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20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 1 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 March 22, 2023 Kleinfelder Project No.: 20235345.001A Ms. Avery Holyoak Utah DERR 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 SUBJECT: Groundwater Monitoring Work Plan and Price Work Assignment FQU-13-KLE Former Jack’s Auto 606 West Center Street Midvale, Utah Dear Ms. Holyoak: Kleinfelder is pleased to submit this Work Plan and Price for environmental services at the former Jack’s Auto facility located at 606 West Center Street in Midvale, Utah (Site). Kleinfelder received work assignment FQU-13-KLE from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on March 6, 2023, which requested that Kleinfelder prepare a Work Plan and Price to conduct groundwater monitoring, arrange access agreements for sub slab vapor sampling, and conduct free product recovery testing and monitoring at the Site. BACKGROUND AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Site owners formerly operated four underground storage tanks (USTs). In 1991, the four USTs were removed from the Site. In 1989 and 1990, UST removal subsurface investigation work was conducted at the west adjacent former Handimart property. Petroleum releases affecting soil and groundwater at the two properties were reported to the UDEQ in 1991 and 1992. Sometime after 1991, a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system was installed at the former Handimart property. From 1993 through the present-day, additional groundwater monitoring wells, piezometers, and soil borings were advanced at the Site and nearby properties to assess the two releases. Light non-aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL), up to 6.6 feet thick, was observed in several groundwater monitoring wells and piezometers. In 1995, a LNAPL recovery system was installed at the Site. The LNAPL recovery system was only operated for approximately one month due to limited LNAPL recharge and recovery. Following shutdown of the LNAPL recovery system, bailing was the primary method used for LNAPL recovery. In general, groundwater across the Site ranges from approximately 30 to 48 feet below ground surface (bgs). The groundwater flow direction is generally towards the west-northwest. Soils at the Site generally consist of silty clay underlain by alternating layers of silt, sand, and gravel to the maximum depth explored (approximately 50 feet bgs). 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 2 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of services is based on our conversations with you regarding the groundwater monitoring conducted in December 2022 and the tasks described in Work Assignment FQU-13-KLE. Our proposed scope of services also includes groundwater monitoring well vault and casing repairs in accordance with a telephone conversation with you on March 7, 2023. Task 1 – Groundwater Monitoring and Well Vault Repairs Prior to conducting work at the Site, Kleinfelder will update the Health and Safety Plan (HASP) for the project. The HASP will include project and emergency contact information, descriptions of project hazards, required personal protective equipment, and maps to a clinic and hospital. 15 groundwater monitoring wells are proposed for monitoring. Six of those 15 groundwater monitoring wells were dry in December 2022 and are not proposed for sampling during this event. If enough groundwater is measured in one or more of the six previously dry wells, Kleinfelder will contact you to secure additional funds for sample collection and laboratory analysis. A list of wells proposed for monitoring is shown in Table 1. Table 1: Groundwater Monitoring Summary Well ID Well Casing Size (inches) Total Depth (feet btoc*) Gauge Sample MW-1 4 52.56 X X MW-2 4 52.10 X X MW-3 4 52.30 X X MW-4 4 46.99 X X MW-6 4 49.91 X X MW-7 4 45.72 X X MW-9 2 36.15 X MW-10 2 32.12 X MW-13 2 47.73 X MW-14 2 33.42 X MW-15 4 47.65 X X MW-18 4 45.65 X MW-22 2 52.30 X X B-2 2 45.46 X B-3 2 46.80 X X *below top of casing Upon mobilization to the Site, Kleinfelder will locate and open each of the 15 groundwater monitoring wells proposed for monitoring. Prior to sample collection, the total depth and depth to fluid measurements will be collected from each of the 15 selected groundwater monitoring wells using an oil/water interface probe. Following gauging, one groundwater sample will be collected from each of the nine groundwater monitoring wells proposed for sampling in Table 