HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0116481 DAQC-1152-24 Site ID 10119 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY – Salt Lake City Refinery THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Robert Sirrine, Environmental Scientist DATE: November 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Location: 685 South Chevron Way, North Salt Lake, Salt Lake County, UT Contact: Tony Pollock: 801-539-7162 Tester: Alliance Technical Group, LLC, Alan Jensen: 847-220-3949 Source: Alky Furnace (F36017), Coker Furnace (F70001), Crude Furnaces (F21001, F21002), and FCCU FRS ID #: UT0000004901100003 Permit# AO DAQE-AN101190106-22, dated August 24, 2022 Action Code: 3A Subject: Review of Stack Test Report dated October 16, 2024 On October 21, 2024, the DAQ received a stack test emissions report for the Chevron Products Company Alky Furnace (F36017), Coker Furnace (F70001), Crude Furnaces (F21001, F21002), and FCCU, located at the Salt Lake Refinery, in Salt Lake City, UT. Stack emissions testing was performed on August 26, 28, and 29, 2024, to determine compliance with AO Conditions II.B.1.h for the furnaces NOx emission factors and Condition II.B.7.d for FCCU Non-Ammonium Sulfate Particulate Matter (NSPM) emission limit. Source Test Date RM/Pollutant DAQ Result Test Result Limit FCC Regen 8/26/24 5F/NSPM 0.14* 0.14* 1.0* Alkyl Furnace 8/29/24 7/NOX 0.12** 0.12** EF** Crude Furnaces^ 8/28/24 7/NOX 0.053** 0.053** EF** Coker Furnace 8/29/24 7/NOX 0.14** 0.14** EF** ^Crude furnace F21001 and F21002 share a common stack. So, the emission factor is a combined value for both furnaces. * lb/1000 lbs of coke burned. ** lb/MMBtu 2 DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The stack emissions testing report appears to be acceptable. The two Crude Furnaces share a common stack, so the EF is combined for both. Condition II.B.1.h.3 stipulates that the EF be updated every three years through stack testing and that it be shown in terms of lb/MMBtu. RECOMMENDATION: The NSPM emission rate should be considered to have been in compliance with the applicable limit at the time of testing. The NOx EFs should be considered to have been in compliance with the AO emission factor determination requirements at the time of testing. HPV: No ATTACHMENTS: Stack test report dated October 16, 2024 DAQ generated Excel spreadsheets. Cheuonv Josh Byram HES Manager Salt Lake Refinery Chevron Products Company 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, UT 84054 Tel 801 539 7200 Fax 801 539 7130 U I'AH DEPAR i'ME-iJT OF October 16n',2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT NO. 7018 0680 0001 4890 0420 Mr. Bryce Bird, Division Director Utah Air Quality Board P.O. Box 144820 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84114-4820 2024 Alky Furnace (F36017), Crude Furnaces (F21001&F21002), Coker Furnace F70001 NOx Testing and FCC NSPM Test Dear Mr. Bird: Chevron encloses the results from the Alky Furnace (F36017), Crude Furnaces (F2l00l&F21002), Coker Furnace (F70001) NOx emissions stack testing completed on the week of August26th,2024. Approval Order conditions II.B.l0.a require NOx emissions testing at least once every three years. NPSM testing was also conducted while the FCC source was operating at the rate and/or conditions specified in the applicable Approval Order DAQE-AN I 0l I 30106-22. During all testing, the source combusted fuels, used raw materials. and maintained process conditions representative of normal operations, and operated under such other relevant conditions specified by the Executive Secretary. Based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information contained in the report are true, accurate, and complete. Please contact Tony Pollock at (801) 539-7162 or dltf@chevron.com if there are any questions regarding this report. Sincerely,tur DIVISION OF AiR QL'ALITY Josh Byram F UraH oepnnTraffiiENVIRONMENTAL OI'I DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY OCT 21 Zt?,l AI Emission Compliance Test Report Chevron Products Company Salt Lake City Refinery 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 Sources Tested: Crude Furnaces, Coker Furnace, Alky Furnace, & FCC NSPM Test Dates: August 26,28 &29,2024 Project No. 45T-2024-2436-002 Prepared By Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 Source Tesl Report Tesl Program Summary Resulatorv Information Permit No. Source Information UDAQ DAQE-AN 101 190106-22 EPA Consent Decree No. C 03-04650 & MACT UUU40 CFR Part 63, Appendix A. Source Name F-36017 / Alkylation Furnace F-21001 lF-21002 Crude Unit Furnaces Common Stack F-70001 / Coker Furnace Catalyst Regenerator / Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCCU) and Catalyst Regenerator Contact Information Source ID Alky Fumace Crude Fumaces Coker Furnace FCC Targel Parameter NOx NOx NOx NSPM Test Localion Chevron Products Company Salt Lake Ciry Refinery 685 South Chevron Way North Salt Lake, Utah 84054 Facility Contacts Tony Pollock dltf@chevron.com (80r) s39-7162 Test Company Alliance Technical Group, LLC 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley City, UT 84120 Project Manager Charles Horton charles.horton@all iancetg. com (3s2) 663-7s68 Field Team Leader Alan Jensen alan j ensen@alliancetg.com (847) 220-3e4e QA/QC Manager Kathleen Shonk katie. shonk@al liancetg.com (812) 4s2-478s Report Coordinator Delaine Spangler delaine.spangler@alliancetg.com Report Reviewer Sarah Perry sarah.perry@alIiancetg.com Analytical Laboratory Alliance Technical Group, LLC 12242 SW Garden Place Tigard, OR97223 Paul Duda paul.duda@alliancetg.com (s03) 464-6471 AST-2024-2436-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake, UT Page i Source Tesl Reporl C ert ifcation Stateme nl Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) has completed the source testing as described in this report. Results apply only to the source(s) tested and operating condition(s) for the specific test date(s) and time(s) identified within this report. All results are intended to be considered in their entirety, and Alliance is not responsible for use of less than the complete test report without written consent. This report shall not be reproduced in full or in part without written approval from the customer. To the best of my knowledge and abilities, all information, facts and test data are correct. Data presented in this report has been checked for completeness and is accurate, error-free and legible. Onsite testing was conducted in accordance with approved internal Standard Operating Procedures. Any deviations or problems are detailed in the relevant sections in the test report. This report is only considered valid once an authorized representative of Alliance has signed in the space provided below; any other version is considered draft. This document was prepared in portable document format (.pdf) and contains pages as identified in the bottom footer of this document. 10t10t2024 Charles Horton, QSTI Alliance Technical Group, LLC Date AST-2024-2436-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake. UT Page ii AI Source Tesl Reporl Table of Conlenls TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.3 Site Specific Test Plan & Notification .................. ....................... l-l 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate........3-l 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3,{ - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide........ ............3-l 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content .............3-l 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 5F - Non-Sulfate Particulate Matter...... .....3-2 3.5 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E - Nitrogen Oxides ............3-2 3.6 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l9 - Mass Emission Factors and Volumeffic FIow Rate......................3-2 3.7 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 205 - Gas Dilution System Certification. ............,...........3-2 3.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control- U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A and 78................................3-3 LIST OF TABLES Table 2-l: Summary of Results - Alky Furnace ..................2-l Table2-2:. Summary of Results - Crude Furnace........ .........2-l Table 2-3: Summary of Results - Coker Furnace........ .........2-2 Table2-4: Summary of Results - FCC.......... .......................2-2 APPENDICES Appendix A Sample Calculations Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Quality Assurance/Qualiry Control Data Appendix E Process Operating Data Fla AST-2024-2436-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake. UT Source Test Report lntroductictn 1.0 Introduction Alliance Technical Group, LLC (Alliance) was retained by Chevron Products Company (Chevron) to conduct compliance testing at the North Salt Lake, Utah facility. Portions of the faciliry are subject to provisions of the Utah Deparrment of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Permit No. DAQE-AN l0l 190106-22.EPA Consent Decree No. C 03-04650 and MACT UUU40 CFR Part 63. Appendix A. Testing was conducted to determine the emission rate of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at the exhaust of F-36017 / Alkylation Furnace (Alky Furnace), F-21001 / F-21002 Crude Unit Furnaces Common Stack (Crude Fumaces), and F-70001 (Coker Furnace). Testing also included determining the emission rate of non-sulfate particulate matter (NSPM) at the exhaust of Catalyst Regenerator / Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit and Catalyst Regenerator (FCC). l.l Facility Descriptions Chevron Salt Lake Refinery is a petroleum refinery with a nominal capacity of approximately 50,000 barrels per day of crude oil. The source consists of one FCC unit, a delayed coking unit, a catalytic reforming unit, hydrotreating units and two sulfur recovery units. The source also has assoned heaters, boilers, cooling towers, storage tanks, flares, and similar fugitive emissions. The refinery operates with a flare gas recovery system on two of its three hydrocarbon flares. 1.2 Project Team Personnel involved in this project are identified in the following table. Table l-l: Project Team Chevron Personnel Tony Pollock Alliance Personnel Alan Jensen Mitchell Manwaring 1.3 Site Specific Test Plan & Notification Testing was conducted in accordance with the Site Specific Test Plan (SSTP) submitted to UDAQ by Alliance on June 3. 2024. AST-2024-2436-002 ( hevron - Nonh Salt Lake. UT Page l-l Run Number Run I Run 2 Run 3 Avcragc Date 0/29t24 8n9nl tngnl \itrogen Oxides Data Concenffation, PPmvd Emission Rate. lbihr Emission Rate, ton/day Permit Limit, ton/day Percent of Limit, 7o Emission Factor, lb/MMBtu 57.20 5.5 0.065 0.t2 5 7.89 5.5 0.066 0.12 57.85 5.5 0.066 0.t2 57.65 5.5 0.066 2.1 3 0.12 Alralpe Sout'('e Tesl Reporl Suntman' of Results 2.0 Summary of Results Alliance conducted compliance testing at the Chevron facility in Salt Lake City, Utah facility on August 26, 28 and 29,2024. Testing consisted of determining the emission rates of NOx at the exhaust of the Alky Fumace, Crude Fumaces, and Coker Furnace. Testing also consisted of determining the emission rates of NSPM at the exhaust of the FCC. Tables 2-I through 2-4 provide summaries of the emission testing results with comparisons to the applicable permit limits. Any difference between the summary results listed in the following tables and the detailed results contained in appendices is due to rounding for presentation. Table 2-l: Summary of Results - Alky Furnace Table 2-2: Summary of Results - Crude Furnace Run Number Run I Run 2 Run 3 Avense Date u28/24 u2U24 t/2u21 \itrogen Oxides Data Concentration, ppmvd Emission Rate, lb/hr Emission Rate, ton/day Permit Limit, ton/day Percent of Limit, 7o Emission Factor, lb/MMBtu 40.22 3.7 0.044 0.0s3 39.s8 3.7 0.044 0.053 40.17 3.8 0.045 0.053 39.99 3.7 0.045 2.1 1 0.053 AST-2024-243 6-002 Chevron - North Salt l-ake. tlT Page 2-l Allalpe Source Test Report Sttnrman, of Results Table 2-3: Summary of Results - Coker Furnace Table 2-4: Summary of Results - FCC lun Number Run I Run 2 Run 3 Avenge )ate lil29n4 u29t21 u29t24 \itrogen Oxides Data Concentration, ppmvd Emission Rate, lb,hr Emission Rate, ton/day Permit Limit, ton/day Percent ol Limit, V" Emission Factor, lb/MMBtu r00.23 9.6 0.tI 0.15 l0 t .82 9.7 0.l2 0.I4 103.06 9.7 0.12 0.14 l0 t .70 9.6 0.12 2.1 6 0.14 Run Number Run I Run 2 Run 3 Average Detc ur6t21 u26t24 u26n4 Filterable Particulate Matter Data Concenffation. grain/dscf Emission Rate, lb/hr Emission Factor, Ib/1000 lbs of coke bumed Permit Limit, lb/1000 lbs of coke bumed Percent of Limit, 7o 0.00 r 5 0.32 0.060 0.006 t 1.3 0.24 0.0036 0.7 5 0.14 0.0037 0.78 0.l4 1.0 l4 AST-2024-)436-002 Chevron - North Sah Lake. UT Page 2-2 3.0 Testing Methodology The emission testing program descriptions are provided below was conducted in accordance with the test methods listed in Table 3-1. Method while quality assurance/quality control data is provided in Appendix D. Table 3-l: Source Testing Methodology Parameter U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods Notcs/Remerks Volurnetric Flow Rate l&2 Full Velocity Traverses Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide 3A Instrumental Analysis Moisture Content 4 Gravimetric Analysis N on-Sulfate Parliculate Matter 5F Isokinetic Sampling Nitrogen Oxides 7E lnstrumental Analysis Mass Ernission Factors & Volumetric Flow Rate l9 Fuel Factors/Heat lnputs Gas Dilution Systerr Certification 20_s 3.1 U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods I and 2 - Sampling/Traverse Points and Volumetric Flow Rate The sampling location and number of traverse (sampling) points were selected in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference TestMethod l. Todeterrninetheminimunrnumberoftraversepoints,theupstrearnanddownstreamdistanceswere equated into equivalent diameters and compared to Figure l-l in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l. Full velocity traverses were conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Ref'erence Test Method 2 to determine the average stack gas velocitl pressure. static pressure and ternperature. The velocity and static pressure nleasurement systetn consisted of a pitot tube and inclined nranorneler. The stack gas temperature was nreasured with a K-type thernrocouple and pyronteter. Stack gas velocity pressure and tenrperature readings were recorded during each test run. The data collected was utilized to calculate the volumetric flolv rate in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 2. 3.2 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3A - Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide The oxygen (O:) and carbon dioxide (CO:) testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 3A. Data was collected online and reported in one-minute averages. The sampling system consisted of a stainless-steel probe, Tel)on sanrple line(s), gas conditioning system and the identified gas analyzer. The gas conditioning system was a non-contact condenser used to remove moisture tiom the stack gas. lf an unheated Teflon sample line was used, then a portable non-contact condenser was placed in the system directly after the probe. Otherwise. a heated Teflon sample line was used. The quality'control measures are described in Section 3.8. 3.3 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4 - Moisture Content The stack gas moisture content (BWS) was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 4. The gas conditioning train consisted of a series of chilled impingers. Prior to testing. each inrpinger was filled with a knownquantityofwaterorsilicagel. Eachirnpingerwasanalyzedgravimetricallybeforeandaftereachtestrunon the same balance to detennine the amount of moisture condensed. C'hevron - North Salt l-ake. tJ'l l'agc -j- | Alralpe ,\out t'e Te.st llelxtrl 'l'e st tng ltle t hodologt Alfialpe Source Tesl Reporl Testing l'lethodolop' 3.4 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 5F - Non-Sulfate Particulate Matter The non-sulfate filterable particulate matter sampling was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 5F. The complete sampling system consisted of a stainless steel nozzle, heated stainless steel-lined probe, pre-weighed heated quartz filter, gas conditioning train, pump and calibrated dry gas meter. The gas conditioning train consisted of four (4) chilled impingers - the first and second containing 100 mL of HzO, an empty third impinger and the fourth containing 200-300 grams of silica gel. The probe liner and filter heating systems were maintained at a temperature of 120 * l4oC (248 t25'F) and the impinger temperature was maintained at 20oC (68'F) or less throughout the testing. Following the completion of each test run, the sampling train was leak checked at a vacuum pressure greater than or equal to the highest vacuum pressure observed during the run, and the contents of the impingers were measured for moisture gain. The probe and nozzle were rinsed and brushed six (6) times with water to remove any adhering particulate matter. Thisrinsewasrecoveredincontainer2. Thefronthalfofthefilterholderwasrinsedthree(3)timeswithwaterandthis rinse was added to container 2. The pre-weighed quartz filter was carefully removed and placed in container l. AII containers were sealed, labeled and liquid levels marked for transport to the identified laboratory. 