HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0110081 DAQC-CI141190001-24 Site ID 14119 (B1) MEMORANDUM TO: FILE – GREEN NATURAL VENTURES LLC – Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Manager FROM: Kyle Greenberg, Environmental Scientist DATE: October 10, 2024 SUBJECT: FULL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION, Minor, San Juan County INSPECTION DATE: September 11, 2024 SOURCE LOCATION: Remote location near Moab San Juan County, UT 84532 DIRECTIONS: Leaving from Moab, take Highway 191 south bound towards Monticello, turn left onto UT-46. Turn right onto CR 113/Lisbon Road. Continue to follow CR-113 for 5.7 miles as it curves. Take the Lisbon Valley Coal Mine Exit and continue for approximately 7.5 miles. It is located on the northeast side in a fenced area. The company has posted a sign on the entrance gate. SOURCE CONTACTS: Ken Lapham klapham@gng-partners.com OPERATING STATUS: Operating PROCESS DESCRIPTION: The Bullhorn natural gas compression station is equipped with two turbine powered compressor engine. The engines compress and pumps liquid natural gas. The gas is delivered to the sales pipeline. Natural gas is used to power the engines. The Bullhorn Pumping Station is equipped with a control house that contains monitoring equipment and a satellite down link so that the main office can monitor and control the turbines through satellite transmission. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN141190010-21, dated February 12, 2021; 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ; 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart HH; 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO 2 SOURCE EVALUATION: Name of Permittee: Permitted Location: Green Natural Ventures LLC - Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station 600 Travis Street, Suite 5050 38.18173308 -109.1766821 Houston, TX 77002 San Juan County, UT 84532 SIC Code: 1311: (Crude Petroleum and Natural Gas) Section I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] Status: In Compliance. In compliance with all conditions of Section I. 3 Section II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.A The approved installations shall consist of the following equipment: II.A.1 Compressor Station Plant Wide II.A.2 Two (2) Compressor Engines Ratings: 1,170 hp and 1,380 hp (new) Fuel: Natural Gas Control: Oxidation Catalyst, each II.A.3 One (1) TEG Dehydration Unit Rating: 30 MMscf/day II.A.4 Two (2) Condensate Storage Tanks Capacity: 16,800 gallons (400 bbls), each II.A.5 Two (2) Generator Engines Ratings: 325 hp and 301 hp Fuel: Natural Gas Control: Non-Selective Catalytic Reactor (NSCR), each Status: In Compliance. There is one CAT 3516 LE compressor engine and one Caterpillar 3516 B compressor engine, a dehydration unit, two 400 bbl condensate storage tanks, and two natural gas fired CAT 3406 generator engines operating at this site. The dehydration unit is equipped with a 750k btu/hr reboiler. One of the storage tanks is equipped with a 500k btu/hr tank heater that is not operational. No unapproved equipment was observed. II.B Requirements and Limitations II.B.1 The Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station Requirements: II.B.1.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary point or fugitive emission source on site to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3] Status: In Compliance. Green Natural Ventures records reviewed by Ken Lapham do not show the visible emission opacity limits being exceeded. II.B.2 Stack Testing Requirement II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall conduct any stack testing required by this AO according to the following conditions. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial stack test on the new 1380 hp Compressor Engine within 180 days after startup. [R307-165-2] II.B.2.a.2 Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include the items contained in R307-165-3. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-165-3, R307-401-8] 4 II.B.2.a.3 Testing & Test Conditions The owner/operator shall conduct testing according to the approved source test protocol and according to the test conditions contained in R307-165-4. [R307-165-4, R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.4 Standard Conditions A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K) B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa) C. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method [40 CFR 60 Subpart A, 40 CFR 63 Subpart A, R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.5 Access The owner/operator shall provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-approved access to the test location. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.6 Reporting No later than 60 days after completing a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a written report of the results from the stack testing to the Director. The report shall include validated results and supporting information. [R307-165-5, R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.7 Possible Rejection of Test Results The Director may reject stack testing results if the test did not follow the approved source test protocol or for a reason specified in R307-165-6. [R307-165-6, R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.8 Calculations To determine mass emission rates (lb/hr, etc.) the pollutant concentration as determined by the appropriate methods above shall be multiplied by the volumetric flow rate and any necessary conversion factors determined by the Director, to give the results in the specified units of the emission limitation. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.9 New Source Operation For a new source/emission point, the production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less than 90% of the maximum production rate (rated capacity) of the plant. If the maximum AO allowable production rate has not been achieved at the time of the test, the following procedure shall be followed: 1) Testing shall be at no less than 90% of the production rate achieved to date. 2) If the test is passed, the new maximum allowable production rate shall be 110% of the tested achieved rate. This new maximum allowable production rate shall be less than 90% of the allowed maximum production rate. This new allowable maximum production rate shall remain in effect until successfully tested at a higher rate. 3) The owner/operator shall request a higher production rate when necessary. Testing at no less than 90% of the higher rate shall be conducted. A new maximum production rate (110% of the new rate) will then be allowed if the test is successful. This process may be repeated until the maximum AO production rate is achieved. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.10 Existing Source Operation For an existing source/emission point, the production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less than 90 percent of the maximum production achieved in the previous three (3) years. [R307-401-8] 5 II.B.2.b Test Methods When performing stack testing, the owner/operator shall use the appropriate EPA-approved test methods as acceptable to the Director. Acceptable test methods for pollutants are listed below. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.b.1 NOx 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 7; Method 7A through Method 7E; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.b.2 VOC 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 18; Method 25; Method 25A; 40 CFR 63, Appendix A, Method 320; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.b.3 CO 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 10 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.b.4 Volumetric Flow Rate 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 2 or other EPA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. [40 CFR 60, R307-401-8] Status: Out of Compliance. The previous owner Paradox Midstream failed to conduct the initial stack test on the Caterpillar 3516 B, four-cycle, rich-burn (RICE). Plate rated at 1380 hp Serial #AL700107 Compressor Engine in accordance to Method 25A Section 8.4, which is the required procedure of the calibration error test for the method to determine volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions. The need for a required performance test to be conducted has been addressed in a compliance advisory. II.B.3 Stack Testing Limits II.B.3.a The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates from the 1,170 hp Compressor Engine: Pollutant lb/hr NOx 3.87 CO 0.78. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates from the 1,380 hp Compressor Engine: Pollutant lb/hr NOx 1.52 VOC 0.29 CO 1.83. [40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ, R307-401-8] II.B.3.c The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates from 325 hp Generator Engine: Pollutant lb/hr NOx 1.416 CO 2.834. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.d The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates from the 301 hp Generator Engine: Pollutant lb/hr NOx 0.66 CO 0.33. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.d.1 Compliance Demonstration To demonstrate compliance with the emission limitations above, the owner/operator shall perform stack testing on the emissions unit according to the stack testing conditions contained in this permit. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] 6 II.B.3.d.2 Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct subsequent stack tests within 5 years after the date of the most recent stack test. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform a stack test at any time. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] Status: Out of Compliance. The 1,170 hp compressor engine, 325 hp generator engine, and 301 hp generator were all due for subsequent testing in July of 2024. A compliance advisory has been issued to address the failure to conduct subsequent performance tests on the engines. II.B.4 Compressor Engines and Generators Requirements II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall only use pipeline quality natural gas as fuel. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.b Stack height shall not be less than the following: Compressor Engines: 9.6 feet above the ground Electric Power Generator (325 hp): 12.0 feet above the ground Electric Power Generator (301 hp): 9.6 feet above the ground. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The stack heights appeared to be within the required limits. II.B.5 Condensate Storage Tanks Requirement II.B.5.a The owner/operator shall store only condensate and water in the condensate storage tanks. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Ken Lapham with Green Natural Ventures confirmed that the condensate tanks only store condensate and water. II.B.6 TEG Dehydration Unit Requirement II.B.6.a The stack height shall not be less than 14 feet above the ground. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The stack heights appeared to be within the required limits. Section III: APPLICABLE FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements of this AO, all applicable provisions of the following federal programs have been found to apply to this installation. This AO in no way releases the owner or operator from any liability for compliance with all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations including UAC R307. NSPS (Part 60), JJJJ Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines Status: Out of Compliance. The two (2) compressor engines and two (2) generator engines onsite need current performance test to be in compliance with the initial and subsequent performance test requirements of JJJJ. NSPS (Part 60), OOOO: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution for which Construction, Modification, or Reconstruction Commenced After August 23, 2011, and on or before September 18, 2015 Status: Out of Compliance. Failure to replace the rod packing on the reciprocating compressor (JW unit 7399) every 26,000 hour or every 36 months, which is out of compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO § 60.5385. A compliance advisory has been issued to address this. 7 MACT (Part 63), HH: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities Status: In Compliance. The Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station area source is not located in a UA plus offset and UC boundary (as defined in § 63.761). The TEG dehydrator unit is not required to control the unit’s process vents specified in § 63.765, the TEG dehydrator does not need to monitor as specified in § 63.773, and the recordkeeping and reporting requirements specified in §§ 63.774 and 63.775 are also not required. The optimum glycol circulation rate was determined in 2018 (see attachments). AREA SOURCE RULES EVALUATION: EMISSION INVENTORY: Listed before are the Actual Emissions Inventory provided from Green Natural Ventures - Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station. A comparison of the estimated total potential emissions (PTE) on AO: DAQE-AN141190010-21, dated February 12, 2021, is provided. PTE are supplied for supplemental purposes only. Criteria Pollutant PTE tons/yr Actuals tons/yr CO2 Equivalent 14079.00 Carbon Monoxide 25.31 68.87 Nitrogen Oxides 32.72 275.6 Particulate Matter - PM10 2.39 0.88 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 2.39 0.88 Sulfur Dioxide 0.17 0.04 Volatile Organic Compounds 46.39 40.04 Hazardous Air Pollutant PTE lbs/yr Actuals lbs/yr Acetaldehyde (CAS #75070) 1100 Acrolein (CAS #107028) 460 Benzene (Including Benzene from Gasoline) (CAS #71432) 1820 Formaldehyde (CAS #50000) 4460 Generic HAPs (CAS #GHAPS) 640 Toluene (CAS #108883) 871 Xylenes (Isomers and Mixture) (CAS #1330207) 260 PREVIOUS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: Compliance Advisory (DAQC-582-23) - June 5, 2023 No Further Action (DAQC-005-24) - January 5, 2024 Compliance