point 4: 1.40 10.31 1.183 Point 5: 1.40 10.31 1.183 Point 6: 1.20 9.55 1.095 Point 7: 1.50 10.67 1.225 Point 8: 1.30 9.94 1.140 Point 9: 1.20 9.55 1.095 Point 10: 1.40 10.31 1.183 Point 11: 1.20 9.55 1.095 Point 12: 1.10 9.14 1.049 Average: 1.317 #DIV/0!1.146 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.000 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.901 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 67.864 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.522 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.057 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.252 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, %101.733 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 117 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Normal 0.46 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 78.4 °F 25.51 in. Hg. abs. 1.146 In. H2O 9.50 % 167.8 °F 12.20 % 48.264 ft3 78.3 % 39.985 dscf 30.008 lb/lb mole 4.842 wscf 28.711 lb/lb mole 101.7 %I ---% 67.763 fps 120.00 in mins.1,034,622 acfm 0.152 in inches 661,897 dscfm 25.55 in Hg 742,047 scfm 1635.3 ml 837.3 grams 1721.4 ml 854.0 grams 86.1 ml 16.7 grams 102.8 0.108 0.454 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 14:17:00 1.50 0.46 987.136 166 77 77 4 250 251 62 77 1-2 14:26:30 1.30 0.46 991.660 167 77 77 4 252 252 62 75 1-3 14:36:00 1.30 0.46 995.790 165 78 78 4 248 250 60 74 14:45:00 1000.020 2-1 14:49:00 1.40 0.46 1000.020 167 79 79 4 254 251 60 74 2-2 14:59:30 1.40 0.46 1004.120 167 80 80 4 254 250 60 74 2-3 15:10:30 1.20 0.46 1008.740 168 80 80 4 251 251 59 74 15:21:00 1013.090 3-1 15:24:00 1.50 0.46 1013.090 170 79 79 4 266 251 57 76 3-2 15:34:30 1.30 0.46 1017.590 170 79 79 4 254 250 58 75 3-3 15:44:30 1.20 0.46 1022.030 169 79 79 4 250 249 58 75 15:53:30 1026.060 4-1 15:56:00 1.40 0.46 1026.060 168 78 78 4 250 248 60 74 4-2 16:06:00 1.20 0.46 1029.420 168 78 78 4 257 251 60 74 4-3 16:17:00 1.10 0.46 1032.200 168 77 77 4 251 250 61 73 16:27:00 1035.400 Total 2:00:30 48.264 78.4 78.4 Average 0.46 167.8 78.4 4 Min 0.46 165.0 77.0 4 Max 0.46 170.0 80.0 4 Run 2 - Method 201A/202 Supersaturation Value, Bws: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Final Wt. Meter Temp Volumetric Flow: Test Length: Barometric Pressure: Volumetric Flow:Nozzle Diameter: Volumetric Flow: Silica Initial Wt. Total Water Gain:Moisture, Bws: Final Impinger Content: Silica Difference: Initial Impinger Content: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Impinger Difference: 10/21/24 14:17 Meter Volume, Vmstd: Static Pressure∆H: Sqrt ∆P: Gas Weight dry, Md: Oxygen: STACK CONDITIONS 16:27 Gas Velocity, Vs: Date: Start Time: End Time: Meter Temperature, Tm:Flue Pressure (Ps): Source Condition: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Stack Temperature, Ts: Isokinetic Variance: Meter Volume, Vwstd:Gas Weight wet, Ms: Meter Volume, Vm:Nitrogen: Excess Air: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 118 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/21/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/21/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 470.6 410.4 60.2 Empty 610.0 602.6 7.4 DI Water 640.8 622.3 18.5 Silica Gel 854.0 837.3 16.7 1,721.4 1,635.3 86.1 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 854.0 837.3 16.7 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 2 Scale Calibration Check Date: 250 500 750 must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 119 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT03 Date: 10/21/2024 Test: 2 Test Method:201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.55 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 167.75 tm - Meter temperature, oF 78.42 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.50 % O2 12.20 % N2 78.30 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.108 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.008 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.711 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.513 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 193.922 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.090 D50LL 10.062 D50T 10.531 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.489 Nre - Reynolds Number 2540.762 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.64.638 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.319 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.501 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 80.394 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 96.956 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.646 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.850 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.413 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.891 tn - Calculation constant 8.076 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.500 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.533 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.30 9.89 1.140 Point 2: 1.50 9.89 1.225 Point 3: 1.40 9.56 1.183 Point 4: 1.30 9.21 1.140 Point 5: 1.70 10.53 1.304 Point 6: 1.60 10.22 1.265 Point 7: 1.60 10.22 1.265 Point 8: 1.70 10.53 1.304 Point 9: 1.40 9.56 1.183 Point 10: 1.60 10.22 1.265 Point 11: 1.80 10.83 1.342 Point 12: 1.50 9.89 1.225 Average: 1.533 #DIV/0!1.237 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.264 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.980 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 73.111 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.521 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.067 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.253 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, %94.268 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 120 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Normal 0.46 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 73.8 °F 25.51 in. Hg. abs. 1.143 In. H2O 9.60 % 167.8 °F 12.20 % 47.818 ft3 78.2 % 39.962 dscf 30.024 lb/lb mole 4.837 wscf 28.726 lb/lb mole 102.0 %I ---% 67.526 fps 120.00 in mins.1,030,993 acfm 0.152 in inches 659,603 dscfm 25.55 in Hg 739,445 scfm 1702.7 ml 856.1 grams 1784.5 ml 877.0 grams 81.8 ml 20.9 grams 102.7 0.108 0.454 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port-Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol.Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No.Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 16:55:00 1.50 0.46 46.242 169 74 74 4 252 250 59 71 1-2 17:04:30 1.30 0.46 50.790 169 74 74 4 250 251 59 72 1-3 17:14:30 1.30 0.46 54.220 168 74 74 4 250 252 60 72 17:24:00 58.560 2-1 17:27:00 1.40 0.46 58.560 166 74 74 4 255 250 61 74 2-2 17:36:30 1.40 0.46 62.120 167 74 74 4 248 250 61 74 2-3 17:47:00 1.10 0.46 66.880 167 73 73 4 249 250 62 74 17:57:30 70.420 3-1 18:00:00 1.50 0.46 70.420 168 74 74 4 256 250 63 74 3-2 18:10:30 1.20 0.46 74.010 168 74 74 4 252 252 62 75 3-3 18:21:00 1.20 0.46 78.790 169 74 74 4 253 251 62 75 18:30:30 82.513 4-1 18:34:00 1.40 0.46 82.513 167 74 74 4 252 250 63 75 4-2 18:44:30 1.20 0.46 86.690 168 73 73 4 250 250 63 74 4-3 18:55:30 1.20 0.46 90.770 167 73 73 4 248 251 65 74 19:05:30 94.060 Total 2:01:30 47.818 73.8 73.8 Average 0.46 167.8 73.8 4 Min 0.46 166.0 73.0 4 Max 0.46 169.0 74.0 4 Run 3 - Method 201A/202 10/21/24 16:55 19:05 ∆H: Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Volume, Vm: Test Length: Meter Volume, Vwstd: Gas Weight dry, Md: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Velocity, Vs: Meter Temperature, Tm: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Date: Start Time: Source Condition: Meter Volume, Vmstd: End Time: Static Pressure Flue Pressure (Ps): STACK CONDITIONS Silica Final Wt. Silica Difference: Silica Initial Wt. Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Nitrogen: Sqrt ∆P: Nozzle Diameter: Isokinetic Variance: Initial Impinger Content: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Oxygen: Carbon Dioxide: Meter Temp Barometric Pressure: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Moisture, Bws:Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Impinger Difference: Supersaturation Value, Bws: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 121 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp 10/21/2024 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location:CT03 Project #:M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date:10/21/2024 250.0 Test Method:201A/202 Weighed/Measured By:CSE 500.0 Balance ID:Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 488.8 427.8 61.0 Empty 650.0 639.8 10.2 DI Water 645.7 635.1 10.6 Silica Gel 877.0 856.1 20.9 1,784.5 1,702.7 81.8 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 877.0 856.1 20.9 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 3 Scale Calibration Check Date: must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) 250 500 750 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 122 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT03 Date: 10/21/2024 Test: 3 Test Method:201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.55 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 167.75 tm - Meter temperature, oF 73.75 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.60 % O2 12.20 % N2 78.20 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.108 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.024 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.726 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.513 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 193.926 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.090 D50LL 10.063 D50T 10.532 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.489 Nre - Reynolds Number 2541.516 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.64.625 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.312 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.490 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 80.379 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 96.937 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.646 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.850 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.409 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.968 tn - Calculation constant 8.743 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65)1.308 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.)SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.50 9.97 1.225 Point 2: 1.30 9.97 1.140 Point 3: 1.30 9.97 1.140 Point 4: 1.40 10.34 1.183 Point 5: 1.40 10.34 1.183 Point 6: 1.10 9.17 1.049 Point 7: 1.50 10.71 1.225 Point 8: 1.20 9.58 1.095 Point 9: 1.20 9.58 1.095 Point 10: 1.40 10.34 1.183 Point 11: 1.20 9.58 1.095 Point 12: 1.20 9.58 1.095 Average: 1.308 #DIV/0!1.143 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.818 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.956 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 67.526 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.520 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.070 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.254 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, %102.001 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 123 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/21/2024 Date:10/21/2024 Date:10/21/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 10:55 11.90 9.50 14:17 11.70 9.50 16:55 11.60 9.60 10:56 11.90 9.50 14:18 11.70 9.50 16:56 11.60 9.60 10:57 12.00 9.50 14:19 11.70 9.50 16:57 11.60 9.60 10:58 12.00 9.50 14:20 11.70 9.50 16:58 11.60 9.60 10:59 12.00 9.50 14:21 