HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012448 Groundwater Monitoring Report October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 1095 Medical Drive, Brigham City, Utah 84302 DERR Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX Prepared by: Pure Enviro Management LLC Prepared for: Jim Larson Wind River Petroleum, 5097 South 900 East Salt Lake City, Utah 8107 And; Hillary Mason, Project Manager Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Submitted: November 19, 2024 1594 South 1300 East, Spanish Fork, UT 84660 (801) 225-4646 www.pureenviro.com Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 3 2.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 3 3.0 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................... 4 4.0 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 4 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Groundwater Depths and Contours ............................................................................. 5 5.2 Groundwater Sample Results ........................................................................................5 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................. 5 7.0 LIMITATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 6 8.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 7 APPENDICIES Appendix A Figure 1 – Site Map Figure 2 – Site Map with Groundwater Contours Appendix B Table 1 – Soil Sampling Results Table 2 – Groundwater Analytical Results Summary Table 3 – Groundwater Elevations and Top of Casing Appendix C AWAL Results, Sampling Field Logs and Field Report Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 3 01 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pure Enviro Management, LLC (PEM) has been retained by Wind River Petroleum doing business as (dba) Top Stop Convenience Stores, to perform twice yearly groundwater sampling as approved in the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) submitted to the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. The facility is located at Top Stop Store #C-32, 1095 Medical Drive, Brigham City, Utah, which includes a retail gasoline service station, retail C-store, and a car wash. The site is covered by Wind River Petroleum under private insurance. This report summarizes the results of a Groundwater Monitoring performed during October 24, 2024. Based on field observations and the analytical results obtained of soil and groundwater samples taken, the following conclusions are presented: • On October 24, 2024, groundwater levels represent mostly an increased in depth since the last round of sampling on May 16, 2024, by about 1.50 to 1.73 feet increased depth over the prior sampling. • Laboratory results from October 24, 2024, sampling event of the ten sampled wells indicate the analysis for the monitoring wells MW-1 through 10, shows all COC are now below detection limits, except for MW-9 for 0.015 mg/L of Benzene. MW-9 indicates that soil washing from a recent minor gasoline spill near the Tanks is above the ISL’s for Benzene, but below the RBCA Tier 1 screening levels for an on-site active gas station. • This groundwater sampling report will be considered the second of the twice-year sampling of 2024. The next groundwater sampling event should be about April 2025, under the approved CAP. • Nine of Ten monitoring wells were below detection limits except for MW-9 for 0.015 mg/L of Benzene. This is the third set of sample results showing non-detect levels near the release source on this site, indicating to me even the soils have been sufficiently naturally attenuated. In my professional opinion, this site should now be eligible for site closure as there is only 5-6 feet of soil above groundwater, and on an active gasoline station that will always have some minor releases. • However, if the State chooses, we can continue with the protocol to confirm soil contamination level with soil borings. This, however, increases the likelihood of accidentally hitting one of the double-walled Flexible Plastic piping creating a new release on an active station. 02 INTRODUCTION The site Facility Identification number 0100569, as assigned by the State of Utah, DEQ, DERR, is located at 1095 Medical Drive, which is also known as (aka) 1095 South 500 West in the Box Elder County Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 4 Records, Brigham City, Utah. The Leaking Underground Storage Tank identification number assigned to the site is NLX. Pure Enviro Management, LLC (PEM) was retained by Wind River Petroleum to provide Utah Certified Environmental Consulting and to obtain representative samples of the groundwater. 03 BACKGROUND Appendix A: Figure 1 – Existing Conditions/Site Plan with a vicinity map insert in Appendix A, was developed, elevations logged, and all points surveyed within the site by David Johnson, a Utah Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) and Professional Engineer (PE) during preparation of the Subsurface Investigation Report or about, November 2, 2017, and the Additional Subsurface Investigation Report on or about October 15, 2018, by PEM. All land use, work completed, site maps, monitoring well installation, lithology, and nature of the release are contained in those reports. The goal is to determine the extent of groundwater contamination with time and variation with groundwater levels under the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) approved using Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) as approved on