3.5 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E - Nitrogen Oxides The nitrogen oxides (NOx) testing was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 7E. Data was collected online and reponed in one-minute averages. The sampling system consisted of a stainless-steel probe, Teflon sample line(s), gas conditioning system and the identified gas analyzer. The gas conditioning system was a non- contact condenser used to remove moisture from the stack gas. lf an unheated Teflon sample line was used, then a portable non-contact condenser was placed in the system directly after the probe. Otherwise, a heated Teflon sample line was used. The qualiry control measures are described in Section 3.8. 3.6 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l9 - Mass Emission Factors and Volumetric Flow Rate The pollutant concentrations were converted to mass emission factors (lb/MMBtu) using procedures outlined in U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 19. The published O: based fuel factor (F-Factor) of 8,710 dscf/MMBtu for natural gas was used in lhe calculations. The gas volumetric flow rate was determined in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Test Method l9 using the measured oxygen concentration, the published fuel factor, a calibrated gas meter and the fuel heating value. 3.7 U.S. EPA Reference Test Method 205 - Gas Dilution System Certification A calibration gas dilution system field check was conducted in accordance with U.S. EPA Reference Method 205. An initial three (3) point calibration was conducted, using individual Protocol I gases, on the analyzer used to complete the dilution system field check. Multiple dilution rates and total gas flow rates were utilized to force the dilution system to perform two dilutions on each mass flow controller. The diluted calibration gases was sent directly to the analyzer, and the analyzer response recorded in an electronic field data sheet. A mid-level supply gas, with a cylinder concentration within l0% of one of the gas divider settings described above, was introduced directly to the analyzer, and the analyzer response recorded in an electronic field data sheet. The cylinder concentration and the analyzer response agreed within 2%. These steps were repeated three (3) times. The average analyzer response agreed within 2o/o of the predicted gas concentration. No single injection differed more than 2o/o from the average instrument response for that dilution. Copies of the Method 205 data can be found in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix. A ST-2024-2436-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake. U't Page 3-2 {*"' AIAIEE)Source Tesl Report Testing llethodolog' 3.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control - U.S. EPA Reference Test Methods 3A and 7E Cylinder calibration gases used met EPA Protocol I (+l- 2%) standards. Copies of all calibration gas certificates can be found in the Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix. Low Level gas was introduced directly to the analyzer. After adjusting the analyzer to the Low-Level gas concentration and once the analyzer reading was stable, the analyzer value was recorded. This process was repeated for the High-Level gas. For the Calibration Error Test, Low, Mid, and High Level calibration gases were sequentially introduced directly to the analyzer. All values were within 2.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv/% absolute difference. High or Mid-Level gas (whichever was closer to the stack gas concentration) was introduced at the probe and the time required for the analyzer reading to reach 95 percent or 0.5 ppmv/% (whichever was less restrictive) of the gas concentration was recorded. The analyzer reading was observed until it reached a stable value, and this value was recorded. Next,LowLevel gaswasintroducedattheprobeandthetimerequiredfortheanalyzerreadingtodecrease to a value within 5.0 percent or 0.5 ppmv/% (whichever was less restrictive) was recorded. If the Low-Level gas was zero gas, the response was 0.5 ppmvlo/o or 5.0 percent of the upscale gas concentralion (whichever was less restrictive). The analyzer reading was observed until it reached a stable value and this value was recorded. The measurement system response time and initial system bias were determined from these data. The System Bias was within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmv/7o absolute difference. High or Mid-Level gas (whichever was closer to the stack gas concentration) was introduced at the probe. After the analyzer response was stable, the value was recorded. Next, Low Level gas was introduced at the probe, and the analyzer value recorded once it reached a stable response. The System Bias was within 5.0 percent of the Calibration Span or 0.5 ppmvl%o absolute difference or the data was invalidated and the Calibration Error Test and System Bias were repeated. Drift between pre- and post-run System Bias was within 3 percent of the Calibralion Span or 0.5 ppmv/7o absolute difference. lf the drift exceeded 3 percent or 0.5 ppmv/%, the Calibration Error Test and System Bias were repeated. To determine the number of sampling points, a gas stratification check was conducted prior to initiating testing. The pollutant concentrations were measured at three points (16.7, 50.0 and 83.3 percent of the measurement line). Each traverse point was sampled for a minimum of twice the system response time. lf the pollutant concentration at each traverse point did not differ more than 5 percent or 0.5 ppmv/0.3% (whichever was less restrictive) of the average pollutant concentration, then single point sampling was conducted during the test runs. If the pollutant concentration did not meet these specifications but differed less than l0 percent or I .0 ppmv/0.5% from the average concentration, then three (3) point sampling was conducted (stacks less than 7.8 feet in diameter - l6.T,50.0and33.3percentofthemeasurementline; stacksgreaterthanT.8feetindiameter-0.4, l.0,and2.0meters from the stack wall). If the pollutant concentration differed by more than l0 percent or 1.0 ppmv/0.5% from the average concentration, then sampling was conducted at a minimum of twelve (12) traverse points. Copies of stratification check data can be found in the Quality Assurance/Qualify Control Appendix. An NO: - NO converter check was performed on the analyzer prior to initiating testing and at the completion of testing. An approximately 50 ppm nitrogen dioxide cylinder gas was introduced directly to the NOx analyzer and the AST-2024-243 6-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake. LJT Page 3-3 AI rla ,] Source Test Reporl Teslins Methodolon' instrument response was recorded in an elecffonic data sheet. The instrument response was within +/- l0 percent of the cylinder concentration. A Data Acquisition System with battery backup was used to record the instrument response in one ( I ) minute averages. The data was continuously stored as a *.CSV file in Excel format on the hard drive of a computer. At the completion of testing, the data was also saved to the Alliance server. All data was reviewed by the Field Team Leader before leaving the facility. Once arriving at Alliance's office, all written and electronic data was relinquished to the report coordinator and then a final review was performed by the Project Manager. AST-2024-2436-002 Chevron - North Salt Lake, UT Page 3-4 AltErtrcp Appendix A Example Calculations TLi li',J Location: Source: Project No.: Run No,: Peremeter: Chevron Products Companv - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake' UT FCC AST-2024-2436 PM Mcter Prcasurc (Pm). in. Hg Pm Pb+13.6 Pb 25.63 = buometric pressue. in. Hg AH 2.275 = pressue differenlial oforifice. in H;O Pm 25.80 = in. Hg Absolutc Strck Gss Prcssure (Ps), in. Hg Ps:Pb+ + where,Pb 25.63 = bromctric pressure. in. Pg]9:l]9-= staticPressue. in. H:O Ps 25.64 = in. Hg Slsndard Metcr Volumc (Vmsid), dscf Hg Vmstd =17.636xYxVmxPm Tm Y-.,1!![= mcler coretion frctor Vm 52.471 = mets volme. cfp.E= absolute meter pressue. in. Hg Tm 544.5 = absolute m€ter temperature. "R Vm$d 43.756 = dscf Standard Wet Volum. (Vwsid), scf V*'std: 0.04716 x Vlc wherc, vl.-|!!|_= weight of H1O collected. g Vwstd 5.452 = scf Moisture Frrction (BWSsrt), dimcnsionlss (theorcticrl at srturst€d conditions) ro"'-1-t'ff) BWSsat whcrc, Ps fs 554.6 = stack tempqature.'FPs 25.64 = absolute stack gtr prcssue. in. Hg BWS$I 1.000 = dimensionless Moisturc Fractioo (Bll S). dimcnsionlas (mcasurcd) Vwstdo*.-@il whcre.Vwstd-!!!_= stmdud wet volume. scf Vmstd 43.756 = shdild metfl volume. dscf BWS 0.lll =dimmsionless Moisturc Fr[ction (BWS), dimensionlcss BWS = BWSmsd unless BWSsat < BWSmsd where, BWSst BWSmsd BWS = moisture fractiotr (theoretical at saturated conditions) = moisturc fiaction (measued) 1.000 0.llt 0.1 il FIATEE Appendix A Example CalculationsAI Lo.rtiont Source: FCC Project No.: AST-2024-2436 Run No.: I Perameter: PM Excess Air (EA), % (% O, - [0 5 x %CO] )x 100 wherc. = crbon dioxide concentration- o,i, = oxygen concentration. o/o = crbon monoxide concmtralion. qi, (assumed zero) = nitrogen concentration. o,i, Molcculer Wcight (DRY) (Md), lbnb-mol. whcrc. Md= (0.44xoaCO:)+ (032 x%O:) + (0.28x [00-o/ocol -qoor] ) CO: I 7.8 = cabon dioxide concentration. 9o O.g= oxygen concentration. o,b Md 30.92 = lb4b mol Moleculsr Wcight (WfT) (Ms), lbnb.molr Ms= ( Mdx [ -BWS] 1+ 1180l5 x BWS) whcre,- moleculu weight (DRY). lb/lb mol - moistue fraction. dimensionless - lb/lb mol Av.rsgc vclocity (Vs), falscc Vs 8549rCpxrAPr:)avgr Cp 0.845 = pitot nrbe coefficient A p': 0.955 = velocity head ol'stack gas. (in. HrO)rr EA coz o, CO N! EA Ts Ps Ms = absolute stack temperarure. "R = absolute stack gas pressure. in. Hg - moleculr wcight ofstact gro. lb/lb nrol. li/sec Qs Ts = moishre fraction. dimmsionlcss = absolute stack Bas pressure. in. llg = absolule slack temperature. 'R = dscfm Md i0.92BwsgMs 29.49 l0 I4.2 25.64 '79.9 Avcrage Stack Gss Flow st Slack Conditions (Qa), rcfm Qa- 60xVsxAs Vt-Ili2-= stack gro velocity. IVsec As 12.99 '. cross-seclional uea ofstack. ftr Qa@-".f. Average Stack Gas Flow at Stsndard Conditions (Qs), dscfm l7.636xOax(l-BWS)xPs 2s.64 t0t4.2 24.686 Q^L=averagestackgasflowatStackconditions.acfm BWS Ps Ts Qs aultErre I L ('.lf.t (-/rL /li:r)i Lo.rtiort Sor.ce, Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Run No.: I Parameter: PM Appendix A Example Calculations Dry Grs Mrtcr Crlibretion Chcck (Yqr), dimcnsionlcs Yqa where. 0 998 -;0 52.47 t 544.5 1.824 2563 2 275 -i65,i-1.507 -Tsx 1014.2 25.64 I t5.6 52.47 t 25.80 0.998 544.5 I I 0.35e 100 Vn-!]!]|= nozle volme. fi3 0-..]qq9-- M time. minutcs An.........-9..9L= ueaof nozle. fl: Vr-]!!= average velocity. fuscc I 100.1 = o/o 0.0319xTmx29 (eu*ff)xrr,ra Volumc of Nozlc (Vn), ftt o Vm Tm AH@ Pb AH avg Md (A H),: Yqa Ts Ps Vlc Vm Pm Tm Vn x 100 = meter coflection factor. dimensionless = run time. min. = total mets volme- dcf = absolute metil lmpsatue. oR = orifice meter calibraion coefficient. in. H'O = brometric pressurc. in. Hg = average pressurc differential of orifice. in H1O = moleculr weigJrt (DRY). lb4b mol = avtrage squuerool pressure difftrential oforifice. (in. H2Olr2 = percenl , VmxPmxY .(o.00266qxVlc-5- ) Ps = absolute stack tmpqatue. 'R = absolutc stack gas pressure. in. Hg = volume of H2O collccted. ml = mets volme- cf = absolute meter pressure. in. Hg = mets conection factor. unitless = absolute meter temperature. "R = volme of nozle- ft' lsokinctic Sempling Rrt? (l), % =(nxYs Vn xAdx60 )" whcrc. F'IATEE Ii,',i,l:"1. Appendix A Example CalculationsAI Locrtion: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinerv - North Salt Leke, tlT Source: FCC Proj ect No.: AST4Q?444!{ Run No,: I Perrmeter: PM Filiersblc PM Conccntrstion (C.), grain/dscf cr= whcrc, Mn x 0.0154 Mr_lJ_= filterable PM mass. mgVrnstd 43.756 = stmdrd meter volume. dscfC,1!!!!]_=grain/dscf Filtcrablc PM Emtuion Rrtc (PMR), lb/hr C.xOsx60PMR = lnFr rR whcrc, C,;!!!!|= filterable PM concmtratiotr. grain/dscf Qr____@= average stack gu flo*. at stmdrd conditions. dscfmPMR 0.32 = lb/k Filtcrsblc PM Emfurion Frctor (EFprr), lb/ton PMREFpu = Ewhrrc. PMRg= filterable PM mission rate, lb4u FR _.;!!!- = process feed rate. I 000 lb coke bumed/hrEFru 0.06 = lb/|000 lb coke bumed Vmstd pultErrpe ILU ]NICAL GHC)UJLocation: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Run No. /Method Run I / Method 3A Oz - Outlet Concentration (CoJ, "/o dry Co,: (Cou,-Co)x ( ft;) where,Cob, 10.13 = average analyzer value during test, % dry Co--.T-= average of pretest & posttest zero responses, % dry CMA-Tmii-= actual concentration of calibration gas,o/o dry CM-T03T-= average of pretest & posttest calibration responses, To dry Cg,-TO7T-= oz Concentration,o dry COz - Outlet Concentration (Cco), "/" dry Cco,: (Cou.-Co)* ( fr;) where,Cob, 6.98 : average analyzer value during test, % dry Co-0.04-: average of pretest & posttest zero responses,o/o dry CMA-T030-= actual concentration of calibration gas,o/o dry CM-Tl .0-0-: average of pretest & posttest calibration responses, 7o dry Cco,-9T-= Coz Concentration, To dry Appendix A Example Calculations ,'D-.',Aliarpe Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Alky Furnace Project No.: AST-2024-2436 Run No. /Method Run I / Method 3A NOx - Outlet Concentration (Cxs*), ppmvd Appendix A Example Calculations where, C",r* = Cob, (Co6,-C6)x ( (-.r-LJ) 56.2 : average analyzer value during test, ppmvd C"----0:0-= average of pretest & posttest zero responses, ppmvd CMA-0T-: actual concentration of calibration gas, ppmvd CM .-q:T-= average of pretest & posttest calibration responses, ppmvd CNo.....................-= NOx Concentration. ppmvd NOx - Outlet Emission Rate (ERx6,), lb/hr ER*,,Cro, x MW x Qs x 60 {l x28.32 L I t' 24.04 ;*** 1.0806 x453.592fi where, s7.2C*o* MW Qs ERxo* 46.00ss = NOx - Outlet Concentration, ppmvd = NOx molecular weight, g/g-mole13,306 = stack gas volumetric flow rate at standard conditions, dscfmT=lb/hr NOx - Outlet Emission Rate (ER16*1ps), ton/day ERN.*rpo:--ldifu where, 5.46 : NOx - Outlet Emission Rate. lb/hr ERNo.rpy -0-065- = ton/day ERno' *IAAI Emissions Calculations Location Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake. Ul' Sou...4!Lyjltnug. Project No. AST-2024-2436 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averase Date Start Time Stop Time 8129124 l5:23 l6:22 8t29124 8t29t24 16:32 17:40 17:31 18:39 Source Data Fuel Heating Value. Btu/scl' Fuel Factor (02 dry). dscfTMMBtu Fuel Rate" Ksclh Heat Input, MMBtu/hr Fsv Fd FR HI 1.366 8.7t0 34.30 51.26 1.363 8.7t0 34.40 51.03 r.378 1.369 8.710 8.7r0 33.90 34.20 5l.t0 5r.r3 lnput Data - Outlet Volumetric Flow Rate (M l9). dscfm Qs 13.306 13.270 13.339 13.305 Calculated Data - Outlet Oz Concentration, % dry co, 10.2t t0.18 10.27 10.22 COz Concentration. % dry Cco, 6.91 6.91 6.84 6.88 NOx Concentration. NOx Emission Rate NOx Emission Rate ppmvd lb,/hr ton/day CNo* ERNo* ERro*rpo 57.20 5.5 0.065 57.89 5.5 0.066 57.85 5.5 0.066 57.65 5.5 0.066 gll6lEe NICAL (';BOIJ3 Locrtiol: Chewon Products C Source: Projccl No.l Dilat 8129124 Time Utrit St.tut Or - Outlct COr - Outlcl 'h dry t/o dr!Valid Valid NOr - Outlct ppmvd Urcorrcclcd Ru[ Avtrrgc (C.5) Cd Gri Corcctrlratio! (CM^) Prctcrl SyrtcD Zcro Rcrpolrc Polltclt Sytt.m Zcro R6poBle Averrgc Zcro Rapoorc (Co) Prele!l Sy!t.E Crl R$ponrc Poltlclt Sylt.m Crl Rcspoore Avcrrgc Crl Rcspoarc (Cs) Corrccled Rul 15 23 t5 24 t5 25 t5 26 t5.27 l5 28 t5 29 t5 30 t5ll t5 32 l5 33 I 5:34 15.35 l5 16 t5 37 l5:38 r 5.39 15r40 l5:41 t5 42 t543 t5 44 t545 t5 46 t5 4'l t548 l5 4S r5 50 t5 5l | 5:52 l5 53 t5 54 l5 55 l5 56 I 5:57 15 58 15 59 16 00 l6:01 l6:02 l6:03 l6:04 t6 05 t6 06 t6 07 t6 08 16r09 t6 t0 16 I I l6:12l6ll l6:14 l6 t5 l6:16 l6:17 l6:18 l6 l9 t6 20 t6 2t 16 22 10.r3 lt00 0.08 009 009 10.91 t0.90 t0.91 1o.22 10.20 l0 02 10.09 I0 t5 10.13 l0 03 l0ll t0.14 r0.04 I0 04 l0 08 l0 09 l0 08 l0 04 l0 08 l0 04 | 0.09 t0.14 t0.12 l0 l5 l0 l7 t0.25 t 0.20 t0.14 10.08 l0 l8 10.2 t l0 t5 l0 l6 l0 t5 10.03 l0 l8 10. t9 l0 2l t0 I5 t0. il t0 l7 10. t0 t0.t2 10.23 10.18 t0.20 l0 20 10.21 t0 l6 l0 l9 to 24 l0 t3 l0 t6 l0 lrl0il l0 l6 l0 l6 t0.12 t0.09 r0.t7 t0 l0 998 992 6.98 10.90 00t 006 0.04 il00 lt00 I t.00 9 692 6.94 105 't 02 698 699 106 ? 0l 699 706 705 7 .03 7.02 703 1 0'l 707 706 't.02 695 6.99 691 696 69t 694 6 9'l 701 694 6.93 699 697 69t 705 695 6.94 6.91 69E 700 696 7.0 t 6.96 6 9l 696 693 691 691 6.95 6.95 6.91 6.98 6.98 7.00 700 695 696 7.00 700 695 700 708 1t2 56.22 50.00 003 005 0.04 49.29 49 00 49 t5 56 55 55.67 56 8E 56.25 57.03 56 99 56 80 56.81 57 19 56.42 56 08 56.54 56.5 | 55 9t 55 92 55 11 56 l0 56.02 56.53 55 89 56 36 56 4t 56 3l 55 44 56 l7 55.59 55.65 56.38 56 73 56 46 56 68 56 53 55.57 55 96 56 53 56 70 55 6t 55 66 55.87 56 78 55.95 56 34 56 t7 55 32 56 t9 55 95 55 15 55 08 56 28 55 35 56.22 57 t2 56 85 56 8t 56.76 56 14 56 85 56 30 55 42 55 65 Runl-RMData A/ta Run2-RMData -rEC*l N CAL GBOtJs L@!iion: Chevron Products Sou"""t P"oj."t No., Dttc:8/29/24 -sL Timc Urir Straut Or - Outlel COr - Outletr/. drf Yo dryValid Valid NOr - Outlel ppmvd Valid 56 6l 50.00 005 003 004 49 00 48 84 48 92 1 56 50 56',|'l 56 66 5'7.70 56 58 56 t9 56 04 56 0l 56 96 57 05 56 99 56 56 56 95 s1 33 56 96 57 24 57 57 56 58 54 8'l 54 82 56 82 57 l0 55 93 55 15 56 ?0 56 8l 51 24 57 78 5'l lt 56 52 56 66 56 t9 56 5l 56 59 56 33 56 23 56 50 56 54 56 49 57 t7 5? 