HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-012900
195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830
Telephone (801) 536-4200 • Fax (801) 536-4211 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284
State of Utah
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Nathan Lunstad, Ph.D., P.E.
Lieutenant Governor
October 25, 2024
Utah Department of Natural Resources - Division of Parks and Recreation
Attn: Richard Droesbeke
1594 West North Temple #116
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114
Subject: Initial Order for New Public Water System for Bear Lake Park-North Eden Campground
Dear Richard Droesbeke:
According to information provided by the Utah Department of Natural Resources - Division of Parks and
Recreation, as well as a sanitary survey conducted by Utah Division of Drinking Water engineer Danielle
Zebelean, the Bear Lake North Eden Campground (UTAH17035) is owned and operated by the Utah
Department of Natural Resources - Division of Parks and Recreation, an agency of the State of Utah. The
Bear Lake North Eden Campground’s forty service connections and population of 400 transient visitors
make it a public water system (PWS), as explained in the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act and the Utah
Public Drinking Water Rules in R309-100-4. As a result, the Director of the Division of Drinking Water
is required by law to initiate a formal administrative process to recognize the system as a new public
water system and ensure that it complies with state and federal drinking water regulations. As part of that
process, I have attached an Initial Order for a New Public Water System explaining the requirements for
the system.
The Division understands that compliance with state and federal legal requirements can involve
significant administrative and financial burdens for public drinking water systems, especially new
systems. Those regulations are designed to ensure that public water systems are able to provide safe and
reliable drinking water to the people they serve. Coming into compliance with state and federal
regulations can require time and resources. Utah’s public water systems, including your system, provide
essential services that directly impact human health and welfare.
The attached order includes contact information for Division staff with expertise in the rules and
regulations that apply to public water systems. Containers for samples are available from all certified
laboratories. While the Division cannot recommend a specific laboratory, we have enclosed a list of
certified laboratories that perform water testing.
In all correspondence with our office and the laboratories, please indicate the public water system
number. The number for your water system is UTAH17035. Clearly mark the system number on all
samples. Enclosed is the inventory list for your system. Please carefully review this report and return it to
our office with any corrections.
Utah Department of Natural Resources-Division of Parks and Recreation
Page 2 of 2
October 25, 2024
Enclosed is also a copy of your Improvement Priority System (IPS) Report. IPS points are used to rate
and track a water system’s compliance with state and federal drinking water regulations. This report
indicates several dormant deficiencies associated with the required actions listed in the attached Order.
These dormant deficiencies serve as a tracking tool and reminder; they do not affect the water system’s
points or rating unless the due date for the required task has expired. The dormant deficiencies are
removed from our database when the PWS completes the required tasks and notifies the Division.
The Division has online tools to help manage your water system, including:
● Waterlink.utah.gov: WaterLink is an online tool that allows public water systems to access
current system information, including the system’s inventory, monitoring schedules, IPS
Report, operator records, and the system’s Bacteriological record for the last 12 months. To
get full use out of these tools, you will need to create a Waterlink portal account. You can do
this by navigating to the Public/Portals menu on the top right side of the waterlink.utah.gov
home page and selecting the Portal. For help creating a WaterLink Portal account, please
contact Mz. (Tammie) Allen at (385) 272-5404 or tammieallen@utah.gov.
● Eqdocs.deq.utah.gov: Each water system’s public records are available here. These records
may include previous monitoring results, Division correspondence, former Consumer
Confidence Reports, and other documents related to the water system. Browse to your water
system listed alphabetically under “County” to see what we have on record for your system.
Please call the Division at (801) 536-4200 if you have any questions.
We are here to help you through this process. If you have any questions about this Order, please contact
Colt Smith at (385) 515-1529 or acsmith@utah.gov. To contest or appeal this Order, please contact Bret
Randall of the Attorney General’s office at (801) 536-0284 or bfrandall@agutah.gov.
Nathan Lunstad Ph.D., P.E.