January 15, 2021. The site was constantly on the Utah Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund from date of installation, until Wind River Petroleum opted off the PST fund on January 25, 2016. Wind River Petroleum lapsed their rights to claim against the PST fund six months after opting off the PST fund. The work performed to upgrade the site occurred after this date. 04 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING METHODOLOGY The ten monitoring wells were all located and intact since the last sampled on May 17, 2023. The groundwater monitoring event for the ten monitoring wells was conducted on October 24, 2024, and considered the second twice yearly sampling for 2024. This sampling is to monitor how the COC variation with time affects the sampling results. The Certified Sampler is William Moore (GS-62) assisted by Technicians in training Matthew Hinck, Brady McBride, and Vili Wolfgram, in order to train personnel and perform the sampling within one day. The Certified Sampler purged and collected groundwater samples from all ten monitoring wells. The samples were obtained using standard groundwater sampling procedures and in OSHA Safety Level D. A complete field log and field measurements are included in Appendix C. Depth to groundwater measurements were obtained from each monitoring well using a Heron water level indicator that was decontaminated between wells. Greater than three casing volumes of groundwater were calculated and purged from each well, using a Geosub 2 submersible pump on all wells measuring by gauged bucket, and sampling. The purge water was spread to the surface of the property from which it came, for evaporation. Refer to attached Water Sampling Records. The ten (10) monitoring well’s groundwater samples were obtained with Geosub 2 submersible pump and retained in laboratory supplied 40 ml glass vials labeled appropriately and placed on ice immediately, and in custody until delivered to the ChemTec Ford Laboratories (CTFL) on October 24, 2024, within about 2 hours of completion of sampling. The 40 ml glass vials of groundwater samples Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 5 were analyzed by CTFL for MTBE, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, naphthalene (MBTEXN), total petroleum hydrocarbons - gasoline range organics (TPH GRO C6-C10) using EPA methods 8260D and were analyzed for TPH-DRO using EPA method 8015D from the same vials. CTFL is certified to perform both analysis from the same vials fixed with Hydrochloric acid to the required detection limits. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Groundwater Depths and Contours The groundwater depths in Appendix B: Table 3 Groundwater Elevations and Top of Casing Table, show the groundwater levels on the groundwater levels on the southern and western edges of the property are about 5.06 at MW-5 and 5.82 at MW-3 feet in depth but vary to as much as 6.68 at MW-2 feet below ground surface (bgs) to the east elsewhere on site. This represents groundwater levels mostly increased in depth since the last round of sampling on May 16, 2024, by about 1.50 to 1.73 feet increased depth over prior sampling. This is probably due to the natural seasonal fluctuations. In addition, MW-10 across Medical Drive is 2.2 feet deeper than the last sampling event. Appendix A.: Figure 2 shows the groundwater contours for this second bi-yearly sampling of 2024. The groundwater flow direction for all ten monitoring wells shows a general westerly direction from the east, with a northerly component for this 2024 round of sampling. 5.2 Groundwater Sample Results Laboratory results from October 24, 2024, sampling event of the ten sampled wells indicate nine of ten of the analysis for the monitoring wells MW-1 through 10, shows all COC are now below detection limits, with exception of except for MW-9 for 0.015 mg/L of Benzene. MW-9 indicates soil washing from a recent minor spill of gasoline near the Tanks that Benzene is above the ISL’s, but below the RBCA Tier 1 screening levels for an on-site active gas station. This is the third round of sampling that shows non- detect levels near the release site. The sample results are summarized in Appendix B: Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Results Summary. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the groundwater sampling results and other observations obtained during the October 24, 2024, Groundwater Sampling event, the following conclusions are presented. Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 6 • On October 24, 2024, groundwater levels represent mostly an increased in depth since the last round of sampling on May 16, 202 4, by about 1.50 to 1.73 feet increased depth over the prior sampling. • Laboratory results from October 24, 2024, sampling event of the ten sampled wells indicate the analysis for the monitoring wells MW-1 through 10, shows all COC are now below detection limits, except for MW-9 for 0.015 mg/L of Benzene. MW-9 indicates that soil washing from a recent minor gasoline spill near the Tanks is above the ISL’s for Benzene, but below the RBCA Tier 1 screening levels for an on-site active gas station. • This groundwater sampling report will be considered the second of the twice-year sampling of 2024. The next groundwater sampling event should be about April 2025, under the approved CAP. • Nine of Ten monitoring wells were below detection limits except for MW-9 for 0.015 mg/L of Benzene. This is the third set of sample results showing non-detect levels near the release source on this site, indicating to me even the soils have been sufficiently naturally attenuated. In my professional opinion, this site should now be eligible for site closure as there is only 5-6 feet of soil above groundwater, and on an active gasoline station that will always have some minor releases. • However, if the State chooses, we can continue with the protocol to confirm soil contamination level with soil borings. This, however, increases the likelihood of accidentally hitting one of the double-walled Flexible Plastic piping creating a new release on an active station. 