HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-011928FUEL SYSTEMS | GENERAL CONTRACTING | ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES | WASTE SOLUTIONS ENERGY SOLUTIONS | AUTOMOTIVE & COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT P.O. BOX 3360 DES MOINES, IA 50316 4140 E. 14TH STREET DES MOINES, IA 50313 PHONE: 515-262-5000 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS WWW.SENECACO.COM STORE.SENECACO.COM 6HQHFD$FFRXQW5HS 3KRQH 'DWHRI7HVW 6FRSHRI:RUN 6HQHFD-RE &XVWRPHU32 7HFKQLFLDQ &HUWLILFDWLRQ VHHWHVWUHSRUWVDWWDFKHG 7HVWLQJ6XPPDU\ 7HVW6XPPDU\'HVFULSWLRQ &RPSRQHQW7HVWHG 'DWH7HVWHG 5HVXOW &XVWRPHU,QIRUPDWLRQ 1DPH 6WUHHW $GGUHVV &LW\ 6WDWH =LS &RQWDFW 3KRQH 1XPEHU 6LWH,QIRUPDWLRQ 6LWH1DPH Testing Summary 6WUHHW $GGUHVV &LW\ 6WDWH =LS )DFLOLW\1R 11/1/24 TLT-W2401122 CT - Hydro Holiday Oil Company 3115 West 2100 South West Valley City UT 84119 Gideon Baxter 801-973-7002 Holiday Oil 18 4825 W 4100 S West Valley UT 84120 4000392 Containment Test Clr STP 11/01/2024 Pass Mark Shirley Garrett Herlache 515-262-5000 )LHOG1RWHV 4140 E. 14TH STREET DES MOINES, IA 50313 PHONE: 515-262-5000 CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS P.O. BOX 3360 DES MOINES, IA 50316 WWW.SENECACO.COM STORE.SENECACO.COM Testing Summary 7HVWLQJ6XPPDU\ FUEL SYSTEMS | GENERAL CONTRACTING | ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES | WASTE SOLUTIONS ENERGY SOLUTIONS | AUTOMOTIVE & COMMERCIAL EQUIPMENT Site Location - Holiday Oil 18 West Valley, UT Job #: TLT-W2401122 Arrived on site and checked in with manager. Opened sumps and dispenser and then began testing. Dri Sump SB – n/a Dri Sump Sumps – Tested/Passed Dri Sump UDC – n/a Spill Bucket Hydro – n/a SB / Low Level – n/a Stage 1 Pressure Decay- n/a ATG/AMC – n/a Tank Test- n/a Line Test- n/a Leak Detector – upon arrival i noticed the LD cord was bend with wires exposed. it looks like someone stepped on it and tried to straighten it out again and made it work. upon removing the last bit of water out of the sump i knocked it with the vacuum and it went into line not enabled. Got ahold of Tyson the service manager for the UT branch and they sent someone over to replace the cord. SV/ESO – n/a OVERFILL- n/a Walk Thru Insp- n/a AST inspection- n/a Seneca Companies, Inc 515-262-5000 Holiday Oil 18 4825 W 4100 S West Valley UT 84120 4000392 Holiday Oil Company 3115 West 2100 South West Valley City UT 84119 801-973-7002 11/1/24 Clr STP FRP ✔ ✔ 38 16 20 0 20 1 hr Y 0 ✔ 2 2 Garrett Herlache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ispenser/Tank Sump free of all tools, liquid & debris upon completion of work? Were any sensors replaced? Programming on Monitoring Console checked for positive shutdown? All containment & UDC sensors returned to proper placement & locked (if applicable). All containment lids & retaining bolts securely fastened (if applicable). All dispenser door panels are closed & locked. Flint Loc/security alarms activated (if applicable). All test gauges/test isolation devices were properly removed. All secondary containment boots have been pulled back/removed. All site owned keys have been returned to site manager/representative. All monitor alarms generated have been logged & responded to appropriately. Monitor is free of alarms & displaying All Functions Normal. Holiday Oil 18 4825 W 4100 S TLT-W2401122 West Valley UT 84120 11/1/24 CT - Hydro 10:00 14:30 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Garrett Herlache Gideon Baxter ✔