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1 DAQC-CI122720001-24 Site ID 12272 (B1) MEMORANDUM TO: FILE – GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY – West Haven Asphalt Plant THROUGH: Chad Gilgen, Minor Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Jared James, Environmental Scientist DATE: August 28, 2024 SUBJECT: FULL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION, Minor, Weber County INSPECTION DATE: June 11, 2024 SOURCE LOCATION: 1550 South 1900 West West Haven City, UT 84401 DIRECTIONS: Take Ogden 12th Street exit off of I-15 and head west to the first light west of I-15. Head south for approximately 0.5 mile, the facility is on the west side of the street. SOURCE CONTACTS: Tyler Jensen, Plant Manager Quin Bingham, Environmental Manager 435-770-4319, quin.bingham@gcinc.com OPERATING STATUS: Operating normally. PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Recycled asphalt plant. Raw aggregate material is trucked to the site, bottom-dropped to a feeder, and conveyed to the piles according to size. Aggregate is dumped into a feed bin by front end loader. The aggregate is screened and mixed with lime and fed into the dryer (first drum). The first drum dries and mixes the lime and aggregate. The outside drum is used to add recycle material to the virgin asphalt and to mix the final asphalt product. The asphalt is conveyed to storage silos for gravity drop to delivery trucks. The company typically uses some recycled aggregate material. Crushed recycled asphalt is brought into the yard by truck and is dumped to a pile. An impact crusher, cone crusher, and screen are located on site to crush and size the raw recycle material. The sized recycled material is dumped into a bin and metered into the second drum for mixing with virgin product. Emissions from the asphalt plant are controlled by a baghouse. There are water sprays on the pug mill that slurries lime prior to mixing with damp aggregate. An on-site water truck is used for dust control. 0 0 2 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN122720011-20, dated December 16, 2020 NSPS (Part 60) -OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants, NSPS (Part 60) I: Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities SOURCE EVALUATION: Name of Permittee: Permitted Location: Granite Construction Company West Haven Asphalt Plant 1000 North Warm Springs Road 1550 South 1900 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 West Haven City, UT 84401 SIC Code: 2951: (Asphalt Paving Mixtures & Blocks) Section I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] 3 I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] Status: In Compliance. No limits appear to have been exceeded. No modifications have been made to equipment or process. Records are maintained. The facility appears to be well maintained and operated properly. No reportable breakdowns have occurred since the previous inspection. A 2023 emissions inventory was submitted to DAQ. The hot oil heater was already installed when the AO was issued. Section II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.A The approved installations shall consist of the following equipment: II.A.1 Granite Construction Company West Haven Asphalt Operation II.A.2 One (1) Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Control: Baghouse Manufacture Date: 2019 Maximum Production Rate: 400 tph Burner Rating: 125 MMBtu/hr NSPS Applicability: Subpart I The drum and burner are new II.A.3 One (1) Pug Mill NSPS Applicability: Subpart I II.A.4 One (1) Lime Silo Control: Baghouse Size: 12' x 44' 10" NSPS Applicability: Subpart I II.A.5 One (1) Horizontal Impact Crusher Maximum Capacity Rating: 220 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.6 One (1) Cone Crusher Maximum Capacity Rating: 220 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.7 Two (2) Screens Size: 6' x 20' NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.8 Five (5) Asphalt Storage Silos Maximum Capacity: 150 tons (each) 4 II.A.9 One (1) Hot Oil Heater (New) Maximum Rated Capacity: 3.75 MMBtu/hr Fuel: Natural Gas II.A.10 Three (3) Double Compartment Asphalt Oil Tanks Maximum Capacity: Six (6) tanks total - 20,593 gallons (each) II.A.11 One (1) Asphalt Tack Tank Maximum Capacity: 10,043 gallons II.A.12 Miscellaneous Operations Includes: associated feeders, conveyors, and silos Status: In Compliance. Equipment observed on site was consistent with that listed. No unapproved equipment was observed. II.B Requirements and Limitations II.B.1 Source-Wide Requirements and Limitations II.B.1.a Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary point or fugitive emission source on site to exceed 20% opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Unless otherwise specified in this AO, opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. An average of 10% opacity was observed from the asphalt baghouse. Only minimal emissions were observed from any other point during the inspection. II.B.2 Asphalt Plant Requirements II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall not operate the asphalt plant for more than 3,100 hours per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8, R307-410] II.B.2.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. The owner/operator shall record hours of operation on a daily basis. Hours of operation shall be determined by supervisor monitoring and maintaining of an operations log. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The asphalt plant operated for 1,402.4 hours during the 12-month period of June 2023 through May 2024. II.B.2.b The owner/operator shall not exceed the following production and operational limitations for the asphalt plant: A. 675,000 tons of asphalt per rolling 12-month period B. 5,000 tons of asphalt per calendar day from December 1 through February 28 5 C. 3,780 tons of recycled asphalt per calendar day from December 1 through February 28. [R307-401-8, R307-410] II.B.2.b.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by belt scale records and/or vendor receipts and shall be kept on a daily basis. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Totals for asphalt production for the parameters set are as follows: A. 314,642 tons of asphalt B. 175.7 tons of asphalt per day from December through February C. 157 tons of recycled asphalt per day from December through February B and C are averages based on a five-day work week. The total production from December through February was 3,212 tons of asphalt and 2,219 tons of recycled asphalt. Both of which are lower than the one day production limit. II.B.2.c The owner/operator shall use natural gas or propane as fuel in the asphalt plant. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Only natural gas is used as fuel in the asphalt plant. II.B.2.d The owner/operator shall use a baghouse to control particulate emissions from the asphalt plant. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. A baghouse is used as outlined. II.B.2.e The owner/operator shall install a manometer or magnehelic pressure gauge to measure the differential pressure across the baghouse. The static pressure differential across the baghouse shall be between 2.0 to 6.0 inches of water column. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.e.1 The pressure gauge shall be located such that an inspector/operator can safely read the indicator at any time. The pressure gauge shall measure the pressure drop in 1-inch water column increments or less. The pressure gauge shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions at least once every 12 months. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.e.2 The owner/operator shall record the reading of the pressure gauge at least once per operating day. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. A pressure magnehelic gauge is located in the control tower. The pressure reading was 2.5 inches of water column at the time of inspection. The magnehelic gauge is calibrated annually. II.B.2.f Each storage silo associated with an asphalt plant shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The silos are equipped as outlined. 6 II.B.2.g The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any baghouse, bin vent, dust collector or fabric filter associated with an asphalt plant to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The asphalt plant baghouse was operating right at the 10% limit. No other visible emissions were observed from other emission points. II.B.2.h PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in the exhaust stream from the asphalt drum mixer shall not exceed 0.024 grains/dscf (0.030 grains/dscf for TSP). [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The results of the stack test conducted on August 30-31, 2021, were 0.006 grains/dscf. II.B.2.h.1 Stack testing to show compliance with the emission limitations stated in the above condition shall be performed as specified below: Emission Point: Drum Mixer exhaust passing through the baghouse Pollutant Testing Status Test Frequency TSP * # PM10 and PM2.5 ** @ * Initial compliance testing is required for the plant. The initial test date shall be performed as soon as possible and in no case later than 180 days from the date of this AO. A compliance test is required on a modified emission point that has an emission rate limit. ** Initial test is not required unless specified by the Director. # Initial test is required. Subsequent tests shall only be performed for PM10 and PM2.5. @ Test every five years or sooner if required by the Director. Tests may be required if the source is suspected to be in violation with other conditions of this AO. [R307-165, R307-401-8] II.B.2.h.2 A. Notification: At least 30 days prior to conducting any emission testing required under any part of UAC, R307, the owner or operator shall notify the Director of the date, time, and place of such testing, and shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall be approved by the Director prior to performing the tests. The source test protocol shall outline the proposed test methodologies, stack to be tested, and procedures to be used. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. The pretest conference shall include representation from the owner/operator, the tester, and the Director. B. Reporting: The owner/operator shall submit a written copy of the test report signed by the person conducting the test to the DAQ within 60 days of completion of the test. The test report shall contain, at a minimum, the information specified in 40 CFR §60.8(f)(2). 