Division of Drinking Water
Enclosures: Initial Order for New Public Water Systems
Improvement Priority System (IPS) Report
Inventory List
Total Coliform Sample Site Plan Template
Division of Drinking Water Contact List
List of Certified Utah Laboratories
Terry Smith, Rural Water Association of Utah, tsmith@rwau.net
Ty Leydig, Rural Community Assistance Corporation, tleydig@rcac.org
Shauna Benvegnu-Springer, Utah Division of Public Utilities, sbenvegn@utah.gov
Brandon Mellor, Utah Division of Water Rights, bmellor@utah.gov
Rachel Shilton, Utah Division of Water Resources, rachelshilton@utah.gov
Grant Koford, Bear River Health Department, gkoford@brhd.org
Ben Harker, Bear River Health Department, bharker@brhd.org
Bret F. Randall, Assistant Attorney General, bfrandall@agutah.gov
David McKnight, Assistant Attorney General, dmcknight@agutah.gov
Christopher Brown, EPA Region 8, brown.christopher.t@epa.gov
Danielle Zebelean, P.E., Utah Division of Drinking Water, dzeblean@utah.gov
In the Matter of:
Bear Lake Park - North Eden
Campground, a Utah Public Water System
Docket No. UTAH17035-2024-01
Director of the Utah Division of Drinking Water (“Director”), under the Director’s legal authorities
described below. This Order is issued to the Utah Department of Natural Resources - Division of
Parks and Recreation, an agency of the State of Utah, in its capacity as the “Supplier,” who is
legally responsible for the water system.
1. In 1974, Congress enacted the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. §
300f et seq., as amended. 42 U.S.C. § 300g-2 allows states to achieve primary enforcement
responsibility after the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has determined that the
state has adopted and can implement a state program that is no less stringent than the federal
public drinking water program (“Primacy”).
2. The Utah legislature has enacted the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at Utah Code
§ 19-4-101, with the intent of achieving Primacy.
3. Utah Code § 19-4-104 authorizes the Utah Drinking Water Board (the “Board”), among
other things, to make rules regulating public water systems in the state of Utah. Utah Code
§ 19-4-104(1)(c)(vi) charges the Board to “meet the requirements of federal law related or
pertaining to drinking water.” The Board has promulgated the Utah Public Drinking Water
Rules, codified at Utah Administrative Code (“UAC”) R309.
4. In 1980, the EPA Administrator determined, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 142.11, that
the Utah public drinking water program met the federal requirements for Primacy. See 45
Fed. Reg. 6647 (January 29, 1980). In accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 142.17, the EPA
Administrator has reviewed, and continues to review annually, the Utah public drinking
water program to evaluate its continuing compliance with the requirements set forth in 40
C.F.R. Part 142.
5. The Board has defined public water systems under the Utah Public Drinking Water Rules,
UAC R309-110-4.
6. UAC R309-100-7 requires the Director to “assign a rating to each public water supply in
order to provide a concise indication of its condition and performance” in accordance with
R309-400. This rule is generally known as the Improvement Priority System (“IPS”) rating
7. The IPS rating system “is a point system used by the division to evaluate a public water
system’s performance and compliance with the drinking water rules in Title 309,
Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.” UAC R309-400-3(1). Under the IPS rating
system, each public water system is assigned a rating “to characterize the water system’s
compliance with drinking water rules and overall operation and performance.” UAC R309-
400-3(2). The IPS rating system is “used by the division to assign compliance ratings to
public water systems and to prioritize enforcement action based on points assessed for
noncompliance with drinking water rules.” UAC R309-400-1(1).
8. UAC R309-400-5 provides that a water system’s IPS rating shall be assigned “based on
the total number of points assessed for noncompliance” based on a point system established
by the Board. Generally, the number of points represents the threat to the quality of the
water and therefore public health.
9. UAC R309-400-4(1)(a)(ii) sets the maximum number of points any given type of system
may have before it is rated by the Director as “Not Approved” status. For systems
exceeding the point threshold, the Director is required to issue a “Not Approved” rating.
The thresholds are as follows: (i) for community water systems, 150 points; (ii) for non-
transient, non-community water systems, 120 points; and (iii) for non-community water
systems, 100 points.
10. UAC R309-400-4 allows the Director to assess points against public water systems upon
their failure to comply with Division directives and orders.
