HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012396Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 9475 N. Silver Creek Road  Park City, Utah 84098  Phone 801-831-6966  Fax 888-472-0977 ADDITIONAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION REPORT RELEASE OCB Submitted: October 28th, 2024 Killian’s Service 150 East Main Street Duchesne, Utah Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Submitted To: Ms. Melissa Killian Killian’s Service P.O. Box 342 Duchesne, Utah 84021 Copy To: Ms. Nicole Chavez Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. conducted a second subsurface investigation to define the downgradient extents of soil and groundwater impacts from the former Killian’s Service facility. Two off-site monitoring wells were installed during the investigation. Based on the sample results soil and groundwater impacts downgradient of the project site have been reasonably defined. This report summarizes the results of a subsurface investigation performed in September of 2024. The following conclusions are presented: • Two downgradient monitoring wells were installed on September 30, 2024. • The native soil types encountered were typical of fluvial or stream deposits and were logged primarily as clayey sands and gravel from 5 -15 feet below grade. • Groundwater was gauged at approximately 4.19 to 5.14 feet below top-of-casing (TOC) in the seven monitoring wells on and off site. The groundwater flow direction was determined to be southeast across the study area. • Soil and groundwater samples collected from the two new off-site well locations MW-6 and MW-7 were below the Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) for regulated petroleum constituents. • Groundwater samples were also collected from three on-site monitoring wells. One well (MW-5) exceeded Tier 1 screening levels for benzene. Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) were exceeded in two other wells (MW-3 and MW-4) for benzene and/or TPH/GRO and TPH/DRO. • No measurable free product was observed in any of the monitoring wells sampled. Based on the findings presented above, UEC recommends moving forward with the formulation of a corrective action plan. Discussions with Duchesne City officials suggests that use of the local landfill for disposal of impacted soil and use of the sewer treatment plant for discharge of treated groundwater would be permitted. Continued groundwater monitoring of MW-3 through MW-7 is recommended. Respectfully, Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. L. Earl Underwood, P.G. Project Geologist UST Certified Consultant - CC0018 Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.0 METHODOLOGY- OFF SITE WELL INSTALLATION 3.1 SOIL SAMPLING 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING 4.0 RESULTS 4.1 SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY 4.2 FIELD SCREENING 4.3 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4.4 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION 4.5 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4.6 FREE PRODUCT 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.0 LIMITATIONS References Cited APPENDICES Appendix A Subsurface Logs Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Reports and Chain of Custody Documentation Appendix C Photo Documentation LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Figure 2 Groundwater Gradient Map (October 1, 2024) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Table 2 Groundwater Monitoring Data Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. (UEC) conducted an initial subsurface investigation for Killian’s Service in Duchesne, Utah in May of 2022. Five monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW-5) were installed at that time. Groundwater monitoring was performed through 2023. In order to define the downgradient impacts an additional off-site subsurface investigation was performed in 2024. The project site, a former retail fueling station, located at 150 East Main Street, Duchesne, Utah, includes an office and an auto repair shop. The underground storage tank (UST) fueling system was removed in September of 2021. Soil and groundwater samples obtained during the UST removal exceeded action levels established by the by Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR). The site is eligible for Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund reimbursement. The DERR identifies the project site as Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB. This report summarizes the results of a subsurface investigation performed on September 30, 2024 under approved work plan OCB-03. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION The project site is located on the south side of Main Street (Hwy 40) in the town of Duchesne between the Duchesne River to the north and the Strawberry River to the south. Commercial businesses are located across Main Street to the north, across 200 East Street to the east and adjacent the site to the west. Residential homes are located across the alley to the south (Figure 1). The site includes an auto repair shop and an attached office. The former retail gas station was closed by removal in 2021. Groundcover consists of asphalt pavement, concrete, gravel, and landscaping. Utilities border the site to the north in Main Street, to the east in 200 East Street and to the south in the adjacent alley (Figure 1). The project site is essentially flat and slopes gently to the east and is at an elevation of approximately 5,500 feet above mean sea level. 3.0 OFFSITE MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION - METHODOLOGY Two off-site soil borings were drilled and completed as monitoring wells on September 30, 2024. A portable track mounted combination direct push /ODEX drilling rig was used to obtain soil samples and install the monitoring wells. The ODEX drilling method was considered necessary due to the dense cobbles encountered in the previous on-site drilling. Due to the close proximity of underground utilities (sewer main and laterals, water main and laterals, fiber optics and buried power) in the targeted drilling locations, a ground penetrating radar and other utility locating equipment were used prior to drilling. Additionally, both soil borings were cleared by hydro-vacuum equipment (daylighting) to approximately five feet below grade. Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 2 The drilling locations for MW-6 and MW-7 were based on the established groundwater flow direction (southeast) from previous monitoring of on-site wells MW-1 through MW-5. Utility inquiries were made and select off-site property owners were contacted for potential access to drilling. Ultimately both off-site wells were installed on city owned property or right of way. Direct Push Services, Inc. performed the utility locate, daylighting and drilling services. MW-6 and MW-7 were placed downgradient of on- site wells MW-3 and MW-5, which had the highest impacts based on historical monitoring. The monitoring well construction details are depicted on the subsurface logs provided in Appendix A. The wells were developed immediately after installation using sure and purge techniques. The wells were developed until the water was relatively clear and free of fines. The top of casing (TOC) for the two new wells was surveyed and tied in the relative TOC elevations of the existing on-site wells. A laser survey instrument was utilized for the survey. 3.1 SOIL SAMPLING Soil samples were collected in a continuous fashion from approximately 5 feet to the total depth of each hole (~15 feet). Soils from the upper five feet were removed during daylighting and not logged. Multiple soil samples were collected from each boring and retained in laboratory-supplied glass jars, labeled appropriately, and placed on ice. The soil samples were analyzed by Chemtech-Ford Laboratories for methyl tertiary-butyl ether (MTBE), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene (BTEXN), total petroleum hydrocarbons – gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO), and TPH – diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) using EPA methods 8260B and 8015C. Chain of custody documentation was maintained for all samples from the time of collection until delivered to the laboratory. Field screening of soil sample intervals was conducted by headspace analysis using a photo-ionization detector (PID). The samples were field screened using a Mini RAE 3000 PID. The exploratory borings were logged in the field by a UEC professional geologist using the unified soil classification (USC) system. 3.2 GROUNDWATER SAMPLING On October 1, 2024 water levels were measured from all seven monitoring wells (MW-1 through MW- 7) using an electronic water level indicator. The wells were subsequently purged of three casing volumes of water prior to sampling. A separate disposable bailer was utilized for sample collection at each well. The groundwater samples were labeled appropriately, placed on ice, and submitted to the laboratory under chain-of-custody. The groundwater samples were analyzed for MTBE, BTEXN, TPH-GRO, and TPH-DRO using EPA methods 8260B and 8015C. Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 3 4.0 RESULTS Details concerning subsurface lithology and project background information are presented in the initial Subsurface Investigation Report submitted August 15, 2022. 