HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-012551Utah Department Of Environmental Quality
Division Of Drinking Water Sanitary Survey
Sanitary Survey
General System Information
Exception Granted: R309-510-8 | SEE PREVIOUS EXCEPTION ENTRY
Site Visit Date Surveyor Name
10/18/2024 Tom McOmie
ZOLLINGER WAREHOUSE PWS ID: UTAH03052 Rating: Approved 04/09/1996 Active
1 Admin Contact (AC) [ eMail address is REQUIRED ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name: LANCE
*Address: Redacted
*City: LOGAN
*State: UT
*Zip: 84321
*Phone: 435-753-1122
2 Legal Contact (LC) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Address: 695 W 1700 S, Building 7
*City: LOGAN
*State: UT
*Zip: 84321
*Email: lance@zollingerllc.com
*Phone: 435-753-1122
DEQ | Drinking Water
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Site Visit Info
3 Owner Contact (OW) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Organization: ZOLLINGER'S
*Address: 695 W 1700 S, Building 7
*City: LOGAN
*State: UT
*Zip: 84321
*Email: lance@zollingerllc.com
*Phone: 435-753-1122
4 Direct Operator in Charge (DO) [ if no eMail address is available, enter
NoeMail@utah.gov ]
MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be
designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such
be supplied to the Division.
*First Name: GARY M
*Last Name: LARSEN
*Address: 278 East 200 South
*State: UT
*Zip: 84320
*Email: glarsen014@gmail.com
*Phone: 435-770-2450
5 Does the system serve a Residential population?N
6 Does the system serve a Transient population? (A transient population is a rotating
population that is served by a water system that does not remain in the jurisdiction of
the water system for long periods of time. Examples of a transient population include,
but are not limited to, campers at a campground, users of a highway rest stop, skiers
at a ski resort, guests at a hotel, or patrons of a restaurant or a shopping center.)
7 Does the system serve a Non-Transient population? (A non-transient population is a
population served by a water system that is the same population being served by the
system for at least six months of the year, but is not a resident in the system.
Examples of a non-transient population include, but are not limited to, employees of a
restaurant, shop, or ski resort; teachers and students at a school, day-care center, or
church; doctors, nurses, and other employees at a hospital or healthcare clinic.)
7A Population - Non-Transient 200
7B Operating Period (Start Date) - Non-Transient 01/01
7C Operating Period (End Date) - Non-Transient 12/31
8 Population - Wholesale :0
9 Residential Connections:0
10 Commercial Connections:24
11 Industrial Connections:0
12 Agricultural Connections:0
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Management and Operations
13 Date of Survey (First Day of Field Work)10/18/2024
14 Date of Survey (Last Day of Field Work) ** this should match the Date of Survey in the
header **
15 Date final report sent to system (questionnaire, deficiency report and capacity
16 Water system representative present during the survey:Yes (Notes: Lance Zollinger)
17 How much time was spent to prepare survey documents prior to field survey? (Round
up to nearest quarter hour)
1 Hour
18 How much time was spent to complete the field survey (arrival to completion; include
travel time between water system facilities)? (Round up to nearest quarter hour)
19 How much time was spent traveling from the office to system and back again at the
end of the field survey? (Round up to nearest quarter hour)
20 How much time did it take to finish the Survey Report? (Round up to nearest quarter
21 Did you survey multiple water systems in one trip? ... if yes, answer the following
21A If yes, how many?1 (Notes: Trenton Town)
22 For a community water system with water sources that require power to produce
sufficient flow, system is equipped with standby power option.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S033 | R309-515-6(2)(a) | Rule requires a community water system
without naturally flowing water sources, such as springs or flowing wells, to have one
or more of the system's sources equipped for operation during power outages. To
ensure continuous service when the primary power has been interrupted, a redundant
power supply is required. A redundant power supply may include a transfer switch for
auxiliary power such as a generator or a power supply service with coverage from two
independent substations. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days
of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
23 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through or in
MODIFICATIONS, IF APPLICABLE] [undocumented sources are covered in a
different question]
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
24 Are there any individual home booster pumps installed in the distribution system (not
for fire suppression)?
SIG | 50pts | SM | M008 | R309-550-11(3) | R309-550-11(3)
25 Does the system haul water?N
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Cross Connection and Operator Certification
26 For a community system serving 100 or more connections, at least 2 water sources
are available.