Advisory (DAQC-955-24) - September 25, 2024 8 COMPLIANCE STATUS & RECOMMENDATIONS: In regards to Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN141190010-21, dated February 12, 2021: Out of Compliance. The Bullhorn Natural Gas Compressor Station is out of compliance with Condition II.B.2.a.1, Condition II.B.3.d.2, 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ, and 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO § 60.5385. A Compliance Advisory (DAQC-955-24) was issued on September 25, 2024. HPV STATUS: Not Applicable. RECOMMENDATION FOR NEXT INSPECTION: Confirm that stack tests have been conducted for all engines onsite and that the rod packing has been replaced on the reciprocating compressor (JW unit 7399). NSR RECOMMENDATIONS: None ATTACHMENTS: TEG Dehydration unit records. MEMORANDUM DATE: 30 August 2014 TO: Chrissy Schaffner, CCI Paradox Upstream LLC FROM: Kevin Eldridge, Weston Solutions, Inc. CC: Leann Plagens, CCI LLC Josh Tuttle, CCI Paradox Midstream LLC Blake Soyars, Weston Solutions, Inc. W.O.NO.: 13844.062.002 SUBJECT: Applicability Determination of Subparts HH and HHH CCI Paradox Midstream LLC and CCI Paradox Upstream LLC BACKGROUND Castleton Commodities International (CCI) operates several facilities located in the Colorado and Utah Paradox Basin that contain equipment used for crude oil and natural gas production, transmission, and/or distribution. This memorandum summarizes the two federal regulations that may be applicable to such equipment and the compliance status of the equipment located at the CCI facilities in Colorado and Utah. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS On 16 August 2012, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the most current version of 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 63, Subpart HHH -National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Oil and Natural Gas Production and Natural Gas Transmission and Storage (Subpart HHH) in the Federal Register (FR). This standard was originally finalized on 17 June 1999 with corrections issued on 29 June 2001 , 27 September 2001 , and 22 February 2002, with the final proposed rulemaking initiated on 23 August 2011 . EPA also promulgated 40 CFR 63 Subpart HH -National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities in the FR on 17 June 1999 with corrections on 29 June 200 I and final updates on 3 January 2007. On 23 August 2011 EPA proposed new rulemaking for this standard. The following Sections discuss the applicability of these two rules. 40CFR63SUBPARTHHH This Subpart applies to major sources of hazardous air pollutants (HAP) I that: 1. transport or store natural gas prior to entering the pipeline to a local distribution company or final end user, and I Major sources of HAPs are sources that emit more than IO tons per year (tpy) of a single HAP or 25 tpy of combined HAPs. See Attachment A for estimated potential to emit HAP emissions from each of the CCI facilities. 2. contain a large or small glycol-based dehydrator unit (GDU) or units. The only CCI facility in the Paradox Basin that is a major source of HAPs is Hamilton Creek Compressor Station. However, Hamilton Creek is not part of the transport and storage sector of the natural gas industry; it is part of the production sector. Therefore, Subpart HHH does not apply to Hamilton Creek. This subpart does not apply to any of the other CCI facilities in the Paradox Basin as they are all area sources of HAPs. 40 CFR63SUBPARTHH 40 CFR 63 Subpart HH applies to area and major sources that process, upgrade or store natural gas. For major sources, the glycol dehydration units are the affected source regulated, and for area sources, the triethylene g lycol (TEG) dehydration units are the affected source regulated. Facility is automatically exempt from Subpart HH, if prior to the point of custody transfer, with a facility wide actual annual average natural gas throughput less than 18 ,400 standard cubic meter,s per day (m3/d) and a facility wide actual annual average hydrocarbon liquid throughput less than 39,700 liters per day. If the above exemption does not apply then dehydrator units are further categorized as 1) those with an annual average natural gas flowrate less than 85,000 m3/d (equivalent to 3 million cubic feet per day MMscf/d) or benzene emissions less than 0.90 megagrams (Mg/yr) (I .0 ton per year [tpy ]); and 2) those with an annual average natural gas fl ow rate equal to or greater than 85,000 m3/day (3 MMscf/d) and benzene emissions equal to or greater than O. 90 Mg/yr ( 1. 0 tpy). TEG units are present at the following CCI Paradox Basin facilities : • Lisbon Gas Plant (Lisbon) • Bullhorn Compressor Station (Bullhorn) • Hamilton Creek Compressor Station (Hamilton Creek) • Andy's Mesa Compressor Station (Andy 's Mesa) TEG units are not present at the Naturita Creek Compressor Station. If the annual average natural gas throughput is greater than the 18,400 m3/d and a faci lity wide actual annual average hydrocarbon liquid throughput is greater than 39,700 liters per day the requirements of Subpart HH apply, but the facility may be exempt from the emission control requirements provided: • The actual annual average flowrate of natural gas to the glycol dehydration unit is less than 85,000 m3/d; or • The actual average emissions of benzene from the glycol dehydration unit are less than 0.90 Mg/yr (1 tpy). This may be based on prior to controls, or after federally enforceable controls. With this exemption of Subpart HH, the facil ity must maintain records to demonstrate the above. Table 1 summarizes the requirements for TEG units operated by CCI in the Paradox Basin. 2 Andy's Mesa and Bullhorn The dehydrators at Bullhorn and Andy's Mesa meet the· exemption of less than 1 tpy of benzene emissions as the potential to emit from these dehydrators are less than 1 tpy of benzene. Lisbon Lisbon is an area source. Subpart HH is applicable to the TEG Dehydrator at the Lisbon Plant because the unit exceeds an actual throughput of 3 MMscf/d and emits greater than one ton per year of benzene. This unit is considered an existing source as it commenced operation before 8 Jul y 2005 . Also, the Lisbon Plant is not located in an Urban cluster (UC), an Urban -1 County, or an UA plus offset and UC area. As such, no add-on controls are required for this unit, and the Lisbon Gas Plant must determine the optimum glycol circulation rate. This has been determined to be 306 gallons per hour. Monitoringfor Lisbon Lisbon is required to install and operate a continuous monitoring system to monitor glycol circulation rate. Recordkeeping Requirements for Lisbon Lisbon is required to: (a) Keep records of the results of monitoring; and (b) Keep a record of the calculation used to determine the optimum glycol circulation rate. H a,mlton Creek The original Hamilton Creek Title V permit application submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health And Environment (CDPHE), 2and the current construction