7 C. Sample Location The emission point shall be designed to conform to the requirements of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 1, or other methods as approved by the Director. An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) approved access shall be provided to the test location. D. Volumetric Flow Rate: 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 2 or other testing methods approved by the Director. E. TSP: The following methods shall be used to measure TSP emissions: 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5 or other EPA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. F. PM10 and PM2.5: The following methods shall be used to measure filterable particulate emissions: 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201 for PM10 or Method 201A for PM10 and PM2.5, or other EPA- approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM10 or PM2.5 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM10 or PM2.5. The following methods shall be used to measure condensable particulate emissions: 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 for PM10 and PM2.5, or other EPA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. The condensable particulate emissions shall not be used for compliance demonstration but shall be used for inventory purposes. G. Calculations: To determine mass emission rates (lb/hr, etc.) the pollutant concentration as determined by the appropriate methods above shall be multiplied by the volumetric flow rate and any necessary conversion factors determined by the Director, to give the results in the specified units of the emission limitation. H. Test Conditions: All tests shall be conducted in accordance with R307-165-4. I. New Source Operation: For a new source/emission point, the production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less than 90 percent of the maximum production rate (rated capacity) of the source. If the production rate has not been achieved at the time of the test, compliance testing shall be conducted at no less than 90 percent of the maximum production rate achieved as of the date of the test. 8 J. Existing Source Operation: For an existing source/emission point, the production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less than 90 percent of the maximum production achieved in the previous three (3) years. If an existing source/emission point has not operated in the previous three (3) years, the production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less than 90 percent of the maximum production rate (rated capacity) of the source. If the production rate has not been achieved at the time of the test, compliance testing shall be conducted at no less than 90 percent of the maximum production rate achieved as of the date of the test. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The stack test was submitted, reviewed, and accepted (DAQC-1509-21). The stack test was conducted August 30-31, 2021. II.B.3 Aggregate Processing Plant Requirements II.B.3.a The owner/operator shall not produce more than 426,000 tons of aggregate material per rolling 12-month period for the West Haven Operation aggregate plant. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by belt scale records and/or vendor receipts and shall be kept on a daily basis. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The 12-month rolling total for produced aggregate was 97,693 tons. II.B.3.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from the following emission points to exceed the following values: A. All crushers - 12 percent opacity B. All screens - 7 percent opacity C. All conveyor transfer points - 7 percent opacity D. All conveyor drop points - 20 percent opacity [R307-309, R307-312] Status: In Compliance. The crushing circuit had no visible emissions at the time of inspection. II.B.3.c The owner/operator shall install water sprays on all crushers, all screens, all conveyor transfer points, and all conveyor drop points to control emissions. Sprays shall operate as required to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. Water sprays are not required for recycled asphalt pavement conveyor transfer points. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Water sprays are installed as outlined and were operating at the time of inspection. 9 II.B.3.d The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to discharge spray nozzles associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water spray nozzles, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Monthly spray bar inspections are conducted. II.B.3.e Records of the water sprays inspections shall be kept and maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date the inspections were made B. Any corrective actions taken C. Control mechanism used if sprays are not operating [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Records of spray bar inspections are kept. II.B.3.f The owner/operator shall conduct an initial performance test for all crushers, screens, and conveyor transfer points subject to NSPS Subpart OOO. Performance tests shall meet the limitations specified in Table 3 to Subpart OOO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.3.f.1 Initial performance tests for fugitive emissions limits shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60.675(c). The owner or operator may use methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(e) as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(c). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.3.f.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the initial performance test for each crusher, screen, and conveyor for the life of the equipment. The record of the initial performance test must be made available to the Director or the Director's representative upon request. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] Status: In Compliance. Initial OOO readings were conducted on May 29, 2018. II.B.4 Haul Roads and Fugitive Dust Sources Requirements II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall comply with a FDCP consistent with R307-309-6. The FDCP shall address the control of all fugitive dust sources at the plant. [R307-309-6, R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The source has a FDCP dated December 15, 2018, and appeared to be operating in accordance with it. II.B.4.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul roads and fugitive dust sources to exceed 20 percent opacity on site and 10 percent at the property boundary. [R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.4.b.1 Visible emission determinations for fugitive dust from haul roads and operational areas shall use procedures similar to Method 9. The normal requirement for observations to be made at 10 15-second intervals over a six-minute period, however, shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at the densest point of the plume but at a point not less than one-half vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than one-half the height of the vehicle. [R307-309-5, R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The asphalt plant haul roads are paved, and no visible emissions were observed from haul traffic. The crushing area is mostly covered in road base material and only minimal dust was observed from operations. II.B.4.c The owner/operator shall use water application or other control options contained in R307-309 to minimize emissions from fugitive dust and fugitive emissions sources, including unpaved haul roads, storage piles, and disturbed areas. Controls shall be applied to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-309, R307-401-8] II.B.4.c.1 The owner/operator shall maintain records of water application or other control options for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Watering is conducted and records are kept and were viewed at the time of inspection. II.B.4.d The owner/operator shall pave all haul roads used for asphalt and aggregate hauling. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. All asphalt haul roads are paved. II.B.4.e The owner/operator shall clean all paved plant roads with periodic sweeping or spray-cleaning to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.e.1 The owner/operator shall maintain records of cleaning the paved roads for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Watering records are maintained and were viewed at the time of inspection. Section III: APPLICABLE FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements of this AO, all applicable provisions of the following federal programs have been found to apply to this installation. This AO in no way releases the owner or operator from any liability for compliance with all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations including UAC R307. NSPS (Part 60) -OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants Status: In Compliance. OOO initial observations were conducted May 29, 2018. Monthly spray bar inspections are conducted and records are maintained. 11 NSPS (Part 60) I: Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities Status: In Compliance. A stack test was conducted August 30-31, 2021, and results were submitted to DAQ. Results were reviewed by DAQ and found to be compliant (DAQC-1509-21). AREA SOURCE RULES EVALUATION: The following Area Source Rules were evaluated during this inspection: Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10:Emissions and Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust [R307-309] Status: In Compliance. Only minimal emissions were observed from crushing operational area from loader activity. Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas [R307-312] Status: In Compliance. No dust was observed from the crushing circuit. Water sprays were in operation at the time of inspection. VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants [R307-313] Status: Compliance not determined. The source is conducting a cost analysis to see if it is more equitable to add controls or change to a warm mix asphalt plant before the May 1, 2025, compliance date. EMISSION INVENTORY: Listed before are the Actual Emissions Inventory provided from Granite Construction Company – West Haven Asphalt Plant. A comparison of the estimated total potential emissions (PTE) on AO: DAQE-AN122720011-20, dated December 16, 2020, is provided. PTE are supplied for supplemental purposes only. Criteria Pollutant PTE tons/yr Actuals tons/yr CO2 Equivalent 11828.00 Carbon Monoxide 45.21 24.939 Nitrogen Oxides 9.01 16.220 Particulate Matter - PM10 12.39 8.039 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 8.52 4.697 Sulfur Dioxide 1.56 0.721 Volatile Organic Compounds 13.36 10.677 12 Hazardous Air Pollutant PTE lbs/yr Actuals lbs/yr 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (CAS #540841) 27 12.2 2-Methynapthalene (CAS #91576) 64 Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) (CAS #71432) 267 119.12 Formaldehyde (CAS #50000) 2149 947.14 Generic HAPs (CAS #GHAPS) 251 Hexane (CAS #110543) 646 289.04 Methyl Chloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane) (CAS #71556) 32 14.64 Naphthalene (CAS #91203) 67 31.44 Nickel (CAS #7440020) 43 19.24 Toluene (CAS #108883) 112 46.18 Xylenes (Isomers And Mixture) (CAS #1330207) 168 62.06 PREVIOUS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: CA – DAQC-772-22, dated August 5, 2022 – Visible emission exceedance from haul traffic. NFA – DAQC-1405-22, dated October 24, 2022 – concerning the above CA. COMPLIANCE STATUS & RECOMMENDATIONS: In regards to Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN122720011-20, dated December 16, 2020: In Compliance. The facility appeared to be well maintained and operated properly. Records were provided during the inspection for review and after by email. HPV STATUS: Not Applicable. RECOMMENDATION FOR NEXT INSPECTION: Determine whether the source decided to become a warm asphalt supplier or if they are subject to R307-313. NSR RECOMMENDATIONS: None at this time. ATTACHMENTS: VEO Form, Records, Email. 