SIG | 50pts | SO | TGR7 | R309-515-4(3) | Rule requires Community Water Systems
serving more than 100 connections to have a minimum of two sources except where
served by a water treatment plant. This significant deficiency must be corrected within
120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
27 Does system have a consecutive connection to another water system not listed in the
SOURCE section of Waterlink Report? If yes, answer the following question(s)
28 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required source capacity? (USE
29 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required storage capacity DUE
30 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required equalization storage capacity
for indoor/outdoor demands (but not because of fire suppression needs)? (USE
31 Does your water system have an Emergency Response Plan?
REC | 0pts | SM | M001 | R309-105-18 | All suppliers are advised to develop
contingency plans to cope with possible emergency situations. In many areas of the
state the possibility of earthquake damage shall be realistically considered.
32 Does your Emergency Response Plan address cybersecurity? (required for systems
over 3,300 population)
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
NA (Notes: Less then 3,300)
33 Does your water system use any computers, laptops, phones, tablets, or any other
computer systems to manage, operate, or maintain the PWS (SCADA or Industrial
Control Systems)? This includes any water sources, treatment, distribution or any
process related to operation function
34 Does your water system use any computer systems in regular business operations
such as accounting, billing, payroll, human resources, or management?
35 Legally adopted authority statement
MIN | 15pts | SM | M003 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes a legally adopted and functional
local authority to enforce the program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw, or policy).
36 Documentation of annual public awareness and/or employee training
MIN | 15pts | SM | M004 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes providing public education or
awareness material or presentations.
37 Documentation of personnel trained to manage the program (ALL COMUNITY
MIN | 15pts | SM | M005 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes an operator with adequate
training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention.
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General Maintenance and Environment
38 Does the water system have detailed records of cross connection control activities?
(inventories of backflow assemblies, devices, and air gaps installed within the system)
MIN | 15pts | SM | M006 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes written records of cross
connection control activities.
39 Does the water system have records of on-going enforcement activities? (test history,
enforcement activities, hazard assessments)
MIN | 15pts | SM | M007 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to
have a cross connection control program that includes test history and documentation
of on-going enforcement activities.
40 Operator meets required level of certification for water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED
SIG | 50pts | OC | C001 | R309-105-11, R309-300-5(3) | Rule requires every
community and NTNC water system and public water systems that utilize
treatment/filtration to have at least one operator certified at the classified grade of the
water system. Certification must be appropriate for the type of system operated
(treatment and/or distribution). This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120
days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
41 Certified operator is within 1 hour travel time of water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED
MIN | 0pts | OC | C002 | R309-300-5(14) | Rule requires the operator to be within 1
hour travel time, under normal work and home conditions, of each drinking water
system for which he is considered in direct responsible charge.
42 Are there any visual indications of unsanitary conditions?
SIG | 50pts | SM | M017 | R309-200-6, R309-105-18, R309-215-4(3) | R309-200-6 The
Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels for public water systems deals with
substances which affect the aesthetic quality of drinking water. They are presented
here as recommended limits or ranges and are not grounds for rejection. The taste of
water may be unpleasant and the usefulness of the water may be impaired if these
standards are significantly exceeded.
R309-105-18 The Director or the local health department shall be informed by
telephone by a water supplier of any "emergency situation". The term "emergency
R309-215-4(3) If the water fails to meet minimum standards, then certain public
notification procedures shall be carried out, as outlined in R309-220. Water suppliers
shall also keep analytical records in their possession, for a required length of time, as
outlined in R309-105-17.
43 No unprotected connection between the distribution system and a source of
contamination. (If there is an unprotected connection, describe the location in detail.)
SIG | 50pts | DS | D009 | R309-550-5(11) | R309-550-5(11)
44 Are air release/vacuum valves in the distribution system? ... if yes, answer the
following question(s)
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General Disinfection
45 Water system has a program to maintain, operate, or control the use of fire hydrants.
REC | 0pts | DS | D012 | N/A | Fire hydrants provide a direct access to the water in the
distribution system. In order to protect the quality and integrity of the water, fire
hydrant access should be controlled.
46 Blow offs or air release valves are not directly connected to a sanitary sewer line.
SIG | 50pts | DS | D013 | R309-550-6(5)(a), R309-550-6(6)(c) and (7)(a) | Rule states
blow-offs or air relief valves shall not be connected directly to a sewer. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
47 Blow offs or air release valves do not discharge below flood level in ditches or
SIG | 50pts | DS | D016 | R309-550-9(1) and (2), R309-550-13(2) | R309-550-9(1 & 3)
48 All water mains installed after 1995 that provide fire flow are at least 8 inches in
MIN | 15pts | DS | D019 | R309-550-5(4) & (5) | Rule states that the minimum line size
serving a fire hydrant lateral shall be 8-inch diameter unless a hydraulic analysis
indicates that required flow and pressures can be maintained by 6-inch lines.