7.0 LIMITATIONS Our services consist of professional opinions from a state-certified consultant made in general in accordance with locally accepted environmental practices at the time of execution. Environmental samples are obtained from specific locations utilizing methodologies consistent with Utah Department of Environmental Quality regulations. PEM makes no guarantee either expressed or implied that the analytical results accurately represent subsurface conditions throughout the entire site. Sincerely, Pure Enviro Management, LLC William Moore, P.G. UST Certified Consultant CC-252 Attachments Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX 7 8.0 REFERENCES Rockwell Solutions, Closure Notice for dispensers and piping, 0100569 NLX, Top Stop C-32, December 2016 1095 Medical Dr., Brigham City, UT, September 9, 2016 PEM March 2017 Soil Boring Report on March 3, 2017, March 2017, by PEM PEM November 2017 Subsurface Investigation Report, November 2, 2017, by PEM PEM October 2018 Additional Subsurface Investigation Report, October 19, 2018, by PEM PEM August 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report, August 14, 2019, by PEM PEM September 2019 CAP Submittal, September 3, 2019, by PEM PEM November 2019 Groundwater Monitoring Report, November 7, 2019, by PEM PEM May 2020 Groundwater Monitoring Report, April 2, 2020, by PEM PEM November 2020 CAP Re-Submittal, November 5, 2020, by PEM January 2021 CAP Approval, January 15, 2021, by Utah DERR PEM April 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report, April 29, 2021, by PEM PEM October 2021 Groundwater Monitoring Report, November 19, 2021, by PEM PEM April 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report, April 27, 2022, by PEM PEM October 2022 Groundwater Monitoring Report, October 27, 2022, by PEM PEM May 2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report, May 17, 2023, by PEM PEM October 2023 Groundwater Monitoring Report October 24, 2023, by PEM PEM May 2024 Groundwater Monitoring Report May 16, 2024, by PEM Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX Appendix A FUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FUELFUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FUELFUELFUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FUELFUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FUELFUELFUELFUEL FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L FU E L W T T T T FO FO FO FO NG A S NG A S SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SD SD SD SD SD P T S D SS SS SS SS SS SS SSSS W G ? ? ? ? ? G ? C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C SD P P P P P P P P W E S T L A N D D R I V E ME D I C A L D R . ( 5 0 0 W E S T ) 1100 SOUTH TO P S T O P C- 3 2 CAR WASH DISPENSER 7/8 DISPENSER 5/6 DISPENSER 3/4 DISPENSER 1/2 UST'S PIPING 42 7 7 . 5 0 42 7 6 . 5 0 42 7 6 . 7 5 42 7 7 . 0 0 42 7 7 . 2 5 MW TOC 01 4277.29 MW TOC 02 4277.47 MW TOC 03 4277.13 MW TOC 04 4277.16 MW TOC 05 4277.14 MW TOC 06 4277.19 MW TOC 07 4277.45 MW TOC 10 4276.24 MW TOC 09 4277.48 MW TOC 08 4277.53 GROUNDWATER ELEV. PNT # 171023806 171023807 171023808 171023809 171023810 171023811 171023812 180915296 180915291 180915289 N 10079.64 10016.66 10042.33 10008.38 9946.43 10023.41 9996.58 9938.98 9917.77 10021.25 E 10091.86 10126.12 10021.69 10008.35 9993.80 10038.18 10108.07 10125.30 10047.19 9896.72 GW ELEV. 4277.29 4277.47 4277.13 4277.16 4277.14 4277.19 4277.45 4277.53 4277.48 4276.24 DESC. MW TOC 01 MW TOC 02 MW TOC 03 MW TOC 04 MW TOC 05 MW TOC 06 MW TOC 07 MW TOC 08 MW TOC 09 MW TOC 10 DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO: DATE: SCALE: SHEET: CMB VICINITY MAP LEGEND AND GENERAL NOTES X: \ A r c h i v e d P r o j e c t s \ 2 0 1 7 \ 1 7 0 0 2 T o p S t o p B r i g h a m C i t y \ 1 7 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 E x i s t i n g C o n d i t i o n s \ D r a w i n g s \ D e s i g n \ G r o u n d W a t e r C o n t o u r s M a p 2 4 1 0 2 4 . d w g NO.REVISION DATE FINAL SHEET INFORMATION: 1FIG TOP STOP C-32 GROUND WATER CONTOURS MAP (FIGURE 2) 0100509 NLX 1095 SOUTH 500 WEST, BRIGHAM CITY ,UTAH 05/16/2405 CONTACT INFORMATION: 17-002-0000 10/24/2024 1":30' APPROVED BY: CULINARY WATER LINE PURE ENVIRO MANAGEMENT, LLC GABE REID 1594 S. 1300 E SPANISH FORK CITY, UT 84660 (801)225-4646 W TELECOMMUNICATIONS LINET FUEL LINEFUELFUELFUELFUEL STORM DRAIN LINESD SANITARY SEWER LINESS NATURAL GAS LINENGAS PROJECT LOCATION ROAD WAY CENTER LINE PROPERTY LINES NOTES: 1.OVERVIEW IMAGE TAKEN FROM UTAH AGRC 2012 AERIAL IMAGERY. 2.PROPERTY LINES TAKEN FROM UTAH AGRC CADASTRE SHAPEFILE. THE LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY LINES ARE FOR VISUALIZATION PURPOSES ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE INTERPRETED AS A LEGAL BOUNDARY LINE LOCATION. 3.UST LOCATION AND PIPING WERE TAKEN FROM DERR REPORT 2016-015484 AS-BUILT DRAWING. 