09 56.64 57 37 57 06 56 56 56 24 56 6l 56 3t 56.63 56 76 56.56 56 44 55 98 56 5l 56 66 57 t7 56.3: 55 99 56 23 51 56 Uocorreclcd Run Avcragc (C.5) C.l Gr! Co.ccrlrrlior (CM^) Prcl$l SysaeE Zcro Rcsponle Polttclt SyltcD Zcro Rcrponrc Avcrrge Zcro Rcrponsc (Co) Prclctt Sytlcm Crl Rc!pon!c Po!ltc!l Syllcm Csl Rerponre Averrgc Crl Rerponrc (Cp1) t6 32 t6 ll t6 34 l6:15 l6:16 l6 37 l6 18 l6l9 t6 40 l64l t6 42 t6 43 t6 44 t6 45 t6 46 16 4'l t6 48 16 49 l6 50 t6 5l t6 52 t6 53 16 54 t6 55 t6 56 t6 57 t6 58 16 59 l? 00 l7 0l t? 02 l? 03 t1 04 r7 05 t7 06 t'l 01 l7 08 l7 09 t7 l0 l7 lt I't t2 t7 t3 t1 t4 t7 t5 l7 t6 t7 t7 t7 t8 t7 t9 l? 20tl 2t t"l 22 l7 23 t'l 24 l7 25 l1 26 t7 2'l t7 28 t1 .29 t7 30 r? 3l l0 09 ll 00 009 0 t0 0 t0 t0.90 10.89 l0 90 l0 07 l0 05 999 l0 00 991 999 994 999 t0 04 t0 03 t0 ll l0 05 l0 l0 l0 07 999 l0 04 l0 00 t0 06 t02t t0 t8 t0 l7 10. t5 l0 I I t0 06 998 991 992 999 r0.01 l0 05 t0 t8 t0:l t0 :2 l02t 10.24 l0 t5 l0 05 l0 05 l0 l0 l0 08 l0 04 t0.06 r0.04 I0.0 t 994 s94 l0 05 l0 02 t0 25 t0.32 t0 37 t0 36 t0 29 t0 l9 r0l5 l0 14 l0 t4 l0 t6 t0 l4 t008 699 l0 90 006 009 008 | 1.00 t0.99 il00 700 702 101 7.06't t3 7097lt 706 705 705 698 1 .03 700 703 701 704 708 700 6 Sl 692 694 697 700 104 708 701 7t2 708 't 05 102 694 6S3 690 692 689 696 7 0l 102 698 699 702 700 102 104 7 l0 't 07 701 't ol 687 683 680 680 686 6 Sl 694 693 6S5 6.92 695 698 AilArEeTECiN CAL Run3-RMData GFOI] : Lqslionr Chevron Products Comomv - SLC Relinery - Nonh Sah Lake. UT Sourcc: Alkv Furnace Projccl No.; Dslcr 8/?9/24 Time llnit O, - Outl.t ./. drj l0 22 l0 29 l0 35 l0 25 l0 t7 l0 t3l0il t0 t.1 t0 t5 t007 t0 08 t0 t3 t0 l4 r0. l9 t0. l9 t0 t4 l0l5 I0 t3 l0 l4 l0 I I l0 09 l0 t? l0 06 l0 07 t0 09 l0 t0 l0 09 l0 t7 t0 tE l0 28 t0 l0 t0 19 t0 32 to 32 l0 20 l0 lt t0 08 l0 t: l0 t5l0il t0u l0 09 t005 t0 07 l0 t2 l0 23 r0:r t0 24 t0 t5 t0 24 l0 22 l0 25 I0 25 10.25 10.20 t0.22 t0 l8 l0 t9 l0 20 t0 22 693 5634 I 0 90 50.00 0 09 0.03 005 003 007 003 | 0 99 48.84ilot 4856 r I 00 4870 684 5745 COr - Ouilct NOr - Outlel '/. drf ppmvd Uncorrccled Run Averagc (C.6) Cal Grr Concenlrrtion (CM^) Prete!t Sysaem Zero Rerponse Poslte!t System Zero Rerponse Average Zero Responre (Co) Pretcrt Syttcm Cal Rcsponle Po!lterl Sy!lcE Crl Rclpontc Avcngc Crl Rcsporsc (Cs) t7 40 t1 4t t'l 42 l7 43 t7 44 tl 45 t'l 46 tl 4'l t7 48 t7 49 t7 50 t't 5l l7 5: t't s3 I't 54 t1 55 l? 56 t1 51 t7 58 r? 5e l8 00 t8 0l 18 02 t8 0l t8 04 t8 05 tE 06 t8 07 l8 08 t8 09 t8l0 tS lt l8 t2 t8 tl l8 r4 t8 t5 t8 t6 t8 t7 t8 t8 l8 l9 t8 20 tE tl t8l2 r8 23 t8 24 t8 :5 t8 ?6 t8 27 tE 28 18.2S t8 30 t8 3t lE r32 l8 33 t8 34 r8.35 t8 36 r8 37 tE 38 t8 39 686 6 8l 685 686 69t 694 696 694 694 699 697 694 695 6 9t 6 9l 693 693 6S5 695 696 697 696 700 7 0l 6S8 69E 698 692 685 686 684 685 683 6.84 6.C I 698 700 696 694 698 697 699 70t 70t 697 691 69t 689 68E 688 690 688 688 688 69? 69t 692 692 692 691 56 12 55 83 55 63 55 83 56 66 56 lt 56 t3 56 89 56 34 56 4',1 56 80 57 \3 56.42 56.52 56 36 55 29 55 71 56 18 55 62 55 65 56 54 57 05 56 96 57 0t 56 l0 57 l3 56'11 56 30 56 6l 55 82 55 92 56 64 56 16 56 48 56 s3 56 9'l 56 56 56 31 56 46 56 4l 56 63 56 41 56 5l 5651 56 30 56il 56 66 56 33 56 37 55 80 56.1 6 56 05 56 67 56 t'l 562t 55 42 56 3l 56 33 56 tl u00 010 009 0. l0 l0 89 10.88 l0 89 Emissions Calculations Lo.rtion Source Crude Fumace F-2 I 001 /F-21 002 Project No. AST-202 4-2436 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Average Date Start'Iime Stop Time 8128124 l0:40 I l:39 8128124 8128124 ll:55 13:10 12:54 l4:09 Source Data Fuel Heating Value. Btu/scf Fuel Factor (O2 drl ). dsclTMMBtu Fuel Rate. Kscfh Heat Input. MMBtu/hr Fsv Fd FR Ht r .361 8.71 0 50.95 169.8 1.360 8.710 51.60 170.8 1.370 8.7t0 51.40 172.4 | "364 8.71 0 5t.32 t7t.0 Input Data - Outlet Volumetric Florv Rate (M l9). dsclm Qs 12.838 13.004 13.042 12.962 Calculated Data - Outlet )z Concentration. 7o dry co" 4.52 4.52 4.52 4.52 3Oz Concentration. 7o dry clco, 10.3 I 10.31 t 0.31 10.3 t NOx Concentration. ppmvd NOx Emission Rate. lb/hr NOx Emission Rate. ton/day C"o* ERr'ro, ERNo*rpo 40.22 3.7 0.044 39.58 3.7 0.044 40.17 3.8 0.045 39.99 3.7 0.045 Runl-RMData Lc!lio!: Chevron Products Compuy - SLC Refinery - Nonh Sah Lake, UT Sourc.: Crude Furnace F-21 001/F-21 002 Drlct El2El24 Tioc Utrit Strtu Or - Outlct COr - Outlcl '/. drf '/. dr! NOr - Orllct ppovd 39.90 50.00 013 0.04 009 49.62 49.56 49 59 39 68 39 6E 40 20 39.99 39.7 | 39.87 39.63 39 82 40.08 40.24 40 lt l9 89 40 16 39 86 19 14 39 64 39 14 39 77 39 62 39.67 39 76 39.53 40 0t 39 9t 39 90 39 90 39 9l 39 53 40 t6 40 29 40 00 39 97 40.06 40.00 40 07 40 l8 40 l6 19.87 39 97 39 77 39 93 40 07 40.27 40.07 39 98 40.26 40 l4 40 tl 39.84 39.54 19 78 39 9t 40 t5 40.06 39 99 39 64 39.6? t9 87 39 72 39 5'l Utrcorrcclcd Run Averegc (C.b) Cal Gar Colceatreliotr (CM^) Prclcll SyrlcE Zcro Reponrr Po3ticrt Syttco Zcro R€!po!!c Avc..g. Z.ro Rcpotrlc (Co) Preicrl SytlcD Crl Rc!potrlc Polttcll Syrtem CEI Rcrporre Averagc Crl Rcrponre (Cy) 10r40 l0:4 | l0:42 l0:43 l0:44 l0:45 l0:46 l0:4'1 l0:48 t0 49 10r50 t0 5l t0.52 t0 5l l0 54 l0:55 l0 56 t0 57 l0:5E l0:59 ll:00 ll:01lt 02 ll:03 ll:04 n05 I l:06 ll07 I l:08 il09 ll:10ll:ll ll:12 I I l3lt 14 il15 ll116 ll:17 ll:lE ilt9 I l:20 I l:21 I l:23 I l:24 ll:25 ll26 I l:21 ll:28 i.29 il30 n .3l n32 llr33 ll:34 ll:35 It36 ltlT llr38 1t.39 4 I 454 I 1.00 007 0.09 0.08 l0 95 t0.95 l0 95 t0.50 l0 90 00t -0 04 -0 02 n12 ll08 I I l0 r0 50 l0 54 t0 5l t0 50 t0 50 t0 5l t0.4E l0 48 t0.46 t0 50 t0 48 t0 45 t0 46 to 41 l0 4'1 l0 48 l0 50 l0 5t | 0.56 10.56 r0.55 t0 53 t0.57 t0 56 l0 54 10.54 l0 5t l0 50 l0 52 10.50 l0 50 t0.46 t0 49 t0.46 lo 47 t0 5t t0 48 l0 53 I0 5t t0 5t l0 53 l0 55 l0 56 l0 54 10.51 l0 50 l0 50 r0 53 t0.53 I0 58 l0 5t l0 53 t0 50 t0 46 t046 l0 48 to 47 l0 4l l0 44 t0 39 4 5l 448 452 453 455 450 456 456 4.58 454 458 46? 460 459 460 456 454 453 447 446 445 45t 444 448 4 5l 449 453 455 455 451 456 4 6l 458 462 459 456 457 4.52 451 451 449 447 4 4't 4.50 454 454 456 449 450 444 454 4.5 | 456 459 4.62 4.58 456 461 460 462 Run2-R]VIDataAllalrceCAL GFOIJs Lo""iiro, Sor""a, Projcct No.: AST -2024-2436 Timc Utrit Si.tsi Or - Outlcl COr - Oullctnhdrl Vodry Valid Valid 455 t048 1r.00 1090 009 -004 0.09 -0.07009 -006 10.95 I I 08 10.94 I t.08 l0 95 I 1.08 452 l03l 455 451 4.60 4 5'l 460 4.61 461 4 5'l 4.61 461 4.58 4.59 4.51 462 458 459 460 459 460 4.59 4.60 4.60 455 455 4.53 455 4 5l 445 4.53 452 452 451 453 4.55 4.53 4.45 4.47 442 4.50 453 4.54 4.53 449 4.49 446 450 4.49 4.49 4.52 456 456 456 4.57 459 46t 4.61 463 4.59 459 l0 47 t0 45 t0 44 10.46 to 44 l0 44 l0 44 l0 47 l0 44 l0 45 l0 46 t0.46 t0.46 t0.44 l0 46 t0 46 t0 43 t0 45 t0 44 t0.45 l0 45 t0 44 to 41 l0 48 l0 49 10.48 10.5 I I0 54 l0 50 l0 50 l0 50 l0 46 t0 50 t0.49 10.5 | t0 55 t0 56 t0 57 r0 52 t0.51 t0 49 l0 50 l 0.52 l0 53 l0 55 l0 5l l0 54 l0 54 t0 5l l0 49 10.49 t0 49 l0 48 t0 46 l0 46 l0 44 t0.46 10 44 l0 46 l0 46 NOr - Oullet ppmvd Valid 39.t2 50.00 0.04 000 002 49.56 49.2',1 49 42 l9 58 19 27 39.27 39 49 39 54 39.44 39 38 39.'12 39 60 39.20 39.22 39.43 39 26 39 20 39 22 38 9l 39 05 39 24 39 29 39.30 39 34 39 2t 38 96 39 08 39 0l 39 09 39 3t 39.26 39.42 39 t5 38.76 39.22 39 l4 39.1 8 39 t8 39.09 39 43 39 30 38.76 3E 86 39 t2 38.88 38.89 38.82 38.60 38 87 38 79 19 27 39.20 39.04 39.18 39.21 39 06 39 05 38 9t 39 00 39.02 38 75 38.62 3A 79 38.40 Urcorrected Ru! Av.n8c (C.L) Crl G$ Corccnlnlion (CM^) Pralcll Systcm Zcro Rcrpomc Pollt6l SyllcD Zcro Rcrpouc Avcrrgc Zcro Rcrporrc (Co) Prelcll SytteE Cll Rclporlc Poltlclt Syltem Crl Rcrponse Avcrage Crl Rerpoare (Cs) Corr.cted Rrn lt55 lt56 ll:5? il58 lt 59 t2 00 r2 0l t2 02 l2 03 l2:04 l2:05 l2:06 l2:01 l2:08 12 09 l2:10 l2 I I t2 t2 t2 t3 l2 14 I2 I5 t2 t6 l2 t7 t2 t8 l2:19 l2:20 l2:21 t2 22 t2 23 t2 24 t2 25 t2 26 l2 27 t2 28 12 10 t2 3t t2 32 l2 33 t2 34 t2 35 t2 36 l2:37 t2 38 t2 39 t2 40 l2:41 t2 42 l2 43 t2 44 12.45 t2 46 t2 47 t2 48 t2 49 12 50 r2.5r t2 52 l2 53 l2 54 AIErceTECHN CAL GFOII Run3-RIVIData D Loa"tion, Sorr"", P.oj""l No., Dtlc: 8128124 Timc Ulit Strtu! Or - Outlct COr - Oullet '/c dty '/. dryVdid Valid NO! - Osalcl ppovd Valid 39.45 50.00 000 000 000 49.27 48 94 49 ll 40.1 7 39.67 39.62 39.81 39 43 39 48 39 53 19 62 39.1 6 39 49 39.1 5 19 l0 39.36 39.52 39.33 39 19 39.34 39 4l 39 66 39 5l 39.46 39 50 39.53 39 60 39 57 39.64 39 44 39 59 39.53 l9 49 39 l7 39 t2 l9 40 39 36 39.55 39.24 39.44 39 34 39 60 39.59 39 56 39 56 39.31 39 42 39 31 39.44 39.44 39 66 39.68 39 54 39.53 39 20 19.t9 39.1 9 39.17 39.56 39 49 39.'t9 39 40 19.48 39 5l Uncorr.cted RUD Avcnge (Co6) Csl Gs! Conccotrstlon (CMA) Prctclt Sylicm Zero Rerponsc Po!lt.!l SytlaE ZGro Rcrpoasc Avcrrgc Zcro Rcrpoue (Co) Prca$l SyttcD Crl RBponlc Po!tl.!l Sy!arE Crl R.lpoBG Avcregc Ctl Rcspouc (Cy) Corrccled Ruo l3:10 l3:l I l3 l2 l3 l3 l3 l4 l3 l5 l3 l6 l3 t7 t3 t8 t3l9 13r20 l3:21 t3.22 l3:23 t1 24 l3:?5 ll:?6 l3:27 l3:28 l3:29 r 3.30 13.31 I 3:32 t3 3l t3 34 l3:3 5 l3:36 l3:37 l3:38 l3:39 13 40 l3 4l t3 42 l3 43 l3 44 l3:45 13:46 l3:47 13r48 13.49 I 3:50 ll:51 l3:52 I 3:53 t3.54 I 3:55 l3:56 l3 51 l3:5E t3 59 l4:00 l4 0l l4:O2 14r03 l4:04 l4:05 t4.06 l4:07 14r08 14 09 4.55 1 1.00 0.09 0.09 0.09 t0.94 t 0.94 10.94 4.52 459 463 4.62 4.63 4.65 4 6',1 4.65 4.63 4.62 4.60 459 463 4.62 460 452 4.58 4.60 4.52 4.59 45t 453 450 447 446 450 449 4.50 4.53 4.49 4.52 445 443 451 4 5t 454 455 4.56 455 4.55 456 453 454 4.53 4.58 4.54 4.58 4.60 4 5't 457 4.54 456 4.51 455 4.52 4.52 4.53 451 448 449 448 10.48 t0.90 .0.07 -0 06 -0 07 n08 ll t0 lt 09 10.31 l0 45 l0 43 l0 43 t0 43 to 42 t0 39 lo 42 t0 42 l0 43 t0 42 to 44 l0 4l 10.41 l0 45 t0 5t t0 45 t0 46 r0 50 l0 45 I0 5l l0 50 l0 52 l0 56 l0 54 t0 52 t0 52 t0 52 t0.50 r0.52 t0 5l t0 56 t0 57 t05l t0 5l l0 50 l0 49 t0.48 10.49 t0 50 t0 47 t0 5l t0 50 t0 5t l0 46 l0 50 10.46 10.45 l0 47 t0 46 l0 49 l0 47 to 52 t0 48 l0 50 l0 49 I 0.50 t0 52 l0 53 l0 52 l0 53 AIiirrEe Emissions Catculations Location llrlr,Ign lloducts Compan) - SLC Reljnery,- North Salt Lake. l.J"l' Source Coker Furnace Project No. AST-2024-2436 Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Averase Date Start Time Stop Time 8129124 9:55 l0:54 8t29124 8t29t24 I I :05 l2:l 5 12'.04 13:14 Source Data Fuel l'leating Value. Btu/sc1' Fuel Factor (C)2 dr,v). dsclTMMBtu Fuel Rate. sclh Fleat Inout. MMBtu/hr FHv Fd FR HI 1.370.82 1.372.64 1.358.99 1.367 8.7t0 8.7t0 8.710 8.710 48.025 48.7 t4 49. r 48 48.629 7 t .95 73.08 73.00 72.68 Input Data - Outlet Volumetric Flow Rate (M I 9). dscfh Qs 13.324 13.265 13.067 13.219 Calculated Data - Outlet O: Concentration. %o dry co, 5.91 5.61 5.39 5.64 CC): Concentration. 7o drv cco. 9.49 9.68 9.83 9.67 NOs Concentration. ppmvd NC)r Emission Ratc. lh/hr NOx Emission Ratc. ton/day C*o* ERxo. ERNo*rpo 100.23 9.6 0.t I 10t.82 9.7 0.t2 103.06 t 0l .70 9.7 9.6 0.t2 0.t2 A/rErtrpIEC']N CAL 13Ii611I: Runl-RMData Locationr Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Sourcc: Coker Furnace Projcca No.: AST-2024-2416 D!tcl Timc Utrit StrtB Or - Oullet COr - Outlet "/. dr! '/. dty Valrd Valid NOr - Outlet ppmvd Vald Utr.orrccl.d Rua Averegr (C.5) Ctl Grs Cotrccrtrrliotr (CM^) Prel$l Syll.m Zero Relponse Portl.tt Syttcm Zero Responrc AveriSe Zero Retponle (Co) Prelerl Syrlem Crl RespoDle Po3llcri Syltem Crl Rcspoase Average Crl Rcrpoarc (Cy) Correct.d Rutr 955 956 9 5'l 958 959 l0:00 l0 0t l0 02 l0:03 l0:04 l0 05 t0 06 t0 07 t0 08 t0 09 t0 t0 t0il t0 t2 I0 t3 t0 l4 l0 t5 10. l6 t0 t7 l0 l8 l0 l9 l0 20 l0 2l t0 22 r0 23 t0 24 l0rl5 t0 16 t0 17 t0 18 t0 29 t0 30 t03t l0:32 l0 33 l0 34 l0 35 t0 36 t0 37 t0 38 l0:19 t0 .10 l0 4l to 42 I0:41 t0 44 l0 45 t0 46 to 47 l0 48 t0 49 t0 50 t0 5t t0 s2 10r53 l0 54 590 lt 00 007 006 007 t0 93 l0 9l l0 92 591 965 t0 90 -0 0l 002 0.01 ll06 ltl0 lt08 949 s8 20 200.00 004 003 004 t95 75 196 07 195 9l 100 23 5S6 596 596 598 600 601 607 606 605 606 598 557 604 600 598 598 605 606 60t 598 597 592 590 590 5e3 60t 594 594 600 59t 588 592 585 581 586 580 578 585 586 586 589 584 584 58? 5 8l 578 574 515 574 5 't7 5'13 519 516 580 5'11 516 5.75 573 578 9.6 t 963 9.61 9 6l 958 951 956 9.55 9.57 955 959 960 955 959 9.59 959 9.55 953 959 961 960 965 964 9.65 9.64 958 962 962 9.5'1 964 966 962 96E 965 967 912 9.12 969 961 966 966 965 969 9.69 970 969 9'12 976 9't3 9.'t7 913 9.76 972 975 971 9.74 9't5 9',75 9't6 97! 96.9t 96.79 96.79 96 64 97 t6 9't 61 97 50 96 78 9't 04 96 89 96 47 91 t6 96'15 96 76 9'7 79 91 70 97 05 96.6 t 96.60 96 5l 96 29 96 74 e7 05 96 75 96 ?8 97 2t 91 56 98 09 97 86 97 69 99 02 9A 72 99 50 99 76 t00 22 t00 l3 99 90 s8 17 98 59 98 30 98 48 98 70 98 8t 98 68 99.25 98 57 99 ?l t00 12 t0045 t 00.1 3 t00 ?5 100 33 99 92 99'il 99 46 s9 40 s9 19 98 90 98 67 99 4t Run2-RMDataATiaIEEGtrC)IJ:}AL Locraiotr: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - Nonh Sah Lalc, UT Sourcc: Coker Furnace Projcct No.: AST-2024-2436 Timc unit 0r - Outlel./. dr! COr - Oullet oh dry NOr - Outlel ppmvd tlncorrccted Ru Avcr!8e (C.b) C.l G.s Cotrcctrlr.tioo (CMA) Prctclt SyttcE Zero Rcrponse PolllBl Sy!lcE Zcro Rcrponre Avcrego Zcro Rcrponse (Co) Pretest Syst.m C8l Re!ponle Polttclt SytteE Crl Rcsponse Averege Cal Retponte (Cs) CorrElod Run lt05 ll06 u07 il.08 il09ilt0 llil ilt2 n t3 ilt4 lt t5 lt 16 ltlT lt l8 il19 ltl0 l I 2t il23lt 24 Il25 lt26il:7 il2E lt:e ll:30 il 3l il32 il31 il14 il35 il36 ll37 il38 ll3s lt 40 lt 4t lt 43 lt43|44 llr45 il46 |47 il48 il49 il50 I I 5l lt5? ll:53 il54 il55 il56 il57 il58 il59 t2 00 t2 0l t102 t2 03 ll04 559 lt 00 006 006 006 t0.91 t0 9t l0 9t 5 6l 570 576 563 563 5.7 5 580 571 579 5't6 5.68 576 578 580 579 5 -t3 568 515 569 5.69 560 5 7l 570 579 572 567 558 563 563 563 554 563 555 562 551 548 543 559 560 558 558 554 548 5 5l 5.3'1 545 543 5.39 537 539 546 545 539 548 544 5.44 5.4t 538 539 540 544 986 l0 90 00? 002 002 It t0ilt0 ilt0 968 c9 85 lo0 00 003 002 0.03 t96.07 t96 13 t96 l0 l0t q78 913 983 983 976 s 7t 975 e7l 976 982 974 973 973 9't2 976 s8l 976 9'19 980 s85 979 978 973 9't6I8l s87 984 984 984 9E8 980 987 982 987 993 9S5 985 s85 987 986 989 993 99: r0 03 994 991 t0 00 t0 00 998 994 995 999 993 995 996 ss8 t0.01 t0 0t t0 0t qq7 99 2S 98.76 99 37 t00 06 99 75 100 20 100 70 t0t?t t0l 25 lot 2t t00 I8 100 05 100 2s t00 97 100 62 100 72 10040 99 73 99 64 99 38 99 l0 99 80 98 82 99 2l 99 67 100 42 t00 t6 99 20 99 23 99 06 99 44 99 57 99.26 993t 98 42 97 90 98 22 99 35 100 24 100 02 99 59 t00 34 s9 83 I00 09 t00 45 99 84 99 t6 99 06 s9 2l 98 92 99 5t r0027 99 70 r00 l8 t00 5t t00 98 I0l 09 l0t 30 100 49 ss 9l Run3-RMDataAEarrce Locrlio!: Chetron Products Comoov - SLC Relinerv - Nonh Salt Lake. UT Source: Coker Furnacc Projecl No.: AST-20:4-:436 Delet 8129/24 Time Utria Strtur O, - Outlel COr - Ourlei '/. dr! 'r'. dryVahd Valrd NOr - Oullel ppnvd tot04 200.00 002 002 002 t96 13 t95.99 I9606 l0l 93 t0l 23 l0l 92 102 30 t0l 7l lot e9 t0l 93 l0t te too 47 l0t 33 to0 99 l0r t0 tot 63 r0r l0 t01 56 t0l 55 100 62 t0062 t00.3 r I 00.75 l0t t4 100 84 l0l 43 l0l 19 l0l 0? 100 78 l0l 70 100 93 100 76 tot 07 l0 t .08 t007r t0046 t00e4 t0t 43 t0l 0e l0l .57 I0t 82 l0l 3l r0l 05 tol 04 I00 68 l0l 50 t0t4l l0t 32 100 68 l0l 0t l0t t4 I 00.12 100 78 r00 35 t00 34 r00 l7 too 24 r00 73 100 46 t00 -'19 t00 26 100 69 99 70 Urcorrecled Run Average (C.6) Cal Gr! Conceatrstior (CMA) Prclcrt SytlcE Zero Rcrponsc Poltl6t Syll.m Zcro Rcspouc Averrge Zcro Rcrponsc (Co) Prelcst Sytlcm C!l Re!pon!. Posttcst Sy!tem C8l Responre Avcnge Crl Responr (Cy) Corrccicd Run A 5.3 8 u00 006 006 006 l0 9l t0.9t t0 9t t0 0t t0 90 00? -0 0l 001ul0 il.09 lt t0 I 99E 997 l0 0l 993 992 99t 993 997 995 995 996 997 997 997 996 s9l 993 997 997 997 l0 08 993 991 995 998 996 999 l0 00 l0 02 996 I9'l t0 00 t0 00 l0 0t t0 04 r0.06 t0 08 t0 05 l0 02 s99 t00t 998 l0 04 l0 06 l0 t4 l0 t7 l0 07 t0 00 998 9gs t0 00 t0 03 t0.07 t0 06 t0 0s t0 l7 t0 09 l0 09 l0 t0 l0 06 t2 t5 l2 t6 t2 t't t2 t8 l2l9 t2 20 t2 7l t2 22 t2 23 t2 24 12 25 t2 26 t2 27 t2.28 t2 29 l2:10 12.3 I t2 12 12.t3 '12:34 l2 35 12 36 t2 31 l2 38 12r39 t2 40 l2 4t l2 42 t: 4l l2 44 t2 45 l2 46 l2:47 t1.48 l2 49 12 50 l2:5 I t2 53 t2 54 l2:55 I l:56 l2:5'7 l2 5E t2 59 l3:00 r 3.01 I 3:02 l]03 l3 04 t3 05 t3 06 t3 07 I3:08 l3:09 l3l0 l3 ll l3 l2 I l:13 t3 t4 519 5.41 5.3'l 549 549 552 548 543 546 5 4't 544 544 544 5.44 547 549 550 545 542 5.45 5?8 549 549 546 5 4t 544 5 4l 542 536 545 543 542 539 538 534 532 526 5 3t 537 519 539 542 533 5 3r 5 l? 5 14 525 539 541 539 539 5 3l 527 5.28 523 5 14 513 524 523 529 iii,1 '/ \ il?A \ AlArEe Emission Calculations Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT FCC AST-2024-2436 Location Source Project No. Parameter PM Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Average Date Start Time Stop Time Run Time. min (s) 8t26t24 l2:25 I 3:35 60.0 8t26/24 l4:30 l5:40 60.0 8126t24 l6: l5 17:35 60.0 60.0 INPUT DATA Feed Rate. lb coke burned/hr Feed Rate. 1000 lb coke burned/hr Barometric Pressure. in. Hg Meter Correction Factor Orifi ce Calibration Value Meter Volume. Iil Meter Temperature. "F Meter Temperature. oR Meter Orillce Pressure. in. WC Volume HlO Collected. mL Nozzle Diameter. in Area of Nozzle. fil Filterable PM Mass. ms (FR) (Pb) (Y) (LH @\ (vm) (Tm) (Tm) (AH) (Vlc) (Dn) (An) (Mn) 5.338 5.34 25.63 0.998 t.824 52.47t 84.8 s44.5 2.275 I 15.6 0.265 0.0004 4.27 5.421 5.42 25.63 0.998 t.824 53.449 98.9 558.5 2.256 I 10.3 0.265 0.0004 t7.24 5.417 5.42 25.63 0.998 1.824 5 3.73 8 99.3 558.9 2.281 I t0.3 0.265 0.0004 t0.l r 5.392 5.39 25.63 1.00 1.82 53.219 94.3 554.0 2.271 |2.1 0.265 0.0004 10.54 ISOKINETIC DATA Standard Meter Volume. 11' Standard Waler Volume. 