2023 Emissions Inventory Report Granite Construction Company- West Haven Asphalt Plant (12272) Emissions Summary CRITERIA AIR POLLUTANT (CAP) EMISSIONS TOTALS Pollutant Code/CAS #Pollutant Name Emissions (tons, excluding tailpipe) Tailpipe Emissions (tons) Total Emissions (tons)* PM10-PRI PM10 Primary (Filt + Cond)7.38105 0.6583 8.03934 PM10-FIL PM10 Filterable 0.74166 0.6583 1.39995 PM25-PRI PM2.5 Primary (Filt + Cond)4.05838 0.63836 4.69675 PM25-FIL PM2.5 Filterable 0.49127 0.63836 1.12963 PM-CON PM Condensible 3.09272 <.00001 3.09272 SO2 Sulfur Dioxide 0.70317 0.01811 0.72128 NOX Nitrogen Oxides 4.0455 12.17491 16.22041 VOC Volatile Organic Compounds 9.72227 0.9547 10.67697 CO Carbon Monoxide 20.02726 4.9118 24.93906 7439921 Lead 0.0001 <.00001 0.0001 HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANT (HAP) and/or OTHER POLLUTANT EMISSIONS TOTALS Pollutant Code/CAS #Pollutant Name Is VOC/PM? Total Emissions (tons)* 7440360 Antimony (HAP)PM 0.00003 7440382 Arsenic (HAP)PM 0.00009 71432 Benzene (HAP)VOC 0.05956 7440417 Beryllium (HAP)PM <.00001 7440439 Cadmium (HAP)PM 0.00007 75150 Carbon Disulfide (HAP)VOC 0.00002 7440473 Chromium (HAP)PM 0.00084 7440484 Cobalt (HAP)PM <.00001 106467 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (HAP)VOC <.00001 100414 Ethyl Benzene (HAP)VOC 0.03661 50000 Formaldehyde (HAP)VOC 0.47357 110543 Hexane (HAP)VOC 0.14452 7439965 Manganese (HAP)PM 0.00118 7439976 Mercury (HAP)- 0.00004 71556 Methyl Chloroform (HAP)- 0.00732 75092 Methylene Chloride (HAP)- <.00001 91203 Naphthalene (HAP)VOC 0.01572 7440020 Nickel (HAP)PM 0.00962 7723140 Phosphorus (HAP)- 0.00427 7782492 Selenium (HAP)PM 0.00005 100425 Styrene (HAP)VOC 0.00001 108883 Toluene (HAP)VOC 0.02309 540841 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (HAP)VOC 0.0061 1330207 Xylenes (Mixed Isomers) (HAP)VOC 0.03103 91576 2-Methylnaphthalene (HAP)PM 0.01129 *Rounded to 5 digits past the decimal point. Note that where rounding results in 0, <.00001 is indicated. 1/2 2/2 PM10 COMPLIANCE TEST CONDUCTED FOR GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY WEST HAVEN ASPHALT PLANT WEST HAVEN, UTAH August 30 & 31, 2021 by: TETCO 391 East 620 South American Fork, UT 84003 Phone: 801 492-9106 Fax: 801 492-9107 Prepared for: Granite Construction Company 1000 Warm Springs Road Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Date of Report: September 9, 2019 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction Test Purpose .........................................................................................................................1 Test Location and Type of Process ......................................................................................1 Test Dates.............................................................................................................................1 Pollutants Tested and Methods Applied ..............................................................................1 Test Participants ...................................................................................................................1 Deviations From EPA Methods ...........................................................................................2 Quality Assurance ................................................................................................................2 Summary of Results Emission Results ..................................................................................................................3 Process Data .........................................................................................................................3 Allowable Emissions ...........................................................................................................3 Description of Collected Samples ........................................................................................3 Discussion of Errors or Irregularities ...................................................................................4 Percent Isokinetics ...............................................................................................................4 Source Operation Process Control Devices Operation .....................................................................................5 Process Representativeness ..................................................................................................5 Sampling and Analytical Procedures Sampling Port Location .......................................................................................................6 Sampling Point Location......................................................................................................6 Sampling Train Description .................................................................................................6 Sampling and Analytical Procedures ...................................................................................7 Quality Assurance ................................................................................................................7 Appendices A: Complete Results and Sample Calculations B: Raw Field Data C: Laboratory Data and Chain of Custody D: Raw Production Data E: Calibration Procedures and Results F: Related Correspondence iv LIST OF TABLES PAGE Table I Measured PM Emissions and Production Rates ..................................................................3 II Percent Isokinetic Sampling ...............................................................................................4 III Sampling Point Location......................................................................................................6 IV Complete Results ............................................................................................... Appendix A LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Facility Schematic Representation ..................................................................... Appendix D 2 Schematic of Method 5/202 Sampling Train ..................................................... Appendix E 1 INTRODUCTION Test Purpose This test was conducted to determine compliance with the particulate matter (PM) emission limits of the facility’s Approval Order (AO), Number DAQE-AN122720011-20, dated December 16, 2020. Emissions are expressed in terms of grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf) and pounds per hour (lb/hr) where applicable. Test Location and Type of Process The Astec 400 tph drum asphalt plant was located at 1550 West 1900 West, West Haven, Utah. Sand, gravel, recycled, asphalt and oil are mixed and dried in a natural gas fired drum. The exhaust gas passes through a baghouse. A facility schematic is shown as Figure 1 found in Appendix D. Test Dates Two test runs were completed August 30, 2021, and the last test run was completed August 31, 2021. Pollutants Tested and Methods Applied These tests were a gravimetric determination of PM particulate in accordance with EPA Methods 5 and 202. The reasons for using Method 5 rather than Method 201A are twofold: 1) even though the stack gas is not saturated with water droplets, the relatively high moisture content of the stack exhaust leads to a low Method 201A sample rate, and 2) previous testing at the facility have shown that the Method 5 results were well under the PM emission limits. Condensable particulate matter (PM) was sampled as the back-half of the method 5 sample train. Test Participants Test Facility Mark Greenwood State Agency None TETCO Dean Kitchen Reed Kitchen 2 Deviations From EPA Methods None. Quality Assurance Testing procedures and sample recovery techniques were according to those outlined in the Federal Register and the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems. 3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS Emission Results Table I presents the findings of the compliance test. Table IV has more detailed test data in Appendix A. Table I Measured PM Emissions and Production Rates Particulate Matter Production Rate Run # Concentration (gr/dscf) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) (TPH) 1 0.003 0.58 488.5 2 0.006 1.13 489.2 3 0.011 1.95 415.0 AVE 0.006 1.22 464.2 Condensable particulate matter results are found on table IV in Appendix A. Process Data The process was operated according to standard procedures. All pertinent process data was available for recording by agency personnel. Aggregate, recycled asphalt, asphalt tar feed rate, and the baghouse differential pressure drop were recorded on production sheets found in Appendix D. Allowable Emissions The allowable of PM emissions for this source are 0.030 gr/dscf and 5.55 lb/hr while running virgin or RAP material. The allowable of PM10 and PM 2.5 emissions for this source are 0.024 gr/dscf and 5.55 lb/hr while running virgin or RAP material. Description of Collected Samples The front washes were clear in appearance. There was a small amount of visible tan colored particulate on the test filters. 4 Discussion of Errors or Irregularities None. Percent Isokinetic Sampling The EPA Method 5/202 test runs were isokinetic within the ±10% of 100% criteria specified in the Federal Register. Isokinetic values for each test run are presented in Table II below. Table II. Percent Isokinetic Sampling Run # Percent Isokinetic 1 109 2 101 3 103 5 SOURCE OPERATION Process Control Devices Operation All control devices operated normally. Control equipment data is found on the production data sheets. Process Representativeness The facility was operated normally. Production data is contained in Appendix D. 6 SAMPLING AND ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Sampling Port Location Port location is depicted in Figure 1. The inside dimensions of the rectangular stack were 33.0 by 49.0 inches. Six, three-inch diameter ports were available for testing. These ports were located 5.71 equivalent diameters (225 inches) downstream from the last disturbance and 3.70 equivalent diameters (146 inches) upstream from the next disturbance. Sampling Point Location Table III shows the distance of each sampling point from the inside wall according to EPA Method 1. Each point was marked with a wrapping of glass tape. These points were determined by measuring the distance from the inside wall and adding the reference (port) measurement. TABLE III Sampling Point Location Sample Point Distance (inches) from Inside Wall 1 7.63 2 15.88 3 24.13 4 32.38 Sampling Train Description To determine the actual emission rates for this stack, 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5, and 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 were followed. All sampling trains were made of Teflon, stainless steel and glass to prevent interference of the sampled gas. The stack analyzer used to conduct Methods 5 and 202 was constructed to meet the specifications outlined in the CFR. The temperature sensors were K-type thermocouples. Heater, vacuum and pitot line connections were designed to be interchangeable with all units used by the tester. Stainless steel probe liners were used for each test run. Figure 2 in Appendix E is a sketch of the Method 5/202 sampling train. Sample boxes were prepared for testing by following the prescribed procedure outlined in Methods 5 and 202. 