4.UTILITY LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM A SAMPLE LOCATION MAP CREATED BY DAVE HANSEN DATED 2016-11-15. CONTRACTOR SHOULD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCTION. 5.MEASUREMENTS FROM CLOSURE SAMPLES TO UTILITIES WERE MADE IN THE FIELD. UNDERGROUND POWER LINEP GW CONTOUR LINES (0.25 FOOT INTERVALS) UTOPIA FIBER OPTIC LINEFO MONITORING WELL LOCATION (GW ELEVATIONS COLLECTED ON 10/24/2024) FINAL 10/24/2406 DBJ DBJ PROFE S S I O N A L LAND S U R V E Y O R S TATE OF U T A H DAVID B. JOHNSON No. 5338869 10/24/2024 Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX Appendix B 0.9 25 23 142 51 0.3 1500 5000 0.2 9 5 142 51 0.3 150 500 Sample Identifi- cation Depth (ft)Date Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) MTBE (mg/kg) 8260 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/kg) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/kg) Analytical Method 8260B/C 8260B/C 8260B/C 8260B/C 8260B/C 8260B/C 8260B/C 8015C Sample ID Date Benzene (mg/Kg Toluene (mg/Kg Ethyl- Benzene (mg/kg) Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) MTBE (mg/kg) 8260 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/kg) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/kg) D-1 @ 3'11/9/2016 0.45 6.73 4.34 63.9 2.75 ND 525 836 D-2 @ 3'11/9/2016 ND 0.69 0.61 4.87 0.64 ND 34.7 61 D-3 @ 3'11/9/2016 ND 1.63 1.07 4.75 1.32 ND 296 190 D-4 @ 3'11/9/2016 0.52 4.02 14.5 159 11.9 ND 2310 2050 Analytical Method 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8015D Sample ID Date Benzene (mg/Kg Toluene (mg/Kg Ethyl- Benzene (mg/kg) Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) MTBE (mg/kg) 8260 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/kg) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/kg) BH-1 @ 5'3/7/2017 15.1 227 33.4 193 5.77 <0.129 2070 300 BH-2 @ 5'3/7/2017 0.476 <0.122 0.132 <0.122 <0.122 <0.122 154 31.9 BH-3 @ 5'3/7/2017 0.973 13.5 4.7 32.5 1.34 <0.132 221 229 BH-4 @ 5'3/7/2017 0.0387 0.0137 0.03 0.0908 0.0158 <0.00628 1.96 <24.7 BH-5 @ 5'3/7/2017 10.1 124 48.6 271 8.07 <0.141 2060 450 BH-6 @ 5'3/7/2017 0.0308 0.0185 0.00908 0.0176 >0.00626 <0.00626 2.04 <26.2 MW-1 @ 4-5'10/20/2017 <0.00291 <0.00581 <0.00581 <0.00581 <0.00581 <0.00581 0.683 <56.6 MW-1 @ 7-8'10/20/2017 0.0301 0.0149 <0.00614 0.106 <0.00614 <0.00614 6.6 <59.6 MW-2 @ 4-5'10/20/2017 <0.00271 <0.00543 <0.00543 <0.00543 <0.00543 <0.00543 <0.0543 <52.4 MW-2 @ 7-8'10/20/2017 <0.00320 <0.00640 <0.00640 <0.00640 <0.00640 <0.00640 0.2 <26.6 MW-3 @ 4-5'10/19/2017 1.04 0.0629 0.618 2.73 <0.0240 <0.0240 16.4 60.9 MW-3 @ 6-7'10/19/2017 8.62 183 38.3 249 2.39 <0.148 1030 276 MW-4 @ 4-5'10/19/2017 0.374 0.0175 0.634 0.792 0.148 <0.00604 29.2 84.7 MW-4 @ 6-7'10/19/2017 0.055 <0.00621 0.234 0.772 0.0371 <0.00621 3.45 99 MW-5 @ 6-7'10/19/2017 <0.00295 <0.00589 <0.00589 <0.00589 <0.00589 <0.00589 <0.0589 NS MW-6 @ 4-5'10/19/2017 0.671 6.7 1 6.19 <0.111 <0.111 22.6 <52.9 MW-6 @ 6-7'10/19/2017 27.5 344 55.3 329 4.29 <0.131 1620 437 MW-7 @ 4-5'10/19/2017 0.00431 <0.00575 <0.00575 0.0058 <0.00575 <0.00575 <0.0575 <55.1 Soil Samples Taken by Pure Enviro Management Soil Samples Taken by Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Table 1 Historical Soil Analytical Results Summary Top Stop C-32 (Facility ID # 0100569, LUST NO. NLX) 1095 Medical Drive (a.k.a. 500 West) Brigham City, UT RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil 2005 Initial Screening Levels Soil 2005 MW-7 @ 6-7'10/19/2017 0.00505 0.0133 <0.00660 <0.00660 <0.00660 <0.00660 4.71 <64.8 Analytical Method 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8260C 8015D Sample ID Date Benzene (mg/Kg Toluene (mg/Kg Ethyl- Benzene (mg/kg) Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) MTBE (mg/kg) 8260 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/kg) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/kg) MW-8 @ 5-6'9/12/2018 <0.00253 <0.00507 <0.00507 0.0247 <0.00507 <0.00507 0.436 24.5 MW-8 @10-11'9/12/2018 0.00336 <0.00538 <0.00538 0.00882 <0.00538 <0.00538 0.11 34 MW-9 @ 5-6'9/12/2018 <0.00262 <0.00525 <0.00525 <0.00525 <0.00525 <0.00525 0.319 30 MW-9 @ 10-11'9/12/2018 0.0725 <0.00706 <0.00706 <0.00706 0.0102 <0.00706 4.67 33.1 MW-10 @5-6'9/12/2018 0.00823 <0.00519 <0.00519 <0.00519 <0.00519 <0.00519 2.95 52.3 MW-10 @ 10-11'9/12/2018 <0.00306 <0.00612 <0.00612 <0.00612 <0.00612 <0.00612 <0.0612 34.8 Soil Samples Taken by Pure Enviro Manangement Continued 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 0.2 10 10 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 0.2 1 1 Sample Identifi- cation Depth (ft)Date Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) MTBE (mg/L) 8260 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/L) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/L) Analytical Method 8260D 8260D 8260D 8260D 8260D 8260D 8260D 8015D Sample ID Date Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- Benzene (mg/L) Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) MTBE (mg/L) 8015 TPH-GRO (C6-C10) (mg/L) 8015 TPH-DRO (C10-C28) (mg/L) MW-1 11/2/2017 0.00665 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0022 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0829 < 0.495 7/18/2018 0.0384 < 0.00200 0.00249 0.104 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.289 <0.486 8/14/2019 0.00363 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.00165 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.00528 < 0.492 11/7/2019 0.00113 0.0002 0.00025 0.00064 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.494 4/2/2020 0.00553 < 0.00200 