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1 Rockwell Solutions Inc., 718 E Bridger Lane, Elk Ridge, UT 84651 801-361-2930 rockwellutah@yahoo.com Rockwell Solutions, Inc. 718 E Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 (801) 361-2930 November 14, 2024 Mr. David Bell Bell Oil Co. 118 South 15 West P.O. Box 238 Coalville, Utah 84107 Re: Confirmation Sampling Report Sinclair Truck Stop, located at 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Facility Identification No. 7000005, Release Site KFY Dear Mr. Bell: In accordance with a 8/1/24 request from the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), Rockwell Solutions prepared work plan KFY-38 to collect soil and groundwater samples at the above-referenced site. Release KFY was reported on October 19, 1997, based on observations and analytical data during closure of underground storage tanks (USTs). Excavation, product removal, soil and groundwater remediation, and groundwater monitoring activities have taken place since that time. DERR requested soil confirmation samples and a groundwater sample to evaluate release KFY for site closure. Methodology As requested, fifteen-foot borings were installed at the eight locations shown on Figure 1. Direct Push Services was employed as the drilling contractor under the supervision of a Rockwell Solutions representative. Five-foot soil core samples were collected continuously from the direct push borings. A portion of each soil core was put in a zip-lock baggie to allow hydrocarbons to volatilize. The air in the zip lock baggie was then screened with a photoionization detector (PID). Soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected at the depth of the highest field screening reading for each boring. If the field screening did not have any reading above background, the laboratory sample was collected at the soil/groundwater interface. Additionally, laboratory samples were collected at intervals designated by DERR at B-4, B-6, B-7, and B-8. Samples were submitted for laboratory analysis of MTBE, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, naphthalene (MBTEXN) and total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics (TPH-GRO) using EPA Method 8260 and TPH-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) using EPA Method 8015. TPH-GRO fractionation data is shown for all samples. The laboratory was instructed to conduct TPH-DRO fractionation on any soil sample that exceeded the Tier 1 level for TPH-DRO, however, none of the samples exceeded the Tier 1 level. 2 Rockwell Solutions Inc., 718 E Bridger Lane, Elk Ridge, UT 84651 801-361-2930 rockwellutah@yahoo.com The depth to groundwater was measured at MW-16 and a groundwater sample was collected after purging the well. The groundwater sample was analyzed for MBTEXN and TPH-GRO using Method 8260, and TPH-DRO using Method 8015. After the results were received, it was noted that TPH-DRO exceeded the Tier 1 level for MW-16 and the lab was requested to analyze the sample for TPH-DRO fractionation. The unusually high TPH-DRO concentration in the sample from MW-16 seemed anomalous. Accordingly, on October 30, 2024, MW-16 was sampled again and samples were delivered to both Chemtech Ford Laboratories and to Utility Testing. The samples were analyzed for MBTEXN and TPH- GRO using Method 8260 and TPH-DRO using Method 8015. Additionally, Chemtech Ford analyzed the sample for TPH-DRO fractionation using Method 8270. Utility Testing is not certified for Method 8270. Soil Type The native soil at the site consists of interlayered silt and gravelly sand to a depth of approximately nine to ten feet below grade, below which is a silty clay layer to at least fifteen feet below grade. Boring logs are attached. Soil Analytical Results Table 1 lists the analytical results of all soil samples collected at the site including the confirmation samples. All concentrations were below Tier 1 levels. The laboratory analytical reports and chain-of- custody records for the confirmation soil samples are attached. Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2 lists the analytical results of all groundwater samples collected at the site including the confirmation samples at MW-16. The samples collected on October 30, 2024, at MW-16 did not exceed Tier 1 levels. The laboratory analytical reports and chain-of-custody records for the confirmation soil samples are attached. Receptor Update The convenience store had been serviced by an onsite drinking water well. The line from the well was severed and the store was connected to culinary water on October 3, 2024. The drinking water well is now inactive. Conclusions and Recommendations Based on the confirmation sampling and the elimination of the drinking water well as a receptor, Rockwell Solutions recommends that release KFY be closed and that no further action be required. If you need additional information or have any questions, please contact me at (801) 361-2930. Thank you, David S. Hansen Certified UST Consultant CC#130 cc: Kevin Beery, DERR Figure 1 NORTH Approx. scale in feet 00 40 Sinclair Truck Stop 7100 North Silver Creek Road Park City, Utah Site Map Monitoring Well MW-3 MW-17R MW-7 MW-6 MW-5 MW-4 B-6 MW-8 MW-10 MW-9 MW-3MW-1 MW-2MW-4 MW-22 MW-16 MW-10 Confirmation Boring B-5 B-8 B-7 B-4 B-3 B-2 B-1 Sampling Location Depth (ft)Date MTBE (mg/kg) Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) TPH- GRO (mg/kg) TPH- DRO (mg/kg) 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 SS#1 12 10/13-20/1997 <.007 <.007 0.0214 0.0174 0.228 0.424 32.9 NA SS#2 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA SS#3 12 10/13-20/1997 <.059 <.059 0.685 0.828 5.45 1.5 112 NA SS#4 12 10/13-20/1997 <.055 <.055 0.127 0.152 2.72 0.972 73.1 NA S9 (NW) 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0146 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA S10 (NE) 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0097 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA S11 (SW) 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0083 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA Sl2 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0116 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA S13 4 10/13-20/1997 <.255 <.255 0.38 1.65 19.68 23.88 11950 NA S14 4 10/13-20/1997 <.129 0.217 4.99 6.15 40.56 15.28 9330 NA S15 4 10/13-20/1997 <.142 <.142 0.334 1.1 4.9 5.04 483.6 NA S16 4 10/13-20/1997 <.118 <.118 0.392 1.22 5.67 5.14 271.4 NA S17 4 10/13-20/1997 <.122 <.122 0.315 1.98 8.23 5.82 517.5 NA S18 (north) 8 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <l0 NA S19 (south) 8 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <l0 NA CS-01-Flr-E 7 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 0.0368 <10 NA CS-02 SE 6 10/13-20/1997 <.267 <.267 0.309 2.63 7.91 15.43 3136 NA CS-03 NE 6 10/13-20/1997 <.316 <.3l6 0.393 3.02 14.6 12.1 3637 NA CS-04 5 10/13-20/1997 <.088 <.088 0.236 0.526 3.38 4.54 1304 NA CS-05 7 10/13-20/1997 <.120 <.120 0.758 2.6 13.94 14.5 4742 NA CS-06 6 10/13-20/1997 <.125 <.125 1.89 4.61 23.5 20.1 4731 NA UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples Table 1 ISL's RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil Analytical Results 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Sinclair Truck Stop Page 1 of 5 Sampling Location Depth (ft)Date MTBE (mg/kg) Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) TPH- GRO (mg/kg) TPH- DRO (mg/kg) 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples Table 1 ISL's RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil Analytical Results 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Sinclair Truck Stop West End 7 10/13-20/1997 <.063 <.063 0.161 0.693 0.854 9.8 2050 NA West End 10 10/13-20/1997 <.118 <.118 2.05 2.84 20.23 12.49 12850 NA West End 14 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA Center exe #5 14 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0117 <.005 0.0221 0.126 19.3 NA SS #6 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA SS #7 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 0.0057 <.005 <.015 0.0079 <10 NA SS #8 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <I0 NA SS #9 12 