49 Distribution system capable of providing minimum pressure of 20 psi at all service
SIG | 50pts | DS | D003 | R309-105-9, R309-550-5(1) | Rule states the distribution
system shall maintain minimum pressures as required by R309-105-9 at all points of
connection under all flow conditions. This significant deficiency must be corrected
within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
50 Was the water system constructed or new portions added after January 1, 2007? ... if
yes, answer the following question(s)
51 Water system follows AWWA disinfection procedures for new, repaired, or seasonal
water mains and tanks.
SIG | 25pts | MR | D018 | R309-550-8(10) | All new and repaired water mains and
appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
52 How often do you periodically disinfect any or all parts of your water system (i.e. batch
disinfection) other than for repairs or maintenance?
SIG | 50pts | SM | G006 | R309-105-6(1)(a), R309-500-6 | R309-105-6(1) Approval of
Engineering Plans and Specifications
R309-500-6 Plan Approval Procedure.
53 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance:
Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and
can not be inspected.
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WS002 - WELL #2 - Inactive (AB - ABANDONED)
WS003 - WELL # 3 - Inactive (AB - ABANDONED)
53A Is the facility incapable of allowing water or contamination to enter the drinking water
system? Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 100pts | SM | A100 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
53B Is the facility physically disconnected from supplying water to the distribution system?
Guidance: Is the equipment, pipe, etc, physically removed, disconnected.
Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 50pts | SM | A075 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
54 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance:
Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and
can not be inspected.
54A Is the facility incapable of allowing water or contamination to enter the drinking water
system? Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 100pts | SM | A100 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
54B Is the facility physically disconnected from supplying water to the distribution system?
Guidance: Is the equipment, pipe, etc, physically removed, disconnected.
Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 50pts | SM | A075 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
55 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance:
Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and
can not be inspected.
55A Is the facility incapable of allowing water or contamination to enter the drinking water
system? Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 100pts | SM | A100 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
55B Is the facility physically disconnected from supplying water to the distribution system?
Guidance: Is the equipment, pipe, etc, physically removed, disconnected.
Yes(compliant) No(complete full question set for facility type and notify DDW)
SIG | 50pts | SM | A075 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the
directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall
be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public
health and the underlying basis for the original directive.
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56 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
57 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01
58 Operating Period (Ending Date)12/31
59 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water
SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) |
R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to
be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
60 Well casing is at least 18 inches above finished ground surface and 12 inches above
well house floor.
SIG | 25pts | SO | S003 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(c)(ii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) | Rule requires the permanent well casing to project at least 18 inches above
the final ground surface and 12 inches above the pump house floor; at sites subject to
flooding, the top of the casing must terminate at least 3 feet above the 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation, whichever is higher. This significant deficiency
must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan
approved by DDW.
61 Wellhead is sealed to prevent contamination.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S013 | R309-515-6(6)(i) | R309-515-6(6)(i) and R309-515-
6(12)(b,c,d)require a sanitary seal be installed and maintained at the wellhead and
discharge piping. This significant deficiency should be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by
62 Is the well casing vented? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
63 Does the well have a pump to waste line? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N
64 Provisions available to periodically measure water levels
Exception Granted: R309-515-6(12)(e) | The Zollinger Well (WS001) is an artisanal
well that is always flowing, therefore the discharge piping is always under constant
pressure. There is no equipment in place to measure water level, or release trapped
air in the well water. Additionally, the system does not have an finished water storage.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S015 | R309-515-6(12)(e ), R309-515-6(12)(c)(vi) | Rule requires
provisions be made to permit periodic measurement of water levels in the completed
C (Notes: The Zollinger Well (WS001) is an
artisanal well that is always flowing,
therefore the discharge piping is always
under constant pressure. There is no
equipment in place to measure water level,
or release trapped air in the well water.
Additionally, the system does not have an
finished water storage)
65 Wellhead secured to protect quality water
SIG | 25pts | SO | S002 | R309-105-10(5) | All water system facilities shall be secure.
