HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0112481 DAQC-1070-24 Site ID 12825 (B5) MEMORANDUM TO: CEM FILE – UTAH ASSOCIATED MUNICIPAL POWER SYSTEMS (UAMPS) – Nebo Power Generating Station THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Rob Leishman, Environmental Scientist DATE: October 18, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: Nebo Power Generating Station Natural Gas Turbine Generator Contact: Dave Gammell (Plant Manager) – 801-925-4012 Cheyney Guymon – 801-794-2950 Location: 1265 Bamberger Road, Payson, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC FRS ID#: UT0000004904900234 Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit 4900234004 dated January 18, 2022 Subject: Review of RA/PST Protocol dated October 10, 2024 On October 10, 2024, DAQ received a protocol for a RA/PST (relative accuracy/performance specification test) of the UAMPS Nebo Power Generating Station in Payson, UT. Testing will be performed on December 3, 2024, to determine the relative accuracy of the O2, NOx, and CO monitoring systems. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 2. RM 7E used to determine NOx concentrations of emissions: OK 3. RM 10 used to determine CO concentrations of emissions: OK 4. RM 19 used to determine volumetric flow: OK DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted in the protocol. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Send attached protocol review and test date confirmation notice. 1 8 2 Source Test Plan for the 2024 Relative Accuracy Test Audit Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) Nebo Power Generating Station GE Frame 7E AIHRSG Gas-Fired Turbine (EU #2) New CEMS Ceftification Payson, Utah Prepared For: UAMPS 155 North 400 West, Suite 480 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Prepared By: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 For Submission To: State of Utah DEQ, Division of Air Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Document Number: GPOS1AS-O46248-PP-922 Proposed Test Date: December 3, 2024 Test PIan Submittal Date: September 3O, 2024 M MoNrrygIF 2of46 DEPARIMENT OF ENVIHONMENIAL OUALITY ocT - 9 2024 DIVISION OF AIR OUAUTY Review and Ceftification I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this document is complete and accurate and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Signature:September 30,204 Name: Joby Dunmire Title: Reporting/eC Specialist III I have reviewed, technically and editorially, details, calculations, results, conclusions, and other appropriate written materials contained herein. I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the presented material is authentic, accurate, and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-O4. T I I I I T T t I T T t T t I I t t I signaturet -Ii*r.. \l\ur-rkrr".' Date:September 30,2024 Beckie Hawkins District Manager 3 of46 GP08 1AS-046248-PP -922 I I I I I I I I T I T t I I I I t t I 1.0 Table of Contents Paoe 2.O Introduction ........................:.. ' " " " " " " " 5 1.1 Summary of Test Program """""""' 5 1.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limits """ 6 1.3 Key Personnel........... """""""""" 7 Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions.......''.... """"""""" 8 2.L Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment .."""""' """' B 2.2 CEMS Description """""' 9 2.3 Flue Gas Sampling Location """""" 9 2,4 Operating Conditions and Process Data...... """10 Sampling and Analytical Procedures.'....... """""""""'13 3.1 Test Methods........'... ""'13 3.1.1 EPA Methods 3A,7E, and 10, Determination of Oxygen, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure).............. """""13 3.1.2 EpA Method 19, Determination of Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Emission Rates ""'L4 Quality Assurance and Reporting.......'... """"""""'15 4.1 QA Audits. """15 4.2 Quality Control Procedures """"""'15 4,2.1 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance """"""""15 4.2.2 Audit SamPles """'15 4.3 Data Analysis and Validation """""15 4.4 Sampte Identification and Custody ....'."""""'16 4.5 Quality Statement """"'16 4.6 Reporting """'16 4.6.1 Example Report Format """"'16 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Results..........'... """'17 List of Appendices A Supporting Information """""19 A.1 Units and Abbreviations.'.........' """""""""'20 A.2 Accreditation Information/Certifications """""28.S" Site Specific Safety Plan.....'... """'31 3.0 4.O 4of46 G P0 8 1AS- 04 6248 -PP -922 List of Tables 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule ...................5 1-2 Summary of Part 60/75 M Requirements - Nebo EU #2 .......... 6 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities.... ......7 2-1 CEMS Information ................... 9 2-2 Sampling Location............. ...... 9 4-1 Example Nitrogen Oxide (ppmvd) RATA Results - Nebo EU #2....... ...........18 List of Figures 3-1 US EPA Methods 3A,7E, and 10 Sampling Train ........ ............14 4-L Typical Report Format .....,,....L7 5of45 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 t I I I I I t I t I I I t I I T I I I 1.O Introduction 1.1 Summary of Test Program Utah Association of Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) contracted Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC (Montrose) to perform a RATA on the recently installed CEMS associated with GE Frame 7EA w/HSRG Unit, natural gas-fired, combined-cycle, stationary, combustion turbine (identified as emission unit EU #2) al the Nebo Power Generating Station located in Payson, Utah. The tests are conducted to determine compliance with the applicable RA requirements listed in State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ), Division of Air Quality Title V Operating Permit No. 4900234OO4, dated January L8, 2022,40 CFR 60 Apoendix B and 40 CFR Part 75. Aopendix A. The specific objectives are to: . Determine the M for the new Oz, NOx, and CO CEMS installed to monitor the emissions from Nebo EU #2 to meet initial certification requirements. . Conduct the test program with a focus on safety. Montrose will provide the test personnel and the necessary equipment to measure emissions as outlined in this test plan. Facility personnel will provide the process and production data to be included in the final report. A summary of the test program and proposed schedule is presented in Table 1-1. Table 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule To simplify this test plan, a list of Units and Abbreviations is included in Appendix A. Throughout this test plan, chemical nomenclature, acronyms, and repofting units are not defined. Please refer to the list for specific details. EPA 3A, 7E, 10, 19 6of46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I I I I L.