10/13-20/1997 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.005 <.015 <.005 <10 NA B1 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 720 NA B1 9-11 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.I <0.1 <0. I <0.1 12 NA B2 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.I <0.1 <0.1 0.26 1.1 560 NA B2 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA B2 9-11 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA B3 6-8 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.1 0.81 4.3 1400 NA B3 8-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA B4 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.43 3.3 7.3 2200 NA B4 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.57 5.9 17 500 NA B4 9-11 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0. l <2.0 NA B5 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 1.6 920 NA B5 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.82 7 16 6200 NA B6 3-5 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.19 1.9 7.3 2300 NA Subsurface Investigation Samples Page 2 of 5 Sampling Location Depth (ft)Date MTBE (mg/kg) Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) TPH- GRO (mg/kg) TPH- DRO (mg/kg) 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples Table 1 ISL's RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil Analytical Results 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Sinclair Truck Stop B6 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 1.1 9.1 17 6300 NA B6 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.5 4.3 14 3300 NA B7 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.25 2.5 6.8 2000 NA B7 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.52 3.4 13 4900 NA B8 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.I 0.28 2.5 7.7 2300 NA B8 9-11 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA B9 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.19 1.5 8.1 2700 NA B10 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.13 1.3 6.8 2100 NA B10 9-11 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 2.1 18 Z8 15000 NA B11 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <O.I <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA B11 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0. I 0.28 1.5 410 NA B12 5-7 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.45 4.4 15 4300 NA B12 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.32 3 11 3100 NA B13 7-9 11/25-26/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.45 3.5 15 4500 NA G14 5-7 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.43 0.77 13 240 NA G14 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 TO. I <0.1 16 NA G15 8-10 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0. I <2.0 NA G16 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 0.53 1.2 8 19 7300 NA G17 5-7 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 11 NA G17 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA 0.34 6.9 6.7 44 31 14000 NA G17 9-10 12/3-4/1997 NA 0.43 3.7 2.8 21 33 15000 NA G17 10-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 TO. I <0.1 0.17 95 NA Page 3 of 5 Sampling Location Depth (ft)Date MTBE (mg/kg) Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) TPH- GRO (mg/kg) TPH- DRO (mg/kg) 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples Table 1 ISL's RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil Analytical Results 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Sinclair Truck Stop G18 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA 0.49 1.8 1.4 8.9 3.4 870 NA G18 9-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.7 3.8 1200 NA G18 11-13 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA G19 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.49 4.9 14 5000 NA G20 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 1.2 1.5 13 31 14000 NA G21 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.62 4.7 16 6500 NA G22 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.54 4.8 1500 NA G23 7-9 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.85 7.1 20 7900 NA MW-1 9-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.2 61 NA MW-2 9-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <2.0 NA MW-3 9-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0. I <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.25 61 NA MW-5 9-11 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.13 1.2 3.8 1200 NA MW-6 9-10.5 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 0.11 61 NA MW-7 9-10.5 12/3-4/1997 NA <0.1 <0.1 0.31 2.3 6.8 2100 NA B-1, 9' 9 9/25/2024 <0.01 <0.009 <0.02 <0.02 <0.07 <0.02 <0.237 <56 B-2, 9' 9 9/25/2024 <0.20 <0.13 <0.34 <0.34 <1.01 <0.34 <3.37 <67 B-3, 9' 9 9/25/2024 <0.02 0.02 <0.03 <0.03 <0.10 <0.03 <0.330 <67 B-4, 4-6' 4-6 9/25/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.10 <0.03 <0.322 <67 B-4, 9' 9 9/25/2024 <0.17 <0.11 <0.28 <0.28 <0.83 <0.28 14.3 3,000 B-5, 7' 7 9/25/2024 <0.17 <0.11 <0.28 1.42 5.56 0.29 66.3 534 B-6, 9' 9 9/25/2024 <0.17 <0.11 <0.29 <0.29 <0.86 0.56 18.8 2,950 2024 Confirmation Samples Page 4 of 5 Sampling Location Depth (ft)Date MTBE (mg/kg) Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethyl- benzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (mg/kg) Naph- thalene (mg/kg) TPH- GRO (mg/kg) TPH- DRO (mg/kg) 0.3 0.2 9 5 142 51 150 500 0.3 0.9 25 23 142 51 1,500 5,000 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples Table 1 ISL's RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Soil Analytical Results 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah Sinclair Truck Stop B-6, 10-12' 10-12 9/25/2024 <0.21 <0.14 <0.34 <0.34 <1.03 <0.34 4.1 485 B-7, 7-8' 7-8 9/25/2024 <0.16 <0.11 <0.27 <0.27 <0.81 0.37 16.5 3,920 B-7 14-15' 14-15 9/25/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.10 <0.03 <0.338 <68 B-8, 4-6' 4-6 9/25/2024 <0.02 <0.01 <0.03 <0.03 <0.09 <0.03 <0.299 <60 B-8, 9-10' 9-10 9/25/2024 <0.17 <0.11 <0.28 <0.28 <0.83 <0.28 15.5 1,830 TPH-GRO = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics. Analyzed by Method 8260 TPH-DRO = Total petroleum hydrocarbons - diesel range organics. Analyzed by Method 8015 MBTEXN analyzed by Method 8260 mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram, which approximates parts per million NA = Not Analyzed ISL = Initial Screening Level Page 5 of 5 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 WS1(south)10/13-20/1997 8.5 0.0 0.0 <.025 0.035 0.0239 0.0239 0.102 0.0849 2.7 NA WS2 (north)10/13-20/1997 8.5 0.0 0.0 <.003 0.0084 0.0338 0.0276 0.187 0.271 307 NA WS-Sep 10/13-20/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 <.045 <.045 0.254 0.08 0.509 0.218 750 NA Water Adj 10/13-20/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 <.005 0.0396 0.181 0.122 0.553 0.0634 8.6 NA B1 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.005 0.015 <0.005 <0.005 <0.010 0.37 NA B4 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0. 14 0.32 0.16 1.3 0.22 110 NA B6 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.16 0.37 0.13 0.89 <0.2 80 NA B7 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.10 0.16 0.11 0.64 <0.2 54 NA B8 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 0.39 <0.2 77 NA B9 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.13 0.47 0.45 3.1 0.58 450 NA B10 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.17 0.74 0.5 3.9 0.94 570 NA B11 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.17 0.18 0.24 1.4 0.25 240 NA B12 11/25-26/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.15 0.32 0.18 1.1 0.27 94 NA G14 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.10 <0.10 0.035 0.035 0.06 6 NA G15 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA 0.012 0.043 0.032 0.19 <0.020 4.5 NA G18 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.20 <0.10 NA G19 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.10 0.14 <0.10 0.36 <0.20 16 NA G20 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.5 0.51 <0.5 1.1 <l.0 54 NA G23 12/3-4/1997 NM 0.0 0.0 NA <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1.0 <1.0 390 NA Subsurface investigation samples UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Results