11. UAC R309-400-5 allows the Director to rate any public water system as “Not Approved”
at any time if an immediate threat to public health exists.
12. UAC R309-400-5 provides that a public water system may qualify for a “Corrective
Action” rating for its public water system upon submission of a written agreement stating
a willingness to comply with the requirements set forth in the Rules and complying with
other requirements.
13. Pursuant to Utah Code § 19-4-106(d), the Director may enforce rules promulgated by the
Board through the issuance of orders. See also UAC R309-100-8.
14. Utah Code § 19-4-107 provides that upon discovery of any violation of a rule or order of
the Board, the Director shall promptly notify the supplier of the violation, state the nature
of the violation, and issue an order requiring correction of that violation.
15. Utah Code § 19-4-109 provides that any person who violates the Act or a rule or order
made or issued pursuant to the Act may be subject to an administrative penalty of up to
$1,000 per day of violation or a civil penalty of up to $5,000 per day of violation.
16. The Director’s jurisdiction to issue this Order is based, in part, on Section 1447(a) of the
Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 300j-6. The federal act provides that if a
state has achieved enforcement primacy, then federal agencies are subject to the
jurisdiction of the state agency with enforcement primacy. In directing federal facilities to
be subject to and to comply with all state requirements “in the same manner and to the
same extent as any [non-governmental entity,]” the explicit language of the federal act
demonstrates Congress’ intention that federal facilities be treated as any other public water
system covered by the federal act and, in turn, the state law (the Utah Safe Drinking Water
Act) and rules that implement the federal act. Thus, the Director is required to assert
jurisdiction over the Supplier in this matter in the same manner and to the same extent as
any non-governmental entity.
Based on information available to the Director, the Director makes the following Findings for
purposes of this Order:
17. The Utah Department of Natural Resources - Division of Parks and Recreation
(“Supplier”) is an agency of the State of Utah. Based on public records:
(a) The Supplier is an agency of the State of Utah, with the following address: 1594
West North Temple Street #116, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116.
18. There exists a public water system (the “System”) located at Bear Lake State on North
Eden Campground Road in Laketown, Rich County, Utah. The System is a public water
system based on the following facts:
(a) Respondent owns a campground with approximately 212 campsites, three day use
sites and 21 boat slips. There are approximately 400 visitors to this water system.
(b) Respondent serves culinary water to the foregoing population.
(c) The System has a groundwater well, a pump station, a 10,000-gallon storage tank
and an independent distribution system serving approximately 40 service
(d) On June 11, 2024, the Division issued to Respondent an Operating Permit related to
the System, including approval of the use of the UTAH17035 Distribution System
(DS001), North Eden Pump Station (PF001), North Eden Tank (ST001), and North
Eden Campground Well (WS001) and an independent distribution system serving
approximately 40 service connections.
(e) On July 5, 2022, the Division issued to Respondent a Plan Approval related to the
North Eden Gas Chlorinator (TP001). It is the Division’s understanding that the
chlorinator is not yet installed and in use. The Respondent shall request and receive
an Operating Permit for the North Eden Gas Chlorinator (TP001) before it is put into
(f) Respondent owns and operates the System and is responsible for its maintenance and
19. Richard Droesbeke is the Division’s administrative contact for the System.
Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact, the Director hereby makes the following conclusions of
20. Respondent is the owner and operator of the System, which is a public drinking water
system within the meaning of the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act and the Utah Public
Drinking Water Rules.
21. Respondent is a “Supplier” within the meaning of the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act, Utah
Code § 19-4-102(10).
22. The System qualifies as a transient non-community Public Water System under the Utah
Public Drinking Water Rules.
Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as
23. System Status: The System is hereby rated as an active and approved, transient non-
community water system under the Division’s water rating system rules, UAC R309-
400. A water system’s rating can only become “approved” after it obtains an Operating
Permit from the Director for the entire water system, including its drinking water
24. Plan Review
(a) Plan Review Files: Rules R309-500 through 550 govern the design, construction,
operation, maintenance, and plan review procedure requirements for drinking water
projects. Drinking Water Projects are defined in Rule R309-500-5(1) as any part of
the project that includes the construction of, addition to, or modification of a public
drinking water facility that may affect the quality or quantity of water delivered.