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limits The results from this test program are presented in units consistent with those listed in the applicable regulations or requirements. The M requirements are presented in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Summary of Paft 6fl175 RA Requirements - Nebo EV #2 1 Alternate is for low emitter (average NOx RM concentrations are < 250 ppm, or average NOx RM emission rates are 3 0.200 lblMMBtu) I I I I T I I T T I I I I T Nitrogen Oxides (NOx as NOz) 3 2O.0o/o of RM or < 10.0olo of AS Carbon Monoxide (CO) S 10o/o of RM or S 5olo of AS or < 5 ppmvd CO Orygen (Oz) Annual: S 7.5o/o of RM or *, 0.7o/o OzApp. B Sect. Semiannual: S 10.0olo of RM or * 1.0olo OzApp. A Sect. 3.3.3 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx as I{Oz) App. B Sect. Annual: 3 7.5o/o of RM or * 0.015 lblMMBtul Semiannual: S 10.00/o of RM or + 0.020 7 of46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I 1.3 Key Personnel A list of project participants is included below: Facility Information Source Location: UAMPS Nebo Power Generating Station 1255 N. Bamberger Road Payson, Utah 84651 Project Contact: Dave Gammell Role: Plant Manager Company: UAMPS Telephone: 801-925-4012 Email: dgammell@uamps.com Agency Information Regulatory Agenry: State of Utah DEQ, Division of Air Quality Agency Contact: Chad Gilgen, Minor Source Compliance Telephone: 385-306-6500 Email: cgilgen@utah.gov Testing Company Information Testing Firm: Montrose Air Qualiff Services, LLC Contact: BeckieHawkins Title: DistrictManager Telephone: 8OL-372-7O49 Email: BeHawkins@montrose-env.com Table 1-3 details the roles and responsibilities of the test team. Table 1-3 Test Personnel and Responsibilities Cheyney Guymon ClienVField Project Manager 801-362-4978 ChGuvmon @ montrose-env.com Facility interface, test crew coordination Preparation, support PM 8 of46 G P0 8 1AS - 04 6248 -PP -9 22 2.O Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions 2.L Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment Turbines are stationary, internal combustion engines that operate with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. Gas turbines are essentially composed of three major components: compressor, combustor, and power turbine. In the compressor section, ambient air is drawn in and compressed up to 30 times ambient pressure and directed to the combustor section where fuel is introduced, ignited, and burned. Combustors can either be annular, can-annular, or silo. An annular combustor is a doughnut-shaped, single, continuous chamber that encircles the turbine in a plane perpendicular to the airflow. Can-annular combustors are like the annular; however, they incorporate several can-shaped combustion chambers rather than a single continuous chamber. Annular and can-annular combustors are based on aircraft turbine technology and are Wpically used for smaller scale applications, A silo (frame-type) combustor has one or more combustion chambers mounted external to the gas turbine body. Silo combustors are typically larger than annular or can- annular combustors and are used for larger scale applications. This GE Frame 7EAIHSRG (EU #2) is a combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant. The gas turbine generator generates electricity and the waste heat from the gas turbine is used to make steam to generate additional electricity via a steam turbine; this last step enhances the efficiency of electricity generation. Hot gases from the combustion section are diluted with additional air from the compressor section and directed to the power turbine section at temperatures up to 2600 degrees Fahrenheit. Energy from the hot exhaust gases, which expand in the power turbine section, are recovered in the form of shaft horsepower. More than 50 percent of the shaft horsepower is needed to drive the internal compressor and the balance of recovered shaft horsepower is available to drive an external load. Gas turbines may have one, two, or three shafts to transmit power between the inlet air compression turbine, the power turbine, and the exhaust turbine. The heat content of the exhaust gases exiting the turbine can either be discarded without heat recovery (simple cycle); recovered with a heat exchanger to preheat combustion air entering the combustor (regenerative cycle); recovered in a heat recovery steam generator to raise process steam, with or without supplementary firing (cogeneration); or recovered, with or without supplementary firing, to raise steam for a steam turbine Rankine cycle (combined rycle or repowering). The primary pollutants from gas turbine engines are nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and to a lesser extent, volatile organic compounds (VOC). Particulate matter (PM) is also a primary pollutant for gas turbines using liquid fuels. Nitrogen oxide formation is strongly dependent on the high temperatures developed in the combustor. Carbon monoxide, VOC, hazardous air pollutants (HAP), and PM are primarily the result of incomplete combustion. Trace to low amounts of HAP and sulfur dioxide (SOz) are emitted from gas turbines. Ash and metallic additives in the fuel may also contribute to PM in the exhaust. Oxides of sulfur (SOx) will only appear in a significant quantity if heavy oils are I I I I I I I t t t t T t T I I I t t9 of46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I t I I t I I I I t I I I T I I I I t fired in the turbine. Emissions of sulfur compounds, mainly SOz, ?r€ directly related to the sulfur content of the fuel. 2.2 CEMS DescriPtion A new continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) has been installed on the EU #2 exhaust stack. The CEMS configurations include a diluent gas oxygen (Oz) analyzer, a nitrogen oxide (NOx) analyzer, a carbon monoxide (CO) analyzer, and a data acquisition and handling system (DAHS). Only the analyzers are being replaced; the existing DAHS remains the same. The new CEMS analyzers information is presented in Table 2-1. Table 2-1 CEMS Information 2.3 FIue Gas SamPling Location Actual stack measurements, number of traverce points, and location of traverse points will be evaluated in the field as part of the test program. Table 2-2 presents the anticipated stack measurements and traverse points for the sampling location listed. Table 2-2 Sampllng Location Sample location measurements are verified in the field to conform to EPA Method 1. Acceptable ryclonic flow conditions are confirmed prior to testing using EPA Method 1, Section 11.4. s74.5 / 2.90 Gaseous: Based on Results of 3-pt Stratification Test L,225.5 / 6.20EU #2 Exhaust Stack 10 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 2.4 Operating Conditions and Process Data Emission tests will be performed while the source/unit and air pollution control devices are operating at the conditions required by 40 CFR Part 75 (i.e,, entirely within the "normal" load range) and 40 CFR Part 50 (i.e., greater than 50o/o of full load)' Plant personnel are responsible for establishing the test conditions and collecting all applicable unit-operating data. Data collected includes the following parameters: . Relevant CEMS data . Unit Load, MW 2,5 Plant Safety Montrose will comply with all safety requirements at the facility. The facility Client Sponsor, or designated point of contact, is responsible for ensuring routine compliance with plant entry, health, and safety requirements. The Client Sponsor has the authority to impose or waive facility restrictions. The Montrose test team leader has the authority to negotiate any deviations from the facility restrictions with the Client Sponsor. Any deviations must be documented. 