Sinclair Truck Stop 7100 North Silver Creek Road, Park City, Utah ISL's Page 1 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-l 12/18/1997 7.98 0.60 90.52 NA 0.035 0.043 0.016 0.11 0.016 NA NA 98.05 7/8/1998 NT 0.13 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 5.88 6.00 96.67 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 4.77 0.38 93.57 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 2.39 0.00 95.66 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.002 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.35 0.00 93.70 <0.005 0.02 0.011 0.059 0.051 0.58 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.64 5.40 94.46 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.002 NA NA 2/9/2000 NT 0.75 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 6/6/2000 3.65 0.25 94.59 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0147 0.0212 0.0458 1.2 75.5 MW-2 12/18/1997 7.12 0.00 91.10 NA <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.010 NA NA 98.22 7/8/1998 4.67 0.00 93.55 <0.005 0.00575 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.00455 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.10 0.00 94.12 0.0043 0.0053 <0.005 0.017 0.0031 0.014 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.45 0.00 93.77 <0.005 0.0062 <0.005 0.014 <0.005 0.0043 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.28 0.00 95.94 0.0255 0.0032 <0.005 0.019 0.0033 <0.002 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.35 0.00 93.87 <0.005 0.0028 <0.005 0.025 <0.005 0.017 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.63 0.00 91.59 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.002 NA NA 6/6/2000 2.94 0.00 95.28 <0.0I <0.0I <0.0I <0.0I <0.03 <0.01 <0.5 2.6 Monitoring well samples Page 2 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-4 12/18/1997 7.57 0.00 92.21 NA 0.041 0.023 0.055 0.18 0.042 NA NA 99.78 7/8/1998 5.59 0.00 94.19 <0.005 0.068 0.03 0.074 0.335 0.068 NA NA 10/15/1998 6.13 4.00 96.65 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 5.37 0.06 94.46 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 2.89 0.00 96.89 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0028 <0.002 NA NA 7/1/1999 5.00 0.00 94.78 <0.005 0.022 0.016 0.022 0.066 0.044 NA NA 10/11/1999 8.67 0.3S #VALUE! 0.054 0.01 <0.005 0.017 0.056 0.036 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.92 0.00 93.86 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.002 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.64 0.00 96.14 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.008 0.0117 0.0106 <0.5 36.8 8/21/2001 6.14 0.00 93.64 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 0.0035 0.0038 0.0023 0.18 0.024 11/15/2001 6.84 0.00 92.94 <0.002 0.001 <0.002 0.0045 0.0034 <0.002 0.078 0.037 2/5/2002 6.29 0.00 93.49 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 0.0052 0.0025 <0.002 0.061 <0.020 5/24/2002 3.69 0.00 96.09 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 0.0068 0.0032 <0.002 0.1 0.23 8/29/2002 6.64 0.00 93.14 <0.002 0.0013 <0.002 0.0065 0.0071 0.0061 0.53 1.4 11/5/2002 6.88 0.00 92.90 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 0.0036 0.0021 0.0027 0.22 0.051 2/28/2003 5.14 0.00 94.64 <0.002 0.0012 <0.002 0.011 0.0057 0.0046 0.093 <0.020 5/14/2003 3.40 0.00 96.38 <0.002 0.0016 <0.002 0.019 0.011 0.0067 0.19 <0.020 8/28/2003 6.44 0.00 93.34 <0.002 0.0011 <0.002 0.0082 0.0054 0.0068 0.46 <0.020 MW-5 12/18/1997 NG 0.00 NT NA 0.14 0.31 <0.005 0.54 <0.002 NA NA 98.15 7/8/1998 5.63 0.00 92.52 <0.005 0.102 0.0849 0.0786 0.453 0.129 NA NA 10/15/1998 7.40 5.00 94.50 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 6.08 0.63 92.54 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 4.75 0.00 93.40 <0.005 0.097 <0.005 0.068 0.5 0.14 NA NA 7/1/1999 6.00 0.00 92.15 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.82 1.3 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.78 2.00 91.87 <0.005 0.1 <0.005 0.097 0.52 0.18 NA NA 2/9/2000 6.40 6.00 96.25 <0.005 0.0634 <0.005 0.076 0.367 0.24 NA NA 6/6/2000 5.40 1.00 93.50 0.0027 0.053 0.0022 0.0542 0.272 0.169 3.1 29 Page 3 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-6 12/18/1997 7.56 0.00 91.70 0.006 0.065 <0.010 <0.010 0.24 <0.020 NA NA 99.26 7/8/1998 5.97 0.00 93.29 <0.005 0.111 0.025 0.08 0.453 0.094 NA NA 10/15/1998 5.92 0.00 93.34 <0.005 0.073 0.0098 0.11 0.67 0.1 NA NA 1/20/1999 5.73 0.00 93.53 <0.005 0.045 BDL 0.1 0.51 0.058 NA NA 4/19/1999 3.12 0.00 96.14 <0.005 0.042 0.0031 0.12 0.43 0.17 NA NA 7/1/1999 5.25 0.00 94.01 <0.005 0.043 0.0024 0.11 0.4 0.14 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.69 0.00 91.57 <0.005 0.043 <0.005 0.078 0.16 0.091 NA NA 6/6/2000 4.28 0.00 94.98 0.0094 0.0266 <0.005 0.0482 0.163 0.0532 1.2 4.9 MW-7 12/18/1997 7.04 0.50 91.74 NA 0.015 0.039 0.015 0.1 0.021 NA NA 98.40 7/8/1998 5.32 0.00 93.08 0.032 0.114 0.166 0.023 0.363 BDL NA NA 10/15/1998 5.40 0.00 93.00 0,035 0.13 0.071 0.089 0.42 0.1 NA NA 1/20/1999 5.00 0.00 93.40 0,029 0.17 0.046 0.12 0.47 0.047 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.81 0.00 95.59 0.044 0.13 <0.005 0.097 0.27 0.078 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.57 0.00 93.83 0.027 0.065 0.0034 BDL 0.071 0.0069 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.30 0.25 91.29 0.032 0.085 <0.005 0.052 0.16 0.097 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.02 0.00 93.38 0.0161 0.0679 <0.005 0.08 0.245 0.146 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.57 0.00 94.83 0.0182 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0774 0.0367 0.8 388 8/21/2001 6.08 0.00 92.32 0.0046 0.054 0.0031 0.066 0.15 0.083 1.5 0.069 11/15/2001 6.60 0.00 91.80 0.0067 0.046 <0.002 0.045 0.047 0.04 0.48 0.081 2/5/2002 5.81 0.00 92.59 0.0036 0.037 <0.002 0.034 0.075 0.068 1.1 0.98 5/24/2002 3.02 0.00 95.38 <0.002 0.032 <0.002 0,05 0.074 0.064 1.6 0.29 8/29/2002 5.96 0.00 92.44 0.0021 0.033 <0.002 0.028 0.035 0.038 1.6 2 11/5/2002 6.24 0.00 92.16 0.0025 0.04 <0.002 0.031 0.043 0.051 1.1 0.15 2/28/2003 4.58 NT NT 5/14/2003 2.98 0.00 95.42 <0.002 14 22 1.2 6.1 0.16 45 <0.20 8/28/2003 5.99 NT NT MW-7R 10/8/2008 6.1 0.00 NE <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 0.0012 <0.003 <0.005 <0.10 NA NE 10/9/2008 6.1 0.00 NE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 1.9 8/1/2023 6.0 0.00 NE <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 0.37 4.00 12/1/2023 6.0 0.00 NE <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 3.00 free product, not sampled free product, not sampled Page 4 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-8 12/18/1997 7.30 0.00 91.74 NA 0.13 0.13 0.069 0.6 0.13 NA NA 99.04 7/8/1998 5.17 0.00 93.87 0.004 0.066 0.028 0.069 0.374 0.088 NA NA 10/15/1998 5.15 0.00 93.89 NA 0.086 0.015 0.092 0.28 0.084 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.90 0.00 94.14 <0.005 0.05 <0.005 0.077 0.26 0,067 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.26 0.00 96.78 <0.005 0.044 <0.005 0.12 0.2 0.083 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.61 0.00 94.43 <0.005 0.018 0.012 0.045 0.16 0.043 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.57 0.25 91.66 <0.005 0.024 <0.005 0.045 0.16 0.053 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.65 0.00 93.39 0.0151 0.0123 <0.005 0.0591 0.153 0.161 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.39 0.00 95.65 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.050 <0.15 <0.050 <5.0 42.4 MW-9 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 97.84 7/8/1998 3.78 0.00 94.06 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 NA NA 10/15/1998 3.98 0.00 93.86 <0.005 0.0091 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 3.62 0.00 94.22 <0.005 0.0023 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 1.48 0.00 96.36 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 7/1/1999 3.55 0.00 94.29 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.13 0.00 91.71 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 2.45 0.00 95.39 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.015 <0.005 <0.5 <0.5 Page 5 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-10 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.03 