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1 DAQC-1053-24 Site ID 13031 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – PACIFICORP – Lake Side Power Plant THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: October 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: Auxiliary Boiler #2 Contact: Veronica Reyes – 801-796-1916 Location: 1825 North Pioneer Lane, Lindon, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Mostardi Platt FRS ID #: UT0000004904900241 Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit 4900241002 dated July 16, 2021 Subject: Review of Stack Test Protocol Received July 31, 2024 On October 15, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a protocol for testing of the PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Auxiliary Boiler #2, in Vineyard, Utah. Testing will be performed December 13, 2024, to determine compliance with II.B.7.a, II.B.7.b, II.B.7.c, and II.B.7.d. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. RM 1 used to determine sample velocity traverses: OK 2. RM 2 used to determine stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate: OK 3. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 4. RM 4 used to determine moisture content: OK 5. RM 5 used to determine PM content: OK 6. RM 7E used to determine NOx content: OK 7. RM 10 used to determine CO content: OK 8. RM 25A used to determine VOC content: OK 9. RM 202 used to determine CPM emissions: OK DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Send attached protocol review and test date confirmation notice. 6 , 3 Particulate Matter, Volatile Organic Compound, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Monoxide Emissions Test Protocol PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Auxiliary Boiler (AB #2) 1825 N Pioneer Lane, Lindon, Utah Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002 Protocol No. P244704B Crown Point, IN I Mendota Heights, MN I Denver, CO | Henderson, NV Corporate Headquarters 888 Industrial Drive Elmhurst, Illinois 60126 630-993-2100 Particulate Matter, Volatile Organic Compounds, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Monoxide Emissions Test Protocol PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Auxiliary Boiler (AB #2) 1825 N Pioneer Lane, Lindon, Utah Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002 Protocol Date October 11, 2024 Submitted By Daniel Kossack (630) 993-2100, Phone dkossack@mp-mail.com, Email © Copyright 2024 All rights reserved in Mostardi Platt Protocol No. P244704B TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Contact Information ................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................................................... 2 Lake Side Power Plant ............................................................................................................................. 2 Process Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 2 3.0 SPECIFIC TEST PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................. 3 4.0 TEST REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 4.1 Compliance Requirements ................................................................................................................. 4 5.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................. 5 6.0 PROJECT PERSONNEL ............................................................................................................................... 5 7.0 PLANT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 5 8.0 TEST PROCEDURES ................................................................................................................................... 6 Method 1 Sample and Velocity Traverse Determination .......................................................................... 6 Method 2 Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate ....................................................... 6 Method 3A Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Determination ......................................................... 6 Method 4 Moisture (H2O) Determination .................................................................................................. 6 Method 7E Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Determination .................................................................................... 7 Method 10 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination ................................................................................... 7 Method 5 Filterable Particulate Matter Determination .............................................................................. 7 Method 202 Condensable Particulate Matter Determination.................................................................... 8 Method 19 Emission Rate Determination ................................................................................................. 8 Gaseous Sampling Plan ........................................................................................................................... 