permit for Hamilton Creek show potential emissions of benzene that exceed 1 tpy. However, the average actual emissions calculated using GRI-GlyCALC show that the emissions do not exceed 1 tpy. Therefore, the Hamilton Creek dehydrator would be eligible for the exemption listed above, as further demonstrated below. The TEG # 1 glycol dehydrator located at Hamilton Creek is permitted with an annual natural gas throughput limit of9,125 million cubic feet per year (MMscf/yr) (equivalent to approximately 87,700 m3/d. However, the highest actual flow occurred in 2008 at 428.23 MMscf for the month of September. Using the highest month, the actual annual average flowrate of natural gas to the glycol dehydrator was conservatively estimated at 14.27 MMscf/day (or 72 ,700 m3/day) which qualifies for the above exemption. In addition, the highest actual annual average of benzene emissions (using 2013 data) was 0.15 tpy. Although not required, Hamilton Creek meets both criteria to qualify for the exemption listed in Subpart HH. 2 Hamilton Creek was listed as a major source of formaldehyde that is emitted from the compressor engines. No other HAP emission exceeds the major source threshold. 3 Compliance Demonstration for Hamilton Creek In order to continue to meet the criteria for an exemption from control requirements, Hamilton Creek must document'the glycol dehydration unit's natural gas flowrate, or the benzene emissions using the fo llowing procedures. I) Actual Natural Gas flowrate: • Install and operate a monitoring instrument that directly measures natural gas flowrate to the glycol dehydration unit with an accuracy of plus or minus 2 percent or better and convert annual natural gas flowrate to a daily average by dividing the annual flowrate by the number of days per year the glycol dehydration unit processed natural gas; or • Document that the actual annual average natural gas flowrate to the glycol dehydration unit is less than 85 thousand standard cubic meters per day . 2) Actual Benzene Emissions: The determination of actual average benzene emissions from a glycol dehydration unit must be made using the procedures listed below. Emissions shaJJ be determined using either uncontrolled, or with federally enforceable controls in place. • Determine emissions using the model GRI-GL YCalcrM , Version 3.0 or higher, and the procedures presented in the associated GRI-GL YCalcTM Technical Reference Manual; or • Determine the average mass rate of benzene emissions in kilograms per hour through direct measurement. Annual emissions in kilograms per year are determined by multiplying the mass rate by the number of hours the unit is operated per year. Recordkeeping Requirements for Hamilton Creek Records to demonstrate that the unit meets the exemption criteria of average flow or benzene emissions must be maintained for Hamilton Creek. Based on the above analysis, as long as the source continues to meet the actual annual average flowrate or benzene emission criteria, Hamilton Creek will not subject to the emission standards of Subpart HH. CONCLUSION Table 1 summarizes the Subpart HH requirements for the CCI Paradox Upstream and Midstream operations. All the facilities are exempt from the requirements of Subpart HH but must maintain records to demonstrate the exemption. 4 Table 1. Subpart HH Requirements for CCI Paradox Midstream and Upstream Facilities. Facility Name Dehydrator Emission Source Requirements Unit Category Lisbon Gas TEG Dehydrator Area The Lisbon Gas Plant is classified as an area source Plant subject to Subpart HH. The actual glycol circulation rate cannot exceed the optimum glycol circulation rate of 306 gallon per hour. See text for monitoring and recordkeeping requirements. Bullhorn Dehy I -Dehydration Area No specific permit conditions are listed for Bullhorn. Compressor Unit -30 MMscf/day The Bullhorn permit application submitted in 2008 Station contained a model run showing the benzene potential to emit emissions were less than 1 tpy therefore, the Bullhorn facility is exempt from the requirements of 40 CFR 63 Subpart HH but must maintain records of the benzene emission calculations. Hamilton Creek Hanover TEG -25 Major See discussion in text. The Hamilton Creek facility is Compressor MMscf/day classified as a major source for Subpart HH purposes. Station However, it is exempt from control requirements of Subpart HH since actual benzene emissions are less than l tpy. Records of actual benzene emissions must be maintained. Andy's Mesa Natural Gas Dehydration Area Andy Mesa's permit exempts the facility from the Compressor System using TEG -20 requirements of subpart HH based on potential Station MMscf/day emissions of benzene being less than l tpy but must maintain records of the emission calculations. Naturita Creek No TEG Units Area Not subject to Subpart HH. Compressor Station 5 ATTACHMENT A HAP EMISS IONS 6 Table 1. Bullhorn Compressor Station -Potential to Emit Emission Unit Potential to Emit -Tons per Year (with controls) NOx co voe S02 PM,JPNlu CH20 Other HAPS Total HAPS co,. Eng 301 17.0 3.37 1.25 0.024 0.40 0.73 0.087 0.82 4,681 Eng 302 17.0 3.37 1.25 0.024 0.40 0.73 0.087 0.82 4,681 Eng 303 17.13 6.96 2.06 0.025 0.42 1.66 0.10 1.75 4,974 Gen-1 6.19 12.41 0.53 0.0065 0.22 0.090 0.051 0.14 1,296 Glycol Dehydrator 0.04 0.04 2.17 2.69E-04 3.41 E-03 3.37E-05 1.36 1.36 352 Condensate Tank 0.00 0.00 35.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.19 1.19 0.00 Total Existing 57.27 26.16 42.89 0.079 1.44 3.21 2.87 6.08 15,984 Gen-2 2.91 1.45 0.29 0.0060 0.20 0.032 0.083 0.11 1,200 New Total 60.18 27.61 43.18 0.085 1.64 3.24 2.95 6.20 17,185 Table 2. Andy's Mesa Compressor Station -Potential to Emit I Controlled Potential to Emit (PTE) Criteria (TPY) I .HAPs (lbs/yr) I I TSP PM10 PM2.5 S02 NOx co voe , BZ Toi EB Xyl HCHO Acetal Aero n-Meth 224- Equipment Description I Hex TMP I (I) Caterpillar 398 TA (625 HP) 0.24 0.24 0.0 14 17.7 2.41 19.37 I 21 19 53 9 362 0.42 0.42 53 1.1 12 Fugitive Emissions 9.30 I (2) 400 bbl Condensate Tanks 21.46 I 120 40 4 12 206 NA TCO Process Flare 2.60 I (I) Caterpillar G34 I 2 LE (580 19.6 2.00 4.80 I 16 1,000 158 97 42 95 HP) I Caterpillar G35 I 6 LE (1,280 HP) 18.5 1.2 1.4 I 322 Caterpillar G3516 LE (1,280 HP) 18.5 1.2 1.4 I 322 20 MMSCFD TEG Dehy 2.00 I 2,014 602 210 218 68 I Permitted Sources Subtotal = 0 0.24 0.24 0.0 14 74.3 9.4 59.7 1 2,155 677 267 239 2,007 159 98 369 96 12 Total HAPs 3.04 /tnyl 7 Table 3. Hamilton Creek Compressor Station -Potential to Emit Controlled Potential to Emit (PTE) Criteria (TPY) HAPs (lbs/yr) Permit No PMIO PM2.5 S02 NOx co voe; BZ Toi Xyl HCHO n-224-Equipment Description I Hex TMP 05SMOI IO RICE 0.45 0.45 0.027 17.1 4.40 1.60 I 1,778 05SMOl I I Generators (2) 0.13 0 13 0.0074 10.0 6.80 2.90 I I 1,800 05SM0109 RICE 0.45 0.45 0.027 171 1.60 1.70 I l,778 05SM0106 Glycol Dehy 6.20 I 3,443 2,333 l,414 487 05SMOI78 Condensate Tanks 32.7 I 05SM0l79 Fugitive Leaks 6.30 ' Pcrmillcd Sources I.OJ I.OJ 0.060 44.2 12.8 51.4 I 2,JJJ 