HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-010949State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lietienant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Direclor DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director October 1,2024 DAQC-88s-24 Site ID 10122 (Bl) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208347303 Alec Klinghofer, Refinery Manager Big West Oil LLC 333 West Center Street North Salt Lake, utah 84054-2805 Big West Oil LLC 185 South State Street, Suite 1300 Salt Lake city, Utah 84111-1537 Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208347310 Registered Agent Corporation Service Company 15 West South Temple, Suite 600 Salt Lake city, utah 84101-1536 Notice of Violation and Order to Comply - Utah Administrative Code R307-170-9 and 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure I - Davis County Dear Mr. Klinghofer and Registered Agent: Big West Oil LLC (Big West), a Utah limited liability company, is required to operate continuous emissions monitoring systems on the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit (FCC) herein referred to as the Millisecond Catalytic Cracking (MSCC) stack at the North Salt Lake refinery facility in accordance with 40 CFR $ 60, Appendix F, Procedure l, and Utah Admin. Code R307-170. Big West was required to submit complete and accurate quarterly State Electronic Data Reports (SEDR) in accordance with Utah Admin. Code R307-170-9 and federal requirements for the sulfur dioxide (SOz) and oxygen (Oz) emissions, as stated in the May 6,2024, Approval Order (AO) DAQE-ANt0t22008t-24 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 . Salt Lake City, UT 841144820 Telephone (801) 5364000. Fax (801) 5164099. T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 ww.deq.ulth.gov Printed on 100% rccycled paper Re: DAQC-88s-24 Page2 Big West submitted the SEDR for 2Q2024 on July 30,2024. Along with the 2Q2024 SEDR, Big West included supplemental information titled "Appendix A MSCC Regenerator Vent RATA Explanation" and corresponding data sets for Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) procedures conducted on March 14,2024, March 28,2024, and April 11,2024. The SEDR cover letter dated July 29,2024, Appendix A to the cover letter, and the supporting RATA documentation were evaluated and it was determined that Big West failed to complete a valid SOz and Oz RATA for the MSCC on or before the end of March 31,2024. After a review of the 2Q2024 SEDR and supporting RATA reports submitted July 30, 2024, the Utah Division of Air Qualily (DAQ) determined that Big West was in violation of AO Condition II.B.1.e, Utah Admin. Code R307-170-7(l), and 40 CFR $ 60, Appendix F, Procedure l, for failure to conduct a complete RATA for the demonstration of compliance of the SOz and Oz monitors on the MSCC at least once during the four calendar quarters from April | , 2023 , and March 3l , 2024. The enclosed Notice of Violation and Order to Comply (Order) is based on the findings documented by the inspector in his memorandum, DAQC-884-24, and other documentation submitted by Big West. The Order is effective on the date of issuance, which is the date it was signed and dated. Compliance with the Order is mandatory and will not relieve the company of liability for any past violations. To request a formal administrative hearing, the procedures detailed in the paragraph entitled "Compliance, Opportunity for a Hearing" must be followed. The Order requires Big West to submit written notification of its intent to comply, outlining how, and when compliance will be achieved to DAQ in writing on or before the 15th day after receipt of this Order. Questions regarding this matter may be directed to Rob Leishman at (801) 536-4438 or rleishman@utah.gov. When responding, refer to the DAQC number in the upper right corner of this letter. Sincerely, ,4rz>l Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:RL:rh Enclosure: Notice of Violation and Order to Comply Kimberly D. Shelley, Executive Director, Department of Environmental Quality Davis County Health Department DAQC-88s-24 Page 3 ln the Matter of Big West Oil LLC The Utah Division of Air Quality ooOoo ooOoo Notice of Violation and Order to Comply No. 20240828006 This Notice of Violation and Order to Comply is issued by the Director of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAO) pursuant to the Utah Air Conservation Act (Act), Utah Code Ann. $ 19-2-101 ef seq. The Director is authorized to issue Notices of Violation pursuant to Utah Code Ann. S 19-2-1 10. The Director has the authority to issue Orders in accordance with Utah Code Ann. $$ 19-2- 107(2)(a)(xiii) and 19-2-11 0(1 ). Findings: Big West Oil