0.00121 0.00068 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0672 <0.497 6/24/2020 0.011 0.00046 0.00062 0.00639 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.113 < 0.491 4/29/2021 0.00102 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.514 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.501 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-2 11/2/2017 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.488 7/18/2018 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.495 8/14/2019 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.491 11/7/2019 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.493 4/2/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.496 6/24/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.491 4/29/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.499 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.501 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-3 11/2/2017 0.0447 0.103 0.0104 0.153 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.567 < 0.490 Ground Water Samples Taken by Pure Enviro Management Groundwater Analytical Results Summary Top Stop C-32 (Facility ID # 0100569, LUST NO. NLX) 1095 Medical Drive (a.k.a. 500 West) Brigham City, UT RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil 2005 Initial Screening Levels Soil 2005 7/18/2018 0.155 0.369 0.0324 0.254 0.00295 < 0.00200 0.933 <0.479 8/14/2019 0.222 0.355 0.069 0.432 0.0083 < 0.00200 1.35 < 0.491 11/7/2019 0.0581 0.0956 0.0123 0.073 0.00157 < 0.00200 0.311 < 0.493 4/2/2020 0.0342 0.04 0.00642 0.0352 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.18 < 0.497 6/24/2020 0.0973 0.0768 0.0228 0.129 0.00152 < 0.00200 0.477 < 0.490 4/29/2021 0.116 0.0149 0.0283 0.146 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.375 < 0.498 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.496 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 0.094 0.022 0.023 0.091 <0.012 <0.005 0.23 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-4 11/2/2017 0.0542 < 0.00200 0.0853 0.477 0.0234 < 0.00200 1.45 < 0.487 7/18/2018 0.0201 < 0.00200 0.0272 0.196 0.00746 < 0.00200 0.561 <0.478 8/14/2019 0.0472 0.00112 0.1 0.303 0.0223 < 0.00200 1.09 < 0.497 11/7/2019 0.0189 0.00064 0.0334 0.0919 0.00775 < 0.00200 0.489 < 0.491 4/2/2020 0.0256 0.00097 0.0455 0.0698 0.00745 < 0.00200 0.602 < 0.498 6/24/2020 0.0375 0.00116 0.0654 0.157 0.014 < 0.00200 0.91 < 0.495 4/29/2021 0.0532 < 0.00200 0.0447 0.066 0.00953 < 0.00200 0.768 < 0.498 10/21/2021 0.185 < 0.00200 0.0786 0.0952 0.0135 < 0.00200 0.855 <0.498 4/27/2022 0.02 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 0.104 <0.012 0.04 0.029 <0.012 <0.005 0.915 <1.0 5/17/2023 0.14 <0.012 0.178 0.067 0.016 <0.005 1.47 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-5 11/2/2017 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.485 7/18/2018 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.477 8/14/2019 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.497 11/7/2019 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.00035 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.495 4/2/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.496 6/24/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.497 4/29/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.497 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.504 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-6 11/2/2017 0.263 0.777 0.058 0.615 0.0121 < 0.00200 3.14 < 0.485 7/18/2018 0.227 0.633 0.0644 0.537 0.0102 < 0.00200 1.72 <0.487 8/14/2019 0.333 0.709 0.102 0.653 0.0164 < 0.00200 2.22 < 0.492 11/7/2019 0.149 0.217 0.0289 0.169 0.00486 < 0.00200 0.79 < 0.493 4/2/2020 0.0255 0.0407 0.00426 0.0214 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.131 < 0.495 6/24/2020 0.181 0.241 0.0331 0.172 0.00345 < 0.00200 0.9 < 0.492 4/29/2021 0.481 0.464 0.104 0.587 0.00891 < 0.00200 2.16 < 0.491 10/21/2021 0.0126 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.00455 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.503 4/27/2022 0.027 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 0.327 0.095 0.176 0.793 0.034 <0.005 7.71 1.7 5/17/2023 0.256 0.121 0.037 0.138 <0.012 <0.012 0.552 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-7 11/2/2017 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.488 7/18/2018 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.489 8/14/2019 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.493 11/7/2019 0.00016 0.00044 < 0.00200 0.00044 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.490 4/2/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.497 6/24/2020 0.0004 0.00054 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.489 4/29/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.498 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.500 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-8 9/26/2018 <0.00100 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.0200 <0.489 8/14/2019 0.0004 0.00047 < 0.00200 0.00079 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.496 11/7/2019 < 0.00100 0.00021 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.489 4/2/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0235 < 0.499 6/24/2020 0.00026 0.00031 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0277 < 0.496 4/29/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.502 10/21/2021 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 <0.499 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-9 