11.70 9.60 16:59 11.60 9.60 11:00 12.00 9.50 14:22 11.70 9.50 17:00 11.60 9.60 11:01 12.00 9.50 14:23 11.70 9.50 17:01 11.60 9.60 11:02 12.00 9.50 14:24 11.70 9.60 17:02 11.60 9.60 11:03 12.00 9.50 14:25 11.60 9.50 17:03 11.60 9.60 11:04 12.00 9.50 14:26 11.60 9.60 17:04 11.60 9.60 11:05 12.00 9.50 14:27 11.60 9.50 17:05 11.60 9.60 11:06 12.00 9.50 14:28 11.60 9.50 17:06 11.60 9.60 11:07 12.00 9.50 14:29 11.60 9.50 17:07 11.60 9.60 11:08 12.00 9.50 14:30 11.60 9.60 17:08 11.60 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9.60 18:11 12.40 9.60 12:16 11.80 9.50 15:35 12.30 9.50 18:12 12.40 9.60 12:17 11.80 9.50 15:36 12.30 9.50 18:13 12.40 9.60 Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT03Test Location: M243903Project #: Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 124 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/21/2024 Date:10/21/2024 Date:10/21/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT03Test Location: M243903Project #: Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 12:18 11.80 9.50 15:37 12.30 9.50 18:14 12.40 9.60 12:19 11.80 9.50 15:38 12.30 9.60 18:15 12.40 9.60 12:20 11.70 9.50 15:39 12.30 9.50 18:16 12.40 9.60 12:21 11.80 9.50 15:40 12.30 9.50 18:17 12.40 9.60 12:22 11.80 9.50 15:41 12.30 9.50 18:18 12.40 9.60 12:23 11.70 9.50 15:42 12.30 9.60 18:19 12.40 9.60 12:24 11.70 9.60 15:43 12.40 9.50 18:20 12.40 9.60 12:25 11.70 9.50 15:44 12.40 9.60 18:21 12.40 9.60 12:26 11.70 9.50 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9.60 12:49 11.80 9.50 16:07 11.90 9.60 18:45 11.90 9.60 12:50 11.80 9.50 16:08 11.90 9.50 18:46 11.90 9.60 12:51 11.80 9.50 16:09 11.90 9.60 18:47 11.90 9.60 12:52 11.80 9.50 16:10 11.90 9.50 18:48 12.00 9.60 12:53 11.80 9.50 16:11 11.80 9.60 18:49 11.90 9.60 12:54 11.80 9.50 16:12 11.80 9.50 18:50 11.90 9.60 12:55 11.80 9.50 16:13 11.80 9.50 18:51 11.90 9.60 12:56 11.80 9.50 16:14 11.80 9.50 18:52 11.90 9.60 12:57 11.80 9.50 16:15 11.80 9.50 18:53 11.90 9.60 12:58 11.80 9.50 16:16 11.80 9.50 18:54 11.90 9.60 12:59 11.80 9.50 16:17 11.80 9.50 18:55 11.90 9.60 13:00 11.80 9.50 16:18 11.90 9.50 18:56 11.90 9.60 13:01 11.80 9.50 16:19 11.80 9.50 18:57 11.90 9.60 13:02 11.80 9.50 16:20 11.80 9.50 18:58 11.90 9.60 13:03 11.80 9.50 16:21 11.80 9.50 18:59 11.90 9.60 13:04 11.80 9.50 16:22 11.80 9.50 19:00 11.90 9.60 13:05 11.80 9.50 16:23 11.80 9.50 19:01 11.80 9.60 13:06 11.80 9.50 16:24 11.80 9.50 19:02 11.80 9.60 13:07 11.80 9.50 16:25 11.80 9.50 19:03 11.80 9.60 13:08 11.80 9.50 16:26 11.80 9.50 19:04 11.80 9.60 13:09 11.80 9.50 16:27 11.80 9.60 19:05 11.80 9.60 Average 11.92 9.50 Average 11.99 9.53 Average 12.04 9.60 Min 11.70 9.50 Min 11.60 9.40 Min 11.60 9.50 Max 12.20 9.60 Max 12.40 9.60 Max 12.40 9.60 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 125 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Test Location: Project #: Test Method: Test Engineer: Test Technician: lb/mmBtu Emissions by: Type of Fuel Firing: Standard Fuel Factor Fc, scf/mmBtu: Meter ID: Pitot ID: Filter ID: Filter Pre-Weight (grams): Nozzle Diameter (Inches): Meter Calibration Date: Meter Calibration Factor (Y): Meter Orifice Setting (Delta H): Nozzle Kit ID Number and Material: Pre Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 3.6 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 4.1 "H2O Post Pitot Leak Check 0.0 @ 4.0 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.7 "H2O 0.0 @ 3.9 "H2O Pre Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 14 "Hg 0.0030 @ 14 "Hg 0.0000 @ 10 "Hg Post Nozzle Leak Check 0.0000 @ 16 "Hg 0.0020 @ 12 "Hg 0.0000 @ 13 "Hg Pitot Tube Coefficient: Probe Length (Feet): Probe Liner Material: Sample Plane: Port Length (Inches): Port Size (Diameter, Inches): Port Type: Duct Shape: Diameter (Feet): Duct Area (Square Feet): Upstream Diameters: Downstream Diameters: Number of Ports Sampled: Number of Points per Port: Minutes per Point: Minutes per Reading: Total Number of Traverse Points: Test Length (Minutes): Train Type: Source Condition: Diluent Model/Serial Number: Moisture Balance ID: # of Runs Anderson Box Normal Ecom Den-02 3 Leak Checks 0.747 4 3 10.0 12 120 Flange Circular 18 0.6 2.7 254.469 4.00 Pm10 #2 (102-3) Run 2 10.0 1.9211.921 0.152 Horizontal 7.00 10/11/2024 Pm10 #2 (102-3) 0.988 3.051093.06779 PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT04 M243903 201A/202 RMF HCL1/ANP1 Standard, CO2 Based Run 3 Natural Gas 1,040.0 2.93427 PM10251A 18514 CM51 Pm10 #2 (102-3) 0.152 10/11/2024 Run 1 1,040.0 PM10251A 10/11/2024 1852618537 1.921 0.152 6.0 Quartz 0.988 0.988 1,040.0 CM51 PM10251A CM51 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 126 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Date: 10/22/2024 Test: Pre 1 Test Method: 201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.55 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 165.00 tm - Meter temperature, oF 52.00 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 4.50 % O2 12.00 % N2 83.50 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.090 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 29.200 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.192 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.513 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 194.835 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.091 D50LL 10.037 D50T 10.519 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.494 Nre - Reynolds Number 2520.255 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.65.316 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.658 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 48.026 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 81.222 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 97.974 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.651 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.862 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.410 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.843 tn - Calculation constant 8.633 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65) 1.342 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.) SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 2: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 3: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 4: 1.50 10.57 1.225 Point 5: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 6: 1.50 10.57 1.225 Point 7: 1.40 10.22 1.183 Point 8: 1.20 9.46 1.095 Point 9: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 10: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Point 11: 1.40 10.22 1.183 Point 12: 1.30 9.84 1.140 Average: 1.342 1.158 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.000 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.941 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 68.918 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.520 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.134 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.288 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, % 99.942 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 127 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Normal 0.46 in. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 62.9 °F 25.53 in. Hg. abs. 1.169 in. H2O 9.40 % 170.0 °F 12.30 % 47.494 ft3 78.30 % 40.545 dscf 29.996 lb/lb mole 4.154 wscf 28.881 lb/lb mole 99.9 %I --- % 69.006 fps 120.00 in mins.1,053,589 acfm 0.152 in inches 683,510 dscfm 25.57 in Hg 753,542 scfm 1845.2 ml 857.4 grams 1916.2 ml 874.6 grams 71.0 ml 17.2 grams 88.2 0.093 0.478 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port- Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol. Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No. Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 9:10:00 1.10 0.46 116.206 171 57 57 4 250 253 64 82 1.2 9:19:00 1.00 0.46 120.550 171 58 58 4 252 251 63 83 1-3 9:27:30 1.10 0.46 124.320 170 59 59 4 254 250 62 81 9:36:30 128.770 2-1 9:41:00 1.60 0.46 128.770 170 60 60 4 253 250 61 82 2-2 9:52:00 1.30 0.46 132.080 170 61 61 4 248 251 61 82 2-3 10:02:00 1.60 0.46 136.760 170 62 62 4 247 250 60 84 10:13:00 140.660 3-1 10:15:00 1.40 0.46 140.660 170 64 64 4 254 250 60 83 3-2 10:25:00 1.40 0.46 144.310 170 64 64 4 255 250 59 81 3-3 10:35:00 1.50 0.46 148.650 170 65 65 4 253 251 59 80 10:45:30 152.420 4-1 10:48:00 1.30 0.46 152.420 169 67 67 4 252 250 58 80 4-2 10:58:00 1.60 0.46 156.110 169 69 69 4 255 250 56 79 4-3 11:09:00 1.60 0.46 160.870 170 69 69 4 249 249 55 78 11:20:00 163.700 Total 2:01:00 47.494 62.9 62.9 Average 0.46 170.0 62.9 4 Min 0.46 169.0 57.0 4 Max 0.46 171.0 69.0 4 MOISTURE DETERMINATION Isokinetic Variance: Gas Velocity, Vs: Initial Impinger Content: Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Meter Temp Impinger Difference: Static Pressure DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Temperature, Tm: Oxygen: Flue Pressure (Ps): Test Length: Nozzle Diameter: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Difference: Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Supersaturation Value, Bws: Silica Final Wt. Barometric Pressure: Silica Initial Wt. Volumetric Flow: Moisture, Bws: 10/22/24 Sqrt ∆P: End Time: Date: Meter Volume, Vm: Meter Volume, Vmstd: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Weight dry, Md: ∆H: Run 1 - Method 201A/202 Source Condition: Nitrogen: STACK CONDITIONS 11:20 Start Time: Meter Volume, Vwstd: 9:10 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 128 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp 10/22/2024 Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Project #: M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date: 10/22/2024 250.0 Test Method: 201A/202 Weighed/Measured By: CSE 500.0 Balance ID: Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 531.9 480.3 51.6 Empty 623.8 619.6 4.2 DI Water 760.5 745.3 15.2 Silica Gel 874.6 857.4 17.2 1,916.2 1,845.2 71.0 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 874.6 857.4 17.2 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 1 Scale Calibration Check Date: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 129 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Date: 10/22/2024 Test: 1 Test Method: 201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.57 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 170.00 tm - Meter temperature, oF 62.92 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.40 % O2 12.30 % N2 78.30 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.093 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 29.996 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.881 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.533 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 195.919 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.091 D50LL 10.071 D50T 10.535 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.493 Nre - Reynolds Number 2544.927 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.65.207 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.603 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.912 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 81.106 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 97.810 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.659 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.889 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.419 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.723 tn - Calculation constant 8.528 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.300 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65) 1.375 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.) SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.10 9.72 1.049 Point 2: 1.00 8.53 1.000 Point 3: 1.10 8.94 1.049 Point 4: 1.60 10.79 1.265 Point 5: 1.30 9.72 1.140 Point 6: 1.60 10.79 1.265 Point 7: 1.40 10.09 1.183 Point 8: 1.40 10.09 1.183 Point 9: 1.50 10.44 1.225 Point 10: 1.30 9.72 1.140 Point 11: 1.60 10.79 1.265 Point 12: 1.60 10.79 1.265 Average: 1.375 #DIV/0! 