LLC (Big West), a Utah limited liability company, operates the North Salt Lake petroleum refinery at 333 West Center Street in North Salt Lake, Davis County, Utah (Facility). On May 6,2024, the DAQ issued an ApprovalOrder (AO) DAOE-AN101220081-24 to Big West. Under the AO, Big West is required to comply with the Utah Admin. Code R307-170, the applicable requirements of 40 CFR 60 Appendix B and Appendix F, and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) (Part 60) Subparts J and Ja. Subparts J and Ja of the NSPS require that Big West install instruments for the continuous monitoring of pollutants from the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit herein referred to as the (MScc). Condition ll.B.13.c of the AO requires Big West to install, calibrate, maintain, and operate continuous monitoring systems on the MSCC Unit for monitoring CO, Oz, NOx, and SOz. 1. 2. 3. 4. 8. DAQC-88s-24 Page 4 5. Condition ll.B.1.e of the AO imposes requirements on the continuous monitoring devices, including continuous operation of all required continuous monitoring systems consistent with R307-170 and 40 CFR S 60.13. Condition ll.B.1.e.B requires the monitoring systems to comply with all applicable sections of R307-170, 40 CFR 13, and 40 CFR 60, Appendix B: Performance Specifications. Utah Admin. Code R307-170-7(1)states in part: "Unless otherwise stipulated... each continuous emissions monitoring system shall be audited at least once each calendar quarter. Successive quarterly audits shall be conducted at least two months apart. A relative accuracy test audit shall be conducted at least once every four calendar quarters as described in the applicable performance specification of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B." 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1 paragraph 5.1.1 states: "Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA). The RATA must be conducted at least once every four calendar quarters, except as othenvise noted in section 5.1.4 of this appendix. Conduct the RATA as described for the RA test procedure in the applicable PS in appendix B (e.9., PS 2 for SO2 and NOX)." Big West submitted a 2Q2024 SEDR along with an accompanying cover letter and additional information titled "Appendix A MSCC Regenerator Vent RATA Explanation" as well as the associated RATA Reports for tests conducted on the MSCC on March 14, 2024, March 28,2024, and April 11,2024. Big West completed a valid RATA of the MSCC compliant with all the applicable requirements as per 40 CFR 60, Appendices B and F on March 28,2023, for CO, Oz, NOx, and SOz. The next four-quarter period for completing a valid and compliant RATA of the MSCC started on April 1,2023, with a completion date of March 31,2024. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. DAQC-88s-24 Page 5 12. Big West first conducted a RATA of the MSCC on March 14,2024, for CO, Oz, NOx, and SOz. The March 14,2024, RATA demonstrated compliance with the performance specifications of 40 CFR 60, Appendix B for CO and NOx, but failed to demonstrate compliance for the SOz and Oz monitors. Therefore, it was not a valid RATA compliant with all the applicable requirements as per 40 CFR 60, Appendices B and F. Big West performed a second RATA on the MSCC on March 28,2024. That test was aborted after the third run due to procedural issues and therefore also was not a valid RATA compliant with all the applicable requirements as per 40 CFR 60, Appendices B and F. 13. Big West conducted a valid and compliant third RATA of the MSCC on April 11,2024, for CO, Oz, NOx, and SOz. This third RATA on the MSCC was evaluated by DAQ, who determined that it was valid and compliant with all the applicable requirements as per 40 CFR 60, Appendices B and F, as well as confirmed compliance with the performance specifications for NOx and CO as demonstrated in prior tests. Violations: Based on the foregoing Findings and in accordance with the Act, UAC R307-170-9, and the AO, Big West is in violation of: 1. Utah Admin. Code R307-170-7(1), 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1, section 5 (Data Accuracy Assessment), and Condition ll.B.1.e of the AO for failure to conduct a valid and compliant RATA for the SOz and Oz monitors on the MSCC at least once every four calendar quarters during the period of April 1 , 2023, through March 31 , 2024. Order: Based on the foregoing Findings and Violations, and pursuant to Utah Code Ann. SS 19-2- 107(2)(aXxiii), 19-2-110(1), and 19-2-120, the requirements of Utah Admin. Code R307-170 and 40 CFR $ 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1, and applicable conditions of the AO, Big West is hereby ordered to: DAQC-88s-24 Page 6 1. lmmediately