113 Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction Meter Pressure. in Hg Volume at Nozzle. fil Isokinetic Sampling Rate. (%) DGM Calibration Check Value. (+/- 5%) (Vmstd) (Vwstd) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (BWS) (Pm) (vn) (l) (Y",) 43.756 5.452 0.t ll 1.000 0.lll 25.80 110.359 1 00.1 - I.6 43.447 5.202 0.107 1.000 0.r07 25.80 r09.283 t 00.7 -0.6 43.656 s.202 0.1 06 r.000 0.106 25.80 t09.279 100.8 -0.7 43.620 5.285 0.108 1.000 0.1 08 25.80 109.64 100.5 -0.9 EMISSION CALCULATIONS Filterable PM Concentration. grain/dscf Filterable PM l:mission Rate. lb/hr Filterable PM Emission Factor. lb/1000 lbs of coke burned (c,) (PMR) (EFo-) 0.001 5 0.32 0.060 0.0061 1.3 0.24 0.0036 0.75 0.14 0.0037 0.78 0. l4 Walnut Shell Blasting performed during Run 3 Alhrce Flow Information Location Chevron Products Company - SLC Relinery - North Salt Lake, UTsour..il Project No. AST-202 4-2436 Parameter PM Run Number Runl Run2 Run3 Average Date Start Time Stop Time Run Time, min 8t26t24 l2:25 l3:35 60.0 8t26t24 l4:30 l5:40 60.0 8126124 l6:15 l7:35 60.0 60.0 VELOCITY HEAD, in. WC Point I Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point l0 Point ll Point l2 Point l3 Point l4 Point l5 Point l6 0.82 L0l 0.93 0.91 0.75 0.99 0.92 0.93 0.88 t.00 0.90 0.89 0.82 r.t0 0.88 0.90 0.'74 0.97 0.84 0.89 0.95 0.99 0.86 0.88 0.94 0.96 0.85 0.88 0.75 0.98 0.85 0.86 0.90 0.98 0.87 0.90 0.79 t.00 0.89 0.85 0.7s 0.99 0.86 0.85 0.90 0.96 0.89 0.84 0.82 0.99 0.88 0.90 0.83 0.99 0.89 0.89 0.86 0.98 0.87 0.87 0.82 l.0 r 0.87 0.87 CALCULATED DATA Square Root of AP, (in. WC)"' Pitot Tube Coefficient Barometric Pressure, in. Hg Static Pressure, in. WC Stack Pressure, in. Hg Stack Cross-sectional Area. ft' Stack Temperature. oF Stack Temperature, oR Moisture Fraction Measured Moisture Fraction @ Saturation Moisture Fraction 02 Concentration, To CO2 Concentration.o/o N, Concentration,7o Excess Air.%o Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (dry) Molecular Weight, lb/lb-mole (wet) Velocitv. fl/sec (^P) (cp) (Pb) (Pe) (Ps) (As) (Ts) (Ts) (BWSmsd) (BWSsat) (BWS) (o:) (Co:) (N:) (EA) (Md) (Ms) (Vs) 0.96 0.85 25.6 0.t0 25.6 r 3.0 554.6 1014.2 0.l l 1.0 0.1 I 2.0t 17.76 80.23 10.5 30.9 29.s 79.9 0.94 0.85 25.6 0.010 25.6 I 3.0 555.9 l0l 5.6 0.1 I 1.0 0.tI 2.02 17.74 80.24 10.5 30.9 29.5 78.7 0.94 0.85 2s.6 0.010 25.6 1 3.0 551.6 l0l1.2 0.1 I 1.0 0.1 r 2.02 17.74 80.24 t 0.5 30.9 29.5 78.6 0.95 0.85 25.6 0.040 25.6 13.0 554.0 r0r 3.7 0.1r t.0 0.t I 2.02 17.75 80.24 10.5 30.9 29.s 79.1 VOLUMETRIC FLOW RATE At Stack Conditions. acfm At Standard Conditions, dscfm (Qa) (Qs) 62,276 24.686 6r,339 24.382 61.27s 24.474 6l ,630 24,514 FHAT Method I Data Locetion Chcvron Products Comptny - SLC RGfinGry - Nodh Srlr L.kc. tlT sourrc FCC Proicd No, AST-2024-2436 Drre: 08/26/24 Srr.! P.r.m.l.d 1.0 I 5 tH'ghe. NunrM rs lsRa l.t(i.r Strls or Gr.r6 lr ., 25'g'ls DuctOrienlrtion: Htri/ontal Duct Dtrisn : -!5g1gg!31-Dirtrncc from Frr w.ll ro Outridc of Pofl: 61 75 in Nippl. Lcngthl 15 0(l in Dcpth of Dud: ,16 75 itr Width of Ducrr .fi) oo in Crosr Scctionrl Arar of Ducl: 12 w ft' No. ofTarl Pods: .l Dist.n.cA: 80 ft Dislrnc€ A Durl DismelcE: 22 (mu!t bc :0.51 Dittrnc. B: 25 0 ft Distrtr.. B Ducl Dirmeters: 7 0 (must bc Z 2) Minimom Numbc. ofTrrvark Point!: l6 Aclu.l NumtE ofTrrversa Poinls: 16 Numbcr of Rcrdings pcr Poinl: I M..surer (lnitirl .nd D.t.), _!!9!!_!43M_ Rcviewer (lnitirl snd Drr.): AJE 8/2{r/21).11 RFMANGI'I AN LOCATION OF TRAVERSE POINTS Number offiuvfie poin^ on o diafreter I 3 4 5 6 1 t 9 t0 il l2 3 5 6 1 8 9 l0 ll l2 2s0 750 167 500 8]I D5 r7 I 625 87s l00 :t0 0 s00 700 90 {r tl 150 1t 1 5fl:l 750 7t I1 t57 50 {r 786 ,,_, Ir ti lr l .{3 {r 563 6lt 8 lili 9l t{ 56 t67 l7x l8q 500 6t I 712 til l 94{ 50 l5 0 :5 {) 35 {) .15 0 550 (r5 0 750 85o 950 {5 {2 l3(' ll5 ll I 2{)lt 127 192 .109 175 50 0 .15 lt 5e I 5.1: 6lt2 625 773 70tr ti64 792 955 ti75 9t7 'l\'rLdt ol \toct dtanLt.t /r.tD n\td( toll ttr trn\tr\t potnt Tnvarse Point '/o ol Dirmcter Dirlrnaa uEttnta from outlid. olsrll I 3 4 5 6 1 E 9 l0 ll l2 5 17 5 625 It7 5 584 l7 53 2e 22 *:1" 20 7/8 12 e|6 ,t4 t/] 55 l5/l(, Stack Dragram A= ltfr B=25n Dcptl of Duct = l(, 75 rn wrdrh of Ducr - 40 rn Cross Scctional Arca Oowostream Disturbance arll .III !.TI llar upstream Oisturbanae lllEnEe.:N CAL Cyclonic Flow Check Location Chevron Products Companv - SLC Relinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source FCC Project No. A5T-2024-2436 Date 08126124 Sample Point Angle (AP:0) I ., 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll t2 l3 t4 l5 l6 Average 5 5 8 l0 l5 l0 5 5 l0 l0 0 5 l5 5 l0 t0 8 AlbrEe Method 4 Data Location Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinerv - North Salt Lake, UT Source FCC Project No. A5T-2024-2436 Parameter PM Analysis Gravimetric Run I Date:8126124 lmpinger No.I ,3 4 Total Contents H20 H20 Empty Silica Initial Mass, g 698.6 7 t0.8 607.9 946.8 2964.1 Final Mass, g 779.5 727.4 613.2 959.6 3079.7 Gain 80.9 16.6 5.3 12.8 I 15.6 Run 2 Date:8t26t24 lmpinger No. I .,3 4 Total Contents H20 H20 Empty Silica Initial Mass, g 726.8 764.0 648. I 97 t.6 3 I 10.5 Final Mass, g 802.4 781.2 653.0 984.2 3220.8 Gain 75.6 t7.2 4.9 t2.6 Ir0.3 Run 3 Date:8t26t24 Impinger No I )3 4 Total Contents H2()H20 Empty Silica Initial Mass, g 726.7 78t.2 653.0 984.2 3 145. I Final Masso g 8tt.5 795.6 654.7 993.6 325s _4 Gain 84.8 t4.4 1.7 9.4 I 10.3 A/lfalrce Isokinetic Field Data l-ocstion: Chevron Producls ComDanv - SLC Relinerv - North ! Pr,"t Strrl Time: l2:2s End Time: 13:35 Sourcp: FCC Proje(-2021-2136 dai Sample Time (minutes) Dry Grs llletet Reading (rC) Pilol Tube AP (ln WC) (;r( T.mn.rnlurer Orilice Presr. AH (in. WC) Pump \'trc (in. Hg) % tso \'s (fps) DGM Averese SiacL Probe Ov en lmD Erit NA Beain End 74 11 ldeel Aclrr{74 14 11 IA 000 115 87 lI 0El 541 04 1IR 99q 14 1 75 '7 50 g0 i5:I 0t 7<)555 I ,lg 50 l g 11 q6 l ,{ 1 l 750 lt l5 q3 786 0q]76 558 t8 .t0 .1 1l 96 I {to 4 It:5 l5 00 96 957 0 ql 17 560 l :0 l lll 12 976 79 IB t500 tE 75 r00 I48 0 75 8t i4 88 q0 :l .tl:44 l0l 7 7t6l IE 75 t50 0 qc)'1.)5l 145 140 ilt :109 45 967 8: 66 l 21 50 16 25 t06 51,1 0ql 8 51 28 10 .t ll1 16 970 19 81 .{t0 00 09 756 0q],,t7 59 ll t0 tt5 lt8 48 986 80 35 IC .10 00 ll 75 IB075 088 86 5.1 t0 :l ll6 50 996 77 q.] 11 75 t7 50 I t6 :143 t00 tt7 55 50 50 tl: It 5l q84 83 t6 l .17 50 .1t :5 lte78l 090 8g 58 26 :0 il8 .l]]50 986 79 0l lt 25 45 0t)tl065 08q 90 58 .l l 122 52 960 78 57 ID .{5 00 48 15 l:6 148 08:90 t1 108 I t0 3:321 5t t02 l 75 0t 18 75 51 50 tc 5t? I I0 5.1 78 80 rt4 5t 00.4 8't t7 :l 51 50 56 t5 I3l l5 088 q 5,)::0 .l:t:l 5t 976 78 16 .l 56 25 60 00 lt6 .t68 090 g'l 59 11 t0 :ll l:0 50 996 79 05 Final DGM: l3s 801 a !aLJ Run Time Vm AP Tm Ts Y"* aH %tso Bws Y..vac 60.0 mtn S2..l7l fi'0.91 in. W('E4.E ss.t-6 4 2.213 in. WC t00.1 0.il t 1.6 STACK DATA (EST}STACK DATA STACK DATA Moisturei Bsrometric: Static Press: Stack Press: CO2: or: N2/CO: Md: Ms: 79.5 9/o 31.04 lb/lb-mole 29.87 lb/lb-mole 9.0 o/o esl 25.63 rn [1g 0.!0 rn W(' 25.6.1 rn tlg t8.5 Est. Tm: 65 "F E!1. AP: 0.91 rn W(' Esl. Dn: 0.2,1t rn Terpel Rrle: 0.75 scfm Meter Box lD: M5-9 AH r.i'(in.WC): 1.t24 Probe lD: P-732 Liner Mrterial: gl.3s Pitot lD: P-732 Pitot (lp/Type: 0.E45 Nozzle Dn (in.): 0.265 Check Pl. lnilisl Finsl Corr. Mid I (cf) Mid 2 (c0 Mid 3 (c0 L€rk Rire lcfmt: 0.001 -- 0.002 Vrcuum (ir Hs): 15 - 15 Pitot Tube: Pess pulfiArrce Isokinetic Field Data Locslion: ('hevron Produ(ts ('omDant - SL(- Refitrerl - North ! Or,", Start Time: l,l:30 Source: FCC End Time: 15:40 Projecl No.r AST-2024- STACK DATA IEST}EOT'IPMENT STACK DATA (EST)FILTER NO.STACK DATA (FINAL}MOIST. DATA Moillure: 9.0 oh esl Bsrometric: 25.63 rn Hg Static Press: 0.10 rn W(' Slack Press: 25.6.1 rn Hg COl: 185 qo 01: 2.0 9'o Ny'CO: 79.5 9,0 Md: 3 L04 lb/lb-mole Msr 29.t7 lb/lh-mole l\leter Bor I D: M5-9 l. 0 998 -lH 6 lin.WC): 1.82{ Probe lD: PR-706-.1 Liner Mrterial: EIN Pirot lD: PR-706-.1 Pirot Cplt;-p", o.8.t< JS-typ.Norrl"lO,ffi Nozzle Dn (in.l: 0.265 Est. Tm: Es Est. Ts: 555 'F Esl. AP: 0.91 rn WC Esa. Dn: 0.241 in Trro.l Rile: O-7S scl'm 2.t-tr I 0t A'n Hg 0.01 rn W(' 2-n "r" t7 -74 0/. I cl".t Pr lniri,l Pb: Pg: or: Co2: Vlc (ml) I t0.J K.FACTOR 2.50 Finsl Corr -EAK CHECK: Pre llid I Mid 2 Mid 3 Posl Mid I (c0 Mid 2 (c0 Mid 3 (c0 L.rt R.r. (cfn): 0.001 -- 0,001 Vrcuum (itr HPI: 15 -- 8 Pitot Tubc: Pss! -- Pass vlid-Poinl Lesk ChGcL Vol (cf): 6L Sample Time lminutes) Dry Gr3 Meter Reading (fr') Piror Tube AP (ln wc) (;ni l-efioerf, turPs l"l-l Orifice Press. AH (in. WC) Pump vac (in. Hg) Ga3 I emDeretures l'l % tso vr (fps) DGM Averase Stack Probe Oven Imp Exit NA Besin End ldeal Actual IA 000 115 t.l9 955 o71 q0 5.11 t89 t90 l I0.1 .]09 65 r08:7l lt I75 750 .lt:51 0q7 93 551 l16 150 J l0q I 5l 98 1 8l 8l 750 il:5 081 g5 558 ti t0 .r llc 5I 91 2 76 4 n:5 t500 4cr 836 089 q1 55S ::6 230 .l l:4 t:4 53 9',1 2 7A IB 1500 In 75 53 0C7 0 95 96 555 .1 240 .1 ll0 l 56 q7 l 8l 05 I8 75 lt 50 56 470 09q 9E 556 5l :50 t ll9 56 97 6 8f 78 I 5t):6:5 t 5g g.l4 086 t00 558 :to l:0 l f21 5 55 9q8 77 23 .l :6:5 :]0 00 6.r:,15 088 t00 559 ::0 .l l0:1?.56 t00 l 78 16 t('30 00 ll 75 I 66 608 t) q4 98 560 239 740 l 110 5 58 I00 8 80 ti2 75 17 50 70 086 096 ()'l 555 I ,10 :l ill 60 960 8t.18 t7 50 rl5 71 4-',15 0 85 00 551 te I 'i 08 6l 995 16 11 I 5 J5 t)0 't 6 '710 0E8 0l 55q :10 .l ]J 5 56 99 1 78 t6 ID 00 18 75 80 058 0 75 0:556 g'l g0 l I5 51 t0t 8 7l 05 4R'75 52 50 83 tlq 0e8 05 555 1. 54 250 I tl0 58 c54 8: r2 5l 50 56:5 I 86 6,10 085 05 557 I 1t4 110 59 988 16 14 56 l5 60 00 I 8e S:8 086 05 555 t:0 I to tt.1 5S t01 77t Final DGM: 193 404 oFJ aI!I Run 'Iime Vm AP Tm Ts Yot AH %tso Bws Y..Vnc 60.0 mtn 53-{,19 ftr 0.89 in. W(l 9t.9 555.9 .t 2.256 in. WC 100.7 0.r07 -0.6 ,*.a-'rlaAI Locslion: ( hevron Product3 ('omDanr - SLC Refinerv - North ! Date: E/26l2t I Run 3 lvALlD Stsrl Time: End Time: l6: l5 t ?t3-< Source: Project No.: FCC AST-202 AL Sample Time (minules) Dr! Gas llleler Reading (fi!) Pilol Tube AP (in WC) (;rr 'I-emoertlur€r {ol }Orilice Press. AH (in. r'1'C) Pump \,ac (in. Hs) (;e! _I'omDarrlures l"l'l % tsc vs (fps) DGM Averaee Stocl Probe Oven lmo Exit NA Besin End ldeal Actual IA 000 175 q.l 4t5 090 t0.]55r t'l ']0 109 il3 65 tol li 78 74 r75 7J0 I q7 900 098 t00 55.r 52 :50 3t7 121 1g a7 l 8? t8 :1 150 llt5 l0t l5{087 t00 555 ,l 0 1?l lt5 ,19 97?l't 51 {I :5 I500 104 601 0q0 q9 55q :10 l0 120 ll0 4q 100 5 ?9 05 IB t5 00 lu 75 :08 004 07q q8 546 04 00 3t6 52 995 7l 58 t8 75 150 I I t78 100 t)l 551 56 60 .l 3ll 1 4S 98?8l 04 l ll 50 4 618 089 g6 555 ?'l lto 50 0l o 78,15 {26 t5 10 00 18067 085 q6 556 l6 :0 l:0 :r 1,1 5I l0r q 167t I(,r0 00 t.l 75 :t 106 0 75 q6 5,10 q.t g0 l?5 5 5'1 0t ri 1t 4A 15 t7 50 214 5(,3 099 9'1 53 50 q 54 t002 82.58 1 37 50 il25 8120 086 c)g 5 l0 t::55 998 7't oo .l J5 00 3l 135 085 qq 5l l8 tt0 l:t 1 55 s8 I 76 55 ID ,15 00 18 75 .1 675 0q0 100 17 t3 l0 I l:{6:98:78 58 1A 75 5t 50 138 02.1 0q6 I0l 4E I .{9 50 57 99 1 8l :0 l 5? 50 56:5 141 5ll 089 t0.l 5 t0 30 o 1? r 58 989 '74 34 56:5 60 00 144 8c9 084 t0l 55 t7 :0 l:l 58 q86 Final DGM: l.l8 l5l oF at,ld Run Time l'm AP Tm Ts ::" AH %rso Bws lo,Voc 60.0 mtn 53.73t ftJ 0.t9 in. W('99-3 55t.6 0F 4 2.2a1 in. WC t00_t o-t06 -0.7 STACK DATA (FINASTACK DATA (ES STACK DATA (EST) Meler Bor lD: M5-9 AH 6 (in.ll'C): l.E2.l Pilot Cp/T!pe: 0.E45 Nozzle Dn tin.): 0,265 Moisiure: Berometric: Strtic Press: Stnck Press: Co1: Orl N2/COr Md: Mi: 18.5 q'o ---lI- qr 79.5 0i Jl.0,l lb/lb-mole 29.E7 lb/lb-mole Pb: 25.63 rn Hg Pg: 0.01 rn WCoi La 9o (lO1: 11.14 % Est. Tm: 99 E!1. Ts: 556 'F E!t. AP: 0.89 rn WC Esl- Dn: 0-243 rn Tarcet Raaei 0.75 scl'm Mid I (c0 Mid 2 lc0 X CHECKI Pr. Mid I Mid 2 Mid 3 Po3l L.rk R.r. (cfm): 0.001 .- 0.001 Isokinetic Field Data Ar-r-mNcp SoURCE TpsuNc Pnorp,cr: AST-20 24-243 6 CHpvRoN Cr-rpNr # ,{085 Rpponr # 24-568 SueMrrreo By: Alliance Technical Group 12242 S.W. Gnnoeru Puce TIGARD, OR97223 (503)624-2183 Page 1 of 12Report # 24-568 Affare 12242 SW Garden Place * Tigard, OR 97223-8246 * (503) 624-2183 Case Narrative Date: October 2.2024 General Information Client: Alliance Source Testing Client Number: 4085 Report Number: 24-568 Sample Description: Impinger Trains SanrpleNumbers: 24-U107 -24-110,24-52750-24-52753 Analysis Non-Sulfate Particulate Matter Analytical Protocols: Modified EPA Method 5F (8/3/17 version) Analytical Notes: Filter samples were extracted and taken to I00 ml. The water and filter samples were analyzed by IC for SOr. After the addition of phenolphthalein, ammonium hydroxide was added drop wise until the samples turned pink. Water was used to remove the fine particulate rnatter from the bottom of the sample bottles. Samples were evaporated at 105"C and gravimetry was performed to constant weight. ln lieu of an air condenser. samples were refluxed using beakers and watch glasses at sub-boiling temperatures. Non-sulfate particulate matter was determined by subtracting the mass of ammonium sulfate (as back calculated from sulfate results) fronr net mass ofsanrples. Results are not blank corrected. QA/QC Review; All the data have been reviewed by the analysts performing the analyses and the project manager. All the quality control and sample-specific inforrnation in this package is complete and meets or exceeds the minimum requirements for acceptability. Comments: lf you have any questions orconcems regarding this analysis, please feel free to contact the project manager. Disclaimer:This report shall not be reproduced. except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. The results only represent those of the samples as received into the laboratorv. D g(. ry rqoed hy [,aulhd. ON .n-Paul Dudi o.Alliao(e - TRhn(alcroup." /.rZ ), z 'mail=P& dldiirrr'<ds(or Dare 2024 ioo?'6 II I5 !7o! Project Manager Paul Duda Report # 24-568.^ Page2 ol 12 Analytes: Alliance Source Testing Project: AST -2024-2(16 C h evron Method 5F Data - Report # 24-568 Sampte ID Ctient ID Sample Date Non Sutfate PM Net Welght (mg) Water Fitter Rinse Comments Lab_Btk Meth_Btk 0.20 2.50 -0.72 1.49 24-52750 24-U707 FCCU Run l Water FCCU Run l Fitter 8126124 8t26t24 3.77 -2.70 24-52751 24-U708 FCCU Run 2 Water 8126124 FCCU Run 2 Fitter 8126124 15.64 1.60 24-52752 24-U109 FCCU Run 3 Water FCCU Run 3 Fitter 8126t24 8t26t24 7.41 2.70 24-52753 24-U770 M5F Dl Btank MSF Filter Btank 8t26t24 8t26t24 2.02 2.90 Analysis performed by: Alliance Technica! Group )L2242 SW Garden Place I Tigard, OR97223 i (503) 624-2183 Report # 24-568-^ Page 3 of '12 Nor+(,o,o(L 6lEIal : s x E R s g? - + 3 P n -tolcl fl e g H E H = El o o " o o o dl -1 s o < o o s El E E g E : H il e o o ., o '; ?l E Ei sl H E[ 8l Pb s B .l o o o o el 83 3 3 g oo o o N@ O r O ^l r , IO O O F Il E e i ? i i NN N N o) @ @ o NO O ) ( ) ON O F 6t ( o ( o aa l a oo o o te o € o t{ o 6 ON r r lO r l t @ ( o aa a a oo o o .6 F F N O O ol - 6 N o N 6 ql o N F r o .a 9lo o $ { (o (o ;l o o r a a a -r c i o o o o o xlal+lolel g I d 5 8 3l ; o P N ^ i clolEI E= : n = * s gl E ; ; : E ; (J l o - o I o s q3 K 3 3 R 3 ol 6 N o o o o Rl I q a a e I Yl N t s N 6 o @ Ol N (o ( o @ @ (o NO O F O N ol O O r (O $ 6 ol O r O (g N @ at 0 N o @ o o El o @ { = o o (9 l d N s ai @ d N( O ( O ( O ( O @ IS e E E E E E 3I l ? - o o o o ,i r @ r 6 O N O :U l r o { $ o o (r l o o s F r $ -. 1 6 N O $ @ O gl o @ r I o o .tE l ii r r @ @ o Flr o o @ @ @ S$ F 6 O O ri O @ N O olo o $ t s N I =l o r o f @ o il c q a t q q ' 'N N N O (O € ts ( o ( o @ ( o @ -Q o - - - oT E Y P P I P _I F -N N N N ;l € i 3 3 3 3 JU N N N N tr l lo * o o r u Ol + N o N o OI F ? @ o N El 8 3 3; s -l oo o o o olclf, g g E g e ;c d d d o lf l a * e s s ololEl s B * E e olF @ " r ? EIfl s l g ; s Po - - o !l( , 0 $ h vF F* F F FN N N N <u ? q q q o' N N N N xoxq)(!=i,oEtL6oo.( !@(o6sN(,F)tNo v9o9U) c og@t r ol \ ,1 sEod a_ v) 9>El xP E s=o= T6s< 9 t g n. + q EI E xZ o , S E' 4 E , 9 OE ! x E+ 3 t ' :' ( , x ! N^ U :f a K a= t + P0 6 2 =N>o 1 ' o =; v 2 ) ^ ^x 6 o )a t r 6 d, > : E Eo 9 ; Oo 9 o ar I t : "6 ! ; BH E H (, 9 { q " ! 6+ ! o Oz c E F9 o P oo E E Nqo No$ aEI H H E g E !l o Q o o o olsl Il .- . - - - fl E E u sE =l 9o N F o 9o d @ d d d qf i l c e g H H OP J ' o o o o LLtr )6(oroI$No)o.( E ololEl o o o o o 6l o O O O O ol - F - r - -r lEI Eooco.9 ,EoooogC=c,loEGC" ,Eoooo(EE ;l : : : r s hN @ o o Eo o o - tL l f , l l ro + + + + >N N N N No()0)o) (!o-@@ro$N:t !ooo)E. EDv,EGE') ,;oooGE @(oLOIsNq)o.aONI+L0)=lrLLLO o)EoC C.o_oE LoGo.oac)o F. - O, l' - cO @O - F - f ' - l ( ) '. + q c" j r- . - s o$ N @ $ @ s $$ $ soooooI$(, )O) -: o) g o) o oi ; vos- u) o-O_oF - oE CJ I. J J oc o --iD S = .o ) at s ieoo . E>E_ o o> (J : o -( Jo) = sp ri DZaD0 ) :o 19 !( J .9 0) O= }Ucr o EA g ^aC,) ( , r ) -Gohc_ io o cO l. - r O) l. - CY ) rO L O I ' - 1 . - l r ) o$ N c o F - - s o$ o ( o s ( o qn c 9 n n oo o o o o OaIaaIC) lr o( 9 Aa o os P (/ ) N r 9) - ob ou- aA * Bs P EN l . o ot s - cf )O) OaIooF l- L HE . v* $9t \ o , Nd o Fr dLLo ", (D c. t Y* - .o dl c" j ' co r O): Oc ; l -< Y xO t af r E o LrO) -o O o- (O N\3g oNLLN -" Oa- (O @\3g ONLLO) -o d o- N rO \$g NLLq -o r o\ l' - o\?g c. iN E+E9 ioJ- e .t r o ,0 ) tr - LL@NQ Q B s@ B 5 q $- o ) o * +O N o : 3o - 3 i LLcf ) ( o - oo ) o -o l i o o r o o\ v o o ) o o) - o o ) o $Q c ? o d (l Z o N O IINN ,^ r O ) O -o Y o o r o o\ r - Cr O ) O (o - o o ) o <o O c 2 o r o tr ) o c ! o -rNLLf. - - ,ir O t O -o Y o o r o o\ r - c) o) o @- o o J o $Q o ? q o u) o ( \ o ;r(\ .> ^ o () I pq o o ; F: O o r o o = -O O O i o o o o r co o o J h o o o o, u c O O A E- c i c q 5 o) oq)oIaaoLoilaaoEoc @r ( O S c o c ? OO T T N ; 1 oo o o o ! 2 oo o o o ! ? oo o o o 9 oo o d o ? @c O l ' - O ) r N \t r l ' * @ r l ' - rt O F - r O O TL O O O c O I ' - r@ l r _ ( O - O cl i ; o i ; c r i ; f' . - l' - F= l'- l' - - l' - (O O) cY ) cO $ O) tr ) - O ) O c r j N st f ) N N O O rt f ) O O C O F - r@ 1 . - ( O s O c. i -o j ; c . i - N t- r. - N 1. . - t ' . - CY ) r n C O S r ( O ox o o c ! c ! ox o o o o ox o o o o oS q q q q OA O O O O r( O t f ) @ C O N rt f . - $ N l " - o rO t f ) @ N ( O rr O C O @ O - $ N ". q q Nr O ) - - O F- t - t - t - - l . - l. - @N N $ F . - ( O Cv ) r s t N | r ) F - r- t O @ N l r ) rr o c Y ) @ o -. n \ -: q (o N- O ) r - O r' . - l' - N l - l ' - F- vC *o oo ) F . . * o Eo C O O O - -r r mf ! f l = r( J r r r ji $ - c s $ $ jN E N N N No@0)U) (EL@@lo$N+oo.o&. @(olr ) IrtNq)oc.goN-LL|r )E')oEgE) .