This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
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66 Well head or well house and equipment protected from flooding
SIG | 25pts | SO | S020 | R309-515-6(6)(b)(vi), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii), R309-515-
6(13)(a) to (d) | Top of well casing shall terminate at least 18” above ground level or
12” above well house floor and for sites that flood at least 3’ above 100-year flood
level or highest known flood elevation. Well casing terminating in underground vault
shall have a drain to daylight and surface runoff directed away from vault access. Well
house floor shall be sloped for drainage, and have a drain to daylight unless highly
impractical. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification
or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
67 There are no unprotected cross-connections in well discharge piping.
SIG | 50pts | SO | S021 | R309-105-12(1), R309-515-6(12)(d)(iii) | Rule requires the
well discharge piping to be protected against the entrance of contamination. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
68 No toxic chemicals, hazardous or flammable materials, or lubricants inside the well
house or near well head?
MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for
regulatory followup to address concerns.
69 Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water
before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S023 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a
means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the
first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item)
70 Well discharge line has a check valve.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S024 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
71 Well discharge line has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S025 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
72 Well discharge line has a means to measure flow.
MIN | 5pts | SO | S026 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
D (Notes: Existing Deficiently)
73 Well discharge line has a shut-off valve (last item from the well head).
MIN | 5pts | SO | S027 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv) | Rule requires the discharge piping to
be equipped with (in order of placement from the wellhead) a smooth nosed sampling
tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve.
74 Is there an air/vac valve on the well discharge line? If yes, answer the following
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PF001 - ZOLLINGER PRESSURE PUMPS -- Pump Stations - Active
75 Wells that pump directly into a distribution system have means to release trapped air
from pump discharge piping (for example, pumps directly to a tank, has an air release
valve or pump to waste line)
Exception Granted: R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | SEE PREVIOUS EXCEPTION ENTRY
MIN | 5pts | SO | SL01 | R309-515-6(12)(d)(v) | Rule requires a well that pumps
directly into the distribution system be equipped with an air release/vacuum relief valve
located upstream of the check valve, unless the wellhead valve and piping provide for
pumping to waste all trapped air before water is introduced into the distribution
76 Does well require oil-lubrication?N
77 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A
78 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations,
treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW
SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2)
and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water
projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not
started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must
be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved
by DDW.
79 Pump Type (Centrifugal, Hand pump, Jet, Positive Displacement, Screw, Submersible,
Vertical turbine)
80 If the pump station is used to pressurize the distribution system, does it have at least
two functioning pumping units? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS18 | R309-540-5(4)(b) | Rule states inline booster pumps,
withdrawing water directly from distribution lines without storage and feeding water
directly into distribution lines, shall have at least two pumping units. This significant
deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action
plan approved by DDW.
80A Demand is met by remaining pump(s) when largest pumping unit out of service
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS19 | R309-540-3(a) | Inline booster pumps shall have at least two
pumping units (such that with any one pump out of service, the remaining pump or
pumps shall be capable of providing the peak day demand of the specific portion of
the system serviced). This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
81 Pump station building and equipment are protected from flooding.
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS13 | R309-540-5(1)(a)(ii), R309-540-5(2)(a)(iii) | Pump station
access shall be 6" above surrounding ground and located at least 3’ above 100-year
flood elevation or highest recorded flood elevation; station is accessible at all times
unless it can be taken out of service when inaccessible.
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82 There are no unprotected cross-connections in the pump station.
SIG | 50pts | PU | PS15 | R309-105-12(1) | Cross connections are not allowed unless
controlled by an approved and properly operating backflow prevention assembly or
device. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or
have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
83 Discharge piping has a pressure gauge.
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS03 | R309-540-5 (6)(c)(i) | Rule requires that a standard pressure
gauge be installed on the pump discharge line.
84 Does the pumping facility have an air relief valve located on the discharge piping? ... if
yes, answer the following question(s)
84A End of air relief piping downturned
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS12 | R309-550-6(6)(b), R309-540-6(2) | The open end of the air
relief vent pipe from automatic valves shall be provided with a downward elbow. This
significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a
corrective action plan approved by DDW.
84B End of air relief piping covered with #14 mesh screen
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS10 | R309-550-6(6)(b), R309-540-6(2) | The open end of the air
relief vent pipe from automatic valves shall be provided with a #14 mesh, non-
corrodible screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of
notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW.
84C End of air relief piping terminates at least 6 inches above floor
SIG | 25pts | PU | PS11 | R309-550-6(6)(b), R309-540-6(2) | Rule requires that an air
release valve discharge line terminate a minimum of 6 inches above the floor.
85 Pump station properly secured
MIN | 15pts | PU | PS33 | R309-540-5(1)(a)(v) | The pump station is protected to
prevent vandalism and entrance by animals or unauthorized persons.
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