1. Prior to sample collection, each well will be purged of three casing volumes of groundwater using a new, factory-sealed, weighted, disposable bailer and allowed to recover to at least 80 percent of the static water level. Samples will not be collected from wells with measurable LNAPL. Groundwater purged from wells during sampling activities 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 3 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 will be spread across the paved ground surface and allowed to evaporate if measurable LNAPL is not observed. One grab LNAPL sample will be collected from MW-17 using a disposable bailer. The LNAPL sample will be handled, stored, and transported separately from the groundwater samples to reduce the risk of cross contamination. The samples will be decanted into appropriate containers, labeled, stored on ice, and transported under chain-of-custody documentation to Pace National Center for Testing and Innovation (Pace) in Mt Juliet, Tennessee (a Utah certified analytical laboratory) for analysis. The groundwater samples (including one blind duplicate) will be analyzed for methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, total xylenes, and naphthalene (MBTEXN) and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline range organics (GRO) by EPA Method 8260 and TPH as diesel range organics (DRO) by EPA Method 8015. The LNAPL sample will be submitted for laboratory analysis of flashpoint and density for waste characterization purposes. Additionally, one trip blank will accompany the groundwater samples to the laboratory and will be submitted for analysis of volatile organic compounds by EPA Method 8260. Kleinfelder will also conduct in-field repairs and rehabilitation of the well vaults and accessible casing. To the extent practicable, Kleinfelder will clean debris from the vaults, replace broken or missing well vault bolts, and replace missing or non-functional well plugs. Where necessary and possible, rust will be removed from the vault lids and locking flanges. Kleinfelder assumes that up to 20 well vaults will need repairs or rehabilitation. Task 2 – Access Agreements Kleinfelder proposes to collect sub-slab vapor samples from three residential properties located above or near the LNAPL plume. The sub-slab sample collection will take place in the future under a separate work assignment. Figure 1 (included as Attachment A) shows the LNAPL plume as observed in December 2022. Based on our interpretation of the lateral extent of the LNAPL plume at the Site, we recommend collection of sub-slab vapor samples from three residential structures located at the following addresses: • 7673 Allen Street, • 7692 Allen Street, and • 640 West Center Street. Kleinfelder will work to obtain access agreements with the property owners of the three above-listed residential properties. Based on our experience with businesses and residents in the Site vicinity, we anticipate the need for English to Spanish translation services. A Kleinfelder employee will work with the three property owners to explain the scope of work and terms of the agreements. Kleinfelder will use the DERR’s standard access agreement form. If it becomes necessary to translate the access agreements into Spanish (or any other language), Kleinfelder will need the UDEQ to provide Kleinfelder the translated document. Kleinfelder assumes that UDEQ personnel will be available to meet with private property owners if they are unwilling to meet with Kleinfelder or sign the access agreements. 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 4 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 Task 3 – LNAPL Gauging and Recovery Testing Following receipt of the LNAPL sample analysis, Kleinfelder will mobilize to the Site to conduct an LNAPL bail down test. First, Kleinfelder will open each of the ten groundwater monitoring wells listed in Table 2 and measure the depths to LNAPL and groundwater. Table 2: LNAPL Gauging and Recovery Summary Well ID Well Casing Size (inches) Estimated LNAPL Volume (gallons) MW-5 4 0.18 MW-8 4 1.57 MW-12 4 3.70 MW-17 4 3.10 MW-20 4 0.28 MW-21 4 0.05 MW-23 2 0.01 MW-24 2 0.07 MW-26 2 0.08 B-4 4 2.83 Once the LNAPL gauging is complete, Kleinfelder will use weighted disposable bailers to remove the LNAPL from each well. Complete removal of LNAPL from each well is not practicable, therefore Kleinfelder will document the LNAPL thickness remaining following removal. Waste generated from LNAPL purging will be placed into a 55-gallon steel drum which will be picked