2.5,1 Safety Responsibilities Planning . Montrose must complete a field review with the Client Sponsor prior to the project date. The purpose of the review is to develop a scope of work that identifies the conditions, equipment, methods, and physical locations that will be utilized along with any policies or procedures that will affect our work. . We must reach an agreement on the proper use of client emergency services and ensure that proper response personnel are available, as needed. . The potential for chemical exposure and actions to be taken in case of exposure must be communicated to Montrose. This information must include expected concentrations of the chemicals and the equipment used to identify the substances. . Montrose will provide a list of equipment being brought to the site, if required by the client. Project Day . Montrose personnel will arrive with the appropriate training and credentials for the activities they will be performing and the equipment that they will operate. . Our team will meet daily to review the Project Scope, Job Hazard Assessment, and Work Permits. The Client Sponsor and Operations Team are invited to participate. T I I I I I I I T I T t I T t I t I I11 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I T I I . Montrose will provide equipment that can interface with the client utilities previously identified in the planning phase and only work with equipment that our client has made ready and prepared for connection. . We will follow client direction regarding driving safety, safe work permitting, staging of equipment, and other crafts or work in the area. . As per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart A, Section 60.8, the facility must provide the following provisions at each sample location: . Sampling ports, which meet EPA minimum requirements for testing. The caps should be removed or be hand-tight. . Safe sampling platforms. . Safe access to the platforms and test ports, including any scaffolding or man lifts. . Sufficient utilities to perform all necessary testing. . Montrose will use the client communication system, as directed, in case of plant or project emergency. . Any adverse conditions, unplanned shutdowns or other deviations to the agreed scope and project plan must be reviewed with the Client Sponsor prior to continuing work. This will include any safe work permit and hazard assessment uPdates. Completion . Montrose personnel will report any process concerns, incidents or near misses to the Client Sponsor prior to leaving the site. . Montrose will clean up our work area to the same condition as it was prior to our arrival. . We will ensure that all utilities, connection points or equipment have been returned to the pre-project condition or as stated in the safe work permit. In addition, we will walk out the job completion with Operations and the Client Sponsor if required by the facility. 2.5.2 Safety Program and Requirements Montrose has a comprehensive health and safety program that satisfies State and Federal OSHA requirements. The program includes an illness and Injury Prevention Program, site- specific safety meetings, and training in safety awareness and procedures. The basic elements include: . All regulatory required policies/procedures and training for OSHA, EPA and FMCSA . Medical monitoring, as necessary . Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and chemical detection equipment . Hazard communication I I I I t t I I I I I I I I 12 of 46 G P08 lAS-04 6248-PP -922 . Pre-test and daily toolbox meetings . Continued evaluation of work and potential hazards . Near-miss and incident repofting procedures as required by Montrose and the Client Montrose will provide standard PPE to employees. The PPE will include but is not limited to; hard hats, safety shoes, glasses with side shields or goggles, hearing protection, hand protections, and fall protection. In addition, our trailers are equipped with four gas detectors to ensure that workspace has no unexpected equipment leaks or other ambient hazards. The detailed Site Safety Plan for this project is attached to this test plan in Appendix "S". t I I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I t T 13 of 46 G P0 8 1AS-04 6248-PP -9 22 I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t T I 3.O Sampling and Analytical Procedures 3.1 Test Methods The test methods for this test program have been presented in Table 1-1. Additional information regarding specific applications or modifications to standard procedures is presented below. 3.1,1 EPA Methods 3A, 78, and 1O, Determination of oxygen, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) Concentrations of Oz, NOx, and CO are measured simultaneously using EPA Methods 3A,7E, and 10, which are instrumental test methods. Conditioned gas is sent to a series of analyzers to measure the gaseous emission concentrations. The performance requirements of the method must be met to validate the data. peftinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: . A dry extractive sampling system is used to repoft emissions on a dry basis. . A paramagnetic analyzer is used to measure Oz. . A chemiluminescent analyzer is used to measure NOx. . A gas filter correlation nondispersive infrared analyzer is used to measure CO. . The alternative NOx converter efficienry test described in EPA Method 7E Section 16.2 may be used (bag procedure). . Anticipated calibration span values are O-2Lo/o Oz, 0-25 ppmvd NOx, and 0- 25 PPmvd CO . Prior to conducting the MTA testing, a stratification traverse of the effluent gas will be conducted. If the three (3) traverse points (located L6.7o/o,50o/o, ?nd 83.3olo of the inside diameter traverse line) show that the effluent gas at each point does not very by * 5.0 percent of the mean concentration or + 0.5 ppm (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream is considered not stratified, and the use of a single point may be used for sampling. . Minimum Required Sample Duration: 21 minutes The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. t4 of 46 G PO8 1AS-04 6248 -PP -922 Figure 3-1 US EPA Methods 3At 7E, and 1O Sampling Train 3.1.2 EPA Method 19, Determination of Nitrogen Oxide and Carbon Monoxide Emission Rates EPA Method 19 is a manual method used to determine NOx and CO emission rates, in units of lb/hr, from the measurement of the heat input rate, stack concentration of Oz, and an F factor, The metered fuel flow rate is recorded during each test period. Typically, fuel flow rates are reported in scflhr or lblhr. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: . F factor is the oxygen-based F factor, dry basis (Fa) . F factor is the published source-based F factor in EPA Method 19, Table 19-2 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SIGNAL #l .ME MmffiEilMvlvE8 ffiMffiffifttroo{TuvlE l. "l** ffiNilPBM^mMMffi4VAE HEATEO SAMPLE UNE 15 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -92,2 t T T I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I 4.O Quality Assurance and Reporting 4.L QA Audits Montrose has instituted a rigorous QA/QC program for its air quality testing. Quality assurance audits are performed as part of the test program to ensure that the results are calculated using the highest quality data available. This program ensures that the emissions data we report are as accurate as possible. The procedures included in the cited reference methods are followed during preparation, sampling, calibration, and analysis' Montrose is responsible for preparation, calibration, and cleaning of the sampling apparatus. Montrose will also peform the sampling, sample recovery, storage, and shipping. Approved contract laboratories may perform some of the preparation and sample analyses, as needed. 4.2 Quality Control Procedures Montrose calibrates and maintains equipment as required by the methods performed and applicable regulatory guidance. Montrose follows internal procedures to prevent the use of malfunctioning or inoperable equipment in test programs. All equipment is operated by trained personnel. Any incidence of nonconforming work encountered during testing is repofted and addressed through the corrective action system. 4.2.t Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Each piece of field equipment that requires calibration is assigned a unique identification number to atlow tracking of its calibration history. All field equipment is visually inspected prior to testing and includes pre-test calibration checks as required by the test method or regulatory agency. 4.2.2 Audit Samples When required by the test method and available, Montrose obtains EPA TNI SSAS audit samples from an accredited provider for analysis along with the samples. Currently, the SSAS program has been suspended pending the availability of a second accredited audit sample provider. If the program is reinstated, the audit samples will be ordered. If required as part of the test program, the audit samples are stored, shipped, and analyzed along with the emissions samples collected during the test program. The audit sample results are reported along with the emissions sample results. 