7 Sampling and Analytical Procedures All sampling and analytical test procedures employed were as specified in 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 5 and 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method and 202. Quality Assurance All equipment set-up, sampling procedures, sample recovery and equipment calibrations were carried out according to the procedures specified in 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 5and 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 and the Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems. 8 APPENDICES A: Complete Results and Sample Calculations B: Raw Field Data C: Laboratory Data and Chain of Custody D: Raw Production Data E: Calibration Procedures and Results F: Related Correspondence A APPENDIX A Table IV Complete Results Nomenclature Sample Equations Method 5, 202TABLE IV COMPLETE RESULTS GRAINITE CONSTRUCTION WEST HAVEN HOT MIX ASPHALT PLANT Symbol Description Dimensions Run #1 Run #2 Run #3 Date Date 8/30/2021 8/30/2021 8/31/2021 Filter #7499 7500 7501 Begin Time Test Began 10:45 12:26 7:04 End Time Test Ended 11:53 13:32 8:10 Pbm Meter Barometric Pressure In. Hg. Abs 25.65 25.65 25.55 DH Orifice Pressure Drop In. H2O 1.431 1.406 1.270 Y Meter Calibration Y Factor dimensionless 0.992 0.992 0.992 Vm Volume Gas Sampled--Meter Conditions cf 45.975 45.445 43.301 Tm Avg Meter Temperature oF 81.4 81.3 81.4 DP Sq Root Velocity Head Root In. H2O 0.9934 1.0319 0.9916 Wtwc Weight Water Collected Grams 367.0 339.2 356.7 Tt Duration of Test Minutes 60 60 60 Cp Pitot Tube Coefficient Dimensionless 0.84 0.84 0.84 Dn Nozzle Diameter Inches 0.2350 0.2350 0.2350 CO2 Volume % Carbon Dioxide Percent 5.00 4.80 5.20 O2 Volume % Oxygen Percent 12.00 12.60 12.00 N2 & CO Volume % Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide Percent 83.00 82.60 82.80 Vmstd Volume Gas Sampled (Standard)dscf 38.286 37.849 35.903 Vw Volume Water Vapor scf 17.308 15.997 16.822 Bws (measured)Fraction H2O in Stack Gas (Measured)Fraction 0.311 0.297 0.319 Bws (calculated)Fraction H2O in Stack Gas (Calculated)Fraction 1.017 1.017 1.021 Bws Fraction H2O in Stack Gas Fraction 0.311 0.297 0.319 Xd Fraction of Dry Gas Fraction 0.689 0.703 0.681 Md Molecular Wt. Dry Gas lb/lbmol 29.28 29.27 29.31 Ms Molecular Wt. Stack Gas lb/lbmol 25.77 25.92 25.70 %I Percent Isokinetic Percent 108.6 101.1 103.0 AVG Ts Avg Stack Temperature oF 245.3 238.8 242.4 242.2 As Stack Cross Sectional Area Sq. Ft.11.229 11.229 11.229 PG Stack Static Pressure In. H2O -0.85 -0.85 -0.85 Pbp Sample Port Barometric Pressure In. Hg. Abs 25.63 25.63 25.53 Ps Stack Pressure In. Hg. Abs 25.568 25.568 25.468 Qs Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate (Std)dscfm 2.19E+04 2.33E+04 2.16E+04 2.23E+04 Qa Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate (Actual)cfm 4.97E+04 5.13E+04 4.97E+04 5.02E+04 Vs Velocity of Stack Gas fpm 4.43E+03 4.56E+03 4.42E+03 4.47E+03 Mfilter Mass of Particulate on Filter milligrams 1.4 1.9 3.6 Mp Mass of Particulate in Wash milligrams 6.3 12.0 20.8 MF Mass of Front Half milligrams 7.7 13.9 24.4 15.33 MB Mass of Back Half milligrams 1.2 0.7 1.7 1.20 CF Concentration of Front Half gr / dscf 0.0031 0.0057 0.0105 0.0064 Ccond Concentration of Condensibles gr / dscf 0.0005 0.0003 0.0007 0.0005 CFcond Combined Front Half and CPM gr / dscf 0.0036 0.0060 0.0112 0.0069 ERF Emission Rate of Front Half lb / hr 0.582 1.129 1.945 1.219 ERcond Emission Rate of Condensibles lb / hr 0.091 0.057 0.136 0.094 ERFcond Emission Rate of Front Half and CPM lb / hr 0.673 1.186 2.081 1.313 %I =percent isokinetic As =stack cross-sectional area (ft3) AS∆P =see √∆P Btu =unit heat value (British thermal unit) Bws =fraction of water in stack gas Ccpm =concentration of condensibles (grain/dscf) Cf =concentration of particulate matter, front half (gr/dscf,lb/dscf, etc.) Cmetal =concentration of metals (ppm, µg/ft3, etc.) atomic symbol replaces "metal" CO2 =percent carbon dioxide in the stack gas Cp =pitot tube coefficient (0.84) CX (avg)=species symbol replaces x . CX (corr)=actual gas concentration corrected to required percent O2 ∆H =orifice pressure drop (inches H2O) ∆H@ =orifice pressure (inches H2O) Dn =nozzle diameter (inches) Dn des =calculated desired nozzle size (inches) ∆P =stack flow pressure differential (inches H2O) Ds =diameter of the stack (feet) EA =percent excess air ERcpm =emission rate of condensibles (lb/hr) ERF =emission rate of front half particulate (lb/hr) ERmmBtu =emission rate per mmBtu or ton of fuel etc. ERX =emission rate of compound which replaces x K-fact =multiplier of test point ∆P to determine test point ∆H L =length of rectangular stack (inches) mBtu =thousand Btu Mcpm =mass of condensibles (milligrams) Md =molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis (lb/lb-mol) MF =mass of particulate on filter (mg) MFP =mass of particulate matter on filter and probe (mg) mmBtu =million Btu MP =mass of particulate matter in probe (mg) Ms =molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis (g/gmol) N2 =percent nitrogen in the stack gas O2 =percent oxygen in the stack gas √∆P =average of the square roots of ∆P (may also be referred to as AS∆P) Pbm =absolute barometric pressure at the dry gas meter (inches Hg) Pbp =absolute barometric pressure at the sample location (inches Hg) PG =stack static pressure (inches H2O) Ps =absolute stack pressure (inches Hg) Pstd =absolute pressure at standard conditions (29.92 inches Hg.) θ =time of test (minutes) Qa =stack gas volumetric flow rate (acfm) Method 5 / 202 Nomenclature Method 5 / 202 Nomenclature Qs =stack gas volumetric flow rate (dscfm) Qw =wet stack gas std. volumetric flow (ft3/min, wscfm) Tm =meter temperature (oF) Ts =stack temperature (oF) Tstd =absolute temperature at standard conditions (528oR) Tt =see θ Vm =sample volume (ft3) at meter conditions Vmstd =volume standard (dscf), sample volume adjusted to 68oF and 29.92 inches Hg. Vs =velocity of stack gas (fpm) Vw =volume water vapor (scf) at 68oF and 29.92 inches Hg. W =width of rectangular stack (inches) Wtwc =weight of the condensed water collected (grams) Xd =fraction of dry gas Y =meter calibration Y-factor (dimensionless) %I =Vmstd • (Ts + 460) • 1039 / (θ • Vs • Ps • Xd • Dn2) As =(Ds2 / 4) • π Bws =Vw / (Vmstd +Vw) Ccpm =Mcpm • 0.01543 / Vmstd Ccors =Mcors • 0.01543 / Vmstd Cf =Mfp • 0.01543 / Vmstd CX (corr)=CX (avg) • (20.9 - desired %O2) / (20.9 - actual %O2) Deq =2 • L • W / (L + W) Dn des =√{0.0269 • (Pbm + 0.0735) / [(Tm + 460) • Cp • Xd • √[(Ts + 460) • Ms) / (Ps • ∆P)]]} EA =(%O2 - 0.5 %CO) / [0.264 %N2 - (%O2 - 0.5 %CO)] ERcpm =Ccpm • Qs • 0.00857 ERF =Cf • Qs • 0.00857 ERmmBtu =ERX / (mmBtu / hr) K-fact =846.72 • Dn4 • ∆H@ • Cp2 • Xd2 • Md • Ps • (Tm + 460) / [Ms • (Ts + 460) • (Pbm + ∆H / 13.6)] Md =CO2 • 0.44 + O2 • 0.32 + N2 •0.28 Ms =(Md • Xd) + (18 • Bws) Ps =Pbp + (PG / 13.6) Qa =Vs • As Qs =Qa • Xd • Ps • Tstd / [(Ts + 460) • Pstd] Qw =Qs / Xd Vmstd =Vm • Y • Tstd • (Pbm + ∆H / 13.6) / [Pstd • (Tm + 460)] Vs =85.49 • 60 • Cp • √∆P • √ [(Ts + 460) / (Ps • Ms)] Vw =Wtwc • 0.04715 Xd =1 - Bws Method 5 / 202 Sample Equations B APPENDIX B Preliminary Velocity Traverse and Sampling Point Location Data Particulate Field Data C APPENDIX C Sample Recovery PM Analysis Lab Sheets Condensible Particulate Matter Analysis Lab Sheets Gas Analysis Data (ORSAT) Chain of Custody Facility:Date: Stack Identification:Run:1 Filter Number:7499 Sample Box:D Blanks &Blanks Rinses Rinses Acetone (CH3COCH3)0.0000 g/100ml Acetone (CH3COCH3)150 ml Filter Final1:0.6660 g Date:9/1/2021 10:00 Final2:0.6659 g Date:9/2/2021 9:00 FinalAVG:0.6660 g Filter Preweight:0.6646 g CRITERIA Net 0.0014 g Process Weight Time Net 1.4 mg Final Pass Pass Front Half Final1:100.3123 g Date:9/1/2021 10:00 Final2:100.3128 g Date:9/2/2021 9:00 FinalAVG:100.3126 g Initial1:100.3064 g Date:10/21/2020 Time:8:00 Initial2:100.3062 g Date:10/21/2020 Time:14:00 InitialAVG:100.3063 g Gross:0.0063 g CRITERIA Beaker Number:9 Blank:0.0000 g Process Weight Time Net 0.0063 g Final Pass Pass Net 6.3 mg Initial Pass Pass RESULTS Front Half Filter 1.4 mg Wash 6.3 mg Total 7.7 mg Comments:Criteria: 1) Weights are ± 0.5 mg of each other, or within 1% of the net weight. 2) There shall be at least 6 hrs between weighings. Lab Technician:Date:9/1/21 Lab Technician:Date:9/3/21 M McNamara D Kitchen Granite Construction West Haven, Ut. Asphalt Plant 8/30/2021 Facility:Granite Construction Date:8/30/2021 Stack Identification:Run:2 Filter Number:7500 Sample Box:E Blanks &Blanks Rinses Rinses Acetone (CH3COCH3)0.0000 g/100ml Acetone (CH3COCH3)200 ml Filter Final1:0.6668 g Date:9/1/21 10:00 Final2:0.6668 g Date:9/2/21 9:00 FinalAVG:0.6668 g Filter Preweight:0.6649 g CRITERIA Net 0.0019 g Process Weight Time Net 1.9 mg Final Pass Pass Front Half Final1:101.5499 g Date:9/1/21 10:00 Final2:101.5495 g Date:9/2/21 9:00 FinalAVG:101.5497 g Initial1:101.5376 g Date:10/21/20 Time:8:00 Initial2:101.5377 g Date:10/21/20 Time:14:00 InitialAVG:101.5377 g Gross:0.0120 g CRITERIA Beaker Number:10 Blank:0.0000 g Process Weight Time Net 0.0120 g Final Pass Pass Net 12.0 mg Initial Pass Pass RESULTS Front Half Filter 1.9 mg Wash 12.0 mg Total 13.9 mg Comments:Criteria: 1) Weights are ± 0.5 mg of each other, or within 1% of the net weight. 2) There shall be at least 6 hrs between weighings. Lab Technician:M McNamara Date:9/1/21 Lab Technician:D Kitchen Date:9/3/21 West Haven, Ut. Asphalt Plant Facility:Granite Construction Date:8/31/2021 Stack Identification:Run:3 Filter Number:7501 Sample Box:F Blanks &Blanks Rinses Rinses Acetone (CH3COCH3)0.0000 g/100ml Acetone (CH3COCH3)175 ml Filter Final1:0.6654 g Date:9/1/2021 10:00 Final2:0.6654 g Date:9/2/2021 9:00 FinalAVG:0.6654 g Filter Preweight:0.6618 g CRITERIA Net 0.0036 g Process Weight Time Net 3.6 mg Final Pass Pass Front Half Final1:116.7386 g Date:9/1/2021 10:00 Final2:116.7385 g Date:9/2/2021 9:00 FinalAVG:116.7386 g Initial1:116.7178 g Date:10/21/2020 Time:8:00 Initial2:116.7177 g Date:10/21/2020 Time:14:00 InitialAVG:116.7178 g Gross:0.0208 g CRITERIA Beaker Number:11 Blank:0.0000 g Process Weight Time Net 0.0208 g Final Pass Pass Net 20.8 mg Initial Pass Pass RESULTS Front Half Filter 3.6 mg Wash 20.8 mg Total 24.4 mg Comments:Criteria: 1) Weights are ± 0.5 mg of each other, or within 1% of the net weight. 2) There shall be at least 6 hrs between weighings. Lab Technician:M McNamara Date:9/1/21 Lab Technician:D Kitchen Date:9/3/21 West Haven, Ut. Asphalt Plant Facilty: Stack Identification:Test Date(s): Sample Description/ID # Inorganic CPM Beaker/Tin #965 Date Time Rel. Hum %966 Date Time Rel. Hum %967 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2428 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2126 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2402 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2428 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2126 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2404 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2428 2.2126 2.2403 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2420 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2120 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2393 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2420 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2121 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2392 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2420 2.2121 2.2393 mr: Initial Inorganic Wt, mg 0.80 0.55 1.05 H2O added in Extractions, ml 60 pH pH 60 pH pH 60 pH pH Reconstituted H2O Volume, ml Start End Start End Start End N: Normality of NH4OH Vt: Volume of NH4OH, ml mc: Mass of NH4 Added, mg mi (or mib): Final Inorganic Wt, mg 0.80 0.55 1.05 Organic CPM Beaker/Tin #968 Date Time Rel. Hum %969 Date Time Rel. Hum %970 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2353 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2270 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2370 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2352 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2268 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2371 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2353 2.2269 2.2371 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2335 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2254 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2350 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2332 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2252 