If improvements need to be made to the existing water system, all Drinking Water
Projects must have Division Plan Approval prior to construction and Division
issuance of an Operating Permit before facilities can be placed into service. Please
see our website for general information on the Plan Review process, documentation
required, and contact Danielle Zebelean from the Division’s Permitting Section
regarding the permitting process.
i. The System currently has the following plan review files in the Division’s
plan review database:
1. File # 12967 – North Eden Campground Well (WS001): This file
was created to track the review of all sources. The well received plan
approval for drilling on May 31, 2022. The Division issued an after
the fact well equipping plan approval and operating permit on June
11, 2024. Contact Danielle Zebelean from the Division’s Permitting
Section with any question regarding the permitting process.
2. File # 13007 – New PWS - North Eden Booster Pump Station
(PF001), North Eden Gas Chlorinator (TP001), North Eden
Water Tank (ST001), and Distribution Line (DS001): All
distribution facilities received plan approval on July 5, 2022. An
operating permit for the North Eden Booster Pump Station (PF001),
North Eden Water Tank (ST001), and UTAH17035 Distribution
System (DS001) was issued on June 11, 2024. The North Eden Gas
Chlorinator (TP001) has not been installed yet. When the chlorinator
is installed it will need an Operating Permit before being put into
25. Capacity Development Evaluation
(a) Drinking Water Rule R309-800 requires an assessment of a new water system’s
technical, managerial, and financial capabilities.
(b) Respondent shall comply with R309-800 by documenting the System’s
capabilities using one of the methods described on the Division’s website.
i. Existing water systems should submit completed copies of the Capacity
Assessment Evaluation forms, located on the Division’s website at:
003083.pdf; or
ii. New or proposed water systems shall submit a business plan as described in
UAC R309-800-5(4) for Division review and approval within one year of the
date of issuance of this Order.
(c) Receiving approval of the capacity assessment worksheets or the business plan is a
prerequisite for issuing an Operating Permit for this water system. Please contact
Michael Grange at (801) 674-2563 (mgrange@utah.gov) for assistance related to
Capacity Development/Assessment.
26. Sanitary Survey and Emergency Response
(a) Sanitary Survey: Respondent shall schedule the onsite inspection/sanitary survey
on or before 365 days from the date of issuance of this order and before an
operating permit can be issued. Please contact Ryan Dearing at 801-419-6785 or
rdearing@utah.gov if you have any questions regarding the scheduling of the onsite
inspection or engineering review. Danielle Zebelean performed the last sanitary
survey on record on May 30, 2024.
(b) In the event of any situation constituting an emergency, the Supplier is required to
contact the Division within eight hours of identifying the emergency as outlined in
R309-105-18. Division personnel may be reached at all times by calling our
Emergency Response Line at 801-560-8456. Emergency situations include any of
the following:
i. Malfunction of any disinfection or treatment facility.
ii. Malfunction of any treatment plant clearwell, which constitutes a turbidity
spike of 5 NTU for greater than fifteen minutes.
iii. Water discoloration for a significant number of connections, which cannot
be explained by air entrainment or re-suspension of sediments normally
deposited within the distribution system.
iv. Malfunction or accident that could introduce surface water or other potential
contamination into the distribution system, e.g., cross connection, major
water break, chemical spill or overfeed pressure loss, or natural disaster.
v. The threat of sabotage or acts of vandalism to any drinking water facility.
vi. Any instance where a customer reports sickness from drinking the water and
that claim is substantiated by a doctor.
(c) The supplier is advised to develop contingency plans to cope with possible
emergency situations, including earthquakes, wildfires, flooding, and other natural
or human-caused disasters.
27. Cross-Connection Control Program
Respondent shall develop a cross-connection control program for the System to prevent any
cross-contamination. There are five elements to a cross-connection control program: local
authority statement, annual public education or awareness, operator training, written
records, and ongoing enforcement. If you have any questions about the cross-connection
control program, please contact Gary Rager at (801) 536-4498 (grager@utah.gov).
