HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-012203 October 7, 2024 George Love Vineyard City 125 Main Street Vineyard, Utah 84059 Dear George Love: Subject: Public Drinking Water Requirements for Vineyard City, UTAH25168 According to the Division of Drinking Water’s records, Vineyard City is a Community water system that now serves a population of about 21,431 people. This population change results in the following changes to your systems sampling and operator certification requirements as follows: Bacteriological Sampling The total number of bacteriological samples this system is now required to take has increased to 20 each month. It is still your responsibility to send a copy of all results to our office by the 10th of the following month. In the event of a coliform positive result, you are required to take three repeat samples and a triggered source E.coli sample for each ground water source in service at the time of the original positive sample. The system is required to submit an updated written sample site plan that identifies sampling sites and sample collection schedules that are representative of water throughout the distribution system. For any questions regarding the Total Coliform rule or Groundwater rule, contact Sitara Federico at (385) 515-1459 or sfederico@utah.gov. This new sample schedule will take effect on December 1st, 2024. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) Sampling The water system’s Disinfection Byproducts (DBP) sampling requirement has changed. The system is now required to collect two (2) samples every quarter. Each sample must be a dual sample set of total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) and haloacetic acids (HAA5). The next DBP samples must be collected during the January 1 - March 30, 2025, monitoring period . 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Telephone (801) 536-4200 • Fax (801) 536-4211 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284 www.deq.utah.gov George Love Page 2 of 2 The system must submit an updated DBP sample site plan to the Division within 30 days of this letter with at least two (2) sample sites. A sample site plan template with instructions has been enclosed. For any questions regarding the DBP rule contact Luke Treutel at (385) 258-6084 or ltreutel@utah.gov. Operator Certification Requirements: The system is classified as a Community water system that serves a population of 21,431 persons. This requires a certified Distribution Grade 4 (D4) Direct Responsible Charge Operator (DRC) to operate the system. According to our records, the system does have an operator certified at the level of the system registered as a Direct Responsible Charge (DRC). We have updated the System’s operator certification requirement in the Division’s Improvement Priority System (IPS). Failure to comply would be a significant deficiency and subject to demerit points. Visit ddwopcert.utah.gov for more information regarding the R309-300 Certification Rules for Water Supply Operators, how to become a certified operator, or to post a job position for operators. For questions, contact Dawnie Jacobo at 385-272-5038 or ddwopcert@utah.gov A current monitoring schedule for your system has been enclosed. If this letter is in error please contact me at (801) 641-6457 or mberger@utah.gov within 30 days. Thank you for your efforts in maintaining a safe drinking water system. Sincerely, Mark Berger Monitoring and Standards Section Manager Enclosure: Monitoring Schedule Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Sample Site Plan Disinfection Byproduct (DBP) Sample Site Plan Template ( link ) cc: George Love, sullivanl@vineyardutah.org Daymon Swenson Sitara Federico Luke Treutel Dawnie Jacobo Contacts Type: Administrative Contact Name: GEORGE SULLIVAN LOVE Office: 801-376-0419 Emergency: 801-376-0419 Email: sullivanl@vineyardutah.org slove928@yahoo.com Site Information Legal Contact: VINEYARD CITY Address: 125 Main Street , VINEYARD, UT 84059 Phone: 801-226-1929 County: UTAH COUNTY System Type: Community Certification Required: D4 Total Population: 21431 Local Health District: Utah County Health Department Site Updates Last Inventory Update: 09/17/2024 Last Surveyor Update: 09/16/2024 Surveyor: CHRISTOPHER RAY BOWLES Operating Period: 1/1 - 12/31 Last IPS Update: 10/07/2024 07:10:00 Political Districts Legislative District Map Water Usage Information per ERC Standard as of: 11/17/2022 Peak Day Demand per ERC (gal/day/ERC): 1385.0 Average Annual Demand per ERC (gal/ERC): 233600.0 Equalization Storage per ERC (gal/ERC): 640.0 Total Ips Points: 30 Public Water System Water Monitoring ReportDEQ | Drinking Water Vineyard City PWS ID: UTAH25168 Rating: Approved 12/17/2009 Status: Active BACTERIOLOGICAL MONITORING Sample Count Type Frequency Schedule Begin Schedule End