1.169 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.494 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.40.540 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 69.006 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.521 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.134 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.275 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, % 99.873 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 130 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Normal 0.45 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 79.8 °F 25.53 in. Hg. abs. 1.135 In. H2O 9.40 % 166.7 °F 12.50 % 48.282 ft3 78.1 % 39.931 dscf 30.004 lb/lb mole 3.726 wscf 28.980 lb/lb mole 100.4 %I --- % 66.697 fps 120.00 in mins.1,018,332 acfm 0.152 in inches 669,714 dscfm 25.57 in Hg 732,199 scfm 1667.1 ml 820.8 grams 1733.7 ml 833.3 grams 66.6 ml 12.5 grams 79.1 0.085 0.442 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port- Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol. Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No. Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 12:15:00 1.10 0.44 174.735 168 71 71 4 248 252 67 82 1.2 12:25:00 1.10 0.44 178.620 168 72 72 4 251 250 68 81 1-3 12:35:00 1.10 0.44 182.510 166 74 74 4 250 250 67 79 12:45:00 186.441 2-1 12:48:00 1.50 0.45 186.441 166 76 76 4 251 248 65 74 2-2 12:58:30 1.30 0.45 190.750 168 77 77 4 250 251 59 77 2-3 13:08:30 1.50 0.45 194.770 162 80 80 4 254 250 62 85 13:19:00 199.100 3-1 13:26:00 1.40 0.45 199.100 167 82 82 4 251 250 63 82 3-2 13:36:30 1.20 0.45 203.320 167 83 83 4 249 250 63 83 3-3 13:46:00 1.30 0.45 207.540 166 84 84 4 252 252 63 80 13:56:00 211.565 4-1 13:59:00 1.30 0.45 211.565 168 85 85 4 247 250 63 79 4-2 14:09:00 1.40 0.45 215.610 168 86 86 4 250 251 59 75 4-3 14:19:30 1.30 0.45 219.330 166 87 87 4 253 250 53 75 14:29:30 223.017 Total 2:01:30 48.282 79.8 79.8 Average 0.45 166.7 79.8 4 Min 0.44 162.0 71.0 4 Max 0.45 168.0 87.0 4 Stack Temperature, Ts: Isokinetic Variance: Meter Volume, Vwstd:Gas Weight wet, Ms: Meter Volume, Vm:Nitrogen: Excess Air: Gas Velocity, Vs: Date: Start Time: End Time: Meter Temperature, Tm:Flue Pressure (Ps): Source Condition: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS 10/22/24 12:15 Meter Volume, Vmstd: Static Pressure∆H: Sqrt ∆P: Gas Weight dry, Md: Oxygen: STACK CONDITIONS 14:29 Silica Initial Wt. Total Water Gain: Moisture, Bws: Final Impinger Content: Silica Difference: Initial Impinger Content: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Impinger Difference: Carbon Dioxide: Silica Final Wt. Meter Temp Volumetric Flow: Test Length: Barometric Pressure: Volumetric Flow:Nozzle Diameter: Volumetric Flow: Run 2 - Method 201A/202 Supersaturation Value, Bws: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 131 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp 10/22/2024 Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Project #: M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date: 10/22/2024 250.0 Test Method: 201A/202 Weighed/Measured By: CSE 500.0 Balance ID: Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 458.8 421.1 37.7 Empty 613.0 605.1 7.9 DI Water 661.9 640.9 21.0 Silica Gel 833.3 820.8 12.5 1,733.7 1,667.1 66.6 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 833.3 820.8 12.5 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 2 Scale Calibration Check Date: 250 500 750 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 132 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Date: 10/22/2024 Test: 2 Test Method: 201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.57 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 166.67 tm - Meter temperature, oF 79.75 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.40 % O2 12.50 % N2 78.10 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.085 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.004 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.980 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.533 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 195.938 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.091 D50LL 10.087 D50T 10.544 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.491 Nre - Reynolds Number 2557.790 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.64.975 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.487 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.725 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 80.827 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 97.462 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.660 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.892 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.442 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.228 tn - Calculation constant 8.799 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.100 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65) 1.292 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.) SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.10 9.23 1.049 Point 2: 1.10 9.23 1.049 Point 3: 1.10 9.23 1.049 Point 4: 1.50 10.78 1.225 Point 5: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 6: 1.50 10.78 1.225 Point 7: 1.40 10.41 1.183 Point 8: 1.20 9.64 1.095 Point 9: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 10: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 11: 1.40 10.41 1.183 Point 12: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Average: 1.292 #DIV/0! 1.135 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.48.282 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.930 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 66.697 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.506 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.325 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.340 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, % 100.396 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 133 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Normal 0.44 In. H2O -0.50 in. H2O 83.9 °F 25.53 in. Hg. abs. 1.135 In. H2O 9.50 % 165.4 °F 12.30 % 47.973 ft3 78.2 % 39.371 dscf 30.012 lb/lb mole 4.385 wscf 28.808 lb/lb mole 100.2 %I --- % 66.853 fps 120.00 in mins.1,020,720 acfm 0.152 in inches 661,686 dscfm 25.57 in Hg 735,383 scfm 1713.5 ml 807.4 grams 1791.0 ml 823.0 grams 77.5 ml 15.6 grams 93.1 0.100 0.430 Velocity Orifice Actual Stack Pump Probe Filter Impinger CPM Filter Port- Clock Head ∆p ∆H Meter Vol. Temp Inlet Outlet Vacuum Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Exit Temp Point No. Time in. H2O in. H2O ft3 °F °F °F "Hg oF oF oF °F 1-1 14:55:00 1.20 0.44 224.475 167 87 87 3 254 255 66 78 1.2 15:04:30 1.10 0.44 228.275 167 86 86 3 250 250 63 76 1-3 15:14:00 1.10 0.44 232.080 166 85 85 3 251 249 63 76 15:23:30 235.781 2-1 15:26:00 1.40 0.44 235.781 167 85 85 3 250 250 62 80 2-2 15:37:00 1.30 0.44 240.300 167 83 83 3 254 250 61 83 2-3 15:47:00 1.50 0.44 244.350 166 84 84 3 249 251 57 81 15:58:00 248.791 3-1 16:01:00 1.30 0.44 248.791 167 83 83 3 257 251 59 80 3-2 16:11:30 1.20 0.44 253.090 165 84 84 3 251 250 60 81 3-3 16:21:00 1.40 0.44 256.550 165 83 83 3 254 250 59 82 16:31:00 260.603 4-1 16:34:00 1.40 0.44 260.603 167 83 83 3 251 251 62 81 4-2 16:44:00 1.30 0.44 264.490 162 82 82 3 248 250 57 79 4-3 16:54:30 1.30 0.44 268.430 159 82 82 3 252 249 58 78 17:04:30 272.448 Total 2:01:00 47.973 83.9 83.9 Average 0.44 165.4 83.9 3 Min 0.44 159.0 82.0 3 Max 0.44 167.0 87.0 3 Meter Temp Barometric Pressure: MOISTURE DETERMINATION Moisture, Bws:Total Water Gain: Final Impinger Content: Impinger Difference: Supersaturation Value, Bws: Sqrt ∆P: Nozzle Diameter: Isokinetic Variance: Initial Impinger Content: Volumetric Flow: Volumetric Flow: Oxygen: Carbon Dioxide: STACK CONDITIONS Silica Final Wt. Silica Difference: Silica Initial Wt. Excess Air: Volumetric Flow: Nitrogen: Meter Temperature, Tm: DRY GAS METER CONDITIONS Date: Start Time: Source Condition: Meter Volume, Vmstd: End Time: Static Pressure Flue Pressure (Ps): Stack Temperature, Ts: Meter Volume, Vm: Test Length: Meter Volume, Vwstd: Gas Weight dry, Md: Gas Weight wet, Ms: Gas Velocity, Vs: Run 3 - Method 201A/202 10/22/24 14:55 17:04 ∆H: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 134 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp 10/22/2024 Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Project #: M243903 Certified Weight, grams Result, grams Date: 10/22/2024 250.0 Test Method: 201A/202 Weighed/Measured By: CSE 500.0 Balance ID: Den-02 750.0 IMPINGER FINAL INITIAL GAIN CONTENTS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS MLS / GRAMS Empty 486.3 427.3 59.0 Empty 647.9 640.0 7.9 DI Water 656.8 646.2 10.6 Silica Gel 823.0 807.4 15.6 1,791.0 1,713.5 77.5 Liquid Final Liquid Initial Liquid Gain 823.0 807.4 15.6 Silica Final Silica Initial Silica Gain Scale Calibration Check Date: must be within ± 0.5g of certified mass Scale Calibration Check (see QS-6.05C for procedure) 250 500 750 Impinger Weight Sheet - Run 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 135 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: PacifiCorp Facility: Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: CT04 Date: 10/22/2024 Test: 3 Test Method: 201A (PM2.5/10) Pbar - Barometric pressure, in. Hg 25.57 Pg - Static pressure, in. H2O -0.5 ts - Stack temperature, oF 165.42 tm - Meter temperature, oF 83.92 Y - Meter calibration constant 0.988 H@ - Orifice constant, in. H2O 1.921 % CO2 9.50 % O2 12.30 % N2 78.20 Bw - Fraction moisture content 0.100 Cp - Pitot coefficient 0.747 Dn - Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Dn - Calculated Nozzle diameter, in.0.152 Initial total run time, minutes 120.00 Number of points 12 Md -Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, lb/lb mole 30.012 Mw - Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, lb/lb mole 28.808 Ps - Absolute stack pressure, in. Hg 25.533 us - Viscosity of stack gas, micropoise 194.143 C - Cunningham correction factor 1.090 D50LL 10.077 D50T 10.539 Qs - Cyclone flow rate, cu. ft./min.0.488 Nre - Reynolds Number 2552.364 Vn - Nozzle Velocity, ft./sec.64.496 Rmin - Minimum velocity Ratio, ft./sec.0.735 Rmax - Maximum velocity, Ratio ft./sec.1.244 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin <0.5 32.248 Vmin - Minimum Gas Velocity Rmin >0.5 47.382 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax <1.5 80.227 Vmax - Maximum Gas Velocity Rmax >1.5 96.744 Dpmin - Minimum velocity head, in. H2O 0.648 Dpmax - Maximum velocity head, in. H2O 1.857 DH - Orifice pressure head for cyclone flow rate, in. H20 0.426 t1 - Dwell time at first traverse point, minutes 9.228 tn - Calculation constant 8.799 p'1 - Velocity head at the first traverse point; previously 1.100 p'1 avg - Average Dp - previous run (see line C65) 1.292 Calculated dwell time for each point: Dp Dwell time (min.) SQRT Dp Point 1: 1.20 9.23 1.095 Point 2: 1.10 9.23 1.049 Point 3: 1.10 9.23 1.049 Point 4: 1.40 10.41 1.183 Point 5: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 6: 1.50 10.78 1.225 Point 7: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 8: 1.20 9.64 1.095 Point 9: 1.40 10.41 1.183 Point 10: 1.40 10.41 1.183 Point 11: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Point 12: 1.30 10.03 1.140 Average: 1.292 #DIV/0! 