8 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES..................................................................................................... 9 GENERAL INFORMATION APPENDED QSTI Information Test Section Diagram Sample Train Diagrams Calculation Nomenclature and Formula Calibration Data Field Data Sheets Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 1 © Mostardi Platt 1.0 INTRODUCTION Mostardi Platt will perform a filterable particulate matter (FPM) and condensable PM (CPM) air emissions test program to determine the emissions rate of total filterable PM emissions, filterable PM equal to or less than a nominal aerodynamic diameter of 10 micrometers (PM10), NOx, CO, and volatile organic compounds (VOC) on the auxiliary boiler (AB #2); for PacifiCorp at the Lake Side Power Plant in Lindon, Utah. Testing will be performed to meet the requirements of the Utah Division of Air Quality Title V Operating Permit # 4900241002, the requirements of United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 60 (40CFR60), and 40CFR51, as applicable. 1.1 Project Contact Information The identification of individuals associated with the test program is summarized below. Representative Address Contact Testing Coordinators PacifiCorp 1407 W North Temple, Suite 210 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Mr. Tom Wiscomb Environmental Advisor (801)220-2373Tom.Wiscomb@Pacificorp.com Test Facility Representative PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant 1825 N. Pioneer Lane Vineyard, Utah 84024 Ms. Veronica Reyes Environmental Analyst (801)796-1916Veronica.Reyes@Pacificorp.com Test Company Representative Mostardi Platt 702 West 48th Avenue, Unit A Denver, CO 80216 Mr. Robert Carlisle AET Lead – Denver (630) 993-2100 rcarlisle@mp-mail.com Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 2 © Mostardi Platt 2.0 PROCESS DESCRIPTION Lake Side Power Plant The Lake Side Power Plant comprises four combined-cycle combustion turbines designated CT11, CT12, CT21 and CT22. Process Parameters During each test run, the following specific plant parameters will be collected: •Unit load (MW) •Heat Input The following parameters will be collected at the test location: •Gas temperature •Gas velocity •Gas volumetric flow rate •Oxygen concentration •Carbon dioxide concentration •Carbon monoxide concentration •Nitrogen oxides concentration •Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) concentration •Moisture content •Filterable PM (total) concentration •Filterable PM10 concentration •Filterable PM2.5 concentration •Condensable PM concentration Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 3 © Mostardi Platt 3.0 SPECIFIC TEST PROCEDURES Detailed test procedures are included in Section 6. Complete test runs will be performed in accordance with the following USEPA reference methods as specified in 40CFR60, Appendix A, and 40CFR51, Appendix M. 1.The reference method traverse points will be selected in accordance with USEPA Method1 to ensure acquisition of representative samples of pollutant and diluent concentrationsover the flue gas cross section and to meet the requirements of Performance Specification (P.S.) 2 in Appendix B of 40CFR60 for NOX; P.S. 3 and Method 3A for O2; and P.S. 4 or4A and Method 10 for CO. 2.O2, NOx, and CO tests will be performed using USEPA Methods 3A, 7E, and 10,(40CFR60, Appendix A) respectively, and 40CFR75 (Appendix A) at each location. Aminimum of three (3) tests will be completed consisting of one-hundred-twenty (120)minutes of continuous gaseous monitoring per test run. Sampling will be performed,depending on the results of the stratification test (if applicable), at three points (0.4, 1.2,and 2.0 meters or 17%, 50% and 83% of stack diameter) from the inside wall of theductwork as per P.S. 2, 4, and/or 4A. The average gas effluent concentrations for eachrun will be determined from the average gas concentrations displayed by the gasanalyzers and adjusted for the zero and upscale sampling system bias checksimmediately preceding and following each run. 3.The reference method tests will be conducted so that they will yield results representativeof the pollution concentration and emission rate from each unit and can be correlated withthe measurements from the continuous NOx, CO, and O2 monitoring systems. The O2measurements will be conducted simultaneously with the pollutant concentrations. 4.USEPA Method 5 will be used to determine the concentration of filterable PM10 emissions at the test location. USEPA Method 202 will be used to determine the concentration ofCPM emissions at the test location. A sample of the gas stream will be withdrawnisokinetically from the test location. Method 5 and Method 202 will be run using the same sampling train. Filterable PM will be collected in the nozzle, probe, connecting glassware,and on a glass fiber filter and CPM will be collected in dry impingers. Three (3)approximately one-hundred twenty (~120) minute 5/202 test runs will be performedsampling a minimum of sixty (60) dry standard cubic feet (dscf) per run. Results will bereported in units of pounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu). 5.VOC emissions will be determined in accordance with USEPA Method 25A. Each test willbe one-hundred-twenty (120) minutes in duration with the emissions determined aspounds per million British thermal units (lb/MMBtu). Volumetric flow rate recorded duringPM10 testing using EPA Method 2 will be used to convert all gaseous concentrations toemission rates. 6.If necessary, Tedlar® bags will be collected simultaneously with the Method 25A sampleruns and analyzed off-site to determine the concentration of methane and/or ethane in accordance with method 18. 