up for disposal on the same day as the purging activities, eliminating the need for waste storage at the Site. Kleinfelder personnel will return to the Site approximately 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks from the initial LNAPL removal to gauge depths to LNAPL and groundwater in the ten groundwater monitoring wells listed in Table 2. Kleinfelder will use LNAPL gauging data to evaluate LNAPL recovery at the Site, which will then be used to inform future remedial design. Task 4 – Data Evaluation and Reporting Groundwater monitoring and LNAPL recovery data obtained during our investigation will be reviewed, evaluated, and a report will be prepared documenting the results of the monitoring activities. The report will include a summary of the field methods used, field observations, figures, and analytical results compared to DERR ISLs and Tier 1 Screening Criteria, as appropriate. Kleinfelder will also include updated historical data tables for the Site. One electronic copy of the report will be provided to DERR no later than ten business days following the eight-week LNAPL gauging event. ESTIMATED PROJECT FEE A detailed cost itemization for each task described above is presented as Attachment B. The estimated costs to complete the work described above are $18,470.65. The work will be performed, and payment for completed tasks will be made, according to the terms and conditions of our existing Master Services Contract #216378. 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 5 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 ASSUMPTIONS Our proposed scope of services is based on the following assumptions: • MW-25 will not be sampled since benzene, TPH-GRO, and TPH-DRO concentrations were not reported by the laboratory during the December 2022 groundwater monitoring event. MW-25 is located in the left turn lane in Center Street and would require a permit from the City of Midvale and traffic control to temporarily close the turn lane. • All wells will be accessible and in adequate condition for sample collection and no well development will be required to collect representative samples. • The groundwater sampling and well repair activities can be completed in three ten-hour field days. • The initial LNAPL gauging and purging can be completed in one ten-hour field day. • Kleinfelder does not need access agreements with private property owners to sample and purge groundwater monitoring wells. • Purged groundwater will be spread on a non-permeable surface and allowed to evaporate. No costs have been included in this Workplan and Price for investigation derived waste groundwater storage, characterization, or disposal. • Waste LNAPL will be picked up on the same day as the LNAPL purging, therefore, no waste storage will be required. • One electronic copy of the report shall be forwarded to DERR. No hard copies are included in our scope of services. Client meetings, revisions, and any work following the submittal of the report are not included in the budget estimate but can be provided on a time-and-materials basis. • Samples submitted for laboratory analysis will be conducted on a standard turnaround time. No rush fees are included in our proposal. • Subcontractor fees will be marked up 10 percent. • Kleinfelder may not be able to secure the three access agreements for the residential properties with the budget included in this Workplan and Price. In this case, the scope may need to be modified (fewer or different sample locations), or an additional fee may be required to continue efforts to obtain legal access to the properties proposed for vapor sampling. LIMITATIONS Our work will be performed in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by other members of Kleinfelder’s profession practicing in the same locality, under similar conditions and at the date the services are provided. Our conclusions, opinions, and recommendations will be based on a limited number of observations and data. It is possible that conditions could vary between or beyond the data evaluated. Kleinfelder makes no guarantee or warranty, express or implied, regarding the services, communication (oral or written), report, opinion, or instrument of service provided. 