7/8/1998 3.75 0.00 94.28 <0.005 0.005 <0.005 0.003 0.017 0.03 NA NA 10/15/1998 3.98 0.00 94.05 <0.005 0.0036 <0.005 <0.005 0.0034 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 3.81 0.00 94.22 <0.005 0.0012 <0.005 0.0024 0.0029 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 1.52 0.00 96.51 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0045 0.0021 0.0053 NA NA 7/1/1999 3.52 0.00 94.51 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0031 0.0024 <0.005 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.23 0.00 91.80 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 NT NT NT NT NT NT NI NT NT NT NT 6/6/2000 2.36 0.00 95.67 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.005 0.0066 <0.5 2.6 8/21/2001 4.76 0.00 93.27 <0.002 0.0032 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.16 <0.02 11/15/2001 5.47 0.00 92.56 <0.002 0.0011 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.074 0.037 2/5/2002 5.22 0.00 92.81 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.0022 0.3 0.75 5/24/2002 2.13 0.00 95.90 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.023 <0.02 8/29/2002 5.47 0.00 92.56 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.21 0.027 11/5/2002 5.64 0.00 92.39 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.12 <0.02 2/28/2003 3.59 0.00 94.44 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.05 <0.02 5/14/2003 2.03 0.00 96.00 <0.002 0.0031 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.071 0.11 8/28/2003 5.21 0.00 92.82 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.24 <0.02 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 92.03 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 1.20 12/1/2023 6.00 0.00 92.03 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 1.70 MW-11 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.36 7/8/1998 6.78 0.00 91.58 0.002 0.014 0.185 0.091 0.0466 0.079 NA NA 10/15/1998 7.80 0.00 90.56 <0.005 0.067 0.061 0.077 0.39 0.046 NA NA 1/20/1999 6.43 0.00 91.93 <0.005 0.074 <0.005 0.073 0.33 0.044 NA NA 4/19/1999 4.50 0.00 93.86 <0.005 0.058 <0.005 0.069 0.33 0.068 NA NA 7/1/1999 6.32 0.00 92.04 <0.005 0.035 <0.005 BDL 0.11 0.086 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.12 0.00 91.24 <0.005 0.041 0.0022 0.097 0.27 0.1 NA NA 2/9/2000 6.85 0.00 91.51 <0.005 0.0128 <0.005 0.0511 0.0885 0.168 NA NA 6/6/2000 5.41 0.00 92.95 0.0067 0.0287 <0.005 0.0771 0.166 0.171 4.7 56.2 Page 6 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-12 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.48 7/8/1998 4.64 0.00 93.84 0.004 0.091 0.056 0.095 0.598 0.143 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.94 0.00 93.54 0.0072 0.069 0.0045 0.095 0.3 0.15 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.21 0.00 94.27 <0.005 0.061 <0.005 0.059 0.17 0.055 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.28 0.00 96.20 0.0028 0.027 <0.005 0.046 0.14 0.08 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.05 0.00 94.43 <0.005 0.028 <0.005 0.045 0.14 0.059 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.95 0.00 91.53 0.0055 0.033 <0.005 0.031 0.067 0.052 NA NA 2/9/2000 4.69 0.00 93.79 <0.005 0.0139 <0.005 0.0159 0.0193 0.0412 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.35 0.00 95.13 0.0035 0.0364 <0.002 0.0176 0.0635 0.12 1.4 40.7 MW-13 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.44 7/8/1998 6.80 0.00 91.64 0.013 0.314 0.384 0.08 0.624 0.042 NA NA 10/15/1998 6.52 0.00 91.92 0.012 0.17 0.021 0.05 0.069 0.016 NA NA 1/20/1999 6.47 0.00 91.97 0.014 0.27 0.012 0.073 0.085 0.043 NA NA 4/19/1999 4.31 0.00 94.13 0.065 1.7 3.1 0.64 3.6 0.16 NA NA 7/1/1999 6.02 0.00 92.42 0.021 0.54 0.66 0.4 2 <0.005 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.25 0.00 91.19 <0.005 0.84 0.17 0.17 1.3 0.12 NA NA 2/9/2000 7.00 0.00 91.44 0.0057 0.548 0.109 0.078 0.433 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 5.40 0.00 93.04 0.0147 0.644 0.132 0.0906 0.565 0.105 5.1 58.5 MW-14 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.24 7/8/1998 4.97 0.00 93.27 0.011 0.063 0.003 0.05 0.065 0.049 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.77 0.00 93.47 0.007 0.019 <0.005 0.032 0.02 0.031 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.52 0.00 93.72 <0.005 0.02 <0.005 0.029 0.027 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 3.15 0.00 95.09 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.11 0.00 94.13 <0.005 0.0099 <0.005 0.029 0.016 0.027 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.75 0.00 91.49 <0.005 0.0023 <0.005 0.005 <0.005 0.0093 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.31 0.00 92.93 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.03 0.0737 0.063 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.20 0.00 95.04 <0.005 0.0072 <0.005 0.0181 <0.015 0.0413 <0.5 105 Page 7 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-15 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 97.73 7/8/1998 4.50 0.00 93.23 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.55 0.00 93.18 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.24 0.00 93.49 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.15 0.00 95.58 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 7/1/1999 3.87 0.00 93.86 <0.005 0.0015 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.33 0.00 91.40 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 6/6/2000 2.90 0.00 94.83 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.5 <0.5 MW-16 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 97.80 7/8/1998 4.77 0.00 93.03 0.01 0.233 0.167 0.102 0.461 0.066 NA NA 10/15/1998 5.52 0.00 92.28 <0.005 0.19 0.18 0.097 0.38 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.80 0.17 93.13 NT NT NT NT NT NT NA NA 4/19/1999 2.56 0.00 95.24 <0.005 0.083 0.11 0.11 0.41 0.057 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.35 0.00 93.45 <0.005 0.029 0.037 0.033 0.15 0.018 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.85 9.60 97.15 BDL 0.1 0.18 0.4 1.9 0.55 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.60 0.00 92.20 BDL 0.0658 0.0898 0.133 0.575 0.166 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.80 0.00 94.00 <0.005 0.0447 0.0718 0.114 0.505 0.127 4.3 223 8/21/2001 NT NT free product, not sampled 11/15/2001 6.03 0.00 91.77 <0.002 0.0084 0.011 0.055 0.19 0.034 0.69 0.22 2/5/2002 5.87 0.00 91.93 <0.002 0.0066 0.0076 0.057 0.19 0.039 0.67 0.095 5/24/2002 2.84 0.00 94.96 <0.002 0.0014 <0.002 0.014 0.048 0.022 1.3 1.9 8/29/2002 5.85 0.00 91.95 <0.002 0.0025 0.0027 0.027 0.079 0.023 1.5 1.6 11/5/2002 5.96 0.00 91.84 <0.002 0,002 0.0022 0.027 0.069 0.022 1.4 0.51 2/28/2003 4.20 NT NT 5/14/2003 2.90 0.00 94.90 <0.002 4.4 8.7 0.85 4.5 0.18 26 3.9 8/28/2003 5.60 NT NT 8/1/2023 6.00 0 91.80 <0.005 0.021 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 0.023 1.17 23.40 12/1/2023 6.00 0 91.80 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 7.00 duplicate 12/1/2023 6.00 0 91.80 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 4.00 9/25/2024 4.99 0 92.81 <0.008 0.061 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 5.32 120 *10/30/2024 NM 0 NM <0.008 0.015 <0.012 <0.012 <0.038 <0.012 <0.125 3.7 **10/30/24 NM 0 NM <0.002 0.012 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 0.005 0.5 1.42 free product, not sampled free product, not sampled Page 8 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-17 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 93.97 7/8/1998 4.53 0.00 89.44 0.0075 0.0474 0.0062 0.0281 0.0326 0.0111 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.60 0.00 89.37 0.021 0.062 0.0042 0.022 0.022 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 3.95 0.00 90.02 <0.002 0.033 <0.005 0.028 0.021 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 2.35 0.00 91.62 <0.002 0.023 <0.005 0.029 0.019 <0.005 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.13 0.00 89.84 0.0032 0.024 0.012 0.023 0.022 0.012 NA NA 10/11/1999 5.75 0.00 88.22 0.0075 0.012 <0.005 0.0055 0.0027 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 4.05 0.00 89.92 0.0048 BDL 0.0025 <0.005 0.0073 0.0038 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.90 