HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-011760EZY CHEK SYSTEMS TEST DATE PRODUCT LINE TESTER Testing Company Information DATA SHEET Name Address City Test Location Information Precision Testing Technologies, Inc. 2026 W. Elk Creek Crt. Bluffdale, UT Test Location Information Phone Name Address Technican Information City Name Phone Cert # 801-886-9224 Contact Applied Pressure #1 Product Type:#2 Product Type: TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0.0037 0.00370.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 FINAL RESULT:FINAL RESULT: #3 Product Type:#4 Product Type: TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.00370.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 FINAL RESULT:FINAL RESULT: #5 Product Type:#6 Product Type: TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH TIME DATA -/+GPL RES GPH 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.000000.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0 0.0037 0.0000 0.0000 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 0.0037 FINAL RESULT:FINAL RESULT: Facility ID# : 10-22-24 N.A., A.S.T. Site The Big G 45000 W. US Hwy 40 Fruitland, UT 801-891-8723 Justin Max LaRou UT-412 55 P.S.I. DSL Truck 0 74 15 74 0 0 0 30 74 0 0 0 PASS DSL Auto 0 62 15 62 0 0 0 30 62 0 0 0 PASS DYE DSL 0 49 15 49 0 0 0 30 49 0 0 0 PASS PRM 0 36 15 36 0 0 0 30 36 0 0 0 PASS REG 0 23 15 23 0 0 0 30 23 0 0 0 PASS 10-22-24 Max LaRou UT-412 pei.org 43 Recommended Practices for the Testing and Verification of Spill, Overfill, Leak Detection and Secondary Containment Equipment at UST Facilities APPENDIX C-3 SPILL BUCKET INTEGRITY TESTING HYDROSTATIC TEST METHOD SINGLE AND DOUBLE-WALLED VACUUM TEST METHOD )DFLOLW\1DPH2ZQHU $GGUHVV$GGUHVV &LW\6WDWH=LS&RGH&LW\6WDWH=LS&RGH )DFLOLW\,'3KRQH 7HVWLQJ&RPSDQ\3KRQH'DWH 7KLVSURFHGXUHLVWRWHVWWKHOHDNLQWHJULW\RIVLQJOHDQGGRXEOHZDOOHGVSLOOEXFNHWV6HH3(,536HFWLRQIRUK\GURVWDWLF WHVWPHWKRG6HFWLRQIRUVLQJOHZDOOHGYDFXXPWHVWPHWKRGDQG6HFWLRQIRUGRXEOHZDOOHGYDFXXPWHVWPHWKRG 7DQN1XPEHU 3URGXFW6WRUHG 6SLOO%XFNHW &DSDFLW\ 0DQXIDFWXUHU &RQVWUXFWLRQ6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 7HVW7\SH +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG +\GURVWDWLF 9DFXXP 6LQJOHZDOOHG 'RXEOHZDOOHG 6SLOO%XFNHW7\SH 3URGXFW 9DSRU 3URGXFW 9DSRU 3URGXFW 9DSRU 3URGXFW 9DSRU 3URGXFW 9DSRU 3URGXFW 9DSRU /LTXLGDQGGHEULV UHPRYHGIURP VSLOOEXFNHW" <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R <HV1R 9LVXDO,QVSHFWLRQ 1RFUDFNVORRVH SDUWVRUVHSDUD WLRQRIWKHEXFNHW IURPWKHILOOSLSH 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 7DQNULVHUFDS LQFOXGHGLQWHVW" <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ ,VGUDLQYDOYH LQFOXGHGLQWHVW" <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ <HV1R 1$ 6WDUWLQJ/HYHO 7HVW6WDUW7LPH       (QGLQJ/HYHO 7HVW(QG7LPH 7HVW3HULRG /HYHO&KDQJH 3DVVIDLOFULWHULD0XVWSDVVYLVXDOLQVSHFWLRQ+\GURVWDWLF:DWHUOHYHOGURSRIOHVVWKDQLQFK9DFXXPVLQJOHZDOOHGRQO\ 0DLQWDLQDWOHDVWLQFKHVZDWHUFROXPQ9DFXXPGRXEOHZDOOHGPDLQWDLQDWOHDVWLQFKHVZDWHUFROXPQ Test Results 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO 3DVV)DLO Comments: $OOOLTXLGVDQGGHEULVPXVWEHGLVSRVHGRISURSHUO\ 7HVWHU·V1DPHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 7HVWHU·V6LJQDWXUHBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Precision Testing Technologies Inc.801-886-9224 The Big G 10/22/2024 ALL ALL 5 Gal. Unknown Metal Bucket 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14" 0 Min. 14" 60 Min. 60 Min. 0 4 Max LaRou UT-412 PRECISION TESTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2026 ELK CREEK CT | BLUFFDALE, UT 801-886-9224 FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP TEST DATE: ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK TEST All tests are performed in a professional manner and within common practices of the industry. However, due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed, written or implied by Precision Testing Tech., Inc. or any of its Owners or Employees. These test results are specific to the date and time of the test. PRESSURE OR VACUUM TEST: FACILITY ID#: UTAH CERT #: TANK CAPACITY: TESTER: TANK ID: INCHES OF PRODUCT: INCHES OF WATER: TEST PRESSURE: INITIAL TEST PRESSURE: FINAL TEST PRESSURE AFTER 60 MINUTES: TEST RESULTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL US AT 801-886-9224. The Big G 10/22/2024 P N.A., A.S.T. Site Max LaRou UT-412 DSL Slave 15K 118 0 Positive 13.8"wc 13.8"wc Pass PRECISION TESTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2026 ELK CREEK CT | BLUFFDALE, UT 801-886-9224 FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP TEST DATE: ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK TEST All tests are performed in a professional manner and within common practices of the industry. However, due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed, written or implied by Precision Testing Tech., Inc. or any of its Owners or Employees. These test results are specific to the date and time of the test. PRESSURE OR VACUUM TEST: FACILITY ID#: UTAH CERT #: TANK CAPACITY: TESTER: TANK ID: INCHES OF PRODUCT: INCHES OF WATER: TEST PRESSURE: INITIAL TEST PRESSURE: FINAL TEST PRESSURE AFTER 60 MINUTES: TEST RESULTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL US AT 801-886-9224. The Big G 10/22/2024 P N.A., A.S.T. Site Max LaRou UT-412 DSL Main 15K 118 0 Positive 13.8 13.8 Pass PRECISION TESTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2026 ELK CREEK CT | BLUFFDALE, UT 801-886-9224 FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP TEST DATE: ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK TEST All tests are performed in a professional manner and within common practices of the industry. However, due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed, written or implied by Precision Testing Tech., Inc. or any of its Owners or Employees. These test results are specific to the date and time of the test. PRESSURE OR VACUUM TEST: FACILITY ID#: UTAH CERT #: TANK CAPACITY: TESTER: TANK ID: INCHES OF PRODUCT: INCHES OF WATER: TEST PRESSURE: INITIAL TEST PRESSURE: FINAL TEST PRESSURE AFTER 60 MINUTES: TEST RESULTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL US AT 801-886-9224. The Big G 10/22/2024 P N.A., A.S.T. Site Max LaRou UT-412 REG 10K 73 0 Positive 13.8"wc 14.00"wc Pass PRECISION TESTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2026 ELK CREEK CT | BLUFFDALE, UT 801-886-9224 FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP TEST DATE: ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK TEST All tests are performed in a professional manner and within common practices of the industry. However, due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed, written or implied by Precision Testing Tech., Inc. or any of its Owners or Employees. These test results are specific to the date and time of the test. PRESSURE OR VACUUM TEST: FACILITY ID#: UTAH CERT #: TANK CAPACITY: TESTER: TANK ID: INCHES OF PRODUCT: INCHES OF WATER: TEST PRESSURE: INITIAL TEST PRESSURE: FINAL TEST PRESSURE AFTER 60 MINUTES: TEST RESULTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL US AT 801-886-9224. The Big G 10/22/2024 P N.A., A.S.T. Site Max LaRou UT-412 PRM 10K 36 0 Positive 13.8"wc 13.8"wc Pass PRECISION TESTING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 2026 ELK CREEK CT | BLUFFDALE, UT 801-886-9224 FACILITY NAME FACILITY ADDRESS CITY, STATE, ZIP TEST DATE: ABOVEGROUND STORAGE TANK TEST All tests are performed in a professional manner and within common practices of the industry. However, due to the variables of tank testing, these results cannot be guaranteed. There are no warranties expressed, written or implied by Precision Testing Tech., Inc. or any of its Owners or Employees. These test results are specific to the date and time of the test. PRESSURE OR VACUUM TEST: FACILITY ID#: UTAH CERT #: TANK CAPACITY: TESTER: TANK ID: INCHES OF PRODUCT: INCHES OF WATER: TEST PRESSURE: INITIAL TEST PRESSURE: FINAL TEST PRESSURE AFTER 60 MINUTES: TEST RESULTS: IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THIS REPORT, PLEASE CALL US AT 801-886-9224. The Big G 10/22/2024 P N.A., A.S.T. Site Max LaRou UT-412 DYE DSL 10K 39 0 Positive 13.8"wc 13.9"wc Pass Pressure/Vacuum (P/V) Vent Valve Data Sheet Facility Name: Test Date: Address: Test Company: Precision Testing Technologies City: Tester Name: Product: P/V Valve Manufacturer: Model Number: Pass Fail Manufacturers Specified Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Manufacturers Specified Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Positive Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Negative Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Product: P/V Valve Manufacturer: Model Number: Pass Fail Manufacturers Specified Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Manufacturers Specified Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Positive Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Negative Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Product: P/V Valve Manufacturer: Model Number: Pass Fail Manufacturers Specified Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Manufacturers Specified Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Positive Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Negative Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Product: P/V Valve Manufacturer: Model Number: Pass Fail Manufacturers Specified Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Manufacturers Specified Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Positive Leak Rate (CFH): Measured Negative Leak Rate (CFH): Positive Cracking Pressure (in H2O): Negative Cracking Pressure (in H2O): 2.5" to 6" wc <=0.05 cfh @ 2" wc 2.5" to 6" wc <=0.05 cfh @2" wc 2.5" to 6" wc <=0.05 cfh 2" wc 2.5" to 6" wc <=0.05 cfh 2" wc 6" to 10" wc <=0.21 cfh @ 4" wc 6" to 10" wc <=0.21 cfh @ 4" wc 6" to 10" wc <=0.21 cfh @ 4" wc 6" to 10" wc <=0.21 cfh @ 4" wc The Big G 10-22-24 Max LaRou REG OPW 623V 4 0.04 cfh @ 2"wc 3.1"wc 0.19 cfh @ 4"wc -7.2"wc PRM OPW 623V 4 0.04 cfh @ 2"wc 3.6"wc 0.20 cfh @ 4"wc -8.4"wc The Big G Max LaRou 10-22-24