1.135 Vm - Actual meter gas volume, cu. ft.47.973 Vmstd - Standard gas volume, cu. ft.39.369 q - Actual test time, minutes 120.00 Vs - Average stack gas velocity, ft/sec 66.853 201A Flow Rate, Actual Cyclone Conditions 0.506 Actual D50 for Cyclone I (Cut Point), mm 10.264 (9.0 mm < D50 < 11.0 mm) Actual D50 for Cyclone IV (Cut Point), mm 2.321 (2.25 mm < D50 < 2.75 mm) IKV, % 100.186 (80 < IKV <120) PM2.5/PM10 Cut Point Calculation AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 136 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project Number M243903 Source Condition:Normal Client:PacifiCorp Run No.: 1 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant Date:10/22/2024 Location:CT04 Start Time:7:45 Pitot ID: PM10251A End Time:8:05 Pitot Coefficient:0.747 RM Testers:RMF Probe Length:6 Port Length:7.00 DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity DP Sqrt. Temp Yaw Angle DP (in. H2O)Velocity Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V)Port Point (in. H2O)DP (oF)(o)at Null Point Angle (V) A 1 1.30 1.1402 171.0 1.0 0.00 68.20 C 1 1.60 1.2649 160.0 10.0 0.00 75.00 A 2 1.10 1.0488 169.0 5.0 0.00 62.63 C 2 1.60 1.2649 161.0 5.0 0.00 75.06 A 3 1.00 1.0000 167.0 9.0 0.00 59.62 C 3 1.70 1.3038 164.0 5.0 0.00 77.55 B 1 1.80 1.3416 163.0 8.0 0.00 79.74 D 1 1.50 1.2247 162.0 11.0 0.00 72.73 B 2 1.50 1.2247 165.0 12.0 0.00 72.91 D 2 1.80 1.3416 163.0 13.0 0.00 79.74 B 3 1.80 1.3416 166.0 7.0 0.00 79.93 D 3 1.80 1.3416 165.0 9.0 0.00 79.87 Average Yaw Angle 7.9 o Method 1 and 2 Cyclonic Flow Check Data AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 137 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/22/2024 Date:10/22/2024 Date:10/22/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 9:10 12.10 9.50 12:15 11.90 9.50 14:55 11.70 9.50 9:11 12.10 9.50 12:16 11.90 9.50 14:56 11.70 9.50 9:12 11.80 9.50 12:17 12.00 9.50 14:57 11.70 9.50 9:13 11.70 9.50 12:18 11.90 9.50 14:58 11.70 9.50 9:14 11.70 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12.50 9.50 10:19 12.10 9.50 13:27 12.50 9.50 16:03 12.50 9.50 10:20 12.10 9.50 13:28 12.50 9.50 16:04 12.50 9.50 10:21 12.10 9.50 13:29 12.50 9.50 16:05 12.70 9.50 10:22 12.30 9.50 13:30 12.50 9.50 16:06 12.40 9.50 10:23 12.40 9.50 13:31 12.50 9.50 16:07 12.40 9.50 10:24 12.40 9.50 13:32 12.50 9.50 16:08 12.30 9.50 10:25 12.40 9.50 13:33 12.50 9.50 16:09 12.30 9.50 10:26 12.40 9.50 13:34 12.50 9.50 16:10 12.30 9.50 10:27 12.30 9.50 13:35 12.50 9.50 16:11 12.30 9.50 10:28 12.30 9.50 13:36 12.50 9.50 16:12 12.30 9.50 10:29 12.30 9.50 13:37 12.70 9.50 16:13 12.30 9.50 Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT04Test Location: M243903Project #: Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 138 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Date:10/22/2024 Date:10/22/2024 Date:10/22/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) Client:PacifiCorp Facility:Lake Side Power Plant CT04Test Location: M243903Project #: Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 10:30 12.30 9.50 13:38 12.70 9.50 16:14 12.30 9.50 10:31 12.30 9.50 13:39 12.70 9.50 16:15 12.30 9.50 10:32 12.30 9.50 13:40 12.70 9.50 16:16 12.30 9.50 10:33 12.30 9.50 13:41 12.70 9.50 16:17 12.30 9.50 10:34 12.30 9.50 13:42 12.70 9.50 16:18 12.30 9.50 10:35 12.30 9.50 13:43 12.70 9.50 16:19 12.70 9.50 10:36 12.30 9.50 13:44 12.70 9.50 16:20 12.70 9.60 10:37 12.30 9.50 13:45 12.70 9.50 16:21 12.70 9.60 10:38 12.30 9.50 13:46 12.70 9.50 16:22 12.70 9.50 10:39 12.30 9.50 13:47 12.70 9.50 16:23 12.70 9.50 10:40 12.30 9.50 13:48 12.70 9.50 16:24 12.70 9.60 10:41 12.30 9.50 13:49 12.70 9.50 16:25 12.70 9.50 10:42 12.30 9.50 13:50 12.70 9.60 16:26 13.10 9.50 10:43 12.30 9.50 13:51 12.70 9.50 16:27 13.20 9.60 10:44 15.60 0.00 13:52 12.70 9.60 16:28 13.20 9.50 10:45 12.40 9.50 13:53 12.70 9.60 16:29 13.30 9.60 10:48 12.40 9.50 13:54 12.70 9.50 16:30 13.30 9.60 10:49 12.50 9.50 13:55 12.70 9.50 16:31 13.30 9.60 10:50 12.40 9.50 13:56 12.70 9.60 16:34 12.70 9.60 10:51 12.50 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11.60 9.50 11:11 12.30 9.50 14:19 12.40 9.60 16:55 11.60 9.50 11:12 12.30 9.50 14:20 12.50 9.50 16:56 11.60 9.50 11:13 12.30 9.50 14:21 12.40 9.60 16:57 11.60 9.50 11:14 12.20 9.50 14:22 12.40 9.50 16:58 11.60 9.50 11:15 12.20 9.50 14:23 12.50 9.60 16:59 11.60 9.50 11:16 12.20 9.50 14:24 12.40 9.60 17:00 11.60 9.50 11:17 12.30 9.50 14:25 12.30 9.60 17:01 11.60 9.50 11:18 12.30 9.50 14:26 12.30 9.60 17:02 12.30 9.60 11:19 12.20 9.50 14:27 12.30 9.60 17:03 12.30 9.50 11:20 12.20 9.50 14:28 12.30 9.60 17:04 12.20 9.50 14:29 12.30 9.60 Average 12.13 9.42 Average 12.46 9.46 Average 12.27 9.51 Min 11.60 0.00 Min 11.80 0.10 Min 11.60 9.50 Max 15.60 9.50 Max 20.10 9.60 Max 13.30 9.60 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 139 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix G- Field Data Sheets Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 140 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 141 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 142 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 143 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 144 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 145 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 146 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 147 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 148 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 149 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 150 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 151 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 152 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 153 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 154 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 155 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 156 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 157 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 158 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 159 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 160 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix H- Calibration Data Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 161 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CN&F-002 Cal Procedures M5 & flow Rev. 2.2 1/1/2021 MOSTARDI PLATT Procedures for Method 5 and Flow Calibration Nozzles The nozzles are measured according to Method 5, Section 10.1 Dry Gas Meters The test meters are calibrated according to Method 5, Section 10.3 and 16.1. and “Procedures for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards” by P.R. Westlin and R.T. Shigehara, March 10, 1978. Analytical Balance The accuracy of the analytical balance is checked with Class S, Stainless Steel Type 303 weights manufactured by F. Hopken and Son, Jersey City, New Jersey. Temperature Sensing Devices The potentiometer and thermocouples are calibrated utilizing a NIST traceable millivolt source. Pitot Tubes The pitot tubes utilized during this test program are manufactured according to the specification described and illustrated in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A, Methods 1 and 2. The pitot tubes comply with the alignment specifications in Method 2, Section 10.1; and the pitot tube assemblies are in compliance with specifications in the same section. Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 162 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt ATD-090 Dry Gas Meter Calibration Rev. 1.2 1/1/2021 Dry Gas Meter/Control Module Calibration Diagram Standard Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Stack Temperature Calibrator Air-Tight Pump Orifice Incline Gauge Temperature Sensors Temperature Sensors Air Inlet Temperature Display Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 163 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Meter Box Calibration Dry Gas Meter No.CM 51 Date: Standard Meter No.16745468 Calibrated By: Standard Meter (Y)1.00060 Barometric Pressure: Orifice Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Setting in H 2O Gas Volume Gas Volume Temp. Fo Inlet Temp. Fo Outlet Temp. Fo Avg. Temp. Fo Time Time Chg (H)vr vd tr tdi tdo td Min Sec Y Chg (H) Final 263.412 897.357 69 67 67 Initial 258.289 892.217 69 67 67 Difference 1 0.20 5.123 5.140 69 67 67 67 20 0 0.993 2.049 Final 274.199 908.163 69 66 66 Initial 268.544 902.472 69 67 67 Difference 2 0.50 5.655 5.691 69 67 67 67 13 35 0.988 1.941 Final 279.230 913.235 70 66 66 Initial 274.199 908.163 69 66 66 Difference 3 0.70 5.031 5.072 70 66 66 66 10 0 0.984 1.866 Final 284.315 918.360 70 66 66 Initial 279.230 913.235 70 66 66 Difference 4 0.90 5.085 5.125 70 66 66 66 9 0 0.983 1.906 Final 289.513 923.584 70 66 66 Initial 284.315 918.360 70 66 66 Difference 5 1.20 5.198 5.224 70 66 66 66 8 0 0.985 1.922 Final 268.544 902.472 69 67 67 Initial 263.412 897.357 69 67 67 Difference 6 2.00 5.132 5.115 69 67 67 67 6 0 0.994 1.838 Average 0.988 1.921 Run Number Dry Gas Meter Calibration Data 25.13 JDA October 11, 2024 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 164 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Temperature ID :Name :JDA Ambient Temperature, oF :Date : October 11, 2024 Primary Standards Directly Traceable National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 0 250 600 1200 (Ref. Temp., oF + 460) - (Test Therm. Temp., oF + 460)* 100 <= 1.5 % Ref. Temp., oF + 460 Serial # :Expiration Date: Certification Date: October 3, 2024 0 249 599 1202 Temperature Difference % 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 Stack Temperature Sensor Calibration CL23A T-314718 400 67.9 Test Thermometer Temperature (oF)Reference Source Temperature (o F) Temperature Calibrator October 3, 2025 Model # : Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 165 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Meter Box Calibration Dry Gas Meter No.CM 51 Date: Standard Meter No.18654513 Calibrated By: Standard Meter (Y)1.00350 Barometric Pressure: Orifice Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Setting in H 2O Gas Volume Gas Volume Temp. Fo Inlet Temp. Fo Outlet Temp. F o Avg. Temp. Fo Time Time Chg (H)vr vd tr tdi tdo td Min Sec Y Chg (H) Final 583.246 289.783 78 77 77 Initial 578.225 284.751 77 76 76 Difference 1 0.20 5.021 5.032 78 77 77 77 19 45 0.999 2.121 Final 588.385 294.925 79 78 78 Initial 583.246 289.783 78 77 77 Difference 2 0.50 5.139 5.142 79 78 78 78 12 0 1.000 1.872 Final 593.462 299.996 79 79 79 Initial 588.385 294.925 79 78 78 Difference 3 0.70 5.077 5.071 79 79 79 79 10 0 1.002 1.865 Final 598.636 305.192 80 81 81 Initial 593.462 299.996 79 79 79 Difference 4 0.90 5.174 5.196 80 80 80 80 9 0 0.998 1.868 Final 603.725 310.284 80 82 82 Initial 598.636 305.192 80 81 81 Difference 5 1.20 5.089 5.092 80 82 82 82 8 0 1.002 2.033 Final 608.764 315.320 80 82 82 Initial 603.725 310.284 80 82 82 Difference 6 2.00 5.039 5.036 80 82 82 82 6 0 1.002 1.942 Average 1.000 1.950 Run Number Dry Gas Meter Calibration Data 24.85 HCL November 1, 2024 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 166 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Temperature ID :Name :HCL Ambient Temperature, o F :Date :November 1, 2024 Primary Standards Directly Traceable National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 0 250 600 1200 (Ref. Temp., oF + 460) - (Test Therm. Temp., oF + 460)* 100 <= 1.5 % Ref. Temp., oF + 460 Stack Temperature Sensor Calibration CL23A T-314718 400 81.6 Test Thermometer Temperature (o F)Reference Source Temperature (o