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2349 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2334 2.2253 2.2350 mo (or mob): Net Organic Wt, mg 1.90 1.60 2.10 mcpm : Gross CPM, mg 2.7 2.1 3.2 mcpm : Blank CPM, mg 1.5 1.5 1.5 mcpm : Net CPM, mg 1.2 0.7 1.7 pH Meter: Oakton pHTestr BNC, Electrode Model: 35801-00 pH Date Time Lab Technician:Date:9/2/21 Fisher pH Buffer 4.00 Fisher pH Buffer 7.00 Lab Technician:Date:9/10/21 10/21/2015Form Date: Method 202 Laboratory Form Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 8/30-31/21 Granite Construction West Haven Asphalt Plant M. McNamara Dean Kitchen Facilty: Stack Identification:Test Date(s):8/30-31/21 Sample Description/ID # Inorganic CPM Beaker/tin #971 Date Time Rel. Hum %972 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2055 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2679 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2055 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2681 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2055 2.2680 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2056 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2682 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2054 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2678 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2055 2.2680 mr: Initial Inorganic Wt, mg 0.00 0.00 H2O added in Extractions, ml 60 pH pH 60 pH pH Reconstituted H2O Volume, ml Start End Start End N: Normality of NH4OH Vt: Volume of NH4OH, ml mc: Mass of NH4 Added, mg mi (or mib): Final Inorganic Wt, mg 0.00 0.00 Organic CPM Beaker/tin #973 Date Time Rel. Hum %974 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2415 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2181 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2417 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2180 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2416 2.2181 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2401 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2175 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2402 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2171 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2402 2.2173 mo (or mob): Net Organic Wt, mg 1.45 0.75 mcpm (or mfb): Total CPM, mg 1.5 0.8 pH Meter: Oakton pHTestr BNC, Electrode Model: 35801-00 pH Date Time Lab Tech.:Date:9/2/21 Fisher pH Buffer 4.00 Fisher pH Buffer 7.00 Lab Tech.:Date:9/10/21 10/21/2015Form Date: Method 202 Laboratory Form Recovery Blank Proof Blank Granite Construction West Haven Asphalt Plant M. McNamara Dean Kitchen Facilty: Stack Identification:Test Date(s): Blank Description/ID #Water Acetone Hexane Lot #198D92 190175 SHB2839 Beaker/tin #975 Date Time Rel. Hum %976 Date Time Rel. Hum %977 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2275 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2420 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2391 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2275 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2420 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2391 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2275 2.2420 2.2391 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2277 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2420 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2390 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2273 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2420 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2391 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2275 2.2420 2.2391 Blank Residual Mass, mg 0.00 Water 0.00 Acetone 0.05 Hexane Blank Mass, g 230 184 146 Blank Volume, ml 230 235 219 Max Blank Residulal Mass, mg 0.23 0.23 0.22 Lab Technician:Date:9/2/21 Lab Technician:Date:9/10/21 10/21/2015Form Date: Method 202 Field Reagent Blank Form 8/30-31/21 Granite Construction West Haven Asphalt Plant Fisher ACS SigmaRICCA Reagent M. McNamara Dean Kitchen Blank Description/ID #Water Acetone Hexane Lot #1908D92 61042 SHBN2839 Beaker/tin #937 Date Time Rel. Hum %938 Date Time Rel. Hum %939 Date Time Rel. Hum % Final Weight (1), g 2.2150 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2393 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 2.2263 9/8/21 12:00 < 1 Final Weight (2), g 2.2148 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2393 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 2.2263 9/10/21 8:00 < 1 Ave. Final Weight, g 2.2149 2.2393 2.2263 Initial Weight (1), g 2.2149 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2393 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 2.2264 3/9/21 10:00 < 1 Initial Weight (2), g 2.2147 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2393 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 2.2262 3/10/21 10:00 < 1 Ave. Initial Weight, g 2.2148 2.2393 2.2263 Blank Residual Mass, mg 0.10 Water 0.00 Acetone 0.00 Hexane Blank Mass, g 200 170 154 Blank Volume, ml 200 217 231 Max Blank Residulal Mass, mg 0.20 0.22 0.23 Lab Technician:Date:8/16/21 Lab Technician:Date:8/19/21 10/21/2015 Method 202 Laboratory Reagent Blank Form RICCA Reagent Supelco Sigma-Aldrich Form Date: M. McNamara Dean Kitchen D APPENDIX D Figure 1. Facility Schematic Representation Raw Production Data Facility: Stack Identification: L Granite Construction, West Haven 30% 240 g: Distance of Sample Level to Ground, feet 20' 4,400 Estimated Temperature, oF Estimated Velocity, fpm 49"L: Stack Inside Length, inches Astec 400 Drum Dryer 146" 225" 33.0"W: Stack Inside Width, inches Baghouse Estimated Moisture, percent a: Distance upstream from next disturbance, inches b: Distance downstream from last disturbance, inches Asphalt Drum Mixer/DryerType: Number of Ports Process Type: Control Unit 6 a g b W Figure 1. Facility Schematic Representation 8/30/2021 Time Aggregate Recylcle Tar 10:47 375.0 130.0 13.60 11:02 375.0 128.8 13.80 11:17 375.0 130.2 13.70 11:32 350.0 79.1 14.30 11:47 350.0 79.6 14.30 Ave 365.000 109.5 13.94 488.5 Sum 8/30/2021 Time Aggregate Recylcle Tar 12:30 375.0 129.0 13.60 12:45 375.0 131.1 13.50 13:00 375.0 131.5 13.50 13:15 350.0 79.4 14.30 13:30 350.0 81.0 14.20 Ave 365.000 110.4 13.82 489.2 Sum 8/31/2021 Time Aggregate Recylcle Tar 7:03 325.0 77.0 12.70 7:18 325.0 76.9 13.80 7:33 325.0 76.6 13.70 7:48 325.0 77.4 13.60 8:03 325.0 74.7 13.60 Ave 325.000 76.5 13.48 415.0 Sum 464.2 E APPENDIX E Calibration of the console dry gas meter(s), pitot tubes, nozzles diameters, and temperature sensors were carried out in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Quality Assurance Handbook. The appropriate calibration data are presented in the following pages. The nozzle calibrations are recorded on the first page of the field data sheets. Figure 2. Schematic of Method 5/202 Sampling Train Meter Box Calibration Data and Calculations Forms Post-test Dry Gas Meter Calibration Data Forms Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Data Sample Box Temperature Sensor Calibration Filter Balance Calibration Figure 2. Schematic of Method 5/202 Sampling Train METHOD 5 DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION USING CRITICAL ORIFICES 1) Select three critical orifices to calibrate the dry gas meter which bracket the expected operating range. 2) Record barometric pressure before and after calibration procedure. 3) Run at tested vacuum (from Orifice Calibration Report), for a period of time necessary to achieve a minimum total volume of 5 cubic feet. 4) Record data and information in the GREEN cells, YELLOW cells are calculated. TECHNICIAN:INITIAL FINAL AVG (Pbar) DATE:12/18/20 METER SERIAL #:68092 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (in Hg):25.65 25.65 25.65 IF Y VARIATION EXCEEDS 2.00%, METER PART #:Console 6 CRITICAL ORIFICE SET SERIAL #:1453S EQUIPMENT ID #:ORIFICE SHOULD BE RECALIBRATED K'TESTED TEMPERATURES °F ELAPSED FACTOR VACUUM DGM READINGS (FT3)AMBIENT DGM INLET DGM OUTLET DGM TIME (MIN)DGM DH (1)(2)(3)Y ORIFICE #RUN #(AVG)(in Hg)INITIAL FINAL NET (Vm)INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL AVG q (in H2O)Vm (STD)Vcr (STD)Y VARIATION (%)DH@ 1 0.8137 10 19.135 24.573 5.438 74 85 92 77 79 83.3 5.00 3.00 4.5708 4.5173 0.988 1.738 2 0.8137 10 24.573 32.744 8.171 74 89 96 78 80 85.8 7.50 3.00 6.8365 6.7759 0.991 1.730 3 0.8137 10 32.744 41.479 8.735 74 93 97 80 81 87.8 8.00 3.00 7.2817 7.2277 0.993 1.723 AVG = 0.991 -0.15 1 0.5317 11 2.000 7.182 5.182 74 79 85 69 72 76.3 7.50 1.20 4.3899 4.4276 1.009 1.641 2 0.5317 11 7.182 12.225 5.043 74 82 87 72 75 79.0 7.25 1.20 4.2504 4.2800 1.007 1.632 3 0.5317 11 12.225 18.680 6.455 74 84 89 75 78 81.5 9.25 1.20 5.4153 5.4607 1.008 1.625 AVG = 1.008 1.60 1 0.3307 13 41.602 51.174 9.572 74 89 87 81 82 84.8 21.25 0.44 7.9650 7.8025 0.980 1.528 2 0.3307 13 51.174 56.577 5.403 74 84 86 81 82 83.3 12.00 0.44 4.5083 4.4061 0.977 1.532 3 0.3307 13 56.577 61.781 5.204 74 85 91 82 84 85.5 11.50 0.44 4.3244 4.2226 0.976 1.525 AVG = 0.978 -1.45 AVERAGE DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION FACTOR, Y = 0.992 AVERAGE DH@ = 1.630 (1)=Net volume of gas sample passed through DGM, corrected to standard conditions K1 =17.64 oR/in. Hg (English), 0.3858 oK/mm Hg (Metric) Tm =Absolute DGM avg. temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) DH@ = 0.75 q DH Vm(std) Vcr(std) Vm (2)=Volume of gas sample passed through the critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions Tamb =Absolute ambient temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) K' = Average K' factor from Critical Orifice Calibration REFERENCE IN OUT (3)=DGM calibration factor 32 33 32 72 73 73 203 203 202 TEMPERATURE SENSORS oF 2021 Pre-Calibration Console #6 30 19 12 R Kitchen ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY COMPANY USING THE CRITICAL ORIFICES AS CALIBRATION STANDARDS: The following equations are used to calculate the standard volumes of air passed through the DGM, Vm (std), and the critical orifice, Vcr (std), and the DGM calibration factor, Y. These equations are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet above. ()2 () METHOD 5 DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION USING CRITICAL ORIFICES 1) Select three critical orifices to calibrate the dry gas meter which bracket the expected operating range. 2) Record barometric pressure before and after calibration procedure. 