HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-013374Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Broad Hollow Chlorinator 2 messages Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Thu, Nov 14, 2024 at 10:55 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Ted, Our rules managers have finished their edits to the Broad Hollow Chlorinator Operating Permit and I'm getting ready to finalize it. I need a few more bits of information from you to do so: What is your target chlorine dose at the well? What is the typical flow from the well that is the basis for dosing? Thanks, Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov>Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 5:09 PM To: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Hunter – See below for answers to questions. Thanks, Ted From: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024 at 10:56 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Subject: Broad Hollow Chlorinator Ted, Our rules managers have finished their edits to the Broad Hollow Chlorinator Operating Permit and I'm getting ready to finalize it. I need a few more bits of information from you to do so: What is your target chlorine dose at the well? We set the rotometer at around 3-4 (I think that may be lbs/day) and target a residual at the well of 0.3 – 0.4 ppm. This gives us a residual in the system of about 0.2-0.3 ppm. What is the typical flow from the well that is the basis for dosing? 750 gpm Thanks, 11/19/24, 10:00 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-7525105072239373242&simpl=msg-a:r-82026234917275…1/2 Image removed by sender. Division Name Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov Image removed by sender.Image removed by sender. 11/19/24, 10:00 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-7525105072239373242&simpl=msg-a:r-82026234917275…2/2 Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Woodland Hills 25028 G001 Deficiency 3 messages Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 10:48 AM To: Jennifer Yee <jyee@utah.gov> Hey Jen, Just a quick update on Weoodland Hills G001 deficiency. I have a draft of the operating permit ready to go, I just need the various rule managers to take a look and add their language. Can we hold off on assessing the deficiency? Thanks, Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov Jennifer Yee <jyee@utah.gov>Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 11:00 AM To: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> They have until January before the points are active so fingers crossed the OP can get through the drafting process by then. Thanks for the update! Jennifer Yee Environmental Scientist | Division of Drinking Water M: (385) 515-1501 drinkingwater.utah.gov (801) 536-4200 Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. [Quoted text hidden] Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 10:08 AM To: Jennifer Yee <jyee@utah.gov> Quick update, the OP is done and being reviewed by Newberry. You should be seeing it come through soon 11/19/24, 10:08 AM State of Utah Mail - Woodland Hills 25028 G001 Deficiency https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r1082335513323073225&simpl=msg-a:r127237116914109…1/2 Thanks! Hunter Payne Division of Drinking Water [Quoted text hidden] 11/19/24, 10:08 AM State of Utah Mail - Woodland Hills 25028 G001 Deficiency https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r1082335513323073225&simpl=msg-a:r127237116914109…2/2 Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Woodland Hills 25028 Abandoned Well Sources and Unapproved Chlorinator 4 messages Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:37 AM To: Chris Martin <cmartin@utah.gov> Cc: BRENT ARNS <barns@utah.gov>, Deidre Beck <dbeck@utah.gov>, Melissa Noble <mnoble@utah.gov>, Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov>, Michael Newberry <mnewberry@utah.gov> Hey all, Per Woodland Hill's survey, I'm going to mark their WS002 and WS004 wells as Abandoned. They've been "Not Used for Drinking Water" since 2012 but in reality they're just fully unused. They're disconnected and one of them doesn't even have a pump anymore. Chris and Brent: They also have an unapproved gas chlorinator located at WS006. I'm going to start working on an OP for it, just FYI. Thanks, Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov Michael Newberry <mnewberry@utah.gov>Fri, Sep 27, 2024 at 11:41 AM To: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Cc: Chris Martin <cmartin@utah.gov>, BRENT ARNS <barns@utah.gov>, Deidre Beck <dbeck@utah.gov>, Melissa Noble <mnoble@utah.gov>, Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Thanks for the heads up. [Quoted text hidden] Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 3:08 PM To: Michael Newberry <mnewberry@utah.gov> Cc: Chris Martin <cmartin@utah.gov>, BRENT ARNS <barns@utah.gov>, Deidre Beck <dbeck@utah.gov>, Melissa Noble <mnoble@utah.gov>, Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Hey all, Through the process of working on this OP for the unapproved chlorinator, it's come out that they also have a project in the works for some improvements on Broad Hollow Tank Well (WS006) including upgrading the pump from 150 hp to 200 hp and installing larger piping in the well house. We don't have a file number or PNF for the project. From what I understand work hasn't started yet. Their AC is working with their engineer to submit a PNF. Just an FYI to keep an eye out for this to come in. I know installing a larger pump can be an SP issue, so if anyone needs to get in touch I've been working with their AC Ted Mickelsen at works@woodlandhills-ut.gov. Thanks, Hunter Payne 11/19/24, 10:09 AM State of Utah Mail - Woodland Hills 25028 Abandoned Well Sources and Unapproved Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-5977396364458180401&simpl=msg-a:r46003290475185…1/2 Division of Drinking Water [Quoted text hidden] Michael Newberry <mnewberry@utah.gov>Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 3:22 PM To: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Cc: Chris Martin <cmartin@utah.gov>, BRENT ARNS <barns@utah.gov>, Deidre Beck <dbeck@utah.gov>, Melissa Noble <mnoble@utah.gov>, Noah Zorsky <nzorsky@utah.gov> Thanks for the heads up. [Quoted text hidden] 11/19/24, 10:09 AM State of Utah Mail - Woodland Hills 25028 Abandoned Well Sources and Unapproved Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-5977396364458180401&simpl=msg-a:r46003290475185…2/2 Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator 5 messages Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 10:18 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Ted, Thanks again for meeting with me for the sanitary survey last week. I've been digging in our files and I haven't been able to find a Plan Approval or Operating Permit for the gas chlorinator at Broad Hollow Well. Unfortunately, that means I'll have to include the "unapproved facility in use" deficiency on the survey