HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-011289Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DTVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Direclor SPENCER J. COX Goventor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Goventor August 19,2024 Sent Via Certified Mail No. Paul Oja, Safety Director Maverick Transportation 1682 West 1500 South Woods Cross, Utah 84087 Dear Mr. Oja, DAQC-830-24 Site 8415 (B1) 70 l 90700000208347 1 98 Re:Compliance Advisory - Maverick Transportation, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), UAC R307-504, Duchesne County On July 25,2024, a representative of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) inspected Finley Resources Inc. RU l8-41 Production Tank Battery. The DAQ observed a Maverik Transportation vehicle (license plate number 2084964) loading crude oil from the production tank battery without the use of a vapor recovery line which may be a violation(s) of UAC R307-504. Maverik Transportation is required to comply with the above regulations. A written response to this letter is required within ten (10) business days of receipt of this letter. Additional details about the above observations and regulations are attached to this letter. Please contact Fred Goodrich at (435) 722-7243 or fgoodrich@utah.gov if you have any questions about this letter. Sincerely, /i' "'1*'" ' Rik Ombach, Manager Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section RO:FG:rh cc: TriCounty Health Department 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake Ciry, UT 841144820 Telephone (801) 5364000 . Fax (801) 5364099. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 ,n^,Krf;o?,!',!!rt!,!oro", Potential Violation(s) On July 25,2024, an inspector from the DAQ observed Maverik Transportation at the Finley Resources Inc. RU l8-41 Production Tank Battery. DAQ documented the following potential violations: o Truck driver loading crude oil without using the vapor capture line o VOC tank emissions were not being controlled during tank truck loading operations DAQC-830-24 Page2 The purpose of a Compliance Advisory (CA) is to document observations made by the DAQ. You are responsible for complying with the Utah Air Conservation Rules. There are possible administrative and civil penalties for failing to do so. Section 19-2-l l5 of the Utah Code Annotated provides that violators of the Utah Air Conservation Act and/or any order issued there under may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $ 10,000 per day for each violation, The written response to this CA will be considered in resolving the deficiencies documented in this letter. It may include information demonstrating compliance with the regulations or a schedule to bring your company back into compliance with the applicable regulations. The DAQ will review your response and this CA may be revised as a result of that review. Failure to respond in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of this CA will be considered in any subsequent enforcement action and the assessment of penalties. Possible DAQ actions to resolve a CA include: No Further Action Letter, Warning Letter, Early Administrative Settlement with reduced civil penalty, Settlement Agreement with civil penalty, or Notice of Violation and Order to Comply. This CA does not limit or preclude the DAQ from pursuing enforcement options concernin5l this inspection. Also, this CA does not constitute a bar to enforcement action for conditions that the DAQ did not observe or evaluate, or any other conditions found during future inspections. A meeting may be requested to discuss this CA. Please contact Fred Goodrich at fgoodrich@utah.gov or (435) 722-7243 if you would like to request a meeting or if you have any questions about this letter. AO Conditions/Rules UAC R307-s04-4. (2) VOC emissions during truck loading operations shall be controlled at all times using a vapor capture line. The vapor capture line shall be connected from the tanker tnrck to a control device or process, resulting in a minimum 95 percent VOC destruction efficiency. Tracking Number: 70190700000208347 198 Copy Add to lnformed Delivery Latest Update Your ltem has been deliver€d to lhe origlnal sender at 6:48 am on Septembor '16,2024 in SALT LAIG CIIY, UT84'114. Gst llore Out of USPS Tracklng: USPS Tracklng Plus@ Delivered Delivered, To Original Sender SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 September 16, 2024.6:48 am Available for Pickup SALT LAKE CITY 1 760 W 2100 S SALT LAKE CITY UT 84199.9998 M-F 0500-1800; SAT 1000-1400 September 13,2024, 12:42 pm Arrived at Post Office SALILAKE CITY, UT84199 Ssptember 13,2024, 10:16 am Undaimed/Being Retumed to Sender BOUNTIFUL, UT 84010 September 10,2024, 1 :08 pm Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item August 28, 2024 Available for Pickup SALT LAKE CITY 1 760 W 2100 S SALT LAKE CITY UT 84199.9998 M-F 0500-1800; SAT 1000-1400 August 23, 2024, 5:55 Pm Notice Left (No Authorized Recipient Available) wooDs cRoss, ur 84087 August 23, 2024,9:O1 am ln Transit to Next Facility August22,2024 Departed USPS Regional Facility SALT LAKE CITY UT DISTRIBUTION CENTER August 19, 2024,11:53 pm Anived at USPS Regional Facility SALT LAKE CITY UT DISTRIBUTION CENTER August 19,2024, '11:36 Pm PAUL OJA, SAFETY DIRECTOR MAVERICK TRANSPORTATION 1682 W 1s00 S WOODS CROSS, UT 84087 L]-IA i i If F PAFi'iN,4FIJ T OF E I.J'/i I'lONI/ENTAL QUA LITY i 0 2024 cOr rL fm EE EI ruEtrftr EEr!EI Et- Er! 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