1,414 S,JS6 487 0 Subtotal = I 3,44J Total HAPS 6.52 (tpy) 8 Table 4. Lisbon Gas Plant -Potential to Emit Source Acetaldehyde Acrolein Benz Dichlorobenz Form Hexane Naphth Toluene Xylene ID E1* 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.54 0.01 0.01 E2 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.54 0.01 0.01 E3* 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.54 0.01 0.01 E4* 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.54 0.01 0.01 E4A 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.89 0.02 0.02 E4B 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.89 0.02 0.02 E5 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.54 0.01 0.01 E6 0.13 E7 0.13 E8 0.13 E9 0.13 E10 0.13 E11 0.13 E12 4.46E-04 2.55E-04 1.59E-02 0.382 1.30E-04 7.22E-04 E1 3 6.28E-04 3.59E-04 2.24E-02 0.538 1.82E-04 1.02E-03 E14 6.28E-04 3.59E-04 2.24E-02 0.538 1.82E-04 1.02E-03 E17 1.61 E-04 1.96E-04 2.48E-04 1.78E-05 8.59E-05 5.99E-05 E18 2.78E-05 8.55E-04 1.43E-04 3.10E-04 2.13E-04 E19 2.82-05 1.61 E-05 1.01E-03 0.0241 8.18E-06 4.56E-05 E21 1.9104 1.423 0.865 SUM 0.249 0.249 2.245 0.001 5.316 2.905 0.001 0.951 0.083 Total 12.0 HAPS 9 o CO tn Q) O II o to CO c CO (f l • a. o 3 ro ro 9 ro IO CO o O 3 O fl ) S H -I •S - e - 3 - f f - H - 9 or 0) (/} o n C O O C D ® cn 3" O :;a o o I i S. s m 3 I ^ o 3 (0 — £ . m 3. " ° o JS . 5 ' > 3= ° 5 SO ? o. 3 X ff i ^ o o ff i i «' cn o" CO cr c 3 ff i o m is a " 9 O 0< > 1 3 C£ » O W il m o B' ' • D if "I |l o B 0) O o 3 T3 3 to tt o -t CO o Gl 7i o CQ o 3 O 3 3 m *< ro o o 00 File: J:\Project\Coitiply\TomBrown {Patara, EnCana, Lisbon)\Bullhorn 2010\JJJJfiZZ ;ZZ&HH RecQrds\DEHYl\Bullhorn Model Aggregate Rpt.txt 5/1/2008, 8:33:50AM GRI-GLYCalc VERSION 4,0 - AGGREGATE CALCULATIONS REPORT Case Name: Bullhorn Model Emissions File Name: H:\Data\Midstream\Glycalc File3\Paradox\30 MMSCF_Bullliorn Model.ddf Date: April 30, 200B DESCRIPTION: Description: 30 MMSCFD Glycol Dehydration Unit Annual Hours of Operation: 8760.0 hours/yr na-JISSIONS REPORTS: CONTROLLED REGENERATOR EMISSIONS Component Ibs/hr lbs/day tons/yr Methane 0.0104 0.250 0.0456 Ethane 0.0144 0.345 0.0630 Propane 0.0235 0.565 0.1031 Isobutane 0.0115 0.276 0.0504 n-Butane 0.0259 0,620 0.1132 Isopentane 0.0105 0.253 0.0461 n-Pentane 0.0117 0.354 0.064 6 Cyclopentane 0.0016 0.036 0.0070 n-Hexane 0.0130 0.312 0.0569 Cycloiiexane 0.0294 0.706 0.1288 Other Hexanes 0.0124 0.299 0.0545 Heptanes 0.0271 0.650 0.1186 Methylcyclohexane 0.0265 0.635 0.1159 Benzene 0.1744 4 .186 0.7640 Toluene 0.0949 2.278 0.4157 Xylenes 0.0279 0.670 0.1223 C8+ Heavies 0,0019 0.046 0.0085 Total Emissions 0.5201 12.483 2.2782 Total Hydrocarbon Emissions 0.52 01 12.4 83 2.2782 Total VOC Emissions 0.4953 11.888 2.1696 Total HAP Emissions 0.3103 7.446 1.3589 Total BTEX Elmlssions 0.2973 7,135 1.3020 Page: 1 File: J:\py&Jj»ct\apBply\Toin Brown (PAti^ij^^nCajiai Lisbon}XBullhorn 20aO\J^JJ&ZZ .Z2*HH R«cor<«\flEHXX\Sullbdim Hodel_Afli*l$«le-^^^ 5/1/2008, 8::?5:50AM UVCONTROUfP BEGENERATOR EMISSIONS CoSfVWlftXA Ibs/hr, lbs/day tons/yr Methane 12 508 2 2827 Ethane 0 * 7222 17 332 3 1631 Piropane 1 .iw 28 783 5 2530 . . Isobutane 0.59a3 14 291 2 6081 n-Butane 1.350a 32 423 5 9171 Isopentane o;5^ 14 055 . 2 5651 n-P«ntane 0..8|^2-20 285 3 7020 Cyclopentane 0.0932 2 236 0 4081 n-Hexane o.siei 19 634 3 5832 CyclQhexane 2.0125 48 299 8 8145. 17 872 3 2617 Heptailes 53 ^0 -- 9 €816 Met hy 1 cyc iolie Jtane 2:4^2 53 501 9 7640 Benzene 12.52*9 300 597 54 8590 Toluene 245 132 . 44 7366 Xy Irenes 8.4298 154 314 28 .1624 C8+ IJeavies 175 •262 31 9853 Total Emissions Tot»i.-Hyt^rOcacbon Emissions Total voc Emissions "SQtal HAP Emissions Tiort^ BTEX Emissions 50.39^ 49^1557 1209.576 1209.576 1179.736 719.678 700.044 220.7476 220.7476 215.3018 131.3413 127.7581 FLASH GAS a«£S6ICai8 Note: Fla^yb Gas Emissions are zero with the Retryc^JBt/xecoinpression control c^c^iiiK^. FLASH TAHK -OPF GAS cotqpipnw^ lbs/day tons/yr Jl^thane 26 678 4 8686 ethane 0.4112 9 870 1 8012 Propane 0,2995 7 187 1 3117 Isobutane 0;.TD^*2 2 260 0 4124 n-Butane O.i sir-' 3 610 0 6953 Isopentane 1 376 0 2511 n-Pentcine ».C698 1 580 0 2883 - •. V-v-Ki. Page: 2 • '' * •, z:-%- rifi J;-\#ro>*vt\Cpa«3ly\TqB Broim {P .Z£«IU^Jle«M^^flC^ Model_Agq na, Llsboiii^ \Bullhorn <2910\JJJJ&ZZ .flpt.txt 5/1/2008, isSaVSOAM • Cyclopjtntane 0 044 0 0081 n-^Hexane O.02f3& 0 804 0 1468 Cyclohexane 0 498 0 0908 \ . .> Other'Hexanes 0 978 0 1785 . V-\ Z HBptanes o;.ft^[. 1 eio 0 1843 ^j:\ift»^yl cy c lohexane 0 414 0 0756 > Benzene 0 401 0 0733 • Ttfluane 0 199 0-. 0364. Xylenes 0 046 0 0085^ - J... ce* Heavies —^L.J-yjr — 0 279 0. 0508 Tptfti-JSjoissions "^•2'.a?5i. 57 434 10 4817 Hydjrocarboct Jfpds^xona 2,3911 57 434 ,10, 4817 Tptal VO^-iifcivicns 0.187^ 20 886 3. 8116 . Vbtal niU' f^eslons 1 451 0. 2648'.-. To^l BffiX Emissions 0 647 . 0. Il80v. 1 ' • CONGf NSERCOMBUSTION C^VICE 'Qf^ld^nsez: Outlet Teii?>eratuir«V^ 160.00 deg. F Condenser Pres^^rA^ Condenser Duty: ^ ;pydflocarbon Recovery: •• Produced Waterr ABdolent Teaperaturfc Excess Oxyg«»r_ Combustion Efficienaj(.* 12>50-.psia l,«2e-001 MM BTP/hr. 1.96 bbls/day rr^ 5.24 bbl»/d«y : K 53. 00 deg. .F . ' 4.00 * * 99-00 % Su|fi|DlMMntal Fuel RequlrooMrnCr y\e2e-001 m BTU/hr '•f .' Cc»is>DRent Enltj^Ad- Destroyed Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane Cyclopentane n-Hexane Cyclohexane 2.00% 98.00% . 1.99% 98.01% L.96% 98.04% 1.93% 98.07% .1.91% 98.09% •1.80% 98.20% •^^.74% 98^6% .'^1,71% 9ft.5?% ^1.59% 98.41% -^-;i.+6% 98.54% .-.tr Page: 3 • ZrZ'-Z' J:A?^*'C^\<>*^y\''oia Brown (Pataapi^^lfca^Cana, HsboB) XBulli^iji .2p-10\JJJJiiz WotttVsitftlK&ullluM: Model AwtwiWIg Rpt.tKt 5/X/209S, 8;^.'^AH i' other Hexanes - .-•1.67% 98.33% Heptanes 1.23% 98,77% methylcyclohexane t . .1.19% 98.61% -Benzene •. .*^*1.39% 98.61% Toluene ' •0.93% 99.07% Xylenes • ji3.43% 99.57% C8+ Heavier , * :o.03% ^ i: S- 99.97% ABsonna MOTE': »ecau«e^tS«i Calculated Absorber Sta^iNi was below the minimun allowwtt GRl--^YC»l!g; has a&t the nuraber oiC-ftbsorber St-ages to 1.23 ind haji/calctilated a • revised Dry Gas D*y .|it>int. • Calculated Absorber Stages: 1.25 Calculated Dry fias Dew Point: / 3-46 lbs. H20/l«SCF •• , - 1^. •, • • • ' •• '., • Teffiperaturej Pxessuret Dry Gas Flow Rate* , • ^^Gl^rccl Losses with Dry Gasi- • Wet Gas Water Content; J|||turAted Calculate Wet Gas Water Content; 67.77 lbs. H20/MHSCF Calculatad te*ti. Glycol Recirc. Ratipi' 4.4? gal/lb H20 53.0 deg. F 132.0 psig 30.0000 *fflSCF/day 0.0116 Ib/hr Coi^>onent Pen^lning :i>ry Gas r Absorbed in Glycol Water 5 .09% 94. 91% Carbon Dioxide 99 .92% 0. 00% Nitrogen too .00% 0. 00% Methane • 100 .00% 0. 00* Ethane .98% 0. 02% Propane 99 .96% 0. 04% Isobutane . .92% 0. 08% n-Butane . 99 .89% 0. 11% Isopentane ^9 .85% a. 15% n-Pentane . 99 .80% 0. 20% Cyclopentane : 99 .18% 0.. 82% n-Hexane V vf99 .55% 0. 45% Cyclohexane ' .••.••38 .12% . 1. 88% other Hexanes • 99 .69% 0. 31% Heptanes 98 .86% I. 14% methylcyclohexane .22% 2. 78% Benzene 81 .97% 18, 03% Toluene *9 .41% 30. 59% Xyl enes >» .76% 61. 