7.Volumetric flow rate tests will be run in conjunction with 5/202 testing in order to convert the concentrations of PM to a mass emission rate. The volumetric flow rate will bedetermined using USEPA Method 2. Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 4 © Mostardi Platt 8.Oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) test runs will be performed at each location using USEPA Method 3A, (40CFR60, Appendix A, instrumental analyzer method). The averageO2 and CO2 gas effluent concentrations for each run will be determined from the averagegas concentrations displayed by the gas analyzers and adjusted for the zero and upscale sampling system bias checks immediately preceding and following each run. 9.Stack gas moisture content will be determined using USEPA Method 4, 40CFR60,Appendix A as an integrated part of the Method 202 sample train. 10.For PM testing, all particulate matter collected will be reported as PM10 and the following,additional QA/QC will be met: a.All glassware will be washed prior to arrival on-site and re-washed again on=site.Prior to performing testing, a “pre-wash” (or Proof blank) will be performed of allsample surfaces and kept for analysis with other samples.b.A field blank will be performed in between run 1 and 2. After recovering run 1, fieldblank sample train will be set up, heated, leak-checked, and recovered.c.A new probe brush will be used for each unit. d.Resi grade acetone will be used.e.All acetone will be transported to the sire in 1000mL glass containers.f.All samples will be recovered into 250mL glass containers. g.Teflon squeeze bottle will be used for acetone (with the reagent blank to be takenout of this squeeze bottle).h.All samples will be stored in cooler prior to recovery. 4.0 TEST REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Compliance Requirements Source Pollutant Tested Emission Limit Regulation Citation Method Citation AB #2 PM10 0.01 lb/MMBtu Permit 4900241002 II.B.7.a USEPA Method 5, 40CFR60, and USEPA Method 202, 40CFR51 VOC 0.006 lb/MMBtu Permit 4900241002 II.B.7.d USEPA Methods 18 and 25A, 40CFR60 NOx 0.017 lb/MMBtu Permit 4900241002 II.B.7.c USEPA Methods 3A and 7E, 40CFR60 CO 0.037 lb/MMBtu Permit 4900241002 II.B.7.b USEPA Methods 3A and 7E, 40CFR60 Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 5 © Mostardi Platt 5.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Mostardi Platt will provide the scope of services described above according to the following schedule: Day Activity On-Site Hours 12/13/24 Perform compliance testing on AB #2. 10 12/14/24 Break down test equipment & demobilize from site. -- 6.0 PROJECT PERSONNEL Mostardi Platt will provide the following personnel to conduct the scope of services described above: 1 Senior Project Manager 2 Test Engineers 7.0 PLANT REQUIREMENTS Mostardi Platt must be supplied with the following items in order to complete this test program: 1.Safe access to test positions.2.Electrical power 110 V, 30 A, 60 cycle service at the test locations.3. Four-inch test ports cleaned and loose prior to arrival of test crew.4.Sufficient lighting at the test site.5.Safety belts, if required.6.Plant or pollution control equipment-operating data, if required for report.7.Fuel samples, if required. 8.Washroom facilities for use by members of the test crew.9.Steady load during test period.10.All data and summaries required to complete the full report including but not limited to operating data during that period, and factory calibrations and equipment descriptionsrequired for that report.11.Communication between the test location and the control room.12.Parking location to place Mostardi Platt mobile trailer within 200 feet of samplinglocations with access to multiple 110 V, 20 amp, 60-cycle or 220 V, 50 amp, 60-cyclecircuits Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 6 © Mostardi Platt 8.0 TEST PROCEDURES All testing, sampling, analytical, and calibration procedures used for this test program will be performed as described in the 40CFR60, Appendix A, Methods 1, 2, 3A, 4, 5, 7E, 10, 18, 25A and 40CFR51, Appendix M, Method 202; and the latest revisions thereof. The following methodologies will be performed during the test program: Method 1 Sample and Velocity Traverse Determination Test measurement points are selected in accordance with USEPA Method 1, 40CFR60, Appendix A. The characteristics of the measurement locations are summarized below. Sample Point Selection Test Location Stack Diameter Port Length Upstream Distance (in./dia.) Downstream Distance (in./dia.) Test Parameter Number of Sampling Points AB #2 TBD TBD TBD TBD PM10 TBD NOX, O2, CO Stratification: 12 RATA: TBD VOC 3 Method 2 Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate The gas velocity through each test location will be determined in accordance with USEPA Method 2. Velocity pressures are determined by traversing the test location with an S-type pitot tube. A leak check is performed before and after each test to determine if any leakage had occurred during sampling. Temperatures are measured using a K-type thermocouple with a calibrated digital temperature indicator. Average values for stack temperature and stack velocity will be included in report. The molecular weight and moisture content of the gases are determined to permit the calculation of the volumetric flowrate. Method 3A Oxygen (O2) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Determination Flue gas O2 and CO2 concentrations will be determined in accordance