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Mercer Owen
Lost Creek Park Manager
Lost Creek State Park
Croydon, Utah, 84018
Subject:GroundWaterDischargePermit-By-RuleDeterminationandIssuanceofConstruction Permit for the Lost Creek State Park Culinary Well Water Reverse Osmosis Treatment System Backwash EvaporationPonds
OnSeptember 29,2024,theDivisionofWaterQuality(DWQ)receivedinformation concerning the use of a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system to provide culinary water for campground and other uses at Lost
Creek State Park. The RO system would have a waste streamwith higher concentrations of contaminates such as Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Sulfate, Sodium, Chloride, etc.This would infiltrate
into the ground water system and over time would degrade that system. Therefore, this discharge is required to be placed in lined evaporation ponds. Therefore, the lined evaporation
ponds required a Ground Water Discharge Permit by Rule and a Construction Permit.
On August 22, 2024, DWQ received the Construction Documents for the Lost Creek State Park. This was a complete set of documents for all construction at the Park.These were all prepared
by CivilScience and signed by Cody C. Howick P.E., ProjectManager and Ryan Devitt P.E. Assistant Project Manager.Mr.Howick and Mr. DevittareaUtah Certified ProfessionalEngineers (P.E.).
After talking with Mr. Devitt and explaining that DWQ only needed the documents concerning the water system including the evaporation ponds, Mr. Devitt sent over just those drawings
on October 28, 2024.
Thewater system and evaporation ponds drawing set include the following:Sizing and location of evaporation ponds;Pump house and drain lines leading to evaporation pond: andWell and pump
house equipment: etc.
Below are the relevant factors evaluated in determining that the proposed operation qualifies forpermit-by-ruleandthatdischargewillhaveademinimisactualorpotentialeffectongroundwaterqualityand
beneficialuses of ground waterresources under UAC R317-6-6.2.A(25).The main concern is the RO system waste stream will now be contained in linedevaporation ponds.The Evaporation Ponds
will be lined with a minimum 40-mil-thick Reinforced Polyethylene(RPE)liner and 8 oz Geotextile.The evaporation pond will minimize any infiltration of the RO system waste stream into
the shallow aquifer system.Placement of three down gradient piezometer to detect possible leakage from the evaporation ponds
ThefollowingconditionsarerequiredunderthisPermit-By-Rule:TheEvaporationPondmayonlybeusedforthe RO system waste streamandwell water.Nothingelsemaybeputin thepond.CeaseoperationsandnotifyDWQimmediatelyifasheenorodorisdetectedonanyofthewaterin
Ifanyofthesefactorschangebecauseofchanges in youroperationorfrom additionalknowledgeofsiteconditions,thispermit-by-rulemaynotapplyandyoushouldinformDWQimmediately.If future project knowledge
or experience indicates that a ground water quality is threatened bythis operation, the Director may require that you apply for a ground water discharge permit inaccordancewithUtah AdministrativeCode(UAC)
Thispermit-byruledeterminationiseffectiveforaperiodof5yearsfromthedateofthisletter.A minimum of 6-months prior to the end of this 5-year period, Lost Creek State Parkshall submit toDWQ
written request to renew the permit-by rule status.The request shall include a currentdescriptionoftheoperationandverificationoraffirmationthatsiteconditionshavenotchanged.
In evaluating the request, the Director may conduct a facility inspection and request additionalsamplesand informationasnecessary.
On August 22, 2024, DWQ received the Construction Documents for the Lost Creek State Park. This was a complete set of documents for all construction at the Park. These were all prepared
by CivilScience and signed by Cody C. Howick P.E., Project Manager and Ryan Devitt P.E. Assistant Project Manager.Mr.Howick and Mr. Devitt areaUtah Certified ProfessionalEngineers (P.E.).
On October 28, 2024, DWQ received a subset of documents concerning the water system including the evaporation ponds.Those drawings did not include any specifications (compaction, moisture
content, etc.) for the soils and berms of the evaporation ponds. This was communicated to Mr. Devitt and on November 9, 2024, DWQ received the drawing with those required changes.
Thefollowingis asummaryoftheproposedmajorconstructionprojects for the water system and evaporation ponds:Construction of a well and pump house including the equipment:Placement of drain
line to the evaporation ponds: Construction of6newevaporationpondsthatwillbelinedwitha 40 mil Reinforced Polyethylene(RPE)liner and 8 oz Geotextile; andPlacement of three down gradient
piezometer to detect possible leakage from the evaporation ponds.
The plans and specifications, as submitted, comply with the Utah Water Quality Rules,(R317, Utah Administrative Code).A Construction Permit is hereby issued as constituted bythisletter,subject
to thefollowingconditions:AnyrevisionsormodificationstotheapprovedplansandspecificationsmustbesubmittedtoDWQforreviewandapproval,beforeconstructionorimplementationthereof.Pleasesubmitanychangesforreviewandapprovaldirectly
to Woodrow Campbell, P.E., of the DWQ Ground Water ProtectionSection.A written operations and maintenance manual, containing a description ofthefunctioningofthefacilities,anoutlineofroutinemaintenanceprocedures,
and all checklists and maintenancelogs needed for properoperation of the system, must be submitted and approved before the finalinspectionand operation ofthesystem.The approved facilities
must not be placed in service unless DWQ hasconductedafinalinspection,reviewedandapprovedtheAs-BuiltConstruction Certification Report, and provided written authorization toplacetheconstructed
facilities in service.Construction activities that disturb one acre or more are required to obtain coverage under the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Storm Water
General Permit for Construction Activities. The permit requires the development of a storm water pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) to be implemented and updated from the commencement
of any soil disturbing activities at the site until final stabilization of the project. For more information, or to obtain permit coverage on-line, please go to: http://www. waterquality.
utah.gov/UPDES/stormwater. htm
The plans and specifications for this project have been stamped and signed by a ProfessionalEngineer currently licensed to practice in the state of Utah.The construction design, inspectionsupervision,
and written construction certification of all work associated with this ConstructionPermitmustbeperformedbyaProfessional Engineerlicensedto practicein thestateofUtah.
This Construction Permit will expire one year from the date of its issuance, as evidenced by thedateofthisletter,unlesssubstantialprogressismadeinconstructingtheapprovedfacilitiesortheplansandspecificationshavebeenresubmittedandtheconstructionpermitisreissued.Thispermitdoes
not relieve you, in any way, of your obligations to comply with other applicable localrequirements. You may contact Scott Braeden, Weber-Morgan Health Department at801-399-7143 for
further assistanceregardinglocal matters.
Please contact Mr. Campbell at the beginning of construction to allow periodic inspections to bescheduled. Upon completion of the project, a final inspection and approval of the As-BuiltConstructionCertificationReportisrequiredbeforetheapprovaltooperatethecompletedfacilities
can be issued.Please remain in contact with Mr. Campbell to schedule the finalinspection.The Construction Certification Report with final as-built drawings must include testresultsforthefollowingconstructionqualityassurance
FlexibleMembraneLinerPanelPlacementLog,TrialSeamTest Log,SeamingRecord,SeamTestRecord,RepairLog,As-BuiltDrawing,ManufacturesCertificationincludingQA/QCTestingoftheRolls,andProfessionalEngineerCertification.If
we can be of further assistance, please contact Woodrow Campbell at wwcampbell@utah.govor(801)536-4353.
JohnK.Mackey, P.E.
JKM/WWC/DJH/Enclosures:ConstructionPlans (DWQ-2024-XXXXXX)Specifications (DWQ-2024-xxxxxx) ViaEmail w/o Attachments