4,3 Data Analysis and Validation Montrose converts the raw field, laboratory, and process data to reporting units consistent with the permit or subpart. Calculations are made using proprietary computer spreadsheets or data acquisition systems. One run of each test method is also verified using a separate example calculation. The example calculations are checked against the spreadsheet results and are included in the final report. The"standard Conditions"forthis project are29.92 inches of mercury and 58 oF. I L6 of 46 G P08 1AS-046248-PP -922 4,4 Sample Identification and Custody No samples are required to be recovered for this test program. 4.5 Quality Statement Montrose is qualified to conduct this test program and has established a quality management system that led to accreditation with ASTM Standard D7O36'O4 (Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies). Montrose participates in annual functional assessments for conformance with D7036-04 which are conducted by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2lX). All testing performed by Montrose is supervised on site by at least one Qualified Individual (QI) as defined in D7036-04 Section 8.3.2. Data quality objectives for estimating measurement unceftainty within the documented limits in the test methods are met by using approved test protocols for each project as defined in D7036-04 Sections 7.2.L and 12.10. Additional quality assurance information is included in the appendices. The content of this test plan is modeled after the EPA Emission Measurement Center Guideline Document (GD-042). 4.6 Repofting Montrose will prepare a final report to present the test data, calculations/equations, descriptions, and results. Prior to release by Montrose, each report is reviewed and certified by the project manager and their supervisor, or a peer. Source test repofts will be submitted to the facility or appropriate regulatory agency (upon customer approval) within 30 days of the completion of the field work. The report will include a series of appendices to present copies of the intermediate calculations and example calculations, raw field data, laboratory analysis data, process data, and equipment calibration data. 4.6.t Example Report Format The report is divided into various sections describing the different aspects of the source testing program, Figure 4-1 presents a typical Table of Contents for the final repoft. I I I I t T I t I I I I I I I I t I T L7 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP-922 Cover Page Ceftification of Repoft of Contents 1.0 Introduction Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions Sampling and Analytical Procedures Test Discussion and Results Intemal QA/QC Activities 0 3.0 .0 5.0 D E Field Data and Calculations Facility CEMS and Process Data Laboratory Analysis Data Qua lity Assura nce/Quality Control Regulatory Information Figure 4-1 Typical Repoft Format 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Results Table 4-1 presents the typical tabular format that is used to summarize the results in the final source test report. Separate tables will outline the results for each CEMS parameter/set of units and compare them to their respective M requirements. 18 of 45 G P08 1AS-046248-PP-922 Table 4-1 Example Nitrogen Oxide (ppmvd) RATA Results - Nebo EU #2 t I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I 1 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 2 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx XX xx xx x xx 3 xxlxx/xxxx xxxx-)oofi XX XX xx x xx 4 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx XX xx XX x xx 5 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-nofi xx xx xx x XX 6 xxlxx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 7 xxlxx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx XX x xx 8 xx/xxlxxxx xxxx-xxxx xx XX xx x xx 9 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx XX xx xx x xx 10 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx X xx 11 xxlxx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx XX x xx t2 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx XX XX xx x xx Averages xx XX XX xx Applicable Standard (AS)XX ppmvd Standard Deviation XX ppmvd Confi dence Coefficient (CC)xx ppmvd Bias AdJustment Factor (BAF)xx Unit Load xx MW RA based on mean RM value XX o/o RA based on AS xx o/o RA based on difference plus CC xx ppmvd RA based on absolute difference xx ppmvd 19 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922, Appendix A Supporting Information G P08 1AS-04 6"48-PP -922 Appendix A.t Units and Abbreviations GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP-922 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 f,l?.,NT+g'S.E @Xo/o 02 lccl ldloc oF oR " Hzo 't3.6 AH AP e 1.rs Pa P* acfm ,\ A Btu Bm ca Cers Cor, cf or ft3 cfm Cc., cM cm or m3 Cr',ll co cp ca CS cs cv D dcf dcm Dn D" dscf dscfm dscm Fd fpm fps ft # s gal gr UNITS OF MEASUREMENT conected to X% o4ygen (conected for dilution air) absolute value of the confidence coefficient absolute value of the mean differences degrees Celsius degrees Fahrenheit degrees Rankine inches of water column specific gravity of mercury pressure drop across orifice meter, inches H2O velocity head of stack gas, inches H2O total sampling time, minutes microgram density of acetone, mg/ml density of water, 0.9982 g/ml or 0.002201 lb/ml actual cubic feet of gas per minute at stack conditions cross-sectional area of nozle, # cross-sectional area of stack, square feet (ff) British thermal unit proportion by volume of water vapor in gas stream particulate matter concentration in stack gas, gr/acf average unadjusted gas concentration, ppmv measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv cubic feet cubic feet per minute average gas concentration adjusted for bias, ppmv average of initial and final system bias check responses ftom upscale calibration gas, ppmv cubic meters actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, ppmv average of initial and final system bias check responses from low-level calibration gas, ppmv pitot tube coefficient particulate matter concentration in stack gas, gr/dscf calibration span, % or ppmv measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv manufactured certified concentration of calibration gas, ppmv drift assessment, % of sPan dry cubic feet dry cubic meters diameter of nozzle, inches diameter of stack, inches dry standard cubic feet dry standard cubic feet Per minute dry standard cubic meters F-factor, dscf/MMBtu of heat inPut feet per minute feet per second feet square feet gram gallons grains (7000 grains per pound) 22 of 46 G P08 1AS-046248-PP -92'2 6/'i\ I+?N,I*9"IF, gr/dscf hr I in k K K3 ]q kg Kp kwscfh I lb/hr lb/MMBtu lpm m M m' ma Md meq mg Mg min ml or mL mm MM MMBtu/hr mn mol mol. wt. or MW M" MW n ng nm Nm3 E'I bar ps Ps Dlm ppb PPbv ppbvd ppm ppmv ppmvd ppmvw Ps psi psia PSig UNITS OF MEASUREMENT grains per dry standard cubic feet hour percent of isokinetic samPling inch kilo or thousand (metric units, multiply by 103) kelvin (temPerature) conversion factor 0.0154 gr/mg conversion factor 0.002668 ((in. Hgxft3))/((mlX'R)) kilogram pitot tube constant (85.49 fUsec) thousand wet standard cubic feet per hour liters pounds per hour pounds per million Btu liters per minute meter or milli thousand (English units) or mega (million, metric units) cubic meters mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg molecular weight of stack gas; dry basis, lb/lb-mole milliequivalent milligram megagram (106 