with USEPA Method 3A. An ECOM or Servomex analyzer will be used to determine O2 and CO2 concentrations during the particulate sampling. Sample will be drawn continuously from the exhaust gas stream throughout testing. A high- and mid-range calibration is performed using USEPA Protocol calibration gases, and zero nitrogen is used for the O2/CO2 zero. Mid-range and zero calibrations are performed after each test run. Method 4 Moisture (H2O) Determination Stack gas moisture content will be determined using a USEPA Method 4 sampling train. In this technique, stack gas is drawn through a series of four impingers (prepared per USEPA Method 202). The first two impingers are each empty prior to sampling. Impinger three is loaded with 100 ml of deionized water and impinger four is charged with clean, dried silica gel. The entire impinger train is measured or weighed before and after each test run to determine the mass of moisture condensed. During testing, the sample train will be operated in the manner specified in USEPA Method 4. All of the data specified in Method 4 (gas volume, delta H, impinger outlet well temperature, etc.) will be recorded on field data sheets. Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 7 © Mostardi Platt All of the equipment used is calibrated in accordance with the specifications of Method 4. Calibration data will be appended to the final report. Method 7E Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Determination Method 7E, 40CFR60, Appendix A, is used for determining nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions from each source. A gas sample is continuously extracted from the gas stream through a heated sample probe and gas conditioning system. A portion of the sample stream is conveyed via a sampling line to gas analyzers for determination of NOx content. Prior to emissions sampling, the nitric oxide (NO)/NOx analyzer is zeroed and calibrated. High-range, mid-range, and zero gases are introduced into the NOx sampling system. The sample gas manifold is then adjusted for emissions sampling. After each test run, the zeroes are checked and mid-range NOx gas is introduced into the sampling system to check calibration. The chemiluminescent reaction of NO and ozone (O3) provides the basis for this instrument operation. Specifically: lighth where hONOONO223 = ++→+ υ υ Light emission results when electronically excited nitrogen dioxide (NO2) molecules revert to their ground state. To measure NO concentrations, the gas sample to be analyzed is blended with O3 in a reaction chamber. The resulting chemiluminescence is monitored through an optical filter by a high-sensitivity photomultiplier positioned at one end of the chamber. The filter/photomultiplier combination responds to light in a narrow-wavelength band unique to the above reaction (hence, no interference). The output from the photomultiplier is linearly proportional to the NO concentration. To measure NOx concentrations (i.e., NO plus NO2), the sample gas flow is diverted through a NO2-to-NO converter. The chemiluminescent response in the reaction chamber to the converted effluent is linearly proportional to the NOx concentration entering the converter. The instrument is operated in the NOx mode during all tests and calibrations. Method 10 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Determination Stack gas CO concentrations and emission rates are determined in accordance with Method 10. A Thermo Fischer Scientific 48 Series Gas Filter Correlation Carbon Monoxide Analyzer is used to determine CO concentrations, in the manner specified in the Method. The instrument operates in a range of 0 ppm to the high-level span calibration gas to be determined on site. A list of calibration gases used and the results of all calibration and other required quality assurance checks will be appended to the final report. Copies of calibration gas certifications will also be appended to the final report. This testing will meet the performance specifications as outlined in the Method. Calibration gases are Protocol One gases. Method 5 Filterable Particulate Matter Determination Particulate matter will be sampled in accordance with reference test USEPA Method 5, 40CFR60, Appendix A. The particulate matter sampling train is manufactured by Environmental Supply Company and meets all specifications required by Method 5. A glass-lined probe is used. Drawings depicting the sampling ports, test point locations, and sampling trains are appended to Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 8 © Mostardi Platt this protocol. Velocity pressures are determined simultaneously during sampling with a calibrated S-type pitot tube and inclined manometer. All temperatures are measured using K-type thermocouples with calibrated digital temperature indicators. The probe and filter temperatures will be maintained at 248 degrees (+/-25) F during the test program. The filter media are Whatman 934-AH glass microfibre filters exhibiting a ≥ 99.97% efficiency on 0.3-micron DOP smoke particles in accordance with ASTM Standard Method D-2986-71. All sample contact surfaces of the train are washed with HPLC reagent-grade acetone. These washes are placed in sealed and marked containers for analysis. All sample recovery is performed at the test site by the test crew. All final particulate sample analyses are performed by Mostardi Platt personnel at the laboratory in Las Vegas, Nevada. Copies