24% 5 ij? ' "tP • P«ge: 4 File: J:\Project\Comply\Tom Brown (Patara, EnCana, Lisbon)\Bullhom 2010\JJJJ&ZZ ,ZZ&HH Records\DEHYl\Bullhorn Model Aggregate Rpt.txt 5/1/2008, 6:33:50AM C8+ Heavies 95.93% 4.07% FLASH TANK Flash Control: Recycle/recompression Flash Temperature: 110.0 deg. F • Flash Pressure: 45,0 psig Component Left in Glycol Removed in Flash Gas Water 100 00% 0 00% Carbon Dioxide 86 22% 13 78% Nitrogen 31 16% 68 84% Methane 31 92% 68 08% Ethane 63 72% 36 26% Propane 80 02% 19 98% Isobutane 86 35% 13 65% n-Butane 89 49% 10 51% Isopentane 91 13% S 87% n-Pentane 92 81% 7 19% Cyclopentane 98 07% 1 93% n-Hexane 96 08% 3 92% Cyclohexane 99 01% 0 99% Other Hexanes 94 86% 5 14% Heptanes 98 14% 1 86% Methylcyclohexane 99 26% 0 74% Benzene 99 87% 0 13% Toluene 99 93% 0 07% Xylenes 99 97% 0 03% Ce+ Heavies 99 86% 0 14% REGENERATOR No Stripping Gas used in regenerator. Component Remaining in Glycol Distilled Overhead Water 38.59% 61.41% Carbon Dioxide 0.00% 100.00% Nitrogen 0.00% 100.00% Methane 0.00% 100.00% Ethane 0.00% 100.00% Propane 0.00% 100.00% Page: 5 me; if^t&^t \QDBplyVToBb Brown (P ana, Li^Jrori) \Bullhpr?\:*<J10VJJJiJ622 « Rpt.txt 1/1/20'OjS, ffi;33*5CW4 Isobutane n-Butane isopentane n-Pentane Cyclcjjentajie n-Hexanc Cyclohexane Other Hexanes • Heptanes Methylcyclohexane Beoaene Toluena .Xylenes Ce.+ Heavies fl.00% Tp..00% ••••'^.•54% • 0.51% 0.52% 3-23% .1,05% . 0.51% '4-03% 5.91% r^ia.91% ,JUt,04% 100.4)0% 100.00% 99.45% 99.46% 99.49% 99.48% 96.77%: 98.951. 99.49% 95.97% 94.99% 9?i0^ 87.09% 87.961 STREftH REKifi^r ... MET <^ S*I?B£AH Flow Rat*^' 53.00 deg. F ' 1-46.70 psia 1..25e+00€ acfh CQnc> ''^Tita%) Loading (Ib/hr) Water l'.4*iii-001 8.49e+001 C^yrbon trioxide 1.^83*^-001 2.66e+002 Nitrogen 4V^3SH'O00 4,46e+003 Methane 8-3^»y001 4.44e+004 Ethane 6.74«*0(J0 6.69e+QQ3 . „ Propane.2v-<lfl*000 3,51e+003 Isobutane 4.59iH>01 B.eOe^-OOS . n-Butane 6.>7«rOOl 1.34e+003 Isopentane l-ftla-^OOl 4.33e+.O02 .•ifr- n-Pentane 1.91q(^001 4.54e+O02 ' Cyclopentane 5.006-003 l.iee+001 n-Hftxane 6.70»-002 1.90e+002 .• Cyclohexane 3.90*'002 1.08e+002 Other Hexanes 8.i79»r0O2 2.50e+002 Heptanes 6-t>0|4^0O2 1.9ee+002 Methylcyclohexane 2.5^,002 8.09e+001 Benzene 2,70B*-002 6.95e+001 Toluene l..t0j»-002 3.34e+00l • 1 'hi- Z^ ':^^ J'1'..'Z' Page: 6 File: J:\S%*4fiP*^VC**e»ly^Tao. Brown (P» .ZZtHK B«coTiittfWHY,l>BuIlhom Hodel_j a, Lisbpn^ \B«^lbom 2010\JJJJs2i Rpt.txt 5/1/2003, r:3:3i*0AM Xylenes 3.00».-003 1.05e+001 C8+ Heavies 3.2*«^()02 1.80e+002 TOt«r'cort53onents lOCf.OO 6.36e+O04 DRY GA3 'STREAM Tejapera1:i^e: PressureJ Flow Rate: 53.00 deg. F 146,70 psia 1.25e+0Q6 scfh Coa^nent Loading (Ib/hr) Water 1.299-^03 4.32e+000 Carbon Dioxide 1.8^#«*01 2.65e+002 Nitrogen 4;«.*»S300 4.46e+603 Methane 8:3i*0+OOl 4.4 4e+004 Ethane e.T'Si^iSBOO 6.69^+003 Propane 2.41^*00 3..50e+003 Isobutane 4,59*W001 ^^79e+002 n-Butane S^li^^l 1.33e+003 Isopentane 1.82KP*ftRH 4.326+002 n-Pentane 1.91*^1 4.54e+002 .Cyclopentane 4.9fie»s603 1.15e+001 n-Hexane 6.69^002 1.90?+002 Cyclohexane 3iaS*j(ip02 1.06e+002 othar Hexanes 8;78«'*i>02 2.4 9e+002 .. ' Heptanes 5.94**002 1.96e+002 .t4etbylcyclohexane 2.f3«-002 7.87e+001 nrnrrm Mjj^pr? 5.70e+001 Toluene 1.90^^03 2.32e+001 Xylenes 1,16»^D3 4.07e+000 C8+ Heavies 3^J0iW^2 1.72e+002 Total Components 00 .6.35e+004 LEAN -SLYCOL JrtWyftl — -1— TsMp^raturer' ''^-•.53.06 deg. Flow Ratf': 5.99e+000 gpm Comppnent ,Coae:. Loading (Ib/hr) TEG 9.'84W01 3.32e-t-003 Water 1.50»+000 5.06«+001 Carbon Dioxide 6.13«:rfll3 2.07e-011 Page: 7 • - 'v • - "•^•.^t^m~.... File- J:\Proj««t\e<»plyVJo« Brown (P<^4.^j[teC«.a, Li,»>on>«uUhom ?010\JJJJ«Z Nitrogen 4.79e*-til3 1.61e-011 . . Methane 1.63r*'ftlfl 5.48e-017 Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n~Pentane 'Cyc1opentane n-Hexane Cyclohexane other Hexanes 1.59a-008 1 *8 le-^ 6-I3«!ftlO lv|jMH)09 9i>ll*?»S)05 l<3A^t»Q4 1.42<lHrfi05 1.27*'^04 1.9«^pW)3 2*3.55^r:004 5.35«-007 6.10e-008 2.07e-008 3.7 4e-00e 3.23e-003 4.586-003 4.77e-004 4.28e-003 6.72e-002 7.93e-003 Heptanes 3.36*i.004 1.13e-002 Methylcyclohexane 2.j.ia«*003 9.36e-002 Banzene 1.^6«i-^002 6.60e-001 Toluene 2.M|W002 8.77e-001 Xylenes 2"."f3^002 9.53e-001 .CB-t- Heavies 2..M^Ct2 9.99e-0Dl Total Components. 106.00 3.37e+Q03 -t RICH GLTqpoi." STREAM Teaif^rliHtpre: 53.00 deg. F ^E««fbf^-. 1.46.70 psia nW^MMret^ .-.6..27e+0p0 gpm • IlOTI^V^I&t^am^ws morei than one phase- .Conponent . TEG. 9.=r6*t001 Water 3,.l4yi(»O00 carbon Dioxide 5.Sijfc0.03 Nitrogen 4>|tfl|r<J03 Methane t'.j&fliiit^02 Loading {lb/hr.> 3,32e+003 1.31e+002 2.07e-001 1..63*-001 1.63e+000 Ethane St3»rQQ2 1.13e+000 Propanf!.. Hjnm' HP" 1.50cf^00 Isobutane lSy^^02 6.90e-001 n-Butane 4-.3t*.-002 1.51e+O0O Isopentane l.J*gk*<ia2 6.46e-00i n-Pentane 4^iiN«>2. 9.16e-001 cyclopentane 1|i3Fj%003 9.55e-002 n-Hexane jfeT44#002 8.56«-001 Cyclohexane 5,.^«-002 2.IO0+OOO other Hexanes 2.^/^2 7.93e-001 IS "rC-Page: 8 •tii File: J; \Proj*p$:.\.Conply\Ton Brown [gat'i<j^ig^seana, Lisbon) \Bu^lho|rn; ;»01P\JJJJfcZZ •"Tfmi.m riu'HrTn'i'nimiifii i tr iiii„Ttjji'(iflWtf Rpt.txt 5/i/2oo6, 8:31:50AH H»ptanes 6.4ieiM?002 2.26e+000 M4tJ]tylcyclohexane 6..68#^b02 2.34e+000 Benzene 3..77.«^0l 1.32e+001 Toluene 3.£744*01 l.lle+001 Xylenes 2^jHiji^01 7.36e+000 C8+ Heavies'2.3.7^^1 8.3le+000 Total Components' t'^^l.QP 3.51e+003 FLASH/TAH OFT GAS STR£AH Temperature; Piefssure; Flow'itate; 110.00 deg. F . 59.70 psia 3'.90e+001 scfh Component i.\^i—.. Cow?i. Loading (Ib/hr) .•f'iz:. Water. 1,92*^1 3.55e^3 Caxbon Dioxide S.aOffOOl 2v85«-002 Nitrogen 3.i^t0^DO 1.12e-001 Methane 6.,74««(|t01 l.lle+OOQ Ethane 1.3l3#i|irtn 4.11e-0Ol Propane 6.,i$l«<^0O 2.99e-*001 lisobutane l^Se!«^00 9.42e^002 . n*Butane 2,«a|i9iO 1.59e-001 :;.,.ISop«ntane 7.Tf3(yjj001 5.73a-*002. 'jiTPentane 8.»7»r001 6.58e-0Q2 Cyclopentane 2-;3t£i|^KH)e 1.84e-003 n-Hexane 3.78!fe^01 3.35e-002 . Cyclohexane '2'i4pi|hfOQl 2 ..076-002 Other Hexanes 4.6k)tr^01 4.08e-002 Heptanes 4";08ie*001 4.21e'-002 Methylcyclohexane I.Ti; Benzene 2. Toluene 8, Xylenes l^Tfif^Ol C8+ Heavies r^4^|iih}^2 ¥^t#l'Conunents ' .t^^O 2.54e+O00 01 i.73e-002 1 1.67e-002 8.30e-003 1.94^-003 1.16e-002 r^jisn TANK'OII^I STRE^'. 'CjW^r;^'^* 110.QQ d«g. F . .''l9.i3M'J^Kt4:.. „ 6.ir^-i-000 gpct onent leading 7^ Page: 9 File: >>:\Pr<Sf^\Co*splyV?tttt Brown ^nCana, llabon) \8wjU*»oni 2010WJJJi2Z Rpt.txt '5/1/2008, 8i33:50AM t«t%) (Ib/hr) TEG 9.*7j#4.001 3.32e+003 Water 3.7441^0 1.31o+002 Carbon Dioxide 5.9^^*003 l,78e-001 Nitrogen 1,.45^003 5,07e-002 Methane l.*.94-f02 5,21e-001 Ethane-2.0*f4D.02 7,22e-O01 Propane 3.4Z<(.*ob2 1.20e+O0O Isobutane l^>0ffr!802 5,95e-001 n-Butane 3,'e6«'002 l,35e+000 Isopentane l:«lj»-jp02 5.e9e-001 n-Pentane 2.*3#r*002 8.50e-001 Cyclopentane 2.eT««003 9.37e-002 n-Hexane 2.35Wtj002 6.22»-00l Cyclohexane 5.94i|I=-C02 2.08e+000 Other Hexanea 2.a5*iffl02 7.536-001 Heptanes. 6.14ift^02 2.22e-f000 Methylcyclohexane G^^Si^^Z 2.32e+000 Benzene 3.7^001 1.32e+001 Toluene 3.r7.