F) Temperature Calibrator October 3, 2025 Model # : 600 1204 Temperature Difference % 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 Serial # :Expiration Date: Certification Date:October 3, 2024 0 250 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 167 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 168 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt S TYPE PITOT TUBE INSPECTION WORKSHEET Pitot Tube No:Date:Inspectors Name: Type of Probe: (mark one) M2 M5 M17 Probe Length:X ft. Pitot tube assembly level?X yes no Pitot tube openings damaged?yes (explain below)X no a1 =0.5 o (≤10o)a2 =0.5 o (≤10o)z = A sin γ =0.008 (in.); (≤0.125 in.) b1 =1 o (≤5o)b2 =1 o (≤5o)w = A sin θ =0.01674 (in.); (≤0.03125 in.) γ =0.5 o θ =1 o A =0.959 (in.)PA =0.480 (in.), PB =0.480 (in.), Dt =0.375 (in.) Calibration required?yes x no 10251 11/5/2024 REF1 PIS-001 S Type Pitot Tube Inspection Form Rev. 1.0 2/17/2020 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 169 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Nozzle Calibration Date:Nozzle ID No.:106-4 Analyst:Material/Type: SS/PM10 0.162 1 0.162 2 0.163 3 0.162 4 Valid Data Average 0.162 10/13/2023 RMF CAT-01 Rev. 0.0 9/13/2013 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 170 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CAT-01 Rev. 0.0 9/13/2013 Nozzle Calibration Date:2/10/2015 Nozzle ID No.:102-3 Analyst:MDK Material/Type: SS PM10 0.153 1 0.151 2 0.153 3 0.152 4 Average 0.152 Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 171 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:Test Location: Facility:Operator: Project #:Test Methods: Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 9:35 11:42 10/23/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.50 9.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 12:15 14:24 10/23/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.51 9.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 15:37 17:44 10/23/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.42 9.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 9:35 11:42 10/23/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 13.61 13.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 12:15 14:24 10/23/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 13.26 13.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 15:37 17:44 10/23/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 13.62 13.6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.20 -0.37%19.00 Analyzer Data Setting Expiration Date LL44427 9.862 O2 % CO2 % Ecom Model/Serial # O2 %Ecom CO2 %Type 18.93 -0.26% -1.06% O2%LL122586 0.00 10.15 18.68 18.70 LL122586 0 Type Analyzer Response LL44427 CO2% Zero Nitrogen Cylinder ID 0.20 Cylinder Value Zero Nitrogen 10.10 52.79% 0.00% 53.62% -0.11% -1.27% PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT01 RMF 0 3A,201A/202 Mid cylinder % of high cylinder Difference, % of Span Correction Data Correction Data Calibration Gases - Linearity AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 172 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project #: Test Location: Date:10/23/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 ih 18.70 ih 8:30 19.00 h 18.70 h 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 iz 0.00 iz 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 im 10.10 im 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:34 10.30 10.00 Linearity Cal/Pre Run 1 Cal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT01 M243903 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 173 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 11:48 0.20 0.00 14:30 0.20 0.00 17:51 0.20 0.00 11:49 0.20 0.00 14:31 0.20 0.00 17:52 0.20 0.00 11:50 0.20 z 0.00 z 14:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 17:53 0.20 z 0.00 z 11:51 0.20 0.00 14:33 0.20 0.00 17:54 0.20 0.00 11:53 10.20 10.10 14:35 10.20 10.10 17:56 10.20 10.10 11:54 10.20 m 10.10 m 14:36 10.20 m 10.10 m 17:57 10.20 m 10.10 m 11:55 10.20 10.10 14:37 10.20 10.10 17:58 10.20 10.10 Post 1/Pre 2 Post 2/Pre 3 Post 3 Client:PacifiCorp Test Location:CT01 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant M243903Project #: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 174 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:Test Location: Facility:Operator: Project #:Test Methods: Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 8:45 10:51 10/24/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.50 9.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 11:10 13:18 10/24/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.50 9.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 13:35 15:42 10/24/2024 9.86 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 9.50 9.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 8:45 10:51 10/24/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 12.97 13.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 11:10 13:18 10/24/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 13.01 13.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 13:35 15:42 10/24/2024 10.15 10.20 10.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 10.20 13.12 13.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.20 -0.37%19.00 Analyzer Data Setting Expiration Date LL44427 9.862 O2 % CO2 % Ecom Model/Serial # O2 %Ecom CO2 %Type 18.93 -0.26% -1.06% O2%LL122586 0.00 10.15 18.68 18.70 LL122586 0 Type Analyzer Response LL44427 CO2% Zero Nitrogen Cylinder ID 0.20 Cylinder Value Zero Nitrogen 10.10 52.79% 0.00% 53.62% -0.11% -1.27% PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT02 RMF 0 3A,201A/202 Mid cylinder % of high cylinder Difference, % of Span Correction Data Correction Data Calibration Gases - Linearity AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 175 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project #: Test Location: Date:10/24/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 ih 18.70 ih 8:30 19.00 h 18.70 h 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 iz 0.00 iz 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 im 10.10 im 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:34 10.30 10.00 Linearity Cal/Pre Run 1 Cal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT02 M243903 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 176 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:34 10.30 10.00 8:34 10.30 10.00 8:34 10.30 10.00 Post 1/Pre 2 Post 2/Pre 3 Post 3 Client:PacifiCorp Test Location:CT02 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant M243903Project #: AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 177 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:Test Location: Facility:Operator: Project #:Test Methods: Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 10:55 13:09 10/21/2024 9.86 10.10 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 9.50 9.4 1.07 -1.07 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 14:17 16:27 10/21/2024 9.86 9.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 9.53 9.5 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 16:55 19:05 10/21/2024 9.86 9.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 9.60 9.6 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 10:55 13:09 10/21/2024 10.15 10.20 10.00 0.20 0.00 0.10 10.10 11.92 12.0 1.06 -1.06 1.06 -1.06 Run 2 Normal 14:17 16:27 10/21/2024 10.15 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 11.99 12.2 1.06 0.00 1.06 0.00 Run 3 Normal 16:55 19:05 10/21/2024 10.15 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 12.04 12.2 1.06 0.00 1.06 0.00 Calibration Gases - Linearity Correction Data Correction Data PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT03 RMF 0 3A,201A/202 Mid cylinder % of high cylinder Difference, % of Span 52.79% 0.00% 53.62% -0.11% -1.27% Type Analyzer Response LL44427 CO2% Zero Nitrogen Cylinder ID 0.20 Cylinder Value Zero Nitrogen 10.10 O2%LL122586 0.00 10.15 18.68 18.70 LL122586 0 18.93 -0.26% -1.06% O2 % CO2 % Ecom Model/Serial # O2 %Ecom CO2 %Type 10.20 -0.37%19.00 Analyzer Data Setting Expiration Date LL44427 9.862 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 178 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project #: Test Location: Date:10/21/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:29 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 18.70 8:30 19.00 ih 18.70 ih 8:30 19.00 h 18.70 h 8:30 5.90 9.50 8:30 1.40 4.00 8:31 0.60 0.00 8:31 0.40 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.30 0.00 8:31 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 0.20 iz 0.00 iz 8:32 0.20 z 0.00 z 8:32 0.20 0.00 8:32 6.90 5.80 8:33 9.70 9.50 8:33 10.10 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.10 8:33 10.20 10.20 8:33 10.20 im 10.10 im 8:33 10.20 m 10.10 m 8:34 10.30 10.00 Linearity Cal/Pre Run 1 Cal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT03 M243903 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 179 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 13:13 0.00 0.00 16:33 0.00 0.00 19:11 0.00 0.00 13:14 0.00 z 0.00 z 16:34 0.00 z 0.00 z 19:12 0.00 z 0.00 z 13:15 0.00 0.00 16:35 0.00 0.00 19:13 0.00 0.00 13:16 0.00 0.00 16:36 0.00 0.00 19:14 0.00 0.00 13:18 10.00 9.90 16:38 10.00 9.90 19:16 10.00 9.90 13:19 10.00 m 9.90 m 16:39 10.00 m 9.90 m 19:17 10.00 m 9.90 m 13:20 10.00 9.90 16:40 10.00 9.90 19:18 10.00 9.90 13:21 10.00 9.90 16:41 10.00 9.90 19:19 10.00 9.90 Client:PacifiCorp Test Location:CT03 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant M243903Project #: Post 1/Pre 2 Post 2/Pre 3 Post 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 180 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client:Test Location: Facility:Operator: Project #:Test Methods: Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Zero N/A Mid 8/27/2032 High 5/28/2032 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 9:10 11:20 10/22/2024 9.86 9.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 9.42 9.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 12:15 14:29 10/22/2024 9.86 9.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 9.46 9.4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 14:55 17:04 10/22/2024 9.86 9.90 9.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.90 9.51 9.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source Condition Start Time End Time Date Cma Precal Postcal Pre zero Post zero Co Cm C Cgas Span Bias Span Drift Zero Bias Zero Drift Run 1 Normal 9:10 11:20 10/22/2024 10.15 10.00 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.05 12.13 12.3 -0.53 0.53 0.00 0.00 Run 2 Normal 12:15 14:29 10/22/2024 10.15 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 12.46 12.5 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 Run 3 Normal 14:55 17:04 10/22/2024 10.15 10.10 10.