Analyte Name 15 Routine Monthly 01/01/2019 COLIFORM (TCR) DISINFECTION BYPRODUCT STAGE 2 MONITORING Sample Count Type Frequency Sample Label 2 Routine Quarterly UTAH25168 DS001 Sample ID below Sample ID Site Last Sampled Next Sample Due MR001 MAX RES PLEASE REPORT TO STATE 08/30/2023 10/01/2024-12/31/2024 MD001 MIDPOINT PLEASE RPT TO STATE 08/30/2023 10/01/2024-12/31/2024 Sample during the following months: November, February, May, August OTHER DISTRIBUTION MONITORING Analyte Name ID Sample Count Type Frequency Last Sampled Next Sample Due LEAD AND COPPER DS001 30 Routine 3 Years 08/2023 06/01/2026-09/30/2026 CHLORINE RESIDUAL MONITORING ID Facility Name Sample Count Type Frequency Last Sampled Next Sample Due DS001 UTAH25168 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 15 Routine Monthly -- https://waterlink.utah.gov/reports.html?systemId=1733 1/2 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS BY FACILITY ID Name Facility Details GROUPED SOURCE SAMPLING STATIONS Sample Group ID Sample Group Facility Details OPEN COMPLIANCE SCHEDULES Type Required Activities Severity Created Due Water Use Data WUD STANDARD SET, RESET DUE IN 3 YEARS 11/21/2022 11/21/2025 Disinfection Byproduct Sample Site Plan SUBMIT DBP SAMPLE SITE PLAN 10/01/2024 12/31/2024 https://waterlink.utah.gov/reports.html?systemId=1733 2/2 Utah Division of Drinking Water Bacteriological Sample Site Plan All public water systems are required under the Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) to submit a Bacteriological Sample Site Plan. The purpose of the wrien sample site plan is to ensure the collecon of samples from points in the distribuon system that best represent the quality of water served to customers, to idenfy repeat sampling locaons, and to establish a sampling schedule. What to include in the plan: 1. The following should be submied for the Bacteriological Sample Site Plan: a. The plan must include a MAP of the distribuon system. Excepons are small systems such as restaurants, schools, office buildings, and some small industries. b. Bacteriological Sample Site Plan form. 2. The map should show locaons of all distribuon lines, sources, treatment, storage tanks and sampling sites. Idenfy each sampling site by street address and a numeric point code. Give a brief descripon of the site. For example: 201 Main Street, 1. DS001, outside house tap, or Maintenance Facility, 1. DS001, men’s restroom sink. The sampling site Numeric Point Code should begin with the number 1 and then connue in sequenal numeric order. Use the numeric point code, along with DS001, when subming samples to the laboratory. 3. Locate sample sites so they represent all areas of the distribuon system. You may wish to include comments on your plan showing the reason(s) for selecng each site. Such as populaon density, industrial areas, pressures zones, areas vulnerable to potenal contaminaon, dead-end lines, and purchased source entry points. Alternate sampling locaons through different locaons of the water system. 4. Do NOT indicate the raw water tap or sources as sampling sites for roune or repeat coliform samples. These are “triggered source” sampling locaons under the Groundwater Rule (GWR). Indicate the associated source (by DDW assigned source codes) for each sample locaon. For example: “WS001”, “WS002 and WS004”, or “All Sources” supply this specific locaon. 5. Include the locaon for “Repeat” sample sites. Repeat samples must be collected at the following locaons within 24 hours of a total coliform or E coli posive sample: - The tap where the original posive coliform sample was collected, - A tap within five (5) service connecons upstream, and - A tap within five (5) service connecons downstream. 6. Alternave fixed repeat locaons may be idenfied at locaons that best verify and determine the extent of potenal contaminaon in the distribuon system based on a specific situaon. 7. For system with only one or two service connecons (suitable sampling taps), collect all three repeat samples in one day from the limited number of sampling taps. The sample site plan should show which taps(s) are in use for mulple samples. 8. The number of roune coliform samples collected each month is based on the populaon of the water system. For a table indicang the number of samples required see Secon R309-210-5. 