report, which carries with it 50 IPS points. We should be able to resolve the deficiency fairly easily by getting an Operating Permit in place. Generally when we issue an operating permit for a new chlorinator treating a water source, the permit will include several months of source assessment monitoring, so be aware that that may be required here as well. In this case where the original engineering plans for the chlorinator may not be available, please put together a photo log showing all components of the chlorinator, include the tanks, scales, automatic switchover, rotameter, chlorine tank vents, room exhaust fan and inlet, injection point on the well line, etc. I'd like to document what is in place at the site before we move forward with the permitting process. You also mentioned that you're preparing to have some work done on Broad Hollow Well. Depending on the scope of the work, this project may require plan approval as well. Can you please send me a brief summary of the scope of the project so we can determine whether it would fall under operation and maintenance or whether it would require plan approval? Thanks, Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov drinkingwater.utah.gov Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Tue, Sep 10, 2024 at 11:03 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Hi Ted, Some more follow up related to your sanitary survey: We discussed the PF001 Pump Station (East) facility on the survey. It's currently "Inactive" in our system and from what you told me, it's not used or needed to operate the system. Would you like me to set this as "Abandoned" in our database to remove it from future surveys? Similarly, we have WS002 Well #2 and WS004 Well #1 marked as "Inactive/Not Currently Used for Drinking Water". We discussed marking these as "Abandoned" to remove them from future surveys. I just want to confirm with you one more time before I make that change. I've attached a copy of our annual report checklist for cross connection control. Working through this checklist is a great way to make sure your cross connection control program meets every requirement. As for the actual records/logs, many systems maintain an excel spreadsheet or print out a table and keep records manually. If you'd like some additional information on cybersecurity, Tom McOmie with the Division has a lot of great resources. His email address is tmcomie@utah.gov. I'm in the process of filling out the survey report right now. I'd like to update the statuses (if needed) of the facilities mentioned in this email before finalizing the report, so please let me know how you'd like me to handle them. 11/19/24, 10:10 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3792688551067790342&simpl=msg-a:r92197441082044…1/4 Thanks, Hunter Payne Division of Drinking Water [Quoted text hidden] CCC Annual Report.pdf 451K Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Fri, Sep 13, 2024 at 10:03 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Hi Ted, Sorry to keep bombarding you with information. We had discussed potentially "inactivating" the Small and Large Steel Tanks (ST001 and ST002) in our database as they don't see much use. After reviewing your system specific sizing standards, it looks like the storage volume from those two tanks is actually needed to meet your system's storage capacity requirements, and setting them as "inactive" would put you just under your required storage capacity. Since we need to keep them as "Active" in the database, I would need to inspect the tanks in order to complete the survey. I'm out of town all of next week, but would you be available on 9/24 or 9/25 for an hour or so to take a look at the tanks? Thanks, Hunter Payne Division of Drinking Water [Quoted text hidden] Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov>Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 11:35 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Good morning Ted, A couple of questions for you regarding the Broad Hollow Well and Chlorinator: What is your target chlorine dose at the well? You mentioned that you're doing some work on the well. Can you provide me with a summary of what that project will include? As mentioned in my original email, depending on what the project includes you may need to request Plan Approval from the Division for the project. I'm finishing up an After-the-Fact Operating Permit for the chlorinator that was installed up there by the well. I'm waiting on a few rule managers to review it, then I'll be sending it on to our engineering manager for review and approval. Hopefully you'll be seeing it within the next few days. Thanks in advance, Hunter Payne Division of Drinking Water [Quoted text hidden] Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov>Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 12:26 PM To: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> 11/19/24, 10:10 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3792688551067790342&simpl=msg-a:r92197441082044…2/4 Hunter, See below for answers to the questions in red. I contacted our engineers to see if they have submitted the plans for approval. If they didn’t they will get a PNF submitted and the plans. Let me know if this helps or if you need additional clarification. Thank You, Ted From: Hunter Payne <hnpayne@utah.gov> Date: Monday, October 28, 2024 at 11:36 AM To: Ted Mickelsen <works@woodlandhills-ut.gov> Subject: Re: Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator Good morning Ted, A couple of questions for you regarding the Broad Hollow Well and Chlorinator: What is your target chlorine dose at the well? We set the rotometer at around 3 and target a residual at the well of 0.3 ppm. You mentioned that you're doing some work on the well. Can you provide me with a summary of what that project will include? As mentioned in my original email, depending on what the project includes you may need to request Plan Approval from the Division for the project. We are replacing the 150 hp pump with a new 200 hp pump and increasing the internal piping and valves from 6-inch to 10-inch. Adding 3-phase power (currently single-phase power), included with the new power upgrade and pump is a new vfd and automatic transfer switch, and we are connecting the permanent back-up generator. Then some cosmetic stuff with painting and coating concrete and bare steel. [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] Image removed by sender. Division Name Hunter Payne Environmental Engineer II | Division of Drinking Water P: 385-278-9837 hnpayne@utah.gov 11/19/24, 10:10 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3792688551067790342&simpl=msg-a:r92197441082044…3/4 drinkingwater.utah.gov Image removed by sender.Image removed by sender. 11/19/24, 10:10 AM State of Utah Mail - Broad Hollow Well Chlorinator https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=a6a6d55b1d&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3792688551067790342&simpl=msg-a:r92197441082044…4/4