=oo,ooGE o)Eq)c C.o_oE Lo(6o.oa0)o SB g R X S ?3 - P o - - soooooIsO)O) -: ot Y o) ( E oi ; o) t s vos- ( , o-o-ohoEci LlJ oc oUg f. q (E ! :Ecl oE> t- o o> > (J : o rOOJ ' F ?p rL )ZaDq ) E .u .9 _c a) .P q) gE C, ) ( I , PE=o = 6S ;qOEE_ ro o Nc o o l @ s N Io ) $ N N O !? @ - o $ N !2 c Y ) O r O O UO O O O O ?o o o o o OaIaao(, lr OOO@ r . - ov I l (, ) N o o\ = . ob LL(9 aA a 3s N Xs . o vo . cY )O) OaI(uNF LL ,T O Xa c . t Ed r o .( o 6 - Fr U) LLo .. U) co ed + r @r O) O. E or xO t a* a F 1' oN -o @ o- CO N\N r \ co 5 LLs -o OO o- (O @\ LLtr ) ?R oNNLLq -o r o\ F- $\ LLq -o O o\ l. - o\$3Eg NNE\E9 io . L- .t r 6, o tt - LL@N r- O O O -o l ^ O O O o\ v o o o $\ o o o $Q q q c j ul o c r ) o O) r LLcD @ - O) C D O si o E E S @- o ) o ) o *8 S R s O) r LLN( O ,- r O ) O -o V o o ) o o\ ' oo ) o (o - o o o d( J c D o ) . i ro o e . r 5 ;rNLLf' - r ,- r O O -o Y o o o o\ r - Cl o o @- o o o sQ a ? q o q) o c o o ;-N 2- ^ o o H Eq o o ; E O cr , o) o - -o o o i o - o o o r cO o o . !o o o E ,q ' c D o .d E- c i c o 5 I' - + @ r n tO Cr l ol r = c { o oA o A o o oX o ; < o o o5 q 5 q c ?o ? o ? ? O) N - N O \ t OS - O $ t f ) o) ( o N N O ) ( O lr ) @ F - o ) o o qn q q n q N@ r - - ( o f . - @ f. - ( o ( o ( o ( o ( o Nr c O @ L f ) N O( O O ) < t r r f ) O) ( O - N o ) ( O lr ) @ F - o ) o o qs q q n q N@ t - ( o l . - @ f. - ( o ( o ( o ( o ( o 9! co c o @ (- o f. - !2 N - N x t s t !? o o o o o !2 0 0 o o o UO O O O O ?o o o c j o (O O T N L O C T ) r$ c O O ) $ O O) 1 . - O r $ 9 tr ) $ l ' - @ O O os ( o o r n t q N@ 1 . - ( o r . - @ f- - ( o @ ( o ( o ( o $@ $ O s O -t g $ N O ) L O Lo $ r . - c o o o : Cn q q n q o) N @ Ir - - (O l' . - - cO : N( O ( O ( o ( o ( o .l. 9;a rz 9 -: z - F c ! o c o o C[ l 1 - : ] , g 1 g 1 t O tt O F- (D F- r . - F * .- EQ ; q q q U (t r s : $ s s h JN ON N N so ) c Analyte Sample ID Measured Conc. mg/L DL Conc. mg/L s04 ICB <DL 0.020 so4 Meth Blk <DL o.020 so4 CCB <DL 0.020 so4 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 Client Name: Project Number: Analytical Technique lnstrument: Sample Description: Report Number: Blank Data QNQC Report Alliance Source Testing A085 lon Chromatography Thermo IC5-5000 82mm Quartz 24-568 ICB: lnitial Calibration Blank CCB: Continuing Calibration Blank*: Sample Media Blank (SM_Blk) concentration in pg/filter Method Blank is in control if Method Blank results are <10o/o of sample results Calibration QC ICV: lnitial Calibration Verification CCV. Continuing Calibration Verification Calibration Verification Limits: 90% - 'l 10% Recovery Low Level-LCS Limits: 50% - 150% Recovery LL-LCS results are insignificant if sample results are >'l0x LL-LCS concentration Duplicate Data All samples analyzed in duplicate. The reported concentrations are the average of the two measurements. LCS Limit: 80% - 120% Recovery Spike Limit: 75% - 125% Recovery-: per EPA CLP protocol, control limits do not apply if spike concentration is less than 25% ot lhe sample concentration Analyte Sample ID Standard Conc. mg/L Measured Conc. mg/L Percent Recovery s04 ICV 0.500 0.538 107.6 s04 LL-LCS 0.030 0.026 86.7 s04 CCV 0.500 0.538 107.6 s04 CCV 0.500 0.546 109.2 s04 CCV 0.500 0.534 106.8 s04 CCV 0.500 0.550 1 10.0 so4 CCV 0.500 0.526 105.2 s04 CCV 0.500 0.542 108.4 Report # 24-568 PageT ol 12 Client Name: Project Number: Analytical Technique: lnstrument: Sample Description: Report Number: Blank Data QNQC RePort Alliance Source Testing A085 lon Chromatography Thermo IC5-5000 Method 5F 24-568 ICB: lnitial Calibration Blank CCB: Continuing Calibration Blank*: Sample Media Blank (SM_Blk) concentration in pg/filter Method Blank is in control if Method Blank resuhs are <10o/o of sample results Calibration QC ICV: lnitial Calibration Verification CCV: Continuing Calibration Verification Calibration Verification Limits: 90% - 1 10% Recovery Low Level-LCS Limits: 50% - 150% Recovery LL-LCS results are insignificant if sample results are >'l0x LL-LCS concentration Duplicate Data All samples analyzed in duplicate. The reported concentrations are the average of the two measurements. LCS Limit: 80Yo - 120% Recovery Spike Limit: 75o/o - 125% Recovery.: per EPA CLP protocol, control limits do not apply if spike concentration is less than 25% of the sample concentration Analyte Sample ID Measured Conc. mg/L DL Conc. mg/L s04 ICB <DL 0.020 s04 Meth Blk <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 s04 CCB <DL 0.020 so4 CCB <DL 0.020 so4 ccB <DL 0.020 so4 CCB <DL 0.020 Analyte Sample ID Standard Conc. mg/L Measured Conc. mg/L Percent Recovery s04 ICV 0.500 0.538 107.6 s04 LL-LCS 0.030 0.026 86.7 s04 CCV 0.500 0.538 107.6 s04 CCV 0.500 0.il6 109.2 s04 CCV 0.500 0.534 106.8 s04 CCV 0.500 0.550 1 10.0 s04 CCV 0.500 0.526 105.2 s04 CCV 0.500 o.542 108.4 Contro! Analyte Sample ID Sample Conc. mg/L Spike Conc. mg/L Spike Amount mg/L Percent Recovery s04 24-S.2750 3.98 9.40 5.00 1 09. s04 24-U107 o.470 0.991 0.500 104. Report # 24-568 Page 8 of 12 IoN CHnoMAToGRAPUy Rqw Dlra Available upon request Reporl # 24-568 Page 9 of 12 Alliance Technical Group SOURCE SAMPLE RECEIPT CHECKLIST Client H Runs 3 + blanks Package intact? Chain-of-Custody form inspected CoC present with samples? CoC indicates analytical methodology Has CoC been signed by client? Custody release date and time noted to be used? (eg M29, etc.) on CoC? t \+!, I I f t'v't Alliance Source Testing Date Report # s/tt/2024 24-568 All sample containers inspected Does number of samples match number on CoC form? Do all sample lD numbers match those on the CoC form? Did client mark sample volumes prior to shipment? sample temperature recorded? Are the sample containers intact? lf present, Audit Sample intact? Are signs of leakage present? Chain-of-Custody form signed and dated by CLN Corrective actions Client contacted due to mismatching sample lD numbers Client contacted due to broken sample container(s) Client contacted due to leaking sample container(s) Client contacted for verification of methodology? Corrective actions documented? Corrective actions accomplished? !l !! !! !t Items morked Items marked Signed Notes 7/"' ,'-/ '/i z-zz '/ ,.\ur Ll c !!sholl be addressed priorto ony onalytical work being storted . sholl be noted in cose norrqtive upon reporting of results to client. \ C, K curri qCgr,, ,,.lct7 {v'r,r, {ii :,r t Vr,{,rn, .4 ,-r },t,^. [,r,rtt(f . M5F \iu,l.rrt nla i\ o ,,^.-c- Report # 24-568 Page 10 of 12 UoU-lo-t I (uu0l!o- !,gool =lcr l ol tIolEI I F -. ] P63 E6 t Eq E 6e . E E! o11 )ozo'60.)o- at)ooEoo ozEOJD(\oE(ENG,E(EEtrooCLc(!o8a CL . E oz -g r AOqoEf r O -E L v8o>O= oztroo)E(\ooc.ECLEoooooCLEoooLd ILloI. E l=toI( !=oLl!o-oo=3.1 ,trozotroEEoooUocoEo.!C'ot.ooocoo=otr(E '5oCL th .)N rdol<\ oEI bt \ -$\,t \:$Eog \nil .. uoEO- FJ -- c !E\ EJo\s/ \ i$ \n\\>6!og0)G ticoEEooCLoootBo(!oltlUJ tooo:,Eot., 2o:oc l9 po q l a u t ) ) oc. t O F. Neo c -T.N a \sf.sA^E}#f \\t\ aNEq*No zo=uol!zFzUJfo zo&@xQoE6zEoCLEo Eo(.' |oJoQJx.oooIJJ'aEr 2Uo!-5goaio Uoc l 2Nfd-@ Eflo-6i.RU N .! P E3 t lr aEOE.o I=qoYo-o . . 9 tr . 8 EO (r , <lNoN(oN6 sr\, 1ohl(oGI@ sfNoN(oN@ NoN(oN@ tNoN(oNo aiE@zod J0A)NI.rFloYl. - tIt o=o (J(Jq (- )(Ju (JUI (J(JI (J(JI sil\Iss\I;l)E3go -. l ,^). ( ,\ t\.. Ne. \ dSr\ .9frco gotso-o6EU6co N<to@<tNidocosd otoCL& o-gCLEGos.9l! zfd. fLJ(Jr NzfcfUIu (f)zfd. f(J(JI 5ZzscooIln YzIcoGUttrItn oc,z.ooJ otnfi{a. 5.. . 1f'3 Ct$c- \t "Asc- )J EoI(oF(uI.geroz-o(EIovtocL) A aHEt r , qo ff o E II J gt (!io<) O SFSU ' x= :( J (r 1 ! 3t r ;o (n INZ r\ -o- -Eo .c oFaC)Ugo-CoE(!(9=tlC!<tNNrl a()CJ o/Lq)a-GC. ) .-{r r -GtIe) ()-LG.--- Uo(J!o4o@l!o- E'oooJETotoEi= e Et h : pB E € : E 4e , E tr - t r ooozo'6oo<l) -goEou) ozE6o) tr (\orEoNo!EooCLcrEoo8. = oaorOo EOE8 v, at oE5go> . oztr0OJE(\oo.gaEoooooaEGoE4 o(E=os.9EGo.o)o=U'oztioEEoooUooEoETotoootr .9ooEEooCL IA \*att-tvhBpbt sE\(=a .(\ \ts\>6!,o.zood \cU'O iicOJ (e . . o-E- (- - - #a d\ lN\) e!o.zq,& \otroEEooo.oootao(Eo.C lr!I !,ooofE'ot. ,3 2o:otr J9 po r | l o t I ) ) ) o(, o F. NH( , o- >tNhaiEE \$)s iNaii.E s 5NG\ zI=uol!zzgo zotU-Ua;E6zgoCLEo EoqoJoG.l toooUJ'aEU llJ.riioE oc ) -= N fd -@ Eflo-RU NOo>=r , mOE= o!,!,60€Co gc^=Eoeo-o . I tr i ! Ec l o Noa{ (oN6 stNoN(oNoo sta\|oN(o11@ rfNoN(oNco oEozoo tao o=o U(. , r UUr (J(Jr (J()I )(.+\iI\ss -) (vit\$!. 1o< \ o\ t\'5r.so otso-oos(Joo rom\fOt@<tNioEoc iito ooCLEootoir e.UF)EzfE:)(J(JI &UF)LNzf,&. l(JUu tUtLmzfG, f(J(Jr ]zz3rDEUtuIrn oo=ltGJ dII f, ') !2JIaN g=I:q- - 95IfC\ -*;Dt,oc,9rco Eo(,1(9Fo(Jc.gGJoz-o(!-)oPtno-c30ETqo H t- l E IJ J gE t!io .O3F TC N +- l (\ -:o fn !Bl . t . ;o rY ) ! NZ f\ -o- -Eo OD traougGco)Et!(,=tt 1Nstc!Nt- l aq) () olL()a-G(J o-{i -GtIq) (JtIIG.--- plllErrpe QA Data rl Location Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake. UT Source Alky Furnace Project No. ASl2!24243i Make Model S/N Thermo 42iQ 12327730520 100 NA RR02538 E80069884 NA EB00 I 0852 EB00 I 0852 Cylinder Certifed Values Zero Mid NA 9il9t3t 4fit32 Cylinder Expiration Date Zero Mid NA 9119131 4ilt32 Response Times r.. I f.l Ir A L i'-i I, ar L Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Alky Furnace Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Zero Low Mid Aver Calibration Data Location: Source: Project No.: Alky Furnace Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT AST-2024-2436 Date: 8129124 Parameter Oz - Outlet COr - Outlet NOx - Outlet Exnected Average Concentration 10.00 7.00 50.00 Span Between Low High Desired Span 10.00 50.00 23.99 7.00 35.00 23.90 50.00 250.00 96.20 Low Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Mid Range Gas Low Hish 9.60 t4.39 9.56 t4.34 3 8.48 57.72 High Range Gas Low Hieh NA NA NA NA NA NA Actual Concentration (7o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA I t.00 23.99 0.00 NA 10.90 23.90 0.00 NA 50.00 96.20 Resoonse Time (seconds)30.00 30.00 60.00 Upscale Calibration Gas (C-n)Mid Mid Mid lnstrument Response (% or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA I t.00 23.99 0.00 NA I 1.20 23.90 0.02 NA 50.50 96.1 8 Performance (7o of Span or Cal. Gas Conc.) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA t.26 0.00 0.02 NA 0.52 0.02 Status Zero Low Mid Hish PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS punErrpe Bias/Drift Determinations Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Alky Furnace Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Parameter Ou - Outlet COz - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale Response 0.08 0.09 10.91 10.90 0.01 0.06 I 1.00 I 1.00 0.03 0.05 49.29 49.00 Run 2 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale ResDonse 0.09 0.l0 10.90 10.89 0.06 0.09 1 1.00 10.99 0.05 0.03 49.00 48.84 Run 3 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale Response 0.l0 0.09 10.89 r0.88 0.09 0.05 10.99 I l.0l 0.03 0.03 48.84 48.56 FI€]EBAI Bias/Drift Determ inations Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake. UT Alky Fumace Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Location: Source: Parameter Or - Outlel COz - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Date 8129124 Span Value Initial Instrum enl Zero Cal Response Initial lnstrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest 51'stem Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 r r.00 0.08 0.09 I 0.91 10.90 23.90 0.00 n.20 0.01 0.06 r r.00 I 1.00 96.20 0.02 50.50 0.03 0.05 49.29 49.00 Bias (%) Pretesl Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Span 0.33 0.38 -0.38 -0.42 0.04 0.25 -0.84 -0.84 0.01 0.03 -t.26 -1.56 Drift (%) Zero Mid 0.04 -0.04 0.2 r 0.00 0.02 -0.30 Run 2 Date 8129124 Span Value Instrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Upscale Cal Response Prctest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Prctest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 I 1.00 0.09 0. t0 10.90 10.89 23.90 0.00 r 1.20 0.06 0.09 I 1.00 10.99 96.20 0.02 50.50 0.05 0.03 49.00 48.84 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttesl Zero Pretest Span Posttest Span 0.38 0.12 -0.42 -0.46 0.25 0.38 -0.84 -0.88 0.03 0.01 -1.56 -1.73 Drifr (%) Zero Mid 0.04 -0.04 0.13 -0.04 -0 02 -0. r7 Run 3 Date 8129124 Span Value Instrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale ResDonse 23.99 0.00 I t.00 0.t0 0.09 10.89 10.88 23.90 0.00 I 1.20 0.09 0.05 10.99 ll.0t 96.20 0.02 50.50 0.03 0.03 48.84 48.56 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Soan 0.42 0.38 -0.46 -0.50 0.38 0.21 -0.88 -0.79 0.01 0.01 -1.73 -2.02 Drift (%) Zero Mid -0.04 -0.04 -0.r7 0.08 0.00 -0.29 QA Data Location Source Project No. Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Crude Furnace F-2 l00l/F-2 1002 AST-2024-2436 Parameter Oz - Outlet CO, - Outlet NOx - Outlet Make Model S/N Ooeratins Ranse Servomex 4900 100269 25 Servomex 4900 t00269 100 Thermo 42iQ 12327730520 100 Cylinder ID Zero Mid Hish NA RRo2s38 E80069884 NA RR02538 E80069884 NA EB00 l 0852 EB00 I 0852 Cylinder Certifed Values Zero Mid Hish NA I 1.00 23.99 NA 10.9 23.9 NA 96.2 96.2 Cylinder Expiration Date Zero Mid Hish NA 9lt913l 4ilt32 NA 9n9t3t 4t1t32 NA t0t2l29 t012l29 Tvne of Sample Line Heated Samole Line pula6r1pe TECiNICAL (:]NOU- Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Crude Furnace F-2 I00 1/F-2 1002 Project No.: 45T-2024-2436 Response Times Times. seconds Parameter Ou - Outlet COz - Outlet NOx - Outlet Zero Low Mid Averase 30 NA 30 30 NA 30 60 NA 60 30.0 30.0 60.0 pulfferrce Location: Source: Project No.: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Calibration Data Crude Furnace F-2 I 00 I /F-2 I 002 AST-2024-2436 Date: 8128124 Parameter Oz - Outlel COz - Outlet NOx - Outlet Expected Average Concentration 4.50 I 1.00 40.00 Span Between Low High Desired Span 4.s0 22.50 23.99 I 1.00 55.00 23.90 40.00 200.00 96.20 Low Range Gas Low Hiph NA NA NA NA NA NA Mid Range Gas Low Hish 9.60 t4.39 9.56 14.34 3 8.48 57.72 High Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Actual Concentration (7o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA r r.00 23.99 0.00 NA 10.90 23.90 0.00 NA 50.00 96.20 ResDonse Time (seconds)30.00 30.00 60.00 Upscale Calibration Gas (C,ra^)Mid Mid Mid Instrument Response (% or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA r 1.02 24.00 -0.0 r NA 1 1.20 23.92 0.01 NA 50.36 96.21 Performance (7o of Span or Cal. Gas Conc.) Zero Low Mid Hiph 0.00 NA 0.08 0.04 0.04 NA 1.26 0.08 0.01 NA 0.37 0.01 Status Zero Low Mid Hish PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS Location: Source: Project No.: Bias/Drift Determinations Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Crude Furnac e F -21001 /F -21002 AST-2024-2436 Parameter Or - Outlet COr - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Pretest System Zero Response Postlest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 0.07 0.09 10.95 10.95 0.01 -0.04 tt.t2 I 1.08 0.r3 0.04 49.62 49.56 Run 2 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 0.09 0.09 10.95 10.94 -0.04 -0.07 I 1.08 I 1.08 0.04 0.00 49.56 49.27 Run 3 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 0.09 0.09 t 0.94 10.94 -0.07 -0.06 I 1.08 I l.l0 0.00 0.00 49.27 48.94 Bias/Drift Determinations Location: Chevron Products Comnanv - SLC Refinerv - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Crude Fumace F-21001/F-2 1002 Project No.: A5T-2024-2436 Parameter 0: - Outlet CO: - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Date 8128t24 Span Value Initial Instrument Zero Cal Response Initial lnstrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 I 1.02 0.07 0.09 10.95 t 0.95 23.90 -0.01 n.20 0.01 -0.04 |.12 I 1.08 96.20 0.0 r 50.36 0.t3 0.04 49.62 49.56 Bias (%) Prelest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Span 0.29 0.3 8 -0.29 -0.29 0.08 -0. l3 -0.33 -0.50 0.t2 0.03 -0.77 -0.83 Drifr (%) Zero Mid 0.08 0.00 -0.21 -0.17 -0.09 -0.06 Run 2 Date 8128124 Span Value Instrumenl Zero Cal Response Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest 51'stem Zero Response Posttest 51'stem Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 I 1.02 0.09 0.09 10.95 10 94 23.90 -0.01 tt.20 -0.04 -0.07 I 1.08 I 1.08 96.20 0.0r 50.36 0.04 0.00 49.56 49.27 Bias (%) Pretest 7-ero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posllest Snan 0.3 8 0.3 8 -0.29 -0.33 -0.1 3 -0.25 -0.50 -0.50 0.03 -0.0t -0.83 -1.13 Drifr (%) Zero Mid 0.00 -0.04 -0.13 0.00 -0.04 -0.30 Run 3 Date 8128124 Span Value Instrument Zero Cal Responsc Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest S1,51srn Zero Response Posttesl System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale ResDonse 23.99 0.00 I t.02 0.09 0.09 t0.94 10.94 23.90 -0.0 r I 1.20 -0.07 -0.06 I r.08 I l.l0 96.20 0.01 50.36 0.00 0.00 49.27 48.94 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Soan 0.38 0.38 -0.33 -0.33 -0.25 -0.21 -0.50 -0.42 -0.0 r -0.01 -r.r3 -t.48 Drifi (%) Zero Mid 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.00 -0.34 QA Data Location Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source Coker Furnace Project No. AST-2024-2436 Parameter Or - Outlel COz - Outlet NOx - Outlet Make Model SAI Ooeratins Ranpe Servomex 4900 100269 25 Servomex 4900 100269 r00 Thermo 42iQ t2327730520 100 Cylinder ID Zero Mid Hish NA RRo2538 EB0069884 NA RR02538 EB0069884 NA 8B007326 r E8007326 r Cylinder Certifed Values Zero Mid Hieh NA I 1.00 23.99 NA 10.9 23.9 NA 500 500 ylinder Expiration Date Zero Mid Hish NA 9il9131 4l't 132 NA 9il913t 4nt32 NA 9fi6t3t 9il6131 Ivoe of Samole Line Heated Line All6rlpe T E (.t.1N lc A L C n (-\ l.l - Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Coker Furnace Response Times Project No.: 45T-2024-2436 Zero Low Mid Aver rrcrt.loE)AI Calibration Data Location: Source: Project No.: Coker Furnace Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT AST-2024-2436 Date: 8129124 Parameter Or - Outlet COr - Outlel NOx - Outlet Exoected Averase Concentration 6.00 r 0.00 r 30.00 Span Between Low High Desired Soan 6.00 30.00 23.99 10.00 50.00 23.90 130.00 650.00 400.00 Low Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Mid