4.1 SUBSURFACE LITHOLOGY The primary native soil types observed below five feet in MW-6 and MW-7 included clayey sand and gravel with some sandy clay. Coarse gravel was apparent but was not as pervasive as observed in the on-site wells and borings. Several on-site borings encountered an apparent cobble / coarse gravel layer around 7-8 feet. The water table was measured at 4 to 5 feet below grade, consistent with on-site wells. Subsurface lithology was consistent with fluvial or stream deposits as expected given the proximity of the Duchesne and Strawberry Rivers. The subsurface logs are provided as an attachment in Appendix A. 4.2 FIELD SCREENING Field screening of soil was conducted at variable intervals at each boring location using a PID. The results of field screening are presented on the subsurface logs attached in Appendix A. The field screening generally suggested a lack of significant hydrocarbon impacts to soil in MW-6 and MW-7. The highest PID reading was below 1 ppm. 4.3 SOIL ANALYTICAL RESULTS Three soil samples were submitted for laboratory analysis from each exploratory boring. The results of soil sample analysis from this subsurface investigation are presented on Table 1. The analytical results presented on Table 1 are compared with Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) and Tier 1 Screening Criteria (Tier 1 levels) (DERR, 2005). Of the six soil samples analyzed, one sample (MW-6 @ 6-7 ft) contained detectable concentrations of benzene and MTBE well below ISLs. The remaining samples were below lab detection limits. The extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts in soil downgradient (southeast) of MW-3 and MW-5 are therefore defined. The laboratory analytical reports and chain-of-custody documentation are provided in Appendix B. 4.4 GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION On October 1, 2024 the depth to groundwater ranged from approximately 4.19 to 5.14 feet below top- of-casing (TOC) in the seven monitoring wells (Table 2). Figure 2 depicts a groundwater contour map Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 4 for the project site on October 1, 2024. Based on the calculated groundwater elevations, the groundwater flow direction is to the southeast and is generally consistent with previous data. 4.5 GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS Five monitoring wells were purged and sampled on October 1, 2024. A summary of groundwater monitoring data is presented on Table 2. The analytical results presented on Table 2 are compared with ISLs and Tier 1 levels (DERR, 2005). MW-6 contained 0.010 mg/L MTBE which is below the ISL of 0.300 mg/L. All other constituents were below laboratory detection limits in off-site wells MW-6 and MW-7. The extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts in groundwater appear to be defined to ISL concentrations in downgradient wells MW- 6 and MW-7. The laboratory analytical reports and chain- of-custody documentation are provided in the Appendix B. 4.6 FREE PRODUCT No free product was observed while purging or sampling monitoring wells. 5.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL Soil and groundwater samples collected during subsurface investigation were collected by a State- certified soil and groundwater sampler under the supervision of a State-certified UST Consultant. Proper sampling protocol, utilizing industry recognized standards, was followed during the investigation. Samples were retained in laboratory-supplied containers (4 oz. glass jars or 40 ml vials) and placed on ice until relinquished to the laboratory. Chain of custody records were maintained and are attached along with the complete laboratory analytical reports in Appendix C. The analytical laboratory utilized is certified by the State for the analyses performed and has quality assurance / quality control procedures in place to ensure the accuracy of the analytical data provided. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on field observations and the analytical results of soil and groundwater samples obtained during subsurface investigation, the following conclusions are presented: • Two downgradient monitoring wells (MW-6 and MW-7) were installed on September 30, 2024. • The native soil types encountered were typical of fluvial or stream deposits and were logged primarily as clayey sands and gravel from 5 -15 feet below grade. Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 5 • Groundwater was gauged at approximately 4.19 to 5.14 feet below top-of-casing (TOC) in the seven monitoring wells on and off site. The groundwater flow direction was determined to be southeast across the study area. • Soil and groundwater samples collected from the two new off-site well locations MW-6 and MW-7 were below the Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) or non-detectable for regulated petroleum constituents. • Groundwater samples were also collected from three on-site monitoring wells. One well (MW-5) exceeded Tier 1 screening levels for benzene. Initial Screening Levels (ISLs) were exceeded in two other wells (MW-3 and MW-4) for benzene and/or TPH/GRO and TPH/DRO. • Soil and groundwater impacts appear to be defined downgradient of on-site monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-3. • No measurable free product was observed in any of the monitoring wells sampled. Based on the findings presented above, UEC recommends moving forward with the formulation of a corrective action plan. Discussions with Duchesne City officials suggests that use of the local landfill for disposal of impacted soil and use of the sewer treatment plant for discharge of treated groundwater would be permitted. Continued groundwater monitoring of MW-3 through MW-7 is recommended. 7.0 LIMITATIONS Our services consist of professional opinions from a State-Certified UST Consultant, made in general accordance with locally accepted environmental practices at the time of execution. Environmental samples are obtained from specific locations, utilizing methodologies consistent with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality regulations. Even when field investigative work is performed to an appropriate standard of care, certain site conditions may present difficult assessment problems. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, complex geologic setting and materials, fate and transport character of petroleum hydrocarbons, physical constraints, presence of utilities overhead and below ground, and the limitations of the assessment tools employed. UEC makes no guarantee; either expressed or implied, that the analytical results accurately represent subsurface conditions throughout the entire project site. Additional Subsurface Investigation Report Killian’s Duchesne 150 East Main St., Duchesne, UT Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. 6 REFERENCES CITED: Bristol, 2018 2018 Annual Groundwater Monitoring Report, Potter Family Trust LUST Site, Facility ID# 9000242, Duchesne, Utah: Bristol Environmental Remediation Services, L.L.C., November 1, 2018 Underwood, 2021 Underground Storage Tank Permanent Closure Notice, Facility ID# 9000190, Killian’s Service, Duchesne, Utah: Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc., October 18, 2021. DERR, 2005 Utah LUST Program Screening Levels for Soil and Groundwater: Utah Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, Salt Lake City, Utah, November 1, 2005. Underwood, 2022 Subsurface Investigation Report, Killian’s Service, Release OCB, Facility ID# 9000190, Duchesne, Utah: Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc., August 15, 2022. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S P P P W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW F F F ? F F F F FF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Falleyalley G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G ? ? ? ? ?? G SD SD SD SD SD P s s sW W S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 WS-1 Former UST Basin Former Dispenser Islands SHOP OFFICE WS-2 S7 as p h a l t gr a v e l s s s s MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B1 MAIN STREET (US 40) 20 0 E A S T S T R E E T MW-6 MW-7 fe n c e fe n c e fe n c e SITE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Natural GasG Water LineW (Utility Locations Approximate) P Buried Power P Overhead Power SD Storm Drain Fiber Optic LineF S Sanitary Sewer NORTH SITE VICINITY MAP Killian’s Service 150 East Main St. Duchesne, Utah Facility ID #9000190 Release OCB Work Plan OCB-03 FIGURE 1approx. scale in feet 0 4020 LEGEND 2” Monitoring Well Soil Boring s W UST Closure Samples (September 2021) SoilSoil Water < SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S S S S S S S S S P P P W W WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW F F F ? F F F F FF F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Falleyalley G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G ? ? ? ? ?? G SD SD SD SD SD P s s sW W S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 WS-1 Former UST Basin Former Dispenser Islands SHOP OFFICE WS-2 S7 as p h a l t s s s s MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B1 MAIN STREET (US 40) 20 0 E A S T S T R E E T MW-6 MW-7 fe n c e fe n c e fe n c e SITE RESIDENTIAL RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Natural GasG Water LineW (Utility Locations Approximate) P Buried Power P Overhead Power SD Storm Drain Fiber Optic LineF S Sanitary Sewer NORTHGROUNDWATER GRADIENT MAP (Oct 1, 2024) Killian’s Service 150 East Main St. Duchesne, Utah Facility ID #9000190 Release OCB Work Plan OCB-03 FIGURE 2 94. 