initiate all actions necessary to achieve total compliance with all applicable provisions of the Act, Utah Admin. Code R307-170, 40 CFR 60, Appendix F, Procedure 1, and the AO. 2. Notify this office in writing on or before the 1Sth day after receipt of this letter, of Big West's intent to comply with this Order and indicate how compliance is to be achieved. Compliance, Opportunity for a Hearing: This Order is effective on the date of issuance, which is the date it is signed and dated. Pursuant to Utah Code Ann. S 19-1-301 and Utah Admin. Code R305-7-3, you have thirty (30)days after issuance of this Notice of Violation and Order to Comply to seek a review of the same by filing a written request for agency action with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. lf a proper request, compliant with all applicable laws, is not made within the time permitted, the Notice of Violation and Order to Comply shall be a final agency action and may be enforced in further adjudicative proceedings. Civil Penalty: You are in violation of the AO, and consequently, the Utah Air Conservation Act, State rules promulgated under the Act, and the applicable federal rules. As such, you are subject in a civil proceeding to a penalty not to exceed $10,000 per day for each violation. The statutory penalty amount may be determined and satisfied by agreement between Big West and DAQ. Thirty (30) days after the issuance of this Notice of Violation and Order to Comply, and if no request for agency action is filed, DAQ may elect to have the amount of the penalty assessed and imposed by filing a civil action against you in a court of proper jurisdiction and venue. ls[scl loth day of 2024. 4d Bryce C. Bird, Director Utah Division of Air Quality IJSiPSTRACKNG# llilil F[st€laes Mall Poahge & Fees Pald USIPS PemltNo. G.lOllllllllffifrffitrffiffirH[ .9 tq l,lbt Iq c-gg9*Z+ prlnt your namo, addrlss, AH DIVTSION OF AIR QUALITY fi,EcuoN BOX rM820 T LAKE CITY UT 841144820 rllL;lrf hlslf ,rlrlllllfl'll'''slf lr111f 1,'1lll1L11lll111 { EE2oE, ztrJ I Complete items 1,2, and 3.r Print your name and addrcss on the roverse so that we can return the card to you.I Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if B. Rocstued W (tuinted Name) D. lq qdivery addrBs diffe{€nt from item 1? S, enter delivery address belc. REGISTERED AGENT CORPORATION SERVICE EOMPANY I5 W S TEMPLE, STE 600 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84101-1536 r Tvoe- -[l mmlll mI[I[ I m I I I I I ltml lil - I E ffiTt-s,8t3li[ ".**,o o,,,- 9590 9402 8888 4064 1166 19 aJ4lgle_N!CIlCI.@rsfer_rpn -s e_ N@, lab et) 70r1 u?uu tl0Ee 803'+ 731,E r PS Form 381 1, Juty 2020 psN Tsgo-02-ooo-9osg Mail@ tr C€rtifled Mall Re3trlcted Doltuary B Collect on Delivery tr Collect on Dellvery Rostlcted Dellver),E ln8urcd Mailtr lnsuqg Mall Rosficted D6llvBrf, tr PriorityMailEele3@tl R€gtster€d MaflruE Bo0ilstsI€d Mar Hssfk'tsd Dsllv6ry E Slgnatur€ Conllrmauonil E SignalurB Confl rmatldr Restrlctod Dolivery Domestic R6tum Receipt trl mrr 3m EoE ruEEE EcfrLtf rrtEr! REGISTERED AGENT CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY _ I5 W S TEMPLE, STE 600 l,\ai loJ lOlollz+ c- ssg -z+ SALT LAKE CITY, UT 8410I-1536 lililr E o x. TLozI CO o your n8me, addrcss, anil2lFFfim'Eil5 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITYCOMPLIANCE]SECTION PO BOX 144820 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84I 144820 ,f l,tr,f ,r,ttf ,l,f ,t,f ttl,lhp tlptf ll1'rrrf rptltl,,,rllt,hilt ilfiil] ilil ililillf lilil il ililil ililtiltil o__!qb'{ l,lbt eE DAqc- gg9-z+ Flrst€lassMsll Postage & Fees paid USPS Permlt ifo. O.10 fg Fz TU>lzot >lz Llt r Complete items 1,2, and 3.r Print your name and address on the reverseso ihat we can roturn the card to yor. - -.-- r Attach.this card to the back of the mailpiece,or on the front lf space permits. E Rgent C. -Date of D€liv€ry - _ll D-ls.detiveryaddressoifferenttromiG;mG yES, enter delivory aaOress Oetow: - ' E flo ALEC KLTNGHOFER. REFINERY MANAGERBIGWESTOIL LLC 333 W CENTER ST NORTH SALT LAKE. UT 84054-2805 ilililmililililI]il il il il ilil ililililt9590 9402 8888 4064 1166 26 701,5 E?0u 00Ee Eg3r+ ?303 ; PS Form*381 1, Juty 2ozo psr,r zssooeoo6J6E 2. ice Typetr AdultS,gnaturs tr Brodtyf,faflEorcssetr Raglster€d Malirtr Eeslstel€d Msll Rostlctsd E SlgnaturaconfimailodxE SignaturE Conflmaflon Rsstrlct€d Delivery E Mutt-Signatur€ Restdctod DelhnryEcertified Malt@tr Cedifiod Mail Rosulcted Ddlwtr Collect on Detivsytr Collect,on Dslved, Bestdc.ted Deliyeryu lmurBdMalltr Insur€d Mall R6tdctod Defivery Domestic Hetum Roceht JmEotrt ruEItrttf, trlEr!E ETFlE l-L ALEC KLTNGHOFER. REFINERY MANAGER BIG WEST OIL LLC 333 W CENTER ST NORTH SALT LAKE. LIT 8.1054-2805 Me.ilsJ loiol/Z+