of all sample analysis sheets, explanations of nomenclature and calculations, and raw field data sheets are appended to this protocol. Method 202 Condensable Particulate Matter Determination Stack gas CPM concentrations and emission rates will be determined in accordance with USEPA Method 202, in conjunction with the Method 5 sampling train. This method applies to the determination of CPM emissions from stationary sources. It is intended to represent CPM as material that condenses after passing through a filter and as measured by this method. The CPM is collected in the impinger portion of the Method 5 sampling train. The organic and aqueous fractions are then taken to dryness and weighed. The total of both fractions represents the CPM. The sampling system consists of a condensing coil, followed by a water dropout impinger. One modified Greenburg Smith impinger and an ambient temperature filter follow the water dropout impinger. The impinger contents and condenser coil are immediately purged after each run with nitrogen (N2) to remove dissolved sulfur dioxide (SO2) gases from the impinger contents. The impinger solution is then rinsed with deionized water followed with hexane. The organic and aqueous fractions are then taken to dryness and the residues weighed. A correction is made for any ammonia present due to laboratory analysis procedures. The total of both fractions represents the CPM. Method 19 Emission Rate Determination USEPA Method 19 will be used to calculate the NOx, CO, VOC, and PM10 emission rates from the test locations in units of lb/MMBtu. The calculations will be based on the O2 content of the sample gas and an appropriate F factor, which is the ratio of combustion gas volumes to heat input. An O2 based F factor of 8,710 dscf/MMBtu for combustion of natural gas will be used. Gaseous Sampling Plan Mostardi Platt will complete a minimum of three (3) 120-minute tests at Auxiliary Boiler #2.. The system will be calibrated as described above. Following each mid range-test calibration, a stable on-line response will be regained prior the start of the next run. Data will be collected by a data logger. The actual time of each test will be compared to the output of the monitor taking into consideration response times determined on both the Mostardi Platt and plant CEM system. The determination of emissions will be calculated based on the emissions as reported by each system corrected on the same basis. Protocol No. P244704B – PacifiCorp Lake Side – AB #2 9 © Mostardi Platt 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES Mostardi Platt recognizes the previously described reference methods to be very technique-oriented and attempts to minimize all factors which can increase error by implementing its Quality Assurance Program into every segment of its testing activities. Dry and wet test meters are calibrated according to methods described in the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Sections 3.3.2, 3.4.2 and 3.5.2. Percent error for the wet test meter according to the methods is less than the allowable error of 1.0%. The dry test meters measure the test sample volumes to within 2% at the flowrate and conditions encountered during sampling. Calibration gases are Protocol One gases. Raw data is kept on file at the Mostardi Platt offices in Elmhurst, Illinois. All samples from the test program will be retained for 60 days after the submittal of the report, after which they will be discarded unless Mostardi Platt is advised otherwise. Calculations are performed by computer. An explanation of the nomenclature and calculations along with the complete test results will be appended. Calibration data and copies of the raw field data sheets will also be appended. Mostardi Platt is a self-certified air emissions testing body (AETB) per 40CFR75, Appendix A, Section 6.1.2. The AETB information is summarized below: AETB Information AETB Name/Address: Mostardi Platt 702 W 48th Avenue, Unit A Denver, Co 80216 AETB Phone Number: (630) 993-2100 QSTI Name: Robert Carlisle AETB Email: tplatt@mp-mail.com QSTI Exam Date: 1/8/2021 QSTI: Exam Provider Name: Source Evaluation Society QSTI Exam Provider Email: qstiprogram@gmail.com APPENDIX PARTICULATE MATTER TRAVERSE FOR ROUND DUCTS 2 1 Disturbance MeasurementSite Length> 1/2 Dia. Length> 2 Dia.Disturbance 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 65432 7 8 9 10 12 1 11 1 12 Job: PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Distance from inside wall at port to traverse point: 1. 97.9 % of diameter 2. 93.3 % of diameter Test Location: Auxiliary Boiler (AB #2) 3. 88.2 % of diameter 4. 82.3 % of diameter Stack Diameter (Feet): TBD 5. 75.0 % of diameter 6. 64.4 % of diameter Stack Area (Square Feet): TBD 7. 35.6 % of diameter No. Sample Points Across Diameter: No. of Ports: 8. 9. 25.0 % of diameter 17.7 % of diameter 12 10. 11.8 % of diameter 2 11. 12. 