0 Groundwater Contour with Flow Direction approx. scale in feet 0 4020 LEGEND 2” Monitoring Well Soil Boring s W UST Closure Samples (September 2021) SoilSoil Water < 9 3 .4 9 3.9 94.4 94.9 Relative GW Elevations Posted in Feet 95.14 94.33 93.78 93.73 94.31 93.34 92.92 Subsurface Investigation Report Killians Service 150 East Main St., Duchesne, Utah Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Date Ethyl-Total Naphtha-TPH TPH Sample Number Collected MTBE Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes lene GRO DRO (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg) Closure Samples collected during UST Removal - September 2021 S1 @ 4 ft 9/24/2021 <0.00588 <0.00294 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.00588 <0.588 <23.6 S2 @ 4 ft 9/24/2021 <1.12 2.61 2.67 16.5 169 23.9 1510 3,430 S3 @ 4 ft 9/24/2021 <0.00617 <0.00308 <0.00617 <0.00617 <0.00617 <0.00617 <0.0617 <24.1 S4 @ 4 ft 9/24/2021 <0.115 3.95 5.3 73.8 934 48.5 3000 4160 S5 @ 4 ft 9/24/2021 <0.126 6.74 65.4 73.3 539 38.4 2420 2810 S6 @ 12 ft 9/24/2021 <1.19 8.98 133 40.1 265 8.41 2550 1,210 S7 @ 12 ft 9/24/2021 <0.126 1.3 3.92 6.14 35.6 3.3 538 594 Subsurface Investigation - May 2022 B1 @ 4-5'5/18/2022 <.011 <0.11 <0.27 2.22 <0.27 3.31 187 1130 B1 @ 8-9'5/18/2022 0.047 <0.010 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.243 <57 B1 @ 12-13'5/18/2022 0.055 <0.009 <0.023 <0.023 <0.023 0.037 1.65 <56 B2 @ 4-5'5/18/2022 0.04 0.12 0.04 0.20 1.31 0.56 7.83 <62 B2 @ 8-9'5/18/2022 0.03 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 0.07 2.98 <55 B2 @ 12-13'5/18/2022 0.03 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.251 <56 B3 @ 4-5'5/18/2022 <0.12 1.50 7.43 4.65 34.0 3.49 296 5,400 B3 @ 7-8'5/18/2022 <0.12 0.22 1.93 2.28 15.6 1.97 170 128 B3 @ 12-13'5/18/2022 <0.11 <0.11 <0.29 <0.29 <0.29 <0.29 <2.86 <57 B4 @ 4-5'5/18/2022 0.06 0.02 <0.03 0.08 0.36 0.21 1.75 <59 B4 @ 7-8'5/18/2022 0.07 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 0.06 0.10 <0.266 <61 B4 @ 11-12'5/18/2022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.252 <53 B5 @ 5-6'5/18/2022 <0.12 <0.12 <0.31 1.02 1.30 5.89 69.0 3,200 B5 @ 9-10'5/18/2022 <0.11 <0.11 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 1.01 15.2 168 B5 @ 13-14'5/18/2022 0.03 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.263 <55 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS Tier 1 Screening Criteria (1) Initial Screening Level (1) Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. Subsurface Investigation Report Killians Service 150 East Main St., Duchesne, Utah Facility ID #9000190, Release Site OCB Date Ethyl-Total Naphtha-TPH TPH Sample Number Collected MTBE Benzene Toluene benzene Xylenes lene GRO DRO (mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg)(mg/kg) TABLE 1 SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS B6 @ 5-6'5/18/2022 0.05 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.276 107 B6 @ 11-12'5/18/2022 0.03 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.260 <54 B7 @ 4-5'5/19/2022 <0.010 <0.010 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.238 <56 B7 @ 7-8'5/19/2022 <0.12 <0.12 6.20 11.8 228 6.24 794 1020 B7 @ 9-10'5/19/2022 0.032 <0.009 <0.022 <0.022 <0.022 <0.022 3.26 <56 B7 @ 12-13'5/19/2022 0.044 <0.009 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.236 <54 MW-1 @ 4-5'5/19/2022 0.061 <0.009 <0.023 <0.023 <0.023 <0.023 <0.225 <60 MW-1 @ 9-10'5/19/2022 0.021 <0.010 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.243 <55 MW-1 @ 12-13'5/19/2022 0.023 <0.010 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.024 <0.238 <58 MW-2 @ 7-8'5/19/2022 0.028 <0.009 <0.022 <0.022 <0.022 <0.022 <0.221 <55 MW-2 @ 8.5-9.5'5/19/2022 0.02 <0.009 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.219 <55 MW-3 @ 6-7'5/19/2022 0.16 0.69 0.51 14.7 70.4 12.2 1130 801 MW-3 @ 9-10'5/19/2022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.264 <57 MW-4 @ 5-6'5/19/2022 0.01 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 0.03 0.03 1.28 <58 MW-4 @ 7-8'5/19/2022 <0.12 0.20 9.53 31.6 222 26.2 2160 1270 MW-4 @ 9-10'5/19/2022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.284 <57 MW-5 @ 4-5'5/19/2022 0.57 3.92 1.97 20.2 124 16.3 1210 718 MW-5 @ 7-8'5/19/2022 <0.01 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 3.42 <56 Subsurface Investigation - September 2024 MW-6 @ 6-7'9/30/2024 0.06 0.02 <0.03 <0.03 <0.08 0.04 <0.281 <63 MW-6 @ 9-10'9/30/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.08 <0.03 <0.294 <59 MW-6 @ 12.5-13.5'9/30/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.01 <0.03 <0.323 <83 MW-7 @ 5.5-6'9/30/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.08 <0.03 <0.283 <61 MW-7 @ 9-10'9/30/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.09 <0.03 <0.306 <62 MW-7 @ 13-14'9/30/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.08 <0.03 <0.254 <57 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000Tier 1 Screening Criteria (1) Initial Screening Level (1) Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. Groundwater Monitoring Data - Oct 2024 Killians Service 150 East Main St., Duchesne, Utah Facility ID 9000190, Release Site OCB WELL/DATE DTW FPT GW Elev.MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethyl- benzene Xylenes Naphth- alene TPH (GRO) TPH (DRO) ELEV.