9/26/2018 0.101 <0.00200 0.00213 <0.00200 0.00278 <0.00200 0.665 0.686 8/14/2019 0.0329 0.00039 < 0.00200 0.00051 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.354 < 0.495 11/7/2019 0.112 0.00061 0.00129 0.00146 0.0223 < 0.00200 0.495 0.617 4/2/2020 0.0399 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.00094 < 0.00200 0.577 0.588 6/24/2020 0.0089 0.00037 0.00028 0.00116 0.00413 < 0.00200 0.4 1.06 4/29/2021 0.077 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.505 0.617 10/21/2021 0.00627 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.282 <0.501 4/27/2022 0.059 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 0.196 <1.0 10/27/2022 0.086 <0.012 <0.012 0.017 0.013 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 0.015 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 MW-10 9/26/2018 <0.00100 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.00200 <0.0200 <0.490 8/14/2019 0.00202 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0143 < 0.491 11/7/2019 0.00042 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.496 4/2/2020 < 0.00100 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.497 6/24/2020 0.00255 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.0178 < 0.497 4/29/2021 0.00161 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.0200 < 0.499 10/21/2021 0.00661 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 < 0.00200 0.095 <0.498 4/27/2022 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/27/2022 0.007 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/17/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2023 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 5/16/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.005 <0.125 <1.0 10/24/2024 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.008 <0.125 <1.0 SAMPLE ID TYPE Well Dia. Inches TOC (FT) Sampling DATE DTW (FT) GROUND WATER ELEV. (FT)COMMENTS MW-1 Monitoring well 2"4283.31 11/2/2017 5.94 4277.37 7/18/2018 6.04 4277.27 9/26/2018 5.87 4277.44 8/14/2019 5.65 4277.66 11/7/2019 5.7 4277.61 4/2/2020 6.2 4277.11 6/24/2020 6.02 4277.29 4/29/2021 6.45 4276.86 10/21/2021 6.09 4277.22 4/27/2022 6.63 4276.68 10/27/2022 5.88 4277.43 5/17/2023 4.68 4278.63 10/24/2023 5.4 4277.91 5/16/2024 4.36 4278.95 10/24/2024 6.02 4277.29 MW-2 Monitoring well 2"4284.15 11/2/2017 6.55 4277.6 7/18/2018 6.71 4277.44 9/26/2018 6.64 4277.51 8/14/2019 6.22 4277.93 11/7/2019 6.28 4277.87 4/2/2020 6.86 4277.29 6/24/2020 7.03 4277.12 4/29/2021 6.16 4277.99 10/21/2021 6.82 4276.49 4/27/2022 7.41 4276.74 10/27/2022 6.69 4277.46 5/17/2023 5.17 4278.98 10/24/2023 6.05 4278.1 5/16/2024 5.11 4279.04 10/24/2024 6.68 4277.47 MW-3 Monitoring well 2"4282.95 11/2/2017 5.68 4277.27 7/18/2018 5.8 4277.15 9/26/2018 5.62 4277.33 8/14/2019 5.44 4277.51 11/7/2019 5.49 4277.46 4/2/2020 5.94 4277.01 6/24/2020 5.78 4277.17 4/29/2021 6.18 4276.77 TABLE 3 GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS AND TOP OF CASING Top Stop C-32 Chevron (FACILITY ID #0100569, LUST NO. NLX) 1095 S Medical Dr., Brigham City, Utah 84302 10/21/2021 5.81 4277.14 4/27/2022 6.33 4276.62 10/27/2022 5.57 4277.38 5/17/2023 4.45 4278.5 10/24/2023 5.13 4277.82 5/16/2024 4.09 4278.86 10/24/2024 5.82 4277.13 MW-4 Monitoring well 2"4282.64 11/2/2017 5.36 4277.28 7/18/2018 5.6 4277.04 9/26/2018 5.35 4277.29 8/14/2019 5.03 4277.61 11/7/2019 5.13 4277.51 4/2/2020 5.61 4277.03 6/24/2020 5.4 4277.24 4/29/2021 5.84 4276.8 10/21/2021 5.5 4277.14 4/27/2022 6.04 4276.6 10/27/2022 5.31 4277.33 5/17/2023 4.09 4278.55 10/24/2023 4.84 4277.8 5/16/2024 3.84 4278.8 10/24/2024 5.48 4277.16 MW-5 Monitoring well 2"4282.2 11/2/2017 5.01 4277.19 7/18/2018 5.08 4277.12 9/26/2018 5.01 4277.19 8/14/2019 4.7 4277.5 11/7/2019 4.73 4277.47 4/2/2020 5.23 4276.97 6/24/2020 4.97 4277.23 4/29/2021 5.46 4276.74 10/21/2021 5.16 4277.04 4/27/2022 5.69 4276.51 10/27/2022 4.93 4277.27 5/17/2023 3.79 4278.41 10/24/2023 4.48 4277.72 5/16/2024 3.54 4278.66 10/24/2024 5.06 4277.14 MW-6 Monitoring well 2"4283.95 11/2/2017 6.2 4277.75 7/18/2018 6.72 4277.23 9/26/2018 6.56 4277.39 8/14/2019 6.34 4277.61 11/7/2019 6.44 4277.51 4/2/2020 6.9 4277.05 6/24/2020 6.7 4277.25 4/29/2021 7.17 4276.78 10/21/2021 6.79 4277.16 4/27/2022 7.32 4276.63 10/27/2022 6.59 4277.36 5/17/2023 5.41 4278.54 10/24/2023 6.1 4277.85 5/16/2024 5.09 4278.86 10/24/2024 6.76 4277.19 MW-7 Monitoring well 2"4284.14 11/2/2017 6.56 4277.58 7/18/2018 6.75 4277.39 9/26/2018 6.66 4277.48 8/14/2019 6.25 4277.89 11/7/2019 6.29 4277.85 4/2/2020 6.88 4277.26 6/24/2020 6.67 4277.47 4/29/2021 7.2 4276.94 10/21/2021 6.83 4277.31 4/27/2022 7.41 4276.73 10/27/2022 6.68 4277.46 5/17/2023 5.19 4278.95 10/24/2023 6.05 4278.09 5/16/2024 5.12 4279.02 10/24/2024 6.69 4277.45 MW-8 Monitoring well 2"4284.09 9/26/2018 6.56 4277.53 8/14/2019 6.11 4277.98 11/7/2019 6.14 4277.95 4/2/2020 6.76 4277.33 6/24/2020 6.5 4277.59 4/29/2021 7.1 4276.99 10/21/2021 6.75 4202.09 4/27/2022 7.33 4276.76 10/27/2022 6.63 4277.46 5/17/2023 5.02 4279.07 10/24/2023 5.95 4278.14 5/16/2024 5.03 4279.06 10/24/2024 6.56 4277.53 MW-9 Monitoring well 2"4282.23 9/26/2018 4.86 4277.37 8/14/2019 4.34 4277.89 11/7/2019 4.4 4277.83 4/2/2020 5 4277.23 6/24/2020 4.76 4277.47 4/29/2021 5.28 4276.95 10/21/2021 4.96 4277.27 4/27/2022 5.49 4276.74 10/27/2022 4.84 4277.39 5/17/2023 3.41 4278.82 10/24/2023 4.14 4278.09 5/16/2024 3.25 4278.98 10/24/2024 4.75 4277.48 MW-10 Monitoring well 2"4282.17 9/26/2018 5.45 4276.72 8/14/2019 5.4 4276.77 11/7/2019 5.68 4276.49 4/2/2020 5.83 4276.34 6/24/2020 5.61 4276.56 4/29/2021 