Range Gas Low Hish 9.60 14.39 9.56 14.34 r 60.00 240.00 High Range Gas Low Hish NA NA NA NA NA NA Actual Concentration (7, or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA I t.00 23.99 0.00 NA r 0.90 23.90 0.00 NA 200.00 400.00 ResDonse Time (seconds)30.00 30.00 60.00 Upscale Calibration Gas (C;aa)Mid Mid Mid Instrument Response (7o or ppm) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA I t.00 24.00 -0.05 NA ll.l6 23.89 0.03 NA 197.97 400.38 Performance (7o of Span or Cal. Gas Conc.) Zero Low Mid Hish 0.00 NA 0.00 0.04 0.21 NA 1.09 0.04 0.0 t NA 0.5 r 0.09 Status Zero Low Mid Hish PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS PASS NA PASS PASS allrclpe Location: Source: Project No.: Bias/D rift Determ inations Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Coker Furnace AST-2024-2436 Parameter Oz - Outlel CO: - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Pretest System Zero Response Posftest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 0.07 0.06 10.93 10.91 -0.01 0.02 I 1.06 I l.l0 0.04 0.03 195 .7 5 196.07 Run 2 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest System Upscale Response 0.06 0.06 10.9 t 10.91 0.02 0.02 lt.l0 I l.l0 0.03 0.02 196.07 1 96.1 3 Run 3 Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Uoscale Resoonse 0.06 0.06 t0.9t 10.91 0.02 -0.01 I Ll0 1 1.09 0.02 0.02 1 96.1 3 I 95.99 Location: Source: Project No.: Bias/D rift Determinations Chevron Products Company - SLC Rellnery - North Salt Lake. LIT Coker Furnace AST-2024-2436 Parameter O: - Outlet CO, - Outlet NOx - Outlet Run I Date 8129124 Span Value lnitial Instrum enl Zero Cal Response Initial Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest S1'stem Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale Resoonse 23.99 0.00 I 1.00 0.07 0.06 10.93 r 0.91 23.90 -0.05 I t.16 -0.0r 0.02 r r.06 I t.t0 400.00 0.03 t97.97 0.04 0.03 195.7 5 t96.07 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Span 0.29 0.25 -0.29 -0.38 0.17 0.29 -0.42 -0.25 0.00 0.00 -0.56 -0.48 Drifl (%) Zero Mid -0.04 -0.08 0.13 0.17 0.00 0.08 Run 2 Date 8129124 Span Value Instrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretcst System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest St'stem Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 I 1.00 0.06 0.06 r 0.91 I 0.91 23.90 -0.05 I t.t6 0.02 0.02 l l.l0 I l.l0 400.00 0.03 197.97 0.03 0.02 196.07 1 96.1 3 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Posttest Span 0.25 0.2s -0.38 -0.38 0.29 0.29 -0.25 -0.2s 0.00 0.00 -0.48 -0.46 Drifi (%) Zero Mid 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 Run 3 Date 8129124 Span Value Instrument Zero Cal Response Instrument Upscale Cal Response Pretest System Zero Response Posttest System Zero Response Pretest System Upscale Response Posttest Svstem Upscale Response 23.99 0.00 I 1.00 0.06 0.06 I 0.91 10.9 t 23.90 -0.05 I Lr6 0.02 -0.01 I l.l0 I 1.09 400.00 0.03 197.97 0.02 0.02 1 96.1 3 195.99 Bias (%) Pretest Zero Posttest Zero Pretest Span Pnstlesl Snan 0.25 0.25 -0.38 -0.38 0.29 0.17 -0.25 -0.29 0.00 0.00 -0.46 -0.49 )rift (%) 1.ero \4id 0.00 0.00 -0.1 3 -0.04 0.00 -0.03 kPJI,A Accreditation ,162754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Konnedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lO # G12024 l EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Preasure: coA # Customer PO. NO.: Customer: 80069884 1779nl 1900 PStG 80069884.20240320-0 Certification Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certification Dater: )4t0312024 )4to1t2032 - Shreveoort - LA 80069884.20240320 )84212711 calibration standard has been certified per the -12t531, procedure G2. Certified Concentration(s) Dloxide Concontratlon-m 23.99o/o Uncort lnty fil '/" t0.06 0/6 Analytc.l Prlnclple FNR- MPA Areycd On uto3ao24 03n72024 Balance Analytical Measurement Data Avallable Online. Reference Standard(s) 20 01 vo 24 76 yo Analvtical lnstrumentation o2 c02 MPA FTIR E Thermo MKS 410i MKS 2O31DJG2EKVS13T 1 162980025 03t18t2024 017146467 04t02t2024 SMART-CERT This is to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/tesiing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otheMise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technacal Gas Services lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. (1,ftn,"',, Ct^, , ,, Brittany Johnson Analytlcal Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J Revised on 20'18-09-17 FE*^&.-PJlf** Accreditation #62754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Konnedy Way Shreveport, A 71107 800-551 -81 s0 PGVP Vendor lD # G12023 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Cuatomer PO. NO.: Cuatomer: iR02538 125371 1900 PSIG I R02538.20230831 -0 Certification Oate: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certifi cation Dates: )9t21t2023 )911912031 - Shreveport - LA iR0253E.2023063 1 103925725 This calibration standard has been certified per the May 201 EPA-600/R-1 2/531 , G1. I Concentrruon Unc.filnty An lydcll Prlnclplo A...yod On fi.11% :t0,03 o/o Reference Standard(s) cc737012 eaoo22021 cc737012 20230228 E80022021 20180323 1 162980025 09t14t2023 017146467 09t21t2023 SMART.CERT This as to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measuremenl parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas Services. lf not included, the uncertainty of calabrations are available upon request and were taken into accouni when determining pass or fail. il)"r1", Jasmine Godfrey Analytlcal Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Versron 02-J. Revrsed on 2018-09.17 .i '. \ , ,' 7EXs ---l.'=\'..:rul.A.,.JqabdlEba Accreditation #62754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lO # G12021 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFIGATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Cuatomer PO. NO.: Customer: :8001 0852 123294 1900 PS|G :8001 0852 20210920-0 Certification Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certifi cation Dates : 10t04t202'l 10t02t2029 - Shreveport - LA -8001 0852.2021 0920 13071't69 s standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability Protocol, Document EPA-600/R-1 2/531 , G1 -t Conc.nts fon Unc.rt lnt, An mc.l Prlnclple A$ayed On 96.2 PPM t0.6 PPM Chemiluminescence Oxides of Nitrogen 96.2 PPM Analytical Measurement Data Available Online. cc194349 20191115 cc349576 20210305 Analytical lnstrumentation NO NO Chemrlumrn€scence Chemilumin€scence Thermo Thermo 42i-HL 42tsHL 1152510017 09t04t2021 1 1 52610017 10tO112021 SMART-CERT This is to certity the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the deflned specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parametels to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertaintaes use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otherwise noted. This calibration certificate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas SeNices. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. ,/arrd,t th^r/rL Aaron Varelas Analytical Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS V€rsion 02-J. Revised on 2018-09-17 -.\- BEEq^&.*]PJ!r*-. Accreditation ,162754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Craig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551-8150 PGVP Vendor lD # Gl2023 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Numb6r: Cylinder Pressure: coA f Customer PO. NO.: Customer: : ROO7376 1 24235 9OO PSIG :80073261 .20230906-0 Certification Date: Expiratlon Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: PreviouB Certlfi cation Dates: )st14t2023 )9116t)O31 :80073251 .20230906 )84247443 This calibration standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability 1, G1. Conccntndon Unc.ft.lnty An.lydcll Pdnclplo A.trycd On 500 PPm 13 PPM Chemiluminascence 09l11l2023,ognano23 otal Oxides of Nitrogen 502 PPM Reference Standard(s) 41-M-50 E80059947 202301 1i sx3269't 202301 1 7 componont Principlg Mal(e Model senal MIrG uate NO Chemiluminescence Thermo 42i-HL 1152610017 OBl29l2O23 SMART.CERTlnstrumentation This is to certity the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales lhat are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Units (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 950/0 confidence level of the measurement, unless otheMise noted. This calibration cerlificate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced olher than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas SeNices. lf not included, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into accouni when determining pass or fail. ,/ordn lbrrh- Aaron Varelas Analytical Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Versron 02-J Revrsed on 2018-09- 17 Alialpe SOURCE IESTING Locrtion: Che\ron Prcducts (- SLC Refrnen EPA Method 205 Field Calibration of Dilution System Proi.cl No.: AST-20:{-:,116 Iethod C]it.rir FPA 'ertmelcr ol Mak, Itlod. SA SeNonrex ,1900 I 00:6e l5 0 -vlindcr Numbcr iI) Zcto tlt id NA RRot5 i8 vlindrrCeriitied Vrlues ZcJo Mid 00 il00 .nl RcaDonla {'/. or DDml 7-cro Mid 000 ll06 'fllihrition Gr. Srleclion l7o ofSoxnl Mid {.1 0 elibrrlion Error Padormancc {7. of Spanl Zcro Mid lli.h 00 0l oo in.rritv {o of Rrnpe) t) Analvzer Male Analy_zer Model Analvzer SN Enr rrcnrcs lD ( omponenl'Balance fhs ('vlrnder Gas ID (Drlulron) olNl Cvlrnder (ias ( oncentranon lDrlutron). on 2.1 c)q ( \lrnder Gas tD tMrd-Le\el) 'Not all AST Envrronrcs tlnrls have:-l0L Mass ['lou ('ontrollers For these unrts the 90cs lqr Tlpnr and 80oo ki Tlpm rnlectrons wll not be conducted Cvlrnder Gas ( oncenrrarron ll\,ftd-t-e\cll. oo I I 00 Averuge Anilyzer ('oncanlrrtion Injeclion I Error lnjection 2 Error lnjc(tion 3 llrror t9 t5 0 000 0 0oo 0000 J85 0 loo -0 too -0 r0 Tsrgel Mass FIow ('onlollprs Trrg.l Dihrtion Tsrg.l Flow Rate T.rget Conccnlralion (oht Aciu{l onacnlralion lnjcction I Analyzcr ( oncGntralion lnj..tioo 2 Anell'zcr ('onacdlrrlion lni.ction 3 Anrlyr.r 'on(anlralion Avaraga Analyzar Concpntrrtion Dil[arenc.AverrSa Error I ([ /Sl floo r0 ls l t9 2 r9l tg l I91 t9 t5 (i0 0 2q. I 0t. 5t s(-r 0 50 t:0 l:0 ll I rt I I to ot 0Io t(il tl to r).1 0 {8 J8 {q l9 {tt :l 85 o 05 I0t_ It.l0 0 40 I o o1 Alialrce Mass Flow Controller Calibration Note: The mass flow controller's calibration values are used by the dilution system's operatinS software to improve accuracy. These calibrations are not necessarily indicative of the systems overall performance. Performance is verified by conducting a Method 205 prior to each field use. Calibration Performed By JFT Dilution System Make: Dilution System Model: Dilution System S/N: Calibration Equipment Make: Calibration Equipment Model: Calibration Equipment S/N: Flow Cell S/N: Flow Cell S/N: Calibration Gas: Barometric Pressure, mmHt: Ambient Temperature,'F: Envi ronics 4040 8029 Scientific M-10SLPD/5MM-D/5M, M- 15LPM-D/5 272120;272727 272120 272t2L Nitrogen 25.559 70.7 Mass Flow Controller lD Size, ccm: Make: Model: S/N: #1 10,000 E nvironics 4040 45s242003 82 10,000 Environics 4040 4ss242004 #3 1,000 E nviron ics 4040 455242002 Set Flow True Flow Difference cc/min cc/min Set Flow True Flow Difference cc/min cc/min Set Flow True tlow Difference cc/min cc/min 5% L0% zo% 30% 40% 50% 6OYo 70% 80% 90% 100% 500 489 2.2% 1,000 987 1.3% 2,000 L,970 r.5% 3,000 2,985 0.5% 4,000 4,074 0.4% 5,000 5,034 0.7% 6,000 5,053 0.9% 7,000 7,084 7.2% 8,000 8,119 75% 9,000 9,156 t.7% 10,000 70,202 2.o% 500 454 9.20/o 1,000 9s9 4.t% 2,000 1,989 0.5% 3,000 3,003 0.1% 4,000 4,074 0.4% 5.000 5,033 0.7% 6,000 6,055 0.9% 7,000 7,093 1.3% 8,000 8,123 t.5v" 9,000 9,160 7.8% 10,000 10,196 2.0% 50 47 6.0% 100 97 3.0% 200 196 2.0% 300 298 0.7% 400 400 0.0% 500 502 0.4Yo 600 602 0.370 700 706 0.9%; 800 810 1..3% 900 914 1.6% 1,000 L,o20 2.0% Date 4/t9/24 .frA QA/QC Data 'L::---. Lo(stion Chevron Product! Companr - SLC Refinery - Norlh Sall Lrke, LIT Source FCC Project No. AST-2024-2436 Pnremeier PM Dst€Nozzle lD Nozzle Diemeter (itr.) Hl #2 #J Dn (Average) Dilference (-rirprir MrlPriel a/26i24 SS-l(r5 0 165 0 165 0:65 0 :65 0 000 : 0 00.1 rn SS Date Pilot ID Evidence oI Evidence of Calibration or 8t26t21 P-732 no no no Daae Probe or Reference lndicxled Difference Cril.ri,Probe Length 8/16/14 PR-706-4 700 700 0 00,o I 5 o'o (absolute) Field Balance Chech Date oa/26/r4 Balance ID 5a2873JJl Cenrfied Werght ID SCL.I KG-I Certrfied Weishl (g)looo-o Measured Werghr (g)999.9 Werght Drfl'erence (g)0.1 Date Barometri(Reading Yerilied Calibration or Werlher Strlion Locelion E':6/21 Wealher Stalron NA NA NA SLC I]T Date Meter Bor ID Positive Pressrre LesI Check 8r:6'2.1 M5-9 Pass Reagenl N.me Field Prep performed? If Field Prep Performed: Field Lot Ntrmber Dale Prepared Prcpared By Dl Water :11598 l\o affarrce DGM Calibration-Orifi ces [Jorui]eal I 620 00.4 Revir, o'Irl d.ar v!. lrJt 1/.1/-A , ,rq:ellrlnerl lot l Equipment Detail - Dry Gas Meter Console lD Meter S/N. Critical Orifice S/N. M5 09 23075443 sH 40-73 Calibration Detail nitial Barometric Pressure, in. Hq (Pb) :inal Barometric Pressure, in. Hg (Pbr) \veraqe Barometric Pressure, in. Hq (Pb) 25.60 25 60 25 60 Critifcal Orifice lD (Y) K' Factor, .f1' R'' / in. wC m n (K') Vacuum Pressure, in. Hg (Vo) tnitial DGN,1 Volume, ftr (vm ) Final DGM volume, ftr (Vm') Totai DGM Volume. ft: (Vm) SH -73 0.7864 14.0 743.500 7 58.981 r5 481 sH -73 SH-63 0 6007 160 775.204 787.081 1t 881 SH -63 SH-55 0 4524 180 799.900 808 842 8.942 SH-55 0.7864 0 501 a.452 14.0 759 300 77 4.7 66 15.466 160 787 300 799 195 11 895 180 809 000 817 958 8 958 \mbient Temperature, "F (Ta) nitial DGt\,4 Temperature, "F (Tm ) :inal DGM Temperature. 'F (Tm') \veraqe DGM Temperature, 'F ( Im) a) 82 82 83 83 83 a2 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 Elapsed Time (O) Meter Orifice Pressure, ln WC (AH) Standard Meter volume. ft, (Vmstd) Standard Cr tlcal Orifice Volume, ft' (Vcr) Meter Correctlon Factor (Y) To erance Crlfice Calibration Value (AH @) -o e.alce 3r,'ice Cal Cl'eck 15 00 2.90 13 0134 12 9748 0.997 0 001 1 833 0 009 15 00 2.90 12 9768 12.9628 0 999 0.001 i 833 0 009 15 00 1.70 9.9341 9 9018 0 997 0 001 1 835 0 011 15.00 1.70 9.9373 9 9018 0 996 0 002 r 833 0 010 15 00 0.95 1 4474 7 4504 1 000 0 002 1 804 0 020 15 00 0.95 7.4607 7 4504 0.999 0 001 1 804 0.020 015 029 030 \,4eter Correction Factor ff)0.998 )rifice Calibration Value (AH @)1.824 )ositive Pressure Leak Check Yes Equipment Detail - Thermocouple Sensor Reference Calibrator Make Reference Calibrator t\4odel Reference Calibrator S/N Calibration Detail Practical lnstrument Electronics Pieca 5208 881216 Reference Temp Display Temp Accu racy Absolute Difference F .R F "R ,F 0 68 r00 464 528 560 1 67 99 461 527 559 -02 4.2 4.2 f), 248 )7) 683 708 133 224 249 274 684 709 0 0 0 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,24A 760 860 960 1,060 1,i60 1,260 1,360 1,460 1,560 1,660 301 399 498 599 701 800 900 1,001 1,101 1,201 761 859 958 1,059 1,161 1,260 1.360 1,461 1,5 61 1,661 -0.1 0l 0.2 01 -0 1 00 00 -01 -01 -0 1 1 1 2 1 ,l 0 0 l 1 1 Personnel Charles R Honon Calibration By. Calibration Date: Reviewed By. Xander G Krahn 7 /12/2024 A/lrrerrpe Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Project No.: AST-2024-2436 NO2 Converter Check - Outlet Analyzer Make Thermo Analyzer Model 42iQ Serial Number 12327730520 cc770751 Cylinder Exp. Date 4116127 Cylinder Concentration, DDIn 49.7 Pre-Test Date 8128124 Time l0:15 Pre-Test Con..ntffin-, pprn 45A8 Pre-Test Efficiencv. To 92 Post-Test Date 8128124 Time 14:25 Post-Test Concentration, ppm 46.11 Post-Test Efficiencv, 7o icienc'y is > 90 F.laAITGE Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT AST-2024-2436 NOz Converter Check - Outlet Analyzer Make Thermo Analyzer Model 42iQ &1[fiJ#i",,o.. tnnrosn cc770751 Cytinder Exp. Date 4ll6ln Cytinder Concentration, DDrl 4W Pre-Test Date 8129124 Time 9:30 Pre-Test Concentration, ppm 45.53 Pre-Test Efficiency. 7o n Post-Test Date 8/29124 Time 13:27 Post-Test Concentration, ppm 46.00 Post-Test Efficiency, 7o 93 *Required Efficiency is >- 90 %. &*PJ!t*- Accreditation ,162754 Red Ball Technical Gas Service 555 Graig Kennedy Way Shreveport, LA 71107 800-551 -81 50 PGVP Vendor lO * G12024 EPA PROTOCOL GAS CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Cylinder Number: Product lD Number: Cylinder Pressure: coA # Customer PO. NO.: Customer: ?c770751 12473',1 1850 PS|G =c770751 .20240212-O Certlfication Date: Expiration Date: MFG Facility: Lot Number: Tracking Number: Previous Certifi cation Dates: )4t16t2024 )4116t2027 - Shreveoort - LA cc770751 .20240212 1 0889321 I caltbration standard has been certified per the May 2012 EPA Traceability Protocol, Document EPA-600/R-121531 ino orocedure G2 Certified Concentration(s) conc.ntrldon Uncoft.lnty Analytlcrl Prlnclph Asayod On o2t16t2024, 0/,116t2024 Balanca Analytical Measurement Data Available Online. EB0055436 20201021 E80080844 20201020 E80097551 2020'1021 29 22 PPM 94 5 PPM 63 3 PPM c2190301 02 c2190301 02 c2190301 02 NO2 NO2 FTIR FTI R MKS MKS Model MKS 2O31DJG2EKVS13T MKS 2O31GPPP1AsZK,1XX 017146467 1 1242A254 01t19t2024 04t15t2024 Analytical lnstrumentation SMART-CERT This is to certify the gases referenced have been calibrated/tested, and verified to meet the defined specifications. This calibration/test was performed using Gases or Scales that are traceable through National lnstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to the lnternational System of Uniis (Sl). The basis of compliance stated is a comparison of the measurement parameters to the specified or required calibration/testing process. The expanded uncertainties use a coverage factor of k=2 to approximate the 95% confidence level of the measurement, unless otheMise noted. This calibration certiflcate applies only to the item described and shall not be reproduced other than in full, without written approval from Red Ball Technical Gas Services. lf not rncluded, the uncertainty of calibrations are available upon request and were taken into account when determining pass or fail. z--j / ./ t 11 lu.,: , Timothy Davis Analytlcal Chemist Assay Laboratory: Red Ball TGS Version 02-J. Revis6d on 2018-09-'17 AllarEeiNIL'AL GEOUJ Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Alky Furnace Project No.: AST-2024-2436 Date: 812912024 Traverse Point Time o2 (06l Coz (o/"1 NOx (oom) A-l 2 3 l5:1 8 l5:20 15:22 10.27 10.2t 10.22 10.2 6.83 6.92 6.92 6.9 55.63 55.24 55.74 55.5Averaqe Criteria IVIet Slngle Polnt Single Point Srngle Polnl altErrrcerEC-INICAL 'IEOUfLocation: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Crude Furnace F -21001 lF -21002 Project No.: AST-2024-2436 Datez 812812024 Traverse Point Time o2 (o/ol Coz (ohl NOx (nnml A-l 2 3 l0:34 l0:36 l0:38 4.59 4.49 4.47 4.52 10.45 10.52 10.53 10.50 40.00 39.92 39.96 39.96Averase Criteria Met slngle Polnt Single Point Sinsle Polnt pultErlpe IECiNICAL CIHC)UJ Location: Chevron Products Company - SLC Refinery - North Salt Lake, UT Source: Coker Furnace Project No.: AST-2024-2436 Date: 812912024 Traverse Point Time o2 (V"l Cor (ohl NOx (nnml A-l 2 3 9:46 9:48 9:50 6.01 6.0 r 6.0r 6.01 9.55 9.5 8 9.58 9.57 97.58 97.16 97.41 97.38Average Criteria Met Single Point stnsle Fornl Sinsle Pornt ooqaooEo NqN@PT o=ee . oa@@$s o= ie . IfFdl=EoFoPoF-=Fdl==EoFEg3 ogs; > - L ,! ' i o r v o < x Nosoo6 NCo!Ql i o>o<ooo_Ei t =c l! f;ll I toqNNou]@N\a@@\o o*9o :. oOo o 3< N@Noo @\oF.oq(ooqo(oo I6ciE $* 'o =N; 8 . N@N@o @\o@oq@@\o@ooooooclo@ oaA;9 . N c, H : n -9 cei & Noa@o IfFdt=6oFEd)coEoo0)ooF-lFd]=EooFEd,coEolL < E i r I3 6 * ri o l i d l 3oJoo OU@f trFN -L 9= N L ! 