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.10 12.27 12.3 -0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 Calibration Gases - Linearity Correction Data Correction Data PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant M243903 CT04 RMF 0 3A,201A/202 Mid cylinder % of high cylinder Difference, % of Span 52.79% 0.00% 53.62% 0.43% -0.20% Type Analyzer Response LL44427 CO2% Zero Nitrogen Cylinder ID 0.00 Cylinder Value Zero Nitrogen 9.90 O2%LL122586 0.00 10.15 18.68 18.60 LL122586 0 18.93 0.79% 0.00% O2 % CO2 % Ecom Model/Serial # O2 %Ecom CO2 %Type 10.00 0.16%18.90 Analyzer Data Setting Expiration Date LL44427 9.862 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 181 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Client: Facility: Project #: Test Location: Date:10/22/2024 Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 6:51 20.90 0.00 6:51 20.90 0.00 6:51 20.90 0.00 6:51 20.90 0.00 6:51 20.70 3.20 6:51 19.40 9.80 6:51 19.10 14.60 6:52 19.00 17.80 6:52 19.00 18.50 6:52 18.90 ih 18.60 ih 6:52 18.90 h 18.50 h 6:52 18.90 18.60 6:53 18.90 18.50 6:53 18.90 18.50 6:53 18.90 18.50 6:53 18.90 18.50 6:53 18.80 18.50 6:53 18.80 18.50 6:54 12.40 10.00 6:54 3.10 9.50 6:54 1.10 1.40 6:54 0.50 0.00 6:54 0.30 0.00 6:54 0.00 iz 0.00 iz 6:55 0.10 0.00 6:55 0.10 0.00 6:55 0.10 0.00 6:55 0.10 0.00 6:55 0.00 z 0.00 z 6:55 0.10 0.00 6:56 0.30 0.00 6:56 0.40 0.00 6:56 0.40 0.00 6:56 0.30 0.00 6:56 0.30 0.00 6:56 4.30 1.10 6:57 9.10 9.50 6:57 9.70 9.70 6:57 9.90 9.90 6:57 9.90 9.90 6:57 10.00 im 9.90 im 6:57 10.00 m 9.90 m 6:58 10.00 9.90 6:58 10.00 9.90 Linearity Cal/Pre Run 1 Cal PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant CT04 M243903 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 182 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry)Time O2 % (dry)CO2 % (dry) 11:25 10.10 9.90 14:37 10.10 9.90 17:10 10.10 9.90 11:26 10.10 m 9.90 m 14:38 10.10 m 9.90 m 17:11 10.10 m 9.90 m 11:27 10.10 9.90 14:39 10.10 9.90 17:12 10.10 9.90 11:28 10.10 9.90 14:40 10.10 9.90 17:13 10.10 9.90 11:30 0.00 0.00 14:42 0.00 0.00 17:15 0.00 0.00 11:31 0.00 z 0.00 z 14:43 0.00 z 0.00 z 17:16 0.00 z 0.00 z 11:32 0.00 0.00 14:44 0.00 0.00 17:17 0.00 0.00 11:33 0.00 0.00 14:45 0.00 0.00 17:18 0.00 0.00 Client:PacifiCorp Test Location:CT04 Facility:Lake Side Power Plant M243903Project #: Post 1/Pre 2 Post 2/Pre 3 Post 3 AET-014 ISO Template V26.7 5/7/24Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 183 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Appendix I - Gas Cylinder Certifications Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 184 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANDARD Part Number: E03NI80E80A7767 Reference Number: 153-403125039-1 Cylinder Number: LL122586 Cylinder Volume: 87.0 CF Laboratory: 124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure: 2214 PSIG PGVP Number: B72024 Valve Outlet: 590 Gas Code:CO2,O2,BALN Certification Date: Aug 27, 2024 Expiration Date:Aug 27, 2032 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates CARBON DIOXIDE 10.00 %9.862 %G1 +/- 0.9% NIST Traceable 08/27/2024 OXYGEN 10.00 %10.15 %G1 +/- 0.6% NIST Traceable 08/27/2024 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANDARDS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date NTRM 13060411 CC413537 7.489 % CARBON DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 0.6%May 14, 2025 NTRM 11060604 CC338173 14.93 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.2%Nov 02, 2028 ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration Horiba VIA-510 SV4MEUTJ CO2 CO2 NDIR (Dixon)Aug 21, 2024 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Aug 21, 2024 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 185 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANDARD Part Number: E03NI62E80A0014 Reference Number: 153-403056941-1 Cylinder Number: LL44427 Cylinder Volume: 92.0 CF Laboratory: 124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure: 2214 PSIG PGVP Number: B72024 Valve Outlet: 590 Gas Code:CO2,O2,BALN Certification Date: May 28, 2024 Expiration Date:May 28, 2032 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates CARBON DIOXIDE 19.00 %18.68 %G1 +/- 1.0% NIST Traceable 05/28/2024 OXYGEN 19.00 %18.93 %G1 +/- 0.5% NIST Traceable 05/28/2024 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANDARDS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date NTRM 13060802 CC415397 24.04 % CARBON DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 0.6%Dec 11, 2025 NTRM 09061434 CC282492 22.53 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%May 13, 2025 ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration Horiba VIA-510 SV4MEUTJ CO2 CO2 NDIR (Dixon)May 02, 2024 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)May 02, 2024 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 186 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt END OF THE REPORT Project No. M243903 CT01, CT02, CT03, and CT04 Page 187 of 187 ©Mostardi Platt Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT01 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT01 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/23/2024 Review Date: 11/15/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.010 10.800 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0008 9.8006 0.0018 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.56 -0.5 0.162 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT01 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/23/2024 10/23/2024 10/23/2024 10/23/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00264 0.00252 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00151 0.00245 Pbar 25.56 25.56 25.56 Run 3 0.00229 0.00267 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.52 25.52 25.52 Avg. Ts F 226.67 224.17 221.50 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.30 9.30 9.20 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 13.60 13.30 13.60 gr./dscf 0.0020 0.0015 0.0019 0.0018 N2+C 77.10 77.40 77.20 lbs/hr 10.9385 8.2668 10.1964 9.8006 Md 30.03 30.02 30.02 lbs/MMBtu 8.391E-04 6.188E-04 8.189E-04 0.0008 Ms 28.95 28.95 28.76 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 47.36 48.36 48.49 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 84.50 83.90 98.80 gr./dscf 0.0020 0.0015 0.0019 0.0018 AVG. Tm F 63.33 74.67 84.00 lbs/hr 10.9385 8.2668 10.1964 9.8006 Vm std 40.37 40.35 39.76 lbs/MMBtu 8.391E-04 6.188E-04 8.189E-04 0.0008 Vw std 3.98 3.95 4.65 Bws 0.09 0.09 0.10 S Bws 1.00 1.00 1.00 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.15 1.13 1.11 Vs 70.95 69.54 68.38 F factor used scfm wet 710569.74 698960.44 690059.99 1040 acfm 1083287.17 1061708.85 1044103.70 Qsd dscfh 38810340.15 38198774.50 37067904.28 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.162 0.162 0.162 An 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT01 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/23/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.56 -0.50 25.52 227 9.30 13.60 77.10 30.03 28.95 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.5633 0.9880 0.75 47.364 84.50 63.33 40.369 3.977 0.0897 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.153 70.95 710,570 1,083,287 3.88E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.450000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 283.805 1.20 0.45 223 60 60 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 287.130 1.30 0.45 227 61 61 533.00 480.90 52.1 3 291.320 1.50 0.45 227 61 61 622.40 619.20 3.2 4 295.704 1.10 0.45 227 61 61 770.00 760.50 9.5 5 299.910 1.50 0.45 227 63 63 873.20 853.50 19.7 6 303.960 1.50 0.45 228 65 65 0.0 7 307.634 1.10 0.45 227 65 65 8 311.140 1.40 0.45 226 65 65 Isokinetics 92.5 9 314.860 1.50 0.45 228 64 64 Test Date 10/23/2024 10 318.881 1.10 0.45 226 64 64 Start Time enter 11 322.530 1.40 0.45 226 65 65 End Time 12 326.990 1.40 0.45 228 66 66 Run 1 13 331.169 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT01 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/23/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.56 -0.50 25.52 224 9.30 13.30 77.40 30.02 28.95 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.4906 0.9880 0.75 48.364 83.90 75 40.348 3.949 0.0892 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.132 69.54 698,960 1,061,709 3.82E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 333.483 1.20 0.45 225.0 68.0 68.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 337.570 1.30 0.45 224.0 70.0 70.0 462.30 411.00 51.3 3 341.590 1.50 0.45 226.0 71.0 71.0 606.10 605.10 1.0 4 346.058 1.20 0.45 225.0 72.0 72.0 681.70 662.10 19.6 5 350.150 1.40 0.45 225.0 74.0 74.0 851.60 839.60 12.0 6 354.220 1.30 0.45 227.0 75.0 75.0 7 358.490 1.10 0.45 223.0 76.0 76.0 8 362.210 1.30 0.45 223.0 77.0 77.0 Isokinetics 93.9 9 366.510 1.40 0.45 225.0 77.0 77.0 Test Date 10/23/2024 10 371.052 1.10 0.45 222.0 78.0 78.0 Start Time 11 373.790 1.20 0.45 222.0 78.0 78.0 End Time 12 377.530 1.40 0.45 223.0 80.0 80.0 Run 2 13 381.847 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT01 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/23/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.56 -0.50 25.52 222 9.20 13.60 77.20 30.02 28.76 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.4161 0.9880 0.75 48.491 98.80 84 39.759 4.651 0.1047 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.111 68.38 690,060 1,044,104 3.71E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 384.901 1.00 0.45 222.0 80.0 80.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 388.930 1.30 0.45 221.0 80.0 80.0 464.8 411.7 53.1 3 392.940 1.40 0.45 222.0 80.0 80.0 655.6 639.1 16.5 4 397.481 1.00 0.45 222.0 81.0 81.0 630.0 618.4 11.6 5 401.010 1.20 0.45 221.0 83.0 83.0 874.5 856.9 17.6 6 405.540 1.40 0.45 221.0 85.0 85.0 0.0 7 409.667 0.99 0.45 221.0 86.0 86.0 8 413.870 1.40 0.45 222.0 86.0 86.0 Isokinetics 95.4 9 417.910 1.40 0.45 222.0 86.0 86.0 Test Date 10/23/2024 10 421.899 1.10 0.45 222.0 87.0 87.0 Start Time 11 425.730 1.30 0.45 222.0 87.0 87.0 End Time 12 429.550 1.40 0.45 220.0 87.0 87.0 Run 3 13 433.392 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT02 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT02 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/24/2024 Review Date: 11/15/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.010 10.800 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0006 8.4942 0.0015 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.51 -0.5 0.162 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT02 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/24/2024 10/24/2024 10/24/2024 10/24/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.0027 0.00198 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00238 0.00242 Pbar 25.51 25.51 25.51 Run 3 0.00193 0.0004 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.47 25.47 25.47 Avg. Ts F 222.67 222.25 221.42 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.30 9.30 9.30 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 13.00 13.00 13.10 gr./dscf 0.0017 0.0018 0.0009 0.0015 N2+C 77.70 77.70 77.60 lbs/hr 10.0905 10.3891 5.0031 8.4942 Md 30.01 30.01 30.01 lbs/MMBtu 6.873E-04 7.106E-04 3.486E-04 0.0006 Ms 29.09 29.08 29.04 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 48.03 48.81 49.45 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 72.30 73.20 76.70 gr./dscf 0.0017 0.0018 0.0009 0.0015 AVG. Tm F 57.67 70.25 76.00 lbs/hr 10.0905 10.3891 5.0031 8.4942 Vm std 41.31 40.98 41.07 lbs/MMBtu 6.873E-04 7.106E-04 3.486E-04 0.0006 Vw std 3.40 3.45 3.61 Bws 0.08 0.08 0.08 S Bws 1.00 1.00 1.00 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.18 1.18 1.17 Vs 72.47 72.24 71.99 F factor used scfm wet 728630.07 726711.32 725119.76 1040 acfm 1106517.62 1102930.17 1099170.44 Qsd dscfh 40390140.49 40220610.42 39991485.82 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.162 0.162 0.162 An 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT02 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/24/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 223 9.30 13.00 77.70 30.01 29.09 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.4512 0.9880 0.75 48.033 72.30 57.67 41.307 3.403 0.0761 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.182 72.47 728,630 1,106,518 4.04E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.450000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 434.648 1.20 0.45 222 51 51 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 438.690 1.40 0.45 223 53 53 539.30 480.00 59.3 3 442.570 1.50 0.45 223 53 53 620.00 619.50 0.5 4 446.537 1.50 0.45 223 55 55 715.70 713.40 2.3 5 450.640 1.40 0.45 223 56 56 881.30 871.10 10.2 6 454.720 1.40 0.45 223 57 57 0.0 7 458.638 1.20 0.45 223 57 57 8 462.590 1.40 0.45 223 59 59 Isokinetics 90.9 9 466.710 1.40 0.45 222 60 60 Test Date 10/24/2024 10 470.649 1.40 0.45 222 62 62 Start Time enter 11 474.730 1.50 0.45 222 64 64 End Time 12 478.690 1.50 0.45 223 65 65 Run 1 13 482.681 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT02 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/24/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 222 9.30 13.00 77.70 30.01 29.08 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.4396 0.9880 0.75 48.806 73.20 70 40.975 3.446 0.0776 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.179 72.24 726,711 1,102,930 4.02E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 483.825 1.20 0.45 222.0 66.0 66.