6.7 % of diameter 2.1% of diameter Port Length (Inches): TBD EQUAL AREA TRAVERSE FOR CIRCULAR DUCTS (Stratification Test) 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 2 1 Disturbance MeasurementSite Length> 1/2 Dia. Length> 2 Dia.Disturbance Job: PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: Auxiliary Boiler (AB #2) Stack Diameter: TBD Stack Area: TBD No. Sample Points Across Diameter: 6 No. of Ports: Port Length (Inches): 4 TBD GASEOUS TRAVERSE FOR ROUND DUCTS 1 2 3 1 Disturbance MeasurementSite Length> 1/2 Dia. Length> 2 Dia.Disturbance Job: PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Test Location: Auxiliary Boiler (AB #2) Duct Diameter: TBD Duct Area: TBD No. Sample Points: 3 USEPA Methods 3A, 7E, and 10 Extractive Gaseous Sampling Diagram Heated Probe 3-Way Calibration “T” Heated Line Sample Gas Line Calibration Gas Line Sample Gas Manifold Calibration Gases Data Acquisition and Report Generation Gas Analyzer Moisture Removal System In-Line Filter NOx CO2 O2 CO Exhaust to Safe Location Mostardi Platt Natural Gas Emission Rate Calculations A pollutant emission rate (E), expressed as pounds of pollutant per million Btu heat input from the fuel combusted can be calculated by the following methods: A. C = Cs/7000 where, C = pollutant concentration, lb/dscf cs = pollutant concentration, grains/dscf B. If fuel flow is monitored and the fuel combusted during the test is sampled and analyzed for gross calorific value, then: E = 6sd10GCV (lb/hr) rateflow fuel CQ × hrdscf ,conditions standard atflow gas volumetricdry = Q lbBtu value,calorific gross =GCV Btu million per lbs = E where, sd C. If an integrated gas sample is taken during the test and analyzed for %CO2 or %O2, dry basis by volume, with an approved USEPA Method 3 or 3A gas analyzer, then where,)%O - (20.9 20.9 F C = E or, )(%CO 100F C = E 22c %CO2 and %O2 are expressed as percent values: Fc = a factor representing a ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide generated to the calorific value of the fuel combusted, 1040 scf CO2/million Btu. F = a factor representing a ratio of the volume of dry flue gases generated to the calorific value of the fuel combusted, 8710 dscf/million Btu. D. If fuel sample increments are taken during the test and an ultimate analysis is performed to determine GCV, then []62 3 c 10GCV )(%O 0.46 - (%N) 0.14 + (%S) 0.57 + (%C) 1.53 + (%H) 3.64 = F percent as expressed by weight content carbon=%C where,GCV (%C)10321F × ×= 1. H = Hydrogen, percent 2. C = Carbon, percent 3. S = Sulfur, percent 4. N = Nitrogen, percent 5. O = Oxygen, percent MOSTARDI PLATT Particulate Nomenclature A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct, square feet An = Cross-sectional area of nozzle, square feet Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, by volume Ca = Acetone blank residue concentration, g/g Cacf = Concentration of particulate matter in gas stream at actual conditions, gr/acf Cp = Pitot tube coefficient Cs = Concentration of particulate matter in gas stream, dry basis, corrected to standard conditions, gr/dscf IKV = Isokinetic sampling variance, must be 90.0 % ≤ IKV ≤ 110.0% Md = Dry molecular weight of gas, lb/lb-mole Ms = Molecular weight of gas, wet basis, lb/lb-mole Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 lb/lb-mole ma = Mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, grams Pbar = Barometric pressure at testing site, inches mercury Pg = Static pressure of gas, inches mercury (inches water/13.6) Ps = Absolute pressure of gas, inches mercury = Pbar + Pg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 inches mercury Qacfm = Actual volumetric gas flow rate, acfm Qsd = Dry volumetric gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscfh R = Ideal gas constant, 21.85 inches mercury cubic foot/°R-lb-mole Tm = Dry gas meter temperature, °R Ts = Gas temperature, °R Tstd = Absolute temperature, 528°R Va = Volume of acetone blank, ml Vaw = Volume of acetone used in wash, ml Wa = Weight of residue in acetone wash, grams mn = Total amount of particulate matter collected, grams V1c = Total volume of liquid collected in impingers and silica gel, ml Vm = Volume of gas sample as measured by dry gas meter, dcf Vm(std) = Volume of gas sample measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscf vs = Gas velocity, ft/sec Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in gas sample, corrected to standard conditions, scf Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆H = Average pressure differential across the orifice meter, inches water ∆p = Velocity head of gas, inches water ρa = Density of acetone, 0.7855 g/ml (average) ρw = Density of water, 0.002201 lb/ml θ = Total sampling time, minutes K1 = 17.647 °R/in. Hg K2 = 0.04707 ft3/ml K4 = 0.09450/100 = 0.000945 Kp = Pitot tube constant, %EA = Percent excess air %CO2 = Percent carbon dioxide by volume, dry basis %O2 = Percent oxygen by volume, dry basis %CO = Percent carbon monoxide by volume, dry basis %N2 = Percent nitrogen by volume, dry basis 0.264 = Ratio of O2 to N2 in air, v/v 28 = Molecular weight of N2 or CO 32 = Molecular weight of O2 44 = Molecular weight of CO2 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) ()()()()8549 1 2 . /ft sec lb/lb mole in.Hg R in.H O2 − ° MOSTARDI PLATT Volumetric Flow Nomenclature A = Cross-sectional area of stack or duct, ft2 Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, proportion by volume Cp = Pitot tube coefficient, dimensionless Md = Dry molecular weight of gas, lb/lb-mole Ms = Molecular weight of gas, wet basis, lb/lb-mole Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.0 lb/lb-mole Pbar = Barometric pressure at testing site, in. Hg Pg = Static pressure of gas, in. Hg (in. H2O/13.6) Ps = Absolute pressure of gas, in. Hg = Pbar + Pg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 in. Hg Qacfm = Actual volumetric gas flow rate, acfm Qsd = Dry volumetric gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscf/hr