«^001 l.lle+OOl Xylenes 2.11:**^01 7.38e+000 CB-f Heavies 2^X11^01 8.30e+000 Total Components '. l^^&O 3.50e+003 FLASH GA5- tHtSSI0«S Cotitrol ffethpd: R«cycle/recompr*M4on. Control ECy^Ciency: ' 100.00 ' :- .r ' •• ."ij Note: Fift^ Sas-ftnissions are zero yitfcthe Rs«^i4tl«/reconipression control,^|^'on. REGENERATOR OVEBHSADS STREAM Temperfti^t*: Fldft'liftt*: 212.00 deg. F 14.70 psia l.93e*003 scfh Conijonent •4*iJ*) Loading (Ib/hr) Hater ftj*€l»tO01 S.QSe+OOl CAtbon Dioxide ?>.*tt*^002 1.7ee-00l Nitrogen 3.5**K>e2 5.076-002 Methane 6.40iip-001 5.21e-001 Page: 10 File: J:\pjris?H*iet\Oeaiipiy\Twa Brown (P»t#«^. ;S^HH R«COK$»Sftiwftai«W^orn Motiel^Ai na, Lirt5on}\pullbom 20lO\JJJJ4Zt l^t.cxt 5/1/20M, 8:3^.50AM Ethane 4.73«-p.01 7,22e-00l Propane 5;36«':0Q1 1.20e+000 Isobutane 2;fi4e-*fi0}. 5,95e-001 n-Butane 4*5»«rt)01 l,3.5e+000 Isopentane l.tOft^l 5.86e-001 n-Pentane 2.3l**<)0l 8.45e-001 Cyclopentane 2,-6^^02 9,32e-002 . n-Hexane 1.87#**01 8.l8e-001 Cyclohexane 4iH*^ftl 2.01e+000 Other Hexanes l.TOfc^iOOl '7.456-001 Heptanes 4.34Vr*:001 2.21e-f000 «ethylcyclohexane 4.*7«tp01 2.23e+000 Benzene 3.l6^|f&(W 1.2.5e+D01 Toluene 2,l8<(*O00 1.02fi+001 Xylenes l.lr9«+000 S.43etOOO C9+ Heavies B,44flH0Ql 7.30e+000 Total Cosponenta iOtt'.OO 1.31a+002 CONnENSpfrJ|t6©0CE0, IJATEp STREAM —— X«npf)$atura': . 160.00 deg. F Flo* Itate: .ll53e-001 9pm CoiitK>nsnt Coae, Loading tlb/hr) tpprU Water 9.99^V001 7. ,64e+0Ql 999078, - Carbon Dioxide 3.*9ft^004 2, .74ft--004 4. Nitrogen 3.48^06 2, .€6e-•006 0. Methane. 6.28#j,095 4. .80*' •005 Ethane 9.)4*f^05 7, .07e--005 1. Propan^ t'* ^.l^»^04 1, .4 6fe-•004 2. Isobutane 3, ,74«-O05 O.' n-Butane l.j|«|^04 1, .07e-•004 1. Isopentane, 3j»9«^005 2, .90fe-'OOS 0, n-Pentane 5,57*.005 4 .26e--005 1. Cyclopentanft 2 .84e--005 0. ^ n-Hexan« 3;7ftSp05 2 .e9e--005 0. Cyclohexane 4.2S«-^04 3 .26e-'004 4. Other .Hexanea 3.00>-^Q& 2 .29e--005 0. ' Hftptanes 4;'17»H}0S 3 ,19e-'005 0, N«thy1oyclotw vane I>1»»«004 1 .36c--004 2. Siif94^O02 4 .50e--002 589. Toluene 2,|>*IJt002 1 .89e-•002 247. Xyian«a 6.aim^.oo3 5 .26e' '003 69. C8+ Heavies 8. l9»-i0O7 6 ,25e--007 0. . 'A- •• - H^r,': Page: 11 File: 4;\P i^l^tom Brown (Pat«jf|j|(^JnGana> LisbonABuUhom 20ZO\JJJJ6ZZ ll^lhom Model_Aqflft^^M»«. Rpt.tj^t 5/l/2doe, e:33sflOfttt Tatal Conpoitents lOfi'.OO 7.e4e+001 lOOOODO. COItDENSER i^CeOffWD OIL STREAM Ten^jerature; 160^00 deg. F Plow Rate; 5n2e-O02 gpflft Component Loading <lb/hr) Water 5.W4W1L0Z 1.42e-002 Catrboh Dioxide l.T6«r^I03 4 .28e-O04 Nitrogen 2.90m^Qi 4 . B7B-^05 Methane 1 ^74«^^ - 4,22e-004 Ethane .l,23l4Wttq2 3.01fe-G01 Propane 9.Q7ft-p02 2.21e-002 Isobutane 8.-(a%ri002 1.97e-002 n-Butane 2.«J**.0ai 5.83e-002 Isopentane 2.4i«-e01 5.93e-002 n-Pentane 4.44e*-O0l 1.08e-001 Cyclopentane 5,56«Te02 l,35e-0O2 n-Hexane 6.93*V001 1.69e-001 Cyclohexane 2.23«*C00 5.42e-O01 Other Hexanes 5.^-001 1.23e-00l Heptanes 3.52ei;D00 8.560-001 Methylcyclohexane 3.72flr*OO0 9.06e-001 Beniene 1.54eJ^0Bl 3.76e-t000 Toluene 2,^fti001 5..45e+fl00 Xylenes 2.<Wj|»*<K)l 5.03c-fC(00 C8+ Heavies 2.96(|i#troi 7.21«-f000 Total Components XCFb^OO 2.43s-f001 CONDENSER VK«T STREAM Tefl^r*tttt»:. Pressure'. Flow Rate^ 160.00 deg. F 12.50 psia 2.30e+002 scfh Companent CnK- Loading (Ib/hr) Hater 3.79»+xbl 4.14e+000 Carbon Dioxide 6.67eA301 1.7ee-00l Nitrogen 2..»8»H301 5.06e'6Q2 Methane 5.16**000 5.21e-001 Ethane 3.95lf>C00 7.19e-001 Pagp: 12 • <• File: ^l|;W(flsiict\$q|^yVtOT Browp (PAtapa^..-EnCana, t^lsbon)'vBullhom 2010\JJJJ&ZZ igwy^liL!»qo<^ Model_Aggjp»q*<V Rpt.txt 5/1/2008, B:33:50AM Propane 4^^14^000 l.lBe-t-OOO Isobutane It-^itm^QO 5.76e-001 . n-Butane 3iM|i4JW)l0 1.29e-K000 Isopentane' I. ^QiflKidO 5.26e-001 n'-Pentane l.«9#»>000 7.37e-001 Cyclopentane l.*'%r>001 7.96e-002 n-Hexane l*2Mr4^00 6.49e-001 Cyclohexane 2.<H|nN>00 1.47e+-O00 Other Hexanea lilSnWOO 6.22e-001 Heptanes 2.236+000 1.35e•^000 >l«thylcyclohexane-2^|^2«M)00 1.32e-f000 Benzene l.d4f^01 8.72e-(-000 Toluene 8., S<3ii!#rOOO 4.75e+000 Xylenes' 2.^,.i7f^'000 1.40e+000 C8+ Heavies »,lti^02 9.67e-002 Total Components 100.00 3.04e+O01 COMBUSTION • DEVICE OFF GAS STREAM >_ rratur^i^-^ 1000.00 deg. F Rr*a»ur^^ ' 14,70 psia *' Lot*"Rate;..- 2.81e+000 scfh ' :.--rfcoB$»onent Copc^. Loading 1^*-) , (Ife/hr) /•i/- '"'"^ Methane S/lflSKWO 1.04(9^002 Z Ethane 6,f^fiJ0"0 1.44e-002 •V Propane 7.^fe000 2.35e-002 Isobutane 2^wBfO00 1.15e-002 n-Butane 6...^1.<^ftf00 2.59e-002 .Isopentane n-Pentane Cyclopentane n-Hexane Cyclohexane Other Hexanes. Heptanes Methylcyclohexantf ,/ Benzene Toluene 3^.r«0^)oa 1.4}9i|irDoi )v3<!|^001 1.05e-002 1.47e-002 1.59e-003 1.30e-002 2.94e-002 1.24e-002 2.71e-002 2.65e-002 1.74e-001 9.49e-002 ^ ^- Xylenes l.-Sf^OOO 2.79e-002 .^'; C8+ Heavies- l.,«54»^001 1.93e-003 o "^Otal Components . iflO.OO 5.20e-001 Tage: 13 Z -'ife Page: 1 GRI-GLYCalc VERSION 4.0 -AGGREGATE CALCULATIONS REPORT Case Name : File Name: H:\Projects\ENV\Paradox Resources\2018 Reporting\Working\Utah Oil and Gas Emission Inventory -Due April 15\Bull Horn CS Dehy.ddf Date: April 13, 2018 DESCRIPTION: Description: Annual Hours of Operation: 8700.0 hours/yr EMISSIONS REPORTS: 5.4343 lb/hr voe + o.1957 lb/hr voe = 5.6300 lb/hr voe UNCONTROLLED REGENERATOR EMISSIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------- Component lbs/hr lbs/day tons/yr ------------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- Methane 0 .1505 3.612 0.6547 Ethane 0.1434 3.441 0.6236 Propane 0.3102 7.444 1. 3493 Isobutane 0 .1696 4.070 0 .7377 n-Butane 0 .2379 5 .708 1 .0347 Isopentane 0.1632 3.916 0.7097 n-Pentane 0 .2156 5.175 0.9380 n-Hexane 0 .0697 1.672 0 .3031 Other Hexanes 0.0427 1.024 0.1856 Heptanes 0.2558 6.140 1.1129 Benzene 0 .3943 9.464 1 . 7154 Toluene 0. 7114 17.074 3.0947 Ethylbenzene 1.2269 29 .447 5.3372 Xylenes 1. 6370 39 .287 7 .1208 ------------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- Total Emissions 5.7281 137.475 24.9173 Total Hydrocarbon Emissions 5 .7281 137.475 24 .9173 Total voe Emissions 5.4343 130 .422 23 .6391 Total HAP Emissions 4.0394 96.945 17.5712 Total BTEX Emissions 3.9697 95.272 17.2681 FLASH TANK OFF GAS Component lbs/hr lbs/day tons/yr ------------------------------------------ ----------- -----------Methane 0.3416 8.197 1. 4858 Ethane 0 .0905 2 .173 0 .3938 Propane 0 .0840 2.017 0.3656 Isobutane 0.0297 0. 712 0.1290 n-Butane 0.0310 0.743 0.1347 Isopentane 0 .0181 0 .434 0 .0786 n-Pentane 0.0188 0.452 0.0819 n-Hexane 0.0033 0.079 0.0143 Other Hexanes 0 .0027 0.064 0. 0117 Heptanes 0 .0058 0 .138 0 .0251 Benzene 0.0006 0.014 0.0025 Toluene 0 .0006 0 .015 0 .0028 Ethylbenzene 0 .0006 0.015 0 .0027 Xylenes 0.0006 0.013 0.0024 Page: 2 ------------------------------------------ ----------- ----------- Total Emissions 0 .6278 15 .066 2 .7308 Total Hydrocarbon Emissions 0.6278 15.066 2.7308 Total voe Emissions 0 .1957 4.696 0.8512 Total HAP Emissions 0 .0057 0.136 0 .0247 Total BTEX Emissions 0 .0024 0.057 0.0104 EQUIPMENT REPORTS: ABSORBER NOTE: Because the Calculated Absorber Stages was below the minimum allowed, GRI-GLYCalc has set the number of Absorber Stages to 1.25 and has calculated a revised Dry Gas Dew Point. Calculated Absorber Stages: Calculated Dry Gas Dew Point: Temperature: Pressure: Dry Gas Flow Rate: Glycol Losses with Dry Gas: Wet Gas Water Content: 1.25 6.50 lbs. H2O/MMSCF 90.0 deg . F 400 .0 psig 3.9000 MMSCF/day 0.0144 lb/hr Saturated Calculated Wet Gas Water Content: 89 .69 lbs . H2O/MMSCF 3.00 gal/lb H2O Specified Lean Glycol Recirc. Ratio: FLASH TANK Component Water Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Other Hexanes Heptanes Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Remaining in Dry Gas 7 .24% 99 .88% 99 .99% 99.99% 99 .97% 99 .94% 99 . 