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 487.880 1.30 0.45 222.0 66.0 66.0 466.90 411.10 55.8 3 491.930 1.50 0.45 222.0 67.0 67.0 606.70 604.80 1.9 4 495.792 1.50 0.45 222.0 67.0 67.0 629.40 624.80 4.6 5 499.630 1.40 0.45 222.0 69.0 69.0 836.80 825.90 10.9 6 503.590 1.40 0.45 222.0 69.0 69.0 7 507.584 1.20 0.45 222.0 71.0 71.0 8 511.620 1.30 0.45 222.0 72.0 72.0 Isokinetics 90.6 9 515.690 1.40 0.45 223.0 73.0 73.0 Test Date 10/24/2024 10 519.742 1.40 0.45 223.0 74.0 74.0 Start Time 11 523.590 1.60 0.45 223.0 74.0 74.0 End Time 12 527.550 1.50 0.45 222.0 75.0 75.0 Run 2 13 532.631 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT02 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/24/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 221 9.30 13.10 77.60 30.01 29.04 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 1.4166 0.9880 0.75 49.446 76.70 76 41.067 3.610 0.0808 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.175 71.99 725,120 1,099,170 4.00E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 531.921 1.20 0.45 221.0 75.0 75.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 536.020 1.30 0.45 222.0 74.0 74.0 486.3 427.0 59.3 3 540.070 1.40 0.45 222.0 75.0 75.0 639.2 639.2 0.0 4 543.984 1.50 0.45 222.0 75.0 75.0 635.9 630.0 5.9 5 548.010 1.60 0.45 222.0 75.0 75.0 846.5 835.0 11.5 6 552.100 1.40 0.45 222.0 76.0 76.0 0.0 7 555.980 1.10 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 8 559.870 1.30 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 Isokinetics 91.3 9 563.940 1.50 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 Test Date 10/24/2024 10 568.089 1.30 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 Start Time 11 570.420 1.50 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 End Time 12 575.610 1.50 0.45 221.0 77.0 77.0 Run 3 13 581.367 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT03 PM 2.5 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/21/2024 Review Date: 11/18/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 14.000 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0007 11.1086 0.0020 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.51 -0.5 0.162 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00619 0.0004 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00305 0.00071 Pbar 25.51 25.51 25.51 Run 3 0.0045 0.00063 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.47 25.47 25.47 Avg. Ts F 168.75 167.75 155.17 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.40 9.50 9.60 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 12.00 12.20 12.20 gr./dscf 0.0024 0.0015 0.0020 0.0020 N2+C 78.60 78.30 78.20 lbs/hr 13.7540 8.2433 11.3285 11.1086 Md 29.98 30.01 30.02 lbs/MMBtu 8.484E-04 5.190E-04 7.085E-04 0.0007 Ms 28.66 28.71 28.72 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 49.35 48.26 47.82 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 110.10 102.80 102.70 gr./dscf 0.0024 0.0015 0.0020 0.0020 AVG. Tm F 65.33 78.42 73.75 lbs/hr 13.7540 8.2433 11.3285 11.1086 Vm std 41.82 39.91 39.88 lbs/MMBtu 8.484E-04 5.190E-04 7.085E-04 0.0007 Vw std 5.18 4.84 4.83 Bws 0.11 0.11 0.11 S Bws 0.47 0.46 0.34 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.15 1.15 1.14 Vs 67.93 67.82 66.90 F factor used scfm wet 741503.62 741489.40 746407.39 1040 acfm 1037131.49 1035462.11 1021436.26 Qsd dscfh 39584896.66 39678270.24 39943143.78 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.162 0.162 0.162 An 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 169 9.40 12.00 78.60 29.98 28.66 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4658 0.9880 0.75 49.350 110.10 65.33 41.821 5.182 0.1103 0.4658 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.146 67.93 741,504 1,037,131 3.96E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.460000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 924.750 1.50 0.46 168 57 57 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 928.090 1.30 0.46 168 58 58 532.30 480.00 52.3 3 932.110 1.30 0.46 166 58 58 643.90 616.90 27.0 4 936.420 1.40 0.46 165 61 61 745.30 732.30 13.0 5 940.990 1.40 0.46 168 63 63 857.40 839.60 17.8 6 945.130 1.20 0.46 168 63 63 0.0 7 949.330 1.50 0.46 171 65 65 8 953.660 1.30 0.46 171 67 67 Isokinetics 94.0 9 958.070 1.20 0.46 169 70 70 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 962.100 1.40 0.46 170 73 73 Start Time enter 11 966.230 1.20 0.46 170 74 74 End Time 12 970.690 1.10 0.46 171 75 75 Run 1 13 974.100 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 168 9.50 12.20 78.30 30.01 28.71 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4552 0.9880 0.75 48.264 102.80 78 39.907 4.839 0.1081 0.4552 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.146 67.82 741,489 1,035,462 3.97E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.46 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 987.136 1.50 0.46 166.0 77.0 77.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 991.660 1.30 0.46 167.0 77.0 77.0 470.60 410.40 60.2 3 995.790 1.30 0.46 165.0 78.0 78.0 610.00 602.60 7.4 4 1000.020 1.40 0.46 167.0 79.0 79.0 640.80 622.30 18.5 5 1004.120 1.40 0.46 167.0 80.0 80.0 854.00 837.30 16.7 6 1008.740 1.20 0.46 168.0 80.0 80.0 7 1013.090 1.50 0.46 170.0 79.0 79.0 8 1017.590 1.30 0.46 170.0 79.0 79.0 Isokinetics 89.4 9 1022.030 1.20 0.46 169.0 79.0 79.0 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 1026.060 1.40 0.46 168.0 78.0 78.0 Start Time 11 1029.420 1.20 0.46 168.0 78.0 78.0 End Time 12 1032.200 1.10 0.46 168.0 77.0 77.0 Run 2 13 1035.400 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 155 9.60 12.20 78.20 30.02 28.72 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.3377 0.9880 0.75 47.818 102.70 74 39.884 4.834 0.1081 0.3377 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.143 66.90 746,407 1,021,436 3.99E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.46 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 46.242 1.50 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 50.790 1.30 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 488.8 427.8 61.0 3 54.220 1.30 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 650.0 639.8 10.2 4 58.560 1.40 0.46 166.00 74.0 74.0 645.7 635.1 10.6 5 62.120 1.40 0.46 167.00 74.0 74.0 877.0 856.1 20.9 6 66.880 1.10 0.46 167.00 73.0 73.0 0.0 7 70.420 1.50 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 8 74.010 1.20 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 Isokinetics 88.8 9 78.790 1.20 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 82.513 1.40 0.46 16.00 74.0 74.0 Start Time 11 86.690 1.20 0.46 168.00 73.0 73.0 End Time 12 90.770 1.20 0.46 167.00 73.0 73.0 Run 3 13 94.060 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT03 PM 10 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/21/2024 Review Date: 11/18/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 14.000 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0008 1.0000 0.0024 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.51 -0.5 0.162 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 10/21/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00619 0.00139 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00305 0.00146 Pbar 25.51 25.51 25.51 Run 3 0.0045 0.00207 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.47 25.47 25.47 Avg. Ts F 168.75 167.75 155.17 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.40 9.50 9.60 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 12.00 12.20 12.20 gr./dscf 0.0028 0.0017 0.0025 0.0024 N2+C 78.60 78.30 78.20 lbs/hr 15.8203 9.8876 14.5085 13.40544571 Md 29.98 30.01 30.02 lbs/MMBtu 9.759E-04 6.225E-04 9.073E-04 0.0008 Ms 28.66 28.71 28.72 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 49.35 48.26 47.82 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 110.10 102.80 102.70 gr./dscf 0.0028 0.0017 0.0025 0.0024 AVG. Tm F 65.33 78.42 73.75 lbs/hr 15.8203 9.8876 14.5085 13.4054 Vm std 41.82 39.91 39.88 lbs/MMBtu 9.759E-04 6.225E-04 9.073E-04 0.0008 Vw std 5.18 4.84 4.83 Bws 0.11 0.11 0.11 S Bws 0.47 0.46 0.34 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.15 1.15 1.14 Vs 67.93 67.82 66.90 F factor used scfm wet 741503.62 741489.40 746407.39 1040 acfm 1037131.49 1035462.11 1021436.26 Qsd dscfh 39584896.66 39678270.24 39943143.78 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.162 0.162 0.162 An 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 1.43E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 169 9.40 12.00 78.60 29.98 28.66 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4658 0.9880 0.75 49.350 110.10 65.33 41.821 5.182 0.1103 0.4658 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.146 67.93 741,504 1,037,131 3.96E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.460000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 924.750 1.50 0.46 168 57 57 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 928.090 1.30 0.46 168 58 58 532.30 480.00 52.3 3 932.110 1.30 0.46 166 58 58 643.90 616.90 27.0 4 936.420 1.40 0.46 165 61 61 745.30 732.30 13.0 5 940.990 1.40 0.46 168 63 63 857.40 839.60 17.8 6 945.130 1.20 0.46 168 63 63 0.0 7 949.330 1.50 0.46 171 65 65 8 953.660 1.30 0.46 171 67 67 Isokinetics 94.0 9 958.070 1.20 0.46 169 70 70 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 962.100 1.40 0.46 170 73 73 Start Time enter 11 966.230 1.20 0.46 170 74 74 End Time 12 970.690 1.10 0.46 171 75 75 Run 1 13 974.100 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 168 9.50 12.20 78.30 30.01 28.71 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4552 0.9880 0.75 48.264 102.80 78 39.907 4.839 0.1081 0.4552 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.146 67.82 741,489 1,035,462 3.97E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.46 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 987.136 1.50 0.46 166.0 77.0 77.