0.00 90.07 0.0046 0.0242 <0.002 0.0168 0.0101 0.0057 <0.5 1.9 8/21/2001 5.26 0.00 88.71 0.0064 0.027 <0.002 0.026 0.0062 0.0021 0.41 0.026 11/15/2001 4.99 0.00 88.98 0.0071 0.019 <0.002 0.02 0.0058 0.0024 0.18 0.033 2/5/2002 4.33 0.00 89.64 0.004 0.021 <0.002 0.031 0.027 0.0058 0.25 0.031 5/24/2002 2.83 0.00 91.14 0.0025 0.015 <0.002 0.039 0.022 0.0069 0.74 0.027 8/29/2002 5.35 0.00 88.62 0.0041 0.01 <0.002 0.03 0.0076 0.0044 0.46 0.053 11/5/2002 4.81 0.00 89.16 0.0031 0.01 <0.002 0.029 0.0057 0.0036 0.37 0.047 2/28/2003 3.14 0.00 90.83 0.0022 0.021 <0.002 0.053 0.024 0.01 0.36 <0.02 5/14/2003 2.37 0.00 91.60 <0.02 0.015 <0.02 0.045 0.022 <0.02 0.67 <0.20 8/28/2003 5.11 0.00 88.86 0.0022 0.011 <0.002 0.036 0.0078 <0.002 0.55 <0.02 MW-17R 10/8/2008 9.49 0.00 NT <0.001 0.0032 <0.005 0.003 <0.003 <0.005 <0.10 2 NE 5/19/2010 NG 0.00 NT <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.001 <0.003 <0.002 <0.05 <1 1/21/2014 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 11/9/2015 10.25 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 7.4 7/31/2017 6.90 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 2.1 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 0.37 1.30 MW-18 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 94.15 7/8/1998 NG 0.00 NT <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 10/15/1998 4.48 0.00 89.67 <0.005 0.0099 <0.005 0.014 0.014 0.0072 NA NA 1/20/1999 3.60 0.00 90.55 <0.005 0.0048 <0.005 0.012 0.013 0.0055 NA NA 4/19/1999 1.78 0.00 92.37 <0.005 0.0036 <0.005 0.018 0.019 0.0077 NA NA 7/1/1999 3.72 0.00 90.43 <0.005 0.0047 0.0046 0.016 0.044 0.022 NA NA 10/11/1999 5.16 0.00 88.99 <0.005 0.0075 <0.005 0.0093 0.0044 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 3.71 0.00 90.44 <0.005 0.0044 <0.005 0.0085 0.0158 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 3.35 0.00 90.80 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.0034 <0.006 0.003 <0.5 <0.5 Page 9 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-19 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.79 7/8/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 4.52 0.00 94.27 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 1/20/1999 4.20 0.00 94.59 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 4/19/1999 1.71 0.00 97.08 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.0021 0.011 NA NA 7/1/1999 4.07 0.00 94.72 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.80 0.00 91.99 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 3.71 0.00 95.08 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 2.43 0.00 96.36 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.5 <0.5 MW-20 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 96.90 7/8/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 3.41 0.00 93.49 <0.005 0.013 0.044 0.084 0.28 0.022 NA NA 7/1/1999 5.16 0.00 91.74 <0.005 0.0085 0.1 0.027 0.12 0.006 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.83 0.00 90.07 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 5.71 0.00 91.19 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 4.32 0.00 92.58 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.006 <0.002 <0.5 <0.5 Page 10 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-21 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 97.06 7/8/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 4.24 0.00 92.82 <0.005 0.09 <0.005 0.062 0.21 0.067 NA NA 7/1/1999 6.06 0.00 91.00 0.0036 0.042 <0.005 0.036 0.074 0.052 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.11 0.00 89.95 0.006 0.1 <0.005 0.016 0.013 0.019 NA NA 2/9/2000 6.53 0.00 90.53 0.0053 0.0144 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 6/6/2000 5.30 0.00 91.76 0.0046 0.013 <0.002 0.0057 0.009 0.0136 <0.5 4.8 8/21/2001 5.29 0.00 91.77 0.0033 0.011 <0.002 0.0031 0.011 0.0082 0.25 0.035 11/15/2001 5.03 0.00 92.03 0.0034 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.034 <0.020 2/5/2002 6.18 0.00 90.88 <0.002 0.0036 <0.002 0.0022 0.002 <0.002 0,065 <0.020 5/24/2002 3.82 0.00 93.24 0.002 0.04 <0.002 0.019 0.033 0.0055 0.18 0.022 8/29/2002 6.25 0.00 90.81 <0.002 0.0043 <0.002 0.0044 0.00334 0.0026 0.18 0.061 11/5/2002 6.32 0.00 90.74 <0.002 0.0056 <0.002 0.0075 0.0072 <0.002 0.14 <0.020 2/28/2003 4.84 0.00 92.22 <0.002 0.0038 <0.002 0.0047 0.005 <0.002 0.03 <0.020 5/14/2003 3.74 0.00 93.32 <0.040 0.24 0.12 <0.040 <0.040 <0.040 <0.40 <0.40 8/28/2003 5.89 0.00 91.17 <0.002 0.22 0.025 0.017 0.02 0.0086 0.51 <0.020 5/19/2010 NG 0.00 NT <0.001 0.087 0.002 0.017 0.005 <0.002 0.156 <1 4/17/2012 6.2 0.00 90.86 <0.001 0.0022 0.0004 0.0013 0.0005 0.0008 21.2 <1 Page 11 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-22 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 98.08 7/8/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 5.76 0.00 92.32 <0.005 0.071 <0.005 0.091 0.08 0.053 NA NA 7/1/1999 7.72 0.00 90.36 <0.005 0.03 <0.005 0.081 0.091 0.038 NA NA 10/11/1999 7.24 0.00 90.84 <0.005 0.0043 0.033 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 NA NA 2/9/2000 8.00 0.00 90.08 <0.005 0.0038 0.0189 0.0048 0.0098 0.0038 NA NA 6/6/2000 7.00 0.00 91.08 0.0029 0.0269 <0.002 0.046 0.0477 0.0685 0.6 32.4 8/21/2001 8.28 0.00 89.80 <0.002 0.022 <0.002 0.068 0.021 0.072 0.7 0.03 11/15/2001 8.49 0.00 89.59 <0.002 0.015 <0.002 0.015 <0.002 0.0061 0.11 <0.020 2/5/2002 7.97 0.00 90.11 <0.002 0.0078 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.0089 0.062 <0.020 5/24/2002 5.77 0.00 92.31 <0.002 0.0062 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.0026 0.039 <0.020 8/29/2002 7.78 0.00 90.30 <0.002 0.007 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.12 0.021 11/5/2002 7.64 0.00 90.44 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.047 <0.020 2/28/2003 6.40 0.00 91.68 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.020 <0.020 5/14/2003 5.31 0.00 92.77 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.020 <0.020 8/28/2003 7.47 0.00 90.61 <0.002 <0.001 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.062 <0.020 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 92.08 <0.005 0.049 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 1.90 12/1/2023 6.00 0.00 92.08 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 2.40 MW-23 12/18/1997 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 97.36 7/8/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 10/15/1998 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 1/20/1999 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 4/19/1999 4.02 0.00 93.34 <0.005 0.12 0.023 0,13 0.59 0.12 NA NA 7/1/1999 6.66 0.00 90.70 0.015 0.094 0.0095 0.085 0.22 0.13 NA NA 10/11/1999 6.69 0.00 90.67 <0.005 0.1 <0.005 0.059 0.17 0.092 NA NA 2/9/2000 6.20 0.00 91.16 <0.005 0.0715 <0.005 0.0793 0.238 0.146 NA NA 6/6/2000 5.39 1.00 92.72 0.0096 0.0335 <0.002 0.0381 0.114 0.148 2.4 32.4 Page 12 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's MW-24 12/12/2001 NG 0.00 0.00 <0.002 0.0031 0.0052 0.065 0.076 0.016 0.5 0.0053 MW-24R 10/8/2008 6.75 0.00 0.00 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 <0.001 <0.003 <0.005 <0.10 NA NE 10/9/2008 6.75 0.00 0.00 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0.21 1/21/2014 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 11/9/2015 8.52 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 1.2 7/31/2017 5.16 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 0.00 <0.005 0.049 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 1.00 MW-25 12/12/2001 NG 0.00 0.00 0.0023 0.1 <0.002 0.13 0.14 0.063 0.79 0.026 NE 2/5/2002 6.02 0.00 0.00 0.0038 0.14 <0.002 0.13 0.13 0.051 0.83 0.024 5/24/2002 4.52 0.00 0.00 0.0029 0.15 <0.002 0.14 0.16 0.051 1 0.027 8/29/2002 6.09 0.00 0.00 <0.002 0.079 <0.002 0.11 0.08 0.039 1.1 0.07 11/5/2002 6.08 0.00 0.00 <0.002 0.083 0.0029 0.12 0.099 0.041 1.4 0.036 2/28/2003 4.93 0.00 0.00 <0.002 0.074 0.0028 0.13 0.1 0.028 0.68 <0.020 5/14/2003 4.35 0.00 0.00 <0.040 1.5 0.34 0.19 0.22 <0.04 3.3 <0.40 8/28/2003 5.86 0.00 0.00 <0.002 4.1 0.88 0.18 0.22 0.066 6.70 <0.02 MW-25R 10/8/2008 7.92 0.00 0.00 <0.001 0.0013 <0.005 0.0056 <0.003 <0.005 <0.10 0.61 NE 5/19/2010 NG 0.00 0.00 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.003 <0.003 0.003 <0.05 <1 4/17/2012 6.11 0.00 0.00 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.0003 <0.001 <0.001 2.1 <1 1/21/2014 7.98 0.00 0.00 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 <0.003 0.002 0.079 <1 11/9/2015 7.56 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <1 7/31/2017 6.83 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 0.00 <0.005 0.049 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 1.30 MW-26 12/12/2001 NG 0.00 0.00 0.0023 0.0072 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 <0.002 0.09 <0.02 MW-26R 10/8/2008 10.68 0.00 0.00 <0.001 <0.001 <0.005 <0.001 <0.003 <0.005 <0.10 0.32 NE 1/21/2014 NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT NT 11/9/2015 10.72 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.002 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 <0.05 <1 7/31/2017 10.51 0.00 0.00 <0.005 <0.005 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 8/1/2023 6.00 0.00 0.00 <0.005 0.049 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.012 <0.125 <1.0 Page 13 of 14 Sample Number TOC Elevation Date Collected Depth to Water (ft) Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Elevation (ft) MTBE (mg/L) Benzene (mg/L) Toluene (mg/L) Ethyl- benzene (mg/L) Total Xylenes (mg/L) Naph- thalene (mg/L) TPH- GRO (mg/L) TPH- DRO (mg/L) 0.2 0.005 1 0.7 10 0.7 1 1 0.2 0.3 3 4 10 0.7 10 10 UST Closure and Excavation Confirmation Samples RBCA Tier 1 Screening Levels ISL's TPH-GRO = Total petroleum hydrocarbons-gasoline range organics TPH-DRO = Total petroleum hydrocarbons - diesel range organics mg/L = milligrams per liter, which approximates parts per million ISL = Initial Screening Level MW-7R, MW-17R, 24R, 25R and 26R are replacement wells for MW-7, MW-17, 24, 25 and 26 at the same locations NG = Not Gauged NT = Not Tested NE= No elevation data available NA = Not Analyzed BDL = below detection limit * MW-16 (10/30/24) analyzed by Chemtech Ford. ** MW-16 (10/30/24) analyzed by Utility Testing Page 14 of 14 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Rockwell Solutions, Inc Attn: Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 Work Order: 24I2241 Project: Sinclair Truck Stop 10/10/2024 Amended Approved By: Mark Broadhead, Project Manager 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 18 Rockwell Solutions, Inc 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 Project: Sinclair Truck Stop Project Manager: Dave Hansen Laboratory ID Sample Name 24I2241-01 B-1,9' 24I2241-02 B-2, 9' 24I2241-03 B-3, 9' 24I2241-04 B-4, 4-6' 24I2241-05 B-4, 9' 24I2241-06 B-5, 7' 24I2241-07 B-6, 9' 24I2241-08 B-6, 10-12' 24I2241-09 B-7, 7-8' 24I2241-10 B-7, 14-15' 24I2241-11 B-8, 4-6' 24I2241-12 B-8, 9-10' 24I2241-13 MW-16 Amended Report Narrative Report Changes: DRO was added to 24I2241-13 www.ChemtechFord.com Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 Page 2 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-1,9' Lab ID: 24I2241-01Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 10:10 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800088.8Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.009 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.07 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.24 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.237 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2456EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 17Page 3 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-2, 9' Lab ID: 24I2241-02Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 10:40 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800074.2Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.13 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.20 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/241.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.37 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.37 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.37 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.37 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.37 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2467EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 4 of 17Page 4 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-3, 9' Lab ID: 24I2241-03Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 11:00 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800074.3Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030B0.02Benzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.10 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.33 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.33 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.33 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.33 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.330 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2467EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 5 of 17Page 5 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-4, 4-6' Lab ID: 24I2241-04Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 11:10 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800074.7Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.10 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.32 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.32 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.32 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.32 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.322 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2467EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 6 of 17Page 6 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-4, 9' Lab ID: 24I2241-05Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 11:20 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800090.1Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.83 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.77 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.77 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.77 EPA 8260D/5030B9.33C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.77 EPA 8260D/5030B4.99C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.77 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]14.3Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2455EPA 8015 C3000Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 7 of 17Page 7 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-5, 7' Lab ID: 24I2241-06Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 12:00 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800089.3Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030B1.42Ethylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030B0.29Naphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.84 EPA 8260D/5030B5.56Xylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.80 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.80 EPA 8260D/5030B4.30C7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.80 EPA 8260D/5030B9.23C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.80 EPA 8260D/5030B45.5C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.80 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]66.3Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2456EPA 8015 C534Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 8 of 17Page 8 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-6, 9' Lab ID: 24I2241-07Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 12:15 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800087.5Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030B0.56Naphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.29 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.86 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.86 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.86 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.86 EPA 8260D/5030B4.60C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.86 EPA 8260D/5030B13.6C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.86 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]18.8Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2457EPA 8015 C2950Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 9 of 17Page 9 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-6, 10-12' Lab ID: 24I2241-08Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 12:10 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800072.8Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.14 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.21 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/241.