(feet)(feet)(feet)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L) MW-1 05/28/22 4.96 95.04 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 100.00 11/08/22 5.33 94.67 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 03/29/23 4.18 95.82 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 0.014 <0.125 <1.0 06/07/23 4.35 95.65 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 09/12/23 4.48 95.52 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 10/01/24 4.86 95.14 MW-2 05/28/22 4.48 94.25 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 98.73 11/08/22 4.79 93.94 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 03/29/23 3.80 94.93 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 06/07/23 3.87 94.86 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 0.137 <1.0 09/12/23 3.99 94.74 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 10/01/24 4.40 94.33 MW-3 05/28/22 4.89 93.76 0.071 0.187 0.020 0.226 0.832 0.115 6.65 2.0 98.65 11/08/22 5.28 93.37 0.146 0.318 0.014 0.483 1.99 0.553 17.3 27.1 03/29/23 4.14 94.51 0.118 1.47 0.124 1.11 4.98 0.689 21.5 8.4 06/07/23 4.15 94.50 <0.005 0.616 0.043 0.554 2.40 0.346 19.0 <1.0 09/12/23 4.47 94.18 <0.005 0.782 0.030 0.633 3.17 0.487 17.7 10.2 10/01/24 4.87 93.78 <0.008 0.152 <0.012 0.167 0.684 0.180 8.65 3.6 MW-4 05/28/22 5.08 93.64 <0.005 0.013 0.142 0.189 1.24 0.072 6.16 2.2 98.72 11/08/22 5.34 93.38 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 0.080 0.017 1.72 1.2 03/29/23 4.34 94.38 <0.005 0.012 0.030 0.036 0.303 0.104 2.25 1.3 06/07/23 4.31 94.41 0.016 0.025 <0.012 0.015 0.052 <0.012 1.35 <1.0 09/12/23 4.69 94.03 <0.005 0.026 0.086 0.103 0.496 0.071 3.00 1.8 10/01/24 4.99 93.73 <0.008 <0.005 0.012 0.038 0.216 0.023 2.36 1.2 Initial Screening Levels (1)0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 Tier 1 Screening Criteria (1)0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 TABLE 2 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA Not Sampled Not Sampled Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. Groundwater Monitoring Data - Oct 2024 Killians Service 150 East Main St., Duchesne, Utah Facility ID 9000190, Release Site OCB WELL/DATE DTW FPT GW Elev.MTBE Benzene Toluene Ethyl- benzene Xylenes Naphth- alene TPH (GRO) TPH (DRO) ELEV.(feet)(feet)(feet)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L)(mg/L) TABLE 2 GROUNDWATER MONITORING DATA MW-5 05/28/22 4.27 94.23 0.050 0.856 0.043 0.517 4.73 0.323 14.2 4.2 98.50 11/08/22 4.60 93.90 0.155 1.31 0.018 0.237 1.14 0.126 6.36 2.1 03/29/23 3.48 95.02 0.865 4.71 <0.250 1.05 6.02 0.35 29.9 7.6 06/07/23 3.51 94.99 <0.005 2.25 0.037 0.515 2.82 0.295 28.1 11.9 09/12/23 3.80 94.70 <0.005 0.894 0.016 0.207 1.03 0.120 7.78 4.3 10/01/24 4.19 94.31 <0.008 0.870 0.014 0.204 0.946 0.114 6.77 1.4 MW-6 10/01/24 4.83 93.34 0.040 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 98.17 MW-7 10/01/24 5.14 92.92 0.010 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 98.06 Initial Screening Levels (1)0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 Tier 1 Screening Criteria (1)0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 (1) DERR, 2005 Bold values are above Initial Screening Levels. Highlighted,above Tier 1 Notes:Arbitrary datum of 100.00 feet established on site.MTBE = Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether DTW = Depth to Water TPH (GRO) = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Gasoline Range Organics FPT = Free Product Thickness TPH (DRO) = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons - Diesel Range Organics GW Elev. = Groundwater Elevation < Indicates below given detection limit. Underwood Environmental Consulting, Inc. APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE LOGS HOLE NO. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ SAMPLER TYPE _____________________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ DATE ___________________ TIME STARTED _________ WEATHER ______________ SHEET _____ OF _______ PROJECT ________________________________ OWNER ________________________________ LOCATION _______________________________ DE P T H ( F T .) SA M P L E S SA M P L E IN T E R VAL (f e e t ) DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION DE P T H 00 02 04 06 08 10 14 16 12 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 SUBSURFACE LOG Graphic Log / Well Const. PID Readings (relative to 100 ppm isobutylene) UNIFIED SOIL CLASS. SYSTEM vault box concrete be n t o n i t e s e a l 2" d i a m e t e r P V C silica sand 10/20 Prepack Well Screen set at 3-13’ LEU MW-6 EOB @ 15 ft 9-30-24 10:30 15 ft OCB-03 150 E Main, Duchesne, UT KILLIANS SERVICE 6-7 ft 0.2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 PVC 4.5" ~5 ft 2"0.010" 98.17 ft~5500 ft Direct Push / ODEX combo Conner / Direct Push Services, Inc 9-10 ft 12.5- 13.5 ft Water level in completed well. Geoprobe Dual Tube -5 ft x 1.5-in liners SC SC GC Daylight to 5 ft Gravel moist to wet sandy CLAY, brown-gray, very slight odor grades to wet clayey brown SAND, trace gravel, slight odor 0.0 CL CL contact wet sandy CLAY , brown, roots, no odors grades to sandy GRAVEL becomes wet dark brown clayey SAND, trace gravel, roots, no odors HOLE NO. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ SAMPLER TYPE _____________________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ DATE ___________________ TIME STARTED _________ WEATHER ______________ SHEET _____ OF _______ PROJECT ________________________________ OWNER ________________________________ LOCATION _______________________________ DE P T H ( F T .) SA M P L E S SA M P L E IN T E R VAL (f e e t ) DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION DE P T H 00 02 04 06 08 10 14 16 12 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 SUBSURFACE LOG Graphic Log / Well Const. PID Readings (relative to 100 ppm isobutylene) UNIFIED SOIL CLASS. SYSTEM vault box concrete be n t o n i t e s e a l 2" d i a m e t e r P V C silica sand 10/20 LEU MW-7 EOB @ 15 ft 9-30-24 09:00 15’ OCB-03 150 E Main, Duchesne, UT KILLIANS SERVICE Gravel 5.5 - 6 ft 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PVC 4.5" ~5 ft 2"0.010" 98.06 ft~5500 ft Direct Push / ODEX combo Conner / Direct Push Services, Inc 9-10 ft Water level in completed well. GC Daylight to 5.5 ft coarse-med wet clayey SAND, orange - brown, no odors 13-14 ft becomes clayey med. SAND and GRAVEL, wet, brown, no odors SC Prepack Well Screen set at 3.5-13.5 ft Geoprobe Dual Tube -5 ft x 1.5-in liners APPENDIX B LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Underwood Environmental Consulting Attn: Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 Work Order: 24J0221 Project: Killians - Duchesne 10/9/2024 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-6 @ 6-7 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-01Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 10:45 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800079.3Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030B0.02Benzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030B0.06Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030B0.04Naphthalene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.08 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.281 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/3/2463EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 9Page 2 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-6 @ 9-10 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-02Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 10:48 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800085.2Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.08 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.264 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/3/2459EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 9Page 3 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-6 @ 12.5-13.5 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-03Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 10:52 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800060.4Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.10 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/240.323 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/2483EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 9Page 4 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-7 @ 5.5-6 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-04Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 9:14 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800081.9Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.08 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.283 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/2461EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 9Page 5 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-7 @ 9-10 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-05Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 9:15 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800080.9Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.09 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.306 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/2462EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 