grams) minute milliliter millimeter million (English units) million Btu per hour total amount of particulate matter collected, mg mole molecular weight molecular weight of stack gas; wet basis, lb/lb-mole molecular weight or megawatt number of data Points nanogram nanometer normal cubic meter barometric Pressure, inches Hg picogram stack static pressure, inches H2O barometric pressure of dry gas meter, inches Hg parts per billion parts per billion, bY volume parts per billion by volume, dry basis parts per million parts per million, bY volume parts per million by volume, dry basis parts per million by volume, wet basis absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg pounds Per square inch pounds per square inch absolute pounds per square inch gauge t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I23 of 46 G PO8 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I 6/l\ M?N,I+gT..E t UNITS OF MEASUREMENT standard absolute pressure, 29'92 inches Hg volumetric flow rate, actual conditions, acfm volumetric flow rate, standard conditions, scfm volumetric flow rate, dry standard conditions, dscfm idealgas constant 21.85 ((in. Hsl (fftry(Cnl (lbmole)) post-run sYstem bias check, % of sPan pre-run sYstem bias check, % of sPan standard cubic feet standard cubic feet Per hour standard cubic feet Per minute standard cubic meters standard cubic meters Per hour second square feet standard metric ton (1000 kg) t-value absolute average ambient temperature, oR (+459'67 for English) absolute average dry gas meter temperature, oR (+459'67 for English) ton = 2000 Pounds tons per hour tons perYear absoiute average stack gas meter temperature, oR (+459'67 for English) absolute temperature at standard conditions volt volume of acetone blank' ml volume of acetone used in wash, ml total volume H2O collected in impingers and silica gel' grams volume of gas sampled through dry gas meter, ft3 volume of gas measured by the dry gas meter, conected to standard conditions, dscf strack gas volume samPled, acf volume cotlected at stack conditions through nozzle, act average stack gas velocity, feet per second volume of water vapor condensed, conected to standard conditions, scf volume of water vapor in gas sampled from impingers, scf volume of water vapor in gas sampled from silica gel' scf watt weight of residue in acetone wash, mg total weight of imPingers, grams total weight of silica gel' grams dry gas meter calibration fac{or, dimensionless I Psu Q. Qs Qsu R SBnn"t SBr scf scfh scfrn scm scmh sec sf, sq. ft., or d std t T o.srs Ta Tm ton or t tph or tons/hr tpy or tons/Yr T8 T"ta V % V"* V"v. Vnr(std) vm vn vs Vqdstd) V*i("ta) V' 6g1sto1 W w" Wr,r,p Wss I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 24 of 46 G P0 8 1 AS - 04 6248 -PP -922 64\ I,I?N,I+P.I"E, AAS ACDP ACE AD ADL AETB AS ASTM BACT BDL BHP BIF BLS cc CD CE CEM CEMS CERMS CET CFR CGA CHNOS CNCG CO coc COMS CPM CPMS CT CTM cTo CVAAS Do DE Dioxins DLL DNCG ECD EIT ELCD EMPC EPA EPRI ES ESP EU FCCU FGD FI FIA FID FPD FPM ABBREVIATIONS atomic absorption spectroscoPY air contaminant discharge Permit analyzer calibration enor, percent of span absolute difference above detection limit Air Emissions Testing BodY applicable standard (emission limit) American Society For Testing And Materials best achievable control technology below detection limit brake horsepower boiler and industrial fumace black liquor solids confidence coefficient calibration dffi calibration enor continuous emissions monitor continuous emissions monitoring system continuous emissions rate monitoring system calibration enor test Code of Federal Regulations cylinder gas audit elemental analysis for determination of C, H, N, O, and S content in fuels concentrated non-condensable gas catalytic oxidizer chain of custody continuous opacity monitoring system condensable particulate matter continuous parameter monitoring system combustion turbine conditional test method catalytic thermal oidizer cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy equivalent diameter destruction efficiency polychlori nated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDS) detection level limited dilute non-condensable gas electron capture detector Engineer ln Training electrolytic conductivity detector (hall detector) estimated maximum possible concentration US Environmental Protection Agency Electric Power Research lnstitute emission standard (applicable limit) electrostatic precipitator emission unit fluid catalytic cracking unit flue gas desulfurization flame ionization fl ame ionization analyzer fl ame ionization detector flame photometric detector fi lterable particulate matter I I I I I I I t I T I I I I t t I I I25 of 46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I 6/i\ a+?,NI+gL'E., I FTIR FTPB FTRB Furans GC GC/MS GFAAS GFC GHG HAP HC HHV HPLC HRGC/HRMS HRSG tc ICAP ICPCR ICP-MS IR rso KW LFG LHV LPG MACT MDI MDL MNOC MRL MS NA NCASI NCG ND NDIR NESHAP NG NIOSH NIST NMC NMOC Nt\A/OC NPD NSPS OSHA PAH PCB PCWP PE PFAS PI PID PM ABBREVIATIONS Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy field train proof blank field train recovery blank polychlorinated dibenzoturans (PCDFS) gas chromatograPhY gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy graphite fu mace atomic absorption spectroscopy gas filter conelation greenhouse gas hazardous air Pollutant hydrocarbons higher heating value high performance liquid chromatography high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectroscopy heat recovery steam generator ion chromatograPhY inductivety-coupled argon plasma emission spectroscopy ion chromatography with a post-column reactor inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy infrared radiation lntemational Standards Organization kilowafts landfill gas lower heating value liquified petroleum gas maximum achievable control technology methylene diPhenYl diisoryanate method detection limit maximum normal operating conditions method reporting limit mass spectrometry not applicable or not available National Council For Air And Steam lmprovement non-condensable gases not detected nondispersive infrared National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air Pollutants natural gas National lnstitute For Occupational Safety And Health National lnstitute Of Standards And Technology non-methane cutter non-methane organic comPounds non-methane volatile organic compounds nitrogen phosphorus detector New Source Performance Standards Occupational Safety And Health Administration polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons polychlorinated biphenyl compounds plywood and composite wood products Professional Engineer per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) photoionization photoionization detector particulate matter I t t T t I I I I I I I t r I I 26 of 46 G P08 lAS-04 6248-PP -922 ^/i\ f+?,N,T+gp.L PMro PMz.s POM PS PSD PSEL PST PTE PTM oA/oc QI QSTI RA RAA RACT RATA RCTO RICE RM RTO SAM SCD SCR SD Semi-VOST SRM TAP TBD TCA TCD TGNENMOC TGNMOC TGOC THC Trc TO TO TPM TSP TTE ULSD UV VE voc VOST WC WWTP ABBREVIATIONS particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter polycyclic organic matter performance specifi cation particle size distribution plant site emission limits performance specifi cation test permanent total enclosure performance test method quality assurance and quality control Qualified lndividual Qualified Source Testing Individual relative accuracy relative accuracy audit reasonably available control technology relative accuracy test audit rotary concentrator thermal oxidizer stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine reference method regenerative thermal oxidizer sulfuric acid mist sulfur chemiluminescent detector selective catalytic reduction system standard