3ooo tu@l !. LF: r L: EN r I ooo6EFr*r! !qd t(- , l- I o'l IIII oaio3oos5 oai9o :' o N6 o 3< No$@o ocNo?$* o= it r @ttoNN6ot-ooo6No@\t oociF sa odob s o-NoN@o -=F.o=ooFoo(0FIlFdt==Gotsf,F6E <, ^ i r N 6 ( J vo Q < o J N f F 6[o 'o(!o6fLoos oE N f ? ([ + ro ! l ON U Nr ( / ) NosoooEf @l r i8UOONNIoo6c-:i r lt t r LfOE !oo 15270.00 16797.00 UTAH DEPARTMEN-oF E 1.1V.!EQ_N_N4_ENIAI e UAL I Ty OCT 2 1 Z0?4 D'VISION OF AIR QUALITY Source Information Division of Air Quality Compliance Demonstration Source Information Company Name Chevron USA - FCC Regenerator Company Contact:Tony Pollock Contact Phone No.801-539-7162 Source Designation:FCC Regenerator Test & Review Dates Test Date: 8/26/2024 Review Date: 11/14/2024 Observer:none Reviewer:Robert Sirrine Particulate Emission Limits lbs/1K lbs Coke lbs/hr lbs/MW-hr 1.0000 1.000 Emission Rates - "Front Half" lbs/1K lbs coke lbs/hr lbs/MW-hr 0.156 0.776 0.14 Test Information Equivalent Diameter (ft.)As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static)Dn 3.59 13.00 0.9980 1.824 0.85 25.6 0.01 0.265 Contractor Information Contracting Company: TRC Environmental Corp. Contact: Zachary Mokrycki Phone No.: 303-495-7599 Project No.: 8700 Rectangular 10100 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 F factor used F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Anthrocite 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane COAL OIL GAS Bituminous 2 Fd Fw Fc scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu scf/MMBtu O2 CO2 lbs/MMBtu Page 1 Summary Division of Air Quality Reference Methods 5 - TSP Compliance Demonstration of Chevron USA - FCC Regenerator Testing Results Lab Data - grams collected Ammonium Sulfat Filter PM Test Date 8/26/2024 8/26/2024 8/26/2024 8/26/2024 Lab Data Probe Filter-AS Back Rectangular Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 1 0 0.00377 3.600 mg 11.500 mgAs ft^2 13.00 13.00 13.00 Run 2 0 0.01724 1.000 mg 11.500 mg Pbar 25.60 25.60 25.60 Run 3 0 0.01011 1.600 mg 15.700 mg Pq (static)0.01 0.01 0.01 Run 4 Ps 25.60 25.60 25.60 Avg. Ts F 554.56 555.94 551.56 Front Half Emissions Summary CO2 - FCO2 17.76 17.74 17.74 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. O2 2.01 2.02 2.02 gr./dscf 0.0013 0.00613 0.0036 0.0037 N2+C 80.23 80.24 80.24 lbs/hr 0.2837 1.2908 0.7545 0.7764 lbs/1K lbs Coal 0.0532 0.2381 0.1393 0.1435 Md 30.92 30.92 30.92 lbs/MMBtu 0.00183 0.00844 0.00492 0.0051 Ms 29.49 29.54 29.54 Y 0.9980 0.9980 0.9980 Cp 0.85 0.85 0.85 Total Emissions Summary w/back half condensable Vm cf 52.47 53.45 53.74 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Avg. Vlc 115.60 110.30 110.30 gr./dscf 0.0013 0.0061 0.0036 0.0037 AVG. Tm F 84.81 98.88 99.25 lbs/hr 0.2837 1.2908 0.7545 0.7764 lbs/1K lbs Coal 0.0599 0.2566 0.1506 0.156 Vm std 43.69 43.38 43.59 lbs/MMBtu 0.0018 0.00844 0.00492 0.0051 Vw std 5.44 5.19 5.19 Bws 0.11 0.11 0.11 S Bws 1.00 1.00 1.00 Avg. Sqrt Dlp 0.96 0.94 0.94 Vs 80.47 79.25 78.99 F factor used scfm wet 2.79E+04 2.75E+04 2.75E+04 8700 acfm 6.28E+04 6.18E+04 6.16E+04 Qsd dscfh 1.49E+06 1.47E+06 1.48E+06# Sample Points 16.00 16.00 16.00 Dn 0.265 0.265 0.265 An 3.83E-04 3.83E-04 3.83E-04 Start TimeEnd Time Total Test time 60.00 60.00 60.00 Time @ point 3.75 3.75 3.75 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1357911131517192123252729313335373941434547 % I s o k i n e t i c Points Run 1 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1357911131517192123252729313335373941434547 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 2 PxP Isokinetic 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1 3 5 7 9 11131517192123252729313335373941434547 % I s o k i n e t i c Sample Points Run 3 PxP Isokinetic O2 CO2 80.00 90.00 100.00 110.00 120.00 1357911131517192123252729313335373941434547 Sample Points Run 4 PxP Isokinetic Page 1 Run 1 Chevron USA - FCC Regene Flow & Moisture Test Date 8/26/2024 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 13.00 25.60 0.01 25.60 555 17.76 2.01 80.23 30.92 29.49 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 90.7492 0.9980 0.85 52.471 115.60 84.81 43.689 5.441 0.1108 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 0.955 80.47 27,950 62,767 1.49E+06 16 0.265 60 3.75 2.275000 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 87.331 0.82 2.00 544 76 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 90.452 1.01 2.50 555 79 779.5 698.6 80.9 3 93.786 0.93 2.30 558 76 727.4 710.8 16.6 4 96.957 0.91 2.20 560 77 613.2 607.9 5.3 5 100.148 0.75 1.90 544 81 959.6 946.8 12.8 6 103.216 0.99 2.40 553 79 0.0 7 106.534 0.92 2.30 557 82 8 109.756 0.93 2.30 559 87 Isokinetics 99.5 9 113.216 0.88 2.20 553 86 Test Date 8/26/2024 10 116.343 1.00 2.50 555 87 Start Time enter enter 11 119.783 0.90 2.20 558 89 0.2330 enter 12 123.065 0.89 2.20 558 90 13 126.248 0.82 2.10 547 90 14 129.522 1.10 2.80 554 92 15 133.235 0.88 2.20 559 93 16 136.468 0.90 2.30 559 93 17 139.802 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 2 Chevron USA - FCC Regene Flow & Moisture Test Date 5/13/2009 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 13.00 25.60 0.01 25.60 556 17.74 2.02 80.24 30.92 29.54 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 91.7636 0.9980 0.85 53.449 110.30 99 43.381 5.192 0.1069 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 0.941 79.25 27,489 61,815 1.47E+06 16 0.265 60 3.75 2.26 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 139.955 0.74 1.90 543 90 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 143.253 0.97 2.50 553 93 802.4 726.8 75.6 3 146.675 0.84 2.10 558 95 781.2 764.0 17.2 4 149.836 0.89 2.30 559 97 653.0 648.1 4.9 5 153.097 0.95 2.40 555 96 984.2 971.6 12.6 6 156.470 0.99 2.50 556 98 0.0 7 159.934 0.86 2.20 558 100 8 163.245 0.88 2.20 559 100 Isokinetics 100.0 9 166.608 0.94 2.40 560 98 Test Date 8/26/2024 10 170.086 0.96 2.40 555 97 Start Time enter 11 173.435 0.85 2.20 557 100 0.2330 enter 12 176.720 0.88 2.20 559 101 13 180.058 0.75 1.90 556 102 14 183.229 0.98 2.50 555 105 15 186.640 0.85 2.20 557 105 16 189.928 0.86 2.20 555 105 17 193.404 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Run 3 Chevron USA - FCC Regene Flow & Moisture Test Date 5/13/2009 As ft^2 Pbar Pq (static) Ps Avg. Ts F CO2 - FCO2 O2 N2+C Md Ms 13.000 25.60 0.01 25.60 552 17.74 2.02 80.24 30.92 29.54 Y Cp Vm cf Vlc Avg. Tm F Vm std Vw std Bws S Bws 88.5645 0.9980 0.85 53.738 110.30 99 43.589 5.192 0.1064 0.9990 0.999 Avg. Sqrt Dlp Vs scfm wet acfm Qsd dscfh # Sample Points Dn Total Test time (minutes) Time @ point (minutes)Avg. Dlh 0.940 78.99 27,518 61,615 1.48E+06 16 0.265 60 3.75 2.28 TRUE Point No.Meter (cf) dl "p" dl "h" ts F tm F (in) tm F (out) Imp. Liquid Collected 1 194.415 0.90 2.30 551 103 Wt. (Final) Wt. (Initial) lc 2 197.900 0.98 2.50 554 100 811.5 726.7 84.8 3 201.354 0.87 2.20 555 100 795.6 781.2 14.4 4 204.602 0.90 2.30 559 99 654.7 653.0 1.7 5 208.004 0.79 2.00 546 98 993.6 984.2 9.4 6 211.178 1.00 2.60 552 97 0.0 7 214.678 0.89 2.30 555 96 8 218.067 0.85 2.20 556 96 Isokinetics 100.3 9 221.406 0.75 1.90 540 96 Test Date 8/26/2024 10 224.563 0.99 2.50 551 97 Start Time enter 11 228.120 0.86 2.20 552 99 0.2330 enter 12 231.435 0.85 2.20 552 99 13 234.675 0.90 2.30 547 100 14 238.024 0.96 2.50 548 102 15 241.533 0.89 2.30 552 103 16 244.899 0.84 2.20 555 103 17 248.153 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Page 1 Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10 Source Information Company Name Chevron Company Contact:Tony Pollock Contact Phone No.801-539-7362 Stack Designation:Alkyl Furnace F-36017 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 8/29/2024 High Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Review Date: 11/12/2024 Mid Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Observer: Robert Sirrine Low Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Reviewer:Robert Sirrine Emission Limits SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMscf 1.0 lbs/hr 15.0 ppm 100.0 Percent %O2 Correction as hole # Test Information Heat Input Stack I.D. inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) fuel flow rate (Btu/hr) Heat Input (Btu/hr.) 54.00 15.90 Round Contractor Information Contact: Alan Jensen Contracting Company: Alliance Technical Group Address: 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley, UT 84120 Phone No.: 847-220-4785 Project No.: 8710 Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc scf/Mbtu scf/Mbtu scf/MBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthrocite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Yes Yes Correct For O2 CO2 Interferece w/CO Yes Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Emissions Summary of Chevron Alkyl Furnace F-36017 Average Emission Dry SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMbtu #DIV/0! 0.12 #DIV/0!Average % concentration lbs/hr #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0!CO2 O2 ppm 57.65 6.88 10.22 Run 1 Enter O2 or CO2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.16E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 6.833E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 6.90 10.22 ppm 57.20 6.98 10.13 Run 2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.17E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 6.915E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 6.90 10.18 ppm 57.89 6.99 10.09 Raw Value Run 3 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.18E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 6.910E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 6.84 10.27 ppm 57.85 6.93 10.17 Raw Value Run 4 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft lbs/hr ppm 0.00 0.00 Raw Value C For Cal Drift ppm C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift Raw Value O2 CO2 Clear lbs/MMBTU Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Calibraton Error Test Test Date August 29, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 23.99 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Pass Mid-level 11.00 11.00 0.00 0.00% Pass High-level 23.99 23.99 0.00 0.00% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.85% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date August 29, 2024 CO2 CS - Cal. Span 23.90 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000% Pass Mid-level 10.90 11.20 0.30 1.255% Pass High-level 23.90 23.90 0.00 0.000% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.61% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date SO2 CS - Cal. SpanUnits ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date August 29, 2024 NOx CS - Cal. Span 96.20 Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.021% Pass Mid-level 50.00 50.50 0.50 0.520% Pass High-level 96.20 96.18 0.02 0.021% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 51.98% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Alkyl Furnace F-36017 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % Unprotected CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CDir CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Cs - Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.02 0.00 0.00 Mid_Level 50.50 11.20 11.00 High_Level 96.18 23.90 23.99 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.50 11.20 11.00 Low-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.52% 1.26% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.5 0.3 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.01 0.08 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.04% 0.33%± 5% of Span Difference 0.01 0.01 0.08 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.3 11.00 10.90 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.26% 0.84% 0.42% Difference 1.21 0.2 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 56.2 7.0 10.1 CO 58.4% 29.2% 42.2%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.1 0.1 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.03% 0.25% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.0 11.0 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.56% 0.84% 0.42% Difference 1.5 0.2 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.02% 0.21% 0.04% Drift Difference 0.0 0.1 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift 0.30% 0.00% 0.00% Difference 0.3 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass NOTEThese cells sc appropriate C after the Cmentered. If this scan is the Cma and gas value. Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog CO Calibration Gas Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Alkyl Furnace F-36017 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.02 0.00 0.00 Mid_Level 50.50 11.20 11.00 High_Level 96.18 23.90 23.99 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.50 11.20 11.00 Low-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.52% 1.26% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.5 0.3 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.05 0.06 0.09 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.03% 0.25% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.03 0.06 0.09 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.0 11 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.56% 0.84% 0.42% Difference 1.5 0.2 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 56.6 7.0 10.1 CO 58.9% 29.2% 42.1%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.1 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.38% 0.42%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 48.8 11.0 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.73% 0.88% 0.46% Difference 1.7 0.2 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.02% 0.13% 0.04% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.17% 0.04% 0.04% Difference 0.2 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Chev Alkyl Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Alkyl Furnace F-36017 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.02 0.00 0.00 Mid_Level 50.50 11.20 11.00 High_Level 96.18 23.90 23.99 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.50 11.20 11.00 Low-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.52% 1.26% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.5 0.3 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.02 0 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.03 0.09 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.38% 0.42%± 5% of Span Difference 0.01 0.09 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 48.84 10.99 10.89 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.73% 0.88% 0.46% Difference 1.66 0.21 0.11 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 56.3 6.9 10.2 CO 58.6% 29.0% 42.4%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.1 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.21% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 48.6 11.0 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 2.02% 0.79% 0.50% Difference 1.9 0.2 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.00% 0.17% 0.04% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.29% 0.08% 0.04% Difference 0.3 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10 Source Information Company Name Chevron Company Contact:Tony Pollock Contact Phone No.801-539-7362 Stack Designation:Crude Furnaces F-21001, 21002 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 8/29/2024 High Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Review Date: 11/12/2024 Mid Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Observer: Robert Sirrine Low Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Reviewer:Robert Sirrine Emission Limits SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMscf 1.0 lbs/hr 15.0 ppm 100.0 Percent %O2 Correction as hole # Test Information Heat Input Stack I.D. inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) fuel flow rate (Btu/hr) Heat Input (Btu/hr.) 95.00 49.22 Round Contractor Information Contact: Alan Jensen Contracting Company: Alliance Technical Group Address: 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley, UT 84120 Phone No.: 847-220-4785 Project No.: 8710 Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc scf/Mbtu scf/Mbtu scf/MBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthrocite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Yes Yes Correct For O2 CO2 Interferece w/CO Yes Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Division of Air Quality Emissions Summary of Chevron Crude Furnaces F-21001, 21002 Average Emission Dry SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMbtu #DIV/0! 