5.92 4276.25 10/21/2021 5.59 4276.58 4/27/2022 5.99 4276.18 10/27/2022 5.19 4276.98 5/17/2023 4.52 4277.65 10/24/2023 5.11 4277.06 5/16/2024 3.69 4278.48 10/24/2024 5.93 4276.24 DTW = DEPTH TO WATER TOC = TOP OF CASING Groundwater Monitoring Report – October 24, 2024 Top Stop C-32 Facility ID: 0100569 Release Site: NLX Appendix C The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Pure Enviro Management (PEM) Attn: William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 Work Order: 24J2204 Project: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop 11/7/2024 Approved By: Reed Hendricks, Lab Director 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #1 Lab ID: 24J2204-01Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 12:38 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/29/2410/29/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 13Page 2 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #2 Lab ID: 24J2204-02Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 12:53 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/29/2410/29/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 13Page 3 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #3 Lab ID: 24J2204-03Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:05 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/29/2410/29/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 13Page 4 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #4 Lab ID: 24J2204-04Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:16 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 13Page 5 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #5 Lab ID: 24J2204-05Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:29 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 13Page 6 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #6 Lab ID: 24J2204-06Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:41 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 13Page 7 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #7 Lab ID: 24J2204-07Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:48 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-C11/6/2411/6/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 11/6/2411/6/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 8 of 13Page 8 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #8 Lab ID: 24J2204-08Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 13:56 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 9 of 13Page 9 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #9 Lab ID: 24J2204-09Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 14:07 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030B0.015Benzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 10 of 13Page 10 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Sample ID: MW #10 Lab ID: 24J2204-10Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/24/24 14:25 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: William Moore Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L J-LOW-L10/28/2410/28/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/28/2410/28/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/1/2410/31/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 11 of 13Page 11 of 13 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Pure Enviro Management (PEM) William Moore 1594 South 1300 East Spanish Fork, UT 84660 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/24/24 16:34 @ 2.7 °C 11/7/2024 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions J-LOW-C = Estimated low due to low recovery of CCV J-LOW-L = Estimated low due to low recovery of LCS Project Name: 0100569 NLX Brigham City Top Stop CtF WO#: 24J2204 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 12 of 13Page 12 of 13 Page 13 of 13 Site Name: Top Stop C-32, 1095 Medical Dr., Brigham City, Utah Date of Sampling: October 24, 2024 Samplers: William Moore, GS-0062 Well Number: MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 Time of Sampling: 12:38pm 12:53pm 1:05pm Lock Condition: Bolted Bolted Bolted VOC Measurement in Casing: NA NA NA Oxygen in Casing NA NA NA Water Measurement Device Heron Heron Heron Depth to Static Water Level 6.02’ 6.68’ 5.82’ Depth to Well Bottom 14.69' 14.68' 14.64’ Volume Difference (feet) 8.67’ 8’ 8.82’ Volume Difference (gallons) 4.41 3.92 4.41 Apparent Siltation 1” 1” 0.5” Volume Bailed (gallons) 4.5 4 4.5 Free Product/Thickness NA NA NA Method of Measurement NA NA NA Sampling of Product NA NA NA Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L NA NA NA pH NA NA NA Eh, mv NA NA NA Temperature, °C NA NA NA Conductivity NA NA NA Purging Procedure Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Conductivity Stabilized? NA NA NA Disposal of Purged Water Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Water Sampling Equipment Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Type of Analyses MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO Dedicated or Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Comments: All wells 2" PVC Site Name: Top Stop C-32, 1095 Medical Dr., Brigham City, Utah Date of Sampling: October 24, 2024 Samplers: William Moore, GS-0062 Well Number: MW-4 MW-5 MW-6 Time of Sampling: 1:16pm 1.29pm 1.41pm Lock Condition: Bolted Bolted Bolted VOC Measurement in Casing: NA NA NA Oxygen in Casing NA NA NA Water Measurement Device Heron Heron Heron Depth to Static Water Level 5.48’ 5.06’ 6.76’ Depth to Well Bottom 14.71' 14.65' 14.64' Volume Difference (feet) 9.23’ 9.59’ 7.88’ Volume Difference (gallons) 4.66 4.90 3.92 Apparent Siltation 0.75” 0.75” 0.5” Volume Bailed (gallons) 5 5 4 Free Product/Thickness NA NA NA Method of Measurement NA NA NA Sampling of Product NA NA NA Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L NA NA NA pH NA NA NA Eh, mv NA NA NA Temperature, °C NA NA NA Conductivity NA NA NA Purging Procedure Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Conductivity Stabilized? NA NA NA Disposal of Purged Water Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Water Sampling Equipment Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Type of Analyses MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO Dedicated or Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Comments: All wells 2" PVC Site Name: Top Stop C-32, 1095 Medical Dr., Brigham City, Utah Date of Sampling: October 24, 2024 Samplers: William Moore, GS-0062 Well Number: MW-7 MW-8 MW-9 Time of Sampling: 1:48pm 1:56pm 2:07pm Lock Condition: Bolted Bolted Locked VOC Measurement in Casing: NA NA NA Oxygen in Casing NA NA NA Water Measurement Device Heron Heron Heron Depth to Static Water Level 6.69’ 6.56’ 4.75’ Depth to Well Bottom 14.11' 14.94' 14.89' Volume Difference (feet) 7.42’ 8.38’ 10.14’ Volume Difference (gallons) 3.68 4.17 4.90 Apparent Siltation 0.75” 0.5” 0” Volume Bailed (gallons) 4 4.5 5 Free Product/Thickness NA NA NA Method of Measurement NA NA NA Sampling of Product NA NA NA Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L NA NA NA pH NA NA NA Eh, mv NA NA NA Temperature, °C NA NA NA Conductivity NA NA NA Purging Procedure Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Conductivity Stabilized? NA NA NA Disposal of Purged Water Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Surface to evaporate Water Sampling Equipment Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Geosub 2 Type of Analyses MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO MBTEXN, GRO/DRO Dedicated or Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Decontaminated Comments: All wells 2" PVC: MW-9 locked - Bill has key. Site Name: Top Stop C-32, 1095 Medical Dr., Brigham City, Utah Date of Sampling: October 24, 2024 Samplers: William Moore, GS-0062 Well Number: MW-10 Time of Sampling: 2:25pm Lock Condition: Bolted VOC Measurement in Casing: NA Oxygen in Casing NA Water Measurement Device Heron Depth to Static Water Level 5.93’ Depth to Well Bottom 14.92' Volume Difference (feet) 8.99’ Volume Difference (gallons) 4.41 Apparent Siltation 0” Volume Bailed (gallons) 4.5 Free Product/Thickness NA Method of Measurement NA Sampling of Product NA Dissolved Oxygen, mg/L NA pH NA Eh, mv NA Temperature, °C NA Conductivity NA Purging Procedure Geosub 2 Conductivity Stabilized? NA Disposal of Purged Water Surface to evaporate Water Sampling Equipment Geosub 2 Type of Analyses MBTEXN, GRO/DRO Dedicated or Decontaminated Decontaminated Comments: All wells 2" PVC DAILY LOG DATE October 24, 2024 JOB #/LOCATION: 0100569 NLX-12, Top Stop C-32, Brigham City, UT JOB OBJECTIVES: Groundwater Sampling of Ten existing Monitoring Wells EMPLOYEES: William Moore, Utah Certified Sampler GS-62; Matthew Hinck, Technician, Brady McBride, Ville Wolfgramm, Trainees. ON SITE PERSONNEL: Station was open for business. Informed clerk of proceeding to sample. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Left Office about 7 am. Arrived on site at 9:10 am. It was 44 degrees F in the morning upon arrival. It warmed to about 56 degrees F at the time PEM left site at about 2:33 pm. The day was initially partly cloudy and became clear with calm winds. Measured initial water levels with Heron Meter, calculated volumes. Removed 3 full well volumes, and sampled for MBTEXN, TPH-GRO, and TPH-DRO in all ten wells. SAFETY Level (D) Discussed safety level D, safety equipment, medical care facility in town, and to watch out for onsite traffic even in small town. Donned safety vests. Used safety cones, red wagon and orange buckets to mark off sampling locations. DECONTAMINATION Set up for decontamination station in orange buckets in wagon for cleaning Heron meter between each well and the submersible pump. PUMPED ALL WELLS Pumped all wells with submersible pump for three well volumes, decontaminated Geosub between wells. Disposed of nitrile gloves, old tubing, in the Station’s trash dumpster. SAMPLING Sampled all wells using the decontaminated submersible pump with new tubing. Place all samples immediately on ice in cooler. Once finished sampling covered all samples with ice. Returned to office 5 pm. Delivered samples personally to Chem Tec Ford Laboratory (CTFL) to turn in at about 4:24 pm. PROBLEMS: Wells had much more siltation than previous samplings but had plenty of water. Too much draw down while pumping on two wells as we could hear cavitation. Set Geosub to slower flow in order to not cavitate, didn’t lower to well bottom and it worked better. SOLUTIONS OFFERED: Set Geosub to slower flow with no cavitation worked better. EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR: Need to get Geosub2 screen cleaned well before the next sampling. EQUIPMENT USED: Heron Meter, Submersible pump, NOTES FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: Technician aided in getting samples done on one trip. Ensure battery is charged up before sampling events. COMMENTS: Completed and packed equipment and samples. We left the site by about 2:33 pm to head to drop off equipment and CTFL to drop off samples at 4:24 pm. Arrived at office by 5pm.