deviation semi-volatile organic compounds sample train standard reference material toxic air pollutant to be determined thermal conductivi$ analyzer thermal conductivity detector total gaseous non-ethane non-methane organic compounds total gaseous non-methane organic compounds total gaseous organic compounds total hydrocarbons tentatively identifi ed compound thermal oxidizer toxic organic (as in EPA Method TO-15) total particulate matter total suspended particulate matter temporary total enclosure ultra-low sulfur diesel ultraviolet radiation range visible emissions volatile organic compounds volatile organic sample train water column waste water treatment plant I T t I I I T t I I T t I I I I I I I27 of 46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 H2 Hzo I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 6/i\ Mq,N,T+Snq,,.E Ag silver As arsenic Ba Be c cd CdS cadmium sulfide CH2O formaldehYde CH3CHO acetaldehYde CftOH methanol CHa methane QHrO ethYlene oxide CzHo ethane CaH4O acrolein CaH6O proPionaldehYde CsHa propane C6H5OH phenol Clz chlorine ClO2 chlorine dioxide CO carbon monoxide Co Coz Cr Cu cobalt carbon dioxide chromium c!pper barium beryllium carbon cadmium CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE Se selenium SOz sultur dioide SOg sulfur trioxide SO, sulfur oxides TCDD tetrachlorodibenzodioxinTCDF tetrachlorodibenzofuran TGOC total gaseous organic concentration THC total hYdrocarbons Tl thallium TRS total reduced sulfur compounds Zn zinc EtO ethylene oxide EIOH ethyl alcohol (ethanol) hydrogen water HtOz hydrogen Peroxide HzS hYdrogen sulfide H2SO4 sulturic acid HCI hydrogen chloride Hg mercuryIPA isoProPYl alcohol MDI methylene diphenyl diisocyanate MeCl2 methYlene chloride MEK methYl ethYl ketone MeOH methanolMn manganeseN2 nitrogen NHs ammonia Ni nickelNO nitric oxide NOz nitrogen dioxide NO, nitrogen oxides 02 orygen P phosPhorus Pb leadPCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins PCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans 28 of 46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 Appendix A.2 Accreditation Informatio n / Certifications Nr\ torIo-CLI@tN\ostoIar{@orL(,ro+lt soo0/ ) q)q)q0BLLo*q0o$\U{\lc\ tq)Lq) 1313q)oq)oLboPqoo 'r J q)Lc)oq) SFi o.9zoar )!o .\ 2 c- E A3 N = () N o 6; s i i] 0 -@ x= o c \ <g € r .- n L U tr O J J Oi - i z _ O EX o o ) .B < E : ^t (l ) - 9 I !.- 7 o+ t . Y -o h o o >d o > O#,_- cPEBf l ; U E. q ) c. 9 ! e -P 3 ,g E P ' o of Hs . Q oo c <' E O or . > 'A .= o c E3 E sz . c ( th b a: 3 !L - k€ P < e& e. , l n t <; o =r c ( J .! ( D u o= o PE T + O' E b8 H h. ! 2 i o 5 e :+ o D tr X c oX o u av , EE j o- - o q a3 @Y o o9 \ -c o- I J lp ; .b g < '= OBd UIC arqU-frrqaHlr {F] /d&HFqaC&Hzc CIC)=o0)oooo-C , Jc. l tosh0 -Lo; ) *)ca sDHdLoeh )as) op )dLLF} ]L o lr l \3q) *) o tr ) \3pLU() ozlozs35oZ c.9+o=Dq)oor-o+ooooJIro(Lco+, .goot4a^CoooEgan IIIIIIITtIIIIIIIIII tNoN>o)-o0)u-ooEsF.N.q-c+Qro+co0) (L Nl Or$l stI @o&lIIII ro+:l IIIIIIItI tr l : v) - oz&; FZz2o, =:€ @NoNNrOo @Eo)aa=(o:f ,oI(Ljo-Y()L(nc)clF cf )Noc{ (f)lOoinf,U)aLLouJko \{$ € GPEA E tr t, -u ) .e P i g tr o = tr c \ u nt L ct ) ED E - o. : o EE S l- - L - { Ee d 9e E 3= F .= , P = Hs fi Ed E od ) S c^ hc (u E HE P 8 iE i E .E G ' F a. o d t G EA S o -. - \ U * , I\ E. H iE +t s .Z .= lr J h EE #o - L. ar .4 . . E .= l F -E€ E }I E8 O SI - - g Eg . * El Et 5 ci EE 2 E 2. 2 . 9 E L( J - =gt r E z EE E t €E g E l- = o o3t , J(,o-co zoIFr!Jo-=oo]LoII JkoIIFuuIC) Appendix rrs" Site Specific Safety Plan G P08 1AS - 04 6248 -PP -922 M MOi{TROSE SITE SAFETY PLAN BOOKLET Project: PRoJ-046248 Customer: UAMPS Location: Pavson. Utah Units: GE Frame 7EA/HRSG Gas-Firec Client Project Manager: Chevnev Guvmon Revision Date: June 29th,2023 33 of 46 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I Page 1 of2 site safety Plan and JHA Purpose and lnstructions Purpose Employee safety is the top priority of Montrose Environmental Group. All employees must be trained to assess and mitigate hazards. The District Manager and Project Manager are responsible to ensure all hlzards have been properly identified and managed. All employees have Stop Work Authority in all situations where an employee feels they or their co-worker cannot perform a job saf![ or if there is a task for which they have not been adequately trained. The Site Safety plan (SSP) has been developed to help assist Montrose test crews with identifying phylical and health hazards and determining how the hazards will be managed. Additionally, t-he SSP will help each crew manage the safety of the employees by providing "r"rg"n"y procedures and information. The booklet contains a several safety forms that may be required in the field. lnstructions The SSP consists of the following: 1. A pre-Mobilization Test plan - To be completed in it's entirety by the client project Manager prior to the test. 2. A Job HazardAnalysis is a standardized, two-page, fillable form that is used to evaluated the taspsite's particular hazards and controls. The form also includes a daily toolbox topic and daily hazaid review with sign off by the team. The client Project Manager is responsible to complete the JHA form through section 8. Upon arrival at the test site, the team will review the form for accuracy, making any corrections required and complete the remainder of the JHA. Section g will require at least three tasks, hazards and controls be identified for the project. Each team member has the option to discuss making changes or adding to the JHA and must sign on the Job HazardAnalysis form in agreement and sign in Section 10. The JHA is to be modified when conditions change. A toolbox meeting with a daity topic in addition to a review of the hazard analysis is required daily for the duration of the test. An additional sheet of paper with the toolbox topic and signatures can be added to the SSP packet. 3. Hazard Control Matrix - contains useful information on both engineering and administrative controls that a crew can use to reduce or eliminate the hazards they have observed plus applicable PPE that may be required. 4. Emergency Action Plan - The Job Supervisor/ Client Project Manager (CPM) will complete the EmJrgenty Action Plan form and ensure that all employees are familiar with the facility em"rg"nJy and evacuation procedures, assembly/ rally points, alert systems, and signals prior to woik commencing. ln the event of an emergency situation/ evacuation, the Job Supervisor/ CpM will maintain a roster and be responsible for accounting for all employees. The Job Supervisor/ CPM will ensure that this Emergency Action Plan Form is completed, communicated to all employees, signed, and posted. 