0.053 #DIV/0!Average % concentration lbs/hr #DIV/0! #VALUE! #DIV/0!CO2 O2 ppm 39.99 10.31 4.52 Run 1 Enter O2 or CO2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)5.34E-02 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 4.803E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 10.31 4.52 ppm 40.21 10.50 4.54 Run 2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)5.25E-02 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 4.728E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 10.31 4.52 ppm 39.58 10.48 4.55 Raw Value Run 3 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)5.33E-02 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 4.798E-06 lbs/hr #VALUE! 10.30 4.52 ppm 40.17 10.48 4.55 Raw Value Run 4 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft lbs/hr ppm 0.00 0.00 Raw Value C For Cal Drift ppm C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift Raw Value O2 CO2 Clear lbs/MMBTU Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Calibraton Error Test Test Date August 29, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 23.99 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Pass Mid-level 11.00 11.02 0.02 0.08% Pass High-level 23.99 24.00 0.01 0.04% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.85% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date August 29, 2024 CO2 CS - Cal. Span 23.90 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 -0.01 0.01 0.042% Pass Mid-level 10.90 11.20 0.30 1.255% Pass High-level 23.90 23.92 0.02 0.084% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.61% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date SO2 CS - Cal. SpanUnits ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date August 29, 2024 NOx CS - Cal. Span 96.20 Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.010% Pass Mid-level 50.00 50.36 0.36 0.374% Pass High-level 96.20 96.21 0.01 0.010% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 51.98% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Crude Furnaces F-21001, 21002 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % Unprotected CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CDir CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Cs - Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.01 -0.01 0.00 Mid_Level 50.36 11.20 11.02 High_Level 96.21 23.92 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.36 11.20 11.02 Low-Level 0.01% 0.04% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.01 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.37% 1.26% 0.08% ppmv Difference 0.36 0.3 0.02 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.01% 0.08% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.02 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.1 0.01 0.07 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.12% 0.08% 0.29%± 5% of Span Difference 0.12 0.02 0.07 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.6 11.12 10.95 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.77% 0.33% 0.29% Difference 0.74 0.08 0.07 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 39.9 10.5 4.5 CO 41.5% 43.9%18.9%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.0 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.03% 0.13% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.0 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.6 11.1 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.83% 0.50% 0.33% Difference 0.8 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.09% 0.21% 0.08% Drift Difference 0.1 0.1 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift 0.06% 0.17% 0.04% Difference 0.1 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass NOTEThese cells sc appropriate C after the Cmentered. If this scan is the Cma and gas value. Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog CO Calibration Gas Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Crude Furnaces F-21001, 21002 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.01 -0.01 0.00 Mid_Level 50.36 11.20 11.02 High_Level 96.21 23.92 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.36 11.20 11.02 Low-Level 0.01% 0.04% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.01 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.37% 1.26% 0.08% ppmv Difference 0.36 0.3 0.02 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.01% 0.08% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.02 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.040 -0.040 0.090 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.03% 0.13% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.03 0.03 0.09 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.56 11.08 10.94 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.83% 0.50% 0.33% Difference 0.8 0.12 0.08 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 39.12 10.48 4.55 CO 40.7% 43.8%19.0%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.00 -0.07 0.09 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.25% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.27 11.08 10.94 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.13% 0.50% 0.33% Difference 1.1 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.04% 0.13% 0.00% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.30% 0.00% 0.00% Difference 0.3 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Chev Crude Furnaces 2024 2rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Crude Furnaces F-21001, 21002 CS Calibration Span 96.20 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 50.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 96.20 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 52.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 50.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.01 -0.01 0.00 Mid_Level 50.36 11.20 11.02 High_Level 96.21 23.92 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 50.36 11.20 11.02 Low-Level 0.01% 0.04% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.01 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.37% 1.26% 0.08% ppmv Difference 0.36 0.3 0.02 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.01% 0.08% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.01 0.02 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0 -0.07 0.09 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.25% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.01 0.06 0.09 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 49.27 11.08 10.94 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.13% 0.50% 0.33% Difference 1.09 0.12 0.08 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 39.5 10.5 4.6 CO 41.0% 43.8%19.0%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.1 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.01% 0.29% 0.38%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 48.9 11.1 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 1.48% 0.42% 0.33% Difference 1.4 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.00% 0.54% 0.00% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.1 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.34% 0.08% 0.00% Difference 0.3 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Reference Methods 2, 3A, 6C, 7E, 10 Source Information Company Name Chevron Company Contact:Tony Pollock Contact Phone No.801-539-7362 Stack Designation:Coker Furnace F-70001 Test & Review Dates Test Date: 8/29/2024 High Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Review Date: 11/12/2024 Mid Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Observer: Robert Sirrine Low Flow Test Date: 1/0/1900 Reviewer:Robert Sirrine Emission Limits SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMscf 100.0 lbs/hr 15.0 ppm 150.0 Percent %O2 Correction as hole # Test Information Heat Input Stack I.D. inches As ft^2 Y Dl H @ Cp Pbar Pq (static) fuel flow rate (Btu/hr) Heat Input (Btu/hr.) 54.00 15.90 Round Contractor Information Contact: Alan Jensen Contracting Company: Alliance Technical Group Address: 3683 W 2270 S, Suite E West Valley, UT 84120 Phone No.: 847-220-4785 Project No.: 8710 Division of Air Quality Instrumental Reference Methods - Gaseous Measurements F factors for Coal, Oil, and Gas Fd Fw Fc scf/Mbtu scf/Mbtu scf/MBtu Diluent F factor used O2 CO2 Anthrocite 2 Bituminous 2 Lignite Natural Propane Butane 10100 COAL OIL GAS 9780 9860 9190 8710 8710 8710 10540 10640 11950 320 10610 10200 10390 1970 1800 1910 1420 1040 1190 1250 Wet CEM Yes Yes Correct For O2 CO2 Interferece w/CO Yes Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Emissions Summary of Chevron Coker Furnace F-70001 Average Emission Dry SO2 NOX CO lbs/MMbtu #DIV/0! 0.14 #DIV/0!Average % concentration lbs/hr CO2 O2 ppm 101.70 9.67 5.64 Run 1 Enter O2 or CO2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.45E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 1.197E-05 lbs/hr 9.49 5.91 ppm 100.23 9.65 5.90 Run 2 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.45E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 1.216E-05 lbs/hr 9.68 5.61 ppm 101.81 9.86 5.59 Raw Value Run 3 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)1.45E-01 E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft 1.231E-05 lbs/hr 9.83 5.39 ppm 103.06 10.01 5.38 Raw Value Run 4 Dry SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Atomic Weight 64 46 28 lbs/MM BTU (O2)E=Cd x Fd x (20.9/(20.9- lbs/MM BTU (CO2)E=Cd x Fc x (100 / % CO lbs/cu.ft lbs/hr ppm 0.00 0.00 Raw Value C For Cal Drift ppm C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift C For Cal Drift Raw Value O2 CO2 Clear lbs/MMBTU Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Calibraton Error Test Test Date August 29, 2024 O2 CS - Cal. Span 23.99 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% Pass Mid-level 11.00 11.00 0.00 0.00% Pass High-level 23.99 24.00 0.01 0.04% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of CS - Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.85% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date August 29, 2024 CO2 CS - Cal. Span 23.90 Units % Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 -0.05 0.05 0.209% Pass Mid-level 10.90 11.16 0.26 1.088% Pass High-level 23.90 23.89 0.01 0.042% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 45.61% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date SO2 CS - Cal. SpanUnits ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Test Date August 29, 2024 NOx CS - Cal. Span 400.00 Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.008% Pass Mid-level 200.00 197.97 2.03 0.508% Pass High-level 400.00 400.38 0.38 0.095% Pass % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 50.00% 100% of Cal. Span High-level 100.00% Test Date CO CS - Cal. Span Units ppm Cylinder No. Experation Date Cal. Gas CV- Certified Concentration CDir or CS - Measured Concentration Difference ACE Eq. 7E-1 Analyzer Cal. Error Status Low-level Mid-level High-level % of Span Sec. 8.2.1 Cal Gas Verification 0 to 20% of Cal. Span Low-Level 40 to 60% of Cal. Span Mid-level 100% of Cal. Span High-level Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Coker Furnace F-70001 CS Calibration Span 400.00 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % Unprotected CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 200.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 400.00 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CDir CMA 200.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Cs - Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.03 -0.05 0.00 Mid_Level 197.97 11.16 11.00 High_Level 400.38 23.89 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 197.97 11.16 11.00 Low-Level 0.01% 0.21% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.03 0.05 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.51% 1.09% 0.00% ppmv Difference 2.03 0.26 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.09% 0.04% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.38 0.01 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 -0.01 0.07 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.17% 0.29%± 5% of Span Difference 0.01 0.04 0.07 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 195.8 11.06 10.93 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.56% 0.42% 0.29% Difference 2.22 0.1 0.07 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 98.2 9.7 5.9 CO 24.6% 40.4% 24.6%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.0 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.29% 0.25%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 196.1 11.1 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.48% 0.25% 0.38% Difference 1.9 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.00% 0.13% 0.04% Drift Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Up-scale Gas Drift 0.08% 0.17% 0.08% Difference 0.3 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass NOTEThese cells sc appropriate C after the Cmentered. If this scan is the Cma and gas value. Failed Bias Dialog Failed Drift Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog CO Calibration Gas Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Coker Furnace F-70001 CS Calibration Span 400.00 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 200.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 400.00 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 200.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.03 -0.05 0.00 Mid_Level 197.97 11.16 11.00 High_Level 400.38 23.89 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 197.97 11.16 11.00 Low-Level 0.01% 0.21% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.03 0.05 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.51% 1.09% 0.00% ppmv Difference 2.03 0.26 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.09% 0.04% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.38 0.01 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.03 0.02 0.06 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.29% 0.25%± 5% of Span Difference 0 0.07 0.06 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 196.07 11.1 10.91 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.48% 0.25% 0.38% Difference 1.9 0.06 0.09 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 99.8 9.9 5.6 CO 25.0% 41.3% 23.3%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.0 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.29% 0.25%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 196.1 11.1 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.46% 0.25% 0.38% Difference 1.8 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.02% 0.00% 0.00% Difference 0.1 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog Chev Coker Furnace 2024 rev Division of Air Quality Stack Test Review of Chevron SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Coker Furnace F-70001 CS Calibration Span 400.00 23.90 23.99 Units ppm ppm ppm % % CV - Cylinder Value:SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mid-Level 200.00 10.90 11.00 High-Level 400.00 23.90 23.99 0 to 20% of Cal. Span 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 40 to 60% of Cal. Span 50.0% 45.6% 45.9% 100% of Cal. Span 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% Cdir - Enter Actual Up-scale Cylinder Value Used To Correct Emission Concentration. CMA 200.00 10.90 11.00 Calibration Error Test Measured Concentration SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 Low-Level 0.03 -0.05 0.00 Mid_Level 197.97 11.16 11.00 High_Level 400.38 23.89 24.00 Enter Up-scale Analyzer Response to be used during testing. ACE Eq. 7E-1 197.97 11.16 11.00 Low-Level 0.01% 0.21% 0.00% ppmv Difference 0.03 0.05 0 Status Pass Pass Pass Mid-Level 0.51% 1.09% 0.00% ppmv Difference 2.03 0.26 0 Status Pass Pass Pass High-Level 0.09% 0.04% 0.04% ppmv Difference 0.38 0.01 0.01 Status Pass Pass Pass Pre-Test Sampling System Bias Initial Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.02 0.02 0.06 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.29% 0.25%± 5% of Span Difference 0.01 0.07 0.06 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 196.13 11.1 10.91 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.46% 0.25% 0.38% Difference 1.84 0.06 0.09 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Raw Test Data Time Start Stop Test Date:8/29/2024 SO2 SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 NOX 101.0 10.0 5.4 CO 25.3% 41.9% 22.4%CO2/O2 Post-Test System Bias 7E-2 SB=(Cs - Cdir)/CS x 100 Final Values SO2 NOX CO CO2 O2 CO - Low-Level 0.0 0.0 0.1 System Bias. SBi - Zero Bias 0.00% 0.17% 0.25%± 5% of Span Difference 0.0 0.0 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass CM - Up-scale Gas 196.0 11.1 10.9 SBi - Up-Scale Bias 0.49% 0.29% 0.38% Difference 2.0 0.1 0.1 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Calibration Drift % of Span - D=ABS(SBf - SBi) Low-Level Drift 0.00% 0.13% 0.00% Response Spec. Difference 0.0 0.0 0.0 3% of Span Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass 3% of Span Up-scale Gas Drift 0.03% 0.04% 0.00% Difference 0.1 0.0 0.0 Pass or Failed Pass Pass Pass Failed Bias Dialog Failed Cal Error Dialog