28. Source Protection Program
(a) The Division concurred with the Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER) for the North
Eden Campground Well in May 2022. A full Drinking Water Source Protection
(DWSP) plan was required by May 31, 2023 and has not been received. Guidance
for preparing the full DWSP plan can be found online at
https://deq.utah.gov/drinking-water/preparing-source-protection-plans. Please call
(801)536-4200 and ask to speak to the source protection staff if you have questions
about this requirement. Respondent shall submit the full DWSP within 180 days
of date of issuance of this letter.
29. Monitoring and Reporting Requirements
(a) Total Coliform Monitoring
Respondent shall take at least one routine coliform bacteriological sample from
the distribution system and submit it to a certified laboratory for each calendar month
that the water system is used. It is the Respondent's responsibility to send a copy of
the results to our office by the 10th of the following month. In the event of a coliform
positive result, the Respondent shall take three repeat samples and a triggered source
Esherichia coli sample for each groundwater source in service at the time of the
original positive sample. For any questions regarding the Total Coliform Rule or
Groundwater Rule, contact Sitara Federico at (385) 515-1459
(b) Total Coliform Sample Site Plan
Respondent shall develop a written sample site plan that identifies sampling sites
and sample collection schedules that are representative of water throughout the
distribution system. Respondent shall collect the total coliform samples
according to the written sample site plan template. Included with this Order is a
blank copy of the Total Coliform Sample Site Plan. For any questions regarding the
bacteriologic sample site plan, contact Sitara Federico at (385) 515-1459
(c) Seasonal Start-Up
Prior to opening to the public each year, this system is required to perform a
seasonal start-up procedure and submit certification of that process to the Utah
Division of Drinking Water. This start-up procedure must include but is not limited
to the Supplier inspecting the System facilities to assess needed repairs, flushing,
and disinfecting water lines, and collecting a satisfactory investigative
bacteriological sample. Results must be reported to DDW at
(d) Chemical Monitoring
i. Respondent shall monitor each source for nitrate and sulfate. The
sampling frequency for each contaminant is different and is specified in the
enclosed monitoring schedule. Samples shall be collected directly from the
well head, upstream of the first service connection. Please contact David
Kruse at (385) 566-7789 (dbkruse@utah.gov) with questions.
(e) Chlorination Monitoring:
If the Supplier activates North Eden Chlorinator (TP001) or installs any other
chlorination treatment, in addition to obtaining an operating permit the
Supplier shall comply with the following chlorination requirements.
ii. Respondent shall submit a quarterly chlorination report and
distribution system chlorine residual results for the System to the
Division. The chlorination report and chlorine residual data are both due by
the tenth day of the month following each quarter, i.e., January 10th, April
10th, July 10th, and October 10th.
iii. Respondent shall take a chlorine residual at the point of entry to the
distribution system (before the first connection) for every day that the
system is treating water and shall be at least 0.2 ppm. Additional chlorine
residuals shall be taken from different locations throughout the distribution
system a minimum of 3 times per week, for a total of 12 times per month,
in accordance with State Rules R309-105-10-(1)(c). The distribution system
chlorine residual averages can be reported online at https://mrdl.utah.gov.
iv. All chlorine residuals shall remain detectable in the distribution system but
shall not exceed 4.0 ppm. Please contact Luke Treutel at (385) 258-6084
(ltreutel@utah.gov) for disinfection by-products (DBP) sampling
(f) Monitoring Schedule
A current monitoring schedule for the System has been enclosed. Respondent shall
become current with System total coliform monitoring and submit a sample site
plan to the Division by April 1, 2025. Respondent shall remain current with the
source sampling requirements presented in the enclosed monitoring schedule.
Please contact Mark Berger at (801) 641-6457 (mberger@utah.gov) for general
monitoring schedule questions.
30. Upon satisfactory compliance with the requirements in the Order section, the Director may
issue a subsequent administrative order changing the status of the System to “Approved”
in accordance with UAC R309-100-7 and R309-400. Pursuant to such subsequent order,
the Director may also take other appropriate actions or impose appropriate conditions
based on the facts presented.
31. This Order does not in any way relieve the Supplier of any other obligation imposed under
the Act or any other state, federal, or local law, rule, or regulation.
32. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Director from taking actions to include
additional penalties against the Supplier for future violations of State or Federal law.