5. Additional Forms, as aPPlicable a. MEWP Lift lnsPection Form b. Heat Stress Prevention Form Based on Heat lndex c. Extended Hours Form 34 of 46 AQS-FRM-1.13R1 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -927 Av^., Mt)N lR(-)\t Page2of 2 Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and lnstructions The SSP is a living document. The Project Manager should continually update their SSPs as new information and conditions change or if new hazards are presented' Each completed SSP should be maintained with the Test Plan in the office for a period of 3 years. There will be an audit process developed for the Site Safety Plans. AQS-FRM-1.13R1 G P0 8 1AS- 04 6248 -PP -92235 of 46 I I I I I I I I I \ r'vit ;,'i r lr\ r rl Page I of 2 PRE-MOBI LIZATION TEST IN FORMATION Source Tvpe: New Source: _ Revisit: X Prj#/Date/Tes6' PROJ-039393/5/29I24ICG & JA CoalFired Electric Utility: - Ethanol Plant: - Chemical Mfg. of CemenULime Kiln Plant - Specialty Mfg. of: Other: Gas-Fired Turbine Anticipated Effluent Composition - check all that apply and fill in expected concentration in ppm/% aztrtrrl CO NOx SOz VOC other lf other, explain: < 10 ppm Co; <10 ppm Nox; 15% 02 Flammable: Toxic: Corrosive: Dust: Engineering Controls to be lmplemented: PROJECT NAMULOCATION:pROJECT g. PROJ-046248 TEST DATEl Dec.3,2024 pROJECT MANAGER: Cheyney Guymon TEST SCOpE; New CEMS Certification - GE Frame 7EA'IHRSG Gas-Fired Turbine EU #2 RATA SITE CONTACT: Name; Dave G"Tr9!1 Contact phone: 801-9254012 I I I t I I I t I I Additional Safety Equipment Required: Personal gas monitors: _ Respiratory Protection: Half Face_ Full Face- HEPA Filters- Supplied Air: - (Safety Dept. Approval) Approximate Flue Gas Temperatures, (F) below 210 21Oto 450 450 to 950 above 950 other lf other, explain: Approximate Duct Pressure, (iwg): ?trtrtr -3 -3 to +3 +3 to +7 above +7 other lf other, n below explain: _ 36 of 46 AQS-FRM-1.17 GP08 1AS-04 6248 -PP -922 ,'*I I I I I I I Page2of 2 Sampling Location: Stack Port _ Approximate Sampling Platform Height, (ft) n below 6 lf other, explain: E 50 to 100 Duct Port _ tr above 100 tr 6to50 Access and Protection: Elevators:Ladders: X Guardrails: X Toe plate: -Other: lvl(.)Nlhrrri PRE.MOBILIZATION TEST I N FORMATION tr other MEWP Lift: _ Scaffold: - Equipment Hoist: -Engineered Tie Off Points: - Heat Shield: - Describe how equipment will be mobilized to the sampling location: Hoisted or hand canied Additional lnformatlon:I I Effluent Chemical Requlatory Limits Gas Name Chemical Formula Ca! OSHA PEL1 (ppm) Cal OSHA STEL2 (oom) NIOSH REL TWA3 (ppm) Cal OSHA Gelllng {oom) IDLH. (ppm) Carbon Monoxide co 25 200 35 200 1,200 Nitric Oxide NO,25 ND5 25 ND 100 Sulfur Dioxide SOz 2 5 2 ND 100 Hvdrooen Chloride HCr 0.3 2 ND 2 50 Hydrogen Sulfide HzS 10 15 10 (10 min.)c 50 100 )alifomia Accupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) based on an l-hour shifr; 2: Cal OSHA Shorl-term Exposure Umit (STEL) based on a 15-minute peiod; 3: National tnstitute for Occupational Safety aid Health (NIOSH) Reammended Exposurc Umit (REL) Time-weighted Avenge (TWA) based on an 8-hour shift; 4: lmmediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH); 5: Not Defined (ND); C: Ceiling Linit' - Maximum allowable human exposure timit for an airbome or gaseous substance, which is nof to bo exceeded, even momentaily. Date: September 30, 2024 I I I I I t IPrepared by: Reviewed by: AQS-FRM-1.17 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I I Joby Dunmire 37 of 46 Date: 3lient UAMPS Contact Name 0d6 Gammoll Date Deember 3, 2024 Facilitv PqEon, Ulah SSP Writer PM IClient Rep I ' Job Preparatlon ft .too Site Walk Through Completed ! site Specific Training Complete fl Sate Work Permit Received from Client lf the heat lndex ls expected to be above 91', flll out the Heat Stress Preventlon Form' 1of3Job Hazard AnalYsis Glasses[SafetyToeShoe/Boot[HearingProtection!SafetySpotter E Hi-Ms Vests E Hamess/Lanyard* [ Goggles E Personal Monitor Type: E Metatarsal Guards E Hot Gloves EJ Face Shield E Respirator Type: E Nomex/FRC E Other PPE: AQS.FRM-1.18 GP08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I lr II rl z.lll I I I I t l. I I I I I 5.I I I Facillty lnformation/Emergoncy Preparedness lf non.emergency medical attontion is needed, call: AXIoM #: 877-502-9466. Plant Emergency # EMS Location Certified First Aid Person: Evacuation Routes Rally Point Severe Weather Shelter Location Eye Wash & Safety Shower Location Operational: EYes EI No lnformatlon: (llst tYPe): Stack Gas femp. ff1 Stack Gas Press. ('H2O) Stack Gas Components: stack Gas tnhatation poter[iiF E]Yes E tto tf y"r, ""ilot ry?z4rd-q!9ntl99l9:- Rlsk El time Pressure E Lack of procedures E Monolonous E Remote Work Location E Extreme temps, wind >30mph E first Oay back afier time off E > 12 hrshift E Personal illnessffatigue EI Wo*ing > 8 consecutive da),s E Vague work guidance E other:E uutttpte joo locations Hazards Dust Hazards Thermal Bum Electrical Hazards lnadequate Lighting Slip and Trip Hand Protection Secondary Permits Working from Heights See also Sect T Electrical Liftng Respiratory See also Sect. 8 Hazards for Consideration Hazard Gontrols fl Dust Mask E Goggles E other: E Hot Gloves El Heat Shields fl ottrer Protective Clothing: El Connections Protected from Elemenb E Extemal GFCI E Other: El Xe nating Requirement E lntrinsically Safe Requirement E] lnstall Temporary Lighting I Headlamps I Housekeeping E Banicade Area EI other: .'ral E etecE Cut Resistant Gloves E Pinch Pts. EI General E Electrical ! lmpact Resistant E other: E Hot wort E Confined space fl Excavation E faning objects E Fa[ protection E Orop zone protection I etatform load ratings E ScafotO inspection E Ladder inspection E Banicades for equipment E Exposed wire/connector E] Verity equipment groundinS tr] Arc Flash I Crane lift plan E] R6ging inspection E tag lines used E xoiss in place E Unexpected exposure E Chemical E Dust (combustible) E PEL provided E cartridoes or supplied air available E] Gas detection 38 of 46 ,ar , tt\ );\ I ltt )ri Additlonal Work Place Hazards Job Hazard Analysis 2of3 t I I I I Crltlcal Procedures - check all that apply -'indicates additional form must be completed or collected from client E Heat Stress Prevention' Et Confined Space* E MEWP* E Roof Work E ScaftotO EICotO Weather Work I Hazardous Energy Control- E Exposure Monitoring f] Other: From Helghts Fall Protection Fal ling Objects Protectlon Fall Hazard Communication iE fixeO Guardrails/Toe boards E fatt Prevention PPE Waming Line System i E ganicaOing tr Netting fl House Keeping flTethered Tools E Catctr Blanket or Tarp i E AdjacenVOverhead Workers E Contractor Contact E Client Contact 8. 9. I I I I I I I I I I I I AQS.FRM-1.18 G P08 1AS-04 6248 -PP -9 22 I I Other Considerations Environmental Hazards - Weather Forccast E] HeaUCotd EUigntning E Rain E Snow E lce E Tomado EIWind Spoed Steps for Mitigation: rctrical Safety Planning plantHookup: Ettov fl22ol24ov E +aov E Generator ElHardwiredintopanel Electrical Classified Area: flYes ! No Trailer Grounded: E Yes EI t'to Plug Type Electrical Hook Up Responsibility: Llst of Hazardous Chemicals E Acetone Ef nitric Rciu Lrrngr unemlgat:'; E Hydrogen Peroxide f] compressed Gases El Hexane ESufuric Acid E lsopropyl Alcohol E Flammable Gas fl Toluene E Hydrochloric Acid E uquiO Nitrogen f] Non-Flammable Gas tl gzs E carbon Monoide Steps for Mitigation: fildlife/Fauna in Area f] Poison ruv E Poison oak Elnsects:IWildlife: Personnel M known allergies to bees stings or other allergens? ! Yes E]tto Observed Hazards and Mitlgation IIIIIIIIItI 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 ,| 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 39 of 46 t ,...y I Job Hazard Analysis 3 of 3 ,\1 i,',\ iirr lri I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I AQS-FRM-1.18 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 JHA REVIEW: CrPw Names & Signatures Prlnted Name Slqnature Date Prlnted Name Slqnature Date Dailv JHA Meetins & Review Items to revlew: o Change in conditions o Extended work hours o Daily Safety Topic e New workers or conhctors r Occunence of near misses or injuries lniilating domonstrates that slte conditions and hazards have not changed from ihe origlna! SSP. lf changes did occur, make the noceasary updates to thls JHA and add notes as applicable in Section 9' Day Dlscusslon Toplc lnltlals 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I t0 11 40 of 46 The Job supewlsor/ cllent proJect Manager (cpM) wlll ensure that all employees are famtllar wlth the faclllty emergency and evacuatlon procedures, a$embly/ rally polnts, alert systems, and signals prior to work commencing. ln the event of an emergenry sltua0on/ evacuailon, the Job supeMior/ GpM trlll malntaln a roster and be responslble for accoJnung for all employees' The Job supervlsor/ GpM wlll ensure that thls Emergenry Acfion Plan Form ls completed, communicated