9Page 6 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: WW-7 @ 13-14 ft Lab ID: 24J0221-06Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/30/24 9:23 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %10/3/2410/3/240.1 CTF800087.3Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.08 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 10/4/2410/4/240.254 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 10/7/2410/7/2457EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 9Page 7 of 9 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB-03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.3 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0221 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 8 of 9Page 8 of 9 Page 9 of 9 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Underwood Environmental Consulting Attn: Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 Work Order: 24J0224 Project: Killians - Duchesne 10/9/2024 Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: MW - 3 Lab ID: 24J0224-01Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/1/24 14:20 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030B0.152Benzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.167Ethylbenzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.180Naphthalene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030B0.684Xylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]8.65Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/241.0 EPA 8015 C3.6Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 8Page 2 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: MW - 4 Lab ID: 24J0224-02Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/1/24 13:55 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.038Ethylbenzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.023Naphthalene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.012Toluene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030B0.216Xylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]2.36Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/241.0 EPA 8015 C1.2Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 8Page 3 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: MW - 5 Lab ID: 24J0224-03Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/1/24 15:12 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030B0.870Benzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.204Ethylbenzene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.114Naphthalene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030B0.014Toluene mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030B0.946Xylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]6.77Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/7/2410/7/241.0 EPA 8015 C1.4Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 8Page 4 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: MW - 6 Lab ID: 24J0224-04Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/1/24 17:30 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/8/2410/8/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030B0.040Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/9/2410/8/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 8Page 5 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Sample ID: MW - 7 Lab ID: 24J0224-05Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/1/24 17:50 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: Earl Underwood Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L J-LOW-L10/8/2410/8/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030B0.010Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 10/8/2410/8/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/8/2410/8/241.0 EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 8Page 6 of 8 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Underwood Environmental Consulting Earl Underwood 9475 North Silver Creek Road Park City, UT 84098 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: OCB - 03 10/2/24 12:32 @ 2.8 °C 10/9/2024 Killians - Duchesne Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions J-LOW-L = Estimated low due to low recovery of LCS Project Name: Killians - Duchesne CtF WO#: 24J0224 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 8Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX C PHOTO DOCUMENTATION Killians Service 150 East Main Street Duchesne, Utah Facility ID # 9000190 Release Site OCB Photo Documentation Page 1 of 2 Installing MW-7 with ODEX / DPT drilling rig Daylighting MW-6 for utility clearance September 30, 2024 Killians Service 150 East Main Street Duchesne, Utah Facility ID # 9000190 Release Site OCB Photo Documentation Page 2 of 2 Soil from MW-7 Soil from MW-6 September 30, 2024