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 Page 6 of 6 March 22, 2023 © 2023 Kleinfelder www.kleinfelder.com KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p | 801.261.3336 The Client should be aware that penetrating the ground surface is inherently risky and it is impossible to determine with certainty the precise location of all utilities and/or structures that may be buried in the ground. Kleinfelder's fee is not adequate to compensate for both the performance of the services and the assumption of risk of damage to such structures or encountering obstructions from buried debris in the fill covering the site. Although Kleinfelder will make all reasonable effort to avoid damage to utilities, disruption of utilities or damage to underground structures will be the responsibility of the Client. Services rendered by Kleinfelder to repair them will be billed at cost. During the course of the performance of Kleinfelder's services, hazardous materials may be discovered. Kleinfelder will assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any claim, loss of property value, damage, or injury that results from pre-existing hazardous materials being encountered or present on the project site, or from the discovery of such hazardous materials. Orders or restrictions issued by civil authorities and other conditions relating to the COVID-19 pandemic may interfere with Kleinfelder’s ability to perform or otherwise impact our ability to work. Kleinfelder will communicate any anticipated delays or impacts and work closely with the client to identify a mutually acceptable solution to advance Kleinfelder’s completion of its services. AUTHORIZATION If our proposed scope of services and fee meet your needs, please provide a Work Assignment for the activities. CLOSURE We appreciate the opportunity to submit this Work Plan and Price and look forward to continuing to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this document, please contact us at 801.261.3336. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER, INC. Dylan Pike, PG Mike Gronseth, PE, PG, PMP Project Manager Senior Project Manger DERR UST Sampler #GS 1730 DERR UST Consultant #CC 0278 Attachments: A TPH-GRO in Groundwater November and December 2022 B Estimated Cost Summary At t a c h m e n t A RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE J&D AUTO SHOP RESIDENCE SHED RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE NO R T H A L L E N S T R E E T RESIDENCE RESIDENCE LA COQUETA 12 RESIDENCE APARTMENT BUILDING RESIDENCE RESIDENCE CENTER STREET 1ST AVENUE FORMER JACK'S SOUTHWEST COLLISION RESIDENCERESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCERESIDENCE RESIDENCE RESIDENCE LA PALAPA MARKETJORDAN CREDIT UNION 2ND AVENUE RESIDENCE DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY DRY <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 7.95 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 <0.500 1 10 MW-4 MW-17 MW-23 MW-8MW-26 MW-13 MW-15 MW-18 MW-10 MW-12 MW-9 MW-14 MW-3 MW-20 MW-24 MW-21MW-22 MW-25 B-3 B-4 MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 B-2 MW-1 MW-2 19.8 The information included on this graphic representation has been compiled from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice. Kleinfelder makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. This document is not intended for use as a land survey product nor is it designed or intended as a construction design document. The use or misuse of the information contained on this graphic representation is at the sole risk of the party using or misusing the information. CAD FILE: C:\Users\DFahrney\Downloads\20232400\20232400_Jacks-Auto.dwg LAYOUT: 3 PLOTTED: 1/17/2023 3:47 PM BY: dean fahrney N DRAWN BY: DATE: PROJECT: CHECKED BY: REVISED: FIGURETPH-GRO IN GROUNDWATER NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2022 FORMER JACK'S AUTO - RELEASE ID FQU 103 E CENTER STREET MIDVALE, UTAH 20232400 DMF DP 12/2022 - 3 050 5025 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) EXPLANATION APPROXIMATE MONITORING WELL LOCATIONMW-26 REFERENCE: BASE MAP PROVIDED BY STANTEC, DATED 10/02/2017 TPH-GRO CONCENTRATION IN GROUNDWATER, MILLIGRAMS PER LITER (mg/L)<0.500 ANALYTE CONCENTRATION IS BELOW THE LABORATORY REPORTING LIMIT< UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATIONUDERR TPH-GRO CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED DERR ISL (DASHED WHERE INFERRED)1 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS AS GASOLINE-RANGE ORGANICSTPH-GRO SAMPLE RESULT EXCEEDS UDERR ISLsbold SAMPLE RESULT EXCEEDS UDERR TIER 1 SLsbold WELL NOT SAMPLED DUE TO THE ABSENCE OF GROUNDWATERDRY TPH-GRO CONCENTRATIONS EXCEED DERR TIER 1 SL (DASHED WHERE INFERRED)10 WELL NOT SAMPLED DUE TO THE DETECTION OF LIGHT AQUEOUS PHASE FLUID (LNAPL) SITE BOUNDARY 1 At t a c h m e n t B LABOR Proposed Position Code