33. The Date of Issuance shall be the date that the Director signs this Order.
34. The dates set forth in the Order section may be extended in writing by the Director, in the
Director’s sole discretion, based on the Supplier’s showing of good cause. Good cause for
an extension generally means events outside of the reasonable control of the Supplier, such
as force majeure, inclement weather, contractor or supplier delays, and similar
circumstances. However, the Director expects the Supplier to employ reasonable means
to limit foreseeable causes of delay. The timeliness of the Supplier’s request for an
extension shall constitute an important factor in the Director’s evaluation.
35. All violations of the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act, the Drinking Water Rules, and this
Order will be strictly enforced during the time that this Order remains in effect. The Utah
Safe Drinking Water Act, Utah Code § 19-4-109, provides that any person who violates a
rule or order made or issued pursuant to the Act may be subject to an administrative penalty
of up to $1,000 per day of violation or, in a civil proceeding, to a civil penalty of up to
$5,000 per day of violation. Under certain circumstances of willfulness or gross negligence,
a Utah district court judge may impose an additional penalty up to $5,000 per day of
violation. Under the act, each day may be considered a separate violation. A violator may
also be subject to injunctive relief pursuant to Utah Code § 19-4-107(2).
36. This Order is effective immediately and shall become final unless contested in writing
within thirty (30) days of the date of its issuance. This Order may be contested by filing
a written Request for Agency Action in accordance with UAC R305-7. Filing a request for
a hearing or a general statement of disagreement is not sufficient under Utah Code § 63G-
4-201(3)(a) to preserve your right to contest this Order. A request for Agency Action must
include the information specified in UAC R305-7. Contest proceedings are also governed
by Utah Code Section 19-1-301. Failure to file a Request for Agency Action within the
period provided waives any right of administrative contest, reconsideration, review, or
judicial appeal. An extension is only available under UAC R305-7.
37. To contest this Order, the Supplier must respond in writing and must comply with the
applicable procedural requirements found at UAC R305-7 and with the applicable
requirements of the Utah Administrative Procedures Act, including Utah Code §§ 63G-4-
201(3)(a) and (b). The Supplier’s written Request for Agency Action must be filed and
served in accordance with UAC R305-7-104(5) within 30 days of the date of issuance of
this Order. For U.S. Mail delivery under UAC R305-7, the Director’s address is Director,
Division of Drinking Water, P.O. Box 144830, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830.
Nathan Lunstad Ph.D., P.E.
October 25, 2024
System Name: Bear Lake Park-North Eden Campground
System Number: UTAH17035
Administrative Contact: Richard Droesbeke
Email: richarddroesbeke@utah.gov
Phone Number: 435-946-3343
New System Order Due Dates
Date of Issuance: October 25, 2024
3. Capacity Development Evaluation
Item 25 Capacity Development Evaluation Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall complete all requirements for their
capacity development.
Within 545 days of the Date of
Issuance of this Order.
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Michael Grange
6. Source Protection Program
Item 28a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall submit a Drinking Water Source
Protection Plan.
Within 180 days of the Date of
Issuance of this Order.
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Deidre Beck
(385) 271-7046
Item 28 Submit Ongoing Source Protection Plans Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall submit source protection updates. By December 31, 2028
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Deidre Beck
(385) 271-7046
9. Monitoring and Reporting
Item 29a Total Coliform Monitoring Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall submit monthly routine coliform
bacteriological samples to the Division each month the system
is open.
By April 1, 2025
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Sitara Federico
Item 29b Total Coliform Sample Site Plan Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall submit a written total coliform sample
site plan to the Division.
By April 1, 2025
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Sitara Federico
Item 29c Seasonal Start-Up Rule Citation
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall perform seasonal start-up procedures and
submit certification of that process to the Utah Division of
Drinking Water.
By April 1, 2025
Division of Drinking Water Contact
Sitara Federico
Item 29d Source Monitoring Rule Citation
R309-200-5(1) and R309-205-5
Action Completion Due Date
The respondent shall continue to take and submit all required
samples for each active source.
Next sulfate sample due 12/31/2024
Division of Drinking Water Contact
David Kruse