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 991.660 1.30 0.46 167.0 77.0 77.0 470.60 410.40 60.2 3 995.790 1.30 0.46 165.0 78.0 78.0 610.00 602.60 7.4 4 1000.020 1.40 0.46 167.0 79.0 79.0 640.80 622.30 18.5 5 1004.120 1.40 0.46 167.0 80.0 80.0 854.00 837.30 16.7 6 1008.740 1.20 0.46 168.0 80.0 80.0 7 1013.090 1.50 0.46 170.0 79.0 79.0 8 1017.590 1.30 0.46 170.0 79.0 79.0 Isokinetics 89.4 9 1022.030 1.20 0.46 169.0 79.0 79.0 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 1026.060 1.40 0.46 168.0 78.0 78.0 Start Time 11 1029.420 1.20 0.46 168.0 78.0 78.0 End Time 12 1032.200 1.10 0.46 168.0 77.0 77.0 Run 2 13 1035.400 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT03 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/21/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.51 -0.50 25.47 155 9.60 12.20 78.20 30.02 28.72 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.3377 0.9880 0.75 47.818 102.70 74 39.884 4.834 0.1081 0.3377 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.143 66.90 746,407 1,021,436 3.99E+07 12 0.162 120 10.00 0.46 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 46.242 1.50 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 50.790 1.30 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 488.8 427.8 61.0 3 54.220 1.30 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 650.0 639.8 10.2 4 58.560 1.40 0.46 166.00 74.0 74.0 645.7 635.1 10.6 5 62.120 1.40 0.46 167.00 74.0 74.0 877.0 856.1 20.9 6 66.880 1.10 0.46 167.00 73.0 73.0 0.0 7 70.420 1.50 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 8 74.010 1.20 0.46 168.00 74.0 74.0 Isokinetics 88.8 9 78.790 1.20 0.46 169.00 74.0 74.0 Test Date 10/21/2024 10 82.513 1.40 0.46 16.00 74.0 74.0 Start Time 11 86.690 1.20 0.46 168.00 73.0 73.0 End Time 12 90.770 1.20 0.46 167.00 73.0 73.0 Run 3 13 94.060 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT04 PM 2.5 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/22/2024 Review Date: 11/18/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 14.000 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0006 10.2361 0.0018 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.55 -0.5 0.152 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00481 0.00065 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00255 0.00049 Pbar 25.55 25.55 25.55 Run 3 0.00286 0.00243 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.51 25.51 25.51 Avg. Ts F 170.00 166.67 165.42 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.40 9.40 9.50 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 12.30 12.50 12.30 gr./dscf 0.0021 0.0012 0.0021 0.0018 N2+C 78.30 78.10 78.20 lbs/hr 12.1867 6.7506 11.7712 10.2361 Md 30.00 30.00 30.01 lbs/MMBtu 7.512E-04 4.348E-04 7.496E-04 0.0006 Ms 28.88 28.98 28.81 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 47.49 48.28 47.97 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 88.20 79.10 93.10 gr./dscf 0.0021 0.0012 0.0021 0.0018 AVG. Tm F 62.92 79.75 83.92 lbs/hr 12.1867 6.7506 11.7712 10.2361 Vm std 40.50 39.88 39.32 lbs/MMBtu 7.512E-04 4.348E-04 7.496E-04 0.0006 Vw std 4.15 3.72 4.38 Bws 0.09 0.09 0.10 S Bws 0.48 0.44 0.43 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.17 1.13 1.14 Vs 69.03 66.72 66.88 F factor used scfm wet 753258.23 731923.06 735106.85 1040 acfm 1054012.00 1018739.49 1021130.01 Qsd dscfh 40993103.87 40165830.83 39684094.52 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.152 0.152 0.152 An 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 170 9.40 12.30 78.30 30.00 28.88 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4787 0.9880 0.75 47.494 88.20 62.92 40.497 4.152 0.0930 0.4787 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.169 69.03 753,258 1,054,012 4.10E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.460000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 116.206 1.10 0.46 171 57 57 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 120.550 1.00 0.46 171 58 58 531.90 480.30 51.6 3 124.320 1.10 0.46 170 59 59 623.80 619.60 4.2 4 128.770 1.60 0.46 170 60 60 760.50 745.30 15.2 5 132.080 1.30 0.46 170 61 61 874.60 857.40 17.2 6 136.760 1.60 0.46 170 62 62 0.0 7 140.660 1.40 0.46 170 64 64 8 144.310 1.40 0.46 170 64 64 Isokinetics 99.8 9 148.650 1.50 0.46 170 65 65 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 152.420 1.30 0.46 169 67 67 Start Time enter 11 156.110 1.60 0.46 169 69 69 End Time 12 160.870 1.60 0.46 170 69 69 Run 1 13 163.700 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 167 9.40 12.50 78.10 30.00 28.98 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4432 0.9880 0.75 48.282 79.10 80 39.884 3.723 0.0854 0.4432 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.135 66.72 731,923 1,018,739 4.02E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 174.735 1.10 0.44 168.0 71.0 71.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 178.620 1.10 0.44 168.0 72.0 72.0 458.80 421.10 37.7 3 182.510 1.10 0.44 166.0 74.0 74.0 613.00 605.10 7.9 4 186.441 1.50 0.45 166.0 76.0 76.0 661.90 640.90 21.0 5 190.750 1.30 0.45 168.0 77.0 77.0 833.30 820.80 12.5 6 194.770 1.50 0.45 162.0 80.0 80.0 7 199.100 1.40 0.45 167.0 82.0 82.0 8 203.320 1.20 0.45 167.0 83.0 83.0 Isokinetics 100.3 9 207.540 1.30 0.45 166.0 84.0 84.0 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 211.565 1.30 0.45 168.0 85.0 85.0 Start Time 11 215.610 1.40 0.45 168.0 86.0 86.0 End Time 12 219.330 1.30 0.45 166.0 87.0 87.0 Run 2 13 223.017 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 165 9.50 12.30 78.20 30.01 28.81 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4304 0.9880 0.75 47.973 93.10 84 39.324 4.382 0.1003 0.4304 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.135 66.88 735,107 1,021,130 3.97E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.44 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 224.475 1.20 0.44 167.00 87.0 87.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 228.275 1.10 0.44 167.00 86.0 86.0 486.3 427.3 59.0 3 232.080 1.10 0.44 166.00 85.0 85.0 647.9 640.0 7.9 4 235.781 1.40 0.44 167.00 85.0 85.0 656.8 646.2 10.6 5 240.300 1.30 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 823.0 807.4 15.6 6 244.350 1.50 0.44 166.00 84.0 84.0 0.0 7 248.791 1.30 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 8 253.090 1.20 0.44 165.00 84.0 84.0 Isokinetics 100.1 9 256.550 1.40 0.44 165.00 83.0 83.0 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 260.603 1.40 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 Start Time 11 264.490 1.30 0.44 162.00 82.0 82.0 End Time 12 268.430 1.30 0.44 159.00 82.0 82.0 Run 3 13 272.448 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Company Contact:Veronica Reyes Contact Phone No.801-796-1916 Source Designation:CT04 PM 10 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 10/22/2024 Review Date: 11/18/2024 Tabs Are Shown Observer:Paul Morris Reviewer:Paul Morris Particulate Emission Limits lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 14.000 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/MMBtu lbs/hr gr/dscf 0.0008 12.7293 0.0022 Test Information Stack_I.D._inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 216.00 254.47 0.9880 1.921 0.747 25.55 -0.5 0.152 Contractor Information Contracting Company: Mostardi Platt Contact: Hal Lee Phone No.: 801-716-2652 Project No.: 1040 Circular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor usedF factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Test Date 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 10/22/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter Back Circular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0.00481 0.00124 As ft^2 254.47 254.47 254.47 Run 2 0.00255 0.00076 Pbar 25.55 25.55 25.55 Run 3 0.00286 0.00493 Pq (static)-0.50 -0.50 -0.50 Run 4 Ps 25.51 25.51 25.51 Avg. Ts F 170.00 166.67 165.42 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 9.40 9.40 9.50 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 12.30 12.50 12.30 gr./dscf 0.0023 0.0013 0.0031 0.0022 N2+C 78.30 78.10 78.20 lbs/hr 13.5035 7.3501 17.3341 12.7293 Md 30.00 30.00 30.01 lbs/MMBtu 8.324E-04 4.734E-04 1.104E-03 0.0008 Ms 28.88 28.98 28.81 Y 0.99 0.99 0.99 Cp 0.75 0.75 0.75 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 47.49 48.28 47.97 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 88.20 79.10 93.10 gr./dscf 0.0023 0.0013 0.0031 0.0022 AVG. Tm F 62.92 79.75 83.92 lbs/hr 13.5035 7.3501 17.3341 12.7293 Vm std 40.50 39.88 39.32 lbs/MMBtu 8.324E-04 4.734E-04 1.104E-03 0.0008 Vw std 4.15 3.72 4.38 Bws 0.09 0.09 0.10 S Bws 0.48 0.44 0.43 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 1.17 1.13 1.14 Vs 69.03 66.72 66.88 F factor used scfm wet 753258.23 731923.06 735106.85 1040 acfm 1054012.00 1018739.49 1021130.01 Qsd dscfh 40993103.87 40165830.83 39684094.52 # Sample Points 12.00 12.00 12.00 Dn 0.152 0.152 0.152 An 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 1.26E-04 Start Time 0:00 0:00 0:00 End Time 0:00 0:00 0:00Total Test time 120.00 120.00 120.00 Time @ point 10.00 10.00 10.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 170 9.40 12.30 78.30 30.00 28.88 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4787 0.9880 0.75 47.494 88.20 62.92 40.497 4.152 0.0930 0.4787 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.169 69.03 753,258 1,054,012 4.10E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.460000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 116.206 1.10 0.46 171 57 57 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 120.550 1.00 0.46 171 58 58 531.90 480.30 51.6 3 124.320 1.10 0.46 170 59 59 623.80 619.60 4.2 4 128.770 1.60 0.46 170 60 60 760.50 745.30 15.2 5 132.080 1.30 0.46 170 61 61 874.60 857.40 17.2 6 136.760 1.60 0.46 170 62 62 0.0 7 140.660 1.40 0.46 170 64 64 8 144.310 1.40 0.46 170 64 64 Isokinetics 99.8 9 148.650 1.50 0.46 170 65 65 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 152.420 1.30 0.46 169 67 67 Start Time enter 11 156.110 1.60 0.46 169 69 69 End Time 12 160.870 1.60 0.46 170 69 69 Run 1 13 163.700 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 167 9.40 12.50 78.10 30.00 28.98 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4432 0.9880 0.75 48.282 79.10 80 39.884 3.723 0.0854 0.4432 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.135 66.72 731,923 1,018,739 4.02E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.45 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 174.735 1.10 0.44 168.0 71.0 71.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 178.620 1.10 0.44 168.0 72.0 72.0 458.80 421.10 37.7 3 182.510 1.10 0.44 166.0 74.0 74.0 613.00 605.10 7.9 4 186.441 1.50 0.45 166.0 76.0 76.0 661.90 640.90 21.0 5 190.750 1.30 0.45 168.0 77.0 77.0 833.30 820.80 12.5 6 194.770 1.50 0.45 162.0 80.0 80.0 7 199.100 1.40 0.45 167.0 82.0 82.0 8 203.320 1.20 0.45 167.0 83.0 83.0 Isokinetics 100.3 9 207.540 1.30 0.45 166.0 84.0 84.0 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 211.565 1.30 0.45 168.0 85.0 85.0 Start Time 11 215.610 1.40 0.45 168.0 86.0 86.0 End Time 12 219.330 1.30 0.45 166.0 87.0 87.0 Run 2 13 223.017 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Pacificorp Lakeside - CT04 Flow & Moisture Test Date 10/22/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 254.47 25.55 -0.50 25.51 165 9.50 12.30 78.20 30.01 28.81 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 0.4304 0.9880 0.75 47.973 93.10 84 39.324 4.382 0.1003 0.4304 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 1.135 66.88 735,107 1,021,130 3.97E+07 12 0.152 120 10.00 0.44 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 224.475 1.20 0.44 167.00 87.0 87.0 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 228.275 1.10 0.44 167.00 86.0 86.0 486.3 427.3 59.0 3 232.080 1.10 0.44 166.00 85.0 85.0 647.9 640.0 7.9 4 235.781 1.40 0.44 167.00 85.0 85.0 656.8 646.2 10.6 5 240.300 1.30 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 823.0 807.4 15.6 6 244.350 1.50 0.44 166.00 84.0 84.0 0.0 7 248.791 1.30 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 8 253.090 1.20 0.44 165.00 84.0 84.0 Isokinetics 100.1 9 256.550 1.40 0.44 165.00 83.0 83.0 Test Date 10/22/2024 10 260.603 1.40 0.44 167.00 83.0 83.0 Start Time 11 264.490 1.30 0.44 162.00 82.0 82.0 End Time 12 268.430 1.30 0.44 159.00 82.0 82.0 Run 3 13 272.448 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1