Hourly Rate Man Hours Cost P100 $169.00 1.5 $253.50 P102 $147.00 1 $147.00 Staff Professional (field prep)P104 $101.00 2 $202.00 Staff Professional (travel)P104 $101.00 1.5 $151.50 Staff Professional (groundwater monitoring)P104 $101.00 18.5 $1,868.50 Staff Professional (well repairs)P104 $101.00 8 $808.00 Administrative Assistant (billing)P109 $62.00 1 $62.00 Total Labor Task 1:$3,492.50 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Quantity Unit Cost Cost Vehicle Mileage 55 $0.655 $36.03 Oil/water interface probe (per day)1 $55.00 $55.00 Disposable weighted bailers 10 $11.00 $110.00 Field/Sampling Supplies (per day)3 $25.00 $75.00 Well Parts (per well)20 $5.00 $100.00 Traffic Safety Equipment (per day)3 $15.00 $45.00 Total Equipment & Materials Task 1:$421.03 OUTSIDE SERVICES Quantity Unit Cost Cost Pace National Lab Environmental Impact Fee/Fuel Surcharge 1 116.59$ $116.59 Flashpoint 1 35.00$ $35.00 Density 1 25.00$ $25.00 GW - MBEXTN/TPH-GRO 10 55.00$ $550.00 GW - TPH-DRO 10 40.00$ $400.00 GW - Trip Blank (VOCs)1 55.00$ $55.00 . Total Outside Services (Including Markup) Task 1:$1,299.75 Total CostsTask 1: $5,213.27 Attachment B Professional Geologist Task 1:Groundwater Monitoring and Well Vault Repairs Estimated Cost Summary Jack's Auto - 606 West Center Street, Midvale, Utah Groundwater Monitoring Work Assignment FQU-13-KLE Principal Professional ( Kick off meeting quality management) 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 © 2023 Kleinfelder Page 1 of 3 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123 March 22, 2023 www.kleinfelder.com Attachment B Estimated Cost Summary Jack's Auto - 606 West Center Street, Midvale, Utah Groundwater Monitoring Work Assignment FQU-13-KLE LABOR Proposed Position Code Hourly Rate Man Hours Cost P100 $169.00 1 $169.00 P103 $118.00 4 $472.00 Project Administrator (Translator)P104 $101.00 10 $1,010.00 Staff Professional (access agreements)P104 $101.00 24 $2,424.00 Administrative Assistant (billing)P109 $62.00 1 $62.00 Total Labor Task 2:$4,137.00 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Quantity Unit Cost Cost Vehicle Mileage 36 $0.655 $23.58 Total Equipment & Materials Task 2:$23.58 Total CostsTask 2:$4,160.58 LABOR Proposed Position Code Hourly Rate Man Hours Cost P100 $169.00 1.5 $253.50 P102 $147.00 5 $735.00 Staff Professional (field prep)P104 $101.00 3 $303.00 Staff Professional (travel)P104 $101.00 2.5 $252.50 Staff Professional (initial gauging and baildown test)P104 $101.00 9 $909.00 Staff Professional (followup gauging - four events)P104 $101.00 16 $1,616.00 Administrative Assistant (billing)P109 $62.00 1 $62.00 Total Labor Task 3:$4,131.00 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Quantity Unit Cost Cost Vehicle Mileage 60 $0.655 $39.30 55-gal drum 1 $50.00 $50.00 Oil/water interface probe (per day)5 $55.00 $275.00 Disposable weighted bailers 10 $11.00 $110.00 Field/Sampling Supplies (per day)5 $25.00 $125.00 Traffic Safety Equipment (per day)5 $15.00 $75.00 Total Equipment & Materials Task 3:$674.30 OUTSIDE SERVICES Quantity Unit Cost Cost Waste Disposal (free product)1 300.00$ $330.00 . Total Outside Services Task 3:$330.00 Total CostsTask 3:$5,135.30 Task 3:LNAPL Gauging and Recovery Testing Principal Professional (Technical review) Professional Geologist Task 2: Access Agreements Principal Professional ( Kick off meeting quality management) Project Manager 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 © 2023 Kleinfelder Page 2 of 3 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123 March 22, 2023 www.kleinfelder.com Attachment B Estimated Cost Summary Jack's Auto - 606 West Center Street, Midvale, Utah Groundwater Monitoring Work Assignment FQU-13-KLE LABOR Proposed Position Code Hourly Rate Man Hours Cost Senior Professional (project management, final review)P101 $152.00 2 $304.00 P102 $147.00 2 $294.00 Project Manager (report prep, figures, tables)P103 $118.00 16.5 $1,947.00 Field Scientist (Data Compilation)P104 $101.00 10.5 $1,060.50 Drafting (figure preparation)P107 $85.00 2 $170.00 Administrative Assistant (billing and report prep)P109 $62.00 3 $186.00 Total Labor Task 4:$3,961.50 Total Costs Task 4:$3,961.50 Total Labor All Tasks $15,722.00 Total Equipment and Materials $1,118.91 Total Outside Services $1,629.75 TOTAL PROJECT COST $18,470.65 Professional Geologist (report review) Task 4:Data Evaluation and Reporting 20235345.001A/SLC23P151745 © 2023 Kleinfelder Page 3 of 3 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123 March 22, 2023 www.kleinfelder.com