HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-009098UTATEPARTMENT oF ENvIRCMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HMARDOUS WASTE Dennis R. Downs. Director SQG Program P. O Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 841 14-4880 (801)-539-6170 HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR EVALUATION FORM Facility Name:rtrrd tUhh'tc,lo lcl.f EpA rD Number4T0 O0O 1o7 la( Street Address:s.{1. ixZD de.City ZipCode: 81t { 1 S"ft AQ contact person: K<n..., Ho,(q, 6non" N.l.ue* n?2r - Oq Z,re<crn - ^11 Aa -e"n"rato, st"tr*9E5 &Q Number of emppyets , 11 Date of y1s= A)or/' \1, , 7Oo O -i"*",".", EM / ftrb'fr'ae-t7 Other Personnel: WASTE STREAM /GENERATION PROCESS GENERATION RATE PER MONTH HAZARDOUS WASTE CODE PROPERLY MANAGED ? Pal ,t\ tJonkr - Xvlcil^.,e qq,[ ,6J1^Foo3 Yo,.E€tlt6q,&- D;l 'F\Y Total Quantity of Hazardous Waste Generated per Month:*fr^t/",,**+t^ RESPONSE NECESSARY: YES RESPONSE D BY:UE hlItt^K<- Sqrq_ q* "JD.+F {*Co,r J\cf,31 COMMENTS: d,r e- This compliance evaluation notes areas where your hazardous waste management practices may not meet the regulatory requirements of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Rules. lf a "Response Due Date'.is indicated, you must take the actions, summarized in this audit, in order to come into compliance and NOTIFY THIS OFFICE lN WRITING by the indicated date. Please be advised, that if we do not receive written documentation of these corrective actions by the response due date, you may be subject to further regulatory action, including administrative penalties. Please include your EPA number with your correspondence. lf you have further questions, or would like to discuss these issues with the inspectors or their supervisor, you may contact them during business hours at (801)538-6170. ltems that must be submitted may be mailed to the address at the top of this page. RECEIVED BY:INSPECTOR: Name, PrintedNarne, Print Signature:Title: Com Signature: Date: lianc Page 2 of 6 @xample) XYZ Company Employee Training Log Date: April9, 1997 fime: 10:00 am to 11:00 am Discussidn lead by: John Doe, Health and Safety Coordinator Topics discussed I. Hazardous Waste Accumulation Time a. Do not store hazardous wastes for longer than 180 days on site. b. Label each container or tank with the words "Hazardous Waste." II. Use and Management of Containers a. Maintain a log weekly on the hazardous waste containers, are the containers closed, labeled, dated and in good condition. If not, please contact the emergency coordinator in order to rectify the problem. III. Other topics as discussed. a. b. Employee Name (Please Print) 1. 2. 3. Employee Signature THIS IS ONLY AN EXAMPLE AND MUST BE ADAPTED SPECIFICALLY TO YOUR FACILITY AND TRAINING FORMAT. Hazardous Waste l) urAH DrvrsroN oF soLrDO Page 3 of 6 AND HAZARDOUS WASTE SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR COMPLIANCE EVALUATION FORM Items that are marked "NO" on the line in the left-hand column arc not in compliance with the tltah Solid and Regulations and requlre your lmmedlate attention. ltems marked 'OK' meet the minimum rcqulrements of lhe regulations. ltems marked "NA' do not apply to your facility. R315.5.2 DETERMINATION OF WHETHER A WASTE IS HAZARDOUS ACTION NEEDED: e5 1. -u6l o( + 3. R315€ NOTIFICATION AND EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: l{ you generate between 100 and 10O0 Kgs (220-220o pounds) of hazardous waste per month or up to 'l Kg ol acutely hazardous waste, you are classilied as a Small Quantlty Generator (SQG), and you must notily the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board and obtain an EPA lD number. This is accomplished by notifying the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. ll you are a small quantity generator, you must obtain an EPA lD Number in order to ofler hazardous waste for management to a transporler or to a treatment, storage and disposal facility (ISDF) that has an EPA lD Number. ACTION NEEDED: R315.5.4 MANIFESTS Only use approved manifest lorm8700-22 and 870G22A when offering hazardous wastes for transport to a TSDF or use the manifest of the state that the TSDF is located in, if required by that state. Designate another lacility or instruct a transporter to return wastes if they are undeliverable. Fill out all applicable sections of the manifest. Use a contractual disposal agreement only if a generation rate is less than 10@ Kg/month (SQG or less). Keep copies of contractual agreements for three years after service ends. ACTION NEEDED: R315.5-5 RECORD KEEPING Keep copies of manilests for three years. Keep all records, including determination of generation rates, waste characterization documentation, disposition, etc., for three years. ACTION NEEDED: R315.5-7 EXCEPTION REPORTING lf TSDF does not retum generators' copy of manifest within 60 days, a generator must submit a letter stating so and a copy of the manifest to the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. ACTION NEEDED: R315-5.9 PACKAGING, LABELING, MABKING AND PLACARDING Package, Label and mark waste in accordance Mth DOT 49 CFR prior to shipment. ACTION NEEDED: R315.5.10 ACCUMULATION TIME Do not store hazardous wastes for longer than 180 dayrs, or 270 days if applicable, without a permit. Do not exceed 600O Kg of hazardous wastes stored at your facility at any time. Mark the date the accumulation period began on each conlainer of hazardous wastes. Satellite accumulation containers are the exception. Label each tank and container with the words "HAZARDOUS WASTP while it is being used to accumulate hazardous wastes- Designate and authorize an emergency coordinator(s) who is(are) readily available by some means at all times. Post the following information next to each telephone at the facility: Name and telephone number of the emergency coordinator(s) location(s) of fire extinguishers, spillcontrol equipment and fire alarms, telephone number ol the local fire department (or equivalent emergency response for facility). Ensure that all employees are familiar with hazardous waste handling and emergency procedures. The emergency coordinator must respond appropriately to emergencies that have the potential of involving hazardous waste(s). ACTION NEEDED: a. b. c. d. g. !d 4. ..