9. Include a schedule for selecon of the samples. Systems using only groundwater and serving less than 4,900 people (five samples required per month or fewer) may collect all required sample on a single day. Systems with greater than five samples per month must collect a poron of the samples at regular intervals throughout the month with the total number being the number required. revised 2/3/2021 S UBMITTAL Mail the completed form to: Or Email: Division of Drinking water An: Sitara Federico 195 N 1950 W PO BOX 144830 Salt lake City, UT 84114 DDWREPORTS@UTAH.GOV This applicaon and related environmental informaon are available online: DrinkingWater.utah.gov revised 2/3/2021 Bacteriological Sample Site Plan B ASIC W ATER S YSTEM I NFO Water System Name: Water System #: S ITE S ELECTION I NFO Monthly Roune Sample Sites (mark an “X” in boxes below): Follow-up/Repeat Sample (range or specific address) DDW Assigned # for Associated Roune Sample Point Descripon (horse bib, sink faucet, etc.) Address Point ID JA N FE B MA R AP R MA Y JU N JU L AU G SE P OC T NO V DE C 1-DS00 1 Down Up 2-DS00 1 Down Up 3-DS00 1 Down Up 4-DS00 1 Down Up 5-DS00 1 Down Up 6-DS00 1 Down Up S OURCE INFO C ERTIFICATION Samples Collected by: Plan Submitted by: Date Submitted: revised 2/3/2021 Source(s) Name: DDW Source or Group # Bacteria Sampling Laboratory Information: Laboratory: Address: City: Zip Code: Phone Number: Contact Name: _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ _______________________________________ ____ Revised 7/30/2021 Utah Division of Drinking Water Stage 2 Disinfectant Byproduct (DBP) Sampling Plan In accordance with State of Utah Rule R309-210-10(3): Any Community (COM) or Non-Transient Non-Community (NTNC) drinking water system that regularly applies a chemical disinfectant must develop and implement a DBP monitoring plan. The system must maintain current version of the plan on file and submit a copy of 1) the monitoring plan, 2) a schematic of the distribution system, and 3) the justification for site selection (IDSE water, modeling analysis, etc.) to the Division of Drinking Water. BASIC WATER SYSTEM INFO Water System Name: Water System #: Residual Disinfectant Type: ☐ Chlorine ☐ Chlorine Dioxide ☐ Ozone # of Service Connections: Population (# of customers): Sampling Schedule ( # of sampling locations): Per Quarter Per Year SITE SELECTION INFO Associated Rules: R309-210-9(2)(b)(i)(Q): A dual sample set (i.e., a TTHM and an HAA5 sample) must be taken at each monitoring location during each monitoring period. Associated Info: Disinfection By Product Sampling schedules are based on population and source water type. DBPs may be required quarterly, annually, or every three years. For a complete list of possible schedules please see associated DBP handout. •One dual sample set must be taken at the highest TTHM (trihalomethanes) sampling site, at a location that represents maximum residence time; typically in the furthest reaches of your distribution system, or where water is oldest. This location is denoted as MR001. •One dual sample set must be taken at the highest HAA5 (haloacetic acids) sampling site, at a location that represents the average residence time; typically located mid distribution system This location is denoted as MD001. R309-210-10(3)(ii): •Water system must identify which locations will be used for compliance monitoring by alternating selection of locations representing high TTHM and high HAA5 levels until the required number of compliance monitoring locations have been identified. Water system sampling schedules with sampling locations and details are available at any time at WaterLink.utah.gov SAMPLES Sample Code Specific sampling location ADDRESS Site Characteristics / Site Selection Justification (check those that apply) MR001 MR002 MR003 MR004 ☐Highest TTHM/HAA5 in prior data☐Endpoint of distribution system and/or maximum water age☐Other: MD001 MD002 MD003 MD004 ☐Highest TTHM/HAA5 in prior data☐Midpoint of a large distribution system☐Endpoint of distribution system and/or maximum water age☐Other: Annual samples must be collected within a specific time frame in accordance with State of Utah Rules R309-210-10(2)(a)(ii)(N): All systems must monitor during months of highest DBP concentrations. R309-210-9(2)(b)(i)(R): The peak historical month is the month with the highest TTHM or HAA5 levels or the warmest water temperature. Source Water Types: ☐Ground water ☐Ground water purchasing from wholesale Water System #: UTAH ☐Ground water Under Direct Influence of surface water ☐Surface water ☐Surface water purchasing from wholesale Water System #: UTAH CERTIFICATION I certify that I am the person authorized to fill out this application and the information I have provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge at the time it was completed. X X Printed Name Signature Date: Title: ☐ Administrative Contact ☐ Operator SUBMITTAL Mail the completed form to: Or Email: Division of Drinking Water Attn: DBP Rule Manager 195 N 1950 W PO BOX 144830 Salt lake City, UT 84114 DDWREPORTS@UTAH.GOV This application and related environmental information are available online at DrinkingWater.utah.gov For more information, or to answer questions, please contact the DBP Rule Manager, Luke Treutel at (385) 258-6084 ltreutel@utah.gov Revised 7/30/2021