3) Run at tested vacuum (from Orifice Calibration Report), for a period of time necessary to achieve a minimum total volume of 5 cubic feet. 4) Record data and information in the GREEN cells, YELLOW cells are calculated. TECHNICIAN:INITIAL FINAL AVG (Pbar) DATE:9/7/2021 METER SERIAL #:68092 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (in Hg):25.45 25.45 25.45 IF Y VARIATION EXCEEDS 2.00%, METER PART #:Console 6 CRITICAL ORIFICE SET SERIAL #:1453S EQUIPMENT ID #:ORIFICE SHOULD BE RECALIBRATED K'TESTED TEMPERATURES °F ELAPSED FACTOR VACUUM DGM READINGS (FT3)AMBIENT DGM INLET DGM OUTLET DGM TIME (MIN)DGM DH (1)(2)(3)Y ORIFICE #RUN #(AVG)(in Hg)INITIAL FINAL NET (Vm)INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL AVG q (in H2O)Vm (STD)Vcr (STD)Y VARIATION (%)DH@ 1 0.5317 13 76.785 82.511 5.726 78 87 89 98 104 94.5 8.000 1.20 4.6546 4.6685 1.003 1.611 2 0.5317 13 82.511 88.632 6.121 78 89 91 104 106 97.5 8.500 1.20 4.9489 4.9603 1.002 1.603 3 0.5317 13 88.632 94.420 5.788 78 91 92 106 101 97.5 8.000 1.20 4.6797 4.6685 0.998 1.603 AVG = 1.001 0.00 1 2 0.000 3 0.000 AVG = 1 2 3 AVG = AVERAGE DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION FACTOR, Y = 1.001 AVERAGE DH@ = 1.605 (1)=Net volume of gas sample passed through DGM, corrected to standard conditions K1 =17.64 oR/in. Hg (English), 0.3858 oK/mm Hg (Metric) Tm =Absolute DGM avg. temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) DH@ = 0.75 q DH Vm(std) Vcr(std) Vm (2)=Volume of gas sample passed through the critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions Tamb =Absolute ambient temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) K' = Average K' factor from Critical Orifice Calibration REFERENCE IN OUT (3)=DGM calibration factor 68 67 68 32 33 33 TEMPERATURE SENSORS oF Post Calibration Granite Construction West Haven M. McNamara Console #6 19 ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY COMPANY USING THE CRITICAL ORIFICES AS CALIBRATION STANDARDS: The following equations are used to calculate the standard volumes of air passed through the DGM, Vm (std), and the critical orifice, Vcr(std), and the DGM calibration factor, Y. These equations are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet above. ()2 () Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Data Date:Pitot Tube Identification: Technician: Dt=0.375 Is PA = PB ? Is 1.05 • Dt PA & PB 1.50 • Dt ? PA = 0.477 PB =0.477 a1 < 10o a1 = o a2 < 10o a2 = o b1 < 5o b1 = o b2 < 5o b2 = o Z 0.125 in.Z = in. W W 0.03125 in.W = in. W > 3 inches W = in. Z > 3/4 inch Z = in. Y ≥ 3 inches Y = in. The pitot tube meets the specifications for a calibration factor of 0.84?Yes Reference: TemperatureSource Reference Sensor (Medium)(oF)(oF) Probe AIR 66 65 AIR 67 66 ICE WATER 33 33 BOIL WATER 205 205 SILICONE OIL Heat Check 248 Temperature Sensor Calibration 1 0 0Stack Omega CL3512A Probe Yes Yes Continuity Check Temperature TemperatureDifference (oF) 1 in. in. Yes Yes 0.025 5 1 3 1/2 12/22/2020 51 G M. McNamara in. 0.029 1 2 2 2 b2 b1 B A w Dt PA PB Date:1/4/21 Calibrator:Reference: Temperature Temperature Source Difference (Medium)(oF) Water 1 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water -2 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water 0 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water -1 Water -2 Water 0 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 1 Water -1 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 1 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 0 Water 0 Water -2 Water 1 Water 2 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 0 203 33 33 Impinger Out K 33 33 204 204 33 33 Impinger Out J Impinger Out H Impinger Out I 34 204 34 201 34 203 33 202 204 203 33 G H Oven (3)34 34 202 201 Oven (4)33 202 Oven 33 32 204 203 Oven 33 33 33 204 202 Oven (3) A 202201 33 Oven (3)33 34 Oven (4) Thermocouple Location 202 203 Impinger Out F 34 34 203 201 202 203 204 203 202 34 34 Impinger Out G 204 203 Oven (3)33 202 203 34 33 204Oven (4) 203 Impinger Out D 33 33 205 204 Impinger Out E 33 33 202 203 203 33 33 201Impinger Out B Impinger Out C 33 34 202 203 202 Impinger Out A 34 33 202 Oven (3) Oven (4) TETCO Sample Box Temperature Sensor Calibration B C 203 203 33 33 33 34 203 33 34 Doug Olsen Omega CL3512A Unit ID Reference (oF) Sensor (oF) Temperature 33 D E Oven 34 34 204 203F Oven (4) Balance Denver Instruments, Model A-250, SN B045284 Weights Used Denver Instruments Weight Set, SN 98-115146 Certified Weight Measured Weight Difference grams grams grams 0.1000 0.1000 0.0000 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 10.0000 10.0000 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0000 120.0000 119.9999 0.0001 150.0000 149.9999 0.0001 Technician Michael McNamara TETCO Annual Balance Calibration Check Date 1/04/21 F APPENDIX F Related Correspondence. 1 COMPLIANCE EMISSION TESTING PROTOCOL GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY ASTEC 400 DRUM ASPHALT PLANT BAGHOUSE EXHAUST WEST HAVEN FACILITY Project Organization and Responsibility The following personnel and the testing contractor are presently anticipated to be involved in the testing program. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) may have their own personnel to observe all phases including the process. Company Contacts Granite Construction Company Mark Greenwood (801) 526-6051 1000 North Warm Springs Road Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Test Contractor: TETCO Dean Kitchen (801) 492-9106 391 East 620 South American Fork, UT 84003 Facility Location The facility is located at 1550 South 1900 West, West Haven, Utah. The source to be tested is the Astec 400 tph drum asphalt plant baghouse exhaust. Test Purpose and Methods Applied This test will be conducted to determine compliance with the PM emission limit for the asphalt plant baghouse exhaust as established in the facility=s Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality Approval Order DAQE-AN122720011-20, dated December 16, 2020. Testing procedures will include accumulating process and production data as well as testing for PM particulate matter emissions using EPA Methods 5 and 202. Condensable particulate matter (CPM) will not be used for compliance demonstration but shall be used for inventory purposes. Test Date and Time It is planned to complete all testing August 16-17, 2021. It is anticipated that the test crew will arrive, set up the test equipment, and begin testing on the 16th and continue August 17th as needed. 2 Operational Data and Instrumentation Copies of all operational and instrumentation data will be made available to agency personnel. Production will be monitored and recorded by Granite Construction personnel. Asphalt production, pressure drop, and percent recycle will be recorded during the test. Access to Sample Site The sample site is accessed by man-lift. Potential Hazards Moving Equipment - Yes Hot Equipment - Yes Chemical - No Test Site See Appendix A for a stack diagram. Estimates of Test Parameters Stack flow TBD Moisture TBD Stack Temperature TBD Test Procedures PM Measurements The following are the procedures that TETCO will follow for the Method 5/202 compliance tests: 1. The dimensions of the rectangular stack are 33.0 by 49.0 inches. Six sample ports are located 225 inches (5.71 diameters) downstream and 146 inches (3.70 diameters) upstream from any flow disturbance. It is planned to sample 5 sample points per port, or a total of thirty sample points. 2. EPA Method 2 will be used to determine the gas stream velocity. The type "S" pitot tubes 3 will be used with a Cp factor of 0.84. Dual inclined/vertical manometers with graduations in .01 of an inch of water will be used. If the measured pressure differential is below 0.05 inches of water a more sensitive manometer will be used with graduation marks of 0.005 inches of water. Direction of gas flow will be checked for gas cyclonics prior to testing. 3. EPA Method 3 will be used to determine the gas stream dry molecular weight. A sample will be collected in a gas bag and will be analyzed by Orsat at the test=s conclusion. The gas sample will be taken immediately following the console critical orifice. 4. EPA Method 4 will be used to determine the gas stream moisture content. 5. EPA Method 5 will be used to measure the particulate matter emission rate. The minimum run duration will be 60 minutes, and the minimum sample volume will be 31.8 dry standard cubic feet. 6. The glass fiber filters that will be used meet the specifications required of the method. 7. The probe liners will be stainless steel. 8. EPA Method 202 will be used to measure condensable emissions in the back-half catch. 9. The barometric pressure will be measured with a barometer which is periodically checked against a mercury barometer. The barometer will be checked prior to testing to assure an accurate barometric pressure. 10. Current calibration data is submitted with this protocol. Nozzle calibration which will be done at the test site. Nozzle calibration will be included on the first page of each set of run sheets for each respective test run. Any calibration that is not current will be re-calibrated prior to the test dates. 11. Any necessary preparation and clean-up by the contractor will be performed in the contractor's sampling trailer or a clean area on Granite Construction Company=s property. The laboratory work and analysis will be done by the contractor as soon as possible after the test project at 391East 620 South, American Fork, Utah. Quality Assurance All testing and analysis in these tests will be conducted according to Methods 5 and 202 and appropriate sections of the EPA Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems Volume III. 4 Reporting Reporting will be prepared by the testing contractor according to EPA Quality Assurance Guidelines. Complete copies of raw data, calculations and summary of test will be included in the test report. All process and production data will be recorded and retained for inspection and copying by UDEQ. The reports will be submitted to UDEQ within 30 days following completion of the test. 5 Appendix A Stack Schematic Facility: Stack Identification: Baghouse Estimated Moisture, percent a: Distance upstream from next disturbance, inches b: Distance downstream from last disturbance, inches Asphalt Drum Mixer/DryerType: Number of Ports Process Type: Control Unit 6 Astec 400 Drum Dryer 146" 225" 33.0"W: Stack Inside Width, inches L Granite Construction, West Haven TBD TBD g: Distance of Sample Level to Ground, feet TBD TBD Estimated Temperature, oF Estimated Velocity, fpm 49"L: Stack Inside Length, inches a g b W Figure 1. Facility Schematic Representation 6 Appendix B Calibration Data METHOD 5 DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION USING CRITICAL ORIFICES 1) Select three critical orifices to calibrate the dry gas meter which bracket the expected operating range. 2) Record barometric pressure before and after calibration procedure. 3) Run at tested vacuum (from Orifice Calibration Report), for a period of time necessary to achieve a minimum total volume of 5 cubic feet. 4) Record data and information in the GREEN cells, YELLOW cells are calculated. TECHNICIAN:INITIAL FINAL AVG (Pbar) DATE:12/18/20 METER SERIAL #:25144 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (in Hg):25.65 25.65 25.65 IF Y VARIATION EXCEEDS 2.00%, METER PART #:Console 7 CRITICAL ORIFICE SET SERIAL #:1453S EQUIPMENT ID #:ORIFICE SHOULD BE RECALIBRATED K'TESTED TEMPERATURES °F ELAPSED FACTOR VACUUM DGM READINGS (FT3)AMBIENT DGM INLET DGM OUTLET DGM TIME (MIN)DGM DH (1)(2)(3)Y ORIFICE #RUN #(AVG)(in Hg)INITIAL FINAL NET (Vm)INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL AVG q (in H2O)Vm (STD)Vcr (STD)Y VARIATION (%)DH@ 1 0.8137 10 66.464 74.147 7.683 79 89 93 85 83 87.5 7.00 3.10 6.4095 6.2948 0.982 1.799 2 0.8137 10 74.147 79.908 5.761 79 91 94 83 83 87.8 5.25 3.10 4.8039 4.7211 0.983 1.798 3 0.8137 10 79.908 85.398 5.490 79 93 95 82 83 88.3 5.00 3.10 4.5737 4.4963 0.983 1.796 AVG = 0.983 -0.75 1 0.5317 13 29.427 34.521 5.094 75 79 84 77 78 79.5 7.25 1.25 4.2900 4.2760 0.997 1.702 2 0.5317 13 34.521 39.625 5.104 75 84 87 78 80 82.3 7.25 1.25 4.2766 4.2760 1.000 1.694 3 0.5317 13 39.625 44.744 5.119 75 86 88 79 80 83.3 7.25 1.25 4.2813 4.2760 0.999 1.690 AVG = 0.998 0.85 1 0.3307 13 44.948 50.075 5.127 74 86 87 80 82 83.8 11.50 0.45 4.2742 4.2226 0.988 1.565 2 0.3307 13 50.075 55.429 5.354 74 86 88 81 83 84.5 12.00 0.45 4.4573 4.4061 0.989 1.563 3 0.3307 13 55.429 61.681 6.252 74 88 90 83 84 86.3 14.00 0.45 5.1882 5.1405 0.991 1.558 AVG = 0.989 -0.10 AVERAGE DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION FACTOR, Y = 0.990 AVERAGE DH@ = 1.685 (1)=Net volume of gas sample passed through DGM, corrected to standard conditions K1 =17.64 oR/in. Hg (English), 0.3858 oK/mm Hg (Metric) Tm =Absolute DGM avg. temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) DH@ = 0.75 q DH Vm(std) Vcr(std) Vm (2)=Volume of gas sample passed through the critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions Tamb =Absolute ambient temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) K' = Average K' factor from Critical Orifice Calibration REFERENCE IN OUT (3)=DGM calibration factor 32 33 32 72 73 73 203 203 202 12 TEMPERATURE SENSORS oF 2021 Pre-Calibration R Kitchen Console #7 30 19 ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY COMPANY USING THE CRITICAL ORIFICES AS CALIBRATION STANDARDS: The following equations are used to calculate the standard volumes of air passed through the DGM, Vm (std), and the critical orifice, Vcr (std), and the DGM calibration factor, Y. These equations are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet above. ()2 () METHOD 5 DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION USING CRITICAL ORIFICES 1) Select three critical orifices to calibrate the dry gas meter which bracket the expected operating range. 