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.43 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.43 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.43 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.43 EPA 8260D/5030B4.10C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/243.43 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]4.10Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2469EPA 8015 C485Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 10 of 17Page 10 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-7, 7-8' Lab ID: 24I2241-09Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 12:35 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800092.3Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.27 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.16 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.27 EPA 8260D/5030B0.37Naphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.27 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.81 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.71 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.71 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.71 EPA 8260D/5030B4.60C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.71 EPA 8260D/5030B11.5C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.71 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]16.5Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2454EPA 8015 C3920Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 11 of 17Page 11 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-7, 14-15' Lab ID: 24I2241-10Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 12:40 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800074.0Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.10 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.34 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.338 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2468EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 12 of 17Page 12 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-8, 4-6' Lab ID: 24I2241-11Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 13:00 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800082.8Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.01 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.02 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.03 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.09 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.30 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.30 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.30 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.30 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.299 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2460EPA 8015 CNDDiesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 13 of 17Page 13 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: B-8, 9-10' Lab ID: 24I2241-12Matrix: Solid Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 13:15 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult Inorganic %9/27/249/26/240.1 CTF800090.8Total Solids MBTEXn mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.11 EPA 8260D/5030BNDBenzene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/kg dry J-LOW-C9/27/249/27/240.17 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.28 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/240.83 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.75 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.75 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.75 EPA 8260D/5030B5.15C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.75 EPA 8260D/5030B10.4C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/kg dry 9/27/249/27/242.75 EPA 8260B/C 5035A/[CALC]15.5Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/kg dry 9/26/249/26/2455EPA 8015 C1830Diesel Range Organics Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 14 of 17Page 14 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: MW-16 Lab ID: 24I2241-13Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 9/25/24 0:00 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030B0.061Benzene mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.125 EPA 8260D/5030BNDC5-C6 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.125 EPA 8260D/5030B0.157C7-C8 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.125 EPA 8260D/5030B3.59C9-C10 Aliphatic hydrocarbons mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.125 EPA 8260D/5030B1.51C9-C10 Alkyl Benzenes Gasoline Range mg/L 9/27/249/27/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]5.32Gasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 10/2/2410/2/2410.0 EPA 8015 C120Diesel Range Organics Semi-Volatile Compounds ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/35111950C11-12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/35116370C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/35116600C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/351115500C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDC11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511112Total C12-C22 PAH ug/L J-LOW-L, SPH 10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthylene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/35118Anthracene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) anthracene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) pyrene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDChrysene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDDibenzo (a,h) anthracene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDFluoranthene ug/L J-LOW-L, SPH 10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/351137Fluorene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/351154Phenanthrene ug/L SPH10/8/2410/4/2410EPA 8270E/351113Pyrene Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 15 of 17Page 15 of 18 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Amended Amended Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 9/25/24 14:41 @ 5.3 °C 10/10/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions J-LOW-C = Estimated low due to low recovery of CCV J-LOW-L = Estimated low due to low recovery of LCS S-BN = Base/Neutral surrogate recovery outside of control limits. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of remaining two base/neutral surrogates. SPH = Sample submitted past method specified holding time. Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24I2241 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 16 of 17Page 16 of 18 Page 17 of 18 Page 18 of 18 The analyses presented on this report were performed in accordance with the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) unless noted in the comments, flags, or case narrative. If the report is to be used for regulatory compliance, it should be presented in its entirety, and not be altered. Client Service Contact: 801.262.7299 Rockwell Solutions, Inc Attn: Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 Work Order: 24J2556 Project: Sinclair Truck Stop 11/6/2024 Approved By: Reed Hendricks, Lab Director 9632 South 500 West Sandy, Utah 84070 Serving the Intermountain West since 1953 801.262.7299 Main 866.792.0093 Fax www.ChemtechFord.com Page 1 of 4 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/30/24 13:03 @ 1.8 °C 11/6/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Sample ID: MW- 16 Lab ID: 24J2556-01Matrix: Water Flag(s)Units Analysis Date/Time Date Sampled: 10/30/24 12:00 Preparation Date/Time Sampled By: David Hansen Minimum Reporting Limit MethodResult MBTEXn mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.008 EPA 8260D/5030BNDMethyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.005 EPA 8260D/5030B0.015Benzene mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDEthylbenzene mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDNaphthalene mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.012 EPA 8260D/5030BNDToluene mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.038 EPA 8260D/5030BNDXylenes, total Gasoline Range mg/L 11/1/2411/1/240.125 EPA 8260B/C /5030A/[CALC]NDGasoline Range Organics Diesel Range mg/L 11/4/2411/4/241.0 EPA 8015 C3.7Diesel Range Organics Semi-Volatile Compounds ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/351144C11-12 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511115C13-C16 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511158C17-C21 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/35111550C22-C35 Aliphatic hydrocarbons ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDC11-C13 Alkyl Naphthalenes ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDTotal C12-C22 PAH ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDAcenaphthylene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDAnthracene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) anthracene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (a) pyrene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (b) fluoranthene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (g,h,i) perylene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDBenzo (k) fluoranthene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDChrysene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDDibenzo (a,h) anthracene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDFluoranthene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/35114Fluorene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDIndeno (1,2,3-cd) pyrene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDPhenanthrene ug/L 11/5/2411/5/2410EPA 8270E/3511NDPyrene Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24J2556 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4 xx Chemtech-Ford Laboratories Serving the Intermountain West Since 1953 Certificate of Analysis 9632 South 500 West Sandy, UT 84070 O:(801) 262-7299 F: (866) 792-0093 www.ChemtechFord.com Rockwell Solutions, Inc Dave Hansen 718 East Bridger Lane Elk Ridge, UT 84651 PO#: Receipt: Date Reported: Project Name: 10/30/24 13:03 @ 1.8 °C 11/6/2024 Sinclair Truck Stop Report Footnotes Abbreviations ND = Not detected at the corresponding Minimum Reporting Limit (MRL). 1 mg/L = one milligram per liter or 1 mg/kg = one milligram per kilogram = 1 part per million. 1 ug/L = one microgram per liter or 1 ug/kg = one microgram per kilogram = 1 part per billion. 1 ng/L = one nanogram per liter or 1 ng/kg = one nanogram per kilogram = 1 part per trillion. On calculated parameters, there may be a slight difference between summing the rounded values shown on the report vs the unrounded values used in the calculation. Flag Descriptions S-BN = Base/Neutral surrogate recovery outside of control limits. The data was accepted based on valid recovery of remaining two base/neutral surrogates. Project Name: Sinclair Truck Stop CtF WO#: 24J2556 www.ChemtechFord.com Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 Analytical Report Client:Rockwell Solutions Project:Sinclair Truck Stop 718 E Bridger Ln Elk Ridge, Utah 84651 Client Field ID: MW-16 Laboratory ID:103024-08 A Attn: Dave Hansen Analysis:TPH DRO/GRO Date Received:10/30/2024 MBTEXN Date Collected:10/30/2024 Matrix:Water Collection Time:12:00 Sample Received By:Becky Holubek Parameter Date Method Reporting Test Results Analyzed Limit (mg/L) Limit (mg/L) TPH DRO (C10 to C28)11/06/2024 SW-846 8015B Modified 0.50 1.42 TPH GRO (C6 to C10)11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.50 0.50 Methyl tert-butyl ether 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.002 < 0.002 Benzene 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.002 0.012 Toluene 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.002 < 0.002 Ethylbenzene 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.002 < 0.002 Xylenes, Total 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.006 < 0.006 Naphthalene 11/06/2024 SW-846 8260B/5030B 0.002 0.005 Dilution Factor Used:GRO 1 DRO 1 MBTEXN 2 Approved by: ________________________________________ Date of Issue: 13-Nov-24 Becky Holubek, Laboratory Director All analyses performed in compliance with National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Conference (NELAC) standards Page 1 of 1 + Utility Testing Laboratory 1615 W. 2200 S. Suite A Salt Lake City, Utah 84119 Toll Free: (888)485-8941 Phone (801) 485-8941 Fax (801) 467-0065 BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 9’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-1 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 0Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, damp Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated Sand and gravel fill Sand (SW), medium-grained brown, saturated 0 0 BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 9’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-2 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 33 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, damp Silty clay (CL), medium plasticity, gray, damp Sand and gravel fill 361 0 Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, light brown, saturated BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 9’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-3 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Sinclair Truck Stop 0Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, damp Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, damp Sand and gravel fill 9 6 Silt (ML), low plasticity, dark brown, damp BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 9’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-4 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 0 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, damp Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, damp Sand and gravel fill 0 376 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, wet Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 9’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-5 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 420 Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, damp Sand and gravel fill, some pea gravel 9 111 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, wet Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated 487 BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 10’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-6 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 0 Sand and gravel fill, some pea gravel 199 487 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, wet Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated 246 Silt (ML), low plasticity, brown, damp BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 10’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-7 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 3 Asphalt Sinclair Truck Stop 0 Sand and gravel fill, some pea gravel 174 329 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, wet Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated Silt (ML), low plasticity, brown, damp BORING LOG Well No. DRILLING METHOD ____________________________________________ DRILLER / COMPANY ___________________________________________ TOTAL DEPTH ____________ WATER DEPTH _______ BORING DIAMETER _________ CASING DIAMETER _________ CASING MATERIAL ____________ SLOT SIZE __________ SURFACE ELEV. ____________ TOP OF CASING ELEV. ___________ LOGGED BY _____________________________________________ EP ( FT D TH .) E SAMPL S BLOWS ON S PLAMER SAMPLE R INTE VAL e (fe t)DESCRIPTION / SOIL CLASSIFICATION GRAPHIC LOG AND WELL CONSTRUCTION DEPTH 00 05 10 15 PID Direct Push JT, Direct Push 3” End of Boring at 15 feet NA 10’ David Hansen 15’ 0-5 5-10 00 05 10 B-8 15 10-15 DATE: 9/25/24 LOCATION: PROJECT: 7100 N Silver Creek Rd Park City, Utah 0 Sinclair Truck Stop 0 Silt (ML), low plasticity, brown, damp Top soil 475 Gravelly sand with silt (GW), fine-grained light gray, wet Silty clay (CL), high plasticity, brown, saturated 278