HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-012215HF Sincloir
1070 West S00 South
West Bountifut Ut g4OB7 iltililililillIililtil
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Mr. Brent Everett
Div. ofEnvironmental Response and
Remediarion. SERc
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Envircnmeil:i RusPonse &Remediation
A'41i4-444'*4rj rllltil,,rl'trll,littirl"l,l,plilrrririjiiiiliill11,,llhllti,,
October 30,2024
Mr. Brent Everett
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Div. of Environmental Response & Remediation, SERC
PO Box 144840,195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Certified Mail:7022 0410 0002 3551 7261
Mr. Chad Monroe
Davis County SherifPs DeParftnent
Davis County LEPC
800 West State St.
Farminglon, u-T 84025
Certified Mail 7022 0410 0002 3551 7292
RE:Written Follow-up Emergency Notification - SOz Release on October 17r2024
To Whom It May Concern:
ln accordance with 40 cFR 355.40(bxl-3), rf Sinclair woods cross RefiningLLC (ItrswcR) is providing
a written follow-up to the emergency notification of the release that occurred on October 17,2024. Yotx
offrce was notified on october 17 ,2oz4,of an event that resulted in a release in excess of 500 lbs of Soz
within a 24-hour period. The release was due to an extemal power intemrption that resulted in a power sag
in our 4,160V line down to 3,754Y (-lo%voltage drop) and a sag in our 480V line down to 440V.
Because of the power sag, the refinery lost process units: Unit 24 - Crude #2,lJnit 25 - FCCU #2,Unit
26 -,poly Gas, and Unit 4 - FCCU #l's Wet Gas Compressor. Rocky Mountain Power stated that the
power intemrption was caused by weather.
The estimated quantity of sulfrr dioxide in excess of IIF Sinclair Woods Cross Refining LLC's federally
permitted release timii Gitte V pennit #1100013001 Condition II.B.1.t and DAQE-ANI01230057-23
Condition tr.B.5.a) was 1,437 lbs.
HF Sinclair Woods Cross Refining LLC
'1070 W. 500 S, West Bountiful, UT 84087
80't -299-6600 | HFSinclair.com
40 cFR 3ss.40(bxl)Actions taken to respond and
contain the release.
All process units affected by the
external power outage were
brought back online as safely and
quickly as possible or brought
down to minimize emissions.
40 cFR 3ss.40(bx2)Any known or anticipated acute
or chronic health risks associated
with the release.
40 cFR 3ss.40(bx3)Where appropriate, advice
regarding medical attention
necessary for exposed
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (801) 299-6625 or email
ft ravis. smith@hfsinclair. com.
F. Travis Smith
Environmental Specialist
c:E. Benson (r) File
J. Barton