R = Ideal gas constant, 21.85 in. Hg-ft3/°R-lb-mole Ts = Absolute gas temperature, °R Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 528°R vs = Gas velocity, ft/sec Vw(std) = Volume of water vapor in gas sample, corrected to standard conditions, scf Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆p = Velocity head of gas, in. H2O K1 = 17.647 °R/in. Hg %EA = Percent excess air %CO2 = Percent carbon dioxide by volume, dry basis %O2 = Percent oxygen by volume, dry basis %N2 = Percent nitrogen by volume, dry basis 0.264 = Ratio of O2 to N2 in air, v/v 0.28 = Molecular weight of N2 or CO, divided by 100 0.32 = Molecular weight of O2 divided by 100 0.44 = Molecular weight of CO2 divided by 100 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) MOSTARDI PLATT Particulates Calculation Formulas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. aawaaVCWρ= 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. V V M RT P K Vw(std)lc w w std std 2 lc= =ρ m bar m1 std bar m stdmm(std)T ))13.6 H((P Y V K P ))13.6 H((P T T YVV ∆+ = ∆+ = )V(V VB w(std)m(std) w(std) ws += )0.28(%N)0.32(%O)0.44(%COM 222d++= )18.0(B)B(1MM wswsds+−= C m Va a a a =ρ C 15.43K m P V V Tacfins w(std)m(std)s =+ C (15.43 grains gram) (m VSnm(std)=) v K C P T P Mspp s s s =∆ Q v A(60acfmssec/min=) Q (3600 )(1 B ) v T P T P sd sec/hr ws s std s s std =− A ()E (emission rate, lbs hr) Q C 7000 grains lbstds= ()()IKV TV P T v A P 60 1 B K T V P v A 1 B s m(std)std std s n s ws 4 s m(std) s s n ws =−=−θ θ 100%CO) 0.5(%O%N 0.264 %CO) (0.5%O%EA 22 2 × −− −= MOSTARDI PLATT Emission Rate Calculations A pollutant emission rate (E), expressed as pounds of pollutant per million Btu heat input from the fuel combusted can be calculated by several methods as follows: A. C = Cs/7000 where, C = pollutant concentration, lb/dscf cs = pollutant concentration, grains/dscf B. If fuel flow is monitored and the fuel combusted during the test is sampled and analyzed for gross calorific value, then: E = 6sd10GCV (lb/hr) rateflow fuel CQ × dscf/hr ,conditions standard atflow gas volumetricdry = Q Btu/lb value,calorific gross =GCV Btu million per lbs = E where, sd C. If an integrated gas sample is taken during the test and analyzed for %CO2 or %O2, dry basis by volume, with an approved USEPA Method 3 or 3A gas analyzer, then where,)%O - (20.9 20.9 F C = E or, )(%CO 100F C = E 22c %CO2 and %O2 are expressed as percent values: . D. If fuel sample increments are taken and composited during the test and an ultimate analysis is performed and the GCV is determined, then []62 3 c 10GCV )(%O 0.46 - (%N) 0.14 + (%S) 0.57 + (%C) 1.53 + (%H) 3.64 = F percent as expressed by weight content carbon=%C where,GCV (%C)10321F × ×= 1. H = Hydrogen, percent 2. C = Carbon, percent 3. S = Sulfur, percent 4. N = Nitrogen, percent 5. O = Oxygen, percent MOISTURE CALCULATIONS Where: Bws = Water vapor in gas stream, proportion by volume Mw = Molecular weight of water, 18.015 lb/lb-mole Pbar = Barometric pressure at the testing site, in. Hg Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 29.92 in. Hg R = Ideal gas constant, 0.048137 (in. Hg)(ft3)/(g-mole)(°R) = [21.8348(in. Hg)(ft3)/(lb-mole)(°R)]/453.592 g-mole/lb-mole Tm = Absolute average dry gas meter temperature, °R Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 528 °R Vf = Final volume of condenser water, ml Vi = Initial volume of condenser water, ml Vm = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, dcf Vm(std) = Dry gas volume measured by dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vwc(std) = Volume of condensed water vapor, corrected to standard conditions, scf Vwsg(std) = Volume of water vapor collected in silica gel, corrected to standard conditions, scf Wf = Final weight of silica gel, g Wi = Initial weight of silica gel, g Y = Dry gas meter calibration factor ∆H = Average pressure exerted on dry gas meter outlet by gas sample bag, in. H2O ρw = Density of water, 0.9982 g/ml 13.6 = Specific gravity of mercury (Hg) 17.64 = Tstd/Pstd 0.04707 = ft3/ml 0.04715 = ft3/g V (V V ) R T P M 0.04707(V V ) V (W W ) R T P M 0.04715 (W W ) V 17.64 V Y P H 13.6 T B V V V V V wc(std)f i w std std w f i wsg(std)f i std std w f i m(std)m bar m ws wc(std)wsg(std) wc(std)wsg(std)m(std) =−=− =−=− = + =+ ++ ρ ∆ MOSTARDI PLATT ppm Conversion Calculations and Factors ppm to lbs/scf (ppm X) x (conversion factor X) = X lbs/scf lbs/scf to lbs/hr Dry ppm’s with dry flow, and wet ppm’s with wet flow. (X lbs/scf) x (airflow scf/min) x (60 min/hr) = X lbs/hr lbs/scf to lbs/mmBtu Dry ppm’s with dry diluent, and wet ppm’s with wet diluent. CO2 – (X lbs/scf) x (Fc) x (100/CO2) = X lbs/mmBtu O2 – (X lbs/scf) x (Fd) x (20.9/(20.9-O2)) = X lbs/mmBtu Conversion Factors NOx – 1.19396 x 10-7 CO – 7.2664 x 10-8 MOSTARDI PLATT Procedures for Calibration Nozzles The nozzles are measured according to Method 5, Section 5.1 Dry Gas Meters The test meters are calibrated according to Method 5, Section 5.3 and “Procedures for Calibrating and Using Dry Gas Volume Meters as Calibration Standards” by P.R. Westlin and R.T. Shigehara, March 10, 1978. Analytical Balance The accuracy of the analytical balance is checked with Class S, Stainless Steel Type 303 weights manufactured by F. Hopken and Son, Jersey City, New Jersey. Temperature Sensing Devices The potentiometer and thermocouples are calibrated utilizing a NBS traceable millivolt source. Pitot Tubes The pitot tubes utilized during