91% 99.88% 99 .86% 99 .82% 99.67% 99 .75% 99 .32% 88.20% 81. 96% 73 .01% 63.99% Absorbed in Glycol 92.76% 0 .12% 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 0 .06% 0.09% 0.12% 0.14% 0 .18% 0.33% 0 .25% 0 .68% 11. 80% 18.04% 26.99% 36.01% Flash Control : Vented to atmosphere Flash Temperature: 105.0 deg. F Component Flash Pressure: 130.0 psig Left in Glycol Removed in Flash Gas REGENERATOR Water Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Other Hexanes Heptanes Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes 100.00% 85.89% 29.93% 30.59% 61. 29% 78.68% 85.12% 88.48% 90.08% 92.01% 95.53% 94.14% 97.81% 99.86% 99.92% 99.95% 99.97% 0.00% 14 .11% 70.07% 69.41% 38. 71% 21. 32% 14.88% 11. 52% 9.92% 7.99% 4.47% 5.86% 2.19% 0.14% 0.08% 0.05% 0.03% No Stripping Gas used in regenerator. Component ------------------------------- STREAM REPORTS: WET GAS STREAM Temperature: Pressure: Flow Rate: Water Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Other Hexanes Heptanes Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes 90.00 deg. F 414.70 psia l.63e+005 scfh Remaining Distilled in Glycol Overhead ---------------------- 29.49% 70.51% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.55% 99.45% 0.54% 99.46% 0.52% 99.48% 1.06% 98.94% 0.51% 99.49% 5.01% 94.99% 7.91% 92.09% 10.41% 89.59% 12.92% 87.08% Component Cone. Loading (vol%) (lb/hr) Page: 3 Water l.89e-001 Carbon Dioxide l.05e+000 Nitrogen 6.39e-001 Methane 8.58e+001 Ethane 6.04e+000 Propane 3.46e+000 Isobutane 8.68e-001 n-Butane 8.68e-001 Isopentane 4.19e-001 n-Pentane 4.19e-001 n-Hexane 5.99e-002 Other Hexanes 4.99e-002 Heptanes 8.98e-002 Benzene 9.98e-003 Toluene 9.98e-003 Ethylbenzene 9.98e-003 Xylenes 9.98e-003 ---------------------------------------- DRY GAS STREAM Temperature: Pressure: Flow Rate: Total Components 90.00 deg. F 414.70 psia l.63e+005 sefh 100.00 Component Cone. (vol%) Water l.37e-002 Carbon Dioxide l.05e+000 Nitrogen 6.40e-001 Methane 8.60e+001 Ethane 6.05e+000 Propane 3.47e+000 Isobutane 8.69e-001 n-Butane 8.69e-001 Isopentane 4.19e-001 n-Pentane 4.19e-001 n-Hexane 5.98e-002 Other Hexanes 4.99e-002 Heptanes 8.94e-002 Benzene 8.82e-003 Toluene 8.20e-003 Ethylbenzene 7.30e-003 Xylenes 6.40e-003 ----------------------------------------Total Components 100.00 LEAN GLYCOL STREAM Temperature: 90.00 deg. F Flow Rate: 6.7le-001 gpm Component Cone. (wt%) 1. 46e+001 l.98e+002 7.68e+001 5.9le+003 7.79e+002 6.56e+002 2.17e+002 2.17e+002 l.30e+002 l.30e+002 2.22e+001 l.85e+001 3.86e+001 3.35e+000 3.95e+000 4.55e+000 4.55e+000 --------- 8.42e+003 Loading (lb/hr) l.06e+000 l.98e+002 7.68e+001 5.9le+003 7.79e+002 6.55e+002 2.16e+002 2.16e+002 l.30e+002 l.30e+002 2.2le+001 l.84e+001 3.84e+001 2.95e+000 3.23e+000 3.32e+000 2.9le+000 ---------8.40e+003 Loading (lb/hr) TEG 9.84e+001 3.7le+002 Water l.50e+000 5.67e+000 Carbon Dioxide 6.52e-012 2.46e-0ll Page: 4 Nitrogen l.75e-013 6.59e-013 Methane 4.38e-018 l.65e-017 Ethane 2.92e-008 l.l0e-007 Propane 4.25e-009 l.60e-008 Isobutane l.SBe-009 5.98e-009 n-Butane l.77e-009 6.67e-009 Isopentane 2.4le-004 9. lle-004 n-Pentane 3.12e-004 l.lBe-003 n-Hexane 9.7le-005 3.67e-004 Other Hexanes l.2le-004 4.SBe-004 Heptanes 3.48e-004 l.3le-003 Benzene 5.Sle-003 2.0Be-002 Toluene l.62e-002 6. lle-002 Ethylbenzene 3.78e-002 l.43e-001 Xylenes 6.43e-002 2.43e-001 ---------------------------------------- --------- Total Components 100.00 3.78e+002 RICH GLYCOL STREAM Temperature: Pressure: Flow Rate: NOTE: Stream 90.00 deg. F 414.70 psia 7.12e-001 gpm has more than one phase. Component Cone. Loading (wt%) (lb/hr) TEG 9.34e+001 3.7le+002 Water 4.83e+000 l.92e+001 Carbon Dioxide 6.19e-002 2.46e-001 Nitrogen l.67e-003 6.62e-003 Methane l.24e-001 4.92e-001 Ethane 5.BBe-002 2.34e-001 Propane 9.92e-002 3.94e-001 Isobutane 5.0le-002 l.99e-001 n-Butane 6.76e-002 2.69e-001 Isopentane 4.SBe-002 l.82e-001 n-Pentane 5.93e-002 2.36e-001 n-Hexane l.84e-002 7.33e-002 Other Hexanes l.lSe-002 4.SBe-002 Heptanes 6.6le-002 2.63e-001 Benzene 1. ose-001 4.16e-001 Toluene l.95e-001 7.73e-001 Ethylbenzene 3.45e-001 l.37e+000 Xylenes 4.73e-001 l.BBe+000 Total Components 100.00 3.97e+002 FLASH TANK OFF GAS STREAM Temperature: Pressure: Flow Rate: 105.00 deg. F 144.70 psia l. l0e+00l sefh Component Cone. Loading (vol%) (lb/hr) Water 9.12e-002 4.74e-004 Carbon Dioxide 2.73e+000 3.47e-002 Page: 5 Nitrogen Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Other Hexanes Heptanes Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ------------------------------- Total Components FLASH TANK GLYCOL STREAM Temperature: 105.00 deg. F Flow Rate: 7.l0e-001 gpm Component ------------------------------- TEG Water Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen Methane Ethane Propane Isobutane n-Butane Isopentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Other Hexanes Heptanes Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes ------------------------------- Total Components REGENERATOR OVERHEADS STREAM Temperature: Pressure: Flow Rate: 212.00 deg. F 14.70 psia 3.17e+002 sefh 5.73e-001 4.64e-003 7.37e+001 3.42e-001 l.04e+001 9.0Se-002 6.59e+000 8.40e-002 l.77e+000 2.97e-002 l.84e+000 3.l0e-002 8.67e-001 l.Ble-002 9.03e-001 l.BBe-002 1. 32e-001 3.28e-003 1.0Be-001 2.69e-003 1. 99e-001 5.76e-003 2.52e-002 5.69e-004 2.39e-002 6.37e-004 2.04e-002 6.26e-004 l.Ble-002 5.57e-004 --------- --------- 100.00 6.68e-001 Cone. Loading (wt%) (lb/hr) --------- --------- 9.35e+001 3.7le+002 4.84e+000 l.92e+001 5.33e-002 2. lle-001 5.00e-004 l.98e-003 3.79e-002 l.Sle-001 3.6le-002 l.43e-001 7.82e-002 3.l0e-001 4.27e-002 l.70e-001 5.99e-002 2.38e-001 4.13e-002 l.64e-001 5.46e-002 2.17e-001 l.77e-002 7.00e-002 l.09e-002 4.3le-002 6.48e-002 2.57e-001 1. ose-001 4.15e-001 1. 95e-001 7.73e-001 3.45e-001 l.37e+000 4.74e-001 l.88e+000 --------- --------- 100.00 3.97e+002 Component Cone. Loading (vol%) (lb/hr) Water 9.02e+001 l.35e+001 Carbon Dioxide 5.76e-001 2.lle-001 Nitrogen 8.48e-003 l.98e-003 Methane l.12e+000 l.Sle-001 Page: 6 Page: 7 Ethane 5.7le-001 l.43e-001 Propane 8.43e-001 3.l0e-001 Isobutane 3.S0e-001 l.70e-001 n-Butane 4.9le-001 2.38e-001 Isopentane 2.7le-001 l.63e-001 n-Pentane 3.58e-001 2.16e-001 n-Hexane 9.69e-002 6.97e-002 Other Hexanes 5.93e-002 4.27e-002 Heptanes 3.06e-001 2.56e-001 Benzene 6.0Se-001 3.94e-001 Toluene 9.26e-001 7. lle-001 Ethylbenzene l.39e+000 1. 23e+000 Xylenes l.85e+000 l.64e+000 ---------------------------------------- --------- Total Components 100.00 l.95e+001