2) Record barometric pressure before and after calibration procedure. 3) Run at tested vacuum (from Orifice Calibration Report), for a period of time necessary to achieve a minimum total volume of 5 cubic feet. 4) Record data and information in the GREEN cells, YELLOW cells are calculated. TECHNICIAN:INITIAL FINAL AVG (Pbar) DATE:12/18/20 METER SERIAL #:68092 BAROMETRIC PRESSURE (in Hg):25.65 25.65 25.65 IF Y VARIATION EXCEEDS 2.00%, METER PART #:Console 6 CRITICAL ORIFICE SET SERIAL #:1453S EQUIPMENT ID #:ORIFICE SHOULD BE RECALIBRATED K'TESTED TEMPERATURES °F ELAPSED FACTOR VACUUM DGM READINGS (FT3)AMBIENT DGM INLET DGM OUTLET DGM TIME (MIN)DGM DH (1)(2)(3)Y ORIFICE #RUN #(AVG)(in Hg)INITIAL FINAL NET (Vm)INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL AVG q (in H2O)Vm (STD)Vcr (STD)Y VARIATION (%)DH@ 1 0.8137 10 19.135 24.573 5.438 74 85 92 77 79 83.3 5.00 3.00 4.5708 4.5173 0.988 1.738 2 0.8137 10 24.573 32.744 8.171 74 89 96 78 80 85.8 7.50 3.00 6.8365 6.7759 0.991 1.730 3 0.8137 10 32.744 41.479 8.735 74 93 97 80 81 87.8 8.00 3.00 7.2817 7.2277 0.993 1.723 AVG = 0.991 -0.15 1 0.5317 11 2.000 7.182 5.182 74 79 85 69 72 76.3 7.50 1.20 4.3899 4.4276 1.009 1.641 2 0.5317 11 7.182 12.225 5.043 74 82 87 72 75 79.0 7.25 1.20 4.2504 4.2800 1.007 1.632 3 0.5317 11 12.225 18.680 6.455 74 84 89 75 78 81.5 9.25 1.20 5.4153 5.4607 1.008 1.625 AVG = 1.008 1.60 1 0.3307 13 41.602 51.174 9.572 74 89 87 81 82 84.8 21.25 0.44 7.9650 7.8025 0.980 1.528 2 0.3307 13 51.174 56.577 5.403 74 84 86 81 82 83.3 12.00 0.44 4.5083 4.4061 0.977 1.532 3 0.3307 13 56.577 61.781 5.204 74 85 91 82 84 85.5 11.50 0.44 4.3244 4.2226 0.976 1.525 AVG = 0.978 -1.45 AVERAGE DRY GAS METER CALIBRATION FACTOR, Y = 0.992 AVERAGE DH@ = 1.630 (1)=Net volume of gas sample passed through DGM, corrected to standard conditions K1 =17.64 oR/in. Hg (English), 0.3858 oK/mm Hg (Metric) Tm =Absolute DGM avg. temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) DH@ = 0.75 q DH Vm(std) Vcr(std) Vm (2)=Volume of gas sample passed through the critical orifice, corrected to standard conditions Tamb =Absolute ambient temperature (oR - English, oK - Metric) K' = Average K' factor from Critical Orifice Calibration REFERENCE IN OUT (3)=DGM calibration factor 32 33 32 72 73 73 203 203 202 TEMPERATURE SENSORS oF 2021 Pre-Calibration Console #6 30 19 12 R Kitchen ENVIRONMENTAL SUPPLY COMPANY USING THE CRITICAL ORIFICES AS CALIBRATION STANDARDS: The following equations are used to calculate the standard volumes of air passed through the DGM, Vm (std), and the critical orifice, Vcr (std), and the DGM calibration factor, Y. These equations are automatically calculated in the spreadsheet above. ()2 () Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Data Date:Pitot Tube Identification: Technician: Dt=0.375 Is PA = PB ? Is 1.05 • Dt PA & PB 1.50 • Dt ? PA = 0.479 PB =0.479 a1 < 10o a1 = o a2 < 10o a2 = o b1 < 5o b1 = o b2 < 5o b2 = o Z 0.125 in.Z = in. W W 0.03125 in.W = in. W > 3 inches W = in. Z > 3/4 inch Z = in. Y ≥ 3 inches Y = in. The pitot tube meets the specifications for a calibration factor of 0.84?Yes Reference: TemperatureSource Reference Sensor (Medium)(oF)(oF) Probe AIR 67 66 AIR 67 67 ICE WATER 33 33 BOIL WATER 205 205 SILICONE OIL Heat Check 248 Temperature Sensor Calibration 0 0 0Stack Omega CL3512A Probe Yes Yes Continuity Check Temperature TemperatureDifference (oF) 1 in. in. Yes Yes 0.017 4 0.875 3 3/4 12/21/2020 38 G M. McNamara in. 0.004 1 0 0 1 b2 b1 B A w Dt PA PB Type S Pitot Tube Inspection Data Date:Pitot Tube Identification: Technician: Dt=0.375 Is PA = PB ? Is 1.05 • Dt PA & PB 1.50 • Dt ? PA = 0.470 PB =0.470 a1 < 10o a1 = o a2 < 10o a2 = o b1 < 5o b1 = o b2 < 5o b2 = o Z 0.125 in.Z = in. W W 0.03125 in.W = in. W > 3 inches W = in. Z > 3/4 inch Z = in. Y ≥ 3 inches Y = in. The pitot tube meets the specifications for a calibration factor of 0.84?Yes Reference: TemperatureSource Reference Sensor (Medium)(oF)(oF) Probe AIR 66 67 AIR 65 67 ICE WATER 34 33 BOIL WATER 205 204 SILICONE OIL Heat Check 248 Temperature Sensor Calibration 2 1 1Stack Omega CL3512A Probe Yes Yes Continuity Check Temperature TemperatureDifference (oF) 1 in. in. Yes Yes 0.012 4.75 0.875 3 1/2 12/21/2020 38 G-2 M. McNamara in. 0.037 1 2 2 1 b2 b1 B A w Dt PA PB Date:1/4/21 Calibrator:Reference: Temperature Temperature Source Difference (Medium)(oF) Water 1 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water -2 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water 0 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water -1 Water -2 Water 0 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 1 Water -1 Water -1 Water -1 Water 1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 1 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 1 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 0 Water 0 Water -2 Water 1 Water 2 Water 0 Water -1 Water 0 Water 0 203 33 33 Impinger Out K 33 33 204 204 33 33 Impinger Out J Impinger Out H Impinger Out I 34 204 34 201 34 203 33 202 204 203 33 G H Oven (3)34 34 202 201 Oven (4)33 202 Oven 33 32 204 203 Oven 33 33 33 204 202 Oven (3) A 202201 33 Oven (3)33 34 Oven (4) Thermocouple Location 202 203 Impinger Out F 34 34 203 201 202 203 204 203 202 34 34 Impinger Out G 204 203 Oven (3)33 202 203 34 33 204Oven (4) 203 Impinger Out D 33 33 205 204 Impinger Out E 33 33 202 203 203 33 33 201Impinger Out B Impinger Out C 33 34 202 203 202 Impinger Out A 34 33 202 Oven (3) Oven (4) TETCO Sample Box Temperature Sensor Calibration B C 203 203 33 33 33 34 203 33 34 Doug Olsen Omega CL3512A Unit ID Reference (oF) Sensor (oF) Temperature 33 D E Oven 34 34 204 203F Oven (4) Balance Denver Instruments, Model A-250, SN B045284 Weights Used Denver Instruments Weight Set, SN 98-115146 Certified Weight Measured Weight Difference grams grams grams 0.1000 0.1000 0.0000 0.5000 0.5000 0.0000 1.0000 1.0000 0.0000 10.0000 10.0000 0.0000 50.0000 50.0000 0.0000 100.0000 100.0000 0.0000 120.0000 119.9999 0.0001 150.0000 149.9999 0.0001 Technician Michael McNamara TETCO Annual Balance Calibration Check Date 1/04/21 Magnehelic®Differential Pressure Gage 1/8 FEMALE NPT HIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION 1-3/4(44.45) 1/2(12.70) 1/8 FEMALE NPT LOWPRESSURE CONNECTION 11/16(17.46) 17/32(13.49)ø4-3/4 (120.65) PANEL CUTOUT ø5(127) ø4-47/64(120.27) 3/16(4.76)2-17/32(64.29) 15/32(11.91) ø4-1/2(114.3) 1-1/4(31.75) ø5-1/2 (139.70) MOUNTING RING RUBBER PRESSURE RELIEF PLUG WILL UNSEAT ITSELF WHEN GAGE IS OVERPRESSURIZED (3) 6-32 X 3/16 (4.76) DEEP HOLESEQUALLY SPACED ON A Ø4-1/8 (104.78) BOLT CIRCLE FOR PANEL MOUNTING 1/8 FEMALE NPTHIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION 1-3/4(44.45) 1/2(12.70) 1/8 FEMALE NPTLOW PRESSURE CONNECTION 11/16(17.46) 15/32 (11.91) 1-11/16(42.86) Ø4-1/2(114.3) 1-1/4(31.75) 17/32(13.49) .025 (.64) SPACE CREATED BY 3 SPACER PADS WHEN SURFACE MOUNTED. DO NOT OBSTRUCT. PROVIDES PATH FOR RELIEF OF OVERPRESSURE. 1/8 FEMALENPT HIGH PRESSURECONNECTION 1/8 FEMALENPT LOW PRESSURECONNECTION 7/16(11.11) Ø4-3/4 (120.65) Bulletin A-27 SPECIFICATIONSService: Air and non-combustible, compatible gases. (NaturalGas option available.)Wetted Materials:Consult factory. Housing: Die cast aluminum case and bezel, with acryliccover. (MP model has polycarbonate cover).Accuracy: 2% of full scale (±3% on -0, -100PA, -125PA, -10MM and ±4% on -00, -60PA, -6MM), throughout range at70°F (21.1°C); High accuracy version: ±1% on full scale(±1.5% on -0, -100PA, -125PA, -10MM and ±2% on -00, -60PA, -6MM).Pressure Limits: -20˝ Hg to 15 psig.† (-0.677 bar to 1.034bar); MP option: 35 psig (2.41 bar), HP option: 80 psig (5.52bar).Enclosure Rating:IP67.Overpressure: Relief plug opens at approximately 25 psig(1.72 bar), standard gages only. The blowout plug is not usedon models above 180 inches of water pressure, medium orhigh pressure models, or on gages which require an elastomerother than silicone for the diaphragm.Temperature Limits: 20 to 140°F (-6.67 to 60°C). *Lowtemperature models available as special option.Size: 4˝ (101.6 mm) diameter dial face.Mounting Orientation: Diaphragm in vertical position.Consult factory for other position orientations.Process Connections: 1/8˝ female NPT duplicate high andlow pressure taps - one pair side and one pair back.Weight: 1 lb 2 oz (510 g), MP & HP 2 lb 2 oz (963 g).Agency Approvals:RoHS.†For applications with high cycle rate within gage total pressure rating,next higher rating is recommended. See Medium and High pressureoptions.Note:May be used with hydrogen when ordering Buna-N diaphragm.Pressure must be less than 35 psi. STANDARD GAGE ACCESSORIES: Two 1/8˝ NPT plugs forduplicate pressure taps, two 1/8˝ pipe thread to rubber tubingadapters and three flush mounting adapters with screws. MP AND HP GAGE ACCESSORIES:Mounting ring and snapring retainer substituted for 3 adaptors, 1/4” compression fittingsreplace 1/8” pipe thread to rubber tubing adaptors. OVERPRESSURE PROTECTION:Standard Magnehelic®Differential Pressure Gages are rated for a maximumpressure of 15 psig and should not be used where that limitcould be exceeded. Models employ a rubber plug on the rearwhich functions as a relief valve by unseating and venting thegage interior when over pressure reaches approximately 25psig (excludes MP and HP models). To provide a free path forpressure relief, there are four spacer pads which maintain .023˝clearance when gage is surface mounted. Do not obstruct thegap created by these pads. *The blowout plug is not used on models above 180 inches of water pressure, medium or high pressure models, or on gages which require an elastomer other than silicone for the diaphragm. DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46360 U.S.A.Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.comFax: 219/872-9057 e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com PIPE MOUNTINGTo mount gage on 1-1/4” - 2” pipe, order optional A-610 pipemounting kit. TO zERO GAGE AFTER INSTALLATIONSet the indicating pointer exactly on the zero mark, using theexternal zero adjust screw on the cover at the bottom. Note thatthe zero check or adjustment can only be made with the highand low pressure taps both open to atmosphere. OPERATIONPositive Pressure: Connect tubing from source of pressure toeither of the two high pressure ports. Plug the port not used.Vent one or both low pressure ports to atmosphere.Negative Pressure:Connect tubing from source of vacuum ornegative pressure to either of the two low pressure ports. Plugthe port not used. Vent one or both high pressure ports toatmosphere. Differential Pressure:Connect tubing from the greater of twopressure sources to either high pressure port and the lower toeither low pressure port. Plug both unused ports.When one side of the gage is vented in dirty, dusty atmosphere,we suggest an A-331 Filter Vent Plug be installed in the openport to keep inside of gage clean. A.For portable use of temporary installation use 1/8” pipethread to rubber tubing adapter and connect to source ofpressure with flexible rubber or vinyl tubing.B.For permanent installation, 1/4” O.D., or larger, copper oraluminum tubing is recommended. MAINTENANCENo lubrication or periodic servicing is required. Keep caseexterior and cover clean. Occasionally disconnect pressurelines to vent both sides of gage to atmosphere and re-zero.Optional vent valves should be used in permanent installations.The Series 2000 is not field serviceable and should be returnedif repair is needed (field repair should not be attempted and mayvoid warranty). Be sure to include a brief description of theproblem plus any relevant application notes. Contact customerservice to receive a return goods authorization number beforeshipping. WARNINGAttempted field repair may void your warranty. Recalibration orrepair by the user is not recommended. TROUBLE SHOOTING TIPSGage won’t indicate or is sluggish.1. Duplicate pressure port not plugged.2. Diaphragm ruptured due to overpressure.3. Fittings or sensing lines blocked, pinched, or leaking.4. Cover loose or “O”ring damaged, missing.5. Pressure sensor, (static tips, Pitot tube, etc.) improperly located.6. Ambient temperature too low. For operation below 20°F (-7°C), order gage with low temperature, (LT) option. INSTALLATIONSelect a location free from excessive vibration and where theambient temperature will not exceed 140°F (60°C). Also, avoiddirect sunlight which accelerates discoloration of the clearplastic cover. Sensing lines may be run any necessary distance.Long tubing lengths will not affect accuracy but will increaseresponse time slightly. Do not restrict lines. If pulsatingpressures or vibration cause excessive pointer oscillation,consult the factory for ways to provide additional damping. All standard Magnehelic®Differential Pressure Gages arecalibrated with the diaphragm vertical and should be used inthat position for maximum accuracy. If gages are to be used inother than vertical position, this should be specified on theorder. Many higher range gages will perform within tolerance inother positions with only rezeroing. Low range models of 0.5”w.c. plus 0.25” w.c. and metric equivalents must be used in thevertical position only. SURFACE MOUNTING Locate mounting holes, 120° apart on a 4-1/8” dia. circle. UseNo. 6-32 machine screws of appropriate length. FLUSH MOUNTING Provide a 4-9/16” dia. (116 mm) opening in panel. Provide a 4-3/4” dia. (120 mm) opening for MP and HP models. Insert gageand secure in place with No. 6-32 machine screws ofappropriate length, with adapters, firmly secured in place. FOR -SS BEzEL INSTALLATION Provide a 4-9/16˝ opening in panel. Insert gage and secure withsupplied mounting hardware. DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46360 U.S.A.Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.comFax: 219/872-9057 e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com Magnehelic®Differential Pressure GageINSTRUCCIONES Y LISTA DE PARTES 1/8 FEMALE NPTHIGH PRESSURECONNECTION 1-3/4 (44.45) 1/2(12.70) 1/8 FEMALENPT LOW PRESSURE CONNECTION 11/16(17.46) 17/32(13.49)ø4-3/4 (120.65) PANEL CUTOUT ø5(127) ø4-47/64(120.27) 3/16(4.76)2-17/32 (64.29) 15/32 (11.91) ø4-1/2(114.3) 1-1/4 (31.75) ø5-1/2(139.70) MOUNTING RING RUBBER PRESSURE RELIEF PLUG WILL UNSEAT ITSELF WHEN GAGE IS OVERPRESSURIZED (3) 6-32 X 3/16 (4.76) DEEP HOLESEQUALLY SPACED ON A Ø4-1/8 (104.78) BOLT CIRCLE FOR PANEL MOUNTING 1/8 FEMALE NPTHIGH PRESSURE CONNECTION 1-3/4(44.45) 1/2(12.70) 1/8 FEMALE NPTLOW PRESSURE CONNECTION 11/16(17.46) 15/32 (11.91) 1-11/16(42.86) Ø4-1/2(114.3) 1-1/4(31.75) 17/32(13.49) .025 (.64) SPACE CREATED BY 3 SPACER PADS WHEN SURFACE MOUNTED. DO NOT OBSTRUCT. PROVIDES PATH FOR RELIEF OF OVERPRESSURE. 1/8 FEMALENPT HIGH PRESSURECONNECTION 1/8 FEMALENPT LOW PRESSURECONNECTION 7/16(11.11) Ø4-3/4 (120.65) Bulletin A-27 (El tapón de goma no es usado en los modelos sobre 180 pulgadas de presión de agua, modelos de presión media o alta, o en instrumentos que requierenun elastizado en cualquier otro material que no sea silicona para el diafragma.) Accesorios: Tapones 1/8” NPT para las conexionesduplicadas, dos adaptadores de rosca 1/8” NPT a tubo degoma; y tres adaptadores para montaje al ras y tornillos. Accesorios para Los Modelos MP y HP:El anillo de montajey el retensor del anillo de presión son substituidos por 3adaptadores, accesorios de compresión de 1/4” remplazan alos adaptadores de rosca 1/8” a tubo de goma. Protección Para Sobrepresión: Los ManómetrosDiferenciales Magnehelic Estándar están clasificados para unapresión máxima de 15 psi y no se deberían de usar donde ellímite puede excederse. Los modelos emplean un tapón degoma en el trasero que funciona como una válvula de aliviodesmontándose y ventilando el interior del instrumento cuandola sobrepresión alcanza aproximadamente 25 psig. (Losmodelos MP y HP son excluidos) Para proveer un camino librepara el alivio de presión, el instrumento viene con rodilleras quemantienen un espacio de .023” cuando el instrumento esmontado en superficie. No bloque el espacio creado por estasrodilleras. DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46360 U.S.A.Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.comFax: 219/872-9057 e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC.P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46360 U.S.A.Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.comFax: 219/872-9057 e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com ©Copyright 2017 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. 6/17 FR# 440212-10 Rev. 6 InstalacíonSeleccione un lugar libe de exceso de vibraciones, y donde latemperatura ambiente no supere los 60°C. Evite luz solardirecta, para evitar decoloración de la cubierta plástica. Lasconexiones de proceso pueden tener cualquier longitud sinafectar la exactitud, pero pueden extender el tiempo derespuesta del instrumento. Si hay pulsación de presión ovibración, consulte a fábrica sobre medios de amortiguación. Los MAGNEHELIC han sido calibrados con el diafragmavertical, y deben ser usados en esas condiciones. Para otrasposiciones, se debe especificar en la orden de provisión. Losde rango elevado pueden ser usados en diversas posiciones,pero se debe reajustar el cero. Los modelos de la serie 2000-00 y equivalentes métricos deben ser usados soloverticalmente. Montaje en Superficie Perfore tres orificios separados 120° sobre una circunferenciade 105 mm de diám. y sostenga el instrumento con tres tornillos6-32 de long. apropiada. Montaje alineado Perfore un circulo de 115 mm de diám. en el panel, y sostengael instrumento mediante los. Para instalar el bisel de acero inoxidable Haga una apertura de 4-9/16 pulgadas en el panel. Inserte elmedidor y asegure con los herrajes de montaje provistos. Montaje Sobre PipaPara montar el instrumento sobre pipas de 32 a 50 mm dediám., ordene el adaptador opcional A-610. Puesta a Cero Después de InstalarDeje las conexiones de presión abiertas a atmósfera y ajuste acero desde tornillo del panel frontal. OperacionPresión Positiva:Conecte la tubería desde la fuente depresión a cualquiera de las dos conexiones de alta presión(HIGH), bloqueando la no usada; Las conexiones de baja(LOW) presión pueden dejarse uno o los dos abiertos a laatmósfera.Presión Negativa: Repita el procedimiento anterior, conectadoen este caso las conexiones de baja presión (LOW). Deje lasotras conexiones abiertas.Presión diferencial:Conecte el tubo correspondiente a lapresión más positiva al cualquiera de los conectores de altapresión (HIGH) bloqueando el no usado, y la más baja presióno presión negativa (vacío) al conector de baja presión (LOW).Puede usarse cualquier conector de cada par, dejando siempreuno bloqueado. Si se deja una conexión abierta a la atmósfera,se recomienda el uso de un filtro tipo A-331 en el lugarcorrespondiente para mantener limpio el interior delinstrumento. Para uso portable, o instalación temporaria, usoadapta dores para rosca de tubo de 1/89 a tubo flexible, yconecte a proceso mediante una tubería de goma, oequivalente. Para instalación permanente, se recomienda eluso de tubo de cobre o aluminio de por lo menos 1/4“ de diám.exterior. No se requiere mantenimiento específico alguno, ni lubricación.Periódicamente, desconecte el instrumento, ventee la presiónacumulada, y reajuste el cero. Para instalaciones permanentes,se debe usar un juego de válvulas de montaje permanentepara el venteo.El instrumento de Serie 2000 no puede ser re parado en elcampo y debería de ser regresado si reparos son necesarios(Reparos en el campo no deben de ser intentados y puedencancelar la garantía.). Asegurarse de incluir una descripciónbreve del problema más cualquier notas pertinentes a laaplicación para devolución de productos antes de enviar elinstrumento. Cuidado! : La recalibración en campo puede invalidar lagarantía. No se recomienda la recalibracion por parte delusuario. En caso necesario envie el instrumento contransporte pago a: Localización De Fallas• El instrumento no indica, o es lento en reacción.1. Conexión duplicada abierta.2. Diafragma roto por sobrepresión.3. Tubería de conexión perforada, con pérdidas o pinchazos.4. Anillo de retención flojo, u “O “ ring dañado.5. Conexión a proceso indebida o inadecuada.6. Temperatura muy baja. Para este caso ordene tipos LT (baja temperatura). † Para aplicaciones con alto ciclo de velocidad dentro de la clasificación depresión total del instrumento, la próxima clasificación mas alta esrecomendada. Vea las opciones de media y alta presión. El instrumento puede ser usado con hidrogeno cuando se ordena condiafragma de Buna-N. La presion tiene que ser menos de 35 psi. ESPECIFICACIONESServicio: aire y gases no combustibles, gases compatibles.(ópcion disponible para uso con gas natural).Materiales Mojados:Consulte con la fábrica.Carcasa:Caja y anillo de retención de aluminio fundido apresión con tapadera de acrílico. (El modelo MP tiene latapadera de policarbonato.)Exactitud: ±2% de la escala completa (±3% en los márgenesde -0, -100PA, -125PA y -10MM y ±4 % en los márgenes de -00, -60PA y -6MM), en todo el margen a 21.1 °C (70 °F);Versión de alta precisión: ±1% de la escala completa (±1.5%en los márgenes de -0, -100PA, -125PA, -10MM y ±2% en losmárgenes de -00, -60PA, -6MM).Límite de Presión: -20 Hg. a 15 psig. † (-0.677 bar a 1,034bar); opción MP: 35 psig (2.41 bar), opción HP: 80 psig (5.52bar).Clasificación de gabinete:IP67.Sobrepresión: El tapón de alivio se abre aproximadamente alos 25 psig, modelos estandard únicamente. El tapón degoma no es usado en los modelos sobre 180 pulgadas depresión de agua, modelos de presión media o alta, o eninstrumentos que requieren un elastizado en cualquier otromaterial que no sea silicio para el diafragma.Límite de Temperatura: -6.67 a 60ºC. * Modelos de bajatemperatura disponibles como opción especial.Dimensiones: diám. 120,65 mm x 55,6 prof. Orientación de Montaje:El diafragma debe ser usado soloen posición vertical. Consulte con la fábrica para otrasorientaciones de posición.Conexiones: 1/8” NPT para alta y baja presión, duplicadas(atrás, a los lados).Peso:510 g, MP y HP 963 g.Aprobación de la agencia:RoHS.