this test program are manufactured according to the specification described and illustrated in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60, Appendix A, Methods 1 and 2. The pitot tubes comply with the alignment specifications in Method 2, Section 4; and the pitot tube assemblies are in compliance with specifications in the same section. Dry Gas Meter/Control Module Calibration Diagram Standard Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Stack Temperature Calibrator Air-Tight Pump Orifice Incline Gauge Temperature Sensor Temperature Sensors Air Inlet Temperature Display Dry Gas Meter No.CM-1 Date: Standard Meter No.Calibrated By: Standard Meter (Y)Barometric Pressure: Orifice Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Standard Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Dry Gas Meter Setting in H2O Gas Volume Gas Volume Temp. Fo Inlet Temp. Fo Outlet Temp. Fo Avg. Temp. Fo Time Time Chg (H)vr vd tr tdi tdo td Min Sec Y Chg (H) Final Initial Difference 1 0.20 Final Initial Difference 2 0.50 Final Initial Difference 3 0.70 Final Initial Difference 4 0.90 Final Initial Difference 5 1.20 Final Initial Difference 6 2.00 Average Run Number Stack Temperature Sensor Calibration Meter Box # :CM-1 Name : Ambient Temperature :oF Date : Calibrator Model # : Serial # : Date Of Certification : Primary Standards Directly Traceable National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 0 250 600 1200 (Ref. Temp., oF + 460) - (Test Therm. Temp., oF + 460)* 100 <= 1.5 % Ref. Temp., oF + 460 Thermometer Temperature (o F) 0.0 0.0 0.0 Temperature Difference % 0.0 Reference Source Temperature (o F) Test Nozzle Calibration Sheet PM 10 Set #1 Nominal Diameter 0.128 0.138 0.154 0.170 0.186 0.200 Other Nozzle Diameter .128 0.138 .154 0.174 0.186 .200 Nozzle Identification Number 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 S TYPE PITOT TUBE INSPECTION FORM Pitot Tube No:1 Date:Inspectors Name: Pitot tube assembly level?x yes no Pitot tube openings damaged? yes (explain below)x no a1 =1 o (<10o),a2 =1 o (<10o)z = A sin g =0.008 (in.); (<0.125 in.) b1 =0 o (<5o),b2 =2 o (<5o)w = A sin q =0.025 (in.); (<0.03125 in.) γ =0.5 ο , θ =1.5 o ,A =0.938 (in.)PA =0.477 (in.), PB =0.477 (in.), Dt =0.375 (in.) Calibration required?yes x no PART 75 GASEOUS FIELD DATA SHEET Project Number: Date: Client: Operator: Test Location: Fuel Factor: Time Reference Method Data Volumetric Flow Data Test Start End NOX ppm SO2 ppm O2 % Time scfh, RM Data scfh, CEM Data Calibration Corrected RM Data CEM Data Test NOX ppm CO ppm O2 % NOX lb/MMBtu NOX ppm CO ppm O2 % NOX lb/MMBtu GASEOUS CALIBRATION SUMMARY Cal Run Cal Level Test Location Cylinder ID Serial Number Cal Gas Type Cal Time Expected Cal Value Actual Response Difference (% of cal value) Drift (% of span) Cylinder Pressure Pre 1 Zero N/A Low N/A Mid N/A High N/A Post 1/ Pre 2 Zero Low Mid High Post 2/ Pre 3 Zero Low Mid High Post 3 Zero Low Mid High Zero Low Mid High Zero Low Mid High Project: Date: Client: Operator: Location: Analyzer ID: Analyzer Range: CALIBRATION SUMMARY Project Number: Date: Client: Operator: Test Location: Box Truck: Analyzer Type, S/N, and Span Cal Level Cylinder ID Serial Number Expected Cal Value Actual Response Difference As % of Span Cylinder Pressure (psi) Cylinder Expiration Date CO2 Zero Mid High O2 Zero Mid High Mostardi Platt Chain-of-Custody Form Project Number: Date Results Required: Client: TAT Required: Plant/Test Location: Project Supervisor: Sample Number Sample Date Sample Point Identification # of Conts Sub Lab Analysis Required Volume, mls 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 Delivered to Lab by: Date/Time: Received by: Date/Time: Processed by: Date/Time: Laboratory Notes: Isokinetic Sampling Cover Sheet Client: Pitot Tube Cp: Facility: Probe Length (Feet): Test Location: Probe Liner Material: Project #: Sample Plane: Hrztl. or Vert. Test Method(s): Port Length (“): Test Engineer: Port Diameter (“): Test Technician: Port Type: Upstream Diameters: Duct Shape: Circ. or Rect. Downstream Diameters: Diameter (Feet): # of Ports Sampled: Length (Feet): # of Points per Port: Width (Feet): Source Condition: Duct Area (Sq. Feet): Diluent Model/SN: Minutes per Point: Mid Gas ID/concentration: /%CO2 %O2 Total Traverse Points: High Gas ID/concentration: /%CO2 %O2 Test Length (Min.): Moisture Balance ID: Train Type: R# R# R# Meter ID: Pitot ID: Filter ID: Filter Pre-Weight (g): Nozzle Diameter (“): Meter Cal Factor (Y): Meter Orifice Setting (ΔH): Nozzle Kit ID: Individual Nozzle ID: Pre Pitot Leak Check: @ “H2O @ “H2O @ “H2O Post Pitot Leak Check: @ “H2O @ “H2O @ “H2O Pre Nozzle Leak Check: @ “Hg @ “Hg @ “Hg Post Nozzle Leak Check: @ “Hg @ “Hg @ “Hg Barometric Pressure,“Hg: Static Pressure, “H2O: CO2 %: O2 %: Comments: DS-004 Isokinetic Sampling Cover Sheet Rev. 3.2 1/1/2021 Isokinetic Sampling Field Data Sheet Project Number: Date: Test Number: Client: Test Location: Operator: Test Tech: Plant: Test Method: Page Number: of Port- Point # Time (∆P) K1 = K1 x ∆P Orifice Setting (∆H) Meter Volume (Vm) ft3, Actual Stack Temp, °F Meter Temp Inlet, °F Meter Temp Outlet, °F Pump Vacuum, “Hg Probe Temp. °F Filter Temp. °F Impinger Outlet Well Temp. °F K-Calcs (Optional) K= x Square Root, ∆P Meter Rate, Cubic Feet/ Min. Theoretical Meter Volume, (Vm) ft3, per point Theoretical Meter Volume, (Vm) ft3, total DS-005 M5 Isokinetic Field Data Sheet Rev. 2.2 1/1/2021