HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-011748I'TAH PST PROGRAM TEMPORARY CLOSURE I{OTICE OWNER AND FACILITY INFORMATION TANKS TEMPORARILY CLOSEI) + Irrdicate the specrl'ic substance stored in cach tank to be closed (regular- unieaded, diesel. waste oil. etc.) ffV"rt lines open and functionin g W Product lines capped/secured f] fuel was emptied to less than l" /Corrosion protection is operating State of Utah Dept. ol Environmental Quality DERR PST Section PO Box 1,1'1840 salt Lake city, Utah 84 I l4-4840 r.ACrLrTy 1pa 4000909 State LJse Onlv Date Received o '22'2,9 24 Date Processed ffrr*p.. manways secured dn"l.ur" detection equipment is operating 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake Ciry, tjrah 841 l6 Temporary closure requirements: \Vhen a PS'I systern is temporaril-v closed. the owner/operator must:. continue operation and maintenance of corrosion protection on tanks. lines. Uex connectors. ancl other metal'lic systctn components.. continue operation and maintenance olrelease detection OR empty the PST's)'stem ltr less than I inch ol'product. When a PS f s1'stenr is teurporarill' closed fbr 3 months or more" the owner/operator must also:r leale vent lines open and lunctioning r cap and secure all other lines. pumps. manlvays. and ancillarv equipmentI se nd a propcrll,-completed Temporarv Closure Notice fbnn to the DER.RIPST Section. I cerify under penalty of larv that I arn the Orvner of the tank(s) described above and that I am familiar with the infornration on this fbrm and that it is true, accurate and complete and f'urther, that the procedures described herein were tbllowed during tank closure. FullName of PST Orvner: Meadow Gold Dairies Signaturc of PST Ovr,ner:Date:to-16-2 Return completed'Ientporary Closure N form to:Street Address: Temporary llosure Notice preparecl at the request of the (identified below) by of (compan-v n4!ne) BrodV Kranendonk (Meadow Gold)Phone #801 -907-0568 Address 3730 W 1820 S Citv SLC Smte UTAH Zip841A4 Tank gwner Meadow Gold Dairies p1.,,16g ;i 801 -907-0568 Address3730 W 1820 S CitySLC state UTAH zip841A4 Facility Nam" Meadow Gold Dairies Address3730 W 1820 S City slc Statc UTAH 2.ip84104 Contact person BrodY Kranendonk p1",sn" 6801-917-0400 Nurnber oiregulated PSTs at this facility: 1 Number of re.qulated PS'fs to be temporarily closed: 1 'I'ank #1 'l'r pc (Steel.FRP.ctc. )FRP Datc Instnlled 1 990 Oapacitr' ( ( ial ltxrs )500 Substance slorecl*WASTE OIL Dale last operaled fit6t2a23 lnches of Product remaining in tank (to the nearest li8 inch)4 Closnotrcetemp i 205.doc