-.{. O[l( 6.Ta. 9r(7. a. b. 9. d. e. f. g. h. Page4of 6 These are only examples that will help you comply with the regulations, you must ADAPT the following information for and make it specific to YOUR facility. SEE #t0e Today's date Irtters to: Your Hospital Your local Police Department Your local Fire Department Dear sir or Madame, In accordance with 40 CFR 265 Subpart C, we are required to notiff you that we generate hazardous waste(s). The waste(s) that we generate is (are)...examples might be; paint wastes, paint sludges, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Acetone, other solvents, acids, bases, listed wastes, etc. We make every effort to properly manage our waste, but in the event of an emergency we may require your assistance. In the event of an unforseen emergency, you may be required to respond. Your Name and Title ABC Company #7e andTf IN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL 91 1 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR IS CARL CAREFUL- EXT. 2s36 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS' LOCATION MARKED ON WALL SPILL CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT TIME CLOCK UNIVERSAL WASTE MERCURY-CONTAINING LAMPS date 8. I'AH DrvrsroN oF soLrD o Page 5 of 6 AND HAZARDOUS WASTE SMALL QUANTITY GEN ERATOR COMPLIANCE EVALUATION FORM sptLL RESPONSE (IHESE RULES ARE FOUND tN R315-9) Take appropriate action to minimize threats to human health and the environment by notifying the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality at (801)5364123 or 1-8q)-572€fin ( 24 hour number) if more than 1 Kg ol acutely hazardous waste or 100 Kg of hazardous waste or materialwhich when spilled becomes hazardous waste, is spilled as specified in 40 CFR 261.33(e). Notify the National Response Center when applicable and provide the appropriate information, listed in R315-9(c), in the spill report. ACTION NEEDED: USE AND MANAGEilENT OF CONTAINERS GHESE RULES ARE FOUND lN /r0 CFR 265 SUBPART D Hold Hazardous Wastes in containers that are in good condition. Store hazardous wastes in conlainers that are compatible with the waste. Keep hazardous waste containers in a completely closed condition, except when adding or removing wastes. Do not open, handle or store containers of hazardous waste in a manner which may cause a release. lnspect containers of hazardous waste at least weekly to look for signs of leakage or deterioration. A log should be kept. Do not store incompatible hazardous wastes in the same container. Do not store hazardous wastes in containers that previously held an incompatible material without cleaning it first. Separate incompatible hazardous wastes by means of a dike, berm or other method. ACTION NEEDED: PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION fiHESE RULES ARE FOUND lN /O CFR 26s SUBPART c) You must operate your facility in such a manner that MINIMIZES the possibility of lire, elglosion or any unplanned release. You must have the following preparedness and prevention equipment unless the wastes'you stores do not pose the hazards that the equipment is designed to respond to: lntemal communications or alarm capable of instruction, such as an intercom; A device capable of summoning outside emergency assistance (such as a direct alarm to the lire department or a telephone); portable fire extinguishers; water at adequate pressure and volume to supply fire fighting needs; Alarms and communication devices accessible to personnel where they are handling hazardous wastes. You must maintain and test where necessary all communication s) stems; fire, spill response, decontamination and protective equipment. You must maintain aisle space to allow unobstructed movemenl of personnel and emergency equipment Make anangements with local fire, police and hospitals to respond to emergency situations at your facility. Maintain documentation of notilication letters, responses or lack of responses from these agencies. Document refusals by authorities to emergency arrangements. ACTION NEEDED: LAND DISPoSAL RESTRlcTloNs (LDR) (IHESE RULES ABE FOUND lN 40 CFR 268.7(a)(4) lf you treat your hazardous wastes to render them non-Land Disposal Restricted, you must develop and follow a written waste analysis plan. This waste analysis plan must be based on a laboratory analysis of the waste, and must contain all necessary elements, including frequency. The waste analysis plan must be submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board at least 30 days prior to treatment. Maintain an assessment of LDR status on file for each hazardous waste generated at the facility. A notice and certification that each waste is, either not land disposal restricted, or if it is restrictad, that it is land disposable after treatment, must accompany each manifested shipment of hazardous waste. Maintain all LDR Documentation lor five years after the waste is shipped off site. ACTION NEEDED: R315-15 UNIVERSAL WASTES, FLUORESCENT LIGHT TUBES Fluorescent light tubes must be recycled or disposed of hazardous waste. Any broken tubes must be managed as a hazardous waste, but can still be recycled. Do not dispose of tubes in the regular trash or in the dumpsler. Label either the wasle tubes or container holding the tubes as "UNIVERSAL WASTE- MERCURY CONTAININGLAMPS'. ACTION NEEDED: R315.5.13 EXPORTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE R315.5.14 IMPORTS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE usE AND MANAGEMENT OF TANK SYSTEMS GHESE RULES ARE FOUND tN 40 CFR 26s.201 SUBPART J) OTHER ACTIONS NEEDED: 9. a. b. c. d. e. f. 10. a. b. c. d. e. t. 11. a. b. c. d. 13. a. 14. a. 15. 16. g. h. of 12.-T- a.lLb d + O O *"u"u"ru Date Inspectors Name Are containers labeled with the words C(IJIAT,ARDOU S WASTE"? Is accumulation date marked on all hazardous waste containers and is that date less than 180 old ? Are hazardous waste containers closed and are all bungs and bung rings secure? Are all Hazardous waste containers in good condition? If any columns are marked No,what was done to bring the container into compliance? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No