to alt employees, and posted' .uou must follow lhe cllent's emergency actlon plan flrct, and notify your supervisor lmmodlately' .lf incident ls tife threatenlng, GALL 911 IMMEDIATELLY .Enon{morgoncymodlcal "tt*tfon l" neodod, ""tt AXOU M"dl""l ffi /aY-, MtlN lR()lt Page 7 of 2 I I t I I I I I T t T I I T I t I t I 1 MEG Job Supervisor/ CPM's Name: MEG Job Supervisor/ CPM's Telephone Number:2 MEG Job Safety Supervisor (if applicable):3 4 MEG Job Safety Supervisor's Telephone N!'nqg! 5 Plant's Emergency Telephone Number: Loca! Hospital/ Cllnic Telephone Number:6 7 Emergency OPs Radio Ghannel: Ptanfs #l Contact Person's Name:8 I Plant's #l Gontact Person's Telephone Number: 10 Plant's #2 Gontact Penson's Name: 11 Plant's #2 Contact Person's Telephone Number: 12 Designated Assembly Point Location: 13 Evacuation Routes: 14 Severe Weather Shelter Location: 15 Eye Wash and Safety Shower Location: 16 The Flrst Aid Kit ls Located: 17 Ihe Fire Extinguisher is Located: AQS-FRM-1.11 47 of 46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP'922 I I I I I I I I I I t T I t I I I I I rir", M( )N I t(()\t EMERGENCY EVACUATION AND ASSEMBLY MAP Page 2 of 2 1 Facility Name: 2 Facllity Alarm (Clrcle):YES or NO 3 Alarm Tones: CHEMICAU SHELTER.IN.PUCE: ; EVACUA tt?r.,ED. 4 Designated Shelter(s) Description: 5 Deslgnated Assembly Polnt(s) Description: N*4,Y s EMERGENCYACTION PIAN FORM AND EVACUATION ASSEMBLY MAP REVIEW: Crew Names and Signatures Printed Ndme:Signature:Dote:Printed Name:Sianature:Date: AQS.FRM.1.11 42 of 46 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 /j'rllt )N I h\ i\l Page 1 of 1 Daily MEWP Lift lnspection Form All checks must be completed prior to each work shift, before operation of the MEWP lift. This checklist must be used atthe beginning of each shift or following 6 to 8 hours of use. MEWP Lift Model #:Serial Number: Make:Rented or Owned: I I I I I I T t I I I t I I Yes No N/A ntrtr trn! tr tr . Check Yes" if an item is adequate, operational, and safe.. Check "No" to indicate that a repair or other conective action is required prior to use. . Check "N/A" to indicate "Not Applicable.' Items to be lnspected 1. All MEWP lift components are in working condition (i.e. no loose or missing parts, tom or loose hoses, etc.) - if something can be easily loosened by hand then it is not sufficient. 2. Hydraulic fluid level is sufficient, with the platform fully lowered 3. Hydraulic system pressure (see manufacturer specs) is acceptable'- lf the pressure is low, determine cause and repair in accordance with accepted procedures as outlined in service manual. 4. Tires and wheel lug nuts (for tightness) 5. Hoses and cables (i.e. worn areas or chafing) 6. Platform rails and safety gate (no damage present) 7. Pivot pins secure 8. Welds are not cracked and structural members are not bent or broken 9. Waming and instructional labels are legible and secure, and load capacity is clearly marked. 10. Manufacture/s lnstruction Manual is present inside the bucket 1 1. Base controls (switches and push buttons) can be propedy operated 12. Platform conditions are safe (i.e. not slippery) 13. Fire extinguisher is present, mounted and fully charged, located inside the bucket 14. Headlights, safety strobe light and back-up alarm are functional 15. Workplace is free of hazards (overhead powerlines, obstructions, level surface, high winds, etc.) 'Do not operate if winds are 20 mph, unless otherwlse speclfied by manufac'turer recommendations. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr DN !! DD tru nn trtr trtr trtr DN !tr trtr Operator Name & Signature Location Date TGround Control Name & Signature Location Date Harness lnspections:I Printed Name Signature Date I Printed Name Signature Date IPrinted Name Signature 43 of 46 Date AQS.FRM-1.16 G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I t I I /Aaf MoNTROSE Page 1 of 1 Extended Hours SafetY Audit Project Number:Date:Time: When a project is expected to extend past a 14-hour work day, this form must be completed to evaluate the condition of the crew, and the safety of the work environment. permission to proceed into extended work hours must come from a District Manager (DM) or RegionalVice president (RVP). Technical RVPs can authorize moving fonruard, if they are in the field or if they are managing the Project. 1. Hold test crew meetino Test crew initials: The test leader should look for signs of the following in their crews: . lnitability. Lack of motivation. Headaches. Giddiness . Fatigue. Depressionr Reduced alertness, lack of concentration and memory The test leader should assess the environmental and hazardous concems: a a a Temperature and weather Lighting Working from Heights Hoisting PPE (i.e. respirators, etc.) Pollutant concentration in ambient air (SOz, HzS, ect.) a a a Notitu DM or RVP The PM must contact either the DM or RVP to discuss the safety issues that may arise due to the extended work period. lf the DM is the acting PM on the job site, they must contact the RVP. During this time, they can come to an agreement on how to proceed. ltemsto discuss include: a a I a Reason for extended hours Reason for delay Production limitations lmpending Weather Contact the client The pM, DM or RVP must discuss with client any identified safety concems, the client's needs and mutually agree on how to proceed. Discussion should also include the appropriate rest period needed before the next day's work shift can begin. The DM and/or a RVP must be informed on the finaldecision. FlnalOutcome: Approver: OOlAS-SAFETY-FM-3 G P08 lAS-04 6248-PP -92244 of 46 ..1}v ,Vl(,N i ht i'rl Page 1 of 1 Heat Stress Prevention Form This form is to be used when the Expected Heat lndex is above 91" F, and is to be kept with project documentation. Proiect Manager (PM):Eroected Hioh Temp: Date(s):Eroected Heat lndex: Review the signs of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke lf Heat lndex is above 91' F:. provide cold water and/or sports drinks to allfield staff (avoid caffeinated drinks and energy drinks which can increase core temperature). o Bring no less than one gallon of water per employee r If employee(s) are dehydrated, on blood pressure medication or not acclimated to heat, ensure they are aware of the heightened risk for heat illness. Provide cool head bands/vestsietc.. Have ice available to employees. lmplement work shift rotations and breaks, particularly for employees working in direct sunlight.r provide as much shade at the jobsite as possible, including tarps, tents or other acceptable temPorary structures.r pM should interview each field staff periodically to evaluate for signs of heat illness lf Heat lndex is above 103' F:. Employees must stop for drinks and breaks every hour (about 4 cups/hour) . Employees are not permitted to work alone for more than one hour at a time without a break offering shade and drinks. Employees should wear cool bands and vests if working outside more than one hour at a time. PM should interview each field staff every 2 hours to evaluate for signs of heat illness t I I 1. 2. I I I I t I I I t I T I I Falnt or dizzy headache Excessive sweatlnS No sweatlnB ,";;t':-$*,:t".ri-;= ffiI :=r-.r"=o I I t 45 of 45 OOlAS-SAFETY-FM.s G P08 1AS-04 6248-PP -922 This is the Last Page of This Document If you have any questions, please contact one of the following individuals by email or Phone. Name: Cheyney Guymon Title: Field Project Manager Region: Great Plains Region, Utah Office Email : chguymon@montrose-env.com Phone: B0 t-362-4978 Name: Title: Region: Email: Phone: Beckie Hawkins District Manager Great Plains Region, Utah Office behawki ns@ montrose-env. com 80L-794-2950 OcI - 9 2024 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUALIry D]VISION OF AIR OUALITY 46 of 46 GP08 1AS-046248-PP -922